#scrubs: 5x03
aflawedfashion · 1 year
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Scrubs 5x03 | My Day at the Races
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
You know what I love? Carina’s hatred of bras. Don’t think she’s worn one once this season even in scrubs. Love that for her and us.
Yes! Love that for her and us as well. Special shoutout to the end scene in 5x03 for reasons. ;)
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blorbodiaz · 2 years
the hackers aren’t gone (and what we know about them)
so for a while we’ve all been thinking that the ransomware hackers from season 5 left a little…underwhelmingly. its possible they aren’t done with us just yet. so i thought i’d put all we know about the hackers into one post.
1. starting off a lot further back than you’d expect, in 2x14. when the CAD system went offline, the FBI was sent to the dispatch centre to see if they had been hacked. they weren’t, but during this time the analysts gave us some very interesting backstory information:
“In 2016 a single web address went viral on twitter. people clicked on it and their phones started speed dialling 911. The attack in Atlanta last year was traced back to Russian hackers, The city spent more than $2.6 million trying to unlock their systems, rather than pay the ransom demand of $50,000 in bitcoin.”
2. Now, moving onto the blackout. In 5x01, the first things that started happening in terms of hacking was fake natural disaster alerts, phones automatically speed dialling 911, and cars gps trackers malfunctioning.
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where have we heard that middle issue before? ah yes, the hack from 2016.
then both taylor and karen come to the realisation that it was not app updates and software glitches, but ransomware.
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3. still in 5x01, when the air traffic control systems get overtaken, this is what happens
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now its not bitcoin, but its close enough to what was described in point 1 to wonder if its the same hacker collective.
4. and finally, in 5x03, the hackers just kinda…disappear. they give back the power with none of their demands met, and just leave. in taylor’s news coverage of this, she says (there’s talking over this, so i tried to transcript it best i could):
“the hacker group initially claiming responsibility and demanding a hefty ransom has gone offline, virtually scrubbing their existence from the internet, leaving no trace behind. many questions remain, what was the motive behind this attack?”
in the end, i think there’s enough roots that have been put down quite early on in the show for them to do something big with the hackers. and i mean really big. maybe this is what season 6 has in store for us, maybe not. i hope so, because this would be kinda cool. but i guess we’ll find out…
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potterbite · 3 years
Gentle insight
Eddie's oh-moment (aka realizing his feelings for Buck). Post 5x03. 
On AO3.
Eddie doesn’t go back into the kitchen until after Christopher’s gone to bed, instead taking the far easier route of food delivered to the door and staying in the living room for the rest of the day. (Okay, so maybe he went in there a few times to get water but he never really saw it and Christopher didn’t ask.)
But when he finally does, he takes one look at the chaos and sighs. The words ‘I guess it’s your mess now’ rings inside his head, loud and clear, but he doesn’t even know where to begin. He feels as if he’s supposed to know though, like the answer is right there, but thinking about it only makes him stare blankly at the giant pile of dishes until his mind is spinning.
He shakes his head and instead picks up the phone to call the number at the top of the list. 
“Hey,” Buck answers and Eddie can feel a tiny bit of the tension in his shoulders roll away. 
“Were you asleep?” Eddie has never felt farther away from sleep than right now, despite the week they’ve had, and he forgot about the outside world. Granted, it’s just past ten p.m and Buck usually doesn’t go to bed this early but right now nothing feels ordinary.
“Nah, I crashed for a few hours just when I got home so I’ll probably be up for a while.”
“Good.” Eddie nods to himself, not sure what else to say. Why did he even call to begin with? Didn’t they just spend six days as each other’s constant companion? 
After a few beats of silence Buck speaks again, quieter this time. “Is everything okay?”
The word is there in his mouth, lips already formed to speak. But then he thinks about it and he isn’t fine at all, not really.
“Come over?” he asks instead and before he has time to second guess himself he hears the jingle of keys and a door opening and closing.
“I’m on my way.”
They end up in Eddie’s mess of a kitchen, Buck insisting that he’ll help with the dishes even though Eddie tells him twice that’s not why he invited him over.
(There’d been a moment—just when Buck had entered the chaos and his eyes widened and his lips fell apart slightly—where Eddie had wished more than anything that he’d been holding a camera. To capture that fraction of a moment of his best friend completely speechless.)
So as Buck does the dishes, Eddie dries everything with a towel while telling Buck how it went with Ana. At one point, Buck’s hands go very still in the soapy water.
“What?” Eddie questions, his fingers outstretched to take the clean utensil Buck’s holding hostage under water.
Buck shakes himself out of whatever thought that went through his head. “Nothing. Just surprised she knew what your panic was about and didn’t say anything I guess.”
Eddie accepts the three knives Buck gives him and dries them thoroughly. “Maybe she hoped she was wrong. I know I was.”
Buck just hums in agreement and for a while, they work in silence. 
“How did Chris take it?” Buck asks suddenly, eyes darting to the general direction of Chrisopher’s room.
Eddie shrugs. “Surprisingly good, actually.” He puts away another round of utensils and closes the drawer with his hip. “We talked about it some, and then he said he wanted me to be happy.”
“And then what?” Buck asks, giving him a large bowl that drips water onto the floor. 
“And then nothing. He asked if he could play his game and after that we had dinner and a movie together.” Eddie drops the now soaking wet towel onto the floor to mop up some of the water, and then reaches for the other towel he’d put next to the stove earlier.
Buck smiles and something inside Eddie rolls around, shifting. “That kid is my favorite person in the world.”
Eddie shakes his head but can’t keep his own smile away. “I know.” 
He looks at his friend, face screwed up in concentration to scrub off a particularly stubborn stain on one of the plates, and suddenly doesn’t want him to leave. “I need beer after this. You stayin’ for one? The couch still has your imprint and the bed sheets are where you left them. Clean though.” He smirks. 
And he can feel it—the recognition of what he’s supposed to know—on the tip of his tongue. As if his body’s waiting for his mind to catch up and he can tell he’s almost there.
“Make it three beers and pancakes for breakfast and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Then Buck grins lazily at him whilst handing him another plate to dry and something clicks inside Eddie, slotting into place where he hadn’t even realized there’d been a hole. 
And all he can think is: oh. 
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tenisperfection · 2 years
Post 5x03 drabble inspired by this gifset by @chiquititadiaz and this post that I made about Eddie cleaning the mess in his kitchen after Ana leaves. Warnings for angst, shooting mention.
Eddie leaves the dishes for the end.
The first thing he moves towards are the muffin trays, of which there are four. Eddie’s certain that he doesn’t own more than one, which means that Ana must have gotten them and left them behind, all for Eddie to clean.
It’s your mess now.
The muffins go in Tupperware containers, and when Eddie runs out of those, into ziplock bags. Tomorrow, he’ll take them to the station and leave them on the dining table for the B shift. A sadistic, dark voice inside him screams out that he’ll never be free until he consumes them himself without anyone else to help, but Eddie knows that even if he tried to eat one or all of them, they won’t make it past his throat. 
He scrubs the oven next and hears Christopher flipping through the channels in the living room. He knows he has to go out there soon, hug Christopher and beg silently for forgiveness for taking someone else away from him, someone else who’d never return. 
When the oven is clean and the counters are gleaming, when the milk carton and the oil and everything that was out of place is put away and every unclean dish piled precariously in the sink, Eddie reaches automatically for the dishwasher and immediately freezes.
