#respectfully we cannot vibe
napping-sapphic · 13 days
You should make me fall so deeply in love with you that it’s embarrassing
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
Bad Buddy x ATOTS aka Damn You WMT
Dear @waitmyturtles, fuck you, respectfully wen-kexing-apologist. Turts, I have shit to do, I do not have time for this. But once again I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT SO, FUCK ME I GUESS WE’RE DOING A FOREST EPISODE. 
More specifically, we are doing an Our Skyy 2, Episode 15 Part 1/4 post, probably far earlier than I should be, and definitely instead of doing work I absolutely need to be doing. But Pat and Phupa’s interactions in this part of the episode have me thinking about Phupa and his relationship to queerness. 
I don’t know about anyone else, but I had a marvelous time watching Part 1 of our latest Bad Buddy x ATOTS crossover episode. Why? Because it is absolutely incredibly fun to watch Pat personally terrorize the local gay elder. 
What I have really been enjoying in these crossover episodes is watching the ways the similarities and differences in Phupa, Pat, Pran, and Tian play out. Each person spends most of the time paired with the character who play the same role in the relationship but whose personalities and approaches to their relationships are very different. Phupa is the support in his relationship with Tian, Pat is the support in his relationship with Pran, but Phupa never bends and Pat always gives in. 
The thing I love about Pat is that he is unabashed in his queerness, he rolls up on to the scene and starts flirting the second he opens his mouth, and then he 
He annoys Pran, he tests the structural integrity of the house with Pran, sure, but he also wakes up next to Phupa and then proceeds to never let Phupa forget that a) he would and b) that they thought they might have. 
He rolls up on the scene as Phupa and his coworker are getting ready to head into the forest, and he starts talking openly and loudly about Phupa’s boyfriend, and the relationship problems they are having. 
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Phupa is less than amused.
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Phupa does not want Pat coming with him, Pat sneaks into the back of the truck, Phupa begrudgingly allows Pat to come with him and Pat says “you’re the cutest”
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Phupa is less than amused. 
I’m gonna skip ahead a little bit and then regress if that is okay with everyone, after Phupa puts bandaid’s on Pat says yet again “what a cute print, Chief”, “you have a cute side, Chief” 
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“No wonder teacher is head over heels for you,” 
Here Pat is, one half of the first queer couple to interact with Phupa and Tian in god knows how long or possibly ever, talking casually, happily, loudly, and openly about Phupa’s relationship with Tian and Tian’s feelings for Phupa. Reaffirming to Phupa in a way that it is obvious that Tian is in love with him.  
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And still Phupa is not having it. 
As they continue their walk, Pat starts smelling the trees and Phupa is like oh jesus fucking christ what the hell are you doing you are making my life a living hell- “What are you doing?” 
And in response, Pat is very open and sappy about Pran. 
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gif from @liyazaki
“Pran smells so good, if he is nearby, I can find him,” and Phupa is flabbergasted. He just stands there for a second, looking Pat up and down like “okay, seriously…what the fuck?” and he is so obvious about it in the way he looks at Pat and in the way he walks away, that Pat is able to tell immediately that Phupa is, once again, not vibing with Pat’s casual references to his queerness, or overt and honest love and admission of intimacy with his partner. Pat knows Pran’s scent so well that he is confident he could pick it up in the middle of the forest. That suggests a level of familiarity with a body that would traditionally be considered uncouth, if you were polite, and doubly so if you are queer. 
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gif from @liyazaki
When Phupa starts walking like he’s over the conversation, Pat’s easy smile shifts to confusion “What? Haven’t you smelled Teacher’s body before?” 
(Translation: Aren’t you also so in love with your partner, and aren’t you so intimate with your partner that you could recognize his scent anywhere you went? Looking at you watermelon soap sponsorship…looking at you tea bag smell pouch…)
And it’s the inclusion of the word body that really strikes me here, because to say “what? Haven’t you smelled Teacher before?” evokes a different relationship than “What? Haven’t you smelled Teacher’s body?” does. 
“That’s too bad” Pat says, and leans suggestively close to Phupa. Like a cat toying with a mouse. Pat likes needling at Phupa’s discomfort around explicit references to Pat and Pran’s sex life. And while we know Phupa has most certainly smelled Tian’s body before, Phupa SPINS around, has this brief moment of absolute wide eye about being so blatantly asked a question that alludes to his physical relationship to and with Tian, looks Pat dead in the eye and says “I’m not a pervert like you,”
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gif from @liyazaki
Harsh words. Incredibly harsh words, especially because of the connotations of queerness with perversion, especially because iirc from the KinnPorsche LGBTQ+ Facts special on IQIYI, pervert is often an insult used in Thailand for queer people. Phupa is uncomfortable with Pat’s open conversation about his queer relationship, about his queer intimacy and he chooses to meet Pat with homophobia in the way of a slur. 
But Pat is having fun, and I honestly believe he expects that kind of reaction. Pat and Pran were awkward witnesses to Tian and Phupa’s little domestic about watching him shower and looking lovingly into their eyes, but Phupa is stiff the whole time, he is aware that he is engaging in that conversation while other people are present, and he can’t take it and he literally flees. And some of that is because he is getting riled up about their fight, but we see in part 2 of this episode that when Phupa is actually angry with Tian about something, he has no problem standing up and planting his feet to confront Tian about it. 
Anyway, Pat is having fun, and Pat wants to test Phupa and so, completely unphased he starts talking about how Tian smells, as if he is familiar. He is like "my boyfriend smells soooo good, do you smell your boyfriend's body? Your boyfriend smells good" and it’s a direct display of Pat's comfortability with his partner, their closeness, and their level of intimacy. 
“Teacher Tian smells so good” Pat says with the world’s widest grin 
“How do you know that?” Phupa asks almost challenging
“I thought you said you’d never smelled him” 
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gif from @liyazaki
Caught ya. Phupa has indirectly admitted to intimacy. Pat has successfully engaged Phupa in a conversation that is completely about Phupa’s queerness. 
And as Part 2 goes on, we are made more and more aware of how little outward public affection Phupa and Tian engage in. If Phupa and Tian touch around other people, there has to be a legitimate reason to do so (Tian fainted, Tian fainted again, Tian fainted a third time, Tian is drunk, Phupa is drunk, etc.). In this episode, Tian is weak and almost collapses in to Phupa’s arms because he exerted himself too much with his heart. Phupa’s hand is on Tian’s back and then Tian is away from him and standing upright, and when Phupa, Tian, Pat, and Pran exit the forest and enter the clearing of the safe house. 
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Pat is using Pran as a crutch, and Phupa and Tian have placed a child in between them. They are not touching, they aren’t even standing all that close to each other. Phupa is in ranger mode, sure, but he’s not really in front of people he has to impress, he doesn’t have to be completely professional and on guard when they are in the shack together. Especially when his partner with a body that is currently trying to reject his heart, is sitting there looking on the verge of a heart attack. 
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Phupa is making direct eye contact with Tian here, he is worried about Tian here, his focus is on Tian here, and yet he does not offer any physical comfort. No reassuring touch, no forehead kiss, hell, not even a hand on the back of his head to check for fever. He’s focused on getting the radio working, which is incredibly important in case there is a medical emergency, but he does not spare a second to physically ground him and Tian. He can only look from a distance. Because there are other people around, there is a child around. Phupa can’t be seen engaging in homosexual softness, Phupa has to be seen as a forest ranger, doing his job, his actual job that involves rescuing his stubborn dumbass boyfriend from yet again getting lost in the forest, but does not involve him being in love. 
Again, Phupa truly has no one here he needs to impress, he’s in a room with a child, his boyfriend, and a couple of nuisances that have shown him absolutely zero respect since the moment they waltzed in to his neck of the woods. 
At dinner even, after things have settled down, Phupa still cannot bring himself close to Tian in front of prying eyes. 
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Pat and Pran? Literally sitting side by side, knees touching. They are as close to each other as they possibly can be without literally sitting in each other’s laps. 
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Here is a close up of Pat and Pran literally making physical contact with each other at the knee and at the elbow. 
