#probably won’t even let me pee in peace and quiet but ask questions through the door LMAO
oooohno · 2 months
When you spill the tea to Atsumu do you first get in your comfy clothes with a face mask (him of course doing the same) and then tell him the latest gossip, or does he have a glass of wine ready and is eagerly waiting to get your shoes off to pass it to you and hear you spill.
Since he knows that we always crack a bottle of wine open at these dinners he usually puts on the kettle once I text him that I’m omw home. Atsumu already corners me at the door so there’s no way I can settle in + get comfy before he asks a bazillion questions, so usually he just follows me around the apartment while I get ready for bed and tell him everything 🥰 we both end the night snuggled in bed with teas to finish our conversation and he tells me about his evening too
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princessozera · 4 years
Power points my OC would have to give in the Devildom (Drunk Edition)
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Summary: My OC may be bold and brash, but she has her limits. She'd have to be WASTED to get through these power points.
Powerpoints from my oc Carmafe so She/Her pronouns used
Word Count: 989
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“After some unfortunate events, it’s come to my attention that demons don’t have periods. Now I have to explain it. Sit down and ask serious questions and we’ll all get through this ok.”
“No Diavolo, I shouldn’t be embarrassed to discuss this but-...Yes I understand that but -... Listen it’s not that simple, I.... I mean all of you are male and apparently even female demons can’t relate... Yes, but there’s a stigma around... LISTEN!!! LOGIC THIS ALL YOU WANT, IT WON’T CHANGE THE FACT THAT I AM EMBARRASSED, LET ME ACTUALLY GET STARTED! PLEASE! “
“So, humans with uteruses have to dispel of their uterine lining once a month... Why do we have uterine linings? Are you serious? You know what, human anatomy and reproduction is a lesson for another day. The long and short of it is that we have holes and blood will flow out of it whether we like it or not”
“No Beel, this isn’t like pee, I can’t hold it in.”
“Ok, so there are multiple ways to stop from bleeding on my clothes. A pad is the thing most people start with, easy enough to use. A diva cup is a reusable plastic cup that.. I... we... ya gotta like, fold it in half and just... shove it up there. A tampon is essentially a wad of cotton in a tube with a string attached to it... that you also just... shove up there.”
“Levi, I know your going to be mortified this entire time, please stop trying to drink water before you actually choke to death.”
“Mammon, I don’t want to be here either, but YOU’RE supposed to look after me but I had to send Lucifer to get my pads last time, look, none of us are happy about this.  Lord Diavolo put your hand down, please, this is an odd thing to be happy about.”
“Thank you Diavolo, that is extremely generous but people don’t need 800 tampons per menstrual cycle.”
“Oh, fuck, I completely forgot to mention the symptoms and side effects.”
Mammon Defense Squad Rise Up
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“Okay, okay, hear me out. What if instead of living in an apartment, I build us a small house in the western forest? We would only have to pay for utilities, we wouldn’t have to worry as much about monthly rent!”
“Fuck you I do too know how to build a house. And there’s probably a tutorial I can find online if I can hack into the human internet through my D.D.D, Lucifer won’t give me the password”
“Okay, so if we work together, I think we can have the house up in 5 months time. I can take the weekends off and do all the planning, material buying, forest clearing and building all by myself, but you’ll have to pick up extra shifts so we can make up for my lost income”
“I’m sorry, it won’t be anything big or flashy, but we would get away from your brothers and they can’t yell at you! A place to call our own!”
“Worse comes to worse, we can  still go ahead and build the house and just sneak off to hide from your brothers whenever we want”
“Don’t blush like that! That’s not what I meant! I’m just saying that it’d be nice to get some peace and quiet is all! Jeez, what kind of a person do you take me for... But, don’t get me wrong. I’m always happy to spend time with just you.”
Satan lent me a book on Devildom politics and economics
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“I need to do more research, but tell me, what would I find if I looked into: how technology is made, where materials are sourced, how produce is obtained in the Devildom? The only reason I’m not going to go after your necks right now is because I’m under the assumption that the demons you’re exploiting were horrendous, monstrous humans.”
“In the words of my fellow sisters: there is no ethical consumption under capitalism”
“No, I don’t actually have sisters that’s not the point”
“Don’t look at me like that Satan, you lent me the book. If you want to have an actual debate over this we can do that at another time”
“Look, if I agree not to over throw the Devildom will you help me guillotine the rich in the human world?”
A Proposal
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“I don’t want to overstep, but I think I’ve come to know all of you well. And I’m coming clean now, I do love you, all of you. “ 
“You all have said I’m like family now, you never specified HOW I’m family, so let’s make it official”
“Honestly, I’ll marry you too Diavolo. And you too Barbatos, I am not opposed to this.”
And Immediate Regret
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“Again I would like to apologize, I wasn’t aware that demons do not marry.  I should have looked into this before I mentioned it”
“No, I will not tell you what marriage is I already made a fool of myself.”
“Lucifer, put your phone down, do not google this. Lucifer. Lucifer. LUCIFER”
“I will get Solomon to erase all of your memories, please don’t make me explain myself”
In response to Chapter 20
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“Diavolo. I blame you.”
“I’ve become attached and emotionally dependent on the Devildom and the well being of the brothers. You should take responsibility and make it up to me by letting me stay”
“Fully honest, if you try to send me back, I will disappear for a week. I’ll run away. Would you like to see that “Human resilience and stubbornness against adversity” I’ve been talking about all year?”
“If you DO send me back I will find a way to come back, without your permission, and I will most likely be an alcoholic by then. Do you really want to deal with me, wasted, sad at being abandoned, and with magic? Do you really want to do that to yourself?”
“Mammon if we had built that house I could have hid there for a week so he couldn’t send me back 😫😭”
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cals-laundry · 3 years
Dirty Laundry
“But what? But you have so you can't atone? But you have so you deserve nothing?” Sero asks, but Denki knows better than to answer. “In here, right now, you're Denki Kaminari, I'm Hanta Sero, and neither of us have ever made a mistake.” “You'll hate me when you do know.” “I don't care,” Sero pulls him closer, “I don't hate you now.”
NSFW -  Minors dni please!  Relationship: Denki Kaminari x Hanta Sero Words: 3,595 Tags: trans! Denki, vague mentions of cheating, light angst, self deprecation. AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31501247
Tonight wasn't supposed to go this way. Denki sips and grimaces before letting whatever vile liquid is allowed to pass for beer dribble back into the cliché red cup. Or is he grimacing because Shinsou is right there? He's happy to convince himself that it's the beer. It's the music. It's the lights. It's anything but the gaping, unhealing wound in his chest at the sight of Shinsou. He looks like he always does; bored. His hoodie is too big, his jeans, tattered, and his boots scuffed. He's leaning against a wall, either blissfully unaware or willfully ignorant of Denki, and Denki doesn't want to consider which it could be. He wonders now if he should have tried harder. His skinny jeans and sneakers are plain enough, but he's not even sure this big white t-shirt is his.
Before Shinsou can catch him, he weaves through the crowd and finds the closest group of friends he can, though on the way, he puts his solo cup on a random counter. The piss taste still in his mouth is enough to remind him not to drink tonight. By his friends, he can ignore everything. He can lean on Jirou, laugh when they do, maybe even actually talk to them. But at every glance around, Shinsou is in his line of sight, and every time, that wound in his chest wrenches open again, and months of memories, of pining, of “goodnights” will rush back. It's not Shinsou's fault; he didn't know he was flirting. At least, Denki thinks he doesn't know. In an effort to seem absorbed in the conversation, and not key them into his faraway mind, Denki stares at Midoriya as he recites some funny work story. He's absorbed enough that he doesn't notice a body beside him, not until he leans back against the wall as he laughs and it's too late.
