#rosa gvh
rustybottlecap · 8 months
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frickyesforumweapons · 6 months
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wormdramafever · 2 months
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wolfnanaki · 8 months
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It's a small thing, but I love that at the end of Goodbye Volcano High, both Sage and Rosa were at the beach in the end montage. Many trans people (including me) have anxiety about being out at the beach or at pools, so it's nice to see these two included here, no judgement or stares at their bodies, just having fun with their friends. 💖
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nrxia · 30 days
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So I was making an OC, and couldn't figure out what to do for the colors. So I was chattin' it up with some Discord friends, like ya do, and I just started doing up the character up with all the different dino gang colors, plus Mango, Leo, and Joshchan, who is an honorary member of the dino gang if ever that was such an individual. Fun fact: I still have no idea what to color the character.
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sentaichurchill · 8 months
Sorry to bug you but could you draw Rosa with the Honduran flag!! It’s my job as the only Honduran ever to make sure every Latin American character from Hondurans 😤😤😤
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I just wanna ramble about my boyfriend I love him
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runningpsychic · 1 month
Why Goodbye Volcano High resonates with me as...
...a musician
As a musician, it's hard not to immediately identify with Fang. What musician doesn't want their music to be heard, to play at music festivals, and have music as their career. I can wax poetic about how music is about self expression and it doesn't matter if I have an audience, but in the end, I still want my music to be heard, and enjoyed. And Fang is on track to making this their entire career.
Making music has been a minor hobby for me. Even as a kid, I knew there's almost no chance I can make it as a musician, so I went down the route of being a software engineer instead. It's such a minor part of my life that I don't even bother identifying as a musician, I just fool around with instruments. But something about GVH ignited that passion in me, and during my first playthrough, I wrote six songs inspired by themes in the game. Even if I'll stay an amateur, I want to make the most from life, and not let the fire die. (See last section)
All that said, I felt very bad for Fang throughout the game. I know how tough the life of a full time musician is. The industry is just completely screwed. And unlike me, Fang doesn't have another option other than music. The game also drives it in that Fang's friends all have viable career paths, while Fang doesn't. But then, the meteor throws an interesting wrench into this, as now Fang is the only one who achieved their dreams. I'm not sure what the point of this paragraph is besides fuck capitalism, give musicians a living wage.
...an enby
Fang really made me more comfortable about being non-binary. It's amazing seeing enby representation that doesn't feel shoehorned in, or merely an afterthought. It's actually integral to the story. Both Fang and Sage struggle having their parents take their identities seriously, and that mirrors my own fears of not being taken seriously as an enby myself, which leads me to only come out as non-binary to my closest friends, and just remain a binary trans woman to everyone else.
It's honestly amazing to see everyone in Caldera Bay being accepting of the queer cast, like being queer isn't a big deal at all. And that's how it should be. Everyone just calls Fang by their name and pronouns (except their parents of course), and no one seems to mind that Reed brought Alvin to prom. This really makes me feel more comfortable about my identity, and I feel proud to be queer. We don't owe them normal.
...an immigrant
It's so rare to see stories about the intersection of being trans and being an immigrant, so when I read Rosa's story, I felt it must've been written by someone who also has first hand experience. There's a distinct feel from my family that me being trans is a "western" thing, not something they could ever understand. Or worse, that I'm being corrupted by "the west" in some way by moving there. There's so much extended family I can never see again because I'm now an abomination of the family tree.
I find it really difficult to talk about this as I fear I'd be misread as being racist for suggesting that my home country is more queerphobic or something, but that isn't my point. I just want to tell my story, and my experience of being alienated for both culture and gender, in both my origin and destination countries, is one that most folks can't emphasize with. (Venba also does do a good job with the culture part, so you should check that out too)
There's a separate rant about how this brand of queerphobia was actually planted by Christian missionaries and not at all "traditional culture", but that's for another time.
...someone struggling with mental health
I've been obsessed with the game for months since I played it. I went through what everyone calls "Dino depression", but I think it really helped me, and it was the game I needed to play at this moment in my life. I struggle with depression and burnout. At times it can be hard to know what the point is, or feel that any of this is worth it. The first few weeks after the game, I actually felt more depressed, as I thought about what the point of life is if it all is temporary anyway, and what I would do if a meteor were to hit in 8 months. And I was scared, because I felt like my life wasn't under my control. Over time, I've learned to think about it more positively. If life is temporary, then it's up to me to make the most of it. If life has no meaning, it's up to me to make my own meaning. I have amazing friends around me, and I still have tons of music to make.
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popart-vvv · 21 days
This is a PSA...
Why? Why?!
It was made by members of 4chan, the worst site on the internet BY FAR! The complete opposite of KO_OP--filled with right-wing rhetoric and intolerant of any piece of media that dares to be different! If you like the "parody game" and its related products, then you're saying that you support 4chan, warranting a block from me.
