#qualities of a successful entrepreneur
officialmahmoudsaad · 9 months
How to Be a True Entrepreneur: 8 Qualities of a Successful Business Owner
How to Be a True Entrepreneur: 8 Qualities of a Successful Business Owner Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. It takes a special kind of person to start and run their own business, and there are many qualities that successful entrepreneurs share. Here are 8 of the most important qualities of a true entrepreneur: Passion. A true entrepreneur is passionate about their business.…
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kajmasterclass · 9 months
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fanciedfacts · 1 month
How hours of sleep do you really need?
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jimmysrinet · 11 months
Daily Habits of Successful People: Unlocking the Keys to Achievement
Success is often viewed as the culmination of hard work, perseverance, and determination. While these attributes are undoubtedly critical, successful people also have another secret weapon: their daily habits. The way successful individuals structure their routines plays a significant role in their achievements. In this article, we will explore some common daily habits shared by successful…
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baidesworld · 1 year
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Value Yourself 🤔 . . . . #value #love #success #life #art #motivation #money #inspire #quality #goals #entrepreneur #inspiration #hustle #passion #history #true #quotes #family #ford #realtor #thoughts #joy #ferrari #wealth #mindset https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZT8clDKqN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reinforcelab · 2 years
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"If you don't build your dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs." — Tony Gaskins, Author and Professional Life Coach. Even though it's simple to assert that everyone may be their own boss, this is untrue because not everyone is cut out for this type of position. To succeed as your own boss, you'll need to possess the following qualities: a) Patience - It will always be difficult at first, but you must have patience and hold on. b) Self-Discipline - You hold the position of authority. Nobody will order you to leave what you're doing or report to work. You'll also need the self-control to back off. c) Drive - Being your boss is more of a benefit than having control over your destiny. Find a drive to keep you going, and draw on it when things get difficult. d) Prioritization - To prevent shiny object syndrome and maintain attention, organize your to-do list by priority, create a schedule, and follow it. e) Empathy - Remember to be the boss you've always wanted, even though this isn't always a quality that a successful boss must possess. Discover more about the qualities that must exist to be your own boss – 📞 +880 1313-450777 🌐 https://reinforcelab.com 📩 [email protected]
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"Working together to create something unique." We help you to frame the best branding strategies. With researched digital marketing solutions, we ensure that new clients can find your business in this competitive market. Build your business with us! https://www.brandonlederer.me/
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goasknow · 2 years
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In today’s highly competitive business world, it’s not enough to move forward on the assumption that progress is being made. An Agile approach demands frequent tests and measures to evaluate the quality of progress, and Chris’ research offers up the evidence of proven success from I CARE Leadership:
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csuitebitches · 5 months
Book Review- The Wealth Elite: A Groundbreaking Study of the Psychology of the Super Rich, by Rainer Zitelmann Notes
I came across this book because I was looking for psychology books. I found the first of the book rather boring and too textbook-y. The second part is much better.
The author interviewed like 45 millionaire - billionaires. These were his findings.
48% stated that real estate was an ‘important’ source of their wealth, and one in ten described real estate as the ‘most important’ aspect of their personal wealth-building. And a total of 20% described stock market gains as an ‘important’ factor in wealth-building, although in this case only 2.4% stated that this was the ‘most important’ factor in building their wealth.
‘Creative intelligence’ is key to financial success. The following is a comparison between the percentage of entrepreneurs (and in brackets the percentage of attorneys) who agreed that the following factors played a decisive role in their financial success: seeing opportunities others do not see: 42 (19); finding a profitable niche: 35 (14).
The role of habitus
* Intimate knowledge of required codes of dress and etiquette
* Broad-based general education
* An entrepreneurial attitude, including an optimistic outlook on life
* Supreme self-assurance in appearance and manner.
He identifies a key quality that is essential for any prospective appointee to the executive board or senior management of a major company: habitual similarities to those who already occupy such positions.
Skillset of Entrepreneurs
* The ‘conqueror’. The entrepreneur has to have the ability to make plans and a strong will to carry them out.
* The ‘organizer’. The entrepreneur has to have the ability to bring large numbers of people together into a happy, successful creative force.
* The ‘trader’. What Sombart describes as a ‘trader’, we would more likely call a talented salesperson today. The entrepreneur has to “confer with another, and, by making the best of your own case and demonstrating the weakness of his, get him to adopt what you propose. Negotiation is but an intellectual sparring match.”
Entrepreneurial success personality traits
* Commitment
* Creativity
* A high degree of extroversion
* Low levels of agreeableness
Entrepreneurial success personality traits
* Orientation towards action after suffering disappointments (the entrepreneur remains able to act, even after failure)
* Internal locus of control (the conviction “I hold my destiny in my own two hands”)
* Optimism (the expectation that the future holds positive things in store)
* Self-efficacy (the expectation that tasks can be performed successfully, even in difficult circumstances).
constant power struggles with their teachers in order to ascertain who would emerge the stronger from such confrontations.