Denki swallows a stone.
“Hey,” he replies with a shaky smile.
“Can we...” Shinsou juts his head towards the kitchen. Denki's feet know better than his head that he'll follow this man anywhere. So he does. The kitchen is empty, bright, and best of all, quieter.
Shinsou leans against one counter, hands in his hoodie pocket, one ankle crossed over the other. Denki stands opposite, though without anything for fidgeting, he clings to the counter until his knuckles turn white.
“Are we good?” Shinsou asks, airy and light and perfectly fine.
“Yeah,” Denki replies, breathless. Had he forgotten how to breathe because of this?
“You've just been sorta quiet,” Shinsou shrugs, “I thought maybe I'd done something.”
What, was leading me on not enough?
“No way, man,” Denki smiles bright as a plastic doll, “we're cool.”
And Shinsou believes him.
For a minute, Denki wonders if he could confess. Or if maybe he could just forget it all and they could go back to “goodnights”. But that minute is ruined in a way only Midoriya can manage.
“Hey, guys!” he bobs into the room like he's just run a marathon.
His freckled cheeks are pink, and Denki would say something back, but Midoriya is looking at Shinsou in that way, that same way Denki looks at Shinsou. They share a small smile, one that tells him all he needs to know. When Midoriya takes Shinsou's hand, he really tries to be angry, but in the tiny look Midoriya sends his way, there's only a pleading not to do what Denki did with the last love of Midoriya's life. The two share quiet words with their noses touching and Denki's discomfort is surely obvious. So he does all he can do.
“Gotta pee.”
And he leaves. He runs. Because he's a coward now and he was a coward then and he was a coward then. He takes a shuddering breath and makes for the stairs. Up here, the music still bangs through his feet, but it's not as loud somehow. He glances at the choice of doors and opens one. Bedroom. The next; an office. The third, another bedroom, but- Laughter. Bright bubbling beautiful laughter that makes him freeze. A girl he sort of knows, Mina, and a shock of red hair he definitely knows are on the bed, all with folded legs and a black haired boy he doesn't know. Mina waves, but Kirishima's smile falters when he looks over. Nausea sinks into the pit of his stomach and he waves back at Mina before he steps back.
“Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom,” he squeaks, but Mina stands.
“Nope, me first!” and she runs past him, giggling and smelling of flowers.
The silence in her wake makes Denki's stomach churn further. Kirishima's clenched jaw doesn't help.
“I don't think I know you,” the black haired boy says, seemingly oblivious to the tension.
“M'Denki Kaminari,” he rushes out and the boy lounges onto one elbow
“Sero,” he says simply, but he studies Denki. And Denki knows because he can feel the honey slow dribble of his gaze on every part of him.
He tries to return it, but Denki's never been one for slow and sensual. Sero, however, oozes the idea. He's still laid on his elbow, and the front of his already low buttoned shirt came further apart with the movement. His pants are black and high waisted enough to show off his ankles. In short; he looks good. Denki's throat dries as he takes in the look, and Sero...Sero loves it. His head falls back a little, and his already wide smile widens somehow.
“I'm gonna go get a drink,” Kirishima's voice is devoid of emotion, and the shoulder check as he leaves says everything he does.
As he rubs his shoulder, nausea comes back.
“He's not a fan?” Sero's voice calls him out of his spiral.
“Heh, not really,” Denki laughs as if he doesn't know Sero would hate him too.
“C'mere,” Sero pats the bed beside him, “I don't bite.”
Denki sits on the edge of the bed, his side to Sero, and Sero regards him with another curious look.
“You've got secrets, huh?”
“I mean,” Denki snorts a laugh, a more genuine one, “doesn't everyone?”
Sero shrugs.
“Don't you?”
“Probably,” he says again and shuffles himself so his chin is in his palm and his side is pressed into the bed fully, “does it matter?”
The bile of his own secret's rise in Denki's throat and he swallows it.
“If they're bad, maybe they shouldn't be secrets,” Denki swallows again, “if we're bad, if we've done awful things, shouldn't we warn people?”
“Are you going to do it again?”
“You seem certain you won't make the same mistake,” Sero's head tilts, as if he knows something, as if he knows more about Denki.
“Once was enough,” Denki's voice is quiet.
“Here, you haven't made any,” Sero is brave. He trails his fingertips up Denki's arm like he's done it a million times.
“But what? But you have so you can't atone? But you have so you deserve nothing?” Sero asks, but Denki knows better than to answer.
“In here, right now, you're Denki Kaminari, I'm Hanta Sero, and neither of us have ever made a mistake.”
“You'll hate me when you do know.”
“I don't care,” Sero pulls him closer, “I don't hate you now.”
“You will,” Denki gasps as his legs tangle with Sero's.
“Then let me enjoy you while I don't,” Sero kisses his neck first in soft lines that tickle. Each one steals Denki's breath a little more until he lets out a tiny moan. And that little moan reminds him of all the reasons he shouldn't be here.
He shouldn't be leaning on Sero. He shouldn't be enjoying himself. He shouldn't be-
“I can hear your brain over thinking it,” Sero mumbles before he presses another kiss to Denki's jaw.
“I shouldn't...”
“Is there someone waiting for you?” the words make Denki shudder.
“No,” it's one word but it shakes like a speech.
Sero pushes him but follows the motion, now hovering over Denki. The length of his hair is more obvious here as it hangs down past his cheeks.
“Then we're not breaking any rules,” Sero leans in close, maneuvers his hips so they're slotted between Denki's, and with his forearms against the bed at either side of Denki's head, brushes the blonde back from his forehead, “be mine for a while.”
Sero's lips are soft on his, and Denki's hands card through those silky tresses. It's innocent, really, but the bite in Sero's teeth when he nips at Denki's bottom lip, the slightest grip of his hair, the smallest roll of his hips, it turns it to something else, something lewd. And Denki loses himself in it. For the first time in 6 months, he's not thinking about anything; not his faults, his mistakes, his treachery. But the world around him is not so forgiving.
“Is Kaminari still-”
Kirishima's words die off, and the pair look toward him. His eyebrow raises and he snorts.
“Never takes long, does it?” the bite behind his words is venomous.
“Do you need him for something?” Sero asks, still chest to chest with Denki.
“No, I need to talk to you.”
Denki knows what that means.
“Wait for me outside,” Sero whispers before he pulls away and helps Denki sit up. He shuffles out the door, avoids Kirishima's gaze, and tries to swallow the self hatred when he hears Sero say: “So, what's up?”
That's enough. He walks through the house with his head down, prays for peace, but the moment of reprieve from his self-made torture was too much in the world's eyes.
“The fuck are you doing here?” the snarl in Bakugou's voice makes Denki jump but he just keeps walking, desperate to be away from the noise, the anger, the hate of it all. But Bakugou is only getting started.
“I asked you a question, dunceface,” Bakugou's arm lands across his vision and Denki ducks.
“What, you're still being a pussy about it? Should have fuckin' known,” Bakugou jolts back and suddenly is surrounded by friends who laugh, not at Bakugou, but at Denki. He should hold his tongue, he knows he should.
“It took two, Bakugou.”
