#erin oliver
mogirl09 · 1 year
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budgieflitter · 21 days
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PART 1 part 2!!! this took much more thinking than the previous one but i hope it turned out just as engaging :) i'll likely make another post with more details also big thanks to al-pomegranate-seeds for the ideas you sent me earlier, it really helped! the descriptions are below 🔽
GRUNT = DREAMER Professor Buzz Grunt is a respected researcher in his field, as well as an aspiring history novel author. However, after the unfortunate fire accident and the loss of his wife it became harder to provide proper education to his sons. Can his golden child Tank prove his worth to this demanding dad? Is he really ready to make a commitment to the new Specter heiress for the sake of the family?
Jenny always knew that there will be difficulties with cross-cultural relationships, but between juggling family and career problems, her way too secretive husband is just too much to keep track of. What is he hiding? Will Johnny be able to fit in and reconcile with his little sister? SPECTER = GOTH
When the head of Specter Industries was about to retire and pass the business to her son, he disappeared without a trace. Is there a possibility that this is the doing of someone with eyes set on her fortune? Can Olive really entrust the inheritance to her niece Ophelia?
Economy is tough and passion for science is expensive, so the Curious brothers have to share the living space to get by. After the birth of Tycho things have become especially challenging. While Lazlo is invested in dubious hacking activity, and with Vidcund eager to fund another one of his “secret science projects”, can Pascal cope with his new role as a cosmic parent? And what about the rumor that the Specter heir was last seen scaling the deck of their house?
Lola and Chloe arrived to Pleasantown to reconnect with their roots, or so they claim. Have they really been missing the fatherly affection, or do they have ulterior, fiscal motives?
Kristen doesn’t particularly care for Pleasantown, but she has to admit that people here are quite the attraction. She is committed to her dream of becoming a world famous sports champion. Is her commitment to Erin Beaker just as genuine?
After graduating from college, Erin moved in with her brother and his wife while she’s trying to adjust to adult life. While Loki is being hospitable, Circe is growing tired of tarot readings and psychic seances. Can Erin’s newfound love help out before Circe turns her into a makeup testing animal?
💬 i hope there is enough drama to make this work hahaha i'm also planning to post a couple of other characters and notable townies swapped separately
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oliveoomph · 6 months
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Happy One Year of Willow
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donlotharioshot-tub · 2 years
the residents of strangetown want to wish you a very out of touch thursday
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f1shart · 1 year
a dozen more shitposts (pt 1)
you know i used to think that a dozen was the same as a thousand. the words are similar ok can you blame me?? now if this was a thousand more shitposts that would be a different story....
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hellodahliah · 3 months
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happy international women's day 💐
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darlingillustrations · 3 months
I feel like I should be panicking more. My rent is due in one week, my landlord isn't friendly, and I have no one to ask for help. And yet? I have an eerie sense of calm about it.
I know the calm that happens when you are not actually calm but panicking and your body is helping you survive. This isn't that kind of fake calm. I am sleeping at night. I'm not snaping at my kids. I am *at peace.*
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(Read more for musings about the economy, my spiritual mindset in the midst of it all, and some Mary Oliver poetry.)
Five years ago? I would be panicking and staying up late working long hours and burning myself out. But now? These days I'm working full days, then stepping back and cooking meals or working on projects for my kids. It feels more stable this time. I feel like I've matured.
I got a report in my email yesterday which showed that retail sales in January plunged 0.8% from December, far worse than the consensus forecast for a decline of just 0.2%, and the largest monthly loss since March 2023. On the one hand, it made me feel better that it's not just me. On the other hand, it sucks that lots of other people are struggling, as well.
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Still, I make the time to meditate every morning. Still, I pull out my poetry books and take my life advice from Mary Oliver. In the poem One or Two Things she wrote:
One or two things are all you need to travel over the blue pond, over the deep roughage of trees and through the stiff flowers of lightning--some deep memory of pleasure, some cutting knowledge of pain.
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You don't need to have all the answers. You just need to put one step in front of the other.
Last year when I launched my wholesale business, I drummed up over 1000 leads. I'd pick a city and use google maps or yelp to search for gift shops, stationary stores, coffee shops... anywhere that I thought might want my work... and I took the time to write a personal note to each and every one of these businesses. This month I decided to check back in with them again, and so many of the businesses are now closed or their email addresses no longer work.
Having exhausted these leads, I sat at my computer yesterday with the knowledge that I needed to wait on people to get back to me, that the wholesale leads were out of my hands. And that I still did not have money to pay my landlord. Not once did I fear I would join the list of closed businesses. I did not despair.
Instead, I turned to my first joy. I went back to the sales history on my website and found my very first customers from back in 2016 when I launched my web shop. I emailed them, each of those first customers, sending personal emails. I did not ask them to buy anything. That wasn't what I needed. I asked how they were, what they have been up to, where their lives have taken them.
I was searching for that deep memory of pleasure, that cutting knowledge of pain. One or two things is all we need, after all.