Secret of selling
* Empathy
* Didactics
* Expert knowledge
* Networking.
Conscientiousness is the dominant personality trait. Extroversion is also very common among the interviewees. Openness to Experience is very common
A high tolerance to frustration is one of the most characteristic personality traits of this group.
exceptionally high levels of mental stability.
primarily characterize entrepreneurs as being prepared to swim against the current and make their decisions irrespective of majority opinion.
“No, I never did that (lost my temper). I never get loud. But I can be resolute and say: “That is unacceptable.” And then you either have to go your separate ways or make a decision that the other party might not like. It’s the same in negotiations. I was always described by other people as a bit of a toughie.”
Having the courage to stand against majority opinion is probably a prerequisite for making successful investments, as this is what makes it possible to buy cheap and sell high.
Many of the interviewees spoke about their ability to switch off and direct their focus, even in the event of major problems. The interviewees consistently referred to their ability to focus on solutions, rather than torturing themselves with problems.
At least in the initial phases of wealth creation, most of the interviewees rated their own risk profiles as very high. This changes during the stabilization phase, when risk profiles decrease. In this phase, the hypothesis of moderate risk does apply.
Conscientiousness was the interviewees’ most dominant personality trait. It is important to remember that the Big Five theory’s definition of conscientiousness does not just include qualities such as duty, precision, and thoroughness, but also emphasizes diligence, discipline, ambition, and stamina.
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kajmasterclass · 9 months
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guxciestone · 10 months
— pursuing your dream career. ❞
(pick a card reading)
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hi! i hope you’re having a good day. if you have any tarot or astrology post recommendations, i’ll be willing to considering it. thank you and god bless <3
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✧ pile 1 ✧
what is your dream career?
- The main goal for almost everyone in this pile is to achieve a career that gives you financial security, recognition, and success. You aspire to be one of the greats at what you do and gain respect for it. I feel like these are the people who want to become doctors, surgeons, architects, engineers, or lawyers—much more serious and important careers that guarantees a prominent status in society and financial stability. A small group of you may want to pursue a business and become a CEO. Other careers that come to mind are accountants, real estate agents, financial advisors. For a few of you, you want to become a florist or gardener—something with flowers or gardens.
how can you get there?
- There’s two different energies coming through. For the first group, it seems to be that you focus a lot on validation and attention from others in regards to your career success, maybe even the financial stability that comes with it. You view your desired career as a means to get some type of recognition, status, class, or appreciation from other people. I feel for some of you in this group, you probably want to do your current career path only for the financial or status success. There’s too much focus on this part. In order to get to your desired career, you need to focus less on the superficial results and focus on your actual passion for the career. Passion and determination is what really gets you to where you want to be in life. Reconsider it if that’s the case. The results will be worth it, but only focusing on the results will take you away from doing the actual work that comes with it. For the second group, in order to get to your desired career, you need to put yourself and your brand out there. This is especially if you are a business owner or real estate agent. Build connections with others and gain more attention to pet others know about your work.
what qualities do you bring to the table?
- One of the qualities that you bring to the table is your ability to create something beautiful. You are a very creative person who has a sense of art, beauty, and pleasure. This is particularly for the entrepreneurs, florists, and gardeners. Additionally, you are charming and know how to handle people. This is useful if your career requires socialization and gaining connections. You are also very likable and a good communicator.
where can you find assistance?
- You are significantly blessed because I feel you can find assistance almost everywhere. Your spirit guides or higher self could be working behind the scenes to give you advice or help in the most casual ways; whether that be through the internet or conversations with family members. However, I believe it might be hard for you to find assistance is due to your ego or stubbornness. You might refuse to get help because you believe everything you do is right. It is okay to accept help. You’re not going to be perfect at everything you do on the first try. I feel there’s a particular older masculine energy in your life who may be pursuing the same career who can help.
what needs attention?
- The thing that needs attention is, again, your stubbornness. There’s this refusal to learn from your mistakes as well as accept advice from other people. This may get in the way your potential and dream career success. For a particular group of you, you are also losing track of your workings and goals. It is important to get right back on track if any personal problems is what got in your way.
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✧ pile 2 ✧
what is your dream career?
- Your dream career may be unconventional or a career that is doesn’t promise success most of the time. This pile is for the people who are desiring out of the usual career choices. Career such as a musician, rapper, business owner are appearing. For a significant group of you, I feel like you want to step into the adult industry. Perhaps your family or loved ones may not approve of what career you’re going after. They may think it’s not a reliable career or a career that is respectable enough. I highly believe whatever you want to do it is solely because of passion. Passion is all you really need.
