#seeing important points about horror genres and ‘‘acceptable’’ topics
milfglupshitto · 11 months
I think it’s inherently a little ridiculous to insist that certain topics are too uncomfortable for horror, which is famously the Genre That Makes You Uncomfortable. I also think there exists for each individual a list of concepts that make them uncomfortable in a thought-provoking and even disquietingly reflective way as well as a list of concepts that make them uncomfortable in a skin-crawling throat-itching sick-to-stomach i-can’t-handle-this way. so to this end I think it is a little bit more than a little ridiculous to insist on one universal list of acceptable and unacceptable categories of Personal Uncomfort. and this is why I will always be a staunch advocate for and (as best I can) diligent provider of content warnings
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Scary Movies commentary on horror medias stereotypes
The 2000s hit Scary Movie was a comedy horror that poked fun at the constant cliches found within the genre while delivering it in a comedic and entertaining way that allowed for certain conversations to be had about the cliches found in our favourite spooky movies. In specific it mainly focuses in on the exaggerated stereo typing that non-white character’s face, as well as the over sexualization of young teens within the genre. It brings these topics to light by displaying them in an extreme and often comical way that initially comes across as a simple joke or a funny nod to a past horror movie classic. But when further analyzed, it really showcases what topics the horror genre and media as a whole has fallen short with displaying.
Although racial stereotypes are no stranger to film, horror movies are notoriously bad for having the token black character that commonly meets a less than fortunate fate. Actor Regina Hall plays the character of Brenda Meeks in Scary Movie, and her character really embodies the stereotypes often put on the token black character. Especially in recent years there has been lots of conversation specifically regarding the way that the media portrays the “agressive black woman.” Brenda's character as a whole is sassy and very outspoken when it comes to her opinions on what's going around her. During the film there are multiple occasions where she becomes the butt of a joke as she makes comments or questionable decisions such as the extreme way she acts in the movie theatre as she goes to see a movie. A scene in specific really exaggerate the stereotypes placed on her as she is “sassy” and “disruptive” during the film. Clearly her character is written in a very exaggerated and satirical way that really showcases and brings to light the way that people of colour specifically black women are often portrayed in film media. Often being boiled down to the sassy best friend or comedic relief character. The way she’s written in Scary Movie gets people thinking and talking about how although sometimes characters being exaggerated can be great comedic relief, it's important to ensure that you are not negatively stereotyping them as that just ends up causing more harm. 
The scary movie films also poke fun and help bring up the conversation surrounding the over sexualization of teenagers (specifically teenage girls) in horror films. Often horror films portray young hypersexual teenagers whose own desire ends up blinding them towards the oncoming danger and Scary Movie is no different from this. When looking at Cindy and bobby's relationship it's very clear that they have different views as Bobby is portrayed as a mysterious bad boy in Cindy is a young, naive and clueless girl who trusts blindly. Once Bobby sneaks into Cindy’s room the scene that follows is anything but PG13. This strange fascination with over sexualization can be seen so often in horror even during violent death scenes and Scary Movie pokes fun at this as well with its opening scene that shows a woman being actively pursued by a murderer as she is stripped of her clothes and stabbed in the breast. Both of these scenes in the movie are satirical and downright outrageous but they bring up a good point about how this over sexualization of women in characters as a whole often does go too far and scary movies usage of crude jokes and uncomfortable teenage interactions really show that. 
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Overall, in my opinion I definitely feel like not only the 1st Scary Movie but the whole Scary Movie franchise does a great job at exaggerating and bringing to light the stereotypes found within the horror genre. This allows for conversations to be had about what is and isn't acceptable to be portrayed in the horror genre. It allows for conversations to be had on proper ways to display diversity, as well as the harmful effects that negative stereotypes have on communities, alongside the conversation surrounding the over sexualization of women and people in general within media. I believe that these are very important topics that need to be discussed in the Scary Movie franchise opens up these discussions in a comedic and less confrontational way. Although sometimes uncomfortable these conversations need to be had as they are what drive change.
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wayhavenfrights · 3 years
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Before participating in the event, we urge you to read these rules. We’ve put this event together so everyone can have a good time, so it’s up to all of us to make sure that we encourage a safe and welcoming environment to everyone.
Every single one of these rules was set up to ensure your safety and the safety of all participants.
How to Participate:
Just take a look at our prompt list (our pinned post) and check what prompt we have for each day of October and let your creativity do the rest.
Any content is allowed, whether that’s memes, fanfics, art, character meta, moodboards...etc.
You do not have to create something every single day. Just create for whichever day sparks joy! The most important thing is having fun and feeling inspired.
If you do not like any of the prompts and wish to do something else instead, we have 6 bonus prompts which can be done on any day! Feel free to use them
Although this is a Halloween / horror themed event, you do not have to create horror themed submissions. We accept submissions of any genre based on our prompts.
In order for us to see and reblog your content, please either tag it as #wayhavenfrights or tag our blog @wayhavenfrights.
There is no minimum age for this event. We welcome all minors who wish to participate. That being said, it is up to the adults participating to help us make sure it’s a space that is appropriate and safe for minors.
Please note that:
 We will not be reblogging NSFW content on this blog. You are free to create NSFW content based on our prompts if you feel so inclined, and to share it with your friends and followers, but it is your job to place a firm boundary between yourself and minors. Do not put such posts in the #wayhavenfrights tag where minors can see them.
 We expect that any upsetting or possibly triggering content is tagged with the proper content warnings. Our prompts may be inspired by horror themes/tropes, but that does not mean your fellow participants consent to seeing or consuming explicit horror content.
We will NOT accept:
Submissions which contain ableist content. Horror is a genre where some often rely on tropes which are harmful to neurodivergent and physically disabled people, and we will not be accepting this content in our event.
Submissions which are racist, antiblack, antisemitic, islamophobic, orientalist... etc. This includes submissions which include offensive tropes, caricatures, whitewashing of people of color, and content which is hostile to people of any race / religion.
Submissions which include any content which is discriminatory of LGBTQIA+ people. Exclusionists, terfs, and radfems are not welcome here.
Submissions which glorify or romanticize any form of abusive behavior, such as CSA, sexual assault, physical and verbal abuse....etc. That being said, we will allow content that features these issues as long as it is addressed respectfully and tactfully and provided the proper content warnings are included.
If you are unsure what is considered offensive/hurtful and what is not, we urge you to do your own research on the topic. You’re free to ask us, but as mods, the most we can do is try and point you in the right direction but we will not be able to educate you on every single issue.
We hope you’ve taken the time to carefully read our rules. If you have any questions about anything we haven’t addressed here, please feel free to shoot us an ask at any time ~ Here’s the link to our answered questions.
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buzzdixonwriter · 2 years
Writing Horror Comics
(An artist friend interested in doing some horror stories asked me for any insights I might have on the gerne and format.  I’m expanding slightly on my reply to him here for those who may not be familiar with writing for comics.)
While I have written some horror comics in the past (as well as a few horror short stories), I think of myself as a writer who does various genres, not a genre writer per se.  I don’t think I have any special insights to share on horror comics but I will pass along what I’ve gleaned to date.
Horror stories tend to fall into two main categories: The Senseless Tragedy, and The Biter Gets Bit.  In the former bad things happen to the characters at random or for reasons they can’t fathom, in the latter they did something that invites retribution on them.
Comic book horror stories also tend to have twist or O. Henry style endings where something unexpected but logical happens.  A classic prose example of this is the “The Monkey’s Paw” where a wish for money results in a son being killed in an accident that garners a big insurance settlement, then a wish for the son to be brought back to life raises him from the grave in not very good condition.
When I write short stories I often (but not always) work backwards from my climax: How do I want it to end and then what would be a logical path to get there?  The advantage of doing it this way is that you can more easily lay track in a non-obvious manner so the reader goes “My, how clever!” when they realize you dropped a few subtle clues pointing to how it would end.
(This works with all sorts of stories, of course, not just horror.)
The most important part of any story but especially a short story is getting the reader emotionally involved as quickly as possible.  Any emotion will do; they don’t have to like or admire the character, just be curious about what’s going to happen to them next.  
That’s why The Biter Gets Bit works so well in horror stories: We dislike the central character because they’re a creep and can’t wait to see them get their comeuppance.
Past that it’s a matter of personal preference and taste.  Write about what frightens you in actuality or metaphorically.  I’m an arachnophobe, I’ve written and sold three horror short stories about spiders plus a poem based on the topic (“Spider In A Space Helmet”).  I also fear being trapped in situations I can’t control and have written stories (less horror, more satirical fantasy) about characters who find themselves overwhelmed by surreal or magical events.
Speaking of emotion and logic, there’s a saying in classical music that opera doesn’t have to make logical sense so long as it makes emotional sense.  Get the readers invested in the characters and their predicament, and they will accept any resolution that feels right even if it doesn’t make 100% logical sense.
Now, as for the actual writing, most comics scripts are done in either the DC style (full panel by panel descriptions and dialog like a movie script) or the Marvel style (writer does a 3-page story outline, the artist breaks it down and draws it, the art is sent to the writer to add dialog).  There are other methods, including doing the whole story as thumbnail sketches but I’m focusing on just the two most prevalent written styles.
Except for the handful of Marvel comics I wrote, I’ve always worked in the full script method.
Comics scripts are actually my favorite format for writing because you can play the stories like an accordion.  If they’re running too long you can drop a couple of pages and replace them with a caption (“Returning to town, the sheriff rounded up a posse and rode out to track the outlaws down…”), if they’re too short you can extend an action scene by a page or two or add some character business.
Not counting the Nightmare On Elm Street comic I wrote for Marvel (which they never published, but that’s another story for another time…), all my horror & sci-fi comics scripts were for stories 6-8 pages long (I also did a couple of short-shorts, one a single page long, the other a 2-pager).  As mentioned above, I typically figured out the snapper then worked backwards.
As a rough rule of thumb, the following are helpful basic guidelines:
Try not to have more than four things happen on a page; for example:
Dr. Frankenstein sends Igor to the roof
Igor launches the kites into the storm
A lightning bolt strikes the kite and the copper wire attached to it
The electricity courses into the monster in the lab.  
This can be broken down into any number of panels / angles / details and the artist might use two or three panels to illustrate one particular action, but try not to have too many different things happening on a single page.
American style comics typically have 4 – 9 panels per page, manga often has 3 – 6.  There are no hard and fast rules; do what works best for you.  (Personally, I favor 4 - 5 panels per page on average.)
Be careful with dialog and tex: Golden and silver age comics tended to have up to 35 words per panel, modern American comics run closer to 25 words per panel max, while manga tends to hold it down to 12 words.  “Words” includes anything to be read as part of the story, such as dialog, narration, captions, sound effects, footnotes, etc.  A sign in the background that’s not conveying any story information is not considered part of the word count.
If you’re not the artist, use words and phrases with emotional weight: A jolly husky librarian.  A spooky old house.  A sterile looking laboratory.  A weary looking businessman, etc.  It helps artists to know what feelings they should be conveying, and a few well chosen words typically get a much better result than detailed analytical descriptions.
The full script method looks similar to a screenplay:
=PAGE ONE= [this designates the art page, not the script page]
 PANEL 1:  INT. CREAKY OLD MANSION – NIGHT [set the scene]
Very short description of what we see in the panel.
1  CAPTION     It was a dark and stormy night…
2  TITLE   “Spooky House Story”
3  HERO     Say, this is a spooky old house!
4  HEROINE     Do you always state the obvious?*
5  FOOTNOTE     * He does!
Describe how they act.  [is it difficult to open?  Does it swing open easily?  Etc.]
6  HERO     Let’s open the door!
7  SFX (door)     Creak!
  =END PAGE ONE=   [let the artist know where to stop drawing a particular page]
 You’ll note each panel is numbered, likewise every line of dialog.  This helps the artist and the letterer know where they are in a story.  Each art page in the script should start with Panel 1 and 1 Dialog.
It makes life so much easier.
I suggest reading Scott McCloud’s excellent trilogy of books:
Understanding Comics
Reinventing Comics
Making Comics
Scott won’t steer you wrong and provides far more details than I can in this short post.
Past that, I don’t know what to tell you.  I’ve always guided my topic selection by the philosophy of “hit ‘em where they ain’t” meaning if everybody’s doing vampires or zombies, try something entirely different (unless, of course, you have the greatest idea for such stories that’s ever been done, in which case go for it; just make sure it is the greatest idea ever…).
 © Buzz Dixon
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sunbentsky-archived · 3 years
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I keep going back and forth between going balls to the wall in terms of horror themes in Myr’s backstory and toning it down because some of this shit really do be fucked up. I’m basing a lot of her story on classic elements and formulas of Rom.anian folk tales and tbh they’re inherently horror, even the ‘mild’ ones told to children before bed. 
To put things in perspective, one of my favorites in childhood was a story about a little girl whose mother left her home alone for a few days. The girl, feeling cold and lonely at night, would talk up the chimney asking for someone to come and sleep with her. Nobody answered the first few nights, and then a voice did. Long story short, when the mother came back home she was glad to see her daughter waiting for her at the window-- until she approached and realized it was only her severed head and her organs were strewn about inside the house. The End. No moral, no wisdom, no happy ending-- that’s how many of these stories go. 
And it’s not just the fairy tales, themes of despair, hopelessness, loss, self-irony, fatalism, etc. pop up in every aspect of folklore. One literary researcher and historian put it better in words that I can explain it: “this lose-lose situation evokes the historical condition of the Ro.man.ian people whose homeland had been constantly crossed and attacked by foreign powers, as the native population was always forced to decide between two equally unfortunate choices: ally with your enemies or fight them.” 
(Bogdan’s and Ecaterina’s stories draw heavily from the same themes-- submitting to fate and accepting your condition in life OR rebelling against it and seeking to make your own destiny, but either way, it all ends on the same bitter note.)
So, considering this is the general approach I’m aiming for and the fact that Myr’s story inevitably deals with themes of womanhood and motherhood (from the point of view of a dragon in a human’s body but still), I feel like I’m treading a thin line between exploring these topics in that raw, cathartic way the horror genre can provide... and turning it into good ole torture p.orn. Like, where exactly does the line between exploring and exploiting lie?
(I know nobody can answer that for me. I’m just thinking out loud.) 
To be clear, I’m less concerned about what people might think (unless, of course, I am being ignorant/hurtful, in which case I do care) and more concerned about the choices I make during the writing process and why I make them. I feel like that’s important to deconstruct. You can’t deflea your writing of harmful biases if you don’t understand how and why they crop up. 
I don’t know how to end this post, so if you’ve made it this far, reply with your favorite bird.
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schrijverr · 3 years
The Media in a Quirk Society
An essay or more a thought piece about how the media adapted to the appearance of quirk. How genres changed and how the media influences and is influenced by society.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Something that makes me so very curious is how media must have developed in the BNHA universe after the appearance of quirks.
We hear almost nothing of media other than the news within the universe itself. For now it escapes me if All Might Cartoons are actually mentioned in the show or something of fanfiction. But another fanfic phenomena are pre-quirk movies, aka movies of our time.
The latter is a thing we must agree on, since there was a time before there were quirks wherein movies were made. This also implies that the pre-quirk superhero genre has existed (think MCU or DC)
I want to examine how that must have changed with the appearance of quirks based of what we’ve seen in the show.
When we see the beginnings of a quirk society, we meet AFO, who rises in the chaos and especially the scene where he takes and gives a quirk stand out the most. Quirks weren’t excepted yet, especially visible quirks, while at the same time a quirk means power. We also know the hero profession rises here, because it was too much for just law enforcement.
So we have these components, which all make for really great stories… in hindsight.
After the fact there must have been many stories about a lone police officer, becoming a hero as he saw the force around him crumble. Or a weak person, suddenly developing a powerful quirk that helps them get out of an impossible situation. Or maybe even about someone who feels they are deformed and shunned from society by their quirk and how they overcome it.
But at the moment it was happening there was still a lot of resentment about quirks and people who had them.
When quirks first entered the stage, people who had them plunged the world into chaos or had to hide like the man who goes to AFO to get his quirk removed.
I can imagine that if movie productions could continue in those turbulent times they would focus on the normal guy, still fighting against a suddenly super-powered villain or a quirkist (as I shall refer to it) take on a person who gets a quirk and turns evil.
Or they might even ignore the whole quirk situation in general with a new genre that can be boiled down to ‘No Quirks – AU’ wherein the movie is based in pre-quirk times. This genre would have a lot of nostalgia at first, probably, trying to call upon how simple life was when villains weren’t terrorizing the streets and heroes were just a funny thing of TV.
Maybe it will develop later.
Maybe it will become how difficult it must have been back then with no simple quirk solutions to problems. It might even turn into a genre about invention, mostly, with a fascination in the public of how things that run on quirk-solutions now, could have been solved by a quirkless scientist in the before times.
But back to the developing genre that is set the BNHA real world. Wherein quirkless people might have gotten a center stage in the early years, before quirks became so entrenched in society that quirkism developed against what used to be a majority.
I can picture a young Midoriya watching old movies wherein the quirkless protagonist was the hero against the evil quirks, telling himself that one day that could be him.
However, with the rise of heroes the media attention probably shifted.
The manga/anime describes it as ‘ordinary civilians with their own Quirks decided to take matters into their own hands to bring order to society, and thus the first "Heroes" appeared.’ as it says on the fandom wikia.
This shifts the narrative of quirkless hero against the chaos of quirks, to brave citizen stands up using the power they’ve been granted. Maybe they gave it religious undertones or maybe it was the story of taking the moral high ground and doing what was right for your country and neighbors.
In those early days you probably have more stories reflective of the pre-quirk fictional heroes, wherein the main character has to hide that they’re out there every night breaking the law to bring order.
It can be that at this time the narrative that the police is just the ‘villain taxi service’ starts to originate among bitter storytellers, who have seen the police fail where heroes did not. Though this would be more older filmmakers after this era is over, who start this. When heroes have become accepted, but they still remember how bad the police reacted before.
But on the topic of heroes becoming accepted, that must have been a civil right movement, a right that had to be debated with villains reflecting how bad an idea public quirk use could be.
You can see in the ‘Liberation War Arc’ how something like that could have played out and how it makes for interesting media entertainment as it is a story arc in our world, meant to amuse. Mixed with the fact that the first heroes created order in the chaos, there must be a ton of movies following activists or a hero not only having to fight the villains, but also the system.
And then over time heroes morphed into what they are now.
Hero became a profession and quirks the norm. After a while, just focusing on quirks got less interesting and using quirks as just a backdrop became more interesting.
Sure, you still had the hero genre and with actual figureheads these can range from documentaries to inspired by real life movies or just fictive fights with characters that are obviously based off a real hero or just the real hero. Especially when heroes became depended on their popularity, there must have been plenty that signed an acting contract in the hopes of getting their name and image out there.
With Midoriya’s comment about Todoroki having the backstory of a protagonist, it is clear that the hero genre is far from forgotten.
However, the “normal” genres also developed with society and with quirks becoming normal and no one truly aching for the before times, they must be set in the BNHA world we know.
The tropes we know (and maybe love) will get a new twist to fit this society or maybe disappear completely. New stereotypes and assumptions based off quirks appear, even quirkism might become prevalent in media, teaching kids that those without quirks are freaks or weak and weird.
In my mind I picture a movie trailergoing “She has a water quirk, he has a fire quirk. Will they fall in love despite their different personalities?!?” or “When his family is murdered, he must track down the killer with only the quirk as clue. Will he find out what happened on that faithful day or will the path this sends him on be the last of him???”
