#sagao comfort
bamboowrites · 3 years
SAGAO Work 19, Comfort, Fluff.
For my friends (includes you!) who may have body dysmorphia.
(for: before transitioning for transgender/genderfluid/nonbinary folk, or just body image/esteem issues) (thank you @chocoenvy for the trans reader idea!)
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As their God, you will always be perfect to them. All powerful. Omnipotent and omnipresent.
So they’d be surprised when you express the desire to change your appearance. Supportive they are, yet still confused. Needless to say, they’ll still try their best to assist you. They’d practically go to any lengths to make you content in warm happiness. They could feel your comforting aura strengthen, so it’s a win-win situation aside from their genuine worship.
Before your powers are fully under your conscious control, you’ll have to rely on physical items to alter your uncomfortable body.
They’d buy you necessary wigs, clothings, accessories, shoes, anything. You’d also receive regular affirmations, from both direct praises, to the crowd electing you as their trendsetter.
If you desire to grow or bind your breasts, they’ll provide the necessary foods, drinks and binders/bras. All of your undergarments could be replaced to your style and preferred types.
As you and your power’s familiarity increases, you start being able to actually undergo bodily physical alterations, to become what you truly represent, from the inside to the outside. It would be painful, but with proper care and possible herbs to numb the pain, you’ll be nurtured back into health. If you have any genital discomfort (e.g. non-binary people might feel better and worse about their genitals on different fem/masc/all/nothing days), you might be able to reduce/increase the significance of their physical sizes accordingly. Think of it as a painful character altering/building option.
If you wish, the people of Teyvat shall change the statues of you to your liking. They’d turn them into your preferred sex/gender presentation, as well as other objective physical attributes.
Under your omnipresence, Teyvat’s learning to become the truly accepting, supportive world you dream of. With you having the physical form you like, even the air feels fresher as breezes brush against your proud form.
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bamboozledchaos · 2 years
well i wrote the thing :D
tw self harm?
“please, ningguang, just– please don’t.”
you looked away from her, eyes swollen and tearstained. ningguang’s grip on your smaller, frailer wrists loosened just a fraction, her thumb tracing tiny circles on your bruised forearm. her knees ached from kneeling for so long on the wooden floorboards, but she persisted.
“i-i don’t understand. why– you’re hurting yourself, your grace. just…i love you, you know that? please. i love you.” ningguang let go of your arms, instead taking her hand and placing it on your cheek. your arms were littered with golden scrapes and bruises, some open and glistening in the yellow lamplight. crescents and cuts were clawed into your skin, and the corners of your thumbs were clawed open. your left hand clutched a razor, knuckles white. droplets of golden ichor were splattered on the bedsheets that you were sitting on, shoulders curled.
a single, solitary tear dripped down your face. “i’m sorry, okay?!” you began to break down, devolving from whimpers to sobs. ningguang’s own eyes began to tear up. she removed her cheek from your hand to guide your arm around her own shoulders, trying to provide some semblance of comfort to her grace. the razor clattered onto the ground, your hands fisting the fabric and your neck bowing forward. you clung on for the support you so dearly needed, and from your lips flowed an endless plea: “d-don’t hate me, please, don’t–”. tears and ichor dripped onto the floor, and ningguang’s heart ached even more with each drop.
ningguang leaned forward, touching her forehead to yours. she whispered sweet nothings into your shared breaths, listening to the sound of your harsh breathing as it slowed and softened. she could’ve fallen asleep there and then, but got up–wobbling a bit at the sudden head rush–and coaxed her grace to lie down on the bed, padding to the bathroom. ningguang wrapped the razor in tissue paper and threw it into the trash, where it hit the bottom with a dull clunk. when she returned, she smiled at the sight of you burrowing your way under the ichor-stained blankets with a muffled sigh. taking off her slippers and turning off the light, ningguang climbed into the bed as well, positioning herself so that your foreheads were touching once more.
“my love”, ningguang whispered, “please do not go where i cannot follow.” under the blankets, her hand tentatively encircled your waist, rubbing comforting circles into your hip.
your breathing stopped for a second, and you huffed out something close to both a laugh and a sob. “together?” your hand drifted up to caress ningguang’s cheek, and you pressed closer to her soft, dependable warmth.
“together, my love.” your lips met in the warm, dark, safe place where your breaths mingled, and ningguang swore to herself to never let you hurt yourself ever again.
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I AM NOW EMO THIS IS DELICIOUS AND PAINFUL LIKE GOOD SPICE I- Y’all seriously, pls go follow @ukiyo--hana <333 /p
Also I needed this for intrusive thoughts so ty <333/p also dw I never did it
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bamboowrites · 3 years
Since everyone else is suggesting various crossovers, I suppose I’ll throw my many hats into the ring.
Genshin x Darling from Digimon world
Darling used to have a whole team of powerful Digimon to be with, but after going to Teyvat, they only got their original partner. (I.e. Agumon, Gabumon, and a single partner like the Digidestined.)
Since Dorumon is my favorite, I’ll be using them as the Digimon here. Specifically, the one evolution line from the X-Evolution Special.
Darling: This one fluffy purple Dino has the potential to destroy the Archons in a single blow. They are also my emotional support Digimon. I also command a few Demon Lords and Royal Knights but they couldn’t come with me.
The Team: I’m not sure what’s going on and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.
Qiqi: Qiqi likes the Creator’s purple friend.
Tysm for the interesting crossover episode inspiration! <333 /p /gen
SAGAO Work 26 (fluffy) coming up!
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P.S.! You don’t need any prior knowledge on the Digimons! It’s not required and all you need to know are simple things included already! I hope you’ll have a chill time reading ehe~
[background below]
Even with your prior experiences with the otherworldly sirens luring you into other dimensions, you’re still awed.
Especially since it’s Genshin Impact this round, the world of Teyvat is much more intricate like carefully-woven spider webs. It’s also filled with boobytraps, sticky like tree gum.
The tree in question is like a magnified version of Teyvat’s Domain Trees, and bursting with vigorous life-force. The Ultimate Domain of Dimensions. You’re just the chosen to traverse through its different hollows/cavities.
You’d be intimidated if you didn’t have your trusty Digimon companions. Since both worlds are technically digital, they’ve survived the sudden portals to your gladness. Even though not all of them were able to stick to you in time, you still have a pretty solid (albeit singled-out from your original team) lovable creatures.
[background info ends here]
Dorumon, your current favourite ‘little monster’ (/affectionate) is ready to go head to head with Ningguang’s geo jades with its iron balls. Or Zhongli- but you’d rather your baby take care of its hp, and you fight the troubling opposition instead. You try to dial its snarling down so your ‘enemies’ can hear your speeches. The fluffball is fully ready to charge headon like a loyal himbo and you’ll have to keep an eye on it.
Apparently, 3/4 of the kids are immediately lured by your adorable familiar and is easily swayed to your side. Surely, someone who takes care of their pet and has actual ‘scary dog privileges’ can’t be a bad person, right? Diona is hesitant to share her territory with your Dorumon, while Gorou is still paying attention to both you and its actions to judge your characters.
