#really compelling character writing so far i'm excited to see more of him...
every-sanji · 23 days
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thankskenpenders · 6 months
I'm a huge fan of Ian, but one criticism of him that I've seen that I kind of agree with is that he sometimes falls into "look how much I know about Sonic" in his writing. For example, a number of references in Frontiers like Tails namedropping Dark Gaia out of nowhere. It's a nice change of pace from Sega not knowing where they wanted to go with Sonic for like a decade, but it might be too far in the opposite direction. What do you think?
There's definitely a thin line between Ian's love of references and lore and lyric quotes being fun and grating, yeah. I think he tends to do it well, choosing things that will support and enhance the story he's trying to tell rather than just dropping random references for the sake of it, but sometimes it can kinda make me roll my eyes and go "okay, Ian, settle down buddy." He readily admits that sometimes he just really wants to play with all the toys in the toy box.
I think an example I might point do would be some of the Classic Sonic comics for IDW. The Tails special in particular felt like it relied very heavily on Ian being excited to use the Witchcarters again, and to use Flicky Island as a setting, but I felt like the story left me wanting a little more beyond just "this obscure old stuff is back again." (The art in all the Classic stuff is phenomenal, though, of course.)
Frontiers absolutely is jam packed full of references, but I think it works there because acknowledging and building off of decades of continuity is one of the main points of the story in Frontiers. It's part of a greater effort Sega has been making to acknowledge Sonic's legacy after much of the late '00s and early 2010s were spent being kind of ashamed of that stuff and trying to streamline the series. Frontiers, meanwhile, wanted to look back on all those past adventures and their inconsistent writing and figure out how to wring some proper character arcs out of them, so that the cast can reflect on those arcs and figure out what they want to do next. Mining hit-or-miss old material for a compelling throughline like that has always been something Ian's excelled at - it's literally what he did to the Archie comics when he started out - and having the characters acknowledge their past adventures is a part of that. It gives us a sense that Sonic and co. really have gone through a lot together, and that those experiences have shaped who they are today.
It's also worth remembering that a ton of more casual Sonic fans aren't as immersed in the state of the canon or Ian's referential writing style as we are. When Frontiers came out you'd see people say stuff like "OMG, Sonic mentioned Jet the Hawk!! I didn't know Sonic Riders was canon to the main series! I loved those games!" That kind of reaction is probably a big part of why those references are there. Sega wants fans to know that Sonic DOES have continuity, unlike a series like Mario where every game and sub-series is kind of its own thing, and that all the old stuff still matters. And if that's what you wanna do, then Ian's the guy for the job.
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nipuni · 7 months
Doctor Who status report! Writing these I'm realizing I only ever feel compelled to share my opinions on media when they are positive lmao makes for rather boring commentary probably!! but I only care to share the things I love, I would be a lousy critic 😆
We are half way through S7 and I can say now that S6 was a big improvement from S5 for us! It was really fun! we have been rating every episode and keeping season average scores and S5 was the lowest we ranked so far out of all but it was still enjoyable honestly! Someone in the comments in one of my reports mentioned that each doctor's first season is usually their worst one and I'm also noticing this! I think Ten's first season was his lowest ranked out of his three for us too even though all his run was super high. Matt seems more comfortable in his doctor's portrayal by now and he is also more goofy which I personally always love 🥰
S6's arc had us terrified and puzzled the whole time it was very engaging!! and some of the episodes were devastating like "The girl who waited" and just everything about River Song always, The Silence creatures are so unnerving and cool and it had a ton of really classic episodes with great concepts. We were kind of disappointed with "the doctor's wife" episode though I'm a bit mad about it because I feel it had some great ideas but the way some elements were handled ruined it for us (mainly the Tardis's whole characterization and the Doctor's reactions to the situation felt so flat and out of character it was weird) so much wasted potential! but overall it was a great season!
Then S7 so far we watched up to "The bells of saint john" and our favourite has been "The angels take Manhattan" we love the concept of the Weeping angels and this one was terrifying and back to their original lore! and the ending was so unexpected! We also met Clara and I love her too honestly I'm terrible at rating companions because I love them all I think they all bring something new and special to the story I end up loving everyone 😭 We have seven episodes left with Eleven ahhhh time to suffer another regeneration soon!!
About the writing I think as we watched we grew more used to the differences and they became less jarring, though when I think back to the RTD era I feel I loved it because of the writing while now I sometimes I feel that I love it despite the writing, if that makes any sense? I still do love it but it feels like wrestling with Moffat a bit! lmao. He gets a bit repetitive and too on the nose and ..weird about women and overly grandiose at times still but now we know to expect it 🤣
Also another unrelated observation but we feel that Eleven seems younger than Ten in many ways. I know their personalities are supposed to change and they are not necessarily linear but it's something curious we both noticed! And Eleven is such a clingy soft little man!! baby!! very cute!! I love him I'm excited to see how the change to Twelve is going to feel!! I have no idea what to expect from Twelve I'm so curious!!
We are consuming this series so fast and we don't want it to end!! 😭 I have such a gigantic backlog of art I want to make about it by now, I keep thinking of ideas as I go and I don't have the time to draw them yet because of work!! AAAAA the moment I meet the last of my current deadlines it's over for you all!!
Anyway that was very long I'll go make dinner and watch some more 🥰 I hope you all have a good night and a great start of the week!
