#reader x inspector sullivan
tinkerbelldetective · 5 months
In all the years you had known Inspector Sullivan, he had been irritated with Kembleford, mostly with Father Brown and Sid, but his irritability wasn't like this. This was new. Even Sgt. Goodfellow mentioned being surprised by Sullivan's more forward hostility.
It was so nice to see him again, though, and you weren't going to let him be grumpy in peace. Also, you weren't sure if it was possible for him to stiffen up any further, but he did, just at the prospect of a walk. Yet, he followed along anyway.
You both stepped along aimlessly until you came to a stop, pulling a book out of the bag you carried almost everywhere.
His eyes furrowed as you offered it to him, eyeing the blue ribbon you had tied neatly across the title.
"I had gotten it for you shortly before you left, but I was never able to get it to you. And your visits have always been so short and busy."
"That's - Thank you." He let out a sigh, free hand running over his forehead. This whole village gets under his skin, Father Brown most of all, but you? You managed to get under his skin and his ribs, and he can't run away from his heartbeat when you look at him. He's tried.
Forwardness be damned. He stepped closer to you, breath heavy. His hands nearly shook as your breath hitched, eyes trailing up his blue suit to meet his.
"Inspector," you breathed.
This was as far as he could go.
"Thank you."
He already said that.
"What time do you take your tea?"
He blinked, what?
"I'll pick you up at 9." His words were surprisingly steady.
A soft smile pulled at the corner of his lips with an even smaller tilt of his head.
"Tomorrow is Sunday, is it not?"
"Sounds lovely." You smiled, fighting the urge to sigh happily. Not that you didn't do so when he stepped away and began walking in the direction of the station.
Father Brown was surprised to see you at the early Mass, but it all made sense when he saw what surely was the Inspector's car at the road.
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rose-edith · 1 year
Heya! How would the Inspectors (seperate) react to you using a mistletoe to get them to kiss you ? (talking about the inspectors from the Father Brown series)
Sorry for the delay, and better late than never right? Hope you like it!
Mistletoe reactions with the Inspectors:
Inspector Sullivan:
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•it’s at Lady Felicia’s incredibly glitzy and glamorous Christmas Eve ball/soirée! So naturally our dear Inspector Sullivan is in his best dress uniform, medals and buttons polished.
•he feels a bit silly really, though he relaxes as he starts his second glass of champagne- Lady Felicia is always a generous hostess when it comes to providing food and drink.
•but he is avoiding the Lady in question, and searching desperately for you! He’s caught the odd glimpse of you here and there, but you continue to elude him!
•that is until, he collided with you in the doorway. You giggle, having planned the whole escapade! And now, with one arm round your waist, the Inspector feels happier too!
•little does he know, he’s walked right into your trap! But he finds out soon enough…you drag him closer by his lapels and crash your lips against his hotly, it’s a bit jarring at first, but then slowly you both settle into the kiss, practically fighting one another for dominance. It’s glorious! Goosebumps and shivers chase across your body, you’re virtually alight!
•but then, as quick as he’d bumped into you, you’d disappeared again, leaving a thoroughly confused, thoroughly kissed, hot Inspector to come chasing after you once more! He even grabbed the mistletoe from the above the door- the game was on!
Inspector Valentine:
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•he’s pinning the mistletoe above the hallway door in your brand new home that you now share together- it’s your first Christmas as a married couple, so everything feels incredibly special.
•you’re passing by, having just finished the tidying, and your darling husband takes a chance. He pulls you into his arms with a seductive chuckle, nodding his head upwards so you see what he’s up to. And naturally, it makes you grin! Who could resist?!
•it seems to happen in slow motion. Your hands slide up his crisp shirt, one splays itself across his chest, over his heart to feel the steady beat of it. Your other hand gently grasps the back of his neck as you sink against his body, following him in the sloppy, tongue filled kiss that you gently moan into.
•the kiss goes on for what feels like an eternity. It’s a private conversation of mutual love and adoration. And when you both pull away you’re hot in the face and your eyes are ablaze with passion.
•…and that’s how you found yourself being pushed up against the wall, more passionate kisses being exchanged; clothes being tugged at blindly, as the kisses frantically turned into something more!
Inspector Mallory:
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•he immediately knows you’re up to something the minute he sees you. You come into his office with a naughty grin on your face and a sway in your step that he recognises…he’d seen it only the night before, as you’d slowly stripped off for him before sinking down onto your knees, unbuckling his trousers and…he snaps out of the reverie as you reach the desk.
•he notices then that your hands are behind your back, and he glimpses for a tiny moment, the sprig of mistletoe. He grins and leans back in his chair, wheeling it backwards for you.
•Gerry pats his lap and feels his heart warm as you saunter closer, and sit down on his thighs. One of his hands slips straight between your legs, and the other cradles you closer to his body.
•he waits. And waits, and waits. Your grin just grows bigger! And then, moments before he’s about to burst with need, anger, hunger, desire! You drop the mistletoe into his lap and kiss him hungrily, biting at his lower lip furiously in the way that drives him absolutely wild!
•he’s putty in your hands! And speaking of hands, the one between your legs doesn’t stay idle, this is a battle of the wills- and he’s giving it all he’s got too!
•it’s a very good job that no new cases come in that afternoon and that the office door stays firmly shut!
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harriethaller · 2 years
Plans are changing
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Ship: Inspector Sullivan x the reader
Summary: You were going to have a picnic but something went terribly wrong.
not really well-written but I tried I tried
It was a perfect day. You looked out of the window and listened to the weather forecast on the radio. Warm rays of sunshine were calling you somewhere to the fields. It was really a good time for a small picnic on a side of the river. And what's more, you've always wanted to enjoy and appreciate the sunset over the river bank.
You made some sandwiches, cut a piece of your apple pie that left from breakfast and thoughtfully put a wine bottle into the basket. As a final touch a napkin was placed over your package and a plaid followed.
The bicycle was ready as always at the steps, you dragged it down the gravel with a happy ringing of a bicycle bell. Finally you managed to the main road and started your little bike journey. The path took you by the church where you were stopped by some kind of a bouncing figure. Mrs. McCarthy was running to you with outstretched hands: 'Y/N! We were looking for you! Father Brown would appreciate your help with the decorations. We need a spare pair of hands for our rose garland above the door.'— 'Why the h... khh-cough-cough... even put the roses above the front door?..'
You couldn't refuse to help Father Brown and soon you were fully absorbed in the absolute mess called The Decoration Process. All extremely thorny roses were for you, so your hands were soon covered with small cuts and scratches. Each time you put your injured finger into your mouth. It wasn't helping, though. Finally, everything was done. It looked marvelous, you couldn't even believe that it was a creation of your countryside crew. Your plans for the picnic were ruined completely but it was worth it.
You bid them goodbye and got on the bike under a Mrs. McCarthy's disapproving look. Despite the failed picnic you were eager to have an evening bike ride around the village. The road was laying beneath the wheels itself, peaceful sights in the coming darkness were no less appealing and soon you find yourself riding past a familiar cottage. It was already late, but there were no lights in the windows. There was only one reason Inspector Sullivan wasn't home at this hour. Well, actually, there was more than one possible reasons, but you couldn't imagine this man of ice having a day off somewhere in the city. The only conclusion was that someone's having a new case. Suddenly a bright idea came to your mind and you speeded up a little in excitement. You ended up at the police station, sneaking on the tiptoes to the lit-up window of the Inspector's office. Trying to do something like a field site assessment you pressed your nose to the cold glass. There he were, blankly staring into the pile of papers on the table. Finally Sullivan visibly exhaled and tiredly sat back in his chair.