Qiqi was the quickest to approach you, softly telling you that “Qiqi likes the Creator’s purple friend”. You’re amused by how she accepts your aura as their God/Goddess’s sooner than the adults. Your Dorumon warily listens to you and lets the zombie kiddo pet its whitish snout. Taking Qiqi’s interaction with you two as a safe example, Klee bounces over and Sayu tiptoes over. Your ‘purple friend’ senses no hostility or viruses and even lets them pay its red forehead triangle.
The adults were dumbfounded, and the rasher ones mistake your ‘pet’s’ benign behaviour as harmlessness. As soon as one of them starts pulling out their weapon, Doru’s combat instincts activates and you barely contained his cannon attacks by hugging its snout with the rest of the kids.
“It’s your choice. Will you choose to bear my wrath?” You smile, yet it never reaches your eyes. While you and your previous acolytes are facing down fixedly, one of the dim-witted mortals shot two arrows to the both of your party.
At that moment, time became a turbulent liquid. You feel like it slowed down while it’s sped up for the rest. You instinctively shield the kids and your companion with your body, in your defensive Digimon training stance. With a pierce, one arrow gets caught in your arm’s flesh, while the other misses your pressed-down/dodging charges. You feel emotionally numb and furious at the same time-say it’s dangerous disassociation from the moment.
The crowd and attacker stares in horror as you bleed molten gold, your pupils tightening into slits, then you blanking out entirely, projecting into your previous safer universes. You barely hear Diona rush over to heal you in a guilty panic and Qiqi trying to tug your consciousness back with her cryo sensation. Your Digimon just desperately nudges you as Klee starts crying in scared anger, while Sayu sneaks away and kicks the attacker right in their vital part.
What you didn’t give in your speech was the context.
If they hurt your alliances, the default-granted protection will no longer be extended to any Teyvat’s people. Your turbulent child Teyvat will be able to do as it pleases, to avenge its Creator, if you are unable to diffuse the situation; as you had, evenbefore even coming here.
Teyvat starts rumbling and shaking, a deep moan of sadness ringing in the people’s ears. The kids are spared, yet still feel the shock residues. Those who wronged you start fainting or falling like domino cards, the stronger acolytes crumbling from their arrogant stands. They are forced into kneeling as they barely breathe.
They learn to respect you the hard way as you revive them when you finally reawaken from your stun. They had died from suffocation, but you are their saviour once again. Only this time, they experience you firsthandedly. You still keep the kids and your faithful Dorumon close, curled at your feet defensively.
You take control of the situation as soon as you could, feeling your internal panic clock ticking, about to pul you into another depersonalisation+derealisation episode. You’ve been unable to stop their death this time, and you’re not going to let it happen again. Especially when it scared the kids and your kind familiar to tears. It’s not your fault, yet it’s your responsibility to keep Teyvatians alive and bring forth thriving.
The stubborn cult finally recognises you and your companion as their actual, true Creator, owing their lives and Teyvat itself to your core’s abundance of lifelines. For now.
(I haven’t slept the entire night so it might be ‘cringe’, I have no idea, nor extra brain juices, but let me know what to change! The entire plot to smaller mistakes, anything is subject to alterations and are temporal at the moment.)
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bamboowrites · 3 years
Maybe some headcannons about the creator taking care of the said overworked gang and them making the cult to relax and have fun....
Reverse comfort it is, tysm for the request <333
SAGAO WORK 18, fluff, reverse comfort
For you to drag them from work and relax, you’d have to adopt different methods.
The major one is to make them spend special time with you. In order to do this, you might have to do as suggested below. It might be slightly unethical, but they’ll pass out from exhaustion otherwise, so don’t think about the ethics for now…
For Jean, Amber, Lisa, Zhongli, Diluc; ask for a special tea party. Amber will have a carefree time collecting specialties for Lisa’s ideas, while Jean focuses on brewing the perfect coffees and teas. Lisa would make cakes and decorations. Zhongli will get his special teas from Childe’s pockets, and Diluc would order/commission treats for you. These would be less heavy compared to other tasks they would otherwise be doing.
For Noelle, distract her with other leisurely chores. She’ll refuse to completely not be productive, so officially asking for small favours will lessen her burden of work. Same thing goes for Thoma. Praise them so they feel happier.
For Ningguang, Keqing, Ganyu, Barbara, Kokomi; finish their work for them, or give official excuses that requires them to stop working. If they still want to work, do the same thing from Noelle to them. Or ask them for styling lessons. Again, lesser exhaustion and satisfied cult members.
For Gorou and Albedo, guilttrip them by weaponising your new adopted family member Diona, and her smol friends. Bring up them forgetting to play with them, bring up them not resting and worrying them, bring up the kids and you missing their free presences. Their brotherly instincts will eventually make them do as you intended. Albedo might know, but he’d still go with it.
For Childe, Aloy and Itto, they’re gonna be too energetic, so you can send them on easier boss routes. You send them to suitably-levelled enemies so they can use their excess energy, and be safer and happier. You offer to be their support and they eventually nearly forget their original tasks.
The kids usually listen to you, so there’s no trouble if you bait them with treats. Or cuddles.
Sara will be baited by you pretending that you need military training or wanting to talk with her leisurely. She doesn’t get social cues that’ll signify that you’re not doing these for the surface meanings, so it’ll work easier.
Baal will be distracted by Lisa’s desserts and watching Yae (helping you to) bait her away from tasks.
Ayaka? Again, request her accompanying you as you read or learn from Sara. Or request a performance. Distracts Venti at the same time by asking him to do special effects for Ayaka.
Xiao will be baited by you calling his name and just- hugging him. He’ll get embarrassed and do as you say as long as he’s comfortable. Will stop working if you request that.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
SAGAU Work 13.0, comfort, prologue
inspired by everybody likes you by lemon demon
Tw: imposter syndrome
Tldr: You’re disconcerted by your self-image versus what your adoring cult sees in you. They (attempt to) comfort you.
You never claimed to be a god. Specifically not theirs.
As the days go by, the guilt eats you up. The more they pamper you, the worser it gets. Your mind keeps jeering at you being a horrible, greedy imposter.
You’ve been trying to keep to yourself to avoid being emotionally exploited. Your efforts helped for the first few weeks. However, you eventually catch extreme fatigues and sleeptalked in a fevered daze, from neglecting your mental well-being. Your favourite companions may have heard these thoughts directly from the source. Way more than you’d expect yourself to crack in your conscious state.
13.1 (Ningguang) (& healers & kiddos)
13.2 (Beidou) (& drunkards & revenge squad, you’ll see ehe~)
A/N: This series will be about how each character reacts, on the wholesome side!
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bamboowrites · 3 years
SAGAO Work 9, angst, then fluff - reverse comfort
Tw: yandere cult, mentions of previous violence
You comfort the guilty archons before stepping into their cities.
Edit: I’ve finally remembered that the inspiration was from @nicebonescomrade’s post!
