#sai baba ji
connoisseursdecomfort · 6 months
Chapter 90 spoiler alert
Anya calling ジークムント・オーセン (Sigmund Authen) ジーじじ (Ji-jiji) and バーバラ・オーセン (Barbara Authen) バーばば (Ba-baba)...
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Ji-jiji and Ba-baba might look like a normal old couple, but -
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He thinks she is capable of setting traps
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and shooting people. (In the JP version it says "発砲(はっぽう)." This is simply translated as "I have no idea Barbara would be so angry with me.")
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On the contrary, as this post as pointed out, Sigmund can get Barbara flowers without Yor noticing.
Maybe it's just very normal in Ostania.
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santmat · 28 days
Light and Sound on The Path (Sant Mat, Radhasoami, Surat Shabd Yoga, The Path of the Masters, Bhakti of the Inner Light and Sound)
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Happy 70th Birthday Baba Ram Singh Ji!
Below is excerpted from a satsang discourse of Baba Ram Singh commenting on verses of the Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry of Soami Ji Maharaj, which he often does in satsang.
"Swami Ji Maharaj also is addressing our soul as a hansa, or as a swan, because swans are pure birds and the soul is also pure. He is addressing the soul and He is telling the soul, 'You leave the outward things and leave the water outside and you come within. God Almighty has kept a lot of treasures within. He has kept an ocean of Nectar within. You come and take that.'
"'Saagar ksheer bharaa ghat beethar,
Peevo surat thaani.
Jag ko jaar dhaso nab andhar,
Mandar parakh nishaani.'
"He tells us to come within, but what stops us from going within is our attachment outside to this world. And till we overcome those attachments and entanglements outside, the soul will never be able to withdraw and go inside.
"The Masters give us Simran because that is a means to cut out our entanglements and enable the soul to leave the nine doors and come to the Tenth Door.
"By doing Simran and Dhyan, we will be able to mold our mind and get the gunas, or get the attributes, that are necessary for us to go within. All the Saints Who have gone within in the past, They have all made that effort of doing Their Bhajan Simran, and then They have been able to go within. And all in the future also, will be able to go within only when they make that effort of doing their Bhajan Simran.
"So, that possibility of going within is for everyone who does Bhajan and Simran. And we often delude ourselves, thinking that it is only Mahatmas have done the Bhajan Simran because They were Ready-Made Souls and They could go inside, but we are sinners and we are not able to do this. So, this is the thought of a lazy mind. And if we overcome that and we do our Bhajan Simran, then we will definitely be able to go within.
"Every human being, be it a male or a female, has the capability of going within. We should have that enthusiasm and we should have that commitment to do that meditation and we will definitely be able to go within...." 
"'Guru moorath tu dhaar hiye mein,
Man ke sang kyun firat nimaani.
Tera kaaz kare guru poore,
Sun le anahad baani.'
"Swami Ji Maharaj says, 'Your work will be done by a True Master.' And He says, 'Why aren’t you listening to that Anahad Shabd, that Sound Current, which is resonating at the Eye Center?'
"That Holy Sound Current has emanated from God Almighty and It has come down through the planes and is resonating at Eye Center. And from there, it is illuminating this body. And it is having the functionality of this body.
"So, Swami Ji Maharaj says, 'You manifest that Sound Current.'
He says, 'That Satguru Who is going to help you, He is within. You go and manifest that Holy Sound Current, which is His manifestation. And if you manifest that Sound Current, your going back and forth in this ocean of life and death will come to an end.'
-- excerpted from, Till We Overcome Those Attachments And Entanglements Outside, The Soul Will Never Be Able To Withdraw And Go Inside, a 2015 satsang discourse by Baba Ram Singh)
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The original copy of 'Ghat Ramayana' written by Saint Tulsi Saheb kept in a glass case in the ashram of Saint Tulsi Saheb in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh.  (Photo Courtesy of Pujya Satya Prakash Baba, and Pravesh K. Singh)
हाथरस, उत्तर प्रदेश में संत तुलसी साहब के आश्रम में शीशे के पिटक में रखी उन्हीं द्वारा रचित 'घट रामायण' की मूल प्रति  (चित्र सौजन्य: पूज्य सत्य प्रकाश बाबा)
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Sant Tulsidas says: "The true teacher is the one who gives knowledge without ignorance, who speaks about Light without darkness, and about the Formless God without the God with forms. That teacher I deem as being true."
Who is worthy to be called a true or accomplished teacher? The true teacher is the one who has transcended the realm of ignorance and darkness and is established in the realm of knowledge and Light. The true teacher having gone beyond the material realm of forms is established in the Formless State of the Infinite (the Divine). The accomplished spiritual teacher, who shows the path to experiencing the Reality, does so, only after testing this knowledge on the touchstone of his/her own personal experience. The knowledge of a true spiritual teacher is not simply based on intellectual knowledge, but also in personal experience.
Sant Kabir Sahab emphatically asserts: "You speak what is written down [intellectual knowledge], and I speak from what I have seen [inner experience]." 
Therefore, we need a spiritual guru who will not only be a knowledgeable teacher, but will also be morally sound and actively practicing what he/she teaches.
-- Swami Santsevi Ji Maharaj (pictured above)
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themorguepoet · 11 months
I find it hypocritical when hindu boys say "jai shree ram" and follow tate- all in the same day. Bro wtf are you high on?
Like I don't even get this glorification of him among the Indian youth. His concepts of masculinity and femininity are half baked. Western concepts don't apply to us either. Are you lacking neurons or are you just intellectually lazy? "He tells us to go gym" yeah bro- no one was fit in India until Tate baba said so yeah? *haryanvis having hanuman ji as the fitness-eight pack-strength icon while absolutely killing in the wrestling area* *Kohli apparently couldn't inspire Indian men for fitness as good as Tate did* Lame loser justifications to follow a narcissist.
Indian concept of masculinity and femininity does not require a western lens no thank you. We have Gauri-Shankar, Lakshmi-Narayan, Sita-Ram etc that guide our societal roles here. Everything that Tate baba says is a sign of a "High value man" happens to have feminine symbolism in your culture you ignorant child. Knowledge, Wealth and Power. high value men things right? Sorry to break it to you. Here in India, Knowledge is Ma Saraswati, Wealth & Prosperity is Ma Lakshmi and Power is Literally Adi Shakti Ma Parvati.
Let me clarify more for you. First of all, there is no complete masculine man or feminine woman. Everyone has varying rates of masculinity and femininity within them. What do these terms even mean. Well in easy words, the way masculine traits could be described from indic lens cpuld be with the imagery of a mountain; strong, reliable, changes are slow almost unseen, protective (hailing to how himalayas protect us from the blizzards) while feminine imagery could be that of a river- always moving, unstoppable in its path, destructive rage but also equally nurturing, unpredictable, frequent change, adaptable etc.
These are some traits that can be associated with the terms. Now if your neurons haven't picked up yet, these traits aren't exclusive for a male or a female respectively. Men can have the qualities of adaptability, can be nurturing too. Women can be rigid, strong and reliable. These traits can be found in any gender. So for the "women ☕️" meme fans you also have feminine traits within you- to suppress emotions is actually a feminine trait much more than it is "masculine"- Shri Rama cried his heart out when he lost Ma Sita. Bhagwaan Shiva carried devi satis burnt body in his arms for many many eons, screaming in distress. Krishna adorned himself with vaijyanti flower garlands, peacock feathers while simultaneously holding sudarshan which is capable of destroying the three worlds at his command. I don't understand how Tate Baba's words appear enlightening to you when it is so contradictory to your culture which you claim to be the flag bearer of? Sit down. You know nothing Jon snow.
