#pure fluff and chaos coming soon to a screen near you
enchantedbarnes · 1 year
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Some Christmas in June, anybody?
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txtdiaries · 5 years
Momentum - Chapter Two
SUMMARY |  You don’t know what to expect during your first ever date with the boy of your dreams, but as the night goes on and things start to fall into place almost effortlessly, you realize one thing and one thing only about Choi Soobin - he is perfect for you.
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PAIRING | Soobin X Reader
CATEGORY | college au, crush, slow burn, sports, date night, etc.
WARNINGS | swearing, fluff galore
SONG REC | Two More Minutes - Jaymes Young
PLAYLIST | momentum playlist
Preview / Chapter One / Chapter Two
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Your eyes scan the football field, searching for the only jersey with the number 8 etched into the back of it as your feet carry you across the damp turf. You notice the group of players huddled up a few yards away as you get closer, and you make sure to skew from the coach’s line of sight  - not wanting to draw attention to yourself in the process.
Regardless of it being almost seven at night, the sun still hasn’t fully set, and the sky is radiating a slightly darkened blue color. You take a moment to skim over the players again, eyes finally focusing on one specifically when they find the tallest boy amid the group.
Soobin is always easy to find. 
He’s adorning his black and white football uniform, paired with his cleats and black knee socks, and a checkered sweatband is wrapped around his wrist to finish off his practice attire. You take note of the way your chest squeezes once he grins at something another one of his teammates says, and quickly shake your head to somehow shake the feeling off. 
You notice how Soobin’s helmet dangles from in between his fingers as you get closer - having been taken off only moments before - and how his black hair is matted down; clinging against his forehead and neck. His glasses are nowhere to be seen, and seeing him without them sends butterflies erupting in your stomach. The number on his back - Soobin’s famous number - beams proudly under the fluorescent lights dotted around the edges of the field, and you take a second to mull over the nickname he’s carried since freshman year to now. The unforgettable nickname that’s been his, and only his, since the first game of the season, two years ago.
The golden infinity, he had been labeled, since Soobin is supposedly the best in everyone’s eyes, and always will be. You can’t exactly blame them for thinking so. Soobin is the best of the best - you just can’t help but wonder if he sees himself this way too.
You know better than to think so.
After a few moments of shifting your weight from one foot to the other, you clear your throat; causing a few eyes to look your way. You don’t actually know that many of the boys on the football team. You only recognize a cute boy named Hyunjin, who has Math with you, and another boy named Mark.
You’re familiar with Mark. Not only because he’s popular and the football team’s star quarterback, but because he hit on you in English class last week. You avoid his burning stare instantly
“Yo, infinity,” Mark interrupts the coach’s light speal about the game-plan review for next week and looks over toward Soobin. He snaps his head in Mark’s direction at the mention of his name and his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Your girlfriend is here.”
Your heart lurches in your chest after the words are said, and you watch as Soobin’s cheeks burn suddenly when Mark motions towards you. He quickly looks over with a light chuckle before his gaze lands on you. Your eyes widen as they flash over Mark before meeting Soobin’s again. He only grins at this.
You don’t actually know how Mark knows you’re there for Soobin, but you quickly gather that he had to have told some of his friends he had a date. Teammates or not, word spreads fast amongst jocks. Soobin is clearly no exception.
The coach finishes his speech and the players all break, half of them barely paying attention anyway as he tries to keep everyone’s energy up for the next game. Soobin shoves Mark’s shoulder amidst the chaos, and then moves quickly to grab his bag and walk over to your spot near the bench, a shy grin adorning his face as he does so. You fight to hold one back as well.
“Hey, sorry for having you come all the way here. Practice ran over.”
You shrug lightheartedly, “It’s fine, I don’t mind.”
His dimple carves it’s place into his cheek, and you feel yourself smile back at Soobin, heart rate accelerating. 
“Alright. We can head back to my dorm just so I can get out of these clothes and then we can head out, sound good?”
You nod as if you aren’t spiked with anxiety, because you’re really about to go to the Choi Soobin’s dorm room. You try not to overthink the situation, and then follow him off the field and onto the sidewalk, walking towards the student housing buildings quickly.
Soobin keeps you both occupied as you make your way east of the football field - asking you about your classes, how your day was going, and just about everything in between. You can sense his nerves as you two speak, but try to relax. After all, it is just Soobin. 
“My roommate shouldn’t be back yet, he had a test to study for.” Soobin explains once you two finally reach his dorm and stand in front of his room. He fishes a pair of keys from his black duffel bag and slides a small silver one into the lock, twisting lightly before pushing the door open. It’s one of the most mundane things ever - but it brings a blush to your cheeks. 
Get it together, you tell yourself. 
You walk in behind Soobin and watch as he carelessly tosses his items aside and onto the floor near his bed. You avert your eyes after he opens one of his dresser drawers, not wanting to seem nosy before your eyes start to wander around the room, studying it curiously.
Soobin’s roommate truly is nowhere to be seen, but his side of the room is so messy, you wouldn’t be surprised if he happened to be buried somewhere under all the laundry on the ground. His side of the room is far less organized, so you don’t pay much attention to it. 
Soobin’s half, on the other hand, is practically spotless. 
His bed is made, adorn with black bedsheets and matching pillows. He has a small bunny plushy propped up against one pillow, and you grin when you see it. Colorful throw pillows and even a small fluffy blanket are the only colorful items occupying the bed, making it look extremely comfortable along with welcoming. Your heart warms at Soobin’s possessions.
His laptop sits closed on his desk in the corner, and a pair of speakers sit on each side of it, turned off. Textbooks are lined up neatly on his long shelf just above, and his black backpack rests on the chair just next to it. Soobin doesn’t have a lot of space for his things, but from what you can see, everything on his side is just purely Soobin. From his bottled cologne resting on his shelf, or his glasses resting on the Algebra book laid open on his bed. Small details of him lie right in front of your eyes, and you take note of all of them.
The packet of unopened ramen noodles near his books, most likely for late night snacking. His pencil case shoved to the brim with different colored pens and highlighters for the hours he undoubtedly spends studying. Even the black journal you see peeking out from under his pillow, and the romance novel he strategically has shoved next to a science textbook on his desk, these small things hidden by others, almost as if he doesn’t want to be completely and fully exposed - even in his own bedroom. It all comes together perfectly.
You know right here and now - you really like Soobin. 
“I’m sorry it’s kinda messy.” Soobin speaks up as he pulls out a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, leaning over to swipe his glasses of the book before looking down at you bashfully. 
You smile up at him, “You gotta stop apologizing so much. It’s not messy at all.” 
He chuckles lowly at this before shaking his head. 
“You can sit down if you want, I’ll just be a minute.”
You tuck some hair behind your ear and nod, moving to sit on his bed as he makes his way to the door again. Your stomach flips at the thought of being alone in Soobin’s room - almost like you shouldn’t be here at all. Like it’s his sacred place you shouldn’t have invaded in the first place. With your thoughts running and your eyes wandering again, Soobin steps out, closing the door behind him. 
Your phone buzzes instantly - almost as if it was waiting for him to leave. 
You pull it from your back pocket in confusion, eyes scanning over the text you see as soon as you do. 
The text sent in all caps stares back at you in all its glory, and you laugh at Yeonjun’s excitement. You thumb back a reply easily.
I’m literally in his dorm room right now - send help. 
You lock your screen and pocket the device again, fingers drumming against your knee in boredom. You don’t want to inspect every inch of the room, because that would be weird, so instead you stand and peer at Soobin’s book collection, trying to see if you have any of the same ones. 
You can’t remember if Soobin is a literature major or a communication major, and your memory flashes as you swiftly recall that he had switched from one to the other. The only reason you know this is because Yeonjun, ironically, had a mutual friend with Soobin, and they had seen him leaving the Advising Center one sunny day last semester. After his friend Beomgyu, Yeonjun had later filled you in on his name, saw him, they chatted for a bit with Yeonjun right there. Although he couldn’t remember any of the most pressing details - you were lucky, and a little shocked, to get any at all. Besides, Soobin was just a casual crush you had - a boy you blushed and hid from whenever you saw him crossing campus - it almost felt weird to be informed of these things when you didn’t really know him in the first place.
Until now. Now, you were getting there.
After your eyes scan over his Digital Communication book and his Human Relations book, you safely decide that he was in fact a COMM major. You can’t help as your mind starts to wander, filling with questions and wondering why he switched in the first place. Clearly he loved literature - that was obvious given his extensive collection of literary classics and, surprisingly, modern romance and sci-fi novels, stacked on his shelf. Maybe he had simply switched because it wasn’t for him. Or maybe he switched for an entirely different reason. You can only wonder. 
Soobin re-appears in no time, and you glance over as he walks in again, noticing how his hair is now styled and his outfit, changed. You smile at this before meeting his eyes.
“Ready?” He questions, a cute grin tugging at the corners of his lips. You nod swiftly and step forward, moving to walk out the doorway with him. 
“You still haven’t told me where we’re going,” You comment, noticing how Soobin’s shoulder brushes against yours as he reaches into his pocket for his keys again to lock the door, “You could be kidnapping me for all I know.”
Instead of giving you a clear answer, he chuckles and pulls you gently, excitedly by the wrist towards the exit, “Well it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?”
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“You’re swinging too low!” You call to Soobin who stands behind a chain linked fence, baseball bat in hand and helmet on head, facing an automatic pitching machine.
Out of all the places Soobin could have taken you on a first date, he took you to a sports playground. And to make matters even better - he was losing.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a jock?” You tease, watching as Soobin swings aggressively again, missing the ball by a longshot. His shoulders shake with laughter at your comment before he yells back, fixing his stance again.
“I’m out of practice and you’re making me nervous!”
You nod even though he can’t see and tug your own helmet on, laughing at his final swing. Soobin ticks the ball and sends it flying to the left of him, travelling a few feet away before crashing into the fence. His eyes meet yours as you walk up to the gate entrance. 
“Well I could have done better than that.” You say.
Soobin laughs at you, and it warms something deep in the pit of your stomach, “I’ll school you at basketball later on, don’t worry. Just try getting a few swings in to warm up and then get ready to lose.”
He was overly enthusiastic when you two first arrived, hands covering your eyes so you wouldn’t peek and ruin the surprise. When he finally revealed the large sign outside reading Benny’s Sports Playground, he was grinning ear to ear. You should have known Soobin would take you to a place like this for your first date. It was perfect, and you were both eager to play some games.
First on the list was baseball, seeing as it was the first actual game to be seen as you both entered. It was secluded enough, through a small entrance and shielded by a chain fence linked around its perimeter. It was a good warm-up game, you and Soobin had both agreed on that. After baseball, though, it’s basketball. And after that, you don’t dare guess what Soobin has in mind.
“I won’t be the one losing.” You feign confidence, stepping onto the artificial field before making your way over.
“Okay,” He shrugs, voice raising a few octaves as he shrugs goofily, “Okay! Prove it then.” 
You laugh at his tone, walking over to take the bat from him. Soobin pulls back gently as soon as you reach for it, lifting it back and up so it’s just out of reach, and smirks at you. You frown now and grab at it, pulling after your fingers wrap around the handle.
You realize, just then, that you two are acting like a couple. To a complete stranger, it could be interpreted as shameless flirting, and the thought alone almost makes you blush. Because Soobin is flirting, and you are actually letting him.
