#sai yamanaka headcanons
tsignpro · 2 months
The fact that the light novels said that Ino and Sakura would be soulmates if one of them were a man will always be funny to me.
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aphroditelovesu · 7 days
Yandere Team 7 Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🍥 — lady l: I couldn't get it out of my head and I just wrote it... It was longer than I expected but meh. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, overprotection, mild stalking and implicitly toxic relationships.
❝🍥pairing: platonic yandere!team 7 x gender neutral!reader.
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When you became part of Team 7, they didn't think much, or, some didn't think much or really foresee problems. Kakashi accepted you immediately, being welcoming from the start. He was confident that you would fit in well with the group, and in fact, he demonstrated his support openly and consistently.
On the other hand, some team members were more reserved. Sasuke and Sai, in particular, kept their distance at first, not showing much interest in getting closer to you. In contrast, Naruto and Sakura were more excited about your arrival. Naruto, with his warm personality, soon sought your attention and approval, while Sakura enjoyed spending time with you and engaged in conversations whenever she could.
However, as more time passed, you found yourself closer to each of them in your own way. They all cared about you to a degree but it didn't take long for it to get out of hand.
Kakashi was your sensei and he cared about you a lot, to a suffocating level. Naruto seemed to follow you around like a puppy, desperately wanting your attention and approval. Sakura liked to talk and spend time with you as much as she could.
Sasuke wasn't that open but he seemed to like you a little, especially when he acted strangely when others were around you. Sai hid the fact that he liked you better, but he still showed that he cared about you. Yamato was more expressive, showing his affection with encouraging and affectionate words.
Kakashi Hatake is extremely overprotective of you and he doesn't even try to hide it. He will always have something to say to anything you do, the people you talk to and your assignments. As your sensei, he has developed a strong feeling of responsibility and affection for you.
He is always attentive to everything you do, giving advice and warnings about your choices and relationships. His intention is clear: he wants to ensure your safety and well-being above all else. This behavior may be a result of the losses Kakashi has faced in his life, making him more wary of those he cares about. Kakashi will always be aware of everything about you.
Naruto Uzumaki is the most effusive and open about his affection for you. He follows you around like a puppy, constantly seeking your attention and approval. He is warm and genuine, always ready to support and cheer you up. He is a constant support for you, always ready to be by your side.
He can be somewhat obsessive, not because of his constant search for your approval, but because Naruto has moments when he finds himself imagining future scenarios for you. He wants to take care of you, he needs to have you by his side, it's almost like an obsession. Naruto cannot be despised by you. He can't.
Sakura Haruno becomes your close friend, enjoying spending as much time as possible by your side. She enjoys your conversations and company, seeing you as a confidant and a faithful friend. Sakura, being a person who deeply values ​​her relationships, finds support and connection in you that she values ​​greatly. Her affection is demonstrated through her constant presence and willingness to help.
She becomes a constant presence in your life, always appearing wherever you are with an excuse. Sakura is quite clingy and she needs to stay by your side as a form of reassurance. She will take care of you, not only because she is a medical ninja (in training or not) but because she likes to feel useful around you.
Sasuke Uchiha is more reserved, but he shows his appreciation in subtle ways. Although he is not overtly affectionate, he pays attention to you and acts strangely when others are around, indicating jealousy or special interest. Sasuke is complex and reserved, but his implicit protectiveness and careful looks show that he cares more than he lets on.
He is extremely possessive and, although he won't express it in words, Sasuke is very jealous of others towards you. He sees himself as entitled, not just because he likes you, but because you belong to him. Sasuke can't explain why and he doesn't even mind, but he is possessive about you and will fight with anyone who spends too much time by your side or looks at you the wrong way.
Sai Yamanaka initially seems indifferent, but little by little, he shows that he likes you. He hides his feelings well, but small actions, like being there when you need him or doing something kind for you, reveal his affection. Sai is in the process of understanding his own emotions, and through his interactions with you, he begins to express these feelings more clearly.
