#protein rich food for vegetarians
trexovablog · 2 months
Achieving a Balanced Diet: A Guide to a Healthier Lifestyle
Are you tired of navigating through the maze of conflicting diet advice? Do you find yourself puzzled by the abundance of information on what to eat and what to avoid? It's not always difficult to maintain a balanced diet. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the essentials of nutrition, including protein rich food for vegetarians, intermittent fasting diet plan, and the fundamentals of a balanced diet.
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Understanding a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is not about depriving yourself or adhering to strict rules; it's about nourishing your body with the right nutrients in the right proportions. It's like providing your body with a well-oiled machine, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently.
Importance of Protein in the Diet
Protein is the building block of life. It plays a crucial role in repairing tissues, building muscles and supporting various bodily functions. Without adequate protein intake, our bodies cannot thrive.
Exploring Protein Rich Foods for Vegetarians
Contrary to popular belief, vegetarians can meet their protein needs without consuming meat. There is a plethora of protein-rich foods available for vegetarians, including tofu, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa and nuts. These foods not only provide ample protein but also offer essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.
The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is more than just a trend; it's a scientifically backed approach to eating that has shown numerous health benefits. By cycling between periods of eating and fasting, intermittent fasting can aid in weight loss, improve metabolic health, and even boost brain function.
Crafting an Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan
Designing an intermittent fasting diet plan requires careful consideration of your lifestyle, preferences and health goals. Whether you opt for the 16/8 method, the 5:2 approach, or alternate-day fasting, it's essential to listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly.
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Incorporating Whole Foods
When it comes to nutrition, whole foods should always take center stage. These foods are minimally processed and packed with essential nutrients, making them the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Fill your plate with colorful fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to nourish your body from the inside out.
The Role of Macronutrients
Macronutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats, are the building blocks of our diet. Each macronutrient serves a unique purpose in our bodies, from providing energy to supporting cellular function. Balancing these macronutrients is key to maintaining optimal health and well-being.
Importance of Hydration
Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and vitality. Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function, from regulating body temperature to aiding digestion and nutrient absorption. Make it a point to stay hydrated throughout the day to maintain optimal bodily functions. 
Listening to Your Body
In a world filled with fad diets and conflicting advice, it's essential to listen to your body. Pay attention to hunger cues, cravings, and how different foods make you feel. Your body is incredibly intuitive, and by tuning into its signals, you can make informed decisions about your diet and lifestyle.
Managing Portion Sizes
Food quality is important, but portion control is just as important. If overindulged, even healthful foods can lead to weight gain. Be mindful of portion sizes, listen to your body's hunger cues and avoid mindless eating.
The Role of Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is about more than just what you eat; it's about how you eat. Eat slowly, enjoy every bite, and be aware of your body's signals of hunger and fullness. By practicing mindful eating, you can develop a healthier relationship with food and enjoy a more satisfying dining experience.
Overcoming Challenges
Embarking on a journey toward a balanced diet may come with its challenges. From busy schedules to cravings and social pressures, there will be obstacles along the way. Stay committed, be patient with yourself, and remember that progress, not perfection, is what matters most.
Staying Consistent
Maintaining a balanced diet requires consistency. Establish healthy habits that you can sustain in the long term, rather than resorting to quick fixes or extreme measures. Remember, it's not about perfection but progress.
Achieving a balanced diet is not about following strict rules or depriving yourself of the foods you love. It's about nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-rich foods, listening to your body's cues, and finding joy in the eating experience. By incorporating protein-rich foods for vegetarians, intermittent fasting diet plans, and other key principles outlined in this guide, you can embark on a journey toward a healthier, more vibrant life.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some protein-rich foods suitable for vegetarians?  
Vegetarians can enjoy a variety of protein-rich foods, including tofu, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, nuts and seeds.
2. How can I create an intermittent fasting diet plan that works for me?  
Start by experimenting with different fasting methods and schedules to find what fits your lifestyle and preferences best.
3. Is it necessary to count calories on a balanced diet?  
While calorie counting can be helpful for some individuals, focusing on nutrient-dense, whole foods is often more beneficial for overall health.
4. Can intermittent fasting help with weight loss?  
Intermittent fasting can aid in weight loss by promoting calorie restriction and improving metabolic health.
5. How can I overcome cravings and stay on track with my diet?  
Focus on incorporating a variety of flavorful, nutrient-rich foods into your diet, and practice mindfulness to help manage cravings and avoid overeating.
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trexova · 10 months
Diet for Effective Weight Loss for Females
In the pursuit of achieving sustainable weight loss goals, adopting a well-structured diet becomes a pivotal factor. For females, weight loss can sometimes present unique challenges due to physiological and hormonal differences. This article delves into the realm of effective weight loss strategies tailored for females, focusing on the integration of protein-rich vegetarian foods and the concept of intermittent fasting.
Understanding Weight Loss for Females
When discussing diet for weight loss for female, weight loss strategies, recognizing the specific attributes that make the female body distinct is crucial. Metabolism and fat distribution differ between genders, and hormones play a significant role in weight management for females. Acknowledging these gender-specific variations sets the foundation for crafting a successful weight loss plan.
Metabolism in females tends to be slightly slower than in males due to factors such as lower muscle mass and hormonal fluctuations. Moreover, the pattern of fat distribution in females commonly involves storing excess fat in the hips and thighs. This so-called "pear-shaped" distribution contrasts with the "apple-shaped" distribution seen more frequently in males, where fat accumulates around the abdomen.
The hormonal landscape of females, characterized by estrogen and progesterone, also influences weight loss. Hormones not only affect appetite and cravings but also impact how the body utilizes and stores fat. For instance, estrogen can promote fat storage, particularly during certain phases of the menstrual cycle.
Crafting a Protein-Rich Vegetarian Diet
Adequate protein intake is pivotal for weight loss as it supports muscle preservation and boosts metabolism. Contrary to common misconceptions, vegetarian diets can be abundant in protein. Exploring alternative protein rich food for vegetarians sources is essential:
Quinoa: Often referred to as a complete protein, quinoa contains all essential amino acids necessary for muscle repair and growth. Additionally, it provides dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and maintaining a feeling of fullness.
Lentils and Legumes: These humble foods pack a double punch by offering both protein and fiber. Lentils, chickpeas, and beans are versatile ingredients that can be incorporated into various dishes, promoting a satisfying and protein-rich diet.
Greek Yogurt: Emerging as a high-protein dairy option, Greek yogurt provides a creamy and indulgent source of protein. Its probiotic content also contributes to gut health, a factor increasingly recognized for its impact on weight management.