“Okay, okay, let’s see what you’ve got.” Soobin finally releases the bat after your shared moment, and steps back to lean against the fence enclosing the two of you a few feet away. You know he shouldn’t be the distance away that he is while you’re batting, but you don’t mention it. The workers took their break as soon as the two of you arrived anyway, not seeing the need to watch over two adults. You just hope they don’t arrive back anytime soon.
“You’re gonna regret making fun of me, watch.” You giggle, widening your stance before lifting the bat up, squaring your eyes on the machine a few yards away.
“Focus on the ball, not on me.” Soobin teases you back, but it makes your stomach flip anyway. You clear your throat after his words hang in the empty air, finally taking a deep breath before preparing to swing.
“I can do both.” You admit, far too quickly than you’d like, and you feel your cheeks heat up right after. You hear Soobin let out a laugh again before you laugh along, finally focusing the majority of your attention on the machine.
You only just let out a full breathe before the white ball is shooting out from the pitching square and flying rapidly towards you. You can feel yourself react a few seconds too late, and the ball goes rushing past you and clashes harshly into the fence just right of you as you swing, body spinning as you lose your footing from your uneven swing.
Soobin is right by your side now, trying to hold back his giggles as you stumble.
“Oh my- are you okay?” He beams, trying not to tease you.
“I’m fine.” You huff, shrugging his hands off your shoulders nonchalantly from where they touched your skin, feeling it tingle from where his fingers came in contact. You pretend not to notice. You feel a bit embarrassed.
“You gotta swing a little earlier,” Soobin encourages you, backing up swiftly before finding his spot against the fence again, “Focus on swinging as soon as it leaves the pitch so you’ll knock it as soon as it gets to you.”
You nod at his words, stabilizing your footing again before looking straight ahead again. You take another deep breath and grip the bat in your hands tightly, trying to do exactly as he told you. A beat passes and another ball is being shot towards you, causing your nerves to spike as soon as it gets closer.
You swing too soon.
You whine a bit as the fence behind you shakes, the force of the ball setting it out of balance as the sound echoes off it. Soobin is laughing now, finally moving back towards you before the next ball comes.
“Okay,” He starts, hands suddenly on your arms. Every nerve springs to attention where he touches, hyper aware of how he feels against you. You let out a soft sigh, hoping he can’t hear it.
“So you need to hold the bat up more.” He explains, fingers enclosing around yours as his front meets your back just slightly, helping you get your grip right. He gently taps your shoe with his, causing you to spread your stance again with a small, “Oh.” 
“Now that your stance is good, twist your body. Not a lot, just slightly for your force.”
Soobin twists with you to the right, helping you stop just where you need to.
You wonder, suddenly, if he’s done this before. Not the baseball part, because obviously he has, but the flirting part. Helping other girls with their stances and so on. It’s a good move - practically a classic. You wouldn’t be that surprised if he’s done it before.
Soobin’s voice suddenly starts shaking, just slightly and almost unnoticed by you as his body comes in contact with yours a bit more when he speaks again, almost taken over by his nerves. The previous thought disappears instantly. 
You realize now - he hasn’t.
“I- okay.” He says softly, “When the ball comes, wait until you know you’ll swing and hit it. You have to time it perfectly.” Soobin is patient with you, hands hesitating on yours longer than they need to before he steps back, taking all his warmth and scent with him. You miss him as soon as he steps away, before catching yourself. You remember that you need to focus.
“Okay.” You say, determined to hit the ball this time. You take another breath, your third ball is the final one, and you know you can’t miss now.
Mercilessly, the ball shoots from the machine with no time to spare, and you force yourself to wait - to time it and not swing too soon or too late. You force yourself to get it perfectly.
The ball flies opposite from the direction it came. You’re barely able to focus on that though, because along with the metal in your hands sending a painful vibrating feeling through your hands from the force, your body still hasn’t registered that the ball is far gone. It still moves along with your arms, sending your feet out of balance again as you tip to the left as your balance falters.
The bat falls to the ground with a repeated clanking sound, but you barely notice. You notice Soobin’s presence again, only just a second too late as you trip over your footing, sending him down with you as your body throws his balance off as well.
“Oh shi-” 
You’re unable to finish your sentence as you both slip, knees burning underneath you as your bodies come in contact with the artificial flooring and then each other, Soobin’s body already taking more of the impact than yours.
You can still feel his hands gripping your hips when the world stills, pain shooting through your left side intently. 
It all happens so fast it’s almost impossible to know it even happened until it’s over, your body throbbing in pain as you realize what happened. Both your helmets lay next to the two of you, flipped upside down.
“Oh god.” Soobin suddenly groans from underneath you, taking a shaky breath.
“I’m so so-”
You finally meet his eyes, heart dropping at your current position.
Soobin is underneath you, eyes no longer covered by his glasses but closed tightly as his head rests against the floor, only inches from yours. Your bodies are pressed against eachother’s, limbs intertwined messily due to your fall.
You’re level when he finally opens his eyes, meeting yours.
All the words you had planned on saying are wiped from your mind when Soobin looks up at you.
“I...” You try again, finally realizing the intensity of all of this.
You see emotion flash in Soobin’s eyes when he realizes too - but he doesn’t move. His hands keep their place on your hips as you both breathe heavily, staring into the other’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.” Soobin says softly, even though it wasn’t his fault. Your eyebrows furrow as his soft breaths splay over your cheeks in light puffs. Soobin smells of mint, and your stomach flips at the softness of his tone.
“It was my fault.” You retort, aware of the feeling of his large body against yours. Every single cell in your body is screaming at the feeling, but you try and act unaffected. Soobin, on the other hand, doesn’t try as hard.
His eyes trail down from your eyes to your lips before moving back up, head tilting just slightly. It’s almost like Soobin is curious - just to see how you react to him like this. You feel the crackle of excitement and nerves find place in your stomach, and your cheeks heat up with a blush you know Soobin sees.
It’s all on him, you think. It’s his move.
After all, you aren’t bold enough to make the first move with Soobin. You think he knows this.
“Maybe we...” Soobin hesitates, eyes flashing with emotion, “Um- maybe we should move on from baseball. We both suck at it.”
And just like that, the moment is gone.
“Ah, yeah.” You cut through the silence, clearing your throat before your hands plant themselves on his shoulders, lifting yourself up and off of him. Soobin lets out a sigh as you move farther away, almost looking less nervous, and you pretend you don’t notice. Your knee burns at it comes in contact with the floor, but you ignore it and push up off it, regain your footing steadily again.
Your nerves die down, the feeling of hope stamped down in a cloud of smoke as Soobin stands up, brushing his hands on his jeans lightly before he leans to grab the bat abandoned a few feet away along with his, luckily, unharmed glasses. You know that the machine times out after three balls each so theres no need to worry about it going off again. The only worry in your mind is Soobin and how the two of you will interact after what just happened.
You don’t want to make it awkward, so you try your hardest not to.
“I hit it.” You speak up, hoping Soobin accepts the transition easily.
Relief floods your veins when he smiles over at you from the bat rack.
“I know, you hit it pretty hard too. You should try out for softball next season.”
Things slip back into their own rhythm as you two laugh, the moment gone but not forgotten as you meet back up near the exit and leave the batting cages after putting everything away, walking back into the main junction of the building to choose a new game. Your heart feels better when Soobin gives you his best smile, calming you down.
“So, basketball?” He asks, reaching in his back pocket for the small map provided when you two first came in displaying the location of every activity the company provides.
“Ooh, yes. I’m actually decent at basketball.” You nod, skipping slightly out of excitement as Soobin maneuvers you both around other people, holding onto your wrist gently again as he does so, not wanting to lose you in the process.
“We’ll see about that,” The corners of Soobin’s lips tilt up, “I was the captain of the basketball team last season.”
“You were also one of the best baseball players last season, but look what happened there,” You tease, reffering to him barely hitting the ball.
Soobin presses a hand to his chest to feign offense as you two finally step onto the joined court surrounded by slightly padded high walls and beams, and it makes you laugh. After a moment, you look around at your surroundings. Dozens of basketballs occupy each rack set up near the entrance, all in different colors, and the baskets are high on their beams on each side of the court. You aren’t that confident in your sport abilities, but you hope you are actually decent when it comes to this. You can only imagine how cocky Soobin will be if he wins. The thought itself makes you want to laugh again.
“So should we have a fair game, or just do free throws?” Soobin questions softly, already grabbing a bright green ball from the rack.
“You realize you’re like six fucking feet tall, right?” You ask Soobin incredulously. He snorts and then covers his mouth at your small outburst.
You laugh and continue, “We aren’t playing against each other. Let’s just see who gets to three points first and then go eat something?”
Your suggestion is met with a competitive Soobin speaking up suddenly.
“Okay, loser buys dinner.”
“This is a date, Soobin”
Soobin pouts at your words, and you have to hold back from smiling too wide.
“I mean if you want me to pay for dinner,” You backtrack, watching as Soobin retracts the idea immediately. 
“Okay, nevermind, loser has to do rockclimbing and climb to the very top.”
You think about this for a moment before agreeing. 
“Fine, loser rock climbs.”
Soobin is happy with this as he starts dribbling the ball excitedly, standing in place as he warms up a bit. You follow suit.
“How long have you played basketball for?” You ask him, not only wanting to know what you’re up against but also being curious about Soobin in general. The small talk up until now has been fairly basic, and you were ready to be a bit bold and ask Soobin some questions that have been on your mind.
“Around ten years.” He answers honestly, lifting the ball to spin it on one finger.
“Jesus, I played for one.” You say back, trying to do the same but failing miserably. Soobin blushes as he watches you scramble to grab the ball again, dimple showing.
“I’ll go easy on you, then.” He says. The words register deep in your stomach and you scoff at him, trying to appear normal. Soobin moves back to finally start the game, gesturing to the basket with his free hand.
“You can go first.” He says. You nod and bend your knees a bit, rolling your shoulders slightly to loosen up before raising the ball, preparing to shoot.
Soobin’s hand flashes in front of your view, acting like he is going to stop the ball before it even leaves your hands
“No cheating!” You laugh at him, moving farther away. 
Soobin laughs loudly and it echoes off the gym walls, making you shake your head. You take a deep breath and sush him, going again.
The ball soars through the air and slams noisily against the backboard after you throw it with all the strength you can muster, but instead of going through the hoop it knocks off the rim and meets the court again, bouncing towards you. You grab it easily as a groan leaves your lips.
“I’m scared of heights.” You say to Soobin, hoping this gives him the idea to go easy on you. He shakes his head and hides the permanent grin that has been on his lips all night.
“Better get over that fear real soon, sweetheart.” Soobin throws the ball towards the basket, and it falls in easily after he does so. Soobin yells out what sounds like a mix of ‘woah’ and ‘yeah’, and raises his arms in triumph, almost as if he didn’t even expect himself to make it, before you’re protesting and moving to shove his arms down jokingly.
“That’s not even fair!” You’re laughing, shoving him with your shoulder as he pokes his finger against your ribcage. Soobin runs forward to grab his ball after it bounces closer, jogging over to be by your side again once he grabs it.
“This is a fair game.” Soobin chuckles before quieting himself down again.
You’re focusing on aiming when Soobin speaks up again.
“So can I ask you a question?” His voice is slightly more serious, and you shoot before answering, actually making a basket. You cheer loudly for yourself and run to get the ball, beaming at Soobin before you reply, “Yeah, what is it?”
