#reading the manga now and its like. ok what the fuck. what the fuck is going on. why the fuck are they. wh
riacte · 3 months
finally (finally!) reading dungeon meshi and now i'm thinking abt ren and false having these 3h long discussions on eating monsters while adventuring. ren is very picky and a bit snobby but he also has an acquired taste for the weirdest most unhinged shit that no one else touches to which false is like "literally what is WRONG with you" (she's worse) (she's just as weird as he is) and the rest of the party looks at them like y'all bunch of freaks
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
Btw only today I remembered the time a Baki character crawled thru and out a man's asshole.and his only explanation was I could do that because I'm very small (he's 160cm).
#luly talks#he's an incredible characters actually brace yourselves time to speak of one of.my fave baldies#but he's great. he is a system and for a manga that came out in the 90s it is handled rather fucking well#bc the guy who did that gaia isn't like. evil. in the fucking slightlest.#he's just a mercenary! he's a fighter and a soldier!! but hes a fair and nice man.#nomura the other one is ALSO a soldier but its very cute bc he's just a medic#and like. the way everyone is so fucking nice about this?#like his comrades are tots ok w that like they're scared of gaia bc WELL I MEAN. THEY KNOW WHAT HE CAN DO#but its ok bc he's a baki character of course you'd fear him KQGAJSHWNDG#anyway gaia is also a big time faggot HQYWHDHEHVD but again unsurprising he's a baki character#but he loooves fangirling over older stronger men its very cute he LOVES his master#and made him lose the pants. its epic. love motobe cock#another thing about gaia is the fact that he severely traumatized a man. literally insane shit he did to him#do i feel bad? yes. should i feel bad? no. because that man kicked igari's ass so hard he left the manga permanently#igari being My Beloved Wrestler with a Canoe Shaped Face based on that one japanese wrestler w the huge chin#antonio inoki i think?#anyway. that man he traumatized? he's doing yaoi with him now.#straight up yaoi. they're living together and they act like a fucking married couple#i have yet to read it but it's insane#also gaia is also friends with this very tall dude very tall as in 210cm i think? hes up to 240+ now he keeps expanding his bones#anyway and the guy he tortured was first being tortured by this giant who upon seeing him scream at the top of his lungs was like#lol that's hot you're so my type#well not verbatim but he did say something along those lines jack hanma LOVES russian guys its crazy#anyway after that he was like hot but im not gonna kill you and then gaia comes in and i remember someone mentioning in the comments of the#place i read the manga from how insane their heighr difference was and saying that Gaia could suck his cock while standing#which is absolutely fucking true. but i can't get over it.#anyway that was my infodumping of the day#as you might've noticed gaia is way more relevant that Nomura but that doesn't say a lot#bc gaia shows up w nomura in one arc at the very start of the book then appears again as gaia to traumatize this man#I HIT TAG LIMIT FUCK anyway he shows up in 2 major arcs only super little idk about the spinoff i have yet to read but he's a bit irrelevant
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guideaus · 1 year
does good bl exist. im not asking for recommendations lol, but i saw "our Dining Table" on my dash and it reminded me that one kinda blew my mind. like ive read better fanfic and i think it had a high rating on mal (which i generally trust more than anime sites?) do only fujoshis rate these series, or what. i read that after My Brother's husband, too and that made it more laughable
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threemouthedcanine · 1 year
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Im cursed with "caring way too much about the politics of shonen series" disease and this post makes my blood boil because I feel like 1) thats such a disingenuous way to frame the criticisms around FMA and 2) the series ends with mr war criminal becoming president and healing his eyes with the genocide gems while one of the survivors of said genocide fucks off somewhere and the military structure as well as greater imperialist structure is ultimately preserved and defended, with the past genocide framed as being an isolated incident of "bad" military with everything onwards being only "good" military.
The main message of FMA is that the military is a neutral force that is only imperialist in the hands of imperialists. If only kept within canon context it could be seen as a hopeful truth of that fictionalized world but as that message does not exist in a vacuum, it is worth analyzing and it deserves scrutiny.
Furthermore, to frame the people who aren't fawkin jiggy with the "what if war criminals... had feelings?" show as being oversensitive media illiterates just seems mean, for lack of a better word.
FMA might have imparted onto OP a great mindbending truth that some people who take part in genocides might have had personalities but as someone who also watched the show, read the manga, and adored it for years, the series DOES end with the war criminals going unpunished and largely rewarded for their crimes (again, mr war criminal becomes president, not to mention riza gravely telling edward that everyone who took part in the ishvalan genocide should be executed and literally nothing comes of that) NOT TO MENTION the whole subplot with Scar (interesting how the series has no problems questioning Scars violence and if it is justified/should be allowed while the military industrial complex is only criticized in terms of Who Should Be Allowed To Wield its Power) anyways this post is way 2 long so im ending it now if you disagree with me thats ok bye byeee
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mari-lair · 6 months
your posts about this newest chapter are so real because it disappointed me so much.
It was way too lighthearted and just seemed like a huge joke. I was expecting the trial to have suspense where you can really feel for the characters and wonder what will happen next, but it just ended up being comedic. It was funny, I’ll give it that, but I really really wanted some angst.
This may just be me, but Teru felt so out of canon to me. I can understand him putting on that “flawless student council” mask but it feels odd considering he is around mostly supernaturals. He is shown to be very intelligent and considering he is an exorcist and they are school mysteries why tf would that “look at how beautiful I am I could never” argument work. It was funny, sure, but just seemed out of canon for him.
Akane felt a little out of canon too to me? Probably not but he seemed to fully accept his role as a judge with little to no guilt at all. We don’t really get him looking guiltily at Teru or feeling frustrated, he’s just kind of there. Probably because (as always) the story focused on Hanako, Yashiro, and Tsukasa.
NOW UGHH TSUKASA IS SO FAVORITED ITS PAINFUL. You’re telling me after all that suspense around the clock keepers he takes them out in TWO PANELS. The clock keepers seem like a fucking joke in this chapter instead of the powerful mysterious beings they have shown to be previously.
Overall I expected something much more satisfying and I hope next chapter will be a little better because the last chapter got me so excited for nothing.
just my opinion though, I know some people enjoyed this chapter and that’s totally ok! just not my personal favorite
That's a mood ya-rr-ow. Big mood.
