sanniegirl1214 · 1 year
Okay so when AppleTV+ came up with the character of Cole Turner it’s almost like the writers room took a look into my list of the qualities of a “perfect man”.
Case in point:
Likes/is passionate about History
Loves his family/is close with his parents
Went to Uni
Likes to read/write
Smart ass and cocky but not a jerk
Hand holder (iykyk)
Oh and he’s also a TOTAL SMOKE SHOW
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I'm not the pyromania anon, but I kind of get what they mean about some conservatives when it comes to mental health. After the Tennessee shooting, Ben Shapiro was advocating for keeping guns out of transgender hands because they're mentally ill and that can be a slippery slope in banning anyone who sees a therapist and takes meds from having guns. I know Blair White was pissed about that. And then a lot of conservative media hosts just don't take depression and anxiety seriously. They basically say everyone gets depressed and anxious so these people should just suck it up. I've heard that sentiment from Matt Walsh, Savannah (idk her last name, but she's on YouTube and Twitter as SavSays), and other conservative hosts
Okay, yeah, I do remember the Ben Shapiro thing now that you mention it. Stuff like that is why I rarely pay attention to him. He's good for a "facts and logic" compilation video, but he does let his biases out too much sometimes. Anyone, conservative or liberal or anything else, advocating for taking guns away from people is in the wrong, and I will never budge on that.
But I can understand, to a point, not automatically taking depression and anxiety seriously. Basically everyone claims they're depressed and anxious, and uses those things as excuses for shitty behavior. I'm not saying they're not real illnesses, or that no one really has them, but when you come across hundreds of people every year who claim they have one or both of them, and constantly use that as an excuse for why they act like assholes or lose a debate or can't be expected to take care of themselves you tend to roll your eyes when you encounter yet another depressed, anxious kid wading into discourse they have no business in.
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americansinner · 2 years
HEARTBREAKING: This woman's life was destroyed after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
but just like many before her, her story is not being covered by the mainstream media as our government continues to push the unsafe and ineffective COVID-19 vaccine: https://truthsocial.com/users/savsays/statuses/108710866332599296
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justiceheartwatcher · 2 years
We're sending another 4.5 billion to Ukraine
430 billion going toward the "Inflation Reduction" Act
IRS getting 87,000 new agents...
It is we the people who will be footing the bill/taxed for all of this. Horrific. https://truthsocial.com/users/savsays/statuses/108788247324394797
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I know I’m a little late, BUT in honor of this spoopy holiday season I’d like to put out a reminder. Everybody’s having fun so be nice to the socially anxious slytherin, the band wagon griffindoor, whoever it may be ❤️💛💚💙
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rocknrollcola · 3 years
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sanniegirl1214 · 1 year
If I had to think of a song that perfectly summed up Robin Buckley as a character/vibe I would say that it was ‘Ur Mum’ by Wet Leg
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sanniegirl1214 · 1 year
Do you have it @staff? Will you take a look? I have been blocking and reporting so many spam accounts this week I want to cry
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sanniegirl1214 · 1 year
I would like to say that the hottest Steve “The Hair” Harrington was babygirl Scoops Ahoy Steve “The Hair” Harrington followed by S4 demobat slayer Steve “The Hair” Harrington followed by end of S2 demodog fighter Steve “The Hair” Harrington and this is a hill I will die. on.
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sanniegirl1214 · 2 years
Apparently People Magazine has voted Christopher Robert Evans as the “Sexiest Man Alive” and they would be correct.
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sanniegirl1214 · 1 year
I hate you bumble. I hate you tinder. I hate you hinge. I hate you match. I hate you zoosk. I hate you fb dating. What ever happened to meeting people organically or having a friend set you up on a date? I feel like the hookup culture perpetuated by these apps are just destroying what it’s really like to get to know and date a person. How am I supposed to find a lifelong partner when everything is based on an algorithm ?
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sanniegirl1214 · 2 years
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Newest addition to the collection :))
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sanniegirl1214 · 3 years
The most unrealistic thing about Spider-Man is that none of the girls at Peter’s school wanted to date him. And that’s tea, sis. ☕️🫖
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sanniegirl1214 · 4 years
i can promise you one thing, there is nothing sexier than a man who R E A D S
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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sanniegirl1214 · 4 years
I’ve said it before, and I’ll no doubt say it again:
Thank you for your time.
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I’m calling bullshit on that whole “presents/dates/signs of affection have to be expensive bullshit
My man drew me a heart in the fog on my windshield the other day while we were out so now I see it whenever I’m driving and I think of him and the look of happiness on his face when he drew it and it has honestly been making my day for three days now. Idk if this is just me but damn that little shit gets me every time
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