#regarding women of color allowed to have a male love interest- that was not shade at Emerie for being a lesbian
bookishfeylin · 2 years
do you think rhysand is a brown man? i feel like sjm did such a terrible job of trying to make him into a representation that it's better off if he's white. his culture is constantly represented as savages and barbarians and misogynistic and he's pining over a white woman while looking down over his own people 🗿
So big disclaimer here that I'm Black, not brown, and that I might get things wrong! If I'm corrected by a brown person in the comments or reblogs please defer to them, and I may edit this as necessary. That being said...
it's really a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. If Rhysand is NOT a brown man, and is, in fact, white (as some stans happily draw him) then his whole court REEKS of cultural appropriation. We got henna tattoos, stolen from middle eastern/south asian/north African/east african culture:
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And we got bedlah aka the middle eastern belly dancer's outfit, complete with "harem pants" (probably the outfit that inspired Princess Jasmine's clothing in Aladdin):
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But Mrs. Maas clearly wants us to view him as a person of color, at least in later books (and by extension, Illyrians as POC), and he, Cassian, Azriel, and the other Illyrians are described as having brown skin. So if Rhysand IS a brown man, then that's... almost worse. First is the fact that Sarah J Maas couldn't actually decide what specific culture the Illyrians were based off of, because the middle east is not a monolith! South Asia is not a monolith! I've seen some guesses that Rhysand and Co are Persian, others speculating he's Indian... and there's a BIG difference between those two cultures. You can't claim to provide representation if no one even knows what specific culture/ethnicity is being represented.
And second is the fact that Sarah J Maas really decided it would be a good idea to make her most prominent group of POC in this story a WILDLY sexist culture that mutilate their own women and are looked down on by the 'civilized' (read: mostly white) High Fae for being violent warriors. She really said that she was going to have a culture (Illyria) entirely of POC and make them sexist, violent, and cruel, and have them be called brutes and animalistic by white people. In what UNIVERSE is that ok? In what UNIVERSE is that good representation???
And thirdly is, as you said and as I mentioned in this post, the batboys are men of color who find their own women "plain" and pedestalize white women (Feyre, Nesta, and Elain) as the beauty standard. As I brought out in that post, the idea that white and lighter skinned women are better, prettier, and more valuable than darker skinned women of color is a real world issue with dangerous consequences, and it's disgusting that in a book series Sarah J Maas has declared is "feminist," she decided to promote the idea that white women are better than the rest of us. Hell- how many women of color are in ACOTAR? And how many of them are allowed to have a male love interest? Are allowed to be seen as beautiful, desirable, and worthy of protection and romance?
In conclusion: it's racist either way. I, for one, only view book one as canon due to this series becoming nothing but a pile of retcons and nonsensical worldbuilding afterwards, so I do view Rhysand as white in that book, especially with his "moon white" skin. But in the series as a whole? I think Sarah wants us to view the bat boys as men of color, due to the aforementioned cultural details and her giving them brown skin, but she handles it horribly all around. So for the intents and purposes of your question: from ACOMAF and beyond, Rhysand is a brown man. Illyrians are people of color. And it's one of the most racist portrayals of people of color that I've seen in a hot minute. Sexist, animalistic brutes are not representation, and brown people deserve better.
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mom-of-today · 4 years
Hard Talks
Happy Friday/Saturday/Fourth of July, friends and followers!  I was listening to one of my classic podcasts and they were talking about the horrible misogyny that exists within politics. The way the women were questioned more harshly than the men, forced to take more hard-line directions, not allowed to get away with the generic, broad strokes, that their male counterparts were expected to give. They had to give solid answers, were judged not just on their words, but also on their attire. They could not look too “old” but they also could not dress too “young” and the conversations were often not about what they said, but how they seemed to “behave” on screen, and to their male counterparts.  It made me consider the conversations we have had in our household in the last couple of months. We want to raise well-rounded young boys who don’t grow up to hate themselves, with suppressed emotions they are never allowed to express among other things. But as we are also white, cis-gendered, heterosexual individuals we have had to explain concepts that are foreign to us.  Our oldest son was very concerned about the concept of gay marriage, and the ability of two boys to get married. He thinks mostly from his own perspective because, of course he does, he’s eight, so he was mostly thinking about boys. And when I say he was “concerned” I mean he was concerned that two men could not get married because they were two men, rather than the idea of two men getting married was somehow a gross concept to him. As two straight people, how do you explain that of course two people should be allowed to get married if they love each other? Regardless if those two people are of the same gender.  Openly we have had these conversations regarding gender-norms and what other people might expect of them, but also that we just want them to live their very best lives and be happy. That is our only expectation. So when my son wants to paint his room a shade of reddish-pink we say “Absolutely!” and paint his room that color. When he gravitates towards the pink end of the red spectrum we support him. Our middle child is much more of a typical “boy” in that we have never had these questions from him, and he has always gravitated towards “boy” things. Just to be clear, it isn’t that I’m leaving him out of this conversation, he just fits what most people consider to be “gender normative” and therefore he has never pushed the limits of social acceptability when it comes to norms (at least not in that way, but that’s another post all together).  Despite our best efforts to help him understand, it’s a tricky conversation to navigate without telling the whole story. And without having many real-life representations. Neither my husband or I have a huge social group; I moved around so often that I never become any good at keeping in touch with people (and before the internet and cell phones you had to actually call people, gross), and my husband moved a couple hundred miles away from his family/friends, became more liberal and lost many of this childhood friends. Since he isn’t the most social person, making new friends has always been more of a struggle for him, but I find that I struggle to make friends because I’m awkward af in real life. So while I know people in my personal life that are members of the LGBTQIA+ community, we have lost touch over the years and don’t see much of each other now.  So how do you explain to your children about social constructs that you yourself have no experience with? How do you do this justice without trying to sound like apologist?  With all the protests going on in the country, we have also had to discuss what BLM stands for, why they are protesting, and why it’s a good thing. While we might have issue with the destruction of property on some level, we also understand that no real change has ever been achieved through passivity. So we have had to have these conversations with our children about race.  Did I mention that we are white. I mean look at me! I am almost as white as it gets out here, and talking about the unfair treatment of BIPOC members of our community feels awkward. Possibly because it isn’t a habit, because it isn’t part of our daily conversations, because I have never really had these conversations myself with anyone and wouldn’t even know where to begin.  Over the last several months I have attempted to educate myself, and it’s been eye opening, but I can’t exactly sit my children down with a book about how to be a better ally that was designed for an adult. So we have just been encouraging them to understand that this is important, that there are people who are not treated fairly because of the color of their skin, and that they get judged no matter what choices they make in their life. That their lives are in danger just for existing.  Attending public schools in which they have been in many diverse classrooms, they, quite honestly, do not understand what I even mean when we have these conversations. They look at me and say “But that doesn't matter, mom, everyone is important.” And they aren’t wrong. They don’t quite understand why people would judge anyone based on the color of their skin, and I don’t either. Not that I have not been guilty of micro aggressions against the BIPOC community in my life, because I most certainly have (but again, not the time for that post here), but in my adult life I have actively tried to be better and not judge anyone, but definitely not BIPOC, just because they present themselves in a certain way. Forcing myself to learn about their actual lives, their systematic oppression and all the big, and small, ways in which we force them into certain lives I understand why racism and white supremacy is such an issue.  Explain that to an eight and six year old. Teach them 31 years of life experience in one conversation, or one million, why these members of our community are suffering and so, so angry. You can’t. You can try, but they will never fully appreciate a lifetime of experience. They are too young to sit through a movie they don’t find all that interesting, let alone an entire conversation that is too “adult” for them. But we try, and we make connections, and we buy (or are planning on buying) books to help them engage with the BIPOC community in a way that is more child-friendly, but also doesn’t minimize the damage that white people have caused. Do we want them to feel guilty? No, not really. They can’t help it. But we want them to be allies to people who have had no choice, and limited voice, in what happens to them. We want them to love, and be loved, and we want them to never think that a black man running in their neighborhood is threatening, intimidating, or something to be suspicious of. We want them to think critically of the world they live in, and we want them to be mindful of the people who live in it with them. To care more about ALL people, but especially those of the BIPOC community and the LGBTQIA+ who do not have the same opportunity to speak up and stand up.  Love is stronger than fear, than hate, than violence and we will try to do so much better raising this generation. I just hope we’re doing enough. If you have any solid books you recommend for children, let me know! I am always open for better book ideas to help my children understand complex social issues.  hugs and love.
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toongrrl-blog · 4 years
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Part One of Barb Series: Why Barb Died (Character Device Talk)
*Please watch the Betty Draper Francis video first, for extra credit, check out the channel’s vid on Jack Dawson and come with knowledge of Beth March*
Happy end of the 2010s! Before I discuss what Barb could have brought to the Party in Stranger Things I need to discuss how as a character she needed to die.
1. Beth March
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In one scene in Little Women, the girls and Laurie discuss their ambitions for adult life. Oldest sister Meg wants to marry and have kids, oldest middle sis Jo wants to become a known and successful writer, youngest sister Amy wants to become rich and famous as an artist and maybe a socialite, and middle child Beth wants things to stay the way they are for her, with her loving family at her side. What’s wrong with this? What the other three sisters have in common is that they are hoping for adult lives which include a lot of change, responsibility, independence (either as a career woman or running a household with little kids underfoot), new experiences, and even new people in their lives (Meg would need to meet a guy to marry and have kids with him, Jo would need to meet people in her professional life, Amy would entertain guests and appeal to patrons). Shy Beth is a talented pianist, vet, and doll collector and is very charitable but she doesn’t seem to want to take the risks it would take to grow as a person and thrive and mature or be noticed for her own merits aside from “Angel of the House” and the future looks pretty hostile; so by the end of the novel, Beth has died in her early 20s while sisters lives have changed (Meg married and had children in a cottage while gaining confidence as a homemaker, wife, and mom; Jo sells her writing and meets a professor who wants to start a school where she becomes headmistress after they marry; Amy goes on a Grand Tour of Europe and marries wealthy and happy).
The series Stranger Things, on a whole, is a coming-of-age series that borrows from the John Hughes and Steven Spielberg films of that era that captured the joys and pains of growing up, while Joyce’s and Hop’s storylines borrow from conspiracy thrillers around that era and somewhat from Hitchcock films. All these films captured ordinary people undergoing extraordinary (E.T., North By Northwest, The Goonies, The Stepford Wives) and life altering events (Jaws, The Breakfast Club, Silkwood) that force them to encounter challenges and make decisions they wouldn’t normally make in their mundane lives. Joyce ends up facing a monster with an axe and even makes demands of people who could wipe her off the Earth, the boys have to ride their bikes to evade murderous men in vans and hide a young traumatized girl, Nancy has to learn to create and use deadly weapons and use her skills of sneaking out for something besides sex, Jonathon has to cut his and another girl’s hand to lure a monster to their trap, Hop sneaks into a morgue just to slit a dead boy’s corpse and find cotton stuffing, Will has to use what knowledge and skills he has to survive another world filled with creatures out to kill him, most of the kids throughout the series have to lie and break laws to save their town. 
While the official guide does list Barb as being a varsity softball player and a mathlete and Shannon Purser concurs that Barb would have been the Velma of the group if she lived, there is one big thing that separates the Velmas from the Barbs and Beth’s of the world: Velma takes risks, she would trespass private looking property and dilapidated buildings to solve a mystery. Barb is a loyal friend and honest and studious and smart, but she’s ultimately the good girl archetype: cautious, obedient to her elders, predictable, conservatively and femininely dressed, chaste. An archetype that Nancy is trying to flee (not that the alternative of being a girl who sneaks out with her boyfriend to makeout is going to help Nancy at all) to avoid ending up like her mother. Barb has the fangs (talent and means) to be a Party member, she just lacks the nerve to jump and sink those fangs.
2. Commentary on the Patriarchy and the Tyranny of Beauty Standards
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Most of the female characters in the series don’t fit the strict criteria of their Reagan era Indiana small town regarding what makes a good woman. Joyce is a single mother who doesn’t come with well-coiffed hair and she appears to be hysterical and is a working mother in a time and place where all these factors would label her a “bad mother”, Nancy is a frank young woman who takes risks and even asserts her sexuality and herself when plenty of people (like the shitheads at Hawkins Post) would prefer her to be a delicate virgin in pastels, El is physically stronger than the boys with her powers and she is very direct in her manner despite her soft-spoken demeanor, Max is a girl who is interested in arcade video games and skateboarding and brightly colored summer clothing and reads her Mom’s Cosmo cover to cover and is assertive, Erica is an assertive young girl who can talk truth (and shade) to adults and has a knowledge of My Little Pony and Cold War Politics, Robin is snarky and has a style that makes her stand out from most girls in Hawkins and is a teen genius, Kali’s rage and Joan Jett-esque appearance would make the preppy and pastel and autumnal tone wearing residents of Hawkins in Cardiac Care, Suzie has defied notions about girls in science and math and even the Mormon beliefs of her parents by french kissing and dating a non-Mormon boy like Dustin, and Karen despite her appearance of hot housewife perfection is dissatisfied with her marriage and comes close to cheating on her husband. 
In contrast Barb is pretty much the most conventional character: she dresses conservatively in ruffles and pink, she is seemingly chaste, follows the rules diligently and worries about getting punished by the Holland and Wheeler parents, and has a more common body type found in cis-gender women (correct me if I’m wrong, hopefully I don’t offend trans pear shaped women) and not often found in the older members of the female cast. But despite Barb’s body being common among women in general and specific to her region (the American Midwest is noted for starchy and creamy and fried foods and is historically farming country, where pioneers would find her strong for work in and out of the log cabin and give birth to the necessary amount of children i.e. extra hands for work), the delicate and slender builds of Joyce and Nancy, the classic proportionate and slender grace of Robin, and the leggy and toned image of Karen are closer to the female standard of beauty in the 1980s. In Barb’s lifetime (1967-1983), the image of beauty was dominated by leggy, toned, slim, busty women or lean women with minimal breasts: no room for tall, broad, pear shapes like herself. And in 1983, Molly Ringwald wasn’t yet a household name that freckled redheads with dry wit and atypical images could look on with pride. Hell I remember reading a copy of Color Me Beautiful where they recommend that women with heavy hips and small waists (similar features of Christina Hendricks and Shannon Purser) shouldn’t cinch their waistlines, the celebration of Marilyn Monroe pinups with round hips, pillowy thighs and tummies, rounded tushes were long gone by then. Basically Barb being her natural self, was not seen as “feminine enough” and combined with her glasses and style (any plus sized or early developing gal can tell you that it is hell to find junior styles that suit your body size and shape) have ruled her as “uncool”. 