And what Phupa and Tian do not know, is that Pat and Pran can't be outwardly and openly affectionate to one another in public when they are at school and so they make up for it by being disgusting when they aren't in school. Pat and Pran have to keep up a pretense, and its a tragic undertone to their ability to diffuse the brewing Tian and Phupa fight by looking at each other, nodding, and then improvising a fight realistic enough to get Phupa and Tian to pull them apart. 
Because Pat and Pran’s relationship at home is a metaphor for external homophobia, because they are so used to it by now, the having to hide, to pretend they don’t like each other, to pretend they are mad, to pretend they aren’t in love, that they can just ease right in to staged fights at the drop of a fucking hat. But even in their fake fight they wind up pressed up against each other. 
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(hehe, screen shot funny, look at Phupa, he zoomin’)
Because for so long the only way they could have physical contact in public was by fighting, was by beating each other up, was by pushing or pulling each other away from a fight. Pat and Pran understand that Tian and Phupa are having a fight that they also once had, but they can also see the parts underneath it, the parts that make Phupa ask why the emphasis on him in Tian’s story is about Phupa being in love with Tian rather than his work. 
Pat is simultaneously taking the opportunity of being hours and hours away from home, from where he has to hide his relationship, to be as openly and obviously in love with Pran as he has always been and is telling Phupa he is safe to be gay around. That he and Pran are safe people to be gay around, are safe people for him to be openly affectionate with his boyfriend around. 
And that stems from the parts of Pat and Phupa that are wildly different. 
Like, it is very very notable that Pat confesses his feelings for Pran practically as soon as he realizes that he has feelings for him and initiates the rooftop kiss which they share before they are even together, and then they have a bunch of little kisses, and they sneak as many touches as they can, and they make out multiple times in the show 
And Phupa and Tian have…a single forehead kiss and then one kiss, at the top of a mountain, where no one would ever be able to see them after their story is complete. 
In last week’s crossover episode, the level of intimacy that Phupa engages in with Tian is called out, even by Aof himself with the roleplaying scene between Pat and Pran where they pretend to be Phupa and Tian putting up a mosquito net and conclude that they absolutely must have kissed then. 
But we know they didn’t. We know how painstakingly long it takes for Phupa and Tian to reach that level of intimacy with one another. 
I'm even thinking backstory-wise, what is forest ranger training like? Is it part of the military? Did Phupa's gay ass have to enlist in a presumably male dominated field and like, go to training, and be around a bunch of guys, and make sure they didn't suspect he was gay?
I’m thinking about the moments in last week’s episode where it seemed like things were going better between Phupa and Tian, and it was always when Phupa was physically affectionate with Tian, putting his arm around him and not letting him go, when they were at karaoke, and when they were drunkenly stumbling home together, again locked in eachother’s embrace, where anyone could see them. 
To regress as I promised back to the leech scene I am struck by what the approach to removing the leeches says about Pat and Phupa respectively. 
Pat rips the leech off of him and Phupa takes time to put a lighter to them and pluck them off in a way that does not hurt Pat
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Pat rips the leech off and bleeding for it, hurting himself in the process, because he is impulsive and impatient, Pat bleeds emotion, he's practically incapable of hiding what he's feeling, and he must obey his emotions before all else. Therefore, in Bad Buddy Episode 5, when he realizes he has feelings for Pran, Pat immediately has to talk to Pran about his feelings, immediately leans in to the emotion he is feeling in the present moment, and initiates a kiss. A kiss that leaves him feeling blissful, and that leaves him hurt because Pran walks away, because Pran has known forever how much he likes Pat, because Pat has only just figured out his feelings, he hasn’t had to sit with them for long, and yet that kiss is an equally strong release for both of them. When Phupa removes the leech from Pat’s leg he is methodical and patient, he tries to minimize the wound, it takes longer but it has the same result which is why it takes so damn long for him and Tian to get together. When I watches ATOTS and they touched pinkies under that blanket and I went "ah yes! This is the part where you start making out and fucking cause they are adults who have maybe been in a relationship before and who have both been obviously painfully aware of their feelings for eachother since the moment they laid eye on each other"...and then they don’t. Phupa waits, and waits, and waits. 
I think the fundamental thing that I see replaying in this episode especially, and with Pat and Phupa’s interactions especially is the elder versus younger queer mentality we got in Moonlight Chicken, with very different characters from Jim and Li Ming, but following a similar pattern of restraint and time versus just jumping right in. 
And it’s also why I think the conversation between Pran and Phupa is so important:
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gifs by @nanons
Pat and Pran’s need to keep their relationship secret because of their family’s, and because of Pran’s mom specifically is a metaphor for external homophobia. Pat and Pran are extremely comfortable in their sexuality, very open in their love for one another when they are amongst other queer people, or amongst allies, when they are away from their hometown or when they are in the privacy of their homes. 
There are a lot of different pieces in play around Phupa and Tian’s relationship, but there is ultimately a metaphor at the most or a blatant sense at the least of internal homophobia on the part of Phupa. 
Pat has chosen to stay “in the closet” in order to be with Pran. In a convo with @shortpplfedup about this, Nini said it the most accurate and heart wrenching line: “It's honestly that Pran can't really ever compare to Pat's sacrifice here, and he KNOWS it,” 
Similarly, Phupa believes that Tian has made a sacrifice to be with him, and he knows it. Which is why he can’t bring himself to go to Tian’s birthday, because Tian has left before, because he is scared every time Tian goes that he will realize that Phupa isn’t enough. Because Phupa is afraid of being seen as Tian’s partner. Because Phupa is really only capable of being physically affectionate behind closed doors. When they are completely alone.  Cause even in the camp, when the child is sleeping and Pat and Pran are off literally fucking in the tent minding their own goddamn business, Phupa cannot bring himself to touch Tian.
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They’re sharing place but not space, or whatever it was that Ayan said to Akk in their Our Skyy 2 episodes. When Phupa gives Tian his medicine, at most their fingers brush, they don’t sit down together, they don’t ground themselves with touch. They share this place, but they do not encroach on each other’s personal space…
…until Phupa falls asleep
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gif by @earthpirapat
At which point Tian gets up, and places his blanket on him, and physical touches his arm, his shoulder, etc. as he is adjusting the blanket for him. 
Tian initiates the touch, Tian stayed in the village with him, Tian is sacrificing his health to be here with Phupa. Phupa has spent 90% of his time alone with the bouncing ball of sunshine that is Pat, and 5% of his time with the chaotic homosexual energy of Pat and Pran together, and to be real, as much as we know about Pat and Pran’s relationship, and as much depth as we are able to pull from these specific characters interacting in the way they do, Phupa has no idea what Pat and Pran have been through to be where they are. 
To anyone who does not know Pat and Pran’s story, they seem like nothing more than two horny young adults in love, who feel no need to hide themselves and their queerness away, that have never had a struggle in their life, and do not understand the trials and tribulations of navigating an older queer relationship, who will last the length of a honeymoon period and then disappear at the first sign of real conflict. Thus, I think Phupa grossly underestimates the company he is currently keeping.
So I think, personally, Phupa is kinda of struck by the sudden and unexpected depth that comes from Pran. That Pran is able to identify and then absolutely hone in and strike at the exact things that Phupa is struggling with. As much as Pat has both relished in the freedom he has to be disgustingly in love with his boyfriend in the woods, and as much as Pat has tried to make himself an obviously safe person to be openly gay around, Phupa is incapable of understanding what he can learn from Pat and Pran’s relationship until he realizes these boys have a lot more in common with him than he thought, and that their relationship and their relationship to one another is more complex and therefore more similar to him and Tian’s situation than he would like. 
Pran and Phupa carry the weight of feeling like nothing they do will ever compare to the sacrifices their partner has made to be with them. I didn’t get much in to Pat and Tian here, but their interaction makes it clear that they both carry the weight of feeling like their partner does not need them. 
Phupa has literally saved Tian’s life on numerous occasions, Tian is chronically ill, Tian has limitations. Phupa is a forest ranger, who is a foundation in his community, who is skilled and competent, and fiercely independent. Pat is disorganized, and impulsive, his father is the reason he and Pran can’t be open about their relationship, he is the reason Pran got sent away. 