“How come you’ve never talked to me before, except for that night in the library?” He asks carefully, curiosity lacing his words. 
You ponder this as Soobin shoots, the ball bouncing off the backboard and across the hoop, not going in. He sweeps it into his hand as it bounces back easily, starting to dribble it again. You step back up to shoot, deciding to just be honest with him.
“Well, I obviously had seen you around and wanted to talk to you, but the situation never really called for it.”
“Until your friend left us alone together?” He asks with a knowing smile.
“Until my friend left us alone together.” You agree without meaning to, shaking your head and throwing the ball to the basket again. It bounces against the rim and miraculously goes in, earning an excited yell from you. When you look back at Soobin he’s already looking at you.
“What about you?” You ask him, “How come you never talked to me?”
Soobin blinks at you, tilting his head gently. 
“I didn’t think you’d like someone like me.” He answers without hesitation before blindly throwing his shot, the ball going nowhere near the basket as it bounces off in the distance, loud against the wooden gym floor.
You open your mouth to speak as your brows furrow in confusion, but no words come out.
Soobin just gives you a soft smile, eyes never leaving yours.
“Looks like you win.”
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Your leg bounces up and down anxiously as you sit at a small table in the food court, phone in hands as you await Yeonjun’s reply to the text you previously sent.
You know Soobin will be back with the food the he promised any minute now, and you took the chance to text Yeonjun as soon as he left, your nerves getting the better of you as soon as you had been left alone.
You’ll admit that your text is fairly on the dramatic side, but this was an emegency. You needed your best friend’s advice.
You jump in your seat slightly as soon as your phone vibrates and a selfie you took with Yeonjun appears on your screen, signifying his call. You slide your thumb over the answer button and press it to your ear quickly.
“Who’s ass do I have to kick?” Yeonjun says before even saying hello, calming your nerves immediately. 
“No, dude, it’s nothing like that.” You speak down the speaker, looking around cautiously for Soobin. Yeonjun listens as you go on after a moment. 
“We had a moment.” You explain, brushing some hair behind your ear with your finger slightly, “Like, a moment moment.”
“Well yeah,” Yeonjun says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “You two have insane chemistry. I’d be worried if you didn’t have a moment.”
You roll your eyes, “Junie, I’m serious.”
“So am I!” He goes on, “You two are soulmates after all, what more can I say?”
You groan and cover your face with your hands, “I just feel like I’m fucking it all up, especially because we almost kissed-”
“Woah, back the fuck up?” Yeonjun stops you, “You two almost kissed? Like, actually almost kissed?”
“What do you think a moment is, dumbass?” You ask him.
“Like a holding hands moment or a cute flirty moment, I didn’t think he would try fucking making out with you on date number one!”
“It wasn’t like he meant to- oh my god I can’t explain this right now. Problem is, what if I ruin it all?”
“You won’t. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
This shuts you up.
“In the library he couldn’t stop staring at you. And on campus when you think he isn’t looking at you because you’re too busy hiding? Yeah, he is.”
“So you didn’t think to tell me this, oh I don’t know, before I was a complete blubbering idiot in front of him?”
“It wouldn’t have made a difference, if anything it would have made you even worse in front of him.” You can hear your friend cackling.
Soobin rounds the corner a few feet away, food in hands, and your heart suddenly leaps up in your throat.
“Oh fuck, I gotta go, he’s coming back.”
“Wait, Y/N,-”
“Bye!” You snap, ending the call and shoving your phone back into your pocket, trying to look natural as Soobin finally reaches the table you’re at.
“So,” He says instead of a greeting, “They had these really cool drinks with food in these small trays in the lid? I’ve never seen it before and thought you’d like it. Anyway, I got us some. I think they’re chicken nuggets.” You make an impressed face as Soobin sets your meal in front of you, noticing that he got you one of each sauce since he didn’t know your favorite yet. You hold back a full blown smile as he settles into the seat across from you.
“Very cool, thank you.” You say, giving him a grateful smile. He smiles back and tears open his own sauce packet, starting to eat. You do the same.
“Is this the part of our date where we ask our deep questions?” Soobin asks around a mouthful of chicken, cheeks full. You take a sip of your drink before raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t know, is it?” Soobin scrunches his nose up at your reply before giggling, and you swear it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.
“I think it’s gonna happen eventually. It may as well be now, since we have food here to comfort us if we make complete idiots out of ourselves.”
“You’re pretty confident in your idiocy.” You joke before taking a bite of your food, “But how do you know I’m the same?”
“You blush at a lot of the things I say.” Soobin answers, watching as your cheeks go red right after, “I know I’m able to make you nervous. And you’re like me, so when you get nervous you start rambling things out.”
You roll your eyes as if he’s wrong, but you know he’s spot on. 
“Yeah well your lisp gets worse when you’re nervous.” You say back, trying to one up him. His eyes widen in surprise at you.
“So does yours.”
“Shut up.” You laugh, “I barely have one anymore.”
“You have one, and it’s adorable.” He answers before dipping his head down to take another bite of his food, hiding from you. You want to compliment his back, but instead decide to change the subject.
“Okay okay, let’s get into these deep questions you had in mind. You start.”
“It was my idea.” Soobin pouts, making you whine playfully at him. You laugh and then speak again.
“Fine, I’ll start. Ummm...” You take second to think before a question pops into your head, “What’s your major and why?” 
Soobin perks up, “Not that deep but getting there. Was English but is now Communications. What’s yours?”
You were right about your assumption back in his dorm room and smile at his answer.
“Communications. Why’d you change from English?” You shoot back.
“Copycat,” He teases even though you had the major before him, “And I loved it, I just wanted a different type of job after awhile. I felt like English kind of restricted me to just one type of writing job, and I wanted to have a more creative career options in the future.”
You nod at his answer, agreeing completely. It seems you two were more alike than you thought.
“Okay your turn,” He says before taking another drink, awaiting your question. You make a face at him, “Uhhh no I already asked you.”
He shakes his head, “And I asked you your major.”
You glare, “You can’t bounce off my question and act like it’s yours too. Be creative, Soobin! Use those critical thinking skills of yours. Come on, wow me.” You’re teasing him, and he knows it. He’s shaking his head and chuckling as he thinks.
“Okay, fine. Tell me about one of your passions.”
You think about this for a second, eyes looking down at the table in thought before you answer, “Writing, probably. Reading doesn’t really count as a passion - it’s more of a hobby.”
Soobin looks pleased with your answer, nodding gently as you speak up again.
“Nope, no bouncing off my question.” He says back smugly. You cover your face and laugh loudly, not even realizing your mistake.
“God, okay, tell me one of your hobbies.”
Soobin takes a drink and thinks about it for a few seconds.
“Maybe academics? I don’t know... I just... I like school,” He explains as he talks to you, “I just kind of do good because I’m a perfectionist. I have no choice there.” 
You nod, urgining him to continue. He adds to this quickly.
“My passion is dancing, I think.” He says this quietly, almost like he’s shy about it. You’re surprised at this.
“Dancing?” You ask, unsure if you actually heard him right.
He nods silently, a deep crimson powdering over his cheeks as he does. You’re surprised, but somehow, it totally makes sense. 
Soobin, although a jock, could be very unpredictable at times - and this was definitely one of those times. Dancing, you think. It’s impressive. 
“You didn’t strike me as a dancer.” You say honestly, “Considering you do sports most of the time.”
Soobin nods, “I’m not the only guy on the football team who does dance, which is really great and, like, super progressive, but I’m the only one who does it as a hobby and not seriously. I don’t know if I could do it seriously, or even professionally.”
The only other dancer on the team you know is Mark, but you don’t say anything. You keep on listening as he speaks, fully interested.
“I dance with my friend Beomgyu who’s, like, killer at it. We use the practice studio late at night when our classes are all done. He’s a dance major so he gets to practice whenever he wants which is really convenient for us.” 
You nod, “So how long have you been dancing?”
“Not long,” He answers honestly, “Maybe just over a year now. I don’t know, I’ve wanted to start for awhile but never did until just this year when I got the chance.”
“I think that’s really cool.” You smile at him finally, watching as his face lights up.
“Thank you, I try.”
You both talk for a little while longer, sharing dreams and hopes, and things you never thought you’d even tell eachother before finally finish your food and standing to throw away your trash. You can’t help but yawn a bit once you’re finally done, tiredness finally hitting you once you realize it’s well past 9 at night.
“Are you tired?” Soobin asks, hand suddenly running up and down your arm soothingly. You lean into him, nodding a bit, “It is getting late, but I still want to watch you do rock climbing.”
Soobin laughs, “I think it’s probably closed by now, but for one of our next dates we can come back and you can watch me break my leg while rock climbing.”
You ignore the way hope crawls up your body, knowing that Soobin wants a next time. You blush and nod softly, letting Soobin see that you’re fine with it before he leads you both to the exit, finally taking you back home.
The sky is clear as you both walk the short distance from Benny’s back to campus, and somehow, Soobin’s hand has entangled itself in yours as you two walk, gently rubbing circles on the outside of your palm as you two make small conversation. It feels so right - all of it. Your heart beats steadily in your chest as you walk through the cool night air with Soobin.
“-And that’s why I chose to move so far for college, I guess.” You finish what you were previously explaining, glancing over at a nodding Soobin.
“I think it’s brave that you moved so far away to achieve your goals. It’s admirable, really.” 
You laugh gently at this, appreciating his words.
“I feel like-” Soobin hesitates, “Well... I don’t know, I feel comfortable like this.” He speaks up, looking at you as you two walk. A slight breeze blows, sending your hair in front of your face gently.
Soobin doesn’t hesitate to reach up and brush the few strands behind your ear, lips tugging up at the corners after.
“Me too.” You agree softly, finally spotting your dorms a few yards away, “I’ll be honest, I was really nervous for tonight.”
Soobin laughs, almost not believing you.
“So was I, but you shouldn’t have been, it’s just me.”
“I know,” You nod as the two of you reach the dorm’s entrance, “I just couldn’t help it, I guess.”
Soobin nods a final time, showing he understands before stopping in front of you. Even though the two of you are done walking, his hand still holds yours lightly, causing goosebumps to spread over your skin. You try to shake the feeling but can’t.
“So next time I’ll kick your butt at baseball.” Soobin jokes, eyes crinkling up cutely as you laugh. 
“Okay, we’ll see about that.” You hide your face behind one hand, trying to cover up as you laugh at him. You don’t notice Soobin moving until your other hand is being pulled down away from your face, and is entwined in his.
“You’re pretty when you laugh.” Soobin says softly, sending butterflies loose in your stomach.
“I-,” He corrects himself, “I mean you’re pretty all the time, not just when you laugh.”
You giggle, “You’re pretty too.”
Soobin’s cheeks redden, like he’s never been praised for his looks before, and then his grin drops a bit.
His eyes are back to flashing down your face, to your lips, and you feel the tension start to rise again; the same feelings from earlier hitting you in what can only be described as a whirlwind of emotion.
You tilt your head just slightly, watching him. You don’t know what he’ll do next - or if he’ll even do anything - but part of you hope he does.
“I...” You start but your word hangs in the air as soon as Soobin steps closer, one hand loosening from yours to move up and cradle your face gently. His fingers are soft on your skin as you gaze into his soft eyes, breathing erratic. 
“Is this... is this okay?” Soobin whispers, words almost lost in the nighttime breeze as he dips his head down, moving that much closer to you. His lips are inches from yours now, and your senses are heightened.