His hand hangs suspended in mid air like it hit resistance, an invisible barrier between it and the dishwasher that’ll empty the sink and the last bit of the mess in his kitchen. Eddie has to swallow hard around the lump in his throat before he withdraws his hand away from the dishwasher and turns the faucet on. The dishwashing sponge is dry and it shouldn’t make Eddie’s hand shake the way it does when he grabs it and runs it under lukewarm water.
It takes Eddie twenty minutes and ten shaky, pruney fingers to get through every dish in the sink. He doesn’t use the dishwashing gloves Pepa had left behind one day, or the floral ones that Buck bought him because there’s a discount for two, Eddie. He does it with his bare hands, dish by dish by dish. Drying and putting them away takes another ten minutes, and when Eddie’s done, he scrubs the floor for good measure until his tired bones ache.
It takes Eddie an hour and ten minutes to get his kitchen back. One hour and ten minutes until the only unclean, messy thing still left in it is Eddie himself.
The sunlight streaming through the thin, white curtains throws every crevice in the clean space into sharp focus, and Eddie takes a minute as he sags against the refrigerator, the magnetic little plastic figures holding hands digging into his neck sharply. Eddie welcomes the mild pain just like he’d welcomed the scalding hot water on his skin as he scrubbed the dishes, taking care not to let go of a plate because that might be the fall that breaks him into pieces that he can’t pick up.
In a minute, Eddie will move and go into the living room so he can talk to Chris until Carla arrives. In a minute, Eddie has to clean himself. He has to strip out of the henley that he’ll never wear again, step under the shower and scrub all the places that Ana had touched, maybe because she’d wanted a final piece of him, a piece that Eddie did not want to part with. In a minute, Eddie’s hand will pass over the scar the sniper left on him. 
In a minute, Eddie will pretend that the action didn’t make him shiver.
In a minute, Eddie will change into clean clothes and strip his bed and put on fresh sheets.
In a minute, Eddie will go to bed and stay awake.
But first, Eddie takes a minute, the magnets digging into him like sharp, unforgiving reminders of the mess he’d cleaned from the kitchen and poured into himself, staining everything it touches.
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elvensorceress · 3 years
(the 5x03 episode coda we all deserve) 
Inspired by @eric-dierr ‘s post
on AO3
There’s finality to the sound of the door shutting behind her, but the weight of more years than he’s ever known her disappears as soon as she does. 
He can breathe again. He can relax. He doesn’t have to play a part. He doesn’t have to fake picture perfect, too-exaggerated-to-be-real happiness. He can finally take his home back. 
The irony of his disaster kitchen is not lost on him. But he starts with a message, because it needs to be said, and he hates the idea of hurting anyone. Least of all hurting someone the way Buck was hurt. 
Done. It’s over.
Is what he sends. And then goes to strip the beds and cycle the laundry and wash his whole fucking house of anything touched by her. It’s only a few minutes before he receives a response. 
it go ok? r u ok? 
He could be better. He could have a clean house and a clean mind and he could simply enjoy curling up with his son and finally spending time with him. Fixing everything has to come first. 
It was fine. Probably. Who knows. You make it home?
Once the sheets are washing, he turns to the kitchen and who does this to someone else’s kitchen and just leaves it? He digs out gallon sized ziplock bags and fills them with the assortment of muffins and other baked goods. He’ll have to make a note to himself to take them to the station on his next shift. At least he won’t have to pretend to like bland, flavorless cooking anymore. 
He checks his phone and it’s been a good ten minutes without a response, so maybe Buck decided to nap or cook or… Oh, god maybe his girlfriend is there. 
At least there’s not much of anything in Eddie’s stomach right now because it twists and he’s nauseous and of all the people Buck had to pick her and it’s just… none of his business but Buck could do so much better. He deserves so much better. Though the idea of Buck with anyone is not something he wants to think about. Not that he wants Buck to be alone forever. He’s been so lonely and Eddie knows he desperately wants to be loved. But no one is ever going to be good enough for him, no one can know him well enough or love him the way he needs, he should be adored and cherished and treated like the most precious thing in existence because he is.
And that’s the most Eddie wants to think about on the subject. 
He starts by unloading the dishwasher and then has to restart by organizing his cupboards back the way the dishes and cups and silverware are supposed to be organized. Halfway through the third cupboard, his phone chimes. 
idk. technically. what r u up to?
He reads it and rereads their whole conversation, and sighs heavily. Buck could take his own advice. But then they’d both be alone again. One of them should at least have something? He starts typing and hesitates and knows his typing must have appeared and notified Buck that he’s working on a response. But. Should he? 
Fuck it. Why not. 
Cleaning up my disaster. Want to come over? 
The response is immediate. 
It’s another moment where he can finally breathe again. In that case, he unloads the clean dishes into a mostly empty cupboard and tries to tackle the dirty dishes in the sink before Buck shows up and sees the mess made of his kitchen. 
Is the next message that pops up on his phone and Eddie contemplates sending a picture, but some things are better left a surprise. 
You’ll see.
It takes him less than fifteen minutes to walk through the door and the kitchen is only partly under control. He hears Christopher excitedly exclaim, “Buck! Buck is home! You’re here!” 
And Buck’s near giddy reply of, “Christopher! You’re also home!” He laughs and Eddie has to see them. 
He grabs a kitchen towel to dry his hands and finds Christopher clutched tightly in Buck’s arms, melting onto his shoulder much like he did at the station a few days ago. They both have their eyes closed tightly, swaying as if there’s joyful music only they can hear. Eddie wonders what it might take for him to hear it as well. 
He swallows hard and can’t look at anything else. 
Christopher lifts up and presses both of his small hands into Buck’s cheeks. “I missed you, kid.” 
Buck laughs again but his eyes look glassy even though there’s something about him that is radiant sunshine after years of being lost in a cold night. “I missed you, too, buddy.” He sets Christopher down but bends to leave a kiss on his forehead. When he looks at Eddie with that glowing sunrise of a smile, Eddie can almost believe in hope and happiness and the future. 
It makes him want to believe real love is still possible. That there is something, someone, in existence who might make his heart want and need and bleed love in every incarnation. 
Buck lets Christopher go back to playing and follows Eddie into the kitchen. Where his expression immediately turns into something horrified. “What in the,” he glances in the direction of the other room, shuts the door and mouths quietly, “Fuck happened here?”
“I told you. Disaster.” Eddie tosses his kitchen towel onto his shoulder and returns to the kitchen sink with soaking cupcake pans. 
“But,” Buck says, supremely distressed. “My kitchen.”
“I’ve been working on it,” Eddie promises. He needs to scrub down and wash away everything. 
 “She wasn’t even here that long. What the hell did she do? Who does this and just leaves someone else’s house like this?”
Eddie shrugs but gives him a smile. He can finally smile. A real smile in his own home. It’s almost strange now, but it’s possible. Then again, it’s always real when Buck is around. “That’s exactly what I thought.”
Buck shakes his head and goes to the cupboards to finish organizing them properly. He knows better where everything is supposed to belong anyway. 
With Buck’s help, it doesn’t take long to reorganize and wipe down the entire kitchen. They put new sheets and blankets on the beds and Eddie does a quick cleaning of the bathrooms while Buck vacuums and tidies the living room. They bring the dried laundry to Christopher’s room to fold and put it away and start a load of all Eddie’s work clothes, and only then does Buck turn to him and put his hands on Eddie’s shoulders. 