Tempeh and Tofu: These soy-based products serve as excellent alternatives to traditional animal proteins. Tempeh's firm texture and nutty flavor make it a great addition to stir-fries and salads, while tofu's adaptability allows it to be used in everything from smoothies to scrambles.
Navigating Intermittent Fasting for Optimal Results
Intermittent fasting has gained traction as an effective approach to weight loss and metabolic health. The method involves cycling between fasting and eating windows. Different methods include the 16/8 method, 5:2 method, and Eat-Stop-Eat. Tailoring these methods to female biological rhythms, such as menstrual cycles, enhances the fasting experience and results.
16/8 Method: This approach involves fasting for 16 hours daily and consuming all meals within an 8-hour window. Aligning the eating window with the body's natural circadian rhythm can aid digestion and improve the utilization of nutrients.
5:2 Method: With this method, females consume a regular diet for five days a week and restrict calorie intake to about 500-600 calories on two non-consecutive days. Careful planning is crucial to ensure that nutrient needs are met on both fasting and non-fasting days.
Eat-Stop-Eat: This method entails fasting for a full 24 hours once or twice a week. For females, considering the fasting days in relation to their menstrual cycle can help mitigate potential discomfort and align with energy levels.
Building an Effective Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan for Females
Constructing an intermittent fasting diet plan necessitates mindful nutrient distribution during eating windows. Pre-fasting and post-fasting meals should strike a balance between macronutrients. Staying hydrated and considering necessary supplements are equally important. Regularly evaluating progress and making adjustments ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the plan.
To make the most of intermittent fasting, start by paying attention to nutrient density. Incorporate nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals. For pre-fasting meals, focus on complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats to sustain you through the fasting period. Post-fasting, opt for a balanced meal that replenishes energy stores and supports muscle recovery.
Staying hydrated is paramount during intermittent fasting. Water, herbal teas, and other non-caloric beverages can help curb hunger and maintain bodily functions. Supplements like multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and electrolytes may be considered to bridge potential nutrient gaps, but consulting a healthcare professional is advised before introducing new supplements.
Addressing Common Concerns and Risks
While embracing weight loss strategies, females must ensure they consume sufficient calories and essential nutrients to maintain overall health. Hormonal imbalances can occur, affecting weight loss progress. Consulting with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians can mitigate these risks and provide personalized guidance.
The journey towards effective weight loss for females is both unique and transformative. Integrating a diet rich in vegetarian protein sources and embracing intermittent fasting can empower females to achieve their goals sustainably. Remember, individuality remains at the core of every successful weight loss journey. Embark on this path with determination, and witness the harmony of nutrition, fasting, and female physiology sculpting a healthier you. As you navigate the intricate interplay of your body's biology, may your choices reflect not just the pursuit of weight loss, but the cultivation of lasting well-being.
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thepanvelite · 1 month
The Secret Superfood: A Unique Khichdi Recipe for Optimal Health
Khichdi, a simple and nutritious Indian dish, gets a flavorful twist with this recipe. Packed with proteins and essential nutrients, it's a wholesome meal for any time.
Khichdi, a staple in Indian cuisine, is renowned for its simplicity and health benefits. Today, we’re sharing a unique khichdi recipe that combines traditional ingredients with a twist, offering a delicious and nutritious meal that’s sure to become a new favorite. Ingredients: 1 cup Indrayani rice 1/2 cup Moong dal (yellow split lentils) 1/2 cup Masoor dal (red lentils) 1/2 tsp Turmeric…
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protein rich food
ebook elevate your plate with protein
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wholesome-eten · 9 months
Protein Rich Indian Vegetarian Food - The Ultimate Guide
Introduction Definition: What is Protein and Why Is It Essential for Our Bodies? You’ve heard the word ‘protein,’ but do you know what it truly means for your health, especially when considering Protein Rich Indian Vegetarian Food? Simply put, proteins are the building blocks of life, made up of vital amino acids. These compounds are essential for everything from cellular repair to immune…
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Meeting Your Daily Protein Needs: A Guide for Diabetic Patients
Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes and hormones, and supporting a healthy immune system. The amount of protein one should consume daily depends on several factors, such as body weight, activity level, and individual goals. In this article, we will explore the recommended daily protein intake based on these factors and highlight 10 excellent vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources of protein.
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Additionally, we will discuss important considerations for individuals with diabetes.
Determining Daily Protein Requirements:
When determining your protein needs, it's important to consider your body weight and activity level. The general recommendation for sedentary individuals is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, for those who engage in regular physical activity or strength training, higher protein intake may be necessary to support muscle repair and growth.
For active individuals, a range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is often recommended. Athletes or those engaging in intense training may require even higher amounts, typically around 2.0 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the ideal protein intake based on individual needs and goals.
Top  Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1. Legumes and Pulses: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and other legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein. They also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice.
2. Quinoa: Considered a complete protein, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids. It is also rich in fiber and minerals like iron and magnesium.
3. Tofu and Tempeh: Made from soybeans, tofu and tempeh are versatile sources of protein. They are low in saturated fat and can be used in a variety of dishes.
4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients.
5.  Yogurt: This dairy product is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Opt for low-fat or non-fat varieties and avoid added sugars.
6. Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product that is high in protein and calcium. It can be enjoyed on its own or added to salads and recipes.
Top  Non-Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1.. Chicken Breast: A lean protein source, chicken breast is low in fat and high in protein. It is versatile and can be prepared in various ways.
2. Fish: Options like salmon, tuna, and trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. They also provide essential nutrients like vitamin D and iodine.
3. Lean Meat: Lean cuts of meat, are excellent sources of protein and iron. Moderation is key due to their higher fat content.
4. Eggs: Eggs are a convenient and cost-effective protein source. They contain all essential amino acids and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
Considerations for Diabetic Patients:
Individuals with diabetes should pay attention to their overall carbohydrate intake when incorporating protein-rich foods into their diet. It's important to choose protein sources that are low in saturated fats and added sugars. Here are some additional considerations for diabetic patients:
Balanced Meals: Include a variety of protein sources along with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fiber to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake. A registered dietitian can provide guidance on appropriate serving sizes.
Timing and Distribution: Spread protein intake throughout the day to support blood sugar control and enhance satiety.
Protein Powders and Supplements: If necessary, diabetic patients can consider incorporating protein powders or supplements into their diet, but it's important to choose those specifically formulated for diabetics and consult with a healthcare professional.
