#ranting and venting
hoperays-song · 4 months
I love dogs. Genuinely. I love them. They always make me smile and I have worked as a dog trainer and caretaker for most of my life, starting when I was a literal child.
And there is nothing that pisses me off more than seeing my local shelter's numbers balloon up from about 100 dogs before the winter holidays to 313 dogs by January 5th.
Do not get a puppy or a dog on a whim for a gift. DO NOT. Dogs are living beings. You can't just throw them away like a torn piece of paper if you don't like them. By adopting them, you are taking responsibilty for that dog. They are not just toys or props to make family photos look good either. This is a big enough problem that most shelters I know will not adopt out dogs during December at all anymore. Because they know they will just be coming right back.
And if you do think about it and plan it out and then decide to adopt a dog, RESEARCH THE DAMN BREED FIRST. You need to know what you're getting yourself into and what to expect. If you do not own livestock or have the space and experience for a livestock guardian breed, don't get one! Because you can't provide it with what it needs to thrive! Don't get onto herding dogs for herding because thats what they were bred to do! It's instinct for them! Same with dogs bred for guarding or personal defense. Those dogs will likely be hard for new owners to handle! So unless you have experience with them and can handle them, don't get them! "Oh but I want scary dog privileges!" I do not care. If you are not able to train the dog, you do not need to have the dog, simple as that. Because if you don't? Just like with all other breeds, things can and very often will go wrong. And that won't be the dog's fault, it will be yours.
So, in summary, do not get a dog (or any animal actually) on a whim or because of an aesthetic or something stupid only to dump the dog on the street or at a shelter when you realise a week later that you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. Do you research. Dogs are not playthings, they are living beings.
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variksel · 1 year
i hate you ai art i hate you "unalive" i hate you youtube premium i hate you twitter 8$ checkmark i hate you nfts i hate you therapy app advertisements i hate you non-chronological timelines i hate you instagram reels i hate you subtle tiktok filters that cant be turned off i hate you family bloggers i hate you ads on true crime episodes i hate you facebook i hate you vr glasses on chickens i hate you dystopian social media
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mariavlc82 · 6 months
So... I need to vent for a moment.
One of my best friends (I'm talking someone I've known for 35 years) has always been very insecure, self-deprecating and in constant need of external validation, specially about her appearance. She's always thought she's an ugly, fat person who dresses like a bum and whose hair and makeup are always a disaster; and she's always been very vocal about it.
I am the opposite, not because I think I am beautiful and elegant, but because I am at peace with how I look. I know my eyes are droopy, I have a Mediterranean nose, my lips are thin and small and although my teeth have been straightened a couple of times I'll always have an overbite and they'll never fit properly in my too small mouth. I know I have no chin. I am the size I am, I am not a big girl, but I am not commercially thin, I have a tummy (like everybody in this world) and cellulite (like every single woman). My skin has never been good, I am very pale and the dark circles under my eyes are always there. My hair looks nice twice a year, when it wants to look nice, I have no control over it. And I am 40 and closer to menopause so my body is changing, my physical youth is over and that's ok, that's life. I am aware of all that and I am at peace with it. That's me, that's my face, that's my body, and although they're are part of me, of who I am, they don't define me (I promise that makes sense in my head).
Well, the problem is my friend is always complaining about herself. Constantly. It's really annoying. She is always complaining about her stomach, her thighs, her boobs (until she got a boob job), her size in general. Keep in mind she is 2 sizes smaller than me and her boobs now are the same size as mine. She is always saying she looks like a bum because of her clothes and her shoes when she actually wears clothes and shoes you can see on any Instagram influencer (not the same expensive brands but the same look); meanwhile I am at her side wearing old jeans that don't fit properly anymore, comfy shoes and a plain black t-shirt. She always complains how unprofessional her makeup and hair are, and how tired she looks and how ugly everything about her is while I am wearing no make up and my hair is up in a ponytail. We both have the same job by the way and no one has ever said to me I look unprofessional.