You just manage to nod before Soobin does the same, his other hand which is holding yours starting to shake. You glance down to make sure it’s not just you shaking, but your eyes flash back up when you realize it’s not.
You make it a rule to not kiss guys on the first date - but for the first time ever, you think it would be okay to break that rule. 
Soobin’s breath is gentle on your skin as he lets out a soft sigh, voice coming out a few octaves deeper when he speaks again.
“Can I- would it be okay if I did something I should have done earlier?”
You’re nodding before you realize you are, and it’s like the whole world around you stops as Soobin nods in affirmation before slowly leaning in.
You feel the way your breath catches in your throat as soon as Soobin’s mouth slots against yours, and his soft lips press lightly against slightly parted ones. The kiss is gentle, and you two hardly move the whole time, scared that if one person does, the spell will be broken and real life will come crashing down around the two of you. 
You feel yourself sigh when he momentarily pulls away, but his hand pulls you closer afterwards, surprising you by looping around your waist and bringing you firmly against him.
This kiss is better than the first.
Soobin’s hand is steady against your hip, and his thumb strokes your jaw lightly as he kisses you, teeth grazing your bottom lip as it deepens, evoking a deep sigh from you. You want to be closer to him - ironically, since you’re already as close as you can get - and you know he feels the same. His chest is rising and falling when you two finally detach, and his cheeks are pink. Soobin’s hands are still shaking.
You laugh lightly, unable to do anything else. Soobin does the same, both of you buzzing with nerves.
“I... okay.” He struggles for words, stepping back slightly, giving you space.
“Thank you... for tonight.” You clarify, moving to grab your keys from your jacket pocket. Soobin is already nodding.
“It’s no problem. Thank you for going.” You nod back, smiling again.
“I’ll call you, I promise.” Soobin adds, dimples appearing on both of his cheeks. Your heart warms at the sight.
“I’m looking forward to it.” You say, biting your lip as Soobin steps even farther away.
“Okay, I’ll see you, Y/N.” Soobin says sweetly, hands burying in his hoodie pockets before he walks backwards towards the sidewalk again.
“See you, Soobin.” You smile before finally going inside, heart pounding.
You close the door behind you, and with your heart soaring and one of the brightest smiles ever adorning your face, you make your way to your bedroom, unable to hide the excitement you have for the next time you’ll be able to see him.
Because that’s what Soobin does - you suddenly realize.
He gets under people’s skin, and he brings light into them. 
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest as you finally enter your room, closing the door behind you.
Soobin had gotten in just a little bit tonight, and had started to let some of the light into you. And after everything that had happened -  you were letting him.
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lovemissmini · 5 years
His bumble bee || Take care of you
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: suggested smut?, fluff overload (It’s so fluffy I could die~)
Length: 5K+
Genre: Fluff
Summary: When Tae’s girlfriend finally returns home from overworking herself to to the bone for two weeks, all he can do is give you a much needed pampering session, with his talented hands.
A/N: Dayum, I need to get myself a boyfriend like this!! I got a little light bulb moment as I wrote this. Maybe I'll include a little backstory for our little TaeTae and his talented fingers😂 Look forward the the explanations to the cute nicknames and items!!
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Exhausted. The word could barely explain the heavy weight of your eyelids as they threatened to fall like steel gates. You were starting to lose this never-ending battle to keep your eyes open, they drooped lower and lower as the seconds ticked by, now concealing over third of your vision. Sleep, you sigh to yourself. You really should go reacquaint yourself with the comforting embrace of your bed. Real rest had become come a foreign concept to you over the past two weeks; having to relying on a few hours on your new office couch, a ten-minute nap bent over your desk amongst the haphazardly scattered files, you burned through at least five extra-large instant coffee refill packs.
Yes. More caffeine. That’s exactly what you need.
With a hand covering your mouth, you stifle a yawn as the other stretches to grab the coffee stained mug across your desk. A distasteful scowl pulls at your lips whilst you eye the white porcelain gift and its now coffee-stained rim from its frequent use. There was an endearing design printed on its smooth surface- Bright purple letters adorn the item in the familiar handwriting of your boyfriend, ‘CONGRATULATIONS BEE’ next to a dainty bee fluttering above a strawberry. Your boyfriend’s thoughtful gift should have brought a smile to your lips, but the words seemed to taunt and remind you of your current exhausted state. He was the cause for the fatigue that sourced the ache in your bones, the dark purple eyebags you sported and the stress pulling at your scalp.
Not giving the precious gift another glance, you move to throw back the remaining mouthful of the bitter concoction of sugar and caffeine it held. As the last few drops of the putrid black liquid falls into your lips, coating the entirety of your tongue in its pungent taste, a loud buzz pierces through the deadly silence of your office.
Your phone, hidden beneath the chaos of files, vibrates violently whilst it screams a boisterous plea to escape its paper prison. In your intoxicated state, the blaring nearly has your heart stop from shock, doubling over as a non-existent fist punches the very air out of lungs. Unwarranted tears being to prickle the red rims of your eyes as the shock slowly dripped down the crown of your head to the tips of your fingers, their icy tingling needles pricking your sensitive nerves.
So dramatic.
It was surprising how a dash of severe sleep deprivation, along with a shitload of coffee and a constant sugar high could reduce a strong and intelligent woman like you to a quivering mess of hysterics.
Finally recovering your wits, you dig through the pile of financial report littering the desk in desperate search of your phone. As quickly as the shock wiped through you, it left just as quickly, leaving a flaming hot trail in its wake as frustration and anger bubble in the pit of your stomach, wildfire burning through your veins, replacing the shock induced ice in your blood to molten magna.
The sleek black device surfaces as you near push all the open plastic files off the desk in a fit of rage, a twitching finger swipes across the screen in attempt to slice the offending device with your phalanges as a make-believe blade.
Without a second thought, you pull the device to your face, ready to give the insolent fool who dared to interrupt your work a piece of your mind.
“Miss ____.” The unimpressed voice interrupts you mid-scream, dismissing your impudence with a simple call of your name. “It’s already 8:45pm.” The snarl you wore quick to disappear as realisation forces a heavy sigh to leave you.
“Shit. Sorry for making you wait so long, Jin.” Your voice dripping with regret and sincerity. You told your driver to pick you up from the office at 7:30 so you could try to finish checking the annual financial assessment reports. You knew that you driver Kim Seokjin was patient man, trusting to not disturb your work but he should have reminded you, especially given the importance of the arrangement you had. “Why didn’t you call me earlier?”
“Mr Kim called and told me you would too invested in work to remember the time, but I should leave you to finish or it would torment you even after you got home.”
“I’ll come down now. Get the car ready.” Ending the call as you move to the door, leaving all the paper work behind and grabbing the gift-wrapped box next to the leg of your desk. Locking the glass door to the hectic wreck of an office, you double check that you had everything and that the door was actually locked this time.
The journey home was uneventful and quiet, apart from the occasional humming of Jin as when the radio plays a Twice song. Jin opens the back door when you arrive, helping you out of the car whilst you thank him and apologise again for making him work well past he needed. He gives you a soft smile, teasing for you to leave so he can finally go get some dinner.
You press for the penthouse when you enter the lift, quickly swiping your owner’s card to the detector beneath the rows of buttons. Lively music resonates in the small confined space, but you shuffle uneasily despite its attempt of easing your nerves. Slapping yourself mentally for being so late to such an important dinner. It was your forth anniversary for God’s sake!
The loud ping of the elevator lets you know of your arrival, pulling you out of your internal self-beating. The golden doors open slowly to reveal the rich oak floors of the genkan. Once you remove your shoes, you step on to the lush cream carpeted floors of the living room. The decorations of your penthouse never failed to take your breath away, but a deep sonorous voice pulls you from staring out the floor to ceiling windows lining the two-storey high open area.
“Welcome home, Bee.” Taehyung greets you as he emerges from the couch. Dressed in a blue silk sleepshirt and matching trousers, he pads barefoot over to you with open arms, pulling you into a tight embrace. With his face snuggling into the crook of you neck, leaving a quick peck behind your ear before breaking away.
Lifting to your toes, your palms cradle his warm cheeks and pull him down for a kiss. The moment the soft petals of his lips touches your slightly cracked ones, you melt into feeling, the throbbing in your temple and soreness in your muscles temporarily disappeared.
Taehyung’s arms caress you sides as if to commit every curve to memory, before a hand moves up to rake through your hair, pulling you closer to where you lips joined. The sweet innocent kiss soon deepens as his tongue licking your bottom lip, begging for access which you grant instantly. His talented muscle battles your own and explores cavern of your mouth, groaning in satisfaction. “Bitter,” Taehyung states as he breaks away, your fingers snake around his neck, pulling at the small hairs on the back. The termination of the heated kiss has you whimpering breathlessly, bring a grin to his handsome face.
“Bee, you’re tired and hungry. I bet you haven’t eaten since I brought you that padthai for lunch.” He places a lingering kiss on your forehead and proceeds to take off your coat, reminding that you were still standing by the entrance.
“I’m not hungry, Tae.” You argue. You really didn’t feel any hunger, just wanted to lie down and make out with him to be honest. The kiss had your fatigue forgotten and lust replaced the empty space it left behind.
“Shhh. You still need to eat babe.” He whispers in your ear when he comes back from hanging your coat by the genkan, brushing back a stray hair behind your ear as he pulls you into a short back hug, “I missed you.” It never ceased to amaze you at how touchy you boyfriend was when you were alone. Even when fatigue was painted on to your features like a disastrous attempt of makeup, he would still look at you with passion as if you held all the stars in vast universe in the depths of your eyes, making you feel beautiful and loved for all you were, imperfections included.
“I missed you too Tae, happy anniversary.” You reply, leaning back into him as he draws random shapes on your stomach, his heady smell of lavender and pure Taehyung envelopes. You really did miss all of him, but there was nothing that you could do when you were promoted so suddenly to your current position as the CFO in the company. For two weeks, you only saw each other occasionally in the office. The only times were when he came by to bring breakfast or lunch, along with a fresh set of clothes to change into in the shower next to his office, between his busy schedule as the CEO.
You cover his large hands with your own smaller ones, giving them a tight squeeze before pulling them from your waist. He removes his body from its position attached to your back, but grips onto one of your hands, refusing to let go of all physical contact with you. “I got you a gift,” you start, quickly moving to pick up the elegantly wrapped item from where you placed it - by the edge of the genkan - before following him to the open kitchen tucked under the extended ledge making up the second floor.
He picks you up at the intersection where the carpet morphs into the marble flooring of the kitchen, placing you gently on a stool next to the island. “I love it.” He whispers in a deep hushed tone against your lips, as he plays with the ends of the silk bow hanging from the collar of your work shirt. Closing the small distance between you two, he expresses his thanks in the soulful display of affection. You smile into the kiss as he rubs up and down your stocking cladded thighs, squeezing and kneading the flesh exposed beneath you pencil skirt, just so he could feel you and reassure himself that he wasn’t dreaming.
Pulling back from the kiss in a giggle, you knew exactly what he meant. The cheesy little genius was referring to you being the gift. Pushing the thin flat box into his chest to create some distance between the two of you, telling him to open the ‘real’ gift.
Taking the package, he steps back to give you a once over before looking intently at the item in his hands. “All I need is you, Bee.”