Their laughter dies and Denki walks away before he can suffer the consequences of his loud mouth. Somewhere behind him, he hears the shuffle of Bakugou's boots and the hushed words of one of his friends; “he's not worth it.”
No. He's not. The night air is cold enough to sting his throat. It brings tears to his eyes, but they're cast aside with a wipe of his sleeve. He doesn't deserve to cry. He could go now. He could go to his own place, ignore Sero's offer, and instead, cry in bed. It would be better than this constant, sickening reminder.
Sero's voice breaks him out of his pity party.
“For what?”
“We're going to my place, it's like five minutes away,” Sero shrugs, “we don't have to do anything you don't want to, and I promise, I'll get you a cab home. But I still want you to be mine for a little while longer.”
Sero's home is bright and very...green. The walls are pale and the decor natural and it suits him. Sero guides him through with a hand on his lower back, and it's only as the door opens that Denki realises where Sero is leading him.
“You can say “no” any time,” Sero says with a small kiss to Denki's shoulder. In the same breath, he lays on the low bed and holds a hand out to Denki to join him. Denki's mind races with what Kirishima could have admitted on his behalf as he takes Sero's hand.
Would he really be inviting him to bed if he knew? Sero pulls him down until they're tangled and rolls so they're side by side.
“Denki,” Sero breathes out, like he's discovered the name of a mystery song, a beautiful one that plagued him.
He kisses Denki again, softer this time, but without the background noise of the houseparty, his thoughts are so much harder to ignore. At the same time, Sero's curious hands are just as hard to ignore. The rough pads of his fingers tickle the skin of Denki's stomach and he laughs.
“Oh?” Sero smiles, “is that a real laugh?”
His fingers creep higher and now, the tickles are intentional. They shriek and laugh and wiggle around the bed together, until Denki pleads “no more” with tears on his cheeks. They fall beside each other, panting, and for the second time today, Denki's mind is empty. It's pleasant. With his eyes still on the ceiling, he reaches out, shy, as if he hadn't already tasted Sero's lips. He finds Sero's hand and from the corner of his eye, he sees the smile on Sero's face. He fixes his stare on the ceiling again and wills himself to stay here, like this, where it's safe and quiet. The bed moves beside him and Sero's chest presses to his shoulder. He sneaks an arm under Denki's head as his other hand lands on Denki's stomach. The mood shifts; the playfulness turns sultry and thick. Sero's hands are so busy; one toys with Denki's hair, the other dances over his stomach, well past his belly button. His lips press to Denki's ear and he nips at the lobe before he kisses his way down, a little lower, until their lips meet at the same moment his hand cups Denki's crotch. Out of shock and pleasure, Denki gasps, and his hips buck up against Sero's hand, but their kiss steals every sound. It takes a moment for Denki to realise how hard he's clinging to Sero's shirt, hard enough that he's stretching the fabric to the point of bumping it, but Sero says nothing, only traces circles that make Denki moan. Sero pulls back the barest inch.
“You're just the prettiest thing,” he murmurs as his fingers card through Denki's messy hair, “is that okay to say?”
Denki nods, terrified that his words have been stolen in favour of moans and pleas. Sero kisses his cheek as his fingertips press just a little harder and pure pleasure blossoms through Denki's abdomen. Sero kisses where he can, tugs his hair, bites marks that'll bloom by morning, and with every pass of his fingers, steals the breath right from him. He whines when Sero's touch leaves but he's soothed with a quiet “shh, it's just for a second,” as Sero undoes his jeans. With some wiggling and pushing, they're just low enough for Sero's middle finger to slip between Denki's folds.
“Wow,” he whispers – more to himself than to Denki – as he pulls his finger away. A string of glittering slick connects Sero's finger to Denki and if it didn't make Denki's mouth water, he'd die of embarrassment.
“Wow,” he mirrors instead.
Sero's nose against his cheek draws his attention and he turns back toward him. The kiss that meets him is harsh and sloppy as two fingers slip into Denki's cunt.
“M'gonna eat you out until you cry sometime,” Sero growls against his lips between kisses.
Sero is enjoying him. Sero doesn't hate him. And every vile emotion that was quelled by kisses crashes back into Denki's gut.
“Hanta,” he says, breathless, “call me Hanta.”
“Hanta, you...didn't Kirishima tell you?”
Hanta's fingers slip from him and he stands from the bed. But he's not leaving; instead he pulls Denki's shoes off and tugs his jeans and underwear off the rest of the way.
“He didn't tell me anything because I didn't want to know,” he undoes his own jeans and pushes them down, slow enough that it aches.
“I don't care about what you've done,” he steps from the pool of his trousers and nudges Denki's legs wider with his knee, “I only care about what we do.”
Denki watches him with doe eyes, his lungs empty. Until Hanta captures him in another soft kiss.
“Everyone makes mistakes, Denki,” the tip of him presses to Denki's entrance.
“But here, you're a saint,” he presses in, eyes on Denki's.
“And fully intend to worship you,” his elbows rest at either side of Denki's head, they cage him but it's not claustrophobic. It's safe. It's warm and comfortable, and this moment – truly alone and utterly unhindered – is one Denki wants to repeat over and over, until it's all he knows, until his sins are forgotten and his mind is free of them. If Hanta, kind, wonderful, beautiful Hanta, can forgive him, surely he can forgive himself too? The steady rhythm of Hanta's hips and every praise he litters on Denki's skin are enough to make his mind go blank again. And instead of fighting it to confess, he lets his head roll back against the bed and he lets Hanta take him apart, piece by piece, thrust by thrust, until he knows nothing but pleasure. His moans are soft, cutesy almost, and Hanta tells him so.
“You get gruffer during sex, you know,” Denki giggles.
“Oh yeah?” he thrusts hard and Denki's giggles turn to a squeak, “how?”
“You're all growls and all that, before you were just so...restful. Now you're gripping the bedsheets so hard, they'll never sit right again,” Denki giggles again, but it's not genuine. Hanta chuckles, but it's a dark sound, and the tip of his nose tickles the skin of Denki's jaw and along his throat.
“Maybe I should be gripping that pretty throat of yours instead, hmm?” he rumbles and Denki whines.
“You want marks, pretty boy?” Hanta nips at the skin of Denki's throat, and the way his back arches, Hanta takes as a 'yes'. He sucks and bites and savours every piece of skin he can find, though he offers Denki no chance to return it. His whines are louder now and his nails dig into Hanta's shoulders, no doubt leaving marks of their own.
“You're squeezing me so much,” Hanta trails to a groan, “y'gonna cum on me, sunshine? Hmm?”
Denki nods frantically – he just needs that tiny push. And Hanta plays his body as if he's returning to an old passion and grinds his hips in a way that rubs Denki's clit just right. His toes curl and his back arches and he moans Hanta's name as he keeps pressing just where Denki needs until Denki's words die and he gasps for breath behind his arm. At that, Hanta kisses him again.
“I want to see that again,” he pants against Denki's lips, “I want to see that a million times, but God fucking damnit, you looked so good, I can't wait, I'm so close.”
Pretty fingers lace through Hanta's hair as Denki pulls him into another kiss.
“Please, please, please,” he repeats between kisses, “wanna see you cum, you're so good, you're perfect, please.”
It turns to nonsense, and Denki can't believe that it's his incoherent begging that has Hanta pulling out just in time to splash cum up the stomach of Denki's t-shirt with a whine of his name.
They stare at the puddle for a moment before Hanta laughs a little.
“Sorry, got a bit lost in it all,” stands from the bed to move off to Denki's side, and Denki follows on shaking knees.