Eddie tries not to go weak at the touch. It feels like an eternity since they’ve hugged, since they’ve been home, since they’ve been close. 
“Thank you,” Buck says softly.
Eddie looks at him, unsure, uncertain, and longing for something they can never have. “For what?”
Buck bites his lip and tears well in his eyes. “For not being Abby. For being you.”
Eddie takes a deep breath and very lightly rests a hand on Buck’s chest. Over his heart. “Thanks for being you.” 
Buck bends his head and Eddie holds onto him, pulls him closer so Buck’s forehead rests against his own. 
It’s so easy to believe now. He can almost feel it with how they’ve grown together, built this together. There’s something so close it feels inevitable, but he knows it’s something they chose for themselves. 
When they let go, they join Christopher on the sofa and cuddle together closer than they ever have. So close Christopher wriggles out from their tight grasp because they are interrupting game time, okay? Buck looks at him for a moment but curls against Eddie’s side anyway and drifts off as they’re stretched on the couch together. 
His house his clean. His life has a new page, a fresh start, it can be anything. But he knows, no matter what, they’ll have each other and their son. It’s all his heart has ever wanted, and this time, it feels as if they will have it. 
@oneweirdcryptid @ashavahishta @captain-flint @phantomqueenmorrigan @loveyourownsmiilee @oldsouldreamer85 @arrenemris @fleurdebeton @rosefairyirl @holydrogo-n @free-byrd @insaneoldme @oatflatwhite @favouritealias @idealuk @racoonsa @ethicalconflictdiaz
(If anyone would like to be added to my tag list, let me know or go like this post 💕)
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whatladybird · 3 years
the misha collins Character Acting Symposium via episodes of supernatural
hey. do you not want to watch all of late seasons supernatural but you DO want to see misha collins act his little tush off and do the most? you’re in luck. here are the episodes you need to watch to get the range of his full character actor nonsense. 
4x01, Lazarus Rising, Castiel
4x20, The Rapture, Jimmy Novak
5x03, The End, Hippie!Cas
6x15, The French Mistake, Misha Collins
7x01, Hello Cruel World, Godstiel & Leviathan
7x17, The Born-Again Identity, Emmanuel
7x21, Reading is Fundamental, Scrubs!Cas
9x06, Heaven Can’t Wait, Human!Cas (9x03 and 9x09 if you want more)
11x14, The Vessel, Lucifer (11x18, 11x21, 11x22 if you want more)
13x04, The Big Empty, The Cosmic Entity
13x22, Exodus, Alt!Castiel
14x13, Lebanon, Alt!Castiel (but... a different one)
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mikelogan · 7 years
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
5x05: Fallen Idols
Hey all! Welcome to Hate Watch Week! We’ve picked the best of the worst and are recapping them all week. These are our personal choices, and I’m sure they all (*but one*) have redeeming qualities, we just see the bad more than the good. Enjoy our snark  --and join in if you want :) (And if you’re still trying to guess our hiatus theme, this episode doesn’t count.) 
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We meet Jimmy and his pal, Cal, both race car enthusiasts. Well, enthusiasts for one sports car: James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder. While Jimmy runs to get the camera, Cal sits in the car, ready to start the “Little Bastard”. Only, the air gets frosty and the car radio flickers on. We hear a crash and Jimmy heads back to the garage to find Cal’s head smashed into the jagged edge of the convertible’s windshield. 
Sam and Dean are on the case! Sam wants to know why this case is so important --what with the devil and apocalypse and all. “This is what we’re doing, okay?” Dean insists. Dean highlights that they’ve been away from each other for a while (*Ahem* maybe I don’t like this episode as much because the last two episodes were just Dean and Cas having fun times together? IDK. 5x03 and 5x04 were a wild ride that I watch over and over again.) 
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They arrive at the local cop shop as FBI agents Bonham and Copeland. The local sheriff shows them the video “evidence” that Cal’s good buddy Jim killed him. The brothers are less than convinced.
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The sheriff applied Occam's Razor, and done and done. 
The brothers want to interview Jim anyway. He tells them what he heard from the house: tires squealing, glass breaking. The car killed Cal. It’s cursed. Jim mentions that it was “Little Bastard” that did it, and Dean’s eyes light up like a little boy at Christmas. OoooohhhHHHHooo. Dean and cars and, well, don’t tell me he never had a crush on James Dean. We all have had a crush on James Dean. Sam “I can’t be any more straight” Winchester has no flippin’ clue what’s going on. Dean insists they check out the car. Bby boy. 
They head to the car, and Dean takes a moment. Sam asks for some exposition. Dean explains that after James Dean died, the mechanic bought the wreckage and fixed the car. 
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The car fell on him, and death continues to follow the car wherever it goes (Ugh, I just went down a rabbit hole of what happened to the car and am now in a weird spiral of remembering how much I loved James Dean as a teen and how much Rebel Without A Cause meant to me. I’m not 90 years old. What a weird flex for a 1990’s kid to experience. But also not, since Dean’s right there with me, right?) 
Anyway, to really confirm if the car was James Dean’s, they’ve got to match the engine number. Dean heads under the car to confirm, begging the car to not hurt him first. Dean takes his sweet ass time being nervous and writing down the engine number, but he makes it out alive. He tasks Sam with tracking down all the owners.
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While Dean hangs at a bar, Sam discovers the car is a fake. 
Meanwhile, a nerdy man reflects on his day at his desk when the air gets frosty and he hears a creaking behind him. He turns and utters, “Oh my god, it’s you. You’re dead. You’re supposed to be dead.” Is it a long lost wife? An old rival? Nope. It’s a growling Abraham Lincoln. He chokes the nerd man until he becomes a victim of the blood cannon. Better angels of our nature, my ass. 
The agents meet the sheriff at the crime scene. They remark that there’s nothing strange about the victim dying of a gunshot wound where there’s no gun, no gunpowder, no bullet. Awkward. The brothers demand a reasonable explanation from the sheriff. He hunkers down and whispers, “Professional killer.” He’s thinking this is a Michael Clayton-type thing. And I love it because that’s the limit of his imagination. Sam and Dean know better but only because they live in the fringe of this world where monsters are real. 
Sam and Dean head to interview the victim’s maid, Consuela Alvarez. She’s very distressed, and can only speak Spanish. 
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Sam pulls out his freshman Spanish to save the day. I only remember “Donde esta el baño?” Good job, Sam! The killer was a tall man with a long black coat and a beard. And he wore a hat. A tall hat. Dean cracks the code: A stovepipe hat like Abraham Lincoln. DEAN BEAN, so street smart he doesn’t even realize how book smart he is. Sigh. “Abraham Lincoln killed Mr. Hill,” Consuela confirms. 
The brothers continue to research. Dean watches the car video frame by frame until he finds one frame of a blurred red coated figure ---and INSTANTLY guesses that it’s James Dean ---but like Jim Stark James Dean. It’s not like James Dean wore the damn red coat outside of that movie role, lol. (Sidenote: Fun fact: Fry from Futurama’s coat is modeled after that red coat.) 
Sam realizes that they’re dealing with famous ghosts that are killing their fans. (Sidenote: I hope Misha Collins never dies.) The brothers wonder why these ghosts are haunting Canton, Ohio. They do more research. 
The brothers head to the Canton Wax Museum. They marvel at all the random wax figurines (and Sam is taller than Lincoln? Hmmm. They’re the same height. #Borisisanerd) Dean makes fun of Gandhi and Sam defends him, but uh, nope, Sam, nope. 