“Oh my days! You’re gonna rot my teeth Kim Taehyung. Just open the damn box!” You yell in faux frustration, evoking a husky chuckle to vibrate from his throat.
“I know you love my sweet talk babe.” Giving you a wink, before carefully ripping the matte black wrapping paper patterned with tiny Gs in a glossy ink, he removes a thin black box from it. Bold golden letters calligraphed on the otherwise empty surface- “Happy Anniversary My One And Only Love”, a small minimalistic bee in the same ink signing off in the bottom right corner. Lifting the lid to reveal a crisp pink shirt patterned with thick green vines and leaves, red embroidered strawberries sprouting amongst the pink and green background as tiny white flowers blossom next to them. A navy-blue silk tie neatly tucked next to the garment, two thick green strips bordering a thinner red one, stretched diagonally across the bottom of the accessory, as a tiny golden bee was stitched in the middle of the red band.
You study his face as he continues to stand in front of you, motionlessly as he looked down into the box, thick brows knitting together. A heavy silence fell to cover the entire room, turning the air stagnant in suspense. You start fidgeting with unease, uncertain of what to do with the sudden shift in atmosphere, Taehyung still unmoving from where he stood.
“Umm...” you begin, trying to ease tension that filled the room. Your eyes dart to look anywhere but at him, palm rubbing the back of your weary neck as all the forgotten aches return to spread over your exhausted limbs. “It’s ok if you don’t-“
“Bee…” his voice cracked as he trailed off, stopping you from speaking any further. Your eyes flicker back to look into his melted chocolate ones. Emotions swirling within them as his gaze pierces into you. Only now that he’s staring at you again, do you notice the heavy weight of his attention, the slight quiver in his kiss swollen lips, and the light blush on the tips of his nose and ears. You slump on the stool, releasing a breath you never knew you held. His long lashes fan the high cheekbones of his elegant features, whilst he blinded back tears. “I love it.” He repeats. Sincerity lacing each syllable.
You open your arms and he quickly moves into the comfort of your embrace. “Shhh.” You coo, certain your sensitive boyfriend was still close to tears. Despite having a tough CEO persona on constant display, you were the only one who could expose this side of him that he hid from the world. You try to sooth him by lightly patting his soft brown hair.
“You need to eat babe.” He sniffs as he removes himself from your warm, quickly turning to place your gift on the island. You whine a no at the mention of food. The ache in your back from slouching in your office for the past two weeks, gradually returned to haunt you. The effect of your sugar and caffeine rush long leaving you to bare the consequences of your lack of self-care. A yawn is pulled out of you as you try to sit up straight on the high stool. “I know you’re tired, I’ll let you sleep after you have some of the pasta and steak.” You pout again and prepare to argue, but before you can open your mouth again he speaks up once more. “I spent a lot of effort in making this meal. It’s our anniversary but you were still late.” You laugh out as you watch him move back to puff up his chest and cheeks in faux anger, fists pulled underneath his armpits. His cute attempt to persuade you has you wipe a stray tear in defeat. You really had to tell Jin to play more Twice songs on the radio when driving the both of you to work, if you could see his aegyo.
“Fine. Feed me.” You demand as you massage a knot that developed in your left shoulder. Noticing this, a frown pulls at your boyfriend’s pluck lips. He moves back towards you, hooking an arm under your leg and supporting you back with the other. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck as he scoops you off your seat.
“Where are we going? I thought you wanted me to eat?” You question, completely baffled by your boyfriend’s spontaneous actions. Taehyung kissed you to efficiently shut you up. “All in due time babe,” was all you got as an answer as he proceeded towards the opaque glass staircase on the other side of the kitchen. Swiftly climbing steps two at a time, you reach second floor in seconds. Taehyung saunters into your bedroom at the end of the open hallway that over looked the living room below, placing you gently in the massaging chair next to your queen sized bed. “I’ll be right back.” He says as he presses a few buttons on the leather chair and saunters out the room. Your body seems to sink into the soft cushions lining the machine. The large gears deep in the chair whirl to life in a near silent hum, small round balls begin to move, pressing and kneading every inch of muscle on your stressed form. The comfortable embrace of the heated cushions lures you to dazed state. Before you could fall asleep, Taehyung returns with a tray of food and drink. The rich fragrance of steak filled the air, you salivate as you inhaled the scent. Maybe you were hungry. A growl from your stomach confirms the suspicions, forcing your closed eyes to open in search for the source of the mouth-watering smell. Taehyung pulls a chair and table next to you. Slowly cutting the beef into bite sized chunks.
“It was medium rare when I made it, but I had to microwave it, so it might not taste as good now.” You could hear the disappointment flooding his statement and regret fills your veins. It was your fault that you ruined such a romantic evening with your boyfriend, all because you were a workaholic down to the core.
You shake your head no as best you could, confined in the customise made cushions of the chair that wrapped and massaged your scalp. “Your food always tastes amazing from all the love you put into it.” You say in attempt to dismiss the defeated look adorning the beautiful feature of your boyfriend.
A small smile plays on his lips at your words. “That’s what you said when you ate that seaweed soup I made for your birthday. You went straight to the toilet after drinking half of it.” He chuckled. The sound sent a happy tingle down your spine, but a cold shiver shakes your whole body at the memory. You were surprised that you were even able to drink half the bowl of soup, the burning taste of ammonia still fresh in your memories, but how could you refuse him when he spent so much effort buying everything and cooking all the other dishes. Regardless, you defend yourself in a whirl of words. “It was your fault for experimenting and putting skate into it. You shouldn’t have listened to that weird Ajumma at the market. She just wanted you to buy that it off her since her skate shop was shutting do-.”
He stabs a piece of steak and pushes it into your open mouth, instantly cutting off the words flying out your mouth. “Eat,” he demands. Fingers quickly picking up a piece for himself.
You chew the tender meat grumpily. The flavours of the melting meat quickly glides over the insides of your mouth. Moaning in approval, the juicy combination of the steak and richness of the sesame sauce resonated loudly in the bitesize piece. “Wagyu.” You state as you open your mouth in waiting for another piece. “Only the best for my baby.” Was you answer. Another chuck is placed onto your tongue and your teeth clamp shut to trap the delightful meal. “What sauce did you use? It’s so good!” You mumble between the mouthful.
“It’s a secret. If you want to eat it again, come home on time.”
“You learnt this from Jin, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, but don’t think you can get the recipe from him.” Quickly dismissing the idea he could tell was forming. “I had to beg him for days before he agreed to teach me. I know you love steak, so I also paid him to never tell or make it for you.” Your eyes bulge in disbelief, glaring at the smug look your boyfriend wore, lips pulled back in a boxy grin.
Finishing the main course, your boyfriend sips some red wine. You lift an arm from its confinement, gesturing for him to pass you the vintage crystal wine glass. Pulling it further out of your reach, Taehyung shakes his head, handing you a glass of lemon infused water instead. “I’ve seen how much coffee you drank. You’re only allowed water.”
“Fine. Do I at least get dessert?” You try your best to flutter your eyelashes, despite the obvious wariness weighing on them. The sugar sweet voice you attempted to portray ended in a thick yawn.
“Not tonight, Bee. I know how much sugar you pumped into your system these past two weeks.” His voice was heavy with authority, leaving no room for argument as he tips the rim to your lips. “Sure, I can’t stop you from drinking the potion of sugar and coffee that you used to magically keep yourself awake, it was my fault for making you CFO so suddenly without consulting with you first, but I’m not letting you get diabetes from your awful food choices.”
You swallow the warm water obediently, thankful that he always had your health in mind. He always reminded you of how important it was to drink your water warm, instead of the near freezing temperature you liked it. When he once found you chugging down a cup of chilled water with a few ice cubes, scolding you for not listening to him.
‘My mother always told me to drink warm water for good health. What am I going to do if you are get stomach cramps when we grow old, all because you drink like to drink freezing cold water?!’ His strong brows knitting in a scowl. ‘Its more refreshing this way. It’s my body so it’s my choice. Just let me drink the God damn water chilled.’ You yelled back. ‘Well, it’s going to be my responsibility to take care of you when grow old and spend the rest of our lives together!’ He shouted back, puffy cheeks glowing red as he snatched the glass from your hand and gulped down the remaining liquid. ‘No more cold water.’ He said over his shoulder before he walked away, cup in hand, leaving you with your mouth-agape at his adorable fit.
The memory has your lips twitch upwards when he removes the now empty cup, settling it down on the tray. “____, it’s time for you to take a bath. My plan was originally to have a romantic dinner and then a nice long bath together-“ the innuendo of his plan clear as a cloudless day, has you blushing. You brain screaming for you to say yes before he continues his sentence. “But I guess you might be a bit too tired for it. You should get some real rest soon.” Ignoring the girl yelling in your head, your body can’t help but agree to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Giving him a defeated nod, he turns off the massage chair and stretches a hand to you. You take up his offer and let him pull you out of the warm embrace of the chair, quickly falling back into a more familiar and loving one. Taehyung picks you up as you cling onto him like a koala, his strong arms effortlessly holding you tightly. You pepper his face with kisses to express your thanks, causing him to secretly slow down and prolong the journey towards the bathroom, allowing him to enjoy the playful affection of your sweet assaults.
When you enter the enormous room, the brilliant white walls and marble flooring showers you in the soft light they reflected. Taehyung continues past the glass floor length glass doors separating the showers from the walkway, bare feet slapping loudly against the heated floor as he made way to the five-person jacuzzi sitting at the end. Setting you on the floor, he sits on the cream marble edge to dip a hand into the hot water filling the white tub. He continues to stir the water to check the temperature, spreading the rose petals floating in the centre so they littered the entire surface of the bath. The steam rising from the heated pool carried the relaxing aroma of the lavender essence oil Taehyung poured into the bath, filling your senses with its comforting scent, one that you have learned over the years to associate with Taehyung. With love.
You tied your hair into a loose bun. Sluggishly stripping yourself of clothes as Taehyung played with the water, infatuated with the movement of the clear fluid sloshing against his palm, completely ignorant of your approach until you use his shoulder as support to step into the jacuzzi. Blinking at you with wide eyes as you submerge yourself in its warmth. The burning intensity of his gaze has a flush creeping across your chest, snaking up your neck and brushing your cheeks a deep crimson. Despite seeing your naked form for years, the passion reflecting in his eyes was still the same, never failing at reducing you to a shy mess. Gone was the woman who handled the running of millions of dollars a day without breaking a sweat. Only the timid, nervous wreck of a girl Taehyung had met those many years ago was sitting bare and exposed, within an arm’s reach.
Clearing your throat, you work your stiff and tight vocal chords, hopeful to hide the evident embracement that painted your body pink. “W-why don’t you join m-me?” You curse the stutter in your voice, and the failure at sounding seductive.
You flutter your eyes at him, in hope to awaken the non-existence temptress inside of you. His nostrils flair at the invitation, a clear sign of arousal as his pupils dilate, consuming the warm brown of his iris. Taehyung watches you with hawk-like eyes, taking in every shift and twitch you make, the tiny peaks and ripples you cause in the otherwise calm water.
He releases a hot puff of air, fanning you face. The refreshing mint fragrance of the spearmint he selfishly took from the bowl underneath the 40-inch tv installed in the wall next to him, overpowering the delicate lavender aroma floating in the air. A thin layer of unconstrained lust coloured his vision as warmth pooled lower in him, creating a familiar ache.