Two weeks have passed. Your cult has been treating you much better. Out of guilt? Maybe. Out of genuine adoration? Also yes. You’re also making progress in making them love you for your personality, not only as a diety.
Your closest team has been instrumental to assisting you in hiding from the citizens, since the guilty stares they gave you overwhelmed you at first. You’ve been living with the adepti and/or the archon’s pets in their private abodes to avoid the masses. They obey, but you feel wrong to overstay their welcomes.
Today though, you’re mentally prepared. There’s no use avoiding the issue anymore, since you’ll have to face the people who wronged you eventually. Better your choice than theirs.
You decide that it might be time to go back into the mortal realm of the regions. The first three you’ve been exploring with Traveler before being forcefully brought here.
Dressing in the proper attire gifted by Diluc and Ningguang, you summon the respective archons to accompany you as you revisit the cities. If you have to return, you’ll need protection and a symbol of status by your side. You know better than to go alone and risk the ignorant ones attacking you again. The archons lower their head in shame when you brief them on emergency plans and why you bring them with you.
Venti’s about to cry with puppy eyes; Zhongli’s posture stiffens as his eyes shut, in attempt to conceal his regret; Raiden Shogun’s a shell as Ei retreats inside to calm down. You can still see through them as you did, when they and their people were being hostile. As their god/goddess, you always know. You know them all too well. You try to reassure them and mentally note to cheer them up with their favourite treat after your expedition.
By the time you’ve been near the city gates, you’re already bracing yourself for any impact. As you hesitate, the archon next to you checks on you, and you give them a solid hug, even though your own arms are trembling. They are equally stunned, but they accept your hug immediately.
Venti almost sobs and he immediately sniffles, trying to stop his tears from spilling. “I’m so sorry,” he repeats and hugs you harder. You feel like your ribs are about to be crushed. He probably noticed your arms trembling, but he tries to get his cheerful demeanour back for your sake. “Thank you for giving us second chances, your grace.” Your physical contact aids you two in calming down, and your aura reassures him with warm, gentle waves of calmness. The tranquil warmth he experienced before you physically came to their dimension. You rub circles on his back, like how his friend used to do for him. That was a coincidence, but a somewhat comforting one. He releases you reluctantly and smiles, wiping away his single tear that escaped. “Come on, my grace! Let’s go to Mondstadt for some apples!” He grins like the free wind spirit he is, and breezes grace the city right before you step inside. The breezes feel like light caresses on your skin.
Zhongli didn’t dare to move when you pulled him into your arms. First of all, he daren’t move in his gracious God/Goddess ’s arms without permission. Second of all, it has been a long long time since he was hugged and comforted instead of the reverse. “It’s okay. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Morax.” You mutter. “I can stop if I’m making you uncomfortable, of course.” “No… please continue. If I could, may I ask why?” Zhongli spoke in hesitation. You nodded against his shoulder. “Why are you doing this?” He choked, “I had wronged you. We had. Surely I don’t deserve such kindness.” You only hug him harder. He can sense your aura strengthen and he basks in the reassuring pier radiating from you. “But I have decided to grant you all second chances. I’d prefer going through with it, and I hope you and your land will redeem yourselves. You have one chance, and I trust that you nor your people will disappoint me.” You say, as you release him. You look intently into his eyes to check if he’s alright. He seems stabilised, and you take it as a sign to continue walking forwards. He follows you obediently, and his adepti greet you at the entrance as well. They seem to have seen you comforting him by arriving silently. Oh well.
Baal- or should you say Ei, had been nervous from the start til you two are near the dock from your boat. You mistook it as seasickness, but it appears not to be the case. While you still flinch at the occasional thunder produced by her mood swings, you notice her tense and forcing a proper posture under your gaze. You pull her hand into yours and hold it firmly. “Look me in the eyes, Ei.” Surprised that you addressed her with her actual name, Ei looks up and sees your attempt at smiling, amidst just having flashbacks from the thunder. Tears well up in her eyes like pearls. “You didn’t know better, and I’ve accepted your apologies. Am I correct?” You question. She nods meekly, her gaze lowering in shame. You sigh, knowing that she’ll be too stuck in negative thoughts to look at you. So you pull her into your lap and hug her, startling her. “Your actions were not okay, but I’m giving you and your subjects a second chance. As long as you are trying, I’ll try my best to find the mercy within me to extend to Inazuma’s eternity. Understandable, yes?” She echos the affirmative. She’s been awestruck at the comforting, almost energising aura that increased upon touching your skin directly. Which is why she hadn’t been verbally replying. You release her and she returns to her seat slowly, as to not rock the boat. She silently offers to steer the boat for you, and you let her. Her Raiden Shogun persona comes back as you near Inazuma. She’ll be keeping her citizens in check as she had neglected in the past.
All three swear their loyalty to you and you only, and vow never to have anyone in Teyvat wrong you again. No one.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
SAGAO AU Work 17, Comfort food for bad days
Tw: depression, but with healthy coping mechanisms
@is-very-sad read this when you’re feeling down okay? Was planning of posting early but things got in the way… Hope y’all like this! <3
Also, this is technically the 15th post, but I planned to have two other posts for Consort!Venti, so this is named the 17th for convenience.
Your acolytes have waken up and are tending to your room, as the first rays of early sunshine lit up your bedroom.
But even with their enthusiasm, your mind still wasn’t clearing yet. Your body still felt like bags of lead, making it difficult to physically inch away from the bed.
The upbeat ones, oblivious to your condition, kept on persuading you to go around Teyvat as its rightful creator. You only give them faint smiles and weakly decline.
Focus on breathing in, then out. In… then out… You’re alive. They care. So why are you still stuck in the all-too-familiar spiral of sadness?
Days, weeks and months go by. Even those who were trying to ignore the possibility that you’re not physically sick have come to accept the fact that what you need aren’t first aid healers. The sensitive ones didn’t have to do much prodding to find out why, but it took a long while to make them believe the truth.
Afterall, even an almighty Creator needs help, deserves help, deserves respect and care and support.
Your cult starts dividing work to each other, in order to care for you efficiently.
The healers give you regular physical check-ups, to check if you had perhaps hurt yourself on the surface. Kokomi and Qiqi tend to any of your physical ailments easily. As for Barbara, she does more than that.
Barbara would quietly take time to know more about how you’re feeling, as she gently baths you and further inspects your overall well-being. She has a silver of understanding the depression you have, hers not as severe of course, but enough for her to know it’s the reason for your executive dysfunction. It explains the lack of energy for self-care. Noelle, and someone trustworthy of your gender who’s strong enough, would gingerly hoist you onto their backs, then carry you into the bathtub with your consent.
Xiangling would receive notes from individuals whom you’ve been spending time with, then deduce what comfort foods to prepare. As well as finding out what foods you prefer to avoid, for either preferences or for mental triggers.