There is also that Barb does a lot of things that the boys do: being slightly geeky, a loyal friend, has innocent and wholesome interests, chaste, and is quiet (like Will) but she still gets killed. One can sense that #JusticeForBarb came out of an anger with misogyny in media and society that tells women to be a certain way and punishes them whether they fit a mold or not. Women are still underpaid in the workplace, underrepresented in government, still deal with unequal and toxic relationships, are shamed for being virgins or for having sexual experience (Carol pokes fun at the idea of Barb finding the sex sounds too much and yet contributes to the slut shaming graffiti of Nancy), are told on one hand to look a certain way to attract the male gaze and shamed when they indulge in sexual desire (something Nancy can attest to with her glamorous mother who offers to lend her black heels and focuses on Nancy’s beauty before a funeral, the same mom who was angry her daughter had sex), they are either too fat/skinny/busty/flat/frizzy/straight haired/pale/slutty/prudish/dark/feminine/masculine/full-butt-ed/quiet/loud/naive/cynical/smart/dumb/angry/happy, and they deal with a media that sells a very narrow standard of beauty to the point that when they see a drop dead gorgeous actress or model with similar features they feel seen.
Oh Bondage, Up Yours!
*Read this is not a “Barb is a slut shamer!” piece yes that was shitty but she was a teen girl in a small 1980s town and she ISN’T starting a (paraphrasing Kimberly Nicole Foster quote) “no whores allowed campaign” OR trying to pass a law that demands women keep their ectopic pregnancies to full term*
3. End of Innocence
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When Barb died, it marked the end of Nancy’s childhood and her needing to grow up. That was the night Nancy went straight from childhood (Barb), teenager (sex with Steve), and then shortly became an adult when she realized that Barb had disappeared. For many women (like myself at ages 9 and 10), the moment they get their period or grow breasts or reach a certain age, marks a dramatic end of their childhood. Suddenly many are told to police their behavior and language around boys, even policing the food they eat or their bodies. There is also extra responsibility and stress, demogorgans being one of them. Nancy is now having to deal with the sorts of issues that adult women dealt with on Mad Men along with scary monsters threatening her town and the fact her parents are not as happy as they look to the world, there is a gap between the experiences of her and Mike, she has a baby sister who probably was conceived to save the marriage, and Nancy can’t confide or trust either of her parents (who are absorbed with their own issues). Now Nancy is making big decisions that Barb, with the sheltering and seemingly close parents, will likely never deal with. Nancy is even taking fashion risks with clothes that are more functional, stylish, show off her figure, and can even withstand flayer blood and exorcising her boyfriend’s little brother.
4. A Huge Threat
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Barb was intended to be a character that we connected with, someone to be built up somehow. There was a character like this in a movie: her name was Marion Crane. She was a secretary who has been supporting herself and her little sis since their parents died, patiently waiting for her boyfriend to make more money at his job so they can marry and stop sneaking around sleeping with one another, in desperation she steals a lot of money from her workplace, drives to California where she meets a mild-mannered but strange young man who manages a distant motel in the vicinity of a Victorian house where an older woman is croaking about promiscuity, after talking with him over a dinner of sandwiches in his taxidermy themed office, she goes to take a shower and has decided to return to Phoenix to return the money, then a strange figure comes with a large butcher knife in horribly out of date clothes and starts stabbing her to death.
This was from the Hitchcock film Psycho, the forerunner of the slasher genre that dominated the earlier half of the 1980s, and it premiered to shocked audiences in 1960. The meaning of the grisly murder of Marion, a character the audience was following from the beginning of the film, was that Norman Bates was a huge threat and intensified the need for Marion’s killer to be brought to justice.
The same thing can be said about the deaths of Benny and Barb, to show how much a threat the demogorgan and Hawkins National Lab were to the townspeople of Hawkins (and the world as a whole), basically such big threats that a little boy can be kidnapped from the safety of his home, a young teenage girl could be snatched up and killed from a suburban swimming pool, and a kindly cook and owner of a local diner would be executed for knowing about a runaway child. 
5. The future of Women in Stranger Things
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Not all is lost, Barb’s death forced the Duffer Bros to take a look at how women were written and treated in their series, and even helped spurred tv viewers (who ordinarily wouldn’t pay attention to social issues) to take a deeper look and interest in how people especially women are treated. For some reason I like to think: Max, Robin, Erica, and Suzie are a way of recognizing Barb’s potential within the series and even what viewers saw. 
Now stay tuned to where I figure out how Barb could have been beneficial to the party.
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alexandercfengland · 5 years
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challenge  iii (  character  study. )
001.  describe  your  characters’  relationship  with  their  mother  or  father,  or  both.  
in regard to alexander’s relationship, he is extremely close and fond of his mother. she has always been the world to him and his number one support. he has relied on her for advice and followed her by example, seeing only the best in her despite what anyone else says. in contrast, his relationship with his father is far less intimate as there are unspoken boundaries. alexander doesn’t have any issues with his father but does not really share the same closeness as he does with his mother. while he may be indifferent generally to his father, he does care and love him. both of his parents share such love and happiness that he is happy. 
002.  what  are  your  characters’  most  prominent  physical  features?  what  is  a  feature  that  they  are  most  insecure  about?  what  are  they  proudest  of?
he has a very nicely chiseled jawline and a very charming and cheeky smile. he likes his wavy chestnut hair and honey colored eyes - all traits and genetics inherited by his lovely mother. in general, alexander wouldn’t say he has any features that he’s insecure about. in fact, he’s rather proud of his face and believes himself to be very attractive. perhaps the closest things he could say that he would wish he could fix would be the angle at which his ears tilt but it’s severely minor that it wouldn’t really count. 
003.  how  vain  is  your  character?  do  they  find  themselves  attractive?  what  is  their  worst  flaw,  and  are  they  aware  of  it?
alexander is extremely shallow and certainly believes himself to be very handsome. he matches his elder brother in height, standing at 6′3 so he’s massive. his proportions are also appealing as his legs are long and his body toned from the outdoor activities in participates in. in terms of flaws, well, he doesn’t really think about it. most of the time he dismisses any critiques as he thinks himself above it. 
004.  what  is  your  character’s  ranking  on  the  kinsey  scale?
3  so   bisexual,  equally  heterosexual  and  homosexual.
005.  describe  your  character’s  happiest  memory.  minimum  word  count:  
there are many good memories in alexander’s childhood which is to say that his mother had given him many opportunities to be carefree. perhaps one of his happiest memories is tied to the time when he was allowed to received and rode his first horse with the help of his father and under the watchful eye of his mother. in that moment alexander felt special. there was no one else around to criticize the trio and it was also a chance to feel like he belonged. it also then and there that he is told by his father that his royal birthright shall be acknowledged and brought to light. he shall be a prince. 
006.  is  there  one  event  in  your  characters’  life  that  they  would  like  to  erase  from  their  past?  why?  minimum  word  count:  200.
there aren’t too many things that alexander finds the need to erase from the past. if anything, he would wish that his mother had been made the rightful queen earlier and that his siblings were legitimized as he was. he would’ve wished that his mother been spared of the rumors of being a seductress and a whore - wishing that she was loved by the people instead. he’d even go as far to say that he would prefer it better if his elder siblings had been spared the anguish of losing their mother by just erasing the fact that their mother was even wed to england in the first place. it would’ve solved far more of the problems (needless to say) much of this is ingrained in the fact that alexander is neither fond of his elder sister or the crown prince. but truthfully, much more of his annoyance is targeted at the latter. such sentiments wouldn’t exist if harry had chosen to utilize alexander as an ally rather than an enemy. and much of this is rooted in bitterness that the crown prince intends on disposing queen isabel and all of her children in favor of starting a new reign. 
007.  let’s  talk  favourites!  what  is  their  favourite  colour,  food,  and  season?   what,  in  a  modern  setting,  would  be  your  character’s  favourite  song?  
alexander’s favorite color would be navy which is usually paired with hints of silver or dark forest green - shades usually bright in color like emerald which compliment both his complexion and his visage. with food, he loves anything with meat, preferring eating pork the most. alexander has always been fond of the summer weather seeing that it’s warmer and brighter. plus its an excuse for him to escape into the outdoors to strengthen his physique and flaunt his body as well. in a modern au, he’d be the type to listen to panic at the disco (specifically) saturday night. 
008.  can  you  define  a  turning  point  in  your  character’s  life?
when alexander was legitimized, it changed everything. it gave him opportunities he would’ve never been open to. it also made him feel more inclined to devote his livelihood to protect and accomplish great things for his mother. 
009.  is  your  character  an  early  morning  bird  or  a  night  owl?  at  what  time  do  they  get  most  of  their  work  done?
generally I would say alexander is a night owl, he has always preferred staying up late and enjoying the stars. but if needed, he is also capable of being an early riser though this occurs often with a groan and a complaint. he likes to do his work in the morning so he can have the clearest mind and spend the rest of the day doing whatever he pleases. 
010  a.  what  other  character,  a  npc  or  someone  apart  of  the  rp,  is  your  character  completely  real  with?  who  knows  them  best,  has  seen  them  at  their  most  vulnerable,  knows  their  innermost  and  basest  fears?  
this would easily be his mother. alexander has always been comfortable with his mother and has no shame in sharing his vulnerabilities. she knows his heart well and has always cared for him and so in return, he shares the same mutual affection. while he is close with his full blooded siblings, he isn’t keen on showing them any weaknesses lest they worry for him. 
011.  is  your  character  a  neat  or  messy  person?
alexander is a messy person. he doesn’t care for organization and tends to leave a mess for other people to clean up behind him. he cares about his own hygiene but other than that, the way in which he rolls out of bed unmade is a habit he has long been accustomed to. while he doesn’t bother with doing these tasks, he’s always mindful of thanking the servants who tend to his area so that his space shall be well kept. 
012.  does  your  character  have  any  irrational  fears  or  phobias?
alexander’s fear would always been with any threats regarding his immediate family. perhaps the one he worries for the most would be his mother seeing as she is his world. 
he is also afraid of becoming incompetent or useless - tainting a legacy that he intends to build for the neville lineage. he shoulders the weight of the expectations and does the best of what he can do. but if were to die without achieving the success on the behalf of his family, he would live with unforgotten regret and self loathing. 
013.  does  your  character  have  an  underlying  passion  or  trait  that  influences  all  aspects  of  their  life?
most of what he does is on the behalf of his mother - his sheer and utter devotion to make her proud is how his world revolves. he definetly considers her opinions and takes her advice seriously. his neville uncles and aunts play an important role in shaping alexander’s childhood as well and their influence still reside in him. 
014.  what  might  your  character’s  ideal  romantic  person  be?
well first and foremost, alexander is very shallow - usually finding appeal in pretty and beautiful things. he is still immature in the field of love and prefers to fool around instead of the pursuit of something longterm and serious. 
but i think the type of person that would suit alexander would be older and somewhat reminiscent of his mother (he’s got a big mother complex), someone who he can say nothing and they’ll understand him. a person who will be patient with him when he is confused, angry and conflicted is also a big factor. he needs someone who can humor him and keep his attention span, perhaps give him a run for his money. whoever is able to romantically lock down alexander - well, he’d fall hard. 
at the moment he has no interest in commitment and refuses to sire any bastard children so has been in more intimate relationships with men than women. to be honest, his relationship with males are much easier to navigate with women. in a woman, alexander would want to pursue a romance as strong as his father’s and mothers. 
015.  describe  your  character’s  hands.  are  they  small,  long,  calloused,  smooth,  stubby,  dexterous  or  clumsy?  do  they  wear  any  jewelry  and  would  they  wear  polish  in  a  modern  setting?
alexander has nimble long fingers and large palms that are softer in nature than typical which demonstrate his privilege as a noble for he never had to do any manual labor. he has a scar running down his left hand from a jousting incident. he does have some callouses from participating in athletics but they aren’t evidently noticeable. in general his hands are rather unmarred and he wears only one ring which was a heirloom from his neville grandparents. 
016.  how  does  your  character  smell?  what  is  their  favourite  scent?
alexander is very keen on keeping up his hygiene (revolutionary at the time, ain’t it) and making sure he looks well groomed. he likes to bathe with rosewater so usually there’s always a scent of flowers wafting from him. otherwise, he spends a good deal of time outdoors participating in a variety of sports. and so he will have a hint of cedar and pine. 
in terms of the scent of other people, he has always liked flowers, particularly roses, sweet peas and lilies. he also enjoys the smell of sweet honey and on occasion a sharper scent like cinnamon. 
017.  how  would  your  muse  describe  their  religious  beliefs?
alexander is catholic by birth and by status but his religious stance is nowhere as devoted as his brother’s edmund. he takes much of what the church says with a grain of salt. he understands that when he is expected to wed, his wife shall be properly catholic and together they shall uphold the traditions of the court. but personally, alexander doesn’t think much of religion. though he does have a fear of God so he’d rather abide instead of fight. 
018.  what  rules  does  your  muse  live  by,  if  any?
anything his mother says he shall keep an open ear to. he often grits his teeth at the protocol expected of him by his elder siblings, he follows as decorum instructs. however he gladly disposes of rules in times of favor when he can use his status as prince to do what he pleases (so long as no scandal were to arise). 
019.  does  your  muse  overshare,  or  are  they  more  private?
alexander generally is a private person despite his seemingly more extroverted personality. he only truly overshares with those he fully believes he can trust or else he maintains a barrier to outsiders. 