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The museum curator shows up and the brothers introduce themselves as reporters for Travel Magazine. They’re writing an article on “how totally non-sucky wax museums are.” The curator points out that this place is unique. He points to Lincoln and tells the boys that’s actually Lincoln’s hat. Yep, he’s got real items from all the dead guys. 
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He’s going to make wax museums hip again. And OMG Sam’s little thumbs up in response. STOP. 
Later, Sam loads up on salt rounds and walks in on Dean talking to Bobby about him. Dean gets off the phone fast and dismisses Sam’s questioning about the call. Dean’s not 100% with Sam yet. They head out to finish the case. 
At the wax museum Dean starts poking around. Let the tomfoolery begin!
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Sam hauls out a metal trash can which they can use to torch all the priceless, one of a kind objects. (History-fan me cringes.) While he’s doing an ultra-close-up examination of Lincoln, the doors slam shut. Suddenly, Gandhi is on him! Gandhi is strong, he’s fast, and he’s out to kill. Dean torches Gandhi's watch and Sam’s attacker winks out. 
The next day, Sam mulls over the case in the motel room. Ghost Gandhi's quick disappearance has him troubled. He didn’t flame out like most ghosts, and he seemed almost zombie hungry. Sam thinks the hunger is uncharacteristic given Gandhi's tendency towards fruitarianism. (WWMGD? What would monster Gandhi do?) Dean dismisses Sam’s concerns, and Sam tells him that hunting together isn’t working. Dean doesn’t trust him. More than that, Dean’s trying to stick to their old patterns with the older brother telling the younger brother what to do. 
“Before didn’t work,” Sam tells him. That old dynamic chased Sam off into Ruby’s arms. “You’re gonna have to let me grow up.”
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Dean’s phone rings. It’s the local cops, calling about another terrible incident. 
The Sheriff is…utterly at a loss with this next one. Dean and Sam head into the station to interview two teen girls. They tearfully recount the “horrible” “way horrible” disappearance of their friend who was kidnapped earlier by…Paris Hilton. 
Dean and Sam tick the obvious boxes. Paris Hilton isn’t dead, so they’re not after a ghost. Sam suits up in scrubs to do a detailed autopsy of one of the prior corpses. He pulls out two strange seeds from one of the victim’s stomachs. 
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Sam fills Dean in on the excessive blood loss he discovered (something was feeding) and the seeds. The seeds are unusual, and he takes them back to the motel. There, he discovers that the seeds were indigenous to a forest in Europe, and the forest was ruled over by a god, Leshi. Leshi can take on any form and feeds on his followers. Dean hand waves the shapeshifting explanation for the audience by asking, “So how's he doing it? What, he touches James Dean's keychain and then morphs into James Dean?” Thank you, Exposition Dean!
The Winchesters arrive back at the Wax Museum, this time bearing a nice sharp axe. In a creepy closed exhibit they find the victim and…Paris Hilton. She (He?) takes out Dean and Sam quickly. When they wake a little while later, they’re tied to the fake trees in the exhibit. 
Leshi sharpens a blade slowly, excited to do the sacrificial ritual correctly this time. He explains that he’s settled in this town to stuff his face full of worshippers arriving at the wax museum. With the apocalypse nigh, there’s no reason to diet! 
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Leshi grouses about the poor quality of worshippers these days. Dean fights whining with snark, and Leshi tells him that he worships somebody - his dad. “Poor little Dean. All you ever wanted was to be loved by your idol.” They fight and Sam breaks free and hacks off Leshi’s head.
The next day, we learn that the victim they rescued is going to recover. And even better? The bumbling Sheriff is putting out an APB on Paris Hilton. 
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At the car, Dean admits his own culpability in bringing about the apocalypse, when he broke the first seal. He apologizes for being preoccupied with the wrong things. Sam responds with the hero speech with which we’re so familiar. “We gotta just grab onto whatever's in front of us, kick its ass, and go down fighting.” Dean’s on board. Hell, he’s more than ready to move forward. He hands Sam the keys to Baby and they roll off to the sweet sounds of Jeff Beck's “Superstition." D’awwww.
These Quotes are Hot:
We’re not your typical cops
Death follows this car around like exhaust
Christine is fiction, this is real
I'm gonna make wax museums hip again
Four score and seven years ago, I had a funny hat
You’re not the first god we've met, but you are the nuttiest
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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sharkfish · 5 years
my favorite destiel fics under 10k
hello enjoy!! there’s a bunch so they’re under the cut. :) a couple are dcj which is noted after the title! 
don’t forget to kudos & comment!!! 
A Change of Scene by SurlyCat
Words: 7,606
When Dean goes over to see his Dom on Christmas Eve, he isn't expecting Cas to play naughty Santa, and neither of them is expecting how it turns out for them.
Aloft by VioletHaze 
Words: 5,271
Despite his bravado walking in, he can’t quite bring himself to sit on Cas’s actual bed, but he stands near the foot of it and takes a long pull of his beer. In silent satisfaction, he watches Cas watch him lick the beer off his upper lip.
From past experience, this should be when Cas strides forward and Dean pretends to let him take charge. For whatever reason, though, that’s not happening. If anything, Cas seems to have put a little extra space between them.
“Dean, about today,” Cas begins and Jesus Christ when he said he wanted to talk he actually wanted to talk.
Dean feels the embarrassment at being so far off base twist at his gut. The bottle he was holding loosely in his hand is now clenched in his fist as he makes for the door. “We are not doing this.”
He’s stopped in his tracks when his vision goes black, disorienting him. It takes a second or two to realize it isn’t the black of darkness or unconsciousness, but a deep iridescent black of feathers and wings.
A moving sea. by orange_crushed
Words: 3,356
It’s a pretty song but just too fucking sad, even if he doesn’t catch all the words, so Dean reaches out to change it. But Castiel’s hand meets his halfway, startles him into pulling back. He glances over and sees Castiel’s eyes watching him, glittering a little in the light from the dash. He wasn’t sleeping at all. “I like this one,” Castiel says. “Do you mind?”
"No," says Dean, and leaves it. Castiel twines their fingers together and they stay like that for the next dozen miles.
Angel-Mine by relucant @relucant​
Words: 4,274
Cas exhaled. "When an angel's wings are injured," he said to his feet, "the healing process can be augmented by… grooming, I suppose, would be the most accurate word. Removal of the maimed feathers to allow growth of healthy ones. Otherwise, they're left to fall out alone." He tilted his head towards the nightstand. "As you see."
Dean stared at him. "So… that's why I can't help?" he said slowly. "'Cause I can't, y'know… see 'em? Or touch 'em?"
"Yes," Cas said, slightly too quickly, and Dean snorted.
"You're still a shitty liar, Cas," he informed him. "What ain't you tellin' me?"
A Room of His Own (or not) by Valinde (Valyria)
Words: 3,036
Dean took a deep breath and reassessed the situation. He was in bed with a guy, sure, and technically they were snuggling, but it was Cas. The guy had absolutely no reference on what was appropriate physical contact between two dudes sharing a bed in the... normal, completely unsexy, no-funny-business, way.
A Simple Touch, A Single Look by jujubiest
Words: 2,334
Something is going on between Dean and Castiel, and Sam is determined to find out what it is. Meanwhile, Castiel puzzles over surprising aspects of his relationship with Dean.