Many people enjoyed the chapter, and I'm happy for them, but I was also majorly disappointed so I'll talk about what you mentioned here and add some other things.
(I will just focus on the negatives here so if you're feeling hyped about the chapter. I am sorry, I wouldn't recommend reading this)
Okay let's go
Chapter 108 went out of its way to create a tense atmosphere, it was mostly a set up and hype piece for the trial.
Mirai was a beast, but Akane was the one that really set up the tone. He had the power to make Teru harmless, which only hyped up the other clock keepers since he is the lowest ranking keeper. Mirai and Kako's supposed power was said to be dangerous enough to make Akane, who hates supernaturals and is so firm in his beliefs, feel cornered, switch sides to 'do his duties', his vague words hinting that there is more to this trial than it seems on the surface.
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So I don't think we were being delusional to expect this trial to be dramatic. To have angst. Or at least, character dept. To be important.
But despite the trial being the title, the spotlight, we got none of it: Not only is the trial treated as a joke, which I already don't vibe with considering how tense the atmosphere in chapter 108 is. It is an empty joke.
It doesn't teach us anything about the characters, it doesn't give any new information. Nothing.
Hanako's trial was a gag. He isn't even my priority character, but considering how he have the title of 'leader of the mysteries' and had been put on trial before for the Yorishiro's destruction, it is a baffling choice to make Kako not mention this big BIG crime when judging him.
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Nene's trial 'revealed' she likes Hanako and want to confess to him. Which she has been doing this whole manga.
We could talk about her time crimes (every time travel that made her meet Amane), try to bargain her lifespan since this is the main conflict in the story and they are talking to the keepers of time. They could talk about her crime of helping to destroy the yorishiros with Hanako, or just acknowledge she is still a threat since she is the Kannagi, the only one capable of ripping their yorishiro in the first place. But no, those are stupid, let's spend 4 full pages of a monthly manga to tease a confession she already did in the very previous chapter.
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Teru revealed he has some craving for destruction on him. Which surprise, surprise! It also isn't new information! How nice!
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( I talked about his love for the idea of destruction and how it's almost an escapism recently, here you go if you're curious)
About Teru and Akane's acting weird. That's not them being ooc, that's Aidairo making a narrative choice to not take anything serious, including his own characters. Everyone is acting like themselves, and nothing contradicts what has been established about their personalities, but their competence has been drastically downgraded to move the plot quickly.
Teru has the bad habit of becoming pathetic when he has strong feelings, like locking himself in his room and hiding under the covers after his fight with Kou, immediately hitting Akane's stab wound when he is too late to rescue aoi cause the situation stressed him. So it is in character that he wants to kill Akane, who has always been his stress relief.
However, because Teru takes things so personally, and it was stablished in chapter 108 that Teru is way more bothered by Akane's betrayal than being in a court of law, it makes no sense that he treat it as a normal court instead of using his very obvious alibi that he couldn't destroy the clock because he was with Akane. Teru doesn't turn this court into the confrontation that would bring attention to their split up, doesn't go "Are you doing to deny my alibi now?? betray me again??" or question "So? We are here! Why did it had to be now??" or anything that builds up on the last chapter to expand it.
Cause Aidairo decided the court doesn't matter. The build up doesn't matter. Once more, the consequences are an afterthought. We don't need the answers to anything.
Akane is still guilty, he can't look at Teru in the eye, can't defend him, but he goes "!!!" when Teru finally calls for him, paying full attention.
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But this is comedic. And as i mentioned above, Teru doesn't say anything useful, anything with more depth than what we already know: that he is angry by Akane's betrayal and hasn't forgiven him.
We TRULY are given nothing in this trial.
Which is insane, cause even the promo art had details to build intrigue, a vague idea that while the chapter would be comedic in nature, it would explain more about the clock keepers, or at least expand on their boundaries.
Like, what are those numbers on the scale? will they be judged by year? Will a lie make their time be stolen? oooh what could it be! Can't wait for the chapter!
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And the chapter comes, and there is nothing. The whole trial feels like filler. They treated the audience as a fool for being excited.
That's why this big twist at the end? I don't care.
As you said Tsukasa is overpowered, they are Aidairo's golden child. And they will break established lore rules and make a joke out of everyone else just cause he can.
It's not just Teru and Akane who were nerfed to make the plot move faster, not allowed to have any proper focus. The clock keepers were also a joke, acting 'in character' but more incompetent than they have been stablished to be.
Tsukasa op moment doesn't make me go "wow he is so cool" it made me look at the clock keepers and go "You are all are stupid"
Cause Tsukasa has the judgment seal?? And he was already sentenced as guilty??? There are three clock keepers in the room too? So why not... you know... restrict him again...?
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The clock keepers is a school rumor that was introduced all the way back in chapter 23. Like you said they are supposed to be super op! They are a mystery so hyped up that just Mirai's power (who isn't the strongest keeper) can throw the intire school into chaos in the Near Shore, where supernaturals are debuffed.
Even before Tsukasa attacked he made the clock keepers act incompetent, to make him look more mysterious and cool in comparison.
These very old and supposedly op school mysteries know Yugi Amane is Hanako, but they don't know who Amane's twin brother 'Tsukasa' is, they also don't refer to him as a yorishiro despite the seal being in his face, and use titles for every other character (Leader of the school mysteries. Kannagi. Student Body Representative)
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Which might look like a small thing, silly nitpick, but it shows the favoritism isn't just for a twist. Aidairo naturally likes Tsukasa more than his own narrative, and is willing to make others be less competent for the sake of it.
I don't think Kako will die. That would objectively be bad writing at this point. He'll probably be back in the next chap, a la "teru got fucked up by No.6" and "Akane got stabbed by Aoi but he lives bitch" or even "i always had a ton of clones, like Mei of the art room" but it is still disappointing to see him and Mirai get fucked up in their own boundary after all the hype they have accumulated through the story.
There is a hint Akane can be a yorishiro at the end of the chapter, and that is cool, genuinely really cool, but I am tired of getting excited over possibilities and 'promises for the future'. I want something concrete.