Although he doesn't show it clearly, Sai has his subtle ways around him. He doesn't show it much, but you can see him smiling often in your presence and often clamming up when someone else makes you laugh. He's not that possessive and he respects your boundaries, but Sai likes to have his solo time with you.
Yamato is more expressive in his affection. He uses encouraging words and open displays of affection to show you that he cares about you. He cares about your development and well-being, and his affection is visible and comforting. Yamato acts like an older brother, always ready to support and advise.
He is not afraid to express how much he likes you, and how much he admires you and will express this both verbally and physically. Yamato isn't suffocating but he likes to be around to ensure your safety. He has no problem with you having friends other than him, but he needs to know that you are his favorite, your number 1.
Together they are incredible protection for you. Kakashi is the main instigator of this protection. He watches your every step with an almost paternal concern. Naruto brings tireless energy and an unwavering sense of loyalty. His obsession and devotion to you means he's always close by, ready to spring into action if necessary. He daydreams about you and constantly looks for ways to please and protect you. Sakura is the empathetic and caring friend who always makes sure your emotional and physical needs are met. She is your confidant, always available to listen and care for you.
Sasuke acts as the dark guardian, always vigilant in warding off any potential threats. His critical assessment of the people around him makes him highly protective, especially against those he deems unworthy of you (everyone). Although he may seem distant, his dedication to keeping you safe is intense and relentless, eliminating any danger before it can get close to you.
Sai offers a silent balance, always at your side with practical advice and emotional support. He is the quiet observer, attentive to his needs and ready to act discreetly. Sai understands the importance of being present without being intrusive, ensuring you always have someone to rely on in times of uncertainty. Yamato is the encourager, always ready to lift your spirits with positive words and affectionate gestures. He is your constant moral support, always there to remind you of your worth and give you confidence.
As time passes, each member of Team 7 develops a unique relationship with you. They all care about you to different degrees and in different ways, creating a complex and rich dynamic. The mix of your personalities and the way each person expresses their affection makes you feel valued and an integral part of the group, despite the challenges that this closeness can bring.
They eliminate any possible threat with efficiency and determination, functioning as a cohesive team with a single goal: ensuring your safety and happiness. After all, they can't risk you leaving them, right? Not that they would let you anyway, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
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halfamask · 16 days
Would they be at the smoke sesh? Naruto edition
Shikamaru: starts it, obviously. Definitely the asshole who spends fifteen minutes grinding and brushing and rolling a joint. Smokes the entire time and passes out as soon as people leave.
Choji: brings a bong. And the snacks.
Ino: is there but only because of fomo. Hits the bong and smokes the joint exactly once. Gets hella giggly with Sakura.
Naruto: is at the sesh, passes the joint with Shikamaru for a bit and munches with Choji after. Is ultimately there for a good time.
Sakura: shows up once in a while, usually late, with homemade (and very strong) eddies for her and ino (and absolutely no one else, will tell people to fuck off if they ask). Gets hella loud and giggly.
Sasuke: lowkey very straight laced. Rarely indulges and if he does not very much. Prefers edibles because he’s worried about smoke damaging his lungs and not being able to fight because of late onset asthma. Tried to get higher than Naruto once to prove that he can handle more but definitely got super paranoid and bad and never did it again.
Sai: makes fun of people for willingly subjecting their nervous systems to this. Rarely comes if ever, and when he does it’s to observe this part of the human bonding experience under impairment.
Hinata: usually doesn’t come, brings homemade cookies or brownies if she does (not the funny kind just normal sweets). These are fully devoured by Naruto and Choji.
Kiba: brings an extra joint to pass around in the circle, gets loud and obnoxious with Naruto and competes with him for snacks even though he doesn’t have the munchies.
Shino: the actual supplier of the joint Kiba brings. A regular part of the circle, very very quiet to the point people think he’s not good but he just gets too high to really want to move his mouth.
Neji: rarely comes as he doesn’t approve, only ever joins if Hinata wants to go or if Lee/Tenten/Naruto bother him into coming. Doesn’t indulge, but spends most of the night observing his friends and laughing (affectionately).