Without Shakti, even Shiva ji is powerless. However without bhagwaan Shiva- shakti still holds her powers but without any direction. Divine masculine becomes the channel for the divine Feminine. Without devi lakshmi, even Vaikuntha remains in gloom. The world is born, run and destroyed by the feminine traits.
The Masculine is the anchor, the Feminine is the power. Without Shiv ji, Ma Kali's rage would be unrestrained, directionless- he roots her but he neither commands nor controls her. Her capability is not reliant on anyone but herself- only the effects of her shakti can be and are supposed to be managed by her counterpart.
Shri Rama couldn't command Ma Sita into staying back at Ayodhya, he couldn't control her from going back to Prithvi Ma when she felt disrespected by her own subjects and made a decision for herself. He did not try to restrain her independent expressions. Meanwhile Ma Sita remained with Shri Ram throughout. In his exile he had no wealth, no power (army power is what I mean). But the lack of neither made him "low value man"- and Ma Sita did not care.
I am frustrated and tired. I will end it here because if you didn't get it this far- sorry buddy you are a little too far gone, I can only pray that Ma Saraswati knock some sense into you.
For the love of Krishna, do not enforce the idea of marriage being a contract? or a give and take idea? Like I bring the money you bring the pretty? Please don't get brainwashed by the western idea of what marriage is. Marriage in India is sacred. At the time of wedding the couple are no less than Lakshami-Narayan themselves as per the customs. So come out of this non sense. And go to gym. Our dieties, our lore heroes, our legends don't carry their abs and diamond-hard biceps with ten different weapons just for you to go and take fitness lessons from a rando on Internet.
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xolilith · 1 year
Período - Park Jisung
n/a: o jisung pra mim é TÃO
Revira-se agoniada sobre os lençóis. Deita-se de bruços outra vez, enterra o rosto no travesseiro, antes de grunhir dramática e dolorida.
A sensibilidade começava no pé da barriga e se estendia pela lombar, deixando as pernas fracas e cansadas. E você estava com a aparência horrível. Cabelo desgrenhado e seco, a aparência pálida
Jisung vem entrando no quarto, despreocupado ao jogar o corpo ao seu lado. Os braços longos envolvem sua cintura puxam para perto dele.
Você aperta mais seu corpo contra o dele, roça a bochecha a ponta do nariz no tecido moletom da camiseta e falta ronronar pelo calor que ele emana. Jisung ri com a sua manha, quando você arranha a garganta num "Ji, você chegou". A voz sai abafada e furtiva.
– Você quer tentar como daquela vez? Sabe? Quando eu ajudei você... – Ele propõe compadecido com seu estado.
– Você quer? – Indaga, levantando a cabeça, retraída, ao fitar o rosto masculino.
Ele assente, tímido. Não evita a lembrança do seu período passado em que ele gostou mais do que deveria de ajudar você com aquela dor inevitável.
"Vamos lá". Ele diz, beija o topo da sua cabeça. Você é quem vai primeiro para de baixo do chuveiro, deixa com que a água morna caía sobre os ombros, sobre os seios inchados e doloridos e relaxe mínimamente o tensão sobre a carne. Depois de alguns minutos Jisung junta-se a você. A pele pálida e nua é tão bonita e fria quando de baixo da água. Rodeia a cintura dele com os braços, ficando na ponta dos pés para pedir um beijo. Os lábios desenhados não demoram a cobrir os seus, suaves ao morder devagarzinho e provocá-la.
Jisung desliza os lábios pela sua mandíbula, aperta os dedos esguios na carne da sua bunda. Comprime seu corpo mais contra o dele, roça seu centro contra o próprio sexo, e pede baixinho:
– Você pode fazer isso pra mim, princesa?
Você assente. Uma das mãos desce pelo abdômen magro, dedilhando o cinturão de adonis antes de espalmar a mão sobre o pau semi-acordado. Jisung suspira com o toque, apoia a cabeça sobre seu ombro.
Sobe e desce a mão, circula a ponta com o dedão e espalha o líquido que baba. Até que a ereção esteja no ápice, pulsando excitada e tensa contra seus dedos. Porém, ele te detém quando se vê perto de do orgasmo.
Traz seus lábios para perto outra vez e suspende uma das suas pernas até a altura do quadril. A ponta inchada é pincelada contra seu sexo, mistura as lubrificações antes de forçar e deslizar devagar para dentro de você.
Soluça baixinho quando abriga todo o comprimento. O meio das pernas queima, lateja. É tão boa a sensação que você se sente paralizada por alguns segundos, cheia até o topo.
– Melhor?
– Uh... – Balbucia, extasiada. – Muito melhor, Ji.
Rebola devagarzinho sobre. O abarrotamento traz alívio a dor insistente, faz palpitar excitada e confortável. Espalma as mãos nos ombros, deita a bochecha em cima da clavícula saltada.
Jisung empurra o quadril, numa cadência lenta e profunda. A sensibilidade faz arder um pouquinho, mas não compara-se com o prazer latente. É colocada contra a parede, onde consegue ficar mais confortável. E é empalada ali até que ele te abarrote com a semente morninha.
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ramayantika · 11 months
Usha Lakshmi Gargi Ratri Saraswati Rati
It's 9am. I am at my father's place for my Godh bharai ceremony, now widely referred to as baby shower parties. I still prefer to use Godh bharai instead of baby shower. Godh bharai means to fill the lap of the mother-to-be with abundance. She is gifted with sarees, jewellery fruits, baby toys, baby clothes and lots of blessings for the upcoming newborn.
I am standing in front of the mirror. This is the same mirror where my mother used to get ready for school. She was a teacher. This is the same mirror where she used to tie my plaits for school, and this was the same mirror where I pretended to be a 90s bollywood heroine in my teens. This is the same mirror where I got ready for one last time before leaving my parents house as a bride. Now, I am back here as an expectant mother.
Maa passed away two years ago. After I got married, she would constantly pester me with questions about her future grandchildren though in a teasing and light hearted way. She was the first one who advised me to have kids when my husband and I felt ready for it instead of giving in to pressure and conceiving right away.
But look how fate played its move. My mother passed away and I couldn't even give her the happy news. Sometimes I wish I had conceived early so my mother could have seen her grandchildren. She could be with me and witness the journey of my motherhood. But she isn't alive. Maybe she is around me, and her energy still exists around my house, around this mirror, but she isn't standing here in flesh and blood. She will never touch my pregnant stomach and feel this little one's kicks. She can't compliment my pregnancy glow on my face.
I have a lovely mother-in-law. She has treated me like the daughter she never had. She has taken care of me all this while. I remember her excited little jump in the living room when I broke the news that I am pregnant. She hugged me tight and touched my flat stomach and clearly instructed, "No more moving around much. Whatever you need, whatever weirdest strangest craving you get, you will call my son, and if that idiot makes a face, immediately call for me!"
Baba was ecstatic on getting to know that he was going to be a grandfather. He wished me well, but just before ending the call, he said, "I wish your mother was here too. She would have been so happy to see her little girl be a mother." That day, I had shed a few tears while looking at my mother's photograph.
"Beta, are you ready? Pandit ji has arrived," Baba says, standing at the doorway. His eyes for a brief moment drift down at my heavy seven month stomach. I smile and say, "Baba, chill. I am carrying your grandson. You don't have to be this awkward."
He laughs and scratches his head. "Yes, I get it. Now, come down." He lends his arm and looks at me. I hear him slowly mutter under his breath. "Kash Anju hoti..." Anjana, my mother.
Everybody stop their chitter chatter and fix their gaze on me. My friends and cousin sisters, clear up the sofa and make space for me to sit. My eyes move to my husband who is staring at me just the way he saw me during our first date. Damn, am I looking this beautiful even now? He quickly comes near me and kisses my cheek, whispering, "You look lovely, meri jaan. I hope this little munchkin did not trouble you inside."