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
okay so I had a really terrible thought and I’ve been following you for a while and I wanted to hear your thoughts (maybe i’m just in a place of doubt rn) BUT
since they’re basically writing the episodes as they go, and are seeing fans reactions (and possibly taking them into consideration as they write), do you think if they see such a positive reaction to buck/tommy, they’ll make him more long term (and possibly endgame)…? again, I could be overthinking it but I’ve been seeing a tON of buck tommy stuff and idk if they’re going to consider that when they write the upcoming episodes for the rest of the season…like buck/tommy is cute ig don’t get me wrong bc we see bisexual buck and him enjoy his first male relationship and like i’m so proud, but…i’m an eddie-girl and buddie has always been my endgame
Okay, hi, ngl, I had this exact thought too when Tim kept insisting there's no plan. But the thing is, I don't believe him. I believe he doesn't have the full plot locked and loaded, but I doubt he doesn't have any idea where the story is gonna take him. Personally, I doubt that a few weeks of excitement over Buck being bi will be louder than 5 years of people BEGGING for buddie to happen. Buck and Eddie have a compelling relationship that's been cultivated for YEARS. And, look, far from me to make Buck's bisexuality about Eddie, but making a character who's HEAVILY shipped with another man for years queer in season 7 while having no plan on following through with the love story they've been building for 6 seasons would be dumb. Buck with a new guy and Eddie doubling down on being straight and ending up with some random woman is the worst case scenario here. This fandom is weird in the way that most of it is mono shipping. It's Buck and Eddie together or nothing. So they would piss off the homophobes, who are already pissed, and a solid amount of the people who have been following buddie for years and that's bad for business. They have the power to have a ridiculously compelling queer love story that's built on a foundation that's been there for 6 seasons. Buck and Eddie getting together could be EPIC. And they made the move to make Buck queer. They didn't have to. I love that Buck is getting a queer storyline, but if we are going there with Buck, what's actually stopping them from going there with Eddie? I don't see how you can have one of them being queer and not go there just because people are excited that Buck is bi. Tim can't say it's gonna go there. That would be a spoiler. A huge spoiler. But narratively speaking, or from a business perspective, Buck being bi has to mean buddie getting together. Because that's what people have been wanting from them. And honestly, if they wanted to play Tommy as having any chance of being Buck's endgame, he wouldn't have so many parallels with Taylor. The TK of it all, the helicopter of it all, the kiss that happens because Eddie is injured, Buck is even wearing a shirt that looks like the one he's wearing when Taylor comes back, like, seriously, what the fuck? And that's not going into the symbolism they have to know is there on the way the loft itself is a symbol of romantic doom, because Buck got it in a relationship that instantly Ended and the 2 times he started something there it went up in flames, so like 🤨🤔 I'm curious to see where it's going, but, personally, don't see them actually lasting the rest of the show. At least that's what I'm telling myself to calm down when I panic and trip into the bad place lol
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amethystfairy1 · 24 days
hiya it’s been a hot minute since I sent an ask but I want you to know that I’ve been reading all your stuff for months now, refreshing multiple times a day bc I can’t get enough and I adore everything you write <3<3<3 I think your more recent writing with the darker themes is well done, it adds the perfect amount of angst and stakes to the story, more than vague threats of getting hurt, esp in the under city, but it’s not too much at the same time. Also your newest TT treebark is probs my favorite fic thus far, and treebark isn’t even my favorite ship lmao. It’s so arghhh yesss with Rens acting but Martyn can’t tell nooooo 😭 I REALLY want to know what Ren was thinking that whole time negotiating with the bandits, esp when he finally looked at Martyn bc he could probably hear his cries the whole time and UGH it breaks my heart in a good way. AND MARTYN ACCEPTING THAT REN WOULD DO THIS, AND FORGIVING HIM????? The angst, the FEELS. Stunning. A masterpiece. I start my days checking to see if you’ve posted I’m so obsessed XD. Might have to draw the scene… anyhow. I see you get a lot of requests to write certain ships now bc all the stories r so captivating we just HAVE to know more. But. I hope you don’t feel pressured or stressed about it, make sure to prioritize your own wants first. The quality is worth the wait <3 that said, I’m going insane over Martyn. oH also!!! Ren grabbing the wolf pendant!!!!!! He knows how much it means to Martyn my HEART they’re so AAAaAAaAaaaaA!! And he waited until he was between Martyn and the bandits to attack! To protect him! 🥺🥺🥺 the little details are so sweet I’m dying to know rens thoughts. He probably has the rage of a thousand suns in him after seeing Martyn tied up, hurt, crying, bc they would DARE lay a finger on the only one who protected him, who was nice to him. Just. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough. I’m def gonna draw this. Also side note love the new pfp
Hello!!!! Good to see you!!!!
I'm so glad you're still reading and enjoying my works!
Also very happy to hear you're enjoying the darker themes that have been coming up recently in both TTSBC and TT! You're exactly right, that's exactly the sort of thing I was trying to nail...oh yeah ANGST with Treebark right now!
I mean. If you feel inspired. I would LOVE if you drew this scene. Because like, I have that art you did of Ren asleep on Martyn's shoulder as the cover image to my Treebark fanfic doc 🥹
Thank youuuu I appreciate the thought about not feeling pressured or stressed, I promise I'm not! I know everyone is just excited for their favorite/most compelling storyline to continue! And like I've said elsewhere, I plan to stick to my mantra...when I try to write something I'm not in the mood to write, I burn out and don't feel like writing at all. That's what happened to me the last time I stopped writing, and I didn't post at all for nearly a year. I HATED THAT. So TTSBC and TT is the perfect situation for me! Lots of ships, lots of characters, lots of dynamics, and between the two I can write BASICALLY anything I feel like at any point in time! So yeah! I'll write what I feel like writing in the moment, because that's always when I come up with my best stuff!
THE WOLFS PENDANT YUP GOOD CATCH. Ren's a good guy, he pays attention to that sort of thing 💖
I'm glad you like my new pfp!!! I love it! It's by my same friend who drew my old pfp, but THIS one is of an original character of mine everyone who reads TTSBC is very familiar with and people very scared of, but I assure you, any resemblance to characters previously mentioned is purely coincidental, hypotheticals should be, should be, should be dismissed, and there is no need to be concerned. 😉
Thank you for coming by again!!!
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escapetheshark · 10 months
Off the Deep End | part 1 | swim instructor Bang Chan x fem reader
Genre: fluff; smut; angst
Rating: 18+
Pairing: Bang Chan x fem reader
Word count: 3,6k
Warnings: mentions of past trauma, drowning, adult language (warnings will be added to each chapter)
Summary: Hellbent on facing her fears, she starts taking up swimming lessons from one attractive young instructor named Christopher.
A/N: In case you're new here, I always name my characters because I don't like writing in the second person. This story is set in Australia, therefore I use some Aussie slang and lore, lmk if there's anything you don't understand that I can clarify for you. I'm not Australian, I just tried my best to recall things from my time there and I suppose a lot of things are similar to New Zealand. If any Aussies find anything really OOC, please do let me know.
A massive thank you to @seo--changbin for her help aka putting up with my bulshit. Love you <3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | to be continued
Masterlit | Network
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It's a lovely day: the sun is shining down on me, hot and bright, not a single cloud in the sky. I take another sip of my boozy cocktail and look over to my right where my sister has fallen asleep with a book on her face, several empty glasses piled on her side of the table. Not even her kids' loud screeches can seem to disturb her slumber, or maybe she's got good at zoning out. Her husband, who had disappeared inside the house God knows how long ago, has come back with a bucket in his arms and places it down by the lawn chairs.
"Help yourself," he enthusiastically says, before noticing his wife's sleeping form and immediately repeating himself in a lower voice. "Help yourself."
"Thank you," I simply say, raising my cocktail glass to show him I'm good for now. The bucket is full of beer, soda cans and water bottles for the kids.
The two boys decide to have a cannonball contest at the far end of the pool and are arguing about whose technique is the best, although I personally didn't find either that impressive. My brother-in-law finishes his Heineken and joins his kids with what was probably the only good cannonball of the day. He swims over to the edge of the pool and his head peeks out from the surface of the water.
"Come on, Jess, get in!"
"No thanks, I'm good."
"You need to face your fears at some point," he shrugs. "It's a lot more fun than just sitting on the lounger all day!"
He does make a compelling argument, however, I still see blood flowing and swaying on the water anytime I stare down into a swimming pool, the bottom seemingly invisible, like an endless pit. The scar is well hidden, thanks to really good surgeons and my own talent in makeup, but it is there and I do see it and feel its ridges whenever I touch my jaw. I'm facing my fear, looking straight into it. Maybe someday I'll be able to take a dive, but today is not that day.
I want to go home, I really do. My sister's friends are all a little obnoxious and I'm starting to feel sick from all the grilled meat I end up consuming at her weekend barbeques. At least the kids have all gone to sleep, not that the adults aren't equally as loud, especially after so much beer.
"-this year we'll go skiing in Austria instead, you know, see something new," one of the women says, wine glass in hand. "It's always Mount Hutt, I'm tired of Mount Hutt!"
"Snow all looks the same, Brenda," her husband spits with an annoyed look on his face. "You just want an excuse to go to Europe and see the hunks over there!"
"Imagine that, sitting on a plane for a day just to see snow when there's perfectly good snow down in New Zealand," some other guy retorts. "Taking those five kids of yours, too!"
Both Brenda's husband and this other guy laugh, but Brenda doesn't seem to be having fun. She sulks and pours herself another glass, keeping her head down.
"What about you, Jess, have any exciting plans for the new year?"