We get a fun reversal with dynamics in these Bad Buddy x ATOTS episodes because Tian and Phupa are older, but Pat and Pran have an entire lifetime of navigating and overcoming conflict under their belt. Pat and Pran have already weathered the storm of the fight that Tian and Phupa are having. They have already settled in to who they are, but Pat and Pran (Pran especially) are able to see the ways that always giving in and never backing down wears on a person. Pran learns from seeing the pain that Tian is in that being uncompromising might cause fractures in their relationship in the future. 
Tian and Phupa (Phupa especially) are learning how to resolve their conflicts. Pran, who is holding on to Tian and Phupa’s story so tightly because it is shared, because it is open, because anyone who wants to can know about it, pushes Phupa, who cannot cope with being portrayed as being in love with Tian, to read all of the diary Tian published online. Pran pushes Phupa to push through the emotional blocks, to push past his initial concerns, and to assume Tian wrote and published this story with both an understanding of who is partner is and what Phupa is comfortable with, and with no intention of hurting anybody. 
Anyway, all of this to say, that this episode has really made me analyze Phupa with an internalized homophobia lens, and though one can never trust a P’Aof trailer, it has left me with two impressions. 
On the subject of Phupa and internalized homophobia, and needing to move past that (and more) in order for his relationship with Tian to survive this fight, @shortpplfedup said it best: 
“Now I'm thinking about one moment from the preview (but just a moment!) where Phupha tells Tian he's not gonna sneak to look at him, he's gonna OPENLY look at him”
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And cause it seems like Phupa learned some things from the Bothersome Boys:
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Case in point:
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Here's multiple hours of my life I will never get back, at least I had fun! Time to go do the work I was supposed to be doing tonight :p
That's all folks!
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inklore · 8 months
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i know i say this every time i reach a milestone, hell anytime i get a new follower that isn't a blank blog or bot, but i can't believe you guys are still here! still supporting me! still putting up with my chaos! i mean it each time i get all sappy about how grateful i am for each and every one of you and how i lucked out with you beautiful souls occupying this space with me. if i could send you all a little cupcake and a forehead kiss i would <3.
but since i can't do that let's have a little celebration instead!
like the flyer above states this celebration will focus solely on graphics and ya girl putting that photoshop to work and brushing off some of my old graphic and creative skills.
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you do not have to be following me to send something in unless something is specifically labeled 'mutuals only' then, unless we are mutuals, you cannot send anything from that section.
you can send in as many requests from whatever section as you want, there is no limit. but please refrain from sending requests for animated projects.
this celebration does not have an end date so unless the above image says 'closed' then send things in whenever you wish!
blank blogs and ageless blogs as well as minors please refrain from sending things in, respectfully.
do not steal or claim any of the graphics i make as your own.
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moodboards...i'll make you a personalized moodboard / aesthetic. ➥ a 'your vibe' moodboard aka i'll go off of the vibes and aesthetics you give off to me or a character + trope + scenario moodboard
gif requests...i'll make a gifset of whatever character you ask for. ➥ can be a certain scene, from a certain movie, what have you. but please note the list of characters + movies from the actors down below are more likely to give me the most inspo to make something from. but please feel free to ask me for someone not on the list because chances are i'll do it unless i truly dislike the actor or character.
ship edit...i'll make a little edit of a character i ship you with. ➥ i may include some extra things in the graphic because i can't just be simple with things, so you can give me a small list of your favs, your vibes, your likes, and dislikes, if you so wish.
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movie recovers...i'll make you a movie poster. ➥ this goes for tv shows + some artists + character posters as well.
book + movie recs...ask me to rec some things. ➥ 'your favorite movies' + 'movies you suggest people who like [insert something here] watch' + 'underrated shows' + 'books with this vibe' + 'songs that remind you of this character' are all requests that are applicable plus so so much more, please be as creative and detailed as you wish.
banners...request a banner for whatever you wish to use it for. ➥ these are not personal which means anyone can use them not just you. can be for navigations, masterlists, etc. gifs are not applicable.
headers...just like the above but for mobile headers. ➥ same rules apply as the above section. shows, movies + characters, vibes + aesthetics all applicable.
dividers...i'll make you a set of fancy dividers. ➥ again these are not personal and for everyone to use and enjoy.
magazine designs...i'll make a little magazine-esk outtake for a movie, show, or character.
personal favorites...ask me my favorite anything and i'll make a cute little something to showcase it.
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♥︎ CHARACTERS, SHOWS, MOVIES, ACTORS APPLICABLE. ➥ actors + their characters: adam driver, pedro pascal, oscar isaac, jodie comer, will poulter, aaron taylor johnson, thomas doherty, tgm cast but no tc. ➥ movies: scream franchise, any spooky movie, john wick, twilight. ➥ shows: killing eve, hemlock grove. ➥ etc characters: finnick odair, bruce wayne (except affleck and bale).
this list is only for the gif requests so disregard it for everything else or use it as inspo for your requests if you want. also please note that the gifs will be posted on either three of my gif accounts.
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here you can find my graphics board on pinterest of past graphics i have made over the years + some inspo if you need it for requesting.
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 months
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[Bleach 079]
Renji????? Excuse me, but respectfully, what. Aizen-san? Aizen-SAN? What is this?
I cannot conjure a single reason or reasonable circumstance where anyone in the Gotei--vice-captain and below--would not refer to a captain with the honorific -taichou. Maybe this read-through will prove me wrong, but I don't... I don't think so? Especially Renji, because I have always felt that if any VC were going to win a speedrun of "list all the captains," it would be Renji. (Nanao also knows this info well; Renji can just shout faster.) I should probably revise this headcanon based on the fact that he doesn't remember that Hitsugaya exists and he's out here Aizen-san'ing his former captain, but I shall not be.
Renji just seems like the kind of person who would study all the captains, and kinda have them all clocked. I feel like if Renji and Rukia had spent more time in school together, they would have ended up making Captain trading cards. Renji would supply all the info, and Rukia the illustrations. They'd be study guides, technically, but Rukia figures, I am not drawing all these dumb captains unless we can monetize this, and they start a whole trading card micro-empire. (Renji does propose this to Kira and Hinamori, but Kira thinks its gauche and Hinamori doesn't think anyone would need captain trading cards because there's only 13 of them to memorize. Just keep writing your share of the kidou flashcards, Renji, there are over 9000. Well, maybe one captain flashcard.)
Punk vibes he may have, but Renji's also well aware of how rank works and he will walk the walk; he's a company man. (Yes, he challenges his own captain in open combat in the middle of an active invasion. He does do that. But he knew that's what he was doing, and the contrast is the point--)
Renji does later call him Aizen-taichou, so there's that:
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What momentary madness took him over. Was it the squiggly dialogue that threw him off? Was it the stress of dropping Rukia off at her execution tower? Who has he been hanging out with who'd call Aizen 'Aizen-san' and poison his BRAIN like that. Though lol, Ichimaru does refer to Byakuya as "Kuchiki-taichou-san" when he and Zaraki go pop in at the 6th, so maybe it was thinking about Ichimaru that addled him.
Because we also have Renji and Ichimaru, who at least in his internal narrative Renji doesn't seem to respect all that much. He says "Ichimaru no yarou," which is a masculine, crude way of referring to someone. To a superior officer (or honestly any co-worker), it's rude as hell. Though, granted, Renji is only being as rude about Ichimaru internally as Hitsugaya is rude about Renji out loud, so. XD Take that as you will.
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But it does make me wonder about what their VC-subordinate relationship was like, what the circumstances of Renji's leaving the 5th were, and whether Kira's devotion to Ichimaru came out of his time in the 5th or whether it was cultivated only afterward, in the 3rd. And if it was in the 5th, how did this impact Renji and Kira's relationship? I'm in love with all of these potentials. Honestly I'm kind of into the idea that the Nerd Squad were all kind of mid about Ichimaru as a VC, and that when Kira eventually ends up becoming VC of 3rd he's resigned about it--only for the relationship to change. And at some point Renji realizes he can't joke about Ichimaru with Kira any more, like they used to.