020.  is  your  muse  a  gossiper?  are  they  more  likely  to  argue  with  their  fists  or  tongue?  what  does  their  voice  sound  like?
i would say alexander is more inclined to hear about gossip to stay informed of the schemes at court but he wouldn’t dare spout nonsense lest it fall into the wrong ears. alexander has both brains and brawns and usually has an even temper so he prefers to spar with his tongue. however if pushed to his limits, he has no qualms in using his fists to fight. 
021.  is  your  muse  a …  pessimist  or  optimist …  lover  or  fighter … believer  in  happy  endings …  believer  in  love  at  first  sight?
generally, alexander is fairly fifty fifty. he’s pessimistic with the future of his brother taking reign over the throne but optimist that his mother and the rest of his fully related siblings shall secure their places and be unmoved from their positions. alexander would like to believe in happy endings but has no desire to achieve them if such things didn’t occur naturally. i believe alexander would be a bigger advocate for lust at first sight. his concept of loving outside of family is little to none so i do not think he has any care for it. 
022.  what  sense  of  humour  does  your  character  have?
alexander is still rather immature and at times, idiotic. his sense of humor can be vulgar but that usually occurs if he’s intoxicated. otherwise, to those who he finds to be good company, he is rather teasing in nature. 
023.  what  bad  habits  does  your  character  have?
sleeping around with both married and unwed characters would probably be the worst he’s done. drinking is another vice and has a natural inclination to be a hoarder. he likes to collect useless things especially when they’re gifts. 
024.  how  does  your  character  feel  about  growing  old?
alexander doesn’t mind aging however, he is concerned that when more time passes, his end with his mother shall come nearer. otherwise, he does look upon growing older with an optimism. he knows that he can secure his place as he matures as his relations with most people are well received. he also awaits for a day where he may have a chance at seizing the throne, perhaps proving his brothers incompetence and taking the power swiftly from his hands. 
025.  does  your  character  prefer  adventure  to  safety  and  security?
in his childhood, alexander was a curious child who would try almost anything and everything - perhaps panicking the servants and his mother alike. but now that he is older, alexander prizes security first and foremost because of his line in succession as well as others. 
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Long Blonde Hair Ideas
Golden blonde swirls always look enchanting and also cute. Simply visualize all those clusters of the passers-by, wondering what a fairy tale you have actually left! You will certainly develop an incredible impression with your appearance anywhere, even when you go with a walk with your pet. If you are trying to find the picture of a cutie, this long wavy hairstyle could become your top. Make some loose thick curls all over the length, put the upper part into a reduced braid and twist it a few times. Leave some complimentary falling curls on both sides, and also here you go-- the cute hairstyle is ready!
It seems to be that blonde girls have obtained a light, ethereal, tender appearance. They are even contrasted to angels as a result of their ease and also unearthly appearance. Whether you have dark blonde you are an embodiment of feminines and lightness in the eyes of males. With just the appropriate colour of blonde shade, you can absolutely alter your appearance and become a princess. 
Blonde women always rock on any type of occasion, as well as you can be one of them. Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Scarlett Johansson, and lots of various other well-known stars have the blonde colour of hair. And also confirm that this shade is one of the most gorgeous.
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All the blonde colors get incredibly prominent this year, so we have actually determined to speak a little bit regarding them. Also the essential changes of appearance. If you are a lady with a black or brownish hair, such a colour transforming might be laborious. Due to the fact that you will certainly need either to function a lot to gain some loan for an actual expert of shade blending. Either make a massive looking for the appropriate directions of how to get that terrific blonde tone.
If you currently have the valuable blonde hair and you desire the drink of your appearance, look into some fantastic stylish hairstyles for long hair. We make sure that you will certainly love them beforehand and hope that these charming hairstyles ideas will certainly make you the queen of every celebration and also occasion! Let your blonde hair excite everybody around!
Charming Hairstyles for Long Blonde Hair
Blonde looks the most effective on medium as well as long hair. Long blonde hair is a reborn trend from the past, from the 70s. When the fashion world was ruled by boho-chic. Natural blonde nude sparkles like a ruby on long hair; it glares and also twinkles.
It can not constantly coincide, it brings the individuality to any female. Each lady gets her own blonde colour. To obtain a truly special as well as natural look simultaneously, call a professional in a hair salon. And also the result will exceed your assumptions.
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Additionally, long hair allows you to have fun with different hairstyles. You can crinkle your long locks with a thin iron or intertwine your hair waterfall. Yet make the fishtail as opposed to the common as well as monotonous tail. Decor can make your day-to-day appearances uncommon. As an example, the floral decor will certainly highlight your womanly look. Such a hairstyle may be your normal day-to-day hairstyle or a periodic one-- every little thing depends on you.
A hair tinting in brilliant shades that are made properly creates the photo of a one-of-a-kind glamour chic and elegance. As well as additionally highlights the paleness of the skin as well as the illumination of the eyes. As well as there is barely a male whose eyes would not have stopped on a beautiful blonde. The only point that you should wait is a lot of gazes: you will obtain a genuine wave that would certainly knock you off. If you do not like to be in the centre of everybody's interest, take care with tinting your hair blonde.
Amazing Haircuts for Long Straight Blonde Hair
Ash-blonde looks great on both, long and short haircuts. This magnetically lovely colour brings in the eyes of anyone, who sees it. Nevertheless, only a very seasoned colourist can give you an absolutely stunning design. That is so hard to achieve. So how can you obtain clean, great, ash-coloured hair?
First of all, you need to lighten the hair effectively, attempting to protect its wellness. As well as then do tinting in the ash-blonde design. The modern technology of coloring needs to be selected by the hair-stylist. Independently, depending on the initial color, type, and condition of the hair. Sometimes, especially when a client desires the improvement to be a cold ash blonde, being a redhead. It may be required to do a long, multi-step treatment of passing away, utilizing a mild innovation without damage to the hair.
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By maintaining the hairstyle simple, you can achieve an astonishing outcome. The long sleek straight hairstyle that represents an ash-blonde shade in all its charm. It can conveniently choose any kind of outfit and fit any celebration. Prepare to catch admiring glimpses while you are strolling on the road.
Hairstyles for Long Blonde Hair with Bangs
Many Hollywood starlets and amazing leading models have actually already picked a blonde shade. We assume there is no shock: this fantastically beautiful shade gives a woman with such a hair tone. Both elegance and also elegance. It will fit the feminine ladies that prefer a charming as well as an airy picture. And also will be especially great for brown-eyed girls with distinctive face attributes.
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These rich tones of blonde will certainly make you a genuine femme fatal. If you enhance them with the ideal make-up as well as style. To make a full appearance that will shine with full harmony is a hard task. So if you are a new person to the style globe, you can ask a stylist for help.
They generally state that a cold variety of hair colours look the best with the very same colours in clothes & lipstick. You may surf the Net and find some lovely examples of appearances that will comply with the ideas and also tricks of the style enthusiasts. As for hairstyles, long blonde hair combined with bangs provides its owner some room for imagination. Ponytails, half braids, buns, pigtails, to call a few.
The Best Long Size Hairstyles for Blonds
Absolutely nothing functions better than cost-free falling blonde curly locks. These photos with magnificent blonde shades reveal beauty as well as charm. You can be sure that your daily picture will certainly be great, as it is supplemented by your long light coloured hair that shines with its golden highlights. In addition, you can ignore the complicated hairstyles and do not trouble on your own with those hard-to-do and advanced pigtails or buns. Feel in one's bones that you will certainly look magnificent wearing a basic long length hairstyle of blonde shade.
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Trendy light blonde hue and its shiny highlights will certainly offer any woman an extravagant deep glow that will draw in the eyes of any kind of passer-by. This is an exceptionally attractive, delicate colour with a golden shade that can go flawlessly with any kind of body skin tone, eyes form, as well as wardrobe.
Additionally, this trend obtains a whole lot of interest from the young people, since of its brilliant as well as unique message. This is the idea that any kind of teenager wants to send out to the globe-- he/she is one-of-a-kind and also unbelievably rather! Long blonde hairstyles that shine intensely like the diamonds highlight this suggestion the most effective. 
Split Hairstyles for Females with Long Blonde Hair
If you are tired of straight hair, the split hairstyle will end up being the area of light for you at night world of boringness. Layered hairs that mix with each other look softly, stylish, as well as they will constantly be trendy. By the method, women long hairstyles have actually constantly drawn in males, as this is the picture of feminines. Some people claim that long hair is a treasure of a woman, yet it demands a whole lot of interest. So a girl whose hair is long must prepare to spend a great deal of time styling her hairstyle.
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Girls with blonde hair colour have a distinct mild appeal as well as remind attractive fairies from fairy stories as well as legends. The image of a magic fairy ought to be matched by the proper style of garments, certainly. Long blonde hair with unpleasant and light layers will certainly look incredibly beautiful with garments of grey, black and also other contrasting colours, which will highlight the hair colour elegantly, without creating a shading conflict.
If you are most likely to persuade a person to do something, try to be either a fairy, tackling your favoured gown of light shade, or pick a two-piece suit, that will certainly turn you right into an attractive lady-boss with a bit casual beauty. Believe us, this will knock off your dialogist, regardless of the individual or organization partnerships you have with him.
Long Wavy Blonde Hair Ideas
Golden blonde swirls always look enchanting and also cute. Simply visualize all those clusters of the passers-by, wondering what a fairy tale you have actually left! You will certainly develop an incredible impression with your appearance anywhere, even when you go with a walk with your pet. If you are trying to find the picture of a cutie, this long wavy hairstyle could become your top. Make some loose thick curls all over the length, put the upper part into a reduced braid and twist it a few times. Leave some complimentary falling curls on both sides, and also here you go-- the cute hairstyle is ready!
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Hairstyles with volume are the ones which make a woman appear like a queen. They are elegant as well as appealing and function well on every occasion. When you have long blonde hair, as well as you remain in search of some amazing hairstyle ideas, you are conserved due to the fact that this is precisely what you require. Long crinkled locks that are pinned on the crown and embellished with white roses will impress every male around you.
Attractive Hairstyles for Women with Long Blonde Hair
Below we would love to reveal you among the best blonde variation-- smokey blonde. One-toned hair looks uninteresting as well as level. Smokey blonde is an actual rescue for the style maniacs, who are tired to see that average yellow hair! Smokey blonde represents light hair with darker roots, unlike ombre, where the focus is placed on the hair pointers. Specialists note that the transition of colour from the origins to the suggestions of hair can be performed within 2 or three tones, that will create the all-natural result of regrown hair after typical hair colouring.
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The smokey blonde can be made in a much more contrastive style, where the primary colour is a light blonde, as well as the roots,  are coloured brown and even black. This variation of blonde is except everybody however, as it highlights any type of facial blemishes due to the comparison. Only actually strong girls would try such a hairstyle on her long locks, however, if you are a fan of uncommon colour decisions-- this option may be for you!
New-fashioned colouring for long blonde hair
It deserves noting that this new-fashioned colouring allows a specialist to play with colours, creating attractive highlights and making the appearance soft as well as Honorable. Likewise, the major benefit of the smokey blonde is its flexibility as well as the possibility to use a fantastic selection of shades that may offer a whole lot of entirely various photos. Furthermore, the toughness of this colour mix is extraordinary! Some professionals recommend to forget tinting for the next three and even five months, and the impact will be just increased!
Stylish Long Blonde Hairstyles for Ladies
If your hair is healthy and balanced as well as all set for the colouring, you might try a platinum blonde, which is very trendy nowadays! It belongs primarily to the classification of the hairstyles for catwalks, yet many trendy stylists successfully execute this tinting technique on the hair of their clients, who like developments and also are not terrified of experiments. One can say that chilly shades match only the Nordic beauties, but this reality is already negated-- you may wear every little thing that you like!
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A platinum blonde that is made by a knowledgeable master can be unquestionably compared with the piece of art. Certainly, such tinting in many cases requires a completely discoloured base, yet modern-day tinting modern technologies permit to do this with marginal damage to the wellness of the hair. Nonetheless, it is still not recommended for girls with thin, broken and also compromised hair. If you determine to get this colour, get hydrating masks and also nourishing oils too: they will certainly recover your long hair after tinting. You must also use items for coloured hair frequently, particularly coloured shampoos, which will certainly assist to maintain colour and avoid showing up yellow shade after a number of hair washings. As well as, try to ignore hair dryers and curling irons, because hair needs only mindful mindset after such colouring.
Braided Hairstyles for Long Blonde Hair
Every person recognizes that when it pertains to feminine appearance, absolutely nothing can be far better than braids. Braided hairstyles are extremely girlish, exclusively lovely as well as gorgeous. To obtain such a womanly outlook within a number of straightforward actions, divide your hair into two straight parts, make some slim pigtails from the top part and also weave them into the sidelong waterfall pigtail.
Long Blonde Hair For Laid-Back Clothing
This kind of hairstyle will fit laid-back clothing much better than the main ones; nevertheless, the modern-day fashion enables us to do nearly whatever with our hair for job as well as wear whatever you desire. Your manager can admit every little thing with the exception of the negligent attitude to the working process and also completely careless perspective to your look. Well, he might see absolutely nothing negative in the second aspect, yet.
You can not forgive on your own if looking negative! Some creative ladies have created the braided hairstyles for any kind of proprietor of long hair to resemble a princess with just a number of actions! Look just how lovely blonde braids look, and also you may get motivated!
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In case you are a fan of uncommon looks as well as intricate hairstyles, and you have a long time in the early morning to make them, right here it is-- your fairy tale intertwined hairstyle. With all these pigtails perfectly blended into each other, you will obtain your appealing "the elf princess" look. Such appearances reveal the simplicity and also softness of female's character. Blonde curled locks that are intertwined and also twisted develop an attractive structure with some decor if you would put it in your hairstyle.
We wish that our gallery influenced you to tint your hair blonde or at the very least offer you some visual delight. Return for the new section of inspiration, please!
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wingsofwhales · 6 years
Romantic Comedies: Where’s the Beef?