My eyes avert from Brenda and her troubles to the person sitting next to me, I believe her name is Amelia. She has very well-kept long blonde hair that doesn't suit her skin tone but her roots are barely visible still. Her face is somewhat orange, but I guess she pulls it off.
"Oh, I'm just gonna stay here in good old Melbourne," I shrug. "Might pop to Montague Street Bridge to see all the trucks losing their roof." I giggle at my own joke, but Amelia just seems lost, sparing me a pained smile. "I don't think they have Tim Tams in other countries."
"Oh that's not true," Brenda's husband interjects out of nowhere. "I'm pretty sure I've seen them in England!"
The awkward conversation dies down as they continue discussing their lives and I keep to myself, pretending to be very interested in the cranberry juice in my glass, avoiding meeting anyone's gaze lest they strike up more conversation and ask me why I don't just travel to Europe or the US, it's lovely up there, how can I miss out on such fun? It's either that or asking if I'd like to meet this guy they know, he's single too, he's divorced, his wife just died, he's got kids but he's nice, he works in IT. I don't want to meet their friend and I don't want to hear about Paris again, yet I keep getting dragged to my sister's pool parties where someone always asks me what drowning feels like, as if everything is supposed to feel like something else.
"By the way, my kids are taking swimming lessons with this extraordinary instructor," another woman invades my personal space to drunkenly tell me things I didn't ask about. I can't remember her name even though I know I've seen her face a few times. I remember her kid is called Jessica like me. "I hear he does lessons for adults too, he's a doll. I'll give you his card!" She reaches for her purse and pulls out a small rectangular card, very unassuming, with just a name, a phone number and a simple tagline - swimming lessons for all levels and ages.
"That's the most boring business card I've ever seen," I comment out loud, although I should have kept it to myself.
"Well, he's pretty good, just give him a call. Jessica loves him and she's making so much progress so quickly! She might get into the Olympic team at this rate…"
I feign enthusiasm, like this 10-year-old girl having such immense pressure put on her can be any good. I suppose she's growing up in a 5 million dollar home in Toorak, so she'll be fine. I place the card in my pocket and forget about it, deciding that if I'm stuck here in this rich people hell, might as well have a laugh, like when I eavesdrop at the deli section in Coles.
The smell of chlorine makes my head hurt and it takes a minute for me to adjust to the stuffy warm air. I might vomit my heart out with the way it's beating in my throat. My right hand caresses my left elbow, knees trembling, mouth dry. It's hard to focus on a single thing when everything happens so much at the same time - background music, chatter, kids screaming, whistles, splashing, that awful chlorine smell that I can't ignore no matter how hard I try. I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to go, I just stand by the door to the shower room, the swimming cap feels too tight around my head.
"Hey, are you alright?"
The voice that interrupts my anxious contemplation belongs to a short slender man in swim trunks and a tank top who appears behind me.
"Yeah, I'm just looking for my instructor, his name is uhm- Christopher?"
"He's me, I'm Christopher," the young man smiles sheepishly, his small eyes disappearing into his face for a second. "Oh, are you Miss Jessica?"
"She's me, I'm Jessica," I chuckle nervously. "We spoke on the phone."
"We very much did," he agrees, motioning for me to follow him around the Olympic-size swimming pool towards the far end of it. He waves at some other guy, I look politely at him and try to forget that I'm about to really have to get in the water. There's no escape this time, I've paid for my first fifteen lessons and it wasn't particularly cheap either. No refunds, unless caused by provable illness. Is it too late to break a leg…?
"Right, so you mentioned you cannot swim at all," his attention is back on me when we stop walking as we reach the very last lane on the opposite end of the pool. I look over at a storage unit full of various floating devices and wonder if I will be allowed one or two. Or ten. "The first step will be getting you comfortable in the water."
I watch as Christopher removes his thongs and leaves them under the bench then proceeds to lower himself into the pool using the pool ladder. He's got water up to his chest. He's maybe one or two inches taller than I am, so I definitely will be able to stand. It's too late to have a panic attack and run away so all I have left to do is go in. He's right there, the swimming instructor I've been told has several medals and apparently was part of the Australian junior swim team. It's his job to not let me drown. He's not my drunk mother thirty-two years ago who didn't see me slip and fall into the pool while she sipped cocktails.
"Go on, then," he smiles at me the way a proud father smiles at his kid's doodles before leaving them on the kitchen counter to be put up on the refrigerator door later. "See, you can stand."
My sister's friend did mention he seemed to teach mostly children so the slightly condescending tone is probably just an occupational hazard and I can't blame him for being a little bit snooty towards the thirty-something year old lady who's trembling just standing in four feet of water.
"See, it's not that bad," he offers and I can't tell if he's thinking in the back of his mind that I look like an absolute buffoon. He probably is. "So now all I want you to do is walk to me. Just walk," he instructs, making his way towards the middle of the pool, a few steps, stopping once the water reaches his shoulders. "I'm right here."
It's nothing like walking on dry land, I had forgotten what it feels like to be submerged. The water slowly and gently undulates as my legs move, tiny step by tiny step, like a newborn foal immediately forced to learn how to walk within ten minutes of being yeeted out of the womb.
Christopher keeps reassuring me that he's right there and will absolutely not let anything bad happen to me; it's almost more nerve-racking than if he simply stood at the edge of the pool yelling instructions, like the instructor a couple of lanes to our left with a class of about eight teenagers. It's hard to appreciate his seeming kindness when I'm trying so hard to focus on not letting my knees melt into wobbly pudding, each step feeling like a mile long.
He's got water up to his chest, Jessica, you'll be fine.
He's just standing there, the smile eventually fades from his face and he just watches me take slow, careful steps towards him, arms stretched out as if he expects me to tumble over like I did when I was four years old. Shit. I was doing fine without those memories, this is not a good time for the dramatic flashbacks! I stop, taking a deep breath and looking up at the tall ceiling, my vision not focusing on anything in particular, just the way the harsh bright lights illuminate the interior of the swimming complex.
"You good?"
Somehow I've muted all the noises around me, but his voice seems to come from way too close and that's when I realise I either moved without realising or he took a few steps to come meet me halfway because the next thing I know, he's a lot closer to me than I remember him being.
"I-I'm fi-fine?"
I'm not sure I sound convinced, but my head is still out of water and completely dry so I don't think anything happened to me. I look at Christopher again, his eyes seem almost worried but he offers yet another little smile. Do his cheeks not hurt from smiling so much? He already seems very non-threatening with his short and slender build and jovial face, he doesn't need to put so much effort into making himself appear as inoffensive as possible.
"Look back," he says, "you walked all this way!"
There's the condescending tone again like he's talking to one of his six-year-old students. Or maybe I'm just being a bitch to this man for absolutely no reason and he's just trying to be helpful and do his job properly. I've already paid him, either way. Might as well learn to actually swim while I'm at it.
"I sure did-"
"Do you want to try and extend your body? I'll hold your arms." He reaches out again, his pale arms extended towards me. I hold onto his hands, unsure of what exactly I'm supposed to do and how to even do it. Seems easy enough, right? Just extend your body out, like you're lying down in bed, except this isn't a safe comfortable bed, it's a dangerous swimming pool.
"Lift up your legs and kick them back," he instructs, his grip on my hands very strong, as a way to say he won't let go and let me drown. "Try one leg at a time first."
The movement is awfully uncoordinated and lacks any sense of grace, but I do manage to pull my leg back, then the other, then both at the same time, my eyes on Christopher's arms, worried he would let go on accident and leave me to brave the waters on my own. You can stand up, I remind myself. You've got water up to your shoulders.