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ohwiseswami · 3 months
NCT Wish is the most compelling boy group to debut in awhile and that's no shade to any of these other boy groups. They just have a perfect combination of talent, potential, good production/vision for what they're going to be, charisma, hyung line visuals, and it-factor.
Like when Sion performs he serves in a way that reminds me of Yeonjun. Man dances his ass off and adds his own sense of musicality to every move. His lines are always so precise and his body shape adds to the look of the moves (long ass legs).
When Riku exists, his face card and charisma is unmatched. And he performs like old-school YG idols. Plus, he has that confident idgaf but am grateful for my opportunity vibe (lmao) that is so hard to cultivate in kpop idols. I straight up cannot name a single idol, ever, let alone one that has debuted under SM, that has that type of it factor.
Vocal Line. Their vocal line is solid for 4th/5th gen standards and I can definitely see them improving to the NCT standard. But what they already have with a 19-year-old leading the pack is wild already and covers different tonal ranges (Yushi and Daeyoung for the higher register light and round vocal, respectively; and Ryo and Sion for the lower register light and round vocal, respectively).
Rap Line. Flow-wise rap line is already one of the strongest in SM. Listen, we all know that's not SM's strong suit so it's not a high bar to clear lmao. But even within NCT--with SM's strongest rappers--you can see Wish's rapline's placement. I think Riku and Sakuya are really only second to Mark and Taeyong and we shouldn't even argue this point. Also, Wish's rap line has rule of cool w/Riku fronting which adds a lot. Cherry on top is that, like other SM rap lines, Riku and Sakuya also have pleasant vocals (especially Riku) to go along with their nice rap style.
Dance Line. Dance line is led by one of the most musical and natural dancers I've seen in awhile (Sion). Then there's a lot of young talent in Ryo and a cool/confident-efficient style in Riku. Some might consider Yushi to be one of the best dancers in Wish but--and I say this respectfully--no. (S/n: Respectfully, their dance ranking is like this: Sion, Ryo, Riku, Yushi, [a brick wall] Sakuya, Daeyoung. I think Sakuya's big problem is his taller height making him look a little awkward at times--but that can be overcome with age and practice). A Sion-Ryo-Riku dance line has potential to be one of the better dance lines in their generation (though Ryo will need to grow more since sometimes I notice his small stature physically limits him, and Riku will have to execute every move with the same power and fluidity as he does in killing parts).
Overall Performance Skills. Their overall performance style is energetic and visually interesting, if a bit stiff/awkward sometimes (probably due to nervousness). But one thing I can really appreciate is their stable live vocals while dancing. No one else can do that in the past couple of generations' boy groups and I commend them for that. And they've gotten some really unique choreographies so far that would look stupid if performed by anyone else, yet look nice on them (kind of like some of SHINee's choreos). Lastly on this point, their sound is very appropriate and matches their voices.
Variety/Personalities/Image. As for their variety skills, we haven't seen much from them and SM is obviously pushing certain images on them. Like it's clear what they're going for:
parent-type leader Sion
hot guy/possessor of a single brain cell that sometimes works Riku
complete idol/perfect role model-type Yushi
pure vocal/older brother-type Daeyoung (or Jaehee, whatever they're wanting him to go by)
super baby genius/atheletically gifted Ryo
chaotic maknae Sakuya
Despite the personalities SM is assigning them, their real personalities seem to shine through (which heavily contrasts their assigned roles in the group). This is a good thing. And as they get more experienced, I expect that what seems to be their real personalities will come out more in variety, social media, and interviews (a la TXT). This will do wonders for them because everybody knows that SM's assigned personalities are always boring and patronizing lmao.
The Issue All The Dumb People Have With Them. Now, the elephants in the room: the two 16 year olds and predominantly recent trainees under the NCT brand. Honestly, this doesn't bother me as much as it does other people. I know people want a mature/suave concept but like...that doesn't mean the kids aren't talented? I admit I'd like to see Sion and Riku do something a little more akin to 127 style but what they have so far is actually pretty good and very on brand with 127. Despite the fact that they skew younger, they don't sound too kidz-boppy like when Dream first debuted.
And when it comes to watching their content/you hoes wanting something to thirst after, you can just choose to only pay attention to hyung line lmao. Like the group as a whole is super talented and ready to debut to the world. HOWEVER, to me, clearly Sion-Riku-Yushi catch your attention very easily, with Sion and Riku feeling like damn near generations apart from Sakuya. I've watched some of their variety and Sion and Riku give similar vibes with Sakuya as Taeyong & Doyoung do with Mark & Haechan. And when it's just Sion and Riku, you feel a completely different vibe than when they're with the other members. I like that, so I tend to gravitate toward Sion-Riku (and sometimes Yushi) content.
I find the line of thought that you have to bias every single member weird because it puts people in fucked up positions. You don't have to force yourself to be interested in every member. Of course there's even downsides to that (like people thinking you only like, say, Sion, for his visuals/so you can thirst), but it's not nearly as dire as the other scenario. If you naturally like Sion more, even if it's for a superficial reason, you shouldn't feel bad about being perceived as an akgae. You don't have to want to get to know all the members. Plus, if someone is policing the way you consume your entertainment they're a loser lmao.
Also, that being said, if you're over 18, it's not that you can't find Sakuya/Ryo entertaining. You can obviously think they're talented, funny, etc.
Also want to say that all the people mad at this group for existing because of their ages are moving real weird because half of y'all stan enhypen and also stanned older groups when they had underage maknaes (despite you yourselves being adults at the time). It comes off as hateration.
Then there's the folks mad at them for not being RIIZE lmao. Those people are just weirdos that honestly don't even deserve to be addressed. Like who cares that SungTaro aren't in NCT? They got to debut, didn't they? They're successful, aren't they? And they will probably continue to interact with 127, Way-V, and Dream more than even Wish will lol. You can still ship RIIZE with NCT folks (since that's really what this is about...), calm down.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to Wish and hope SM will give them bangers.
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meganwasbored · 1 year
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 2 Episodes 3 and 4
Episode 3
-ah yes you finally get the magic mirror to work and the first thing you do is CLEAN
-Ezran is a literal ray of sunshine and he’s about to get his heart crushed this is awful
-not telling him right now is only gonna make this more painful. For me.
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-“I have something to give you, in private” LETTER???
-girl this is not the time for JOKING oh my gosh
-I’ve waited an entire season for him to get that letter back and he’s not even gonna open it yet??? You’re KILLING me
-all I’m hearing is that we get more Soren and Claudia sibling content
-I love how Lujanne isn’t some all-knowing being, just a funny old lady who can do magic tricks, like she gives the same vibes as the grandmother from Moana
-oh my gosh I thought Ellis went back home but she’s still here do her parents even know where she went
-sparkly hands kinda looks like a Star Wars character, but in a good way
-now that I’m thinking about it all the characters could pass as Star Wars characters, maybe it’s the clothes
-Callum and Ezran aren’t moving either they planned for this betrayal or they’re dead
-I was wondering why Rayla hadn’t annihilated Soren by now
-wait so are Callum and Ezran still back with Lujanne thinking nobody left yet
-bruh if they went through all this just for Claudia to still catch them they deserve to lose
-awwww I knew we’d have to leave Ellis at some point but I’ll miss her
-I’ve been calling sparkly hands a he but now getting a closer look at him he might be a she so if you’re screaming while reading this I’m sorry but imma keep calling him a he until I hear otherwise
-note to self: the dudes name is Corvus
-I cannot get over how beautiful Phoe-Phoe is
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Episode 4
-bruh what the heck just happened
-wait so does every single guard know sign language for Amaya that’s cool
-ok so can sparkly hands hear him too or just see him
-well obviously y’all weren’t gonna have Phoe-Phoe the whole time you can’t just steal Lujanne’s bird
-“let’s go judge and criticize things other humans do, and then do the exact same things ourselves” human Rayla is getting a little too real
-just once I want a show where the magical being is just as scared of the human as the human is of it
-“Welcome to me water home, the Ruthless! Named after me dear wife, Ruth, who sadly… doesn’t enjoy sailing” HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHO WROTE THESE JOKES
-“Me left eye was taken by a flock of mutinous seagulls!”
“Wow, and what about your right eye?”