Speaking of which, I don't think Akane will die. This is just another bait to keep reading like when No.6 slashed Teru, Kou, and Akane and we didn't get any answers for a few months before 'oh well nothing happened :) no consequences to be had here folks!'
"But Tsukasa has always killed everyone that he pulled the heart of! there is Mitsuba, and The puffer fish of the mermaid, and the previous No.3 (the bird)" And to that I say I trust Akane's ability to say fuck to fate.
My boy gets new death flags every year, he collects them like pokemon cards, you all should have gotten used to it.
He also survived his bae stabbing him, this isn't new. Sucks to be Tsukasa and die by a stab in the gut and all but Akane is built differently (quite literally with two bodies).
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He is also in his own boundary, so if Aoi doesn't kill him while in the territory of another mystery, but he dies in No.1's boundary I will... idk probably just sigh.
In short, Aidairo treated this as joke, so I will treat their cliffhanger as one too. Give me reasons to care in chapter 110. Cause at the moment? I don't.
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happyimaginaryme · 9 months
One Piece Live Action review
I went into watching this thinking it was going to tank. I honestly thought it was going to be a disaster like Dragon Ball evelution. I was worried about only 8 episodes with first season orgonally having 46. I was worried they were going to change a lot and take away a lot. Make it more dumb. I really had no idea what they were going to do.
I was wrong. The first episode had me shocked. Was there differences? Yes. But they werent bad. They made sense. I rated the first epide 4 of 5 stars. It wasnt perfect but it truly was a good opening episode.
The actrors were amazing. When I seen the postrs and trailors Inwas worried. Sanji missing his eyebroe, Usopp his long nose, and some of the CGI looked a little weird. That was one of the reasons had me worried. Yet the actors did such an amzing job!
Zoro is just fucking perfect. I love him. I love Love love love that they included Mr. 7 and Zoro's fight. That was shook and let me tell you I jumped and nearly squealed when I seen that. They don't show that fight in manga or anime. Its only mentioned.
Mackenyu Did a great job betraying Roronoa Zoro. 5 stars.
Though one of my dissapoitments when it comes to Zoro are three things: First his missing fight with Hatchi and how Luffy is introduced with Zoro. And His fight with mihawk. (Not that it was bad but that 3 people who witnese it I always thought was omportant were not there)
Not seeing Hatchi is a disapointment. However I can see why they may have cut him out. The live action is following the manga as close as it can while also being realistic. But we see Hatchi again in later arcs. Before timeskip and right after. It would be hard to justify soneone who worked for Arlong (who pretty much inslaved Nami) make him a good and likeable charector? I mean I dont hate Hatachi from the manga/Anime but I never understood why Nami would be okay with associating with him regardless if he wasnt one who did anything to her or not. So that could be why they left him out? Another reason could be time. They only had 8 episodes to work with. Could they fit a third fight sceen in the one episode? Hard to say. Or even his 6 arms could have been an issue. Not sure. But still I really like his fight with Zoro. Still the fight sceen with Zoro and Sanji working wonders together is amazing and makes up for it. It was still a good part and yeah its a sisspointment not seeing Hatachi but at the same time The fight and banter with Sanji makes up for it.
Now one dispoinment which is me more nit picking when it comes to Zoro is his introduction with Luffy. Luffy wanted Zoro on his crew by just hearing about him. He didnt see him or know him he was like "yeah? Hes a good fighter? Ima make him my crew. Then he heard what Zoro did for rhe little girl. I really really likes that from the manag. That being said! The way the live action did it was still really good too. Is it a slight bummer? Yeah but not enough for it to be bad. It still good and the point across of Zoro being a good guy stands.
As for his fight witb Mihawk. It was amazing ok? I loved it. Now what is a bit sad to see is no Johnny and Yadaku and Sanji didn't witness the fight. Again its more nit picking but hear me out! In the Manga and Anime Sanji watches the fight and hes angry. He is angry its not him going after his dream but also because its like Zoro is Waisting his dream. I always thought that was important. At least for Sanji's charector. HOWEVER because of the things they changed with Sanji and his story it probably makes sense. Ill get to that when I get to Sanji. Its also a bunner Johnny and Yadaku isnt in this but I get it. Time and money sometimes minor things need to be cut.
Overall though. Every thing with Zoro is jsut so good. Even the things I got a Tad bumbed at (more me nit picking) but even though I was the changes they made I liked.
Lets talk about Usopp. Usopp again I was a little bumbed with no long nose. I mean. Okay. It probably would have been a pain to either CGI it or wear a prostrdic. So I get it. That being said Jacob Romero did a great job! And the only Usopp to get the kiss haha. Now I was happy Usopp got the kiss. At the same time I am like "bah. No romance in OP lol" but damn the Usopp Kiya shipper in me was so happy! Honestly 5 stars for Usopp.
My disapointment with Usospp's arc was no Jango. Like this one I did not get? It was Jango that hipnotized the impoten Kuru to believe he was Kuru in the first place. So unless they are going to bring that into play later? Yeah I have to say thats one of the biggest disapointments. Again not enough for me to hate on or dislike the changes. I really enjoyed the arc. It was more darker and honestly sad to! Like they killed merry! He's supposed to survive! They also cut out Onion carrot and pepper but to be fair a gron man playing with 3 children? Weird lol. Actually I forgot about them until I realized that they were also missing. My more concern was Jango! Even so it was fun to watch. Different and more thrilling.
Nami my dear I enjoyed her. She isn't my favorate in any addaption but I still like the charecter. I thought Emily Rudd played her well. 4.5 stars. My only issue is I felt like she was a little stiff at times at first? But she really started to shine towards the end. Like she was amazing. If it wasnt for the first episode or two where I felt she was off I would give her 5 starts. Its again nit picking! Because she was amazing!
Lets talk about Luffy though. I thought Iñaki Godoy was amazing. Like he was amazing Luffy. 5 stars. I almost almost want to say 4.5 of 5 stars because there were times where I think Luffy would be smiling or doing something dumb he was more serious? But I didn't care so much because this isnt the Anime and its not the manga. Its live action and some things need ro be realistic. So I got it. And he the actor loved being Luffy and you can see he did his best at ir. Like he was made for this part!