You knocked slightly but that was enough to startle him. He almost rushed to the window with anger written on his face. Sullivan definitely had much to say, but you slyly pointed to your ears and made a sign for him to open the window.
'The police station is closed.' — 'I'm here on a private matter.'
You were trying to sound as much intimate as you can, but burst out laughing. You made an attempt to climb up on the window sill. 'Hey, aren't you going to help a damsel in distress?' — 'Absolutely not.' Inspector, far from being polite, was standing motionless with his arms crossed. 'Well, let's do it another way.' You placed your basket on the window sill. 'What's that, a bomb?' The smirk on Inspector's face was unbearable. 'Check it yourself if you are brave enough and let me in!'
He finally helped you to came through the window. 'And now I'm arresting you for trespassing. By the way, where've you been, fighting with a bunch of cats?' — 'It was Mrs. McCarthy's rosebush. And I brought you a supper, speaking of the basket.' — 'Roses won, apparently.' You could not help but roll your eyes at his words. 'Keep training and someday you'll manage to show a proper gratitude. Oh, and what's that?' After breaking in you spotted a cup with some cold leftovers on Inspector's table. 'Don't you dare to say that you are drinking this instant stuff!' You could swear that Sullivan blushed for a moment in attempt to snatch the compromising evidence from your hands. 'So, this instant coffee clearly doesn't help. I have something better to offer. No, this is not for you!' You took the wine bottle away from him and offered everything else. After such a busy day at the office he couldn't resist. It was kind of satisfying to see the basket being emptied in your eyes. 'And now introduce the case to the me! Maybe I can be of some help.' Surprisingly, Inspector obeyed, and soon you were lively discussing the files. You pointed out some unnoticed details, and a thing started to piece together. It was awfully late when you finally decided to end that brainstorm and headed home. 'Please, don't think this has changed something.' — 'And is this all the gratitude?!'
Although your plans had failed it seemed that now you could set a new goal — to take Inspector on a picnic one day.
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jlbilu · 1 year
I remember those one shots from @rose-edith , in which to me Sullivan was OOC but still enjoyable (suspension of disbelief?). Miss that.
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seepygoat · 4 years
Being Inspector Sullivan's secret lover would include (nsfw)
Gender neutral reader
- all those secret little glances. Whenever you're at the same event, he'll always make sure to give you lots of eye contact and little smiles from across the room.
- somehow Father Brown knows. Neither of you have any idea how, but the gentle smile he gives the two of you when you're together tells you he knows you're together.
- the sex is great - and frequent. He hasn't been in any sort of relationship since he was a teenager, and that's a lot of pent up sexual frustration.
- he loves to have you over for dinner. He's a very good cook, and you always give him a thank you handjob while he does the dishes.
- he can be very dominant, which you love, but you love it even more when he’s submissive. He gets on his knees in front of you, open mouthed, his big eyes looking up at you eagerly, and asks you how he can best please you, and you always know what to say.
- it started as just sex, but it’s developed into something far more. Sometimes you just cuddle up on the sofa and and listen to the radio or a record.
Female reader
- he loves your breasts. He cups them in his hands and kisses them, quietly whispering how lucky he is.
Male reader
- he gives the most incredible blowjobs. You love it when you're out together and you start teasing him, and the next thing you know he's pulling you back into some ally, begging to suck your cock.
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hobis-hope94 · 2 years
~ A Girl Like You ~
AN: i’m really missing watching new father brown so i thought i’d finally write for my beloved sid ❤️
Summery: London’s first and only female Detective Inspector moves to Kembleford to get away from the loud, demanding and busy city. She meets an unlikely hero.
Paring: eventually Sid Carter x female!reader
Characters: female!reader, Sid Carter, Father Brown, Mrs McCarthy, train conductor and drunk man. Inspector Sullivan is mentioned.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, mentions of food, pubs, drunk man being creepy and loads of fluff.
(gif not mine):
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You were on the train to Kembleford. You were told you should get out of the city for a while. You? A London girl in the country?
It was a beautiful summer’s day in 1954, you were wearing a beautiful summer dress which was red and had white dots on it.
“Kembleford,” you said thoughtfully, as you looked out the window.
You fiddled with the locket which hung on your neck. Who suggested your break from the city? Your mentor, Inspector Sullivan. He spoke highly of the beautiful village of Kembleford, so who were you to judge?
“Kembleford Station, ladies and gentlemen, this is Kembleford Station,” the train conductor shouted cheerfully.
You smiled and gathered your luggage.
“Miss Y/L/N?” You turned to see a priest, wearing a capello romano hat, glasses and holding an umbrella. By his side stood a kind looking old lady.
“Ah. You must be the famous Father Brown,” you said, you recognised him from the stories Inspector Sullivan told you.
“Inspector Sullivan has told me great things about you,” Father Brown said, helping you off the train.
“And you,” you said smiling.
“This is Mrs McCarthy, the parish security,” Father Brown said, smiling at you.
You smiled at Mrs McCarthy.
“And this is Sidney Carter,” Father Brown said, as a tallish man in a green chauffeur’s uniform came up to you.
“Friends call me Sid,” Sid said, gently taking your luggage from you.
“Ah. Sully’s told me all about you,” you said, feeling your cheeks heat up.
“Hm. Probably not the best information, I bet,” Sid said as you all began to walk to Sid’s car.
“Meh. It was a mix,” you shrugged.
“Oh yeah? What did he say?” Sid asked, putting your luggage in the boot.
“That you’re a common thief,” you said, Sid nodded as he listened. “A bit of a rubbish one too.” You giggled at Sid’s face.
“Rude,” Sid said, you caught Father Brown slightly agreeing with you. “Also rude.” Sid pointed at father brown.
“And that I need to watch myself around you,” you added.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” Sid asked, opening the car door for you.
“Because you’ll flirt with anything that moves,” you said in a matter of fact tone.
Sid eyed Father Brown as he let out a laugh.
“I should let you know, Carter. I’m a very respected woman in London,” you stated, as Sid got in the driver’s seat.
“Oh yeah. What’re you? A lady or some thin’?” Sid asked, turning to look at you.
“No,” you said, “I’m London’s first and so far only female Detective Inspector,” you added proudly.
Everyone stared at you. You grinned.
After a long day of sight seeing, Father Brown gave the best tours and Mrs M? She makes the best scones. You felt you were settled. You were sitting at the pub, sipping on your drink, when a drunk man came over to you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?” He slurred, sitting too close to you for your liking.
“I’m entitled to be here. Same as you,” you said, bravely.
“Oh yeah? Women should be at home. Making dinner for their husbands,” he said.
“Well. I don’t have a husband. So if you don’t mind,” you said standing up.
“If you don’t have a husband, fancy coming back to mine?” He asked, grabbing your wrist.
“How so very polite,” you mocked. “No. I’m fine.” You said firmly.
“Ah come on sweetheart. Just one night with me,” he said, touching your face.
“I said no, thank you,” you said, beginning to feel scared.
“I promise-“ he said.