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how can you get there?
- It is important to be regular with your efforts. I feel like consistency and constantly working on your effort is what will guarantee you success. This is especially if you are pursuing a music career or building up your agility to be a good dancer. There’s also the need for funding as well, there’s monetary importance coming through. If you are especially trying to run a business or pursue a music career, make sure to be more deliberate with your spendings. Save up your money in a special account just for your career efforts. Perhaps find investors or supporters in your personal life who are willing to fund your passions.
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what qualities do you bring to the table?
- You aren’t afraid to go against the grain, no matter if you are seen as a rebel or devil’s advocate to people. You are going to stay being a trailblazer and building your own path. You may have a unique look for a few of you. You also do not mind standing for other rebels or people who are scrutinized on for being different and standing out. Whether that be people who are pursuing the same career as you, or people who are trying to go against the grain in some way as well. You are an amazing supporter, and you get along with others. You know how to lift other’s up. Your confidence is definite.
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where can you find assistance?
- It is possible that you are used to being criticized or scrutinized for the things you choose to do with your life, so not to mention, you might have tons of haters. However, you might have a close knit group of loved ones whom you trust—maybe even friends. It seems to me what you need most is motivation apart from this scrutiny you receive. Stick around the people who supported you the most and you’re guaranteed to reach higher levels. You are someone who thrives better when you are around people who want the best for you.
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what needs attention?
- The thing that needs attention is where you spend your energy. You may be someone who strives to look after others or spend much time around certain energies or activities that aren’t necessarily good for you in the long run. However, it is important to savor your energy for your endeavors as well. For a few of you, there could be substance abuse problems, a toxic friend, etc. Whatever this energy may be, it is time to cut it off to go further in pursuing your dream career.
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✧ pile 3 ✧
what is your dream career?
- These are the natural born leaders, you are born to inspire or handle others. I’m getting this energy that you are someone who is well-rounded; you are talented in multiple areas and there are multiple careers you want to excel in. You are a jack-of-all-trades. Freelancing and job hopping might be something you are doing or considering right now. You might love the thought of curating your ideas into something physical and gaining success from it. Careers appearing is CEO, business person, ambassadors, marketing and advertisement. I’m also seeing a few of you have an interest in sports and want to become an athlete! Some of you might want to create and sell literal art such as paintings, digital drawings, etc. Most definitely what you are striving to become, you are 100% passionate about it. I am hearing you have lots of charisma.
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how can you get there?
- I feel like you need to allow yourself to think big. There is never a dream too unrealistic or impossible. It is okay to have huge goals for yourself. In order to get there, you need to learn how stop dimming your light in an effort to “humble yourself”—If you want to dream big and do great things, then go for it with no shame and apologies. Most importantly, connect with your inner child and make sure you are genuinely enjoying that process of creating art or perfecting your art. Do not take it too serious and have fun while improving. This is especially if you want to become an athlete or a literal artist.
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what qualities do you bring to the table?
- A special quality you bring to the table is your persistence and undeniable resilience. No matter what others say or what happens, you always pick yourself back up go after what is meant for you. For some of you, whatever you are going for in terms of your career, you may have been striving towards it for years. People wonder how you haven’t given up yet. You are also more afraid to try different routes even if it is not what you are accustomed to. There is this fearlessness and unapologetic courage that helps you with pursuing your dreams.
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where can you find assistance?
- There seems to be a need for balance in your life; this could be a balance between profession and pleasure. Some of you may be taking too much of a serious approach towards your success, and the other group might be lacking around too much. I feel there could be a female figure or feminine energy in your life who could accompany you and give you some pointers and motivation. This could be a mother, auntie, or grandma. For some of you, there could be a feminine energy that is no longer with you trying to communicate with you about pursuing your passion. They are trying to motivate and comfort you. They are trying to get you back on track or tell you to relax.
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what needs attention?
- Once again, there is a strong need to balance profession and pleasure. Most of you may be too serious in your approaches to your dreams to the point where you are ruining your love for it. It is possible you have only made the time to take on your passion during a time when you are trying to go after your career. It is important to make sure to enjoy your passion from personal moments as well. Enjoy your passion just for the sole purpose of being happy and getting in touch with who you are again. It doesn’t have to always be for your goals.
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✧ pile 4 ✧
what is your dream career?