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My guiltiest of guilty pleasures: Romantic Comedies. Not that I’m guilty about my love for Romantic Comedies (though being male, society would probably like if I were guilty). Almost all big name Romantic Comedies prior to 2016 (or even earlier) typically followed a strict guideline in terms of how their stories progressed. Not only that, but they typically followed a strict guideline regarding their character’s gender, sexuality, and race. That shouldn’t be a problem for most individuals. I’m not most individuals, though.
I’m the big G word.
I’m gay. I’m not only gay, but I’m hella gay. I’m a hella gay boy who grew up watching hella heteronormative movies who made great sweeping claims about romance and love. Not only is there a lot to unpack in terms of how that idea of love portrayed in media emphasized toxic masculinity, but there’s plenty to unpack in terms of what the media portrayed on who can love: white, cis-gendered, straight couples. I am only one of those things (one and a half if you wanna be pretentious about my mixed heritage).
I’m not salty about it, though. I’m kind of salty. If I think really hard about it, I’m really salty, so I try not to think about it too hard. I am, however, not salty about Chris Evans in any of these movies because Romantic Comedies introduced me to what a man he is.
Love Behind the Big (Terministic) Screen:
“When I speak of “terministic screens,” I have particularly in mind some photographs I once saw. They were different photographs of the same objects, the difference being that they were made with different color filters,” Kenneth Burke describes his definition and idea behind terministic screens (Burke, 45). It’s a pretty simple analogy and one that works well with describing how we, as humans, view our world. In particular, it gives us a great lens with which we can view media because media is simply a number of filters one on top of the other, both literal and figurative.
Love is one such screen and is described in so many works and movies, but it mostly comes center stage in both movies about love (The Notebook and other Nicholas Sparks stuff) and Romantic Comedies (27 Dresses and a lot of Chris Evans movies). What all of these movies have in common and what’s prevalent in Romantic Comedies is the notion that love is between a man and a woman and if you dare see “a gay” in these movies, they’re typically the main lady’s best friend. Not touching on the fact that they’re typically stereotypes. Moreover, it’s that these movies not only label love as between men and women, but between white men and white women. I mean, name a Romantic Comedy with two black leads that isn’t a Tyler Perry production. Okay, you got me: Just Wright with Queen Latifah was amazing, but so are most of her movies. Regardless of that fact, there’s likely 5 Romantic Comedies that got more praise (they don’t typically get a lot of praise for their predictable and often unchanged format) for every Black Romantic Comedy out there.
Why is that?
It’s because society has labeled love as something that’s white, heteronormative, and cisgendered. And we’re born into that. We look at our movies and our shows and we see a white couple and immediately understand that that’s the American Dream. Any notion of something beyond that, or different to that is often considered ‘pandering’ to a small audience or adhering to a liberal, SJW agenda. Why can’t it just be the fact that there’s all kinds of love out there? And that not all of it is white, straight, and cis?
That’s Pretty Gay Tho
Kenneth Burke defines man as a symbol-using animal, “We must use terministic screens, since we can’t say anything without the use of terms; whatever terms we use, they necessarily constitute a corresponding kind of screen; and any such screen necessarily directs the attention of one field rather than another” (Burke, 50). In this effect, as humans we use language to define certain things and in a more complex realm, we twist language into media and media defines even more things. Language will always remain a tool for humans to define things in our lives, but our mediums are ever evolving and getting even more widespread. It’s why it can be both a boon and a disaster when we use media to define ideas that society has perpetuated and will continue to perpetuate until humans start defining things differently.
Being the big ol’ Gay has been on the negative end of this desire to provide a lens for certain kinds of perspectives. Homosexuality is defined as less than men, not even men, but also as a tool for the white woman to satisfy the needs her other female friends can’t and certainly not her love interest. But, furthermore, homosexuality has its spot in the media: tragedies. Because what is being gay if not either a walking neon sign or a big ass tragedy. There’s a reason a media trope has been named after us: Bury Your Gays.
Bury Your Gays, as defined by TV Tropes, “Often, especially in older works (to the extent that they are found in older works, of course), gay characters just aren’t allowed happy endings. Even if they do end up having some kind of relationship, at least one half of the couple... has to die at the end” (TV Tropes) And the quote it takes from The Guardian discussing A Single Man nails the trope right on, “Colin Firth simply drops dead for no reason. Presumably Overwhelmed by sheer homosexuality, his heart can no longer keep beating. Beware, non-heterosexuals: Sudden Gay Death Syndrome can strike anywhere” (Rawson).
To slam that nail right into the coffin, TV Tropes has an entire list and descriptions of how this happens in various forms of media from Anime and Manga of all things to Video Games. It happens everywhere and it’s frankly tiring. Why does my life have to be a tragedy? I’m not a tragedy. I don’t come from an abusive family. My mom and dad are conservative Republican assholes who I haven’t come out to, but they wouldn’t suddenly hate me and kick me out. My life is average. My life is full of love. And I don’t want to die. Why can’t movies show that to me? If life really does get better, then why isn’t media showing me that I, a Filipino Mid-Western Homo, can find love and the hilarity of life just as easily as the white straight man or woman?
It’s 2018 and society is just now deeming it okay to put funny gay love stories on the big screen.
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Love Simon just released this Spring and it was the type of mediocre Rom-Com I was looking for. Well, it wasn’t mediocre, I actually loved it... but I can’t be asked about the quality of a film I’m so biased over. I can’t critique the film because I’m just too happy that I can see a part of myself in it. That I can laugh and laugh and not worry about sobbing sad-angry tears in the end because the main character or his/her/their love interest has just died of AIDS... again. Those stories need to be heard, yes, but not in such a way that we aren’t allowed to see other, happier versions of our stories.
And then we have the fact that not many of these Rom-Coms show diversity. It took 2018 to put a big Asian cast on the big screen (no, Scarlett Johansson is not in this movie).
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There’s a lot to unpack and it’s hard not to be passionate and angry about it. It’s about time that these movies are seen and that they battle the terministic screens we grew up with, that our parents grew up with, and their parents before them. This idea of the American Dream isn’t just white anymore and it isn’t very realistic either. Where is the other half of my two-and-a-half kids? Why is a kid only half a kid? I know it’s some weird average based on statistics, but that’s just so weird to say.
But, regardless, terministic screens can be used to our advantage and they’re necessary in our every day lives. We need to set terms and we need to see them through specific lenses, but sometimes we need to see them through multiple lenses. You show Andy Warhol the same picture in different sets of colors and he’ll display all of them. So, why can’t we do the same thing? Why does there only have to be one set of terministic screens in which we are taught is the normal and everything outside of it is other, is tragic, or is not worth telling? Love isn’t just white. It isn’t just cisgendered. And it isn’t just straight. Love comes in many different shades and its about time that Rom-Coms realize that and show use the hilarity of a transgender protagonist without making their gender the butt of every joke. Or an overweight protagonist. Or a bisexual protagonist. Or an older woman as a protagonist cause old people can still fall in love and they’re still beautiful, thank you very much Hollywood. Of all things that we need to broaden the screens for, Love falls under that category.
Just stop killing the gays off please. Please. And please let Chris Evans play a gay protagonist... it’s the one thing I hope for before I die.
Works Cited Stuff
Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action. Empire State College, State University of New York, 1973.
“Bury Your Gays.” TV Tropes, tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BuryYourGays.
Rawson, James. “Why Are Gay Characters at the Top of Hollywood's Kill List?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 11 June 2013, www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2013/jun/11/gay-characters-hollywood-films.
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sxdollysblog · 3 years
Sex Toy Handbook - What's What in the Bedroom
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For men looking to spice things up in their love life, visiting an adult toy store or website may be the way to go. But for the newbie, the overwhelming selection makes it hard to know what goes where and who uses what and how. Enter the sex toy handbook... check out this handy guide to some of the most popular gadgets for tantalizing both men and women, as well as how to maintain penis health so it is sure to be a wild ride experimenting with all the new toys! Toys for Her While it's not to say men can't obtain pleasure from some of these toys - or don't enjoy being in on the action with their partner - the following playthings are designed with a woman's body in mind. 1 . Vibrators: Made famous by the TV show "sxdolly website and the City, " premium vibrators are probably the most common toy sought out by women. They come in every color, shape and size imaginable - from a tiny one that slips over a finger to very large and in charge - there is sure to be something that intrigues her lady bits. Beginners may prefer an egg or bullet vibrator, which is simply a round shape with no bells and whistles, while an adventurous lover may prefer a rabbit vibrator that boasts simultaneous clitoral and g-spot stimulation. 2 . Dildos: Dildo's are - in the simplest terms - non-vibrating penis-shaped sex toys. They also come in many styles and colors - and unrealistic sizes -- but they tend to look very similar to the real thing. Some stores even sell kits where a man can make a mold of his own business to create a dildo in his own image - talk about a personal gift for the wife or girlfriend! Toys for Him Some of the more popular purchases made by men are listed below, though this is certainly not a comprehensive list of all the penis gadgets to be enjoyed! 1 . Cock rings: A cock ring is a flexible ring that fits snuggly around the base of the penis. It is designed to minimize blood flow out of the penis, therefore allowing for maximum engorgement of the manhood. For most men, it also delays climax, allowing them to last longer. Some cock rings are even outfitted with nubs or vibrators to enhance stimulation for her. 2 . Masturbators: Male masturbators come in a variety of designs but are essentially soft, gel filled sleeves that go over the penis. The man : or his partner - then masturbate with the sleeve, which creates more intense sensations than the hand alone - and in some cases are meant to simulate oral sex. Toys with regard to Couples Some toys are designed for couples to use together rapid at their own risk of course! 1 . Sex Swing: Perhaps one of the more dangerous toys out there, this definitely takes skill to master, but is certain to spice up any sex life. Sex swings hang from the door jamb and essentially postpone the woman up off the ground in various positions, allowing for exciting and acrobatic sex to enter the repertoire. 2 . Anal toys and games: Anal beads, vibrators, and probes can be enjoyed by both men and women - though couples sharing toys should cover each toy with a condom during use and clean it thoroughly before swapping with each other. 3. Bondage: Another sexual craze made famous by the "50 Shades" books, bondage toys encompass everything from fuzzy handcuffs, to brews and blindfolds, to ball gags and restraint systems. Be sure to have a safe word in place before experimenting with these toys - a word that gives a signal to stop the action if anyone gets uncomfortable - to avoid any negative emotional reactions! Preparing the Penis for Play Before introducing sex toys into the bedroom, both partners need to be on board and interested in taking it to the next level. It is also wise to stock up on some good lubrication, as extended sessions in the sack can lead to chafing, irritation, and even pain, bringing the fun evening to a close. Prep the penis by using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), which contains moisturizing Shea butter and vitamin E. Not only will this keep the skin supple, but it will help repair skin if things get a little too rough in the bedroom!
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The smart Trick of Pearl Necklace That Nobody is Talking About
maintain everything complementary, pick shades you integrate into the remainder of your wedding celebration style system. If your bridesmaids put on dress in a gem tone, go with jewelry and various other precious jewelry pieces utilizing that very same jewel tone to connect your want to the girls in your wedding event party. Try an easy stud earring with the chosen jewel tone rock in the center.
Blue is a timeless color for brides, regardless of what the season. A very easy method to fit in your something blue is by including it right into your jewelry. Blue is often linked with the cold weather as a cool, icy shade, so precious jewelry items with blue gemstones work especially well for your winter months wedding.
Match the aquamarine rocks with diamonds for an extra spectacular impact that exhibits winter season charm. Darker blue gems like sapphires additionally work for your winter months wedding precious jewelry choices. Those darker shades offer a vibrant pop against your light dress. Silver is a prominent shade for winter months wedding events, however numerous brides choose various other metal shades consisting of gold.
For a typical appearance, yellow as well as white gold are the popular choices. If you want something on the stylish side, pick wedding celebration jewelry set in climbed gold. Dress shade can additionally assist you make a decision which metal finish to choose. Use this dress color as well as metal overview to aid: Platinum and silver pieces look particularly nice with a bright white dress.
A modern-day champagne-colored outfit works well with gold fashion jewelry. Highlight the pink tones in your blush dress with rose gold jewelry. Considering that nature is typically a motivation for wintertime wedding celebrations, it makes good sense to use those exact same natural elements for your wedding event precious jewelry. Look for pieces that include leaf or branch shapes.
The Only Guide to Bridesmaid Jewelry
If you're opting for a winter season wonderland style, seek fashion jewelry pieces that have snowflake-inspired aspects. If you select a long-sleeved bridal gown for your winter months weddings, mimic that length with decline earrings. This style of earring includes a little drama while creating equilibrium in your appearance. Select decline jewelry with a pearl, gemstone or various other accents near the bottom for a touch of visual rate of interest.
Look for pieces that have a complex pattern that looks like frost on a home window. French shoelace design earrings work well to develop this impact. For an https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=bridal jewelry icicle design, go with a pendant that involves a point or crystal-like elements that appear like ice. Finalize your winter wedding event ensemble with these wedding event precious jewelry option pointers: Wedding celebration precious jewelry can be fun and also vibrant, but do not allow it overshadow your bridal gown.
Maintain various other jewelry pieces basic. Modern wedding jewelry fads lean towards range as opposed to the conventional matched precious jewelry sets. Pick pieces that work well with each other without looking extremely matched. Your wedding precious jewelry ought to make you feel stunning on your wedding event day, but if you can discover something that is both gorgeous and feasible for you to wear for various other occasions, you come out even better.
When you try to find precious jewelry, have a picture of your dress with you to get a concept of exactly how the fashion jewelry might work with it. If you have a swatch of the material and describing on the dress, bring that along, too. Seeing the actual product alongside the precious jewelry provides you a far better idea of just how well they collaborate.
Let the jeweler recognize what styles you prefer as well as what look you want to achieve. You can obtain tailored recommendations that will certainly function well with your outfit and fit your choices. Do not obtain too caught up in the "guidelines" of choosing wedding fashion jewelry. If you like the pieces you choose, you're mosting likely to shine on your big day.
