beanburrit · 1 month
My book Twinstone is FINISHED and is available on Kindle. Paperback copies are set to release in another month or so. For those of you who wish to read the story, on my Ko-fi, I am offering a pay what you want PDF version. That is honestly the way I would prefer for people to purchase the book, seeing I am iffy about Amazon and it's royalties. Please follow my website for more updates / news!
PLEASE reblog the shit out of this if you can. I worked really hard on this book and plan to write more for the series.
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bellshazes · 2 months
clover au spoilers. if anyone even cares. originally the entirety of the au was this:
“One last job,” says Scar. Scar’s cat is winding its way between his legs, and it’s the  Real cat, false leg.
the lack of ending to that 2nd sentence is real and still unfinished. i wanted scar as the underground synthetic-real-cat dealer guy and everything devolved from there. and below are some wild postulations on who could do what (it's now pretty mixed on who's got what role, most people do multiple besides bdubs, who is just... ora. he's ora. it's obvious)
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000marie198 · 2 months
🔪 because i think all fanfic authors search history must be very funny lmao
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Pirate speak. I've bought books on sea travels and adventures to get a hang of pirate speak. And all of that is just for one silly boy
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yugiohz · 9 months
you can’t just say something like that and then not release them
im not fighting or moderating bnha AND jjk yaoi discourse i need to pass this exammmmmm
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writeblrfantasy · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking, what/who did you use to self publish?
hi! i used draft2digital :)
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frankbelloriley · 1 year
email from a copywriting job: hey your resume looks great! send a sample and a video of yourself and we’ll get back to you!
me: hmm, the video thing is weird *googles*
first article about the company on Google search results: Yeah they pay $20 for 1000 words or two cents a word, and that’s only if they publish it, not for you writing it in the first place, and that’s after a couple of revision passes that they ask you to make. Also the video thing in the interview process is weird.
me: ...cool
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ellemdrewwrites · 1 year
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2022 Royalties
Transparency is something really important to me, particularly because, as I started my indie journey, it became very clear to me that what happens behind the scenes is far more important than what the rest of the community sees. You might see that an author has made a huge amount of money without realizing exactly how much that author has spent to reach the point of publishing. You don't know how to compare your numbers to others. The reports matter. The details matter.
Which is why I'm sharing my numbers. I've been sharing them for a while, first on a baby author patreon and now on my website. These are the early numbers, as I haven't been paid out and the amount will change based on KDP's whim. This also doesn't include signed books and ACX. But, here's a quick look at my numbers for 2022.
January $2,732.72 February $3,303.44 March $4,322.05 April $3,645.15 May $2,573.07 June $2,035.30 July $2,330.91 August $2,163.22 September $3,154.17 October $4,253.81 November $2,594.90 December $2,617.07 TOTAL: $35,824.45
If you're interested in more numbers, feel free to check out Author Stats on my blog. Note, 2022 Q4 and 2022 Whole won't be up for a few more weeks until pay out is complete. You can also see all of my self publishing resources there as well.
And if you have any questions, just ask.
Elle M Drew Author Chaos
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thrythlind · 1 year
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Oppressive Presence Scion 2e Attempts to terrify have +1 Enhancement. Investigating the area suffers 1 Complication. If the complication is not paid off, suffer Condition Nervous. Nervous: You are distracted by a feeling of something watching from the shadows. Take a difficulty 2 action in each new scene to check for hidden dangers or suffer +1 difficulty to all actions. Resolve: Recklessly resist the urge to clear an area and suffer the increased difficulty an entire scene.
Monster of the Week When you spend any time in this area, roll Act Under Pressure. 12 Advanced - other hunters have +1 ongoing to resist the fear 10+ Everything is cool. 7-9 Either resist the fear, or learn something, but take -1 ongoing while in the area 6- Flee the area
City of Mist When entering the scene Face Danger or suffer a Tier 2 Oppressive Fear status.