Now I want to get into Sanji. I kept Sanji for last because he's not only my fave OP char he is my fave Anime/Manga char of all the anime/manga I read and love. Like he is #1 in my book. He is the Goat! So out of the first 5 straehats, if I was going to nit pick anyone it was going to be Taz Skylar's betryal of Sanji.
I was not dissapointed. He did a fantastic Job. I was impressed to know that he not only learned kick boxing and cooking he also did his own stunts. Fucking impressive for any actor. 5 stars. Dude. I loved it. We still got to see that anger and cussing he does but most of all we got to see his kidness.
Was there disapointments in his episodes? Yeah. It sucks that we didnt get to see his fight with Ging. That is one great fight. The whole Gin crying because he cant kill Sanji and taking the poison gas? Holy hell. I get it they didnt have time to do the whole don kerig saga. But daaamn that is the biggest disapointments.
Howeever! The changes they made was still good. Because if this serious continued and we learn of Sanji's past with Germma then I think I underdtand. Yes I like the Sanji disagreeing with Luffy to join banter and Sanji in general being more angry at the start. But his nonchalant more easy going side is.... refreshing and part of Sanji we dont see much until later. I like that they are focused on Sanji's kindness! Hes always introduced in the manga as 'A kind hearted chef who lives woman' in every issue of the manga.
The Live action is really focused on Sanji's kindness but also his silly side that he can be sometimes. Still top fighter next to Zoro. But more playful. In both Anime and Manga Sanji is seen eating and enjoying rhe party. But here in the live action he is the one cooking and serving. Like they are really highlighting the kindess in Sanji here. So yeah I was dissapointed that there was no Gin fight but. Again it was changed in a delightful way! Like I like the change. It was like the writers went to Oda. "Hey. We want to highlight Sanji's kindess how can we change this without xhanging his actual past story and what not?" And oda was like "well...do this" or something. Because it worked. They made Sanji's intro still sad as fuck wirh him and Zeff on the rock. The two still share the same relationship and they highlight Sanji's kindness. Also I kinda like the tone down womanizing.
Also the Zoro and Sanji bantering? My ZoSan shipping heart is like Yuuuusss!
So yeah I had some dissapointments. I was hoping for Sanji to witness the mihawk fight. Even if it was out the window ya know? I do feel like it was important. Alas. But all that asside I loved it.
One more char I want to talk about it Buggy. This mofo is brillant betryal. Still Buggy but darker. More intresting!
So over all I give it a 4 of 5 stars. Not perfect but still fucking fantastic.
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aihoshiino · 3 months
Professor of Hoshino-Ailogy, might you have some tips on how to write the dear Miss genius idol herself? 🙇‍♀️ Been trying to dabble into writing stuff but her character's got me stuck. Been loving your OnK thoughts so I thought to try shooting an ask if that's ok!
Anon I know this is the joke but I am so genuinely moved at the idea of being considered a Professor Of Hoshino Aiology............ It really is all I was put on this earth to do. I immediately changed my discord name to this LMFAO
So! My recommendation would be to go back to OnK and specifically review episode 1 of the anime, as its take on Ai does a lot to flesh her out in comparison to the equivalent manga chapters. You should also check out Akane's little Pepe Silvia bit on episode 7, both so you can pick up on all that info and so you can point at the screen and go "Wow! She is Literally Me right now." (Anyone else? Just me? OK...)
And while everyone on earth has undoubtedly seen it already, take some time to chew on the Idol MV's imagery - the song as a whole and the MV specifically is basically just Ai's whole arc condensed and abstracted so it's good to look at how Ai is portrayed here and really think about why those choices were made.
After that, read Viewpoint B and 45510 side by side and do your best to put them in conversation with each other. What do these opposing views on Ai have to say about her and her motivations? That kind of thing. I also tentatively recommended reading the first chapter of Spica since it's some of our lengthiest unbroken Ai POV content, with the caveat that Spica doesn't always match up with how the main series talks about and portrays the same events so uh. Feel free to cherrypick what you take from it LOL
The Da Vinci interview and Artificial Girl are also both important in terms of getting a look at "Ai of B-Komachi" and seeing how she operates strictly in work mode. The Da Vinci interview also has some important notes about her history and relationships to certain other characters, so I think it's good to chew on in general!
From there, the most important manga chapters to review imo are 131, 136 and 137. 131 expands on Ai's history with her mom & has information about the abuse she put up with. As I've said before, her formative experiences with abuse and neglect and Ayumi's hands basically run through her entire soul like fault lines, so it's important to get a good understanding of that to start unfucking how it affects her behaviour. 
136 and 137 are also really important in understanding the emotional narrative of Ai's life, even if the literal events they portray obviously need to be taken with a grain of salt. We generally only see Ai of B-Komachi as a beguiling presence but 136 gives us a good look at just how fucking frustrating she would be to try and have a human relationship with and how this mask and Ai's general avoidance and discomfort with serious conversations contributes to her social isolation.
137 is, in my totally biased opinion, one of the best chapters in the entire series and so, so important for understanding Ai. It lays out in plain terms the most important foundational keystone of her entire character: that she was a normal, lonely girl struggling to connect and to find happiness and her desperation was taken advantage of so people could turn her into an object.
I think it's possible to get a good read on Ai just from the prologue arc, the rest of this material is important as reiteration and expansion on her core character. With all of it together, you should start picking up on patterns in her behaviour and drawing connections between her actions and the things that inform them.
If you're still having trouble figuring her out after that, here are some points I think are really important to keep in mind that often go overlooked when it comes to Ai:
Ai is neurodivergent and an abuse survivor
Ai is stated at least twice in the text of Oshi no Ko to have a developmental disorder and I think there's enough evidence in the text to say that she's intended to be read as autistic specifically.
On top of that, Ai's formative years were spent on a home environment where she could not rely on her primary guardians to consistently care for her and she was alternately neglected and violently physically abused, to the point of not feeling safe in her own house at night.
This is important to keep in mind because while Ai is pretty good at masking, her neurodivergence and her history with abuse means that she processes information - particularly social information - in a very different way to a neurotypical person.
Ai does not always lie - and her lies are different than you think
I've said this a million times before and I'll probably say it another million but a lot of the really out of pocket Ai takes you see in OnK fandom generally come from people who go to the extreme of dismissing everything that comes out of Ai's mouth as a lie and thus just completely missing out on a majority of her characterization.
