#projecting minus having a group of friends that care about you as anything more than an acquaintance
cnidarianrui · 3 months
one projection-headcanon i have is that rui is not at all open about his age regression.
he did not grow up with a group of friends around him that would accept him.
he has found away to keep himself company, to hide all of his secrets away in himself.
you'd think that now that he has wondersho he can just spill his secrets and let them flow, not afraid of rejection.
its not that easy
growing up lonely then having friends doesn't mean a complete attitude change
even though he has friends
though he has people who care about him
he is still horribly lonely
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But I Shine So Bright - Rafe Cameron x Reader
Dear Reader Duology: Part 1, Part 2
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Summary: You wake up hungover from the previous night’s party, and are struck with the realization of the conversation you’d had with Rafe prior. You decide that, yes, you should actually have that conversation with him sober like he’d suggested. So, that’s what you two do. Word Count: 5.1k+ TWs/CWs: Adult/profane language, she/her pronouns used for reader, brief descriptions of a hangover, OOC Rafe in that he's only a little crazy and is actually willing to admit he was wrong, unrealistically fast relationship re-establishment, Rafe still wants to kill that guy lol, bad example of a healthy relationship but hi this is Rafe be so for real here, Rafe obviously has pretty privilege Note: Yeah so I just decided to do the part 2 lmao so here she is. And now it has me thinking Thoughts about doing more Dear Reader inspired fics for OBX babes...like a Dear Reader duology collection sounds like a fun little project hehehe
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Waking up was more painful than you’d anticipated. When you’d gone out, you never intended to get that drunk. Decidedly, you’d drank more than you had in a long while. A stupid choice all around, but especially stupid considering you didn’t have the built-in protection of…him anymore. Your girlfriends had dutifully tried to slow you down, but you didn’t listen to them.
Fuck’s sake, even his friends had tried to stop you. To be fair, they’d been more successful. Yes, the first memory you woke up to was Topper and Kelce, your ex-boyfriend’s best friends, stopping you from doing a fucking keg stand. And that was just something special considering you knew damn well that you’d been wearing a skirt with nothing underneath. So clearly your night had been just full of good choices.
“God,” you groaned, rolling over on your side. Your eyes landed on a water bottle on the side of your bed. You blinked once, twice, a third time, and then lurched up into a sitting position. “Shit.” While the sudden movement made you nauseous for a moment, you managed to resist the urge to vomit. You scrambled for your phone. It was noon already. Fuck. You saw that a group chat with your friends had blown up and you had a slew of other texts.
Where the hell did you go?
Why did Topper come tell us that fucking RAFE took you home??
Hello?? Girl what the hell are you thinking?
You better call us and tell us that you’re safe.
Dude you better not fucking sleep with him I swear to God I am SO serious.
Be like Dua Lipa and remember the new rules bitch.
Be safe I swear to GOD bestie I’ll fuck you up if you get hurt.
If you fuck him you better not let him hit raw.
BYE don’t let him hit AT ALL.
“Shit,” you hissed.
You’d thought you’d had a dream that Rafe had been the one taking care of you. A pleasant dream minus the blubbering you’d been doing. But no. It turns out you actually had been blubbering on him. On the ex who left you for no reason and with no discernible guilt outwardly shown. This just had to be a joke. It had to be. The pit in your stomach wasn’t from the aggressive hangover, it was literally just the dread that had an iron grip on you. Looking down at your phone again, you saw a text from Kelce of all fucking people too.
Lmao I know you’re gonna be hurting this morning but let me or Top know if Rafe did anything stupid yesterday and we’ll beat the shit out of him fr.
You couldn’t help but let out a high-pitched, borderline hysterical laugh at the very idea. You run a hand down your face, grateful that Rafe had forced you to take the makeup off the night before. You felt sick and awful and still somehow better than you had before. It was pathetic somehow, on some level, that spending even an hour with Rafe had the ability to make you feel so much better and so much worse all at once. So, with trembling hands, you made a move to answer.
First, to your friends.
Not yall acting like you don’t have my location. I got home safe. Nothing happened fuck off.
You then immediately silenced the group chat so you wouldn’t have to deal with it. You looked at Kelce’s and cringed, letting your fingers move.
Yeah definitely got a hellish hungover. Thanks for keeping me from doing a keg stand like a dumbass last night btw? Idk what the fuck that was about. And nah, Rafe didn’t do anything. Even if he did you wouldn’t win that fight, Kelce, be so fr lol.
The response from him came quickly.
Ah, she lives. Well, you didn’t choke on your vomit so that’s good. And hurtful, I could definitely beat him.
You rolled your eyes.
Yeah, maybe if he were tied to a chair bro. But fr, thank you for helping me out. Thank Top too for me btw.
The response took longer this time. And was punctuated by an immediate follow-up.
Course. I’ll let him know. You’re still our friend. We weren’t gonna let you get that messed up.
You should talk to your boy though. Let him know you’re good. Pretty sure he’s worried about you.
You bit your lip. Instead of replying, you instead closed that text thread and looked back to the rest of your messages. But, you were thrown for a loop when you saw Rafe’s name appearing at the top, texting you just now. You weren’t proud of it, but you had to throw yourself from your bed and empty your stomach. You blamed the hangover, but you also knew that the anxiety of facing him after the night before was nerve-wracking enough to be the culprit alone.
Once you finally cleaned yourself up, you felt a bit more human again. Only then did you return to your phone. You stared at it for a few minutes before even daring to pick it up. Then, you stared at your background - still a picture of you and Rafe, one where his smile was so big from a laugh that it crinkled the corners of his eyes and you had buried your face in his neck while also laughing. You hated that you hadn’t changed it yet, but every single time you tried to, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You put the phone down again.
Sighing, you reached over and grabbed the water bottle he had left you. Then you noticed he’d also left out some meds for you to take. Not letting yourself think about it or the way it turned your stomach, you took the pills and drank the water completely before letting yourself even think about your phone again. At least that was the lie you spun yourself, ignoring the way that the stupid piece of technology wove through every thought and every damn breath you took.
In an effort to pretend like that wasn’t true, you walked down to your kitchen and got a Liquid I.V. knowing damn well that Rafe would be telling you to if he were here. And, yeah, even now, the little things he did to show he cared still stuck to your bones. You hated it. Or, at least you hated that he wasn’t actually here. Some days it was hard to tell which was true and which was the lie. You wanted him, you didn’t, you wanted him, you didn’t. You definitely did—that was the truth and you knew it.
Steeling yourself, you eventually went back upstairs and picked your phone back up. Clicking Rafe’s name, you were fully prepared to ignore whatever the message was like you knew you should if you were going to get over him. But somehow, you could feel the familiar love and affection punching you in the gut.
Take the pills I left. Drink some liquid iv or whatever if you have it. Don’t forget to eat.
You inhaled shakily, thinking if you should even respond or not, worrying at your lip and tapping your fingers anxiously against your knee. But, as you did, another text came through from him.
Lmk if you need anything.
Short, sweet, and to the point.
You, your brain supplied unhelpfully. I just fucking need you.
You thought about the night before. About the words he said. About the stark honesty in his voice that you hadn’t heard in months from him. You thought about the simple promise he made. He said that you could talk about it when you were sober if you still wanted to. Did you want to? Yes. So, before you could talk yourself out of it, you clicked his contact to call him and brought the phone to your ear.
“You okay?” were the words that Rafe greeted you with. Not hello. Just concern.
“I…yeah. I’m fine,” you said when your brain finally caught up with you again. “I…thanks for getting me home. You know, and everything else too,” You paused for a moment, finishing with, “You really didn’t have to do all that.”
“Of course I did,” Rafe said, sounding surprisingly serious. “I’d never leave you like that. Ever.”
“I’m sorry I was such a mess,” you said, reflexively apologizing. “And sorry I was like…pawing at you like some animal.”
Rafe let out a dry sort of chuckle that betrayed he was at least slightly amused by some of your antics the night prior. It made your heart flutter, which just felt utterly ridiculous. He made a noncommittal noise. “I just wanted to make sure you, you know, were good.”
“No. Seriously, I can’t imagine how much worse that would’ve gotten without you there. So really, uh, thanks. I was…not thinking last night obviously,” you said. There was a pregnant pause over the phone and you realized how that sounded. “I mean I, like, really don’t drink that much!” You were rushing to clarify, anxious to make sure that Rafe knew you didn’t mean your conversation with him. “I seriously don’t even know how much I drank. I’m lucky I didn’t, like, die in my sleep.”
“I’ve seen you worse,” he said flatly. “You’d have been fine.”
“That’s when I had you, though,” you pointed out before you could stop yourself. You heard Rafe inhale sharply, saying your name but you cut him off. “Did you mean what you said?”
Rafe paused. “What?” he asked cautiously.
“That we can actually talk,” you clarified.
“Are you not too hungover for this?” Rafe asked, sounding tired already.
“No,” you said bluntly. “I want to talk to you.” You huffed out a sigh. “Rafe, I need to talk to you.”
You heard him let out a sigh of his own. “Yeah,” he said. “I know.”
“I want to do it in person,” you said, willing to push your luck here. “I don’t want to do this on the phone. I want to see your face so I know if you’re lying to me.”
Rafe gave a similar sort of dry chuckle to before. “Have never lied to you, Princess, but sure. Fine. Today?” he asked shortly.
“Yes,” you agreed. “Today. I think waiting two months was long enough.” Rafe didn’t rise to the bait, which you were partially glad for and partially disappointed by. “How about we meet at the country club at like…six?”
“You want to do this in front of people?” Rafe asked, surprised.
“No. We’ll go down to the beach. Just easier to meet there,” you said vaguely.
The reality was the country club gave you a way to chicken out last minute that the beach didn’t. At the country club, you could hide in a bathroom. On the beach, unless you were planning on drowning yourself or burying yourself in the sand you were stuck with him.
“Okay, Gorgeous,” he said lazily, the nickname slipping easily from his tongue. “Do you want me to pick you up or…”
“I’m good,” you denied. “I’ll get there.”
“See you later then,” he said.
“Okay. See you,” you said, hurriedly hanging up before you said something stupid like I love you or just tell me now why you left me.
You spent the next few hours panicking about what you’d just done, torn between hating yourself for making that choice and being relieved that it was finally happening. You gave all of your friends in your group chat a short version of your plan. You were met with a mixture of approval and disapproval from everyone—mostly born of a desire to make sure that you were alright. They offered to come and do recon so you’d have an easy out, but you denied the need. Then, they offered to come and slash his truck tires, which you declined just like you had the first hundred times they’d offered over the past two months. After that, they settled and just insisted that you text them an update later to let them know what was going on. It was easy enough to agree to.
You make your way to the country club a little bit before six and were shocked to see Rafe already waiting there. He was sitting at the bar, knee bouncing with anxiety, tapping at an empty glass in front of him. His eyes met yours, and just for a moment, you froze in place. Slowly, you drifted over to his side and were pleasantly surprised to see that he appeared entirely sober.
“Hey,” he greeted when you found words hard to formulate.
“Hi, Rafe,” you replied after a few breaths.
He looked you up and down, an undercurrent of amusement passing through his eyes. “I’d ask if you want a drink but I have a feeling that you’d rather swallow a bucket of sand right now,” he said.
You nodded, grimacing. “Pretty much,” you confirmed. You glanced towards the door. “Wanna…go?”
God, how could this be so fucking awkward? you asked yourself. This was the man you fell in love with and knew like the back of your hand and still somehow this was wildly uncomfortable like you didn’t know each other at all.
Rafe nodded slowly, rising to his feet. He gestured for you to go first, eyes habitually roaming around the room. They landed on the guy who had been touching you the night before at the party, gross hand on your leg as if he had any form of claim to you. Rafe felt his blood boiling for a moment and had to resist the urge to go and pummel the guy’s face in. It was hard for him, at least until the guy looked over, noticing Rafe. Immediately, the creep paled to a near-ghostly white shade. Satisfied by the obvious fear, Rafe offered the guy a condescending smile, with a harsh edge to it, teeth set. He put his hand on the small of your back as you walked, guiding you forward and opening the door for you as he went. As he passed through, his eyes did not separate from the guy’s until you had exited. The message was clear, even though you hadn’t even noticed the interaction at all.
She is Rafe Cameron’s, she is not available.
As you started to walk down to the beach, almost immediately, Rafe began to feel guilty for thinking that. He’d already done enough to hurt you in his eyes. But, then again, he couldn’t deny the part of him that desperately did want a second chance to reach that famous happy end. The kind that he knew only you could give him. The kind that only came with you beside him. No, he couldn’t ignore that part of him. It made up most of him. And he knew that it made up most of you too. And that was the part that made him loathe himself all the more.
On and on down the beach the pair of you walked, alternating between a few feet and barely a few inches between you. The silence continued on until you realized you didn’t even know how to approach this conversation. You sighed, stopping in your trek, evidently having decided you were far enough from other people to have this conversation now. 
“I don’t know how to even start this,” you admitted quietly. “I miss you. I meant that. I meant everything I said last night except that I hate you. I don’t. I wish I could, sometimes. But I don’t. I love you. And…and last night you said that you loved me too, still.”
“I do,” he said, shrugging, then setting his jaw to shut himself up.
“Then why are we doing this? When we love each other and we both want to be together? Why?” you asked, the words simple but desperate.
“You’re better off without me,” Rafe said, staring at the horizon, refusing to look at you.
“I’m not,” you denied. “And you’re not better without me either. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that either.” He’d been spending an egregious amount of his time high or wasted since your break up and it was impossible not to notice. Rafe glanced down at you and then back out over the water. The sky above you was morphing from its crystalline blue to the golden hues that promised night was coming soon. “I think we’re past lying to ourselves about that, don’t you? Or at least we should be.”
“I know that I’m not. But you are,” he reiterated. “I’m…an absolute fuck up. And I am only going to drag you down. That is all that I will ever be good for. You may not get that now. But you will.” He sighed and looked over at you. “I’m trying to do the right thing here, Princess.”
“Well look at that, wrong as usual,” you muttered, shaking your head. “You’re not any of that! You’re not a fuck up. You’re not going to drag me down. You are…” You gesticulated wildly, trying to have your brain magically summon the words to describe how you felt. You settled for shaking your head and gesturing around you. “You’re like a…like a fucking beacon or something.”
Rafe snorted. “Fuck me, if you think I’m some sort of guiding light you’ve lost it, Princess,” he said sharply. “I’m literally the opposite of that. I don’t…I don’t help people. I just hurt them.” He gestured towards you. “Look at my family. Look at my friends. Dragged them all down. And…I mean, just look at you. How could you think that I’m anything good anymore?” He shook his head. “No, just…no. I’m not.”
You groaned. “Stop talking about yourself like you’re some hideous monster that has to hide in the dark,” you insisted, voice growing louder. “You’re not. You’re just a man! That’s it! A fucking stupid man, who I love more than anything…who I hate to see tearing himself apart like he does. An absolutely idiotic man who I miss so much it hurts to wake up in the morning.” You deflated, shoulders slumping, and this time you were the one looking out over the water while Rafe stared intently at you. “I’m not better off without you.” From the corner of your eye, you saw Rafe’s hand run over the bottom half of his face while he shook his head. You saw him bring his hand towards his lips and your head whipped over to look at him. “Don’t bite your damn nails, when was the last time you washed your hands? You’ve touched doors and railings! This is a public beach!”
It was like a bubble of tension cracked at that and Rafe laughed. Honest to God laughed. Laughed like you hadn’t heard in months from him. Laughed in a way that made your heart flutter and your lips turn up. The laugh kept going like he couldn’t stop it, and before you knew it you were chuckling yourself, which morphed into a hysterical laugh. You swatted at his arm in the midst of your laugh, but he caught your hand and held it. After a few moments longer, you both stared at each other, calming down. His easy smile and the crinkle of his eyes disappeared, replaced by a frown and concern.
“You…you should really find another guiding light if that’s what you’re looking for. A real beacon. Someone you can count on,” he said.
“Rafe,” you said seriously, taking a step closer to him. “Look at me.” He sighed but met your eyes. You squeezed your still-joined hands and he looked down as if he’d forgotten you were even touching. “You kept me from making myself look like an idiot last night. You got me home when I actively was trying to make it difficult. You held me until I fell asleep. You owed me nothing and you did that. I didn’t even have to ask you to, fuck I didn’t even want you to be there, but you knew what was good for me. And you left out water and pills and then texted me in the morning.” You let out a short, weak laugh. “I don’t think that I can count on someone else more than you.” He looked at you as if to say your name without having to actually speak it and you rolled your eyes. “Tell me something. How often do you get second chances in life?”
Rafe looked away, tongue running over his cheek, and then he looked back. “More than I deserve,” he said shortly.
Again, you rolled your eyes. “Stop being a self-sacrificial bitch for a second,” you said. He looked at you, scandalized and you had to resist the urge to laugh, soldiering on with your point. “Tell me, without the shit, how often you get second chances in life for something that you really want?” 
“I don’t,” Rafe said after a moment.
“And yet here I am. And I know that you still want to be together. And I am trying to give us a second chance. Why are you trying to refuse it?” you demanded.
“Because you actually are a fucking beacon of light,” he snapped, hand flexing like he was about to squeeze yours but stopped himself. “And I don’t want to…to fucking ruin that. I would never forgive myself if I ruined you. If I…made that fucking light go out? No, I’d never forgive myself. And I don’t want to risk you like that. Ever. And considering I’m this fucking black hole of bullshit…that is definitely risking it.”
His words resonated as if they were a tuning fork that struck and vibrated at the exact frequency of your very soul. He sighed and let go of your hand. In your shock, you let him. He moved away a few steps and paced back and forth. This time, when he brought his nails to his lips, you didn’t speak for a moment. You saw the glint of tears in his eyes and you didn’t know if they were from frustration or from sadness—both most likely.
Your brain caught up with you after a few moments of just staring at him. You walked forward and took his hand away from his mouth, moving your hands to rest behind his neck, forcing him to stop moving. Reflexively, his hands landed on your hips, holding you rather firmly to ground himself. You played with the ends of his hair, waiting for him to measure his breath once more and meet your eyes with his own.
“You’re not a black hole, idiot,” you said fondly. “You are not an irredeemable monster. You’re just scared.”
Rafe’s jaw clenched and he looked away, then back again. “I’m not fucking scared. But if I were, Princess? It’d be for good reason,” he said. “I have a lot to lose if I keep fucking up.”
“Everyone does,” you pointed out. You moved one hand to cup his cheek. “For now, if you think that I’m some mythical fucking beacon of light, then let me do it for both of us…be it.” He shook his head, blinking away tears he didn’t want to fall. “Rafe…I can handle you being stupid. I can handle your fuck ups. I have this long. What I can’t handle is losing you.” He was silent and you shrugged. “Look at me and tell me that if I walked away right now and started dating someone else you’d be okay with that.”
His eyes snapped back to you, visibly disturbed and angry. “Fuck no,” he admitted, practically spitting the words out.
“Exactly,” you said softly. His hands moved slowly to wrap around your waist more, no longer just resting on your waist. “I know that there are things we have to work on. Believe me. But we make sense. We work together. Let’s try again, Rafe.” You took a deep, shaky breath. “If you tell me you don’t love me. If you don’t want this…I’ll walk away. I won’t bring this up…won’t bother you again.”
“No,” Rafe said immediately, more firmly than even the last time. “I do love you, of course I fucking do. And yes I want you.” His voice almost immediately became choked up. “I want us. I just…”
“Are the words you’re looking for ‘am scared?’” you suggested.
“No,” he denied, using what was obviously his new favorite word once more. “Not scared. Just…hesitant to risk hurting you.”
You gave him a flat look. “Rafe, is loving me worth the risk of me hurting you?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said. “I don’t care if you hurt me.”
“So then why can I not feel the same way about you?” you demanded. “It’s worth the risk. So let’s take it.”
“You’re more important than me,” he murmured, leaning your foreheads together, initiating the touch he obviously desperately craved.
The noise that escaped you was somewhere between a scoff and a snort. “That’s the dumbest thing you have ever said to me,” you declared. “And you told me that for two years you didn’t believe that dinosaurs were real.”
Rafe laughed, weak but true and a sweet sound to your ears. As he did so, he pulled back just enough that your eyes were able to meet. “I was a child,” he defended, a tiny smile on his lips.
“You were twelve,” you corrected. “You started high school not believing that dinosaurs existed. You had to take an earth science class to realize that fossils were real.”
Turning his head, Rafe moved one of his hands to your face, holding your cheek, just like you were doing to him. “Can I kiss you to stop you from making fun of me again?” he asked softly, eyes darting down to your lips and then back up. “Or is it too soon to tell you to shut up without being an ass?”
You smirked. “Don’t worry. I know you’re an ass,” you said, leaning forward.
He met you halfway, your lips brushing together. The kiss was soft at first, sweet and featherlight as if trying to ascertain if it was really happening. That didn’t last for very long though. Quickly, Rafe’s grip on you tightened and he pulled you closer and deepened the kiss. You happily let him take the lead, letting your hands travel to the back of his neck again, longing to just sink into his embrace. When you broke apart, you both were breathing unevenly, looking at each other with vulnerable gazes.
“I missed you,” you said, voice strangely shy considering who you were talking to and how well you knew him—not to mention the fact that his tongue had been practically down your throat moments earlier.
“I love you,” Rafe said. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead that lingered, then tipped your chin up to meet his gaze, his other hand keeping you pressed firmly to his body. “You gonna be my girl again, Gorgeous?”
Even though you rolled your eyes, your smile gave you away. “I never really stopped, did I?” you posed.
He hummed, half-frown on his face, and shrugged. “Dunno,” he admitted.
“I didn’t,” you said, wanting to wipe away the insecurity from him in one assurance even though you knew you couldn’t. “I never stopped. And, for the record, I love you too. Even though you’re a jackass.” You paused. “And a little bit on the stupid side.”
Rafe’s lips cracked back into a smile that grew into something far more relaxed. “Well that’s good to know,” he murmured. 
“You just have pretty privilege is all,” you murmured quietly, voice serious despite the words being joking. You looked at him as though you feared he might disappear. 
He stroked your cheek, wiping away a stray tear you hadn’t realized fell, and then reluctantly pulled away from you, forcing his hands into his pockets to keep from touching you. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“We do,” you confirmed. You offered him your hand. “Wanna go get something to eat and actually, you know, do that?”
Immediately, his hand was out of his pocket, and his fingers were laced with yours. “Yeah, Princess, I do,” he agreed. “Let’s go before it gets dark.”
“How could it get dark when I shine so bright as our beacon?” you asked, teasing, grabbing his arm with your free hand and squeezing it in a half-hug.
“Jesus Christ you’re lucky that you’re so damn easy to love,” Rafe said laughing. He pulled you closer, letting go of your hand in favor of throwing his arm over your shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your temple, lips lingering, his voice going serious this time. “I love you.”
“I know you do,” you assured him. “I love you too.” He nodded, still not moving away yet. “Come on, Cameron. Let’s get a move on here. You’ll be thrilled to know that I didn’t listen to you and drink or eat much of anything today, so I am desperately in need of water or something.”
Rafe groaned. “Of course you didn’t,” he said dryly. “Come on, can’t let my girl stay dehydrated or hungry.”
With that, he started pulling you back up the beach towards the country club. And, in the back of your mind, even with the lingering uncertainty and unsaid words, you felt better than you had in what felt like an eternity. You stared at Rafe’s face—your Rafe, your stupid, sweet, annoying, perfect boyfriend—as the golden hour’s light hit him. The angelic glow that it cast on his infuriatingly perfect face was always breathtaking. But, something about him at this moment, after being so vulnerable and honest, struck you differently. You took your phone out and snapped a picture of him before he could notice or refuse and smiled down at it, ignoring the delayed groan when Rafe realized you’d already captured it.
“Come on, Gorgeous,” he complained.
“Sorry, I just had to capture the day Rafe Cameron admitted he was wrong. It’s a historical event,” you said, grinning, sending the picture to your friend before turning the phone off wanting to focus only on him.
He rolled his eyes at the jab, but you were pleased to see the way that his lips twitched up in an amused smile. The sight lightened your heart and made your lips stretch into a wider version of your own smile you’d already been sporting. And in the slowly fading light of day, there were only two things that you were certain of.
Rafe didn’t give himself nearly enough credit.
You weren’t going to make the same mistake as him.
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Taglist: @joselyn001 @caughtinthetides @proactivetypaperson @abbybarnesstuff @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @fangirlfree @antagonize-me-motherfucker
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themountainsays · 2 years
I love the idea of Isabela and friends taking Mirabel out like some friend maybe the the one who figured out what Mirabel was saying and made the joke (I'm gonna call her Mari short for Maria in honor of Maria Theresa and our habsburgs tangent) so Mari goes to Isabela and tells her "So we want to go do something Friday night I heard you should finish up a lot of your work by than want to tag alone?" and Isabela is like "Sure" but than realizes she has to watch Mirabel and goes "I can't I have to take care of Mirabel" and Mari "Bring your girlfriend with us we won't go anywhere that she can't go or dangerous for kids like her" They make jokes like this to Isa all the time Isabela but not Mirabel since they heard about it from Mari's sibling who goes to school with Mirabel and they think it's like Mirabel trying to be cool in front of her friends like she has a hot older girlfriend and since being a teen is hard enough don't mock her for it but Isa isn't a teen she's part of the friend group and they don't realize how uncomfortable this is make it and Isa won't tell them to stop but pretends to laugh along since what if she protests to much won't it look suspicious as hell another friend when talking about who they were attracted to accidentally said the name of like an 80 year old professor instead of similarly named hot guy he actually liked and they teased them for ages after that even Isa and they never protested so it would look weird if Isabela protested. And Isabela can't say no and make up a readon why since Mirabel is around enough that she would find out if Isa said no and made up and excuse and tell them and it would Mirabel insufferable so she says yes they all go out to celebrate I don't some major thing being done like tests or project and they have a great time minus Isabela who is feeling age related guilt and incest guilt and when they get back to the car Mirabel is exhausted that she falls asleep on Isabela shoulder or lap since big sister make her feel safe and the friends joke and are gushing over her since Mirabel is cute and out cold so she won't her and Isabela finally hits a breaking point and goes please stop saying those things and they all go very quite and are freaked out like this was a joke but she is acting so like defeated were this jokes bothering her and when didn't realize it, is Mirabel safe with Isabela, is Isabela safe with Mirabel are either safe with each other should they forget those jokes ever happened should they tell anyone like the police since what they are worried about are serious crimes Isa may have done or had done to her. The drive back is unnaturally quite and once they get home and Isabela half walks and half carries Mirabel to her room they atart to talk about what they should do.
ohh isa angst isa angst >:3c I mean I'm sure it can be brushed off as the joke being too much, which it is, I mean I too would get super mad if my friends joked like that about me and my sister, so I'm sure they wouldn't think it's anything weird unless they already saw something going on. I imagine they'd apologize at some point later, and from what I'm reading so far it sounds like Isabela mostly feels... intimidated and disturbed by these jokes, but not angry exactly, and, I mean, both reactions are normal, and we all know Isabela is canonically submissive and breedable not the most confrontational person ever, though one of them may go "hey Isa, everything ok? You don't look alright, what's wrong?" and depending on how she handles it she may or may not incite more suspicion or convince them to drop it, though even if she has the most sus reaction possible, I still imagine they'd assume she's been abused in the past before they assume she wants to bang her kid sister, you know, because she's their friend, they care about her, they want to have the most charitable interpretation of her behavior possible.