The swallowed the mint forcefully, blinking back his sinful thoughts. “No, Bee. Tonight’s all about you. It’s the day where I show you with action how much I love you. Let me help you relax.” From the strain in his voice, you could tell that he wanted the same thing you wanted, but you knew not to push this; especially given the lack of sleep you suffered. It was a surprise you were still awake right now. Despite this fact, the pain of the rejection stung you. Tearing your eyes from him to cradle your bruised ego. You give him a meek nod as you lick your mental wounds like an injured animal. You blamed your uncontrollable sensitivity and dramatic thoughts as side effects of your reckless choices over the past two weeks.
During your internal conflict of emotions, Taehyung had rolled up his sleeves and trousers, lathered a loofah and moved to clean your back. Drawing delicate circles on your skin, and soon all over you body with extra care. You had relaxed in the deep mass of hot water, the soft touches of Taehyung’s pampering faded as sleep clawed and dragged you into its clutches, leaving you unaware of the never fading heat lining your boyfriend’s blatant gawking.
A light grip on you shoulders has you peering with a half-lidded daze. A sleepy groan rumbles from your throat, questioning the reason your peace was disturbed.
“Babe let’s get you dried up.” Taehyungs deep reverberant voice whispers against the shell of your ear. You nod as move to get up from the now cooling tub of water, functioning purely from instinct and collapse against Taehyung’s strong chest as he wrapped a thick towel around your drenched form. The thick velvet material readily absorbs the excess moisture from your skin as he lightly drags it against you, before discarding the item on a nearby rack when you were dried. Pulling a warm rob from the heated rails, he helped you slip into the large garment which engulfed your tiny form. Sweeping you off your feet, he moved you back into the bedroom as you fought off the dream demons threatening to steal you away. Your rapid blinking as you tried tackle your fatigue, pulled at Taehyung’s heart. How could someone be so adorable even with dark circles painted around their eyes like a panda, and nuzzling into his embrace? He was so whipped, but he knew that already, knew it since the day you came into his life like wrecking ball, breaking down all the walls he put up in protection. He’s so sure of the love he has that he was ready to give you the gift, on the same day you agreed to let him love you. Shaking himself from his inner monologue, he laid you down onto the bed.
He left you there momentarily, going to retrieve a pair of clean cotton panties and his bottle of lavender Aveeno cream. Slowly, he unties the knot of your robe to help you with your underwear. You notice this immediately, sitting up to push away his hand.
“Tae, just because I’m tired, doesn’t mean I’m completely unable to do things like putting on my underwear. It just means I’m too lazy to walk around.” You mumble as you pull the tiny clothing up your legs.
He smirks at your retort, seeing as he was the one to feed and bathe you, but taking your upright position as a chance to push the robe off your shoulders. “Hush, bumble bee. Let me take care of you.” Nudging for you to lie on stomach. You do as instruct, lying bare on the cloud you called your bed.
Soothing jazz begins to play from the sound system built into the room, followed by a clear plastic click as Taehyung opens the lid to his favourite cream. Pouring a generous amount on to his large palms, he spread the thick substance with his skilled fingers like paint on the canvas of your exposed skin. Once he covered your back, he began kneading the muscles in your shoulders, loosening any remaining knots that haunted you after your session in the messaging chair. You sighed as his warm palms pressed and worked their way down the expanse of your bare figure, soothing over certain pressure points, sending a into euphoria at talented frictionless gliding of his long fingers; massaging away any stiffness consequence to overworking your body to the bone. You had always known about Taehyung’s expert fingers, given his past. What bewildered you was the fact that, not only was he good at this, he could rival the best professional masseur in the town. This stunned you especially when you first dated Taehyung and he offered to – as he liked to call it—take care of you, leaving you a panting hot mess; but that was a story for another time.
After moisturising and massaging your leg, you were clinging on the final strings of consciousness, a breathy thank you slipped past your lips as your eyes drift closed. Taehyung then flipped you so laid on your back, pulling one of his large stripy T-shirts to engulf your smaller frame. Before he covers you with the lush duvet pushed to the side of you, Taehyung quickly grabs something from the long-forgotten tray next to the massaging chair. He strolls back to your side with a tiny red velvet box in hand. Opening it and pulling out a dainty necklace, he helps you wear the gift. The small yellow bee pendent fell gently in the dip of your collar bones, its yellow diamond glistening in the low light. As your soft snores fill the room, one of his favourite sound harmonising with the jazz still playing vaguely in the background, he wraps the duvet over you, he kisses your forehead, satisfied that you were finally back in your shared bed, smelling just like him. “I love you, ____.” His sweet confession lulling you further into the embrace of sleep.
 After you had fallen asleep, Taehyung had to gone off to clean the plates and tidy the bathroom, making sure everything was restored back to its perfectly organised state. However, there was just one tiny problem he needed to fix before he could go back to cuddle you to sleep like the good boyfriend he was. So, he quickly dashed back to the bath fix said problem.
 You woke up to a cold bed. Gone was the warm enveloping limbs that usually tangled with yours beneath the sheets, keeping the cold out so you could stay asleep throughout the night. You were now a victim to an empty bed, pulling you from the depths of sleep despite struggles of your fatigue. Groaning, you sit up to scan the room for you boyfriend. Deeply disappointed when your eyes fail to spot his tall figure, you pull your duvet to drape over you, but the cold touch of a foreign metal item dangled from your neck as you clutch the duvet to your chest. Giving the gift a quick peck, you move to look for Taehyung, pulling the long quilt to trailing behind you as you step onto the lush cream carpet lining most of the living space.
A loud moan has the fine hairs on your arms standing on end, your hearing now hyperaware as you recognise the familiar sound instantly. Your heart rate begins to accelerate as you pad towards the bathroom, a grunt of you name echoing from its depths. A wide grin spreads across your lips. Maybe a few more minutes without sleep won’t hurt.
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arcadeguk · 6 years
a little more love
prompt: “be you. no one else can.”
pairing: jeongguk x reader
genre: mind-numbing, cavity inducing fluff, jeongguk being a sweetheart what else is new
a/n: the literal first thing i’ve ever written and posted. be gentle with my inexperienced terRIFIED heart thank you uwu
11:34pm. exhausted doesn’t begin to cover the feeling jeongguk has right now. he’s beyond exhausted, he’s convinced no being on any planet ever has experienced this kind of tiredness. a recording session at the break of dawn followed by 8 hours of dance practice whipped his ass incredibly well, so incredibly well that by hour 7, he just laid down on the studio floor, hoping that if he closed his eyes and stayed still hoseok would just assume he was dead roadkill, and leave him alone. however, much to jeongguk’s delight, hoseok’s chirpy “5,6,7,8!” echoes through the room, bouncing off the thick white walls, and reverberating in jeongguk’s eardrums. he feels a level 6 migraine on the horizon, and he debates for just a moment that if he rips out his own esophagus out maybe he can go home early.
go home to you. 
“home” the word sounds good in jeongguk’s head, and tastes even better on his tongue, especially when he thinks of nothing else. “home, you, home, you, home…” plays on a loop in jeongguk’s head, until it’s the only thing he’s certain of. he’s most definitely not certain of these steps, of the beat pounding under his feet, or the insane body-roll-two-step-mix that jimin just did, who’s desperately trying to add flavor to the choreography.
the manager on duty calls out “alright, that’s all for tonight!”, and jeongguk nearly ducks, convinced that this moment could only come if the heavens had opened up and rained down on him. to his credit, jeongguk manages to get his bag, jacket, and somehow convinces hoseok for a ride to your place. however, he doesn’t remember a second of it. one minute, he’s under blinding fluorescent lights, and the next he’s walking into the warmth of your apartment.
jeongguk closes the door behind him, much gentler than his usual grandeur entrance. in his fuzzy and faraway mind, jeongguk is dimly aware of the fact that it’s late and that your apartment is bathed in darkness. it smells like the rose candles you always burn, and the tinge of takeout food long devoured. jeongguk slips off his shoes in the hall, drops his keys in the bowl, and discards his jacket and bag, somewhere where someone will most likely trip on it. he makes his way to the living room, checking to see if you had retired to your normal nap location, lumbering around and letting out a soft “shit” when his knee bumps the coffee table. the softness of the carpet under his sore and overworked socked feet threaten to turn his spine to liquid, and he makes the cardinal sin of rolling his shoulders, letting his head dip into his chest for just a beat too long, and he wishes he could just sleep. but the familiar voice in the back of his mind reminds him of you, and suddenly, he’s a man with renewed strength. jeongguk tiptoes to the bedroom, hand planted on the doorknob as he mentally plans how he’s going to dive into the bed. but as he opens the door, he frowns when he sees all the lights on, hears the dull, tinny sound of music being blared through headphones, and the source of that strong takeout smell he sniffed out earlier.
there you are, sitting cross-legged in the middle of your shared bed. white duvet covers have long disappeared under the avalanche of papers and packets that have since covered it. your laptop is in front of you, blue light illuminating your face in all the best ways. jeongguk slowly smiles, and walks over to you, quicker than he’s moved all day.
jeongguk sits on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping under his weight, slightly shifting your chaos of papers. you seem to pay no attention, barely aware of his presence. lips parted ever so slightly, eyes red and brows furrowed together, tongue forming a sailor-worthy curse to throw at microsoft word. jeongguk leans over, and gently plucks the earbud from you, and replaces the emptiness with a puckered pout, planting a wet loud kiss right on your ear, smiling like a fool when you pull the other earbud out, and he can feel the muscles of your face stretch into a smile as he continues to peck the spot.
“i’m home” jeongguk says simply, pulling back only slightly to meet your face. “so i noticed” you mention, landing a quick peck on his lips, one that makes him blush ever so slightly. “how was practice?” you inquire, as jeongguk throws himself down into your lap with reckless abandon, curling up in the comfy space your legs has carved, just for him. “boring, long, hard”, he mumbles, lifting a hand from your keyboard to plant it upon his mop of long black hair. you sigh, but it’s all a rouse, as you delicately card your fingertips through jeongguk’s silky strands. he hums, stays quiet for a minute, and then questions, “whatcha workin on?”
an annoyed huff and roll of your eyes is the only answer jeongguk needs, but you continue anyway. “stupid dumbass paper by that stupid dumbass professor for that stupid dumbass class that i won’t pass and gave up caring about after i basically failed the midterm.”
if jeongguk wasn’t half asleep (lulled by your stroking), he would have heard the lump in your throat as you struggled to choke out the last few words. instead, you pray jeongguk didn’t hear, cover up the halfway-sob with a simple throat clearing, and continue to stare at the near blank document in front of you. what does pull aforementioned sleeping bun from his trip to dreamland is the ragged sniff he hears from above him. he opens his eyes, to see your head resting in your opposite hand, eyes teary and leaking, staring into the computer screen with something crossed between murderous lust and desperateness. jeongguk’s nerve endings tingle, and suddenly, full boyfriend mode is activated.
“hey, hey, hey” he whispers, pulling himself out of your lap, curling himself around you the best he can. you struggle against him for just a minute, wishing he could just go, so you could have this moment of childlike frustration all to yourself. but jeongguk doesn’t let that happen, his grip tightening around your waist, and you relent, allowing him to lift you up and onto his chest, leaning back against the wall of pillows at the top of the bed.