As Long as you Like by artsyUnderstudy
Words: 6,626
A few months after Cas finally comes home to Dean, the two have settled in comfortably together. It's only after a botched date that Dean starts to worry he might not understand what Cas needs.
Boys On Film by LoversAntiquities 
Words: 8,540
But maybe that’s what it is—maybe Castiel’s finally realized something Dean is too chicken to admit, despite the fact he’s been jerking off to the idea of Castiel fucking him for the past few weeks. The idea warms him as much as it pains him to think about, his friend not being able to talk to him about something like that. That has to be it—it’s the only explanation. Castiel likes him.
“Or maybe he knows you do cam shows.”
Dean chokes on his burger.
Castiel's Angel by Valinde (Valyria)
Words: 5,073
The angel took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. He was fidgeting Cas noticed. Usually he was so bizarrely at ease in his human form, lounging around and tossing winks and smirks at anyone with a pulse. That more than anything had Cas straightening on his stool and wishing he was a little less tipsy.
“Ineedyoutogroommywings,” Dean muttered in one long, almost unintelligible, string. He was blushing.
Casturbatus Interruptus by smallhorizons
Words: 6,118
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards."
Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
Curriculum vitae by cadignan
Words: 2,875
Curriculum vitae, n. A short account of one's career and qualifications. From Latin "course of (one's) life."
Dances With Bees by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 1,402
There is no First Blade. No Mark of Cain. No Ezekiel or Metatron or Trials or Purgatory. There is Dean, and there is Baby, and there is Cas, and all three are worse for wear.
"In which Dean is not a bee, Cas is not a flower, and the image of Cas' left hand on a radio dial and a hole in the knee of his scrubs will haunt your every waking moment for eternity. YOU'RE WELCOME."―Thank you for helping write the summary, Betty.
Days With You by omgbubblesomg @omgbubblesomg​
Words: 3,212
Dean’s almost tragically offended when he moves into a new apartment and despite his absolute best efforts he can’t win more than a smile from his devastatingly handsome neighbour.
Every Last First by Areiton @areiton​
Words: 1,514
Somewhere along the way, Cas stopped being an ally, a friend.
Now, he was simply everything.
For Science by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 6,105
“Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”
Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
Freeze Frame by surlybobbies
Words: 4,998
Dean's got about two minutes before Cas comes back, which is more than mildly inconvenient because Dean's just found out Cas is in love with him.
Friends Helping Friends (Telling Me What My Heart Meant) byAnnie D (scaramouche)
Words: 6,201
Dean and Cas have known each other for about a year now, and in that time, Cas has never gone into heat. So far.
He Came in Through the Bedroom Window by betts
Words: 4,725
Close to every day of every summer, Cas climbs into Dean’s room immediately after he wakes up.
He Woke Me Up Again by artsyUnderstudy
Words: 7,642
Castiel is injured at the studio, giving him and Dean time to work through their newly forming relationship.
If I Run by Anonymous
Words: 4,365
"Dean Winchester is a red-blooded American male. He lifts all the things. He aims for functional strength. He counts his macros and makes fun of curlbros. He is not a member of the Tarahumara tribe and he will not read Born to Run, no matter how many times Sam tells him to, because Starting Strength is the only book Dean will ever fucking need."
Wherein a friendly competition with the mysterious ThursdaysAngel turns into a sexy selfie-trading spree that motivates Dean Winchester to train for his first marathon.
Inhuman by Annie D (scaramouche)
Words: 2,098
Dean has learned that sex is different when there's an angel involved.
Just After, But Before by cymbalism
Words: 8,712
Just after Purgatory, but before whatever's next, Dean has a broken angel to put back together.
Just like honey. by orange_crushed
Words: 4,505
"Dean," Cas says. His hand is still flat against Dean's heart. "I've been- will you do something for me?"
"Sure," Dean says. He doesn't even have to think about it. Cas's eyes are starring over, gleaming at the edges with the faintest track of unshed tears, even though he's smiling again. Dean's never actually seen him cry: happy, stubborn, tireless Castiel and his bees and guacamole and perfect coffee and perpetually bare feet, Cas, Dean's hardy dandelion blooming in the middle of the sidewalk. Dean would do literally anything he asked right now, jump off a cliff or ford a river, hand to hand combat with a mountain lion, an eight-course dinner with all Cas's jerkoff fundamentalist relatives. Dean would learn Esperanto or become a bonds trader, whatever the fuck that is. Dean would die for him. Dean would do it smiling.
"Marry me," Cas says.
Kisses by Sunflower Beds by fanforfanatic @fanforfanatic​
Words: 3,299
Cas can’t bring Dean back. But he can’t be without him. So Cas leaves to meet versions of Dean he hasn’t come across before. Dean at three as a snotty toddler. At eight as a grubby child. At fifteen when he's already damaged. Cas travels through time to meet Dean throughout his life, different version of the man and Cas loves every single one.
La cucina. by orange_crushed
Words: 3,962
Dean turns around and Castiel is picking through the jars, turning them over carefully to read the labels, totally engrossed. Dean watches him.
"Is there," Dean says, "uh, anything in there you like?" Castiel looks up at him and then back at the apples, sitting in a basket on the counter in their golden skins, ripe and pretty. Castiel smiles up at Dean.
Like a Parched Land by Las
Words: 8,676
Written for the following prompt: "Reverse!verse: Castiel is the Righteous Man and Dean is the angel who drags his ass out of Hell." This is an AU version of episodes 5x01 through 5x03.
Long Nights in Cold Months by pyrebi
Words: 2,344
When you're an insomniac, you get used to the "what the hell are you doing up, man?" look. Dean just hopes the guy who's stocking the shelves will stop giving it to him long enough to help him find some damn pineapple.
Love, Take Your Toll by aileenrose
Words: 8,724
Cas sees hundreds of faces every day, but there's only one that he really cares about.
Movie Night by Annie D (scaramouche)
Words: 7,683
Dean invites his friends over so that they can gangbang Cas, and fun times were had by all.
Mysteries. by orange_crushed
Words: 2,542
But if God is not gone entirely, if God is not blind, then God knows about this, too. He might be the only one who can hear it: the inaudible rumbling in Castiel’s heart, restless and aching like an empty stomach.
Negotiating the Spot by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 6,521
"They lie there in a comfortable silence for a while, Dean on his back with his eyes closed and Cas on his side curled around him. Eventually, Cas’ back starts to hurt, and his arm starts going numb beneath the pillow, squashed by the weight of his head and the odd angle. This is becoming a common problem when they cuddle after sex, and Cas doesn’t understand why."
The wet spot on the bed often poses a problem once the afterglow subsides, but rarely does it offer solutions.
okay, cupid. by orange_crushed
Words: 4,591
"The dating thing?" Dean frowns. "Online dating is for weirdos. Robots. Dudes hanging out in their basements."
"You hang out in your basement."
"I have an air hockey table down there,” Dean says, icily.
Once Upon A Dream by jujubiest
Words: 4,899
Everybody-Dean included-attributes Castiel's awkward staring and lack of appreciation for personal space to his lack of understanding when it comes to humans. Funny thing, though: Cas never invades Bobby's personal space, or Sam's. Why is Dean different? Maybe there's something everyone is missing.
Orange You Glad by shiphitsthefan @shiphitsthefan​
Words: 6,062
Dean hates farmers markets and everything that they stand for. However, following a conversation with a new friend, an aptly-timed epiphany, and some impromptu pie-sharing, Dean's definitely rethinking that opinion.