Giggling quietly, I reply, "Not at all. No morning sickness today and no Ronaldo kicks to trouble this beautiful mummy."
I hear my father clear his throat which makes my husband jerk away from me causing me to breakdown into laughter again.
An hour has passed. Pandit ji got over with the puja. Everyone has started gifting me things the baby and me. My father-in-law gifted me a beautiful pink saree which I am hundred percent sure that this was mummy ji's choice. He also places a baby shirt on my lap. He wants a grandson, I have always known this.
Next, I see mummy ji come and place a fruit basket and a cute baby frock on my lap. Now, she never had her own daughter, so she wants a granddaughter. Baba joins next and gifts me a salwar suit and books for alphabets and numbers. He wants the child to be a genius. He then opens a bag, and looks at the package. It looks old -- maybe a year or two. His eyes fill with emotion, as he places them on my lap. "Your mother had bought it much before and had even gift-wrapped it. Maybe she knew..... Open it afterwards." He lovingly pats my head.
My friends and other older women whisper blessings and fun teasing rhymes for the baby. Some of my friends dance on bollywood songs for a while. The environment feels blissful. Absolutely perfect.
"Am I late to bless the new mother-to-be?" I hear a voice from behind. Turning back, I see a beautiful lady in a green kanjeevaram saree. Her hair was elegantly donned in a bun adorned with a gajra. She looked old like around mummy ji's age, but her face, her aura felt different. Something godly.
I look at everyone. Nobody looks at this new lady. They wave at me, but don't even bat an eyelid at the woman behind me as if she is invisible to them. Confused, I ask, "Auntie, I am very sorry. I can't recognize you. Mummy ji hasn't told me anything about you."
"Would you want a poetic introduction or a straightforward one?"
Mentally I responded to her question with huh???? I answered with a sheepish smile, "A straightforward one would be good for now."
The woman laughs and answers, "Straight to the point then. Devamata Aditi."
I was almost about to drop the saree I was holding in my hand. Stuttering, I ask, "Dev- devamata. The mother of the Gods. A-aditi. A goddess."
Devamata sits beside me, and holds my hands. Maternal warmth fuses in her touch. "Well, I also have to bless new mothers now. You all are bringing new souls to this mortal realm. It's a big job!"
I can feel my cranial nerves shortcircuit. I am dreaming right? Right? This can't be true! The hormones have messed up my head. I am seeing things which also explains why none of my family members nor the guests are seeing Aditi.
"Relax, my child. I am really Aditi, and you are perfectly same. Devamata can always cast her illusion around. Come on, my son Vishnu, your favourite God does it half of the time." She hugs me gently. I feel warm loving maternal energy surround me and around my unborn baby. It feels as if maa is here.
Devamata touches my chin and says, "I know you miss your mother. Her soul is eternal, and souls always come back. Stories go on."
She places a lovely green saree on my lap. The borders are embroidered with golden threads. The glitter on the saree looks like twinkling stars. A fabric stitched from the Universe itself!
"Blessings from a mother to another one. May your child be born with good health and be surrounded with infinite love and happiness, dear one." She pats my back just like my mother used to do whenever I had any important event. My eyes moisten at the corners in happiness.
"Thank you, Maa." I hug her tighter.
****** ******* ***** ********* ******** ****** ****
2 months later
"Ma'am please, one last push. You can do it. The baby needs just one last push." I hear the doctor's instructions, but I am too tired. The room feels dazed. My eyes are heavy. I just want to sleep.
A soft warm hand on my forehead draws me away from going into tired slumber. I blink and look at the person, thinking it to be one of the doctors on the team.
Only, it is not a doctor. It's the universal mother. My Devamata, Aditi.
Like a tired child, I mutter to her, "Maa, I can't do this anymore. I want to sleep on your lap. It's been hours, since I am here in labour. This is tiring."
Mata caresses my forehead which is probably drenched in sweat. I hear her speak, her voice soft, like a melodious lullaby.
"It's only a little effort, now, sweetheart. You are minutes away from bringing this little one to this world. The little one has to see you, its beautiful caring mother and a loving father. The child has to run around the house like little Krishna and dance like little Radha. Just one push, my love."
I shake my head. Gasping, I ask, "Can't you take care of it Mata? You are a goddess. Let me sleep, please. Get my baby out."
The goddess breathes and kisses the top of my head. "I can take care that the baby is born alive and healthy. The action has to be done solely by you. I am a goddess, but foremost a woman and we have been given enough strength to endure this pain of bringing another life into this world. You have nurtured this child in your womb for a while now. Don't you want to hold your baby? I promise, I will show you a cute little Vishnu as a toddler."
That brings some energy back to my body. "Do you promise me that?"
She nods and smiles. Maybe I am hallucinating, but I see a lone tear drip down her smile. I breathe deeply and gather all the remaining strength and push.
Darkness greets my vision, and I hear a faint murmur. "You did so well, dear one. I am so proud of you. Now, take some rest and see your darling god as a baby."
A large gate opens up leading me to a room. I am not travelling in my bodily form. Probably some astral projection or god knows what form I am in. I can't see my own body, but the sights around.
A sweet baby voice rings in my ears. I turn around and see a cradle kept in the corner of the room. Small dark hands with rosy palms hold the edges of the cradle. I walk near it, my heart pacing with excitement. As soon as I reach the cradle, my eyes land on a most beautiful baby, I have ever seen in my life.
Large doe eyes stare at me brimming with happiness and mischief. His eyes spark with recognition, and he giggles. Baby Vishnu stretches his little fingers, and holds my index finger.
I want to melt into a puddle. This is so cute. This means I will get to hold my baby and feel it touch my fingers too.
"Yes, darling." Devamata enters the room with a toddler running around her legs. "Now, are you happy to see your baby Vishnu?"
I jump around and touch Vishnu's cheeks. He laughs again, and I smile. I hear his baby voice say the word. "Sakhi......"
Devamata peers over the cradle, and gently rocks it. In a minute, Vishnu goes to sleep looking as adorable as ever.
"Mata, can I go back to my baby now?"
"Of course, putri."
I wake up energised. The first thing I see is my husband holding a small white bundle in his arms. His eyes are red with happy tears, and he whispers, "We have a daughter, and believe me or not, her eyes look just like maa." He hands over my daughter to me.
I look at the small baby girl. Her eyes meet mine, and I see a beautiful smile. I bring her close to my chest and kiss her tiny forehead.
She has my mother's eyes!
✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
I have no idea how this is. I don't even know how Devamata came inside my head forget writing about preganancy and motherhood.
I am literally on my period today and here I am writing on giving birth to a baby.
Also I might have tweaked around the actual stories to make you all see and read about baby Vishnu. Besides Devamata would fulfill our desires too so yeah baby vishnu!!!
I am getting cramps or my stomach feels funny now so I will go sleep byeeee. 🌸💖
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naveensarohasblog · 1 year
#TheKnowledgeofGitaisNectar Part - 6
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"True Essence of Gita"
• Gita = Shrimadbhagavat Gita
1. Question: - Who narrated the knowledge of Gita, to whom and
when, and who wrote it? Please tell in detail.
Answer : - Kaal God (who is also known by the name "Brahm" in
Vedas and Gita) by entering into the body of Shri Krishna ji narrated
the knowledge of Shrimadbhagavat Gita to Arjun. When Kauravs and
Pandavs claiming their respective authority over the property, that is,
the kingdom of Delhi, had become ready for the battle, and both the
armies were standing face-to-face in the field of Kurukshetra, Arjun saw
that Bheeshm Pitamah, Guru Dronacharya, Kaurav's children, their
relatives, son-in-laws, brother-in-laws, father-in-laws etc were standing
in the army ahead willing to fight and die. Kauravs and Pandavs were
paternal counsins. Righteousness arose in Arjun, and he pondered that
for a kingdom, we will kill our cousins, nephews, son-in-laws, brother-
in-laws, Bheeshm Pitamah and gurus. We do not even know for how
long we will live in this world? Therefore, instead of enjoying a kingdom
obtained in this way, we would rather sustain ourselves on alms, but we
will not fight. Thinking this, Arjun kept his bow and arrow down and
sat down at the rear end of the chariot. Seeing such a state of Arjun, Shri
Krishna said, "See, which warrior you have to fight with in the front."