The horror genre will also be transformed with the fear of people misusing their quirk being a big thing in society.
As for fantasy, this genre will change with super-powered people being the norm, you can have to get more creative to make it truly fantastical. World building, visually, will be more important to distinguish it from our world, creatures too since there are literally people with bird heads, for example, walking around.
Not to mention the potential of quirks being hereditary that can be used in dramas where the partner has cheated or as plot point as grant reveal of a main character being related to one of the antagonists or even in gang movies as them training together to use their quirks and them all being the same. That would make for a cool visual tbh.
Disaster movies also will be different than they are now. With protagonist who can have quirks that work against them in their situation or if it’s a more hopeful movie how they work together, piling together their quirks and other skills to survive.
And the crime genre will be so intrinsically tied to hero society and with the police being seen as kinda useless, it will be so different than how we know it now. Did crime become part of the hero genre? Is this a piece of cop propaganda left wherein the police tries to save their reputation? I don’t know, but I wanna think about it.
It’s just interesting to me how in a world where the super is normal, media has adapted and this has been keeping my mind busy over the past few weeks.
The transformation in society of quirks as something dangerous that needs to be stopped, to a few brave people standing up for what’s right to finally the commercialization of heroes so that they can keep doing their job.
You see these changes, that’s unavoidable.
Media is such a powerful tool and it’s hardly referenced within the source material (which I understand because there are already so many movingparts), but with the fall of hero society it is interesting how all that propaganda for heroes might disappear back to when quirks first appeared and how the cycle may start again.
There are probably so many genres and other stuff thatI haven’t considered, so tell me your thoughts about the media in BNHA!
((also I didn’t want to dive in how racism, homophobia, ableism will develop with quirks and notions people will have about them. It is important to think about, but I do not think that I am the right person to talk about it. If anyone does, tag me or comment the link, because I will 100% read it))
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hexalt · 4 years
CW for discussion of suicide
- She's the crazy ex-girlfriend - What? No, I'm not. - She's the crazy ex-girlfriend - That's a sexist term! - She's the crazy ex-girlfriend - Can you guys stop singing for just a second? - She's so broken insiiiiiide! - The situation's a lot more nuanced than that!
There’s the essay! You get it now. JK.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the culmination of Rachel Bloom’s YouTube channel (and the song “Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury” in particular where she combined her lifelong obsession with musical theatre and sketch comedy and Aline Brosh McKenna stumbling onto Bloom’s channel one night while having an idea for a television show that subverted the tropes in scripts she’d been writing like The Devil Wears Prada and 27 Dresses.
The show begins with a flashback to teenage Rebecca Bunch (played by Bloom) at summer camp performing in South Pacific. She leaves summer camp gushing about the performance, holding hands with the guy she spent all summer with, Josh Chan. He says it was fun for the time, but it’s time to get back to real life. We flash forward to the present in New York, Rebecca’s world muted in greys and blues with clothing as conservative as her hair.
She’s become a top tier lawyer, a career that she doesn’t enjoy but was pushed into by her overprotective, controlling mother. She’s just found out she’s being promoted to junior partner, and that’s just objectively, on paper fantastic, right?! ...So why isn’t she happy? She goes out onto the streets in the midst of a panic attack, spilling her pills all over the ground, and suddenly sees an ad for butter asking, “When was the last time you were truly happy?” A literal arrow and beam of sunlight then point to none other than Josh Chan. She strikes up a conversation with him where he tells her he’s been trying to make it in New York but doesn’t like it, so he’s moving back to his hometown, West Covina, California, where everyone is just...happy.
The word echoes in her mind, and she absorbs it like a pill. She decides to break free of the hold others have had over her life and turns down the promotion of her mother’s dreams. I didn’t realize the show was a musical when I started it, and it’s at this point that Rebecca is breaking out into its first song, “West Covina”. It’s a parody of the extravagant, classic Broadway numbers filled with a children’s marching band whose funding gets cut, locals joining Rebecca in synchronized song and dance, and finishing with her being lifted into the sky while sitting on a giant pretzel. This was the moment I realized there was something special here.
With this introduction, the stage has been set for the premise of the show. Each season was planned with an overall theme. Season one is all about denial, season two is about being obsessed with love and losing yourself in it, season three is about the spiral and hitting rock bottom, and season four is about renewal and starting from scratch. You can see this from how the theme songs change every year, each being the musical thesis for that season.
We start the show with a bunch of cliché characters: the crazy ex-girlfriend; her quirky sidekick; the hot love interest; his bitchy girlfriend; and his sarcastic best friend who’s clearly a much better match for the heroine. The magic of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is that no one in West Covina is the sum of their tropes. As Rachel says herself, “People aren’t badly written, people are made of specificities.”
The show is revolutionary for the authenticity with which it explores various topics but for the sake of this piece, we’ll discuss mental health, gender, Jewish identity, and sexuality. All topics that Bloom has dug into in her previous works but none better than here.
Simply from the title, many may be put off, but this is a story that has always been about deconstructing stereotypes. Rather than being called The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, where the story would be from an outsider’s perspective, this story is from that woman’s point of view because the point isn’t to demonize Rebecca, it’s to understand her. Even if you hate her for all the awful things she’s doing.
The musical numbers are shown to be in Rebecca’s imagination, and she tells us they’re how she processes the world, but as she starts healing in the final season, she isn’t the lead singer so often anymore and other characters get to have their own problems and starring roles. When she does have a song, it’s because she’s backsliding into her former patterns.
While a lot of media will have characters that seem to have some sort of vague disorder, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend goes a step further and actually diagnoses Rebecca with Borderline Personality Disorder, while giving her an earnest, soaring anthem. She’s excited and relieved to finally have words for what’s plagued her whole life.
When diagnosing Rebecca, the show’s team consulted with doctors and psychiatrists to give her a proper diagnosis that ended up resonating with many who share it. BPD is a demonized and misunderstood disorder, and I’ve heard that for many, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the first honest and kind depiction they’ve seen of it in media. Where the taboo of mental illness often leads people to not get any help, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend says there is freedom and healing in identifying and sharing these parts of yourself with others.
Media often uses suicide for comedy or romanticizes it, but Crazy Ex-Girlfriend explored what’s going through someone’s mind to reach that bottomless pit. Its climactic episode is written by Jack Dolgen (Bloom’s long-time musical collaborator, co-songwriter and writer for the show) who’s dealt with suicidal ideation. Many misunderstood suicide as the person simply wanting to die for no reason, but Rebecca tells her best friend, “I didn’t even want to die. I just wanted the pain to stop. It’s like I was out of stories to tell myself that things would be okay.”
Bloom has never shied away from heavy topics. The show discusses in song the horrors of what women do to their bodies and self-esteem to conform to beauty standards, the contradiction of girl power songs that tell you to “Put Yourself First” but make sure you look good for men while doing it, and the importance of women bonding over how terrible straight men are are near and dear to her heart. This is a show that centers marginalized women, pokes fun at the misogyny they go through, and ultimately tells us the love story we thought was going to happen wasn’t between a woman and some guy but between her and her best friend.
I probably haven’t watched enough Jewish TV or film, but to me, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the most unapologetic and relatable Jewish portrayal I’ve seen overall. From Rebecca’s relationship with her toxic, controlling mother (if anyone ever wants to know what my mother’s like, I send them “Where’s the Bathroom”) to Patti Lupone’s Rabbi Shari answering a Rebecca that doesn’t believe in God, “Always questioning! That is the true spirit of the Jewish people,” the Jewish voices behind the show are clear.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend continues to challenge our perceptions when a middle-aged man with an ex-wife and daughter realizes he’s bisexual and comes out in a Huey Lewis saxophone reverie. The hyper-feminine mean girl breaks up with her boyfriend and realizes the reason she was so obsessed with getting him to commit to her is the same reason she’s so scared to have female friends. She was suffering under the weight of compulsory heterosexuality, but thanks to Rebecca, she eventually finds love and friendship with women.
This thread is woven throughout the show. Many of the characters tell Rebecca when she’s at her lowest of how their lives would’ve never changed for the better if it wasn’t for her. She was a tornado that blew through West Covina, but instead of leaving destruction in her wake, she blew apart their façades, forcing true introspection into what made them happy too.
Rebecca’s story is that of a woman who felt hopeless, who felt no love or happiness in her life, when that’s all she’s ever wanted. She tried desperately to fill that void through validation from her parents and random men, things romantic comedies had taught her matter most but came up empty. She tried on a multitude of identities through the musical numbers in her mind, seeing herself as the hero and villain of the story, and eventually realized she’s neither because life doesn’t make narrative sense.
It takes her a long time but eventually she sees that all the things she thought would solve her problems can’t actually bring her happiness. What does is the real family she finds in West Covina, the town she moved to on a whim, and finally having agency over herself to use her own voice and tell her story through music.
The first words spoken by Rebecca are, “When I sang my solo, I felt, like, a really palpable connection with the audience.” Her last words are, “This is a song I wrote.” This connection with the audience that brought her such joy is something she finally gets when she gets to perform her story not to us, the TV audience, but to her loved ones in West Covina. Rebecca (and Rachel) always felt like an outcast, West Covina (and creating the show) showed her how cathartic it is to find others who understand you.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the prologue to Rebecca’s life and the radical story of someone getting better. She didn’t need to change her entire being to find acceptance and happiness, she needed to embrace herself and accept love and help from others who truly cared for her. Community is what she always needed and community is what ultimately saved her.
P.S. If you have Spotify... I also process life through music, so I made some playlists related to the show because what better way to express my deep affection for it than through song?
CXG parodies, references, and is inspired by a lot of music from all kinds of genres, musicals, and musicians. Same goes for the videos themselves. I gathered all of them into one giant playlist along with the show’s songs.
A Rebecca Bunch mix that goes through her character arc from season 1 to 4.
I’m shamelessly a fan of Greg x Rebecca, so this is a mega mix of themselves and their relationship throughout the show.
I’m in a TV group where we wrote essays on our favorite shows of the 2010s, so here is mine on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, I realized I forgot to ever post it. Also wrote one for Schitt’s Creek.
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a-tcos · 3 years
Can I ask for some modern horror au Black Butler headcanons?
YES because this is sort of similar to an RP I’m in AND corresponds w/ an AU or two I have (I’m just gonna write them as humans here unless specified otherwise). Thank you for sending this!!: 
Sebastian is one of the first people to die. It’s nothing personal, I just see him as dying quickly because it’s unexpected. FAR less likely to die if he’s dealing with something paranormal. He’s more experienced when it comes to that. People would just want to kill Sebastian, I’m not gonna lie. However, Sebastian is Ciel’s guardian so he’ll definitely protect him, sacrificing his life if needed. Seb would definitely be some sort of influencer and or “accountant”. He makes decent money - enough to support a comfortable life for him and Ciel - but it’s not important to him. 
Ciel is definitely survivor material despite accepting death. He does rely on Sebastian for a lot of things, but I also see him as at least somewhat self-sufficient while with Sebastian. If Sebastian dies, he instantly becomes more self-sufficient in order to survive. 
Mey-Rin, Bardroy, and Finnian all live together; Bard is essentially their dad despite being their friend (he’s older than them so it works), while Mey-Rin and Finny often work with Sebastian and sometimes hang out with Ciel. Finny is only four years older than Ciel while Mey-Rin is a few years younger than Sebastian. They’re definitely still comic relief but they’re all knowledgeable about survival and WILL survive when they’re on their own. With Sebastian and Ciel around, their survival rate goes down.
Grell is VERY genre-savvy to the point where she survives at least halfway-through the horror or IS the horror. She still has her chainsaw, of course. She still likes blood and the color red. It’s only fair to say that she’s not opposed to the idea of causing some chaos. That said, I still see her as an ally to Sebastian and Ciel. Perhaps she would just be the one to fight the big bad horror. She’d definitely be a beauty guru that also talks about true crime. 
 William was Grell’s major crush (aside from Sebastian, a man she briefly dated) but she moved on to date Hannah. He’ll surely die with unrequited love towards her and a small crush on Sebastian (or was he just jealous that Sebastian had had what he now wanted?). He’s a business man. Doesn’t believe in ghosts or the paranormal. 
Ronald is Grell’s BFF. While he’s not dumb, he’s very brave and even foolhardy. This leads him to investigating areas and topics that could lead to his death. Very fun still, I love him so much. Also an influencer like Seb, but lives more modestly because he doesn’t have a child used to a rich lifestyle to take care of. 
Alois puts up a tough front, but he’s deathly scared. Even more clingy and doesn’t want to leave the house. If he thought about how horror could lurk inside his own home, he’d probably implode. Definitely a victim type (sorry bud). 
Claude screams genre-savvy to me as well, but in a different way than Grell. I see both of them as horror and true crime fans, but Claude is quiet about it. I see him most likely surviving or surviving to the end. I do see him being a potential big bad horror (in fact, he’d definitely kill Sebastian if given the chance). In my AU, he’s a writer who often stays up late, so he’d definitely get to see some spooks.  
Hannah Annafellows is Grell’s GF (in my specific AU lol) and works in helping domestic abuse survivors. 100% survivor when it comes to horror. She’s good for it. If I could only choose two characters to survive, it’d be Ciel and Hannah.
Soma and Agni are definitely present (I love these two). Soma is a scaredy-cat and a bit dumb but would somehow survive for a good amount of time. If there’s a slasher, Agni’s going to live longer than Sebastian. If it’s paranormal, it’s a toss up. I still see Soma as Indian royalty but obviously in a much more modern way. Therefore, Agni would also be by his side to help him in the UK (where I imagine this would take place unless they’re explicitly in the USA or going to the USA for a trip.) 
I would LOVE to write some drabbles/scenarios of this AU (possibly even inspired by specific horror movies) so if anyone has specific movies in mind, lmk! I’ll either post it here or on AO3 at atmmmmm. 
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danishmiilk · 4 years
if it isn’t too late 💋💄
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pairing || mark lee x fem!reader
au || best friends to lovers!au
genre || fluff; angst
word count || 2.2k
warnings || swearing (i think)
summary || your best friend leaves for Canada, taking a piece of your heart along with him. you liked him, but rejected him. is it too late for you to take him back?
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“are you really going to Canada?”
“yeah. i’m going to college there, remember?”
you sighed, having repeated this conversation more times than you’d wanted to the previous week. letting your eyes land on mark’s apologetic expression, you lamented the fact that you’d never gotten to do what you’d always wanted to before he left. he hadn’t left, not yet, but you’d never have the courage to do it, never again. 
“y/n? don’t cry, okay? i’ll still be back every summer to spend time with you.” 
it’s not the same, you thought, but merely sighed and leaned back against the headboard. your best friend sat on the opposite side of the bed, looking at you like he was sorry for his choice, but at the same time didn’t regret it. there was a hint of sympathy and sadness in his posture, and something else, almost longing. you shrugged it off, merely reaching over to hug him before saying, “let’s move on to a happier topic, okay?”
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it was hard for you to accept that your best friend for all eighteen years of your life was leaving for Canada, oceans away from you. you’d tried to come to terms with it, but imagining a lifetime without mark was almost awkward and impossible. 
you’d miss the late-night talks, the all-nighters before exams, the walks on the beach and the times you’d played together in the kindergarten sand pit (even when you’d both graduated.) you’d lament about not being able to attend college with mark, and only being able to see him once a year.
but most of all, you’d lament that you’d never gotten to tell him your secret (and you were sure, unreciprocated) feelings for him. you’d planned to tell him this year on his birthday, but on that same day when you’d finally been able to gather the courage to confess, he’d dropped the bombshell on you. you decided there was no point in confessing to him, because even if he did reciprocate your feelings, which you sorely doubted would happen, you’d only be able to date him for two months. fate didn’t allow for a relationship between you and mark, you thought. 
and so you pushed the feelings away, back into the depths of your heart. where they’d stayed for a very long time. where they would stay for a very long time. 
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you swore to murder whoever had woken you up at this ungodly hour. it was 4.a.m. in the morning, for god’s sake. who was even awake at this time? and who was awake and free enough to come and wake you up? grumbling in the dim light, you slapped your failing right arm lazily around the bed before finally managing to find your phone (and hurting your pinky).
squinting to let your eyes adjust to the light of your phone, you clicked on the sinning chat. 
mark lee 🥰🥳
- hello hellooooooooo
- meet me at the swings in the park please i have something important to tell youuuu
- can’t it wait please?? it’s like four am in the fucking morning
mark lee 🥰🥳
- nooooo i’m leaving in two weeks we don’t!! HAVE!! TIME!!
not having the energy to do anything other than leave him on read, you stifled a yawn and pulled on a sweater with blurry vision. you weren’t sure if you’d even put it on correctly, but you were too tired to care. 
after a face wash, you’d gotten slightly more awake and managed to gather the will and motivation to drag your tired limbs to the park which you’d spent most of your childhood at- and the place where you’d met your best friend for the first time.
cliche as it was, you halted your steps and rocked to and fro on the spot when you saw the boy waiting for you. a hoodie and jeans, with the hood pulled over his hair- very typical clothing for mark. he was just sitting on the swing, twisting the chains around each other then letting them go, spinning himself around on the swing. an admittedly childish act, but… he was so beautiful. you cringed inwardly from the cheesiness of your thoughts, but your heart sang a different song. 
your heart was happy, its beat erratic. you felt as if you were reliving the time so long ago, the time that you fell in love with him. the scene was almost perfect, perfect for a late-night confession. you didn’t want to get your hopes up, though. he was leaving in a fortnight. if only he wasn’t. if only.
the leaves that were blown into your face by the autumn breeze elicited a squawk out of you, alerting mark to your presence. searching his face for anything other than his usual awkwardness for a hint on why you were called here at this hour, you saw nothing but a hint of nervousness, uncharacteristic of mark. 
“so? what’s the matter, mark?”
the ever-present smile on his face suddenly vanished. fiddling with his thumbs, his shoelaces, the hem of his sweater and everything else, before finally speaking softly and haltingly, “well, i’ve kind of… liked you? for a while now? like a few years? and i’ve never been able to tell you this but… i’m leaving soon, and if you reject me then i can just… leave and… maybe it won’t hurt so much.”
“and what if i reciprocated your feelings?” you asked in a whisper. 
“you wouldn’t.”
“why are you making decisions for me? i do. i do like you back. i have for a long time now,” you reached your hand up to wipe moistness from your eyes, unsure of why you were even crying in the first place, in relief or regret, “we’ve wasted so much time.”
a hopeful expression began to show on mark’s face, like the sun peeking out from behind the storm clouds, “so… will you be my girlfriend, then?”
your heart broke. you wanted to date him, but at the same time you didn’t think you’d be able to handle a long-distance relationship. “i… can’t. it’s the distance. you’re going to- to- Canada. i’m staying here. i can’t handle this kind of relationship. and fate- fate obviously didn’t mean for us to be together. if it’s sending you off to Canada and it’s leaving me here… its intention was never to let us enjoy any relationship other than friendship.”
when disappointment flashed across his face, you nearly dropped everything and took back what you just said. “it’s- it’s fine- i just thought we could try at it- nevermind,” mark shook his head, “it was a stupid idea, forget i said anything. anyway… i’m sorry for calling you out here so late. i’ll just get going.”
i’m sorry, you thought desperately, i’m sorry. i’m sorry i’m not strong or brave enough to attempt a long distance relationship, i’m sorry i’m not courageous enough to take risks. having known mark for such a long time, you read him as easily as your favourite childhood book, and now, sadness and heartbreak were written in his every step. away from you.
you didn’t feel like going home, not yet. sitting down on the same swing mark had been on just a few moments ago, you resented fate in that moment. you resented it for sending mark to Canada, and for pulling the two of you apart. you could have had a ridiculously cute best friends-to-lovers kdrama plot, you could have enjoyed a nice, normal relationship, but fate didn’t allow for it. 