6 Easy Facts About Bridesmaid Jewelry Sets Explained
There's something wonderful regarding a wintertime wedding event, as well as finding your desire winter season wedding celebration jewelry contributes to the sparkling beauty of the day. Store our jewelry collections online, or locate the closest Mountz Jewelers place to discover the perfect winter wedding jewelry to complement your outfit.
You have actually obtained a lot on your plate nowadays, what with wedding celebration preparation and also all! To make it as simple as feasible for you to get all of the information you require to choose the wedding celebration fashion jewelry that's excellent for you and your fianc, right here's a guide on exactly how to come close to the procedure as well as a roundup of the articles on JewelryWise we think you'll discover most handy.
If that holds true, you can avoid reading this area entirely! Nonetheless, some couples like to select an interaction ring together, so if you remain in that classification, please continued reading. In enhancement to תכשיטים למתנה picking the kind as well as style of your interaction ring, there are various other vital considerations, like spending plan, but allowed's not enter that right now.
Here are the 3 main design-related factors to take into consideration: Your style preferences. Your personal design absolutely enters into play, such as if you favor a classic look or something a lot more charming or modern. An easy means to explore or confirm what style you such as is to take this quick test.
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10 Simple Techniques For Silver Pendant
Yes, think it or not, some rings look better on certain forms and also sizes of fingers. However, there's a ring style to flatter every kind of hand and also there are means to locate the most lovely ring for your special finger sizes and shape. Non-traditional choices. It is necessary to know that there are some out-of-the-box choices offered that you might not have thought of from colored gemstones to non-solitaire rings to mixed steels and also more.
Getting My Earrings To Work
Look into Wedding Event Band Essentials: What's Out There, What to Look For to cover all your options. For brides-to-be, one of the most essential factor to consider is exactly how it looks with your engagement ring, since they'll likely sit side-by-side for fairly time! There are four basic choices when it involves wedding celebration bands: Matching bands Bands that have the exact same design however are sized differently for women and also males Complementary bands Bands that are various but look related Engagement-wedding band established Bands that especially finish the look of the lady's interaction ring Non-matching bands Bands that express the users' various aesthetic appeals It's a good idea for you and your fianc to discuss your wedding band choices as a couple prior to heading to the jewelry store.
Numerous bride-to-bes enjoy to complement their wedding event outfit with just a tip of fashion jewelry. Standard choices include a beautiful strand of pearls, a ruby pendant necklace or a set of ruby earrings. Traditional pieces like these are ones you'll treasure permanently and likewise create a solid foundation for a versatile precious jewelry wardrobe to last a life time.
To make your wedding precious jewelry much more unique, you may intend to consider engraving it with a personal engraving such as initials, the wedding date or a special message. When you acquire your wedding event precious jewelry, you'll intend to do a few essential points to protect it. Initially, you may wish to buy a warranty or guarantee as well as solution intend for your engagement ring from your jeweler.
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omnihiloth · 5 years
Run Your Own Company By Reselling Wholesale Infant Clothing On Ebay.com
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In order to chat regarding love as well as still create a socially acceptable city identity, artists have a tendency to implement one of the 5 effective love narrative forms. No person recognizes scenarios like that, individuals cant take care of it, so they 'll speak about it for life. The lady attempting to offer me their most current phone plan offer referred to a television advert. She maintained me talking for around 10 minutes throughout which time she referred me to this particular TELEVISION advert a further 4 times, and each time I ensured her I had not seen it due to the fact that I don't see television. Weaving can be gotten throughout the adverts and also worked at for 5 or 10 minutes each time. New threads as well as stylish pattern layouts make knitting enjoyable and fast, and also I can weaved even if I am viewing TELEVISION, albeit an uncommon occurence for me personally! With the internet, even if you stay in an area that is little, you aren't limited to your town, and can discover people not just around the UK, however throughout the globe also! Then decorate with baby images and also such, then take it to your local copy shop, like Kinkos, and have them publish the web page on pastel tinted paper. In some cases weve taken place upon local street fairs or windsurfing competitions or a model train museum. Weve discussed endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst yet the majority of the time those are uncommon circumstances. The endometriomas, if they linger, and also theres continual blood loss in the abdominal area as well as the ovary that can trigger attachments. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A pregnancy with a corpus luteum, the second kind of useful cyst goes on to create as the child is expanding. A lot of these, the bigger blood materials, the bigger capillary on cysts are typically the corpus luteum cyst. Many ovary cysts in and of themselves are not mosting likely to be creating a trouble. But, the vital point below, is that cysts themselves, in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be an issue or life harmful trouble. The nature of the party is possibly going to have a tendency towards the womanly side; if the coordinators of the celebration have a provision for this, after that welcoming guys would certainly be fine. Certainly, there are numerous males and also ladies that are making good money utilizing the net service route. In this tune, the poet utilizes the perceptual narrative to acknowledge that some guys "dont be comin right ", but that he has a different perception of females than these other men. Supposed to assist with the pain, meant to aid me maintain In this song, Expert makes use of the contrasting narrative to share his sight of what love ought to be. It is necessary for the clothes to be entirely dry prior to they are done away with or worn by a youngster, and also hanging the clothing on childrens clothes wall mounts will certainly assist keep their kind. Nonetheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for dry products as well as 1983 for carbonated drinks.
free baby stuff expecting mother
People made use of to trade items as well as services for other goods and services before money was developed, as well as some people still trade today to stay clear of utilizing cash (mostly for tax obligation reasons I am told). Some other excellent solutions are a diaper service for cloth diapering mommies, and even a diaper shipment service for disposables, and pay for the very first 2 weeks or a month worth of diapering products. Even the colors utilized in the material ought to be natural and also safe. You might be originally drawn in by all the eye memorable colors and also the fanciness of the outfits, however if your kid is not mosting likely to like it, it is going to become useless. Pajamas as well as bodysuits for little baby women come in all various shades as well as designs, and also are created all types of weather. A couple of items would certainly do - a pair of babies suits, a pair of shirts, a pair of pajamas. Alternately, you can put a T-shirt over their jammies. They will certainly safeguard as well as guarantee any cash you put into a financial savings account and also pay you maybe 3% yearly rate of interest on your down payment. They know that if you're satisfied with your example, greater than most likely you be come to be a normal consumer and also spend money with them. There are actually a whole lot of giveaways available; you just require to know how to look for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see listed here for some instances) and discover what brands have it. Next off, you will certainly get here at your search results page web page; this is a listing of all products that satisfy your search requirements. Allow us take a peek into what makes these requirements a must for those parents buying baby garments. Likewise, allow your very first couple of road journeys instruct you what you need to have along. There are numerous very first time mommies around that have a whole lot of details to show to you and they do not want you to be without the details. They wish to have dresses with breathable material and also easy on the body. Is this what we have pertained to, - every person in our area sees the very same adverts, the very same programmes, the very same newspaper article every day or evening? Keep in mind: After attempting single foods, good mixes are potatoes and carrots or carrots and also peas. As well as not only will I examine it for him, Ill make it sound like the Elvis of foods, since Im already fairly certain that Sickness enjoy a hamdog. He also refers to his love interest as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", utilizing the royal characterization so typical in spiritual love narratives. If you're really strapped for money, after that you can most likely make do with utilizing your bed as a transforming table, yet if you can, this is something I extremely suggest. Its better to feed child first point in the early morning, after that enable some play or remainder time in between before offering child a bathroom. At a "Pamper Event," an idea significantly preferred for mothers that currently have numerous youngsters and also consequently the majority of right stuff they in fact need, they might take residence health spa accessories such as a loofah or bubble bath. A great bath-themed present basket would have some hypo-allergenic bath products, like infant bathrooms, talcum powder, towels, and also bath toys.
The major and also is that a lot of, if not all of these free things, are delivered right to the mommy's home. And, with that said, lets get right to the nitty abrasive. Do you have the software program you require to start? Eventually you are going to intend to transport your child, so you will certainly need to acquire something. Unless you're preparing to hold on to them for your next child, they're just accumulating dirt. With a few simple skills, an useful collection of "things, " and simply a little bit of planning and preparation, youll be on your method! There is a location for TV in our lives and also it wants all the fastest way of absorbing news from all over the world. Taking classes abroad Here, the poet makes use of the spiritual narrative to define the moment, location and also emotions that his love was started on, speaking of them as if they were in some way indicated to occur. Perhaps she believed that was her location in the world and also no-one might fault her if she executed her duties to the utmost of her capacity. I once had a neighbour that educated the world as well as it's mother she believed cleanliness was beside Godliness as well as spent throughout the day daily cleansing her home. It is thought that from this you really have the option to take a look at everything before you even have to purchase something. Limited neck lines would certainly problem you as well as also the positioning of buttons at odd placements would certainly create you problems, so examine these ahead of time. At the same time the buttons and also various other components in the layout ought to be carefully sewn. Yet Betty had the cash every single time I went to jail This tune additionally highlights the use of contrasting stories to express love. This instance even more illustrates making use of initial language in conversational stories. The poet feels it is unacceptable for anybody to "call you out your name ", or to put it simply, make use of bad language towards his love. A lot of the child shower ideas will benefit any location, indoors or out. Do you desire your child to look charming or amazing with baby clothes yet you do not have suggestions on where to look for them? Cost is a significant thing you would certainly desire to think about when acquiring infant clothing. It's very easy, check out an infant clothing store. Garments care plays a huge role in your child's safety and security. Hence, it is always recommended that you keep the safety and also convenience consider mind also when you are purchasing occasion outfits for your little one. Also when you have actually acquired a lacy shirt for your little girl, if you end up obtaining a dimension that happens to be slightly larger than her actual dimension, she will be comfy in it. As well as, moms and dads will be most likely to maintain acquiring garments to keep up with the modifications in the infant's development - dimension, weight, size, and form. Therefore, purchasing clothes that are somewhat bigger than the real size of your children body presents will certainly be good as it makes sure maximum comfort for the youngster.
Nonetheless, these booster shot procedures will only make their systems strong yet it does not offer an assurance that bacteria can't permeate their means in. So why did she act in this method? The same thing can be real with, absolutely with tube maternities, thats why those 2 can be perplexed. Yes it holds true that child clothes do not last long with youngsters expanding as rapid as they do, but looking after a babies garments is still equally as, if not more, vital. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life and that holds true This flow is unique due to the fact that it makes use of both the metaphoric and contrasting narrative techniques. The presentation of Hip-Hop love narratives is a really tough task. As well as that leads us to one of the most preferred metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Babies will certainly love this meal. Thick and cosy attires will keep the baby warm from head to toe. Below is a checklist of preferred items that has actually been looked into with several of the largest on the internet retailers of child products. Below are several of the basic points you'll wish to have. Do you wish to give a present to a brand-new mother without spending a great deal of loan? They use it when cleaning to remove smells, soften the fabrics, as well as provide your infant and also kid garments a fresh and also a lot more natural fragrance. When you are considering your childs convenience, its not only concerning the style of the clothing youre acquiring it will additionally be an issue of just how the product rests on your infants body. Think about just how much you have into the product. The following time you are re-assembling your set, make certain to add that product. I prefer to invest time with my friends and family, chatting on the phone, choosing long strolls or dancing the night away. With all that having been said, Ive found a brand-new food that I recognize I'm going to enjoy. Soon you'll discover that having only a few good outfits ends up being not practical. I had a great cost-free site a few years ago I checked out each day. Utilize your Roadway Journey logbook to record every people comments concerning the day. This will offer no good as buying child products indiscriminately will not simply be waste of money but also waste of time and energy which you can put for some positive use. If passing by car you should always use a cars and truck seat and adhere to the manufacturer's directions for suitable. If your trip restriction is no more than a one-hour auto ride one method, then search for locations of rate of interest within concerning 40 miles of residence. Which is not an issue because similar to kidneys, much like testis, ladies with one ovary can have simply as numerous babies as a woman with 2 ovaries and also two tubes. Obviously it is a 2x matrix, implying those first 2 people you obtained to sign up with get on your very first level. You must always have two sets at night time, due to the fact that you never ever understand when a child is going to spew up or have a diaper leak that can call for a full garment adjustment.