Arjun replied, "O Krishna! I will not fight at any cost." He also informed
Shri Krishna about his motive and the thoughts arising in his mind. At
that very moment, Kaal God entered into Shri Krishna ji just as a ghost
enters into another person's body and speaks. In this way, entering into
Shri Krishna's body, Kaal narrated the knowledge of Shrimadbhagavat
Gita to inspire Arjun to fight and with the aim that in Kalyug there will
not be people who would know about the Vedas, therefore, he narrated
the brief description and summary of the four Vedas in the form of
"Knowledge of Gita" in 18 chapters and 700 Verses. Shri Krishna did
not even know what he had said in the knowledge of Gita.
{Those of Brahmakumari sect call this very Kaal Brahm as Nirakar
Shiv Baba. They also say that Shiv Baba had delivered the knowledge
of Gita by entering into the body of an old man. This Shiv Baba is the
revered deity of the Brahmakumaris.}
A few years later, Sage Vedvyas wrote this nectar-knowledge
in Sanskrit language in Devanagri script. Later, the translators based
on their own intellect translated this holy book into Hindi and other
languages that are now being published by Gita Press Gorakhpur (U.P.).
Its photocopies are attached in this very book from page 216 to 368.
Question: - Till today (2012), we have heard that Shri Krishna ji
had spoken the knowledge of Gita ji. You told that Kaal narrated the
knowledge of Gita entering into Shri Krishna ji's body, and Shri Krishna
did not even know what knowledge he had narrated! This seems to be
untrue. Give some evidence.
Answer: - Let me give you umpteen evidence from which it will be
self-evident that "Kaal" uttered the knowledge of holy book Gita. First
of all, I will prove from Gita itself.
Evidence 1: - In Gita Chapter 11 when the giver of the
knowledge of Gita showed his Viraat form, seeing it Arjun started
trembling and became frightened. It is also essential to tell here that Shri
Krishna was brother-in-law of Arjun because Krishna's sister Subhadra
was married to Arjun.
When the Giver of the knowledge of Gita showed his fierce Viraat
form which had thousand arms, Arjun asked, 'O Lord! Who are you?'
(Gita Chapter 11 Verse 31)
'O (Sahasrabahu) One with thousand arms, you may appear in
your (Chaturbhuj) four-armed form {because Arjun used to consider
Krishna to be the incarnation of Vishnu, but at that time Kaal appearing
outside Shri Krishna's body had shown his boundless Viraat form}. I
am frightened. I am unable to tolerate this appearance of yours.' (Gita
Chapter 11 Verse 46).
Readers, please ponder: - Will we ask our brother-in-law
that - 'O gentleman! Tell me, who are you?' No. Once, a ghost started
speaking in a person. His brother sitting next to him asked, "Who are
you?" He got the answer that - "I am your maternal uncle. I had died
in an accident." Did he not know his brother?
Similarly, Kaal was speaking from inside Shri Krishna.
Evidence no. 2: - In Gita Chapter 11 Verse 21 Arjun said that
you are eating hosts of gods who are fearfully praying to you with folded
hands. Hosts of great sages and siddhs are making auspicious prayers to
you for the safety of their lives. In Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32, the Giver
of the knowledge of Gita has said that - O Arjun! I am enlarged Kaal.
I have now appeared, that is, I have now entered into Shri Krishna's
body. I will destroy everyone. The entire army of the opposition will be
destroyed even if you do not fight.
This proves that Kaal has uttered the knowledge of Gita by entering
into the body of Shri Krishna ji. Never before had Shri Krishna ji said
that he is Kaal. Nobody used to get scared on seeing Shri Krishna ji.
Cowherds, cowgirls, cowherds' children, animals-birds everybody used to feel delighted on seeing him. So, "Was Shri Krishna ji Kaal?" No.
Therefore, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita is "Kaal" who gave the
knowledge of Holy Book Gita by entering into the body of Shri Krishna
Evidence no. 3: - In Gita Chapter 11 Verse 47, the Giver of the
knowledge of Gita said that - O Arjun! Being pleased with you, I have
opened your divine vision and showed you this Viraat form of mine.
Nobody before you has seen this Viraat form of mine.
Point to ponder: - Dear Readers! There is an episode in
Mahabharat text that when Shri Krishna ji was present in the assembly
of Kauravs, he said to them that you may both (Kauravs and Pandavs)
divide your property (kingdom) between yourselves by mutual discussion.
It does not befit you to fight. The Pandavs said, "Give us five (5) villages.
We will sustain ourselves with them." Duryodhan did not even accept
this demand and said that there is not even land equivalent to a needle's
tip for Pandavs. They can take it by fighting. God Shri Krishna became
very annoyed with this and said to Duryodhan that - 'You have taken
birth for the destruction of earth. You will settle only after destroying
the entire clan. Gentleman! Where half of the kingdom and where five
villages! Have some shame.'
For getting spiritual information, do listen to the auspicious spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj on Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj YOUTUBE channel from 7:30-8:30 pm daily. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Complete Guru in this world. It is our humble request to all of you that please take name initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj free of cost without wasting a single second, and make your human life successful.
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chaand-jalne-laga · 7 days
Hi. I had an exam on 28th and I had promised my mother that I won't write anything before that. So. Now. Come. Let'z begin :)
1.) So. Now is the time for their sweet re-union. Badshah & Deva. Deva fishes out a harmonica and starts playing 'their' melody which is also an instrumental of the titular song.
2.) Badshah, instantly, recognizes the tune and starts running towards its source, Deva as well comes down running towards him while playing it, with tears rolling down his eyes.
3.) Ok. So. Now. Badshah is doing nakhre. He wants to have a race to a tree at the hilltop. Deva mocks Badshah of his old age and inability to run at full speed. He warns him not to cheat and to start running only at the count of three. (Tho he himself breaks the rules in the next moment. Lol.)
4.) They are about to reach the hilltop and Deva realizes he is loosing, so, he takes a long-ass high jump and lands on the tree, altho the camera could not hide the actuality of the scene but theek hai itna toh chalta hai.
5.) Deva is hanging down a branch and is gloating of his victory but the branch breaks off and he falls down the hill to the-waterfall?-lake?-water body. Whatever.
6.) And, now, we get a glimpse of his trauma getting triggered due to him going underwater. We see the impact of the trauma has been huge on him too, by the line as well as the way, he says it, "Haan haan tu jeeta aur......main haar gaya."
7.) We, along with Badshah, get a glimpse of his tortured past. He(Badshah) tries to sooth and comfort him but Deva brushes it off by saying that this was the reward for trying to bring a smile on someone's face, he continues, the wounds have healed but the pain is still there.
8.) And, we are instantly taken to that certain someone who, he was talking about, moments ago. Mujhariya ji? Or? Bhojariya ji? They didn't keep track of that name. (¬_¬)
9.) Tara has. Oh. Hi Tara. So. Tara has returned home but she kept searching for Badshah, the whole day, as it is night time now. She has badgered (-Bho/Mu-)jhariya ji the whole day, he is exasperated and tells her to not disturb him as he has no knowledge of the person, who has bought Badshah.
