#real myst
toyoll · 2 years
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A humble tribute to one of my favorite games of all time. The perspective is...well..horrid, but I did my best to capture all my love for the very first in a long string of games that have fascinated and inspired me since I was six.
It was a perfect excuse to break out my sepia pens too!
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thepnictogenwing · 1 year
almost done with “Real Myst”!
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into the home stretch.
when I played this back in 199x when it was brand new, I loved the game but didn't really pay much heed to the magical aspects of the story. it was just...fantasy argle-bargle, at the time, just vague enough not to impede "suspension of disbelief". I was such a wretched "rationalist" science nerd back in the Caltech years.
now, though, things are very different, we are very different, and we're alive to the possibilities of magic and metaphysics. so "Myst" hits very differently now, and the central conceit of being a subcreator—one so powerful that you can create your own slots in the multiverse, visiting them in physical reality, not just in imagination or in spirit.
when Atrus and the other book-mages of the "Myst" universe write their books, are they getting mystical insight into planes of existence that exist apart from the mages' writing? are they granted the power to modify a world that would otherwise exists without their interference? or are they summoning these worlds into existence by the act of writing?
clearly, though, what they create (or "subcreate") they can also destroy—it seems from hints in the surviving Library books that the mere act of visiting the Ages and interacting with them, even in a limited way, affects their stability. conquering and plundering them clearly does lasting damage. (imagine that!)
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jadenvargen · 2 years
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assorted various ds9+ mlp bishojos the squeakuel
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ok chubby/plus size/fat babies, REALISTICALLY who in anime got us?! besides bokuto and yuji, who really got us🧐?!
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wordswhisperinthedark · 10 months
Link Click thoughts
I like how the OP & ED of each season seems to sort of reflect the tone of that season.
Like, 'Dive Back in Time' is a more fun, "chill" OP — they've even got dance choreo! They know what they're doing and they haven't failed a mission yet; they're a team. Until they're not, and the lyrics become more of a focus as the plot progresses. (without you, I don't know if I can take this road... / Chasing you until the end of the world, 'til I say your name once more)
'Overthink' on the other hand is more suspense filled. It leaves you with an unsettling sense of dread every episode, especially as each episode ends on a more mind blowing cliffhanger each time. We don't know what's going on, and the music reflects that. (plus the irony of the song telling us to not overthink gets me every time😂)
Then we look at the next season, and from someone who did not see the premiere of the first 2 episodes ((ㅠ_ㅠ)), it feels to me like both songs take on a more darker, subdued tone. Plus, with the added sound effects, both songs have super unnerving intros.
'Vortex' (living up to its name with the reverse audio and imagery) really fits the idea that we're going to be running through time loops, that our sense of time isn't going to be concrete anymore, past, present, and future colliding as the plot progresses.
'The TIDES' also has this sense of being lost (through time), searching for clues to set everything right. The lyrics nicely compliment the ED's imagery, as if we are to doubt that the trio are actually working together in the same time. The melody also feels determined? Like CXS is determined to set things right, to not make the same mistakes, to find the truth.
In any case, I'm excited for season 2 (it's so close!)
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lumeha · 4 months
crossing my passion for video-game and movie novelisations with trying to hunt down the volume 3 and 4 of the G.U. novels is gonna make me bite something
I should probably just hunt down a .pdf of them but I like having physical books to read it's better for my eyes
(maybe I should check if there are other novels too but lmao it's gonna hurt again)
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azuragna · 2 years
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a dark annunciation...
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pitool · 5 months
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MYST LAGOON has a cover!
Last I posted about this little project, I went and completed 2 more pieces for Vagrant Verity Chronicles: MYST LAGOON. First and the more simple of the two was a simple tutorial pop-up that would guide the player to the basic combat controls.
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Second, and more notable is right up top. The "cover" artwork that you'd see on the case and probably in loads more places if this were a real videogame. I really wanted to go for the feeling of mystery and adventure in this one as Doyen looks out across the lagoon into the mysterious castle of clouds (That's the Myst Lagoon!) there was a time where I was tempted to go for a more overcast dreariness or a sunset, but bright blue skies and seas just fit this "game" far better, and I think the cover artist for a game like this would take that into account when deciding on the elements to represent this adventure.
If you've not seen the first little post about Myst Lagoon and the other "screenshots" yet to be done, feel free to check that all out here. But, That's basically it for now until I finish some more illustrations and concepts, so again, stay tuned for next time!