Though it would be interesting if one of them was like "heyyy it was just jok ;-; we know you don't like your baby sis, or babies or sis' separatedly for that matter". AND THEN SHE LOOKS AT THEM WITH THE MOST HEARTBROKEN KICKED PUPPY LOOK IN HER EYES, and they go "...holy shit fuck".
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deadpoetsmuses · 3 years
"inspiration". | neil perry, dps.
in which a summer is spent with the poets, with a significant feature of neil perry.
✧ title: "inspiration".
✧ pairing: neil perry x fem!reader.
✧ genre: fluff, with slight mentions of angst.
✧ word count: 2,733.
✧ warnings: written in headcanon format, home life mentions, the reader lives in meeks' grandma's house, knox being a simp for chris.
✦ author’s note: requested by @mybabysweetascanbe! it's kinda funky how i wrote this as a headcanon but it still ended up being my longest fic lmao. also i wrote the poem that neil made for the reader myself so i'm sorry if it's kinda cheesy 🗿 but i hope you all enjoy this one !! don't forget to take care of yourselves guys <3
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✎ The summer holidays had always been a time for the poets’ relief.
✎ Their academic year was constantly filled with difficulties for the poets, but it was harder for some when they were home for the summer.
✎ Neil felt as though he couldn’t be himself-- he loved reading and writing even more so than he did with accomplishing any of his parents’ wishes, like heading into medical school. He especially loved to act, and it was rough to keep that concealed around his dictatorial father.
✎ Todd’s older brother would be at home as well, and it was worse enough being in his shadow; but it had gotten worse with every one of his parents’ daily proclamations.
“We were quite disappointed with your grades from last semester, son,” His father reprimanded, looking down on him with stern eyes. “I just don’t understand what’s gotten into you. Your mother and I raised you quite well and you have your brother to guide you along. You know that he’s remarkably intelligent and well accomplished. Why can’t you be more like your brother?”
✎ Charlie and Knox had been just like Neil. The constant pressure that their parents put on them about becoming a banker and a lawyer was daunting; and all they wanted was to simply live as regular teenagers without concern for their future.
✎ Fortunately, Meeks’ grandmother was a woman who had a colossal and motherly love for the poets with a sizable residence in which her grandson’s friends could inhabit during their vacation.
✎ Thus, the poets resided in the Meeks household in the summer before their senior year so as to escape the stress and troubles brought to them in their own homes.
✎ Even though the summer was fleeting and their time was short, the poets found their time to be everlasting when they met the student boarder of the house.
✎ She went by the name of Y/N, which was a name that sounded just as sweet as the lady to whom it was attached.
“Hello, everybody! I’m Y/N!” The girl said, reaching out her hand to shake one of the poets’. Truth be told, it had been quite some time since any one of the boys had been in close contact with a woman; so they found themselves to be quite the martians in the situation. It took a few moments before one of the poets-- Neil Perry-- could offer his hand and shake hers. “I’m Neil! We’re friends of Meeks and his classmates from Welton.” The boy swore that he felt a spark as their fingertips touched, but he tossed the feeling aside; along with the apparition that he saw of a faint glimmer in Y/N’s eyes.
✎ The boys instantly took her in to their little group, and they all fell in love with her personality-- which was a platonic statement of course; but Neil Perry found this to be otherwise as he actually began falling into love with the new girl.
✎ He loved the way she cared for her new friends, the way she projected her personality through the clothes she wore, and all of the little smiles she gave him.
✎ With every beam and twinkle that she delivered, Y/N found herself to be falling for Neil as well.
✎ He provided a feeling for her that made the blacks of her eyes expand and butterflies to quiver inside-- which was the very same one Neil had felt when he first laid his eyes on her.
✎ She had been a fantastic addition to the band of poets, and the boys could not have had it any other way.
Despite the summer coming into fruition, the poets did not fail to meet up in their little cave every once in a while to read poetry, discuss girls, and laugh. The first meeting of that summer was simply like any other. “Guys, what do we think of Y/N?” Meeks questioned. A clamor of answers that ranged between “I think she’s great,” and “Do you think Mrs. Meeks has any more people in her house like Y/N?” echoed in the dark cave. Clearly, the boys had favored Y/N; but certainly not to the point where they’d be infatuated with her. “Yeah, I think she’s nice. She’s really pretty too,” Knox added. “Woah there Knoxious,” Charlie replied, expelling out a chortle. “I don’t think Chris would like to hear that. And besides, she looks more like she’s Neil’s type than yours.” Charlie’s words weren’t incorrect, but it was needless to say that Neil had strongly agreed with that statement.
✎ Over the summer, they would all begin to get to know each other better.
✎ The poets eventually introduced Y/N to the intricate realm of poetry, and she wholeheartedly fell in love with every line that was recited.
✎ They enjoyed every moment of their fleeting time together. Of course, there would be times where the boys would get into small fights and bickers.
✎ Pitts would always be yelling at Charlie for taking an ungodly amount of time in the shower, while Charlie would be yelling back about how Pitts always seemed to inhale the food that Mrs. Meeks provided for them before he himself could even take one bite.
✎ Cameron did his best to do some summer reading at night, but he found it quite hard as his room was beside Knox’s room, and Knox would spend hours on end talking to Chris over the phone.
“Oh, Chris. How do I love thee?” Knox sighed, lacing the telephone cords in between his fingers. “That’s the title of a poem we learned in Mr. Keating’s class. It reminds me of how lovely you are. Of course, she’s not as pretty as you are,” Knox’s giggles not only erupted through the phone; but it travelled through the walls as well, disrupting Cameron from the climax of his novel. “We get it, Knox! You’re a romantic poet! Now why don’t you go tell Chris about how you finished with a D minus in English!”
✎ While all of the little squabbles took place, they hadn’t even noticed the slight change in Neil and Y/N’s behavior.
✎ Y/N seemed to be keeping to herself more often, while Neil appeared to have possessed an undying smile on his face around the poets; particularly in the mornings when everyone gets up early except for him and Y/N.
✎ Little did they know, Y/N’s room had been vacant for the past few days since the arguments began-- which was approximately three weeks after the boys had arrived to the Meeks’ residence; and Neil seemed to be giggling in his room every night when the rest were asleep.
✎ In the duration of those three weeks, Neil had become more familiar with Y/N than any of the other poets had been.
✎ They’d walk along the nearby river every morning, discuss poetry in the late afternoons, and eventually fall asleep in each other’s arms at night.
“How long have you been living here?” Neil inquired, peering into Y/N’s eyes. His vision didn’t have to stretch too far as his face had only been a breath away from Y/N’s. The pair laid together under the warm covers of Neil’s bed with their legs entangled in one another’s and their hands interlocked, talking about anything and everything that came to their minds. “It’s been two years since Mrs. Meeks took me in,” She replied, gazing over Neil’s chiseled face. “In the whole time I’ve been here, I think you’re the most interesting thing that’s happened to me,” Y/N added, beaming up at Neil. Hearing her words, Neil slowly leaned his lips onto Y/N’s forehead, giving her an endearing kiss. She too had been the most interesting thing to happen to Neil in a long time.
✎ For each and every day that they were together, Neil wrote love poems.
✎ His poems revolved around his time with Y/N and included detail of all sorts; such as how colors appeared to be more bright and more vivid when he was with her and how lovelier the birds had sounded in the morning during their walks.
"My love,
The luminosity of the golden sun
does not compare to the radiance
of your glowing skin.
In this air full of morning dew,
the most beautiful scent in the air
is still you.
The sounds we hear of the melodious
birds are all because of your presence,
and they sing only for your beauty.
I look into your eyes and I see nature
reflected back at me; but it is much more
pleasant to perceive than if I were to do so
through my own set of eyes.
Though the morning lasts for a mere set of hours,
My fascination for you can go for as long as
this smooth river flows.
✎ Neil felt embarrassed about being so infatuated with Y/N, so he kept his poems hidden for the time being.
✎ Somehow, the boys had failed to notice Neil and Y/N’s constant disappearance.
✎ Although, they’d make little remarks from time to time that ran along the lines of “Ooh, Neil found a muse!” and “Y/N definitely likes somebody here. It’s probably me.”
✎ The last comment came from Charlie, which later earned him a smack on the head from Neil.
✎ So, Neil and Y/N did their best to keep their relationship hidden throughout the summer.
✎ The two were rather domestic in their relationship; they did all of the typical-couple activities that everyone else had done.
✎ To anyone else it would have been rather common to witness, but to them it was simply extraordinary being with one another.
It had been a scenic day at the river that morning. The beauty of the nature surrounding it had been ordinarily pleasing to Y/N; but all of its best qualities were magnified for Neil as his hand was in hers and the only thing he could smell was her fragrance. He had been quite nervous for the entire morning as he promised himself the night before that he would finally gather the courage to say those three magic words he’d been imagining to say for quite some time. Unbeknownst to him, Y/N had been thinking the same and had been visualizing how she would say it at that moment for the past few hours since. Just when the cascading waters began to relax and the chirping of the birds started to quiet down, the pair stopped on their trail and those three words were finally professed by Neil in a sudden manner while Y/N had spoken the same in a clear and gentle tone. They looked into each other’s eyes, recognizing the same look of love and eventually realizing what was said. As it was acknowledged, the two lovers simply smiled at each other and kept walking along; their hearts now beating on the same rhythm and their minds thinking of nothing but one another.
✎ Time to time, they would go up to the attic and listen to the music from Mrs. Meeks’ old gramophone, caressing one another as they slowly dance along to the lyrics of Ella Fitzgerald’s songs.
✎ Neil would always sneak a flower out of Mrs. Meeks’ rose garden and leave it on Y/N’s bedside table for her to wake up to.
✎ One of Y/N’s ways of communicating her love would be recommending books to Neil that she thinks is encompassed with his personality. Since then, Neil’s library had enlarged to a great extent.
✎ There would also be some occasions where one of them-- mostly Neil-- would get a little cheeky and try to express their love for the other out in the open.
“Eat up, boys! You know there’s plenty more of where that came from, so don’t be afraid to dig in!” Mrs. Meeks endorsed, setting down a bowl of mashed potatoes. With a jubilant ‘thank you’, everyone at the table promptly began to tuck into the mouthwatering cuisine. The boys soon found themselves distracted with the heavenly taste of Mrs. Meeks’ cooking; and Neil took this opportunity to covertly sneak his right hand onto Y/N’s thigh under the table. A scarlet blush crept its way up to Y/N’s cheek as she sent Neil a glare. Though her eyes expressed the message of “Not here!”, every other signal in her body sent the message of ‘Yes, Please’ to a very triumphant Neil.
✎ The summer inevitably came to an end and the boys were forced to return to Welton, much to their dismay.
✎ They couldn’t stand ending their summer; and they especially couldn’t stand leaving their new friend behind while the rest of them stayed together.
“Oh God, How are we supposed to leave this beautiful girl all alone in this big house?!” Charlie pleaded, theatrically dropping down to his knees and shouting out loud to the heavens. “It’s all just too emotional for us,” Pitts added as he went along with his friend’s act, his head bowing down to the ground in grief as he placed a comforting hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Just take me with her, God! Let me be with Y/N at her all-girls school!”
✎ Despite all of the inconveniences they put upon Y/N, the poets really did leave a mark on her. These boys showed her a new way of life-- she knows what ‘Carpe Diem’ means, and she knows how to seize her days because of them.
✎ Of course, Neil had a harder time coming into terms with their departure more than anyone else.
✎ Leaving the Meeks’ residence meant that he was leaving Y/N, which was something that he hadn’t prepared himself for.
“I’m not ready to leave you,” Neil confessed. Tears were beginning to form in his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away. After the individual hugs and goodbyes Y/N had given to the rest of the poets, the ill-fated time had come when she had to bid her own farewell to her lover. Neil believed that though their time was short and fleeting, it truly had been something special and something that he’ll never forget. Y/N was his first love, his first muse, his first everything; and no amount of riches could ever sum up to the prominence of that. Y/N placed her hand on Neil’s face, stroking away his tears with her thumb as she felt her eyes begin to swell up as well. “I’ll write to you every day, Neil.” Naturally, Y/N was on the brink of tears as well. She couldn’t bear to leave Neil after everything he’s shown her. It feels like she’s known him forever, yet everything felt so new and exciting with him. She loved him too much, and she knows she’ll continue to love him long after.
✎ Neil was afraid that she would forget about what they had soon after she had left, so he decided to give her all of the poems he had written about her.
✎ As her hands clasped the thick set of parchment, the tears she had been trying so hard to conceal had all poured out, staining the paper and her hands.
“Neil… these are beautiful,” She croaked. Her eyes skimmed over every title and date, realizing that there had been a poem for each and every splendid day that they had been together. “You’re beautiful, Y/N. That’s why I wrote these,” Neil corrected. “Everything I love about you is in these poems, and all of the love I have for you is written in each letter. I just don’t want you to forget about me while we’re apart.” The absurdity of Neil’s words made Y/N chuckle softly before she stepped forward and linked her hands around Neil’s neck, reducing the space between their lips. “I love you, Neil. You’re always going to be in my mind and you’ll always have my heart in the little pocket of your Welton blazer.”
✎ Y/N felt truly fortunate to have met Neil. This summer had come as quite a surprise for her-- she did not expect to fall in love so soon and with such an extraordinary person like Neil Perry. He was everything she’d ever looked for and he gave everything she deserved.
✎ Even though the bright days of the summer had ended and the early falling leaves of the autumn was yet to arrive, the change was of no concern as the only thing that mattered was what had been consistent-- and for Y/N and Neil, the thing that stood still for the two of them despite all odds was each other.
dedicated to these lovely people!! @mybabysweetascanbe @disagreeingpoets @catflowerbean @galaxyrhytm @nananostalgic @ughgclden @towriteabetterlife @neilsemeraldsweater @yourpal @willowestelle
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Cliche (J.HS)
Warnings : swearing, mentions of hook ups, suggestive content, way too many cliches
Word Count : 5289
Synopsis : hoseok wasn’t one for cliches, but when they come to her, maybe they aren’t so bad. 
They couldn’t be more opposite. Like a good versus evil movie in real life, minus all the fighting. One look at both of them and it was obvious that in any other scenario, they would never give each other a second glance.
           She was what one could describe as a goody two shoes. One look at her knee length, flowy skirt with her blouse, buttoned to the top, tucked in could tell you that. Always seen with a book, or her equally as good friends. Quiet and soft spoken, nearly invisible. She focused on school instead of boys. But for one night, she wanted to forget all of that. She didn’t want to be a goody two shoes.
           He was the bad boy; ripped jeans and leather jackets. He rode his motorcycle to school everyday, catching the attention of every girl in school. Always seen with a new girl and his boisterous friends, he was someone a good girl would run from. Never one for cliches, Jung Hoseok would steer clear of the good girls, refusing to be the one to corrupt them. He would leave that to his best friend, Min Yoongi. But for just one night, he would give into the cliché.
           She told her friends she would have to skip their weekly movie night as there was a major project due that she wanted to work on instead. Rejecting her best friend, Jimin’s, offer for help, she busied herself. One look in the mirror, she knew her entire look would have to change if she wanted his attention. She traded her pink skirt and white blouse for a red dress. One that left little to the imagination. Adding some liner and lipstick, she slid her feet into a pair of strappy heels, and she left for the club she heard he would be at.
           Lights flashing and music pounding; it took a bit of adjusting. She found herself letting loose after only a couple of drinks. She noticed him across the room, chatting up a pretty blonde, and she knew she needed to get his attention soon. Just for one night, she wouldn’t be the good girl.
           His eyes were on the slender body of the pretty blonde flirting with him, and he was debating leaving early to take her home, when Yoongi hit him on the shoulder, pointing to a girl wearing a little red dress. She was swaying her hips to the music while sipping on her drink, catching the attention of nearly every guy in the club. He had to have her.
           The pretty blonde was long forgotten as he made his way towards the girl in the red dress, familiar but he couldn’t quite place where he knew her. He introduced himself with his famous smirk, and she knew she had won. He offered to buy her a drink and she took one look at her half empty glass, chugging it and agreeing to his offer. He couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips as he led her back to the bar, a hand rest dangerously close to her ass.
           He spent the night using every trick in the book, and she spent the night basking in his attention. “What do you say we get out of here?” He finally whispered into her ear, loud enough for her to hear over the booming bass. Hoseok waved goodbye to the group he arrived with and left with her under his arm.
           A shiver ran down her spine as they stepped out into the chilly air, much colder than the sweat filled club. Without thinking, he slid his leather jacket off and placed it on her shoulders, leaving one arm draped across her and pulling her closer as they walked.
           When they got to his apartment, the two of them wasted no time, clothes falling to the floor as their lips met in a heated, lust filled kiss. It was a long night filled with lust and moans. Sweat dripped from his forehead after the third round and he let out a chuckle as she struggled to keep her eyes open.
           She was gone long before he awoke the next afternoon; heading home to shower and change to meet up with her friends for their weekly lunch date. “Movie night wasn’t the same without you.” Jungkook pouted when she sat at their table.
           “I won’t miss another.” She promised. She had her night of letting go of her good girl persona. Though she had the time of her life, along with the best sex she’d ever had, it wasn’t going to become a habit of hers.
           When Monday rolled around, rumours of a new girl spread like wildfire. A new girl that already scored time in bed with Hoseok. She held her books closer to her body as Jimin asked a passing senior why everyone seemed to care about this new girl. “Hoseok can’t stop talking about her. Says she was the best lay he’s ever had.” Her cheeks practically glowed a rosy colour at this information.
           Her and Jimin were walking passed the parking lot where Hoseok and his buddies hung out when Taehyung called out to her. She turned to face the parking lot where Tae was locking his car, but it was Hoseok’s eyes she met. At the sound of her name, he was looking around, ignoring his friends, wondering if it was the same girl from Friday night. His eyes stopped on her; confusion written on his face when Tae draped his arm across her shoulders. It couldn’t be.
           But he recognized her eyes. He recognized the confident smile dancing across her lips. Most importantly, he recognized her soft voice. The same voice that was moaning his name just a couple nights prior was now talking art with Taehyung. She disappeared into the crowd of students, and Hoseok was left more confused than ever. Did he give into a cliché without even realizing it? He had to know.
           So, when her last class ended and she walked to the parking lot to wait for Tae, he was there, leaning against his motorcycle. She met his eyes again, but quickly looked away, refusing to give into whatever possessed her Friday night. “Y/N.” Her name rolled off his tongue like he was the only one meant to say it. She hated that such a simple thing caused her to stop and look at him. She hated how easily he wrapped her around his finger. One night was all he needed, and she was longing for more. “You look different.” He smirked. “Leading a double life?” She turned to face him completely.
           “I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about, Jung Hoseok.” The chuckle that came from him let her know he knew she was lying. He pushed himself off the motorcycle and walked towards her. She took as many steps back as she could before she was pressed up against a car. Hoseok used that to his advantage, and placed his hands on either side of her, effectively trapping her.
           “You can change your clothes, but you have a face that is unforgettable.” She scoffed at the obvious pickup line, trying to hide how much he truly affected her.
           “You had better game Friday.” She stated matter-of-factly. “What do you want, Jung Hoseok.”
           “You know, other girls would be dying to be in your shoes right now.” He chuckled, giving her a once over.
           “I think we both know I’m not other girls.”
           “Oh yeah, that’s obvious.” He licked his lips before biting on his bottom lip. “You know, I’ve never been one for cliches.” He added with a chuckle.
           “It was one night. It’s not like you’re going to fall in love with me and change your fuckboy ways.”
           “Are you sure that’s not what you want, princess?” He whispered in her ear, bringing one hand to trace her jawline, his thumb and pointer finger stopping to lightly grab her chin, tilting her head up ever so slightly. If this was high school, or even freshman year of college, she would be dying at the very thought of being with him romantically. He had always caught her attention, but he never spared her a glance. As he said, he’s not one for cliches, and he’s always been a rebel.
           She used to want him so bad, reading so many stories about the bad boy falling for the good girl. The fuckboy changing his ways for the one he loved. But as the years went on, her feelings of love turned into feelings of lust. She no longer wanted a bad boy boyfriend. She wanted his attention for one night, get it out of her system, and then fall in love with someone who could love her. “I got what I wanted already, Hoseok.” She spat, smacking his hand away from her face and turning to walk away from him. Why was he grabbing onto her wrist like a lovesick boy in a Korean drama? When she turned to look at him, she could tell even he wasn’t sure.
           “Why stop at just one night of fun, when you could come over again?” He smirked. Jung Hoseok never slept with the same girl twice. He never wanted them to get the wrong idea. Jung Hoseok did not do relationships. He didn’t fall in love. No one knew if there was a tragic backstory, like every cliché romance novel would tell you, but everyone knew he preferred one night and to not wake up to them the next day.
           Before she could answer, Taehyung was approaching them, anger written all over his face. “Get your hand off of her!” He screamed, pushing Hoseok away from her. “She isn’t going to fall for your charms, Jung Hoseok. Leave her alone.” Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh, knowing that her friends had no idea where she was Friday night. They had no idea she was the rumoured new girl. The girl in the red dress that was driving Hoseok insane.
           “Taehyung, let’s go.” She said, quickly grabbing Taehyung’s arm, pulling him away from the stare down he was having with Hoseok, praying that Hoseok wouldn’t say anything.
           “Hope I’ll see you again this Friday!” Of course he had to say something. Before she could do anything, Taehyung was pulling away from her grip, storming back over to Hoseok and taking him by the collar of his jacket.
           “What the fuck did you just say?” Hoseok wasn’t even close to phased by the sudden altercation. In fact this is exactly what he was looking for.
           “Oh now this is fun.” He smirked seeing the anger in Taehyung’s eyes. “You’re in love with her.” His grip tightened on his collar. It took everything in Taehyung not to punch him in the face. He knew Hoseok could beat him in a fight, but he couldn’t believe the words coming from his mouth. “You’re in love with her,” he repeated, “And I’m the one that slept with her.” He taunted, a playful smirk on his face.
           “Tae!” She called. His face softened at the mere sound of her voice. He looked over to her, tears welling up in her eyes, and then he looked back to Hoseok, throwing him to the ground.
           “Leave her alone.” He said again before walking back to Y/N. “Please tell me he’s lying, Y/N.” His voice was a lot softer when speaking to her compared to when he was screaming at Hoseok. His answer came with her silence.
           Hoseok didn’t see her that Friday, and though he was disappointed, he wasn’t surprised. She avoided even looking at him throughout the week, whereas Taehyung would glare at him every change he got. She was everywhere he was, despite him never seeing her until recently. Was she always around? How had Hoseok never seen her until now? “Why do you keep looking at Y/N?” Yoongi asked. “Isn’t corrupting good girls my thing?” He joked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
           “She’s the girl from last Friday.” Hoseok admitted with a smirk. “There’s definitely a bad girl dying to come out.” He added, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched her walk around with her nose in a book. He watched as a door swung open and she paid no attention. Without thinking twice, he jumped into action, running towards her, grabbing her wrist, and spinning her into his arms. “Watch where you’re going, princess.” His famous smirk plastered on his face as she rolled her eyes. “What, no thank you?” He called after her as she walked away, and she just flipped him off, not paying him another glance. She was going to be the death of him.
           When word got out the following month that she was the girl driving Hoseok insane, her life completely changed. Her friends stopped inviting her for study sessions, movie nights, and lunch dates. No matter how much she apologized for lying, they wouldn’t talk to her.
           Guys were hitting on her, wanting a piece of the bad girl Hoseok claimed was hidden underneath all her long skirts and fully buttoned blouses.
           Girls started pushing her around. They began dumping drinks on her, throwing food at her. She had gone from practically invisible to the most known girl around school. And she had no one to protect her.
           It wasn’t until Hoseok was walking the halls, laughing his obnoxiously loud laugh, stopping when he saw a crowd gathering, that he knew things were bad. Him and his friends pushed the front of the crowd, seeing a group of girls gathered around her, cutting away at her clothes. “Hoseok says you have a nice body, why not let us all see.” One of the girls cackled, ripping her blouse open, the sound of button bouncing down the halls loud in Hoseok’s ears.
           “Enough!” He shouted, pushing the girls away from her and crouching in front of her. He had no second thoughts as he slipped his jacket from his body and wrapped it around her before wiping away the tears running down her cheeks. The crowd of people that was once laughing hysterically was now completely quiet. Yoongi was speechless watching his friend be so soft in front of so many people. Was this girl really driving him that insane? “Let me take you home.” He whispered, helping her to her feet.
           She didn’t think twice as she cuddled into him, hiding her face in his chest as he wrapped his arm tightly around her. “Thank you.” She whispered. And when she looked up at his face, expecting to see his signature smirk, she was surprised to see a genuine smile. In that moment, the feelings she swore were gone, turned to lust, hit her like a bus. He had the most beautiful smile she’s ever seen, and she didn’t want to go another day never seeing it again.
           She invited him inside when he pulled up outside her place. He obliged, turning his motorcycle off, and walking the couple flights of stairs up to her apartment. He sat on her couch, taking in the minimal décor, and smiling at the pictures of her and her friends she had hung. She quickly changed, sighing as she threw away her now tattered clothes.
           “Seems like you guys have been friends for a long time.” Hoseok pointed out, holding a picture of her and her three best friends standing beside each other in elementary. She took a seat next to Hoseok, taking the framed picture in her hands and smiled at the memory.
           “Yeah. I’ve known them basically my whole life. Taehyung and I were neighbours and spent basically every waking hour with each other. We met Jimin and Jungkook at school, and the four of us clicked immediately.” She explained. “How did you know Tae was in love with me?” She asked, placing the picture on the table, and looking at Hoseok.
           “I could see it in his eyes when I teased you.” She nodded, biting on the inside of her cheeks. She had a hunch that over the years Taehyung developed feelings for her, but she had hoped she was reading too much into things. But he had confessed to her in his car that day. She was about to step out when he spat it out. All she could do was apologize and run up to her apartment. “Sorry if it made things awkward.” She shook her head.
           “Doesn’t matter anyway. The three of them want nothing to do with me.” She confessed. “I lied to them.” She looked down at her hands as she began picking at the skin around her nails. Hoseok noticed and quickly took one of her hands in his, lacing their fingers together.
           “Their loss. You’re pretty great.” He was smiling at her again, while holding her hand. Thoughts of him having feelings for her raced through her mind, driving her insane. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling, his heart racing as she smiled at him was new. Never has a simple gesture have him so flustered.