Protein is an essential component of a balanced diet and plays a vital role in overall health and well-being. The amount of protein needed daily depends on factors such as body weight and activity level. By including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, you can meet your daily protein needs. For individuals with diabetes, it is crucial to consider the quality and quantity of protein sources while maintaining an overall healthy eating pattern. Consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations to ensure a well-balanced diet that meets individual needs.
Visit our official website: https://www.bestdiabetologistindelhi.com
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
High-Protein Diet: 7 Protein-Rich Snack Recipes For Vegetarians
One of the most essential building blocks of our body, protein is a key ingredient in a healthy, balanced diet. Protein helps build lean muscle, repair damaged cells and fuels energy by carrying oxygen throughout the body. This macronutrient is also useful in regulating the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Those who are trying to lose weight often try and include more protein in their…
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boltnutrition · 1 year
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sensationzmedia · 2 years
Top 10 Protein Rich Foods
Strained yogurts, like Greek-style and skyr, pack more protein compared to conventional varieties, and are thicker and creamier, too. Flavored yogurts can contain a surprising amount of added sugar. By combining Greek yogurt with fresh berries, you'll add just enough sweetness to offset the pleasing tang of the yogurt, without the added sugar. Unsalted sliced almonds add a great crunch and an additional source of plant protein.
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Protein is a huge center of attention for dieters and healthy eaters due to the fact when you include it in a meal or snack, it helps you experience satiated. And any meals that can preserve you feeling fuller, longer, gets a thumbs-up.
But, the reality is, we almost continually get adequate protein barring even trying. In the U.S., the common woman eats about seventy three grams per day, whilst the average man eats about one hundred and five grams per day. Both of those amounts are higher than the recommended intakes (0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight), and due to the fact our our bodies don't store excess protein — it's broken down and excreted if the body doesn't want it — you mustn't overemphasize consuming protein in your every day diet.
Instead, the key is to distribute protein at some point of the day and to center of attention on the type of protein sources you eat. We have a tendency to load up on this macronutrient at dinner, but you may additionally be better off incorporating protein into ingredients and snacks in the course of your day. Doing so will help you continue to be fuller between meals, and your physique will be able to more successfully use the protein you supply it.
Instead of relying on protein powders and shakes full of components you can't pronounce, choose for protein-rich, nutrient-dense whole foods that provide plenty extra diet general (vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.). Making your very own snacks, as adverse to relying on packaged snacks all the time, leaves you in manage of the component size and dietary benefits. A small investment of time and effort on the the front give up will shop you money and calories later on. These filling snacks each have 6 to 20 grams of protein (for reference, an egg has 6 grams of protein).
Our snack hints are additionally handy to prepare, definitely packable, and can be carried with you-from the office to the ballpark.
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Is there anything more simple and classic than hard-boiled eggs? There are so many ways to hard-boil an egg, and if you're unsure, our method ensures you get the perfect hard-boiled eggs every time. You can also find peeled, bagged hard-boiled eggs at some grocery stores. To jazz them up after peeling, sprinkle on some regular or fancy salt and fresh pepper or dab with your favorite hot sauce.
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Roasted chickpeas are delightfully crunchy—and they're a greater nutritionally dense substitute for chips (and with a ways less saturated fat). To make roasted chickpeas, rinse a can of chickpeas and pat them dry with a paper towel. Toss the chickpeas with extra-virgin olive oil and seasoning, such as salt and pepper, cumin or chili powder. Spread on a sheet pan and roast at 425°F till crunchy, about 30 to forty five minutes. Let cool, and then snack. Because you can use any seasoning or seasoning mixture you enjoy, the chickpea customizations are endless.
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There is infrequently a more traditional aggregate than apples and PB. Dipping apple slices into gooey peanut butter tastes like an absolute treat. And you cannot go incorrect nutrition-wise. Eating sparkling apples is associated with a more healthy heart. Folks who eat apples every day have a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure and total and LDL cholesterol, and less inflammation, research shows. When it comes to peanut butter, no longer solely does it comprise the perfect fill-you-up mixture of protein and healthful fats, however ingesting it many times may additionally also enhance cognitive function, according to a randomized clinical trial (researchers deposit polyphenols, plant compounds found in peanuts). Feel free to sub in any nut or seed butter of choice, however go for choices that are made with solely nuts and per chance salt.
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Who says a salad cannot be a snack? While most human beings shop them for dinner or lunch, ingesting them between ingredients is a stellar way to add more vegetables into your day. Spinach, avocado and pumpkin seeds provide a dose of satisfying fiber, wholesome fat and protein. A creamy dressing on top affords greater fat that helps your body absorb the fat-soluble nutritional vitamins A, E and K in the spinach greens. Salad hack: Make certain to mix your salad in a large bowl, so that each leaf can be covered in the delicious dressing, then add a sprinkle of salt and pepper on top.
Some breakfast cereals are excessive in sugar, but Three Wishes is a grain-free, lower-sugar, higher-protein alternative compared to different varieties. So the place does the protein come from? This cereal is made with chickpea and pea protein, plus monk fruit for sweetness. Pairing a higher-protein cereal with the protein found in milk can provide a quick and easy snack alternative that tops off at an spectacular sixteen grams of satiating protein.
Also, it's vital to be mindful that many exceptional sources of protein are out there. You do not just have to rely on a massive steak for dinner, or a deli-meat-loaded sandwich for lunch. Switch it up. You can get protein from nuts, fish, dairy, legumes and even total grains-and all of these offer different dietary benefits in addition to protein.
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Whirling up a smoothie doesn't have to be complicated. This is the best formulation for a easy smoothie this is a hit each time. By the use of undeniable strained yogurt, unsweetened frozen fruit and herbal nut butter, you may create a sip it is now not solely excessive in protein, but has zero delivered sugar. Feel free to use any frozen fruit you have on hand, and freeze leftover fruit it's almost past its high for future smoothies, too.
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Trail mix is a mixture of dried fruit and nuts that’s occasionally blended with chocolate and grains. It’s a properly source of protein, providing 8 grams in a 2-ounce serving
You can extend the quantity of protein in path mix by the usage of almonds or pistachios, which are barely higher in protein than other kinds of nuts, such as walnuts or cashews
The dried fruit and nuts in trail mix make it very high in calories, so it’s essential to not consume too a good deal at a time. A handful is a lifelike serving.
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Tuna is loaded with protein and makes a very healthy and convenient snack. One cup contains an marvelous 39 grams of protein, making it more filling
Additionally, tuna is excessive in quite a number other nutrients, such as B nutritional vitamins and selenium, and includes a extensive quantity of omega-3 fatty acids
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Eating a handful of almonds or every other kind of nut for a snack is a simple way to fill up on protein.