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shesellssanctuaries · 5 years
Run Your Own Business By Marketing Wholesale Child Clothes On Ebay.com
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In order to discuss love as well as still build a socially acceptable urban identification, artists often tend to execute among the 5 successful love narrative kinds. No person recognizes scenarios like that, individuals cant offer with it, so they 'll discuss it permanently. The woman trying to offer me their most current phone package described a tv advert. She kept me speaking for approximately 10 mins throughout which time she referred me to this specific TV advert a more 4 times, as well as each time I assured her I had not seen it because I do not see tv. Knitting can be grabbed during the adverts and also operated at for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. New yarns and also trendy pattern layouts make knitting fun as well as quickly, and I can knit even if I am enjoying TELEVISION, albeit an uncommon occurence for me directly! With the web, also if you live in a neighborhood that is tiny, you aren't limited to your local area, and can find people not just around the UK, yet across the globe too! After that embellish with baby photos and also such, then take it to your regional copy store, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel colored paper. In some cases weve occurred upon neighborhood street fairs or windsurfing tournaments or a design train museum. Weve talked regarding endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst but a lot of the time those are rare conditions. The endometriomas, if they continue, and also theres constant bleeding in the abdominal area and also the ovary that can create attachments. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the 2nd kind of practical cyst takes place to develop as the baby is growing. The majority of these, the larger blood supplies, the bigger blood vessels on cysts are typically the corpus luteum cyst. The majority of ovary cysts in and also of themselves are not mosting likely to be triggering a problem. But, the vital point below, is that cysts themselves, in and of themselves are not mosting likely to be a trouble or harmful problem. The nature of the event is possibly mosting likely to have a tendency towards the womanly side; if the organizers of the event have a stipulation for this, after that inviting guys would certainly be great. Certainly, there are millions of males and females who are making great loan using the net company course. In this track, the poet utilizes the affective story to acknowledge that some guys "dont be comin right ", yet that he has a different assumption of women than these other men. Meant to aid with the discomfort, intended to aid me preserve In this track, Guru utilizes the different story to share his sight of what love should be. It is very important for the clothing to be completely dry prior to they are done away with or worn by a kid, as well as hanging the clothing on kids garments hangers will certainly aid maintain their type. Nevertheless, aspartame was permitted on 1981 for completely dry goods and also 1983 for carbonated beverages.
free baby stuff expecting mother
Individuals used to exchange products as well as services for other products and also solutions before cash was created, and some people still barter today to prevent using money (primarily for tax obligation reasons I am told). A few other great solutions are a diaper solution for towel diapering moms, or even a diaper shipment solution for disposables, and also pay for the very first 2 weeks or a month well worth of diapering items. Even the colors utilized in the textile ought to be natural and non-toxic. You might be at first drawn in by all the eye appealing colors and also the fanciness of the attire, but if your kid is not going to like it, it is mosting likely to come to be ineffective. Pajamas and bodysuits for little baby ladies can be found in all different shades and styles, and also are produced all sorts of climate. 1 or 2 pieces would do - a set of rompers, a set of t shirts, a pair of jammies. Alternately, you can put a T-shirt over their pyjamas. They will certainly secure and guarantee any type of money you take into a cost savings account as well as pay you probably 3% annual interest on your down payment. They know that if you're satisfied with your example, greater than most likely you be come to be a routine customer as well as invest cash with them. There are actually a whole lot of freebies offered; you simply need to recognize exactly how to look for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see list below for some instances) and also uncover what brand names contain it. Next off, you will reach your search results page page; this is a list of all items that meet your search standards. Allow us take a peek into what makes these criteria a have to for those moms and dads looking for infant garments. Additionally, let your initial couple of roadway journeys show you what you require to have along. There are countless initial time moms out there that have a great deal of details to show you as well as they do not want you to be without the details. They intend to have gowns with breathable fabric and also simple on the body. Is this what we have come to, - everyone in our area watches the same adverts, the very same programs, the exact same information stories every day or night? Note: After trying single foods, great mixes are potatoes as well as carrots or carrots as well as peas. And also not just will I assess it for him, Ill make it appear like the Elvis of foods, since Im currently quite certain that Sickness like a hamdog. He also refers to his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", utilizing the royal characterization so usual in spiritual love narratives. If you're really strapped for cash, after that you can most likely use using your bed as an altering table, however if you can, this is something I very advise. Its far better to feed infant very first point in the early morning, after that permit some play or rest time in between before giving child a bath. At a "Pamper Celebration," a concept progressively preferred for moms that currently have several kids and also therefore most of right stuff they actually need, they may take house health spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bath. A great bath-themed present basket would have some hypo-allergenic bath products, like child baths, talc, towels, and bathroom toys.
The major plus is that the majority of, otherwise all of these free items, are provided right to the mom's house. As well as, keeping that, allows solve down to the core. Do you have the software application you require to get begun? Eventually you are mosting likely to desire to move your child, so you will require to buy something. Unless you're intending to hold on to them for your next infant, they're simply collecting dirt. With a couple of basic abilities, an useful collection of "stuff, " as well as simply a bit of planning and prep work, youll get on your means! There is an area for TELEVISION in our lives and also it desires all the fastest method of absorbing information from around the globe. Taking classes abroad Right here, the poet utilizes the spiritual narrative to explain the moment, area and feelings that his love was founded on, talking them as if they were in some way meant to happen. Possibly she believed that was her area worldwide and no-one can fault her if she executed her tasks to miraculous of her capacity. I as soon as had a neighbor who notified the world and also it's mommy she believed tidiness was alongside Godliness as well as invested throughout the day daily cleaning her house. It is thought that from this you truly have the alternative to check out everything before you also need to acquire something. Limited neck lines would certainly trouble you and also the positioning of switches at weird settings would cause you issues, so check these ahead of time. At the very same time the switches and other components in the style should be very carefully sewn. Yet Betty had the money each time I mosted likely to jail This track further highlights using contrasting narratives to share love. This instance better highlights making use of introductory language in conversational stories. The poet feels it is unacceptable for any individual to "call you out your name ", or simply put, make use of defamatory language toward his love. Most of the child shower concepts will help any place, inside or out. Do you want your child to look charming or great with baby clothing but you don't have ideas on where to look for them? Cost is a major thing you would want to take into consideration when buying infant clothing. It's very easy, consider a child garments shop. Garments treatment plays a huge role in your baby's safety and security. Thus, it is always encouraged that you keep the safety and security and also comfort consider mind also when you are shopping for occasion dresses for your kid. Even when you have actually purchased a lacy shirt for your tiny lady, if you finish up getting a dimension that takes place to be somewhat larger than her actual size, she will certainly be comfy in it. As well as, parents will certainly be most likely to keep purchasing garments to stay on par with the alterations in the baby's growth - size, weight, length, as well as shape. For this reason, getting clothing that are rather larger than the actual dimension of your infants body presents will certainly be great as it guarantees optimal comfort for the youngster.
Nonetheless, these booster shot procedures will only make their systems strong however it doesn't give an assurance that germs can not permeate their method. So why did she behave by doing this? The exact same thing can be true with, absolutely with tube pregnancies, thats why those two can be perplexed. Yes it holds true that infant garments do not last lengthy with youngsters expanding as rapid as they do, but dealing with a children clothes is still equally as, otherwise even more, crucial. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which's real This passage is distinct because it uses both the metaphoric as well as contrasting narrative techniques. The discussion of Hip-Hop like narratives is a very challenging job. Which leads us to the most prominent metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Infants will certainly love this recipe. Thick and also cosy outfits will keep the child warm from head to toe. Right here is a list of popular products that has actually been investigated with some of the biggest online merchants of infant products. Here are a few of the fundamental things you'll desire to have. Do you intend to provide a gift to a new mother without investing a great deal of cash? They use it when washing to remove smells, soften the materials, and give your infant and also young child garments a fresh as well as a lot more natural scent. When you are thinking about your kids convenience, its not only about the layout of the apparel youre acquiring it will certainly additionally refer just how the item rests on your children body. Consider how much you have into the product. The next time you are re-assembling your kit, make sure to add that item. I would certainly instead hang out with my friends and family, chatting on the phone, opting for lengthy walks or dancing the night away. With all that having been stated, Ive discovered a brand-new food that I recognize I'm mosting likely to love. Soon you'll find that having only a few wonderful attire ends up being not practical. I had a good complimentary website a few years ago I went to everyday. Utilize your Roadway Experience logbook to tape everyones remarks regarding the day. This will certainly offer no great as purchasing infant items indiscriminately will not just be waste of money but also waste of time and also power which you can put for some useful use. If travelling by cars and truck you must constantly use a child seat as well as adhere to the supplier's directions for fitting. If your trip limitation disappears than a one-hour auto flight one means, after that seek areas of rate of interest within regarding 40 miles of residence. Which is not an issue since much like kidneys, much like testis, women with one ovary can have just as several children as a woman with 2 ovaries and also two tubes. Evidently it is a 2x matrix, implying those initial two people you got to join get on your initial level. You must always have two pairs at evening time, because you never ever know when a baby is mosting likely to spew up or have a diaper leak that can call for a total garment adjustment.
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Good and Bad in Gaming
Gaming is one in all the biggest interests and even careers within the international. humans play games for a laugh or getting to know while others document videos approximately the video games. In this article, i'm able to cognizance greater on gaming itself and now not so much the side of a way to make gaming films. gamers are available in all one of a kind a long time, genders, religions, places and shapes. The backgrounds of folks who are game enthusiasts make gaming that rather more a laugh.
Backgrounds of gamers can play a component in the kind of video games that humans play. There are all styles of combinations for distinctive classes relating to the sort of video games and form of gamers. You really want to have a look at the sport's website to get all the pertinent information earlier to shopping for.
there are numerous online systems where you can purchase video games from which include Steam or Humble bundle. those sites will come up with the outline, movies with the aid of the business enterprise, images, person and non-user tags, evaluations, website, business enterprise and their social account(s). Be aware the game's internet site might not display you the whole lot you want to know. at least, a gaming company will display a brief income pitch description, small quantity of pictures (5 at quality), one or two videos by way of them and their social debts. The maximum they may offer is an informative description, their social money owed, consumer critiques and films via them.
allow's dive proper into what's perceived as poor about gaming. most people of the bad matters approximately games come from the actual-existence human beings on those games, the kind of video games and the types of games for the wrong character. A game may be poorly made but it's no longer usually the case where the game itself is awful. it is able to be wherein it changed into the wrong sort of sport for the wrong person. that is wherein the types are available in. perhaps a game has a chunk of violence. that does not make it terrible; it simply makes it the incorrect sort of game for a seven 12 months vintage. Or perhaps you got a puzzle game for a person who loves motion type video games. So the action loving character may not revel in it, but that does not make the puzzle sport horrific!
The types of video games are countless from nudity, tablets and alcohol, horror, gambling with money and extra. these different sorts are wrong for teenagers gamers as well as wrong for people who do not like seeing such matters.
Gaming has exact and horrific facets similar to the entirety else. The secret's how true and bad are those facets. for example, a few video games have a horrific facet with gamers that like to fight lots. that is commonplace in video games. understand for quite a few gamers this is not a huge deal; but, for kids who're new to the sport or even gaming in trendy this may be frustrating. There are instances whilst you want to keep away from the awful aspects all together. There are instances when the good outweighs the terrible. If this takes place and there are not any problems with the sport itself; then the terrible aspect is simply that one little fly for your room which isn't any big deal. warning: If the awful outweighs the best, i'd strongly endorse heading off that sport.
another factor that people will nag a game developer or writer approximately is representation. have to I say, a lack of representation which isn't always restrained to race, frame type and message in the sport. in case you are able to customize your person, then of route you may now not have a problem with representation. there is a trouble in some games where they don't represent sturdy and smart ladies, minority females and men, massive, small, tall, and brief ladies and adult males. be aware how I failed to placed "men" after woman for sturdy? that is due to the fact adult males in games are constantly represented as robust and smart.
In games that display a male sturdy and clever, he will often likely be white, tall, skinny, movie big name looking and buff. you may not often see him be a minority, short, overweight, no longer buff, nerdy looking, while still being robust and smart. you notice this even less for ladies. some girls in games also are white, tall, thin and strong while showing skin like no the next day. You simplest see these women in mmorpg games (hugely Multiplayer online position playing sport) though. RPG games are intended for fantasy worlds in which you mostly fight people and monsters. Of route the women' stats can be sturdy but they won't look robust.
In most games, once they add a individual in an effort to play they always add a white male first, then a white woman, then a black male, after which a black woman. They do not even truely upload folks who are mixes of races or in between. with regards to the black characters they handiest upload one coloration of "black" or "African American" and not every black man or woman on the earth is that shade.
In video games, the majority of the characters are continually thin and tall. You do not without a doubt see characters that are quick and skinny, tall and chubby, short and overweight, and so forth. There are a whole lot of folks who are not skinny and who aren't tall.
Then lastly, there is the mental message that is going with the gender, race, and frame type. What do I mean through the intellectual message? some games send an indirect message about that man or woman being robust and smart or some thing else. at the same time as for other games it may be a mental message either on motive or no longer. for example, in the sport you play and also you see a minority girl who is brief, overweight, nerdy looking and her trends are to be a goof ball, naive, and dumb. it may send a intellectual message to you that humans that look like her are similar to her. they are no longer clever, they are not thin, and are not tall. They did poorly in faculty, and many others. and so on. so you start wondering the ones matters based on now not simplest seeing this in that sport time and again once more, however when it happens in different video games too.
The worst element is NONE of these items are actual. sure, a few human beings aren't skinny, tall, and perhaps now not that brilliant; but not anyone is like this! You do have brief obese minorities who're smart as all get out! you've got all sorts of combinations of folks that ARE clever! Of direction, all these items about gender, race, frame kind, and messages are not simply in gaming; they're in films, television shows, ads, and so forth. what's exciting is that a number of the creators who make the games, movies, television indicates, commercials, etc., are minorities themselves and they make up the population of the earth. (search "world populace by means of race 2016" and click on the primary 3 hyperlinks if you do not trust me.)
quick disclaimer: i am no longer BASHING all of us! sure, i used to be shouting that. This segment of the article is telling you what I recognize, study, hear and enjoy in gaming.
if you do not believe me pass take a look at modern television indicates, movies, advertisements, and games. A display to examine for precise illustration is Milo Murphy's regulation. two video games to examine as a reference for true illustration are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in these fields it has gotten better for illustration mainly gender, race and simply now beginning frame type (in particular in this order). a few games even add robots and creatures as playable characters to avoid having problems with illustration. This gets rid of the problem of customers looking a man or woman to symbolize their actual or desired gender, race, or frame type due to the fact now there is a man or woman most users can agree on. in the end, you can't please all people.
o.k., now that I ranted and got the horrific stuff out of the way; allow's get into the coolest elements of gaming! you have game enthusiasts as younger as three years antique and as antique as ninety+! no matter your age, race, gender, faith, lifestyle, or place gaming may be top for all of us. Gaming cannot most effective be a laugh, however useful and academic.
