#racial inequalities
bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
#ad Brazil has a long and violent history of producing racial inequalities. As the last country to abolish slavery in the Americas, this relatively recent colonial history of slavery still impacts Brazil’s Black, Indigenous, and Quilombola communities. The SETA Project aims to advance racial equity by transforming Brazil’s education system to be anti-racist. SETA in Portuguese means “arrow,” which represents a symbol of justice that this program aims to take back, with the hopes of spearheading change and agility.
ActionAid Brazil works with Ação Educativa, the National Campaign for the Right to Education in Brazil, the National Coordination for the Articulation of Black Quilombola Rural Communities (CONAQ), Geledés – Black Woman Institute, and UNEfro Brasil to achieve this.
Listen as SETA Program Director Ana Paula Brandão shares how they are harnessing youth, education, and Black movements to trigger this national healing process and transform Brazil’s public schools by 2030.
Learn more: wkkf.org/RE2030
#News #NowThis
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gitzette · 2 months
Discover the incredible journey of Hattie McDaniel, who made history with her Oscar win in 1940. Breaking barriers and setting precedents, her story is a beacon of hope and triumph over racial inequalities. Celebrate her legacy and the monumental moment that changed Hollywood forever. A must-read for every film enthusiast and advocate for diversity. Dive into her inspiring story with our latest article on Hattie McDaniel Oscar Win. #HattieMcDanielOscarWin #HollywoodHistory #Trailblazer
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asg-stuff · 8 months
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(via SHF Race Report 2021 | Stuart Hall Foundation)
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hamdun888 · 1 year
It is disheartening to read that health systems require financial incentives to do what is right
It is disheartening to read that health systems require financial incentives to do what is right
Integrity is doing the right thing always. It is disheartening to read that health systems require financial incentives to do what is right, in this case, to reduce racial and ethnic inequities in care. Cost of health From Harvard Business Review and “Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work“: Rewards do not create a lasting commitment. They merely, and temporarily, change what we do. People are…
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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odinsblog · 4 months
“White people claiming that American society is merit-based is like claiming they won a race when their opponent has their hands and legs bound.
The myth of meritocracy claims that Americans live in a fair, equal society, where hard work and resilience are the factors most responsible for shaping our lives. Under this theory, nothing stops anyone from succeeding other than, perhaps, themselves. This worldview may seem like a harmless attempt to encourage self-determination until you discover the carpet doesn't match the drapes. Once you realize that racism hinders equality, the myth of meritocracy is left bare and exposed, like the emperor, who wasn't wearing any clothes.
While the myth of meritocracy attempts to justify racial disparities as normal, this worldview is challenged by the data.
According to The Survey of Consumer Finances, the wealth of a typical White household was 7.8 times that of the typical Black household. Faced with this stark reality, many would concede that racist laws, policies, and practices created and maintained this racial wealth gap, while others, those who endorse the myth of meritocracy, would insist that Black people don't work hard enough. If they punched the clock more often, then all of their suffering would be alleviated, those endorsing the myth expect us to believe.
Many endorse racial stereotypes to justify racial disparities, calling Black people lazy or making other blanket claims to disparage the state of the black family.
It's easier for some White people to believe the world is fair than to commit to doing their part to make it so.”
—Allison Wiltz
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disease · 1 year
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spadescd · 1 year
i dont think band tumblr wants to hear this but i think hayley williams would hate like 95% of them
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arataka-reigen · 7 months
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Hell yeahhh i love the orcs!!
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murfpersonalblog · 1 month
"I wonder if Lestat ever considered taking his 'I don’t care about humanity' & human rules far enough to choose not to attend the racist opera house with Louis playing his valet & instead strolling in there together. Same thing with the bus. Would he have rather had his family sit upfront with him? Why did he decide to sit in the back of the theater with Louis & Claudia? Is it because it was dark? Why did he conform to the human societal rules even though he knew Louis found it humiliating?"
-- @mytwistedexperience
I really liked this comment posted here, and wanted to reply to it directly, but figured my inevitably long-winded response would work better in a separate post. Cuz the short/long answer is White Privilege.
I've ranted a few times about Lestat's toxic positivity and color-blindness--
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--cuz Lestat grossly underestimated how effective systemic racism was, and overestimated his power as one (1) single French White vampire in the face of the American superstructure/superpower.
Lestat could use the Spell Gift to freeze time & cheat at cards & win piles of money; read minds to seduce/control people; use the Cloud Gift & superspeed to travel; use telekinesis to close the gates on the priest he killed in Ep1 & open the door for Antoinette in Ep7; use the Fire Gift in Ep1 screwing with the street-lighter dude; use the Mind Gift to command a whole platoon of soldiers (which gave him a literal aneurysm). But he's not omnipotent. The problem with AR vampires is that they are very PHYSICAL--although undead, they aren't spirits/ghosts or shapeshifting creatures like AR's Azriel/Lasher/Amel/Goblin/Gremt--or even Dracula--who can move in and out of physical material. AR vamps can't become mist or turn into wolves/bats or any of the OP powers Dracula has (and even he was defeated by a ragtag bunch of humans). AR's vamps are still subject to the laws & forces of earth--the world--and by extension, SOCIETY.