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understandably, neither of you tried to contact each other for days. the cloud of sadness that seemingly followed you around wherever you went got denser and denser, until your grandmother who was here to visit knocked on your door one day. “y/n, dear? can i come in?”
“how did it go with mark?” you’d told her about the crush you’d had on mark, and how he’d called you out in the middle of the night. when you just shrugged in response, she pressed on, “did he reject you? i thought he’d called you out to confess. the boy’s always liked you, you know. we could all tell.” 
it was the last straw for you. you crumbled and cried into her shoulder, feeling like a little girl once more. the two of you sat there in silence for a few more minutes, your grandmother running her fingers through your hair. when you’d calmed down, you looked at her with tears in your puffy eyes. “he… didn’t reject me,” you whispered in horror, “i rejected him.”
the gasp of shock your grandmother sucked in beside you did nothing to elevate your sentiments. “but… why?” your tone hardened, sadness turning into unadulterated anger, “fate won’t let us be together. it’s sending him to Canada, while i stay here. it’s the first time i’ve fallen in love, and yet i still can’t experience a relationship with my first love. it’s not fair. there isn’t any way we can be together.” without realising it, tears had begun to fall again. you wiped them away furiously, refusing to cry again. “i wish there was,” you said, detached, voice barely audible. 
your grandmother looked contemplative for a moment before beginning to speak slowly, “but that’s true! you don’t know when you’re going to be able to find a love like this ever again! when you find something like this, how can you let something little like fate get in your way? take this love and run away with it!” her voice began to escalate at the end, face shining with enthusiasm. you wondered momentarily if that was what she did with your grandfather.
“so you’re saying that… i should try to reconcile with mark, and we can give it a shot at all this relationship stuff?”
“yes. now go! you have a boyfriend to get!”
the world suddenly seemed five shades brighter as you grabbed your things, ready to leave, when your phone screen lit up with a notification.
calendar: mark’s flight today at 5pm! do not miss!
“fuck. his flight is in an hour’s time,” you panicked, trying to tie your hair up with your shoelace which was inconveniently lying on a table. (you hadn’t been focusing much on room upkeep ever since you rejected mark.)
your grandmother didn’t even bother reprimanding you for your less than appropriate language, instead slamming her hand down on the bed with more strength than you thought an eighty year old woman would have. “what are you waiting for? go get your man! grandma’ll be waiting for you right here, so you better come back with good news.”
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you raced through the halls of the airport, nearly knocking over five people, a stroller and a pet carrier, adrenaline pumping through your veins like it’d never before. you’d almost failed all your runs for phys ed in school, but you suddenly felt like usain bolt. you didn’t have time. mark’s flight was leaving in fifteen minutes, and you didn’t know when would be the next time he returned.
after an eternity of running, you arrived at the doors of the departure hall, where you saw a figure saying goodbye hurriedly to his family. you felt your lips tug up in a fond smile - it was just like mark to be borderline late. “mark lee! MARK LEE! LEE MINHYUNG!”
he turned around to look at you quizzically. “y/n? i- i thought you wouldn’t come. aren’t you still- aren’t you still mad? because of that night?”
you knew your hair looked like a mess, your clothes crumpled and makeup nonexistent, but mark was still looking at you like you’d hung the stars. you grinned. “what kind of a best friend would i be if i didn’t come to send you off? however…” apprehension filled mark’s expression at your last word, only causing your grin to grow as you continued, “i’d prefer to be your girlfriend.”
you didn’t think your grin would be able to grow even more, but it did as you saw mark’s face morph into shock and elation. “yes, i’m serious. i was dumb and stupid and i’m really sorry but i’d still like to give this a try-”
cliche as it sounds, he kissed you to shut you up. the media portrayed first kisses wrongly, you thought. it didn’t feel explosive or anything really shocking, but it was special. it felt right, somehow, and your soul had been yearning for this for who knows how long. so you kissed him back.
you’d lost track of how much time had passed, but mark’s brother taeyong suddenly coughed very loudly and awkwardly. “right, we’re all happy you’ve finally gotten together and all because watching you dance around each other like idiots was the worst thing i’ve ever had to do and i once had to wake up sleepy hungover yuta, but mark’s flight leaves in five minutes and i think he needs to go.”
you pulled apart hurriedly, smashing your nose against mark’s chin in the process. “bye, i love you, take care in Canada, don’t die, and talk to me!”
“call me!”
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neither of you knew what the future held. but if you’re together, it’ll be alright. it’ll always be. and someday you’ll meet again.
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vasoula · 4 years
The Peepshow
Summary: Two months after his redemption journey, Sasuke is back to Konoha and Sakura couldn’t be more happy about them spending a lot of time together. However, things take a hard turn when Sakura is assigned a special mission and she has to hide it from the rest of Team 7. Everything comes spiraling down when Sasuke finds out exactly what she has to do.
Tags: hard rated m, blank period, kinda AU-ish
Author’s notes: Please read, thank you!
Hello sasusaku fandom, it’s me ya girl, back after so many years to join the fandom once more. I have been missing this couple dearly and after going through a lot of fanarts, I stumbled upon my favorite girl and biggest inspiration strawberrycreampiefluff. She had made a mini doujinshi years ago, and I wanted to create a story about it so badly. So, I contracted her, got her blessings and created this mini monster fic you will read below (which she will hopefully recreate into a full fanart comic when she finds time - love you girl! - please support my friend’s art, it’s amazing!). This is a collab between us sort of. The first chapter is like a prologue - introduction to get the gist of things. This takes place after the last, but before sasusaku travels, kind of an alternate way of how sasusaku got together. I tried to keep the characters as close to canon as possible and this my first official full chaptered fic, so please be kind and leave comments and likes to show your opinion and support.
You can also read it on fanfiction and Ao3.
Next chapter
“Act one: Different mission objectives”
Haruno Sakura walks briskly towards the Hokage tower, her high-heeled shinobi sandals clanking against the pavement as she makes her presence known to the people who pass by. A few heads turn around, mostly males, to stare at her. She is known as one of the most beautiful women – if not the most – in Konoha. As the Fifth’s apprentice, she is working at the hospital as the top chief and she is well respected by shinobi villages all around the world for her talent in medical jutsu.
Sakura is currently dressed her hospital clothes, because her shift at the hospital just ended. She is wearing a button up white shirt that’s left slightly unbuttoned when it reaches her chest, a short black skirt and her white medical robe on top. She is heading to meet Tsunade who just asked for her to be present at her office immediately. The pink haired girl already knows what that means and what it entails.
It is a new mission.
That has to be it. It has been months since the last one, and her working hard as a medical ninja limited her chances of being sent into one. She is more than ready for it. However, she has a feeling this is only the start of bad news. Knowing her teacher, it has to be a special kind of mission. Being called so suddenly like that also gives her the heads up to guess the genre of it.
It must be a flower mission.
Yes, flower, Sakura thinks and nods to herself after waving at some people who greet her.
Flower mission is a term for female ninjas only. It is a code for a seduction mission.
Going and especially accepting a seduction mission is a big step for shinobi women. It is a very sensitive topic and it needs to be handled delicately and in secrecy. It is a powerful weapon which when used correctly, the mission will be done easily or quickly depending on the execution.
The three-man team pattern has most young girls create bonds or worse falling in love and it makes them attached in one way or another to their male teammates. That is why most ninja women have a difficulty seducing another man. The life of a ninja is usually short; you never know what could happen and the kunoichis value the idea of love. Still though, a woman’s power is strong and every kunoichi succeeds efficiently in their own little style.
The moment Sakura comes into the office, Tsunade’s head snaps up. The two women hold eye-contact for a few seconds before the younger medic closes the door behind her with a soft thud.
No one else is in the room, so Sakura guesses that whatever the fifth Hokage is about to tell her must be something of importance. She makes her way into the room and with elegant movements sits down on the chair that is positioned right in front of the desk. There are no formalities between apprentice and teacher when no one is around to watch, and since Tsunade made no sign to stop her, she also speaks first.
“Tsunade-sama, you called me.” It is not a question, but it is not a mere observation either.
The older woman sighs and puts her folded hands beneath her chin. Her eyes close for a moment and then she lifts her head upwards, giving Sakura a fond and soft look like a proud mother would give to her grown up child. A blonde strand escapes from her well-made and low ponytail and her red manicured fingers come forth to tag it back to place. An elegant move, and there is no wonder where Sakura took her beautiful ways from.
“Yes, I did,” Tsunade pauses for a second and then hastily continues, going straight to the point. There is no time for pleasantries. “I have a new mission for you.”
There is no surprise on Sakura’s face and Tsunade cannot tell if she already knew what her intentions are or she has simply masked her face with a facade of indifference. A true kunoichi right there, but then again…it could be the influence of a certain brooding male.
Before Sakura could ask more, Tsunade beat her into it and answers to her unspoken question. “It is a seduction mission.”
This time the girl reacts instantly and she blinks profusely, pink eyelashes fanning rosy cheeks repeatedly. “A-ah,” Sakura lets out a squeaky response, knowing the consequences of such mission.  
So I was right! It is a flower mission, she thinks and curses mentally. Here come the arising problems and she has not even started yet.
“I know, but believe me, I have no choice,” Tsunade put her palms atop of the desk and she pushes her chair back slightly, “This mission is specifically made for you.”
The woman knows what she is doing to her student right now, but seriously the girl is one of the best out there. Her exotic looks and endless beauty draws men like magnets to her. Besides, with her alluring ways and witty personality, she can bend even iron willed males, for example, Sasuke Uchiha.
Sakura has already made a list of problems at the back of her mind and her inner self screams in horror.
This is her first official seduction mission. How the hell is she supposed to break the news to rest of Team 7? She cannot straight go up to them and tell them. Naruto will surely react instantly and whine about it until the next decade. She has a feeling Kakashi, being trained under Tsunade, might already know something about this mission and that leaves her with one last important person to tell.
The man her heart yearns for.
After coming back from his redemption journey, Sasuke was a changed man. He was everything she had hoped for. Some parts of his character still remained the same that go back to his genin days, but she saw a new side of him that has been hidden for years, buried deep within all the hatred he harbored for most of his life. The last Uchiha has always been a cool character with a calculating thought process. The difference now was that he was free from the hatred and sins that plagued most of his life.
That is where the healing took place – right at this heart.
While he was away he helped many people during his journey across all the lands. That in return helped him find himself. He learned to love himself again and he stopped being angry at the world. He saw life from a different perspective and by the time he returned the storm inside his mind was calm once more.
Sakura’s heart flourished when he came back two months ago.
The two have been spending time together more than ever. They hang out after Sakura’s shifts at the hospital during the day either alone or with the rest of Team 7, sometimes including Sai. Other days, when their schedules are not so busy, Naruto comes and collects each one of them so they can have dinner at Ichiraku just the three of them. On special occasions, when the Hokage in training feels extra giddy, he will bring Hinata along and they will have something akin to double dates as he likes to call them.
It is an unspoken secret that the relationship between Sasuke and Sakura is a complicated one. They are at the stage where sometimes they act like they are together or other times they are on the verge of being in a relationship. Sakura knows what she is feeling that is for sure. The pure, unwavering love she feels for him is rooted deep within her and grows everyday as she watches him be happier and calmer before her eyes. They have had their moments of intimacy together before. Instances where they became close -  she remembers those intense feelings they shared through eye contact and hushed whispers when they were left alone.
The first one was after the war when Sasuke was in prison. The first time he expressed his feelings towards what had happened between them all those years. All the wrong and the ugly parts of himself he wanted to distinguish himself from.
In those quiet moments in the dark where he could not see, his eyes sealed like the criminal he was, he told her the truth. He trusted her now to reveal the ugly truth of Konoha and its elders. He divulged all the hardships his brother, Itachi Uchiha, had to endure to bring peace to the world. In a whisper, he confessed all about his clan like a dirty secret -like he was the sinner and she was the priest. And like the true healer she was, Sakura helped him see the good in him that she knew was still there and gave him disclosure. He accepted her kind words once more with a simple nod and a quiet thank you. But for Sakura, at the current time, it was more than enough. She saw the change in him. It was a small start but she would accept it. The young woman had endured harder things in the past after all.
Later that night, when she cried angry tears at the unfairness of the world, because now she knew finally about the Uchiha massacre, she knew all of them had to endure something hard in their lives and learn to live with it. But god if it did not hurt her that he was the one left suffering the most. And she just wished, she hoped, her love was enough to heal that part of himself that was trying to recover.
The second one was when he left for his redemption journey. While they had spend a few moments together before he left, nothing compares to that single experience. She knew she had to wait for him again, but this time it was not a tear jerking moment with her heart lurching in her throat. No, this time, it was her mind buzzing with all the implications his fingers left on her forehead and the fond look he was giving her.
The third one was when the Konoha 12 had their first night all together again. Of course Naruto had a hand in organizing once again. That little rascal, Sakura had thought then fondly. This guy was always trying his best to bring people together and he was doing a damn good job at it. The fact that he was able to persuade Sasuke into an outing like that was a feat itself.
Everything was going smoothly until the drinks started pouring in. Shots after shots of sake had Sakura feeling pleasantly tipsy that night, but she was not the only with that effect of alcohol on her. Somehow everyone had more than a little in their system and that did not exclude the moody male of Team 7. He was acting normal alright, Sakura would have told you, she was sure of it. But then, Ino Yamanaka, her notorious best friend was dragging her along the dance floor and she could not help but feel a hot stare at the back of her head. Goosebumps arising on her skin had her on edge. She knew then he was blatantly staring at her and he was not trying to hide it in the slightest. It was like then everyone knew what going on and her axis had sifted on its head. She could not fathom this would be the place where Sasuke would lose all his inhibitions, much less with everyone watching in anticipation his next moves. Naruto on the other hand, unbeknownst to her, was throwing just the right comments here and there, making Sasuke see Sakura from a different perspective. About time, if you had asked Naruto; he watched Sasuke analyze Sakura dancing as if she was a riddle ready to be solved.
Sasuke, at the hot age of twenty, was now a young man and finding a woman attractive was the natural course of life. However, for him these new profound feelings confused him. He did not know what he was feeling and all he wanted to do now was stare at Sakura until his eyes tired themselves out. He was ready to activate his sharingan just so he could commit that image to his memory.
That feeling in his chest was starting to bother him though and suddenly he felt all the stares on him from the intense chakra he was producing. Looking around he felt second hand embarrassment for himself, his ears getting red. Getting a shot of sake from the nearby table, Sasuke gulped down its contents and got ready to leave his position at the bar. He could not handle to keep his emotions in check any longer and this was bad. He was not ready to admit to himself what he was feeling and trying to suppress it any longer could do more harm than good. Better he left the situation right now before he put him and Sakura in a compromising position he was not ready to handle yet.
Right at that moment, Sakura decided to turn around, her dress sticking to her like a vice from all the sweat her intense dancing had caused. One look at Sasuke had time freezing. They held an intense eye contact for a few seconds, and her heart fluttered in her chest. She saw the change in him, she has seen that look before when other men had stared her way in the past. It was then she knew, tonight had been something more to him even though nothing has transpired between them yet. Maybe Sasuke was not ready to acknowledge these feelings yet, but Sakura had hope that this was the start of something new between them.
Feeling bold she started to approach him, confident in herself and brave enough thanks to the alcohol she had consumed. The moment she moved, she saw him flatter in his steps. He was about to leave and escape. The fearless Sasuke Uchiha was scared of what was transpiring between them, but she was not about to let him have his chance to escape this time. Sakura saw his jaw clenching and his hand flattering at his side from its place at the bar stool. He stared at her unblinkingly, waiting for her next move like they were about to have a fight at the training grounds.
Sakura then approached the bar like she owned the place and opened her mouth to say the most simple words known to existence.
“Hey, Sasuke”, she greeted in a whoosh, a breathless exclamation. She leaned against the bar stool and waited for the inevitable dismissal of denial.
Sakura found herself surprised however when he went rigid and leaned forward his towering body over her like he was about to whisper a dirty secret in her ear.
“You are different from the last time I remember you,” He confessed hotly, his mouth near her neck. If it was not for the obvious fact that she knew him well, any other person would have thought he was drunkenly leaning on her, but Sakura is not anybody and she understands this the way of him hiding his emotions from showing on his face in the shadows her neck provides.
What a weird way of seeking comfort from his own shyness, Sakura thought.
She idly recalled then that they were not in fact alone and Naruto was right behind them. When he started making obscene signs with his hands Sakura felt herself flush from head to toe, but the murderous glint in her eyes was apparently enough to stop Naruto’s crudeness.
“Eh, Sasuke-kun, what do you mean?”, she asked hesitantly, her hand raising and resting on Sasuke’s back in a sense of comfort. The soft material of his black shirt damp against her palm.
They were almost approaching the stage of hugging right in front of everybody.
Before they could complete the hug though, Sasuke’s head turned to the left, his cheek almost brushing against Sakura’s. The pink haired girl shyly turned her head slightly towards his direction, their faces almost touching. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the effect he still had on her and damn him if he he did not thrive on it.
He could think of all the nice things he could say to her, now it was the perfect time to take a step closer to approaching the inevitable connection they have. But his mind had other plans when the words slipped out of his mouth. In a teasing manner he was only capable of, he smirked and said, “More annoying than ever.”
He was sure she must have caught on his teasing by now. Using bitter words of the past to heal their wounds by putting another meaning to it. She was a smart woman and she could understand his actions better than anyone.
Sasuke knew she had caught on when he felt her fist punch lightly his stomach as if to punish him for insulting her.
“That is not a very nice way of complimenting someone, Sasuke-kun,” she whispered angrily, facing him completely. Any traces of wonder were gone from her emerald eyes replaced with mirth and she continued, smiling menacingly at him, “I thought I taught you better than that.”
“Hm,” Sasuke hummed in response and stood straight once again, looking down at her.
By now they had become a spectacle to their friends, the black haired male could feel Naruto almost bristling with excitement from behind him and he was not about to disappoint his friend who has been pestering him to get on with his feelings already.
“I guess we should spend more time together so I can get better at it.”
The double meaning behind his words was evident.
Sasuke Uchiha then patted Sakura Haruno’s head like it was the most natural thing in the world to do and smiled down at her gently.
His female teammate took a big breath through her nose, rosy cheeks glowing, and crossed her arms across her chest. She had him where she wanted him.
“Damn right we should!”
That was one week ago from her current position at the Hokage office. Just when she was making a great progress with seducing Sasuke, she has to go and approach another man for a mission. Talk about making matters weird between them. The worst part is the fact that she has to tell him. She wonders what his reaction is going to be considering they are not together yet. Is he going to act jealous or indifferent?
Who is she kidding? He is just going to glare her with this stupid scary look he gives in assassination missions to terrify people off the moment the words come out of her mouth and that is it.
“I haven’t finished yet,” Tsunade literally saw the thoughts displayed across Sakura’s face. It is like her life passed before her eyes, and her skin got a tad paler.
“Of course there is more,” the pink haired girl mumbles sadly while looking down, but the Hokage lets it slide.
“You will have back-up,” Tsunade says and sees with the corner of her eye Sakura sucking in a breath, “the rest of Team 7 will be with you,” and then next thing she knows the girl is chocking on air.
“W-what?” Sakura coughed out, giving her teacher a desperate look.
