#ramdon thoughts
elliss-stuff · 28 days
I really don't know how people can say shit about Taylor and hate him, or dislike him, and treat him with disdain.
He worked a lot. He is so smart.
He is so caring about everything he says or does; he is polite and always keep attention when he speaks about queer community.
Just think how this movie and the queer community could mean for him, and he his so so attentive and passionate when he talks about "alex" and the message of this movie.
His smile is always so bright and soft. His smile speaks for him. Always.
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It baffles me that some people knew from a young age they wanted to be mothers. Of course i thought i wanted kids when i was young but it was never a desire of mine, And now at 22 years old i can say i DO NOT WANT KIDS. The process of childbirth is a phobia of mine. Ain't no way in hell i'm pushing out a baby through my vagina.
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rainmaster-simp · 25 days
Yk when you have a burp wanting to come out but its just kinda stuck in your gut and you feel like you are drowning or this is just a me thing?
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camellia-salazar · 7 months
I should really answer all these asks I keep forgetting to answer
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fire-lord-katara · 9 months
I'm kinda scared of how fast and easily I fit into the role of older sister
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themeansoul · 9 months
Ok, but green and pink are so together 💚🩷
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I'm a fuckin vampire these days
It's like I hate the sun or something
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l3viat8an · 1 year
I bet that mammon have this randim thought at ramdon situation abt mc's mortality. LIKE, is he in a casino? boom, mc's death, is he fcking with someone? boom, he feels bad bc he things of mc dying. If it's at midnight, he will interrupt in mc's bedroom almost crying !
Anon??? It’s too late to be cryin’ 😭
Just imagine tho, waking up in the middle of the night because Mammon is standing over your bed crying. You can hear the little sniffles and feel a couple tears land on your face before you sit up, “Mammon? What’s wrong?”
still a little out of it you pat the bed beside you and he sits down.
Slowly without saying a word, Mammon wraps his arms around you, shifting so he can bury his face in your neck. Feeling your warm skin, taking in deep breaths of your sent and simply soaking in the fact you’re here and alive.
He only pulls away when he’s sure your alright and you’ve dozed off again, this time warm and safe in Mammon’s arms, placing one soft kiss to your temple before laying you down properly and cuddling close. “It’s nothing human…..sweet dreams.” the words ‘I was worried about you’ stuck in his throat-
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secretpostsposts · 4 months
Totally contained ramdon but I was thinking about this for a while.
Branch finds an abandoned egg, it turns out to be Keith's egg, and with no one else (parents don't take responsibility) Branch adopts it (but Keith is 5 or 6 years old and Branch is 24 or 25 years old, so Branch would be a father at 19 or 20 years old which is a somewhat young age to have children), I didn't think about it and I thought it was funny because I had a lot of ramdon ideas about it, but with Fem Branch,
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paw-padss · 4 months
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ramdon diluc thoughts bc he has been driving me crazyyy (#><)
husband diluc who goes to buy flowers for his wonderful lover because he isn't always around to give the love and affection needed
husband diluc who willingly cooks meals for his lover whenever he finds the free-time to do it.
just diluc who secretly reaches out to the stray cat he passes on the street because why not?