2. Lazy and unambitious design. GVH is all-around unique; high schoolers having to deal with the lead up to a cataclysmic event, deciding how to spend their time up to that event, and every character is an anthropomorphic dino. Plus, the game is a blend of rhythm and cinematic adventure, a novel choice in game design. Plus, the characters are all written like believable teens with understandable issues (the effects of the impending meteor, for instance), with plenty of non-forced conflict.
The OTHER game, meanwhile... stole the designs of the main characters and appropriated them into high school drama cliches, plus, the design for the main teacher blatantly rips off an Adult Swim character, for some reason. The worst part is the main character, though! It's just some muscly guy with a blank face! No eyes, mouth, hair, NOTHING ON THE HEAD! Goddammit, seriously, that is the WORST character design I have ever seen in my life!
Plus, THAT game is just another throwaway dating sim VN that can NEVER reach GVH's level.
GVH's main characters are queer one way or another: Fang is non-binary, Rosa is a transgender woman, Sage is a transgender man, and it's possible for Fang to enter a relationship with Naomi. Reed is also hinted to be in a relationship with a male classmate, Alvin. Plus, there is some subtext regarding the pairings of Trish/Rosa and Sage/Stella, as well as in Naser's arc.
Meanwhile... THAT game is basically a vehicle by its creators to espouse 4chan bullshit. Fang is an enby when you first meet them, but their "happy ending" has the player character convince them to detransition. RED FLAG! RED FLAG! And the only endings where they stay an enby are the ones that don't give them any respect! This is bad messaging! Apparently, they're saying that the only way to find happiness in life is to throw away your queer identity! FUCK THAT SHIT!
Again, that is huge disrespect towards a likeable representation of an enby.
Note: Rosa, Sage, and Naomi's queer characteristics were envisioned DURING the rewrite, so it was after THAT game was revealed. Make of that what you will.
4. It blatantly disrespects KO_OP, and frankly, the company does not deserve it.
Goodbye Volcano High was released in August of last year, but it was actually revealed as far back as summer 2020. It was VASTLY different back then--it was more like a traditional visual novel, except with the same anthropomorphic dinos and unique designs. By the time GVH was released, it had gone through a huge story rewrite, resulting in the final product.
Unfortunately, there's a whole backstory in the development of GVH.
2020 was when COVID-19 was ravaging the world, and KO_OP's workers were struggling with the disease, putting a major dent in the game's production and delaying it for a while.
Also, the rewrite started not long after the game was revealed. Admittedly, this was due to a mistake on KO_OP's part in their choice of a writing crew, but the writing team was replaced, so good on them.
Also during development, they were harassed by 4chan and other unsavory people, culminating in THAT game. Basically, there's an undercurrent of PTSD--on the KO_OP Discord, if you bring up THAT game or any other hugely offensive content, you'll get a warning or a ban. Is it any wonder they hate THAT game?
Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, KO_OP should be admired for withstanding all that crap and releasing GVH three years after its initial announcement, the payoff being that it has its own dedicated fanbase and was nominated in three major awards ceremonies. Like GLAAD!
5. Real-World Events
Probably the worst part is that THAT game has a fanbase, even after a terribly heartbreaking event in February.
Two words: Nex Benedict.
Seriously, to still support that game, even in light of similar tragedies... That's inhumane.
I know this kind of post may not be your cup of tea, but I needed to get this off my chest. I love this game so much... It pains me to see that a supportive game, alongside its fans and creators, is being unfairly targeted by terrible people.
I stand by what I said in this post. I did my research before making this essay. That said, if there are any inaccuracies in here, I apologize.
However, I will not tolerate anyone who tries to argue in support of THAT game. If they do that, they get reported/blocked.
Sincerely, popart-vvv.
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rustybottlecap · 10 months
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Goodbye Volcano High characters from sketch through concept art to final design.
Some changes more drastic than others.
Images taken from the wiki.
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beasts-of-jadewood · 9 months
Goodbye Volcano High is just a week away! Yippee! To celebrate this occasion I will release GVH protagonist first-date ratings part 2, in which I rate how well my first dates with GVH characters will go based on what I know about them from fandom memes and promo materials. Part 1 can be found here. Contains spoilers for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part 6, and now featuring alt text.
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I think Naomi would be the type of person who would provide me with a full list of philosophical personal questions on our first date in order to acertain a comprehensive first impression of me that accurately represents who I am. For example, she may ask me what I would do with an elephant in my possession if I could not sell or give away the elephant, which was apparently a real job interview question someone had. While I would undoubtedly appreciate her hard work, I will not guarantee that I won't accidentally give out a response so profoundly disturbing and strange at some point during the process and possibly make her cry (for example, answering that I wish to recreate Thomas Edison's elephant electrocution procedure just to prove that I can do it better), leading to an overall 5/10 experience.