           The following day at school, Hoseok draped his arm across her shoulders as him and his buddies approached her. She looked up at him with wide eyes before looking around at the others, confused as to what was happening. “We’ve decided to be your protection squad.” Hoseok said simply. “Consider yourself lucky.” He added with a whisper. She found herself hiding her face when people looked towards them, and Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh. “Come on princess, where’s the confidence you had that night?” She rolled her eyes at him once again bringing up the night they shared.
           “Disappeared once the alcohol was out of my system.” She bit back with a scoff. Yoongi let out a chuckle as he shook his head.
           “So you’re dating Jung Hoseok now? Hanging out with his friends?” Jimin asked as he took his regular seat beside her in their shared class. She was surprised he even said anything to her, let alone such a ridiculous question. Jung Hoseok does not do relationships.
           “They’ve become my self-proclaimed protection squad.” She mumbled, going back to catching up on the work she missed the previous day. Jimin couldn’t help but let out a laugh when he realized what she said.
           “Why do you need protecting?” She put her pen down and turned her body to face him.
           “Because I was attacked yesterday, Jimin. My clothes were cut and torn in front of a group of people. And you, Tae and Jungkook have decided I’m the new spawn of Satan. Sue me for make new friends when the people who were supposed to stick by me, left me.” Jimin stared her, words not forming as he tried so hard to say something, anything. “So what I missed one movie night to go out. So what I slept with Hoseok. You guys are acting like I murdered someone.” She closed her textbook and gathered all her books, moving to an empty desk at the back of the room, unable to sit beside Jimin.
           “Miss me, princess?” Hoseok was waiting outside of her class, ready to take her out somewhere fun. He threw his arm around her and she couldn’t help but laugh at how excited he seemed.
           “Believe it or not, I did kind of miss you.” She smiled. He placed his hands over his chest and let out a loud groan as if he was in pain.
           “Just take my heart, princess.” He joked, holding his hands out towards her. She laughed, slapping his hands away and calling him a dork. “You wound me, princess.” He said softly, wrapping his arm around her again as they went to meet up with the others in the parking lot.
           Surprisingly, he took her to the fair that had just arrived in town. As per usual, he had his arm draped across her shoulders as they walked, the others following closely behind, cracking jokes, and telling stories that even made her laugh.
           They spent the afternoon and evening wandering the fair, going on rides, and playing some games. She always had a statistic ready for the probability at winning any of the games they tried. “Have some faith in me, princess.” Hoseok would whine each time, and she couldn’t help but find him absolutely adorable. She watched from the sidelines as him and a couple of his buddies were playing one of the many games. Yoongi threw his arm across her shoulders, taking her by surprise.
           “Be careful with those heart eyes of yours.” He joked, his famous gummy smile on display for her to bask in. “Though, he does seem to have heart eyes for you too.” She rolled her eyes, removing his arm from her shoulders.
           “Don’t be ridiculous Yoongi. Hoseok and I are just friends.” Before he could say anything, Hoseok cheered as the underpaid teenager handed him the giant stuffed bear from behind the counter.
           “I wouldn’t be so sure.” He said quickly, pointing towards a beaming Hoseok who was walking towards them, holding the stuffed bear for her to take.
           “For the princess.” She smiled up at Hoseok, taking the bear in her arms with a small laugh.
           “Is this why you were trying so hard to win the games?” She giggled as the group began walking again.
           “It’s not a full fair experience unless you get a giant prize!” He exclaimed loudly, catching the attention of other fair goers, and she couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Let’s get some cotton candy.” Her eyes lit up at the idea, and the group followed the two of them to one of the many concessions to get cotton candy. He took the bear in his arms again as she excitedly took the cotton candy. And he just had to take a picture. She didn’t even notice as he held up his phone and snapped a bunch of pictures of her happily eating her cotton candy. She was glowing with an angelic smile on her face, and he felt that feeling again. His heart was pounding as he stared at her, lowering his phone so he could take in every part of this moment. He didn’t notice as Yoongi snapped a picture of the two of them, him with a lovesick look on his face as he stared at her. She really was driving him insane.
           “Would you go on the Ferris Wheel with me?” She pouted. The sun set completely, and the lights from all the rides lit up the night. It was tradition for her and her friends to ride the Ferris Wheel at least once during the night when the fair was in town. Hoseok wasn’t one for cliches, but when he looked down at her puppy dog eyes and her bottom lip sticking out in the cutest pout he’d ever seen, he couldn’t say no.
           The others stayed at the bottom, guarding the giant bear Hoseok won for his princess, while the two sat in one of the carriages, waving to their friends. Yoongi couldn’t help but chuckle at his best friend being absolutely whipped for this girl.
           “I love what the fair looks like at night.” She said as they slowly reached the top. “It’s beautiful.” She was looking out, watching as couples held hands and walked around, a few people with giant stuffed bears much like the one Hoseok won her. She was entranced by all the lights and sounds, smiling as they completely reached the top. He didn’t even bother looking around at all the beautiful sights around him, because he knew none of them could top the beautiful sight that is the girl sitting next to him.
           “Breathtaking.” He said in a whisper, looking directly at her. He didn’t even look away when she turned her head a looked at him. And just like every cliché Ferris Wheel scene in every cliché romance movie, he kissed her. He cupped her face and kissed her with a feeling he was unfamiliar with; passion. She was shocked at first, completely taken aback at the sudden contact, but it didn’t take her long to kiss back. They didn’t pull away until the ride was coming to a stop and they could hear their friends cheering. Her eyes immediately drifted to Yoongi, who just smirked at her with a knowing look in his eyes.
           Everyone went their separate ways soon after, Hoseok telling them he was going to take Y/N home. The two decided to walk, knowing the bear wouldn’t fit on his motorcycle. As he had twice already, he shrugged his jacket off and wrapped it around her, leaving one arm across her shoulders and pulling her close. She held the bear in one arm while wrapping the other around his torso, a lovesick smile on her face as they slowly walked towards her apartment. “Thank you.” She whispered.
           “What for?” She looked up at him, her smile widening when she met his eyes.
           “Everything. I had a lot of fun tonight.” She almost forgot that her three best friends hated her. She almost forgot that Hoseok and his friends were fuckboys. She almost forgot she wasn’t supposed to fall in love with Hoseok. Almost.
           “Me too.” He whispered back. He almost forgot he was supposed to be a bad boy. He almost forgot they were nothing more than friends. He almost forgot that his other friends were with them the whole night. He almost forgot this wasn’t a date. He almost forgot that he doesn’t do relationships. He almost forgot that he wasn’t supposed to fall in love with Y/N. Almost.
           He didn’t walk her upstairs, using the excuse that he had to go get his motorcycle from the fair and wished her a goodnight. It’s like he wasn’t thinking when he leaned in for the second time that night and gave her a kiss goodnight before walking away. He was so out of it, he forgot to take his jacket.
           Once again, Hoseok draped his arm across her shoulders when he saw her the following day at school, his friends following behind him, this time greeting her like they’ve been friends for years. This time, she didn’t hide her face when people started staring. She walked with her head held high as she listened to the others talk, laughing at some of the stories they would tell.
           Everyone started splitting off, either going to class or skipping school altogether. Hoseok walked her all the way to her class. “When does your last class end?” He asked, dropping his arm, and shoving his hands in his pockets.
           “4.” She answered simply. “Why?”
           “Come party with us tonight.” It was Friday. Partying wasn’t her thing. She tried it once, got what she went for, but things were different now. She wasn’t sure she could handle watching Hoseok flirt with other girls, eventually taking one home. And she definitely couldn’t sleep with him if he wanted to take her home, not when she was falling in love with him. Sleeping with him with no feelings involved is one thing. She could walk away unscathed and move on with her life. But now there’s feelings involved, at least on her end, and she knew she would get attached.
           “That was a one-time thing, Hoseok.” She giggled, turning to go to class when he grabbed her wrist, spinning her around to face him again.
           “Please. I really want you there.” He pouted at her much like she did then night before, asking him to ride the Ferris Wheel. Her stomach was doing somersaults at the fact that he wanted her there. He wasn’t asking as a formality because she’s been hanging out with them the last couple days. He wanted her there, and so she found herself agreeing.
           Hoseok picked her up after her last class, driving them back to her apartment so she could change. He chuckled when he saw his jacket hung up with hers at the front door, as if he lived here too. His heart swelled at the idea of coming home to her. So much has changed in such a short amount of time, and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. But he was happy, so he wasn’t going to fight it. He wanted to be around her as much as he could, so that’s what he was going to do. He was going to invite her out with him and his friends and show her what it’s like to get her nose out of her books.
           The two of them met the rest of his friends at the same club they met at all those weeks ago. He paid for her drinks and they stayed at the table while the rest of them went off to find a companion for the night. She wanted to say something, to ask him if he was going to stay with her the whole night, or eventually leave to find a girl to take home. He couldn’t even look at another girl when she was sat beside him, sipping her drink with an innocence in her eyes he’s surprised he didn’t see the first time.  
           At some point she left for the bathroom, and Hoseok just sat in the booth, staring in the direction of the bathrooms, waiting for her to come back and keep him company. His face lit up when he saw her emerge, but then it fell when another guy approached her. She smiled up at him, laughing at something he was whispering in her ear. She didn’t seem to be in a rush to return to his side, and that fact made his blood boil and his fists clench. It was then that he knew he didn’t want to just be her friend. Jung Hoseok didn’t do relationships, but Y/N wasn’t like the other girls he’s met.
           He stormed over to her, anger in his eyes, and she smiled at him. Without acknowledging the guy she was talking to; he slid his hand into hers and starting dragging her towards the exit. “We’re leaving.” He grumbled, and she didn’t bother to fight back.
           “I thought you wanted to party?” She asked when they were outside, trying to pull her hand away but he just tightened his grip.
           “I wanted to spend time with you.” He admitted, still not stopping.
           “Can you stop for a minute, please!” She pleaded, finally pulling her hand away from his. He turned to look at her, features softening when he saw the tears in her eyes. “What’s going on, Hoseok?”
           “I don’t know!” He yelled, throwing his hands up in the air before letting them fall to his sides. “All I know is that ever since that first night, you’ve been driving me crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you and I want to see you all the time.” She just started to laugh. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Jung Hoseok, school fuckboy and bad boy, had actually fallen for the biggest cliché, the good girl. “Why are you laughing?” She took a step closer to him and placed her hands on his cheeks.
           “Sounds to me like you caught feelings.” She said softly, slowly removing her hands and wrapping her arms around his neck. “And lucky for you, I have too.” He didn’t waste another second and closed the small space between them, kissing her with everything he had.
           “Falling in love doesn’t seem so bad if it’s you.” He whispered before pulling her in for another kiss.
           Jung Hoseok wasn’t one for cliches, but cliches don’t seem so bad when they involve her.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
(cw cc!Karl negative/critical)
I don't know if this has been touched on in your previous posts but I wanted to talk on how Karls constant forced integration into groups or need for larger creators around is quite frustrating to watch.
What all began as a silly bit in his early days with him being a part of L'manburg from the beginning or the dream team, has developed into a cry for constant involvement within his friend groups. Be it from Tina and Georges "sunshine duo" nickname they created from an inside joke in uno which Karl immediately claimed himself a part of. Or, in the among us with corpse and friends, although not involved in the bit he would try and get the last word in. It's ok to not be a part of every conversation yet he doesn't seem to realize this.
Obviously, his friends aren't bothered by his actions and I have no intention on claiming they do. However, as a viewer I've recently started perceiving it as his fear that something new could begin without him being a part of it. So what if it did? I feel like Karl is on a constant attempt at staying relevant and dreads the thought of someone forgetting him. Tales seems to be a prime example of such, consisting of 4 well known CCs (techno, dream, corpse, etc.) and potentially one who averages less than 50k.
Although I understand the need for viewer retention, the Dream SMP itself incorporates a wide variety of streamers of varying sizes, surely they all deserve a spot. Yet tales has had a castlist barely breaching half of such over the course of 8 episodes. Although he may not have established connections with such streamers I'm sure many would be thrilled to recieve a request at something bigger than the average stream. He seems to care little for the story's and more for the cast he pulls together and the build they reside on. Due to such, there is no hype for tales, there is just hype for the creators taking part. The project isn't passion filled, it's a reminder on why we should all look at Karls streams and remember Karl, he brings creators together don't forget! He's relevant.
Karl has become too lenient on his friends for content, I can't recall the last time we had a solo stream (minus his apology). His fatal flaw seems to be disregarding a viewer base centered around him and more so turning the attention to his friends. Thus, solo content would be left lacking. His ability to entertain an audience requires others to bounce off of or divert the attention to. I think he realizes such judging by this behavior. However, for the long term survival of a streamer this is far from ideal.
(Don't feel any need to respond, this was a mess of a rant that took twelve turns midway)
Yeah that has been bought up a lot recently. Especially since Sykkuno apparently sounded genuinely annoyed during an among us stream after Karl kept of claiming he was always part of the amigops. As well as him going on about how he built Kinoko Kingdom, people saying at least credit Foolish instead of dismissing his hard work that you're not been going to use. I said before that Karl's stream are never solo minus like 2 but even then it's him watching someone else do something. Karl physically seems unable to do anything that is just him and his own content.
The nickname for him is Klout Khaser Karl for a reason. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he dropped his own family for a bit of clout. Like I have no issue with people making friends and benefitting for clout but when you have to rely on clout and popular streamers to keep your career going it's not a good thing.
Not to mention that when he tried to claim that he was part of the original group on the DreamSMP a lot of newer viewers got genuinely confused thinking that he was their from the start. Like if you're going to have a bit you need to clarify afterwards otherwise it's just going to cause chaos and confusion. Also it's not just clout he has this thing where if he's not got the attention on him he starts doing things to be noticed like moaning loud, screeching and just generally being obnoxiously loud.
I see a lot of people saying that Karl isn't using his friends for clout because he doesn't care which literally isn't true. One big example being one of his streams with Sapnap where he refused to start until he got more viewers and was telling people to tweet out a stream link. Someone else also recently mentioned that during the egg painting stream he constantly mentioned about how far away he was from his subgoal to which others mentioned how he mentions his subgoal a ridiculous amount of times. I was also sent a link on twitter to a thread (now unfortunately deleted) that was Someone comparing the difference between Karl, Technoblade and Ranboo about how much they go on about followers, subgoals, giving money, gifting bits and subs. Like how did Karl spend 30 more minutes asking people to sub than Ranboo when Ranboo streams 3 times as often and twice as long. (Including his subathons)
I genuinely think that Karl has a stable enough fanbase and he doesn't need to rely on bigger names like Dream and Corpse to get views so I don't know why he does it if it's not for clout.
In my opinion Karl started this persona of being an uwu soft boy and now he's got this mentality of doing what's popular and trendy at the time to the point of him no longer having an individual personality. I do think it's a bit of narcissism but I do think it's also got a lot to do with the fact that he's surrounded by Mr Beast and his "Bigger and Better or scrap it" mentality as well as Dream's growth mentality. I think he's adopted Dream's ideas about growth but put if towards himself compared to Dream who thrives off of growing others.
Honestly I think he needs to take time off to re-evaluate everything and start fresh. Not relying on names and not being obsessed with views. I think he needs to take a short hiatus and when he comes back to only do a few solo streams to show his individual personality. (but also to appear in others streams as support) Similar to people staying off the internet for a bit to improve mental health I think he needs to leave to find a personality that's not ridiculously fabricated.
(Can't wait for the anonymous hate comments for this one)
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Major Updates to My Weird Idea (that includes my Nightside OCs)
Go check my previous post on this - HERE
This is mainly an update for @schizoauthoress , @the--blackdahlia , @spacelizardtrashboys , @enigmaticandunstable and @piratewithvigor and I personally think @nattinngrst might like this.
I went on a trip to the beach yesterday with my parents and my older brother (who I bored and annoyed with this idea and you'll see some of his influence in this here post)
Anything written in italics is meant to be taken as a joke as you read through this wall of text, sending good vibes as always, hope y'all are doing well.
The show is set in Canadian, Texas (real place: Wikipedia). I'm thinking of this show starting in the mid-to-late 90s (1996/1997).
I've managed to do several things with that weird sitcom idea, so, where to start, how about with the three potential titles:
1 - Neighbourhood Watch
2 - First Call
3 - First Round (Which my brother likes)
Here are some options for bar names, starting with the Cop bar:
1 - The Donut Hole
2 - The Roasted Hog (which my big bro suggested)
3 - The Sherriff's Outpost
And the Biker Bar:
1 - The Handlebar Inn
2 - The Steel Horse Saloon
3 - The Rebel Room
Next on the list of updates: Cast additions, character roles and (Finally after 2 days) Names for Everyone!!
I'll start with the Cop Bar's owner & staff:
Rosalina Asturias 'Rosa' (Played by Billie Martinez) an employee of the local cop bar. Didn't grow up in the town, moved here for work.
Violet Croft (Played by Eli Herne) an employee. Grew up in town, never left, has the hots for one of the guys in the local police.
Sunshine Crawford 'Sunny' (Played by Holly Di Antonio) an employee. Grew up in town, left for college and came back.
Roscoe Power 'Ross' (Played by Jimmy Hart) the loudmouth who owns the bar, grew up in town, used to be a car salesman.
Olesya Pavlovsky 'Olivia' (Played by Penelope Voronin) an employee who grew up in town and has immigrant parents, goes by 'Olivia' because she would rather you don't f*** up her actual name.
Winona Vance (Played by Sam Griffin Silver) an employee who moved here from New York, for unknown reasons, and doesn't really understand the small town, everyone knows everyone lifestyle.
Lavender Whittemore (Played by Victoria Lucifarian) an employee who grew up in England but moved to live in America, settled in Canadian, Texas due to her love of westerns.
Next: The Local Police Squad:
Sergeant Valentine Gautier 'Val' (Played by Bret Hart) recently promoted before the series begins but still on patrol duty, watches over his younger brother.
Corporal Buck Morris 'Buckshot' (Played by Davey Boy Smith) the gun loving corporal of the squad and the only one to have both 'work' and 'home' guns.
Captain Napoleon Cooper 'Crazy Cooper' / 'Captain Crazy' (Played by Jim Neidhart) the police captain, recently reassigned to Canadian, Texas as there were rumours abut him which interfered with his work in his previous location.
Officer Duke Gautier (Played by Owen Hart) the young, recently recruited brother of Sgt Gautier, often put on patrol alone to ensure less arguments, but always checked on by his brother.
Next: The Biker Bar's Staff:
Ozzy Rains (Played by Charles Wright) A biker and member of the staff who grew up just outside of town but loves his fellow staff members like family.
Brock Martel (Played by Henry Godwin) a biker and member of the staff who grew up on a local ranch and loves beer, football and the current Mayor's down-to-Earth style.
Vincent Gore 'Vinnie' (Played by Kane) the owner's son and a known fire loving 'freak' often protected by his surrogate family, the bar staff, Vinnie knows no better than 'ooh, cool looking fire' and must be restrained or have his hands swatted away to stop him burning himself trying to touch campfires.
Raven Knight (Played by Kirby Roussimoff) the only female staff member, but also the girl who does all the tough jobs when needed, has a side business of making and selling artwork, such as portraits to locals, has designed some of the bar staff's tattoos.
Harlow Gore (Played by Paul Bearer) the owner of the bar and a loving father to his son, took Murphy (Undertaker) under his wing when they first met and also treats him, and the rest of staff, like family.
Hunter King (Played by Phineas Godwin) Brock's cousin and a member of staff, taught Raven how to shoot a shotgun and his father owns a local tattoo parlour.
Sequoia Reed (Played by Rikishi) an employee and Frankie's (Yokozuna) cousin, also a surrogate cousin to Raven, having been best friends since childhood. Reed loves his job and his staff family and will defend both at any cost.
Lupe Zapatero (Played by Savio Vega) an employee at the bar and possibly the shortest member of staff, towered over by the tallest staff members but is not any less of a fighter because of his size, a former mechanic who loves nothing more than taking things apart and putting them back together while listening to metal / rock.
Murphy Graves (Played By The Undertaker) Manager of the biker bar and an excellent member of staff, has an outlaw rules vibe, as in he would say to the police "Your jurisdiction ends when you walk in my bar." Very protective of the staff, and the owner.
Frankie Wolf (Played by Yokozuna) the most relaxed and laid-back of the staff, Frankie would prefer to be in the kitchen making potential 'Culinary Masterpieces' as he would call them. Sequoia and Raven's (surrogate) cousin, views his staff mates as family.
Next: The Local Band (Named: Exoskeleton Samurai)/College Students
Quinn Thorn (Played by Jeff Hardy) the bassist to Ros' (Lita) vocals / lead Guitar and older brother Garth's (Matt) Drums, a face paint enthusiast and an English major in college who never seems to find time to study, but always has time to date somehow.
Roz Jerome (Played by Lita) the vocals and lead guitar for the band and an art major who actually studies, dating Garth (Matt) and met Quinn through him. Roz also studies Spanish and French.
Garth Thorn (Played by Matt Hardy) Quinn's older brother and the band's drummer, a major in psychology and a horror movie lover, Roz' boyfriend and almost totally devoted to her, even at the cost of his college work.
Next: The Local Townsfolk of Note:
Mayor Robert Sweet (Played by Jim Duggan) rarely seen, but apparently a good man with good ideas, helps out in volunteer projects and absolutely loves the town. Trying his hardest and people know this, and they love him. (did I meme correctly?)
Rusty Jarvis (Played by Mick Foley) the local hippie who has never left town, somehow managing to know both everything and nothing at the same town. (Very Dude Love with hints of Cactus Jack and Mankind) Does know how to fight when he needs to.
Redd Wayne (Played by 'Sycho' Sid Vicious/Justice) the local baseball/softball star, helps out at the local school/college teaching sports and likes Raven's artwork, he watches her draw when he can, runs the local little league & minor league baseball/softball games.
Earl Black (Played by Steve Austin) the most often seen regular at the biker bar, absolutely loves both the bar and the town, a hardworking guy who has befriended the entire staff (including Harlow and Vinnie) of the biker bar.
Lex Aston (Played by The Rock) a local struggling actor, teaching an acting class to pay the bills and an absolute ladies man, and for that reason he goes to the cop bar, to try and pick up one of the bartenders who works there, often favouring Rosa as she will jokingly flirt back.
Finally (for this section): The Degenerates and Their Benefactors:
Reign Yates (Played by Billy Gunn) Leon's (Road Dogg) best friend, often the getaway driver for the group and a scout for locations, often getting all the info on a place before telling Matty (H.H.H) and Dell (HBK). Often leaves town with Leon to get the heat off them. (and make out in secret)
Zelda Hooper (Played by Chyna) the only female degenerate but possibly the toughest, has a rap sheet as big as her arms, not to be trusted when around the other degenerates as she is usually the actual brains of the operation.
Matty Battle (Played by Hunter Hearst Helmsley) the co-leader of the degenerates, often protected by Zelda or Mark (Kevin Nash). does most of the talking but has the piss taken of him for his looks often by either other degenerates or locals who don't care for the degenerates.
Romeo Colombera (Played by Mike Rotundo/I.R.S) the right hand man of the mysterious benefactor, and often the lawyer for the degenerates as well as a taskmaster for them, telling them what the boss wants done and by what date.
Mark Rake (Played by Kevin Nash/Diesel) the tallest degenerate with a rap sheet as long as his leg, a former bouncer at a now closed nightclub, alongside best friend (and possibly boyfriend) Galo (Scott Hall) and now a bodyguard (when needed) for Matty and Dell (HBK, also boyfriends).
Leon Rose (Played by Road Dogg) best friend of Reign and a scout for the group alongside him. Has found every possible way to piss off other townsfolk and often in the most fights because of it, always on the police's radar for one thing or another and constantly leaving town because of it.
Galo Villalobos (Played by Scott Hall/Razor Ramon) the only (supposedly) Latino degenerate, raised in Canadian, Texas but his parents are from Cuba, Galo is a former nightclub bouncer (alongside Mark) Galo is known (for his ability to give minus fucks) as the most relaxed member of the group.
Dell Pain (Played by Shawn Michaels/HBK) the co-leader alongside Matty, a known flirt with people regardless of gender or sexuality, just to piss them off on some occasions. Dell grew up in town, knowing it like the back of his hand.
Giles Rennell (Played by Ted DiBiase) the mysterious benefactor of the group, bailing them out if needed, he stumbled across the group after seeing a police bulletin and decided to use them to cause enough chaos to guarantee a chance in the next mayoral election.
Zac Noel (Played by X-Pac) the shortest and youngest degenerate, Zac is often treated as the child of the group, being taught how to get away with crimes and trick the police into just letting him go by clerical error and tomfoolery.
Next on my list of updates: Season 1's episode list, episode titles, episode synopses, some spoilers, and the revolving door idea a bit further explained.
Series running order:
Biker bar episode
Cops on Patrol episode
Band/College Students episode
Cop bar episode (yes these are different)
Degenerates episode
(last episode of each season/series only) town meeting/town get-together (E.X: town hall meetings, the town getting together for a sports game or barbeque or restaurant opening)
1x01: Insert Coin to Start: The pilot episode of the series sees the local biker bar of Canadian, Texas installing two, brand new, arcade machines. After leaving for the night, the team finds the bar broken into and both machines missing with no evidence or possible suspects to the robbery. The team finds the machines relatively undamaged in an alleyway nearby. By the end of the episode there's still no suspects. B plot includes an argument between father and son, Harlow and Vincent which ends when Murphy gets involved.
1x02: Hot Pursuit: Newly instated chief of police Chief Cooper [Neidhart] makes changes to the patrol teams before tasking them with looking for any persons involved with (1x01)'s robbery and break-in, leading to a high speed chase later in the episode. B plot includes the squad coming to grips with the new, and much crazier, police chief.
1x03: Making Noise: Local band Exoskeleton Samurai [Team Extreme] are writing new music late at night while Roz [Lita] tries to study for a class the following day but, during a moment of quiet, they hear a break in a couple of doors down and attempt to see who it is. The group get a glimpse of Zac Noel [X-Pac] and Mark Rake [Nash] but not a full glimpse. Now aware of the local degenerates, the band try and forget about it and focus on their own lives until their apartment gets broken into when they're not there.
1x04: Donuts & Beer: The new cop bar opens on the other side of town, serving mainly (both savoury and sweet) bagels and donuts as well as beer (on tap and bottled), the fact it's slightly more risqué gets (both good and bad) attention on the place. Winona Vance [Sam] gets in a fight with Zac Noel [X-Pac] as she's locking up. Winona [Sam] being put in the hospital with a broken arm makes the rest of [Cop Bar]'s staff double down on getting justice for the near break-in.
1x05: Dirty Work: The first episode from the degenerates perspective. The degenerates are just causing general problems for the town without reason because it's fun' but it's quickly losing their interest as the heat on them rises. The end of the episode has Matty Battle [Triple H] receiving a call from 'Mister R' [DiBiase] offering him a deal.