One ounce of almonds provides 6 grams of protein, in addition to high quantities of vitamin E, riboflavin, hint minerals, and healthy fats
Snacking on almonds many times is associated with many other fitness benefits and may even assist you manipulate your weight.
Almonds are additionally high in calories, so it’s important to stick with the encouraged serving size. A handful is equal to round 22 almonds.
If you are really serious about your fitness then you should also join some fitness classes who will help you to maintain the continouity in maintaining the fitness level. You can go to sensationzperformingarts website for more information.
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openmindcrimecook · 1 month
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arenpath · 1 year
Food you eat with The Lost Boys
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Word count: 1.5+ The Lost Boys x fem!reader Warnings: you can't date David and be vegetarian at the same time:( A/n: Why is Marko so cute? I spent the whole night to finish it. I tried to fix the look of Paul's part but it didn't work, so I hope it won't ruit the experience. -DAVID-
It was all about the first impression.  
David was sure about it, so he couldn’t let himself invite a woman on a walking date or make her sit and eat in a cheap diner.  
That's why David took you to the most expensive place in Santa Carla on your first date and most of the others. 
It didn’t matter to him how many stinky rich Santa-Carla's residents and tourists he had to kill to get money to spend on you and your gastronomic dates.  
David wanted to treat you like a queen you were. 
He wouldn’t mind stealing some cash from Max, but David would never ask him to give him some, the boys always did. 
When you insisted on spending the night just chilling on the boardwalk, he often tried to not let you eat fast food and sweets. 
He knew how fragile humans’ health and lives were, so he was worried that, remaining human, you could hurt yourself by eating unhealthy meals.  
However, he also couldn’t let you starve and just watch how boys eat. 
So he just gave up and bought you whatever you wanted, taking a promise from you to eat well and healthy during the day.  
When you both spent time in the cave, he always asked Marko to take you from a Chinese take out something pricey with lots of meat and vegetables.  
In the restaurant, he ordered for both of you rare steaks with red wine. 
Animal blood couldn't compare to human blood, let along yours. Even though he hadn't tried to take a bite out of you yet, he knew that your blood would be a delicious bliss. 
He liked when you were eating meat. 
David hated stupid fuckers who thought that women should eat less and only salads. 
In his eyes, you needed lots of protein to have enough strength to defend yourself during the day when he couldn’t do so.  
And you would need lots of blood when you become a vampire to protect your clan from hunters and bear his children.  
Watching how you were taking a bite, he imagined that it wasn’t just a meat, but human flesh.  
David often couldn't hold back a satisfied grin, fantasizing about how your already vampire fangs ruthlessly dig into a victim's body, biting and tearing tendons.  
As for wine, it not only just tasted delicious, but a glass of red wine could be simply replaced with a glass of his blood.  
Dwayne went under many names: a silent one, handsome, blood sucking monster, papa, big brother, daddy, hottie. 
But you called him lovingly, granny. 
You first met Dwayne standing in the line to a food stall. 
He and Laddie were standing right behind you. Dwayne was listening to the boy, who couldn’t choose an ice cream flavor. 
Suddenly you felt how you were tugged by your shirt from behind. 
When you turned around, firstly you met with dark brown eyes and then your eyes fell on the little boy. 
“What is your favorite flavor, miss?” - the boy asked. 
Since then, every time you met Dwayne on the boardwalk, he bought you that ice cream.  
Dwayne was that grandmother who bought everything as soon as you mentioned that the taste was good. 
All the fast food and sweets that were on the boardwalk could be yours. 
If you told him that something wasn't as tasty as you thought, or that you were tired of some kind of food, he stopped carrying it to you for a while, but then everything went back to normal. 
The same story was with Laddie. 
You were truly amazed how after such an amount of sugar, his teeth were perfectly fine.  
However, you still recommended Dwayne to change the boy's diet. 
So soon you started seeing the boy with either with a bag of veggies or tacos and hot dogs. 
Still not the perfect choice, but not the worst. 
And after you approved Dwayne’s choice, all those were soon included in your diet too. 
When you found out that Dwayne couldn’t provide for Laddie more complicated dishes at their home, you suggested your own kitchen. 
You found out that Dwayne greatly missed such things as soups and oatmeal.  
You enjoyed cooking it with him and Laddie. 
It felt so natural, like you had known them for years. 
Like you were a happy family.  
Dwayne was a hopeless romantic, when you spent your time without Laddie, just two of you, at your place, he always brought a bottle of champagne and a box full of strawberries in chocolate.  
If Dwayne wanted to spend some time outside, he organized a picnic on the beach for you. 
He took a couple of blankets from the cave: one for you, so you wouldn't freeze, and one to sit. 
Even though he knew that you would cook something for your little date, he still went to the supermarket to buy extra sandwiches. 
During your picnic dates, Dwayne never missed the opportunity to feed you or lick sauce from your face or petite fingers. 
When you first met Paul, he was able to spend the whole night without eating and drinking anything.
If you tried to offer to order something, he always said that the only thing he was hungry and thirsty for was you.
However, after a while, Paul started appearing on the boardwalk more energetic than usual, if at all possible.
When he grabbed you in his arms, everything became clear – he was high.
If before the only thing he wanted to eat was you, now he was as hungry as a wolf.
Your table was full of fatty and high-calorie food from the boardwalk.
Before Paul, the only time of a day when you could eat cereal was morning, now if Paul visited you in that state, you spent your night in front of TV with the bowls of cereal and freezing milk.
Paul was definitely an ass and thighs guy, so if he stayed at your place and had a clear mind, he couldn't deny himself the pleasure of putting his head on your lap.
You let him do so, he was laying on your lap, while you were watching TV and eating popcorn.
With Paul, you started attending almost all concerts in Santa-Carla, so your bag or backpack was always full of different snacks such as cereal bars and potato chips. And, of course, you had some bottles of water.
Being together with Paul meant spending lots of time with Marko.
The boy was happy to buy something for his buddy’s girlfriend.
It could be cotton candy of different flavors, a bag of candies, your favorite ice cream and slushie.
Paul had a dirty mind, so it was hard to eat fruit ice and banana near him if you didn’t want to become a victim of his stupid jokes.
Paul was also a person with strange preferences in food.
One night, he just took your ice cream and put it in a glass of lemonade to introduce you to a new drink.
You heard from Marko that he even ate cat dry food. You were so curious that you even bought some for yourself to try it at home without eyewitnesses.
When you were sharing with him your school stories, he stopped you and asked if you had ever tasted chalk.