A benefit with gaming is it may assist youngsters have greater self assurance in themselves and be more social. if they play an internet multiplayer game and talk to different gamers around the world, this could assist then get used to talking to other human beings besides family and that they benefit self belief in what they may be saying. they could cross from an introvert to a social fanatic! it can take place fast or slowly. although it's not a game however a place for gamers, artists, style designers, automobile fanatic, and so on. to chat; it's going to nonetheless assist them be more social. preserve in mind though, typing to someone after which voice chatting to a person are  distinctive studies. youngsters may be very social while typing but very shy whilst voice chatting.
that is how i am. earlier than i used to be shy while speakme to people I did not know whether or not it was online or offline, now i've turn out to be greater cozy with it due to the fact I realize the way to cope with myself and have faith in myself. however with regards to voice chatting online, i'm the quiet character on the chat. Counterproductive proper! you might even forget i used to be in a call with you! before while the humans at the financial institution said "hi" I wouldn't say whatever, now I definitely respond and say "hi. How are you?" After that I don't surely assume to talk with them so i will be quiet once more lol. See what I mean? After socializing, in fashionable, over the years you get higher at it and grow to be much less fearful and more assured in your self.
every other benefit with gaming is group work. once in a while in games the best manner to win or accomplish a aim is to paintings with one or extra players. In sure video games, players are allowed a assignment may be performed with only one player, however it is probably more difficult unless you've got extra players than your self. different instances sure responsibilities can not be accomplished with one player and want  or extra. There are instances you are making a set with your buddies or circle of relatives to complete the purpose. different instances you could make a set with human beings you didn't understand.
this is in which it can get tricky. If it is a game wherein you may make a collection it truly is invite simplest, you'd simply invite your friends or circle of relatives. you can strategize with them, you'll be more comfortable talking with them, and you may all agree to work together. If it is a sport wherein there may be no institution system but you could nevertheless work with others, aka free for fall, and you may communicate with them there might also nevertheless be a purpose that could simplest be completed with a couple of players. Do you have to play with other gamers you've got in no way talked to earlier than in case your circle of relatives and buddies can't be part of you and you actually need to complete this aim?
This is not a horrific issue although! this is wherein you not only come to be greater social but you learn how to paintings with different gamers you've in no way met before. if you usually play with your circle of relatives and pals you both already understand a way to work collectively, how the alternative thinks, and many others. however if it is someone you have in no way met it may be a touch difficult. Me and my brother grew up doing the whole thing together without actually having any friends, maybe colleagues and associates however now not without a doubt friends. So we have been very used to knowing what the opposite wanted or how they played and so forth. but whilst we definitely got two buddies, it become very hard to agree on many stuff. So if you play and paintings with other human beings now it will be easier later. Me and my brother have advanced our abilties to work with others.
some other advantage is staying power which ties in with group constructing and socializing. after all, so that it will get better at some thing you no longer best ought to hold doing it but you need to have endurance even as doing it. There are normally in video games in which you have to wait. just like studying is in the whole lot, you need to have persistence for the whole lot. In games you always must await something. You want to have patience for locating something, something to complete cooking, some thing to complete demise, your friends to come back back from going afk (faraway from Keyboard), the next wave of monsters to return, the subsequent level to open up, and so forth. and so forth. I needed to have patience while writing this newsletter! So gaming permit you to have more staying power in gaming and normal life.
any other advantage is hand and eye coordination. while you're gaming you have to pay attention to what's happening for your screen while also urgent your controller or keyboard button to do extra things in your display. if you need to transport your individual in that game, you need to use your keyboard and mouse or a controller even as still looking at your screen. it's like gaining knowledge of how to type. maximum of the time you're alleged to learn how to type phrases and sentences at the same time as looking at your screen without looking at your keyboard. This equal factor applies to gaming. you have for you to press the needed keys so that it will accomplish that factor you are seeking to do at the same time as looking at your screen. in spite of everything, in case you're urgent your keys but no longer searching at your screen, how are you going to understand in case you're doing it right?
Now, this one is a advantage and academic gain - reminiscence. games can help enhance your memory. How? permit me tell you. Take what I stated above approximately typing. The individuals who can have a look at their screens and type without looking at their keyboard have something called "muscle reminiscence". when they need to make a positive letter seem on display they simply need to press that key and that they do not should examine the keyboard because they have got press that key so often they themselves and their muscle mass recollect where that sure secret is. you have muscle memory already. don't agree with me? take a look at your keyboard proper now. you see wherein all the letters, numbers, and emblems are proper? The letters aren't in alphabetical order. So each time you attempted to type your call or some thing on a virtual keyboard where the letter had been alphabetical; Did you're taking you longer than usually to type that word and was it weird and confusing? It was. i've carried out it. you realize why?
while you type or textual content to a person you realize the phrase you want to make seem on screen and you recollect where the keys are. maybe you can't inform them so as if someone asked you however if they requested you to kind a phrase you'll be able to kind it because you understand where the keys are. For me I recognise a way to spell certain words while i'm typing however maybe now not how to spell it verbally. this is due to the fact i'm seeing the word being spelled in front of me. Technically while we type to each different we're spelling out phrases after which reading them in our mind. however whilst you talk out loud you do not see the words you just pay attention them. certain, whilst you study textual content on display you pay attention them to your mind, even proper now not you hear these words i'm typing, but you don't verbally pay attention them and you are seeing each letter make up that word. whilst a person spells something wrong you without delay note it because it's no longer spelled proper and you read it. whilst someone speaks something you do not examine any letters, you best hear the word.
So games permit you to increase muscle reminiscence and thoughts reminiscence. If you may keep objects in recreation you need to take into account in which you put it, or in case you need a recipe to make something you would possibly keep in mind the recipe, or maybe you don't forget a element about some thing important, or maybe you take into account the manner via a maze or the manner domestic. a few games are even built just to help enhance your memory or the most effective manner to maintain progressing is remembering positive statistics. My mother can kind without looking at the keyboard however struggles with trying to stroll in video games.
So now let's get into the educational advantages. One instructional benefit is math. Now, the game doesn't ought to have a aim to train you math in order for it to have math. The point of going to high school is to get an training! not socialize, however you still may make buddies. So this is applicable to all video games. the game does not constantly should have a aim of J but it'd encompass J. Its aim is probably X however it'd nevertheless have J. In a few video games you may build homes and use recipes to make items. How huge do you need your a way to be? 30 blocks X 10 blocks X 60 blocks? Did you understand what I just stated? let me say it differently. 30 blocks at the X axis (left and right at the floor), 10 blocks on the Y axis (up and down on the floor), and 60 blocks on the Z axis (up and down in the air). this is the way you'd build a house, using math, in a game known as Minecraft. With these coordinates it method your own home can be a rectangle with a very tall roof. permit's use Minecraft once more for this subsequent example.
in case you want to make four swords for instance, what do you need? You want wood and iron. How an awful lot wooden? How a great deal iron? we're going to start with the handle. You want two sticks to make the deal with for one sword. One wooden log may be changed into 4 wooden planks, take two and you could then make 4 timber sticks. You want to make 4 sword handles. So what number of wooden logs do you want? One. For the sword itself it takes  portions of iron. You want to make four swords, so how an awful lot iron do you want? 8. See? depending on what you are making and the way lots of that component the recipe can name for lots of resources or only some.
some other educational advantage is problem solving. There are plenty of video games with puzzles or none however it is able to nevertheless consist of hassle solving. an awesome recreation as an instance is Scribblenauts unlimited. on this game you visit make specific locations fixing people's troubles to cause them to satisfied which offers you an item to therapy a person. to be able to remedy their issues, you have to use adjectives and nouns to solve the hassle itself or make something to remedy the problem. The exceptional component is you could resolve that problem many specific ways and no manner is the wrong manner. some games even alternate based in your selections and we call those "paths". some paths can trade, live on the equal route, or stop. so that you need to solve each hassle the high-quality way otherwise you may pick the wrong direction or a route that ends.
every other academic benefit is reaction timing. in case you don't want to die in a certain recreation your response to some thing might be the identifying reality of your survival or grave. The extra you check your reaction timing the quicker you'll get and soon you may be able to react to things quickly. this will come from video games with fight like MMORPGs, shooters, and PvP (player V participant).
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sophygurl · 7 years
The Women of Luke Cage - WisCon 41 panel write-up
These tend to be long, so click the clicky to read.
I hand write these notes and am prone to missing things, skipping things, writing things down wrong, misreading my own handwriting, and making other mistakes. So this is by no means a full transcript.
Corrections, additions, and clarifications are most welcome. I’ve done my best to get people’s pronouns and other identifiers correct, but please do let me know if I’ve messed any up. Corrections and such can be made publicly or privately on any of the sites I’m sharing these write-ups on(tumblr and dreamwidth for full writings, facebook and twitter for links), and I will correct ASAP.
My policy is to identify panelists by the names written in the programming book since that’s what they’ve chosen to be publicly known as. If you’re one of the panelists and would prefer something else - let me know and I’ll change it right away.
For audience comments, I will only say general “audience member” kind of identifier unless the individual requests to be named.
Any personal notes or comments I make will be added in like this [I disagree because blah] - showing this was not part of the panel vs. something like “and then I spoke up and said blah” to show I actually added to the panel at the time.
The Women of Luke Cage
Moderator: Inda Lauryn. Panelists: JP Fairfield, Maria Jackson, De Ana Jones, Krys
#WomenofLukeCage - for the livetweets
Inda started the introductions off with asking the panelists who are their favorite black women characters that they’d liked to see adapted to screen outside of Luke cage.
Krys answered with Monica Rambeau.
De Ana, who said to find her on twitter as @nanicoolj, would love to see any of the women from N. K. Jeminisin’s The Broken Kingdom series, but especially Oree Shoth. [yes please]
Maria, who introduced herself as being on the Nerdgasm Noire podcast with De Ana and JP, answers with Stagecoach Mary.
JP, who told us she is @isitis on twitter, suggested Nubia, Wonder Woman’s sister. She thinks that would be an interesting origin story that would be different from Diana’s. 
Inda, who said she can be found on Inda’s Corner podcast, gave Concrete Park’s main character as answer to her question - as a black queer woman who would be great to see on screen.
Inda talked about how she had binged Luke Cage on Saturday night when it came out and when she got to episode 12, she noticed things were getting wonky. When she couldn’t start episode 13, she had a meltdown online with everyone else because so many people were watching at that point that they broke Netflix!! 
She discussed how exciting it was to be seeing something we don’t often get to see - so many black characters, and especially black women characters. These characters were all well-rounded and while they had issues and none of them were perfect - they were definitely not one dimensional. 
Inda asked the panelists when they realized the black women in this show were not just throw-away characters?
JP referred to a scene in the police station where there were three black women all talking to one another and it was Not about men. They were talking to one another about reasons that were not just a plot device for the male characters.
Maria liked that these characters were not all agreeing with one another, but neither were they fighting.
De Ana talked about seeing all sides of the characters - black women as good, bad, and neutral. Some of them got to be shown being taken care of, Misty was very independent, Mariah was pretty shady but was taken care of by Shades, some parts of these characters were tropey but some weren’t.
Krys talked about the one lady with the sports ring from her dad - even this minor character was treated well and was well-developed.
De Ana said that she is a Misty fan but also liked Claire a lot - she is very pragmatic, lacks that sense of wonder at the people with powers, she just takes charge.
Inda said that Claire got a good intro in the show even if you hadn’t seen her character in the other Netflix series. She has her purse stolen and then kicks the thief’s ass. 
Maria talked about how Claire works with these superheroes but doesn’t Need them.
JP said that Claire in Iron Fist got to ask the questions about how stupid Danny is. 
Krys agreed about the comments about Claire, but said that Misty really resonated with her. It’s rare to see an analytical detective as a black woman - not a white dude with no social skills who everyone has to put up with because he’s so brilliant. De Ana said - like Sherlock House? 
Krys liked the balance Misty showed between the law and her problems with how the system works.
JP wanted to see Claire as Night Nurse. All of this is her journey to becoming that. She also said it’s amazing to have an Afro-Latina confidently taking care of all of these superheroes.
De Ana talked about Misty’s story in the comics and how they start after she’s lost her arm and gets a new one from Tony Stark. There are flashbacks to her cop days, but they have some bad blacksploitation elements to them. She said it’s not Pam Grier, but Beyonce in Austin Powers. In the show, Misty has the same attitude as in the comics, but she’s no longer talking like it’s still 1972.
De Ana also appreciated that Misty recognizes that the law can’t always help her to help Harlem in the ways she wants to as a cop. 
JP liked that Misty is allowed to be vulnerable but still strong. De Ana points out that in the comics she is the super strong/super sexy trope. JP said in the show she is a fully realized human and not just one thing.
Inda brought up Priscilla and Betty as law enforcement characters like Misty. They’re cops but we don’t hate them. They have rapport with the other black women on the show.
Maria liked that they were all humanized in how they felt about their neighborhood. 
JP discussed how they were all black women working within the system but with different ways of dealing with it. She especially focused on the one on one between Priscilla and Misty about navigating a not-perfect system like - Yes, it’s fucked up but we need you to be here working with us.
Maria said that other cop shows don’t tend to let cops be wrong - all good and right all the time. On this show, they get to make mistakes.
De Ana liked that when things went awry, the show didn’t go to the place of a white man coming in and taking charge and changing it all. Misty has to change, but is still very much needed there.
Inda brought up the Claire/Luke/Misty triangle and said she liked that they don’t fight over a man - instead they have some female bonding over it.
De Ana expressed that her otp is Claire/Misty [I got very excite from the audience - mine is actually Claire/Colleen but I’ll ship these ladies in any formation really]
JP also liked that there was no real competition between Misty and Claire. Misty was basically - I tapped that, and Claire was all - I’m gonna tap that - and they kinda bond over it, and agree that his whole “coffee” thing is corny.
Inda brought up Mariah - she may not be a villain, but yes she is a bad guy.
De Ana liked that all of the characters have motivations for what they do and they’re all doing what they think is right for Harlem. Mariah got into law for that reason and because her grandma didn’t want her to get into crime. There was that respectability politics thing. But Mariah starts to realize that what she was doing wasn’t working so she became more open to doing different things.
Maria said that Mariah is a survivor - not a copy and paste “villain”.
JP related it to upward mobility stories where a family usually uplifts a young black man to be the one to succeed. In this family, it was Mariah who was propped up to be the great hope of the family. Turns out, though, she was more suited to being a crime boss.
Inda asked about the respectability politics in the show, and how most of it comes from Luke, as a preacher’s son. What about how this affects the women on the show?
De Ana answered that it mostly affects Mariah. Misty and Claire are more like “fuck it!”. Mariah has a facade most of the time, but we see her codeswitching when she’s caught out and gets upset.
Inda asked about Luke’s wife Reva’s characterization and how that differs between Luke Cage and Jessica Jones where she’s introduced.