Zhongli offers you distraction with his stories. Granted, he tends to accidentally speak of something traumatic without knowing so, or speaking in ways that unintentionally make you feel worse. He thus finds Childe or Kaeya to help him monitor and steer the conversation to the better side. Zhongli is that one grandpa who tries, although not fully knowing how to act accordingly. He’d make geo construct toys and trinkets, then pass it to Klee, to be played with you. Childe is trying to make hydro ones for his sibling to no avail.
Amber and Diona would bring you out hunting if you wish to breathe in the fresh air and be eased by Teyvat’s nature.
As for Aloy (your newest addition, similar to the Travelers), she would offer witty remarks as you two roam the lands, and protect you from mechanical arrays as you enjoy the views of Inazuma. Raiden will control the thunder as to not affect where you go, as Venti sends gentle winds to enhance your relaxation and comfort.
Ningguang and Keqing are responsible for shopping for garments whenever you need new ones. You notice pretty clothes popping up in your growing wardrobe, often like rewards for making an effort to get better.
Jean makes you coffee if you personally like the beverage. Lisa would provide tea if you so prefer otherwise, while Diona suggests fresh milk that the Travelers purchases every morning. Diluc stops Kaeya, Venti, and Zhongli from giving you wine, lest you develop any reliance on alcohol.
Rosaria and the Travelers do any commissions or boss looting for you. Amber joins them in clearing camps of select monsters who loathe you. You request for them to leave the other nice beings alone, and they comply. Sayu might have kidnapped a slime to bring home to you secretly.
Sara keeps you company, and keeps Itto away whenever he tries to spar with you two when you’re mentally drained. Itto would let you snuggle in his boob muscles to raise your morale. Especially if he realises he didn’t get the note of you not feeling okay previously.
Ayaka studies the blade and her dances/artistry, so she can perform for you even if you feel unwell. You’ve persuaded her to not wear socks and step into the waters. She’s glad to see you brighten up a bit when she stopped doing that. Ganyu performs with her with her ice lotus decorations.
Xiao silently slips you things you need when you’re not looking. He told you this beforehand so you won’t get spooked. Since he’s told you, it’s more wholesome than creepy. Poor anemo yaksha has no idea how to help, and has to stay away, because he thinks it’s his karmic debt weighting you down.
The other citizens are more gentle and even more respectful of you. For you to stay strong and look happy for them, means a lot to them. They try to stop whoever is being unruly in your presence, and the general atmosphere becomes more friendly. The bustles are still here, and it comforts you by giving you arrays of distractions. Sometimes kids run up to you holding a fresh wildflower in their little fists, and you kneel to let them stick it on your hair or your clothing. The parents are more than happy that you like their kids, and that their kid has done well in pleasing you.
Baizhu and Sumeruans study to find ways to lessen your mental burden. Even if you have bad days, their kindness has lightened your moods, and you will adore them as they adore you.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
SAGAU Work 13.2, comfort, fluff, crack, part Beidou
Tw: imposter syndrome
Beidou, Venti, Kaeya, Rosaria, Ningguang, Zhongli, Barbara, Diluc, Eula, Diona
Mentions of the confused-but-supportive ‘drunkard band™️’, Beidou winging healthcare in her concerning Chad ways. Punishing the drunks and getting proper care back ‘home’.
While Ningguang’d treat you in meticulously-planned approaches, Beidou would be the confused wine aunt who tries to help in weird ways. Really weird ways, in fact.
Beidou actually thought you were just drunk from Venti spiking your drink, when your face started heating up. You had to lean on Beidou’s muscular biceps as she carried you into the Captain’s bedroom.
Venti spiked your non-alcoholic drink with Diluc’s winery stash, because he had a bet with the cryo alcoholics about how you’d act when drunk. He’d protect you, but he also wanted to see your flustered reactions.
Turns out that was a worser idea than expected…
You were stressed out, especially when even the Crux’s members kept looking at you with the adoration and reverence of a thousand stars. At least they didn’t immediately bow 90 degrees, or go as far as dropping on their knees at the sight of you, like how the other citizens would do. It makes your stomach churn in guilt when they glorify your ‘godly abilities’, when you feel like an imposter who’d disappoint them. This was why you got roped into drinking Venti’s drink. You may have trusted him in the heat of the frustration and nervousness.
Beidou elected to yell at her hearty crew mates to continue enjoying their feast as she closes the door to look after you. She doesn’t trust the others who spiked you drink without consent, especially her men. She’d never let anything else bad happen to her dear friendly God/Goddess darling.
“I’ve got your back, mate!” She says, as she heads out for a spare moment to dish out light punishments.
She did yeet Venti in the sea for a bit, with consent, jokingly. Kaeya is still icebridging to Venti, while Rosaria chugs Beidou’s cup of wine instead of helping. Beidou ignored the cheering crew and came back swiftly.
Beidou picked up two amongst her stack of better clothes to change the both of you into. You were sweating so badly after unknowingly consuming alcohol, and she herself got splashed with a spray of seawater.
As she was respectfully changing your garments after she did hers, she heard you mumble with your eyes fluttered shut.
“Eh? What’s up?”
You just keened in your sleep and didn’t reply. Beidou reckoned that you didn’t hear her at all, and carried on.
When she’s finally finished with dressing you in her lightweighted clothes, with matching pants for safety measures, she lays next to you just in case you wake up in need of anything. She might have drunk too much as well, but in more moderation than she would’ve if you weren’t there.
“What if I’m not as powe…” your lips moved as you were in a dream in which you were confessing about your imposter syndrome.
Beidou turned to face you on her side, resting her head on her propped arms. Seeing that you weren’t able to respond previously, she decided to come closer to hear what you’re saying clearly. What if you needed something else?
All she heard was instead some fractions of you mentioning not feeling as powerful as they expect you do. About your worrying of what they’d do to you if you disappoint them. She had to piece the ramblings together like puzzles, but when she finally got it, her heart broke a bit.
So that’s why you weren’t as enthusiastic as expected today!
Not to mention how long you must have been worrying about your fate if you were to disappoint your cult. Poor thing…
By the next afternoon, you finally woke up. In Beidou’s arms in a new costume, in fact. You were alarmed at first, but Beidou woke up when you stirred, and explained everything. You were about to be relieved when Beidou suddenly brought up hearing you talk in your drunken daze.
“I what-?!”
“Don’t worry! I didn’t tell anyone.” She put her hands on your shoulder as you let out a sigh.
“But I’ll have to ask you about what you said though. I’d be lyin’ if I said I don’t worry about how you said you felt like an imposter.”
You froze and she massaged your shoulders to relax you. Might have went too hard, since you low-key winced.
“Yea, we might have been expecting too much of you at first. But don’t worry! I’ll protect you if they try anything again, okay? You’re great and you’re making progress in your godhood! Not to mention that you’re a prime example of compassion. I’m sure we’re starting to adore you for you, aside from your god thingy status, yea?” You nod and hug her in thanks. Before your sensitive eyes start spilling, she gives you her strong sailor bear hug in return.
After a while, she lead you back outside on board of the Crux fleet. You play with the little kid of one of the crewmates, and Beidou calls everyone around her to brief them on how they should be acting around you.