“S'okay,” the bliss of the moment has passed. Denki can feel the dread of the eventual 'here's your cab fare' in the best case scenario, but as he reaches for his jeans, Hanta's head tilts.
“Do you sleep with jeans on?” he looks like a confused pup.
“Then why are you getting them?”
“T-to leave.”
“You think I don't have intentions of having you for breakfast too?” he grabs Denki's waist and pulls him until the stain of cum before his eyes, “only if you want, that is. I'll give you actual breakfast too!”
He sounds like he's bargaining and Denki laughs. Really, this time.
“I-I don't want to get in the way or assume,” he says quietly with a kiss to Hanta's hair.
“Then let me be clear,” Hanta stands and pulls Denki's shirt up as he does, edges it higher and higher until he's free of it and casts it across the room somewhere, “get into bed with me,” he takes off his own shirt and presses it into Denki's hands, “and in the morning, I'll either make you breakfast, or make you breakfast. Or both.”
He kisses Denki's nose and skirts around him before disappearing out the door. The shirt in his hands is still warm. Denki sheds his binder over to where his jeans should be, and when he slips on the shirt, it smells like Hanta. Not like any cologne or specific scent, just him. He turns in the mirror and admires the way it dances over his thighs. It isn't until Hanta's hands land on his hips that he's taken from the moment.
“Looks good on you,” Hanta kisses the side of his neck and their eyes meet in the mirror.
The gaze is a hungry one first, but in those eyes, Denki can see understanding, kindness, and forgiveness. Hanta pulls him into bed, wraps an arm around him, and kisses the back of his neck for good measure. Hanta would know his secrets. But Denki doesn't doubt that he'll understand them. In the quiet snores, Denki finds himself comfortable and at peace for the first time in a while. All he can do is pray that it lasts.
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theleftoversworld · 3 years
The Lord is My Shepard
There can’t be more than two hundred people in this dirt pile that they call a town. Why am I here? Why do I do this? Is it not God’s will that they die for their sins? The rapture has come. They were not taken by the Lord’s hand, so their punishment must be here, on earth. But you have called me here Lord... you must have your reasons. Casandra thinks as she rides her motorbike up to the lone business that looks like it’s operational. The same in all of these filthy towns. The church is derelict, and the tavern is thriving. Filthy Godless people. She’s been in these towns enough to know that in boondocks like this there is always a board with jobs listed on it. That’s why she’s here. The church sent her on a pilgrimage around rural Illinois to help the people and find out what God’s plan is for her. The other reason she’s here is that taverns like this always have passable whiskey, which is required before attempting to deal with these people. She runs a hand through her long knotted brown hair to try to get the bugs and leaves out of it. After a moment’s pause she pulls her rosary from inside her leather jacket. This should have some sway to help her get information and stop the drooling men from trying to make a pass. She takes one last breath of clean fresh air before heading inside. It smells like every other tavern in this cursed land. Urine, body odor, and desperation. There’s half a dozen men at the bar already. They look like they spent their day out in the sun digging dirt. They have nothing here. No crops can grow here after the rapture, the earth doesn’t want to support them anymore. Why don’t they leave these barren lands and find someplace where they can actually survive instead of scraping by? A sunburnt man in overalls who stands behind the bar gives her a once over. “Ya?” He says in an accusing tone as though she’s forcing him to be there. “Whiskey.” She grunts, trying to match his tone. She’s learned that gruff works better than nice, and she’s never been good at being cordial. In one motion she sits down and puts enough money on the table for three shots. “Two shots and the extra is to leave me alone.” The man behind the bar seems to appreciate this. He pours two shots and then turns his back on her. She downs the first shot and winces. No chaser, the pain gives her focus, lets her see things she normally wouldn’t. The man at the other end of the bar has a dirt covered lipstick mark on his neck. Probably having an affair with another dirt person. The child at that round table keeps shifting in her seat. She has to pee and her parents haven’t noticed. The family in the back of the bar nearest the rear door, a mother and two kids. The mother has blood on her pants near her ankle. She’s resting it on her other foot so it doesn’t accidentally get any weight put on it. Something bit her. From the mess on her clothes she’s been working with animals. Where’s her husband? Dead? Or did he just leave? Cassandra takes a long breath. Nothing in here is immediately threatening. She can take a bit of time to think. She rests back on her barstool. I was a devout child. I went to catholic school, attended church twice a week. Every extra curricular thing I could do with the church I did. So why was I left behind in the Rapture? Why did God not take me to live with him? Why am I still here on this diseased planet? She frowns. This line of thought never gets her anywhere but into a fight. As if on cue a young man sits down next to her. Really he’s more of a boy than a man. If I ignore him, maybe he won’t say anything. I need work, the last thing I need is to break this kid’s teeth. She thinks and reaches for her second shot. “Hey, you’re pretty good looking for a church girl.” The man says and reaches out to stop her from grabbing the shot. “If you touch me I will circumcise you with my sword.” She growls. “I can’t promise it will be clean.” He quickly retracts his hand. “Meant no harm. We just never get visitors. Especially ones that look as good as you.” She throws the shot back. “Ever think you’re the
reason?” She slams the glass down and gets up to leave. She can feel everyone’s eyes on her now but she doesn’t care. They don’t deserve to be saved. I bet they don’t even go to church on Sunday. She thinks as she makes for the exit. Once she’s outside she spies the jobs board. It looks like someone’s been through here already. “Damn the hunters.” She grumbles as she walks to it. “They took almost everything... Let’s see what they left for me. The storekeeper’s wife is missing. I would bet money she’s above that bar working. I could smell the sin from outside. Aaaand sheep have been attacked at night on the edge of town.” She sighs. “One sucks far less than the other.” She rips the sheep job off the board and heads to the south end of town.
The town is so small she could have walked to the farm but she needs what’s on her bike. At the edge of town she finds a house with around twenty sheep in a hastily constructed small pen. A gate on one end of the pen tells her that they used to free range outside of town, but not anymore. Poor buggers. The animals have it the worst. They don’t understand that they are being punished along with the sinners.
After speaking to the owner of the house she goes back to her bike to set up. It’s the woman from the bar. She informs Cassandra that the attacks come at night so she might as well set up a camp and wait. When pressed for what happened to her ankle she says she stepped into a trap meant for the zombies. Cassandra nods, she seems a bit clumsy and careless. After a few more questions she heads back to her bike.
The church sent her out with rations, MRE’s that they got from what was left of the US military. This one is potato chowder and she hates to admit it, but it wasn’t half bad. Probably better than whatever she would have gotten at that tavern. Damn, the tavern. Another few shots would sure help the time pass. She hears a familiar voice calling from the house. It’s one of the boys. He must have dropped his dinner. She thinks and tries to ignore him. But then something he says catches her ear. “Please! She’s frothing like a rabid dog!” He shouts. She’s on her feet in an instant and running. She pulls out her sword as she runs as well as a small silver dagger she keeps in a belt pouch. “Sounds like a werewolf transformation! Where is she?” She asks as she makes it to the door. “On the kitchen floor! This way!” The boy shouts and leads her to the room. As soon as she enters the room though she knows that it’s not werewolves. The boy’s mother is there on the floor, foaming from the mouth like he said. But her eyes are almost bugging out of her head and the most telling part is her leg. The wound, which is now exposed, is septic and the skin around it has turned green. “Damnit! She needs to die now!” Casandra shouts and pulls her sword back but the boy steps in her way.