1x06: Blue & Black: A brawl breaks out at [Biker Bar] following whispers that the people who broke in are in the building. The bikers who work at the bar threaten to hurt anyone who works for the rival bar if they try and mess with business while in the biker bar.
1x07: Captain Crazy: A rumour that the current captain was moved location and promoted to smooth over allegations that he may not be fully sane, Officer Duke Gautier [Owen] is determined to find the truth while Sergeant Valentine Gautier [Bret] and Corporal Buck Morris [Davey Boy] are determined to keep the peace and catch the local degenerates.
1x08: Broken Strings: following an argument with an ex girlfriend Quinn Thorn [Jeff] finds his guitar smashed and has to work odd jobs to buy another one (starting a potential series c plot). Garth Thorn [Matt] ends up in a fight with Galo Villalobos [Hall] which ends when Roz Jerome [Lita] smashes a table leg over the back of Galo's [Scott's] head, knocking him out and giving him over to the police.
1x09: Badges & Bottle Tops: Captain Cooper [Neidhart] stops by [cop bar] to talk with owner Roscoe Power [Jimmy Hart]. Meanwhile the Gautier boys [Owen & Bret] interrogate Galo Villalobos [Scott Hall] about what the degenerates are doing and why, getting no information about the mysterious benefactor over than he pays them a lot of money depending on what they do.
1x10: Paid off: The mysterious benefactor 'Mister R' [DiBiase] pays Galo's [Scott's] bail, getting him free for a while but side-lining him too. The benefactor remains hidden in shadow but Matty & Dell [Triple H & HBK] have a meeting with him to discuss money and the next job.
1x11: Written in Ink: the tattooed bikers on the staff encourage regular customer Earl Black [Austin] to get a skull tattoo on his back and even take him with them to the tattoo parlour they frequent, finding it to be burned to the ground with a 'freaks get lost' sign planted in the wreckage. Murphy Graves [Undertaker] dismisses the rumours that the arsonist is the fire fascinated Vincent Gore [Kane] and even gives him an alibi when the cops come looking for answers, putting blame on someone in town who knows about Vinnie's [Kane's] love of fire, which is nearly every person in town.
1x12: Sergeant Heartbreaker: Sergeant Gautier [Bret] is accused of flirting with the staff at [Cop bar] leading to a paid two day leave to get heat off of him while he's ordered to remain at home. Officer Gautier [Owen] and Corporal Morris [Davey Boy] are put on patrol together, leading to a high speed chase of Reign Yates, Leon Rose & Zelda Hooper [Gunn, Road Dogg & Chyna] after witnessing a mugging, assault and graffiti from the trio, the cops eventually lose them down a back road on private Giles Rennell's [DiBiase's] land they would need a warrant for.
1x13: Failing Grade: Quinn's [Jeff's] lack of sleep leads to him getting a fail on an test forcing him to do the semester again. Enraged by this Quinn [Jeff] considers leaving the school but is encouraged to continue following Garth [Matt] ending up in hospital following [1x12]'s assault and mugging on Garth & Roz [Matt & Lita].
1x14: Microphones & Megaphones: [cop bar]'s owner Roscoe Power [Jimmy Hart] installs a stage for local acts in the bar, leading to Violet Croft [Eli] performing later that episode (the closing of the episode into the credits) and the night before the first performance the bar is covered in graffiti, leading to a massive clean up effort from the staff and local volunteers (like Mick Foley & The Rock).
1x15: Trench Warfare: Romeo Colombera [IRS] the benefactor's [DiBiase's] right hand man and go-to lawyer gives the degenerates an list of jobs, run the police chief out of town by the end of the year, run the bikers out of town, and ensure that 'Mister R' [DiBiase] the benefactor wins the next mayoral election.
1x16: Fuelling Up: after closing up [biker bar] Raven Knight [Kirby] narrowly avoids being burned by her motorbike exploding in a ball of fire. Her boss, Harlow Gore [Bearer] tells her to take the week off, leading to her coming into the bar and sitting at the back of the bar, sketching the regular customers and having a long conversation with local sports star Redd Wayne [Sid].
1x17: Brothers in Arms: Together: the Gautier brothers [Bret & Owen] are put on patrol together leading to the arrest of Zelda, Matty & Dell [Chyna, Triple H & HBK] before the trio are bailed out, the brothers interrogate Dell Pain [HBK] (leading to a very 'basic instinct'-esque scene with Shawn in assless chaps and boxer briefs) who gives them no information on their behaviour and why they are doing the things they've done.
1x18: Night Time Fun: the band attends a college party, unknowingly with Zac Noel [X-Pac] also in attendance, leading to the trio being high and drunk and the Thorn brothers [Matt & Jeff] end up in a fight, almost being thrown out of college entirely for their actions the next morning.
1x19: Head or Hart: Violet Croft [Eli] and (officer) Duke Gautier [Owen] meet properly for the first time on a blind date, leading to them walking through the streets of Canadian, Texas at night. The date is quickly ended after Duke [Owen] spots Leon Rose [Road Dogg] spray painting [cop bar] and gives chase after handing Violet [Eli] his number.
1x20: Grunt Work: The degenerates have a group meeting about how to sabotage the town meeting, leading to Rennell [DiBiase] coming out of the shadows to lead the degenerates in a coordinated attack on the town hall. Leading to the degenerates waiting until the town meeting to begin the next day.
1x21: Town Meeting: Mayor Robert Sweet [Duggan] conducts a town meeting, leading to everyone airing their grievances with the degenerates recent spree of activity. At the end of the meeting, paint bombs hidden above the townsfolk go off all at once, covering everyone in bright, almost neon, green paint.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
6 Shots of Coffee (Jaemin x you + Dreamies)
a/n: I am back! With a sudden wild oneshot. Please be aware that this is purely fan-fiction. Anything happening here is mere pure imagination. I did not intend to connect any disorders with the idols in real life.
Warning : characters with disorders, a lot of dozing off characters, character with slight adhd (i tried my best to picture them correctly but I’m sorry if everything is wrong, i only did a short research). Mentions of orphanage, drunk parents, and a broken family. HAPPY ENDING! 
CHARACTERS : dream (minus Hyuck and Mark), Taeyong, and Yuta also our brave (y/n)! 
here we go, 
If there are three things in life you hate, that will be Jaemin, Jaemin, and oh god another team assignment with Jaemin!
Jaemin has been the most excruciating classmate you ever have! Not only did he tease you about your freakin need of keeping things in their proper place and keeping things spotless, but he also keeps using you to help him pass his classes. Yet no teacher minds your complain, and all the school girls think you're a freak for being mad about sharing a group project with the handsome guy.
No you’re not sick or weird. You just love organizing things and you like clean things a bit too much. Why? Coz you've had some bad memories with dirty things. Okay Jaemin is just another naughty kid in your class who likes to play and have fun with others, but you certainly did not find his jokes funny.
“Come on calm down (y/n)! It's only coffee, we can clean that.” Jaemin tries to laugh it off despite seeing you standing completely frozen in front of him with an empty cup and you with a  brown uniform. Although you clearly see there is a slight worry in his eyes.
You hold yourself back. How come the worst day has to become worse?! You woke up to period cramps, you forgot a homework thanks to late night distracted room cleaning, and as you were about to rush to type your homework in the library, Jaemin decided to meddle and spill his coffee on your white uniform.
A part of you want to scream and yell and pull his hair apart, but you're too tired to talk with Jaemin. Let alone think about Jaemin, there's just so many things you hate related to Jaemin.
Despite him trying his best to apologize and to help you wash your clothes, which is something new… Jaemin never cared if he messed up with you. You ended up slapping his hand away when he wants to drag you to the office to ask a spare uniform.
“Go away! I have to rush,” you push him aside with your shoulder and run to the library. Knowing so well you'll probably get another minus score and a weird look from the library thanks to your stained uniform.
You hate the feeling of sitting down with this coffee stained shirt, and as much as you want to open that shirt and change into something else, you don’t have the energy. So, after sitting down on the table with the library's laptop you stare into the keyboard only to focus more on your uniform and the least wanted thing happens.
You cry. You cry by yourself in the corner of the room and you don’t really mind the stare they give. You just want to end life here, can anyone just stab you? Or can the ground split and swallow you?
There’s another thing you hate other than Jaemin meddling with your ugly life. It's dirt and unorganized objects. Why? Well you were once a very regular kid, always playing in the rain mud and all kinds of sand. You don’t mind having dirt all over your body you know when you go home you can shower. That's until you grow up and notice how your family is different. Your parents look like they are okay, but every night you hear them argue and argue. The argument gets stronger and scarier, they shout, scream, throw things down and you were always awaken to the no longer comfy homey house. You realize one day you woke up to seeing your dad getting drunk, your mother depressed, and the house super dirty like a tornado just hold a party. It’s awful to wake up to the smell of cigar and alcohols instead of bacons and eggs. You had to keep one plate with you or else it will end up like its friends, lifeless, prickly, sharp, on the ground.
Your maid stopped working, you're moved to a new school, this middle school where you meet Jaemin and some other annoying problematic students. Your once colorful life turned dark and gloomy. No longer you woke up to morning kiss and breakfast. You find yourself sitting alone in the dining room, preparing your own sandwich from some cheap dry bread. No more nutella and you're grateful for butter.
You tried to understand, keeping all to yourself as you grow up and noticed your family is broken. You thought everything will get better, one day mom and dad will love each other again and you'll be back with the bright family you love.
Life is not that kind. Life is cruel, on your 14th birthday your dad left for another woman and your mother dropped you off to an orphanage. She said she can no longer pay for your school and living fees. Heck she even had to borrow money to buy you your monthly pads.
The cheerful friendly you turned 180° into a mournful secretive teenager. You hate everyone who looks bright and you hate every single dirt. Seeing unorganized things and dirty objects just remind you of the dark memories you want to forget.
The orphanage found your smart talent and you got a scholarship making you still able to attend the school. The orphanage you live in has a rule where there is a schedule for cleaning up and preparing dish. You meet a similar boy who has the same problem with you; just that he looks like he had overcome his bitterness and chooses to live a happy life. Which you deadly want to do but cannot.
Renjun, is the only person you talk to in that house. The adults taking care over you, still cannot make you talk comfortably with him and you're not planning to do any sooner.
“Hey, it's me. Should we make a letter to the office and go home?” Renjun's soft voice comes to your ear and you look up to him with blood red eyes.
“How long have I been crying?” you sniffle.
He shrugs his shoulder “I just came an hour ago when I noticed you're missing Chemistry class and Jaemin too. I thought he was with you.”
You scowl “Why would I be with Jaemin?”
Renjun scratches his head “I don’t know… you were always assigned a team with him… I thought both of you are rushing a task.”
“I am having a bad day.” You exhale.
Renjun shakes his head “That is more than a bad day. Here, put this on that coffee is hot or cold?” he gives you his school blazer and you gladly put it over your stained uniform.
You sigh, of course Renjun noticed. He is also like you, despise any single speck of dust.
“Jaemin spilled his cold coffee on me. Now I am late to submit my work, I'll never get the essay done and I am skipping classes. GREAT! Looks like I will be kicked out of school next week.”
Renjun shakes his head again “Silly, you're dramatic. They won’t kick you just because of that. What about your achievements?”
You scoff “They can always find another better painter. I could barely tell difference in colors.”
Renjun smiles well that’s what makes you different. The school honors your brilliant talent of drawing although you have a hard time distinguishing colors. But your emotions are well delivered on every picture you paint. That gives honor to the school when the art teacher secretly sent your works to different curators and exhibitions.
“Come, we will go home. I'll make your letter. Can you wait for me in the lobby by yourself?” Renjun smooths your hair away.
You shake your head and clearly looks afraid “Can I join you?”
He nods and lets you go with him, blaming himself for ever offering you that option.
You got home, Renjun fixes your mood by giving you new clothes. Yes, as simple as that, and you’re already less scarier than before. He makes you tea when he saw the circled date on the calendar and drops you some pain killers.
“It's that month, sorry for not noticing had I known, I'd bring you home when I heard Jaemin looking for you around the school.”
You pause from cutting the potatoes, well you need to start cooking dinner for the others. “Jaemin looked around for me?”
Renjun nods “Uh huh that's also how I know something is not right. Jaemin never looked for you except when he needs your score.”
You curl your lips “Weird. He also wanted to bring me to the office, which he never did before.”
Your sudden emotional change is a regular thing to Renjun. Although at first he has to bear with your monthly exploding sensitivity since you're the first teenage girl in this house, Renjun manages to tame you down when he calmly offer you a cup of warm chamomile tea you love.
“Maybe it’s the coffee.” You shrug it off. Come to think of it, you never see the school selling coffee but Jaemin always brings his cup of super dark coffee.
“Oh home early?” Taeyong, the oldest son of the orphanage owner, greets you both. Well Taeyong is like the head matron here, every school letter directed to him and every new kid will meet him.
“It's not her day. I brought her home before she spent another day dozing off in the school's garden.” Renjun whispers to Taeyong and the older just nods his head.
“Oh! Did I mention to you we will have a new family tonight? Please be nice, he comes from this neighborhood and we actually had been waiting for his arrival since last month, but he always escaped before his vise parents want to drop him here.
You grow annoyed at this news. Well you don’t really like having to act kind and good in front of the others. Especially when meeting new members. Taeyong always asked you to at least be welcoming and less patronizing but you cannot keep your resting bitch face to yourself.
“I might as well skip dinner.” You taunt at Taeyong “No way I am acting kind in front of that person when I had a shitty day.”
Taeyong just hums to your threat, it is nothing new. You're a stone heart and he doesn’t want to have to slap you because of your stubbornness.
“I don’t mind. Just try to be welcoming, he had a rough time too.” Taeyong waves his hand and disappears behind his study room.
“I wonder who is going to join us. Our dining table is empty after Mark and Hyuck got adopted.” Renjun is excited to welcome the new family, maybe because he really likes it better here and therefore, he wants to make sure everyone else is welcomed.
Unlike you who still can't swallow the bitter truth. For you, your real family was the best, yet you didn’t know when everything started to fall apart.
The other comes home, you see Jisung, Jeno, and Chenle coming from the backyard and you hide yourself back on your room. Dinner is ready they just have to heat it up. The stew.
You close your window and come back to sit in front of your paper. Trying to remember what project you missed and have to do.
You look around the room, you used to have a bigger room, but after Taeyong knew you cannot stay still when there are mess, he moved you to a smaller room where you cannot store so many things. He said its for your own good. He doesn’t want you to stress yourself and distract your studies just to clean things up.
You feel your stomach rumbling but when you hear the noisy sound downstairs, you remember the new family. Actually, you are curious, so you sneak from your room and take a peek from the walls.
Your mind might be playing tricks on you, you rub your eyes and focus more to the familiar man in the same uniform as yours. You want to doubt it, but when you hear Jisung repeats his name you want to jump away from this house and run far away.
Life must have hated you so much to send Na Jaemin not only to your school but also to your “house".
Although you try to ignore him, your mind wonders what makes him come here. He looks like he is okay, only naughty, but he doesn’t look like an orphan.
“Dinner?” Yuta, Taeyong's younger brother asks you when he was about to go down and greet Jaemin.
You quickly gasp and shake your head before making a quick run to lock yourself in your room.
You try to think of any reason why Jaemin is here… from dinner to nine you cannot think of doing other thing rather than fiddling with your pen as you let your brain wonder and wonder.
Only around twelve did you suddenly jolt and realize you've wasted another night without doing your paper. You hear a step on the squeaky floor, and you have to stay quiet. Taeyong and Yuta wouldn’t like seeing you still awake this late. However, you don’t recognize the footsteps. Must be Jaemin’s.
The next morning, you escape earlier from the house. Leaving before breakfast for the sake of not meeting Jaemin. You're still mad at him and you hate him. You hate him for giving you hard times at school and now at “home".
You were waiting in the class when suddenly Jaemin comes into the class with a nervous face. You wonder did he just see a ghost? Jaemin really looks out of his place. Did he finally realize he is thrown away to the orphanage? Or did he finally realize you're secretly writing foot notes to the teacher that Jaemin is only leeching on your grades? Did he get called by the office?
You try your best to stop distracting your mind and continue working your essay. Thank goodness you can submit the work when the teacher leaves the class, only then did you see Jaemin's frozen state on his chair.
“Jaem?” you surprise yourself too for calling out his name. He also looks surprised.
“Yes?” he puts on his damn sickening pretty smile back like he always did to other students.
“Erase that smile. It's creepy.” You mutter and the other girls in your class is wanting to end you up there and then.
“Sorry, it’s just that… I … I didn’t get my coffee this morning.”
You raise your brow, oh right. Taeyong and Yuta are not giving us caffeine until we are 20.
You raise a brow “And? Can’t you skip once?”
His feet thump on the floor and he looks around nervously “You're right. I- don’t mind me.” He stands up and suddenly leaves you with bigger question mark in your head.
He sure is weird. What’s wrong with skipping one cup of that bitter liquid?
“(Y/n)! Come let's go home.” Renjun greets you on the lobby as you wait for the youngers to come too.
“Noona, you should meet Jaemin hyung! He is so sweet last night!” Jisung tugs on your uniform.
You frown and shudder your shoulder “Jisung, I hate that man.”
Jeno just laughs at your words and at Jisung's surprised expression “So, should we wait for him?”
You click your tongue “Actually that weird man left class after the first session and did not come back to class. Maybe he ran away. Let's go before it rains.” You start leaving the lobby, but no one follows you.
“Is it because of us?” Jisung worriedly asks his brothers.
Renjun thinks for a while “You mean what happened this morning?”
Jisung nods. Your ear can still hear them, for they start walking after you too. You have to hold yourself from turning around and asking them what happened this morning that made him weird!
When the five of you enter the house, that's when your brain finally clicked on what Jaemin must be suffering.
There in the middle of the living room, is Jaemin looking so uncomfortable as he forces his hand to write on a paper with a textbook opened by his side, but what comes out of his hand is just scribbles of lines and curves and he looks like he is painting instead of writing an essay.
“So damn hard to be productive!” he suddenly throws his pen and pulls his hair. All five of you are shocked to see this. Even you! You never see this side of Jaemin in school.  He always looks like the charming prince every girl’s crush, but this is definitely not the same man.
His lips are trembling, limbs unable to stop shaking and he looks in pain. And he starts to hit himself as if scolding his body for not cooperating.
You are in awe and you have to quickly usher Jisung and Chenle away.
“Jaemin! Calm down okay.” Jeno and Renjun quickly stand by his side and tries to keep the boy from hitting himself.
You bring Jisung and Chenle to their rooms while your head is quickly thinking of what to do. You sure see he is panicking and he's throwing tantrum. Taeyong and Yuta are not here yet but when you see your reflection on the window with a clean uniform suddenly your mind reminds you of the incident yesterday.
Coffee. Na Jaemin needs coffee. As silly as it sounds, you've read somewhere that coffee can help someone with ADHD or something like that. You're not sure, but you want to give it a chance. You run to your room, break your saving jar and pick out the bills you've been saving.
“Jaemin, how many shots?” you ask him when you pass through him.
Renjun and Jeno look at you with question in their face but Jaemin understands you and holds out a number with his hand.
Your eyes widen but you run to the nearest coffee shop, the one with the brand you always see Jaemin holding.
“Give me americano with six shots of espresso. Cold I don’t know with water or not.” You sound as mad as a hatter, but the barista seems to notice something.
“Are you by any chance taking an order for Jaemin?” he asks you nod your head baffled that he is a regular here until the shift knows his order and name.
“I was confused when the morning shift told me Jaemin skipped his coffee today. Alright i'll make it like how he always orders.” The man with a name tag Mark punches the bill and gives you the amount.
You don’t mind paying such high price for the black bitter drink you never like, as soon as Mark hands you the drink you walk as fast as you can back to the house.
You see Renjun waiting for you in the porch and he looks pale.
“Where did you go?! I was worried.” Renjun almost scolds you for leaving suddenly.
You walk past him “Jaemin! I have your coffee.” You yell at him, who is currently staring on the TV that's off. Jeno is still sitting next to him, afraid that Jaemin will do anything dangerous.
Jaemin's eyes widen as he quickly takes over the drink and gulp it down like his life depends on it.
All three of you wait for him to finish half of his drink and like magic, Jaemin looks calmer.
He closes his eyes and leans on the couch. His head rests on the small pillow Jeno tosses to him and you can see his usual self back.
After ten minutes, he opens his eyes stretches his body and like a robot who has his reset button pressed, Jaemin shoots a “what?” look to the three of you.
“Sorry if I freaked all of you out. I…” he shyly scratches his head “I have a minor ADHD and … coffee seems to be helping me focus and calm down.”
Now everything clicks. You understand why the teacher actually always assigned you with him, because no one else can handle Jaemin as patient as you and you're too blunt to notice he has his own trouble. You understand why he always brings a coffee to the class and why he looks calm when he has them. Unlike yesterday when he spilled it over you, you clearly see a slight terror in his eyes, and he disappeared from class. Maybe he was shy of showing his true self in class. You now know the reason he skipped class today because of the lack of caffeine and you just didn’t know he is also as wrecked as you guys.
That night, Jaemin knocks on your door and invites you to join dinner.
“You skipped dinner last night, I don’t know if it’s because I was there… and yesterday I was really ruining your day. I'm sorry I wasn’t a good friend too at school.” Jaemin speaks rather in a calm tone and you're taken aback he can speak in a soft kind voice and not the high pitch annoying teasing voice you regular get in school.
You're flustered, but you quickly put back your cold face “It's okay. T'was my fault too not looking the way.  Don’t worry I skipped dinner last night coz I am not hungry.” You lied.
No way you were going to spill the truth to him, not when you already know how hard his days are. He was not as bright and happy as he looks like.
“Renjun told me last night everything about you. I am so sorry…I didn’t know my jokes were very painful and disturbing to you. I should’ve stopped but you know I sometimes cannot hold my brain back.” Chuckles Jaemin nervously.
You sigh and place a hand on his shoulder “Life is hard right?” He nods his head and you squeeze his shoulder, “We also find it hard. But at least we're not alone now. We have each other and the others too. I am also sorry for picking on you to the teacher for leeching my score, but I promise I won’t do that again. I'll help you Jaemin.” You smile sincerely to him.
His face brightens “You're the best! I always have hard time focusing! Well coffee helps me, but still it's not healthy.”
You take his hand in yours “Na Jaemin, you're a part of our family now. Since we're family, we will get each other's back! Don’t worry things will be okay and you too will be okay!”
He Smiles and that is a new smile you've ever seen on him. A smile that's pure and true. That shows he too is also a human who can feel pain not just the angelic handsome boy in class.
“We should eat. The others are waiting,” Chenle's appearance in the hallway makes you and Jaemin turn your heads to him.
“She's right. We're family, now family eats dinner, together right? Come on! Taeyong hyung got us some pizzas for your welcome party.” Chenle drags the taller man's hand which automatically pulls you too.
A smile comes to your face when you realize just how perfect this imperfect family is!
Yes you also struggled focusing on a certain job, yes you also hate messy stuffs, yes it's true Renjun took three months to open his mouth and speak complete sentences, it also takes Jeno five months to be true about his feelings, and Jisung plus Chenle? They also have their fish to fry. Now Jaemin, is here with his own battle that will soon be shared within us.
Just like the famous quote, Ohana means family and family means no one is left behind.
Looking around the table, although you really wish you have a sister or a mother figure here, you're more than happy to call the 7 men your brothers and families.
please let me know if there are anything I can fix. I am trying a new genre and it’s a bit challenging but I am happy with finishing this. 
Contact or reach me out if you have any curiosity of what happens to the members or maybe you wonder what their problems are. 
Thank you for reading :D 🤗💖
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halfhappyhooligan · 4 years
a voltron au? in 2020? it’s more likely than you think
look. LOOK. i know that voltron is stupid and we hate it but lets be honest: everything up until season 3 was pretty good and had lots of potential !!
today i was rewatching voltron and a thought struck me: what if, instead of shiro being cloned, he was chipped and turned to the side of the galra?
so here it is, i did not blink since i thought of this
(warning, i have not seen voltron in a while and this is just knowledge i have stored in my moss brain and stuff i know from rewatching the first season)
au where shiro goes evil bc of what happens @ end of season one instead of the clone thing bc 1) haggar rly could not have made thousands of shiros after bumping into team voltron like what twice? its hella improbable and 2) just… weird
so instead they insert a chip in him that helps them spy and control him just like kuron (the clone) did minus the unlikely storytelling
eventually after the convo with sendak when he was in the pod trying to temp shirp, he does have thoughts about helping zarkon
(“im already infiltrated with the arm, i could just speed up the process by leaving now. save the team the trouble of investing in a leader that’s doomed to fail from the strart.”)
shiro ends up leaving team voltron in season 2 after zarkon goes crazy w the black lion n stuff
^^ this adds to Keith’s reasoning of joining the Blade of Marmora (shiro is his main stability and one of the main reasons he even stuck around with team voltron, so with shiro gone and keith questioning his place as the leader and paladin of the black lion, he decides the BoM is just.. what’s best for him) 
obviously lance isn’t happy with this (“you just told me that i’m a valuable member, now you don’t think YOU are? what logic is that?”)
ofc keith goes anyways
lance becomes paladin of the black lion
allura takes on the red lion
who has blue lion? ...idk this isn’t that thought out (maybe matt after pidge finds her family) (which will happen earlier in the plot since we can forget about the miniplot of black no longer responding to shiro)
enter lotor only this time he has a sidekick and what omg its shiro wow
shiro has that bigger version of his arm that was once offered to him
he’s stronger and scary, but his eyes aren’t the same, he has the strength of a galra but lacks the passion 
in the fight between lotor and zarkon, (and after, of course lots of self doubt and questioning) shiro comes between them and convinces lotor NOT to kill zarkon
then zarkon kills lotor
everyones like oh shit bc surely someone who’s life was just spared wouldn’t kill the person who seems to have the most power
but he did. bc he’s zarkon. and he’s fckn crazy.
shiro doesn’t go back to team voltron bc its too much too easily
instead he takes the place of lotor in the group of gals 
he convinces them all to rebel against the galra
eventually they teach him all about quintessence and all the shit lotor had planned that they can’t do anymore
(lotor wasn’t harvesting alteans in this universe bc what the heck even was that subplot that had little to no relevance to the main storyline?
instead he was trying to find a way to technologically bring back alteans (kinda like how allure’s dad was originally preserved in s1)
i know nothing about How Stuff Works and i dont remember much about quintessence n shit but the basic idea is that when tying in some of a persons artifacts with technology stuff and some quintessence then boom. a weird route from astral projection land to the team is created and ppl can come back or smth idfk
but lotor was never able to get the comet so shiro decides he and the gals will get that comet and try to bring back as many alteans as they can
^ all this while infiltrating as many galra fleets as possible + saving planets under galra empire
they personally visit every planet that lotor was in charge of and release them from galra control
they are able to bring back an altean (its romelle) and she talks abt her friend who lives on the balmera and they go to the balmera and its revealed that it was shay’s great grandmother so romelle asks where shay is and shay’s family is like with team voltron of course
they take her
obviously team voltron, the BoM and the Rebels r very hesitant to make contact but they decide to try it out
keith refuses to meet, instead he’s on the team that stands guard
reunions !! 
romelle and shay hit it off and hunk makes a dinner much like roselle’s past (allura and coran also hang out and they all vibe)
lance talks to shiro abt everything to do with keith and shiro is like dude do u??? like him?
and lance is like what? no ofc not—oh shit.
and keith ✨overhears ✨
pidge matt and shiro catch up n shit
meanwhile keith is like Hey Lance Uhhhhhh What The Fuck
they end up being like hey since we’re all here and we hate zarkon what if we make a plan to end the galra’s reign Right Now
so they do
and y’all.. it’s hella baller plan
except something is going wrong and in the middle of an attack zarkon is able to get the upper hand 
due to haggar’s magic and lance’s mental and emotional instability, zarkon is able to get in his head
everyone is trying to talk him down but they’re all under a lot of pressure
allura is also conflicted bc she wanted to be black lion bc she wanted to rub it in to zarkon’s face that she was stronger than he and that she could beat him at his own game
but the negativity and instability feeds into zarkon’s power and makes him and haggar stronger as they pull in voltron to finally take over the team and regain their status as the most powerful alien race
hunk realizes this and is like okay can y’all stop being negative? its clearly affecting them in a good way and it makes us an easier target
and pidge is like im literally a child pls i don’t wanna die i just got my family back it can’t end like this
shiro realizes what’s going on and he goes to save them
he uses all his energy, pulling in the positive memories (everything: first learning about space, becoming a teacher, meeting adam, meeting keith, first making team voltron, his friends and family--all of it) to push back zarkon and haggar’s powers and battle once more in the astral realm 
in defeating zarkon, shiro loses his life
afterwards keith enters the ship in a hurry and is like where the fuck is shiro where’s my brother what did you do what happened
and team voltron is like hey man.. we are so so sorry
and keith cries because the last thing he ever said to shiro was mean
lance feels like its all his fault since he was supposed to be a good leader
they talk about separately while hunk pidge and allura discuss
krolia is like keith we, ur family, are here for u
and axca is there and shes like um?? hey?? sry for trying to kill u bro
and he’s like i absolutely do not wanna talk i just lost my closest friend
they talk about it later
axca tells keith abt shiro finishing lotor’s work and abt bringing people back and well.. 
they use the methods to help keith visit shiro in the astral realm
shiro is like oh uh hey i was just having a drink w adam we r happy
and keith is like shiro u fuckhead why would u sacrifice urself
shiro sighs bc cmon keith you KNOW why “remember what i always said? we can’t focus on what went wrong..”