She feels like she is the center of the world and it is slowly closing up on her. Life suddenly looks less appealing, because good old Team 7 is back on track again with Sakura’s first seduction mission as a head start.
“Tsunade-sama, please tell me you are joking.” The pink haired medic grabs the sides of the armchair and hopes it does not break and crumble along with her composure.
The young woman also hopes her teacher is having some kind of twisted pleasure out of this because she is certainly not feeling happy with the news.
Tsunade wants to reprimand her student for losing her temper, but she understands what the girl is going through and also knows she in no better position to talk when it comes to matters like this. Still though, ears and eyes are everywhere and they must keep a low profile when in the Hokage’s office.
“Sakura,” The curvy female looks at her seriously, “Team 7 will be the back-up of this mission and that’s final.”
I am doing it for your sake, Tsunade wants to say but keeps quiet instead.
Somehow, Sakura understands where her teacher is coming from. This will be a test for both sides. It is a test for her that is for sure. A test for patience, a test for her relationship, a test for her seduction abilities both on the target and Sasuke, because let’s be honest, who is going to calm down the last Uchiha other than her?
Sakura closes her eyes, takes a calming breath through her mouth and then controls the pattern as taught by Ino’s yoga lessons. She could do it this.
The young female opens her pretty green eyes once again and then stares at Tsunade straight in eye, a determined expression on her face. The will of fire is practically seeping through her and her fiery temper is burning up again but for another cause.
“That’s the spirit,” Tsunade says proudly and hands her the scroll that has been lying on the wooden desk the whole time. “This is your target, Misty Jade.”
The first thing Sakura does when she steps into the house is to check for a specific chakra signature around the area. Sasuke pays frequent visits to her house nowadays you would think he lived in there, having keys and all, but alas.
She lets out a long sigh of relief, glad that she did not detect Sasuke’s compelling presence. Thank heavens, cost is clear. The twenty year old girl suspects that the males of Team 7 had already been called to Tsunade’s office, the second she was out of the vicinity. She mentally praises her teacher and then she decides to prepare for battle. The kunoichi briefly wonders how the hell she is supposed to deal with this. She has no clue how to handle this.
Sakura runs upstairs, heading straight to the bedroom. She slams the door open, scroll still in hand, and starts rummaging through her things in order to pack. After a few minutes of checking everything, she put all the necessary items in her mission bag. From medical supplies to energy pills to scrolls to clothes to a sleeping bag and lastly to the money she will need for the seduction necessities she has to buy. Finally finished, she sits down on the bed, crumpling the blue silky sheets in the process. Then, Sakura unrolls the scroll and reads.
Mission #B039                     Type: B-rank               Specialist: F (female)  
Stage: Pre                             Place: Village hidden in the Waterfalls
Target: Misao Takashi
Gender: Male
Age: 25 years old
Characteristics: Red hair, blue eyes and relatively tall.
Efficiency: Messenger
Information: Misao Takashi is an important messenger between two feud lords that control and lead illegal product transportations. Your mission is to seduce said messenger that has in his possession a folder with contract papers which contain info for the next meet up and also a pair of keys. This is the part one of the main ANBU mission that will follow after you succeed. Mission includes back-up. Good luck.
The kunoichi falls back on the bed with a flop, thinking how she should approach the mission. She idly scratches her scalp and tosses her body around from side to side, her long pink locks sprawled across the bed sheets moving along with her. Sakura knows what the village hidden in the Waterfalls is known for.  And if her guesses are right, a guy like him would go to a special kind of place. The men of Team 7 will also go there.
“This is just great!” Sakura shouts even though no one is in the room.
She stares up at ceiling, her mind thinking of all the possibilities and scenarios. The pink haired girl knows what to do to succeed in this mission, however hiding from Sasuke is the main problem.
With huff she stands up and starts pacing around the room while babbling nonsense and muttering profanities out loud, until the idea hits her.
“Of course,” Sakura jumps on the bed, “Tsunade-shishou is the solution!”
She lies down, calm once again, and grabs a nearby pillow, squeezing it close to her chest. The warmth it provides calms her for a second, but she resists the urge to snuggle it closer. The girl can already imagine the Uchiha’s frown when she will tell him that she will be staying at Tsunade’s for a few days in order to work on some papers that have to do with the hospital.
Sakura just hopes he will believe it for her sake and for the sake of this mission.
“It’s dirty and disgusting in here,” Sasuke mutters angrily, sitting uncomfortably on the animal print armchair, “Why do we even have to do this?”
The hot pink, soft and furry material irritates him even more as his elbow barely glides on it, making it difficult for him to nurse his drink. It is too warm, too velvety.
The last Uchiha almost growls out of sheer annoyance. This mission is far too low for his standards. He cannot believe he allowed himself to be dragged in here. His pride is hurt goddammit. Yes, he may be a man, but he has never set foot in a pleasure house. Or as his best friend and ex-sensei like to call it: a strip club.
The atmosphere is suffocating him, the lights are too dim. All kinds of different and hypnotizing aromas assault his senses, making his clear mind drunk and hazy. He cannot tell if it is his alcoholic beverage that is making him feel this way or it is the misty cloud of seduction and pleasure filled nights that surround this place.
The men of Team 7 have been assigned on a mission just yesterday as a backup to an ANBU specialist. Sasuke was definitely not pleased with the news, but he could not go against the fifth Hokage’s orders as much he wanted to, so he mildly complained until he was shushed by Tsunade. So, here they are today, in the place that their target and the other shinobi are supposed to be. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake, being expert ninjas, have already detected the target sitting in the middle of the area, near the front. And now they have to wait. If something goes wrong, only then they are allowed to interfere.
“Focus, Sasuke.” Kakashi says calmly, a white hospital mask covering his face instead of his usual ninja attire. “A mission is a mission.”
The grey haired shinobi is collected as always, and Sasuke cannot help but scowl.
As if the ridiculous place is not enough problems, they were also forced to wear formal clothes. Supposedly, they are ordinary men looking for some fun and not ninjas who are capable of killing anyone in the room within seconds. Thus, the men of Team 7 have to make it believable by dressing up fancily to blend in with crowd and to stay undistinguished.
“Well, it’s not that bad in here.” Naruto tells them with a foxy grin on his face, clearly excited to be in a place like this. A slight blush is covering his cheeks since he has been consuming a few portions of alcohol for an hour now. The blond is pleasantly tipsy and happier than usual.
“Shut up Naruto,” Sasuke turns to his left and addresses his best friend, “If Hinata found out you’re here, she would dump you.”
Sasuke is very irritated, and that results to more insults and jibs than normal. He crosses his legs, right ankle meeting left knee, just to move and do something out of spite.
“T-That’s not true!” The man immediately tries to explain, “I told her it was a mission and she was okay with it!”
Naruto’s face visibly falls, and he looks at Sasuke with his puppy dog eyes. However, before the blonde could set off, being an emotional drunk and all, Sasuke just looks at other side, ready to ignore the impending whining.
Is he even allowed to be drinking on such mission? Kakashi better do something, Sasuke thinks, complaining inside his head instead.
“Don’t fight.” Their teacher interrupts, knowing how those two are and how bad they can get when Sakura is not around to stop them.
He has even given them just enough freedom, permitting them to drink, because he knows they are the back-up of this mission and not the main person. Kakashi strongly believes that intervention will not be needed, considering this an efficient ANBU specialist sent by the Hokage herself.
So, Kakashi just sits relaxed, waits and enjoys the show.
The oldest member of Team 7 is wearing a dark grey button-up shirt, the collar slightly open and a pair of black trousers. Naruto has a similar style, except he sports a nice pair of jeans with a light blue button-up shirt that makes his gorgeous eyes stand out more. Sasuke opts for a more classic style though, completing his look with black trousers, a white button-up shirt (with the first button undone) and an onyx suit jacket to top it off.
It is an extraordinary night today since the place is filled to the brim with men of all ages and from different villages, plus, the interior design of the club is full of pretty decorations. As the shining neon letters say outside on the wooden board above the club’s name, Hustler’s Ho, it promises a night of busty tricks and naughty chicks, and of course a special guest. Sasuke didn’t pay attention to the name, it is useless information anyways.
The waitresses are all beautiful women holding silver trays with glitter and fruity scented oils applied on their bodies and every time they move under the low dimmed lights to serve the customers, their smooth skins sparkle teasingly. The atmosphere is thick with cigarette smoke, but despite that, the room somehow smells good because of the enticing scents that come off from all the perfume the females of the club have put on.
Red velvet curtains hang from the ceiling at the left side of the club and make up for entrances to the changing rooms, while the bar and the bathrooms are at the right side of it. In the center of the room is the stage where the lights shine the most since the ceiling has a lot of spotlights in all kinds of colors there. The rest of the huge area is only provided with low dimmed lights and that makes the dancers at the stage stand out more. The walls are painted a dark pink color and it gives the room a sense of obscurity and raw sexuality.
Great amount of money gets thrown at the stage as the ladies entertain the crowd with their dancing skills either on the poles or on the floor. Excited shouts of more can be heard even from where the members of Team 7 are seated at the back of the club. The dancers are barely dressed in Sasuke’s opinion; too much skin is bared for the eyes to feast. He averts his eyes, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
A dark blonde girl is currently dancing, her back turned to the pole, her hands up in the air touching the steel above her head. She is moving her lower half sexily in fluid left and right motions, her hips rolling expertly. The girl is wearing purple lingerie with her hair up in a high ponytail, and money is stuck in all kind of places from the men who put it there. She keeps it professional, but her face still expresses the hidden erotic feelings she wants to convey.
Then, all of a sudden, the music slowly quiets down and a deep male voice comes from the speakers. “Thank you dear, you were amazing as always! Please, grab your money and clear the stage.”
Sasuke silently scoffs and rolls his eyes at this. He should really stop drinking, the alcohol is making him show his irritation and that is not a good thing when on a mission. He has to keep his face impassive, bring forth a cold facade. Especially when in that said mission, Sakura is not there to calm him down and Naruto only breathes to make it worse for him with his antics. Of course, Kakashi is nonchalant as always.
The crowd gets almost completely silent, only a few murmurs can be heard now, and the unknown voice continues. “Only today, we have a special guest dancing…”
Without warning, a swift sound gains the attention of everyone inside the room. It is a whoosh of air fluttering against hard yet soft and velvet material that signals that the curtains have just been opened. The whispers get a tad bit louder at this, but get lost when the raspy voice resonates through the room once again. “Now, gentlemen, prepare to meet tonight’s special guest, a beauty and an exotic flower among the ladies…”
The sound came from the left side of the club, near the back. Heels clanking against the floor in a steady rhythm and elegant manner are the only thing that can be heard. The steps are light and slow paced. It has a nice ring to it, the continuous clicking is pleasant to the ears and everyone is holding their breath in anticipation. The males of Team 7 hear loud gasps, watching as men are getting blown away by the mere sight of this special guest. Heads are turned, all the attention clearly diverted behind. The pace has a unique air of confidence that no one can quite put their finger on. The woman has a stealthy and powerful walking. A soft tune starts playing as an intro while the woman comes closer and closer to the stage.
The dancer narrows the distance between her and the stage as she takes painfully slow steps towards it or so it seems to the eager men. The shadow that still hovers near the area where Team 7 is –thanks to the somber and tricky lighting– hides her, until finally, a curvy form starts to appear as she comes forth to where the light is. Her silver, almost dark gray, stilettos are the first things that show. A few agonizingly and torturous seconds later, long legs and fair smooth skin come into view.
Naruto reacts first, an exclamation leaving his lips. It is not a sharp inhalation of amazement, but it is a loud gasp of shock. His blue eyes widen and there are hazy no more. Cold sweat forms on his forehead, and he is feeling like someone threw cold water on him to wake him up and bring him back to the harsh reality. It is definitely not an easy feat to astound the ninja who is known as the best at surprising people.
The voice resonates through the room once again and the male starts praising the newcomer dancer, “An exotic babe, outstanding with high class skills.” The announcement is over, and the music gets steadily louder while the special guest is one step away from the stage.
She just stands still with her back on the cheering crowd for a few seconds as if to bewitch the already elated men with her beauty. The young woman is posing sensually and it compliments her already perfect body. She is captivating in every sense. Her legs are long and toned while her tights are voluptuous and her rear is curvy. Her waist is slight bent and it makes her behind stand out even more. Her back sparkles teasingly thanks to the glittery substance that has been applied on her skin everywhere on her body. She lifts her left hand up to course it through her silky long locks while her right one is resting on her inner tight in a provocative pose.
That unmistakable pink hair belongs only to one person.
Kakashi feels his mouth hanging open inside his mask. This event took a very fast turn for the worst and he does not like the ending result at all. She is the last person he could think of going up there if you had asked him about it. He closes his eyes and hums quietly awaiting for the impeding doom waiting to happen.
Sasuke reacts not a second too late and his breath hitches. A flash of light blinds him and he blinks his eyes twice in response. The lighting must be playing tricks on him, because there is no fucking way this is Sakura ready to go up there. He freezes and his face goes rigid. His calculating yet beautiful onyx eyes widen and his naturally pouty lips part slightly in shock. A wave of cool air passes by him –probably someone activated a fan to create more special effects for such a unique guest– and it makes his soft black hair flutter in the wind. An intoxicating scent fills his senses and clouds every ounce of rationality within him.
The special guest goes up the stage, turns around and Sasuke can breathe no more.
“Please welcome, Misty Jade!”
Sasuke Uchiha, for the first time in years, sees red.
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astrologista · 4 years
Kristoph Gavin Character Analysis I
Part 1 of... fucking infinity, I hate this bitch so much lmao.
Well, it's Halloween time and I just thought, why not. So let's answer this question.
What makes Kristoph Gavin a scary character/villain? A soft spoken gentleman with a deadly secret... the Devil, who lives in his hand, that crazy evil scar thing, his creepy music theme... damn, he’s a scary dude. But scariest of all? His psychology, as we all know. (This is mostly gonna be headcanons. but ya know what, I have a license (hands you a piece of paper that says ‘i can do what i want’))
Kristoph seems like a person who is very aloof, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. At first he kind of just seems like the typical anime glasses guy whose main emotion is like whooa he does the glare thing with his glasses sometimes. But... what is he really about?
You know, let me digress for a moment, what's really interesting to me about the AA characters is how much depth they have in their writing. Case in point, Adrian Andrews. There's a character who you assume is just going to be the typical "anime glasses girl" who is a career woman who don't need no man, and is very aloof, cool, and as she says, not concerned with irrelevant topics or things. Later you learn about the true depths to her personality. The fact that she is codependent, that she needs other people telling her what to do in order to survive. Just because she masks these emotions doesn't mean they don't exist. I felt that really gave a lot of depth to her character and added another dimension that stories in this genre don't often address as boldly or fully (especially when it comes to a female character). So the quality of the writing is always really top notch with only a few exceptions. Take this as context...
Now getting back to Kristoph Gavin. Typical anime glasses dude, right? But no, though. One of the reasons why he's so interesting to me is how his emotional understanding of personal relationships really works. Or seems to, anyway. Based on the endgame testimony and his crimes, Kristoph Gavin is extremely dangerous because, should you get involved with him in any way, he will never, ever let go of you, ever. Once you are entangled with him he wants you to stay entangled, not unlike an overbearing parent who refuses to let you go. It's partly that he thinks he knows what's best for you (that is, to stay completely loyal to him). And also partly... because he is pretty dependent on what other people think of him. So he needs to keep them around him closely.
Kristoph's biggest fear was his lying being exposed for what it was. That Phoenix was really the honest, straightforward attorney, and not him. Kristoph would do anything to perpetuate his own false reality. He kept it going for seven years. His absolute worst fear of all was losing his reputation. Being seen for what he truly was in front of others. He could never accept that. That fear drove all of his murders. Fundamentally, he sees himself as benevolent... when nothing could be further from the truth of how he was hurting everyone who had the misfortune of crossing his path.
Kristoph has a need to perpetuate this false identity of himself above all else. A very adjacent second goal to that is to keep all of his personal associates very close and under his control in order to keep the first goal intact.
Reject him and he will stalk you until you are dead. By his hand, or otherwise. Slight him, and he will get you at the first opportunity, case in point, Zak Gramarye. (He only had to get a quick glance at the guy and his fate was sealed. Turnabout Trump is a chilling case.) Replace him, and he will tear your life and livelihood up into little itty bitty pieces. He will then continue to stalk you aggressively for seven years while pretending he is your best friend. Case in point, Phoenix Wright.
Create false evidence for him and you become a loose end. So does your daughter. Like I said, just don't get involved with him. If he feels threatened, Kristoph Gavin will not hesitate to end you. It's definitely an obsession. I mean the first word that comes to people's minds when it comes to Kristoph usually isn't "obsessed", because he gives off the aura of being calm and uninterested. But he is, he's obsessed. You have to be obsessed to do what he did. This shit consumed his every waking hour, and that's what he won't admit. That he was so sick, he completely lost the plot. Phoenix was already living in his head rent free the day he ordered the forgery. And even though Phoenix wasn't physically present at the Misham trial and was only watching everything by video camera, you can bet Kristoph was seeing Phoenix. Hallucinating him, images of him. Probably multiple images of him. That's how obsessive. Imagine letting something or someone control you to that extent. Imagine thinking that you're so important, that Phoenix taking Zak Gramarye's case at all was meant to be a slight against you personally. (It's funny because Phoenix mentions not even knowing Kristoph at all until after the disbarment. So Kristoph's own logic in thinking that Phoenix was just out to shame him absolutely doesn't track. Ob-sessed, dude.)  
It's actually pretty astonishing that someone like Apollo made it out alive. On a side note, I really think Kristoph enjoyed having someone to mentor. He sought someone like Apollo out. Someone naive and new to the field for him to indoctrinate. And maybe I have a post about that later, cuz that's a whole 'nother barrel of monkeys right there. (It kind of involves Apollo’s naivete (also, daddy issues, hello.) being a huge reason why he would gravitate towards having a mentor known for having a “caring” personality. And I think Apollo genuinely liked that about him, which makes the end result so much more awful for Apollo to deal with because to him, that was real.)
But now think of Klavier, right. Being forced to grow up with that. To live with that your entire life. To have a familial relationship that is that smothering, that suffocating, that strangling. That controlling, to criticize every single thing that you do or say right down to the way you say it. And remember... He's never letting you go. I would go on a world tour as a rock star, too. Anything to be anywhere he isn't. This is horror movie tier stuff. (now im imagining a horror movie trailer for aa4 focusing on gavins stuff... eep!)
And Kristoph Gavin markets himself as someone who simply doesn't care. He's the coolest defense in the west and he doesn't care for what you may think about it. Except... he does care. It totally consumes him. Your perception, your opinion, is everything to him. He has shitty self esteem, deep down, because he knows Phoenix is better than him. And tries to mask it with narcissism as the two duke it out. Appearances are everything, evidence is everything. What people think is true is the only thing that matters, truth doesn't. And it makes sense that his closest contacts and associates are the targets for his constant narcissistic abuse and gaslighting. Their opinions matter even more than the common crowd - of course, Kristoph hates them. Which makes it even worse for him when the jury decides unanimously that Vera is innocent (and by implication, he is therefore guilty). The jury verdict was kind of like the ultimate confirmation that guess what, the evidence doesn't matter. The common and boorish masses have passed judgement, no matter how "mindless, emotional and irrational" they are, even they can see behind his crappy little facade. Even a blind woman like Lamiroir can see that insecurity; even a common person can understand it just by looking at the facts. That's what absolutely wrecks him... that his “poker face” couldn’t hold a candle to Phoenix’s. And he loses the “hand” again (because of his “hand”... get it??).