"Good job," he praises, and I must admit a sense of mild pride washes over me. Yeah, it's a fucking good job! "Stand back up now." I obey, strengthening my grip on his hands, my body feels like it's floating and I can't remember how to get back down. It takes a minute, but I'm eventually standing up again, my hands still in his for a little longer until he finally lets go.
"How are you feeling," he inquiries "bit more confident?"
"I guess," I shrug, very clearly not that confident.
"You'll get there." Another smile. This one feels more earned, though, not as mechanic as before. I doubt his words for a minute before scolding myself. You will get there, it's just swimming, not rocket science. I nod, my knees relaxing subconsciously as I watch him get out of the water using the ladder again, making his way to the storage unit and picking up a couple of accessories he promptly throws in the water before joining me once more in the shallow end of the pool.
"Will these help make you feel safer?"
I nod again, holding onto one of the pool noodles as if I've never seen one before. I never told him my tragic backstory, yet somehow he acts like he knows there's something deeply wrong with me. I wonder if my sister's friend told him something…
"Right, so the goal for now is to get you to feel confident and safe in the water," he explains, his face serious and stern. "You can have as many noodles as you want and I'm right here, I swear on my PS5 I won't let you get hurt." A little giggle leaves him, like he's making a silly little joke to the little kids he teaches. It's hard to take this man seriously when not only he seems to have never interacted with an adult, but he himself looks almost like a child, small and sweet-looking, like life hasn't yet taught him a lesson. I'm being so judgemental for no reason. This young man is just doing his job and trying to be nice about it. I have to scold myself again for thinking so negatively all the time and wonder if my sister does that too or if she's cured now that she has the perfect life…
"You basically paid me to not let you drown, if that's any consolation." His joke pulls me out of yet another session of inside-my-head rambling. He's trying so hard to be the cool and fun teacher and I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm at least ten years older than this wide-eyed pale boy.
"I guess that helps," I shrug, looking at him. "So what now? You throw me off the 10 metre plank and I have to somehow not die?" He laughs, his little eyes completely disappearing into his face and becoming crescent moons. He has dimples.
"Yeah, let's go," he jokes again. "No, we take it as slow as we need to. The goal is to not scare you any further."
"I'm not scared!"
"Yeah, that's why you were shaking coming down the ladder and holding on to me like that just now," he snarkily comments right before becoming apologetic. "I-I'm sorry, that was inappropriate."
"Don't worry, doll," I shrug, still holding on to the pool noodle, standing near the edge of the pool.
"Well, anyway, let's practice some more." His demeanour is back to the overly-friendly one from a few seconds before as he passes me another pool noodle, instructing me to loop it around my stomach. He holds out another noodle, one hand near each end, keeping it straight. "Hold on to this and look at me."
I do as he says, placing my hands next to his and facing him dead-on. "Now let's try to kick your legs back again, just like before." The noodle naturally doesn't feel as sturdy as Christopher's hands on mine, and the one on my belly almost pressures my body upwards and I have to actively force my torso down. My hands almost want to slide closer to his, to feel someone's skin on mine rather than polyethylene foam would make me feel a little more secure, but he's right there. He's literally a foot away from me, his feet firmly pressed on the tile. He won't let me drown. He wouldn't.
"It's okay, I'm literally right here," he reassures again, that damned smile that he just can't avoid but flash every damn minute. I wonder if he's always like this or maybe he's secretly a dick outside his lessons. Maybe he even voted One Nation.
Hands firmly on the pool noodle, I kick my legs back, slowly, immediately feeling the tension in my belly releasing. "You don't have to be so tense, you know." I feel light headed again, my eyes fixated on his but not focusing or registering what I'm looking at.
"Let's breathe slowly okay," his voice lowers an octave and catches me off guard. "Breathe in through your nose. One. Two. Three. Four. Five." He's breathing in too, still looking into my eyes, and it almost feels uncomfortable. I can't remember the last time I really looked at someone for so long, especially what is essentially a stranger. "Good, now breathe out through your mouth, slowly." He counts to five again, just as slowly as before and it feels like I have never breathed before in my life.
"I've got you," he reassures once more, of course he has a smile on his face and I can't really tell if it's sincere or not because my head is spinning and it's hard to focus on anything. "I'm gonna let go of the noodle, okay? But I'm right here."
"Please don't," I beg, my hands sliding closer to his until they're slightly touching.
"That's alright," he replies. "Okay, no problem, I won't let go."
I breathe out a relieved sigh as his hands come to hold mine once more, and I feel a sudden urge to cry. It's all too much, too much noise, too much water, too much human contact, all in a day's work.
"We can take it as slow as you need, Jessica."
I nod, this time I actually pay attention to him instead of fixating on a random spot without focusing on anything. His eyes seem sincere. Again, I have to remind myself that he's a professional doing his job and there is absolutely no reason for this man to let me drown or get hurt in any way.
"Take your time."
I'm not sure how long I stayed like that, looking absolutely ridiculous with a pool noodle through my waist, holding on to my much younger swimming instructor like I'm about to drown in four feet of water, that stupid swimming cap so tight around my head it feels like my brain is on the verge of exploding. Next thing I know, I'm standing under the shower trying to remove the cap without pulling all my hair out. The water is a little too hot, but I barely register the way it burns my skin as all the background noise morphs into one giant blob of white noise.
I get dressed, put away my wet swimsuit inside a plastic ziplock bag, dry my hair and apply moisturiser to my face, still unsure of how to feel about this whole thing. I could just quit, money be damned…! No, money do not be damned, it's not like I have a lot of it and I can't afford to just toss it away like that. I- I could just- No! I'm going to finish this now. I'm going to book my next lesson and stick to this, it can't be that hard. My nephews can swim and they're kids. That Jessica girl is training to join the goddamn Olympic team and she's like eleven! I can at least learn how to doggy-swim if anything, right? Right…?
To be continued...
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esther-dot · 11 months
In spite of GOT's shortfalls I was someone who found Sansa and Theon's relationship compelling. The show placed a lot of emphasis on what was in many ways their twin character arcs. What, if anything, might this mean for the books? Will the two of them become simpatico like that because Sansa is going to face another abusive relationship? I can't help but think of the "girl in gray" vision where she (?) is said to be fleeing the marriage they made for her. I wonder if Sansa and Theon are really only a fantasy of the show runners.
It was beautifully acted! That moment back in s5 when Sansa grabs Theon's face and yells at him about his "brothers" until he admits he didn't kill the boys has had such staying power with me. Loved their scenes together. Their s8 reunion was very moving too, and I know the soup scene in s8 was very exciting for shippers.
I can't help but think of the "girl in gray" vision where she (?) is said to be fleeing the marriage they made for her. I wonder if Sansa and Theon are really only a fantasy of the show runners.
I think what happened is that Martin told D&D that Sansa would be the girl in grey and return North, so they needed to write that story, but they liked Theon and Jeyne's storyline so much, they decided to weave them together. In the books, Theon and Jeyne have escaped and been reunited with Asha, so I’m not seeing the opportunity for Theon to create a deep bond with Sansa similar to the one they had in the show. Also, I’d assume Jon will be far less forgiving (without that incentive of Theon having saved Sansa) than he was in the show which would be a barrier.