And I got one email back.
This woman was the first person to ever buy an art print in my online shop--a honeybee boy painting--and it is still hanging in her stepson's room, nearly 8 years later. She shared pictures of her new baby, and I shared the pictures with my kids. This woman had sent me many emails over the years, asking for life advice or encouraging me on a hard day. She shared that she didn't realize her emails had made such an impact on me.
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Funny how none of us truly sees how impactful we are to those around us. Funny how life keeps going on, whether we worry about it or not.
In One or Two Things, Mary Oliver also wrote:
For years and years I struggled just to love my life. And then the butterfly rose, weightless, in the wind. "Don't love your life too much," it said, and vanished into the world.
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I want my character to be defined not by what I do when things are easy but by how I carry myself when things are hard. And I do believe things happen for a reason. Maybe the line between delusion and faith is very thin, but the universe has shown me time and again that it's had my back. I've been in worse scrapes and still came out ok.
If you've read this far and you want to help me get through the next week, you can buy something from my shop or support me on Patreon.
And if you've read this far but you are in a similar boat, don't fret. We will find our way through the fires. one. step. at. a. time.
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bennibenasi · 1 year
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Strangetown makeovers!
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acesandwords · 25 days
There are over 600,000 children in Rafah. In total there are ~1.4 million people crammed into Rafah. They are currently trapped and unable to cross the border into Egypt due to Israel ramping up their bombing and beginning a ground invasion.
All the same, these families only hopes are raising money through Gofundme so that they still might get a chance to cross. Please, anything helps, if you can spare $5, $1, $0.50 literally all of it adds up and it does make a difference. Gofundme has a $5 minimum but many people have opened their venmo's and cashapp's, with accountability and receipts, in order to take smaller amounts.
predominantly the fundraising is happening through tiktok, a creator there named Erin Hattamer set up a program call Pass The Hat which helps sign other creators up to adopt a family, who has gone through a two a part vetting process. She is working in tandem with Project Olive Branch who has been helping families for months now. These programs work, I have seen dozens of families raise their goals to get out. Please considering donating, and if you cannot reblog this so someone who can might see it.
It costs upwards of $5000+ for a single adult to cross the border, I know that sounds like a lot especially with larger groups trying to escape, but it is doable with many small donations.
Project Olive Branch
Erin Hattamer - Pass The Hat
Call your reps and demand a permanent ceasefire
I'm also going to link one of the families I've donated to here, as they are still pretty far from their goal and could use a boost Dalia Masoud
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giftedpoison · 30 days
no cause we can shit talk tiktok all we want but oh my god what creators are doing with Operation Olive Branch is living in my head.
A creator by the name of Erin Hattamer started doing a "pass the hat" thing where content creators can fill out a form and they'll be assigned a Palestinian family's go fund me and their entire job is to keep posting about that family until they meet the money goal.
and I have seen so many goals being met???
And like at first Erin was reaching out to major content creators to try to get people on board, but after those first couple she got so many people willing to continuously help and "adopt" more families after they reach the goal.
And on top of that her and a lot of creators are donating all their tiktok earnings, and taking donations on their venmos to then send to gofundmes (some people can't afford the five dollar minimum) and those doing that are genuinely showing proof of where that money is going.
And it is so fucking wholesome and it's made it a lot easier to manage than looking at a spreadsheet and getting decision paralysis. Now I can just boost videos I see and donate where I can
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mogirl09 · 1 year
Historical Short Fiction: The Russian Revolution
This is a story about the struggle of everyday people during times of political upheaval and the difficult choices they have to make. Alexei stood in line at the market, his stomach rumbling from hunger. The atmosphere was tense, with people pushing and shoving to get to the stalls with any food. Alexei felt weak and dizzy from the lack of food and wondered how much longer his family could…
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dumbass-with-internet · 8 months
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oliveoomph · 1 year
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Willow (2022) - Behind the Scenes
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dystopianam · 6 months
In ROUND 2 you have to choose who to eliminate, NOT who to win. The last remaining sim will be the winner of Strangetown tournament!
To check the status of all the rounds, see who won the previous ones, who was eliminated and which polls are currently active, go HERE.
Please reblog for increase the chance of getting more votes!
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imperfectfragilediary · 4 months
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Vogue Italia July 1997
Amber Valletta, Audrey Marnay, Benoit Taupin, Carly Hanger, Carolyn Murphy, Daniel Schmickl, Danielle Zinaich, Erin O'Connor, Georgina Grenville, Kate Moss, Kirsten Owen, Maggie Rizer, Oliver Bjerrehuus, Seijo Imazaki, Thorsten Mølsgaard Larsen & Dorota Wojcik by Steven Meisel
Styled by Joe McKenna
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rayratman · 5 months
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I would draw the single refs I’ve been doing but I’m having fun with families rn lol
Can’t really think of many headcannons rn because I’m sick with the Covid
Nami is a trans lady who joins a group of wandering loners
Zack and Taylor are adopted together
And Oliver is deaf!
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