Perfect Symmetry by FPwoper (dcj) @fpwoper 
Words: 1,447
In which Dean gets drunk and gets lucky. With twins.
Petals by Morethancupcake
Words: 1,745
"He tells him about the bet, about how Ash had pointed Castiel out and had said "Fifty bucks none of you can't have him." Dean doesn't tell him the insults, but Castiel can guess them, all of them. They all probably laughed at how awkward he was, how out of place. How wrong."
Dean tells him about the bet. In the morning, Castiel is gone.
Physics can wait by museaway @museaway​ 
Words: 1,654
Dean doesn’t want a tutor, especially not some kid his age in a tan sweater with a tie and a freaking button-down, but his mom insisted.
Pink by museaway @museaway​
Words: 7,651
After a chance encounter at Lawrence Laundromat (at 3am, no less), Castiel is enthralled with his memory of a man in dusty jeans and a plain t-shirt with a pair of panties in his laundry basket. So Charlie Bradbury (aka Castiel's Former Best Friend) places a "missed connections" ad on his behalf, because that's what friends are for.
Queer by SeashellDestihell
Words: 1,948
A collection of times Dean encounters the word queer.
Release by lovegonestale
Words: 2,504
"Dean refuses to acknowledge his affection/lust for Castiel which backfires horridly when an angel/monster/witch strips Dean of his control and leaves only the basic instincts. The animal inside Dean wants Castiel, wants him under him, submitting, his mate/bitch and he'll do whatever he needs to get that."
Sharing Hands by almaasi 
Dean feels something strange when he touches himself, and realises Cas has been using him as a vessel ever since he came back from Purgatory.
Shopping with Castiel by Anonymous
Words: 2,126
Dean takes Castiel shopping, and the tension is just too much to handle.
Show Me by relucant @relucant​
Words: 3,069
“Huh,” Dean said again. He paused for a moment, then blurted, “Do you think you could show me?” Cas’ eyes widened, but before he could respond, Dean continued in a rush, “Like, um, a porn or something? I mean, just to, like – oh, God, never mind.” He dropped his head into his hands, the tips of his ears bright red.
It wouldn’t be the first time their decade-long friendship had gone a little beyond PG-ratings, between curious middle-school jerkoffs over the pilfered Playboys from Dean’s hidden stash to some drunken high school party games that maybe got a little more handsy than necessary. But they were seniors in college now, and Cas’ attraction to Dean had acquired a weight it hadn’t had as teenagers, and he was pretty sure watching gay porn together was a bad way to fuel that fire.
“Okay,” he said, before his mouth caught up to his dick.
Dean jerked his head up. “What?” he said stupidly.
Something Like This by AlizarinDreams
Words: 2,891
PWP continuation of Missing the Point. Really. That's it.
Steal my Breath by Sincestiel
Words: 1,991
“Tighter, Dean, please,” Cas urges throwing his head back to rest on Dean’s shoulder. Dean squeezes. He doesn’t know why Cas wants this or even what the appeal is, but he always comes harder when he’s struggling to breathe.
Study Break by relucant @relucant​
Words: 3,544
“Stop whining,” Cas said. “Finish your outline and we’ll go. There’s beer at the apartment. We’ll put on Star Wars and pretend we never set foot in the library over break.”
“Castiel Novak,” Dean said, putting his hand to his heart, “you are the wind beneath my wings.”
“Idiot,” Cas said affectionately, hoping Dean didn’t notice the hot flush creeping up his neck. He snatched his pen back and returned to his paper.
They worked in silence for several minutes, punctuated only by Dean’s occasional groans of boredom. Finally he pushed his laptop away and opened his mouth to complain when another clap of thunder shook the walls, much louder than before, and the lights flickered briefly.
Stupid with a Flare Gun by remmyme @remmyme​
Words: 3,912
“Look,” Dean grits, pinching at the bridge of his nose, “You’ve got a body. Yourbody.” (Castiel, not long ago: “Jimmy…his soul was not returned to me.”) “You’re gonna damn well learn how to use it.” The hunter reaches under the seat to jerk at the lever, sliding back the whole of the front bench and badly startling Castiel with the unexpected jolt of movement. “And, hate to break it to you, but this town’s really not that big. You just got yourself kicked out of the only joint that’s got the professionals at work.”
Dean twists to lean against the car door, pulling up a leg to lay across the seat. The moment stretches, silent and tense.
“I ain’t gonna fuck you,” he says, voice gruff, “but I’ll talk you through it.”
Support Your Local Gay Beekeeper by Powerfulweak
Words: 3,976
It’s not like Dean goes on Grindr very often, just when he’s bored and alone. The blue-eyed guy's profile reads "Beekeeper, 29, 5'10, Single, I watch the bees." Dean is intrigued. He has to send a message.
Take Me Home Tonight by Persephoneshadow
Words: 8,111
“Come on, we’re finding you someone to…engage with sexually or whatever,” Dean explains, chancing another swig of beer before going on. “Anyone in this bar, no limits, who would you would be your top choice to bang?”
“Well, you, ideally.”
Dean spits out some beer before collapsing in on himself, legitimately choking this time. “Excuse me?!”
Or the one where Cas wants to have sex and Dean is there to help.
Take Your Time by smallhorizons
Words: 2,532
Basically: Dean takes his time opening up Cas with his tongue and fingers before he finally slips inside and gives Cas what he wants.
The First Thing by Valinde (Valyria)
Words: 2,609
Dean figures out what he wants.
The Occasional Sentimentality by Annie D (scaramouche)
Words: 7,512
Dean has the Winchester business, Castiel is an independent contractor, their penchant for violence is something they have in common. For eight months they've been meeting off and on for brief yet intense encounters, but like all things, it can't stay that way forever.
The One Thing You Can't Lose by MajorEnglishEsquire
Words: 4,955
You know what I like a lot? The thought that Dean can just tug Cas anywhere at any time and Cas, who can lift tons without effort, who can demolish things with the light of his grace, who has battled and gone to war, has defended and broken, will just let Dean do it.
The Samhain Trials by jemariel @jemariel
Words 8,068
On Samhain night, the veil is thin, not only between the spirit world and our own, but between humankind and their inner natures.
Every year, the hunt is run. Alphas and omegas brave the woods in search of glory and passion. Every year, Dean Winchester comes out alone. The soulbrand on his neck means that he has a True Mate, and what should be a blessing has only been a curse.
He hopes, and he waits, and this year his soulbrand has been itching as if it were newly risen.
It's nearly sundown.
The Sweetest Taste by habitatfordeanwinchester @cineastette
Words: 1,938
“I assure you that I can feel and taste things just as well as you can, if not more so.”
“You’ve spent centuries as a, what do you call it, fucking celestial wavelength? You can’t possibly tell me that you think you’re a greater authority on hot chocolate.”
In which Dean and Castiel argue about hot chocolate.
through hardships to the stars by museaway @museaway 
Words: 4,554
Cas showed up at Dean’s apartment six minutes before midnight with a six-pack of Ad Astra under his arm and Interstellar on blu-ray.
Times Two by relucant (dcj) @relucant
Words: 5,416
[10:50] From: Charlie
So did you find Mr. Sex Hair?
[10:51] To: Charlie
actually yeah. and dude -- there's TWO of them
[10:51] From: Charlie
… How drunk are you?
[10:52] To: Charlie
im not!