Sansa does come up in Theon's ADWD chapters in relation to Jeyne as well as in relation to the hero/hero in a song idea so she feels kinda present which may be what gave D&D the idea to just go ahead and bring her into Theon's story:
It was not right that she should look to him for rescue. What had she been thinking, that he would whistle up a winged horse and fly her out of here, like some hero in the stories she and Sansa used to love? He could not even help himself. Reek, Reek, it rhymes with meek. (ADWD, The Prince of Winterfell) We are all dead, Theon thought. I told them this was folly, but none of them would listen. Abel had doomed them. All singers were half-mad. In songs, the hero always saved the maiden from the monster's castle, but life was not a song, no more than Jeyne was Arya Stark. Her eyes are the wrong color. And there are no heroes here, only whores. Even so, he knelt beside her, pulled down the furs, touched her cheek. "You know me. I'm Theon, you remember. I know you too. I know your name." (ADWD, Theon I) Theon grabbed Jeyne about the waist and jumped. (ADWD, Theon I)
Sansa loves Jeyne, so if Bran and Rickon turn up alive (she believes Theon killed them), maybe she would have a nice interaction with Theon once she is in the North, but I assume the GoT bond was largely a result of D&D replacing Jeyne with Sansa.
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evelhak · 5 months
Hi ! For the character ask game, could you do 1, 7, 10, 15 and 18 for Kise ?
Hi ~~It's so funny that you sent this the exact moment I was writing my fic and Kuroko was just about to answer a phone call from Kise, thinking that he had been too harsh on him about something. (It's funny because Kise hadn't appeared in several chapters.)
Why do you like or dislike this character?
I have a soft spot for Kise, for sure. It's initially because he resembles the type of person I have a soft spot for in real life. Basically it's people who can just show up, act exactly as annoying and self-centred as they please, and yet, a lot of people just can't help but like them (some obviously and some reluctantly). First of all, because they are so pretty and charming, and second of all, because it's like they don't know better, so you feel compelled to forgive them.
On a more specific note, I like Kise because he brings a light-hearted feeling to the story where most characters could not. I like how he can decide to have his act together when it suits him, and then be a big baby with his true friends, there's something disarming about that. Even though I don't particularly love that he seems like the kind of person who can sort of dehumanise others when it suits him, I also understand that it makes sense as a defence mechanism against the overwhelming attention he gets. So, it also makes sense that he would feel more at ease with people who don't fall at his feet just like that. Um, my point was, that I appreciate that he doesn't feel like he owes anything to anyone he doesn't have a truly reciprocal relationship with.
Also, I just can't help but like people who move through the physical and social world with ease.
Okay, basically Kise is a lot of things I wish I could be but never will. :D
7. What is something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I'm a sucker for all shenanigans there's not that much room for in canon, so I love that the fandom never gets tired of putting Kise in silly situations and having him act like a goof ball with characters who have that side in them too but wouldn't have it brought out of them so often or in quite the same way without Kise.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I wouldn't say best friends, no, for that our comfort zones would be too different. Good friends, yes. There's a lot that I lack that a person like Kise can bring into my life and strengthen in me, and I'm fairly certain the same is true in reverse.
15. What is your favourite ship for this character?
I don't have any canon character I ship with Kise, since I see him as the sort of person who keeps friends and lovers separate to avoid drama. Like, his friends are too important to him to risk conflict because of sex which he can get anywhere, anyway. Possibly he's even aromantic. I don't know, I have a hard time picturing Kise at least traditionally in love. I've written him in my fics for a long time, and so far he has casually dated two OCs which both have some good chemistry with him, and I think in this little head world of mine he seems to be opening up to a closer and more genuine connection in that department, but I don't know if I see him in a long term relationship or not. So, I can't say I have a favourite ship.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
This is a difficult one, no one pops into my head as special to me. It's more like I admire an aspect of Kise's closer relationships in general, and it's how unconditionally he uplifts and admires the people he really cares about. He's not egotistical or insecure in that sense that he would withhold his admiration when he feels it, which I find very sweet and healthy. Also, he has no ulterior motive, he's just genuinely excited about his friends. Sorry if that's not a good answer, but I don't have a particular relationship that speaks to me more than others.
I hope there was something worth your time. ☆
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
Craig for ask gamee :3
Sorry this took so long but tumblr kept chewing it up in my drafts
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gay gay homosexual gay. Fem Craig? Staunch lesbian.
Those are my preferences in writing Craig, though I do also enjoy shoving him back in the closet because without yaoi magic, abrupt PCness, and the comfort of meth bf's twitchy hand in his, I can really see that being a longer struggle for Craig
Not-totally-gay slut Craig has a fairly long legacy some younger fans may not be aware of. This fandom is old and Creek only became canon in 2015 so it's like a form of culture shock for me to see artists getting yelled at for drawing Craig with girls. It's not like he was usually with girls, but there's this thing in the old yaoi tropes where the one who is presumed to top is less flamingly homosexual and more interested in sex generally. He was also frequently a menacing gay villain back in the day though lol
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"I'm not just gay, I'm a catamite." - Craig Tucker, 2003
I do personally love reading his earlier aggression and posturing on the show as internalized homophobia. He's NOT gay! Don't say he's gay or he'll beat you up, completely un-homoerotically!!! This is a fun retconning thing though. The intentions of the showrunners earlier on likely were not that he is posturing extra hard due to being closeted. But authorial intent is not relevant to how I might want to thread the needle between older Craig characterizations on the show and more current ones
I'm a bit more fixed with Craig than others due to the presentation of his autism and generally see him demisexual, monogamous, traditional in a learned, rote sort of way. He's very favorite person-y with Tweek to me
Gender Headcanon:
I've only ever written him cis but I have enjoyed trans Craigs of all stripes (get it????), and I actually do have some t4t Creek planned!
Very into fem Craig. Excited to write her being so regular about Tweek's twiddies <3 In short, give me all the Craig genders
A ship I have with said character:
Well... I guess I like Creek a little bit 👉👈
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I like exploring other dynamics but I'm always going to conceive of Creek as a unique bond. They get something from one another they can't get anywhere else, even when I'm putting them in horrible circumstances. That's what I'm here for, babeyyy
A BROTP I have with said character:
Honestly love thinking about Craig/Tolkien, Craig/Jimmy, Craig/Clyde (though I think I see that last one quite differently from most, or at least I'm most interested in the SoT vibe with dumdum traitor Clyde and amoral opportunist Craig). Really love writing platonic Crenny but I generally see Kenny as gravitating to other people so when I write these two as closer friends, it's usually based on particular circumstances. Craig/Bebe reluctant gossip hoes is also very funny to me
A NOTP I have with said character:
Yeah, I don't really NOTP anymore. There is a version out there of any ship I might find compelling. Being so Creek brainrotted, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about other Craig ships in any endgame capacity but I'm always curious to see the different ways people view Craig. I've noticed his characterization tends to vary depending on who he's with. One example is his socioeconomic status. I've noticed his family potentially being worse off than most others is stressed in Crenny fics, socioeconomic status tends not to play a huge role in Cryde or Creek fics, and he is often more ambitious and upwardly mobile in Cryle fics. As my friend @phantomchill put it: "he's absorbing their financial status. autism masking has gone too far!" This is not a negative or positive thing, there isn't one correct way, but he feels very malleable as the love interest guy
I'm very much a Tweek-relater first and foremost and early on in my time in fandom came up with the very novel theory (lol) that people tend to project onto one guy in their OTP more and thus multiship that guy, while the other guy isn't allowed to have other boyfriends. I have since moved beyond this theory for myself at least, because I relate to Craig quite a bit too and I think sometimes people have other boyfriends and that's pretty normal and okay. Striving for realism in my homosexual erotic cartoon porn writings
A random headcanon:
Honestly don't even consider autistic Craig to be a headcanon at this point. I think they're doing it on purpose now. His special interests are ancient animes and space. His favorite person is Tweek. He is also canonically very hairy
This is very specific but I like headcanoning Craig as Mediterranean. Peruvian Craig is cute of course and honestly I don't care where he's from as long as he's hairy, tan, and big nosed. Big nose/big eyebrows Craig 🛐 Are these just my aesthetic preferences? No. I have Matt Stone tied up under my bed and he says it's canon uwu
General Opinion over said character:
I want to beat him up
Also a bit bored by Craig discourses (bad boy VS. dork??? Leather jacket and cigarettes as a personality IS a dork I'm so sorry to burst your bubble) so some new proposals:
Craig actually doesn't like TOS. He doesn't really get it (too campy). TNG is his favorite. I'm talking about Space Trek u fake ass nerds
Craig weeb loser dub v sub opinions???