10.) So. We hear someone shouting at the top of their lungs, asking for their 'accounts ki file' and we see Baba throw- Oh. Hi Baba. Long time no see. Hope you are fin-i think not. Did you too find something strange in Baba's behavior? Like. Wasn't he, a self-centered, stuck up 'Sehgal' all those years back? Yeh kab se Tara ki baat manne lage? Something's wrong with him, i think. Whatever.
11.) So. Tara hands him those yellow flowers from the gardens of their ex-house. Lol. Ex-house. And Baba calms down, considerably.
12.) We see Tara leaves Baba inside the room and goes to clean the now-broken expensive lamp of her chachi. Chachi warns her to tell off her Baba to be careful with the things of this house as it is their house(Chacha and Chachi's). Btw, what's with Chachi's over make-up and heavy saree? She didn't go anywhere? Did she? No? Then why the over dressing? Lol. Whatever.
13.) Oh. So. Chachi takes rent from these two. To give them space in 'their' house. To give shelter to their OWN big brother? Like? Blood related BIG BRO? Wow. Just wow. And, she orders Tara to give her additional five thousand along with the monthly rent, for the loss of that goddamn lamp. Chachi, be grateful that she has the grace to give that money, had i been at her place, i would have given you a tight slap. Now. Shut the f*ck up Chachi. You understand? STFU CHACHI.
Not-so-fun Fact : Why are all the Chacha's and Chachi's of the ITV universe doing the GREAT wrong deed / the GREAT injustice? First Arnav's chachaji and now these idiots (also chachas and chachis)? Like? Wtf is wrong with them? Whatever.
14.) Aha. See? I told you. Baba is ill, y'all.
15.) Tara pleads chachi to -understandably- show some mercy to her father but chachi backfires.
16.) Oh. So. I was right again. Chacha and chachi are going for a party thrown by some 'maaldaar investor'. Lol. What was with that shitty woofing at the end. Lol. Whatever.
17.) Hold on, y'all. Let me take a water break.
*takes a two minute time-out*
*returns back* Ok. Let's resume.
18.) Papa is ill. But brother is still the same. Asshole. You noticed how papa has softened towards Tara now? I actually feel sad for Tara. This poor little kid lost so much so soon. And, now she is the one taking care of her ill father and reckless brother. Because Rohan has to get paid to look after his ill papa for ONE FREAKING DAY. Humphf. Shit-hole of a brother.
Not-so-Fun Fact : They highlighted his gold gleaming ring and the watch on his left hand when he asked about his return gift for 'papa-sitting' which means Tara was the only one who gave those to him or at least she was the one to pay the bill. My poor little baby Tara.
LoOoOol. Again, that Sehgal Promise. Bro, the last time you gave your 'Sehgal Promise', you almost traumatized Tara. Just spare her with that shit-ass of a promise of yours and take care of your father, you jobless leech.
19.) Tara has been made part of the event today night, which is probably, being hosted by Deva and he can't wait to start on his revenge, the moment he was waiting for, for the last fifteen years.
20.) Lol. Deva is in love. Yeah. Kind of. The man has everything around him which keeps reminding him of Tara. He really loves her, actually. Had kind of fallen for her all those years back. It's just he has this misunderstanding that Tara had the heart to betray him so when he comes to know the truth he will actually end up taking revenge from those accused Sehgals for his and Tara's tortured past.
21.) Ok. So. Deva in black. His car in red. (Tara in red. Lol. I saw in the thumb nail.)
22.) Ok. So. Wow. The entry. Both of them together. In the chand's light. That? Was? So? Freaking? Beautiful? Like? Wtf?
P.S. : So. Yeah. As I said. I am loving this show. The ending scene was perfect. It was so goddamn beautiful. Wow. Everything was perfect. Deva in black, Tara in red. Btw it was kinda surprising that Tara's chacha-chachi were in black while she in red(You know how it goes in some shows. The whole family is given the same color combination.) But it is also fitting because both of them are the black shadows in Tara's life while Deva, also in black, was given a see-through shirt underneath the coat, so I guess it was to show that he won't be completely black, like, black in the surface but his love for Tara would also be very much visible, just like his own skin is. Whatever. I over-analyzed the thing which did not need any analyzing. Lol. Whatever. Ok. Bye. God bless you.
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The Sant Mat Family Tree: Tracing the Lineage of Masters: Where the Spiritual Path Comes From - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast
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There is history-based evidence for a Sant Mat family tree dating back many centuries in India, a lineage of spiritual masters existing prior to the time of the Nineteenth Century guru Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras:
1) that are ideological soulmates teaching the familiar form of Sant Mat and Surat Shabd Yoga (Inner Light and Sound Meditation);
2) mention all five of the Five Names (sacred names, simran words used in many forms of contemporary Sant Mat);
3) have a special fondness of the term Kal Niranjan (negative power, an eastern term for the Gnostic demiurge);
4) see the Anurag Sagar (Kabir's Ocean of Love) as an essential or central scripture defining the Path during this Kali Yuga age;
5) and that have inherited a version of history that says "Sant Dharam Das was the successor of Kabir" (as opposed to someone else).
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: The Sant Mat Family Tree: Tracing the Lineage of Masters: Where the Spiritual Path Comes From - Listen, Download, Subscribe @ the Podcast Website:
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Solving the Mystery of Sant Tulsi Sahib's Guru
There was only one contemporary guru who was a living master during the time of Tulsi Sahib that Sant Tulsi Sahib actually named in his hymns and spiritual discourses: Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar. Sant Dariya and Tulsi's teachings are almost identical, meeting the criteria of the five points listed above. They both even shared a similar physical appearance and manor of dress. So, as Sant Tulsi Sahib was the one contemporary guru named in the Sar Bachan of Soami Ji, and Baba Devi Sahib's name appears in the Padavali of Maharshi Mehi, the one conspicuous contemporary master named and quoted by Sant Tulsi Sahib was Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar. And Sant Dariya Sahib's guru Sat Saheb was associated with -- branched out from -- the Sant Dharam Das/Kabir line of gurus embodying those five essential ingredients listed above, which I write about with more details in my booklet on the Origins of Sant Mat, The Five Names, and the Identity of Tulsi Sahib’s Guru. My take is that most likely Sant Tulsi Sahib was initiated by Sant Dariya Sahib of Bihar or one of his successors, thus the Sant Mat family tree, the lineage of masters in earlier centuries comes more clearly into view, and we can know more about where this spiritual path called Sant Mat comes from, this Way of the Saints or Sants, the Mystics of the East.
As I've written, I perceive that the lineage goes back to Sant Dharam Das. So I would say an approximate description of the lineage of this Path of the Masters looks something close to this: Satguru Kabir to Sant Dharam Das to Churamani Naam (Dharam Das's son) to Sat Saheb to Dariya Sahib of Bihar (and/or to one of the immediate successors named by Dariya like Fakkar Das, Basti Das, Tika Das, or Guna Das) to Sant Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, to Sant Girdhari Sahib of Lucknow to his successors including Soamiji Maharaj in Agra... up to the living present.
And while not as conveniently organized into a single easy-to-find volume of banis and bhajans such as the Sikh scriptures (Adi Granth, Gurbani), there are writings from these earlier masters of the Sant Mat family tree that have survived, and that I wish to especially be mindful of and explore on future satsang editions of this podcast, spiritual classics such as: the Kabir Sagar volumes, The Bijak and other Kabir literature, Anurag Sagar, Banis of Sat Saheb, Dariya Sagar, Ratan Sagar, Padma Sagar, the Ghat Ramayan and several others.