Lee: takes one hit exactly, somehow gets extremely high, and is yelling and rolling around and paranoid and woozy. It’s usually not very bad but he thus very rarely joins in the actual circle.
Tenten: definitely a fixture in the circle. Brings her own weed about half the time so that she’s not bumming off everyone else but has someone else roll it. Outsmokes Naruto and Shino but not Choji, Shikamaru, or Kiba. Knows when she’s done and hangs out with Neji and Lee or Ino and Sakura after depending on who’s there. Ultimately has a good time and goes home.
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dumpster-diving-rat · 10 months
Naruto characters (Konoha 11) I think would fall first or fall harder
(Figuring out a way to write the title out was complicated for no reason, anyways this is basically just the 'who fell first and who fell harder' thing. Also Naruto, Sasuke, Choji, and Lee aren't included, and Sai is included. I would call it Konoha 13 but since I'm writing for 9 of the characters, ig it just makes sense for me to call it Konoha 11 instead of 13 since it's less)
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Shino Aburame
-He fell first and harder
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Shikamaru Nara
-You fell first and he fell harder
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Kiba Inuzuka
-He fell first and harder
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Neji Hyuga
-You fell first and harder
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-You fell first and he fell harder
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Sakura Haruno
-She fell first and harder
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Hinata Hyuga
-She fell first and harder
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Ino Yamanaka
-You fell first and she fell harder
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Tenten (I don't plan on writing her that much but I'll still include her here)
-She fell first and harder
Haven't posted in a little bit. I don't have a schedule ofc, but I just hate not posting for a slightly long time idk why. I might do another post (for bsd) today if I finish it but idk. Also first Naruto post, even though it's a really short post, I'm glad I actually got to write something for Naruto. I won't be writing Naruto stuff as much as I will for Bungou Stray Dogs though. Thank you for reading!
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Jealousy with the Naruto boys
A/n: I’ve seen this done multiple times so here’s my take on it :)
Warning/content: nothing :)
characters: Sasuke, Gaara, Sai
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Sasuke Uchiha
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☆ Sasuke claims to not be a jealous person, “he’s above that” as he puts it, but something about seeing you laughing and smiling with someone else makes him feel weird, insecure? No couldn’t be…. He likes to think that he’s just being overprotective and he’s not jealous, he believes he’s too good to be jealous and let’s be real, he’s far too prideful to admit he’s a little insecure. ☆
☆ One time when you guys were out in the Konoha market place, some person came up to you and started a casual conversation, but to Sasuke it seemed like this person was getting a little too close for comfort. So to solve this, he came up behind you and placed his arm over your shoulder giving the person a “can I help you?” Look, let’s say they didn’t stick around much longer. ☆
☆ If you try and bring up his jealous behavior, he’ll deny it adamantly. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, he just doesn’t trust other people. If we’re being honest here, he’s deeply afraid of losing you, to him you’re the only person he has left. So even when he’s being a jealous prick, it comes from a place of love even if he doesn’t outright express it. ☆
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☆ He wouldn’t consider himself a jealous person by any means, he love you and you love him. He has no reason to be insecure or jealous, but even the kazekage struggles to be reasonable sometimes, he’s only human after all. He wouldn’t be very upfront about his feelings, if you noticed jealous behavior then you’d have to bring it up because he won’t talk about it first. ☆
☆ One time you were waiting for a council meeting to be over and you were in meeting room with him, it was very boring like watching paint dry would’ve been more entertaining. You soon notice a younger council member staring at you trying to get your attention and smiling at you, you politely smile back but then Gaara catches on to the silent interaction. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer while clearing his throat and continuing speaking. ☆
☆ If you ultimately decide to confront him about his momentary jealous behavior, he won’t deny it but will probably be very embarrassed he was caught doing something like that even if you reassure him that you’re not upset and may even find his jealous protectiveness attractive…..☆
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☆ He didn’t know anything really about relationships do to growing up in Root, so you and to guide him and explain things basically. Some might’ve found It tiring but you found it endearing to an extent. He had never experienced jealousy before until he saw you talking to someone else who seemed to be pretty funny because you couldn’t stop laughing, he had a weird feeling in his chest and it made him feel *strange* he didn’t understand.☆
☆ He decided to try and get to the bottom of this weird feeling in his chest, so he decided to just outright tell you how he was feeling, you were kinda surprised, but after breaking through the momentary freeze and explained it to him. He was surprised, he never thought he’d be jealous, he trusted you, he knew you’d never do anything to hurt him. ☆
☆ There’s no really confronting him about jealous behavior because he’s very honest about how he’s feeling, he definitely forgets appropriate time and place sometimes when he says something, he’s unintentionally a good communicator because of how honest he is and won’t beat around the bush with how he feels. He loves you and wants you to know. ☆
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A/n: I’ve never written for Sai before, so sorry if his part sucks. Thanks for reading, love u <3
Do not repost
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bitchnojutsu · 12 days
modern ino, sai, sakura, neji, hinata, and naruto have a group text specifically to talk shit.