Marko was biting his thumb, staring at the menu. 
Even though vampires could live without human food, for Marko, the ability to see how different cuisines changed from time to time and taste it was definitely one of the pros of immortality.  
He often blamed his Italians roots that even after his death he had a thing for a good diner.  
Now he was standing in the Chinese restaurant, not knowing what new positions to order to satisfy his taste buds and your brothers'.  
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed you, also standing and staring at the menu. 
“Can I help a sweet thing to make up her mind? Hm?” 
Family of a missing guy could probably say “thank you” to both of you, because that day Marko came back to the cave in the wee small hours, thereby leaving their brothers hungry, because of which, when they could not satisfy their hunger with human food, they caught a fool who wandered to the sea and tore up his body.  
Marko was sure that it was the love at first sight. 
He spent the whole night with you talking about Chinese food and food in general. 
Money intended to buy food for him and the boys was spent on buying everything a little bit and showing you the entire menu of his favorite restaurant. 
When he understood that you were a foodie too, and you found out that he had Italian roots, you decided to definitely meet again and try everything Italian that Santa-Carla could offer 
Marko always had a thing for pastries since he was a child. 
Now, being a vampire, he could not afford to enjoy only baked buns in the morning, but he negotiated with the owner of a good bakery to deliver some to you every morning.  
You two had lots of dates when he painted graffiti on buildings and billboards of the city, and you enjoyed him, his talent and the night city. 
He made sure to bring either something hot to dring or energy drink. 
You were his muse, so he often painted you, while you were posing with different fruits, not denying yourself the pleasure of eating them after. 
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najia-cooks · 9 months
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[ID: A large bowl filled with rice noodles, julienned carrot and cucumber, piles of herbs, and grilled 'chicken' strips; a bowl of sauce with minced chili and garlic is to the side. End ID]
Bún sườn nướng chay (Vietnamese rice noodle salad)
This is a vegetarian ("chay") version of bún gà nướng, a Vietnamese rice noodle ("bún") salad with grilled chicken ("gà nướng"). Chewy rice noodles, fresh vegetables and herbs, and a tangy, slightly spicy sauce combine with grilled or pan-seared 'chicken' to create a rich, flavorful, well-rounded dish. A marinade of lemongrass, sugar, garlic, and vegetarian fish sauce caramelizes around the 'chicken' as it sears, creating a sweet-and-savory crispy coating that perfectly complements the bright, herbacious salad. This dish can be made with Vietnamese sườn non chay, or with any meat substitute you have on hand.
Recipe under the cut!
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Serves 4.
For the nước chấm (dipping sauce):
1/2 cup water
Juice of 1 lime (2 Tbsp)
2 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/4 cup vegan fish sauce
3 Tbsp sugar
1 red chili (de-seeded and sliced)
3 cloves garlic, minced
Fish sauce doesn’t take “like” fish, merely fermented and intensely salty. You can buy a bottle of ready-made vegan fish sauce from a Southeast Asian brand such as Au Lac, or you can make your own by combining the following ingredients:
For the vegan fish sauce (nước mắm):
3 Tbsp liquid from a jar of fermented bean curd
1 Tbsp white miso paste
1 Tbsp light soy sauce
1/4 tsp salt
For the chicken (gà):
300g vegan chicken substitute (I used Gardein), or 100g sườn non chay
2 cloves garlic
1 stalk lemongrass (or substitute lemon zest or a bit of preserved lemon pulp)
Juice of 1 lime (2 Tbsp)
1 Tbsp vegan fish sauce
1 Tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce
1 Tbsp Vietnamese soy sauce
2 tsp vegetarian 'chicken' broth concentrate, or bột nêm chay (optional)
2 Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp neutral oil
Sườn non chay may be found in bags online or at your local Asian grocery–the bags will be labelled “sườn non chay” as well as “vegan meat slice,” “textured soy bean protein,” “vegetarian food,” or “vegan food.”
Bột nêm is a Vietnamese seasoning sold in powder or granule form. Vegetarian (“chay”) versions of the seasoning may contain shiitake mushroom, lotus seeds, carrots, tomatoes, and kohlrabi, as well as salt and MSG. It can be purchased in pouches or boxes from an Asian grocery store, or you can use any other vegetable stock powder.
For the salad:
300g vermicelli rice noodles
2 cups bean sprouts
1 large carrot (julienned)
1 seedless cucumber (julienned)
6 leaves romaine lettuce (julienned)
1 bunch fresh cilantro
1 bunch fresh rau răm (Vietnamese mint), or mint
2 stalks green onion, sliced
Handful of peanuts
Fresh Vietnamese herbs can be found in the refrigerator section of an Asian grocery store, particularly one that specializes in southeast Asian food. You can also experiment with whatever leafy herbs you have on hand.
For the chicken:
1. (If using sườn non chay:) soak meat slices in cool water until rehydrated. Squeeze out excess water and cut each slice in half along its shortest dimension, to get two blocks of the original height and width.
2. Slice lemongrass. Peel away any tough, dry outer leaves to reveal the yellow-green leaves within. Remove the root end of each stalk, as well as the tough green portion at the top of each stalk (reserve this latter to boil in stocks). Thinly slice the tender yellow portion of each stalk.
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3. Mix all marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Marinate chicken for 20-30 minutes while you prepare the nước chấm and vegetables.
4. Remove the chicken from the bowl, leaving any excess marinade behind. Heat a couple teaspoons of oil on medium in a large pan then sear the chicken, turning once, until deeply golden brown on both sides (or use a charcoal grill). (If using a pan) filter marinade to remove lemongrass slices, then pour extra marinade over the chicken and cook, stirring often, until coated.
5. Cut chicken into strips, or as desired.
For the nước chấm:
1. Mix vinegar, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, and water in a small saucepan. Heat, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved.
2. Remove from heat and add minced garlic and chili. Pour into a bowl and allow to cool.
For the salad:
1. Boil the vermicelli according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cool water to halt cooking. Toss with a little bit of neutral oil to avoid sticking.
2. Roast peanuts in a dry pan on medium-low, stirring often, until golden brown and fragrant.
3. Julienne carrot, cucumber, and lettuce. Roughly chop herbs.
4. Plate vermicelli followed by vegetables, herbs, chicken, and peanuts. Spoon some nước chấm over the salad and set remainder to the side to serve.
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A TV channel in my area plays Star Trek TOS episodes on Saturday night, last week's episode was the one about how the writers were scared of hippies lol.