People have accused black!Louis of being "arrogant," but I strongly disagree--Louis was proud. Lestat, however, was wildly arrogant, looking down on "this primitive country"/human society as something beneath him; that vampirism was something that superseded everything in existence; thinking he was akin to God and that he could make everyone bend to his will--including Louis.
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"I wonder if Lestat ever considered taking his 'I don’t care about humanity' & human rules far enough to choose not to attend the racist opera house with Louis playing his valet & instead strolling in there together."
Eff no. Lestat dragged Louis to the opera cuz LESTAT wanted to go to the opera. He went on & on about Don Pasquale--DELIBERATELY talking over visibly distraught Louis; bulldozing over his feelings to force Louis out of his funk, while Louis was looking like WTF--
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Lestat was like come hell or high water--i.e.: Louis almost eating his nephew, or racists at the door not wanting black!Louis to go in--we are GOING to the opera tonight so help me god! 😤 Granted, YES, the date had been planned in good faith--"I've been neglectful of our romance;" and YES, we know Louis LOVES opera--but it was also classic lovebomber!Lestat behavior, to thrust things at Louis & expect him to take it and smile; inconsiderate AF; or rather, considerate only so far as considering how effective his chess moves & manipulations would be.
However, Lestat's self aware enough (even in his white privilege) to know his limits: we see him use the Mind Gift on the soldiers in Ep3, WAY less people than everyone in the Opera House (or even the pub w/ the police chief & Tom in Ep5). Les wasn't strong/skilled enough in his powers in Ep2 (1912-17) to make everyone NOT notice black!Lou walking/sitting beside him. There'd've been a riot--those white folk would've acted a fool & thrown BOTH of them out b4 the opera even started, defeating the point of their date.
"Why did he conform to the human societal rules even though he knew Louis found it humiliating?"
Les felt it more important to see some stupid opera (which turned out to be TRASH cuz of the Tenor, LOL), than to have white people respect his black husband (a la "IF disrespect was done to you..." in the same episode 😒); or to bother finding something they could enjoy TOGETHER, w/out Lou being dehumanized in the process. But that's the whole point of vampirism: It's a dehumanizing process, "companion in the Dark Gift, finally." Lestat wanted Louis to stop acting like a human & start acting like a vampire--a white man, a god/monster, etc. And Lestat's PETTY AF, enough to be like: Ok Louis, if you insist on us both participating in this charade, then suffer the consequences of playing nice w/ people who hate you; take my effing gloves & walk 3 paces behind me, valet! Lestat KNEW it hurt Louis to be treated that way. Slap his face and kiss it after:
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See the little micro-expressions on Samstat's face, when he double-takes? He sits in blissful white privilege, b4 remembering: Oh right! My black husband's just been mistreated by white society AND ME; lemme butter him up by making it all about ME again, trauma-dumping a whole monologue on how lonely I've been on him. 🥺
Works every time. 😉👍
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Lestat, an idiot, thought all black!Louis needed to do was act like Lestat a white man, and all his problems would be solved. By embracing his vampire powers, he could go & do what he wanted. But we see in Ep3 precisely what would've happened if Louis decided to REALLY be Lestat's "companion in the Dark Gift, finally." Killing the racist Alderman was just one domino in a string of factors that sparked the race riots, but Louis blamed himself anyways, quick to shoulder the guilt for things beyond his control, and LEFT Lestat.
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Louis wants to be a "good" Negro, not rock the boat (even if inside Pyromaniac du Lac's boiling mad). Lou'd rather have racists learn to respect him & treat him equally, not go kill all of them, ruling over a pile of corpses. He's not the type to insist on walking side-by-side w/ Les into the Opera House, or sit beside him on the bus. Lou's passive/submissive, he's not an activist. When he "acts out," as Armand called it, it just leads to chaos--riots, the "Great Conversion/flying vampire apocalypse," the Theatre burned down. Lou's a hermit crab in his shell--he shuts down, hides away, full of regret & "self-loathing." He can't be devil-may-care Les & eff-the-police Claudia; that's NOT the type of person he is, or who Les wanted him to be--eff that sword-cane; every time Lou used it he was MISERABLE!
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Bull-frikkin-sh!te. 😠
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Lestat's selfish, arrogant, cocksure, and toxic AF. And Louis was unequipped to handle him (cuz they're UNEQUAL), loving Les despite all his faults, to the point of LITERAL self-destruction. Rolin & Sam have said many times that Les had yet to be HUMBLED. The world/reality only hit him in Ep7 that the very things he underestimated would be his undoing--Claudia got the jump on him back in Ep6's chess game, and offed him through poisoning Tom (another person Les didn't expect to hurt him). (We'd see this over & over again in the books, as Les got his arse handed to him by people he'd looked down on, from Armand in TVL, to some rando old AF human Raglan James in TotBT, to Rhoshamandes in the PL Trilogy.)