The identity that he needs to maintain is part of how he sees himself in his mind. As Phoenix's protector, not as his stalker. As Klavier's benevolent big brother, not as his abuser. As Apollo's teacher and mentor, not as someone guiding him into ruin. He lives in a false reality.
Try to bring this up in any way, shape, or form and he will write it off. You're just imagining things...
Because at some level, Mr. Black Psyche Locks himself doesn't even realize. (I feel like that might just be basically canonical fact, based on Pearl’s explanation of how black psyche locks are supposed to work.) That’s pretty freaking terrifying.
At the end of the day this is a big part of the reason I think his character is just so interesting. In a very messed up way, Kristoph is one degree away from being such a good person. He could've been obsessively protective of Klavier - the way a big brother is supposed to be - instead of abusive, could've actually been very caring of Phoenix instead of manipulative. Terrible people can have good traits, just as good people can have awful traits. His attention to detail and understanding of psychology (like getting Vera those gifts she would like so much) could've been used for genuine good. He could've been someone who cares deeply about other people because he does care deeply about other people. But only in terms of their relation to himself, what do they think of him, how are they useful to him.
Maybe this is why I kind of like his character. Intelligent, semi-neurotic protective characters are just my ish. But, no, he has to have a narcissistic bent that skews everything into complete abuse. That’s what makes him awful... that he’s devoid of a moral compass or true compassion for other human beings.
So in closing, fuck off, Kristoph Gavin.
Postscript, he's also such a good foil for Phoenix for this reason. Kristoph does everything for himself. Phoenix does everything for Trucy, because he's a dad and he understands the weight of what it means to really care for someone. Kristoph couldn’t understand motives like that. And Phoenix can't help it if he's an order of magnitude smarter and more mature than Kristoph is. He was just born like that. Classy as fuck. You know what, Kristoph Gavin is like the dollar store version of Phoenix Wright as an attorney. Has many of the same functions but actually doesn't have a leg to stand on and will fail you when you need it. And is revealed to just be a cheap knockoff of the real thing.
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talltree-writes · 4 years
Art History, Philosophy, and Scientific Periodicals // K.NJ
Y/N is a senior in college and works part time at the library near her apartment. RM is the leader of the powerful Wings gang. Despite knowing his dangerous reputation, Y/N can't help but be interested in the sweet man who borrows vastly different books and talks with her for hours.
Genre: Fluff, slice of life, mild angst? (there's a brief fight between reader and her brother), f2l
Pairing: Kim Namjoon/(F)Reader 
Warnings: Reference to sexual assault (it doesn't happen, but it's implied it could have), swearing, guns (make an appearance, but they aren't used in the story), fighting 
Word Count: 7.2k 
 Author's Note: Inspired by Close to You by hollyhomburg on Tumblr (I just checked, and I think she might have deleted, so if anyone can find a link, that’d be really cool!). A really cool concept that I obviously enjoyed, haha! Also I intended this to be a little warm-up piece that was maybe 2k, but uhhh, that obviously didn't happen (it was still a bit of a warm up, it was just a warm up that lasted about 2 weeks...) 
Photo isn't mine!!
Tumblr media
-Kim Namjoon had always intrigued you.
-You had seen him for the first time at the local library you worked at part time, earning a bit of cash to help pay for the last bit of tuition that your scholarship didn’t cover.
-It wasn’t the best location, but it was close to you, you enjoyed most of the people who came, and most of all: you loved books. And, well, the enigma of a man who came in during your shift didn’t hurt
-Namjoon stood out in most ways from the normal visitors.
-For one, he checked out odd combinations of books. Usually, the books were philosophy or art history combined with a scientific periodical, often adding a book on a certain language (it changed every once and awhile), or one on music theory or history.
-Secondly, the man, with his blonde hair, piercings, leather jacket, and copious tattoos were far cries from most of the library’s usual visitors
-Lastly, he always came alone. Most of the regulars at the library brought someone at least occasionally, a child, a wife, a friend, someone. But never Namjoon.
-Curiously, instead of finding what he needed and either occupying one of the couches or arm chairs in the back, or even simply taking it home, he always sat at the table closest to your desk
-After a while of reading, he’d ask you a question or bring up a topic. Sometimes your day, or your classes, sometimes he’d ask what the oddest thing someone had checked out was, or, on particularly slow days, he’d leave his books and come sit on the counter next to you, where you two would chat about your lives or philosophy or mythology or art.
-He checked his books about thirty minutes before your shift would end, flashing you a dimpled grin and tucking his books into the beat up backpack he always had before waving on his way out.
-Now, you weren’t dumb. You knew Namjoon was RM, leader of the Wings, and that you should absolutely be scared of him. He sold drugs, he threatened people, hell, he killed people.
-But he was also Namjoon, the dork who showed up at the times he knew it would be slow (street reps were important), the dimple-cheeked guy who teased you about your love of dramas (before secretly confessing to enjoying a few himself). He was the guy who would help you put returned books away before he left, laugh brightly at your dumb jokes or confused face or ruffle your hair affectionately when you did something cute. He was the guy who made butterflies flutter in your stomach and your heart thump wildly.
-So, against all logic, you couldn’t muster up any fear for him.
-However, you did fear your walk home
-Normally, you went unbothered, but that didn’t change the fact that you were walking through a bad area of town at night. You carried a small switchblade and pepper spray just in case.
-One night, everything had been going normally. You had finished closing up the library, waving goodbye to your coworker as you both set off in different directions.
-For the first half, everything seemed normal enough. You stopped at a small shop on your way, grabbing a few essentials that your brother had asked you to get before continuing on your way.
-A few of the street lights were out ahead of you, but you shrugged, it happened sometimes, and would probably be fixed in a few days’ time. Still, you were more cautious as you walked, conscious of the shadowy alleyways along the street.
-You palmed the small blade in your sweatshirt pocket, tensing as the area around you grew darker. Just a few hundred feet, you reassured yourself. Just a bit more and you’d be back in the light, in safety.
-A few feet from returning to the light, you were passing an alley when the shadows started shifting.
-Before you could react, foreign hands reached out to grab you, pulling you towards them. You screamed as loud as you could, but a hand wrapped around your mouth, another pressing something sharp into your side.
-“Shut up, bitch.” A man hissed into your ear.
-You whimpered as he dragged you backwards, the point of what you assumed was a knife digging further in, a silent order to comply. His hot breath in your ear sent spikes of fear through your body, and you felt tears drag down your face.
-The sudden cock of a gun forced both of you to freeze.
-“Let her go. Right. Fucking. Now.” A familiar voice commanded. Your eyes widened when you looked up and saw Namjoon standing at the alleyway entrance.
-The hands on your body shifted, and for a moment you thought he might let you go, but your heart fell when the hand at your mouth just shifted down, grabbing the knife from his other and bringing it to your throat. Your captor arranged your positioning to where you were acting as his unwilling shield, any shot your savior tried would risk your injury.
-You saw Namjoon’s gaze shift slightly to the area just behind you, and you heard another gun cock. “He said let the girl go, asshole.”
-Slowly, the hands around you released and you stumbled away from him, towards Namjoon who already held an arm out to catch you.
-You buried your head in the chest of the familiar man, one of his arms holding him to you comfortingly.
-“L-look, I didn’t know she was your girl. I-I just wanted a little fun. I’m sorry”
-You gulped at his implications, burying yourself impossibly closer to Namjoon.
-The other guy with a gun growled “It’s not fun if she isn’t willing, you piece of shit.”
-“JK, take care of this guy. I don’t want to see him around here any time soon.” You felt the rumbling of his voice through his chest.
-The arm holding his gun lowered, reaching back to shove the weapon in his waistband. He lead you out of the alleyway and back the way you were going. Faintly, you wondered how he knew, but were still too in shock to think too much about it.
-It wasn’t until you were standing outside a well lit shop that your emotions finally hit you.
-Honestly it’s not pretty.
-We’re talking snot, tears, all of it.
-But he just hugs you to his chest and rubs your back, letting you cry away your fear and horror before you got home
-“It’s going to be okay, you’re safe now. I won’t let that happen again.”
-You realized he was whispering soothing things to you and you just gripped his jacket tighter.
-Finally, after you had cried yourself dry, he leads you into the store, nodding once at the owner, and telling you to get some candy
-He left you to choose, always being careful to stay in your sights, and to keep you in his. He wandered to the drinks, grabbing two bottles of water and, after a moment of hesitation, a chocolate milk.
-The two of you met at the counter, you with a bag of assorted mini chocolates and him with his drinks.
-You started to take out your wallet to pay for all of the items (afterall, he saved you, you kinda owed him a lot) but he beat you to it, throwing down a few bills and telling the owner to keep the change.
-He gathered up your purchases in one hand, grabbing yours with the other.
-Outside, he offers you your choice of water or chocolate milk and gives you your candy.
-You choose chocolate milk, because you haven’t had it in forever and it just seems so comforting
-It is, in fact, very comforting and you smile a little at his thoughtfulness
-As the two of you walk, you don’t do much talking. You’re still pretty rattled up from the alley, but you offer him some of the chocolate from the bag you’ve put in your sweatshirt pocket. He doesn’t accept, and you just shrug.
-You don’t realize that he actually really wants some chocolate, but he refuses to let go of your hand and his other hand has water bottles in it.
-He forgets he’s carrying a backpack and can just put them in there, because wow you’re really pretty and distracting and your hand is so small and delicate and soft and he will absolutely Not be letting it go until he has to
-Eventually, you speak up.
-“Thank you, by the way. For the chocolate and for the… alley. I’d have been in much worse shape if you hadn’t shown up.”
-Your voice is quiet and scratchy from crying, but he catches every word, always so very aware of you.
-He shrugs, as if saving you was a given. “I don’t want to see you hurt. Especially like that, no girl should be treated like that.”
-You squeeze his hand again in thanks.
-You idly chatter to each other, but he seems a little more distracted, scanning the area.
-He glares at several people. Some cross the street with their head ducked, others pass with glares of their own. If they glance at you, Namjoon’s hand tightens around yours and pulls you closer.
-When you get to your apartment building, he only hesitates about walking to your door a moment, encouraged by your hand tugging him along with you.
-Honestly, you’d kind of forgotten his hand was wrapped around yours, only becoming conscious of it when he would squeeze it.
-He doesn’t squeeze it when you start to drag him into your building
-At your door, you look back up at him and send him a shy grin.
-“Thank you, again, for saving me. And for comforting me, and walking me home, and… yeah. You didn’t have to do most of that and I’m really grateful.”
-His eyes are soft and tender as they meet your gaze, nothing like the man who aimed a gun at someone not 45 minutes ago.
-“I’ll always do my best to protect you, Y/N. I re-”
-He was cut off mid word by your door swinging open
-“Y/N! Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?” Your brother’s gaze zeroed in on your red, puffy eyes and the small dribble of blood on your throat caused by the small cut the knife had made. You hadn’t even noticed until now
-Namjoon had. Namjoon was going to help you clean it up when you got back to your apartment if you let him.
-Namjoon, assuming the guy was your boyfriend, dropped your hand quickly and cleared his throat
-You really hated the lack of warmth honestly and had to stop yourself from reaching for it again
-Your brother’s eyes shifted to the large man standing in your doorway, noting his appearance and drawing his own conclusions
-“What the fuck did you do to her, you son of a bitch?”
-Namjoon was ready to knock your “boyfriend” out for insinuating that he’d ever lay a hurtful hand on you but you stepped in between the two guys first
-“What-- No, Jordan, he saved me. Someone attacked me. I’ll tell you the whole story later, but I’m fine now, and that’s mostly thanks to him.”
-Your brother’s jaw clicked shut and stayed tense. His words were clipped and cold, almost as if he didn’t believe you.
-“Well. Then, I suppose I should thank you. (Y/N)’s safety is very important to me.”
-Namjoon’s voice was equally as tight in his response.
-“It was no problem. I’d hate to see her hurt, too. I should head out, though. You guys have a good night.” You glanced at his retreating form curiously. You had seen RM, the gang leader, you had seen the Namjoon from the library, but you’d never seen this version. This one was standoff-ish, and nowhere near the passionate and boyish guy you knew.
-It unsettled you a little.
-Your brother gently gripped your forearm and pulled you into your apartment, shutting and locking the door firmly once you were both inside.
-He met your eyes with a searching gaze, but waited a moment before speaking.
-“You can tell the truth now, did he hurt you?”
-You recoiled in shock. Namjoon? Hurt you? Sure, you knew who he was and what his reputation was, but you felt safer standing next to Namjoon than almost anyone else.
-“No, Jordan, he didn’t hurt me. I know him, he wouldn’t do that.”
-You made to turn away and go to the bathroom. You wanted to shower and wash the last few hours off your body. But your brother wasn’t done.
-“Wha- Know him? (Y/N), do you know who that is? How in the everloving fuck do you know him?” He practically shouted
-You shushed him, conscious of your nosy neighbors and the thin walls separating the apartments.
-You rolled your eyes, though. “Yes, I know who he is. That’s RM, formerly known as Rap Monster, and he’s my friend. He comes into the library a lot during my shift and we talk.” You bit back a soft smile at the thought that he might be back tomorrow.
-Your brother sees this though-- he’s way too good at reading you
-“No, absolutely not. You cannot be friends with him. He’s dangerous and I don’t trust him or his gang members.”
-He crosses his arms and stands straight, as if the extra inch and glower will force you to conform.
-But you weren’t 14, and he wasn’t your father.
-Anger washed over you, and you nearly forgot about your nosey neighbors and the thin walls.
-“Jordan, I am not a child! In fact, I am a fully fledged adult woman who can make choices for herself! Now, I have been getting to know Namj-- RM for a few months now, and I’d like to consider us friends. Not to mention, he and one of his gang members just saved me from a rather fucked up experience, so I’d be pretty damn grateful for him right now. Tell me, though, how exactly would you stop me from being friends with him? I met him at the library, you know, the place I work? Are you going to make me quit my job too?”
-You’d started to say Namjoon, but figured he didn’t want too many people knowing his real name.
-“I know you are not a child! But you’re my baby sister, and I promised to protect you always. I’m grateful he saved you tonight, but maybe you should consider quitting. You only need a few more credits to graduate next spring, maybe you should focus on finishing up and looking for a big internship, you know?”
-You glared at him.
-“Oh yeah, because we can really afford to lose my income.”
-He didn’t have a leg to stand on and he knew it. But he kept going.
-“Ok, so maybe it would be tight for a while, but if it got too bad you could get a new one, maybe closer to campus, just until you could start using your degree.” His voice started edging on desperate, but you just rolled your eyes and turned your back.
-“I’m not quitting my job or avoiding RM, end of story. Now I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. I’ve had a long night and I just want to move on.” You, once again, started for the bathroom.
-Your brother stepped forward and caught your arm again, his touch gentle despite the argument you’d just had, and when you turned his eyes were soft and concerned.
-“What did happen tonight, (Y/N)? Are you okay?”
-You swallowed and nodded. “I’m okay now. A guy grabbed me as I was walking and dragged me into an alley. He had a knife and a hand over my mouth so I couldn’t do much, but RM and one of his guys threatened him and he let me go. RM took care of me and brought me home.” You gave him what you hoped was a reassuring smile. Honestly, you were still pretty rattled by the whole experience.
-His eyes searched your face again, and your expression must have been convincing, because he just nodded and let you go.
-“Get some rest.”
-The next morning, your brother was up and gone before you, as usual, but he had prepared breakfast before leaving for work. There was a note left on the counter beside it.
-‘(Y/N), I’m sorry about last night. Have a good day and call me if you need anything.’
-You smiled a little at his apology.
-The day dragged on; you had one class in the morning that ended around 11 and your first afternoon class started at 2, so you used the time between to get a headstart on homework. You usually tried some at the library, but got distracted by Kim Namjoon more times than not.
-Your shift at the library started like any other. You saw some regulars, some people just there on a whim or because they needed a reference. You checked books out occasionally, checked them in when you needed to, but all around, had a quiet shift.
-When Namjoon walked in towards the end of it, though, you were surprised. He’d been there yesterday, and he didn’t usually come one day after another-- even he couldn’t read the books that fast.
-Even more surprising, he didn’t even go look at the books. Instead, he sauntered over to the desks, settling himself next to you. His grin showed easy confidence, but his eyes were guarded in a way you hadn’t seen in months.
-“You doing alright?” He asked
-You shrugged. You’d kept your mind preoccupied enough today, but you’d be lying if you said it hadn’t affected you.
-When a classmate had run up to catch you after the lecture to get last classes notes, you’d noticeably jumped, your heart rate increasing far more than if it had been a normal scare
-You kept checking over your shoulder as you walked to class, despite knowing how safe your campus was and the fact that it was broad daylight
-You really weren’t looking forward to the walk home tonight
-“I’m still spooked, but I think that’s a little justifiable given the circumstances.”
-He bit his lip, looking like he was trying to figure out whether to ask something. Something must have won, because he asked
-“Are you walking home alone again? I mean-- is your boyfriend coming to get you or are you going by yourself?”
-You cocked your head. Boyfriend? “What boyfriend? Is someone telling people that he’s my boyfriend?”
-Now it was his turn to look confused.
-“The guy last night at your apartment? Jordan or whatever, wasn’t he your boyfriend?”
-You stared at him for a second, trying to gauge whether he’s joking or not. “Jordan? You mean my brother?”
-A look of shocked understanding took over his face briefly. “Your brother, oh. Okay. Cool, cool. That’s cool.” He had never been this awkward, and you had to bite back a smile.
-But when a bright smile broke through his guarded eyes, you let your own loose.
-Namjoon stayed for the rest of your shift, helping you shut everything down and walking out with you.
-You expected him to wave and head off on his own after you locked up, but he stood for a second.
-“You never answered my question about whether you were walking home alone earlier.”
-You’d thought about calling your brother, really, you had, but every time you had the opportunity to do so, Namjoon did or said something that distracted you
-He didn’t know he was doing it, of course. How could he know you were thinking of calling your brother to bring you home after your shift?
-“Oh- um, well no. I don’t. I can call my brother, though, and he’ll come get me.”
-“But you’d still have to wait for him to come get you, right?”
-You shrugged, already opening your phone. “Yeah, but it’s fine. I’ll just wait here or at the shop down the block.”
-“I mean, I could just take you home.” He shrugged casually
-This man is absolutely not casual in his head, he is freaking the fuck out
-He has his bike, which he doesn’t bring to the library most of the time
-Mostly because that’s kinda conspicuous
-But also because he’s been trying to work up the nerve to ask to walk you home for a while
-But today he figured you might not want to walk
-You glanced up at him. “I don’t want to inconvenience you. It’s a long walk.”
-He shot you an easy grin, “I wasn’t proposing walking. I have my bike.” He gestured to the parking lot where a motorcycle sat
-Your resolve is already pretty low. The walk is long, and you’d have to wait for your brother and then do the walk yourself, and you’d honestly rather just get back home and go to bed
-So you nod and follow him to the barely lit lot
-He hands you the helmet hanging from the bars, and when you shoot him a questioning look, he shrugs
-“I’d rather I get hurt than you, and I don’t have another helmet.”
-He’s definitely buying one for you like tomorrow
-You put on the helmet and slip onto the seat behind him, loosely wrapping your arms around him
-He smiles a little at the feeling of your slim arms around his waist and kicks on the bike.