Anyway, in the episode they go the anvilicious route of making all the plants on that planet incredibly poisonous (and the hippies I guess too technophobic to wave a tricorder over a bush before deciding they want to settle there), but before they found out about that there was a line about the planet having no animals and, wait, even if the biochemistries were compatible, wouldn't a planet with no animals logically be pretty difficult for humans to survive on, especially if the humans are going to go full anprim and live as gatherers?
Obviously getting enough protein might be a problem. And I think there's some vitamin you can only get from animals? You only need tiny amounts of it IIRC, small enough that preindustrial vegetarian Jains were able to get enough from insect contamination in their food, but on a planet with no animals at all that would be a huge problem!
But also, no animals would logically mean no fruit, right? Fruit exist to entice animals to move a plant's seeds around for it. If there's no animals, there's no reason for plants to expend energy on growing them. Plants on a planet with no animals would probably mostly propagate by wind-blown seeds, and have seeds similar to dandelion fluff, small and very light to easily disperse in the wind.
That basically leaves tubers. Which probably would exist; they might be even more useful on a planet where there are no animals to plunder such rich stores of energy (though I guess there'd probably be parasitic fungi and stuff evolved to exploit them). On the other hand, on a planet with no browsers or grazers the main selection pressures driving the evolution of tubers would be winter, drought, and fire, so if "Eden" has a nice climate it might not have a lot of tubers either.
I don't think it'd look nice and pretty and park-like like the planet in the episode either. For one thing, I think, just like it has no fruit, it'd have no flowers except things similar to dandelion puffs; there'd be nothing to pollinate them. With no animals with eyes, there'd be no reason for plants to evolve parts with dramatic color contrast. Its vegetation would be rather visually monotonous, mostly greens and browns. But also, and more importantly in terms of its potential (or lack of thereof) for human habitation, that kind of lush but open park-like landscape is what you get when vegetation is being regularly pruned back by people or animals or fire or some combination of those things. I think a planet with no animals would have very different vegetation growth patterns, more like...
In areas dry enough for burning seasons, I think you might get a fire-adapted ecology where fire does some of what grazers and browsers do on Earth. With no grazers and browsers and the main selection pressure being competition between plants, you'd get a dense tangled profusion of growth and lots of slowly decomposing dead plant material (cause there's no animals to help break it down or prune the leaves before they get a chance to die and fall off, just bacteria and fungi). It'd probably be rather difficult for a human to walk through, a forest choked with a dense profusion of undergrowth and dead stuff; at least there are no thorns, and nothing like poison oak; with no animals there's no selection pressure for thorns or poison. In dry parts of the year, this accumulation of living and dead plant material becomes a tinderbox for wildfires. If a planet like this looks idyllic from orbit, it's cause you arrived in mid-spring/mid-autumn; come in summer/winter, when dry seasons are in full swing, and you would see huge wildfires and skies stained with smoke. The oldest and biggest trees are tough enough to usually survive the burning, but the undergrowth is cleared. After the burn, seeds sprout and saplings grow quickly, competing to take advantage of the cleared ground, quickly filling the forest back up with a tangled profusion of growth and an increasing accumulation of slowly rotting dead material, completing the cycle.
On the other hand, on the same planet, in the places with lots of rain and conditions favorable to evergreen plants, there might be forests of enormous trees with forest floors that are pretty open but rather dark, barren, and muddy, with most light being blocked by a dense cathedral-like canopy far above. They'd smell of mud and rot, as the forest floor has accumulated large amounts of slowly decomposing leaf litter fallen from the canopy far above and has a mostly decomposer-based ecology of fungi and bacteria that slowly feeds on that. This is an ecosystem of trees and rot, and the trees make no fruit, they reproduce by seeds like dandelion fluff, small and very light to float on the wind, and they don't even produce much of that; they live a very long time and reproduce very slowly, partially because they're Cronuses; their dense canopy starves their own offspring of light along with everything else. For all the green lushness of their canopies these forests are low-energy ecosystems, conservative ecosystems, defined by the almost total victory of ancient, mighty incumbents; these are the Cronus forests, the lands of the Cronus trees.
There's very little energy available to humans in these Cronus woods. Some edible mushrooms, maybe; that'd be about it. Very possibly humans simply could not survive here, except perhaps in tiny numbers and by living in almost hermit-like isolation and dispersal. The Cronus forests might be almost as hostile as the Sahara or Antarctica, a place where the likely fate of some unfortunate stranded human explorer would be to die of hunger lying on the roots of some sequoia-size Cronus tree that was ancient when Julius Caesar marched into Gaul, staring up into cathedral-like dense green canopy through which only a dim twilight illumination filters even at mid-day, their nose filled with the reek of mud and rot.
Humans might try to terraform the Cronus forests by opening them, but I think that might be quite difficult for low-tech humans. The obvious efficient strategy for attacking the Cronus trees would be to set fire to them, but fire would be one of the primary natural threats to the Cronus trees, and a strong selection pressure on them, so I expect them to be well-adapted to resist it, with fire-retardant chemicals in their bark, wood, sap, and leaves so they resist ignition, and with their sheer size protecting them. The floors of the Cronus woods would receive almost no direct sunlight and therefore be cool and probably damp, and they would have very little undergrowth; fire would probably not spread easily through such an environment. It might be more effective to set torch to the canopies, but they would be dozens or maybe even hundreds of meters above the ground; quite a climb, on a tree that's probably more-or-less a branchless trunk much of the way up, and you've got to climb back down after setting the tree on fire.
That leaves tediously timbering them one by one. With, say, Medieval technology, this might work! The Cronus trees look mighty and their rule assured, but they are actually quite vulnerable. They are slow. Their defenses are purely passive. They literally could not make a single motion to defend themselves as an enemy attacked them with steel saws and axes. And they reproduce very slowly; if they could be timbered efficiently, it would be easy to destroy them faster than they reproduce. An enemy that can think and move is an outside context problem for them, something that never existed in their environment and therefore something they are totally unprepared for. Humans with steel saws and axes might be very efficient killers of these ancient titans.
But steel axes are pretty high-tech if you think agriculture was a mistake. Without metal tools? Imagine trying to bring down a giant sequoia without metal tools, so the axe is something delicate like obsidian or bone, or it has to be very tediously ground to a blade, or you're basically trying to bring the (big and structurally strong!) tree down by bashing it to a pulp, and big saws are probably impossible. Now imagine having to do that over and over again. Imagine trying to clear a forest that stretches from horizon to horizon that way.