You were still hungover, but Beidou was too busy handling other stuff, and her suggestions for aftercare are concerning, to say the least. So you went back to the healers and Ningguang, the voice of reason after your stay on boat.
When Zhongli found out from Beidou and Ningguang, about Venti spiking your drink, he helped to brew you his hours-long tea to ‘detox’ from the alcohol. He may have lifted Venti by the cape and fought him in a domain. Jean let Barbara and Lisa lecture Rosaria (electrocuting if she doesn’t listen-), and let Diluc fight Kaeya in a safe area. They were too protective of you, but Jean doesn’t see any problem with that, so in a way, you got your vengeance. Moreover, Eula conspired with Diona and Diluc to water down their stash of bottles, in case the incident repeats.
Rest assured that Beidou’ll be keeping your secret (if she’s not too drunk), and they’ll punish whoever wrongs you. A peculiar but beneficial experience, seeing that you can now confide in Beidou since she already knew.
Previous (11.1) Ningguang, the healers, and jeanlisa babysitting the children
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bamboowrites · 3 years
A chilled pot of vintage narcissus tea for Xiao and a side of salty peanuts coming up!
SAGAO Work 29, Flangst with Requited Love
(Either platonic or romantic Reader x Xiao, up for interpretation. Low-key fluffy.)
Context: I’m serving this as a pot of complimentary tea, on the house ehe~ This teahouse is for the 400 event btw, for anyone new here. Not a reply to an order specifically since I went off-topic. I’ll continue writing for the other event orders so dw <3
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Xiao is literally covered in blood and rage as he defends you from the brainwashed enemies, sacrificing his HP as he attacks them with extreme ferocity as your protector. You barely heal him in time as his health starts depleting by the karmic corrosion. Not wanting Xiao to get hurt again, you finally succeed in teleporting you two back to safety, to the teapot’s healer quarters.
“Xiao, I’m so sorry! Don’t move, I’ll heal you now!” You desperately latch onto healing his wounds as soon as your feet touches the grasslands, running and forcefully carrying the slightly injured yaksha, then gingerly setting him down on his bed, as you draw Lisa and Barbara’s circles of blessings on top of your Anemo Knight.
“I’m okay, your grace! Please don’t waste your time on me, I’ll be fine!” Xiao argues, trying to sit up, yet gets put in place by you as you refocus on fixing him up.
“You’re hurt, so I’m not wasting time! You matter to me, Xiao!” You keep drawing the magical runes as Xiao keeps trying to tell you off from wasting your energy on him.
“I’m but another protector who worships you!”
What he didn’t expect was a confession.
“Damn it, I’m doing this because I love you!” You burst in part frustration, part tears, stunning Xiao in his tracks nevertheless.
“Your grace-” Xiao was about to attempt to leave when he hesitates at the sight of you being worried and caring for him so much.
His God just burst that they love him. Him! A mere yaksha, a sinner who slaughtered millions. The Xiao who didnt even expect thanks from you.
When you’ve finally regained your composure, you notice Xiao’s guilt. You sniffled and gingerly touched the back of his hands. “I’m sorry, Xiao. I… was too worried for you. I went too far. But,” you gulp, “I wasn’t lying when I said I love you. You matter more to me than you expect. And thank you for being there for me. I’ll leave you be. If you’d let me continue to heal you, I’ll be in Qiqi’s room. Please rest well.”
You heaved yourself up and closed the door behind you gently, heading to Qiqi for comfort and cuteness. You vaguely heard Xiao say “I love you too”, but you must’ve been imagining things. You only hope that Xiao gets better with or without you.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
Can I bother you again lounges on a couch that appeared out of nowhere
So I heard you wanted fluff ideas~ and I came up with the totally original idea of taking care of the characters of you choice when their sick
Can they be Normal Genshin and the reader being their lover? Just to give you a break from dark stuff
Ps. If you don't like me asking so much stuff, please just tell me, okay?
Pps. T-poses
Omg tysm for the ask! I love your messages so dw! Never too much goodness ehe~ also I love your now-canon t-posing ayaya~
Also, this is longer than I expected, so this is a summary of the perhaps upcoming comfort fluffy crackfics! I’ll name this as SAGAO Work 21.0 (for the prequel)
Method α: cures your physical illness methodically, to end it early
Method β: cares to your current sickish state
Method γ: does your regular tasks for you
Method δ: tries to stick to you, might end up sick as well
Method ε: gets you your comfort items
Method ζ: gives you weird concoctions that don’t work at all, bimbo/himbo-
Method η: is banned from further interaction because of their lack of proper knowledge/understanding/natural abilities
Method θ: hides because sneak 100, or shy, helps the others as they find ways to make you feel better
Albedo: α, 98% efficient, leads the special medicine production team
Amber: γ by hunting for you, ε including her plushies, she’d do δ if Jeanlisa’s influence on her wasn’t as ingrained in her brain
Ayaka: ε through her Thoma Delivery™️, she’d do δ if she wasn’t busy/needed at work/public duties
Barbara: β since she’s proficient in healing, ζ because she forgets that only her body works in such spicy ways
Beidou: γ does your overseas commissions, ζ tries to feed you spicy food too, and her special strong wine blend, η after Ning and Kokomi caught her doing that
Bennett: ε, then ζ, then η, in order because of his bad luck, poor baby
Chongyun: attempts α, becomes ζ, ends up η, tried to exorcise you just in case, was not as discreet as he thought he was-
Diluc: β since he’s used to looking after unwell people, γ by collecting information and ingredients for you
Eula: would do β if she wasn’t a tsun tsun, δ and ε because she cares in a somewhat emotionally awkward but sweet way
Ei: ε, η, she forgot how ‘human’ illnesses work and gets infected for cuddles, then reinfects you after she gets infected. Banned with <3. No hard feelies pls~
Fischl: ζ, η, tried a fictional invention, made it with Bennett, got you sick so she got banned with pyro boi, kinda discouraged, but you reassure her afterwards, saying that it’s still very heartwarming
Ganyu: β in between tasks, γ by collecting ingredients, which are sometimes located at really steep places, that she’d be the most familiar with scaling
Gorou: δ, ε, doggo snuggle instincts + trying to comfort you = he gets sick too-
Hu Tao: α, η, tries to help cure you but gets banned, because they don’t trust the funeral boss, but it’d probably work in suspicious ways in your favour if tried.
Itto: tries to ε, got dragged away by Sara, η from fighting Sara in your sick room
Jean: tries to do α, takes up way more than she could or should be doing in γ, bonus: passes out into deep sleep in Lisa’s arms from the sheer lack of rest, very concerning, low-key unwell at the end
Kaeya: γ, θ, sneakily gets and finishes more work on your behalf, tries to stick around you but got shooed/yeeted off by the two sisters (Jean and Barbara), would be η if he got to stay and (nicely) tease you
Kazuha: α/β? I feel like he’d be up for helping Albedo with creating better medicine. He could have Inazuman connections, since his family’s prominent. Also, unofficial ι with his intuitive sensing
Keqing: ε, she’s busy, but’ll pick up things you’d like after work. Would partly join α if needed
Kokomi: slight α, slight β. She’s busy with the post-war repairs so she’ll only be around for a while. She’s needed by her people. You let her know it’s more than alright
Lisa: β, since there’s already enough help for α. Would have enough knowledge and empathy to treat you nicely, while you’re in your vulnerable state. Mostly lounges around inside, would come to you if you call for her.