In Divine Love, Light, and Sound, Naam Bhakti,
James Bean
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Spiritual Awakening Radio
#radhasoami #radha_soami #radhaswami #radha_swami #radhasoamiji #santmat #sant_mat #suratshabdyoga #sants #pathofthemasters #kabir #dariyasahib #tulsisahib #santtulsisahib #spiritualawakeningradio #jamesbean #santmatsatsangpodcasts #podcasts #spiritualpodcasts #satsang #spirituality #india #history #meditation #gurulineages #anuragsagar #gurukabir #dharamdas #innerlightandsound #enlightenment #quanyinmethod #soultravel #eckankar #masterpath #scienceofspirituality #scienceofthesoul #india #bhakti #OceanofLove #God #SatPurush #OriginsOfSantMat #TheFiveNames #Simran #PanchNaam
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indiejones · 1 year
1.       .Pakeezah (1970)
2.       .Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959)
3.       .Aradhana (1969)
4.       .Kati Patang (1970)
5.       .Safar (1970)
6.       .Amar Prem (1970)
7.       .Prem Kahani (1975)
8.       .Do Raaste (196 )
9.       .Anand (1971)
10.   .Prem Nagar (1974)
11.   .Basant Bahar (196 )
12.   .Babul (1950)
13.   . Barsaat (1949)…
14.   .Bambai Ka Babu (196 )…
15.   .Pyaasa (1957)
16.   .Uran Khatola (1955)
17.   .Asli Naqli (196 )
18.   .Shahjehan (1946)
19.   .Nau Do Gyarah (1957)…
20.   .Disco Dancer (1982)
21.   .Ek duuje ke Liye (198 )
22.   .Parakh (1960)
23.   .Daag: A Poem of Love (1973)
24.   .Bhabhi (1957)
25.   .Teesri Manzil (1966)
26.   .Sachcha Jhutha (1969)
27.   .Guide (1965)
28.   .CID (1956)….
29.   .Love Story (1981)...
30.   .Anurodh (197 )
31.   .Aap Ki Kasam (1974)
32.   .Baharon ke sapne (1967)
33.   .Souten (1983)
34.   .Mehboob ki Mehndi (1971)
35.   .Saraswatichandra (196 )
36.   .Jis desh mein Ganga behti hai (195 )
37.   .Madhumati (1958)
38.   .Tansen (1943)
39.   .Do Aankhen Barah Hath (195 )
40.   .Shirdi ke Sai Baba
41.   .Dil Diya Dard Liya (196 )
42.   .Satyam Shivam Sundaram (1978)
43.   .Mughal-e-Azam (196 )
44.   .Anari (195 )
45.   .Namak Haraam (1973)
46.   .Dil Ek Mandir (1963)
47.   .Seema (195 )
48.   .The Train (1970)
49.   .Haathi Mere Saathi (1971)
50.   .Joru Ka Ghulam (197 )
51.   .Bandini (1963)
52.   .Bawarchi (1971)
53.   .Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai (196 )
54.   .Saagar (1985)
55.   .Ek Dil Sau Afsane (1963)
56.   .Apna Desh (1972)
57.   .Mela (1948)
58.   .Pyar Mohabbat (1966)
59.   .Solva Saal (1958)
60.   .Dr. Vidya (1962)
61.   .Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi (1958)
62.   .Dil Hi To Hai (1963)
63.   .Dushmun (1971)
64.   .Tyaag (1977)
65.   .Mere Jeevan Saathi (1972)
66.   .Ganga Jumna (1961)
67.   .Kala Pani (1958)
68.   .Hum Dono (1961)
69.   .Naya Daur (1957)
70.   .Sanjog (1960)
71.   .Chaudhvin ka chand (1960)
72.   .Anuraag (1972)
73.   .Teen Devian (1965)
74.   .Teesri Kasam (196 )
75.   .Taj Mahal (196 )
76.   .Son of India (196 )
77.   .Kismet (1943)
78.   .Junglee (1961)
79.   .Kathputli (1957)
80.   .Tere Ghar Ke Saamne (1963)
81.   .Anupama (196 )
82.   .Aakraman (1975)
83.   .Bundalbaaz (1976)
84.   .Aavishkar (1974)
85.   .Jab Pyar Kisise Hota hai (1961)
86.   .Mahal (1949)
87.   .Kabhi Kabhie (1977)
88.   .Bhai Bhai (195 )
89.   .Rani Rupmati (195 )
90.   .Jai Santoshi Maa (197 )
91.   .Aan Milo Sajna (197 )
92.   .Waqt (196 )
93.   .Mera Saaya (1966)
94.   .Love Marriage (1959)
95.   .Samadhi (1972)
96.   .Chandni (198 )
97.   .Aag (1948)
98.   .Musafir (1957)
99.   .Tarana (1950)
100.                        . Silsila (198 )
101.                        .Aandhi (197 )
102.                        .Albela (1951)
103.                        .Prince (1969)
104.                        .Pagla Kahin Ka (1970)
105.                        .An Evening In Paris (1967)
106.                        .Chhote Sarkar (1974)
107.                        .Preetam (1971)
108.                        .Dillagi (1949)
109.                        .Hatyara (1977)
110.                        .Ajnabee (1974)
111.                        .Anokhi Raat (1968 )
112.                        .Mehbooba (1976)
113.                        .Dil Daulat Duniya (1972)
114.                        .Duniya (1968)
115.                        .Paraya Dhan (197 )
116.                        .Naukri (1978)
117.                        .Lamhe
118.                        .Saajan (1969)
119.                        .Mera Naam Joker (1970)
120.                        .Kashmir Ki Kali (1964)
121.                        .Lal Kunwar (1952)
122.                        .Pyar Kiye Jaa (196 )
123.                        .Kinare Kinare (1963)
124.                        .Aashiq (1962)
125.                        .Mukti (1977)
126.                        .Boot Polish (1954)
127.                        .Shree 420 (1955)
128.                        .Phagun (1958)
129.                        .Dil deke dekho (195 )
130.                        .Parichay (197 )
131.                        .Khamoshi (1969)
132.                        .Nagin (1954)
133.                        .Aa Gale Lag Jaa (1973)
134.                        .Himalay Ki God Mein (1965)
135.                        .Jaagte raho (195 )
136.                        .Prem Pujari (197 )
137.                        .Bombay (1995)
138.                        .Mere Sanam (196 )
139.                        .Sargam (197 )
140.                        .Daag (1952)
141.                        .Professor (196 )
142.                        .Gambler (1971)
143.                        .Tumse Achha Kaun Hai (1969)
144.                        .Tinku (1977)
145.                        .Yahudi (1958)
146.                        .Nikaah (198 )
147.                        .Lal Patthar (196 )
148.                        .Dhanwan (1981)
149.                        .Prem Bandhan (1979)
150.                        .Ziddi (1948)
151.                  ��     .Mera Desh Mera Dharam (1973)
152.                        .Manoranjan (1974)
153.                        .Talash (1969)
154.                        .1942 A Love Story
155.                        .Raja Rani (1973)
156.                        .Bluff Master (1963)
157.                        .Ishk Ishk Ishk (1974)
158.                        .Munimji (1955)
159.                        .Andaz (1949)
160.                        .Bhola Bhala (1978)
161.                        .Maryada (197 )
162.                        .Brahmachari (1968)
163.                        .Loafer (1973 )
164.                        .Andaz (1971)
165.                        .Amar Deep (1979)
166.                        .Avtaar (1983)
167.                        .Maha Chor (1976)
168.                        .Rajput (1981)
169.                        .Jewel Thief (1967)
170.                        .Roti (1974)
171.                        .Sazaa (1951)
172.                        .Hare Rama Hare Krishna (1971)
173.                        .Khel Khel Mein (1975 )
174.                        .Banarasi Babu (1973)
175.                        .Waris (1969 )
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mindfullofyoga · 1 year
Hanuman Chalisa workshop
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From Flow of Grace, by KD:
I went to India in the fall of 1970 to meet Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaj-ji), after having heard about him from Ram Dass.