“Oi! The girl said no, she means no,” Sid’s voice sounded like music to your ears.
You smiled slightly as Sid shoved the man off you and stood in front of you.
“Alright, Carter. Being the hero, are we?” The man asked.
“Nah. Hero’s not really my thing,” Sid shrugged. “But if I see lowlifes like you, tarting a woman who doesn’t want to spend time with you, then I’ll step up. Because when a woman says no, she mean no,” Sid said, standing up tall.
The man sneered at him then left you alone.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you said gratefully.
“Did he hurt you?” Sid asked, looking at you.
“My wrist hurts a little. But other than that, no,” you said honestly.
“Let me walk you back to your hotel room. It’s clearly not safe for you to be out here on your own right now,” Sid said gently.
You thanked him and you both walked along. Sid noticed you slightly shiver as the evening got colder, he gently draped his jacket around your shoulders.
“Well, Sully neglected to mention how much of a gentleman you are, Sidney Carter,” you said smiling as you pulled Sid’s jacket around you tighter.
“Yeah well, me and Sullivan didn’t quite see eye to eye did we?” Sid said smiling, lighting a cigarette.
“He did arrest you a lot didn’t he,” you said giggling.
“Almost every other day,” Sid said.
When you arrived in your hotel room, you began taking Sid’s jacket off.
“Hm. Keep it. Give it back to me tomorrow. These rooms get cold at nights,” Sid said, turning slightly red.
“Th…thank you,” you said blushing.
“D’you maybe …fancy getting something to eat together tomorrow? Maybe? I can show you all the non holy sights the Father “forgot” to show you,” Sid said, scratching the back of his neck.
“I’d love that,” you said, smiling.
“Well…then…see you tomorrow…say…11?” Sid asked.
“11 sounds perfect,” you said.
“G’night, Y/N,” Sid said gently.
“Good night, Sidney,” you said.
“Sid…friends call me Sid,” Sid said, you blushed.
“Good night, Sid…thank you again for saving me,” you said smiling.
“Anytime,” Sid said smiling.
Sid left and you shut the door behind you. Smiling. Maybe moving to Kembleford was a good idea.
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sips---tea · 3 years
What it is like for Inspector Sullivan's s/o to be kidnapped
- Tom immediately gets on the case, trying not to let his strong emotions consume him as he tries to work out who kidnapped you and why.
- He will work with Father Brown, just this once, to have as much help as possible to find you. The clock is ticking and he does not wish for anything to happen.
- Poor Tom wouldn't be able to sleep well, his mind whirring with thoughts and worries for you, instead, he looks over the evidence again and falls asleep while he does so. His anxiety also goes up as he has none to talk to about his worries and the thought of you being alone and in pain hurts him terribly.
- If the kidnappers write letters demanding money or someone to be let out of prison, Tom will be angry and guilty that his work has meant that you are in danger.
- No matter how difficult the case and little evidence, he will never give up the hope that you will be found and the kidnappers are punished to the full extent of the law.
- When you are finally found all the emotion which he had been bottling up will crash and our poor boy will cry and cry with you tugged tightly into his chest. Sergeant Goodfellow left the room to give you both space as Tom held you.
- When questioning you he will be gentle and hold your hand through it all, allowing you to squeeze it when you talk.
- Tom will make sure that the kidnappers are given the longest sentencing possible and will not rest until you are delivered justice.
- After this is all over he takes a week off work to be with you. He takes you out on walks, cuddles with you, fixes up the garden with you as he is surprisingly good at planting. Tom wants to make sure that you feel safe and loved, not wishing for you to be alone after what happened. This time Tom also needed, he wished to spend the time which you had both lost and wished to hold you safe in his arms.
- If you are injured he will make sure you are healed, if you have trauma from it then he will be gentle and loving. Tom will be warrier and make sure that he installs security systems and makes sure that he is always around if you ever feel unsafe. He will become very protective and make sure that you are always safe.
- Whatever you think will make you more comfortable he will do, from building a post box so you do not get as much knocking to taking you on holidays to take your mind off what happened and give you a change of scene.
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ohnopoe · 3 years
Alone | Inspector Sullivan
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Ship: Inspector Sullivan x Reader Prompt: #13 from this festive list! Word Count: 1.6k+ Tagging: @23orso​ @hawkerz12​
The invitations were plentiful. From Lady Felicia’s yearly fanciful Christmas dinner to something smaller in the cramped quarters of the presbytery’s kitchen, Christmas day was never a day in which you could ever feel lonely.
Kembleford was nice like that. The often nosey nature of houses cramped just a little too close together despite the sprawling hills that encompassed the town turning compassionate and kind as the weather grew colder. It seemed, no matter where you went, people just wanted to spread cheer and joy.
You could have taken your pick of just about anywhere to be for dinner that night, and you would have been welcomed with open arms and boisterous laughter. But there was only one place that you really wanted to spend the evening, and it involved an awful lot less travel.
Your arms were laden with bags and containers, all filled to the brim with more food than you could possibly need, all cooked over the past two days in an effort to ease your anxious mind. Was this overstepping? Quite possibly. But if you didn’t do it, well, who would?
You had heard every thought Mrs McCarthy had thrown your way as Christmas encroached ever closer, and even she hadn’t thought to do something about what, to you, was quite an obvious problem. If she hadn’t considered it, who would?
No, you determined as you nudged your front door open with an awful amount of manoeuvring, this was the right thing to do.
Bags placed down just outside your front door, you locked up carefully, already wondering whether gloves might have been a smarter move as you shove the metal keys back into your coat pocket.
It wasn’t snowing like the songs would have you believe, there was no air of a fairytale hanging in the air, but the cold still snapped at your bare fingers, caressed your cheeks and raised goosebumps against your arms, even though they were well covered by your winter coat.
With your bags back in hand, you glanced over the surrounding neighbourhood. Lights were already dancing in some of your neighbours windows, carols cracking away on records from the family down the lane. Christmas had a hold over the whole town; well, almost.
To your right stood the single cottage that seemed to refuse to join in on the Christmas splendour. Light still danced through the window panes, but it was singular and unmoving, showing the one quiet reprieve from the madness of the day.
You made your way there quickly, determined to do so before your anxieties could convince you otherwise, rustling bags and containers as you made your way from your path to his.
With yet another shift of containers, and bags being placed once more on the wet ground, you rapped your knuckles against the hard wooden door, clear and concise, just as your grandmother had taught you, showing a confidence you did not feel.
The door opened faster than you had expected, a rush of movement that shocked you and had you stepping backwards in retreat.
Sullivan was intense, ready and raring to go as if he expected a case to quite literally drop on his doorstep. And then, as suddenly as he had opened the door, his features dropped into a concerned frown as he noticed it was you.
“Y/N?” there it was, that gentle tone, the one reserved for you and you alone, for moments where he didn’t have to be the town’s Inspector, when he could remember for one brief moment to be human. “Are you alright?”
The cold was beginning to seep in once more, made all the more biting as the warmth from his fireplace drifted out from behind him. All you could do was nod, offering a smile that you hoped would reassure him.
“What- what are you doing here?” the Inspector’s voice was softer than it often was, confusion dancing on his tone as his eager eyes ran over you, taking in the bags that weighed you down.