Ai's "lie" is her performance - it's the illusion that "Ai of B-Komachi" is her true self with absolutely nothing else going on in her personal life. It's not a case of making shit up, but leaving things out - obfuscation and omission are the name of the game.
Picking up on when she's being honest Vs telling a lie is just something you end up getting a feel for as you get an understanding of her but generally, if Ai directly and plainly states something and it is not in conflict with things we know to be fact, then it's probably true enough.
This isn't a strict binary obviously and there are plenty of times where Ai says something that is obviously untrue but isn't her consciously lying - rather, like any human being, she has biases that affect her judgement, with her own stemming from her history of abuse and rejection and her poor self image.
The fact that Ai lies is less important than WHY she lies
This is sort of a reiteration of what I said above but where a lot of people get stuck on Ai's external behavior (that she lies) and fail to take dig into underlying motivations that actually cause her to behave that way. I know "this character has motivations" is probably like an insultingly baby mode reminder but I really do see so many people just completely abjectly failing to grasp this that I felt it needed saying lol
Deception is not Ai's end goal. Ai lies not because she wants to trick people but because she's been taught over and over her whole life that it's the only way she can be treated with basic fucking decency, and she has internalized this persistent cruelty as being her own fault. She performs Ai of B-Komachi because there is clearly something wrong with Hoshino Ai.
Even with that in mind, this isn't something Ai wants. As she says herself says in 45510, she wants people to know and accept her as she really is, flaws and impurity and all, and as she demonstrates in both Viewpoint B and chapter 1, she's incredibly quick to start opening up to people who seem to have the potential to accept her, or even just who treat her kindly. She is simply that lonely and that desperate to connect.
I hope this is all helpful, anon! I didn't necessarily want to just point by point how I write Ai just because I think that takes the fun out of things, but this is more or less the process I went through in forming my interpretation of her, and the rest is all things I've just intuited or drawn my own conclusions about from writing her - "oh, if Behaviour X, then Underlying Cause Y", that kind of thing. I hope this gives you a solid base to work on for writing her, tho - and please let me know when you're done so I can read it 👀
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monitorkernelaccess · 1 month
god I guess this is a question that’s gonna get answered either by more of the anime coming out or me caving and reading the entire manga of dungeon meshi out of impatience but…
why doesn’t thistle/sissel realize that Falin is not (entirely) the red dragon? like it’s entirely ridiculous to assume that she’s the dragon just in a new form. i get that she has the dragon flesh and soul so he’s not entirely wrong, and her coming when he called for the dragon would imply that she is in fact the one he was calling but.
Ok. He calls the dragon because he’s looking at its corpse. Dude that thing is dead it got killed. Why would there be a dragon corpse if the dragon just changed forms?
Also, he himself says the form must be inconvenient, which is why he turns Falin into a chimera. Why the fuck would the dragon randomly decide to change into a new form that’s inconvenient for them?
And like even if he can’t understand all that, can’t he see that he’s hurting her? And like if the dragon already had this order to find Delgal, why would being reminded of it send it crouched down like in pain clutching her head breathing heavily like bro isn’t that at least a little weird for your dragon to behave that way?
And then I guess he doesn’t pay any attention to the party cause they’re just disruptive to him but doesn’t he see that they’re clearly trying to help the person he thinks is just his dragon, calling her by someone’s name and everything?
I guess the party can’t really explain the situation cause they don’t know what’s going on and Falin can’t explain because she is Bearing The Curse but. Ok I’ve seen evidence that Falin and Thistle interact past that first scene. Why doesn’t she try to explain then? Ok I haven’t read it all so maybe she does and this is kind of a dumb rant anyway because my questions probably have answers in the story. But like. From what a friend who has read the manga has said to me, it seems like Falin doesn’t really try to explain and I don’t know why not? Maybe she like physically can’t because in the panels I saw (out of context) there seem to be some communication issues and so maybe Falin just can’t freely talk to Thistle cause of the curse
But ALSO in that same part Falin heals Thistle’s wound and wouldn’t he be like…huh I didn’t know the dragon could do that…why does the dragon know magic now?
And it’s just like. Whyyyyyy don’t they just talk to each other I know it’s cause like they wouldn’t think to do that and also “cause then we wouldn’t have a plot” but it’s so frustrating
And again. Thistle’s reasoning is fucking stupid. You think the dragon for some reason randomly decided to change form. To something that is inconvenient for his work. Left his old form behind as a corpse. And now acts way different and has new skills like magic. And none of that is strange enough to prompt some questions or reevaluation??? Just a “huh that’s weird” every now and then????
maybe I’m expecting too much good reasoning from a character who literally has insanity in their title, but god damn what the fuck
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sieglinde-freud · 5 days
ok but so far ive found like. maybe three (3) laslow panels total in 13 chaps so far too bad its about leo and not xander 😔 but he’s so cute in it… i saved this panel and stared at it for like 3 hours straight 💖💖
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HELPPP omg we’re linked… but yeah i j kinda ended up skimming through it for now cuz i just wanted to get the gist of it but i found a couple more laslows… i dunno if this counts as spoilers so i will put it under a cut but like….
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he shows up more but. laslow looking mildly pissed off is so funny to me. u ok buddy? but then there was this other panel that made me laugh so hard like
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they got his ass with the gay font 😭😭😭 SHUT UPPPPP
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joyboyish · 7 months
i like to think zoro reads romance novels and manga
like he'd read a few whenever they stopped at an island and when franky built them all their own rooms he finally had a hiding spot for them so when they got to sabaody he spent all his money at the book store and went back to hide them (he was so excited to read his books he only got lost 12 times!!!)