“Don’t know, came at me from me left!”
-“the last thing I remember I was talking about Narcolepsy then falling asleep!”
“Yeah that’s about right”
-stop even the parrot has bangers
-bruh is sparkly hands making him do all these things for a spell or just to test him
-first we have a badass general who’s deaf now we have a talented ship captain who’s blind, The Dragon Prince fighting ableism since 2018
-“did he just say the word squawk?” HAHAHAHA
-even if Amaya wasn’t deaf sign language is actually such a great way to send silent signals to other soldiers
-technically Zym is already the king of the dragons since the former king is dead
-also this screenshot
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The perspective makes it look like the lightning is hitting Rayla and I’ve decided that’s either A) romantic metaphor, she’s catching feelings first, or B) she’s gonna get struck by lightning
-“if you die out there I swear I’ll kill you” literally imagine any of your otps saying that to each other and tell me it’s not true love
-idc if he can’t talk Zym is literally my favorite character ever
-respectfully how the heck does that look like a primal stone, you just made a circle with your hands, you could’ve done that to any part of the sky
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-literally love the Crow Master dude
-I know you’re not about to touch that lightning rod, Callum, because that would be STUPID
-you CAN risk your life to learn magic just do it LOGICALLY and don’t be an IDIOT about it
-…did Zym just BLOW UP???
-Amaya you can’t just TACKLE someone who’s holding a freaking LIGHTSABER
-why couldn’t she just have been in lava monster form the whole time she probably would’ve won
-so does Zym get superpowers now or something like there had to have been a reason for that
-“I thought I wanted this badly enough but in the end I didn’t have the guts” no you just decided not to be an absolute idiot
-Viren may be evil but he sure isn’t stupid
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wispexists · 1 year
P5R PMD AU because i am insane!!!
So I have many a thought in my head and with Spike Chunsoft dangling the idea of a new Mystery Dungeon entry in front of my face this past week I have more thoughts. Especially about the Mystery Dungeon AU's I create with every fandom I join.
So um Persona 5 PMD au (with some visuals).
Also this will contain major spoilers for Persona 5 Royal and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
First, this is a rewrite of PMD Super, because I will not write a new story for this and also because I always see Explorers get the crossover au/rewrite treatment (as it should tbh) and we gotta switch it up!! Now with the main plot not really changing we can jump into the characters.
1. The Heros
The hero role is filled both by Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi, both being human and both losing their memories respectfully after being isekai'd into a foreign world. These bitches gay, so I think it's funny to throw them into another god killing situation.
The role stays true to the plot, get chased by Beheeyem, get adopted, join the guild, etc. it would just have more banter between characters in between.
At first you may think, "Wouldn't Zorua fit better? Isn't that the black and red trickster Pokémon that fits the overall aesthetic really well? Wouldn't it have been cool for an Akiren that could summon fake illusion personas???" Because I thought the same things until I realized I cannot draw Zorua!
I also think even though Floragato doesn't really fit aesthetically, it fits in every other aspect of joker persona. Silly little jester cat.
I also thought Zorua would be too much of an awkward fit in the group just, vibes man, he's too small. Once you see my other picks you'll get it. You get silly little jester cat take it or leave it.
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I also made him shiny because it matches his color pallete. Literally easiest decision in the world. I was originally going to go with rookidee but again, too small.
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2. The partner
You thought these bitches were doing this shit alone?? NO!! THEY NEED A SILLY FRIEND!! WHO ELSE TO PUT IN THE ROLE OF THE WEIRD ADOPTED ORPHAN THAN WEIRD ADOPTED ORPHAN FUTABA SAKURA!! Also going forward no other character is human, very important pmd shit.
Similarly to the p5 plot, Futaba is still grieving her mom while getting adopted by Sojiro. Wakaba died in an "unfortunate accident" while doing research for a guild on the grass continent. The last thing left in Futaba's possession is her harmony scarf. Unlike p5, Futaba didn't actually see her mom die since she was in Serene Village while her mom was doing research. She still somewhat blames herself for her mother's death but is motivated to find the truth behind it.
Futaba's social anxiety would prevent her from joining a proper exploration team, until of course she gets two new neighbors that are reminded of someone in her and feel obligated to help (THE HEROS FROM BEFORE IN CASE YOU DIDNT GET THAT). Also in Super, the partner doesn't join a team because everyone fucking hates them and I thought wow! That's way too mean! And not in character!! So I changed that.
Anyways JOLTIK FUTABA, SMALL CREATURE. The only one allowed to be teeny tiny.
I originally was planning to go with a Dewpider since I knew for a fact that I wanted her to be a bug type but then I saw Joltik and thought "wow, this bitch has so much mischievous energy" and it stuck.
She'd probably run a support build of some kind in preparation to be backup.
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3. Nuzleafs replacement
Takuto Maruki.
If you thought anyone but him I would tell you to replay Super Mystery Dungeon BECAUSE I THINK IT FITS SO WELL.
Also because it's weird that Nuzleaf was like unemployed, I also made Maruki Audinos replacement as the school nurse. He can be in a weird cult and work at the school at the same time.
Yes Maruki is the one who sends our protagonists to hell! After his childhood friend Rumi never truly recovered from an accident, Maruki turned to the help of Yveltal, believing that the limbo-like state is better than suffering for a lifetime. This happiness can be easily achieved if only he had a human that could destroy the barrier on Revelation Mountain, then their plan would be foolproof..
Also important to note that actualization doesn't exist because personas and the metaverse wouldn't exist in Pokémon.
FURRET MARUKI SHAKES YOU. His ass looks normal until he STABS YOU IN THE BACK!!
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4. Classmates
Ok I got a little burnt out at this point so I don't have references for these ones but the gist is they're literally just the Shujin guys. None of them would join the exploration team (sorry :() but they would still get little side stories. I also tried to match certain characters with their metaverse powers as a little silly.
Ann: Braixen. Literally makes so much sense. Strong girlboss fire wizard like get it queen!! Fuck yeah!
Ryuji: Luxio but specifically with rivalry instead of intimidate purely because it's funny.
Makoto: Houndour. Honestly went with this because of vibes and also because she counters and covers Haru's weaknesses because I am a Makoharu stan frfr.
Haru: Galarian Ponyta. See Makoto.
Mishima: Please suggest a Pokémon for Mishima. I do not have one.
Shiho: also up for suggestions
Sumire: Eevee. Since actualization doesn't exist, she still knows she's Sumire, but is still strongly advised by Maruki to follow in her sisters footsteps considering she trained her entire life as a performer, why shatter your dreams and pursue something that has the chance to bring you pain? Specifically replaces Espurr in this au since she's being manipulated by Maruki.
Yusuke: Alolan Vulpix. Not part of the school, he lives in Lively Town with Madarame, but he gets included on this list because I have no where else to put him.
Morgana: Purrloin. Isn't in this story like at all because he got arrested for crime. Thought I'd include him anyways.
5. Extra thoughts
I have a few more characters that I know for sure are going to be here. Every change of heart is going to happen but they would most likely get arrested instead (cause no metaverse).
This really is just a self-indulgent mashup of P5 and PMD. The characters still generally keep their arcs even if they aren't as important, the overall plot is just that of PMD Super.
And that about wraps it up for now! If you made it this far, I love you, mwah. Also please please please send any questions because I am writing this in the middle of the night and I KNOW I probably missed something and I really just want to share this silly au. Thank you for reading!