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?” your question was just as soft as his, holding all the fears you wouldn’t speak aloud. This was it. If he denied you now you’d be straight back to your cottage that sat only next door, and yet would feel a world away.
A smile, slow and genuine, crept up his features, lighting his eyes up with a joy you were certain you had never seen there before.
“Let me help you with your bags.”
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Are you still doing matchups, if so could I get a Father Brown matchup? I’m 5’10”, she/her/hers pronouns, long curly reddish blondish brown hair, dark blue eyes, stubborn, loves a good joke, determined, cold at first but then warms up to you. Loves books, joking, studying old things, and long engaging conversations
sure you can!
Father Brown
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I ship you with Inspector Sullivan!
he is the most gentlemanly gentleman and will treat you right, honey
first of all, you two would be introduced by Lady Felicia (ever the matchmaker) and he would freeze and stutter a hello because pretty people make him nervous
some time would go by and then you’d get caught up in the weekly Kembleford murder and that’s where you’d meet again and this time you’re the one to initiate the conversation because you bring up a point to consider about the killing and he looks at you with furrowed brows because “damn she’s clever too”
after a few awkward dates, you’re regularly seeing each other and are officially a couple (you know it’s official when Mrs. McCarthy gives you a basket of scones in congratulations)
you’re probably at his house all the time, and he’ll come home late from work and find you curled up in the armchair either fast asleep or engaged in a thick book.
you two spend nights in front of the fireplace, discussing the books you just read or whatever information you just found out about. when he’s up for it, he’ll talk work with you and you usually have good input for the case that he hadn’t considered. you get so absorbed in your conversations that both of you fail to realize the time
honestly, do you two ever actually get some sleep? no
you’re very amused at his exasperation with Father Brown, and often times take the Father’s side, much to his dismay and annoyance, but he apologizes in the end as you turn out to be right
he’s not hugely touchy-feely, but he loves when he extends his arm and you place your hand in the crook of his elbow and hold his bicep with the other he gets this stupid smile that he tries to hide
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theeagle-stories · 7 years
Inspector Sullivan X Reader
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Since Inspector Sullivan's first name isn't revealed, I've chosen to call him Tom and sergeant Goodfellow, John. I have been obsessed with this series for a long time and I really wanted to write something, since I haven't seen anything similar.  All mistakes are mine and I don't own anything.
Word count: 2387 
   You had lived in Kembleford your whole life and if it were not for the occasional mysteries, it would be quite boring. You were twenty-five and one of Father Brown’s friends, helping him solve murders along with Sid, Lady Felicia and Mrs. McCarthy. Father Brown took you under his wings when you were a child, when you were left by St. Mary’s church. 
You stood in the kitchen when you heard the door open and Father Brown walked in with a man following. You looked closely upon the man and realised that it was the inspector. His face was covered in a layer of dirt and he had a few bruises on his chin and forehead. The two men walked to the dining room and you followed close behind with a clean cloth. You sat on a stool at his right side, while Sid sat on the other side. Father Brown, Lady Felicia and Mrs. McCarthy sat around the table. While the handsome inspector explained why he was on the run, everyone listening, Sid worked on the handcuffs and you cleaned his scrapes.  
When Sid was done and Sullivan had told his story, he stood up and was about to leave when everyone at the table argued that it was late and he needed rest. You managed to convince him to stay and you went to show him a room he could sleep in. When he was under the covers, he fell asleep almost instantly, but not before muttering a small thank you. As you left the room you heard a slight snoring and smiled. You went to find Sid and convinced him to let the inspector burrow some clothing, because they were mostly the same size.  
-- The following morning -- 
You had taken it upon yourself to make breakfast, so here you were, in the kitchen once again. Sid had arrived early to drop of the clothing and sat by the small table in the kitchen with Brown to plan the day’s event. They both wanted your opinion and since you had not gotten much sleep that night, you had a few ideas. When you were done with the food, Mrs. McCarthy and Lady Felicia had arrived and you moved into the dining room once again. You were halfway up the stairs, when the man you were looking for came walking down. You stopped abruptly and almost fell backwards, but a hand caught your upper arm and you were pulled back to safety. You looked up, smiling gratefully at your saviour.  
"Thank you." you exclaimed.  
"You're welcome." he told you, smiling down at you.  
You turned around and walked into the room, Sullivan following close behind. You sat down on your usual chair and Inspector Sullivan occupied the chair beside you. You had made a traditional breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon and sausages, baked beans and warmed your famous bread.  
"This was as always a delightful meal, (Y/n). Thank you." Father Brown said when everyone was done eating. You smiled and lowered your head shyly.
When the plan was sat in motion, you stayed behind with Mrs. McCarthy. While she cleaned the dishes, you went upstairs to retrieve the inspectors dirty clothes. After washing them, you hung them up to dry.  
-- Time-Skip to after the case --  
You were relieved that the whole thing was over and that everyone you knew was still alive. You packed a basket with inspector Sullivan's clothing and a box of your homemade cookies. In the evening, you took the basket in one hand and left the house. One of the perks with living in such a small village, was that everyone knew where everyone lived. You made your way to Sullivan's house and greeted the people you met on your way. When you came to the house, you knocked on the door. You heard a light grumble on the other side and could not help but give a small chuckle. The door opened to reveal the inspector. His suit jacket and tie were removed and the three top buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned. When he saw you, he smiled and subconsciously straightened his shirt and posture.  
"Good afternoon, inspector." You said cheerfully, smiling brightly at the man before you.  
"Good afternoon, miss." He replied, adding; "Please, come in."  
He stepped aside and you walked in. "Please, call me (Y/n). I just came to return your clothes. They've been washed and ironed." You retrieve the articles of clothing and gave them to him.  
"You really shouldn't have done that. It was far too much trouble," He told you, a sincere smile on his face. "But thank you." 
"I also brought a tin of freshly baked cookies. As a thank you for everything."  
He placed the clothes down and took the tin, when you extended it to him. He opened it and immediately the room was filled with a sweet smell. He closed his eyes and inhaled the air, grinning from ear to ear. "I haven't smelt anything this delicious since I was a child." He opened his eyes and looked at you.  
"You should try one," you told him, still smiling with a light blush dusting your cheeks. 
He reached his hand in and pulled out a decent sized cookie. When he took a bite his eyes widened and he wore a look of total contentment. You smiled brighter and felt a little proud of yourself.  
"Wow, this is positively the most wonderful treat I have ever tasted." His was lit up like a Christmas tree and you could not help but think he looked adorable.  
You looked at the clock by the wall and your smile fell. He must have seen it, because he looked at you, concerned. "I need to get home. I will be making dinner."  
"I understand. Thank you for the cookies and the clothes."  
"You are very welcome." 
He followed you to the door and when you reached it, he opened it for you and you walked out. You turned around and looked at him. "Goodnight, I will see you again." 
 "Goodnight," he took your hand and kissed your knuckles. You smiled at each other and you left with the basket in hand.  
When you came back home you made dinner and you smiled the whole time. Thinking of a certain brunette man.  
-- Time-Skip -- 
You were walking errands for Mrs. McCarthy when you ran into the inspector again.  
When he saw you he smiled and stopped you, thanking you once again for the cookies.  
“I have actually been looking for you.” The man told you. You gave him a questioning look and he continued. “I wanted to ask you a something.” 
You smiled, “and what would that be?”  