Fate Aspects on the Scene Oppressive Presence Dark Corners Must be Imaging Things
Sentinel Comics Oppressive Presence d8 Dark Shadows d6 Dilapidated d6 Minor Green Twist - one target suffers a Hinder with the Mid die Major Green Twist - spawn a Shadowy Entity d6 minion Minor Yellow Twist - one target is Hindered on the Max die, one Environment minion or lieutenant is Boosted on the Min die Major Yellow Twist - spawn Min die Shadowy Entity minions Minor Red Twist - All targets Hindered on the Min die Major Red Twist - Spawn Old Master's Spirit d8 lieutenant
Genesys Add 2 setback dice to any test where keeping calm emotions is key.
AGE +2 bonus to Intimidation checks, +2 to difficulties to resist terror
Tales of Xadia Resist the fear d8 d8 Deal with the Spirit d10 d8
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ettadunham · 2 years
oh, man. so, i've started a ritual where i look up a random adventure game and play them if possible, and i think i just found the most flimsy excuse for a point-and-click adventure game 😂
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i've only just barely started, but the plot already makes no sense and doesn't even try to justify the shit it throws at you (and yes, i do mean much more so than any regular point-and-click adventure game). you play as a dude, who helped build the hindenburg, and the game starts with you being attacked while travelling on that very same zeppelin.
now, you may think that this is significant, and the story is related to the hindenburg itself. but that's amateur hour. you got attacked because your dad had a necklace that was supposedly from atlantis. obviously. which is a necklace you don't have. and know nothing about. not that your attackers asked or told you anything, you only learn all this from some dude in the empire state building, who famously does have the necklace. why were you attacked if the people after it seemingly already knew this, given that they got there ahead of you to steal a fake necklace that was laid out to them by empire state building dude? who knows. not you. you only know how to flirt with every woman you come across in the game. you also don't have to worry about those who don't reciprocate your advances - they'll probably just end up being attacked while you're randomly away. in any case, after playing a board game that's seemingly impossible to win, but in reality, just makes no sense, you immediately accept the fetch quest empire state building dude gives you to travel across the world for more necklaces. probably because you don't have a life. not that the game lets you learn anything about said non-life. you take off in the hindenburg of course, not because of any connection you may have to it, but because empire state building guy is rich and decided to rent it for you as transportation.
also, if you try to quit the game, or die randomly, the game and your mouse freezes, and you have to kill it through the task manager. i assume though that that has less to do with the game's original design, and more with the fact that no developer touched this game after release, and it got buried so deep, that it's only available on abandonwaregames.net now. it's a wonder that it even runs on a modern PC at all.
can't wait to beat this absolutely magnificent piece of game history.
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suzanneuzzell · 2 years
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Book Promotion ~ Now Available on Sale ~ I Shall Not Want Best Seller Kindle eBook On Amazon, Kobo. Google Play Books & Lulu.com  Author Suzanne E. Uzzell. Get Your Copy Today!  eBook on Sale! 
Amazon Kindle Edition eBook Best Seller  Sale $5.00 
Amazon Kindle Edition eBook Best Seller Sale $3.00 
Kobo eBook  $3.99 
Google Play Books eBook $3.00
Lulu.com eBook $3.00 
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beanburrit · 15 days
Haven: Darkened Legacies - First Chapter.
I have decided to post the first chapter of Darkened Legacies for visibility/promotion. Darkened Legacies is the prequel to the first book in The Hampnear Legacy, Twinstone. Those of you who haven't read Twinstone can read the first chapter on my website, as well as purchase a pay-what-you-want PDF of the book via Ko-Fi. However, if you don't mind mild worldbuilding/relationship spoilers, you can read Darkened Legacies even if you haven't read Twinstone.
Darkened Legacies is being written for Kindle Novella. This is mostly for visibility and to further expand my audience outside of Tumblr (you know, real-world people). Same reason I used Kindle Self Publishing for Twinstone. Because Novella offers 10 chapters of a story for free before credits are used (because why would they not?) I have decided to post the chapters/episodes on my website, until I reach chapter 10. Afterward, I will create a ko-fi tier (in which the cost will be next to nothing) and post the chapters there. Because of the limitations of Kindle, the chapters for this will be shorter.