“we’ve got to figure out how to make it right” keith finishes
keith breaks tf down crying and screams apologizing
“i love u shiro. ur a like a big brother to me.”
and shiro is like yeah i know and ilyt but hey. everyone’s safe and happy. im safe and happy. & you deserve to be too. you don’t need me anymore.
so the galra rule is over and everyone goes to their respected planets
romelle and the other alteans as well as some galra babes hang in earth
romelle and shay r in an apartment together and have a garden
allura realizes she may not have been the strongest leader for voltron, and  couldn’t stop zarkon on her own but that physical strength doesn’t define her as a whole
her heart is strong enough to care for everyone, so thats what she does
allura starts running an inn for alteans filled with painted sceneries like altea in case anyone ever needs a reminder of home
when lance reunites with his family its a real tearjerker
rachel finally gets her jacket back and veronica is like So.. Axca 👀
the McClain’s host a huge party for everyone and it’s filled with lots of hugs and loud music and even tho lance was way too tired, he danced all night
he wouldn’t trade his family for the world—genetic and chosen
when hunk reunites with his parents they don’t let him out the house for hours, he tells them all about his new best friend shay as well as hundreds of his favorites stories from space
they are so, so proud of him
hunk spends the next days playing minecraft and animal crossing with pidge, giving their brains a rest from being on hyperdrive for 3 yrs straight
when pidge gets home she finally gets grounded by her mom, only being allowed to leave the house to see her old teammates
(same for matt and her dad)
(her mother cries so hard when they opened the door to the home)
the holt family holds movie nights filled with popcorn, cuddles, and tears
keith moves in with the holt family, and finally accepts that he has a home as well as a family
he often goes on trips with the BoM but mostly just stays on earth
after a Team Voltron sleepover in the altea inn keith and lance decide to get an apartment together and live their lives in love and in peace
everyone gets together once a year in celebration of shiro and the sacrifice he made for them
they use the ship to visit Astral Shiro and once they even met adam
everyone laughs and catches up and just... live their lives
everyone is happy
pls ignore any and all errors lmao
again, just a thought !! maybe i’ll write a fic abt it idk for sure but yeah
feel free to add anything <3
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asian-hero · 4 years
i was wondering if i could do a mina x fem!reader where the reader is pretty butch and is friends with mainly the guys; however all of them still think that she likes guys, so they are all trying to set up todoroki (who has no clue on what the guys are doing) with her, until one day they see them talking in a cafe and they think that they’re actually together, until one of them sees/hears her gushing over mina with big brother todoroki paying for her coffee because f endeavor’s credit card ❤️❤️
A/N: I’m glad that the entire fandom collectively agrees that Todoroki would absolutely steal his father’s credit card to buy the dumbest things
Maybe I’ll write a part two where the reader tells Mina how she feels
Summary: The guys of 1-A, while they absolutely owned your heart and you’d do anything for them, all collectively shared a total of three brain cells, and most of the time it was either Bakugou or Iida who held them. So, while you thought it was clear that there was a certain pink haired girl you were crushing on, it somehow got lost in translation, and instead you were set up with a red and white haired boy instead.
They were so close.
Words: 1,970
Ever since you were little, you always found yourself gravitating towards your male classmates versus your female ones. It wasn’t as if you had anything against the girls in your classes, no, it was quite the opposite, in fact. You were just so enamored by them that it often rendered you speechless, so instead of trying to overcome your slight fear of a woman’s rejection, you instead sought comfort with the male students, and then it just became natural for you to gravitate towards them instead. 
By the time you had enrolled in U.A. practically nothing had changed, you were the same girl-avoiding woman you had been growing up, but at least now you knew why you were so infatuated, yet so afraid. On your first day in class 1-A, you immediately found yourself drawn to a nerdy green-haired boy and the seemingly strict glasses wearing kid. It only took a few minutes for you to become fast friends with the two of them, as you and Midoriya found yourself geeking over pro heroes and reading his journal with all of their stats. Iida, while not quite sure how to react to having two extreme pro hero fans, merely watched as you and Midoriya talked a mile a minute about every hero on the scene currently, who your favorites were, and who’s quirk you’d like to switch with for a day. It also didn’t take long for you to be introduced to Uraraka Ochako, though it took much longer for the two of you to become friends. Not because she was hard to get along with, but because she was just so cute that you were having a hard time forming any coherent sentences. You did get past it, eventually, but the two of you knew that you weren’t as close as you and the other two boys.
As you had progressed in your class, gaining more control over your quirk, you also had progressed in terms of how many friends you had gained as well. Shortly after the first week of class, you had somehow managed to be caught in Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima’s little group, though you mostly acted as their mom and made sure that the three of them didn’t end up of the receiving end of a certain blonde-haired porcupine’s explosive quirk. 
Shouji, Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Sato were also quick friends of yours as well. Though you didn’t hang out with them much, you always knew that you were welcome to hang out with them and just have a relaxing time. Sato had even baked you a few things as the two of you got closer, and now you were currently his sole taste tester when it came to baked goods. 
You did try to befriend Mineta, but quite honestly, you’d rather take Bakugou’s anger issues and insults over the tiny boys perverted stares and attempts to touch you. Thankfully, Bakugou also recognized this as an issue for you, and even though he’d deny it to his dying day, he’d make sure that the perverted boy was never within six feet of you.
The most surprising friend you’d made, and the closest one you had, was the one and only Todoroki Shouto. How the two of you clicked was a mystery to the both of you. With his cold, aloof attitude at the beginning of the school year, and your rather boisterous personality, the two of you had formed some sort of mutual agreement to never speak to one another, both because Todoroki didn’t have the mindset of wanting to make friends, and you didn’t have the mental capacity and patience to deal with that boy without smacking him. However, shortly after the sports festival, he found himself sitting near Midoriya, formerly his only friend, which also meant that he was sitting close to you as well. After a few weeks of awkward silence between the two of you, you finally tried to start a conversation, hoping that your love for pro heroes and maternal personality would make him feel more at ease with you. While it worked to an extent, what really drove Todoroki to becoming your best friend was when you had accidentally let it slip that you didn’t really care for Endeavor, and before you could even attempt to take back what you said, Shouto told you he felt the same, and soon after the two of you became what seemed like the anti-Endeavor club. Instead of the two of you feeling awkward during lunch, you two had actually found yourself ignoring the rest of the group unintentionally, instead lost in your own conversation. 
It was also safe to say that you did have relationships with the girls of 1-A as well, though they were more superficial than the ones that you’d made with the boys. You always made sure to exchange pleasantries with them in the morning, and you made it clear that if any of them needed someone to talk to, they could always reach out to you. Other than that, though, your friendships with them weren’t quite as deep as they were with the boys.
This didn’t stop them from caring about you, though. Even though you never hung out with them, they always made sure to pay close attention to you and your needs, in case you ever needed them.
So, it truly couldn’t be helped that, upon further inspection, they had come to the conclusion that, because you spent so much time with him, you were absolutely, one hundred percent without a doubt, in love with Todoroki. 
It seemed obvious to them, as why would you spend so much time with the boy if you didn’t feel anything for him. You were always smiling around him, and you were one of the only people in the class who could get him to laugh and smile like a regular teenager. They didn’t even think that he could do that! So, in order to be the perfect wingwoman for you, Ashido, Uraraka, and Hagakure decided to plant the seed into some of the boys’ head, more specifically, Midoriya, Kaminari, and Kirishima’s heads. While the first had acted as he normally does, with a flustered look on his face, the other two had some of the most devious smiles you had ever seen. 
Not long after, all of the boys, minus Todoroki, had been let in on your little “crush,” and they decided to hatch a plan to get the two of you together. 
They weren’t subtle by any means, in fact, if you and Todoroki had more than one braincell shared by the two of you at any given point, you both probably would’ve recognized what your classmates were up to. Unfortunately for the both of you, while you were book smart, you were rather dense when it came to social cues, so every obvious attempt made by the other boys went over your head. You did start to pick up on certain things though, like how whenever there was a partner project, everyone would automatically push you towards Todoroki, saying that they already have a partner. Or when the two of you were sitting together at lunch, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka “conveniently” forgot to tell you that they weren’t able to sit with you, leaving you and Todoroki to eat by yourselves, not that you minded. 
The most obvious way that the boys attempted to get you two together was whenever you all had hero training, whether it be in rescue or media, if there was a way that they could get you partnered together, then you better believe that was what they were planning. 
Around the tenth time the boys had tried to set you up once again, only to fail miserably, as the two of you genuinely enjoyed each other’s company, and were about as smart as a brick. They were all so close to pulling out their hair, and before they could just call it like it was, Kirishima was the “voice of reason:”
“Those two already hang out a lot as is, right? Maybe they’re dating but they’re hiding it from us, so we should see if we can tail them,”
While most of the boys were agreeing to tail the two of you, with Iida going purely to put an end to any chaos they could cause, they missed the way you were wistfully sighing, and the way that Todoroki was trying to hold back his laughter at your love sick attitude. They also missed the way his eyes lit up with mischief as a certain pink haired girl walked by, waving at the two of you while holding back her pleased grin. Or how you immediately punched his shoulder to get him to stop from doing anything that would embarrass you more.
So, once school had let out, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Sero, and Iida had followed closely behind you and Todoroki, hoping that the two of you would do something more interesting than just walking back to the dorms.
Luckily for them, the two of you had planned to head to one of your favorite cafes, just a little ways away from the campus. Blissfully unaware of the eyes glaring holes into the backs of your heads, you carried a pleasant conversation, talking about the training from today, and how both of you thought the other could improve. As you headed into the cafe, the stalkers you had acquired waited a couple of seconds before going in after the two of you, hoping that you two would keep being ignorant of your surroundings, for at least a few more minutes. 
They couldn’t help but be amazed at the sight in front of them: with your arm wrapped securely around his, waiting in line as you pointed out all of the options you thought he’d like. Once the two of you were up to order, Todoroki had ordered for the both of you, and even paid with a shiny credit card that they were sure wasn’t his. Kirishima thought it was rather manly of him, whereas Kaminari was impressed that Todoroki could be “suave.” As the two of you sat down at one of the tables, they were starting to believe in Kirishima’s little theory before they heard you talking about someone else:
“Did you see how cool Mina looked during training today?” You sighed, resting your face against your palm as you stared off to the side.
“‘Mina?’” He teased, sipping on his drink and enjoying the way you seemed to grow embarrassed, “Since when were you two on a first name basis?”
You hid your face in between your hands, mumbling out a quiet “shut up.” He couldn’t help but laugh, leaning in to flick your head.
“You should just tell her you like her, I don’t see the harm from doing so,”
Your head shot straight up, sending a non-threatening glare towards the boy in front of you, “I can think of so many things that could go wrong. One: she could not like me, and then tell the rest of the girls in the class and get them all to hate me,” You took a minute to shove two fingers into his face, “Or two: she could just not like girls in general, and I could make her so uncomfortable that she’ll never want to see me again.”
“You are the most dramatic person I’ve ever met,”
“Well clearly you’ve never met yourself.”
As you both continued to bicker back and forth about your huge crush on the pink girl, the four boys, who were sitting right behind your table, found themselves dumbfounded. Kaminari turned towards the rest of the group, a puzzled look on his face.
“So, she doesn’t like Todoroki?”
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the woes of an unrequited crush-luther hargreeves (part ii)
a/n: this is part 2 of college!au luther fic. enjoy :)
masterlist | prompt list
part i
warnings: mentions of death (no I promise I did not kill her), mentions of food, swearing probably, kissing, mentions of bullying
word count: 4,753
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It had been exactly 5 months, 28 days, 34 minutes, and 12 seconds since you’d last spoken to Luther... not that anyone was counting. Your junior year of college had just started and you were living in a new apartment with Sophie and Charlotte, with a new room mate this year, named Kayla. If anyone asked, your summer had been great. You’d had the opportunity to work with your advisor as part of a program your college offered, doing summer research. Your classes were off to an amazing start and you’d even gotten a new, high-paying job at your university’s writing center. 
In all honesty, your summer had sucked. You had gotten so far in over your head with the research program and your grandfather had died just three weeks before the start of the new semester. Your living situation was beyond awkward, with Sophie and Charlotte making it a point to never bring any of the Hargreeves over, or even say any of their names. Kayla was kind and sweet and she did her best to include you, but it wasn’t the same. Your birthday was coming up, and you were dreading it more than anything. A year ago, Sophie and Charlotte had banded together, pulling out all the stops, giving you the best birthday you’d ever had. Now... now you weren’t sure what to even expect. You sighed as the cool air hit you as you opened the door to the building, heading down the hall to your advisors office. The woman was kind and young and new to the university and a lot of students drifted towards her when they needed a nice chat or help with citations or a good talk about the Cold War. She’d been sympathetic to your situation, even if you withheld some of the details. She didn’t need to be bogged down with all your petty personal life drama and she had enough on her plate. You turned the corner and knocked into someone, stumbling back a bit. You looked up to see Allison. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” She said, straightening up. 
"No worries.” You breathed out, throat closing up. Why, why did the world hate you? You gave her a tight smile and continued to move down the hallway until you were safely inside your advisors office. She smiled at you as you sat down in the chair nearest her desk. Max, one of the other History majors, shot you a smile from where he was sitting on a bean bag chair. You discussed your ideas for a final project for one of her classes, wanting to make sure you found all your research even thought the semester had just started. You wanted this project to go perfectly, it was your favorite time in history, which happened very little and you would be damned you didn’t do it well. You stayed to talk to her for a little bit longer, but eventually left as Max was leaving. Max was one of the sweetest boys in the department and the two of you were quite friendly. He’d been one of the saving graces of your summer and he’d been on the listening end of a many late night phone call about your problems. Kayla had even teased you that the two of you would be together in no time. You had laughed her off, because Max had a girlfriend (who was just as sweet as he was and was a good friend of yours as well) and because for as hard you tried, no one really compared to the way you felt about Luther. It sucked and you wanted nothing more than to move on with your life but you had never quite gotten closure and there was painful dull in your chest anytime you see him or his siblings on campus. Which just your luck, Diego, Luther, Vanya, and Allison were standing off the side of the doorway, and they went silent as you walked past. You kept your head down as you willed your feet to move quicker and Max gripped your arm as you stumbled out of the building. That was the closest you had come to them, besides your run-in with Allison just an hour prior, and you felt like you were going to throw up. 
“You want to come over?” Max asked. You shook your head, blinking back tears. You needed to get over this. “I’ll let you play Mario Kart on the Switch.” Max offered and you were tempted to say yes, but you really should go back to your apartment to work on some homework. “C’mon, I’ll buy you McDonalds.” That was the key word. You laughed a little, looking up at him. “You deserve the world (Y/N/N), don’t ever forget it.” He said, slinging his arm around you as he walked to his car. 
The Hargreeves sat around the apartment, laughing at some joke Klaus had made. Sophie and Charlotte had invited them over to see the new place and meet the new room mate and (Y/N) was at Max’s (who lived just down the hall). Sophie had promised she wouldn’t come back for at least a few hours, so it was the perfect time. “Mmm, I ran into (Y/N) today, like literally. Practically knocked the poor girl over.” Allison said as she ate a strawberry. 
“Jeez Allison, tell us how you really feel.” Five joked. 
“That was the most awkward thing ever when we saw her today.” Vanya said, to which Diego agreed. 
“We need to talk about that.” Sophie said, shifting away from Klaus. “Her birthday is coming up and the situation is getting unbearable, so you guys need to make up and soon.” 
“What, the five months of radio silence not enough for you?” Ben muttered and Sophie shot him a look. Diego opened his mouth to shoot something back when keys jingled in the door. 
You walked through the door, sighing to yourself. You’d spent a good few hours at Max and Elena’s (who lived just just down the hall, conveniently) and it had been a good break from the drama of the real world. But you had homework to do. You walked into the entryway, seeing all the Hargreeves gathered in your kitchen along with your room mates. Kayla, ever the peacemaker, shot you a bright smile. “How was your day darling?” She asked as you eyes narrowed, surveying the room. You made brief eye contact with Luther and quickly looked away. 
“I’m too sober to deal with this.” You huffed, turning around and leaving the apartment again. 
The door shut behind her and Diego swiveled towards Sophie. “That really seems like she wants to make up with us.” He snarked, shooting her an ugly look. Sophie shot an equally ugly look back. 
“Look, I don’t care what you say or how you do it. I just care that things stopping happening like this. Fix it.” 
You trudged back down the hallway and opened the door to Max’s apartment. He turned to you, a teasing grin on his face. “Back so soon?” You crash-landed on his couch, face-first. He came over to the couch, propping his legs up against yours as he sat down. You twisted and sat up, legs still covered by his lanky ones. 
“Every single one of them is in my apartment right now.” You huffed. 
“The Hargreeves?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow. 
“No, all of Santa’s elves. Yes, the Hargreeves.” 
“Hey, I was just making sure I understood. Why are they there?” You shrugged. 
“Beats me. And I’m too sober to deal with anything any of them have to say, so... here I am.” 
“You’re always sober.” 
“Exactly. I’ll will be dealing with that situation approximately... never.” He shook his head. 
“Well, we need to talk about your birthday.” You groaned, flopping back down on the couch. “What are we doing?” 
“How about nothing? Can we do nothing? Is nothing an appropriate answer?” He shot you a look. 
“C’mon, our advisors want to do something for you.” The advisors in the department really liked you and tried to make the best of everyone’s birthday, so yours was no different. They’d just picked the wrong year. “How about like, a picnic or something? While the weather is still nice?”
“I don’t care. You decide and I’ll just show up.” 
“That’s not how this works.” 
“Well then, I want to do nothing.” 
“We’re doing something.” 
You squinted as you trudged towards the tables in the park near campus. The sun was out and the weather warm and your friends had gone a long way to give you the best birthday. The day had been good so far with Kayla bringing you coffee this morning and Elena taking you out to lunch. A picnic in the park with a larger group of your friends and movie night in Max and Elena’s apartment later that night with your core group was the plan for the rest of the day. For as much as you had dreaded it, you couldn’t deny how good it felt to be appreciated by the people around you and it made your heart feel full. You cherished the hugs and laughs as the afternoon wore on, and every minute felt so full of joy until... until you saw the Hargreeves minus Luther but plus Lila walking towards the group. Sophie and Charlotte made their way over to the group, along with Elena, who knew Allison through the theatre department. You rolled your eyes, turning to Max. “You have to be fucking kidding me.” You said, shaking your head. You turned to walk away from them and were suddenly faced with Five. You jumped. “Jesus Christ. Weren’t you just...” You asked, turning back to where his siblings were and you were sure you had just seen him there too. “Never mind.” He sighed, sticking his hand out, present in his grasp. 
“Happy birthday.” You stared at the present dumbfounded and he shook it. “Take it. I’m not going to stand here forever.” You tentatively took it from him. 
“Thanks.. I think?” A teasing smirk settled on his face as he shoved his hands back in his pockets. The smirk was quickly replaced by a serious look though. 
“Look, I’m sorry things happened the way they did. Don’t tell my siblings I said this, but not having you around has kinda sucked. I wish there was something we could do to fix it, but as much as your room mates want to pretend otherwise, this is between you and Luther.” 
“Thank you.” You said sincerely. “Why are you guys here though?” Five sighed. 
“Your room mates, well Sophie, think if we’re around long enough you’ll just like us again. But like I just said this is-”
“Between me and Luther, yeah.” You sucked in a deep breath and you could feel Max’s weary glance at you. “Well, thanks for this,” You said, shaking the present in your hand. “And thanks for coming. Help yourself to the food.” You gestured to the table and quickly turned away. Losing your friendship with the Hargreeves had been one of the worst parts of the whole situation and you were truly starting to wonder if you had been wrong from the beginning about them. You shook your head to clear that thought. No, no they were still the bad people you knew them to be. Sure, Five was his own entity and made his own choices separate of his siblings. But the others had set you up to be one big joke and you would not tolerate people like that nor let them back into your life. They were all like Luther, who wasn’t even present, cowards.
You sat in Max’s apartment that night as the rain pattered down. You guys had gotten one of the last summer rainstorms for the year that night and your whole world felt at peace. You’d been able to have a really good conversation with Ben and Vanya earlier, and while it didn’t change anything, the look Charlotte gave you was enough to ease just a little bit of the pain. Luther had still been a no-show, which was probably for the best. You weren’t sure how you would’ve reacted and you weren’t sure what might’ve come out of Max’s mouth. Your phone dinged and you looked down. Speak of the devil, you thought to yourself. 
Hey, are you home? I have a birthday present for you. 
You sighed as the phone dinged again.
I want to talk to you. 
You could never say no to him and maybe... maybe just maybe this would give you the closure you needed to move on with your life. 
Give me five minutes. 
You pulled on your shoes. “Hey, someone is here to drop off a present for me. I’ll be back in like five, ten maybe?” You said, standing by the door. Max gave you a thumbs up and you disappeared out the door. You took a deep breath as your feet pounded down the stairs, anxious to get this over with. You opened the door to your building, warm water cascading down as you hurried over to Luther’s truck. You opened the passenger door and slid in, desperate to get out of the rain. He turned to look at you, giving you a soft smile. Your heart ached. He wordlessly handed you neatly wrapped gift. You took an unsure look at him and he nodded, encouraging you to open it. You tentatively and carefully unwrapped the gift, a book sliding out. It was an original copy of your favorite book, and you looked up at him, a warmth spreading over you. “Luther, how- we talked about this, what, maybe once?” He shrugged as you bit your lip. He shifted in his seat and you looked back to him. 
“(Y/N), I’m really sorry about all of this.” 
“I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. Where we were friends and my favorite part of my day was getting to see you smile.” You closed your eyes, heart warring over disappointment and forgiveness. You were disappointed it had taken this long to hear him say those words, over the way you knew things could never go back to the way they used to be, but your heart felt forgiveness towards him all the same. You opened your eyes and you realized you were much closer to Luther than you had originally realized. “I really want to kiss you.” He whispered. You closed your eyes, and connected the distance, throwing everything to the wind, to just know what this feeling was like one time. The book slid off your lap, thudding to the floor of the car, and you pulled away abruptly. Why had you done that? Now you were only going to be able to think of the taste of his lips on yours as your heart continued to break over the fact that you could never have him. 
“I’m sorry Luther, really, I- I can’t.” You whispered, grabbing the book off the floor of the car. He looked at you in hurt and the look was enough to make you run, slamming the car door behind you. The rain seemed to come down harder as you rushed back inside, willing yourself not to cry. He had hurt you, and no kiss could change that. You could forgive him, but you could never forget. 
You could hear the noise from down the hallway, which only made your feet move faster in giddy excitement. A bunch of you were getting together to have dinner at Max and Elena’s, and even though Allison and Diego (and probably Lila if you were being honest, because the girl didn’t go anywhere without Diego) were going to be there, it couldn’t diminish your excitement for the night. You let yourself into the apartment you were a constant visitor of, and the boys cheered as you kicked off your shoes. There were a few graduated students here and one, Dean, had just gotten back from a few months in Italy and he wrapped you in a hug. You were surprised, you hadn’t expected to see the boy for at least another few weeks. He squished your face as you turned, surveying who else was there. As to be expected, Allison was seated next to Elena and Diego and Lila were in the living room with a few of Max’s friends. You made your way over to the couch, sitting down as the boys played Mario Kart. 
“So, (Y/N), any new romantic prospects on the horizon?” Reyna, a senior theatre major, asked you. You shook your head. 
“That’s not what I heard.” Dean said, taking a sip of his drink. Everyone turned to look at him, but he turned to Max, a smirk on his face. “She kissed Luther.” You shot up from where you were laying on the couch as everyone turned their attention back to you. 
“I’m never telling you anything ever again.” You said seriously, but his grin was light and teasing and you don’t think he even really knew what he had just done. 
“You kissed Luther?” Max questioned but Allison broke into a shit-eating grin. 
“Alright, finally! Took you like eight months longer than I had expected though.” She said. 
“No, no. Yes, I kissed him, but it wasn’t like that. It was a mistake and it’s never happening again.” 
“When?” Max asked, voice grave. 