- ino makes the group and reasonably wants it to stay small-ish “for privacy reasons” but she also tells choji and shikamaru everyone’s business and gets them to weigh in and then reports their opinions back to the group
- sai always remembers the latest update on every situation and spills tea he definitely was not supposed to, including about people in the group. he also argues with naruto and sakura unprovoked
- sakura is judgy but entertaining. lots of keyboard smashes and all caps and exclamation points. (neji says she surprisingly texts like lee.) argues with naruto and sai and ino
- neji… doesn’t really want to be here, but he’s nosy (and so is tenten) and hinata sugarcoats the gossip when she relays it to him, so he mutes the chat but doesn’t leave it. if there’s a lot of activity or if someone tells him to read those messages, he’ll engage if he has input
- hinata mainly emphasizes/reacts to messages (mostly neji and naruto’s, which is really funny when they’re arguing and hinata is playing both sides) but every now and then she pops off with a big paragraph or a one liner that catches everyone by surprise
- naruto sends the unfunniest memes of all time and hinata laugh reacts to every single one. cue sakura or sai starting something over the meme naruto sent. he isn’t there truly to talk shit but he has no filter and he wants to stay in the know about the lives of the people he cares for (see: everyone, apparently)
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Gentlemen perfer blondes but blondes perfer the ladies
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Sai Yamanaka Head Cannons
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Very attentive
You have to go and touch him or else physical contact won’t happen
He likes to secretly draw you
He gets thoughtful gifts and from time to time he will get you somethings that he thinks you’ll like
He’s very honest and loyal
It took him a while to understand your feelings
It took him forever to understand the relation ship that the two of you shared
he’s an amazing listener
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jaguarys · 1 year
Absolutely unwilling to budge on the fact that Sai and Sasuke avoid each other for way too long because Sai doesn't doesn't trust him because of his betrayal and Sasuke doesn't trust him because he's a representation of Konoha and Danzō. At some point they run into each other late one night when they're both too exhausted for it and one of them (read: Sai) makes an offhand snark that turns into the other (read: Sasuke) replying with "well yeah? [traumadumps]" and before they know it it's dawn and they've been talking all night and they might not like the other any more than they did before but maybe do respect their boundaries and maybe stop ribbing on one another and would kill for the other. Maybe
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yangyangchuu · 2 years
team 7 pillow fights would be dangerous.
someone is either gonna get smothered or get launched to the other side of the house by a pillow
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sassykinzonline · 2 months
yes, i did actually just receive a leaf blower i did not order
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The Rookie 9+Sai Sexual preference Headcanons
Naruto-while he may deny it, Naruto has as a bit of a voyeur fetish. Something about watching really gets his horses running. He's also a breast man. Playing with them, kissing them, paizuri, titfucking, all of it. So, other than his wife, he's had at least one fantasy about Tsunade (though he'd never admit it on pain of death).
Sasuke-he may not admit it, but our resident emo boy loves to be manhandled by a woman. Maybe because he didn't get close to anyone in his youth, he loves how his wife picks him up or holds his hands above his head. He also enjoys being blindfolded.