“oh sweetness, please no,” he murmurs into your temple, one hand calmly stroking the expanse of your back, while the other cups the base of your head, gently massaging the thin tendons in your neck. jeongguk tries to pretend his heart doesn’t crack a little bit when he feels his shirt dampen, and that his sanity doesn’t nearly fall apart when he hears you choke out a sob you were trying so hard to hold in. “just let it out darling, let it all out” is whispered in your ear, and you relent. gentle words are whispered still, something along the lines of “i love you, it’s okay” and “i’m right here, baby”.
soon, your sobs turn to sniffles, and jeongguk lets out the breath he’d been holding. the atmosphere turns into a soft silence, and it’s only you, jeongguk, and the stars, breathing in a solid, unified rhythm.
“how long have you been working on it?” jeongguk ventures to ask, “since 11 this morning” you sigh, voice stuffy and low. jeongguk gives a simple “hmm”, and the little world you’ve created falls silent again. “i can’t afford to fail this class” you whisper into the dark, so quiet that jeongguk barely hears it.
“baby, i’m not gonna love you any less if you don’t get an a++ on,” he squints to read the title heading on your paper, “professor idiot weiner dipshit’s intro to smaller weiner douchebag shakespeare”
the sound of silence is soon broken by guffawing laughter, the kind that makes tears roll out freely. the ones that make you double over, and you have to forcibly remind yourself to breathe, because in all the humor your brain just forgot how to on its own.
you lean back on jeongguk’s lap, wiping away tears of laughter and happiness, and watching jeongguk do the same. “you might want to change that before you hand it in”, jeongguk grins as he wipes tears, and you can only giggle in response. “thanks for, ya know, helping me through my bi-weekly emotional breakdown”, you grin, and one of his classic “gukkie smiles” lights up his face. “anytime, babygirl” he offers with a smirk, and raises a hand to gently catch your cheek in his hold, bringing your face close enough to let him leave a warm, wet kiss there. long, fluid, comfortable, home.
he pulls away, and his brown doe eyes melt into pure chocolate and honey when they gaze into yours. “whether you pass or fail, it doesn’t matter. you can always take it again, if you can handle the mental turmoil.”
“i’d rather invite a fucking anaconda into our bedroom and cover myself in live mice and hope that it chokes the life out of me”
“what i am TRYING to say”, jeongguk says, clearing his throat to be heard over you, giggling at your own joke, “is that you, this paper, school, it’s all gonna be okay, baby. i promise. you’re a rockstar when it comes to school, you work your ass off for everything, you somehow keep me alive (which is a feat in of itself), and you can actually function as an independent adult.” he grins when he sees an actual, genuine smile light up your face, and he takes the fleeting opportunity to run his thumb over your bottom lip. “be you, baby. no one else can.”
your heart soars at his words, and you crash your lips against his. “thank you” you murmur softly against him, and he simply grins.
jeongguk’s bed now no longer looks like something that came out of the business end of a copier, but rather the comfortable white cloud that he can’t wait to crash onto. laptops are put away, showers are taken, and there’s only one thing to do: sleep. jeongguk has been more than patient with you tonight, and you recognize it. as if you didn’t realize the way he moved earlier, like he was dragging a baby grand piano behind him. which is why you decide to repay him for his virtuous patience, with an excellent post-shower massage, kissing all his bruises, and letting your lips graze over sore muscles.
jeongguk pulls you down into the soft sheets, reveling in the way your skin feels so insanely divine on his bare palm. the warmth radiating off of you, the smell of vanilla shampoo tickling his nose, the relaxed, even cadence of your chest against his. this, finally, is what he’s waited for. what’s he yearned for all day.
you, warmth, happiness, home.
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Bucky Barnes x Plus size reader Fingerpainting
Word Count: 2K+
Warnings: Cursing(as usaual, ya’ll know I gots a potty mouth from hell) and teetH ROTTING COTTON CANDY FLAVORED FLUFF. Daddy! Bucky has my whole heart.
Growing up, your household had been vibrant, drenched in color, music filling every nook and cranny. Your mother had been something of a free spirit; You’d been raised on Fleetwood Mac and Jimmi Hendrix, on dancing in circles and bubbling laughter. Now, as an adult you cherished those memories, they we’re such a big part of who you are. And as a mother yourself, you made sure the tradition had continued on.
Made sure your children grew up with that same magical wonder that you had.
It’s what Bucky had noticed about you first, that sparkle in your (y/c) eyes, the curiosity and mischievousness. Cat like, as he liked to refer to them. You we’re his little cat; playful and full of life. And yeah, you had a vicious set of claws, but mostly you liked to be stroked. Both figuratively and literally.
You had this way about you, one that was like sunshine. That bubbly laughter of your contagious, your dimpled smile blinding.
Falling completely fucking in love with you had been easy, natural. He instinctively sought your light and you were more then willing to share it with him, give it to him. Light him up from the inside in a way that made him get a little awestruck because he’d never thought that he’d ever find something like you. He’d accepted the frigidness that had consumed him and here you came, like an Indian summer. All plump curves and saccharine words and butterfly kisses.
And he assumed that it couldn’t get any better; to have a woman that truly deeply loved him. Despite everything… well, what could top that?
And then you’d gotten pregnant and proceeded to set his universe into technicolor chaos once more. He hadn’t even realized he could still have children, that that was still an option for him.
You gifted him with something he hadn’t even realize he’d been craving; his first child. A daughter.
Faye Rebecca Barnes.
Who had your eyes, same spark and everything. But his pretty little up turned nose and his thick, dark hair. She was a tiny hummingbird of a girl, as soon as she could walk she was off in all directions; and he followed close behind, like he always would. Where there was Faye’s chiming laughter, Bucky was close by. The bond that those two had…was something that you couldn’t even fathom sometimes. It was beautiful, to watch them. To know that you had helped to create something so pure.
…Two somethings so pure. Your stomach had never been flat; had always been plush and jiggly, but at the moment it strained out round and firmly, stretching your skin taught. Like some had stuck a basketball under your shirt.
They say pregnancy the second time around is easier. Fucking hah, who ever said that didn’t have a three year old darting around. But still- you tried to stay positive. Tried to focus more on the beautiful parts of pregnancy…even though the ugly, irritating ones came in spades. Oh, how you desperately fucking missed not having to pee every ten minutes.
Baby Barnes number two had made it a game to tap dance on your bladder.
It’s a stormy Wednesday afternoon, nothing particularly exciting or special going on: you’re sitting on the living room floor because its the only place you can seem o get comfortable with Faye, the large glass coffee table in front of you littered with oil pastes and colored pencils. Discarded papers blotches with swirls of color dispersed all over as the two of you drew idly. Bucky was laying on the couch behind you, the one that you lean against, reading the newspaper as Dumbo played on the flat screen in the background.
“Mommy what’s your favorite animal?” Faye inquires, not looking up from her paper and the long erratic strokes she’s making with a teal colored pencil. She was only three, and she’d seemed to inherit your “artistic nature” as Buck liked to call it.
“Seahorses…Or maybe flamingos. I cant decide” You scrunch your nose, focused on your own art. Sunsets and constellations stare back at you, you use your thumb to blend the smooth pastel colors into one hypnotic shade. “What’s yours, Honeybee?”
“Mermaids” Faye shrugs as though its obvious “I like pink elephants too”
From behind the newspaper, Bucky has a large grin on his face. Shaking his head a little at the two of you.
“Is that why we’ve been watching Dumbo on repeat?” He wonders, his gruff voice amused as he reads an article on ‘Stark Industries new Holliday Season Technology.’
“It’s my favorite” Faye nods. Favorite of the week, that is. Last week had been the Aristocats, the week before that Moana.
Bucky could literally sing “Your Welcome” from start to finish. Faye insisted her father be Maui for the upcoming Halloween because he had “pretty hair” just like him. You’d laughed HARD at that, but whispered to him that you wouldn’t mind seeing him only in a grass skirt, your tone had him grabbing at your plump ass.
“Really? It used to scare me a little bit. Especially the pink elephants on parade part. Super trippy if you ask me” You laugh, looking up from your page at your daughter. Her dark hair was pulled up into a messy knot on the top of her head,
“I like 'em. I think they pretty” The three year old defends.
“It does make my head spin a little. I remember reading somethin’ about Walt Disney being all hopped up on dr-” Bucky stops himself, shooting Faye a look “-…Sugar, when he made a lot of these movies”
You laugh. It’s uncanny how similar it sounds to your daughters.
Bucky thinks that’s part of a reason the little girl has such a tight hold on his heart. Obviously, she was his child, and he would love her regardless of what she looked like. But the fact that she was a mini version of you was really what got him.
Faye laughed like sunshine too.
“Yeah I’ve heard that too! And it makes so much sense, this was a trip gone bad…or good I guess. Since you know, its a classic” You add.
“A trip to where, mommy?”
You snort and Bucky puts the paper down a little bit so that he can not only see your reaction, but your response. One of his eyebrows raise.
“Umm, to a place where only adults go. We’ll talk about it when your in college?” You test the waters. Even after years, this whole parenting thing was still touch and go to you.
You didn’t think you’d ever fully have it down.
Bucky’s little chortle from behind you makes you turn around and shoot him a glare to which his hand, the metal one, comes down and rubs your shoulder in apology; his cool fingers massaging the muscle near your neck in a way that had you leaning into him.
You still love the feeling of his hands on your skin, still makes goosebumps rise. You hope you never loose this feeing.
Faye, as usual, looses interest with what she’s doing before her movies even over.
“I’m bored” She whines dropping her pencil “I wanna go swing”
“No, Faye. It’s raining and you’ll not only get all muddy, but you’ll get sick” You try to explain to her the reason why your such a kill joy. Of course she doesn’t seem to hear any of it.
You breathe through your nose. Of course.
Bucky was what people call “the good parent”. What you said no to, she’d usually be able to convince her father into letting her do.
She really was manipulative for a three year old.
“Where do you think she gets that from?” Nat had taunted once, looking at you with laughing eyes and you’d shoved her shoulder.
“No baby, you’re moms right. You’ll get really sick and then you wont get to go play at Uncle Steves this weekend. And you’ve been so excited to see Noah” Bucky sides with you, trying to convince her with the promise of seeing her god brother, Steve and Sharon’s one year old son.
Faye huffs and pushes her paper away from her so hard that it, along with a few pastels, flies off the table. She then lets her head fall to the glass with a hard thunk, one that made Bucky wince.
“I’m so bored” She cries dramatically. You know how people talk about the terrible two’s? Yeah you we’re starting to think the troublesome threes were worse.
“Do you want to watch a different movie?”
“You could come help mama make lunch? Chicken fingers, you favorite?”
“We could go find Kit? I think she’s scared of the thunder, she’s probably under your bed-” Bucky offers, he knows how much Faye loves that cat.
“NO DADDY” Faye interrupts him with a snap.
“Faye Rebecca Barnes, you do not talk to any adults that way, much less your dad. You probably hurt his feelings” Your tone is not cutting, but authoritive . She knows better then that. She doesn’t look up but you hear her sniffle as she turns her head, facing away from you.
You purse your lips, before leaning your own head back, enough that it rests on Buckys thigh. Your eyes closed. Did you hate making her cry(even if you knew she was just faking?) Yes. But you also wanted to make sure she grew up to be a decent member of society that other people could stand. And that meant teaching her that she couldn’t snap to get her way.
Bucky knew that too…he also knew you had way more resolve then him. So instead of making it worse, he kept his mouth closed and let you handle it. Smart man, your husband.