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
congrats on 1k Finnie!!! u deserve all the hype!! I’m gonna throw myself in the ring for the event, respectfully requesting number 9
a little bit about me is that I’m 4’10 (pun intended), I have brown eyes, reaaallly long curly brown hair, I wear glasses (the dano riddler kind LMAO), my fashion sense basically Bella Swan from Twilight, I’m questioning my sexuality/bordering on unlabeled so I’m fine with anyone, I’m an INTP 5w6, and a Leo (I don’t know shit about astrology lol.)
my hobbies include:
- acting, which is ironic bc I can’t stand theater kids lmao
- writing, whether it be my cringe ass fanfics, or to my feelings (or lack there of), or to the dreams I have at night, I gotta always have it documented
- watching movies, specifically horror or comedy. If I have any free time, u can GUARANTEE u that I’m going to being at home watching a movie, or at the theater with my friends. If I could legally marry my favorite movie, I would.
personality wise, I come off as very blunt and have a really dry sense of humor to everyone I meet. When I’m in my element, I can’t help but let my wit get the better of me. I am legitimately confident in my capabilities and myself. I can almost always talk my way in or out of situations. I love cracking jokes at any given moment and I always enjoy making anyone laugh, I’ve been told that I have good comedic timing so obviously, I gotta keep going with it. I also curse a lot, like I need a censor bar around my mouth at all times lol. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or my friends and honestly, I kinda enjoy to. I absolutely value humor and friendship the most, and they are what keep me going. If I could describe myself as 5 fictional characters, I’d be Mickey Milkovich (Shameless), MJ (MCU), Ruth Langmore (Ozark), Louise Belcher (Bob’s Burgers), and Beth Harmon (The Queen’s Gambit). My positive traits are humorous, competitive, straight-forward, creative, and quick-witted
on the flip side, when I’m in a newish setting or a setting where I’m off my game/ not feeling myself, I’m ice cold, rarely speaking to anyone and if I do, it’s venomous. I tend to isolate myself and obsessively throw myself into whatever it is I need to do and just be done with it. I try to maintain a high level of professionalism and confidence and hold myself to a high standard, becoming wildly competitive and forcing myself to be better than everyone, basically faking it till I make it (and it always works). I tend to hide and bottle up my emotions, and I’m scared of/ hate being emotionally vulnerable. My negative traits are obsessive, indecisive, aggressive, sadistic, and emotionally detached
…and I just realized I went on for waaay too long lmao sorry. congrats again on 1k!!!
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: thank you!! it's funny, with this one i thought of several rogues and then suddenly it came to me in a moment of sheer inspiration and i was like "oh shit yeah that's the one" 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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i swear to you the height thing is a coincidence but i think a short couple are strong vibes. and he's a mama's boy, so the fact that your hair is long and curly like hers would probably be one of the first things that drew him in
we know he feels about glasses wearers, so... yeah
(side note: i feel you on the theatre kids one, i studied theatre at university and it made me realise i couldn't be a playwrite, because i cannot cope with actors)
ok so oswald has an absolute flair for the dramatics, and don't tell me he wouldn't make an excellent actor. you two could reenact scenes together and write your own plays or movies just for you two!
he strikes me as a diarist, so spending time together writing whatever you're writing while he catches up on his comings and goings in his little unpublished and just for him (for now) autobiography would be one of his favourite wind-down activities at the end of the day
oswald lives his entire life with main character energy and you can't convince me he didn't pick that up from obsessively watching movies about underdogs rising to the top and film noirs. he loves gore and brutality too, so a thriller or a horror would be perfect viewing material for you, and he'd definitely take you to the theatre on a date
ok so, it might be a nightmare putting the two of you together, but it could also potentially be the most fun. both of you are dry, humorous, experts in wit and sarcasm. charming enough to talk your way out of disaster, and into opportunity. together, you'd be a dynamic duo, perfect partners in crime. the confidence you would have separately and together would be insurmountable and intimidating, which oswald would find deeply romantic
little comments and sneaky jokes with the right timing are his forte too, i'm beginning to wonder if you aren't just the same person?
and the aggressive protection of yourself and others? come on, that's just him all over. and he might not swear frequently (although he might have if gotham was more risque) he does yell. a lot. and what extreme screaming match isn't complete without a few good fuck shit cock ass bastards in the mix?
speaking of friends, the loyalty and fierce protection of them would make it easy for him to trust you, which is so important to him. you're obviously a valuable asset in a friendship, and he would treat you as such
it's funny, i always think of oswald (specificalyl in gotham) as louise belcher! very much quick-witted and humorous, which you both are, and he's obviously extremely competitive, with high self-esteem and a belief he can conquer anything. he's not always straight-froward though, but that's something you can bring to the relationship that he can benefit from
he would understand the isolation and the cold attitude also though. it's a good facade to maintain when you're around new people, especially if you find it difficult to trust or open yourself up to them. a safety mechanism almost. it ties in with the holding yourself to a high-standard. he's dead set on being the king of gotham, a position he would gladly share with you if you could assist him in that professional and personable journey, which by the way, faking it till you make it? he's very familiar with it, umbrella boy to mayor after all
i doubt he'd feel the need to hide his emotions around someone like you who was so similar to him and so trustworthy, but he does that around others and wouldn't blame you for a second for trying not to be vulnerable around him, though he'd hope you'd warm up eventually
and please, your negative traits are all ones he holds in high-esteem within himself so get ready to have your ego boosted by him constantly praising you
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sunlitmcgee · 9 months
I mean cranboo’s enderwalk is canonically just them with all the memories so maybe like in their past they had a mean genus loci and oppose it on grounds of anarchism and power imbalances? So like maybe the enderwalk’s scared but no-memmy ranboo isn’t?
respectfully anon, I really don't ever focus on what's "canon" when it comes to working out my AUs. if we go by canon then cTubbo shouldn't even want to ask about exile! if we go by canon then this entire au cannot work because a good 90% of the server hates cTommy with a passion and jumps to coddle his abuser. cWilbur would have fucked off to utah as soon as Tommy begins to merge and wouldn't be around to be tempted into self-care via apples.
so, while I like that idea in general, I don't think it would fit here. I don't like the idea of cRanboo secretly wanting to hurt cTommy or having any positive feelings towards cDream or willfully working with a man he Knows has hurt his close friend and husband, memories or not. It just doesn't vibe with my view of the character and just...doesn't feel as interesting! that's all
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hazelminesims · 2 years
I'm on anon cause I don't want backlash but I feel like the new werewolf pack is fine, and I actually like the design but seeing the (overwhelmingly?) negative backlash just rained on my parade. You can't please everyone but oh wow, you definitely cannot please the Sims fandom either it seems. I hate that it's being compared and mocked for looking furries and the Cats movie. I dunno, it's just disheartening seeing all these negative vibes. I'm gonna try to just ignore them and enjoy the gameplay on my own. Sorry for the long confession, I just wanted to vent a bit and seeing you as one of the few on my dash who seemed at least optimistic made me wanna type this out. Thank you for reading so far and for everyone who's on the same "Eh, I like it" boat, thank you as well. Haters can just fuck off, respectfully.
Heyyy..anon anon...I feel the same way. 😊 I am happy with what I have seen so far. Still no hopes up because EA loves to advertise things a certain way and then in-game it will be different. Just go past anything raining on your parade. That's what I do. Because the beauty of the world and life is that we are all different and like different things. I feel like once everyone gets their hands on it and puts their spin on it, it's all going to be fun to play and see how others are playing and reacting.
I have to say the comparisons did give me a good laugh (I needed it yesterday).
Always always do just what you said, enjoy your game. You're buying it for you, you like it and that's all that matters.
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marengogo · 1 year
21-01-23 UPDATE
… Biatch/Bruh/NB, there is so much I need/want to update you about, I don’t even know where to start! Mind you, all of my updates are absolutely in no way or form or size comparable to JIMIN TAKING THE WHOLE WORLD BY A STORM, but as I am not Park Jimin, it is what it is, okay?
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I’ll start with something funny. Last Friday so not yesterday, the previous one I went out with old and new friends to a restaurant that specialises in Raclette; I cannot resist cheese, cheese in ANY FORM is my one weakness. I sat opposite a new friend, we were pleasantly conversing and my phone lit up because of a notification, and this is my present lockscreen 😬
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So my gracious new friend excitedly asked “Oh! Is this your boyfriend” and I, knowing very well the person on my phone, started laughing, replied “I wish!” and contemplated for a good 10 seconds the scenario where I was enjoying myself with friends, eating Raclette and going around with the picture of my boyfriend Kim Seokjin on my lockscreen. LOL. It was a very good 10 second dream NGL. After which I also concluded that if Kim Seokjin was presently my boyfriend, I’d 100% won’t have him as my lock screen so that whole convo would not have happened 😬.
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On to the next update!