I think that's all the rambling I have for now. Make sure to like/reblog/support/help me get my work out there! I want to eventually be able to quit my job and write as my living (big dreams, I know).
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"I could possibly be fading 
Or have something more to gain
I could feel myself growing colder
I could feel myself under your fate." 
Mazzy Star Into Dust
I am no longer certain what it is to be human.
On certain days, a subtle flicker of emotion or the distant echo of memory may stir within me, like a gentle breeze brushing against my skin. But it's only temporary, fading away as quickly as it came. It's strange to live in a state of forgetfulness, disconnected from the intense vibrancy of being alive. To pass through years, decades, or perhaps centuries without questioning the path we've chosen or perhaps one fate or circumstance that has been chosen for us.
But then, when we chance upon one person who ignites a flicker within us, we understand the emptiness that has always resided in our hearts. The gaping void that their existence can only fill. Every time they gaze into our eyes, a thousand stars have aligned and ignited a fire within us. We feel complete as if their touch has mended all the pieces of our shattered souls. And in those moments, we know this person is the missing piece we've been searching for all along.
It's a strange feeling to be brought back to life.
The ancient deities were the guardians of the forest. Their presence was felt in every rustle of leaves and whisper of wind. For centuries before modernity dawned, before humankind claimed dominion over the world and its creatures, these gods ruled with primal power. As a child, I grew up in a village near the edge of these woods, where the people revered the forest as a place of immense magic. The veil between the living and the dead was thinnest here, offering glimpses into realms beyond our own. And so we worshiped these fickle and mysterious beings, born before time itself and not bound by human rules or understanding.
Few memories are left of those early days of my life, scattered remnants of a life long gone. My first memory is of my mother, her swollen belly creating a comfortable nook for me to rest against as she rocks in a worn wooden chair. Her voice is soft and soothing as she sings an old tune, her slender fingers threading through my hair. The surrounding room is warm and cozy, the fire casting dancing shadows on the walls and the aroma of bubbling stew filling our senses. I close my eyes and try to hold on to this moment, knowing it will soon fade away like all my other memories.
They named me Leonidas. My father hoped this name would bring me fortune and glory, a gift from the wise woman of our village who had seen my fate in the stars. But the fickle ways of the old gods cannot be predicted. On the day of my christening, rain fell from the sky and did so for a week straight. A bad omen, or so my father was warned.
It was a bad omen, but not for the reasons he believed.
At the tender age of eighteen, I married a healer woman. It was not a love match but an arrangement made by our parents and the gods before we could comprehend it. Our village was nestled in the heart of the ancient forests, surrounded by towering trees whose thick canopy blocked out most of the sunlight. We lived following the rules set forth by the old gods, and we worshiped devoutly. As a man in our society, my role was to produce offspring - sons to carry on my name and continue our legacy. And so it happened, in due time. Our first son came into this world with a fierce cry, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in my chest. A few years later, we were blessed with another child, solidifying our family and bringing us more joy.
Our lives, though simple, were filled with laughter and camaraderie. We led a simple existence dictated by the change of seasons and the gifts the earth bestowed upon us. The women tended to the children, prepared meals, and sewed clothes while men like me toiled under the sun or ventured into the deep woods, hunting for game or collecting wood for fire. Our evenings were spent feasting on whatever bounty we had that day; our bodies huddled around the fire for warmth as we shared stories about our ancestors and their exploits.
And all these years later, I see the cruel irony life has dealt me. In my naivety, I had once believed the gods were smiling down on me, and that my predetermined path would lead to a future filled with wonder and beauty. But now, as memories flood, I realize how wrong I was.
With her sharp tongue and cold heart, my wife was a wicked mother in every sense of the word. I can still feel the sting of her scolding for being too soft with our sons. She constantly reminded me they were not delicate girls but strong, capable men who needed to be molded into warriors. "You are too soft with them, Leonidas."
Yet, despite her harsh teachings, they were still just boys to me—full of innocence and vulnerability.