Mona: β, γ. She’d do other things but she’s broke, and the research is already being taken care of. Helps the others who are assisting you
Ningguang: ε, ι. Gets you the comfy-textured blankets/ice packs/silk warm waterbags. Keqing toes are of the trivial comfort items while she focuses on the others. Partners up with Jeanlisa to keep the others(, especially the kids,) in check
Noelle: β, occasionally γ. Takes care of everything, so she’d do all methods when needed
Razor: δ, wolf boi has no idea what to help other than snuggling up to you when you get chills. It’s by pure luck that he’s not that sick afterwards. Lupical hugs intensifies.
Rosaria: γ, θ, does the dirty work but won’t let you know. Might not clean up completely so you’ll notice a bit. Avoids awkwardness by avoiding you, when you’re sick and flustered.
Sara: β, θ, cares for you and will help the others without you knowing. Mostly busy with her military, so she won’t be able to do γ.
Sucrose: α, β, similar to Albedo but more close to you
Tartaglia: γ, got η because he’s too enthusiastic and the sick you can’t deal with him right then. Got electrocuted by either Lisa or Baal, as warnings.
Thoma: same with Noelle, but more focused on the caring side. Stays aside you more, but not sick since he’s careful.
Traveler Aether: γ, β
Traveler Lumine: γ, α
Abyss Aether: θ-styled sneaky close β
Abyss Lumine: θ-styled distant care, also ε
Venti: β by singing to you, may have gotten η for being too loud, after accidentally chugging wine by habit
Xiangling: ε, ζ, ι, cooks for you, made the others taste-test her new ideas, monitors the cooking
Xiao: θγ, does your battles for you without any hint of it, would attempt at β briefly
Xingqiu: β, reads to you
Xinyan: ζ, tried to give you spicy food to clear your stuffy nose, only avoided the ban by her ι, monitoring Venti’s volume (ironic but she knows what to do)
Yanfei: α, helps Ganyu to increase overall efficiency
Zhongli: mostly ι, also does the same and more with Noelle
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bamboowrites · 3 years
Part 2 to the last ask.
Xiao took the two to Dragonspine, away from all prying eyes.
Meanwhile, Albedo was busy with his experiments when he heard the three walking into his lab. He turned to greet them, as he normally would.
The Creator's shaky breathing caught him off guard.
"What happened?" he asked.
"Venti grabbed her wrist," Aloy answered for them. "We were just about to come up for a visit when he decided to be an annoyance."
"He wanted them to go with him to the city," Xiao detailed. "He thought they were there to forgive them."
As their friends were talking, the Creator moved to a corner shelf of the lab. They carefully moved aside some of the rations, looking for something to comfort all of them.
Finding what they wanted, they grabbed four mugs and returned to the trio.
"We went out because Zhongli wouldn't leave the teapot. He was making both of us uncomfortable," Aloy explained.
They all turned towards the Creator, the tension from their conversation fading.
"Anyone want hot chocolate?"
*Another Timeskip because I'm running out of ideas*
They all decided to stay in the lab for the night. Mondstat was likely mourning the way their god rejected their invitation. Liyue, preparing overly fancy gift for offerings. Inazuma, purging itself of the Abyss presence.
All of it overwhelmed the Creator. They preferred quiet moment like this.
Aloy telling her favorite memories from her home world.
Albedo explaining the details of his earlier experiment before they arrived.
Xiao was sitting beside them, listening to everything intently.
Nothing separating them. No titles or expectations. Just friends enjoying time together. For no reason other than because they can.
The Creator wanted nothing more. Because they had a hard time believing they were worthy of the name. The respect. The devotion.
"Thank you."
I think I may have put too much angst and not enough fluff. Sorry. But I hope the short story was good! :)
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bamboowrites · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐎 𝐀𝐔 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬!
Works (posted)
First post: (fluff) our main & main team somewhat protects you from the other yanderes
Second post: (fluff, crackfic) you punish your yandere cult by using weird methods.
Third post: (angst) they finally realise they’ve messed up by hurting you, who they thought was an imposter.
Fourth post: (angst) your suffering from the cruel yandere cultists and human civilisations. Betrayal and trauma.
Fifth post: (angst) you die from blood loss trauma. the hydro hypostasis mourns you and Teyvat.
Sixth post: (important!) you explain why your personality has changed and why the 1-5th posts seem unconnected.
Seventh post: (fluff, crack) you stay up to make surprise gifts for them, now that y’all are on okay terms
Eighth post: (fluff, crack) expanded on 7th post’s chaos stemming from wet fatui boi
Ninth post: (angst, then fluff! reverse comfort) you comfort the guilty archons before stepping into their cities.
Tenth post: (fluff, comfort) you become Ningguang and Keqing’s sugar baby on a Liyue shopping trip.
Eleventh post: (questionable fluff) they over-protect you as you tour Teyvat, this link is for the masterlist of its multiple parts.
Twelth post: (crack, fluff) drunk archon chaos, punishments, and adopting diona, this link is to the masterlist of all three parts.
Thirteenth post: (comfort, fluff) you sleeptalk and your companions overhear your anxious thoughts, this link is for the masterlist of its multiple parts.
Fourteenth post: (crack) your cult quotes your fandom quotes from Mean Girls and Legally Blonde
Fifteenth post: (strong tw, angst) EvilConsort!Venti & AmoralEvil!God/GoddessReader destroys Teyvat
Sixteenth post: planning consort!venti
Seventeenth post: (comfort fluff) cult cares for depressed God/Goddess!Reader in/with healthy ways
Eighteenth post: (reverse comfort, fluff) you distract/stop your cult from overworking themselves for you
Nineteenth post: (comfort, fluff) your cult helps you lessen your body dysmorphia. reader is pre-transitioning/has body image issues.
Twentieth post: (crack) you almost punch your f/o, Childe and/or Itto, by accident-
Twenty-first post: (comfort, fluff, crack) you’re sick and your cult cares for you in different ways. Linked to the summary/prequel/future masterlist.