If very low-tech humans can inhabit the Cronus forests at all, I think it might be as, like, highly dispersed small families who move around constantly and rarely meet each other, living on the occasional patch of edible mushrooms or other tid-bit, cause there just isn't enough energy to support anything denser. And even then, they might have to stick to the edge, where other ecozones are accessible, cause, like, would mushrooms even have all the nutrients you need?
I mean, I guess there would be some kind of open woodland areas? I think a planet with no animals would have more forest than a more Earth-like planet with the same climate, cause you've removed a major inhibition on plant growth. Think of how places like highland Scotland used to be forested, but when humans with livestock were added to the mix it became more-or-less an open grassland landscape. I think you'd see a similar effect comparing Plantworld to a version of the same planet that had animals; places that would be marginally viable forest without browsers would be grassland or open woodland with them. But a planet with no animals is probably going to have areas wet enough for plants but too dry for forests, so it'll probably have some grassland equivalents. But...
... Grass in natural prairies often gets pretty tall, doesn't it? And that's with grazers. A grass-equivalent that evolved on a world without grazers would be more selected by competition against other plants. I think no selection by grazing but more selection by competition against other plants might favor more investment in individual stalks. And instead of looking like our grass, these plants would have a cluster of little branches and leaves at the top, for better light interception - and to shade and thus inhibit the growth of any rivals growing near their base!
So, maybe... The experience of walking in a grassland in no animals world is very different from walking through a lawn or even the kind of knee-high or less wild grass I see around the Bay Area. The grass is tall. It's taller than you. The stalks are thick too; finger-thick and hollow; it's more like a forest of young bamboo. It feels more like walking in a cornfield. And it's surprisingly dark. Each stalk has a little crown of small branches and leaves, and together they make a surprisingly dense canopy not far above your head. The effect is claustrophobic and eerie. It has a vibe a little like the Cronus woods. And that's not an accident; these plants are essentially much smaller versions of the Cronus trees; tighter constraints, similar strategy. This place replicates the Cronus woods in miniature. This is the Cronus prairie, the land of the Cronus grass.
This probably doesn't sound like a place you'd like. If it's any consolation, if the Cronus grasses had minds they probably wouldn't like you either. Unlike the Cronus trees, the Cronus grass is small and vulnerable enough to experience you, fast-moving muscles-having thing, as the outside context problem you are on its world. You move through the Cronus grass and break a stalk. What a calamity to that plant! All the energy and resources it poured into building that stalk, all that work, the work of its life, undone in an instant! Now it has no crown to drink the sun, and its luckier neighboring competitors will close over it, and it will die without ever having a chance to scatter its gossamer seeds on the wind. Or maybe it's a different, longer-lived sort of Cronus grass (Cronus grass and Cronus tree aren't species, they're strategies and niches), and in the soil below the base of the stalk, where the long-lived part of the plant lives, there is a tuber, from which it can pull stored energy to regenerate the stalk, but this only prolongs the failure cycle; that energy was supposed to be used to regenerate the stalk after the Cronus prairie burns in the dry season and is reduced to a horizon-to-horizon smoldering plain of bare earth and ash; now its energy stores will be depleted when the fire comes, and afterward it will not be able to keep pace with the growth and regeneration of its neighbors and rivals, and they will close over it and it will die.
Those tubers make the Cronus prairie the best place on this planet for humans to live. Some of the Cronus grasses are annuals and live only one year, dying in the fires of the dry season and leaving only seeds to continue their lineage, but many are long-lived, with root systems that survive the fires, and these all have tubers that store energy to regenerate their stalk after the burn. In the competitive scramble after the burn the advantage offered by such a pre-existing storehouse of caloric wealth is huge, and these plants evolved in the absence of any animals that might raid them. Think of the Cronus prairie as a vast field of turnips and potatoes, with multiple edible plants in every square foot of soil, stretching from horizon to horizon. Here, at last, is something like the promise of Eden; food provided abundantly by nature with no need to work the soil, simply waiting to be dug up, available in such quantity that there would be little motivation for hard toil or war. That is, if you don't mind a monotonous diet of bland and nutrient-poor tubers, every day, every year, almost every meal, from the day you are weaned to the day you die. Low-tech human inhabitants of the Cronus prairie would have plenty of calories, but getting enough protein and other nutrients to stay alive and healthy might be a very hard struggle for them, and they might often suffer from malnutrition.
The abundance of the Cronus prairie would also be fragile. The tuber-growing Cronus grasses are long-lived and reproduce slowly, and digging up the tuber would probably destroy one. All the defenses they use to protect their precious hordes of carbohydrates are against enemies as slow as themselves, bacteria and fungi and specialized "vampire plants" without chlorophyll; they are not evolved to deal with raiders with muscles and eyes who can simply physically dig up the tubers. It would be quite easy for humans to slip into harvesting them faster than they reproduce.
Imagine what life might be like for a low-tech inhabitant of the Cronus prairie, a few hundred or a few thousand years after establishment.
Your staple food is something like turnip soup (the stalks of the Cronus grass furnish the fuel for cooking). No animals in your world have yet developed the ability to breathe on land, but there are things a little like insects you can find in creeks and rivers; they are enough to supply your people with the nutrients you absolutely must get from animals. Your people wean your babies late, because mother's milk is one of the precious few foods available to you that is not Cronus grass tubers and is much more nourishing. You've learned to feed your children small amounts of human feces to establish the gut microbiomes they need to process food. Finding enough food that isn't Cronus grass tubers to get all the nutrients you need is a struggle, but you know if you eat only Cronus grass tubers you will get sick and die slowly. In fact, your people are chronically malnourished and chronically ill, but you live long and most of your children grow up anyway, because your world has few bacteria and viruses capable of infecting humans, so your immune systems don't have to be very strong. In a desperate measure to increase protein consumption, your people have incorporated cannibalism of the deceased into your funeral rituals (your people view the practice as loving and reverential and normal, not desperate; it is done only to people who have already died of natural causes and allows their flesh to still be part of the tribe while their bones are shallowly buried to nourish the Cronus grass). Water bugs and human flesh are the only meats you've ever tasted. It is the beginning of the dry season, and the sky is stained with high-altitude smoke from the vast wildfires already burning hundreds of kilometers to the north. Soon your people must move northwest to the island of barren rock that rises from the Cronus prairie or southwest to the Cronus woods; there is little food in those places, but the fire stops at their boundaries, and to be caught out in the Cronus prairie when the fire walks across it is death.