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louderfade · 6 months
i don't trust anyone that had a good time in middle school. it's a hellish first encounter of what's on the other side of childhood and designed to be a period of adjustment; it's not supposed to be comfortable. if you enjoyed being in seventh grade something is fundamentally wrong with you, and i'm like an animal sensing another animal has rabies or something. don't come any closer or i'll attack.
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puppy-the-mask · 7 months
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Doodle dump! It feels like it's been a sec since I posted my art so it's time to catch up! Some Mask doodles, a flower I made on my phone, some sketches of Macaque in my Levitysona's jacket ft. Melody, and Four New Characters i have yet to talk about here :3c
The three lego characters are some fan kids i made- which is something i never thought possible. Myst and Hemlock are twins and a couple of troublemakers while their baby half sister Marie longs to go on adventures! They're all real sweet, i see the twins being young adults while Marie is around 5 in demon years. Marie picked their flowers and makes sure to give her older siblings fresh ones to put in their hair frequently ^^
Finally my friends were going wild in Whiteboard over my boy Wen, who will get his own post soon!
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scaralvr · 1 year
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hes so 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️💔😭. hes so EATABLE and squeezable. if i squished him he’d make a little sound effect i bet🫶🏻
IT BE LIKE THAT🤭💗💗 like look at my baby he’s adorable
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bnuuywol · 1 year
Kiss roulette! 🎲
43. A bloody kiss
As the cage created by Papalymo to contain the primal fades into the distance, Phoenyx finds himself staring at all of the blood that covers his body. Some of it is his own, most of it belongs to others. Guilt festers his gut. Ilberd wanted his attention. He wanted him to storm in and strike down his own people to further his twisted agenda, and like the violent bastard he is, he fell into the role without a second thought. And now, Papalymo is gone, war with the Empire looms over the whole of Eorzea, and a primal of terrifying power waits impatiently to be released. The blood yet to be spilt is on his hands just as much as the blood of Ala Mhigan resistance and imperial soldiers stains them now.
He doesn't even notice when the airship lands back in Mor Dhona. While everyone else exits, Thancred approaches Phoenyx at the hull of the airship where he's isolated himself. He gently places a hand upon his shoulder. "Are you alright?"
Phoenyx turns to face him, his expression is distracted and distant. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He lies, forcing a smile to his beaten face. Thancred eyes him with concern, only now fully processing how much of a mess he is. He pulls Phoenyx down into a tender kiss, ignoring the taste of iron from the blood upon his lips.
"It's not your fault. Ilberd forced your hand. You did what you had to."
"That's always the story isn't it? I kill so many, as much as or more than our enemies, and yet somehow I'm justified and our enemies aren't? How does that work, exactly?"
Thancred breaks eyes contact, unsure how to respond. He squeezes his hands, not caring that the action covers his own palms in blood as well. Finally, he brings his gaze back up to him. "Because you're doing what's right for the people. Because you're a good man."
A good man? He doesn't believe that about himself for a second. Phoenyx scoffs and pulls away from him, making his way off of the airship. "Yeah. Keep telling yourself that."
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thepnictogenwing · 1 year
revisiting “Myst”
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this one stirs up powerful and largely unpleasant memories of Caltech, which is where I played the game when it came out.
this 3D version of the game is just different enough to be exciting all over again...and this time, I find myself extremely intrigued by the snippets of magic —“The Art”—that come through in the flavor text. “Myst” (and “Riven”) wisely keep the secrets of The Art off-screen, so we get only tantalizing glimpses, like this one.
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shadowmyst09 · 1 year
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I’ve been really inspired over the last year or so to try an learn to do digital art. So a few months ago I got myself an IPad and spent some time learning how to use Procreate and following tutorials to get some basic knowledge on how to draw digitally.
So here’s the thing that I’ve drawn on my own (though I did use some references to help me figure out how to get the shape right)
I’m a big Pokémon fan and Chikorita is my absolute favourite of all. I figured it would be something easy enough for me to draw for my first attempt. And Chikorita’s such a cutie, how could I not pick it.
May be a moot point since I’m just a beginner but please no one steal and repost my art.
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dapperandy · 2 years
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Since TaiBani have decided, once again, to get new rings (also for the other heroes but I digress), my brain has decided to couple the idea of them wearing the rings in the show/paired with the "The space between our hands" lyric from AIDA.
Like, maybe they've just escaped near death again, they've just had their quiet moment together, the other heroes call them and they stand walking side by side, hands nearly brushing, light glinting on the rings, and then they finally lace their fingers as the sun rises.
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