The inspector in front of you, was sporting a nervous smile on his otherwise calm features. “Well, I, um, I was wondering if you would like to get dinner with me some time?” his voice was laced with anxiety and he looked ready to slap his slightly red face.  
Your smile grew wider and before he could embarrass himself further, you reached up and kissed his cheek. Pulling away from him, you gave him a reassuring smile. “Of course. I would love to.” 
“Are you free tomorrow?” 
“Yes, yes I am.” 
“Should we say my place, at half passed 5?” 
“Yes, let us do that. See you then, inspector,” you told him, backing away from the handsome man. 
“Tom. Call me Tom!” he called after you. You smiled and called back, “see you tomorrow, Tom.” Before turning around and skipping away, grinning to yourself.  
--------- Sullivan’s POV --------- 
He could not help but grin at the way his name rolled off her tongue and the lingering feeling of her lips on his cheek. He had every intention of telling her how he felt the next day. 
He left and went to ask the sergeant for help. After talking they arranged to meet early the next day, so they could make the day perfect, he went home and got in his bed, waiting anxiously. 
When the morning sun shone through his window, his eyes fluttered open and a smile graced his lips. He almost sprung out of bed, washed and left to the market. After buying the ingredients for the dinner, he waited for his friend to come. A knock came on the door, he rushed out and flung the door open, ushering his friend in and closing the door. He pushed the taller man to the kitchen, where they went over everything once again. “We have until 5 to get everything done, the I have half an hour to get ready.” Continuing, he added; “I really appreciate the help, John.” 
The tall sergeant clapped his friend on the shoulder, smiling widely, ”you really do fancy her, huh?“  
“Yes,” Tom replied simply, the corners of his lips rising slightly.  
Hours passed and so far everything was going after plan. “Something is bound to go wrong, I can feel it.” 
“Calm down, Tom, it is going well.” 
“So far, but with my luck, the whole house can burn down before she’s even here,” the inspector was almost pulling out handfuls of hair by now.  
John took hold of his friend’s shoulders and tried to calm him down. “Nothing is going to go wrong. If you keep saying that, it might just go wrong.”  
------- Short Time-Skip ------- 
After the sergeant left with a quiet, good luck, the residents’ owner hurried to his bedroom. Pulling out the outfit he had planned, he rushed to the bathroom. After a quick wash and getting dressed, the man looked over the house one more time to make sure it was perfect. He looked to the clock face and now he just had to wait for the beauty, anxiously.  
A few minutes before the clock’s hands reached the designated time, a soft knock was heard from the door and, after looking at his reflection, rushed to the door. He opened the door quite slowly revealing the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. On the other side of the door, stood (Y/n) wearing a stunning floral dress, her hair styled in a fancy yet, somehow, simple style and a light, neutral layer of makeup. She was smiling brightly, looking up at him with gentle and caring eyes. “Good evening, Tom.” 
“Good evening, (Y/n). Come in,” he stepped aside to let her in and she walked passed him. Their hands brushed against each other and she stood on her toes to give him a small peck on his cheek. After a small pause, he let her to the dining room and pulled out her chair. She sat down and thanked him, the smile ever present on her lips.  
Whilst eating, they conversed and found out more about each other, neither of them could help but fall more in love with the other. They told stories about their childhood and laughed together at some parts.  
After eating they moved to the living room, where they continued the conversation. Tom offered her something to drink and she agreed to a glass of whisky. He was slightly surprised, but poured her the drink. The clock chimed and they looked at the face, it was 11 o’clock. She looked to the inspector gave him a sad smile. “I should get going. It’s late and I have to make breakfast.” 
The man stood up, offered her his hand and lifted her to her feet. Thanking him once again, she walked with him to the entryway. When they opened the front door, they were met with the smell of rain.  
“I didn’t notice that it had started raining,” the young woman said, still smiling. She stared out and thought of what she could do. Before she had the chance to speak, the man beside her took his coat off the hook and placed over her shoulders. He reached for his car keys and turned to her. “I’ll give you a ride.” It wasn’t a suggestion. He gave her the keys, “you run to the car, while I lock this door.”  
“Okay, yes.” She ran towards the car as if her life depended on it, when she got to the car she unlocked the door and jumped in. She reached over and unlocked the driver side. The door was pulled open, almost ripped off the hinges and the inspector leaped inside. The second the door was closed they burst out laughing. They looked at each other when the laughter died down and they started laughing again.  
The ride was filled with a pleasant silence, only the soft notice of the rain outside was heard. They came to a stop in front of the house and they looked to one another again. “I had a really great time, thank you for doing this.” (Y/n) told the handsome man.  
Tom smiled and replied; “I’m glad. Would you mind doing something like this again?”  
“I would love to do this again.” (Y/n) exclaimed, blushing when she realised just how exited she sounded. Tom chuckled softly at her adorable reaction. He reached for her hand, kissed her knuckles and smiled brightly. Leaning over, she kissed the corner of his lips and pulled away, grinning.  
“Goodnight, Tom. I’ll see you around, probably tomorrow.” (Y/n) grinned. 
“Yes, goodnight, (Y/n)” 
The woman opened the car door, jumped out and ran to the front door of the house. Arriving at the door, she turned around and waved at the man in the car, smiling lovingly. The car drove off and she walked in. Father Brown sat at the kitchen table, reading. He looked up and smiled at the younger woman. “How did it go?” he inquired.  
“It went well,” (Y/n) told the older priest, grinning widely.  
“Are you still intent to keep this man’s identity secret? You know it is a small village. It is bound to come out some day.”  
“I know Father, but as of now, I do want to keep it between him and myself. So please don’t spy on us. I will tell you when we are both ready.” 
Father Brown rose from the chair and walked towards her, smiling, he laid a hand on her shoulder, “I understand, but be safe.”  
“I will,” she hugged the older man, “Goodnight, Father.” 
“Goodnight, dear.”
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mrmichaelmbarnes · 5 years
Seeking Chicago
Seeking Chicago: The Stories Behind the Architecture of the Windy City-One Building at a Time Tom Miller Universe, March 2019
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Paperback | 5-1/2 x 7-3/4 inches | 256 pages | # illustrations | English | ISBN: | $19.95 Publisher Description:
Meticulously researched, engagingly presented, and richly detailed, Seeking Chicago is truly a must-read for anyone interested in the story of the Windy City and how it got that way. Unlike other books about local history, here Tom Miller reveals the stories of many smaller, more modest buildings that are off the beaten track - the very structures that most guide books overlook - along with the iconic landmarks. Chicago is possibly the most important American city for experiencing important architectural masterpieces. There are numerous ways to learn about its architectural heritage, from museums to curated walking and driving tours and even a boat tour. While the basic factual histories of Chicago's landmarks are fairly well known, there are additional layers of history - often with dramatic human interest angles - that don't always get included in the "official" tours. Tom Miller tells the story of Chicago's rich architectural and social history building by building. The stories behind the city's buildings is an impressive architectural history reading and a dramatic sampling of American social history--family feuds, scandals, and mob hits. He excels at uncovering the dramas that have unfolded within the architecture and detailing them to tell an engaging and largely unknown side of Chicago's history.