Red Racer is just Speed Racer. Sorry it's not a great discourse it's just how i feel
Craig STEM smart vs. Craig not naturally proficient in any subject
This is crazy but what if his penis was just regular. No okay that one is too far. I- *is shot dead*
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croik · 10 months
I'm curious now to ask what you like/dislike about Yellow (different anon)
I'm trying to reserve judgement on Yellow until he comes back. I don't think what we've seen so far is particularly well written, in the sense that he comes out of nowhere, he leaves very abruptly. His heel turn is clunky and leans hard on the Faust reveal, which I'm also not a fan of (man I'm a negative nellie I guess!). And Arthur is sooo determined to remember him as a pitiless villain after the fact, way more than he actually was, so learning that he's paired with the villain now worries me. If he really does become that terrible villain, does it mean Arthur was right about him all along, even though Arthur had no reason to be right? Malev is kinda falling into a rut of characters magically knowing things just for the plot's sake.
BUT, I sure do like the IDEA of Yellow! He's the one thing I'm actually excited to see again and learn more about. I have so many questions about how he and Larson fit together, what their relationship is as compared to Arthur and John, if he'll even still want to be called Yellow, if he has goals now outside of Arthur. There's real potential there, things that can be pondered. Kayne's motives are utterly unknowable, no point wondering what he's up to. Collins is just following orders. But Yellow, we know enough about him to base speculation on, but not enough to know for sure, and that makes him way more compelling to me.
We've seen him vulnerable. That matters so much in terms of villain writing, and I hope he comes back soon.
thanks for the excuse to babble about Yellow <3
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
First of all, as a caveat, I'd like to say that I don't actually spend a lot of time reading fic. I have read lots of fics, over the span of the last 5 years, but I don't really follow writers for just their writing, I tend to be drawn to stories that are unique and interesting to me. If I get brave enough to try reading something, I usually get sucked in. Also, this post got long, so I made a read more. Fic/author appreciation under the cut!
1: So, obviously, I'd say @thedemonsurfer! Permission Slip is the only fic I'm fully invested in, since writing for Security Breach is harder when I'm thinking about different fics that have different scenarios/interpretations than mine.
And what a fic Permission Slip is. I can tell they care a lot about the story they're telling and the characters they're portraying. Their writing has the perfect balance of tenderness, humor, and tension, to the point where I can go from tearing up in one scene, to giggling hysterically in the next. I actually adore how they do humor; it's not just the dialogue, it's the prose too, they have HILARIOUS descriptions for things in the characters' inner monologue. AND I also enjoy how they're flipping between perspectives like in my own fic. (These were both being written before we even knew about the other person's fic, which makes the coincidences all the more hilarious)
I like seeing the differences between Gregory's weary distrust, and Sun's nervousness about skirting the rules. Also Moon's frustration and discomfort that he's apparently constantly feeling while affected by the glitch. Very compelling. Getting to see inside every characters' head is a real treat.
My favorite scenes from the latest chapter are when Sun screams when the map bot jumpscares Gregory instead of Gregory screaming, and then Gregory later getting scared by the wet floor sign bot. Those two scenes seem like they go hand in hand, and I think about them all the time.
2. Bam! I'll say why I enjoy @bamsara 's writing. Solar Lunacy is phenomenal, and it makes sense that it got as popular as it did. What really drew me in was how clearly I could picture Sun and Moon doing the things they wrote about in the early chapters. They were unfamiliar, strange and uncanny, and still are, but we're getting to know them better. Moon is perfectly unsettling, having some of my favorite dialogue scenes and descriptions. I love how gremlin-like he is. Sun is also interesting; he's obviously more talkative, but he seems almost as threatening as Moon, due to how much he hides. I'm loving the depth to the characters in SL and the subtle hints and foreshadowing Bam puts throughout the fic. Very very clever writing. My favorite chapter so far is certainly 7 (because I haven't read chapter 8 yet kjhdsfhdfhgdsfg) And all of Moon's shenanigans were a delight. I love the visual of him sitting on the rafters just out of the light's reach 👌
3. @sycopomp, the author of Our Orbit is Elliptical, or OOIE as we like to call it. I was excited for the fic just by the concept-- an x reader fic where they DON'T immediately like you? Monnie really popped off with the concept, so I have to give praise to her as well- @madame-mongoose you're a mastermind btw <3
OOIE has the most interesting writing style I've ever seen. It fluidly drifts between the reader's perspective and the DCA, and it is CHILLING. The way Sun/Moon address the reader as "you" when it's from their perspective is really cool, it makes it feel more personal somehow. That first chapter is AMAZING, and I can't wait to see where it goes from there. There were so many times where I read a part where Sun was being mean and just dropped my fucking jaw. You know that kind of shocked gasp you make when you read something surprising? Like when you're reading OOIE? It has the BEST pettiness in it, and I love it so much. I was floored. Also, my favorite part is when Moon realizes the reader is about to make an even bigger mess with the ball pit machine, and just doesn't say anything and watches it happen. Dick move, 100/10
There! That's 3 of my favorite fic writers. Dear god help me I've been writing this for 2 hours. I'm never doing this again
Anyone not mentioned here is because I either didn't have room, or I haven't read/finished reading your fics! I'm so sorry, it WILL continue </3
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blazichu · 6 months
I really love your fics and snippets with special emphasis on how you write Ingo and Emmet. You are very consistent with giving each of them interesting emotional development without diluting it into just sad times for sadness sake. I'm not saying it's bad to write things just to feel a strong emotion, but those emotions are more interesting and compelling to explore when characters get to feel them and come back stronger or even just learn from them in general.
I know I probably touched about this in the fic comments on AO3, but MHIMH was a wonderful example of this. I thoroughly enjoyed the ups and downs of Ingo's learning process where he has to push forward in an unfair situation. In the end he not only survived, he is now stronger and more in tuned with his ideals than ever while still holding his emotions and resolve to go home close to his heart.
I am so excited to see Emmet's side of this story in AGAS. I love the start and how it talks about how, while the pain is still there, he manages as well with life even if it is with a heavy heart. Emmet is also a very strong person and I will enjoy seeing his emotional development through his side of the story. As he learns of his brother's trials and resolve.
It is so rewarding to see that even when they are so far apart they will find strength in the other to move forward.
Oh, thank you! It's really kind of you to go out of the way to share your thoughts, and I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy my writing enough to break it down like this!