You know, if you're going with "hippies have an overly romanticized view of nature and therefore don't deal with it well," I think I'd kind of prefer this. Just making the plants on "Eden" super-poisonous is just kind of an arbitrary fuck you, but... "Planet with no animals and sufficient abundance that you can survive as a gatherer without much effort" is totally something I could see as a hippie fantasy; no need for hard toil or alienating technology, little temptation toward war, no dangerous animals that might hurt you, and no temptation toward carnivory. But it's an ecologically incoherent fantasy! You are also an animal! A world with no place for animals has no place for you! It will probably not be an easy world for you to survive on! Of course, it'd be difficult to portray this in a one hour TV episode; would probably work a lot better with a novel.
Also, you could flip this around: if you think about it, it's actually really weird that a planet with no animals has fruit (even super-poisonous fruit). Maybe it's not a natural wilderness. Maybe it's somebody's food forest.
Suggestion: "Eden" is actually a heavily gardened world maintained by one of those state-repelling cultures James C. Scott talks about. Its inhabitants are not humanoid and have totally different biochemistry from us, so the local food's perfectly edible, palatable, and nourishing to them. They mostly live as gatherers at a low level technology, doing the sort of proto-agricultural ecosystem engineering lots of hunter-gatherers do on Earth. They maintain just enough technology to tell them when a starship is dropping by. When that happens, they crawl into little hidey-holes and go into a deep hibernation, which makes starship sensors not register them as alive. They come out of hibernation a few days later or something, which is usually enough time for visitors with more galactic-normal biochemistry to realize the plants on the planet are poisonous to them, lose interest in it, and leave.
Something something people who reject the value system of settler colonial society but don't reject the terra nullius myth.
Also, I might use these ideas for a planet in my own sci fi, cause it has a premise that easily lends itself to such a scenario happening somewhere in it.
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The Owl House Headcanon on Character's Favorite Japanese Dishes.
Luz Noceda: Okonomiyaki (Hiroshima-Style preferred). She likes it for it is a perfect comforting fusion between pancakes and takoyaki (which she had some bad memory from getting her tongue scrouged by it). Plus, she can choose a variety of fillings, which is great for her neurodivergent vibe (while also easily getting bored).
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Amity Blight: Zaru Soba. She'd likely go for a dish that is simple yet defines Japanese elements. She would enjoy it with chunky chopped spring onion, wasabi-infused dipping, and hot tea on a side. After a few years of trying more Japanese dishes, she also got into shio udon and yakisoba. (and yakisoba-based okonomiyaki with her sweetheart)
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Willow Park: Kimchi Nabe; full of vegetables, proteins from meat, eggs, mushrooms, tofu, and gochujang-rich kimchi (Giving spiciness and Korean-ness that Willow never realized she needed). She loves her nabe with varieties and large quantities of proteins. Especially chicken-based meatballs (like in sumo wrestler Chanko Nabe), chicken breasts, lean slices of beef, and white tofu. Plus, extra spicy.
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Gus Porter: Omurice with ketchup fried rice underneath a blanket of thin and creamy omelet. He prefers creamy demiglace sauce with mushroom and beef stock base, alongside ketchup and a dash of Kewpie mayo. Maybe steamed bacon with low-sodium, crabstick, or fish sausage for the side protein. Plus, he loves Sanrio and doesn't care about locals' eyes upon him enjoying his two plates of My Melody Omurice.(It's kids' size, so two is it).
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Hunter Noceda/Park/Daemonne: Kushiyaki, especially those from old-school Yatai stalls. However, he would avoid poultry-based ones (especially the wings, as tributes to his lifesaver, Flapjack) and alcoholic drinks. He usually goes with beef and vegetables on the same stick. His favorite side drink is Ramune or Calpis yogurt drink. He usually has a few pods of salted edamame first, if offered.
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Vee Noceda: Shojin Ryori meal from local Zen Buddhist temples. Somehow, she can tastes 'magic' in food, and enjoy talking about spiritual and morality topics with Buddhist monks(and nuns). She usually not paying them by money but doing them some cleaning and arranging the sutra. She sometimes enjoy draining magic from Omamori (Green one is a yum!).
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Edalyn Clawthrone: Tantanmen, extra broth, extra noodles, and a few extra pieces of boiled eggs. With rice on the side. After an extreme night (either work, or a party), she carves for carbs, proteins, and spices. Eventually, it becomes her usual comfort dish. Plus, it was worth her two meals and a pretty budget. If she feels extra fancy, maybe some extra meat as well.
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Lilith Clawthrone: Kure's JMSDF (Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force)-style Curry Rice, with milk (low-fat, or soya milk) and salad with a light dressing. She prefers a vegetarian version and original taste that serves Japanese maritime forces. She eventually made her own thanks to befriending a friend who was a chef on a Japanese battleship in the Cold War.
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King Clawthrone: Set of different sushi varieties. He is into nigiri and maki with a few simple ingredients. He is into a grilled saltwater eel, salted boiled ebi (or tempura-fried), churnchy cucumber, and tamago. Onigiri is also his go-to, but he is not into raw meat.
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iwantzerocalories · 2 months
protein rich foods/recipes pleaseee (vegetarian and low cal for the love of god) ♡
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I've never been assessed or got a diagnosis of autism, but the more I read about it the more I realize I can relate to a lot of autistic experiences.
Anyways, I've had sensory issues since I remember, particularly when it comes to taste, textures o foods, smell and contact with water. I'm picky with food and unfortunately have been force-fed a lot in childhood :( Because of that I've always seen eating (and drinking) as a chore, rarely taking pleasure in it.
I've been raised in a family valuing healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. It means our meals were rich in dry grains, vegetables, very intense sauces, etc. - literally everything that makes my skin crawl. Of course things I like are almost universally unhealthy - dairy, a lot of carbohydrates, sweets, meat.
The problem is - I'd really like to stay healthy and have a diverse diet (also not to get into conflicts over food with my family), but I just can't. If I were to turn the healthy mode on I know it would just take away any amounts of pleasure that I somehow still have left from eating and preparing food. I'm also worried about the climate change and was thinking about going vegetarian, but then I quickly realized that it can't be done in my case because of how narrow my options are when it comes to foods I accept.
How do I reconcile such different needs and aspirations? Maybe anyone has any advice/can talk about their experiences?
Hi there,
As someone who also has sensory issues due to food, it is hard to stay healthy. The only foods I like are either processed or premade. Mainly because of the consistency. Sometimes I eat some vegetables, but I have to have ranch on them. Tomatoes are the bane of my existence. I hate the taste and texture. However, I do like things made from tomatoes. Like tomato sauce and tomato soup.
I drink protein shakes to get some extra vitamins and minerals. Maybe that could help some?
Sorry if I rambled here. I’m sure many have had similar experiences.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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