-Now, you’d been on motorcycles before, and you knew what it sounded and felt like. But that didn’t stop you from jumping a little and tightening your grip around him
-You feel the rumble of his chuckle as you cling to his back, only really relaxing once you had gotten on the streets.
-Truth be told, the way home wasn’t that long when you drove it.
-The ride came to an end far too soon. He walked you to your door again, and outside your apartment, you hesitated.
-You had been talking all throughout the end of your shift, but you didn’t want it to stop. You wanted to keep talking, about the books he reads, about his life, about your life, about everything. You were incredibly interested in the enigma standing before you and just wanted to figure him out.
-“Do you want to come in tonight?” You offered, very hopeful.
-He glanced at the door with an odd look. Almost as if he wanted to just as much as you did, but was nervous or scared.
-Which is odd. Because he doesn’t get scared.
-RM, leader of the most influential gang in the city, hardly rivalled and with numbers unknown, didn’t get scared of going into a girl’s apartment right?
-He didn’t get scared of overprotective brothers, or of not being enough for them
-Not at all
-Apparently, he does.
-Because he shakes his head, and says “I don’t think your brother would appreciate it.”
-He shoots you a smile, and heads back down the hall.
-You slip into your apartment and frown at your brother, who’d obviously been listening.
-“What did I tell you about him, y/n?”
-You glare and shake your head at him
-“And what did I tell you? He’s a good guy, he was just bringing me home.”
-You brush past him and towards your room. He was always like this with guys, which made sense, but didn’t mean you had to appreciate it.
-You showered and ate dinner, but otherwise stayed in your room doing homework. Your classload the next day was light, so you could sleep in
-When you woke up the next day, Jordan was already gone, but today he hadn’t made breakfast or left you a note.
-‘Message received, dickwad.’ You thought, moving to grab a cup of coffee.
-Both your classes were after lunch, so you studied all morning, until you got a text from a friend in your art history course who wanted to meet up and study, since he’d heard you had a quiz that day.
-You agreed, and got ready, getting to a coffee shop near campus by 11:45, 15 minutes earlier than you had agreed, but you didn’t care much.
-Soonyoung got there early too, and you both quizzed each other on paintings and their years and artists. The quizzes weren’t exactly hard, they were just a lot of memorization
-You went your separate ways for your first classes, yours a basic bio course that you’d been putting off, and his some advanced math class for his major.
-Both classes passed as normal, and you felt you did well on the quiz, which was largely due to the studying and warning Soonyoung had given you
-You both walked out together, smiling and talking, and he offered to go with you to your job
-He needed some reference material for the paper you’d just been assigned
-And you were both from the same area
-You’d just met at the campus cafe earlier so you could study longer
-He also has a big ole crush on you
-Has for like a year
-Mans literally took the class to get close to you
-You have 0 idea and just think he’s a really good friend
-It’s kinda because you’re very focussed on this really nice gang leader who reads art history and philosophy books paired with scientific periodicals and articles.
-Agreeing, you both head to the bus stop, chatting just as easily all the way to the library
-That is, until you get there and see a familiar figure walking from the parking lot, a motorcycle parked among the few cars
-You notice that there are two helmets now
-And one of them is your favorite color
-Something you’d told him months ago when you were playing a silly 20 questions game to pass the last hour of your shift
-And he’d obviously remembered, or just gotten lucky and guessed
-The smile automatically lands on your face
-He very rarely comes at the beginning of your shift, he’s a very busy man, afterall.
-“Oh shit, y/n, RM’s here.”
-You haven’t stopped watching the tall man, and his gaze hits yours, and he waves, a smile starting to grow before it lands on your companion.
-He tries not to assume again, because last time he’d assumed your brother was your boyfriend
-“Yeah, he’s here pretty often.” You look over at Soonyoung in time to miss RM’s glare at the boy.
-Soonyoung, who hasn’t missed the glare, glances at you. “I’ll stay until he leaves.”
-He’s determined, and you can see it, and before you can tell him that you’d literally never been safer than when Namjoon was around, you’re walking in the doors and you have to go clock in.
-Soonyoung goes to look for his references, very obviously keeping an eye on RM
-Unfortunately for him, the references he needs are a few aisles away from him, so he can’t watch him forever, and, about 30 minutes later, he’s alarmed to see RM leaning against your desk, laughing and grinning
-You’d dissuaded his fear before he’d even voiced it this time
-“Soonyoungs’s not my boyfriend either, you know.” You’d said as he’d approached with the same guarded look. “He’s just a friend who needed a few references for a paper our professor assigned”
-He’d brightened again, and decided to try and play nice
-Even if the guy is a rival
-Soonyoung thinks he’s making inappropriate advances because you look a little scandalized, but he can’t tell that you’re also laughing at the smiling guy in front of you
-Your friend slides in, all cool confidence, doing everything he can to edge between Namjoon and your counter.
-“Hey, man, what are you doing here?”
-You watch as the smile slides quickly from his face and is replaced by the expression he wore when he’d seen your brother-- expressionless, mildly intimidating, cold.
-“I’m getting a book and talking to y/n. What are you doing here, Hoshi?”
-One glance over Soonyoung’s shoulder told Namjoon that you had no idea about your friend’s gang affiliation.
-Soonyoung, who didn’t want you to find out this way, but was determined to protect you, regardless, stood his ground, “Y/N and I are friends and I came with her.”
-He doesn’t want RM to know where you go to school, that could open up a whole world of trouble.
-RM looks Hoshi up and down, before cracking a smile. “Ok. I guess I’ll just go look at my books over here.”
-He doesn’t want to start a fight in the library, but oh boy does he want to start a fight with this guy
-So he’s making it very clear that he’s not intimidated
-He doesn’t expect Soonyoung’s next words
-Neither do you, honestly.
-“I think I’ll join you.”
-This man is trying not to scare you, but he’s gotta get the point across to the Wings boss that you are Off Limits and Protected™
-You watch, astounded, as your two friends go off together
-You still haven’t really put the connection together that Soonyoung is in a gang
-Why would you, he doesn’t necessarily look like a gang member.
-He’s pretty delicate looking, and he doesn’t have a lot of piercings or tattoos like Namjoon, and he’s never done anything or given you any sign that he might be affiliated
-You go back to your work though, occasionally glancing at the guys
-Namjoon is facing you and catches your eye to send grins
-Otherwise they glare at each other over their books
-You’re getting more and more confused
-What had happened?
-They both stay to the end of your shift-- neither leaving before the other
-So they both end up helping you close up
-Soonyoung fails to notice how RM knows what to do and has obviously done it before
-They both wait for you to lock up, staring at each other and daring the other to leave.
-When you turn around, their gazes don’t move. “Ok, I think I’ll leave you two to get a room…”
-It’s mostly a joke, but you still brush past them
-It’s a joke because you’re not ready to walk home alone yet
-And you were really hoping the second helmet meant that Namjoon was going to take you home again
-And you got paid that day so you were kinda hoping you could pay him back with a quick dinner
-The joke snaps them out of it and Namjoon reaches out to (gently) catch your arm
-But Soonyoung doesn’t like that
-“Get your fucking hands off her!” 
 -He shoves Namjoon and steps between the two of you 
 -But now RM is mad 
 -This is the second guy who assumed he’d ever hurt you 
 -And that’s pretty offensive given that he’d literally let you run a bus over him -When i say the guy is whipped 
 -The first was your brother, which he excused. Brothers are allowed to be protective 
 -But this guy is another gang member and has tried to stake a claim on you that he doesn’t have any right to 
 -Back off, Hoshi, you’re going to scare Y/N.” 
 -Namjoon keeps his voice level because he really doesn’t want to scare you, especially given the events of the other night 
 -A glance at you would reveal that you’re really not scared, you’re just confused 
 -You don’t get to finish your sentence because the fucker interrupts you 
 -Now you’re kinda mad 
 -“I’m just trying to keep her safe. She didn’t appreciate your flirting earlier, so just catch the fucking hint, asshole.” 
 -He turns and grabs your arm this time. “Y/N, let me walk you home.” You just look at him. This man just made a lot of presumptions about your life without talking to you and you don’t really appreciate it. 
 -“Actually, Soonyoung, RM is my friend, and I don’t like what you’re implying about him.” 
 -You’re kinda glaring 
 -Namjoon thinks you might be referring to the part where Soonyoung said he was flirting 
 -He was definitely flirting 
 -He’s a had a huge crush on you for a while 
 -He’s still angry at Hoshi but now he feels a bit like a kicked puppy too 
-Oh well 
 -More emotion to take out on Hoshi 
 -But then you’re really glaring when Soonyoung pulls you closer 
 -“Y/N, that guy isn’t the kind to defend. You don’t know him, not really. 
 -Let’s go, we can talk more on our way to your apartment. 
 -He’s never been to your apartment 
 -And you don’t necessarily think he’d do anything 
 -But you kinda get a weird feeling about him going there. 
 -You wiggle out of his grasp and step towards Namjoon 
 -“No, Soonyoung, it’s fine, you go on.” 
 -Soonyoung is very determined not to leave you with RM 
 -“Y/N, c’mon, let’s just go.” 
 -He reaches for you again 
 -“I’m pretty sure the girl said no, Soonyoung. Go on home, and tell the other Diamonds that she’s officially under Wings protection.” 
 -Namjoon’s voice is pretty deep, and he puts his hand on your shoulder 
 -Which means he feels you flinch when you hear about the Diamonds 
 -The whole interaction makes more sense 
 -And you know why Namjoon called him Hoshi earlier 
 -But damn are you pissed that he didn’t tell you 
 -You step closer to Namjoon, bumping into his chest, when Soonyoung steps closer to you again, his face very apologetic and obviously trying to make amends. 
 -You’re not afraid of him, he can’t hurt you when literally the scariest gang leader is standing right there and just blatantly said you’re under his protection  
-But you definitely don’t want him to touch you right now 
 -He looks a little hurt but backs off. 
 -You put your hand on Namjoon’s and turn your head up to look at his face 
-“Can you give me another ride home?” 
 -The look he returns to you fills your heart. It’s so tender, damnit. 
 -“Of course. Do you want to go wait by my bike?” 
 -You nod and start to walk toward the parking lot. 
 -That is, until Soonyoung yells very angrily 
 -“Oh! I see! You’re RM’s whore, that’s how you got Wings protection-” 
 -The fool doesn’t even finish the sentence before Namjoon is shooting his fist out to meet Soonyoung’s jaw 
 -The fight breaks out quickly, and you stand shocked for a second 
 -Obviously you had seen fights before 
 -But Namjoon, no, RM, is absolutely wailing on Soonyoung, who looks like he’s reaching for somethi- 
 -A gun 
 -He’s reaching for a gun 
 -And you look up at the security cameras 
 -And you really don’t want the police asking you questions 
 -Especially because you must seem very familiar with two guys who have gang affiliations in the footage 
 -You also don’t want Namjoon to get hurt 
 -Like you really don’t -So you start screaming at them 
 -“Stop! Jesus fuck, both of you, just stop!” You try to move in to pull one off the other, but a poorly aimed limb hits you instead (you’re pretty sure it was Soonyoungs, but you can’t be certain). “RM! Soonyoung! Stop!”
 -When you spot the gun, your screaming becomes a little more frantic. 
 -When you said you wanted to return the favor, you didn’t mean patching him up after a fight 
-“RM! RM! Stop! Soonyoung! Stop!” 
 -Neither seem to hear you, and you can’t get in to pull one of them off the other, so you try something else. 
 -Honestly, it’s a longshot 
 -And you’re hoping you don’t hurt either of them 
 -Because you’ve got some heavy books in there that could give them a concussion 
 -But you just need to shock them enough to get them to stop 
 -You throw your bookbag at them 
 -It hits both, thankfully, so they both get distracted 
 -They’re still locked in the same positions, but now they’re both staring at you, their chests heaving 
 -Your chest is as well, but that’s out of panic more than exertion 
 -“Both of you, stop it. I don’t need the cops at my door asking me questions because I openly interact with you and you kill one another. Nope, no thank you.” You take a deep breath because now that shit seems a little de-escalated, your heart needs to calm the fuck down. “Soonyoung, go the fuck home, and don’t ever talk to me again. Return your books during someone else’s shift, don’t talk to me during class, just, don’t ever fucking talk to me again. I’m no one’s whore.” You glare at him with every ounce of anger in your body 
 -Which, to be fair, is a whole lot 
 -He lied to you, didn’t listen to you, didn’t respect your boundaries or when you told him no, and then called you a whore. 
 -“Y/N, look I-“ 
 -RM, who has let him go and moved to stand in front of you again, opens his mouth to say something but you beat him to it 
 -“I said go, Hoshi.” 
 -He tosses one more glare RM’s way before turning around. He walks off and for a second neither you or Namjoon move. 
 -Then you let out a sigh of relief when his form disappears around a corner -Namjoon immediately turns to you, hesitantly reaching out a hand to cradle your face and check if you’re okay 
 -“I’m fine.” He still looks at you, very concerned. “Really, I’m fine. I’m not the one who just got into a fist fight.” 
 -You start scanning your eyes over his face. You couldn’t see much in the low light, but you caught a cut by his eye, where the skin was darkening already. 
 -Otherwise he looked fine
 -You couldn’t see the rest of him though 
 -And honestly, if you saw the rest of him… 
 -You probably wouldn’t be looking for injuries 
 -Let’s be honest 
 -“Joon, your eye…” 
 -You reach your hand up to brush your fingers over the cut, and you don’t even realize that you’ve just called him Joon 
 -But damn, he did. He doesn’t realize it but he’s holding his breath, and he’s staring at you with wide eyes and oh wow he might be in love is this what love feels like? It has to be because he can’t be this excited about a nickname unless it’s from someone he loves 
 -A couple of other people call him Joon
-It’s not that complicated of a nickname 
 -But he doesn’t get this feeling when they call him Joon 
 -You notice that he’s staring at you after a second of him not saying anything and you give him a more concerned look “Namjoon are you okay?” 
 -He starts breathing again, but kinda only because little black dots start appearing in his vision and he doesn’t want to scare you 
 -“I-I’m fine, y/n. Um, what did you just call me?” 
 -You get shy 
 -You really hadn’t realized you said it, but Namjoon just seems so formal sometimes and you wanted to give him a nickname 
-Also you’ve been calling him Joon in your head for a while 
 -But only sometimes, not all the time 
 -Only when you were thinking about how cute his dimple smile is 
 -Or when you thought about that one time he hugged you -It was the day after your birthday a few months ago 
 -He’d found out because he’d come in on your birthday (he didn’t even want a book, he literally just wanted to see you) 
 -But you had asked your coworker to cover so you could spend the day with some friends and brother 
 -The official excuse was that you had a doctor’s appointment and it was the only time they could fit you in for a few months 
 -He’d been pretty concerned (and very disappointed) so he’d asked your coworker 
 -She worked the shift with you sometimes and knew the two of you got on well 
-So she just shrugged and said it was your birthday 
 -She figured he wouldn’t snitch on you 
 -Also she really wants you two to get together
-Because she can see how he looks at you 
 -It’s literally like you hung the moon 
 -This man goes out and panic buys chocolate and a little plushie that he thinks is really cute and that you’ll love 
 -You do. You love both 
 -When he gives it to you, you’re really shocked, though 
 -Because you didn’t know that he knew when your birthday was 
 -And you didn’t expect him to care that much 
 -You should have realized then that he was coming into the library just to see you sometimes 
 -You’re really shocked, though, and you kinda run into his chest and give him a hug 
 -And he just wraps his arms around you 
 -And it’s the nicest hug you’ve had in a while 
 -Because he’s so much bigger than you 
 -And his arms are so warm and gentle and strong and safe 
 -Anyway, so you weren’t really calling him Joon that often, right? Just whenever you thought about him... 
 -You step away from him and drop your hand, wrapping your arms around yourself 
 -“I called you Joon…” 
 -You’re silent for about .5 seconds before you start babbling 
 -“I’m sorry, it just kinda slipped out, but your name seemed so formal, especially since you just defended me again. I won’t call you Joon again if you don’t want me to, it could just be a one time thing if that’s what you want but I just- I- I’m sorry.” You finish lamely and look down, blush tinting your cheek 
 -He cradles your face tenderly, guiding your eyes back up to his. “Please call me Joon again, Y/N. There is almost nothing I’d like you to call me more than Joon. In fact, please forget you have ever heard any other name for me.” 
 -He gives you that soft grin you’ve only ever seen when he looks at you, and it’s your turn to freeze 
 -His eyes are sparkling with affection and mirth 
 -And his hand against your cheek is warm 
 -And are you crazy or is he moving closer? 
 -He’s absolutely moving closer 
 -Oh my god oh my god oh my god 
 -His lips are soft, and honestly, you’d hardly call it a kiss, more like a barely-there brush of lips 
 -There aren’t any of the fireworks or sparks you read about in all those romance novels
-But it raises goosebumps all over your body 
 -He pulled back just a little to catch your reaction, his eyes holding a little bit of anxiety about being rejected 
 -You blink up at him owlishly before raising yourself up to meet his lips with yours again 
 -You keep it soft, trying to transmit your feelings through the kiss 
 -You break away a moment later, smiling softly “Do you maybe want to go get some coffee or dinner or something? My treat.” You ask softly, aware of the bare amount of space between you 
 -He grins, straightening and taking your hand to walk towards his motorcycle 
-“There’s nothing I’d like more in this moment, Y/N.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Romantic Movies on Hulu Right Now
Romance gets a bad rap at the movies. Until you behold the best romantic movies on Hulu.
Yes, Hulu is on the case with an expansive collection of romantic movies for you to connect with your softer side… or the side of you that screams in an eternal tormented shriek, desperately trying to find a mate whose shrieks match your tone in this expansive disappointing nothingness of existence. Love is hard. Anywho, here are the best romantic movies on Hulu right now.
Sense and Sensibility
This Jane Austen character really seems to have a handle on romance. The 1995 film Sense and Sensibility is adapted from the Austen novel of the same name and has a great deal of talent both in front of and behind the camera. Oscar winner Ang Lee directs while Emma Thompson (yes, that Emma Thompson) wrote the script.
Thompson stars alongside Kate Winslet, Alan Rickman and Hugh Grant. The movie, like the book concerns the Dashwood sisters and their sudden descent into non-stupendous wealth. Of course then the romance begins (not between the sisters, weirdos. Alan Rickman and Hugh Grant are in this thing too, remember?)
AWOL is how indie romances should be – small, authentic, affecting. Joey (Lola Kirke) and Rayna (Breeda Wool) are two young women from a nowheresville Pennsylvania town. They meetcute at a local carnival and quickly fall for each other but circumstances threaten to crush their romance before it can even begin.
AWOL understands first and foremost that while love is easy, relationships (and arguably everything else in the world is hard). Sometimes what you want and what your environment is able to allow you to have are two very different things.
Margarita with a Straw
2014’s Margarita with a Straw is both a coming-of-age and romance film the likes of which you’ve probably never seen. This Indian film comes from director Shonali Bose and stars Kalki Koechlin as Laila, an Indian teenager with cerebral palsy, trying to achieve some independence in her life.
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Best Romantic Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
By Alec Bojalad
Best Romantic Movies on Netflix
By Alec Bojalad
That opportunity comes for Laila when she is accepted to New York Universtiy and moves to Greenwich Village. There she meets and falls in love with blind Pakistani activist. Miles from home, Laila must deal with her changing, burgeoning sexuality and live in a world not built for her. But it’s cool: she can always take her margarita with a straw. 