“My birthday.” Max sighed, turning his back to you. 
“So.. you kissed Luther. That should change everything.” Diego stated. 
“It doesn’t change the fact that you guys fucked me over.” 
“What did we do to make you hate us so much?” Lila asked. 
“I was just some sick joke to you guys, you played with my feelings and left me humiliated, and I refuse to be the butt of everyone’s jokes. I was in high school and I refuse to be the same here, especially not to you people.” 
“What are you talking about?” Diego questioned, eyebrows furrowed. You sighed. 
“I’m not explaining it to you. You can’t even be bothered to own up to it.” you huffed, pushing yourself up from the couch. You pushed past Dean and Reyna, making your way out of the apartment, and down the hall. So much for a fun night. 
The door slammed behind her. Diego swiveled towards her friends, utterly confused. Why hadn’t Luther told anyone he had kissed her? “Okay, what just happened?” Allison questioned. Max sighed. 
“She has it in her head that this is some sort of elaborate prank to humiliate her for liking Luther.” Elena explained. 
“That’s ridiculous, we’d never do something like that.” Allison defended. Max sighed, yet again. 
“Look, this is something you may not know about her, but you have to understand. While she was in high school, and throughout her freshman year, she was the butt of everyone’s jokes, constantly being played and left out. It wasn’t even until she became friends with us that she got a taste of what real friendship is like. So, for you guys, the most popular people on campus to actually like her? It’s foreign and she doesn’t know how to handle that.” 
“But Luther wouldn’t hurt her like that. He really liked her, still does.” Diego defended. She should know Luther better than that. Max shrugged. 
“I said that too. She told me this story, how in middle school, boys would come up to her as a joke, to ask her out to embarrass her and run away laughing when she’d say yes. I think it left a memory that no one would ever really like her, so for Luther to like her, her first thought is that it was some twisted prank rather than him actually liking her.” There was pause. “As much as she wants to pretend that this doesn’t change anything, it changes everything. And I really hope she figures it out because I’ve never seen her as happy then when she was with him.”
You sighed as you locked the door to the Writing Center. It was late at night and you were dreading the walk back to your apartment. You and Sophie were originally supposed to work this shift together but she had changed her mind at the last minute, not wanting to be on campus so late. It was fine, really, but it left you without another tutor and without a ride back to the apartment. “Hey, are you just heading you out?” You heard from behind you and you turned to see Luther. You nodded, not trusting your voice. “Can I give you a ride?” You shook your head.
“It’s fine Luther, really.” 
“Please? It would make me feel better knowing you got home safely.” You wanted to make a snarky remark about not doing things for him but you couldn’t bring yourself as you looked at him. You knew that as much as you didn’t want to sit in a car with him, you didn’t want to walk home this late at night more. It also meant a lot that even after everything, he still cared so much about your safety. You nodded, readjusting the straps of your bag on your shoulders. He cracked a soft smile and the two of you walked out in silence to his car. He opened your door for you and you slid in, dropping your bag to the ground. He walked around the back and got in, starting the car. The ride back to your apartment was silent and awkward and you felt a wave of relief roll over you as you saw your apartment building come within sight. Luther parked the car, but you made no move to get out. He had turned the car off completely and you had a feeling there was something he wanted to say. The silence continued until you felt forced to say something. 
“Luther, I’m sorry, I really am.” He looked at you. 
“Why’d you kiss me?” You sighed, shrugging, as you pulled the sleeves of your sweatshirt around your hands. 
“I wanted to know what it was like.” You said softly. 
“I just... still don’t understand what happened that day. I mean, I really liked you, I still do, and I thought that you liked me back. But then you freaked out, and I still don’t understand it.” He said, never once taking his eyes off of you. 
“I was, I am in love with you, and all I ever was to you was some sick joke for laughs. I couldn’t do it.” 
“You think you were joke? (Y/N), I am just as equally in love with you, and I would never hurt you like that.”
“Why? Why are you in love with me? What could I possibly have to offer you that every other girl on campus who pines after you doesn’t have? I’m certainly not as pretty or as smart as some of the girls you hang out with.”
“Because you’re you! Because when I’m having a bad day, I can just talk to you and it seems like all my problems fade away. Because you’re so incredibly smart and passionate and you aren’t afraid to pursue your dreams. Because you get along with my siblings, because I can get lost in your eyes! There’s not another girl on campus who looks at me for me and not for my name.” By this point, you were in tears as you had a horrible sinking feeling that you had royally fucked up. This whole time, you had thought it was a prank meant to hurt you when you had been the one to cause all the hurt. All this... for what? “And I thought after that day that you kissed me, that things might get better, but we still aren’t talking to each other but I just want my friend back, in any way I can have her.” Your head rested in your hands, unsure of what to do or what to say. You were still crazy in love with boy, and he you. 
“Where do we go from here?” You whispered, looking up at him from your hands.
“Well, you have two options. You walk back inside your apartment and don’t look back, and we let the other go. Or you sit here and we talk about everything that needs to be talked about.” 
“I mean, how do we even fix this Luther?” 
“We start over. Start from a place of trust and communication. Tell me the truth about the last six months.” 
“You want the truth? I am in love with you and it scares the hell out of me, because I’m so used to everyone leaving me or using me for their own gain. And I was so scared you would be like everyone else that I left before you could hurt me anymore, convincing myself this was some elaborate lie to hurt me. But the last six months have been hell and there were nights where I wanted nothing more than to seek you out because I felt so alone.” Your voice broke on the last word and you weren’t sure how much more of this you could take.
“I would’ve been there, you know. If you had asked.” You nodded. 
��I’m sorry Luther.” You whispered, and he put his hand on your knee. 
“I’m sorry I never reached out earlier. I should’ve, because you were clearly not okay.” You shrugged, wiping your tears. 
“I kinda deserved it.” 
“Hey, I could’ve at least fought for the girl I’m in love with. I just let you walk out of my life.” You took a sharp breath because you weren’t quite sure you’d ever get used to hearing him refer to you as the girl he was in love with. You looked up at him and he inched closer. “I’m going to kiss you again, if that’s okay with you, but you have to promise not to run away again.”
You nodded. “I promise I’m not going anywhere as long as you want me here.” He kissed you again, and it was so wonderfully different from the last time, because you were both trying to communicate everything you weren’t sure how to say, and because you weren’t sure this would be the last time you’d kiss him. He pulled away, but the two of you remained quite close, feeling his lips mumble his next words against yours. 
“Five owes Kayla so much money.” You laughed, cupping his face. He smiled at you. 
“Hey, can I kiss you again?” He nodded, and you placed a short, but sweet kiss on his lips. He held you close though. 
“Hey, what are you doing on Saturday?” You shrugged.
“You want to go on a date?” You nodded, smiling giddily. A pause. “Hey, we can’t hang out on Saturday. I’m taking a really pretty girl on a date.” You snorted.
“Oh yeah?” He nodded, a stupid grin on his face. 
“Yeah, I’m really nervous.” 
“Well, you should give me a kiss for good luck then. The date has to go well, obviously.” He smirked and kissed your lips again. You reveled in the feeling as he pulled away. You let his thumb rub soft circles on your cheek as you looked at him. Your phone dinged, and you sighed. It was Sophie, asking if you’d be home soon. “I should probably get inside, it’s getting late.” He nodded, looking slightly disappointed. “Can I have a goodnight kiss?” He nodded, pressing a brief kiss to your lips. “I never want to stop doing that.” He smiled. “I’ll text you in the morning, okay?” He nodded again.
“Sleep well.” He said as you opened the door, grabbing your bag from the floor. You slung it over your shoulder as you stood by the door. 
“Night Luther. Love you.” 
Being able to say the words freely put a smile on your face, which only grew when he responded with a “Love you too.” You shut the door, waving to him as you headed inside your apartment building. For the first time in months, you could go to sleep feeling the happiest you had in years. For the first time, everything was going just right, even if had taken a couple months longer and left turns to get there. 
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Ohana- A Hawaii Five-0 Fanfic Chapter Four
This chapter is super long, so I apologize in advance lol. I’m hoping to still have the next chapter up next week, but I won’t has as much free time to write at work like normally do. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
“See, Gracie? You have to wait 4 minutes before you flip it, or it doesn’t get cooked on both sides.” I said, flipping one of the burgers over. She nodded that she understood, her arms wrapped around my neck to hold on since I had her up on my hip so she could see the grill better. We were just waiting on Thea and Nora to arrive, so I went ahead and started the food and asked Grace to be my helper. 
Mindy, Kono, and Max were in the kitchen getting the rest of the food together. Danny walked up behind me, nudging me in the shoulder and holding his arms out for Grace. She grinned and jumped into her dad’s arms. “Are you teaching my daughter the incorrect way to grill a burger?” 
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Daniel.” I said sarcastically. I flipped another burger and glanced back at Danny’s girlfriend that he brought with him today, Kari. “So, how is Kari doing?”  She was nice, blonde, and a paralegal. She seemed to get on with all of us just fine, minus Grace. Which, in my mind, was more important than her being friendly with us. It was very obvious that Grace wasn’t a fan of the woman. She had stuck with me for the whole hour that she’d been here already and had already asked me 4 times when Nora was going to come. Kari didn’t seem to be that big of a fan of Grace either. She gave Grace an indifferent smile when she became the center of attention, and with our group, that was quite a lot. We all loved that little girl. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed with her and was sure Danny and I were going to talk about it tonight when everyone went home. 
Danny shrugged. “She’s fine. She’s enjoying getting to know you guys.” I saw Grace roll her eyes and push away from her dad to be let down. I knew bringing up Kari around Grace like that probably wasn’t the best idea. Danny set her down and she immediately made her way back up to the house. Thankfully, he didn’t see her eye roll. 
“I’m going to wait for Auntie Thea.” She said. 
Before I had a chance to say it, Danny took a step closer to me. “Grace doesn’t like Kari.” He said quietly. 
I tried my best to hold back a laugh. “I could have told you that, buddy.” 
Danny sighed and smoothed his hair down. “God, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I mean, Kari is nice but Grace means more to me. She knew I had a kid and she just isn’t that interested in getting to know her.” He glanced over at the table I had set up across the yard where Kari was sitting with Malia, Chin, Adam, and Charlie. I felt bad for Danny. He had always told me that dating with a kid was difficult, but I had never seen him really struggle with it. It made me think about what it would be like with two kids. I tried to think about it but really the only person I wanted to be with was already having my kids. Since I found out that Thea was pregnant and we were spending some time together and we were talking more, I’ve really come to like and care about her than just the mother of my unborn children. And Nora has become really special to me like Grace has. I did invite her because the team wanted to meet her, but I also wanted her to get to know them like I know them. If I was gonna try and pursue this with her, I wanted all my ohana to get along. 
“Danno! Uncle Steve! Nora is here! Look! We’re matching!” Grace and Nora came running out of the house hand in hand. They were both wearing the same romper outfit over their bathing suits, but Nora was wearing navy and Grace was in army green. 
Danny and I both smiled at the two girls. “My two favorite girls, wearing my two favorite colors!” I said, scooping them both up into my arms causing them to giggle loudly. I looked up to see Thea walking out the back door with Mindy and Kono who were carrying bowls of food out. I smiled at her. She had on a blue and white polka dot dress. She smiled over at me, her eyebrows raising slightly when she saw me holding up both girls. I couldn’t help but grin at her. I loved watching her smile and seeing the dimples on her cheeks. 
‘God, she looks amazing’ 
“Can we go play in the sand?” Nora asked, staring over at the beach. I remembered Thea telling me she loved the water. I set both girls down and handed the spatula to Danny to finish manning the grill. 
“We’re about to eat so I’ll tell you what,” I said, looking at them. “After we eat, I’ll take you both out into the water. That way Danno doesn’t have to get his hair wet.” The girls giggled when Danny smacked me in the arm. 
“Hey, it takes a lot of product to make it look this good.” He claimed. 
Thea, Mindy and Kono walked to us. Nora quickly started to tell her mom about how we were going to go swimming after we eat. Thea smiled at the little girl who was practically bouncing. “That sounds great baby.” 
Mindy and Kono set their bowls down on the table that was set up for the food. “Alright that’s all of it boss. Let us know when to come make our plates.” Kono nodded. Mindy made her way back to the table with Nora while Kono linked arms with Thea and led her over to the group over at the table. I remembered Thea telling me that she and Kono went to high school together. It comforted me a little bit that not everyone here was a complete stranger to her. 
I watched them walk to the table and Kono started to introduce her to everyone. She had a smile on her face the whole time and took a seat right next to Malia. My family felt complete watching everyone sit and have fun together. 
I must have been staring for a bit because when I looked at Danny after he obnoxiously cleared his throat, he had the burgers on a plate and was setting them on the food table. “Stare some more, I don’t think she noticed.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Seriously. Maybe it’s time to thaw your heart and tell her you want to be with her.” Danny said, grabbing two paper plates. He handed me one. “Alright Super Seal. It’s time for your Dad Training.” 
“My what?”
“Your Dad Training.” He said. “You’re about to have not just one but two babies you’re responsible for. On top of that you’re practically in love with a woman who has a 7-year-old.” 
“So, do what I do and make Nora’s plate for Thea. The girls are going to eat at the table up on the lanai.” He gestured for me to copy him. 
“This is ridiculous.” I sighed but started to make the plate like he was. “I’m going to assume you know what Nora likes to eat.” 
He nodded. “She’ll basically eat everything but she’s allergic to onions. So, don’t put her food anywhere near onions.” He filled up the plate with a burger, plain with ketchup, mac and cheese, salad, beans, and the fruit salad. I did the same, quickly avoiding the small plate of onions that was set out for people to put on their burgers. I glanced up at Danny. 
“Should these even be out?” I didn’t want to risk her eating them and something happening. I think Danny noticed my small moment of panic and placed his hand on my shoulder. 
“No, idiot, she’s not going to go into anaphylactic shock by looking at them. She just can’t eat them or anything they’ve contaminated. She’s good about avoiding them or telling people she can’t eat them. Thea and Rachel both did give me a big speech about it the first time I had her over for a sleepover with Grace though. She always has an epi-pen when she isn’t with Thea- so get that nervous look off your face, it’s fine.” He handed me one of the plastic forks and turned to look over at the table. “Gracie, Nora! Come on time to eat, guys!” 
The crowd was laughing as they made their way over to the food table. Danny and I went and set the girls plates on the smaller table closer to the house. Grace has pretty much claimed it as her table anytime she is over. There were marks all over it from craft projects she had done on it. “Grace, go show Nora where the juice boxes are. When we get done and clean up, we can go for a swim, okay?” I said to her and watched them run off into the house. 
Danny rushed off to go make his plate with Kari as Thea walked up behind me. “Her burger doesn’t have onions on it does it?” She asked. She had that same nervous look on her face I’m sure I had a few moments ago. 
“No no, Danny told me she’s allergic. I just put ketchup on it.” I said softly. 
She looked a little shocked but smiled softly at me. “Thank you for making her plate.” 
‘Damn that smile will be the death of me’ 
I put my arm around her shoulders casually. “Let’s go eat before our friends eat all the food.” 
She laughed and nodded. We made our plates and sat next to each other at the large table. I noticed she constantly had a hand on her stomach, almost like she was nervous. Kono quickly pulled her into the conversation she was having with Malia and Charlie. 
“Thea used to surf with us in high school. She could have totally been pro if she wanted.” Kono said. 
Thea laughed. “Yeah, I don’t think so. I was good, but nowhere pro level.” 
Mindy shrugged. “I don’t know, T. You definitely could have taken on Kalakaua.” She teased, causing Kono to throw the cap of her Longboard at her. I leaned back and watched the girls interact. Danny was having a semi-private with Kari. I couldn’t hear them, but I could tell from the look on his face he was upset, and Kari didn’t have a care in the world. I gave him a look, asking if he was alright. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head. He and Grace have that eye roll down pat. By the time we had both turned back to the group, the topic had changed. 
“Oh, trust me, Danny has several things to say about Steve’s crazy behavior.” Chin laughed as he drank his beer. 
“Crazy how?” Thea asked, turning to look at me and then over at Danny. I looked at Danny, silently asking him not to tell her anything but he ignored me. 
“Oh, this crazy bastard got me shot our first day working together.” Danny said extremely calmly. 
“You what!” Thea exclaimed, her eyes wide looking at me.
“Hey, I apologized! It was just an arm graze.” I said, putting my hands up to defend myself. “You were fine, you even punched me in the face.” 
“Yeah that was after you put me in an arm lock!” 
“Danny it was over a year ago, get over it.” 
“I-” I cut Danny off by changing the subject. 
“Anyway, anything else to talk about that doesn’t revolve around me?” I said, whacking Danny in the arm. 
Malia spoke up. “So, do you guys know what you’re having yet?” 
Thea and I both shook our heads. “No, we might find out in 3 weeks. Our last appointment the doctor said if they’re in the right position we should be able to tell.” Thea said while she stroked her stomach. 
“Are you planning on having a gender reveal?” Kono asked. I gave a confused look. 
“A what?” 
“It’s where the expecting parents invite friends and loved ones to find out the gender of the baby, or in your case, babies, after the ultrasound. Typically, the parents don’t know either. It usually involves a mild, but colorful powder explosive or a pink or blue cake.” Max piped up from the end of the table. 
“Jesus, why’d you have to say explosive?” Danny shook his head. 
Thea looked at me and then Kono. “Uh, we haven’t really thought about it.” 
“Do you want to do something like that?” I asked her. 
She nodded. “I think it’d be fun, if you’re up for doing it.” 
“Oh, he’s always ready to blow something up.” Danny chimed in. I rolled my eyes and told him to shut it. “Rachel and I did a cake for Grace’s gender reveal. White icing and a strawberry cake since it was a girl.” 
“Maybe we could make two smaller cakes. One for baby A and one for baby B.” Mindy smiled. 
“My aunt makes cakes for gender reveal parties all the time at her bakery, I’m sure she could do two for you.” Kono said. Thea just looked at me with a smile on her face. 
“What do you think?” She asked me. I had never done anything like this, or even heard of anyone doing it. 
I shrugged, leaning back in my seat. “It sounds like it could be fun. If you want to do something, we can.” I smiled at her. She turned to Mindy. 
“Alright but you have to plan it.” She laughed. The conversation moved on while we continued to eat. Max went into a long explanation about his fossil collection before Danny interrupted him. Despite my trying to keep the conversation off the “dangerous” things I do for work, the team ended up telling more stories about me. I was nervous she was gonna get scared off by some of them. We did have a long conversation about my line of work and what it entails. I wasn’t gonna be home the same time every single night, I was going to be in danger, and I could get called in at any moment. She told me that she understood and as long as I was making an effort to be there, that was good enough for her. I had gotten a better understanding of her childhood out of that conversation too. Her and Nora’s father was almost never around, and their mom was checked out. I had gotten a bit more information from Mindy about her background. Thea basically had Nora from the moment she was born. Her mom was incapable of raising her and Thea didn’t trust her to raise another baby. Her mother gladly handed her off to Thea. I lost my mother at a young age, but to know she was physically here and not involved would have killed me, I couldn’t even imagine that. 
After everyone was finished eating, the table was cleaned up and the food was put away. Everyone went on with their activities. Max, Charlie, and Chin were sitting and drinking longboards. Malia, Kari, and Kono were gathered around the fire pit that Danny had started up even though it wasn’t dark yet. I had gotten Grace and Nora ready to go in the water. Danny was standing about knee deep in, refusing to join us any farther than that. Mindy and Thea were sitting in the sand. They had both shed their clothes to sit in their bathing suits. It took everything in me to keep my eyes off of Thea and focus on the two 7-year old’s demanding my attention. I swam around in the water with the girls for a while, enjoying the intense game of Marco Polo they started and teasing Danny about not wanting to come join us.
Later after it got dark, everyone was gathered around the bonfire. I guess I wore the girls out because Grace was asleep in Danny’s lap and Nora was asleep, curled up at my side. I had my arm over her to keep her from slipping off the bench we were sitting on. Thea was on my other side, my arm over the back of the bench behind her. It felt nice having them both this close to me. 
“Jeez Steve, you really wore them out.” Danny said, looking down at his daughter. 
Thea shrugged. “It’ll make bedtime easier for Rachel, that’s for sure.” She said, yawning herself. Both their phones pinged at the same time. “Speaking of, I guess she’s here.” Danny got up, still cradling a sleeping Grace in his arms. He walked up the house. Kari followed behind him. Thea stood up and looked like she was about to take Nora from me. I shook my head and stopped her. 
“I can carry her for you.” I said. I stood up and gently placed the sleeping girl on my chest, her head resting on my shoulder. Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck. 
“Are you sure?” She asked, looking a little nervous. I wanted her to know that I wasn’t scared of kids, and that I didn’t care that she already had a kid. Again, I was thinking about the comments that Danny had made about dating with a kid. 
I nodded. “Yeah, I got her. You don’t need to be carrying her anyway.” 
We walked out to the front of the house. Danny was putting Grace in the backseat. Kari and Rachel looked like they were having a stare down. Thea sighed. 
“Here we go.” I heard her mumble before looking at me. “There’s already a booster seat in the back for her, if you’ll put her in, I’ll buckle her up.” 
“I can do it.” I said, but quickly realized how demanding that probably sounded to her. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, so you don’t have to bend down-” 
“It’s fine, Steve.” She put a hand on my arm and smiled gently at me. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to.” Her eyes glanced down at her hand. 
I took my hand that was on Nora’s back and put it on hers, squeezing gently. “Look, Thea, I don’t care to help out. With Nora or anything you need, okay?” 
She squeezed back and nodded; her eyes looked like they were watering up but she turned away before I could really see. She went over to Rachel while I carefully placed Nora in her booster seat. Danny stayed bent down in the car to show me how to maneuver the seatbelt. I was shocked at how easy it was. 
“Oh, don’t go thinking you’re a pro just yet, booster seats are easy. Just wait until you’re trying to put a squirming baby in a car seat with multiple straps and buckles.” He said, kissing Grace’s head and closing her door. 
“You’re really helping calm my nerves about this Danny.” 
“It’s what I do best.” 
Thea’s POV:
I went up to Rachel and gave her a hug. I knew she and Stan were going to talk about a divorce tonight, that’s why Grace was with Danny this afternoon. I wasn’t sure if she exactly told Danny what her plans were though. 
“I told him.” She whispered. I could tell she had been crying recently. “I told him and here I am having a staring contest with Danny’s girlfriend.” She rubbed her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater. 
I rubbed her arms soothingly. “It’s gonna be okay.” I tried to comfort her. “We can talk more about it tomorrow after the apartment showing.” Rachel and I were finally going to look at some new apartments and condos for me and Nora. She nodded, sniffling as she gave me a hug. I pulled back to look at her. “Are you gonna be okay with the girls tonight? I don’t care to take them if you need to be alone tonight.” 
She shook her. “No, I’ll be fine. I think some time with them might be what I need. Stan packed a bag and left after we argued, so he won’t be home.” 
I walked to the car to kiss Nora bye even though she was still asleep. 
“Are you okay?” Danny asked her. He probably saw how upset she was. I glanced over at Kari then looked at Steve. It was obvious he picked up on the anger radiating off of the blonde woman. 
“I’m fine Daniel. I’ll call you next week.” She said shortly and got in her car. The four of us stood and watched her drive off. Kari stormed off to her car, Danny quickly following her. We could hear the argument starting so we headed back to the backyard. 
“I’m gonna say bye to everyone and head home.” I told him. “Rachel and I are going to look at apartments tomorrow.” 
“You’re moving?” He asked, holding the back gate open for me. 
“Yeah, my apartment is only two bedrooms and the stairs up to it are starting to kill me.” I laughed. He looked at me like he wanted to say something. “What?” 
“Oh, nothing. Just let me know if you need any help.” He said, giving me a smile. “I know you’re not incapable of doing things yourself and I’m sorry if I’ve made it seem that way. I just want to be able to help.” 
I stopped walking and put my hand on his arm to stop him. “I know, and I really appreciate it. Just going to appointments with me and helping me with the doctors’ bills has helped more than you know. I promise I’m not over doing it.” I told him seriously. “Also quit listening to Danny about how scary pregnancy is.” I laughed. Steve laughed too, shaking his head. 
“Yeah, Danny has been giving me advice.” He chuckled. 
“Yeah, that Dad Training advice might come in handy though.” I giggled and walked towards the group. Everyone looked like they were getting ready to go. I heard Steve groan behind me. 
“Oh, God. You heard that!” 
After saying goodbye to everyone and giving a round of hugs, Steve walked me out to my car. 
“Thank you for inviting us tonight.” I said. 
He grinned at me. “I’m glad you had a good time. You and Nora are welcome here any time. I know she absolutely loved the beach, just like you said.” 
I laughed. “Oh, yes, she’s my water baby for sure.” I got in my car and Steve closed my door for me. “Let me know when you get home, okay?” I nodded and waved as I pulled out and headed toward my apartment. 
After my 10-minute drive, I parked and went to check the mail before slowly climbing the stairs to the apartment. I looked through the mail as I closed and locked my door. A large yellow envelope caught my eye. I set all my things down on the bar in the kitchen and opened it. 
Peter Kenwood, Plaintiff
Theodora Kenwood, Defendant 
Petition for Change of Custody
My breath caught in my throat. I reached for my phone and my first thought was to call Mindy. ‘No, she’s going home with Charlie tonight.’ My next thought was to call Rachel. ‘She has the girls, I can’t push this on her too’ I braced myself on the bar and sat down, dialing the number on my phone. 
“Hey, did you make it home?” Steve asked me after he answered. I was silent, trying not to let my tears fall. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, they fell anyway. 
“Can you come over?” My voice broke. 
I heard some shuffling on the other end. “Thea, what’s wrong?” He asked, concerned. 
“I-I just really need you.” 
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80scartoonfan · 3 years
My Review of Masters of the Universe Revelation - Better late then Never...
It has been two months now, and wow... Not, not many fans of the entire franchise like the Kevin Smith Masters of the Universe series do they? As an aspiring writer myself I can't say I blame them.
I know this comes literally on the heels of the LATEST series being released (obligations to projects, work, family and other things got in the way) and I have to say I wasn't all that impressed with it. If anything, compared to the dumpster fire that was Season 8 of Voltron Legendary Defender that season was more enjoyable than this first part of the mini-series. 
And if I am being honest from the first leaks of Skele-God, to the drama with YouTubers like Clownfish-TV and others, to the "race swapping" of Andra and King Greyskull, to spoilers Kevin Smith himself even made, I would give Part-1 a GENEROUS D-Minus. This is a shame because I really wanted this series to exceed all expectations and be equal to the original like 2012s TMNT is or 2011s ThunderCats. But there is too much against it. 