dDAB Commentary:
Since at least college I've been a voracious reader of history; before that, history was just too dry, too full of dates and military conquests. Yet the more I read history books, the more I find myself drawn to certain types — architectural, obviously, yet also urban, geographical, bibliographical, and occasionally science — but turned off by one major strain: social. By "social history," I don't mean the "people's history of X" type books, which give voice to unrepresented people; I'm referring to the histories of people in the upper stratum of society, the rich and powerful that draw people's attention through their displays of wealth and their actions. In architecture this dislike creates a conundrum, since the rich and powerful are the people that tend to commission architects and build the most attention-getting structures — throughout history and today. That is especially pronounced in New York City (another quandary for me), yet also in other big cities, such as Chicago. With histories that bridge the architectural and the social, Tom Miller's Seeking Chicago (previously he wrote Seeking New York and he maintains a blog focused on Manhattan) is for me very much a love-hate kind of book. In Seeking Chicago Miller presents nearly 50 works of architecture: 38 buildings, five monuments, a couple fountains, and a lily pool. Like most guides to the Windy City, the book is heavy in and north of the Loop. Here, in the city's commercial core, is where its iconic buildings — old and new — can be found: the Louis Sullivan's Auditorium Building, SOM's Sears Tower (yes, I know, Willis Tower), and Frank Gehry's Jay Pritzker Pavilion. And just north of the city, in the Gold Coast, is where the rich lived. Miller's essays on famous and not-so-famous buildings in and beyond the Loop trace their histories, but from a perspective that values lesser known anecdotes. Sometimes we learn why a building looks the way it does, be it through its design or its evolution over time, but more often we learn stories about the people behind the designs: sometimes the architect but more often the client. Although I read Seeking Chicago with my dislike for social history unconsciously rattling around in my head, many times in the book I found myself getting pulled along by Miller's prose, digesting all of the various histories. He is very good at gracefully telling decades of architectural/social history on familiar and overlooked gems, each in just a handful of pages.
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Author Bio:
Tom Miller moved to New York City in 1979 from Dayton, Ohio. The transplanted "Buckeye" ... currently holds the rank of Deputy Inspector within the NYPD's Auxiliary Police Force. In 2009 he started his blog, "Daytonian in Manhattan" which has now reviewed over a thousand buildings, statues and other points of interest. He is the author of Seeking New York published by Universe in 2015.
Purchase Links: (Note: Books bought via these links send a few cents to this blog, keeping it afloat.)
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    from A Daily Dose of Architecture Books http://bit.ly/2Gu1k9I
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allspark · 5 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like Transformers Unicron, G.I. Joe, My Little Pony, Ghostbusters, Marvel Action Black Panther, and much more! All coming your way for April 3rd!
John Barber, Chris Ryall, David Rodriguez, Brandon Easton, Christos N. Gage, Magdalene Visaggio (A) Alex Milne, Sara Pitre-Durocher, Kei Zama, David Messina, Nelson Daniel, Juan Samu, Paolo Villanelli, Fico Ossio (A/CVR) Andrew Griffith
ADVANCE SOLICITED FOR MARCH RELEASE! Every IDW Transformers comic has led to this cataclysmic story! The culmination of IDW’s Transformers Universe! The end is nigh! Unicron, a planet-sized being that devours other worlds, has set its sights on Cybertron and all of its colonies-including Earth! Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and their friends must unite every Cybertronian, Earthling, and ally they have to stand against this threat to all existence. But why is Unicron hell-bent on destroying Cybertron-what original sin did Optimus Prime’s ancestors commit to earn this wrath? It’s an all-out battle against extinction as the world-destroying, universe-shattering threat of Unicron is on its way.
Larry Hama (A/CVR A) Ron Joseph (CVR B) John Royle
“The Cobra’s Venom,” Part 5. Mad scientists, even madder robots, and a small, desperate team of Joes left alone to defeat them at any cost! The final chapter in the latest bombastic arc of living legend Larry Hama’s magnificent G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero run!
Fifth of five JOE/COBRA vehicle/gear-themed RI covers by Jamie Sullivan!
Paul Allor, Ted Anderson, Jeremy Whitley, Thom Zahler (A) Toni Kuusisto, Agnes Garbowska (A/CVR) Andy Price
Advance solicited for April release! Things are getting a little crazier than normal in Ponyville! Pinkie Pie gains extraordinary powers after eating a magic apple, but will she use her new powers for good, or for fun? Meanwhile, the entire town is getting into the spooky spirit for Nightmare Nights! Then, Rainbow Dash decides the elder ponies of the retirement village could use some more excitement in their lives. So she invents EXTREME BINGO! What could go wrong? Collects issues #69-73.
Jade Lagardere (A/CVR A) Butch Guice
Amber Blake was only a child when she was recruited to the Cleverland Institute, a school for gifted children. But predators hide in the school’s administration, abusing the children they’re meant to protect, and, on the verge of exposing them, Amber finds herself fleeing for her life from the very man who recruited her. But she’s not dead yet-and she’s not the only one who wants to see Cleverland’s leaders burn.
Brian Clevinger (A/CVR A) Scott Wegener (CVR B) Valentina Pinto
Atomic Robo just opened Tesladyne Institute’s doors to the next generation of Action Scientists. Meanwhile, an old comrade has an urgent message about the Vampire Dimension: it’s bad. Bernie might be speaking with the real Queen of Hollow Earth, instead of a hallucination? Jury’s still out on that one. Oh, and y’know the subplot about Robo’s secret robot son? Well… it’s fine. Everything’s fine.
J. Scott Campbell, Andy Hartnell (A/CVR) J. Scott Campbell
The first issue of J. Scott Campbell’s Danger Girl (plus the original preview story) are presented in glorious full color 3-D-or as we like to describe it… DANGERVISION! Plus, as an added bonus, we are showcasing an incredible gallery section making this a true 3-D Extravaganza!
Comes with your very own set of DANGEROUS 3-D glasses!
Erik Burnham (A/CVR) Dan Schoening
The 35th Anniversary of the Ghostbusters is upon us! Let’s celebrate with four spooktacular weekly comics featuring different Ghostbuster teams in all-new standalone adventures!
First out of the Firehouse are the original ‘busting team of Peter, Winston, Egon and Ray, who have seen a lot of things during their time as paranormal investigators, but the latest case might just turn history on its head! Could it be that they’ve found proof of… Atlantis? It’s a case full of saltwater and slime with the ORIGINAL GHOSTBUSTERS!
Bart Sears (A) Rick Leonardi, Matthew Dow Smith (A/CVR B) Meghan Hetrick (A/CVR A) Bart Sears
Arkon the Giantkiller is fated to protect Auoro, the One True Chosen, so that she may destroy the evil Lord Omin. She just has to survive long enough to do it! Bart Sears pens the story he has always wanted to tell, a tale of brutal sword-swinging action as Arkon seeks to rescue the infant Auoro from her captors. With art by the all-star team of Rick Leonardi (X-Men) and Matthew Dow Smith (X-Files), the issue also includes a short story with art by Meghan Hetrick (Red Thorn), and a prose story written and illustrated by Bart Sears. Only an oversized, prestige format could contain this much epic storytelling!
An exciting new one-shot printed in prestige format!
J. M. DeMatteis (A/CVR A) Mike Cavallaro
Lost in an ocean of Infinite Nothingness, Number Horowitz has to wonder: Has the universe disappeared-or have I? It’s a question she has to answer quickly, because the lives of every living creature in Creation depend on it! Join Number and the Impossible Inc. crew for the cosmic conclusion to the mini-series!