“No! She’s my mom! Help her! Doesn’t the church help people?” “There is no helping her! She’s been infected with the zombie virus! Now step aside or I will cleave you to get to her!” Cassandra yells angrily. He doesn’t move. “Lord, have mercy on their souls!” She growls but as she starts to bring the sword down. The boy lets out a bone shaking scream that causes her to wince and stop her blade. The boy falls and it becomes quickly obvious. The boy’s mother is chewing on his leg, tearing flesh with her teeth. The boy is looking at her in horror and screaming, both in terror and in pain. Cassandra shakes her head violently to clear it and then chops the boy’s head off in one swift motion. “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.” She entones as she then goes to cut off the mothers head. “May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.” Once she’s done she looks at them in some disgust and takes stock of everything. “I guess I know what attacked the sheep then. I need some holy water to perform the ritual to make sure you two stay dead. And to find the other child, maybe they can be saved. Though I doubt it.” She turns to go to her bike but she stops in her tracks. One of the problems with zombies is that they don’t moan like they did in the movies. They are surprisingly quiet and can sneak up on you if you aren’t paying attention. There are fifteen of them in the house, between her and the front door. She glances at the window and sees more of them outside watching her. “No way out.” One of the zombies says. “If you give up, we will make it quick.” “Give up? Give up!?!” She says, getting angry. She raises her sword and changes into the zombies in the hallway. I believe in God! The Father Almighty! Creator of Heaven and earth!
and in Jesus Christ! His only Son Our Lord!” She shouts as she cleaves through the first two zombies. “Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate! Was crucified, died, and was buried!” Two more zombies fall at her feet, their evil purged from this world by her divine blade.
Although she is covered in their putrid blood, she doesn’t falter. This is her life, she was put on earth to slay evil. “He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead!” Five try to rush her at once but she steps back and makes a wide swing. She cuts off four arms and then raises her sword hand, clenched fist facing the zombies. “He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead!” A stream of fire comes from her hand like a hose. She sweeps it over the zombies that remain between her and the door. “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting!” She finishes the prayer and then barrels through the now burning zombies. They don’t feel pain, so fire is a double edged sword. They don’t recoil from it, so it makes them a danger if they touch you. But they are also fragile to begin with, so fire makes them like glass. She plows through them and runs out the front door. By the light of the burning house she fights zombies, slicing through them with ease. Once they are all dead she tosses their bodies into the house to make sure they burn.
By this time townspeople have turned out to see what is going on. They could see the fire and came running but they do not approach her. She ignores them while she’s working. If they wanted to help they could have joined in but they didn’t, telling her what they thought of her work. Once she’s done tossing bodies into the house she walks up to the bartender. “Let it burn. You want to make sure that none of them stand back up.” Then she boards her bike. No pay for this job, the person who put the job on the board was the second person she beheaded. She takes off, heading for the next town. It is not worth staying in a town where you burned down a house. That’s a lesson she learned already. Especially in small towns. They seem to take that personally.
Once the glow of the fire fades behind her she allows herself to relax a little. “Almighty and Loving God, I praise you from my heart, that of your boundless goodness you have preserved me this night past, and have, with the impenetrable shield of your providence, protected me from the power and malice of the devil.” She mutters as she rides off into the darkness. “Do not withdraw Lord, I kindly ask, your protection from me, but mercifully on this day watch over me with the eyes of your mercy. Lead my soul and body according to the rule of your will, and fill my heart with your Holy Spirit, that I may pass this day, and all the rest of my days, to your glory. Amen.”
Taglist: : @hellishhin @thelaughingstag
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
chapter 27.5 (part II)
When My Phone Turns Off
I’m making this a follow up to the last chapter, as it happens directly after yesterday’s fic piece and before today’s chapter (which will be posted very soon). I hope you enjoy!
Lucas wakes up to a weight over his middle and warmth all along his back. A smile is on his face before he’s even fully awake, and there’s a lightness in his chest he isn’t used to feeling. The bed he’s in is comfortable, the pillow soft under his head, and he’s warm and content and at ease. Even though the surroundings are unfamiliar, even though he didn’t shut his eyes until late into the night, he thinks it’s the best sleep he’s ever had. 
He leans back into the body behind him and the arm around his waist tightens. His smile widens and he finally opens his eyes, slowly twisting around in the embrace and coming face to face with a sleeping Jens. His lips part slightly around every breath, and his eyelashes are fanned over his cheeks. He looks delicate and young, more peaceful than he appears when awake. Lucas reaches out and traces a finger over his cheek. He moves it down along his jaw, then lightly across his bottom lip, Jens’s breath hot against his skin. He moves his hand up into Jens’s hair and twirls a slightly curly strand between his fingers, thumb skimming over his forehead and causing it to wrinkle. 
Jens scrunches his nose and makes a small, sleepy hum, eyes scrunching closed before blinking open slowly. They instantly settle on Lucas and shine with a smile before fluttering closed again. He pulls Lucas against him with the hand still around his waist, smile forming on his lips as he snuggles closer. Lucas grins and kisses his nose, moving his hand back down to his cheek. “Morning,” he says quietly. 
Jens nudges his nose against his cheek, nuzzling against his face until Lucas moves enough for him to tuck his face into his neck. Only then does he let out a content smile and mumble back, “Good morning.” Lucas laughs, but slides his arms around his shoulders, pillowing his head a little better. Jens kisses his neck in thanks and says, “I was kind of expecting to wake up in my own bed and realise I was dreaming.”
Lucas whispers, “Sorry to disappoint.” Jens’s fingers curl in the back of his shirt and he kisses him again, over his pulse point. Lucas makes a surprised noise when he bites lightly at the spot, tongue flicking out afterwards and brushing soothingly over the skin. Lucas tries not to react and instead teasingly asks, “Nice dream?”
Jens shakes his head, hair tickling Lucas’s chin, and then pulls back enough to look at him. “Best dream I could have is right next to me.”
Lucas’s smile is slow, and then colour is flooding his cheeks, and it’s much too early for him to respond to this with anything other than stunned, bashful silence. Jens smirks just slightly and Lucas grabs the pillow from under his head and presses it over his face, earning an instant muffled protest. Jens wrestles the pillow out of his grip and thumps it against his side in retaliation, smiling at Lucas’s laughter while he tucks the pillow back under his head. 
“That’s not how I expect to be attacked after complimenting you,” Jens informs him, already moving closer again. 
“No?” Lucas asks. Jens shakes his head, eyes falling to Lucas’s lips, which pull up in a smile before Jens is kissing him again. He sinks into it, even though his mouth’s cottony and his breath probably stinks and the whole thing should be gross. He doesn’t care, because Jens is in the same boat and he doesn’t care either. He kisses Lucas languidly, thoroughly, like there’s nothing else in the world he’d rather be doing. He pulls away with the intention of telling Jens they should probably get out of bed, but Jens is immediately trailing another path down his neck, open-mouthed kisses that set his skin on fire. “Jens,” he protests. “If you leave a mark I’m not leaving this room today.”
He feels Jens’s smile. “I have no problem with that.”
Lucas breathes a laugh. “I mean it. That’s not how I want to be introduced to your friends.”
“You’ve already met them.”
“Half of them. And I don’t really want to see their reactions, either.”
Jens groans, but he stops kissing him in favour of flopping against his chest, tossing his leg over Lucas’s and his arm over his stomach, effectively pinning in place. “Fine, but you aren’t getting up yet. Too early.”