- Your dream career is a career you most likely had dreams about being ever since you were a little kid. You are definitely passionate about it. Your career has themes related to traveling, airplanes, or being in the air. Career that are appearing is the military—(perhaps the air force), a travel/home nurse, or a pilot. I’m also getting that some of you loves exploring new cultures and traveling to different places and may want to become a tourist or travel/food blogger. There is the sense of freedom and happiness when it comes to this career you desire. You’d feel on the top of the world, figuratively or literally, if you pursued it. Others might want to become a therapist, regular nurse, psychologist, or something in the nursing area.
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how can you get there?
- Some of you may struggle with social anxiety and the fear of being far from home and your loved ones. One huge step you can take to get there is to break out of this fear or anxiety you have. This is most notable if you are definitely pursuing a career such as the military or travel because you are more than likely going to far from home and have to meet different types of people every day. If it helps, try to take small steps out of your comfort zone such as going to small parties, saying hi to people walking down the street, or being more active in social activities at work or school.
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what qualities do you bring to the table?
- You have this ability to soothe and comfort others, especially individuals who are grieving or going through deep troubles in life. This quality is beneficial if some of you want to become therapists. You have this talent of knowing how to analyze others and how they feel and find an exact way that can help them, and you might be a good communicator and know exactly what to say to calm others. Even if you are far away from your loved ones, you know how to make them you are right with them.
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where can you find assistance?
- There is particularly a younger person coming through. This may be a friend, sibling, cousin, or even a child in your family like a nephew or niece. This person has the power to inspire you to take leaps and go into the unknown with no fear and worry. This person is jovial and enthusiastic about life. They have the ability to change your morals and thought patterns entirely. They will truly uplift and encourage you when you communicate with them. They try to push you to step out of your shell and not be afraid of the consequences. They are a bit of a rebel though.
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what needs attention?
- The thing that needs attention is your guilty mindset and imposter syndrome. There is to be ashamed of in wanting to travel the world, explore your choices, or be far from where you came from. If you feel this is what is right for you, go for it. You might have a very supportive family who instead wants you to leave where you came from to grow and find yourself. It is important to battle that part of yourself that stops you from doing so because that may be gorilla greatest enemy. For another few of you, there may a certain person in your life who is guilt tripping you into not going for those dreams because you’ll be far away. Do not care for what they say, do what makes you happy. They do not control you. You cannot let them get in the way of what you you want to do. Some of you may even find a partnership while traveling or distancing from your hometown.
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robfinancialtip · 4 months
🎬🎥 Katrina Chiovon talks about her life and career in the entertainment industry. "The Glitch," a comedic science fiction short that Katrina produced and directed, was shown at the Chelsea Film Festival. She's a very talented person. Problems with sound quality and a sound guy contracting COVID during production weren't the only obstacles Katrina overcame; she showed remarkable perseverance and resolve to finish the project.
🛠️🔊Technical difficulties with the sound and the complete loss of all film progress because of an accident in the sound studio were among the many obstacles that the production of "The Glitch" had to overcome. Katrina had an unwavering commitment to her endeavor even though she had periods of frustration and wanted to quit. She stresses the significance of perseverance and creative problem-solving in hardship.
🏠💔As a young girl, Katrina dealt with a lot of upheaval and difficulty at home. Katrina was eventually placed in a foster home due to her family's situation. She loved her mother deeply, but their connection was strained because she couldn't understand her decisions in light of her life.
🎭🌆Katrina always felt a strong pull toward the arts, especially dancing and acting, even as a little girl. When Katrina recalls her love of acting from childhood, she remembers trying out for a role in a Brady Bunch movie. She arrived in New York City at seventeen and a half, seeking opportunities such as modeling for Ralph Lauren and Glamour magazine. Katrina overcame the dangers and difficulties of growing up street-smart and alone in the city.
🌟👼Despite Katrina’s many hardships and disturbing incidents while residing in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, she persevered and found solutions. Even though she was aware of the threats she faced, she attributes her survival to gut feelings and, maybe, a guardian angel. She exemplifies the strength and determination to follow one's passions despite challenges. Katrina also sought acting roles, landing parts in films including Vendetta Wounds and The City on the Edge. Her film debut was in Christopher Corulla's Old Secrets No Lies (2010). The picture had its world premiere that year at the Tribeca Film Festival, and it featured the late Vinnie Vella.
💪🙏 Katrina demonstrates the significance of self-belief and resilience in the face of adversity. Her unwavering dedication to filmmaking and the arts propelled her through challenges, culminating in a successful debut at the Chelsea Film Festival. Her inspiring message resonates with aspiring artists and entrepreneurs, urging them to embrace challenges as pathways to growth. Let your determination turn obstacles into stepping stones to realizing your dreams.
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crystaldivination · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐰𝐞?