David Lapham, Maria Lapham (A/CVR A) David Lapham
The line between hunter and hunted gets blurred when the Lodger gives into temptation. And out on the open road, Ricky and Golddigger close in for the kill.
The first black & white book from Black Crown! A new story from comics legends David & Maria Lapham (Stray Bullets)! Letters column, behind-the-panels process pages, & more!
“LODGER is from the team that brought us Stray Bullets, so you know we’re in safe hands, hands that just need one more rinse under a faucet to get the blood off them. This is small-town noir at its gothic best. Bleed on…”-Ian Rankin, best-selling author of Inspector Rebus
Vita Ayala (A/CVR A) Harvey Tolibao
After her latest defeat, Chandra feels broken as events of the past continue to haunt her, and a familiar foe seizes the opportunity to strike! Will Ajani’s heroic intervention be enough to help her overcome the threat and stop her from traveling farther down a self-destructive path?
Rising star writer Vita Ayala and powerhouse artist Harvey Tolibao continue to expand the bounds of the Multiverse in the first Magic: The Gathering® series in nearly five years!
Magic: The Gathering, its logo, Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, and character names and distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC and are used with permission. ©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All Rights Reserved
Kyle Baker (CVR RI-A) Kyle Baker (A/CVR A) Juan Samu
Readers of all ages can get lost in the technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda as they follow the adventures of its monarch, the Black Panther! King T’Challa is responsible for defending his people-and the world-from any threats. And he gets plenty of help-and sass-from his genius sister Shuri. A Marvelous new era begins here!  A bold new era for Black Panther begins here! From the mind of multiple Eisner and Harvey award winner Kyle Baker!
V.J. Boyd, Justin Boyd (A) Clay McCormack (CVR A) Chris Burnham
A terrifying noir nightmare in the occult underworld of Las Vegas! Face to face with an ancient evil, Alexis searches for signs of her old partner inside of what is now the demon Ashmedai. Narrowly escaping defeat (at a heavy cost), Chris and Alexis grow closer, only to be confronted by true evil-and it’s not what they expected… From the mind of VJ Boyd, co-executive producer of S.W.A.T. and producer of Justified, comes a fantastic new noir-ish tale!
Vito Stabile, Carlo Panaro (A) Francesco Guerrini, Paolo Campinoti (CVR A) Marco Mazzarello
What happens when Uncle Scrooge gets his greedy hands on Donald Duck’s magical hammock? Nothing simple and easy, that’s for sure! While Donald just wants a well-earned nap, Uncle Scrooge has other ideas in mind… See the hilarious results in “The Helpful Hammock!”
Guilherme Petreca (A/CVR) Guilherme Petreca
Ye is a curious young man, named after the only sound he knows how to make. His voice must have been stolen by the Colorless King, the source of all the world’s sorrows-terrifying, unrelenting, all-taking and never-giving. Now, Ye has no choice but the embark on a long voyage over land and sea, past grizzled pirates, a drunken clown, and more, to find the famous witch who can help him defeat the Colorless King. What he discovers may be a lesson for us all.
•   Advance solicited for January release! •   Young cartoonist Guilherme Petreca won Brazil’s prestigious HQ Mix Award for Best Artist due to the unforgettable imagery on every page of Ye, his first full-length graphic novel. •   In the tradition of The Little Prince, The Neverending Story, and A Wrinkle in Time, this graphic fable will leave young and old readers awestruck and eager to relive the journey.
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seepygoat · 4 years
@rose-edith here’s the fic!
You’d been gradually getting to know the inspector after meeting him at the pub a few months ago. More often than not, when you were together, you’d just sit and chat. You learned about each other’s interests. You knew he was an intensely private and withdrawn sort of person, and you were surprised he’d opened up to you about his interests at all- he liked cars, art, music, photography, and dancing, and he had possibly the biggest sweet tooth of anyone you’d ever met. He appeared to live mostly off coffee, sweets, booze, and spite. Because of two of those things in particular, you decided to bring a box of chocolate and a bottle of whiskey along with you when the day finally came that he invited you to his house. You chuckled, thinking about how officer Goodfellow’s jaw had nearly hit the floor when he heard Sullivan invite you round for a drink.
After a short walk from the bus station, you stood in front of his neat little house with your stomach churning. After a deep breath, you knocked on the door.
“Hello,” he smiled when he opened the door. His sleeves were rolled up, and his shirt collar was unbuttoned. You bit your lip as he invited you inside.
“I brought you these,” you said, holding out the chocolate and whiskey.
He smiled. “Oh, you didn’t have to do that!”
“I know,” you replied, “But I wanted to.”
You could have sworn he went a bit red as he offered to pour you a glass. You said yes, and settled down on the sofa next to his snoozing calico cat as he poured. He handed you your glass, and sat down on the sofa beside you, just his cat breaking the space between you. He glanced at the chocolates.
“Go on,” you smiled.
“I really shouldn’t,” he replied, “I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I should probably have something substantial before I break into the sweets.”
“Oh come on,” you teased, “What’s adulthood worth if you can’t be a little naughty now and then?”
He went very red, his eyes widening.
“Besides,” you added, “Whiskey on an empty stomach will make you sick.”
“Oh, alright,” he said with a shrug, opening the box and popping a chocolate into his mouth. “Feel free to have some,” he said once he’d swallowed, “You brought them after all.”
You took one you knew had a cream filling, and put it into your mouth, sucking the tip of your finger slightly. You had decided before you arrived that you were going to come on to him that evening. You’d heard all sorts of little whisperings about his sexuality, which way he swung, or if he swung at all, and no one seemed to know the answer. You hoped he swung your way.
“I was wondering if I could see some of your photography?” You asked after you took a sip of your drink.
“Oh,” he said, his eyes smiling, “Yes, of course!”
You watched him go and get his portfolio and smiled. He really was adorable when he got excited about things. When he brought it back, you were genuinely surprised at how good the photos were. They were mostly of landscapes, but as you went back into his older work, you came across some of his portraits. They were different from the usual studio portraits you’d seen. Each photo seemed to really capture the personalities of the people in it. You asked him who they were, and you saw his eyes fall to the floor. Instead of answering, he asked if you were hungry. He said he didn’t have much, but he had some leftover Chicken and rice from the evening before. You said you’d stay for dinner if he wanted you to, and he said he did.
You’d talked about photography all through dinner, and you were sitting in the living room again, this time with wine, listening to the radio and chatting. All the alcohol had loosened him up, and you loved seeing him so open and unafraid. Perhaps it was getting to you too.
“Tom,” you said gently.
He stopped mid sentence. You’d never used his first name before.
“I was wondering,” you continued, “If you’ve ever thought about doing any nude photography?”
He went very red, and you smiled as you leaned forward, placing your hand on his thigh.
“I was thinking,” you hummed, looking him straight in the eyes, “If you were interested, you could take some of me.”
You couldn’t help but be delighted in the adorable way he stammered, but you decided to silence him by pressing your lips to his. He was tense at first, but you could feel him relax beneath your touch. After a moment, you broke apart. He leaned his forehead against yours.
“I can’t say I’ve thought about nude photography before,” he said, “But if you are looking for someone who would do it for you…” his voice faded a moment, “I would be delighted.”