By the spring of 1971, I , along with some other westerners, had gone up to the Kumaon Hills, the magical foothills of the Himalayas, where Maharajji was staying at his Hanuman temple in Kainchi. We were staying at the Evelyn Hotel in the nearby hill station of Nainital. Every day we would make the one hour trip by bus along the narrow winding roads through the mountains to see him and spend the day at the temple. Each time we arrived, we were fed a huge, delicious meal of puris and potatoes and given a little booklet with a picture of Hanuman on it. One day, I happened to ask someone at the temple about them and was told that they contained a prayer to Hanuman called the Hanuman Chalisa. The Hanuman Chalisa is a hymn of forty verses that describes and praises the life, character, and exploits of Hanuman. At that moment, I had the idea to try to learn it so we could sing it to Maharajji.
Rameshwar Das, another American, and I began to learn the Hindi alphabet. We transcribed the whole prayer and were taught a melody by an Indian friend. It took the whole rainy season and summer to begin to feel comfortable singing the Chalisa. By the time we returned to Nainital and Kainchi, most of the other westerners had copied it into their books and had begun to learn it as well. We hadn't even memorized six verses when one afternoon we were called to the front of the temple where Maharajji was sitting. He was very excited and said , " Sing the Chalisa!"
We were completely unprepared but managed to sing the few verses we knew. He laughed and was very happy.
We quickly became an official part of the 'show.'
When Indian devotees came to see him, Maharajji would often call us and have us sing the Chalisa. No matter how many times we did it, he would always look totally surprised-with a look of joy and amazement on His face, as if it were the first time he had ever heard it.
He would laughingly tease his Indian devotees for their lack of devotion and sincerity, saying , " look at these people. Out of their love for God, they have left everything behind in America, while you wicked, greedy people come to see me out of your own selfish desires!"
Of course, it was all part of his unique way of teaching everyone their own special lesson.
We began to chant the Hanuman Chalisa as a way of bringing ourselves into Maharajji's physical presence.
It was a way of expressing our love and devotion to him.
For us, Hanuman and Maharajji were the same.
Chanting the Chalisa to Maharajji helped us enter into the love that his presence embodied.
It became a way of deepening our relationship with him, and ultimately with ourselves.
It has been thirty-three years since Maharajji has left his body, and chanting the Chalisa has become an even more powerful way for me to enter into the flow of Love and Grace.
In the Chalisa, we bow to the great beauty, strength, and devotion that Hanuman embodies ; we also begin to bow to that place in ourselves.
The Chalisa inspires us to try  to become like him, to make the mirror of our heart as clean as Hanuman's so that we can become aware of the great beauty and love that lives within us, our own true nature., the One
without a second.
This is the Great being known by many names throughout the many spiritual and religious traditions in the world.
Each culture and each religion has its own coloured glasses through which it sees the universe. The reports from the frontlines differ only in form, not in substance. They are all looking at the same thing.
Maharajji would continually remind us that it is all One. Over and over he said ,"Hanuman, Christ, and Krishna are the same," and "all paths lead to the same goal."
Again and again, he turned us to the oneness of life, reminding us that 'the same blood runs through everyone's veins."
It was through reading and chanting the Hanuman Chalisa that I began to understand the subtlety and power of the path of devotion and the sublime way that love can transform the hardest heart into the heart of a saint.
It is love that brings meaning to our lives. The path of love goes right through the middle of every heart. No one is locked out. No one is turned away. No one is unworthy.
The love that lives within each and every being is Bhagavan; it is Ram, Buddha nature, the Atman, the Great Goddess, the Self, the One. It is who we are- our own True Nature, radiant and shining like a million suns.We long to be with the Beloved , to feel that presence of love in our hearts, but in the eyes of God, we have never been separate-not even for a second.
The Hanuman Chalisa is chanted specifically to clean the mirror of our hearts so we can become into direct contact with the grace of Hanuman. His Grace awakens us to the awareness of Ram's presence within.This is when our hearts truly come alive.
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connoisseursdecomfort · 6 months
Say the Authens are to become the Forger Grandpa and Grandma (I know there are other theories floating around but say the Authens ARE becoming Ji-jiji and Ba-baba for Anya).
What if the Authens are only moving in now because of Loid's realisation in the previous arc. The Forgers have been becoming realer and realer, and the Authens moving in just furthermore seals the deal?
(Inspired by this discussion. Thank you, for the discussion between @purpleemeraldot and @jesterraconteuse under this post)
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santmat · 6 months
Meditation For Beginners - Let's Go Within and Explore Inner Space
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Today, an Introduction to the Sant Mat Approach to Meditation, the Goals and Methods of Spiritual Practice.
Seven Teachings of Sant Mat: 1) God is Real. 2) God is Love, the Ocean of Love and Compassion. 3) All of the world scriptures teach about the same manifestation of God as inner mystical Light and Sound. 4) Our true identity is the soul, the self, and the soul is part of God and, like God, pure love. 5) During this human existence, we have an opportunity to experience God. 6) The Third Eye is the Seat of the Soul, thus there is the need to look within in order to get in touch with our soul and God. As we experience communing with God's love during meditation -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- we can rise above body-consciousness and explore Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us. "We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, from the Light to Divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the Soundless State [Anami, Radhaswami]." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj) The drop merges back into the Ocean of Love. 7) As we get initiated into the Mysteries of the Spirit by a Living Teacher (Master, Sant Satguru), the purpose of our life is fulfilled. Reuniting with God is our reason to be here: "It was for the sake of the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and began this play of death and birth." (Adi Granth) Guru Kabir says: "For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake?" (Seven Teachings of Sant Mat, from the Sant Mat section of SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com)
"By practicing devotion through these four techniques: Manas Japa (Simran, recitation of a divine name or names), Manas Dhyana (Dhyan, focus on the divine form), Dristi Sadhana (Yoga of Inner Light, Inner Seeing, Inner Light Meditation, focus on the Infinitesimal Point), and Nadanusandhana Yoga (Surat Shabd Yoga, concentration on the inner Divine Sounds) - the practitioner consecutively transcends the realms of darkness, Light, and Sound which cloak the Supreme Truth -- the Divine Reality." (Maharshi Mehi)
"Make the mind quiet as only a quiet mind can meditate. Don’t understand meditation as a burden, do it lovingly. Don’t pay any attention to the outer sounds during the meditation; concentrate at the Eye Center." (Santji, The Ambrosial Hour)
"If we set a fixed time for our meditation, and we also set a fixed place for sitting for that meditation, then the mind also gets used to it. If we keep changing the time of our meditation, or keep changing the place of our meditation, then that gives an opportunity for the mind to also create havoc with us. And then the mind also reminds us of so many other things that have to be done. And that way, it keeps disturbing us. So, if it is used to sitting at a fixed time, it realizes that, 'Yes, this is the time for meditation,' and then, it leaves us alone for that time." (Baba Ram Singh)
Note: In the Sant tradition, the complete methods and secrets of the full meditation practice are communicated at the time of INITIATION (Diksha) by a living Master (Sant Satguru, Competent, Qualified Teacher) or a representative of a Master. (Jai Guru)
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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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Jagran Group in Lamjung Nepal
"Sargam Jagran Party" is the best in Jagran, Chowki, Bhajan & Sai Sandhya, Khatu Shyam Bhajan, Ladies Sangeet & all Devotee type program in Lucknow, UP, India. ☎+91-9919805315. "Sargam Jagran Party" has been conducting Mata ki Chowki, Mata ka Jagran and Bhajan Sandya from last 10 years with lots of memories and with great success.Blessing of God and Goddess is needed to overcome every rough course of life. Everyone should conduct Mata Ki Chowki and Mata Ka Jagran to get blessing and her devine power and all the needs to be fulfilled.