Sakura-While Sasuke is her one true love, Sakura is a sucker for any decently handsome dark-haired male. In fact, in another timeline, she would likely have fantasies about just about every able-bodied Uchiha male.
Sai-Sai is what you call "sexually curious." He likes to explore things and is just about up for anything. He's usually pretty docile as a partner, though.
Ino-Ino has a stomach fetish. Like, whether she's kissing someone else's or someone's kissing her's, she loves it. She's also pretty confident in her sexuality and is pretty willing to experiment. She has had fantasies about a number of people; Sai, her teammates, all of Team 7's members, and a few older ninja in the village (such as Kakashi and Asuma).
Shikamaru-guy's as lazy as it gets, so he's pretty much into letting his partner take the lead. Also, dominant women (whether he admits it or not) get him worked up, so expect a lot of commands and maybe a little hair pulling.
Choji-oh, Choji is the kind of person that'll cuddle you. Sure, he likes the ol foodplay, but really Choji is the best when it comes to aftercare and snuggles.
Hinata-growing up the way she did, Hinata likes a partner with golden retriever energy that will just shower her with affection. On the more taboo side, since she loves being smothered in love and attention, group sex and gang-bangs are kind of her hidden kink. So it's good that her husband can make ten of himself.
Kiba-Kiba is a wild child between the sheets; he loves it hard and fast, changing positions in the blink of an eye.
Shino-he likes a sort of "gentle touch" type of love making; like brushing sheer cloth across his skin slowly or a soft kiss on an erogenous zone.
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tranzfalgar · 1 year
Who was the parental figure at the weddings at the end of naruto shippuden?(plus other what ifs)
so, we know naruto asked iruka to be his father/parental figure in his wedding, but what about everyone else?
just made a couple of hcs of who they would be, and i add some hcs to it too!! (i am american so i might accidently include things sorry for that)
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Canonically Wed Characters
His father in the wedding was Iruka
Iruka cried like a bitch at the ceremony, and then got drunk later on off sake and cried some more LMAO
Her father in the wedding was Hiashi
Her mother in the wedding was Kurenai
Bonus: Mirai was the flower girl @ her and Naruto's wedding
Her father in the wedding was Choza
(Since her, Shikamaru and Choji all grew up together, I thought he would do this for the kids, as well as his two friends)
Her own biological mother was alive at the time of her wedding
His father in the wedding was Yamato
Yamato father figure to Sai real bc I said so
His father in the wedding was Kakashi
The only reason he had a father figure at his wedding is because Sakura wanted him to
Kakashi is the closest thing to a father he has (if you say 'but Orochimaru' I am gonna tear u apart with my teeth let me have this)
Her father, Kizashi and her mother, Mebuki, were both at her wedding
Ino was her maid of honor <333
His mother, Yoshino Nara, was alive at the time of his wedding
Choza offered to give a toast from himself, Shikaku and Inoichi
She had no father or mother at the wedding
It was her and her brothers :)
His father was there, and his mother as well I believe :D
If only...
Lee & Tenten (separate weddings just the same father figure)
I will cry simply at the idea of this shit, if someone finds a story that has this aspect, please hand it over, I will cry
Kakashi has quite the time at both of these weddings simply bc Gai won't stop crying
HEAR ME OUT- Tsunade. I have a little HC that her and Yamato are kinda like brother and sister or cousins bc wood style thing.
She sees he has no other family, so she deems him a Senju due to his wood release.
I really like this hc I needed to include it somehow
In a different timeline (just hear me out okay?)
(this is a parental figure besides their own bio parents btw)
Hiashi. Just think with me for a second. *cries so hard i crumble to the floor*
He would say smth like "you're father would be proud of you," and Neji LOSES HIS FUCKIGN SHIT
Just. Listen. for a second. Minato, Kushina, or Maito Dai. Just. *bites a rock*
Hiruzen. Just consider <3
Listen I don't like the guy either, but Jiraiya as his father at his wedding would have killed me /pos
"Minato, Kushina, your son is a good man, I'm sure you two are proud."