Lucas laughs. “None of that woke you up?”
“Shhhhh. This is the only morning I get before you leave me again. I’m spending it in bed with you.”
At that, Lucas can’t help but smile and relent, simply moving his hand back into Jens’s hair and accepting the weight of him for however long he wants. 
At least, he tries to, but it gets to a point where his bladder begins to protest. He pats Jens’s shoulder. “Okay, you’re gonna have to move now.” Jens gives a quiet whine of protest. “Jens, I have to pee. And we should get up anyway.”
Jens sighs, long and drawn-out, but he rolls himself off of Lucas and buries himself in his pillow. “Fine. I’ll be awake by the time you come back.”
Lucas doubts that, but he lets him be. He feels a little weird, stepping out of the room in just his t-shirt and boxers, but he’d made the mistake of only bringing jeans. He manages to slip to the bathroom and back without bumping into any other flatmates, however, and when he gets back Jens is already in his jeans and in the process of taking off his shirt. He looks over at Lucas as he tosses the garment on the bed, and Lucas averts his eyes with a mumbled, “Sorry.” 
Jens has no qualms about walking right up to him and hugging him against his bare chest, smirking smugly down at Lucas and kissing his cheek. “It’s not like it’s anything you haven’t seen before. I’m completely aware of why you followed me.”
Lucas flushes. He’d shove him away if he thought he could set his hands on Jens’s chest without wanting to drag him back into the bed. “It’s true that it wasn’t for your skateboarding skills.”
Jens mock gasps. “How disappointing. And here I was thinking I’d earned a fan.”
“Oh, I’m a very big fan,” Lucas promises. Jens hums in question and he hums back, and then they’re lost in kisses again and Lucas forgets that he’s supposed to be getting them out of the room. He isn’t sure what to do with his hands, but eventually he gives in, sliding them over the smooth skin of Jens’s back as Jens’s roam through his hair. He doesn’t know how he’ll go home now and live without this, even if it’s only until the next weekend when one of them can travel again. He can’t imagine not waking up to Jens every morning, after only one night. 
This time, Lucas presses kisses along Jens’s jaw, leaving him soft and pliant in his hold before he steps away. “Okay, now you really need to put on a shirt and go join your friends or we really won’t make it out of here today.”
Jens narrows his eyes, tilts his head, considers him. “I don’t think you really want me to put on a shirt.”
“Jens,” Lucas warns. He picks Jens’s shirt out of his bag and shoves it at his chest, waiting with crossed arms until he pulls it over his head. 
“Fine.” Jens sighs, sneaks another kiss, then disappears with a grin, shutting the door behind him. Lucas smiles after him and takes a moment to bask in the feeling. 
He’s more content than he’s ever been. 
Jens enters the kitchen to find Robbe, Sander, and Milan already there. Milan is busy brewing coffee and Robbe is stood frying bacon while Sander stands next to him and distracts him with kisses. Robbe is the first to turn and greet him, smile lighting up as he offers a bright, “Good morning.”
“Morning.” Jens sits at the table and picks up a coaster, turning it around in his hands. He muffles a yawn as Sander turns to look at him with raised brows. 
“How was your night?” Sander questions, accepting the cup of coffee Milan passes him. 
Jens pulls a face at him. “Fine. Late, thanks to all of you.”
Jens had taken Lucas out as promised yesterday, giving him a short tour of some of his favourite parts of the city, ending in a small cafe with two plates of burgers and fries. It had been the first date, he supposes, liking the idea because they’d had fun. Lucas smiled almost the entire time, offering Jens his pretty laugh freely and stealing kisses whenever they felt like it. It’s the best day Jens has ever had. 
They’d gotten home later than planned, but the other boys were still wide awake when they got home, Robbe and Milan laughing in the sitting room while Sander made croques in the kitchen. Jens quickly realised it for the bribery it was, as he quickly lured Lucas in and began asking a hundred questions masked with an innocent smile. Robbe had also listened with rapt attention. Lucas wasn’t phased, sitting relaxed in his chair with Jens’s hand on his knee under the table. Jens watched Sander and Robbe melt quickly, intent gazes morphing into fond smiles as conversation turned into joking and joking into a mini party. Milan had broken out a disco light none of them knew he had and Robbe dug the alcohol out of the fridge. The instant Lucas had begun singing along to a Bowie song even Jens didn’t know, Sander was a goner. Robbe wasn’t far behind him. Once drunk, he’d also filmed the promised video with Milan, doing a mock serious interview of the man before both tried on every item in his closet. It was a video Jens was pretty sure would never see the light of day, but it was amusing nonetheless. 
“I like him,” Robbe says now, scooping the bacon onto a plate. “I’m glad it seems to be going well.”
Jens feels a smile take over his face and he ignores Sander’s knowing gaze, focusing his attention on the coaster balanced between his fingers. “It’s great,” he agrees. “I’m just hoping Moyo and Aaron don’t fuck it up.”
Sander snorts, taking a sip of his coffee. “I warned them to be on their best behavior. No hugs.”
Robbe laughs quietly and glances back at Jens. “It is great, but,” he hesitates. 
Robbe sighs, taking a seat across from him and leaving Sander to watch the rest of the food. Milan sets two coffees between them and settles down next to Robbe, resting his chin on his hand. “But, he still thinks he has to give him the talk.”
Robbe gives him a look before turning back to Jens. “It’s just...I remember the last night you stayed over here. I’ve never seen you that upset, Jens. And I can’t forget that it was his fault.”
“Robbe,” Jens starts.
“I didn’t forget, either,” Lucas says. Jens looks up to find him stood in the doorway, expression as serious as he’s seen it yet. “And I don’t plan to. I’m trying to make it up. I know you’ve all watched the video, anyway, so you know I get that I fucked up. And I deserve, whatever talk you wanna give me and whatever doubts you have. I like you guys, and I want you to like me too, but I understand if it takes time. I’m actually kind of glad you’re still mad at me, because it proves how much you really care about Jens, and he deserves good friends. So,” he moves around the table, taking the seat next to Jens and bracing his elbows on the wood, lacing his hands together. “Hit me. Whatever you want to say.”
Robbe and Jens share a look, Robbe slightly surprised and Jens pleased. He gives Robbe a tiny nod, as if to say, ‘Go on’, and Robbe twists towards Lucas, determined. “Okay. It’s easy to say you want all these things, but now you’ve had to travel here and know what it’s going to be like, are you still serious about it?”
“Yes,” Lucas answers instantly. “If anything, it’s only made me more sure. I’m here as long as Jens wants me.”
That seems to satisfy Robbe, and after a minute of silence Jens says, “That’s all you can think of, isn’t it?”
Robbe sighs. “It’s not as easy as it sounds, okay? He covered a lot in the video. And I like him. I don’t want to be doing this.”
Lucas smiles like that makes him feel a little better as Jens reaches over to pat Robbe’s arm. Sander sets the plate of bacon in the middle of the table with more fuss than necessary, causing them all to look at him. “How about, you ever hurt Jens again, we’ll kill you, and because you’re probably cooler than he is, vice versa. Sound fair?” He directs this at Jens, who flips him off in response. He smiles brightly, drooping himself over Robbe’s shoulders and planting a kiss in his hair. “Voila. Talk done. Now eat your breakfast so we can go meet the others.”