We instilled in them a deep reverence for the wild, the earth, and the ever-changing skies. Above all, we taught them to value one another, work together, share, and set aside their differences. But I also granted them moments of freedom - allowing them to run off and go fishing while I picked up their slack for the afternoon. As their leader, it was my duty to prepare them for what lay ahead in life, but I also wanted them to experience the carefree joys of childhood.
What exactly that sense of freedom meant, at that moment, I couldn't say. Perhaps it was the exhilaration of exploring the woods without a care. Or maybe it was simply the feeling of being alive in nature's embrace.
As I ventured into the woods alone that day, just before sunset, on a mission to gather herbs and appease the nagging woman who always demanded more from me, little did I know I would never return home. She had asked my son to accompany me, but he had refused. He would come to regret his decision for the rest of his life, though he could not have known it then, and neither did I.
How mortals get themselves into trouble is still something beyond me now that I have all the understanding I do. But maybe I can see the forest and the trees better now.
But I couldn't back then.
The memory of the day I met him is etched into my mind forever, every detail as vivid as the first moment I saw him. It was a balmy summer night, the air thick with the scent of earth and herbs. My arms were burdened with various plants for potions that the witch-woman had requested. I trudged through the dense forest, feeling annoyed and resentful that I had been tasked with this errand while there were countless other things I would rather have been doing. The sun sank below the horizon, its golden rays fading into a deep, inky purple.
And in that expanding darkness, I tripped along the river bank somewhere beneath the mountain. My foot snagged on a hidden root, and before I knew it, I was tumbling headfirst into the indigo abyss. I tried to reach out, grasp anything firm, but the world spun and twisted in dizzying circles. The last thing I felt was the sharp bite of a jagged rock against my temple as I plunged into the icy depths of the river. My lungs filled with icy liquid. Panic set in. Struggling against the weight of my heavy clothes and numb limbs, I fought to reach the surface for air. But as I swallowed more water and my body grew weak, a sense of resignation washed over me. Maybe this was meant to be my end. Death didn't scare me, not really. Perhaps this was the will of the old gods, for I had been raised on stories of their wisdom and mercy, taught to trust in the natural order of things. They were the protectors of our land, the arbiters of life and death, and I trusted in their divine will to guide me through the darkness.
But just as I was about to give up and let the water claim me, strong arms grabbed hold of me and pulled me upwards. Gasping for air and coughing up water, I was aware of every ache and pain coursing through my body. My eyes flew open to meet the piercing silver orbs staring back at me.
The man who had saved me spoke urgently, his voice laced with concern. "I need to save your life," he said. "Will you let me?" At that moment, it didn't matter who he was or how he had found me floating in the river. All that mattered was survival, and I nodded weakly in agreement before everything faded into darkness again.
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swkrullimaging · 1 year
InDesign Insufficient Gutter Space
 I was writing my first novel Spirit of the Wolf, and first book in the 6×9 publishing size when I came across this vexing problem when trying to publish. Adobe InDesign -Insufficient Gutter Space. Amazon said there wasn’t enough room on the inside margin. Oh no, I thought, am I going to have to reformat my entire manuscript? Repairing Insufficient Gutter Space So I went into my InDesign…
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mogirl09 · 1 year
Donate For Publication
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - The Illyrian Enigma #4 Review
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma #4 IDW Publishing Written by Kristen Beyer and Mike Johnson Art by Megan Levens Colors by Charlie Kirchoff Letters by Neil Uyetake The Rundown: Pike and Spock continue their mission to help a friend at an unexpected destination. Spock and Pike are rescued just in time from the poisonous Illyrian home world and Spock returns with something…
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erickaclay · 1 year
I pray nobody knows.
This is my third attempt. I first started with a podcast. It’s good for SEO. Maybe people would like the sound of my voice and hypontically end up on my site, books in their checkout basket before knowing what hit them. Or maybe I’d try YouTube. Throw on a little concelear so all the years I’ve tried and failed would be a little less noticeable under my eyes and give them seventy-two free ways…
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wh0re-behavi0r · 2 years
It's so clear to me that I'm really sad when I come up with the angstiest fics in my head
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