Most importantly, Louis has significant power over Lestat, too. The crazy part's that Les SAW Lou coming inEp7--he KNEW Lou was a garbage liar & was plotting w/ Claudia; he's too obvious--and STILL underestimated Lou. He LET Louis get away with crap, cuz he thought it was harmless, or just not worth confronting Louis about--biding his time & waiting. That's what Les had done for YEARS, with everything from Louis' vegetarianism, to running the Azalea's sinking ship, to sitting at the back of the bus.
"Same thing with the bus. Would he have rather had his family sit upfront with him? Why did he decide to sit in the back of the theater with Louis & Claudia? Is it because it was dark?"
Eff that bus. Lestat would've rather have had Louis (& Claudia) strong enough to use THE CLOUD GIFT. Buses are for weak AF humans who can't take to the air like strong vampires can, and FLY.
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Les said in TVL that he held back with Louis, and kept from showing him even half of what vampires could REALLY do--which is why Louis was STUNNED to see the Theatre & Armand & Santiago (a vampire YOUNGER than Louis!) in action.
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Poor baby bird had no idea. Cuz Louis had been trying so hard & so long to be human, not vampire--he'd stunted his own growth, which is why both Lestat & Claudia looked at him like he was crazy. "A fish that doesn't swim; a bird that doesn't fly. You're going to STRUGGLE." And the scary fact was that Lestat would struggle, too, pretending to be human and not a monster to accommodate Louis: "I'm trying to restrain myself!" 💀
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
One word I didn't expect to hear describing Joe Biden's State of the Union speech was "energetic" – but there it was bigtime. 😎
Dark Brandon was in the House and wasn't taking any prisoners. His fervent advocacy for progressive and pro-democracy policies left no one in doubt that he is The Anti-MAGA.
President Biden sounded like an older version of Harry Truman though without swear words. And much of the speech was aimed directly at the Republicans and at the GOP Supreme Court – calling them out right to their faces.
Biden wasn't just energetic, he absolutely taunted Republicans on an issue they've shot themselves in both feet on – immigration reform.
Biden’s Border Taunts Clearly Hit a Republican Nerve
Finally, he arrived at the topic that he knew Republicans couldn’t resist, because it represents that party’s most embarrassing recent failure. He reminded the country that at Donald Trump’s direction, Republicans had killed the strongest immigration bill in years, one that would reduce the flood of asylum seekers and bolster security at the southern border. And immediately the boos poured in from the red side of the chamber. “What are you against?” he asked, finally laughing at the opportunity to expose a bit of rampant hypocrisy. “Oh, you don’t like that bill?” It would save lives and bring order to the chaos at the border, he said, reducing fentanyl smuggling and giving every president the ability to shut down crossings when the surge of migrants became too great. [ ... ] Biden’s provocation on this issue may have been the most successful moment of the evening, one that will be replayed many times in the months to come on the campaign trail. And the power of it could be seen in the downcast face behind him of Speaker Mike Johnson, who wouldn’t bring the border bill to the House floor. All he could do was shake his head and hope Biden changed the subject.
Democrats have reason to feel good about this speech and it showed. His departure from the chamber was delayed by enthusiastic Democratic House members who were asking for selfies and getting autographs from Biden while chatting with him. If they had thought the speech was a dud they would have fled immediately.
On a somewhat funny note, the extended post-speech coverage of Biden's socializing on the House floor delayed the start of the GOP reply by the rather wooden Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama. Many viewers may have tuned out before her speech finally started a little before 11 PM Eastern Time.
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profeminist · 2 years
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"To say 'I don’t see race' in a country where race was the metric for humanity is to functionally state 'I choose not to see injustice.'"
tori williams douglass
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corgikotoni · 5 months
REMEMBER! colonizers real names were changed to look more "indigenous"
Benjamin Netanyahu's real name is Benjamin Mileikowsky, polish/german/russian, and was raised in PHILADELPHIA
Gal Gadot's real name is Gal Greenstein, polish/german/austrian/czech
David Ben-Gurion's real name is David Grün, polish, from poland
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thepeopleinpower · 3 months
Stone me to death if I’m wrong I guess but I really feel like any privilege comes with the responsibility to distribute that privilege downward any way you can and not hoard it exclusively for your own benefit. but idk who am I to say
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wherethebonesare · 1 month
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Rapunzel
Now, I have always thought that Meg Donnelly and Milo Manheim would be the perfect cast for Rapunzel and Flynn and I still believe this.
But the blatant racism that is being shown towards Maitreyi for possibly being cast as Rapunzel is appalling. And they can't hide it, nor do they bother to.
The most recurring argument that I see is how Maitreyi isn't blonde and Rapunzel being blonde is "so important to the story".
No it's not? Like it's literally just not.
The only argument that I might be able to somewhat understand is that Rapunzel's hair turns brown when cut, but even that is an easy fix and can easily be replaced by something else.
The only thing about Rapunzel's hair that is important or even relevant to the plot is that it is a. super long and b. it glows.
Anyone that is cast as Rapunzel, even your precious white actresses, will have to wear a wig. (Blonde hair actually doesn't naturally grow that long or glow when brushed! I know! Wow!)
If you're going to be racist, either try to hide it better or at least make some valid arguments.
Not wanting someone to be cast as a beloved character is not an excuse to be racist.
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alwaysbewoke · 25 days
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