[10:52] To: Charlie
ok im lying, i am a little
[10:53] To: Charlie
but srsly, they're twins. and ofc i accosted the wrong twin abt the pic
[10:55] From: Charlie
Oh my God. Your life is a fanfic.
[10:56] From: Charlie
So… Dean-sandwich on the menu then?
To be Alone with You by artsyUnderstudy
Words: 6,248
Castiel needs a model for his new sculpture project, and Dean Winchester sounds perfect for the job.
Tush by Sales Associate Steve (Stiney) @salesassociatesteve
Words: 5,359
Dean's still not exactly clear how he got here, but it's not so bad, actually, it's pretty awesome modeling panties on Tumblr.
Unfocused, Blissed Out by jemariel (dcj) @jemariel
Words: 1,818
“You’re both so beautiful,” Cas finds himself saying.
Jimmy laughs a high snort of a laugh. “Whatever you say, asshole.”
Dean slaps him lightly on the shoulder. “Way to ruin the moment, jerk.”
But Cas just settles deeper into the pillows and around his lovers, smiling and content.
We Will Touch Our Feet Together by cadignan
Words: 7,388
Go to one hour’s worth of paid cuddling—touch therapy, whatever—and end up with a pothead moping on your couch, talking about kinky sex.
Wordplay by Dangerousnotbroken @dangerousnotbroken
Words: 2,964
“I don’t understand why talking dirty is such a big deal for you humans,” Cas complains, apropos of nothing.
You Deserve This by beansprean
Words: 2,190
Sex with Cas was never supposed to be an emotional experience, and Dean doesn't deserve to be made love to.
221 notes · View notes
olrhys · 4 years
WIP meme
so @ships-to-sail​ tagged me in a WIP meme the other day and I’m just now getting around to it! I’m not *actively* working on anything at the moment because Fisherman AU took a lot out of me, but here are some lines from a few things I hope to get back to eventually. Someday. Maybe. 
1. High School Lab Partner AU:
Weeks later, they were at their lab table working on their latest project. At least, Patrick was working. David was absently flipping through the textbook, telling Patrick random facts that were completely irrelevant to the task at hand in order to look busy. Patrick had tried to get him to help, but David graciously said he was hungover and would only hold him back.  It was annoying, but at least Patrick knew he could count on himself to get an A. 
“Did you know that diamonds aren’t actually the hardest known substance? It’s something called lonsday…lonsdally…something I can’t pronounce that comes from meteors.”  
Patrick glanced up at him, smirking. “I don’t think that’s true.” 
David tapped the book in front of him irritably. “It says so right here.”
“Yeah, well. I don’t think the book took into account how hard-headed my lab partner is.” 
David squinted at him for a moment, head tilted to the side, lips pressed together. 
“Hmm. I think you’re funny.” he said finally. 
“Oh, my god, David!” Patrick brought a hand to his chest in mock sincerity. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
2. Untitled Missing Scene from  5x03, The Plant
“Patrick…I already trust you with the store. I know you’re more than capable of taking care of things.”
“The store is a little different, David.”
“How so?” 
It was Patrick’s turn to carefully weigh a response. He was quiet for a moment, glancing up to meet David’s eyes before looking away again.“I went to business school. I know all about taxes and profit margins and liability insurance. I know how to balance the books and negotiate vendor contracts. Those things come easy to me. I took classes on them, you know? How to get from point A to point B.” He paused again, scrubbing a hand through his hair.
 “But with you…I know I seem pretty sure of myself, but the truth is I don’t know what the hell I’m doing most of the time, and that scares me. You are it for me, David. If I don’t get things right this time around…” he trailed off, shaking his head. 
“That sounds an awful lot like you’re planning our future together, Patrick.”
“That’s because I am, David. That’s exactly what I’m doing.” 
3. Magical realism AU
He’d made a deal with the devil. 
Not the literal devil, of course, but close enough. 
He’d somehow found himself in a nondescript building in the middle of nowhere, bargaining for his sister’s life once again. 
“What is it you want from me?”
“Something of value.”
David began to pull out his checkbook. 
“How much?” 
The man across from him grinned wolfishly. 
“I have more money than I could ever spend in three lifetimes, David Rose. What I need is a personal sacrifice. Giving up your sister is a sacrifice to me. I need a sacrifice from you in return.” 
Anyone who sees this and wants to do it, please feel free! 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
Clock Analysis Part 3 - What Episode We’ll See Beth in and Why
Okay gang! New episode tomorrow and I’m super excited. So my guess for when we’ll see Beth is 8x10. It’s  based on a lot of evidence I and my fellow theorists have found.
The first is simply the sequence of events I’ve mentioned before in THIS POST and THIS POST. In 5x03, Bob dies from a walker bite. The clock in the room when he dies points to 8x08, which is when we found out Carl was dying from the same cause, so we can parallel the two. The VERY NEXT episode, Slabtown 5x04, is where Beth wakes up. So if Carl dies in 8x09, it would make sense for Beth to show up in the next episode, 8x10.
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Not to mention, we always saw the music box as a symbol of Beth’s awakening (see my account name ;D). And then there’s the rule of threes. 8x10 is exactly three seasons after 5x10. Now, we did say this about 8x08. The MSF made sense to us as a time for her to show up because it would have been three seasons after Coda. But I read something the other day—a random article about 8x09) that talked about how death is especially common in TWD’s MSFs. I think that’s applicable here. The MSFs are about death, so perhaps we were always wrong about that. They wouldn’t bring her back in a MSF because those are reserved for major deaths, and this will be the opposite of that.
Historically (in the show) episodes 10 are often about life. 4x10, Inmates, Glenn survived at the prison. He had a mini death fake out on the bus, and in 4x10, they revealed him as being alive. (X, X, X). 
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5x10 was the music box, and all about the survivors coping. 6x10 is where Rick and Daryl meet Jesus. Aside from the obvious JESUS symbolism, this is them finding a new community, new allies, and more survivors. Life! 7x10 is New Best Friends. There’s not one big example in this episode, but rather lots of little ones you could find. And it’s kinda built into the title, right?
So all of the above just shows that it makes sense for her to appear in 8x10. But it’s not all super-concrete evidence. So now, let’s look at—you guessed it—the clocks.
Let’s start with Slabtown, because that can be a discussion all by itself. Remember that as Beth wakes up, we see the second hand of Beth’s clock tick from 4 to 5, from 7 to 8, and then to 10. 
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The prevalent theory was always that these numbers represented the episodes relevant to her story line in S5. (Which was yet more evidence that 5x10 was important and about her in some way: music box.) And I still think to some extent that’s true. It’s too much of a coincidence that she was in episodes 5x04, 5x07, 5x08, and then the music box woke up in 5x10 to simply dismiss it.
But now I also think it’s more than that. M-Nonny and others have argued that perhaps the 8 and 10 on Beth’s clock point to her awakening in 8x10. That actually makes a lot of sense. Why? Because the time the clock reads is 5:20, which points to 5x04, and this IS episode 5x04. That creates a tie between 5x04 and 8x10. So in 5x04, Beth awakens directly after Bob died from a walker bite. It would, again, just make a perfect parallel if she shows up in the episode right after Carl dies from a walker bite.