It’s incredibly nice, being able to walk through the streets with Lucas under his arm, forced to pause occasionally for Sander to take a picture of something—even when Robbe’s hanging on his back like a koala. Jens is used to feeling like a third wheel next to all of their affection. It’s nice to be a part of it instead, to turn and press a kiss to Lucas’s cheek or ruffle his hair or share an amused smile at the other’s antics. 
Moyo and Aaron are already waiting for them at the skatepark, and they introduce themselves to Lucas with ease. Jens is relieved, for all of the five minutes it takes for Moyo to launch into another round of twenty questions, this time with the hope of improving their own YouTube channel. 
Lucas simply shrugs. “There’s nothing wrong with your videos. It just takes time. The more content you make the more often, the more easily you’ll get noticed. If you’re funny and good looking people will watch anything.”
“So if you use me,” Jens concludes. Moyo makes a face at him. 
Lucas gives him a smile and a little shake of his head as if that’s exactly what he meant. “For example, yeah.”
Moyo scoffs at Jens’s smug expression. “This doesn’t count, his opinion is biased.”
“He’s right, though,” Robbe butts in. “Jens or Sander as the promo image and everyone’s watching that.” Sander simply laughs and gives Jens a fist bump.
“Maybe you could endorse us,” Aaron suggests to Lucas, immediately earning himself a punch in the arm from Moyo. “No, but, it could be good for him too. Like a boyfriend video. Jens got like a thousand new followers overnight, anyway.”
Jens’s brow furrows. He only gets message notifications, so he hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t thought to check. His main reason for using his phone was with him for once. He was too distracted to even think about. “I did?”
“Uh, yeah? That’s what happens when your celebrity boyfriend tags you in his post,” Moyo teases. 
Lucas shakes his head. “I’m hardly a celebrity.” 
Jens reaches up and pinches his cheek, laughing when Lucas swats him away. “You’re a celebrity to us.”
Lucas grabs the lapels of his jacket and tugs him towards him where he’s sitting on one of the ramps. “‘Us’ or ‘me’?”
“Maybe just me,” Jens admits. “Hopefully.”
Lucas smiles and gives him a quick kiss, leaving Jens to pull him in for more, completely ignoring Moyo’s exaggerated cooing. At this moment, Jens doesn’t think about the fact that Lucas will be leaving in a few hours. He doesn’t think about the next vlog, or the mass of new followers on his Instagram, or the fact that he still hasn’t met Lucas’s friends or told his parents. He just kisses the boy he loves, in front of all his best friends, and lives in the now. 
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pollylynn · 4 years
Ignus Fatuus—a Caskett one-shot (Future Fic)
Title: Ignus Fatuus WC: 1600
She has no trouble finding them. She follows the trail of pictures he’s been sending her as she crawled along in traffic she’d been determined not to get stuck in—not today, but the precinct, as usual, had different ideas. She hasn’t stopped at the house. She hasn’t stopped to change or to grab a much-needed cup of coffee, and she’s so glad she has no trouble finding them. 
He’s lying, face up, on the first-base side of the pitcher’s mound in the middle of a pee wee baseball diamond. His legs are covered in sandy orange dust all the way to the hem of his cargo shorts. 
Not far off—just a yard or two toward home plate from the pitcher’s mound—Lily has a lap full of dandelions. Her hands work slowly at two stems. Her total concentration on the task is obvious In the way she chews at corner of her lower lip. 
The peaceful scene in the middle of the diamond does not extend to the base paths. Those are occupied by an enormous, shrieking dust cloud that seems like it must contain some kind of horde, but her ear readily picks out just the two voices—Jake mostly, and Reese every once in a while. 
She has no trouble finding them. She’s relieved about that, but she takes a moment with her fingers curled in the chain link fronting one dugout to drink in the picture—the mix of quiet and chaos—the four of them make. 
It’s Lily who spies her first, in the last breath before the beauty of it can overwhelm her to the point of tears.
“Mom,” she shouts. Her long-legged girl, who is too grown up most days to call her Mama any more, pushes to her feet, scattering knotted green stems and vibrant yellow flowers. Her sparkly pink sneakers pound over grass, over the third base line, over the pale orange, hard-packed dust in front of the dugout. She collides with Kate, enveloping the two of them in an orange cloud. “It’s still day time!” 
“It is!” She tickles the underside of her daughter’s chin until they’re both squinting up, funny faced, at the sun still clinging to the western sky. “I didn’t miss it.” 
“I ran a hundred miles, Mama!” Reese joins the huddle, tugging at her left hand. His dark hair is plastered to his forehead and his cheeks are cherry red with exertion. 
“A hundred!” Kate lets her eyes go wide. “All around the bases?” 
“The base paths!” Jake jumps with both feet on one side of the the chalk, then the other to emphasize his point. “I ran a hundred hundred miles, Mama.”   
“That’s a thousand.” Lily looks down her nose at Jake, but he’s too busy walking the baseline like a tight rope to notice his big sister trying to boss him. 
“How many is a thousand thousand, Lil?” Castle’s voice drifts toward them. He’s still lying, face up, on the first-base side of the pitcher’s mound, but he’s striking a dramatic pose now. He has a dusty arm flung across his forehead. “A thousand thousand is how many miles I have run on this, the longest of days.” 
“A thousand thousand. How many do you think that is, Reese?” He lifts his arms pleadingly, and she hikes the dusty, sticky boy up on to her hip. She rests a hand on Lily’s shoulder and nudges her mound-ward—Castle-ward. Jake sees that they’re on the move and does an about face. He rushes, full tilt, to home plate and does a three-sixty spin before he makes a beeline for his father. “Castle!” she calls out a sharp warning. “Incoming!” 
“Got it.” He sits bolt upright, all his feigned exhaustion shed, and manages some kind of twisting sideways maneuver that has him snatching Jake around the waist, rather than absorbing the full impact of their most rambunctious child’s body. 
“Not a thousand thousand!” Jake hollers. He laughs as Castle sweeps an arm beneath his knees and turns him upside down with his head in the grass. “Daddy didn’t run a thousand thousand.” 
“He couldn’t run a thousand thousand miles.” Lily stoops to gather up her scattered dandelion crowns in progress. She plumps down closer to her father and fills her lap again. “That’s hyperblee.”
“Hyperbole?” He makes a great show of being offended, a great show of hefting Jake upright and banding his arms around the squirming boy to keep him close for however brief a moment, as Kate eases her way to sit at his side with Reese still cuddled against her. “I wouldn’t have thought I could run a thousand thousand miles either. But then your mother tricked me.” 
“Mama does tricks?” Jake tries to twist around to see if Castle has his tale-telling face on. Lily looks up from the work of twining stems together and even their sleepy-on-a-schedule Reese lifts his head from Kate’s shoulder. 
“It’s news to me, Jake.” She shoots Castle a dirty look that he meets with something hot, lascivious, and utterly ridiculous all at once. 
“What kind of trick?” Lily wants to know, and Reese tugs at Kate’s shirt and whispers in her ear half a dozen shy, confidential questions about rabbits and hats and ladies in big glitter-paint boxes. 
“I still haven’t figured out what kind of trick it was, but she has a Lily and a Reese and a Jake to show for it.” He risks loosening his hold on Jake to bump Lily with his shoulder, to run light fingers down Reese’s back. 
Jake knows an opportunity when he sees it. He breaks free and heads for first base. “That’s three tricks.” 
The words trail behind him like a kite string that tugs Lily to her feet again. She chases after him. “It’s two tricks. I’m one trick and you and Reese are one trick.” 