Hello, My Name is Doris
Between TBS’s (now HBO Max’s) Search Party and Hello, My Name is Doris, director Michael Showalter had a stellar 2016. Hello, My Name is Doris is a wonderfully sweet, equally tragic and completely hilarious romantic comedy. 
Sally Field stars as the titular Doris, a lively woman in her ’60s who after the death of her mother becomes infatuated with a younger man. With the help of cliched self-help materials she does whatever she can to get his attention. Hello, My Name is Doris is an empathetic romantic comedy that will change how you view age.
Cashback wins a very important award on this list: most intriguing, provocative poster. But it’s more than just a pretty poster. Cashback is a British romantic comedy about the most mundane of topics: working at a grocery store.
For anyone who as ever been young and had an interest in the opposite sex (or any sex for that matter), however, they know that one’s place of employment is often an absolute fountain of sex and chemistry. If that simple exposition isn’t enough, Cashback comes along with a sci-fi twist and more importantly: Oliver Wood from the Harry Potter series. 
Let the Right One In
Let the Right One In may seem like another odd choice for a romantic movie on Hulu but it’s romantic and sweet in a way that few other movies are. Sure, the players involved are a little boy and a little girl vampire (though the fact that she’s a vampire may very well mean she’s centuries old, just try not to think about it).
It’s a spooky yet undeniably sweet movie that presents the female side of a romantic entanglement as the ultimate protector.
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50 First Dates
50 First Dates has a somewhat disappointing Rotten Tomatoes score. Ignore that. It’s probably partially due to many critics’ distaste for at least one of the actors in the above screengrab. Not that they can be blamed. The presence of Adam Sandler or Rob Schneider in any comedy can be a rough sign. In 50 First Dates‘, however, it’s not an issue at all.
50 First Dates is a legitimately funny and romantic romantic comedy. Drew Barrymore stars as Lucy Whitmore, a woman with short-term memory loss. Due to a car accident, every day she wakes up believing it is October 13, 2002. Sandler’s character Henry Roth meets her in Hawaii and the two must overcome this bizarre condition to establish a lasting relationship.
Date Night
What do you get when you take the male lead of a popular NBC sitcom and pair him with the female lead (and mastermind behind) another popular NBC sitcom? A pretty decent rom-com as it turns out! Date Night stars Steve Carell (The Office) and Tina Fey (30 Rock) as a disaffected married couple trying to spice up their love life with a romantic night out on the town. But when a reservation steal turns into a case of mistaken identity, the pair’s night gets quite dangerous.
Date Night‘s action-heavy concept isn’t anything new to the romantic comedy genre but the presence of Carell and Fey (along with Mark Wahlberg, Taraji P. Henson, James Franco, Kirsten Wiig, Mark Ruffalo, and a whole host of other impressive talent) is enough to make this a pleasant viewing experience.
The Princess Bride
So you want to watch one of the most purely lovely and entertaining romance movies of all time? Well Hulu is here to say “as you wish.” The Princess Bride is a 1987 fantasy adventure film based on a book by prolific screenwriter William Goldman. The inspiration to the story infamously came from Goldman’s two daughters requesting conflicting stories about “princesses” and “brides.” So the writer decided to do two for the price of one.
Read more
Why The Princess Bride Is a Perfect Fantasy Movie
By David Crow
Cary Elwes Responds to the Idea of Remaking The Princess Bride
By David Crow
In this adaptation, Cary Elwes stars as Westley, a young farmhand who loves Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright). But when Westley is shipwrecked and left for dead and Buttercup is betrothed to Prince Humperdinck, the hero must embark on a sprawling adventure to rescue her. And of course this is a framed bedtime story being told to Fred Savage in bed…as all movies should be.
The Boy Downstairs
So much of what goes into a good romantic relationship is timing. Sometimes the chemistry is there but the timing is not. 2017’s The Boy Downstairs delves into this phenomenon from a millennial perspective.
Aspiring Brooklyn writer Diana (Zosia Mamet) and aspiring musician (millennials are always aspiring, you see) Ben (Matthew Shear) are in a happy, successful relationship. But Diana is forced to break things off after she moves to London. When Diana returns, she finds a new apartment through her friend and guess who just happens to be the boy downstairs? That’s right: Ben…and with a new girlfriend, no less. What follows is a funny, yet mature examination of what it takes to get the right one back.
Happiest Season
The setup for Hulu’s 2020 Internet-breaking comedy Happiest Season is very romantic…to a point. Abby (Kristen Stewart) and Harper (Mackenzie Davis) are in love. Yay! Not only that, but they’re going to Harper’s parents’ house for Christmas where Abby might propose. Woo! Also Harper has not told her parents she’s a lesbian and in a committed relationship with a woman. Oh. Oh no. Poor Abby!
Read more
Happiest Season: The Problem With Harper’s Treatment of Abby and Riley
By Delia Harrington
Happiest Season Review: Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis Make Christmas Classic
By Natalie Zutter
Questionable setup aside, this an excellent, personal effort from actress turned writer-director Clea DuVall. It’s an attention-grabber and conversation-starter to be sure. It also certainly doesn’t hurt that much of the cast is mind-meltingly hot. Stewart, Davis, Alison Brie, and Aubrey Plaza are like a who’s who of TV and movie crushes. Hell even Victor Garber and Mary Steenburgen can absolutely get it. All in all, the charismatic cast and accessible concept makes for a surprisingly wholesome romance movie.
Plus One
Maybe it’s just me, but there’s something really charming about erstwhile TV stars playing the lead opposite each other in a romantic movie. Such is the case with 2019’s Plus One, which stars Maya Erskine (of Pen15) and Jack Quaid (of The Boys).
Erskine and Quaid star as long-time friends Alice and Ben enduring the portion of their twenties where every friend seems to be getting married at once. Thankfully Alice and Ben have a longstanding agreement to always be each other’s “plus one” at every wedding. But such an arrangement couldn’t possibly lead to them discovering they have romantic feelings for each other, right? Right???
Palm Springs
“Time loop” movies frequently try to distinguish themself from Groundhog Day, the progenitor and most famous example of the form, by changing up the genre. Edge of Tomorrow is an action movie and Happy Death Day is a horror movie, for instance. What’s so impressive about Palm Springs is that it leans in to the romantic and comedic stylings of Groundhog Day and in many ways bests them.
In this movie, Andy Samberg styles as Nyles, a young man living through the hell of experiencing the same day (a wedding in Palm Springs) on a loop. In one particular loop, Nyles accidentally brings in the bride’s sister Sarah (Christin Milioti) and the two must confront the reality of living the same day over and over again forever together. You know…just like any couple.
LOVE AND BASKETBALL, Omar Epps, Sanaa Lathan, 2000, (c)New Line Cinema/courtesy Everett Collection
Love and Basketball
And now we come to a movie whose title is the two greatest things in the world! Love and Basketball is about…well, what you’d think. Quincy McCall (Omar Epps) and Monica Wright (Sanaa Lathan) are two next-door neighbors in Los Angeles, California, who are both singularly focused on pursuing their respective basketball careers.
Love and Basketball is a film all about passions – both creative and romantic. The movie also does a surprisingly thorough job of marking all the important beats of a relationship from childhood through the adult years. There’s a reason Love and Basketball has become a modest cult classic – it’s a fine execution of both the romantic and sports movie genres.
The post Best Romantic Movies on Hulu Right Now appeared first on Den of Geek.
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candied-peach · 5 years
ao3: “i’m the bad guy” rating: T warnings: remus typical stuff, sympathetic remus, intrulogical genre: fluffy hurt/comfort description: Logan is better at comfort than he thinks he is.
As Logan steps into his room, he's met with the muffled sound of sobs and a boyfriend who looks up guiltily, wiping his nose on the back of his sleeve.
"Oh, hey, Lo!" Remus chirps with forced manic enthusiasm. He looks crumpled, like he's been run over by a lorry, his mouth drooping and his eyes red-rimmed and swollen. Logan hates it.
"Hey," Logan says gently, locking the door behind him and crossing the room to sit next to his boyfriend. "What's wrong, Remus?"
"Nothing!" Remus scoffs. "There's just no birds trapped in jet turbines and mice with no heads and zombies ripping their limbs off and of course, Thomas still hasn't jumped out of a moving car, and-"
"Remus, that is not the issue and you know it," Logan stops him, his voice still soft. Remus looks down at his clasped hands, and more tears bubble to the surface.
"I- am I the bad guy?" He asks.
"What?" Logan asks, surprised. Remus shifts uncomfortably.
"Thomas hates me," he says simply. "And the others- Deceit likes me, we're friends, but Patton thinks I shouldn't be here at all, I think Virgil's still kind of scared by me, and my own brother-" He stops, and Logan can see a wealth of conflicted emotion well up in Remus's eyes, the way it always does when the topic of Roman comes up.
"No," Logan says. "You are not the bad guy. You are startling, I suppose, but that doesn't make you bad. Thomas is just unsure how to deal with your impulses, I think. Talking to him when you first arrived was helpful, but I think perhaps he needs more. That is not on you. You encompass a part of Thomas's imagination that it is important for him to accept, and the others need to accept you, too. Especially Roman. You two share duties and you should be working together to assist Thomas. It is not your fault that Roman is unwilling to do that at present."
"But-" Remus pauses, looking up. "I know I'm messy and loud and I talk about inappropriate things like butts and baby bird intestines. And I can't help it, but I don't- I don't hate it either. Doesn't that make me bad?"
"No," Logan says at once. "Look at people like Stephen King or Dean Koontz. They write immensely successful horror novels that have horrifying scenarios in them. And I would imagine they enjoy writing those things, even if they don't enjoy those things in particular. People don't call them bad. You aren't bad, either.
"And I'll- I'll physically fight anyone who says otherwise," Logan says. Remus laughs weakly.
"Don't fight people, Lo," Remus says, lifting one hand to caress Logan's face. He then promptly summons his morning star. "That's my job." Logan sighs.
"Your job is to be creative," Logan says, brushing the grey streak out of Remus's eyes. "That does not mean fighting."
"But it could," Remus argues. "Roman fights the dragon witch all the time."
"You have no dragon witch," Logan points out. Remus ponders, his fingers tapping his chin.
"I've got it!" He exclaims in delight. "A were-bear!"
"I'm...not sure I want to know what that is," Logan says. "But all right. You can fight that, I suppose. In the imagination, that is."
"I'd never bring it here," Remus says, with an offended sniff. "Unless it was to Roman's bedroom, maybe." He cackles, and Logan can't help the smile tugging the corners of his mouth.
"Come here," Logan says, and ends up with a lapful of Remus. He tightens his grip around his boyfriend's middle, soaking in Remus's warmth and the unique blend of smells that is wholly and completely Remus. He's foregone his prior brand of deodorant for one that mimics Logan's, and Logan can't help but feel warmth bloom inside at that realization.
"I don't even care, I decided," Remus says suddenly. "I don't care if I'm the bad guy to anyone else.
"None of it matters when I've got you."
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chucklestheechidona · 4 years
Doctor Who: The Jodie Review
(Long post)
I decided, still being locked down, to watch some Doctor Who.
Hadn’t watched it in a while, told myself I’d always catch up when I had the time, and the universe decided to give me a lot of it.
I had stopped watching Matt quite some time ago, but caught up about 4 years ago to Capaldi’s first season. I had meant to carry on with it but slow-going times and I forgot and all the other jazz that fills in the space between not doing things.
But I thought I’d storm through them and get them over with. I had heard bad things going onwards, but hey, I’m one of those sad losers that LIKE Love and Monsters. It’s not great but I thought what it did well, it did great.
So, off I went to finally catch up on a show that formulated so much of my younger self, my love for time-travel, interesting sci-fi that ended up getting me into the genre, and a love for character interactions and lore.
I went through Capaldi, and his last two seasons, yeah, they had an odd episode here and there, Sleep No More is a disaster, but I carried on through. I’m a trooper, I got through Fear Her after all.
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But I fell in love with the Doctor again. Heaven Sent is easily the best DW has offered so far, the character building with him and Clara and Bill and hell, Nardole, are superb. The stories were interesting, the Doctor was great and evolved, and the companions were the perfect fit for Capaldi.
And then, after a brilliant goodbye, he was gone.
“Be kind.“
And here we go, we’re with Jodie, she’s northern, she’s confused, and she’s in need of some pockets, falling through the sky, yeah, 200 degrees that’s why they call her missus fahrenheit-
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Not Jodie, but Chibnall
I’m not going to drag this out too far, I ain’t gonna make you read this for ages just to see if I like it. If you don’t want to see me complain about two seasons, this is your point to head out.
I think these are the lowest series of Modern Doctor Who.
But like the title says, it’s not Jodie’s fault. She’s an amazing actress, and she plays the part well. Hell, so does Bradley, Tosin and Mandip. Each one of them is a good actor and when the scene calls for them, they pull it off well.
The issue here is the writing.
And I feel I should go through why I think that.
But first, I think I should point out the good.
The Good: On historical topics and representation
This is the most diverse Doctor Who has been in a while. It was pretty diverse before mind you, let’s not forget the Doctor seems a bit flexible, the companions have been a mix of sexualities, gender, age and race, and each one of them is loved by many. Hell, Jack Harkness was so popular he got his own tv show.
But Thirteenth has gone and made sure that there was more.
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Characters just pointing out they’re gay and it’s just a matter of fact. It’s a statement, not an argument, not being out there or subvertive, it just is. People are more than fine with this. 
I’m surprised Graham the bus driver is so accepting of everyone at the start, but it speaks testament to his character. He fell in love with Grace, he raised a son with a disability, he stands up for those that dare have a go at any of that. Graham didn’t have to grow to learn this in the Tardis, he was accepting from the get-go. 
Well, there’s some conflict about Ryan blaming things on Dyspraxia in the first episode but it comes out of a place of fear of their lives. But any tensions between them are resolved quite well, to the point they can count on each other.
Either way, representation is important and Jodie’s season has it in spades.
As for historical topics, the Doctor tackles them quite well. Honestly, the episodes in the past are her strong suit. And as she’s a woman now, she has a new battle against her. History wasn’t always kind, and the gag of them addressing Graham each time is a genuinely good idea.
Also, Rosa had the opportunity to be butchered. It could have been written badly, it could have been handled with hardly any care, but it was the standout episode of the season. Each character gets some good lines, the gang has to face moral decisions and it’s a genuinely good look into a past that America would sometimes like to forget.
As an aside, I think Bill, even as one character, explored the sexuality thing more and the diversity she faced from it, I think thirteenth doesn’t do a bad job. I liked the astronauts as shown above quite a bit to be fair.
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The standout star of the show.
This will be unfortunately brought up in my negatives for the show too, but this is the good side.
Graham’s lost his wife, he has to connect to her grandson, his cancer is a constant worry in his head and he comes with the Doctor in an attempt to escape/confront all three.
He is the one who evolves the most as a character in the first season, coming to terms with the death of Grace is something he battles with throughout, he still blames himself. For whatever reason, even in the Rosa Parks episode, he gets the most emotional writing. Ryan and Yaz do get good writing in the same episode mind you, (which is unfortunately one of the few times Yaz does) but it’s heartbreaking to see Graham realise what he has to do.
The Acting
I unfortunately have to put Ryan, Yaz and the Doctor here in one group category. and I hate to do that, but I feel it’d be a disservice not to mention them.
Their actors can act well. When the script calls for it, they do amazing work.
The scene where Jodie is angry and confused at the other Doctor, where Ryan is actually there to support his friend, when Yaz is comforting Ryan about America, where Jodie is fucking pissed at the Master, all good scenes.
But this is a perfect segway into -
The Bad: Asides the retcon
Holy shit where do I start.
I mean, we’ve got the good out of the way, so you know where I stand on the issues a bunch of people wrong accused the show of being. A female doctor is more than fine, the diverse cast is great, the topics of exploring the past is done good.
And I’m not going into the retcon just yet, I feel like going ITS BAD BECAUSE OF THIS ignores so much of the problems to be had
But let’s start with
The Doctor
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This should have been her outfit just saying
I find the best way of describing most of this doctors run so far is...
Imagine, if you will, that you need to write a Doctor Who book. They’ve given you a plot to go with, but they haven’t told you which Doctor it’s for. But tight schedules and they still haven’t told you, so you write up a draft. A template. But you leave the Doctor’s text ambiguous. A template for a Doctor. With some work, you could make it the 12th, the 5th, the 1st, once you add mannerisms and how the doctor would react personally in a situation. So you write in this template Doctor and go to sleep. But you wake up and your assistant has only gone and submitted it.
The Doctor is kinder than any other iteration of her Doctor, but that’s it. I get why the natural progression from Capaldi, and Jodie sells a nice Doctor superbly, but ... 
There’s nothing really there to distinguish her as her own Doctor. She’s nice, a bit confused, LOVES things and calls people fam.
But like, that’s it. Where the 9th had coldness, 10 had eccentric, 11 had old man and 12 was furious, Jodie has... nice. But a Doctor needs an edge. 
She’s quiet about her home life and she doesn’t really talk much to her companions about it, but like, that’s understandable, she doesn’t really talk one on one to them or even much about their home lives.
She doesn’t get an arc until Spyfall, and even then it’s largely just turned into “She’s well moody”, and apparently well moody is just being kinda quiet. Jodie says it right when she shouts at them in one scene “You don’t know me!”
And she’s right, but then the companions trust her with everything and they’re part of a FAM and super close but they don’t really talk with each other. Jodie doesn’t have these quiet talks like the other Doctors would have with the companions, it’s just... not there.
And because it’s not there we’re supposed to believe they think of themselves as a tightly knit group but also very apart as characters. And the companions, to their credit, try and confront her on it, but the conflict is over so quick as to not be there at all.
Yaz and Ryan
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This is the best scene of them in, and one of the rare times Yaz makes an impact on a story which isn’t just supporting the Doctor
What they did to these two actors is cruel.
Ryan at least gets to join in on Grahams arc, because it is Grahams arc, not Ryans, really. There’s a plot about his Dad that’s done quite well, so that’s why Ryan doesn’t suffer the same poor fate as Yaz does.
Yaz has absolutely no agency. She wants to be a successful Policewoman but it’s not really much addressed outside of the first episode and the dream episode (which admittedly, is a good episode and explores each character). She gets told by everyone she’s the heart of the team and super brave and like, she hasn’t got an arc, she pretty much blindly follows the Doctor, she has no reason to be there much other than her family’s a bit annoying.
Her actress plays the scenes well, and there’s some touching moments with her in Rosa and the dream episode about how she is the way she is, why she does the things she does. But 2 episodes out of 20 isn’t enough.
Ryan gets a couple of good episodes, a touching one especially comes with horrors of the future and not being there for his friends plaguing his mind, and he manages to get help for his depressed friend, which is touching.
But the two episodes? That’s kind of it.
Ryan gets a nice Dalek episode though.
Orphan 55
The worst episode in Doctor Who. Took any good faith from Spyfall and plonked S12 in bottom tier before we even got to the retcon.
If I talked about everything it did wrong here this would go on too long.
It was just the worst 45 minutes of DW
At least Sleep No More was just boring.
Character Arcs, What Are They
Graham’s arms give out in season 1 for carrying the team.
The Doctor against Tim Shaw is laughable, there’s no conflict past killing a couple of people, so Graham has to have that moral dilemma instead, Ryan manages to respect him and call him gramps, but that’s more Grahams arc than Ryans. Yaz has nothing, the Doctor learns nothing.
But series 2, the Doctor’s given an arc, which is something, considering that before this it was a throwaway line about Timeless Child from a piece of cloth.