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Sai Baba is one of the most famous and kind hearted lord of Hindus and Muslims both. Hindus and Muslims both religion devotees are bending their heads on Sai’s royal court. For such kind hearted Lord, we are doing special bhajan and kirtans or Sai Sandhya. Multiple places in UP we did Sai Sandhya’s. From a long time, we providing Sai Sandhya services to our Sai devotees in Lko and other cities of UP. We know that Sai Kirtan playing a very vital role in our Sai devotee’s life, they have special affection and love towards their Sai Baba on every steps of life. We always being take care of your emotions for Sai BABA. We doing all the the work that is necessary to make your Sai Sandhya evergreen or long term memorable. We have a very simple mission that is make the event very special for our Sai devotees and they can remember us for life time therefore we always sargam Jagran party always gives their 100% in Every spiritual event. We become one of the best Jagran party in the Up. So If you are thinking about Sai Sandhya so please once contact us.
With the grace of God and good wishes of devotees, our team of Sargam Jagran Party are growing day by day. Now we can count us as one of the best Spiritual event organiser party in the UP state. Our Balaji Jagran very famous in LKO and Outer Areas. We have done a no of Balaji Jagrans most of the cities in Up and we got very nice compliments too. Balaji Jangran is the story of Ramayan’s Sundarkand where whole story is based on Lord Hanuman and their Lanka Visit. We organises the whole event in such a way that you can feel the event in reality with a lots of emotions. You will find yourself connecting with the God. Our Sargam jagran Team always take care our devotees on every single step of the event and organise the all things in such a way that you will find 100% satisfaction from us within your decided parameter of budget. So Please give one chance when you are making plan of Balaji jagran.
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Akhand Ramayana Path is a continuous 24-Hour recital of the entire ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ without any break. The entire Shri Ram Charit Manas includes seven chapters i.e., Baalkand, Ayodhyakand, Aranyakand, Kishkindha, Sundarkand, Lankakand and Uttarkand. Each of the chapters depicts different stages in Lord Shri Ram’s life. Performing this Path brings auspiciousness and removes obstacles in one’s life. It is performed with bhajans and kirtan in Lord Shri Ram’s praise and his life teachings for his blessings and peaceful life. ‘Shri Ram Charit Manas’ is an epic historical text that represents Lord Shri Rama’s achievements during his lifetime. Lord Shri Rama is the seventh reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shri Ram is additionally referred to as ‘Maryada Purushottam’ (“Maryada” translates to “honour and righteousness,” and “Purushottam” translates to “the supreme man”) as he stands for truth, justice, morality and is an ideal example of a perfect son, husband, brother, friend and king. Akhand Ramayan Path praises Lord Shri Rama and his Bhakt Hanuman Ji for his devotion, bravery, and strength. Akhand Ramayan Path is frequently done to find out about Lord Rama’s life and learn and assimilate the characteristics of the supreme person inside ourselves.
Shri Ram Charit Manas, also well-known as Shri Ramayana, is an epic written by great poet Tulsidas, also known as Goswami Tulsidas. Famed for his devotion towards Lord Rama, he was a Hindu poet-cum-saint, reformer, and philosopher of the 16th Century. Formerly, Maharishi Valmiki wrote the Ramayana in the Sanskrit language. Sant Tulsidas was acclaimed during his lifetime to be a reincarnation of Maharishi Valmiki, the original composer of Ramayana in Sanskrit. Lord Rama is prayed upon as he eradicates all types of adversity and agony of living beings. Lord Rama bestows all kinds of favour, honour, and wealth on his devotees. a mere recital of this great Epic Ramayana is believed auspicious and is effective enough to remove various obstacles. It is believed that the benefits of reciting this Epic are increased manifold if it is recited nonstop from starting to end without any break. This recitation is known as “Akhand Ramayana Paath.”
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According to the Hindus, a mere recital of this great Epic Ramayana is believed auspicious and is effective enough to remove various obstacles. It is believed that the benefits of reciting this Epic are increased manifold if it is recited nonstop from starting to end without any break. This recitation is known as “Akhand Ramayana Path.” Unmatched fruits are achieved by doing or getting done Akhand Ramayan Path. Provided Path should be appropriately done and does not get fragmented. One must get Akhand Ramayan Path done by a qualified expert priest or person. It commonly takes twenty-four hours to complete. After this, there should be havan, aarti, hymn, and food. One has the authority to say, do and hold the Path who have reverence and faith in Lord Shri Ram, Lord Hanuman, Shri Ram Charitra Manas, and Goswami Tulsidas Ji. Swasti Vaachan, Shanti Path, Sankalp, Gauri, Ganesh, and Ram Darbar Pujan, Kalash Sthapan, Agni Sthapan, Shri Ram Charit Manas Akhand Path without any break. To be followed by Ram Ashtottarshat Namavali and then Purnahuti, Aarti, Prasad to Brahmins.
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rameshwarthakare · 4 days
#Reality_Of_BrahmaKumari_Panth Followers of Brahma Kumaris believe that Shiva Baba #Reality_Of_BrahmaKumari_Panth Followers of Brahma Kumaris believe that Shiva Baba speaks & guides through Brahma Kumaris. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj says God himself descends on earth in human form to impart true spiritual knowledge. & guides through Brahma Kumaris. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj says God himself descends on earth in human form to impart true spiritual knowledge.
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randhirsingh0 · 5 days
guru granth sahib ji, waheguru, shiva, scriptures, god, krishna, hare krishna, hindu, mahadev, hinduism, bhagavad gita, Kabir Is God, Kabir, om sai, bible, balaji, almighty, incredible india, suvichar, jesus, allah, quran, kedarnath, sanatan dharma, vrindavan, hindu, kanha, ram, hanuman, shirdi, sai baba, bhakti, mahakal, mandir
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malavijhani786 · 2 months
Well-being of mothers and sisters is our double-engine govt's top priority: PM Modi
Well-being of mothers and sisters is our double-engine govt's top priority: PM Modi
via NaMo App
Mothers and sisters,
Many parties make grand promises before elections, claiming they will bring stars from the sky and place them at your feet. However, only a party with clear intentions like the BJP fulfils its promises. That's why, in such a short time since the formation of the BJP government, the promise of Mahtari Vandan Yojana has been fulfilled. I extend my congratulations to our Chief Minister Vishnu Deo ji, his entire team, and the Chhattisgarh government for this accomplishment. This is why people say – "Modi's guarantee means a guarantee of fulfillment." The BJP government is diligently working to fulfill the commitments made for the development of Chhattisgarh during elections. I pledged or gave you a guarantee to construct 18 lakh pucca houses in Chhattisgarh. On the very next day after the government's formation, Vishnu Deo Sai ji, his cabinet, and the Chhattisgarh government took action and commenced this project. I guaranteed that the outstanding bonus of two years would be paid to paddy farmers in Chhattisgarh. The Chhattisgarh government deposited a bonus of Rs 3,700 crore into farmers' accounts on Atal ji's birthday. I promised that our government would purchase paddy at Rs 3100 per quintal here. I am pleased that our government kept this promise and set a new record by procuring 145 lakh tonnes of paddy. Additionally, the Krishak Unnati Yojana has been launched, and the differential amount for paddy purchased this year will soon be disbursed to farmer brothers. These welfare initiatives will be carried forward decisively over the next five years, with significant participation from all mothers and sisters. I am confident that the double-engine government of Chhattisgarh will continue to serve you in this manner and fulfil all its commitments (guarantees). I see lakhs of sisters before me. This sight is unprecedented and unforgettable. I wish I could be with you today, but please forgive me. As I speak from Baba Vishwanath's place, from Kashi, I convey Baba's blessings to you all. Thank you very much, and I wish you all the best.
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