I agree that there's absolutely nothing wrong with a fic where bad things happen just because that's the story someone wants to tell-- and frankly, I see shades of that in one of my own pieces-- but in general, I believe that the depth of angst, horror, or what have you will always be enhanced by giving the piece moments of levity and hope. I think that probably contributes a lot to characterizations, too-- allowing them to fall into both extremes.
Admittedly, I do get a bit self conscious about my interpretation of the twins, because there are certain fanon conventions that I've started pulling away from in the past year. I feel like it's more visible with Emmet than Ingo, and that's going to be coming up in AGAS. As to your hopes for seeing him develop as a character, I think that definitely does happen, but I'm not going to go any further into that for now.
Ingo in particular… it's funny. I know you described Emmet as an "unstoppable force" in an earlier comment, and I see Ingo as being very similar, just in a more subtle or gradual sense-- like an inevitability. They have two very different connotations, but at their core, are very alike; it's an interesting interplay and part of what makes the characters fun to work with. Idk, maybe I'm being pretentious again xD
"It is so rewarding to see that even when they are so far apart they will find strength in the other to move forward." Just wanted to repeat that, because I love the way you worded it. I absolutely agree!
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lettherebemonsters · 9 months
Your love and dedication to make both canon characters and original characters with so many details, love and lots of stories and extras is such an amazing experience. You're really inspiring! Also to know that every interaction with you as a writer is very pleasant and not pressured at all, just here to have fun and write. I just feel grateful to be a mutual of yours!
I love your dedication to your slasher muses :) you do so good with bringing them to life..
I AM NOT ONLY SLIDING IN, BUT I AM WIPING OUT FURNITURE IN THE PROCESS. Spooky, my clown sibling in crime, I ADORE seeing you on the Dash and all of the conversations we've had together! Your approach to Ken as a character takes a previous one note, and frankly pretty underdeveloped idea of a character (I'm sorry the devs haven't given him enough exploration, I wish the tomes covered more than they did!) AND MADE HIM INTO THIS WHOLE PERSON WHO IS UNDERSTANDABLE-
But not forgivable! You've made Ken into this character who I can really understand the cause and effect for, who I can feel empathy and pity and shame for! ISTG you've main me a clown main fr /lh. ALSO LIKE, the plotting we've done and the relationship we've built up between him and Sally just goes to further show how far and how much you can write and adapt and make so engaging! I live for it! AND THAT'S NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR ORIGINAL STUFF
I will just come out and say it! Ringmaster is one of the best, most compelling and frankly awesome original monster characters I have seen in far, far too long! Someone here explained it better but they harken to the best parts of classic Universal monsters and I could listen to you info dump about them for hours without getting bored!! You're just such an engaging story teller and such a sweet mun and I'm so glad I get to call you my pal!
Best friend! My darling! My platonic soulmate! You’re amazing. You’re so creative, both with your OCs and the headcanons you write for your canon muses. You’re so talented. Both in writing and drawing. You’re amazing and fun to talk to. I adore you! I’m so glad we found each other here.
I love your monster designs! I love all the little details that tie back into their story. Your idea are always super interesting to read and I love how they always feel classic universal monster at times. It's really fun.
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(*aggressive excited clown honks*)
I've been holding onto this post JUST so I can react to all the feedback and I just????? Love you guys so much.
And I love how everyone caught the influence of the Universal Monsters on my muses. I'm a huge fan of the classics and many of my characters are straight up based on Mr. Hyde (yes I know he's Paramount but shush he still counts meh), Frankenstein (don't even start with me on the bullshit about Frankenstein being just the doctor) and the Wolfman (doggo!)
So obviously the influence is DEEP and I love using them along with literary monsters, games, etc. Like sometimes I love mixing slashers with universal monsters lol.
Honestly y'all rock and here's me sending you interact XO's!
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angelicyoongie · 2 years
THIS CHAPTER WAS CHEF'S KISS! You're an amazing author and your writing is so compelling! I love yandere BTS stories and in each story I tend to rate the characters based on the level of danger they represent as yandere 👀
So far, this is what I'm getting from the boys in Lovesick (Vlll) as MTL dangerous:
Taehyung  5/5  redflags 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Oooof, I find Tae to be  the scariest and most aggressive! I don't think he would physically hurt Yn. However, I assume that he wouldn't be above mentally terrorizing Yn to make her stop considering leaving them? I noticed how easily frustrated he gets when YN rejects them and I think that's the scariest side of him.
Out of all of them, he also seems to be the one that Yn won't be able to fool. Yup, I think Tae is  that type of yandere and I'm excited to see more of him 👀
Hoseok 5/5 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
Not only Hobi drugged Ynie, apparently, he would also kill anyone for her just to keep her safe?
I assume that Hobi is the type of yandere that doesn't always think things through and tends to take the rashiest decisions under tense circumstances (is this the reason why he ended up drugging her?)
But unlike Tae, Hobi is one of the most delusional in the group and would be tricked by Yn if she manages to convince him that she loves them? I dunno but he's giving me that vibe.
Jimin 4/5 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Just like Tae, I'm pretty sure that Jimin won't be easily tricked by Yn's facade 'cause he's an officer and can probably see right through her lies. Unless she really gets on his good side and gain his trust, I highly doubt that she'll be able to fool him.
Is Jimin the most perverted in the group? I have a feeling that he would spy on her during her intimate times 👀 I still can't get over THAT ONE gift he gave her lmao
The only reason why I'm putting him in the TOP 3 most dangerous is because he and Tae would make one scary duo.
Yoongi 3/5 🚩🚩🚩
Yoon is giving me "quiet and obsessive stalker" that is satisfied with just hovering around Yn for the time being.
He knows that she hates them, he's aware and will take things slow with her.
Yoon and Joon are probably the most manipulative ones? I think he would lie to her and change narratives to make the situation seem less terrible than it actually is. Yoon is calmer and more put together than Namu tho.
The way Yoon lied about being an accountant and planned that encounter with her at the park (along with Tae) was what convinced me that he's very manipulative.
Namjoon 3/5 🚩🚩🚩
I think Namu is the manipulative, delusional AND controlling type of yandere. Very, very controlling to the point of making Yn feel constantly frustrated. The way he said that he would take care of everything until she feels better made me wonder if he'll take her to go see the doctor? 👀
He also can't help himself and wants to hover around her all the time.
Jin 2/5 🚩🚩
Jin doesn't seem to be as dangerous as the others so far but I could be very, veeeery wrong. He's the delusional type of yandere and the easiest to trick because of that, I guess?
I have a feeling that Ynie wouldn't have a hard time to gain his trust.
Unlike Jimin and Tae, Jin and Hobi seemed to really believe her "quick acceptance" of the situation and that's why I'm assuming that they're the most delusional out of all of them.
Jungkook 1/5 🚩
Considering what he said to Yn at the end of the chapter, I assume that Kookie is the most aware that this situation is very messed up. He was ashamed to even look at her 'cause he feels guilty and knows that she's hating them rn.
He's that type of yandere that knows it's all wrong, feels regretful but still goes along with it all cause he desperately wants Yn's love just like the others.
I'm considering JK to be tamest one? But I could be wrong, who knows 👀
In short, I think they're all deranged in different levels but they won't physically hurt Yn.
I definitely wanna see more of them and I'm really excited for the next update ❤❤❤💜
Thank you so so much for both your kind words and taking the time to leave me such a detailed comment, it made me so happy!! 😭💖
Taehyung definitely belongs at the top of the list! He isn't the type to be physically abusive, it did make him sad/offended when the MC thought he was going to hit her, but he's not above using scare tactics to fuck with her head (i.e. the blood covered roses). In his head he is doing something romantic, but he also knows that pulling certain stunts will mess with her and hopefully keep her away from other people. Taehyung is harder to fool than many of the others but he's also a tad more delusional than Jimin, so Jimin takes first place when it comes to being suspicious of MC's compliance!