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In terms of the numbers being tied to episodes, I’m going to take it a step further. I don’t have detailed evidence on this, but I honestly thing the numbers could also stand for seasons. She was in season 5, obviously. The second hand ticking from 7 to 8 is interesting because, even though Beth wasn’t in them, season 7 is when Negan arrived and 8 is a continuation of Negan. We believe Beth will be tied to the Negan story line, so it’s super-suspicious that these numbers specifically, rather than season 6, are what we see on her clock. If that’s the case, the 10 may also point to season 10, but we won’t know if or how that’s the case until S10 rolls around.
Other Clocks: Edwards’. I talked about this in Part 1 of my Clock Analysis. Remember the clock in Edwards’ office changes from 8:40 (resurrection) to 8:50 (8x10) and may show the episode in which the resurrection will happen.
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Clock in 5x09: @wdway found this and I’ve honestly never heard any other TDer talk about it. True, I could have just missed it, but none of the theorists in my group had heard of it either, and generally at least one of us has.
So remember this scene where Rick, Michonne and Glenn talk in Wiltshire? This scene has always been suspicious to us because Glenn holds a bat (Negan foreshadow) and talks about Beth being alive in the present tense. 
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This is one of the bats we saw associated with Beth (the other big one is in Inmates, which is an episode 10, btw) and felt like it was a clue.
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So in the open garage behind Rick and Michonne, there’s a wall clock. Guess what time it reads? 8x10. 
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So perhaps, just like the clock in Edwards’ office, it shows the episode where these clues will be fulfilled? Here’s hoping!
Other random 8x10 evidence:
In 4x16, we have the scene where the Claimers find Rick, Michonne and Carl. This is yet another scene that has way deeper significance now that we know Carl is dying. I’ve thought for a long time that this scene was a foreshadow of Beth at Grady. (See the post I did about it two years ago HERE. Also HERE.)
It’s mostly about subtle parallels. Carl wakes up in a blue suburban (Beth wore blue scrubs and the color is associated with imprisonment; there’s also the blue suburban they drove in 5x09). He wakes up to find danger around him. There’s also broken glass shown. He’s sexually threatened, but not actually assaulted. All parallels to what happens with Beth at Grady. And since it’s Carl who wakes up, in this analogy, Carl = Beth. So you can see that the entanglement is functioning on many levels. So why am I going over this? Because of something Joe says.
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Remember he starts counting backwards from 10, planning to shoot Rick when he gets to 1, but Daryl shows up and says stop. And what does Joe reply? “You’re stopping me on 8, Daryl.” I picked up on this during my rewatch before S8 began, and saw it as yet another emphasis on the number 8 and season 8 being important. But they specifically emphasize the numbers 8 and 10. Obviously it wouldn’t make any sense to count up from 8 to 10 in this case. They kinda had to start at 10. So it’s either pointing to 10x08 or 8x10. Just saying.
I also think it’s important to note that in the next scene, where Rick and Daryl become brothers, Rick talks about keeping Carl safe, and how he’d do anything, even rip out Joe’s throat to make sure Carl stays alive. Major foreshadowing, y’all.
Finally—and this is one of my favorite evidences, again found by M-Nonny—in Coda, FG’s decides to be random and sneaks out of the church to go to the school, where he ends up being chased back by a horde of walkers, and the church is ultimately lost. I remember thinking this scene was so random when watching Coda for the first time. Since then, we’ve found lots of Beth symbolism in it, so it’s made more sense.
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But check this out. One of the things we’ve analyzed to death is the bible FG opens and looks out. We’ve looked at numbers and stories and passages. All kinds of things. And here it is: *drumroll please* The passage he opens to is Chronicles 8:10.  
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And whose name just so happens to appear on the page? Beth’s:
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(Photo source: @teamdeluzzionaljb-blog)
And this happens in Coda, people. CODA!
It also occurred to me that it’s interesting that FG’s church is lost here. Here’s the minor spoiler: Carl will die in Alexandria’s church (which we’ve always felt had Beth vibes) and it will burn down around him. So in both cases, a church is destroyed. Just kind of interesting.
So this is most of my 8x10 evidence. I’m sure there is probably more we would find if we did re-watches looking specifically for this, but this what I’ve got.
Disclaimer: Despite all this, could I be wrong? Sure. I know I’ll have at least some haters hate on me if she doesn’t show in 8x10. All of this evidence points to SOMETHING big in 8x10. I think and hope it’s Beth. There’s a very good chance of that. But it might be something else too.
M-Nonny did remind me of one really compelling piece of evidence that may run contrary to this 8x10 theory. I’ll post in more detail about this next week, but it’s about the “how the harvest gets home” truck sin 5x16. When Aaron and Daryl find the wolf trap, the truck shave that logo on the side, and we’ve long thought “the harvest” is Beth. The license plate Aaron removes from the truck has an 816 on it, which may mean that Beth won’t show until the finale. 
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And if she doesn’t show by 8x10, I honestly won’t expect to see her until then. But Alexandria is Aaron and Daryl’s home. The wolves go to Alexandria in 6x02 and even drive a “harvest” truck into the wall. So I’m hoping Beth will show up earlier (like in 8x10) and 8x16 will be when she finally arrives at Alexandria. *fingers crossed*
So, all THAT said, I’m totally going to get your hopes up about something else. Thanks to a Nonny for sending this to my inbox. (I’ll officially answer your Ask tomorrow, but I read it a few days ago and totally freaked out about it. ;D)
The following is the final paragraph of THIS ARTICLE, which was written by a blogger who received an advance screener of 8x09. Check out what she says:
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So my group totally went to town on this, did tons of research and discussed with hundreds of comments. See, in the comments of this blog post, someone asked if the last scenes that caused tears of joy might be something with Negan or a Richonne baby. The blogger answered yes, but she wouldn’t say which one.
So my group morphed into super-hero researchers. ;D Here’s what we discussed:
My issue with this being a Richonne baby is saying that half the fandom will hate it. I guess those really angry about Carl might see it as switching one child for another, but I think those people would be in the minority. Saying half the fandom might want to punch Gimple seems really over the top if this is just about a Richonne baby.
This blogger isn’t a huge Richonne fan. She doesn’t hate them at all, but she doesn’t ship them in particular, and mostly just doesn’t really care, so she isn’t someone who’d have such a strong reaction to a Richonne baby.
The same is true of Carzekiel. We talked about it being a Carzekiel thing, but while she kinda likes the idea of Carzekiel, she doesn’t especially love or ship them, so again, it probably wouldn’t give her this extreme a reaction.
This blogger really loved both Still and Alone, and enjoyed the romantic moment between Beth and Daryl in Alone. Just saying.
If it’s not Richonne, then it must have something to do with Negan. Since we do think Beth is tied to Negan, we’re okay with that. Kind of hoping we’ll see who the prisoner was from the handcuffs Daryl saw in 8x02 (because we think it was Beth). Let’s just say lots of conjecture and head canons about these mystery scenes have been floating around my group the past week.
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So we don’t know what these scenes are, and they might not be Beth, but we have high hopes. If they have to do with her, then this theory is wrong anyway because she’ll have shown up in 8x09, rather than 8x10. I’d be happy to be wrong in that way. ;D
And hey, even if it’s not anything obviously to do with Beth, I think these final, shocking scenes will be very important and tell us a lot. But here’s hoping they’re about our girl.
If you read the entire article, the blogger also says there are several unforeseen twists throughout the episode, and some are tied to Siddiq, who has Oceanside ties in the CBs. So once again, Oceanside comes into things, and that feels Bethish too.
Okay, I’ll shut up for today. Bottom line: I’m very excited for 8b and totally believe our girl is coming home. Thoughts?
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