so when everyone is separated and he's sitting in his room in mihawks castle to heal before they train he realizes he never got to fucking read them and hes PISSED
while training he's like "luffy... luffy... luffy... those books.... luffy"
perona finds out a bullies him a bit before sharing her collection
when they reunite zoro FINALLY can go into their hiding spot and read them
he made his closet little hidden reading nook with blankets and pillows and a lock on the door because all of his clothes are on the floor anyways
luffy usually sleeps in his room and when he first came in he was like "whats in there?" and zoro said it was his workout supplies, they were too dangerous to keep out incase someone tripped! and luffy was interested so he was like "oh yeah i also have vegetables in there" and luffy wasnt interested anymore
they never have sleepovers in his room since it smells so bad and is so dirty so hes safe in that department.... they use luffys room iwhen its his turn because he never uses it (hes never been more thankful, even if hes started to shower more since luffy hates going alone)
one day nami gets tired of how messy his room is and picks the lock to his closet to put his clothes away and sees it.. he runs in when he realizes whats happening and shes like 🧍‍♀️
theres so much stuff there, like he easily has hundreds of thousands of berries worth of romance books
theres all different kinds too, like coffee shops, college, and an insane amount of historical fantasy romance
after some initial teasing she shares that her and robin share romance novels all the time
eventually he tells luffy and then everyone else and after they teased him more theyre like "ok i dont really care"
and now he could be like half asleep and only grunting as responses and then namis like "hey im reading the book you gave me i just got to the part where he realizes he loves her" and then hes like "oh my god that part was so crazy i had to get up and pace around my room for a bit"
luffy starts reading them and gets bored so zoro reads them to him, they have lots of fun
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dubhater25 · 3 months
ok gonna rant real quick but genuinely what the fuck were they thinking making chilchuck say
"you're so cringe" in the dub that's such a fundamentally different tone like
1. that's not the translation in the official manga or the sub. btw. he comments on laios having bad timing in official translations.
2. "cringe" is such a preteen to EARLY adult slang word that's popular right now but is NOT something that reads like a word a father nearly in his thirties would use.
3. chilchuck specifically doesn't like being seen as a child and wouldnt use. young sounding language like that.
sorry to be a dunmeshi dub hater but it really doesn't feel like whoever is scripting this knows anything about these characters or even just. how to keep the overall tone???? it feels like a fucking joke and not in a good way.
#dungeon meshi spoilers #tagging spoilers because they are for anime only technically #the words!!! you use!!! are important!!!!! #they change the tone!!!! they change the vibe!!!! #chil using the word cringe makes him sound like a chitty 12 year old which is something he would SPECIFICALLY avoid!! #it also makes him sound WAY meaner for no reason. why would they do that #its just fucking frustrating ok. #as someone with audio processing issues i do technically prefer dubs but not when they fundamentally change the overall vibe # just!!!!!! aaaaaaaarghrhgrhgdjhffhjnfdgjhfg #
an angry post. dont start shit with me idc i will
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aroacesigma · 10 months
hello my name is kai, i use he/him prns, im a minor . please read this before you follow.
Usual DNI/BYF list (bigots) and also if you ship anything weird (s*lki, th*rki, od*zai, kyouka x atsushi etc.) . Also dni hardcore Loki series or mcu Wanda fans. thats for ur own good im a hater
shouldve added this earlier but if you are a zionist, think that "both sides have a point", or regularly reblog from zionist blogs, DNI . i cannot truly express how much i despise people like you. free palestine 🇵🇸
i do occasionally vent on here, block #vent if you dont want to see that, i still trigger tag accordingly though so if anything specific is blocked that probably will be too
note: on the shipping thing, i dont care what your stance on shipping discourse is frankly. i mean dni if you ship adult minor or incest stuff, and that is non negotiable . also a few there that i just hate
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art sideblog: @gratielalovebot (on Instagram too)
stuff i like + tagging system under the cut !!
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Stuff i actually talk about on here:
bsd (too much) especially sigma (far too much) , manga and anime
on that note my favourite characters are sigma, dazai, chuuya, nikolai and oda, and my favourite ships are sigzai, skk and fyolai (last one is on thin fucking ice after 109)
have i mentioned i love sigma . i really love sigma . he is everything to me .
once again . on that note i literally do not shut up about my favourite headcanon of sigma being transmasc , so if you dont like that maybe dont
Rain world currently !!! Having a Moment over five pebbles I love his bitch ass dearly
marvel comics (especially wanda and also the xmen though im not particularly caught up right now)
my faves in that is really just wanda i love her dearly . this is not a safe space for mcu wanda stans you will be blocked on sight . this is however a safe space for people who love the gratiela fancast bc shes the best actually
yknow what i know this is stuff i like but just a warning while i am currently fixated on bsd if someone gets me started on how much i hate that godamn loki show i will go on a rant . i hate it . so much . so so so much .
I also like a bunch of other stuff and will rt stuff about it occasionally (like toh and agents of shield) but if its not on this list im not currently being consumed by an obsession with it so maybe dont follow me for it
ok yknow what extra stuff i like but am not hyperfixating on currently
the owl house
agents of shield (daisy johnson my beloved)
tag system:
[character/ship] - general stuff about said character/ship
[character/ship] fanart - i feel like this is obvious
[media] / [media] fanart - if theres too many characters im not bothered to tag , or if the post is general
ramblings - my original posts . its all bullshit . most of its rambling about which characters i think are trans . repetitively .
asks - also self explanatory
[username] - if youve sent me an ask and i answered it on web , xkit tagged it with your username
save - stuff that was important enough to save for later or fanart that i particularly liked
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weirdcat1213 · 3 months
ok i'll bite– why should i read requiem of the rose king?