ASKS. So, my 2017 iPhoneX is trying to politely let me know that soon it will be time to say goodbye, and by soon I mean a couple of months if I am lucky though I’d say 5 years is a good lifespan for any phone a person like me possess, cause i use the shit out of them …  It all began with Olly’s that’s my phone’s name, yes, I name objects ✌🏾battery lasting 30 minutes in December and now it just randomly doesn’t give me notifications for calls, messages and apparently ONLY ASKS with regards to tumblr.
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Like, imagine my face going into my inbox on my laptop, trying to finally answer the ASKS I left in December to see new ASKS from January … 🥹. Yeah, so, I am going out today, as I said in my 2023 post, this year I am trying to say “yes” instead of “no” when people ask me to hang out; PEOPLE LOVE TO HANG OUT MY NECK OF THE WOODS I’m not complaining, I think?.... Particularly when at the very beginning of trying to make me social again, they would find BTS related restaurants, exhibitions, ANYTHING just to get me out, even though they didn’t know much about BTS at all, so I am appreciative and I know I have a W-circle of friends. Hence, please give me some time and I will try to reply to everything in one go as soon as I can 🙏🏾. Promise & Appreciate You All.
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My last update is that I am trying to finish my Hobi post, hopefully I’ll have it done by Hobraury 🙃, but I keep getting distracted because I am also wanting to write that Yoongi post but also Jimintaine’s Day is coming, I AM SO CONVINCED THAT HE IS GOING TO RELEASE PJM1 as a Valentine’s Day present, but then that week’s Friday is the 17th and the following day is Hobruary, so I don’t know, regardless …
WELL THEN my lovely poeple, I need to get ready to go, so we’ll speak soon, most likely I’ll just be doing a lot of reblogging for a bit, so in the meantime, don’t forget to KEEP STREAMING VIBE.
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Always respectfully yours 🫰🏾,
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baekhvuns · 11 months
rlly? it's that bad...damn ok i won't 😭😭😭😭yes my mother....im saying it as respectfully as i can..but she has gone feral over srk. My dad seems so unbothered tho 😭😭😭i told him the other day, your girl just got stolen by another man, how are you keeping up? HE SAID I DON'T KNOW THE LANG HE SPEAKS BUT HIS LOVE LANG IS TOP TIER AND I WAS LIKE WHAT IS THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO MEAN???? but hey, i think my father was right.
Shershah oh yes i saw tht one as well, i think you mentioned that the actors got married. WHAT BETTER THAN THAT??? WHAT COULD BE COMPETING WITH THAT?? it's just like hyun-bin and ye-jinnn but i will tho.
I haven't heard the full album as well but yes, we're on the same boat ig. I didn't like the whole vibe. I like how experimental they are but sometimes, it just...desn't click, I personally think it started going down with the release of their prvious album. Don't get me wrong i liked it, i liked venom and maniac and case 143 but....that's it. Idk if it's the affect of stanning ateez but im genuenily losing interest in a lot og groups, enhypen? Skz? ...or maybe just these two 💀. Txt still doesn't disappoint and i hope they wont. oh nct as well-
well these are my choices what do you think??
the first one is giving kai from love shot, and mind u i will be bringing a shot with not much love in it-
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or something like the revenge dress?
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anyways i still would look like a potato.
Also, ....why doesnt the kq hairstylists give something cool to hwa...like cmon its always that raven hairstlye WE NEED MORE!!
(the amt of spelling errors i make- gl with this one baeks)
it’s yes, really that bad bc there’s a dude in there who cannot act for shit and we all love to shit on him <3 so yes <3 the first one only!!
STOPPP ITS THE WAY UR DADS NOT EVEN BOTHERED BY IT ????? he’s successfully either 1. accepted his fate 2. is also a srk fan <3 UR FATHER IS RIGHT HE ABSOLUTELY IS!!!!
RIGHT! THEY ARE THE HYUNBIN AND YEJIN,, i also recently found a new movie which u might like bc u likes the social messages type of movie, based on irl it’s called aligarh! heartbreakingly beautiful <3 and ofc u should watch devdas with you mum bc of u know who in it & jodha akbar + bajirao mastani for royalty 🤲🏻🤲🏻
right! there’s a lot of experimental music in it and it’s cohesive but it’s not a definite no from me im sure there’s something good in the album and ill click into it but so far i haven’t found a good one, i think maybe the lyrics i found confusing— but the title track really sets the tone for the entire album for me! so if i particularly don’t enjoy it it’s a litlee hard to enjoy the album if it’s like that as well! txt hasn’t yet! nct, well they are sm, their song choices and what they work on is always good if we remove sticker <3
REVENGE DRESS HANDS DOWN !!!!! THE BEST ONE !!! ur right the raven hair that’s my first thought when i saw it 😭😭😭 give us a sleek back hwa,, colour spray his hair !!! GLITTER IT !!!!
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tatiejosie · 2 years
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🔫 I got Pull the Trigger from Persona Q2!
I'll embrace being the cringiest mf of the entire internet when it comes to this series, I legit don't give a fuck. It's not hyperbolic when I say that Persona supported me during my darkest hours, and P5 music is my unconditional comfort media when I need to remember why I want to live.
🎀 my favorite parts
There ain't the perfect time for any big change Especially when not ready More time seems more brutal 'till it catches you Either you go with flow or force it without Determination But you're not alone in this complication So come with me On your mark Y'all get set Then pull the trigger and go Make a move before they can make an act on you No one but you can change your own world Ain't nobody else will do it for you
Some of my regrets come hunting me 'til this day Choice I made, it was wrong How thoughtless to believe that I was alone I learned it harder way but you don't have to go through what I've been through Cause you're not alone in this frustration
I think that the overall vibe of the song is empowering and uplifting, but I can't help but focus on the parts of it that highlight the fact that we're in this together. It feels like you're awakening someone into the politics of their struggle - most likely, a struggle that you're also facing.
When lost, look around you For a sec, you may feel lonely But you are not alone in this world We're right here with you
Coincidence - nah I chose to meet you Destiny I sought and fought through Scarred up but I'm feeling good Move destiny I'm coming through Partner we can do this right You are the fire I'm the wind tonight Burn your dread haha that's right Baby baby baby we tight*
*When Lotus Juice makes little references to his previous Persona/SMT OSTs => 🥲😭🥺
I'm aspiring to work in the socio-medical field, more specifically in the mental health domain. I don't want to just listen and toss medication, I want to genuinely untangle situations and guide people towards a path of hope and strength. I don't want anyone to go through what I've been through and worse. I want people to know that they've been wronged, to know that they have rights, to reclaim justice.
With brightest rings Yo I pull the trigger Make it look flashy, even when it's bitter Cannot defeat me even when I lose I stand right✫ Back to the spot go figure You don't see What I see But you don't have to see what I see Just see eye to eye Despite my differences We are still tight
✫I'm generally sloppy, but I still like to save face. I just like these lines.
I enjoy encountering different profiles and opinions, some that I wouldn't agree with, and allow them to understand me through my understanding of them. Discussing with people who think differently and disagreeing respectfully while working together towards a common goal, is probably one of the healthiest interactions you can have. People have different upbringings, cultural beliefs/opinions and humanity cannot align on one specific line of morals. What matters is that we respect that, and stay comprehensive and united. [this does NOT apply to bigoted views. I'm referring to intersectional discussions among oppressed groups]
So, uh, yea
This is the vibe that saved my life. All the depressive nihilism and despair was turned into anger and energy towards the real culprit - the system. Hopelessness is not an option when your suffering is caused by injustice, when your loved ones and all the other people who go through similar pain are also fighting to change the world. And I sincerely hope that what I'm trying to convey here has an impact on you, no matter how small, because I really wish I could pass this hope on to people who need it. ❤️
also please listen to Persona OSTs they're really good
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friendofthecrows · 2 years
I NEED to know abt the niche animes u were obsessed with PLEASE
Ok be patient bc my wifi is struggling BUT here:
(a lot of them aren't really THAT niche but still, you cannot find much fandom activity these days T-T I do take the opportunity to introduce them to anyone.)