If she did get married after her grandfather passed, I think Tobirama would have filled his place if he was alive
if u read this far, thank u!! also, please feel free to add more to this idea or alter mine !!
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year
Konoha 13 boys reacting to learning they're going to be dads - headcanons
Chouji: A chill guy. He's very happy about it, of course, and he will certainly be a loving (and maybe dotting) father, but I think that of them all he's the one who planned for it the most, and therefore is also expecting it the most. Will celebrate it with Karui and tell his friend over a nice dinner and they will be shocked because he didn't look like he was hiding a news at all.
Shikamaru: I think he's a bit of a panic dad. Very happy, but the "Holly shit" kind. Immediately starts to rumble about all the thing he has to do, the things he has to buy, the people he has to tell... Half of that out of order. Temari probably ends up having to tell him to fucking chill out because he's getting her stressed too. It doesn't help that Karura died in childbirth and he will probably turn a bit overprotective at times but they'll make it out alright.
Sai: I'm guessing a pretty, well, Sai reaction at first. You know, just "🙂". I think it takes a bit of time for the news to actually settle for him, and from that point on he might struggle with conflicted feelings because he's happy about it, especially since Ino is very excited and happy about it too, but it also raises a lot of questions and doubts regarding his ability to father properly since family is still something that is very new to him.
Lee: Hard to tell since we don't know exactly how Metal happened. Regardless, I would say something of a mix of overwhelmingly happy and moved, but also feverish and anxious. It's not necessarily a sulking kind of anxiety, but he's doing this alone, he wants to be the best he can and even more, and it's just a stressful situation to be in, but an exciting and happy one!
Naruto: I think he's the most happy of them all. Not that he's the happiest to be a father, in general and on the long run, they all are, but he's the one who answers to the news with the most glowing sunshine joy as we know he is capable off. He's the one who goes "This is the happiest day of my life!!" both times, and there would have been more than two if it was only his choice. He is over the moon and will tell everyone, and will show ultrasound pictures and shit to everyone for the whole time of the pregnancy. He has his anxiety too, of course, didn't have much of a dad either, but those come more in a second time, they do not cross his mind at the moment he learns about it. He's The "I'm gonna be a dad!!!" guy.
Sasuke: He looks like he has trouble getting invested even twelve years down the road (understandably, though), so I have a hard time imagining he was overly excited with the news. I don't think he doesn't love Sarada, and I don't think she was an accident, but on the contrary, I think that she was at least in part a duty to him, and that he voluntarily didn't ask himself too much of her really wanted it, because letting his clan die wasn't an option anyway. But evidently he did realise after the fact he couldn't handle it yet. I think things would have gone better if he had gotten more time before becoming a father, but it didn't feel like an option for him.
As a bonus I suppose I can offer my SasuNaruHina fic about discussion of their respective relationship to becoming parents and Naruto's happiness and anxiety: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38403286/chapters/95971597
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
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Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto is a bisexual foxgender genderfluid sunmc sungender sumoureic foxenic foxspiritthing foxboy trans guy with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him, fox/foxes, and they/them pronouns, and he's dating Sasuke!
Sasuke Uchiha is an autistic transfeminine genderweapon nonbinary lightninggender purplegender spitbloodic violaregender sumoureic gay man with BPD and PTSD who uses he/him, she/her, and it/its pronouns, and he's dating Naruto!
Sakura Haruno is an autistic nonbinary transmasculine transneutral azurgirl pinsacherous willotren plabonk flowronata devocenmorsric lesbian with ADHD, BPD, and PTSD who uses she/her, they/them, and cha/chao pronouns, and she's dating Ino and Karin!
Sai is an aroace gay transneutral transfeminine agender person with PTSD who uses they/them pronons!
Kakashi Hatake is an autistic disabled bisexual wolfgender doginsulten lightninggender servidogconex trans man with ADHD, chronic fatigue, and PTSD who has a service dog pack and uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a QPR with Tenzou, married to Maito Gai, and had a crush on Obito Uchiha!