You giggled, pressing your lips to his again. “I was thinking,” you said, “We could do it right now?”
He looked flustered. “Now?”
“Well, if you don’t want to-“
“No!” He said, “I do, I just… the lighting won’t be very good right now.”
“Well…” you stood up, taking a few steps away from him. “I suppose we could practice.”
You turned around, having already unbuttoned the top few buttons of your shirt.
“Practice, er, yes,” he said breathlessly. “That sounds wonderful.”
You smiled as you slipped your shirt down over your shoulders, delighted at the way his eyes darted hungrily over your skin. He stood up and walked towards you, slipping his hand around your waist. It was pretty clear that no photographs would be taken that night.
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rose-edith · 2 years
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UPDATED: 07/01/2022
Previous Masterlist
Father Brown Previous Masterlist 2
(If anyone can send me the link to my original masterlist with all the links in tact to the posts I’d be forever grateful!)
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Dean Winchester:
Loving to kiss him
Sam Winchester:
Dating him would include
Physically Affectionate friends to lovers
Cute things he does for you
He looks after unwell Winchester!Reader
NSFW Alphabet
NSFW he corrupts Angel!reader
NSFW period eating out
Things he does to make you smile
Being human and him protecting you
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Leroy Jethro Gibbs:
Little things you do to make him smile
The team discover your crush on him
Him seducing you
NYE kiss
Part One- Loving Gibbs and he doesn’t know
Part Two
Part Three
Rescues you when you’ve been kidnapped
Drunk buying him Valentine’s presents            Part Two
Looking after him when he’s ill
Proposing to him
Things he calls you when you’re together
Taking a bullet for him
First kiss
Being clueless that he likes you
Secret relationship
Dr Mallard:
NSFW he saves you from danger
NSFW- training you to be the next ME
Father Brown:
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Father Brown:
NSFW Demon!reader
NSFW- forgive me daddy, I’ve been naughty
Sidney Carter:
Inspector Valentine:
NYE kiss
NSFW first time in bed together
NSFW- driving
NSFW- surprise!
Inspector Sullivan:
NYE kiss
NSFW- driving
Inspector Mallory:
Discovers you work in a Gentleman’s Club!
NYE kiss
NSFW- driving
Hercule Flambeau:
NYE kiss
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Teaches you to sword fight
Being his Human One
Proposes to you
BBC Musketeers:
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Captain Treville:
Being his daughter
Harry Potter:
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Harry Potter:
Ron Weasley:
Being his twin and defending Draco
Draco Malfoy:
Being his twin sister and losing your temper
Severus Snape:
Things he does to make you smile
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During your pregnancy and as a Father
NSFW- first time
Captain Hastings:
Being an adventurous friend
Trapped in small space
NSFW first time on camping trip
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rose-edith · 3 years
My inbox is OPEN!
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My inbox is open for all fandoms I’ve previously listed, but I will add a list of these in case you don’t know, or are new (if so, welcome!)
I do accept platonic, love-full, smut/18+ requests, as well as angsty, rawly emotive ideas! So you can be as specific or as vague as you like- pretty much anything goes!
Here is a list of characters and shows I write for (under the cut because it’s quite a list):
Father Brown:
•Father Brown
•Mrs McCarthy
•Lady Felicia
•Sidney Carter
•Bunty Windermere
•Hercule Flambeau
•Inspector Valentine
•Inspector Sullivan
•Inspector Mallory
•Sergeant Goodfellow
•Leroy Jethro Gibbs
•Ziva David
• ‘Very Special Agent’ Anthony DiNozzo
•Timothy McGee
BBC The Musketeers:
•Captain Treville
•Cardinal Richelieu
•King Louis
•Queen Anne
•Hercule Poirot
•Captain Hastings
•Inspector Japp
•Miss Lemon
LOTR/The Hobbit:
•Lord Elrond
•King Thranduil
The Walking Dead:
•Rick Grimes
•Daryl Dixon
•Negan Smith
•Dean Winchester
•Sam Winchester
•John Winchester
BBC Merlin:
Doctor Who:
•3rd Doctor
•Sarah-Jane Smith (young and older, please specify)
•4th Doctor
•7th Doctor
•9th Doctor
•Rose Tyler
•Captain Jack Harkness
•10th Doctor
•Martha Jones
•Donna Noble
•11th Doctor
•River Song
•Amy Pond
•Rory Williams
•12th Doctor
•Clara Oswald
•Bill Potts
•13th Doctor
•Yasmin Kahn
North & South:
•John Thornton
•Margaret Hale
Downton Abbey:
•Lady Mary Crawley
•Lady Edith Crawley
•Lady Sybil Crawley
•Dowager Countess Violet Crawley
•Tom Branson
•Matthew Crawley
•Michael Gregson
•Violet Bridgerton
•Anthony Bridgerton
•Benedict Bridgerton
•Colin Bridgerton
•Daphne Bridgerton
•Eloise Bridgerton
•Lady Danbury
•Penelope Featherington
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rose-edith · 3 years
Hello. I read the "stealing Mallorys policr car while drunk" and not only did it make my day but also how would Inspector Sullivan react. He's such a distant, work driven man you'd need to do something drastic to get his attention. 😅🤣🤣 maybe even needing Sids help to hot wire it.
Hope you have an excellent week x
😂 I hope that you like it!
Stealing Inspector Sullivan’s car while drunk would include:
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•desperate times call for desperate measures- and this in Sid’s opinion was definitely a desperate time!
•it’s been weeks that he’s had to listen to you pining after the attentions of the emotionally elusive inspector. And Sid does have to admit, you have been trying for his attention, by flirting and smiling and making him baked goods, but all to no avail.
•but Sid just can’t take it anymore. He’s marginally more sober than you, and he’s spent the whole night listening to you lament your feelings for the policeman.
•it’s actually his idea to steal the car- he’s guiding your drunken self home when he causally jokes that it’d be funny to steal his car as you’re going right past it…he didn’t think you’d take the idea literally! But you did.
•before Sid had even realised that you’d let go of him and wobbled off you’d managed to pick the door lock and were sat in the passenger seat staring at him expectantly. He tried to tell you no, but then your lips started to wobble and he could see that tears were imminent and he couldn’t deal with that- so he hotwired the car, and as he was more sober than you, he drove the car back to your house.
•what neither of you realised because you were far too drunk to have been in control of a vehicle really, was that you’d driven over an open tin of paint, and had left and unmissable, bright yellow track from near the Inspector’s house, all the way across the town to yours.
•the following morning when the sun started to filter through your curtains you couldn’t help but try to bury your head beneath your pillows. But that escape didn’t work, not when you heard a car horn blaring from right outside your house.
•carefully, with a great deal of light stepping to avoid jostling your tender head, you made your way outside- only to come face to face with a distraught, angry and confused Inspector Sullivan. Distraught because of the paint on the car. Angry because you STOLE it! And confused as to why you’d do it.
•he immediately launches into questioning you, but you can’t answer anything until after you’ve had some painkillers.
•when you bashfully confess to him that you stole the car (omitting Sid’s assistance in the matter) to get his attention he immediately stills and his anger fades. He takes your hands in his and simply says that if you wanted his attention and his affection all you had to do was ask.
•from then on the two of you have a new understanding and a blooming relationship…but you’re not allowed anywhere near his car.
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