ok fair warning: im like 10 chapters away from being done. the ending could be terrible and ruin everything but i doubt it. i know it in my heart, its gonna be great
from what i know from you, i know you like to suffer (same) so this manga is totally for you, but let me give you a list
-the main character is intersex and although the world (fuck you 1400s) is queerphobic, the topic is still handled with respect and depth. it asks interesting questions about gender and identity
-the mc is so emo you dont even know. but not in a cringy way i would say
-toxic gays >:D
-joan of arc is there. as a ghost. pretty cool imo
-the vibes are gothic because of the time period but also the main character himself: he wear black, there are crows, dark forests, etc
-the art is soooooooooo pretty i love it. its so delicate and aggressive when it has to. it has the classic shojo style but when it shines it does really shine
-theres a shit ton of blood and gore (think mcr revenge era kind of gore)
-cool religious imagery and themes/parallels
-it really feels like a journey. not only a political one (cuz historical fiction) but also a personal one. the main character may not get to the right conclusion and it will make you say "nooooooooooooooooo stopppp" but thats the whole point. hes a flawed little man with flawed and sad little thoughts. its really interesting to watch him get what he really wants
-the story really knows how to drag the reader to feel what the characters are feeling. like in the latest chapters i have read i was able to feel so much desperation and panic from the little guys that it made me really sad and i laid on the floor for a bit
-theres always drama and i love it
-theyre not afraid of being really weird sometimes and i love it
-the mc as a child looks like this
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-i dont know what else to say without spoilers but i will say that a lot of moments are replaying in my brain like a record
now onto the warnings
-transphobia and dysphoria
-kinda incest
-implied r*pe
-you may be tempted to watch the anime instead of the manga but the anime tried to put 78 chapters in 24 episodes. the adaptation was sadly doomed from the start
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piracytheorist · 9 months
I think it says a lot about my job that I was able to concentrate on it today and completely forget we GOT TRAILER
It was a mistake to check tumblr first thing in the morning, before I even got out of bed, but in my defense, I didn't expect it would drop at such a day and time! But anyway I did jump off of bed, turned on my laptop and recorded my face as I watched it. I needed to have that memorized XD
So, spoilers about the trailer below, and my own predictions about what each scene could be for! Reminder that I'm anime only, but have read the chapter that the first episode (probably) is based on, so for the most part I know what's going on, but for the rest I'm very much NOT aware :D Don't spoil me please :D
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Manipulative Anya at her best! We love our gremlin!
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Oh he's looking good :D
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I fucking love this image. Look at Twilight pouting in the background. He doesn't understand why a child finds news boring.
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your honour I love him. Why does he look like he's ready to cry!
Ok from a first hearing the OP song sounds super cool. I feel like it's got "Mixed Nuts" vibes and I love it! I gotta look it up later!
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Jeez Loid. Woman just woke up. Is that how he honeypoted all of his other missions?
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Yor having a meltdown in the foreground and Anya being cute waking up in the background <3 I love my fake fambly <3
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... okay. That's how his honeypots worked.
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Yellow roses, if I'm correct, symbolize friendship. Interesting.
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This is going to be a disaster and I cannot wait. Also I'm spotting Anya and Franky doing a horrible job at hiding in the left pic XD
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My heart skipped a beat when I heard Anya's voice say "Moja-Moja" :')
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Very sneaky. Much hiding. Wow. There's no way Franky thought this was working XD
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The way all of this could have been solved with a "I tripped down the stairs and fell on my butt and now it hurts to sit" but hey we're getting a funny date how can I ask for more
Also the way Yor says that line my god
I am so ready for more Yor you have no idea
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I gotta say, showing this moment is perfect for anime-onlies who haven't actually read this specific chapter. Loid just looks worried and Yor looks enraged. So many feelings for this episode XD
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Are those macarons? What were the fucking chances that yesterday I went like "Next morning I'm gonna pass by that bakery that makes macarons". I haven't had macarons in years, yet I see one (1) advertisement about that bakery and its macarons and I go like yeah why not. Macarons. And now this. The fuck.
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Honestly, her face in official merch is always a :D face with an almost unnaturally big smile all the time that I've missed her silly little face.
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Are those playing cards she's throwing? And is she reading someone's mind? I don't even care if she's cheating, good for you girl
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Yeah, buddy, welcome to the real world.
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I remember that line from the end of the bullet-in-butt date chapter, and I gotta admit I don't really like it... but the way Eguchi delivers it makes me think he's not like "Women amirite" but more like "All my years of training did not prepare me for how people are like in their day to day lives because spy training has skewed my perception of day to day 'normal'" and that's perfectly valid.
But also what the fuck is happening here. What is that cat. Why is Yor about to Thorn-Princess it. What.
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So Anya goes on a studying rampage, fails, and ends up crying on her penguin?
This only made me sad, what the fuck. It looks like Loid and Yor are looking at her failing grades, and Anya is disappointed in herself. I will don my clown wig again and say "If Loid doesn't go and reassure her so help me GOD"
I... don't like the ending theme song. But that's mostly a matter of taste, I guess.
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They dare throw this to anime onlies when they know we won't get romantic canon twiyor content until three to five business years from now at least
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The assassin group... I'm supposing he means the one Yor works for? How long does "for a while now" mean? Wasn't Yor working for them since she was a teenager caring for Yuri?
In any case, wow that's a very intense visual.
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omg omg omg
from the colour and the angle this looks like a vision Bond has. Loid and Yor are smiling and blushing but why does it make me feel sad!!
I don't know if it's because of what is said in that moment (they look like unrelated scenes since the line is being said by a woman who I'm guessing is a fellow assassin working with Yor or something) but then there's this
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And we just don't see Yor like that often, if at all in the anime so far.
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What is Franky wearing? It looks like a military jacket or something. I wonder if that's just stylistic choice or it's something more important.
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*snorts laugh*
Gotta admit, from a few tidbits here and there it looks like Twilight is finally gaining some more understanding of himself and his situation... but the way he says that just makes me think that realization makes him more concerned than anything else.
So I can say with conviction this did fix something in me. Though I guess the first episode will be the bullet-in-butt date, so it will take me another week to go into new territory. But! Bullet-in-butt date in 12 days! And new cool stuff to look for later on! I'm so happy!
(Again, I don't want spoilers for any of these. Just let me have my fun speculating :D)
screenshots taken from the unofficially subtitled trailer here!