Gallifrey is gone again, the insurance rates at this point are through the roof on this planet, she’s been told the Master did it for learning a terrible truth. But she of course doesn’t explore the ruins until she has to, but ah well, we can live with that, that’s fine in Doctor Who. I’m not even being sarcastic, the Doctor through all iterations isn’t very clever.
It gives her a bit of a mood that’s not really explored too much past that, but then we’re given Jo Martin as The Other Doctor
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My opinions on throwing in Doctors from the past aside, (I love you John Hurt but damnit), Jo plays a competent Doctor, and her attitude clashes so well with Jodie that both actresses get to act well in good written scenes.
But then she’s just very confused until Gallifrey rolls around again.
We’ll ignore the retcon, again, but once she learns she gets super fucking pissed. And for good reason. Against the Master, against the Time Lords, against everyone, she’s shouting at everything, lost in her life.
But it’s sorted out very quickly by Jo intervention and then she’s much the same as ever.
Well, I say that, what I mean is “Willing to burn and kill all life on Gallifrey” with a button press. Yeah I know that the Time Lords are dead and the Master is about to kill everyone but you wouldn’t let a Spider be shot through mercy killing and you expect me to jump to “Would absolutely murder the Master and desecrate the bodies of the Time Lords”
It doesn’t matter anyway, for she has not the will to do so.
But she lets someone else do it
For fucks sa-
And at the end, what has she learned? That the thing she only knew half an hour ago shouldn’t affect her, so back to status quo
Wasted potential - Monsters
Imagine a super cool idea for a monster? Cool, add it into an episode.
And now get rid of it super quickly or butcher the premise.
REGENERATING CYBERMEN? Let’s have one shoot the other to show how bad it would be and then kill them immediately.
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The Pting, capabale of disrupting a ships infrastructure an- Nah, just dick around with the lights.
Let’s not even reference him 15 episodes later
Cyberman hybrid? 
You get the idea.
The Master, or rather, the Missy Issue
The Master is putting on his best Simms Master homage, and like, I get it. It’s a good Master, and Sacha really puts his all into it.
I can only hope that this Master is before Yana. Missy’s exit was poetic, done well. Of course, just when she could feel ok joining the Doctor, the obstacle in her way was herself. 
It’s not even the fact she died and why is he back now, it’s ... this Master has almost no nuance to him. He wants the Doctor to know the truth, which is at least some Master motives, but then its just wanton destruction for the sake of it. Like Simms but “what if we made him more crazy” The Master is more than this, can be more than this. It was nice seeing Jodie try and relate to him but this Master has thrown out three years of compelling evolution of the character. To throw it all out seems ... odd.
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I can’t fault his performance though, he can be real damn quiet and sinister and really out there when he’s screaming at things.
The episodes themselves
Good cast, good side characters, good ideas, butchered in execution by not exploring the main cast, falling flat on the ideas and by the second season, losing the fun side characters.
Episodes I liked
Woman Who Fell To Earth
Demons of the Punjab
Takes You Away
Fugitive of the Judoon
Can you Hear me
Episodes I hated
Orphan 55
The Timeless Children
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (for cutting everything short)
Everything else was mostly unmemorable I fell asleep on Ascension of the Cybermen, had to rewind it.
The Retcon
You knew this was coming.
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I put it last for I feel there’s a hundred and one issues here and it’d be cruel to just go for the obvious first. Maybe people would think I’d be against this one thing and that’s why I hate the rest. God no, I was so annoyed going into this episode, let alone for what it was about to deliver.
I don’t outright hate past Doctors. Hell, shove the brains of Morbius in there. It shits a bit on Hartnell and established lore a bit, but still.
“But the Brains of Morbius said-“
The eighth doctor said he was half-human, there are some bits of this canon we ignore.
But oh well, it’s not the main crux of the issue.
The Doctor, before this, was a Time Lord. He wasn’t much of a good one, by Time Lord standards at least. Ran from the schism, wasn’t as good as the Master in school, didn’t like the stuffy nature of his race, or their non-intervention policy. Ran off in a stolen ship with a knackered console and wanted to see the universe.
He flouted the rules. He stood up for people where Time Lords wouldn’t. Observe, don’t intervene. But the Doctor couldn’t, too curious, too inquisitive. He got a fondness for humans, god knows why. 
But this Time Lord was against his own people, he was kinder than them, but alien to us. He wanted to learn, and left his planet to see if there was good in the universe. He was a rather shit Time Lord but helped where he could, making a difference in other people’s lives, trying to be the best he could be, learning.
This got him into trouble with the Time Lords of course, but, hey, it’s a funny old universe.
And we like that, as British folk. An underdog common person just trying to help out and be good.
What we’re not a fan of is saying the the Doctor isn’t just some Time Lord that likes helping out, but a chosen one who is the reason that Time Lords exist in the first place and is of another dimensional world and there were 50 of them and they knew kung fu in the super secret Time Lord service but they wiped her mind because it was super secret guys and she can live forever and is immortal and-
I was annoyed when the 50th made a slight mockery of the Time War. I get we don’t always have to stick so closely to canon, but holy shit the Timeless Child.
The fact it was exposition dumped on us and then wrapped up 10 minutes after with NEW ADVENTURES AT CHRISTMAS was just the icing on the cake.
If you wanted to pull this off, this should have been the Doctor’s struggle for the next season, coming to terms that her life is missing, that the Time Lords did this, that she didn’t even know what was right or not
But no, resolved. Felt not like adding to the lore but upending it on its head to say he could.
It’s why I don’t blame Jodie, who does an excellent job. Or the cast.
I blame Chibnall.
And it wouldn’t be as bad if the writing leading up to it helped serve the episode. But there was nothing there. 
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The writing is trash, the Doctor is underdeveloped, the cast outside of Graham aren’t explored, the setup for the finales are weak and uninspired, the retcons are going to cause major issues down the line and you’ve changed the very nature of the Doctor’s character and didn’t even have good writing behind it nor did much to explore it.
And I’m sorry it had to happen to such a good casting decision.
Here’s hoping you sign on to Big Finish and they give you some good storylines Jodie, you deserve it.
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laughingpinecone · 4 years
Press Start letter
I am laughingpineapple on AO3
It’s a long list of character combos so the specific requests aren’t overly detailed, please draw at will from my general likes and general fandom likes in addition or as an alternative to any of those!
All requests are art or fic - for art, the stuff I like is the kind that depicts the characters doing something. I’ll always be happier with a very simple drawing of two characters walking together or sharing a cup of coffee than with an ambitious composition that looks like an Avengers poster. I also enjoy seeing them wear different clothes, getting a feel of what their fashion sense is like beyond their canon outfit(s).
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (especially if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, canon-adjacent tropey plots, outsider POV, UST, resolved UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played straight, sensory details, sickfic, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night, emphasis on non-human traits of non-human characters (gen-wise, but also a hearty yes xeno for applicable ships)
Cool with: any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, focus on children, unrequested ships (background established canon couples are okay, mentions of parents are okay), canon retellings, consent issues
Dark Souls
I’m only familiar with the first game+DLC! It’s probably relevant to mention that I think that linking the fire is kind of a dumbass move and Gwyn is an ass, but on the other hand Kaathe has his own agenda and there’s no winning move in this world, or at least no obvious one. Feel free to deviate from anyone’s canon endings, to make things happen that’ll stave off their hollowing. I am interested in any of these people meeting and possibly striking up a friendship, and also in exploring Lordran’s temporal/dimensional fuckery, where it’s possible to meet people who have been gone for ages…
Group: Solaire of Astora & Siegmeyer of Catarina: so much fanart of Sun Bro & Onion Bro being bros, so little fic. And yet, the potential! How’d they bounce off each other, what about the fact that Siegmeyer is apparently a proper Catarina knight after all while Solaire just painted his self-made insignia and left, what would Sieg think of Solaire’s quest?
Group: Alvina the Cat & Sieglinde of Catarina: dunno, kitty. I love them both and I want everyone cool to go on adventure with each other. What’s left for Alvina now that Sif is gone, Artorias’ grave desecrated? For her part, did Sieglinde, you know, (mimics Ash Lake)?
Ghost Trick
I am very interested in various characters finding about the erased timeline, but not getting their memories back, and having to live with being told about what they did but never remembering it. Exploring the ghost lore is great. All what-ifs welcome (what if they managed an acceptable happy ending but didn’t reset the timeline, what if a different party went back to the past and kept their memories, what if Alma’s ghost stuck around…) Also open to AUs here, especially for generic fantasy or sci-fi settings or the Final Fantasy ones I prompted last Yuletide.
For the non-canon sides of Jowd/Alma/Cabanela, please no infidelity? I’d be good with either setting the fic during the game timeline or some what-if thereof when the other spouse is dead or unavailable, or simply keeping them offscreen and not mentioning them (eg Alma/Cabanela beach day, Jowd/Cabanela precinct shenanigans)
For Jowd in general, I do love my big boy and enjoy milking that size difference for all it’s worth. In gen contexts too, it’s neat. him big.
Group: Jowd & Yomiel: I’d love to read about the intimate understanding that comes from their shared memories and the horrors they’ve mutually forgiven (and a penchant for morbidity they’ve gained from such horrors probably). Cat dads things welcome.
Group: Alma/Jowd/Cabanela: maybe once Alma and Jowd have figured out he’s smitten and that they do in fact reciprocate... they tease him to death, slowly and deliberately? Is it even a Jowd romance if there’s not an exhausting amount of teasing involved, I ask?
Group: Alma/Jowd & Cabanela: Cabs’ life is wild; his best friends’ home is a safe haven...
Group: Emma & Pigeon Man: Emma’s unsuspected beta reader...
Group: Alma/Cabanela: (taps mic) legs. And fashion!
Group: Cabanela/Jowd: a recent tumblr post made a convincing argument for Cabs liking to be in charge (the argument is just pointing at Cabanela, honestly). Jowd is... agreeable, by his own admission. But is it that simple?
Kentucky Route Zero
I love the ending and I’d love to see its themes and setting explored. I’m all for exploration of any of the game’s themes and for including any staples from adjacent genres - wanna go full-on American Gothic? Dip into surrealism? Take a leaf from Twin Peaks with tulpa / split narratives to explore the characters’ issues? I love AUs so that’s an option too. Or of course there’s Xanadu at the height of its glory, an infinite what-ifs generator. Were the requested characters part of it, what were their digital counterparts up to? A Xanadu narrative would be great! I’d also love to hear about any new spot along the Zero or the Echo river, or an expansion of some place that’s only mentioned by Will in HATATE or only gets a few paragraphs of text. Mostly, I just love all these characters so much and I’m going through the tagset’s options like a hyperactive cat. Any fragment of their lives will make me happy.
Group: Shannon Márquez & Conway & Conway's Dog: does Shannon get to see them after the ending? Even for a moment?
Group: Lula Chamberlain/Joseph Wheattree/Donald: so Lula went back to Mexico. Joseph is pensive. Did the events of the night shake up Donald, or what will it take?
Group: Junebug & Lula Chamberlain: artists! Outspoken... artists... with a complicated personality. Put them in the same room and...?
Group: Junebug & Johnny: where’s the strangest place they played in, and what did Johnny find there?
Group: Conway & Johnny & Junebug (Kentucky Route Zero): their story is about finding individuality, his is about succumbing and losing it. Would any of them pick up on this mid-Act IV? Or just... talking about limbs and stuff?
Group: Cate & Will & Shannon Márquez (Kentucky Route Zero): a few months later, Shannon finds herself on the Mucky Mammoth again...
Group: Carrington & Weaver Márquez & Shannon Márquez (Kentucky Route Zero): maybe the cousins were trying to bond or reminisce or whatever and Carrington dive-bombed into the conversation, but in the end it was an enriching experience... of sorts?
Group: Carrington & Lula Chamberlain (Kentucky Route Zero): I don’t usually look for college shenanigans but this may be the exception? Or Art Opinions?
Group: Carrington & Clara (Kentucky Route Zero): would she even... get a word in? Maybe with the right topic?
Group: Carrington & Cate & Will (Kentucky Route Zero): Mammoth life! ...what does theater have to say about mushrooms again?
Group: Shannon Marquez & Weaver Marquez (Kentucky Route Zero): at the end of it all, Weaver was waiting. After this end, they can stand side by side again...
Group: Emily & Ben & Bob (Kentucky Route Zero): so what does it mean, like, poetically, that they were temporally displaced and Act I is in their future from Act V? Is it possible they were not aware of it?
The island, the sense of community, newcomers joining the community, gardens and music... I love the mood of this little game. Got ideas for some part of the island we haven’t seen? What stories do they tell each other about Moon Dragon and the first days of the new life it brought? The plants encyclopaedia was great - do Yoké’s archives hide some other cool tome? Please, if Graubert is mentioned, I would much prefer a sympathetic portrayal - he’s got his issues but I felt that the game was much harder on him than anyone else.
Group: Yoké & Karoo: I love the friendship between Yoké and Nonno and filtering it through Karoo feels even cooler to me. When did the big spooky bird first visit, did Yoké know or perceive what was going on?
Group: Yoké & Claire: book club book club book club!
Group: Spike/Claire: they’re so cute! Dinner at Mori’s? Swimming together?
Group: Nonno & Spike: I love Nonno’s role in the community and Spike’s role in the community, and they’re the two people who landed there and decided to stay. Could they bond over this?
Group: Dennis & Nonno: Important Tree Health Business!
Group: Bopek & Jell-A: Jell-A is the absolute coolest and Bopek grew on me a lot. Their friendship is adorable! What could they do together? As a side note, Jell-A’s place has the tightest interior decor in the whole game. How’d that happen, and does Bopek get a flair for vintage shapes and volumes in his weaving?
Group: Mori & Nonno & Yoké: FRIENDS. Friends for a long time, through so much pain. An evening together while The Youths (tm) are at Spike’s bar?
Yoké: catch-all Yoké request because he’s my fave! Doing Yoké things, being a big nerd, caring for books and plants and stuff
The burning found family feelings, the revolutionary passion, the tension between topside social constraints and the kind of freedom allowed by the Downside! Thoughts about finding oneself at  the end of an age, as everything crumbles down to form something new. I love all the themes, the solemnity, the heart of this game. I adore everyone in that Blackwagon+Dalbert+Celeste, so if you want to add a Nightwing or two to any prompt, please do! I also love all the Scribes and find Erisa a compelling tragic figure. Out of the other triumvirates, I’m “love to hate them” for Manley, Brighton, Udmildhe and Deluge and would not like to see them featured in sympathetic roles. My main interest usually lies in post-canon exploration when applicable, but I’m also into various adventures during canon. Pick a location or a place outside the map and see what happens? As for the ending variables, I’d ask for a peaceful revolution and Oralech alive, but no preferences for who’s up and who’s down, pick whatever works best for any given plot bunny.
Group: Tariq & Soliam: what were Tariq and Celeste like in their earliest days? Were they made or summoned from some sort of preexisting star consciousness? They’re wildly different scenarios! I’m good with either. Does Soliam then see Tariq as a child of sorts, someone he made, or something greater than himself? Did he mean to do that, to have these two immortals around? What does Tariq learn from the First Scribe?
Group: Tariq & Dalbert Oldheart: Any excuse for Tariq to hang out with the Fates for a little while, and treasure and be treasured by dear Dalbert...
Group: Oralech & Vagabond Girl: after all is said and done, Oralech’s view of the Scribes is probably... understandably... dire. So of course I want to see him talk it out with ae!
Group: Celeste & Ignarius: look, listen, if the various triumvirates just camped out near their respective Scribe’s place during the Nightwings’ years-long absence (not the only possible explanation for how you find them all neatly lined up before the first lib rite, but an explanation nonetheless, I think. just let me have my crack), that means Iggy was Celeste’s neighbor for a long time. Neighborly hijinks please?
Group: Bertrude/Pamitha: Pam returning from her travels, again and again, and finding a home in Bertrude’s lab, finding an understanding there... Bertrude’s attitude being thorny in a way that’s just what Pam needs to allow herself to open up... also: snake kisses.
Group: Volfred Sandalwood/Oralech: waking up and remembering that the mourning that’s set deep in your roots is for someone who never died, waking up and remembering that the bitterness that consumed you had made up a betrayal that never was, finding each other through these crumbling walls... 
Molten Milithe: that’s the pov for a love letter to the Downside, right? And/or which Scribe did she bond with the most? Or the least for that matter?
Volfred Sandalwood: catch-all Volf’n’anyone request. I want to see our tree interact with any friend and foe you might fancy! Arguing for his beliefs, being a history professor through and through, finding himself in a tight spot and getting unexpected help, verbally tearing Brighton a new one if they ever cross each other’s path again...
group: Volfred Sandalwood/Tariq | The Lone Minstrel: Volfred’s zodiac sign is Cancer and Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so there’s that.    I love how they both hold the other in the highest esteem, especially on Tariq’s part since he’s the immortal Herald of the Scribes and Volfred is, all in all, a history teacher, but listen to him and you’d think the roles were inverted. I love my nonviolent canon but could anything happen to either of them that may require a rescue, and/or some good old-fashioned h/c? What’s something that could make Tariq of all people lose it? How’s life 100 years on?
This game cares for the little things. I’d love to see fanworks that try to out-slice-of-life canon...
Group: Qiu Hsu & Xianzi Bei: cormorant kung fu adventure! Do they hang out sometimes?
Group: Hazuki Ryo & Shenhua Ling: any moment, discussion, small adventure from their travels together! I love their bond! For all its waifufication of Shenhua, S3 really sold me on their friendship and a shared brand of dorkiness. Alternatively, sometimes I remember that they’d be 50ish in the present day - how and where do you picture them?
The Silver Case
I‘m all for the surrealism, big things being introduced and never picked up again, Rashomon’ing it up with six explanations for the same thing where no single one can be true, people dying and then popping up again like nbd...  maybe the thing I like the most is characters transcending their humanity and looming over the dystopian world like ominous avatars. Correctness’ first ending had me swooning, that kind of mood is unparalleled. I have played TSC, FSR and 25W so far and have vague memories of K7. I’m aware of the “everything’s connected” readings but that’s not my main interest in these games. For FSR-focused requests, I see Lospass as a real island but also a metaphysical  place of transformation first and foremost, where strange things happen that don’t make sense elsewhere.
Group: Toriko Kusabi & Remy Fawzil: What’s Toriko up to when she’s not chasing Chris? I think it could be fun to throw her at Remy and see the island from their point of view!
Group: Tokio Morishima & Edo Macalister: since Tokio stayed at the Flower Sun and Rain... I’m interested in peculiar happenings on Lospass that are not centered on Sumio...
Group: Tetsugorou Kusabi/Sumio Kodai: Tetsu picked one hell of a crush, huh! What’s it like in the aftermath of the games, when Sumio is Like That? How does Tetsu grapple with Parade? Is Tetsu an anchor of sorts for Correctness Sumio, who seems (at best) to be existing on a slightly different plane of existence at any given time and could disappear if you blink too hard?
Group: Tetsugorou Kusabi & Shinko Kuroyanagi: I’m joining the “let these two be foulmouthed friends” masses - who’d be more fed up with the other’s nonsense, and in which ways would they be an unstoppable team?
Group: Shinkai Tsuki & Tetsugorou Kusabi: Both of them end their stories in the shadows one way or another, and defending their protégé may have had a hand in their misfortune one way or another. What kind of understanding could they reach? What IS Tsuki up to anyway?
Group: Christina & Catherine: anthro Catherine, as per the Placebo bonus chapter Yami, was unexpectedly charming. What was Chris before reaching Lospass, and did he also have a chat with her on the plane or on the island?
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