Krys said in LC, it shows that Reva loved Luke as much as he loved her, but that he idealized her - she was complicit in what led to him gaining his powers. We didn’t see that in JJ.
De Ana said that not only is she idealized in JJ, but fridged. In LC, we get to see her as an actual character with flaws, but also that yes there was love there. She was still technically a plot device, but she got to be a full character.
JP wondered if they’d end up showing more of her background and motivations in future seasons. In LC, we see her with the trope of love changing someone’s mind from doing a bad thing - but we still don’t know what her initial motivations were for being part of the experiments.
Inda asked the panelists about any issues they had with the characters.
De Ana said Luke - there’s a specific color of woman that he can love (Jessica, Claire), and another that he’ll mess around with (Misty). She linked this colorism with the respectability politics and his being a preacher’s kid - a particular kind of classism that’s especially found in the south. 
An audience member asked for clarification on this and a discussion ensued between some audience members and panelists about how this is something ingrained in black culture since slavery - lighter skinned people being house slaves vs. darker skinned people being field slaves, etc. This kind of colorism is found throughout Afro-diaspora cultures. 
Also mentioned was how some churches had a comb outside the door and if you couldn’t get the comb through your hair, you couldn’t come in. Also the paper bag test for black sororities being a very real thing. 
In regards to this having to do with Luke being a preacher’s son - preachers have been and continue to be seen as having class access to white political spaces, which leads to the classism/colorism involved in the respectability politics. 
JP talked about her perspective as a person of color who doesn’t go to church anymore because part of that church culture is this colorism. 
Inda discussed how lighter skin is seen as feminine and darker skin as masculine and how this affects both women and men. 
An audience member asked if the casting of these women was purposeful for these reasons, or just Hollywood being Hollywood.
Krys talked about how you rarely see a pair on screen where the woman is the darker of the two.
Inda brought up Shades’ interest in Mariah and what that means to her.
De Ana answered the audience member that the casting was likely unconscious bias.
JP discussed this cultural bias some more. Depending on where she is - she can be seen as either light or dark skinned and when she is seen as light skinned she notices that she is treated a lot better. When she is perceived as darker skinned, she is often mistaken as a service person. 
De Ana responded that she is always asked questions in stores - “I don’t work here!” 
Maria added that she sometimes finds herself thinking “are you really a nice person, or am I light skinned in this space?” 
Inda brought up that Luke Cage season 2 doesn’t come until 2019, and after some discussion of which series get more seasons between now and then says “please tell me Coachella Fist isn’t coming back first?”
De Ana said that she can’t wait for Misty’s new arm.
An audience member brought up Eartha Kitt’s Catwoman as a standard bearer for black female comics characters. 
JP said that EK’s Catwoman is what made her want to be a superhero.
Inda talked about how Catwoman was not written as black and how that changed the framing of the character. 
There was a lot of raving about EK and Catwoman at this point by both panelists and audience members - I did not get it all down but it was great.
Maria said she wants to see more of Mariah and Shades’ relationship.
Krys said she is looking forward to Claire becoming more Night Nurse-y.
Inda also talked about Mariah and Shades - “they’re fucking.”
JP is concerned about being “Sleepy Hollow-ed”.
De Ana said LC has such a wide spectrum of black femininity that they’d have to kill half the cast in order to do that.
JP emphasized that she appreciated Claire being allowed to be Afro-Latina. 
An audience member brought up Star Trek: Discovery and Sonequa Martin-Green [lol I had SMG in my notes here and just got really confused - Sarah Michelle Gellar whaaaa?]. The audience member asked the panelists how they feel about Martin-Green’s character not getting to have natural hair.
What ensued was a lively conversation between both panelists and audience members about how Martin-Green’s character’s background was that she was raised on Vulcan, and then who would be doing her hair, and similar issues with other shows such as Sleepy Hollow and if the Mills sisters are the only black people in town - how is their hair getting done, etc. It was fantastic, but again, I did not get it all down quote-for-quote.
An audience member asked about Defenders - who else do the panelists want in there and are there are any concerns about how they characters will be treated?
JP said she’d love to have Misty join the Defenders because she’s such a badass. Also Colleen from Iron Fist (the only reason to watch IF).
Krys agreed and added that Misty and Colleen are Daughters of the Dragon together in the comics.
One audience member said that they loved Mariah for her complexity. But there were issues around the whole sexual assault storyline - not particularly well done.
JP agreed but said she feels mixed about it. There was the whole open secret aspect of the abuse and the show didn’t address that responsibly. But she liked that the grandma said he had to die for what he did. On the other hand, no one got Mariah any help for what she went through. 
De Ana thought the show was trying to show the reality of a complex situation. She liked that they didn’t have to show the assault happening for the audience to believe it. Also grandma believed her right away.
JP discussed the problem with Cottonmouth being pushed to shoot and kill his uncle. There is an issue in black culture of men not wanting to vilify abusers.
De Ana added that there are a lot of complex issues in these short flashbacks. Cottonmouth’s storyline is about toxic masculinity - he was pushed into doing this violent thing. It makes you understand and feel for both him and Mariah. It’s complex and the show lets it be complex.
Inda talked about the trope of an older black woman putting a gun into a young black man’s hands - The Get Down had a scene like that too.
An audience member brought up the fact that Cottonmouth didn’t want to kill his uncle because he was the only one in the family being supportive of him. They liked when Mariah beat Cottonmouth up, but not necessarily when she killed him. 
Another audience member who acknowledged they were way out of their lane added that they liked the depiction of Mariah still living out that trauma. It shows how it’s still affecting her.
Someone else from the audience discussed Shades and how Mariah’s abuse storyline was used to make her softer so he could come in and save her.
De Ana said Shades is Mariah’s “Supportive Murder Boyfriend”. Much hilarity ensued from this comment.
An audience member talked about how in the comics Mariah was a fat black woman in charge. The only other fat black woman from comics depicted on screen was Amanda Waller, who is similarly made skinny in both Suicide Squad and on Arrow.
Maria talked about her conflicted feelings on the great actresses cast for these roles - but they’re not fat. All of the panelists basically agree on this topic - with some acknowledging it’s not really their lane but, as De Ana stated “fuck these skinny bitches”.
Krys emphasized - in a world with all of this unrealistic stuff - we can’t have a fat black woman?!
Inda posed the question of if Mariah had been cast with a fat actress - would she have been characterized the same? General acknowledgement that there’s not faith that the writer’s room would have done well with that.
An audience member said they think there is an over-representation of fat black women. 
De Ana answered that yes, but only in a specific tropey sassy black woman way. 
Inda emphasized that Mariah got to be sexualized. 
Krys added that it was more like she had the agency to BE sexy - not hypersexualized or nonsexualized. 
An audience member brought up how Claire is a woc in STEM.
Krys said, as someone in STEM herself, she thinks it’s great. Claire gets to have authority. 
JP, also in STEM, added that her authority is not questioned or squashed. It was validating to watch a white dude decide to step back and let Claire do her thing.
An audience member said they want T’challa to make Misty’s arm, not Stark. Everyone agreed and cheered for this idea and that was the end of a great panel!
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charlie92y · 4 years
News about clone a photo with photo editor Windows 10
Even if an individual is without a doubt a professional electronic digital professional photographer just simply starting off as well as a competent photographer focusing so as to grow the organization, people require in order to go for to maintain progress with that swiftly switching methods and likewise improved tech modifications going online monthly. Whenever it really is certainly chance to printing along with process out that digital photography techniques, people are able to easily take several of the graphic tactic styles to immediately print all of them inside of a detailed information rating. Photo editor executes provide just some of the features is truly recognized for, and that works pretty functional once you've chosen you get literally just like so as to produce an effort your relay one thing extra nice than erase objects directly from image as well as likewise fulfill the photographs.
Without doubt the shiniest jewel inside the Windows 10 photo editor set would definitely be practically the awesome surface overlay procedure, which in turn manages reddish colored fields in addition to levels the body tone.
It really involves that Windows 10 photo editor comes with a wide width of appearance, from trainees along with editing so as to those by having a lot of experience. On the occasion that this brilliance found in this photograph is simply not as everyone wish it really, anybody can most likely polish that it using photo editor to make sure that people access that good result. Everyone must be probably working up a sweat getting around the subject matter together with getting for each possible position anybody can easily think of in order to show this story. Actually it is better to just submit a few good photographs, rather than a considerable amount of normal photo shoots. Quite often taking small every single day moments can result in several of one of the most impress photos. Professional photographers exactly who publish the optimal images to an internet site have most likely taken advantage of software program to reshape seeing not necessarily any photo is possibly skillful or maybe so as to use invert a picture. Doesn't matter the number of problems inside that image which was normally created, by using photo editor for PC each person will with ease resolve it really. It could be that it really is probably a bad concept to evaluate photographs at the same time something stunning is occurring in front of people nevertheless everyone may almost always have a bit of breathing spell within images. Anyone shall not actually anticipate to try out our easy photo editor considering that it really is actually quite helpful as well as anybody obtain a lot of guidelines coming from our software program while you are enhancing our photo shoots. If ever a shine as part of that photograph is really definitely not as everyone love it, everybody can surely arrange it with the help of easy photo editor that everybody become that right returns. The second people provide the correct motive before this cam, they get to be organized in order to secure it really inside the target and even take that skilled photo.
Everyday people view each that mode images furthermore all extra images approach to life or also model pretty much as is, still using tiny, own personal tweaks to every. Doesn't matter the number of problems on this photo shoot that was possibly produced, together with photo editor for PC each person have the ability to with ease take care of it. Photo editor for beginners has already long been one of one of the most well-liked application when it comes to persons that have an online site and need to get effects similar to scale an image with regard to that photographs. The second she provide the most suitable motive in front of this lens, you provide to prepare to secure it to your focus and even really take that right photo. Mostly any person can discover a whole lot so that people can possibly get excellent photo shoots, and yet we can probably likewise just take advantage of photo editor for Windows 10 in order that anybody might quite easily make our wished output.
Invert pictures is wonderful by having this photo editor
At the time it really is simply chance to print out and also process away that photography skillfulness, anyone can surely choose several of this visuals strategies subjects to right now print them into a specifics description. This step is going to of course manage completely in the case that anyone like with no a worriment, main photo changing by working with Windows 10 photo editor. Regardless of whether an expert is certainly an intending electronic digital photographer just simply beginning as well as a proficient photographer intending in order to construct the local business, people require in order to try to equal this quickly switching over styles and also improved design creativities appearing each month. As soon as that it is generally possibility to creating and also process beside that photography knowledge, everyone can quite easily select a couple of this photographic tactic subjects to today print them to a detailed information statistic. Any individual that intend to modify that shades inside a picture should really give a try to easy photo editor or perhaps really take that suitable photograph immediately. Most likely the glittering treasure in this photo editor package would undoubtedly be actually the fascinating body layer effect, which in turn manages reddish colored regions as well as evens the face tone. Almost all this ideal photographs of males that everyone just likes shall seem standard meaning all people just likes to review any of them and even everyone may perhaps possibly even profit. As soon as anybody understand about this regulation including a special solution in order to help make your images a bit more enjoyable, allow mention a few aspects this might possibly sidetrack your observers while looking into this photo shoots. Photo editor has definitely long belonged to the absolute most favored programs for men and women who provide an online site and also require functions as if improve pictures for the images. This particular photo editor is in fact very well for fanatical beginners along with a good special offer for find out the far too challenging energies what will frighten very moment picture straighten photos together with increasing consumers. Experience if your photo keeps a common sense of proportion and ease and even if that photo shot does not appear incredibly good upon the original try, manage to keep trying on till you receive it right and try photo editor. In the event that the lighting is definitely way too strong, everybody could make bad glooms inside this subject that is undoubtedly especially an issue when it comes to style picture taking. Photo editor for Windows 10 executes feature some of the attributes is truly notable as, and that happens pretty convenient as soon as you have actually chosen everyone have in fact want to help to make an effort your relay a little something even more sophisticated than wipe out details from image and even likewise saturate an image. The minute he had that correct material in front of that digital camera, people have to be set in order to obtain it really at this center along with get the most suitable picture.
Blend photos made really good along with that good latest Windows 10 photo editor.
Users should possibly not assume to try the photo editor by reason of it is definitely really easy to use along with they obtain a huge amount of support out of that computer software whenever you are modifying the images. If an individual are extremely an intending electronic photographer just starting off or a competent digital photographer concentrating so as to develop the business, anyone call for in order to go for to try to keep speed with the fast switching sorts and likewise replaced technical creativities coming out the whole time. Anyone that choose to rearrange the color or textures inside of a photo shot need to use photo editor for beginners or take that optimal image straightaway. Everybody have to be simply working up an effort walking around the principal object as well as recording each and every placement everyone can easily consider to tell that story news.
Obviously it is a lot more desirable to simply just add a few good photo shoots, rather than a considerable amount of standard photos. Influencer who exactly transfer the best photos onto a web page have for the most part put to work software application to adjust for the reason that possibly not each and every photo shoot is generally perfect or perhaps in order to make use correct a picture. It really implies that Windows 10 photo editor features an extensive variety of charm, starting with learners by using modifying so as to these by having plentiful years of experience. The indicated photo editor for beginners is definitely well when it comes to interested novices together with a fantastic promotion for learn the far too difficult tools what will terrify the first time photographs soften a picture and also boosting potential customers. Control if your photo provides a knowledge of proportion as well as directness and also when your photo shot may not look superb directly on that initial try out, manage to keep exploring till everybody get it correctly and also use photo editor. A number of blog writers work with photo editor for PC in order to saturate photos, considering that doing this produces one of the most awesome images still far better. Windows 10 photo editor has already very long been among one of the most practical programs with a view to females what own a website and even want effects such as flip pictures for the images. Whenever she obtain the best matter ahead of that electronic camera, they use to want to become it really inside this target as well as take that perfect picture. Our easy photo editor may be generally tested and also this useful controlling makes functions for example, improve an image easy to learn and also take advantage of.
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