…as the minutes ticked by, the silence a little overwhelming you realized that you too, were bored.
Making you empathize with your little one. Boredom, the death of creativity. It had always made you antsy, being idle. You feel Buck’s hand in your hair, the metal one, and you get a passing idea.
Remembering a time when your mother had let you and your siblings finger paint on her back…
“Hey, Faye” You call to her, and she mutters a small “What” without looking at you. She could pout with the best of them.
Something she’d inherited from both of you.
“Wanna do something fun?” Your voice is eager and it makes both Faye and Bucky give you almost identical looks.
“Like what?”
You just grin and manage to heft yourself off of the floor(with Bucky’s arm steadying you) and waddle out of the living room, towards your art closet.
“Where’s she goin?” Faye questions her father and he shrugs but sits up, anticipating your next move.
“I don’t know, but knowin’ your mother- it’ll be something messy” Bucky guesses as he looks down at Faye, taking a minute to bop her on her little bun. She beams up at him, grabbing at her hair.
“Sorry pumpkin” He chuckles, before bopping her again. He’s ready for her when she launches herself into his lap.
“I’m sorry I hurt your feelings” Faye whispers against his scruffy cheek as he holds her.
“It’s okay” Bucky scratches her back lightly “I’m a big boy, I got over it”
“Okay, lets do this” You announce as you come back in the room and both of their heads turn to meet you. In your arms, resting on your stomach, is your plastic container full of washable paints and glitters. Body paint…
“Told you. Messy” Bucky tells Faye who squeals and makes grabby hands at you.
An hour later, you’ve managed to lay the news paper that Buck was reading out on the floor. Protecting your rugs from the splashes of paint. The three of you sit on the hardwood, Bucky has stripped off the hoodie he was wearing and now sits in just his white singlet, holding his metal arm steady and still as you Faye paint on the surface of it. Both of your fingers covered in multicolor paint as they swirl colors onto the sleek metal.
Faye draws purple clouds and orange seahorses(or at least she tries) and you work on an intricate, realistic looking array of wild flowers with a detailed sunflower in the middle of them.
He squirms a little as your fingers trace the edge where his steel shoulder meets warm flesh.
“Don’t move, daddy!” Faye barks at him and you giggle.
“Yeah, daddy” You stress the word, biting your lip and shooting him a devious little smirk that your daughter misses “Don’t move”
“It tickles!” He protests with an exasperated laugh, but stays still all the same. He cant tear his eyes off of you, so concentrated. Little specks of yellow paint smeared on your soft cheek, your belly swollen with his second baby. He reaches out with his flesh hand to rub at the bump tenderly.
You’d given him everything.
“I love you, sweets” He whispers, watching your short fingers delicately trace details into the flowers. You look up, breaking your concentration to smile at him.
“I love you too, Buck” You reach up and press a kiss to his stubbly jaw, then another to his chin. And finally laying a big one on his cheek.
When he feels another set, of smaller lips, press a quick peck to his other cheek his heart swells.
“Love you, daddy” Faye chirps, as she settles back down. “Momma do seahorses have three eyes or four?”
“Four” You answer with a smile.
-Okay I know this wasn’t smut but this was requested and I felt like I needed to write some Dad! Bucky because I love him so much and he’s such a cinnamon roll and wouldn’t he just make the best dad? I wanted their daughters name to be something old fashioned, but still interesting because this Readers an artist and I just think she’d want her children to have unique sounding names? Idk. Enjoy. Cry. Do what you must💘😂
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headless-tailor · 7 years
Spring day (Vanderwood x Saeran)
ALRIGHT FINALLY I got done my Vanderan fanfic (since @mariamagica was kindly encouraging me :D also this is kinda for you because you made me those headcanons that were just pure gold I love them to bits~~) Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistake because I’ve been writing this fic only at night (for some reason) and right now it’s 3:40AM so Imma just post it here and check it later. Also tell should I continue this fic because if enough people want it I might do so. Anyway have this fluff fic that I’ve been writing for too long (I myself am off to sleep and later getting ready for my nephew’s birthday)
His breathing was getting heavier as he ran in a pouring rain. Panic filled his head making his heart beat like crazy. His fight-or-flight senses pushed on making everything in front of him blurry. Lights brightly shining around him as he tried to hide somewhere where human eyes can’t see. Somewhere dark and quiet. He needed to get away and close into his own world. But getting away in a city that never slept it was difficult to find a that kind of place. Boy still had one place in mind and headed towards it.
“I can’t believe you just let that happen!” Vanderwood raised his voice at Seven. “I’m sorry okay?! I didn’t want that happen to ether! I tried to reason it out but he just-“, hacker tried to explain cutting his sentence with a groan of frustration. “He might get lost Saeyoung. He still doesn’t know all the places here,” ex-hacker growled. Seven sat down and sighed running his hand through his hair. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
Then his eyes shot up. “His phone,” he got up running to his computer: “I could track his phone! Because he most likely isn’t going to answer if I called.” Man sat in front of his computer typing away. Vanderwood sighed and sat down on couch. Something hit his thigh making him look down and his face was beyond dumbfounded. “Seven, I don’t think tracking would be helping,” he spoke. “Not a word mortal because God seven-o’-seven defender of justice shall take care of this!” Saeyoung shouted from his computer eyes glued to the screen. “Okay and how did ‘God seven-o’-seven defender of justice’ think he could track his brother down if said brother’s phone is here?” older man crossed his arm holding the phone up.
Seven looked at him faltering with his words and whatever he was going to say. Suddenly he went all quiet like he would’ve shut down. Boy didn’t move. He just sat there staring at his keyboard not blinking and barely breathing. “You Chois are unbelievable. I’m going to find him myself,” Vanderwood said taking his jacket and an umbrella. “Wait how? He could be anywhere!” Saeyoung stood up. “I have my tricks. I’m an old agent if you haven’t forgot,” man gave a small smirk before disappeared at hallway. Saeyoung sighed and slumped down on his chair ruffling his hair.
Vanderwood ran first to Saeran’s favorite places where he could possibly find him, but no sight of Seven’s twin anywhere. Next up he ran to places where he thought Saeran would be, but no luck ether. His stamina was slowly burning out from all that running and he stopped for a moment to take a break. Man leaned against the wall looking up, letting rain wash his face cooling himself down. It has been a long time since he last time had to run this much. Vanderwood was slowly running out of options where Saeran could be, but did not let himself fall into despair like Seven did just while ago.
“Where that boy could be?” man mumbled to himself. Long sigh escaped Vanderwood’s lips as he kept walking. He held the umbrella in a tight grip chewing his bottom lip. He wasn’t the type to panic when a person went missing, but he still couldn’t help the feeling of worry slowly taking over his mind. That boy could be anywhere. He didn’t even have that much clothes on when he ran out. He must be somewhere all by himself freezing in this rainy night. Even thought of it made something twist in Vanderwood’s heart. God why was he worrying this much? It even made him sick. Sure he had worked long time with Seven and then go on an adventure to find his brother but his emotions shouldn’t build up this much towards a guy who he know so little about. Seven gave him a new life, a chance to start again. He could just leave and start life as a normal human. But why did he keep coming back?
“I don’t have time for this bullshit,” Vanderwood growled shaking his head: “Gotta find Saeran.” He tried to think what Saeran would do. He looked pretty pale and submissive almost frightened. A place where nobody would find him. A place where he could hide so nobody can hurt him. Then he remembered that one abandoned property. It was near a bridge enough far away from heart of the city. He sprinted, picking up soon his running pace cold rain and wind hitting his face. Saeran had to be there his heart would shatter. He genuinely feared for boy’s life and tried to get there as fast as possible. “Please be okay,” he constantly repeated in his mind.
Vanderwood got at the house eyeing it carefully. The house was nearly falling apart. Windows were broken, paint was wearing off and a big graffiti was decorating side of the wall. He carefully sneaked in looking around only seeing mess and chaos. Furniture were all thrown around and messed up. There was paint on walls and there was even burning marks on the floor. The house was old and creepy but it didn’t scare Vanderwood away. He just wanted to find Saeran. He carefully walked upstairs peeking in different rooms but they were dark and empty. But from the last room he heard a silent sound. It was weeping. Man slowly entered the room seeing familiar figure sitting in corner hugging his knees.
Vanderwood clenched his teeth and took small step towards him. Saeran’s head shot quickly up looking at him frowning tears in his eyes. “It’s okay Saeran. It’s just me,” Vanderwood spoke slowly. Younger one quickly wiped his tears away hiding his face into his knees. “What are you doing here?” he asked quietly. “To simply take you back. Your brother is worried sick and wants you to go back,” man explained. “Why do I always have to do his way?! Why does HE always gets what he wants?! Why can’t I have my own thing?” Saeran shouted trembling curling up more. “Because we’re not sure does your choices hurt you. Saeyoung tries his best to support you. He really tries his best after all those years. He tries his best to be the brother you never got to have,” Vanderwood tried to convince him. Boy just snarled at his words looking away.
“But not only that. I was also worried sick. I was just thinking where you would be, are you hurt and stuff like that. Because Saeyoung isn’t the only person who greatly cares about you,” man said getting Saeran’s attention. Slowly Vanderwood walked closer kneeling in front of him being pretty close. He took his jacket off wrapping it around the boy: “I’m also worried about you. You are the reason why I stay here and don’t run away trying to start a new life because I know it would suck without you. I’ve tried to think of a plan what to do with my life but I always find myself asking how you are doing. Have you eaten, have you slept enough, are you eating healthily and regularly, are you taking enough care of yourself, are you feeling lonely perhaps frustrated. And I can’t help it.” He gave a little laugh at the end.
Saeran just stared at the other man. “But why would you care so much about me?” he asked. “I’ve asked myself that many times already but I always feel just farther away from the answer. Believe me I would tell you the answer if I knew it,” Vanderwood sighed helping the boy up. “Let’s just get you back safely,” he suddenly dismissed himself walking out quickly. Saeran stared at him long but with no other option he just followed him. Boy squeezed the jacket little. It brought warmth and comfort for his cold body. The jacket was almost three size bigger but he didn’t complain about it.  It felt nice.
When they both stepped outside it was still raining but the wind had calmed down. Vanderwood opened the umbrella holding it above Saeran making quietly their way back. Boy looked at the other noting that the umbrella only covered him and Vanderwood was only wearing a t-shirt, getting completely soaked. So carefully he leaned against man’s shoulder. Vanderwood winced little looking at the boy. There was faint blush on his cheek and man wasn’t sure was it from possible fever or something else. He changed umbrella to other hand so could wrap his arm around the boy holding the umbrella above both of them. Saeran seemed to calm down even smiling a little while Vanderwood was flushing little heart beating faster than race car speeding.
After taking a while walking back, Seven let them in immediately running to Saeran hugging him. “Oh thank God you’re alright,” he chirped happily. “Get off,” younger one grumbled pushing him away. “Right. I’m sorry Saeran. I shouldn’t have done that. I deeply regret what I did,” Saeyoung said trying to sound as much apologetic as he could. “Yeah yeah whatever,” Saeran dismissed him walking past him. He still had Vanderwood jacket around his shoulders. Seven looked at him confused and then turned his face at Vanderwood. “Don’t even think about it,” man warned before boy could even open his mouth and walked past him. A satisfied grin spread on Saeyoung’s face as he chuckled to himself: “Well things just got interesting.”
To be continued?
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