Hello beautiful souls and welcome to another intuitive pick a card reading. Today we will be looking at what’s so special about you that makes you drop-dead gorgeous. I hope to be able to bring you some delight feelings and contentment with this reading. It’s quite long so as always please let me know if this resonates with you in some way. I’d be happy to know if you enjoy my works. Likes, reblogs, comments and follows are highly appreciated. Thank you ♡︎
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how to choose your pile. take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Which pile sparks an interest in you? Which pile do you feel called out to the most or reminds you of something? Take your time and come back later to it again if you can't seem to choose.
The piles
from left -> right
Disclaimer: this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn't. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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La feminine mystique
Hello pile 1,
you’re so powerful. Let me tell you what I mean by that. You possess an enormous energy in you which seems to have no limit. This can be an extremely powerful force that can benefit you in the long run if you know how to use it wisely and it seems like you do. Other people often feel "intimidated" by you. They feel compelled to respect you and treat you with dignity. You attract attention without meaning to. For some of you this confidence may stem from what you’ve been through in your past. Your experiences shape and form you to be the person you are now and you know it. That’s why you’re proud of yourself, proud of the strength you’ve gained from your pain and always carry yourself with pride. You don’t let others step on your boundaries and your well-established values. Other people can sense and see this attitude coming from you even if you don’t openly express this directly. You make a statement with your presence. You subconsciously challenge other people as well especially men. You radiate an energy that’s just as bright and powerful as the sun or hot and passionate as Mars or dangerous and brooding like Pluto. You don’t sit around waiting for a prince on a white horse to come to your rescue, you dive into the challenges and face them head one. You stand up and get things done and you do it YOUR WAY. You don’t give in to anyone even if it means to hurt someone’s feelings if you truly believe in something firmly. You’re daring and sassy. You’re words might be harsh sometimes but the truth hurts so for you your bluntness just simply means that "It’s better to get hurt by the truth than to hear sugarcoating false lies". That quality of yours makes you admirable in the eyes of many although for people who is more on the traditional side (referring to the fixed gender roles of masculinity and femininity) they could see you as being too intense, overwhelming or over empowering but that’s okay because you’re not here to please or fit anyone. You know your worth and you’re not afraid to face any criticism because that’s part of life. You’re familiar with that but you couldn’t care less for you’re the one who create your own reality.
To conclude what makes you so special is your renowned sense of self and self-confidence. You believe 100% in yourself. You know what you want and know how to get that bag. You’re just a girl boss and most importantly you’re priceless. You don’t give away too much from yourself yet enough to show who you are. You represent real womanhood and stand for feminism. You’re the mysterious femme fatale who’s giving everyone weak knees. It’s giving successful business woman/entrepreneur vibe. You’re such a win overall.
[Astrology placements] Leo, Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Virgo, Pluto-mercury, Pluto-ascendant, Mars-asc/mc, Pluto/Mars/Neptune dom or influence
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏 ♥︎
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A supernova
Hello pile 2,
you’re well-liked for a reason. You’re charming and always outrank others with your tenderness. Your kind demeanor and attitude just make others mesmerized by you. You put others above you and never seem to really want the "prize" of being the best everyone is looking for. You surpass all superficiality of this world. Jealousy, competition or intentionally stepping on others to get to where we want is not a solution for you. You dislike that. You believe in a peaceful and harmonious world. Hostile, judgmental attitudes create a negative, pessimistic picture of the world we live in so you choose to be kind and fair. You see that relying on one’s ego and be full of greediness won’t do anyone any good. People really notice this difference in you hence most might see you as superior to others. You’re so empathetic that people can’t help but want to protect you. You’re very balanced in your way. You care for others but never forget about your own needs. You’re always so put together and professional when dealing with other yet you can relate and connect with them on a personal or emotional level as well. You just have a knack for being sociable. You’re diplomatic and gentle. Others might view you as a soft or even obedient kind of individual but you know when to stand up. For yourself and for others. This makes you admirable and respected by anyone. You very much stand for justice and righteousness. You believe everyone is the same regardless their race, status or anything society would judge a person by. You’re definitely a pacifist. People love you and most importantly they believe you. They believe in you and your power to change the world FOR THE BETTER. A world where everyone can live in peace with each other, where there is no useless competition or harmful intentions. Your picture of a beautiful place where one live harmoniously together and function together as one is a desirable wish for many who believe in togetherness and the collective.
To conclude what makes you so special is your sense of purpose. You call out for a meaning to live and exist in this world. You impress other people with your vision of a world filled with love. Love for oneself and others by being kind. And indeed people who are truly kind have the ultimate leverage. If you give without expectation of getting anything in return, you've won. The obvious benefit of being kind, honest, and loving to others is to affect positively those around us. If you respond with kindness, all the hate will be defused. You only force yourself to be bigger than the negativity. If given the choice, most of us would prefer to be in the presence of a person with a humble spirit and YOU are one. Your energy and vibe reminds me of Marilyn Monroe’s.