First, let’s talk about the animation. It was absolutely breathtaking! It was crisp, the world-building in just the scenery was a masterpiece. Out of what I saw of all of part 1, spotted one goof - dealing in episode 1 with Evil-Lyn's staff, which shows that their animators care of what they produce. I loved the animation so much that if the rights to my favorite anime were purchased by a studio to do a continuation from 2005 or a second reboot, I'd gladly give Powerhouse Animation my salary for the next 5 years!
The music, the music was gorgeous! But then I am biased towards Bear McCreary. Even though He-Man seems a bit knew to compose music to, he immediately got my vote of confidence when it was announced he was attached. Reason being, his work for the movie Godzilla King of the Monsters! His music made me actually tear up during that movie. Something I didn't do since another Godzilla movie.
With the exception of Mark Hamill - as shocking as it comes and Sarah Michelle Gellar, the voice acting was phenomenal! I loved Kevin Michael Richards as Beastman, Tony Todd as ScareGlow, even Liam Cunningham as Duncan! Chris Wood was spectacular as Prince Adam/He-Man for just being introduced to him. But the one who really stole the show for me was Lena Headdy. She killed it as Evil-Lyn, so much that if the Eternity War Saga or 2 part crossover event ThunderCats and He-Man/Injustice vs Masters of the Universe were made into live-action or animated movies, I'd pay whatever she wanted just to have her return. 
I also want to applaud the effort of getting a diverse group of voice actors. Something which I noticed few if ANY have. Actors who are both known for their VA resumes and those who are new to voice acting. But also the actors themselves, besides the white and black VAs there were if I am not mistaken a Native American and I think 2 Mixed-Race voice actors. I don't remember if there were any Asian or Middle Eastern VAs, but it is always Part-2! 
As for Mark Hamill, at first, I was excited that he was going to do the voice of Skeletor. But upon hearing him as Skeletor, I'm not sure anymore. Granted this is just the first part of the mini-series, but it didn't feel like Skeletor if that makes sense? To me, it felt like he was trying to mix Joker/Alvin the Treacherous/and Firelord Orzi all into one character.
Sarah Michelle Gellar is another one I wasn't sure about. I admit I found it hard going in unbiased because I never liked Sarah. Not as Gwendy Doll, or Andromeda, Daphne and certainly not as Buffy - mainly because I preferred Kristy Swanson as Buffy, but that is beside the point. She had some nice emotional spots, but for the majority of her performance as Teela, it just wasn't there for me. If the writing and script had been better than what it was, she could have won me over for Teela, but as I write this I am more excited for Kimberly Brooks to voice Teela.
Now let’s talk about the things I hated. This will involve anything from Characters including designs to the writing and other things. If you don't want to be triggered I advise you to stop reading this and move on. If you are still here and get triggered, like one person who always seems to be, don't say I didn't warn you. I am always open to engaging others civilly in talking and debate. But if you can't even do that, don't bother engaging. These are my opinions and MY THOUGHTS, and I will hold nothing back regardless of the topic. You have been warned!
The story, the story absolutely sucked! You can tell the writers, if you can call them that, just didn’t care about what they were doing. I’ll go into this shortly. But those writers should be ashamed to even call themselves that. Sure it was catered to be modernized and appealing to potential new fans, but they should have been more aware of what they were doing. Just in this first part, there are so many plotholes and questions I was asking myself that I filled 4 whole pages of paper asking questions and thoughts - which to the fanfic writers I will put in at the end of this if you want to explore them. 
I watched the mini-series five times now, trying to be as objective as I possibly could as an aspiring writer and not as a MotU fan, and each time got even more painful. Let’s be clear on one thing, I wanted this series to succeed. But too many things brought it down, and like with Ghost in the Shell 2045, I’m not sure I want Netflix to release part 2 or that I would watch it if they did. 
Let’s start with how it was advertised as a “direct sequel to the original.” It was not a direct sequel to the original. I have seen someone bring this up and I have to agree with him. This mini-series is more in line with Nickelodeon’s Voltron-Force from 2011. I remember watching that series when it premiered and then had to hunt down my VHS tapes that had them to get a feel for the series again. 
Both played off their respective originals as direct sequels, but both are in fact pseudo-sequels/soft reboots. They have the characters we grew up with and we can identify these characters because they are close to their original counterparts, but that is as far as the “sequel” goes. They bring in newer characters who we know nothing about or characters who have maybe been unimportant to the main characters, but we have to accept them now. It was like that with Mona Lisa in the 2012 TMNT who I enjoyed WHEN they used her, Larmina of Voltron-Force being Allura’s niece, and Andra of Revelation who had maybe 2 or 3 appearances in the entire run of the Masters of the Universe franchise.
Like Voltron-Force, Revelation, had no real ties to the original. There were no mentions of battles, events, and characters who played critical roles in the original. Instead, it starts off with a narrative deposition to set the series up (not matching how the original ended) and just starts in with new adventures. For it to be a direct sequel to an original,  you need to have more than just characters we can identify as He-Man/Skeletor/Keith/Lotor/Allura/or Teela.
Next, let’s talk about the length of this mini-series. This is still a bitter subject amongst Voltron fans because so much Netflix could have done more with it if they didn’t do four seasons that were  6/7 episodes. We can all agree that with the “story telling” they wanted to do, just five episodes just were not enough for the first part and potentially the second part. The amount of time needed to portray the journey from Adam’s death to Skeletor taking the power sword and becoming Skelegod could have easily been an entire season. Even 9-10 episodes would have been acceptable with the proper writing that wasn’t going for deliberate shock value goals or “shipping.”
With a 9-10 episode first part, they could have given everyone what they wanted. They could have had He-Man solidly in the first 3 episodes killing him off in the 3rd in such an emotional way it would leave us old-timers not only devastated but eager for more. Use episode 4 to transition into a dying magical world trying to survive with the loss of He-Man and Skeletor and set up the following episode where we see Teela and Andra meet, rather than “next episode we meet Teela and her ‘friend’ Andra on a practically dead world.” Hell, if this was supposed to be a series which wanted to emotionally cripple old timers like me, I’d have been fine if were three season 13 episode series where He-Man dies at the very end of season 1, season 2 picks up with the aftermath of his death, and season 3 is He-Man’s return to defeat Skeletor.
Let’s now talk about the plotholes in this series which tie together with the amount of episodes. These are the biggest things that damage the series the most! The biggest plothole and the most important one is “SPAN OF TIME!” How long has it been since Prince Adam’s death and we see Teela with Andra - days/weeks/months/years - WHAT?! When did they meet? Where did they meet? What happened to Eternos? Did King Randor go all Mad-King Targarian or was Eternos get sacked and destroyed now that He-Man was no longer there to protect its people? Did King Randor put a bounty on Teela’s head for leaving? Remember she was a sworn member of the guard to the King. I doubt he would have just let her leave unless he had a good reason not to go after her. What happened to all the other Masters - Clamp Champ/Ram-Man/Stratos/Buzzoff/Tusk Man and many others in the aftermath of Adam’s death? These are questions and things fans should have been focusing on rather than “will Teela and Andra be together?” Kevin Smith said this series had what others didn’t... STAKES. What are those stakes?
Speaking of Teela and Andra and I know this will be a touchy one for most. I feel that their dynamic is directly done to “queerbait” people. Now I am not saying we can’t have LGBT couples in series, it’s just that writers either need to commit to establishing these couples or not at all. Only doing glimpses or hints at, is for a lack of a better term a Kobayashi Maru - (a No Win Scenario for the Non-Star Trek fans) like it was with Shiro in Voltron Legendary Defender. And if and when this blows up in their faces, like it did the Voltron writers, they have no one to blame but themselves. 
Star Trek Lower Decks like every other Star Trek since “The Next Generation” have no qualms in establishing certain characters as LGBT. It is how you do it, and many of these shows need to follow the example from Star Treks TNG/DS9/VOY/LD. This series are a clear testament that you can have Straight/Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual relationships without “queer-baiting” or overtly shoving it in people’s faces.
The writers have made it clear that there is something between Teela and Andra but while also making it clear there is still something between her and Adam. Which regardless of how part 2 ends is liable to upset the fans they “catered” this series to. Who do you make happy and who do you ostracize? And with today’s social media are you going to handle the backlash of giving one and not the other? I personally would prefer Teela and Adam to be what kids today call “Endgame,” but ever since the Keith & Allura tradition was soundly destroyed in Season 2 of Netflix’s Voltron, that when it comes to Netflix series I just simply don’t care anymore who ends up with who, I want a well thought-well developed story. 
The character designs of Teela/Andra/Evil-Lyn I understand they wanted a more “modern” realistic feel to them, which I am neither for nor against. Because let’s face it spandex-clad or barely covered barbarian fantasy women with chainmail is a product of the 70s/80s/90s. It is alright to have modern designs for characters but not too modern. Especially when we have shows like Game of Thrones and others to draw references from.
I do admit, I am not a fan of Teela’s design. I understand the reasoning is to make her a “Strong Female Character” but there is more to being a strong female character than looking strong. Strength is also one’s character, how they grow and develop. Teela’s stubbornness, fear, and anger at her “past life” are preventing her growth. If this is the way they portray a strong female character then they have no business doing so. 
Kimberly Brooks’ Allura is a far stronger woman than this Teela ever will be. The burdens she shouldered, admitting she was wrong and not gloating when she was correct, the forgiveness of a race responsible for the genocide of her’s, being a diplomat while also being a warrior, sacrificing her well being for others all contributed to her growth from “Princess who just woke up” to Strong Female Character by the end of Season 6. 
Teela understandably was hurt by the lies that filled her life. Sure she built a life away from those lies, but she was running away from them. Rather than confront the reason why she became bitter and ran away essentially. She was only forced to confront those lies to save Eternia and the universe and even then there really wasn’t any humility about it. Instead, it is all about her. Not once in this series have I seen growth for Teela’s character like Legendary Defender’s Allura, and let me be perfectly blunt - I had no love for Allura after Season 2. Not once did she admit she was wrong or apologize. Not once was she willing to sacrifice her life for the greater good - instead she was willing to let the whole universe die because of the lies she was fed her life. 
Now let me address the whole Race-Bending “controversy.” As with the new designs, I am neither for nor against them. I understand the arguments on both sides when it comes to Andra and King Greyskull. One side argues it appeals to young black girls and boys while the other argues they are being tired of being handed “Hand-Me-Down” characters. Both sides have valid arguments. But honestly, as an old Masters of the Universe fan, it took the so-called “race-swapping” of Andra for me to even remember her because she was never that important and even betrayed Teela for Faker in the Injustice vs Masters of the Universe comics and even then she appeared in maybe 5 panels at most.
Now King Greyskull, at first I was against, I’ll admit it but then I changed my tone looking at myself and my family. See I am Bi-Racial, my mother is white and my father is black. My father’s sister married a white guy and had 6 bi-racial kids. Two who in turn gave birth to white-skinned blond-haired blue-eyed kids. Had they gone the “bloodline” path Prince Adam could have been a representation of not just blacks, whites, but bi-racial and mixed-blood peoples. 
I realize this is coming out on the eve of that new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series, which as a He-Man fan since 1984 (when I was potty training) I will give it a shot, maybe even write a review of it. But I still have my reviews of Godzilla: Singular Point, Pacific Rim: The Black, Star Trek Lower Decks, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2045, and other series to write on top of work and my family life.
-------------------------------~ Question and Thoughts Time ~---------------------------
As I mentioned above,  had many thoughts and questions which I believe were pivotal in the development of this series. Questions and thoughts should have been vocalized during the writing stage rather than fans asking them. These are of the first 3 episodes and some of episode 4. If you are a fanfiction writer who wants to explore these feel free to do so, I will be more than happy to read if they answer these questions and make the mini-series more enjoyable.
Keep in mind these are questions and thoughts I had because I am also an aspiring writer of my own fiction - that I am keeping close to my chest until I feel ready to release it.
Any true He-Man fan would question why is He-Man on a mechanical horse when he would be using battle cat
I do like the celebration happening at the same time quote-unquote He-Man is approaching Castle Grayskull it makes you think Adam is missing out on an important event
In the original series, Castle Grayskull had defenses that the Sorceress could call upon to confuse and combat an enemy who breached its walls how did Skeletor learn about the true secrets of Castle Grayskull when it should only be the Sorceress that knows of such secrets
If the Sorceress is so powerful and so smart why was she tricked by the faker He-Man he doesn't have the power sword?
I love that Orko is still a bumbling magician in Eternia’s realm. Shows how different realities have an effect on others
Adams entrance to “I have the power” let alone his playful jab at who “He is” should have been a hint to Teela
I do like the scene between Adam and Teela in the hall. It really makes you think that they actually are friends from childhood that grew up together and possibly have a future together.
My knowledge of the 38 years of the canon may be a bit shady now, but hasn’t Skeletor always needed the Power sword to get into Castle Grayskull like he always needed it in the comics?
They hinted that his mother knows he's He-Man and that she does reveal that he is He-Man after the battle. I know a mother knows these things about her child. But how did she learn Adam was He-Man and how did she not tell King Randor
Again how did Marlena know He-Man was her son and not tell her husband?
King Randor’s response is feasible but Teela’s response, because everyone lied to her is understandable - but she's a warrior. She is also a sworn captain of the royal guard, sworn to the King. She can’t just quit like that, can she?
How much time has passed between the death of Adam and when we see Teela with Andra
What has happened to the Royal Family in this time? What about Eternos? Has King Randor and Marlena revealed that he-man was their son Prince Adam? With He-Man out of the picture Has Eternos Fallen? Did Randor go all Mad-King Targaryen and become a ruthless tyrant?
What has happened to all of the other Masters? Ram-Man/Buzzoff/Clamp Champ/Fisto/Stratos/ and so many others? Were they killed off? Did they disband? Or were they exiled, WHAT?!
What about Snake-Mountain? What happened in the aftermath of Skeletor’s apparent death? Did Triclops and Beastman betray Evil-Lyn?
How did Teela meet Andra? What is the “When, where, and how” behind their meeting? What did she do to gain Teela’s trust when she felt betrayed by the world?
What is Andra’s background or history in this series besides being an engineer?
When old hag gives Teela and Andra their mission you can obviously tell it's evil-lyn
He-Man flashbacks are kind of nice but it would have been nice to have a build-up for such flashback or have a series season before his demise with such flashbacks that way it could be more poignant
I do like the idea of Triclops and Trap-jaw building a technical but what put them on the path for this techno cult
The cult kind of feels like the Borg as much as I like the idea of Trap-jaw and Triclops making a cult I don't know how I feel about it being Borg-like
This may be controversial but Andra feels like the stereotypical POC Rooky sidekick you see join the main character on their quest.
Like Grace Randolph said this whole Teela/Andra angle may come up and bite everyone in the ass later on if they don’t follow through which will piss off all the old-time fans and if they don’t follow through with the Teela/Andra angle and make Prince Adam/Teela are a couple then all the LGBTQ fans will be pissed off about that
I can already foresee it happening just like it did with Voltron Legendary Defender with Shiro being gay and his ex-partner Adam being killed in combat
We do get a hint of what the king did after the final battle but still what happened in that time after Prince Adam was killed? Did king Randor go off the deep end and become a dictator, what? These are questions that needed to be asked and answered during the writing stage
When did Evil-Lyn, Cringer, and the Sorceress make an alliance to save what little magic is left and in essence the entire universe?
I have the suspicion that was the Sorceress finally trying to tell Teela she's her mother Ford Shadows that the Sorceress is going to die and Teela is going to take her place
Did Teela really name Cringer, or was it something to boost her up in this mini-series?
Did cringer really tell Tela the Adam loved her?
Thus Begins the quest to reforge the sword to go to heaven and hell to get the parts and rebuild the Power sword thus queue Duncan
How much time has passed between the end of the previous episode and the beginning of this new one?
How is time measured on Eternia? 
If Skeletor truly wanted to kill He-Man why didn't you take his power sword when he was shackled up?
Kevin Conroy is ma as Mermaid Man if he gets more roles as mermaid man he might grow on me
Instead of gloating, why didn’t they take He-Man’s sword if it was their prize all along?
Typical 80s cartoon ponds very nice
If Evil-Lyn preached that Man-at-Arms was the most dangerous man in Eternia why didn't they act like it why did they act like He-Man was the most dangerous one?
I do love the jobs both Teela and Evil-Lyn take at each other because they are pretty much the same. Evil-Lyn is Skeletor’s version of the Sorceress and Teela is practically He-Man sorceress when she accepts her destiny.
Teela has seen her father fight hundreds of times how could you not recognize his fighting style?
I like how beast man's loyalty never swayed from evil when I also like Kevin Michael Richardson parentheses? As Beastman I thought I would like him as King Grayskull but I I do like him as beast man
Orko like Castle Grayskull does provide a little hint as to King Randor’s reaction to Prince Adam’s death. I feel this is something they should have put into the series
I feel that all of Orko's scenes in episode 3 and my Following episode 4 are tainted because of Kevin Smith revealing he gets killed and why he decided to have Oracle killed
Why should Beastman show a little fear to Andra who is she to him?
I like that you can still see that Man at Arms still loves the Sorceress and I also find it funny that when it comes to that one huge secret something always gets in the way
Again I hate how they portrayed the span of time in this? 
How did they go from a Forest Village so halfway across the world?
Something's been nagging me lately could Evil-Lyn be related to both Teela and the Sorceress somehow?
It could be a reference to how similar the Figures were in the 80s but in some scenes, Teela and Evil-Lyn’s facial structures look almost identical could you be separated sisters?
The further this point it's funny how Evil-lyn and Kela can just cut through the bullshit between their infatuation with He-Man and Skeletor
Again what time something happened between evil-lyn and Merman we don't know what just that he seems bitter that she didn't take over the land while he took a while he tried to take over the seat
It seems that there are undertones to a massive war and the wake of Prince Adam’s death.
I kind of like how even evil-lyn kind of shows that she may be afraid of subterranean
With half of part 1 ended could Skeletor have them influencing her? Why did she have to retrieve the Havoc staff head?
How does Evil-Lyn know so much about the Subterranea?
Teela facing a false He-Man could be a hint of her feelings for Adam. But I think it would be more of a visceral scene if it was Prince Adam and not He-Man.
Was that a hint of Teela becoming the new sorceress? 
Scenes between Orko and Lyn were a nice touch. Maybe a better connection between Orko and Lyn than Teela, He-Man, and the others?
Orko’s sacrifice could be the beginning of the Dark-Orko storyline?
Was that the Sorceress’ most recent ancestor, Teela’s Grandmother or GREAT-Grandmother?
Why didn’t Adam finish the chant? If Kevin Smith borrowed aspects from everything relating to He-Man, then why didn’t Adam finish the chant? A few times Adam has been run through in which he could finish the chant to become He-Man.
If Teela is such a badass, why didn’t she attempt to stop a reconstituting Skeletor from stabbing Adam?
Really Andra? You are going to sass Skeletor? He doesn’t know you and would sleep like a baby dispersing you. You are nothing to him, you are lucky he didn’t decide to run you through with the power sword.
And really Skeletor? Because no woman could love a face like your’s? Thats your motivation?
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BTS and Ateez for the kpop group game ! 💜
My first bias: Hongjoong <3 it was the mullet <3
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My current bias: Hongjoong <3 still sexy without the mullet <3
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Favorite Song: Win, I love this one!! In another life I would have probably said HALA HALA but I’ve listened to it too much lol, but honestly minus celebration the whole Fever 2 album is AMAZING def worth a listen, or several!
Favorite MV: Say My Name/HALA HALA
OTP: ... umm, I don’t really ship any Idols in general, but I tend to like the Seonghwa/Hongjoong dynamics, there was just something about that one time that Seonghwa was like “why aren’t you ever home anymore I miss you” “you want me home more?” “Yes” “then I’ll come home more often” and that other time Hongjoong said something like “you returned to where you should have always been” (with him) when talking about Seonghwa spending to much time with Wooyoung and San... it’s just very funny to me lol (these ‘quotes’ might be a bit off as I don’t remember exactly what was said but that was the gist of both conversations I believe!)
Best smile: Yunho honestly! He’s such an underrated member of Ateez!! He’s my second favorite and needs more love because I love him lol, a big big puppy baby whom I love and adore
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Fave Coreo: HALA HALA!!! ITS SO COOL!!
Fave era: Visuals: Say My Name, Music: Zero: Fever part 2
Merch?: I have a T-Shirt I got at hot topic and a Zero: Fever part 2 album!
Seen em live?: Nope.... but I would have if I could have! Would definitely love to go once we finally can!
Favorite voice: Def Mingi, his voice is what attracted me to the group, I LOVE the deep voice trend in kpop, Mingi, like Felix (Stray Kids) and Leedo (Oneus), really scratch that itch for me!!
Favorite dancer: San I guess?? Dancing isn’t really my thing as you know lol
My first bias: Namjoon (I think Namjoon is a lot of English speakers first bias because of his English skills, and honestly he still has a huge place in my heart as you know! Plus he BIG SEXY) (I think of mic drop Namjoon and my brain implodes)
My current bias: Jimin, I just love his softness, I really love the members that take care of the rest and Jimin plays personal therapist (it’s the libra in him I get it you know?) to all, so I really appreciate this as it’s a very important thing for me (it’s probably my libra moon lol) but that’s what got me at first, then when I was getting into them I saw he struggled and no one was really helping him and he was like trying to do better and honestly it broke my heart so I full adopted the baby because he needed care and protection and actives my Aquarius sun and the ‘leave no man behind’ and ‘help/root for the underdog’ complex we have, so anyways, I love him for his softness and his fighting spirit because I want him to do well and succeed but also he’s a mess and sharp witted and a cheater at games (another trait I tend to like??????? Like that’s on me so????) he makes me laugh and I love to see him do well and win at things because he deserves it!! He’s also really motivated and a go-getter which is v sexy to me!! When things are tough he always works hard to fix them and do his best and honestly is there anything better than that? To me no, to my friend who says I put to much emphasis on work ethic? Yes. Also Jimin is big sexy, this is an undeniable fact
Favorite Song: Dionysus (like have you seen the MMA 2019 performance??? There’s no coming back from that) the song is just such a bop and one of the big ones that got me fully into them and kpop as a whole!! Good memories and a great song!!
Favorite MV: I’m a blood sweat and tears whore, could watch that mv any time anywhere babey
OTP: again, don’t really tend to genuinely ship anyone, but I really like a good YoonMin dynamic, love the way Yoongi roots for Jimin, and pushes him in small ways to be better, I think Jimin is pretty oblivious to this though??? And like Jimin needs so much audible praise and gentle care that I think Yoongi for him is very hard to understand even though I think Jimin is very much Yoongi’s favorite member, like maybe it’s because I’m super empathetic, but I always think of like two moments for them, the first is when Jimin was helping Yoongi makes those like 300 presents for his fans and Jimin stayed all day to help him out, Jimin was being Jimin so he was constantly asking if Yoongi appreciated him being there, and Yoongi being Yoongi didn’t say much to assure him, but like you could FEEL the happiness radiating off of Yoongi but like it hurt Jimin to not be directly praised? It’s just a big mess I love it, it’s horrendously painful to watch,
Then there’s the whole ‘Yoongi told me to be the project manager’ or whatever the job was called for their album, Like Yoongi wasn’t giving out advice to everyone... just Jimin (or at least the way in which I understand it), because I genuinely believe Jimin is his favorite and he’s pushing him to grow into a confident and capable person but like... I don’t think Jimin connected the ‘Yoongi is caring for me in his own unique way that isn’t words of affirmation’ dots... it’s a train wreck but I love it lol (plus also Yoongi saying he prefers Jimin’s voice?? When I think Jimin heard for so long that Kookie sings better?? He just loves that boy so much!!) anyways I digress, I just really love their dynamic and it’s my favorite to watch, I know I’ve talked about their dynamic before but honestly I could go on and on and on about it haha, I’m so glad they’re friends you know? Not only so I can watch them, but because Jimin’s selfless help will always be given to Yoongi without question, and because Yoongi will always push Jimin to be better... ok I’m done now for real this time lol
Best smile: Jungkook, his little bunny smile absolutely sends me to the moon it’s so cute!! (Jimin’s is a very close second!)
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Fave Coreo: Lie for sure!
Fave era: The storyline era with the acronym I always forget!! I think it spanned a couple of eras in the entirety but I loved it!! But also just like straight up Wings era!
Merch?: I have more BT21 one stuff than I think I have BTS stuff tbh haha, but I have all versions of MOS:7 I have some love yourself versions from a friend, and my army membership box I got to purchase the concert tickets we bought but never got to use :{
Seen em live?: was supposed to last year 😢
Favorite voice: Yoongi, love the way he raps, it’s a really aggressive and sexy flow, definitely my type, as someone who stans and loves rappers most, Yoongi will always have a major place in my heart, no one really compares on a talent scale for me, and his solo stuff is some of the sexiest you could ever imagine/hear, love it!!
Favorite dancer: Not super surprising I think but it’s totally Jimin!! Anytime I watch that man perform Lie I die lol, the way that man moves is a crime
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Scooby Doo (2002) Review: The Most Punchable Fred Jones of All Time
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It’s one last hurrah for Halloween as I take a look at the often derided 2002 Scooby Doo Movie! See what happens when you combine future superstar director James Gunn with .. the guy who thought directing the Smurf’s movie and Big’s Mama’s House were good ideas. Oh and with a splash of the guy who wrote the loveable family film Cheaper by the Dozen and the utterly loathed Percy Jackson film. It’s as messy as you’d expect with that.. but is it BAD? good, so bad it’s good, just sorta okay? Come with me as I try to find out under the cut with a full review. 
I’ve always loved Scooby Doo. I grew up with the guy, watching reruns of the non-scrappy classic series from Where Are You to the Scooby Doo Movies, the three Superstar 10 movies (Boo Brothers, Ghoul School and Reluctant Werewolf), or the at the time brand new What’s New Scooby Doo. And later in life i’d absolutely adore Mystery Incorporated.. minus the whole Shaggy, Scooby Velma love triangle, but i’ll likely cover that at some point or sooner, you can comission reviews from me for 5 bucks each, 5 dollars off group orders if you really want to make me suffer through that that bad. But getting off self promotion point is I loved and still love the franchise. While I”ve yet to see “Scooby Doo and Guess Who”, though given there’s Weird Al, Kristan Schaal and Urkel episodes you can be sure i’m going to eventually, and Scoob was VERY ehhh even if Dick Dastardly was awesome. But despite my history with the great dane much like with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, despite my rich history with the franchise I haven’t dove in yet and with a friend who could use a nice halloween suprise and loves scooby doo, I figured now was the time to take a look at it.  And since i’d been wanting to take a look at it again anyway, and decided going big wasn’t a bad way to start, i’m taking a look at the 2002 Scooby Doo movie. I saw this flim first run in a drive in, and saw the sequel the same way and loved it as a kid, and fondly remember checking out the Sountrack Preview page back before youtube existed to make checking out soundtracks easier. It was a simplier time. And even rewatching it later with my nieces, I found myself liking it.  And the thing was almost every time this film comes up it’s with a turned up nose. The CGI, the confused audience, the deciding to cast Freddy Prinze Junior.. all terrible decisions that overshadow the film, when it’s not that bad. It’s not GREAT, but it’s not TERRIBLE either. So what is it then? Well i’ll tells ya. Let’s start with
PRODUCTION: Wait James Gunn Wrote This?