Twenty-second post: (fluff) you run into Aloy, who then heals you and shelters you
Twenty-third post:(fluff, reverse comfort) you let Baal, Sara and Xiao sleep around/on you
Twenty-fourth post: (crack) you made Childe your s/o, then he went on never-ending chaotic shopping sprees to your dismay-
Twenty-fifth post: (crack) you go Gordon Ramsay on your cult
Twenty-sixth post: (fluffy) you and one of your Digimons get sucked into Genshin
Twenty-seventh post: (all) reader chooses routes in response to being slashed in misunderstandings, linked to prequel+masterlist to all parts
Twenty-eighth post: (fluff, reverse comfort) you cuddle Xiao and threaten Childe with a knife lest he wakes Xiao up
Twenty-ninth post: (flangst, reverse comfort) you confess to Xiao after he got hurt for your sake
Thirtieth post: (angst, prologue + two linked parts) you choose to avenge yourself or spare Dottore
Thirty-first post: (fluff, crack) Childe comes home with the wrong kid and an octopus-
Thirty-second post: (crack) Kaeya and Diluc argues about the SOUP store while sitting on your lap
Thirty-third post: (angst) Tsaritsa confesses her love and drugs you when you struggle to escape from her embrace
Thirty-fourth post: (crack) Villain!GodReader goes Nanno on the transgressors, mostly terrifying the three archons
Thirty-fifth post: (fluff, smol ending crack) The Tsaritsa confesses her love to you. Venti low-key crashed while drunk ehe~
SAGAO cult headcanons
(fluff) sagao headcanon no. 1
(fluff) sagao headcanon no. 2
SAGAO AU’s world theories
SAGAO AU Theory 1.1 - Why we are special, and their god, instead of Mihoyo.
SAGAO AU Theory 1.2 - What makes us the special godly person, apart from other players
SAGAO Sub AU, MandCat!Imposter, Theory Alpha - About The Imposter, their imperfections, and the cult’s reaction. Tw: Mandela Catalogue Alternate Reality Game.
SAGAO AU Asks/Requests (according to sender)
@weakestpoint (p.s. ty for your asks! I enjoy your questions and ideas!)
What happens to the Darling’s close ones - your s/o, family, friends. Part one: angst. Part two: less tragic au.
@birozu (p.s. ty for the ask! Venti is very pog and appreciated ehe~)
Consort!Venti (God/Goddess!Reader’s s/o). The masterlist will be linked here.
@simpsforeveryoneandanything (p.s. you’re remembered as the t-posing inbox friend aha-)
Work 20: (crack) you almost punch your cult f/o - itto, childe
Work 21: (comfort, fluff, crack) you’re sick and your cult cares for you in different ways.
Work 24: (crack) you try to rein in Childe from continuing overspending for your gifts
@ognenniyvolk (p.s. ty for the ask, early likes, and wholesome inbox messages!)
(fluff) Ningguang and Baal as your wifes (separate)
@sweetstrawberrybabe (p.s. ty for the asks, early reblogs/likes and super nice messages in my inbox!)
SAGAO Work 18: (reverse comfort, fluff) you distract/stop your cult from overworking themselves for you
@the-kaida-family (your ideas and writing are so good how-)
SAGAO Work 22: (fluff) you run into Aloy, who then heals and shelters you from the manhunters
SAGAO Work 25: (crack) you go Gordon Ramsay on your cult
SAGAO Work 26: (fluffy) you and one of your Digimons get sucked into Genshin
SAGAO Work 28: (fluff, reverse comfort) you cuddle Xiao and threaten Childe with a knife lest he wakes Xiao up
SAGAO Work 29: (fluff) zhongli splurges to gift you a nice pendant ehe~
SAGAO Work 30: (fluff, reverse comfort) Xiao finds solace in your temple and you surprise him with you sudden appearance
@under-a-starry-night (ty for the request! fluff + Baal = happiness)
SAGAO Work 23: (fluff, reverse comfort) you let Baal, Sara and Xiao sleep on/around you
@emilemovhi (ty for your amazing idea!)
SAGAO Work 27: (all,masterlist+prequel) choose your routes in response to being slashed by the cult
List of SAGAO AU’s branched-out Series
Mental Health Comfort Fluffs
Geo Teahouse Requests Event for 400 supporters ehe~ (masterlist)
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bamboowrites · 3 years
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A: Reader
B: Xiao
C: Childe
Omg ty! I tried to write a longer one to make up for the amount of time I took ehe~ I hope y’all like this!
SAGAO Work 28.1, fluff, reverse comfort from you to Xiao ehe~
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Today’s been a busy day, with Xiao working as your partner for two tolling tasks.
[tasks elaboration starts, refer to bonus 28.1α)
After a long day of work, you four return to your teapot. Noelle immediately goes to help cook for everyone, while Lumine deals with the Hydro+Geo chaotic fighters. Since you and Xiao had nothing else to do, you perked up with an idea.
“Xiao! Wanna sleep together?” You asked for his consent. Seeing that he was blushing and stuttering, you realise what you unintentionally implied. “Oh no it sounded wrong- I meant to cuddle and rest together! Only if you’d like to of course.” Noticing a stray leaf on his head, you gingerly plucked it off and pet his hair to remove the mud.
Ah just- screw Venti for telling him what ‘innuendos’ mean, now Xiao overthinking everything, just in case he missed things. Especially concerning your words. Unused to such ‘human’ affections, he only nodded since he has no idea how to respond properly, trying to give you a small smile.
‘He’s so cute oof.’ It’s good that you didn’t say that out loud. You just carried Xiao into the bedroom. You were worried that he’d be too tired so you thought that’s be sweet to do, and Xiao is left surprised and melting in your arms.
Settling you two on the comfy bed, you cuddled the still-processing Xiao and closed your eyes. He followed your suit and eventually, he drifts off before you do. You were thinking about what to do with the cult and how you should do this with Xiao more often. This adepti keeps insisting that he doesn’t need to sleep or rest, and this proved that he deserves rest from the world. You feel his breathing slow down to a sleeping pace from his breathes, since you let him rest his head above yours. You continue cuddling him and trying to sleep.
Childe is extra giddy after fighting his homies Itto and Lumine, so he was louder than usual, almost waking up Xiao in the process. “WHAT’S UP MY grace-“ He was met with your threatening glare and you pulling out a KNIFE from Xiao’s pockets. Oh right you did gift Xiao a pocket knife earlier today. You hissed for Lumine and she gave you a wink as Childe gets hauled away and muffled. Childe shuts up after Lumine tells him she has Teucer hostage in a joking whisper.
Aether silently peeks in and mouths “do you need anything?” with a slight bow of his head. You shook your head, he gives you a smiley thumbs-up and leaves with his emergency food in tow. You continue cuddling Xiao after Aether lightly closes your door. Aether helped you lower the general volume of the cult and they left you alone under Lumine’s warning to beat them herself if anyone tries to disturb you two. Aether may have stood behind his sister with a menacing grin at her crowd.
You should probably do this more often. Your Xiao deserve as much cuddles and rest as he is comfortable with from you.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
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*cue gasp in Shakespearean*
Ty , ily’all sm /platonic, here, have another fluff headcanon!
SAGAO fluff headcanon no. 2
Cw: Greek mythology-inspired
As the Creator of Teyvat, you have some pleasant and unexpected powers. Including communicating with all living beings in Teyvat.
Now that the civilisations of Teyvat has finally started to worship and treat you as the benevolent Creator, you feel less endangered around people. However, that doesn’t erase the times Teyvat’s nature had protected you and welcomed you into their arms.
So, understandably so, you find yourself returning to the wildernesses between nations.