[Astrology placements] pisces, cancer, libra, venus-Pluto, sun-venus, moon-Jupiter, venus/sun/Jupiter dom or influence
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐 ♥︎
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A rebel
Hello pile 3,
let me start by saying that you’re so innovative. You have the craziest ideas but they are all so forward thinking. People see you as a genius most likely. People might even call you "mad" because of your weird ideas but you probably easily prove to them about it. You’re the definition of an intellectual and knowledgeable individual. What makes you superior to other people is that you know you’re different from them and you embrace this so well. You may be proud in nature but never arrogant. Your easy-going attitude is what attract a lot of suitors. Eyes are being laid on you all the time. You’re the cool and fun sis/bro in the hood. What’s unique about you is that you create or like have a different form of expression and you know how to get your messages across using different amount of mediums or modalities. Your different perspectives makes you incredible interesting in the eyes of other people. Furthermore you’re a very good debater. You have your own visions and you’re all about evoking a revolution, changes and progressiveness. You’re most likely known for being a shock factor. Your purpose might be here to literally disrupt the system that we live in now. It's like actually you don't want to do it the same way it's been done before so you create something completely new. You might see that it’s because our evolution is changing and you feel like you're in a role or a position to bring in new strategies for a good cause. You have your own moral spine. You’re strong enough to rely on yourself and do everything on your own. You don’t need help from anyone yet you’re not scared to ask for help when you need it. It’s very admirable to have this kind of balance in you. You’re not trapped, bound or driven by your own ego. If it serves the intention for a new growth and more developed world you’re ready for everything to make it happen. You’re a warrior. You break the norms and find way to improve society like no one else does and that’s for everyone in it not just a certain percent of people. People see you as a source of inspiration. You walk your own path but never alone.
To conclude what makes you so special is your inventive skills and mind. You stand out from the crowd because you own your uniqueness and new ideas. You don’t shy away if you or your different views aren’t being well-received by others. You stay true to yourself while being understanding of them and accepting their differences and opinions. You just continue to do your own thing. It’s really giving Gen Z vibe.
[Astrology placements] Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Uranus-nn, Saturn-Pluto, Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus dom or influence
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑 ♥︎
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© 2023 crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
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video-killer · 6 months
Character consistency and the Hazbin teaser.
One of the most important parts of quality writing is keeping ones characters consistent. This means establishing their morals, opinions, personalities, and speech patters and sticking to them. This allows your writing to, well, make sense and your characters to effectively evolve over the course of the story.
Breaking Bad establishes Walter White as a brilliant man who will do whatever it takes to reach success, and throughout the story this conviction combined with his illicit dealings slowly turns him into a monster. But at his core he still is Walter White, his caring side established early on through his familial relations, something he buried deep down in order to survive in the drug business, resurfacing in the series finale.
Unfortunately, Hazbin Hotel looks to be no Breaking Bad. And the recently released trailer for the series seems to imply that the characterization in the series is decaying disturbingly quick.
One of the largest red flags is seen at the very beginning of the video. Alastor has created a somewhat satirical advertisement for the hotel, broadcast on an old CRT television. Yet it has been prior established that Alastor hates post-30s technology. He wishes to cling to the era in which he died. Additionally, his sworn enemy is a television. He loathes the things; they are the crude antithesis to his beloved radio. And yet, he makes a television advert.
Realistically, Alastor should compose a radio ad. It would be just as snarky, but with sound effects and vocal acting in place of visuals. But yet the show does not do this, a completely nonsensical decision that is a massive deviation from Alastor's prior characterization.
In a similar vein, the leaked Vox audition sheet features him commenting that "reality television is dying", yet clinging to it anyway, ordering someone to "figure out how" to take a poorly titled show and make it into a successful series. Vox has been established as supposedly the opposite of Alastor in this regard: he is the overlord of technology, obsessed with advancement and innovation. Yet here he clings to the past, something implied to be likely detrimental to his business.
Perhaps Vox could instead snark that the show is part of a dying art, but nonetheless profitable, producing it anyway because he knows people will still watch it, thus keeping in line with both his television and shady entrepreneur themes.
It seems to me that the writers swapped the two characters' opinions on technological and cultural advancement, something completely strange considering how the two are complete inverses in that regard. The cause of this eludes me, but nonetheless proves very alarming.
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You will be successful in the matters related to the house where Atmakaraka is placed:
Atmakaraka in Angular houses (1,4,7,10) & Trines (1,5,9) without malefic influence gives smooth life.
Atmakaraka in 6th, 8th, 12th houses gives lots of trouble in life if your career isn't connected with those houses significations.