Tenzou Yamato is an autistic aroace bigender transmasculine man with PTSD who uses he/him and sap/saps pronouns, and he's in a QPR with Kakashi!
Hinata Hyuga is an autistic bisexual shylovcoric mistraender trans woman with DPD and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns, and she's dating Kiba!
Kiba Inuzuka is a bisexual pupgender trans man with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him and pup/pups pronouns, and he's dating Hinata!
Shino Aburame is an autistic aroace buggender bugthing trans girl with PTSD who uses she/her and bug/bugs pronouns!
Shikamaru Nara is an autistic biromantic asexual man with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Temari, Choji, and Neji!
Choji Akimichi is a gay butterflygender nonbinary person with PTSD who they/them and flit/flits pronouns, and they're dating Shikamaru!
Ino Yamanaka is an autistic trans genderfleur rorigender bouquetgender flowronata lesbian with NPD and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns, and she's dating Sakura!
Rock Lee is a trans gay man with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Gaara!
Tenten is a transmasculine asexual lesbian with ADHD and PTSD who uses he/him and she/her pronouns, and he's dating Neji!
Neji Hyuga is an autistic arospec bisexual birdcaged trans woman with PTSD who uses she/her and ne/nem pronouns, and she's dating Tenten!
Maito Gai is an autistic disabled gay trans man wheelchair user with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Kakashi!
Gaara is an autistic gay agender harenaine desertomenix xerosian sanguihaeraen trans man with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Rock Lee!
Temari is a bisexual handfanic xerocolian trans woman with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns, and she's dating Shikamaru!
Karin is an autistic setraumarine trans lesbian with hypersexuality, ADHD, and PTSD who uses it/its and she/her pronouns, and it's dating Sakura!
dni link
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holly-natnicole · 2 months
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 10)
(Legally adopted in his mid-teens by Hatake Kakashi) Hatake Sai's Crests would be Hope (Virtue) and Envy (Sin). His digivice is a black D-Ark/D-Power (which lacks the card slot and) which has a medium grey rim (around the screen) & matching buttons & a likewise strap with the clip for attaching the digivice to things being black. The digivice's dark grey square screen has 1 of Sai's Crests appear on it in black whenever he connects with his Digimon partner emotionally in ways that link to the either of the 2 Crests. He has a
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Botamon (who he nicknames Ink) as his Digimon Partner. Initially seeing them (Ink is agender) solely as a tool due to his horrific childhood, Sai eventually learns to have a true (a.k.a. healthy) partnership/platonic friendship with Ink. This nearly comes at the cost of his Digimon partner's goofy personality, though; since Sai's unintentional abuse (he doesn't know what happened to him was wrong and child abuse, so it doesn't occur to Sai to treat Ink as a real friend 'til he starts overcoming his own trauma) breaks Ink little by little 'til there's nearly nothing left of their original cheerful personality.
When the duo manages to bond for the 2nd ever time despite all the toxicity, Ink digivolves into
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Wanyamon then the next harmonious moment between human partner & Digimon partner results in Ink digivolving into either
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Liollmon or
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Drawmon or
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Ink digivolves from both their Drawmon form & their Ekakimon form into
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Effecmon then
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Whenever the duo's bond reaches its peak, Sai & Ink matrix digivolve with the latter being at the Rookie Level when doing so. If they's Drawmon or Ekakimon, the end result is
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HeavyLeomon. If Ink is in their Liollmon form instead, the end result of them matrix digivolving with Sai is
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Near the end of Team 7's adventures, BanchoLeomon sacrifices himself/themself. Fortunately, a hastily formed shield around them/him lessens the damage from impact then he's/they's magically healed (the medics using all their power to do so yet it still is) just barely enough for them/him to survive; Sai spends many months hospitalised immediately after him & his Digimon partner de-matrix-digivolving whilst Ink reverts into a DigiEgg with no memories of everything that had happened when they hatches. Both receive a lot of support from the others.
(To be continued in Part 11...)
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