I really like this specific like tone of anime if you get what I'm saying? And it would be easier to give you a list of examples than to explain so:
Monochrome factor. Okay so it does have some *questionable* aspects (there is one episode that is EITHER an interesting look into dysphoria OR transphobic, hard to tell. Also one of the main ships is...well I politely ignore that bc I always wipe it from my mind until I'm watching it and am like "oh right they paired this kid up with a whole grown adult. Forgot about that.") Anyways basically it's a somewhat campy shonen-ai mystery from 2008. Has a weirdly good plot (more towards the end, the start of it has a sort of formulaic plot that is clearly just a framework for the comedy, which is top-notch btw). There are these shadow monsters made from the darkness in people's hearts or whatever standard anime stuff but it gets a lot darker from there. And YES there is a beach episode and YES there is found family and possibly the best redemption arc in all of fiction and look, I was in a very emotional place the first time I watched it but it sure got me. It's objectively not a great show. Poorly written. 11/10 would recommend. Please watch this I need people to talk about it with.
Trickster (my beloved) this crosses into debatably popular territory idk, there are 53 fics on AO3. It's like a high school detective club with sci-fi and supernatural elements, which is always a banger. The MC is a suicidal immortal, so tw for that as well as pretty vivid explorations of trauma. It crosses into (or rather has bought an entire vacation home in) "cringe" levels of emo angst but it's good. It has. the BEST ending which I can't say bc spoilers. But it makes me smile just thinking about it. The main villain, 20 Faces (my beloved) (I will respectfully avoid using his name unless you've gotten to that point in the show) reminds me of the song "Year of the Cat" by Al Stewart but gay (it's the VIBES), which has the unfortunate effect of causing an Al Stewart song to be unironically one of my favorites of all time. One time I asked my mom "how many masks do you think 20 Faces has" and she just stared at me like I was an idiot, at which point I realized.
Descendants of Darkness: okay this one is PURE cringe. It's a shonen ai from 2000 and you can tell. It's also one of those supernatural mysteries I crave though, and I promise the writing gets better as it goes on. The first couple of episodes were so bad I almost didn't watch the rest, which ended up being good (or maybe everything seems good compared to the first ep, idk) I really liked the villain (fucked up unethical doctor, but only when it comes to the necromancy. with his other patients he's perfectly fine), he said so much absolutely fascinating "I would dissect this man" (me about him, though ALSO him to the other characters now that I think of it) sort of stuff as soon as we meet him so then I had to watch the whole thing. I watched it last summer and you could quiz me on what happens and I wouldn't remember. I certainly remember when [spoilers] though bc I wanted to throw my laptop across the room (did not) but it was all a ruse anyways, so it was alright. They did a very stereotypical edgy backstory for one of the MCs but they managed to pull it off so I'll give them points for that. Would recommend but only for those who can handle cringe. Like if you unironically liked Velocipastor, then give this a try.
Mouryou no Hako: This one is a more recent discovery so I'm less obsessed with it, but it's good. Writing-wise better than at least 2 on this list (Trickster was really good actually). If you're the type to be easily confused by sort of surreal, psychological shows with a semi-convoluted plot and enough left unsaid that if you aren't paying attention you won't have any idea what's going on, this is not for you (my dad was a constant stream of "i don't get it"'s and questions). If you plan to spend at least half an hour per day with a singular focus on the screen, it's good.
Two girls become friends, one gets pushed in the way of a train, and mysteries ensue. Also, there's like parts of people shoved in boxes and cult stuff so if that's triggering you probably don't want to watch it. (Did you know there's a text per block limit bc I didn't! lol so now we've left the numbered list)
Since this post has clearly gotten so long SPEED RUN through a bunch more in this niche or adjacent ones that are admittedly more mainstream but I'm also obsessed with: trigun, un-go, tasogare otome x amnesia (manga, haven't watched the anime), karneval, hyouka, ghost hunt, psychic detective yakumo, and there's one more that I keep thinking of and then forgetting that I know I love but cannot for the life of me remember the name, so I'll leave it here.
Sorry the post got so long! I will take any opportunity possible to ramble about these!
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elishamanning · 3 days
Sophie Passmann: „Christoph, I would like us to be friends, because then Tommi and I would have a common friend and the three of us could do things together. Luckily we share a hobby: let‘s play Pokémon! (…) I would like us to meet up twice or three times a week…“ „Yes, let‘s!“
Parshad, the other guest, is hitting on ChriKra quite openly - she explained that a cool slang word for „hottie“ in Frankfurterisch was „Geschoss“ and then she pointed at him saying „Like, look at that Geschoss over there!“ and sth else I forgot, that made Tommi Schmitt say „to get this over with I‘ll give you his number later“. Joko W, the other guest said at some point, gesturing between P and CK „nevermind me I‘m just happy sitting here watching this unfold!“. CK was talking about playing the piano and Tommi S turned sth he said into a double entendre about fingering which made P nearly cry with laughter while ChriKra blushed. Then later some other situation made ChriKra ask whether she‘d been serious earlier, and she said „You, my friend, are a Geschoss, respectfully“ and he seemed a bit hurt (like she‘d been making fun of him) until they explained to him what „respectfully“ meant in this context. Then he said sth that made Joko and Tommi lose it and P get all flustered. I went to get sth to drink and suddenly it was just P and CK left sitting at that table and P was asking „So do you often compliment women‘s manicures?“ and he said „No that was just to let out the pressure.“ P: „What?“ CK: „This was getting all weird so I said something cringey to make everybody relax.“ and then they cut to backstage, Sophie and Tommi talking about the show and their guests, Sophie „admitting“ that having a footballer in wasn‘t as bad as expected and that they should have these three back at some point.
…isn‘t ChriKra married?! That was some serious flirting there!
okay i was SO confused by the vibes here lol... like this is a german that i really just cannot understand so i had like no idea what they were saying and it was really hard to get what was happening based on the actions and reactions of everyone
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just-jordie-things · 6 months
oh my MY FAVOURITE MEGUMI WRITER JUST POSTED A NEW FIC djffkfkfkckf gurl imma read that ASAP but for now *pulls out the tea cup* let's talk (read as:spam) about the new episode. Grab some popcorn for its about to the long.
☕ *sips heavily* FIRST ZERO OFF! The haters be hating but let's just ignore them disrespectfully respectfully. I didn't notice any thing wrong with the animation, plus that whole complain about intro-playing-over-yuji-breakdown, get over it. That's how it was supposed to be, that's how life is, that's what was trying to be conveyed - he can't have a breakdown now, he shall get up and go fight to stop this one hell of a war. I rather was really fascinated at the time selection to play it, plus that display of all the destruction that happened really gave the "war" vibe.
☕*slurp slurp* I COMPLETELY. OFFICIALLY. LOST IT. ALL OF IT. I repeat it - ALL. I LOST IT ALL WHEN MEGUMI SAID "GAMBARE". But it's only now that I realise how he literally summoned the divine mahoraga for that weakling like my dearest and most respectful sir, even your demon dogs would've been enough for that shitty thing. Duh. I always thought people were kidding when they said he was about to summon mahoraga with Todo but now after that scene I really think he could have 💀🤚
☕*takes a long sip* Fuck Megumi. (no please don't we all need a Megumi in our lives. Specially me.) I'm a Mahoraga simp now, so what it doesn't have a human face and it's voice sound like dying buffalo? That thing is fascinating. Tho I've read manga, the whole fighting scene SPECIALLY THE MOMENT IT WAS SUMMONED OH MY GOD it gave me goosebumps. Damn! ☕Sukuna be cooking fr, I'm starting to get a gist of how powerful Sukuna is and honestly? It's really (I'll have to admit) attractive (I'm not a Sukuna simp so far, but about future we never know right? ;)) and fascinating too like gahdayum.
I think I should stop now.
As always I really appreciate your patience for sitting through this long ass message. Have a good day Jordie!! :D
i have not watched the new ep yet, but i have read the manga so i am (sorta) prepared for what’s coming. i will get back to you on simping over mahoraga………. i’ll get back to u
ngl tho i do simp for sukuna yeah he sucks he should die but to that i say grow up he’s hot sometimes okayyyyy i’m just a girl
cannot wait to see megumi finally get to summon mahoraga tho he’s been holding it back for so long 💀
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