Atmakaraka in the Ascendant is very good combination. It makes you intelligent. You will be successful either in intellectual field or in politics or in any field where cleverness is required.
Atmakaraka in the first house (Ascendant) gives you good leadership qualities.
Atmakaraka in the second house gives success in financial field. You can also be successful in the religious fields like studying Vedic literatures.
Atmakaraka in the 3rd house gives success in communication field, leadership, writing, and artistic or creative fields. This also makes you highly courageous, intelligent and curious.
Atmakaraka in the third house can also make you traveller or player (sportsman). This combination makes you adventurous.
Atmakaraka in third house is very good combination for online related job or business. You can also be good at higher order logic, software engineering etc.
Atmakaraka in the 4th house gives success in real estate, teaching, agriculture, horticulture, botanical field, construction field, industrial field etc.
Atmakaraka in 5th house makes you highly intelligent and creative. It gives you success in whatever field you choose. This is the most auspicious placement for Atmakaraka.
Atmakaraka in 5th house can also make you good writer. You can also be good at mantra sadhana. You can be able to manifest things through mantra chanting or meditation.
Atmakaraka in 6th house gives success in foreign land, or in healing or medical field, foreign trade etc. You can also be priest. You will face huge trouble in life if your career isn't connected with foreigners/foreigner or any other significations of 6th house.
Atmakaraka in 6th house can also make you successful in social service sector. Any connections with INGO's will be fruitful. Remember, you are servant to this world. So service oriented job or business will be good for you.
Atmakaraka in 7th house can make you good businessman or entrepreneur. You are good at dealing with strangers, mass, foreigners and clients.
Atmakaraka in 8th house can make you astrologer, healer, historian, geologist, archaeologist, psychologist, scientist, philosopher etc. You can acquire huge esoteric knowledge. You can be mystical to others.
Atmakaraka in 8th house can also make you successful in the foreign land. You can also be spy.
Atmakaraka in 8th house can also make you expert in anything related to ocean.
Atmakaraka in 9th house can make you good author, healer, preacher, philosopher, academician etc. It is good combination for success in any field.
Atmakaraka in 10th house can make you tantric, minister, CEO in reputed company, or you can be successful entrepreneur too. This combination gives success in any other fields too.
Atmakaraka in 11th house can make you successful in spiritual and occult field, astrology, social networking, or in any financial field. This placement is also auspicious for any other fields you choose.
Atmakaraka in the 12th house suggests you either to stay in the foreign land or to work in medical or healing field. This makes you spiritualist too. You can be a good healer. You may also go to uninhabited place for research. You can be employed in jail or in asylum.
Putrakaraka and Amatyakaraka in the 6th, 8th, 12th placement from Atmakaraka gives trouble in life.
Atmakaraka conjunct Putrakaraka or Amatyakaraka is considered Rajayoga or success giving combination.
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venusiancharisma · 3 months
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If you picked pile 1…
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In this tarot spread, the overall energy is represented by the Seven of Swords, which suggests a sense of deception, trickery, or the need to be cautious of hidden motives. This card indicates that there may be some underlying dishonesty, either within the querent or in their external environment, that needs to be addressed or navigated carefully.
The Queen of Wands upright represents a confident, creative, and passionate individual. This card suggests that the querent possesses these qualities or may be influenced by someone with these traits. The Queen of Wands encourages the querent to embrace their unique talents, assert themselves, and take action towards their goals.
The Five of Cups upright signifies emotional loss, regret, or disappointment. This card suggests that the querent may be experiencing a sense of grief or dwelling on past failures or missed opportunities. However, the Five of Cups also reminds the querent that not all is lost and encourages them to focus on the positive aspects and potential for healing and growth.
Judgement upright represents a period of self-evaluation, awakening, and the need to make important decisions. This card suggests that the querent is at a pivotal point in their life, where they are being called to reflect on their past actions and make choices that align with their higher purpose. Judgement encourages the querent to forgive themselves and others, release the past, and embrace a new beginning.
The Six of Cups upright signifies nostalgia, childhood memories, and the resurfacing of past connections. This card suggests that the querent may be reminiscing about the past or reconnecting with people from their childhood or previous chapters of life. The Six of Cups encourages the querent to find joy and comfort in these memories while also being open to new experiences and relationships.
The Six of Wands upright represents victory, success, and public recognition. This card suggests that the querent has achieved a significant milestone or overcome a challenge, and is now being acknowledged for their efforts. The Six of Wands encourages the querent to celebrate their victories and use this success as motivation to continue striving towards their goals.
The Ace of Swords upright signifies clarity, truth, and new ideas. This card suggests that the querent is experiencing a breakthrough in understanding or is being presented with a new perspective or mental clarity. The Ace of Swords encourages the querent to embrace this clarity, communicate their ideas effectively, and use their intellect to make wise decisions.