Hoseok is "tamer" than Vmin in some ways, but he's also worse in others. He doesn't like the idea of causing MC any distress, that's why he kept it so simple in his letters and gifts in contrast to vmin. But yes, he's also a lot more impulsive and rash in his actions and that's why he didn't even think twice about drugging her (and potential murder!). He's more of a "it'll work itself out somehow" type of person. I would say he's fairly realistic, like with how he pointed out how the MC hates them in the last chapter, but I think he would be quick to lower his guard and give into his own delusions a bit more once he seems a situation safe. Like with how the MC is now trapped there with them and can't run off. So, he's generally a bit more chill than vmin, but he's also willing to go to lengths a few of the others aren't – like murder.
Yup, Jimin is the toughest nut to crack! I feel like it would a very long time before he would fully believe that the MC actually loved him back. Jimin is by far the most perverted one, lmao! Once we get to the smut it'll be split into pairings/groups so that they all get some alone time with her, but you best believe Jimin would've loved to stay to watch if given the chance lmao 💀
Quiet and obsessive is a very good description of Yoongi! He's knows it'll take time before the MC begins to like them, and he's willing to wait no matter how long it takes. Yoongi doesn't necessarily enjoy lying to her, but he'll do it to de-escalate situations or to make himself look better in her eyes, even if it's only temporarily.
Namjoon is all of the above haha! Joon is the type to bring her to the doctor and then argue until he's allowed to stay for her entire examination, no matter what kind she's having 💀 He wants the MC to be healthy and well taken care of, but he also doesn't trust anyone besides himself to really do it right.
Seokjin is fairly tame! He and Jungkook are probably the "best" type of yanderes you could have. He just wants to spend time with the MC and be around her. The MC would be able to gain his trust pretty quickly!
You summed up Jungkook's character very well there, haha! I think JK might be a tiny bit more intense than SJ just because he's younger, but he is very tame still.
You are correct 😉 Thank you so much!!!💖
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
So I've had this idea in my head for a while. You know that Shadow and Amy have very few interactions in the games, right? What if the reason for this was that Shadow really likes Amy, but since he doesn't age, he's afraid of getting too fond of her? Like, because he doesn't age, at some point he's going to see pretty much all of his friends age and die, (Okay, maybe not Omega, since he's a robot, but still). I wonder if he doesn't get too close to many people because he's afraid of losing them, like he lost Maria. (Also, and I'm sorry if there are some grammatical errors here, I'm Brazilian, I can read English without problems, but writing is another thing) (Sorry if the text is too big, that's my first Ask, or Headcanon, i don't know)
Oh, that’s absolutely a possibility. I’ve wondered that myself. Her being similar to Maria would only compound the problem. But that only makes Shadamy more compelling to me. Like...no one--no one--can shut out Amy Rose forever. If she wants to be your friend, it’s only a matter of time until she finds a way in. Cautious Blaze? One of her best friends. Socially awkward Silver? Swiftly demolished his walls with a hug and had him questioning his purpose in less than a day. Skittish Flickies? Naturally flock to her like she’s a Disney princess. Even Sonic’s relaxed around her now. And I don’t think I need to remind anyone of the way she is very often the only one who can get through to Shadow. They apparently barely know each other, but she’s the one to turn him around in SA2, in the “Miracle of Love” and “Black Hero’s Rebirth” routes in ShTH, and in Archie’s Treasure Team Tango arc, all after everyone else had given up on him. If she ever decides to pursue him, he won’t stand a chance, mark my words.
Okay, conspiracy theory time.
This is based on nothing apart from a hunch and personal bias, but I sometimes wonder if Sega considered that themselves and have largely kept them separate because they feel it could threaten s0namy’s impact and popularity. By the end of *one game* where Shadow and Amy spent time together, a ton of people had already fallen in love with them. Those people form a sizable chunk of Shadamy fans to this day, even twenty years later! The ending of ShTH gives off the distinct impression that if Shadow were the protagonist of this series, Amy would be in love with him, not Sonic.
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(I still love this image.)
Big things tend to happen when the two of them are onscreen together, and I’m sure Sega knows that. A small part of me sincerely believes that Sega’s afraid to give Shadamy more than a handful of breadcrumbs for fear that it could be a serious contender. They just work WAY too well together.
I’m probably off the mark with this. Lord knows I could never be objective about it, lol...but on the off-chance that I AM right...there could be fantastic news ahead.
Frontiers doesn’t have Shadow in it, but the plot and characterization look great so far. Ian Flynn really gets these characters.
You know what else Ian Flynn wrote? That entire shippy Treasure Team Tango arc I mentioned before.
He *gets* them. He values their dynamic. And he knows how to show it off while still acknowledging s0namy’s role in the narrative, something Sega would appreciate. If Sega lets him keep writing games as many people think they will, there is a very real chance that he’ll let these two shine together again the way they should, platonic or not. The optimist in me is very excited for that possibility.
Don’t worry about your writing, by the way! The text looks just fine to me, and your grammar is great. I had assumed you were a native speaker until you said that. Great job! :)
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hell0mega · 1 year
spoilers ahead but i needed to write my thoughts. glass onion is brilliant, funny, made incredibly well with amazing writing, characterization, acting, with some interesting cinematography in some points.
but there's something that's disconnecting it from what made knives out so good. and that was: the audience was in on the plan from the beginning. we followed Marta closely the entire time, only not knowing the story for the first few minutes. the rest of the movie was her getting curveballs thrown at her, simultaneously working with and trying to dodge Blanc, who was an impartial 3rd party (as far as we knew until a certain point) and just overall a Chaotic Lawful Quirky Man, and we were with her. Marta was the main character and Blanc was, secretly, the support.
Glass Onion is very similar in this regard, since he is still the support of Helen, but we don't know that as the audience until much past the halfway mark. Blanc is the main character, wherein other than the opening scene, we follow him the whole time. Andi was the mysterious figure that no one expected to show up (for various reasons). we retroactively learn that it's a big scheme in order to find the truth, and that they were both in on it from the very beginning, concocting and executing the plan together. and it's just... not as compelling?
listen, what glass onion is and what it did is a totally fine way of doing mystery, but it was a bit more... typical. the audience wasn't in on any of the mystery elements until far into the movie, and being left in the dark is a totally viable way of doing it, but when comparing it to the first, it... unfortunately isn't as exciting.
seeing Marta be pulled every which way and being smart in the moment, working with Blanc while also trying to foil him from finding out she was involved by fucking with evidence, all the while she also doesn't know what's going on and is just trying to get through this without getting her family in trouble. finding out the other guy she's working with is the one who pulled everything off and seeing everything fall into place for every character. it was a masterpiece
it was... kind of obvious who the bad guy was in glass onion. the end wasn't a surprise at all. the reveal that he was an asshole that lies but is an idiot wasn't really a reveal... my heart never pounded with suspense, i never questioned what was happening or what led to what. everyone was eventually laid out on the table and i was like "... yeah that tracks." the only reveal that was exciting was Helen. and Blanc's husband Hugh grant
I'm not disappointed, as it's a very good ride, I've already sang my praises. all the good things people are writing i agree with. but there's a part of me that can't get over how it didn't quite match up to the first. i want there to be more but i hope they get better.
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