At the turn of the millneium Scooby Doo was back on top. After waning popularity during the Scrappy era, the advent of the warner affilated Cartoon Network meant a whole new generation of kids (raises hand) got to experince Scooby Doo for the first time. This new audeince lead to Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, the first of the franchises 80 or so DTV movies that will continue on long after the earth dies, and brought back the franchise after it’s long slumber. Scooby Doo went from dead to as popular as he was in his hey day again. Naturally Warner wanted to cash in and thus this movie was born.  Originally the film was supposed to be a more adult project, a send up of the franchise with more sex jokes and what not than made the final cut according to writer James Gunn. Yes, the same James Gunn who wrote and directed the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and whose currently saving the suicide squad. It was one of Gunn’s earlier films but just from when he’s talked about it, you can tell he genuinely cared about the project.  Along for the ride with our future Guardian was his co-writer, Craig Titely,  who i’m convinced only came in to do punch ups as the guy has only written three other movies. One of them was being one of MANY writers on Cheaper by the Dozen and thus likely not doing much of note with that, and the other.. is being the only writer on Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief’s movie adaptation.. aka the movie the fanbase and general audiences rejected in droves yet SOMEHOW got a sequel. Which is somehow still worse than his other film, one that asks “was the moon landing a hoax?” Spoilers, it wasn’t. Point is this isn’t a resume that screams co creator and more screams “Guy brought in to kid freindly this up”. More on that in a minute.  The director is another less than reassuring face: Raja Gosnell, whose credits BEFORE this film were Home Alone 3, Never Been Kissed and Big Momma’s house.. so already he dosen’t have the best track record but somehow got worse because AFTER this film and it’s sequel he directed both live action Smurfs Movies and the universally hated Show Dogs, aka the film  that thought dog rape was funny. The fact this film isn’t out and out terrible is a miracle. 
Even more so because naturally, as Studios tend to do they interfered: The film was supposed to be more adult, cracking jokes about common things fans of the series growing up thought like Velma is Gay or Shaggy’s a stoner, and having both be fully true. But wanting to appeal to kids, Warner gradually lightned it, hence Craig, and Raja clearly having no shame gladly took it instead of you know.. standing his ground.  So Velma has a love intrest thrown in and her kiss with Daphne is gone, while Shaggy’s toke smoking was lowered to subtext.. because either of those things is bad apparently? I dunno the 2000′s were fucked. 
Point is THAT’S why these films are so tonally confused and why I don’t hold it agains the film now I know: It wasn’t James Gunn or even, as dumb as he is, Raja Gosnell’s fault that the film had some tones clashing when the studio was demanding it, instead of you know, thinking this through at all and realizing more kids cared about Scooby Doo than they would’ve josie and the pussy cats instead of bringing it up DURING production, when most of the adult stuff was in there. It’s also why the sequel has no real adult stuff, though it’s STILL damn good, but i’ll get to that some other day. 
The film was also shot at an actual theme park in australia. Neat. 
So yeah the film’s humor kind of ping pongs between knowing adult winks and kids stuff. We get Scooby dressing like a grandma in the same film shaggy enhales his demon possed love intrests breath like weed. The jokes themselves on average are pretty good: Some of my faviorites include the grandma scene, everything rowan atkinson does, Velma getting drunk off her ass, and the instructional video bit which is easily my favorite bit of the episode and one of my faviorite scooby doo jokes period:
This is even FUNNIER to me on rewatch, as we now know this is an instructional video for demons.. and that Scrappy clearly had enough problems with his demon horde to have to pay for this thing. It tis glorious.  However there also are also a few that HAVE NOT aged well, are very creepy at best and disgusting sexual assault at worst with Daphne getting her ass grabbed by the Luna Ghost at the start being treated as a joke and Fred oggling Daphne’s body when he’s in it being treated as a ha ha and not...
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So yeah the humor’s USUALLY good, but the slipups are noticable and do bring things down a bit when they come by. So the humor is decent if mixed and the production’s a nightmare, how’s the plot? The Plot: Scoob, We’re Getting the Band Back Together!
I won’t be as through as usual because this is a 90 minute movie, I’m running behind as is and it’s 20 years old, 
We start with your standard mystery inc case with the Luna Goose, aka Old Man Incel who resented Pamela Anderson for not boning him. But Fred hogging the glory during the resulting News Cast leads the gang to start fighting over lingering tensions: Velma is tired of Fred hogging all the credit when she does most of the legwork solving things, Daphne is tired of being kidnapped and being mistreated by Velma and Freddy who laugh at the idea of her doing more, and Fred..
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We’ll get to him later. Shaggy is the only one wanting to stick together, but no one’s having it and the group breaks apart and Matthew LIllard REALLY sells Shaggy’s heartbreak over his friends all abandoning him well. 
Two years later though, with Shaggy and Scooby naturally getting stoned and eating large quantities of food on the beach, have made peace with retirement, and have apparently had to duck tons of people coming to them to solve mysteries since they aren’t about that. The latest in that line is a man representing Emile Mondovarius, the owner of Spooky Island, a vast island resort and theme park. Naturally since it has spooky in the name the boys want nothing but Mondovarius does what honestly every previous guy coming to them should’ve done: offers them an all you can eat buffet.  Since they’ve done more traumatizing for Dog Treats, they agree and it soon turns out the entire gang was invited, though none of them but Shaggy and Scooby are happy to see each other. I will say one of my complaints about the film is it never tackles the emotions behind the breakup: while the teams slowly repairs there are never any outright apologizes or scenes of them recociling or scenes of Shaggy chewing them out for abandoning him due to their spat. It just skips over the emotional bits to either wave a joke for the kiddies around or scream 
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Really the jokes aren’t bad, the film just has trouble with actual emotion or depth that could’ve been there and tries for it once in a while, but dosen’t really do anything with it. The gang splitting up’s a good concept, and at this point on Scooby Doo on Zombie Island had really used it, and that was one where they were clearly still close friends and were still in touch they just quit mystery solving for a while till Zombie Island happened. Mystery Incorpreated would finally give this story justice later: Instead of over a petty ego squabble, the gang broke up over underlying tensions: The revelations about Fred’s dad caused him to go try and find himself, Velma alienated herself by hiding things from them, and Shaggy was shipped off to Military School and Scooby doggy prison camp... thankfully the last two didn’t last and Scooby rescued Shaggy with a tank but the tension DIDN’T go away: While the gang mostly reunited, Velma took time to forgive them and also tried bringing in the friend/girlfriend she’d made in the meantime only for her friends to isolate her and throw her out while Daphne took her time to return due to being hurt by fred. It’s complex and good stuff versus here where it’s just “WE’RE APART BECAUSE WE HATES EACH OTHER. And now we’re NOT”. It’s just a waste of a good concept and i’ m glad the franchise got around to doing it right. 
But my gripes aside our heroes head to the resort and meet Mondevarious, who admits outright to having tricked then and with confronted with the gang being broken up, makes it clear he knews.  “That’s the thing about broken things.. you can put them back together.”
And so he did. He needs the Gang’s help as he’s worried about the island and something going wrong there: The teens are leaving polite, well behaved. and clearly not themselves as one reacts to an old friend by neck lifting him and tossing him aside. Something’s deeply wrong here and the gang’s intrest is piqued enough to stay though everyone but Shaggy is determined to solve it themselves out of ego. Mondvarius is played by Rowan Atkinson and while I watched the bean movie as a kid this is where I fell in love with the guy, with later watches of Blackadder confirming that in my college years. Rowan just brings a fun dorky energy to the character and a nice earnestness too but when he later takes a turn for the bad, he does that well too. Atkinson is HIGHLY underated in my opinon and easily the MVP of this film’s supporting cast.   So the investigation begins, and we get our supsects: The first we met on the plane, Mary Jane, a kind blonde played by Isla Fisher who got the job becasue Gosnel, in a rare good decision, saw how talented she was and while still picking Sara Michele Gellar for Daphne, made sure she had  a part. She’s a nice sweet girl who Shaggy falls for and Scooby’s annoyed by it.. though unlike earlier the film beats mystery inc easily here as it’s a more understandable conflict and dosen’t act like Dog Issues is a thing people says. Again i’ll get to that clusterfuck of an arc some day. The other two are N’Goo Tuna, a shady worker at the park who spouts off the legends of the island. In a nice twist, he’s NOT the vilian, as is obvious but is his right hand man. He also has his own right hand and muscle in Zarkos a cool looking Luchador and N’Goo’s muscle. Also N’Goo may be one of the worst names in Scooby Doo History, and that includes Dabba Doo. But the legend claims the island was once owned by demons who want revenge since the resort took the island from him. 
The other is probably my faviorite non Rowan Atkinson character, Voodoo Maestro, played by Miguel Nunez. He’s basically just a guy who lives on the fringes of the island and also hates the resort and tries using voodoo curses. He’s honestly a delight from his attempt to sacrifice a chicken (An already dead one at that), to his general hammy and annoyed at dealing with these teenagers demeanor. NAturally he has nothing to do with this but he’s still a fun addition and I wish he was in more scnenes than the two he gets.  But with what they’ve gathered the gang all end up at a spooky castle attraction, with Scooby and Shaggy of course being bribed by daphne while Velma and Fred show up indpeendntly and end  up finding the weird training video from earlier but all get caught when the traps are activiated> There’s also a farting contest which.. eh not funny to me but i’ve seen so much worse i’m not even remotely upset. But then the traps trigger though during the chaos Fred and Velma are forced to work together and finally start doing so, and Daphne finds a clue: A mysterious pyramid known as the damon righus and finally gets some, if not nearly enough, credit.  So the gang is back together.. even if it’s a tenative peace, the high from solving this and relay to their boss the suspects, including him, though Fred assures Mondovarius it’s just because he’s spooky and rowan’s character’s delight over that is fucking glorious.  So the gang enjoys some down time at the local bar, with Fred and Daphne doing their own look ins, Scooby and Shaggy eating and encountring mary again and Velma getting hit on by a dude while looking over the ritus, revealing it’s some sort of soul sucking aparatus, and going into their history... which is really just an excuse to bring Scrappy in who in this universe, is a horny egotistical little shit whose abandoned as a result. ANd before anyone boos he’s not a puppy here, he’s got.. dog dwarfisim.. which while .. how does that even work... means he’s a grown ass man and deserved this. We also get drunk velma and Linda Caredenlli is a delight
The night gets interupted by terrible cgi monsters, the aformentioned emon who soul suck most of the college kids present and also get fred and velma who both find out these are very much real. We also get the best song on the soundtrack, man with a hex. It slaps. But it makes good chase music as with Mondvarious, Fred and Velma captured, the rest of the gang and mary escape.  The next morning we get a surreal as hell scene as everyone’s partying, Fred’s talking in slang and Velma with clevage, thank you, is chatting up.. Sugar Ray? For those younger of you they were a band at the time. They were a big thing. Not half bad but faded away. They looked as 2000′s as hell though. WHy Smash Mouth gets all the memes and not them is beyond me. Look at lead singer Mark McGrath!It’s like the early 2000′s gained sentience and took a human form. But the gang is quickly forced to run from sugar ray, though they get Daphne in a deleted scene. Why it was deleted I dunno. Point is Shaggy, Scooby and Mary are all alone.. oh and Mary’s possessed. Shaggy and Scooby argue over it because Shaggy just thinks Scooby is jealous and while he is .. why would he lie about this? He’s as cowardly as you are. But Scooby falls through the floor, and Shaggy is now going solo but luckily finds his friends souls, and eveyrone elses in a massive cool looking vat and frees them all.  Velma, when the demon leaves her and confronts her, finds out sunlight kills the demons and saves Daphne from hers... only to find Fred in her body. Daphne is naturally horrified and we do get a great bodyswapping scene.
Our heroes reconvince on the beach where htey find the Maestro who explains what’s going on to a point, with the gang’s clues filling in the blanks: The ritus, which they stole back earlier, is used for a ritual that will allow the Demons to rule over the earth for “a thousand years of darkness” but it requires a pure soul to work. Cue our big bad talking Scooby into being their willing sacrifice since Scooby dooes not understand what a sacrifice is.  Shaggy naturally rallies the group to go save him after their understandably worried since they usually dealt with weirdos in costumes and not the apocalypse.. well okay Velma and Fred aren’t, Daphne dealt with this kind of thing once a week back in Sunnydale. So they set up a plan to destroy all the demons at once by unleashing the soul bath, setting them all loose and then using a spooky disco ball from one of the attractions rigged up over the ritual area to shine the light in. It’s classic scooby doo. 
Things naturally go wrong as while Shaggy goes to rescue scooby and makes up with him, he’s caught, so are fred and velma and they have to scramble, while Daphne looses a fight with the luchador up top while trying to let the light in to finish the trap. Meanwhile Shaggy saves Scooby’s soul just as Mondovarious sucks it out by shoving the guy.. revealing him to be a robot! DUN DUN DUN. And inside is Scrappy.. which you all probably knew already but try to act suprise who wanted to conquer the world as revenge for the gang abandoning him and because again, in this universe he’s kind of an asshole. He absorbs the souls gathered so far and merges with the damon ritus, because we’re operating on video game rules now apparently, so final boss time.  But we get a great climax as Scrappy chases scooby, Daphne goes buffy on Zarkos ass , and as a result he shatters the glass and lets the light in releasing the disco ball the kill the demons.. man I love that I get to type things like that. Scooby removes the ritus and defeats his nephew and the day is saved. Velma hooks up with random guy, Daphne and Fred get together, I die inside a little and Shaggy and Mary Jane bond. At the press Fred does his good deed for the movie by letting Velma explain things and get the spotlight and the group have firmly reunited. THE END. Overall it’s a solid plot, that works well, comes together in the end and was well put together, it’s more the filling that causes it to tilt back and forth a bit, but overlal outside of the issue I mentioned it’s a good scooby doo plot. While some have pointed out it is similar to zombie island, a case reuniting the gang, the person who brought them there wanting to sacrifice them, or just scooby here, monsters being real, it works because everything else is so different. But since there’s more to break down and it’s easier to give it it’s own section let’s look at...
So we’re down to character.. and since there’s a blonde, preeening, selfish, arrogant, sleazy, sexist, obnoxious, loud mouthed, useless elephant in the room, let’s start with Fred. And to quote it’s always sunny....
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Yeah so that fury of a thousand crashing waves (Cracks Knuckles): Fred is the worst part of this movie, the worst version of the character across the entire franchise that i’ve seen with the sincre doubt that there is ANY version worse than this. Everything I said above is true and THEN some. He is one of the most unlikable characters i’ve seen in a film that wasn’t INTENDED to be. There’s just NOTHING to like about him. Nothing. He treats his “Friends” like garbage, all four of them: He basically ignores shaggy and scooby at best and treats them as if they were nothing. For Velma he’s your classic power abusing douche who pushes her to the side and often steals the credit for things she did. He’s still a good mystery solver, but he acts like he does all the work to the press and takes all the credit when Velma works as hard as he does if not harder. And worst of all is Daphne, who he basically either treats like some moron who gets kidnapped due to incompetence and not because creepy old dudes want to feel her up, which given the intro is VERY likely the reason she’s the resident victim of the group, and not like a person, or like a pair of boobs and legs he wants to bang or feel up creepily while he’s in her body. For fuck’s sake his reaction to finding out he’s in her body is a creepy and smug “I can see myself naaaakeddd” If that dosen’t make you want to smack him get off my blog. And they get together in the end! 
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Who who wanted that. I genuinely want the presumibly original ending where Daphne and Velma hook up and Fred falls off a pier and is never seen again. The acting does not help. While the other four gang members are expertly cast Fred was given to Freddy Prinze Junior, who made a career out of playing arrogant dicks who are somehow the main character so I can’t fault the casting but I can fault that he can’t delver any line without that smug air of trying to be cool douche and it’s at it’s worst with Fred since Fred’s already written as the biggest creepiest douche in the world and Freddy somehow makes it WORSE. He also has zero chemstiry with Daphne, which would be weird given he and Sarah Michelle Gellar had dated for 2 years at this point and as of this writing have been together for 20 overall and have two wonderful kids together... but given how badly written Fred is here, I can’t blame either of them. And i’m sure FPJ is a swell guy, loves his kids loves his wife seems like a really plesant guy, nothing against him as a person, but at least at this point in his career he wasn’t very good. And I am actually planning on trying to seek out one of his later works in his career to see if he’s gotten better in recent years, and willing to give him the benifit of a doubt that he probably has. I just don’t like him here, and while the script does most of the work he only makes it worse.And works before this (Pup Named Scooby Doo) and after this (Mystery Incorperated) would prove you can give fred a personality that’s not dick tip, so fuck this character, fuck the writing.. and I hope Freddy is having a happy halloween with his loving wife and children, seriously I meant it I have nothing against him as a person. A terrible actor can still be a WONDERFUL guy. 
Now that’s thankfully put to bed, let’s pivot over to Shaggy, whose easily the best of the cast. Matthew Lillard looks the part pefectly, has the right combination of heart and goofus and has some great comedic timing. Granted Scream had already proven the guy’s got genuine talent, but still he’s great here and is currently playing Shaggy in most films and productions, except Scoob which.. was far from it’s only mistake but easily the biggest. There’s not much else to say: the guy IS Shaggy and is the only person whose taken up the roll to equal Kasey Casem in it. As for how he’s written.. he’s basically the same and apart from one line of him wanting to leave everyone to their deaths, which feels like it was added later, he’s written really well and is easily the most likeable of the group. 
Scooby is alright. Not the best version but funny and charming enough when he needs to be and while I hated the CGI at one point.. it’s honestly not that bad. It’s not GREAT, but time has actually been very good to it both in how it’s held up and in the fact we’ve gotten SO MUCH WORSE with so much better techlogies. I mean.. Cats exists.. Marmaduke Exists.. the Bill Murray Garfield exists. This was offputting at the time but now it’s just okay. But character wise he’s good and again not much diffrent. 
Velma is the second best casting of the movie. Played by Linda Cardenelli, who i’ve harbored a crush on for a good few decades now and admire mostly for her talent and charm, Linda kills the roll and easily slips into it as easily as Matt did, and while not picking it up full time like he did, still did it a few times afterword and played hot dog water in mystery incorperated, so she did finally get to play a Lesbian Velma it just took a while. And while Velma being gay is kind of sterotyping, it would’ve been nice to have been kept in instead of edited out for bullshit reasons. But overal her character is decent: While she ALSO bullies and belittles daphne like fred, unlike fred it comes less from just being a douche and more from insecurity. As her scene at the bar makes clear she feels undervalued like the other, like the nerd who the cool kids LET hang out with them instead of part of the team. While it dosen’t make her treatment of Daphne OKAY, it makes Velma understandable. We also get Velma Clevage which.. okay not sure if the world needed that but whatever. Point is it’s throughly likeable portryal that I wish got some character growth.  Finally out of the main 5 there’s Daphne, whose alright. Not as good as the other two, as it feels they lean a bit too heavily on her having taken self defense and wanting ot be tougher, but Sarah Michelle Gellar gives her a ton of charm and likeablity that her husband’s character sadly lacks. There’s just a fun, adorable energy to daph that ends up coupling with her buffy style badassery at the end and Sarah plays both beautifully. The script didn’t give her a ton to work with, though that’s the same for all four of htem, but Sarah really made the character work and made her somewhat memorable despite not being as good as Linda or Matthew. Basically not the best, but still a comfortable third ahead of scooby doo and jackass jones. 
As for the rest of the cast, Rowan Attkinson i’ve covered and is utterly fantastic as is the Voodoo Maestro, and both should get hteir own hbo max spinoff together. The minons.. stupid name and luchadoor are decent enough, nothign special but they have presence and do the job of goon well. And Mary Jane is alright.. the joke is WAY too on the nose to be funny and she’s mostly just there to be sweet, but she’s harmless. Not good but not bad.  So finally we have our big bad, Scrappy. And i’m.. mixed about this. On one hand, Scott Innes, who it turns out is also from Missouri good on you dude!, does a terrific job and I couldn’t tell it wasn’t don messick as Scrappy and he plays him as evil great. On the other.. it’s just kinda goofy. Out of all the tips of hte hat to scooby stuff this feels the most over the top. Scrappy was hated, including by james gunn.. so he’s the bad guy. It’s just a bit on the nose, and the twist is pretty easily teligraphed since Scrappy suspciously is mentioned in one scene so him showing up at all is pretty easy to see coming. It’s not terible but it’s not great. His demon minons also just suck.. the designs are wonky and their cgi, unlike scooby and scrappy’s, is just REALLY bad and dated, and even as a kid I never liked them. 
FINAL THOUGHTS:  Scooby Doo is a decent but messy movie. The clashing tones, dated humor and godawful version of fred drag it down at times, and it’s very clear this had a lot of hands in the pot. But.. I still enjoy it. It’s not the best scooby ever, tha’ts mystery incorpeated, but it has great atmosphere, some good ideas, an utterly spectacular with one exception cast, and some really funny jokes. I genuinely feel the film is overhated when it’s a unique, weird and wonderful slice of Scooby. For better or worse there’s no other Scooby doo property quite like it, and that’s what makes it so fun. And it has enough good performances and jokes to smooth out the edges. It’s not the best, it’s a mess.. but sometimes a mess is fun and I like this flim for being a fun mess I can enjoy with my nieces and talk about to all of you. And sometimes that’s all you need.  Thank you for reading this. If you like this you can comission your own review: 5 bucks for a tv episode, 15 for a movie, 10 for an hour long special, and 5 dollars off when you order more than one episode of a show at a time. Just send me a direct message or ask on here and we’ll get started. Until then you can check out my backlog of reviews, check this space every monday for ducktales reviews, and VOTE DAMMIT VOTE. Until we meet again it’s been a pleasure. Play us out Atomic Fireballs, it’s been a wonderful halloween. 
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vishalmeena · 3 years
A not so fine Morning.
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The Sun is right above the horizon, slowly beginning to rise. People have started arriving in the park. This morning breeze is tempting me to add a layer of wool over my body. I don't understand why people like it? The sun is staring right at you but it still feels chilly. I can see some kids playing beneath the happy tree, while the birds on its branch are looking for prey to drop good luck on them. There's also this group of Elderly people doing that annoying laughing exercise. Don't they know how absurd they look while doing it? No joke could possibly crack them up this hysterically. For how long are you willing to fake it. Won't you get tired? And now there’s one more pair of love birds who have decided to wake up early in the morning to hang out in the park. Do they think they are invisible? Everyone sees you when you two birds jog synchronously. And her mum says, "My daughter is such a fitness freak, she is preparing every morning for next month's City Marathon." Bhabhi Please! Your daughter wasn't there last Saturday when they organized World Health Day, where was this motivation then? Aunty doesn't know that Aakash wasn't in town that day, Otherwise, her daughter would be ready to flex on that day as well. Most of these people showing up in the park are really just to show off, nobody's really there to get a healthy body anymore. I mean, if you really cared about your health, how come the vendor who sells Panipuri outside the park is getting richer by the minute. I think even he earns more than me now. Gets paid to receive eye tonic and here I am stuck in the job which breaks me every day. Why do I always get stupid clients? I mean how many changes you're going to ask for huh? First, finalize the things you want in your project, then come to me. I'm done working at this place of zero hope, things never change here. It has been more than two years now and I am done doing the same stuff over and over. I need to find myself a better job. You know, once I get my due increment, I'll quit. 
The Alarm rings, "beep beep.. beep beep.. beep beep beep"
Ah! not again, you can't wake me up more than I already am, stupid phone. I don't even need to wake her up anymore. At this hour, She's probably going back to her tent or a houseboat. But, why does she always have to go places like these? I get that the work she does is really important, probably, even world-changing stuff and these forests of Amazon is might just be the best place for the research but at least go to a place made for humans. You're living in a dangerous place with wild animals in a 1960 era forest where cell phones don't have reception. What makes it even more frustrating is not being able to anything about it. 
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I know it shouldn't be bothering me much, after all, we did agree to do this together but damn this is killing me. At this point, I know my brain doctor brother would say, "What you're feeling right now is normal. When you were together, your body was producing Oxytocin at high levels, but now your body has quit delivering a plenitude of serotonin, oxytocin, and so forth, and to exacerbate the situation, the chemicals that your body does produce continue to be processed so quickly it's as if they were never there. But don't worry, your body will adjust to it in some time." 
Now, how is this any different from saying, "Don't worry, everything will be fine in some time." But, No! You need to say these difficult terms to prove that you're smarter than me. This whole situation sucks actually. Nothing makes sense anymore, even the article I read online did not help. I don't know who these articles cater to, certainly doesn’t change anything for me. And they always write them with such confidence that It's gonna turn around the reader's whole life. As if just writing in bullets will make people understand everything.
⦁ Try meditating to help ease the distress. 
Doesn't meditation require you to have a calm mind? Well if I could keep my mind calm I wouldn't be reading this article in the first place. 
⦁   Try expressing emotions through journaling, drawing, or music.
Well not everyone here is a Picasso. And even he made silly paintings, some of them don't even make sense. If he was a millennial, his Instagram page wouldn't even have 100 followers. 
⦁ Consider doing something kind, either for your loved one or for someone else in their honor. 
Yeah right, I donated ₹ 5000 last year to the PM Cares fund, I don't even know if any good came out of it. The migrant laborers still had to travel the distance by themselves, if they couldn't find a place in Sonu Sood Depot. It'd been better if I had personally donated that sum directly to our maid and her family. 
⦁   Keep track of thoughts to share later. 
Hmm... Wouldn't it be too much? I mean if I started making list, it would go on forever. There's a lot that I would like to share with her. I can practically imagine her going in a fit of laughter hearing all these crazy stories I have for her. 
⦁   Focus on positive memories, such as shared jokes or trips you took together.
Okay, let us try this. I guess we had few good memories, them Late-night walks, all those improv games we used to play together. Us meeting after a long vacation, just like when Noah and Allie reunite in The Notebook, minus the rain and the breathtaking scenery. And damn her weird Oreo coffee, I can't forget that combo even on my deathbed. Maybe I should try making that? 
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Umm... It's a little too sweet but I like it. I'm sure she would kill to have this coffee right now. It's pure bliss to be sipping this coffee at this time. Sun is comfortably up, the breeze feels nice now. Aakash & Avni are still here, it's cute how they manage to sneak in these meetings, they're definitely gonna look back on these silly teenage years & cherish it once they're my age. Love is certainly in the air & I blame them little birds' songs. Those Old fellas are finally sharing real laughs now, sitting in the circle sharing stories older than me. It's amazing how they have managed to stay together for all these years. That's true friendship right there. Maybe I should make plans with my friends for the weekend as well. Okay Google, open WhatsApp. 
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