The Four of Pentacles upright represents material stability, security, and the need for control. This card suggests that the querent may be holding onto resources or possessions too tightly, or may be prioritizing financial security over other aspects of life. The Four of Pentacles encourages the querent to find a balance between saving and spending, and to be mindful of the potential for greed or possessiveness.
The King of Wands upright represents a visionary leader, entrepreneur, or creative force. This card suggests that the querent may be embodying these qualities or may be influenced by someone with these traits. The King of Wands encourages the querent to take bold action, pursue their passions, and inspire others with their vision and charisma.
The Two of Pentacles upright signifies balance, adaptability, and the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities. This card suggests that the querent is managing various tasks or priorities and is learning to find harmony amidst the chaos. The Two of Pentacles encourages the querent to remain flexible, prioritize their time effectively, and maintain a sense of balance in their life.
Overall, this spread indicates a mix of positive influences and potential challenges, with the Seven of Swords as the overarching theme. The querent appears to be in a period of self-reflection, success, and the need for adaptability. They are encouraged to embrace their strengths, celebrate their victories, and navigate change with grace. However, the Seven of Swords warns the querent to be aware of deception or hidden motives, either within themselves or in their environment. To make the most of the opportunities presented, the querent should strive for honesty, clarity, and the ability to let go of the past while maintaining a sense of balance and security in the present.
If you picked pile 2…
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In this tarot spread, the overall energy is represented by The Hanged Man, signifying a period of pause, surrender, and a shift in perspective. This card suggests that the querent may be in a state of suspension or feeling stuck, but it also encourages them to embrace this time as an opportunity for introspection, self-reflection, and gaining a new outlook on their situation.
The Ten of Wands reversed indicates a release of burdens and the completion of a challenging cycle. This card suggests that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed or weighed down by responsibilities, but the reversal signifies that relief is on the horizon. It encourages the querent to delegate tasks, let go of unnecessary obligations, and focus on their own well-being.
The Two of Cups upright represents harmony, partnership, and mutual love. This card suggests that the querent may be experiencing a strong connection or a deepening bond with another person. It could signify the potential for a new romantic relationship, a reconciliation, or a strengthening of an existing partnership. The Two of Cups encourages open communication, compassion, and a balanced exchange of emotions.
The Two of Pentacles reversed suggests a struggle to maintain balance and manage multiple responsibilities. This card indicates that the querent may be feeling overwhelmed, scattered, or having difficulty juggling various aspects of their life. The reversal encourages the querent to reassess their priorities, streamline their commitments, and focus on creating stability and balance in their life.
The Six of Swords reversed indicates a delay or resistance to necessary transitions and moving forward. This card suggests that the querent may be struggling to leave behind a difficult situation or mindset, or may be experiencing setbacks in their journey towards a more peaceful state. The reversal encourages the querent to confront any fears or obstacles that are preventing them from progressing and to trust in the process of change.
The Queen of Wands reversed suggests a lack of confidence, self-doubt, or a diminished sense of passion and creativity. This card indicates that the querent may be feeling disconnected from their inner fire and may be struggling to assert themselves or pursue their goals. The reversal encourages the querent to reconnect with their unique talents, reignite their enthusiasm, and cultivate self-assurance.
The Page of Pentacles upright represents new opportunities for learning, growth, and financial or material manifestation. This card suggests that the querent may be at the beginning stages of a new project, educational pursuit, or financial venture. The Page of Pentacles encourages the querent to approach these opportunities with curiosity, practicality, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills.
The Nine of Swords upright signifies anxiety, worry, and mental anguish. This card suggests that the querent may be dealing with intense fears, self-doubt, or a sense of being overwhelmed by negative thoughts. The Nine of Swords encourages the querent to confront their fears, seek support, and practice self-care and mindfulness to manage their mental well-being.
The Ace of Pentacles upright represents new beginnings, opportunities for material abundance, and the potential for financial or career growth. This card suggests that the querent may be on the cusp of a promising new venture or a chance to establish a stronger foundation for their material well-being. The Ace of Pentacles encourages the querent to seize these opportunities, stay grounded, and take practical steps towards manifesting their goals.
Overall, this spread indicates a period of transition, release, and potential growth, with The Hanged Man as the overarching theme. The querent appears to be navigating a challenging time, with a mix of burdens, anxiety, and a need for balance. However, there are also positive influences, such as the potential for supportive partnerships, new opportunities for learning and abundance, and the chance to release what no longer serves them. To make the most of this energy, the querent is encouraged to embrace the pause, seek balance, trust in the journey, and take practical steps towards their goals, while also being mindful of their mental well-being and the importance of self-care.
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