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Much like the Trish date, I suspect that my date with Rosa will take place at an arboretum due to her interests. Because of this, I will likely be reminded of the fact that I once went to an arboretum in China during my childhood, to cheer me up after I completely failed at an extracurricular English speaking competition due to stage fright and the fact that I forgot to study the prompts they gave out before hand. I will then give an extended speech to Rosa about how my years of hard work studying English didn't matter in that moment because I fucked up one high-stakes competition and everyone thought I was a dumbass. If Rosa is able to relate to this as a potentially bilingual character herself, then my date will be a 9/10 experience. Otherwise, it's likely a 4/10 if she got weirded out instead.
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Stella's interest in the occult is a major jumping point for my first date conversation with her, as I will use her knowledge of Tarot cards to discuss archetypes in the classic Hero's Journey and possibly analyze how each card's meaning corresponds to their respective Stand user in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. If Stella does not like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure then I will reveal the fact that I do not either and then go into an existential rant on why Part 6's ending retroactively made all the other parts pointless by undermining the agencies of previous protagonists with the idea of Fate being an unstoppable force that pre-determines all actions. Overall, this will be an invigorating discussion if nothing else. 7/10.
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I don't know why but attempts at adding Sage's image to this post consistently results in an image of Rosa being added instead. Sage himself does show up on the final post after saving, but during the editing process itself his image keeps being replaced by Rosa. My conclusion from this is that Sage does not want to go on a date with me and may in fact prefer to date his original love interest Leo instead. I respect his loyalty to his lover even after he has been completely cut from the final game and thus functionally erased from existence. Sage is a good boy and I love him platonically. 10/10.
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wormdramafever · 3 months
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wolfnanaki · 7 months
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Here's a Rosa appreciation post! Because she deserves it. 🌹❤️
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fightabear · 6 months
What was your favorite GVH character after playing it? Wich's been your favorite to draw?
I really enjoyed the whole cast, but I think Reed ended up being my favorite. I really appreciated how he ended the L&L campaign, it felt like an emotionally honest ending. There were some tears there.
Likewise, I think he's been my favorite to draw so far, the pink and white colors worked really nicely together and figuring out how the raptor anatomy translates to something more humanoid was very very fun. Rosa is a close second but I've gotten some feedback on her design being super uncanny.
(In my defense - the Aquilops is a weird looking dinosaur. I don't think I totally nailed it so I'm gonna revisit it later on)
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losergendered · 5 days
(GVH requester, I'll put the flags I'd like used into a second ask this is so long! sorry!)
Fang from GVH is a canon transmasc nonbinary, canon queer, genderqueer, Musigender, Audiogender, Genderpunk, demiaroace dino who is partnered with Naomi! They use They/them but are fine with being referred to with no pronouns ("just Fang") by friends they feel comfortable around. They have autism, but are too busy with their special interest (music) to really look into it.
Reed from GVH is a canon queer, bigay dino who is Apagender/Gender apathetic. He's fine with He/him but honestly doesn't really care what pronouns or titles anyone uses to refer to him, as long as you're not being a jerk about it. He has ADHD and his hyperfix is Legends 'n Lore! (LnL aka "Dinosaur DND")
Trish from GVH is a buggender, bugarian, genderpunk, gay, transneu girl/qirl who has ADHD (with a hyperfixation on entomology), anxiety, and OCD. She primarily uses She/her but is fine with any neutral or neopronouns around friends that she trusts. She is questioning being Aspec, specifically Quoiaroace!
Sage from GVH is a canon trans guy, canon queer, glitterbxy, Gastrogender, chefgender, and pangay dino who uses he/him and is in a T4T Alterous partnership with Stella! He has ADHD and his hyperfixations are cooking, baking, and cute fashion!
Stella from GVH is a canon queer, panlesbian, pan femme, transmasc girl who is also Tarodesinic, Tarostrology, Astragirl, and Tarotine. She has ADHD and her comfort hyperfixations are Astrology, Tarot, and Divination in general! In a T4T Alterous partnership with Sage and crushing on Nasir!
Nasir from GVH is questioning his gender and orientation, but has been too busy to really get into it because of his parent's expectations. He is questioning being a transfem boy, transfemmasc, bigender, aroaceflux, bi futch, and a bi gaybian. He currently only uses He/him because it's what everyone else uses for him, but wants to try out He/She/They pronouns with those he trusts! He has anxiety!
Naomi from GVH is a canon queer, bipan, sciencegender, autigender girl with autism and anxiety who uses She/her primarily (but is fine with any pronouns as long as you're being kind and respectful!) She is partnered with Fang and questioning being somewhere on the Aspectrum, but is too busy with school to really know right now. Her special interests are Pretty Heroes, cosplay, science, and engineering!
Rosa from GVH is a canon trans girl, canon queer, a bi lesbian, cafegender, hibiscusgender, and rosegender! She uses She/her pronouns and has ADHD! Her hyperfixation is botany!
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wormdramafever · 2 months
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