So all of this is starting to affect me. All that negativity is rubbing off on me. Because if she thinks that about herself looking 20 times better than I do, what does she think about someone that looks like I do? I've been feeling a little down lately and I started doubting myself and thinking that I should be ashamed of how I look and then I feel worse and worse. It's getting to the point where I no longer want to hang out with her because all this negative thinking is bringing me down even if it's not directed at me. I know she has a problem, and the root of that problem is her family always critiquing her, specially her appearance, but I cannot keep listening to it, I once snapped and told her she's a 40 year-old woman with a job and a mortgage and should dress however she likes and if she doesn't agree she should let her mother choose her clothes that way she won't be judged for her outfits and everybody will be happy. I kinda regreted saying it almost immediately because she is very sensitive about this topic, but I am afraid if this keeps happening (and it's been going on for the las 25 years so...) I'll snap again and say something worse.
I am so tired.
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jellyfoamsfish · 1 month
at the end of the day bikinis don't care if you're hungry
stay starving <3
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addicted2skinny · 9 days
(slightly toxic rule)
If it has more calories than you weigh in pounds,
why would you eat it?
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hoperays-song · 1 year
TW: Transphobia and Current State of Trans Rights in the US
I hate holidays. Because sitting in a room of people who pretend to care about trans rights while not doing anything to help them, while continuing to misgender and deadname me after four years, while saying that it’s not that bad in the US, while saying it’s wrong for me to flee for my own safety, while saying that no one is actively trying to kill trans people, is fucking terrifying. They know nothing on the matter and say that I’m being a “pretentious prick” for telling them information on the matter. They say there isn’t a genocide against trans people. They say we’re exaggerating.
I’m sorry but trans kids are being taken from their families. Trans people can be arrested for dressing like themselves. Books with trans rep are being taken off shelves. Hundreds of bills are proposed that would ban us from existing. Countries are now offering up asylum to transgender Americans.
No trans person I know doesn’t have an escape route planned. We’re being killed, wiped out from existence. We are terrified.
I have had to hold my kids and tell them that if worst comes to worst I will get them out no matter what. I’ve had them send me photos of go bags asking if “will this be enough?” I go to my classes everyday scared that will be the last time I ever do. I have a group of seven I have made a plan to get to the border with. I’ve been given death threats within the past week to my face. Sure, as my bio family said, some areas aren’t “as bad” but no 13 year old should have to be making escape plans. No one should. No one should be fearing for their lives instead of just living them.
We are stage 7 of a genocide. And I’m tired of only trans people caring.
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thediktatortot · 2 years
Fandom is so different now and it’s becoming un-fun with how quickly shit moves.
I just want to enjoy things. I don’t want to have to play a game of Artist-Race that seems to be afoot lately.
Ya’ll eat up fandoms, leave artists and writers bone dry and then move on so fucking quickly then fucking wonder where all the Good Fandom Stuff is.
Idk Maybe cherish some things for longer. Reblog stuff. Interact with people. Comment and share.
Fandom is Capitalism now and I’m not being nuanced.
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aenabones · 18 days
Today I really wanted that cookie, but I did not eat it. If I can do it, so can you.
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hymnxl · 18 days
feeling the need to post again about this. i'm standing with every single person who is protesting for palestine right now. especially all the people at these universities setting up encampments and having guns and police brigades pointed towards them. these are PEACEFUL protests and should not be threatened with tear gas, force, or even snipers pointed at them. palestine needs our voices more than ever. we're nearing 50K marytered palestinians when there shouldn't have even been 1.
if you personally cannot protest in public for whatever reason it may be, at least voice your support for protesters who are and also voice your support for palestinians. they need your voice. their voices are getting silences constantly online whether through suppression or the IOF marytering them along with everyone else.
i stand with every palestinian in the world. i stand with every protester in the world speaking for palestinians.
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addicted2skinny · 14 days
5 minutes of taste
60 minutes of exercise?
Your decision.
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justwater4mepls · 2 months
An empty stomach is way better than a bloated one.
Remember that next time that you think about eating
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jellyfoamsfish · 1 month
lost 5lbs in one week bcs I cut out all sugars <3
best feeling everrrrr
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sophia-131989 · 3 months
I'm so jealous of people my age who are naturally skinny. Everyone I know is smaller than me and they can eat whatever they want and don't have to worn about gaining and they don't dislike their bodies. Meanwhile I gain 5 pounds after smelling chocolate.
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nepttuno0 · 3 months
if anyone in my family ever discovers this account
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calsandmemes · 2 months
My brain is so dumb
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p0rcelainclown · 3 months
Love the feeling of an empty stomach
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