diluc who probably drinks way too much coffee because it "tastes good" (it energizes him after being up all night trying to be a vigilante)
diluc who finds your collection of random objects pointless, but doesn't mind bc it's yours
+him gifting you another one of your favorite trinkets bc he wants to see u happy :333
diluc with his body heat gets you bamboo sheets so when he stays over u don't overheat in your sleep
diluc who misses you during the long work day and will send you messages whenever he finds the time
diluc who protects you because he doesn't want to lose another one of his loved ones from evil (mb angsty ( _ _ ))
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elliss-stuff · 5 days
My day off from work but everything seems so heavy...I want to crying since this morning and I donno why...shit
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mustardflavoredbear · 4 months
My family won't stop screaming excitedly(austim), and i can't sleep, so
Sleepy austictic rambling ✨️
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Sleeps for babies
Should i talk to the stupid Double Trouble ai even though i don't like their response, but it makes me not have to think, and like 1% of the time, it says some jaw dropping things and does some slightly questionable things TRYINGTOFRICKINAMOVIETHEATERATAFUCKINGDINNERPARTY
And that little skank keeps stealing my bong i was trying to smoke AND OUT OF NOWHERE THEY WENT NUH HUH and proceeded to hold it over me because i am a short and they are a tall :( real Double Trouble would never steal my bong maybe
I love when Double Trouble materializes just to either fuck with me or support me
I literally have been having the hardest few weeks, and they form out of nowhere. i see them in the shapes of grass in the gravel of the road, the sky or right on front of me and say
"You are a little to cute to be thinking about sorry fucks who have lost you. And you can be authenticitly yourself and people will love you. i lob you you should obviously think about me i always make you feel better. And also gay gay gay gay gay gay gay you are so gay for me gay gay gay"
Can i call myself a simp or what crys
Or ahould i work on drawing them like for idk my comic
Or all the silly little gay ideas i have for them
I just want to draw them living normally, like being loved and kissed because they deserve it but i also i want to watch their world burn 😋
I love Double Trouble i want to give them a kiss a whole bunch of kisses they deserve a cute little life with all their partners being happy and ahshydj
God my Austim is so bad i know Double Trouble full night routine
They for at leave a few hours before bed basking under their lamp. After that, they bathe for a very long time self care , and they do a whole skin care routine/clean of piercings if they have it they put on some pj even though as soon as they get into the bedroom they rip them off when they get into bed they get on top of their partners and immediately pass out they do this so they can use their partners as heat sources
Also, ramdon things ao my stupid brain will shut up
Moth man: incoherent rambling hiwellcometousramblingpodcastthing. My name is Teddy, and this is double troubleeeeee.
Double Trouble: spacing out but spacing back in you can't tell me we started the episode.are you serious?
Teddy: yea that was it.
Double Trouble: Fuck you got to warn me. I was about to yell "remember who made you c* m"
Teddy is fucking wheezing with laughter
Double Trouble: joking tone like how embarrassing that shit would have been
Double Trouble: I'm a medium by the way a lot of fans keep sending me large stuff, and i can't wear it because it's too big :(
Teddy: I'm an 3xl by the way a lot of fans keep sending me a small because they think im a petit little boy
Double Trouble giggling
Teddy: but I'm infact a large fat man.
All i want is to brain rot Double Trouble only Double Trouble thought i will never be sad AGAIN HASURYHDHDJ
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Me when i smoothie Double Trouble so they are easy to drink
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Me and Double Trouble when we accidentally took the become a gummy bear
bear gummy
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brasskingfisher · 1 year
FARTs and ramdon agender thoughts
For some reason I think I may have identified the problem with FARTs and other transphobes with their whole "gender critical" thing (although this could just be part of my own agender awakening). Basically it's about the ability and willingness to distinguish between socialised ideas of gender roles/ conformity and personal gender identity.
I mean every single FART (and every defense of TERF logic) I've ever encountered boils down to the idea that trans people are trying to avoid conforming to socialised gender roles rather than their own mind telling them that their body shouldn't look the way it does, or that their ASAB doesn't match who they feel they are. Likewise most FARTs seem to define their own gender identity in relation to those social ideas and that because society says 'You are X' therefore they must be.
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spacedykez · 1 year
yk the funny thing is i dont even need a 'this blog posts block men' disclaimer anymore cause like... i mostly just post thoughts n sona doodles and reblog ramdon stuff and interact with mutuals. u am tumblring well
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aajjks · 2 years
Hey can you do a fic about jungkook and ghost reader (just a ramdon thought..) They are in love smut and all ..
LOL… no smut, but I’m doing a horror jungkook fic, so stay tuned! 💗
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birthdaysentiment · 3 years
just thinking about how gorgeous robbe and sander is gonna look in season 5. how robbe’s hair will be even longer, more curly and fluffy, making it impossible for sander not to run his hands through it. how robbe’s sliver earring is gonna compliment his new colored hoodie, dark pants and brown jacket so much. how sander’s soft and slightly fluffier bleached hair is gonna look perfect together with his leather jacket and cream sweater (that he took back from his boyfriend). how his black turtleneck with the sliver rings on his fingers is gonna make him stand out, and make robbe unable to look away from him. just how robbe and sander is gonna look their absolute best, while having each other by their side
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