“If I’m your god, please respond to me in your new form.” You whisper into a tree that you’re hugging.
For a moment, only wolves responded in howls. But just when you’re beginning to doubt your powers, the tree turns into an androgynous nymph. They’re blushing so hard that the colour of their cheeks rival with the vibrancy of their ginger locks of hair.
“Hi,” the Sandbearer Tree Spirit squeaked.
“Hello! You look great! Oh wait-” you rummage through your inventory. Yes, this is what you were looking for. You pull out a set of loose yet comfortable dress and shoes. “I almost forgot! Please wear this, it’s not good to be naked since you’ll catch a cold!”
“Thank you, lord y/n!” They stammer, and to distract them from their panic, you gently ask them to help you get their friends who helped you as well, to go with you to collect the other creatures. Those who helped you will be replayed in kindness, and that includes the wolves, elemental creatures and other trees. You decide to hold the shy thing’s hand as you two bring the others to meet Razor’s family in Wolfendom.
You have a chill picnic with them, and grew closer with them. As you all bond in food and drinks, you learn more about themselves, their- no, our world. The world of Teyvat. You seem to finally accept that maybe, nature would be the one thing you can fully trust at the moment, and that’s okay. As they bask in your presence, they all heal and grow together in your divine aura.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
Hmmm.... Ei with either 5 or 15? You pick! (Ty in advance!!)
Baal fluff goes brr <3 (I’ll do 15 first, but let me know if you’d like 5 as well! Thanks for the request!)
SAGAO Work 23, Fluff, Reverse comfort
Prompt 15: “Can you help me? They fell asleep on me.”
Implied spoilers for the Inazuma Archon Quest
Characters: (mainly:) Baal, Sara, Xiao, God/Goddess!Reader and Xiangling’s treats
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You’ve been having trouble sleeping from stress. Everything has happened so fast, and it feels like a bizarre nightmare. It has been months, but you still relive the cult’s transgressions against you if you sleep.
So instead, you’d rather comfort your acolytes so they can sleep. Firstly, your aura is naturally comforting, and they appreciate that. Secondly, you don’t have to worry about a fanatic going rogue and stabbing you in your sleep. Thirdly, you do want to see them in a more precious, less-threatening light. Since Ei seems the softest of the three archons, you decide to check up on her first. You materialise into their conjoined teapot office.
You’re surprised to see Baal working with Sara. It makes you relieved to see her finally take up her shogunate responsibilities at your request. You pop in from time to time to bring them occasional treats, courtesy of Xiangling, to ensure that they’ll take breaks.
Midnight approaches, and the two are practically half-asleep. Baal didn’t expect herself to feel as sleepy as she is now, but your aura feels like a comforting blanket that effectively stirs the both of them to sleep at late night. Since you were accompanying them and sitting right in their middle, Ei eventually fell asleep in your presence, and Sara let herself rest on the desk. Gently, you reposition their heads to fit on your lap.
Baal has always looked solemn around the others, so seeing her in a relaxed state as Ei is a precious moment. It’s nice to see her untensed for once, and her blush is still eternally present with you. You lightly comb away the stray wine-coloured strands to frame her face nicely and couldn’t hold back from tracing her features with the gentleness of a feather. You’d have given her a light kiss, but you’d rather wait for her consent. So, you twirl her hair between your fingers as she unconsciously snuggles further into your lap. She’s lucky that you’ve asked Yae Miko to help you handle Inazuma’s ordinary cultists today. Otherwise, her cute expressions, unbecoming of the Almighty Shogun, would’ve been captured by the sly fox’s Kamera. You smoothen her flailed-up robe as she turns in her sleep. Her lips are naturally upturning and turn into a faint smile as you hug her closer. She’s legitimately asleep, but it seems like the physically closer you two are, the better the peace transmission becomes, which is how her elemental glow activates as well.
You see her hair light up and her brows scrunch, as if she’s nearing a nightmare. You increase your aura’s potency to see her body un-tense, then whisper Xiao’s name. As shocked as he is by your reason to summon him, he obliges in telling you how dreams manifest, then quietly lets you transcribe his verbal ideas on how you could create tailored pleasant dreams for the two slumbering acolytes. You let Xiao sleep near you as well, but not before asking him if he could help you obtain blankets and pillows, seeing that you’re physically weighted down by the two purpleheads. Xiao brings the appropriate sleeping equipment, and you ask him to sleep on you as well. You finally convince him to at least set his bed at where you are, so his heavy karma can be lessened by your aura in closer proximity. He agrees, then sets his sleeping mat to your back, insisting to at least guard your back even when resting. You relent and fluff up the covers, flying them into the air and letting them settle on the two, while Xiao has already bundled up behind you.
As for Sara, she’s flustered when she stirs, waking up to your beauty right above her, and herself being cooped up in your arms. You hushed her by putting your fingertips on both your and her lips. Needless to say, she couldn’t fall back asleep until an hour later, and ends up being the only guard to glare at whoever tries to disturb you four from entering the office.
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bamboowrites · 3 years
Hey there! Can I get a lukewarm pot of Tieguanyin for Xiao with a plate of salted almonds?
Thank you for your order ehe~ A lukewarm pot of Tieguanyin for Xiao with a plate of salted almonds coming up, my liege! We look forward to your next visit!
SAGAO Work 30, Fluff, Reverse Comfort (platonic/romantic/worshipping)
You surprise Xiao with your appearance while he’s basking in your temple’s calmness.
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Xiao finds himself uncharacteristically returning to your prime temple more frequently than he’d admit.
With you still adapting to the newfound bombastic affection, he’d rather not scare you away. This is why he often journeys to the illustrious Liyue temple after his daily demon massacres, no matter how long the roads are, so he could still worship you without disturbing you like the others.
Even if you aren’t physically there, the sight of your temple still brings him a wave of loving serenity. It was made precisely to your image, much taller though, yet as towering as the number of cult members devoting their all to you.
Though it feels off today, albeit, in a good way, Xiao initially tensed up from the increase in aura potency but started to relax from the aura’s effect. He wonders why but doesn’t question its presence much. Xiao’s been feeling his weighty karmic debt lightening directly these days as if you- or perhaps your statue- had noticed him in reward.
He closes his eyes and leans against the pillar for once in his tolling years of unrest. He was almost wholly releasing his guard when you popped out behind his pillar, about to tap his shoulder when he sensed your movement.
Instinctively, he points his spear against your throat, then pulls away in fear of harming you as soon as he recognises you. He’d think that he’d distinguish you quicker, yet not in reality.
“Hi, Xiao.” You smile to stabilise him, and he relaxes a bit after apologising. It’s cute since it’s clear that he isn’t used to apologising, but he’s trying his best.
This might be the best day in his immortal life. You truly are the Creator who deserves eternal worship. The one who he has learnt to adore.
And your hugs feel so warm, which gave him another shock since his God notices and embraces him in approval.
Xiao was more emotional for the following days, and you kept him on your side, holding his hand occasionally. He’s almost addicted to your presence and you- as a person- as well.
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