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cyberdragoninfinity · 1 month
saw your arc-v livepostings on twitter n' your z-one/aporia posts and now i really wanna get into the show and into ygo in general. do you have any recommendations on where to start so that it won't be too confusing for a poor sap such as i if you can? please and thank you (:
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yugioh really is something truly special and an absolute blast to really dig into, but it IS a very big franchise.... forgive me for being a bit inexperienced at giving recommendations, but I shall do my best!! here's some pointers that I think could be helpful if ya wanna get into the show(s) (not getting into the mangas too much on this, for the sake of brevity LOL) (the spinoff mangas are fun reads, though!)
ok so the thing with yugioh is there are Eight Different 'Main' Yugioh Series (and a few little stray other series but we ain talkin bout those right now)--my recommendations are focusing on the first five series, since those the ones i've seen (though ive heard glowing reviews for VRAINS and Sevens and you could certainly go check either of those out if you wanted to! You don't really need to know anything about the plots of the other series to follow those stories)
as a yugioh fan i am of course obligated to recommend Duel Monsters as a starter. It's the OG, just absolute Yugioh at its most tried and true Yugioh, it Is that good, the dub and sub are both classics--but IF i am being my most honest true self, if my arc-v postin and zoneporia chattering have got ya ygo hooked then I would recc maybe taking a gander at one of the spinoff series first instead ;3
(In general what's cool about yugioh is you can basically pick up any of the series as your 'first' ygo experience to start with and have a great time with it! I know tons of people who've all started with different series/only are invested in 1-2 series,Theyre all made to be their own self-contained plots, and there's really something for everyone among 'em! you could honestly just read wiki blurbs on each series and go with whatever one sounds most interesting to you, and that's a fine start right there.) (though sometimes youll see characters from one series show up in another one, the Entire Storyline isnt Hinged on that--i.e. a bunch of alternate version GX/5D's/Zexal characters show up in ARC-V, but you dont need to have seen all those series to watch arc-v or follow its plot.) also idgaf what anyone says, the dubs are just as wonderful a watch as the subs are when it comes to ygos--you have to deal with some scene censorship or dialogue changes, but to me it doesn't really impede the experience. (in fact I almost want to recommend the dubs MORE for someone just starting to get into yugioh--it can be easier to follow the duels sometimes. AND a lot of the dubs are free on Youtube!!)
ANYWAY Z-one and Aporia are from Yugioh 5D's!! The, Last twenty episodes or so. Of 5D's. 🥴 <--the suffering nicherfaverrrr. So if you want to meet them properly you Do unfortunately have to be in for the long haul (i am of course biased and will say: Worth It.) 5D's is all around fantastic though; it has its slow spots, but the duels get crazy fun on those damn motorcycles, so even if you do buckle in for the All of It you'll have a good time--there are some chunks in the second half of the show that never got dubbed though (sad!) which is just something to keep in mind.
RE: Arc-V! since youve seen me tweetin about it, I will say, the first 50 episodes or so of it, that first season, does make for a really great crash course intro to yugioh and its worlds/how dueling works, since it touches upon all the main types of summoning as part of its plot, and talks about how they work. You get to learn about them as the characters do, which is really cool! My main hesitance from suggesting it 100% as a starter series is that it gets. fucking Bonkers. like characters from the other series showing up aside there is just So Much Going On in Arc-V At Any Given Point. IT CAN BE A BIT OVERWHELMING. AND APPARENTLY ITS ENDING IS. NOT VERY GOOD. which might not be very fun for a first time ygo experience 😭BUT BY ALL MEANS GIVE IT A WHIRL IF YOU'RE INTERESTED. I'm having fun with it at least, hehehe.
OK HONESTLY. HONESTLY. I think if I have one good recommendation to take away from all of this: watch Zexal. Zexal is a fantastic starter yugioh, I can't recommend giving it a go enough. Yuma as a protagonist starts out dogshit at the game and gets better over the course of the series, and that really helps the viewer follow along with the card game and start to understand it at a nice pace without getting confused over all the finer points of it. It does a really nice job of explaining how things work imo! It's also just, a gorgeous show. It's one of the most beautiful cartoons ive ever seen art direction wise. It's so kind and so fun and goes hard as hell and the characters are so full of love and personality. AND THE WHOLE DUB IS FREE ON YOUTUBE. BTW. BONUS.
THIS ENDED UP SO LONG SORRY tl;dr you can pretty much start with whatever yugioh sounds most interesting to you personally as your first series and you won't be missing any critical lore! Also Zexal is one of the best, consistently good and really easy to pick up. I think if you could only ever watch one yugioh make it that one.
also this is a less a recommendation and more just "little things about watching yugioh to keep in mind" but: don't let the card game aspect intimidate ya too much! the show really does it's best to explain how cards work and keeps it engaging; it's a show geared towards kids so of course it tries to keep things pretty easy to follow along, game-wise (also do not listen to the 'The Duels Arent Important' Crowd they are Wrong. yugioh is a sports anime but the sport is a card game. that's the crux of its storytelling. and it's genuinely really cool!!!) And if you're interested in giving the game itself a whirl, Duel Links is pretty beginner friendly imo!
I HOPE THATS AT LEAST SOMEWHAT HELPFUL the trials and tribulations of recommending where to start with a franchise that boasts some 1000+ episodes across 8 series is mighty but that should give ya some sort of idea!! whatever you end up going with I hope you have a ton of fun! YUGIOHHHH
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baby-xemnas · 2 months
i hope we get an update on law and bepo in manga soon… i’ve read theories that bepo might take law to zou so they can lie low while law heals. i also hope that the rest of the heart pirates are ok, or at least penguin and shachi.. it might be an unpopular opinion in one piece fandom but i really don’t want law and bepo to join the straw hat crew or any other pirate crew. i want law to be captain of HIS pirate crew, the heart pirates, with bepo as his first mate and wife ofc. the heart pirates are law and bepo’s family. it just feels wrong for them to join another pirate crew :(
yeah nah all the "law is a honorary strawhat" and "laws crew is useless him and bepo should join sh" takes that happened after PH/DR are so fucking disrespectful and shit
law would like to know those people's locations
howd you claim to like the guy and say this. i can bitch about how much i hate this idea forever, itll never happen. law was VERY CLEAR that he is not there to make friendships and hated when he slipped up for a moment and got used to their routine (idc that its a gag, its still characterization to me)
ANYWAY most hated topic aside
i think idea of going back to zou is kind of too reasonable and logical for oda? i cant see him doing it. its gonna be some bullshit. But as long as they dont get separated and we get to see law and bepo together and he shows that bepo is actually valuable as the first mate/laws best friend - im fine.
i have a lot of worries about all the ways he can fuck it up and shaft bepo but im cautiously hopeful
the crew is fine (bepo said so❤️) theyll also save themselves or be saved by someone deus ex machina style. i don't worry abt it that much.
now what im hopeful for is that they can somehow contact law and bepo at some point because i dont hope for a quick reunion but a call woulda been nice...but its op so cant count on that mercy
i also hope we get to see them soon, everyone is dying to see them. i feel you anon
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