“One trick!” Reese says against the curve of Kate’s neck. He clings tight to her for a moment longer, then he’s off and running the wrong way from first base to home. It puts him on a collision course with his brother, his big sister, who—today, anyway—is not too big to play silly games with her babies, games with swirling, constantly fluctuating rules. 
“So I’m a two-trick pony?” She scoots sideways toward him. The grass is wet in patches and there’s probably no hope for this pair of work pants, to say nothing of the light-colored summery blouse that’s picked up countless pale orange handprints. 
“You are a many trick pony, Captain.” He flops on to his back and his head in her lap. He offers an ear up for the twist he knows is coming. “But tricking me into having not one, not two, but three athletic children was your greatest feat.” 
On cue, Lily calls out some convoluted rule about sliding into each base. Kate makes a move, but he has her by the wrist. “It’s skidding,” he assures her as he tangles his fingers tight with her own. “Purely on their feet. No skin left behind.” 
Kate twists to see, and sure enough, she sees the sun catching the pink sparkles  of Lily’s shoes somewhere in the cloud of dust, then the rapid-fire blue-red flash of Reese’s Spider-Man sneakers, the Hulk green of Jake’s. 
“Now that’s a neat trick.” She skims her fingers through the hair that’s grown long enough to brush the curve of his ear. “How’d you convince Danger Boy?” She asks as Jake, on cue, executes another of his signature three-sixty spins on top of second base to celebrate his perfect skid. 
“Invoked your dad and exercised some artistic license,” he murmurs as he turns his head  further into the soothing motion of her fingers. “Lily can cite Gramps, chapter and verse, on elbows and curveballs. I just extended the principle to ankles and big kid slides.” 
“And for your next trick.” She laughs and plants a kiss on his forehead.
“Oh no.” He peers up at her, crossing his eyes to hear the music of her laughter again. “For your next trick, tell me again what the heck a double switch is. Jake won’t buy my Cold War spy analogies forever.” 
“A double switch,” she says absently. Her eyes are on the three heads bent together, talking over one another, with Reese’s voice uncharacteristically on top as he lobbies for some new rule of his own. Castle tugs at the front of her shirt, as child-like as ever in his own demands for attention when he knows their happy little monsters are entertaining one another. “A double switch,” she repeats briskly. She holds her wrist out, then brings it close to her face as though he’s making an exaggerated study of her watch face. “I don’t think we have that kind of time.” 
“Time?” He rises suddenly on his elbows to kiss her sweetly on the lips. He catches her chin in his fingertips. He guides her gaze toward right field where the kids have their hands planted in the grass and kick their legs upward into clumsy attempts at handstands as some new part of the game. “Solar-powered children.” He coaxes her head back and plants a kiss beneath her chin. Her breath catches as the sun, still clinging to the western sky, warms her face. “Longest day of the year,” he murmurs as his lips travel down her neck. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”  A/N: I know the solstice was yesterday, and I did start this then, but only just finished this now. For someone who hates the sun, I always feel drawn to stories about the longest day.
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jimlingss · 5 years
Jungle Park [8]
Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 8.5 OR Chapter 9
➜ Words: 7.4k
➜ Genres: Fluff, Light Humour (?), Slice of Life, Workplace Romance!AU
➜ Summary: The equation is simple. Hoseok needs to hire someone. You need a job. Except like any actual equation, it’s not fucking simple at all! Not when you have to add the fact that he was forced to hire someone he doesn’t want in his office, he has little respect for your job in general, and oh yeah...once upon a time you might have—*CENSORED*.
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To be fair — this wasn’t your idea.   You’re actually not that big on exercise, even if you do enjoy nature from time to time. Plus, the last time you actually worked out was probably back in high school. After you got hit in the face with a flying soccer ball, that was when you decided that sports, working out, and exercise in general weren’t for you.   You swear you can still see the indent of the soccer ball in your cheek if you squint enough in the mirror.   So the employees of the firm shouldn’t be so upset with you. If anything, they should sympathize since you’re hiding your true feelings and plastering a giant smile on your face to bring up the group morale. If they want someone to blame….they should blame Jimin.   But no one would blame sweet, kind Jimin. Not you. Not even Hoseok.   “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Seulgi mutters while staring out the windows as the sceneries pass. She watches the bus’ shadow on the road and feels every bump of the wheels, the long vehicle shaking.   “Oh c’mon, guys!” Jimin stands up in front and turns around, leaning forward on the seat to look at everyone. It’s a pleasant sight to see all his employees in their casual clothes and not the suffocating professional dress code. “It’s the firm’s tradition — the annual team-building-slash-workplace-retreat! It’s going to be so much fun!”   There’s silence. No one seems impressed with the advertisement and you glance across the aisle to where Hoseok is sitting by himself, tapping on his phone, texting while glancing at his watch every so often. He doesn’t contribute to the conversation, preoccupied with work that he somehow prepared in advance during the bus ride. You’re sitting next to Jimin, having discussed the plans for the day.   “I should’ve just skipped or called in sick,” Sunyi murmurs and there’s a hum of agreement that ripples through the group.   “And I would’ve found out.” Jimin smiles happily and it’s creepy when it never quite reaches his crinkled eyes. Then, he sighs. “It’s just a hike! It’s a simple foot trail! And we have lunch for everyone!”   ��There’s no trail,” Namjoon suddenly pipes up and everyone, except Hoseok, turns around in their seats to gawk at the legal assistant.   Jungkook’s eyes are wide. “What?”   “I did research. We’re going up a mountain. It’s really intense. They say it’s for experienced hikers.” Namjoon says these things while his expression remains impassive, irises dead, looking out the window like he’s accepted his fate and there’s no way he can fight it. He is utterly hopeless. “It’ll take four hours to go up and four hours to go down. Eight hours of hiking.”   “Dear lord.” Naul is wearing completely black sunglasses, so you aren’t able to read her expression. She leans her head back in the comfortable seat of the bus, maybe to take a nap and conserve her energy.   Jimin bores his eyes at you for help. Part of you doesn’t want anything to do with this, but it’s also your job to boost office morale. So, you stand up, turning around to them. “It’s not that bad! Jimin and I looked into it and we don’t need to go up to the peak of the mountain. The view is already beautiful half-way up and there’s a sightseeing place with picnic tables where we can eat! It’s going to be great! Imagine going to bed tonight and being able to say you climbed a mountain!”   Yoongi’s mouth twitches. “I want to go to bed tonight alive.”   “Can’t exercise, Min?” Sunyi pesters him from across her aisle.   He shifts to her. “Oh trust me, I burn enough calories every night, Lee.”   “What’s that supposed to mean?” The female lawyer lifts her brow.   And he merely smirks, the corner of his lips tugging. “You know exactly what I mean.”   Without waiting or letting another word be spoken, you step in before it spirals into another set of complaints. That and Yoongi is on the borderline of sexual harassment and the last thing you need is to host a private seminar for him...again. Hence, you clear your throat loudly and catch their attention. “We’ll take plenty of breaks and play plenty of team-building games! You won’t even realize time is passing.”   “I kind of need to pee,” Jungkook says.   Everyone ignores him.   “Good thing I decided to wear my hiking boots today.” Seokjin lifts his food much to Namjoon’s dismay who is sitting beside him and now has his friend’s dirty shoe in his lap. “It’s new.”   “I doubt that,” Namjoon bites back even when Seokjin dramatically gasps.   “How intense is this?!” Lisa whirls herself around in hysterics, asking Namjoon instead of you and Jimin, like she trusts the prepared paralegal more than the people who organized this event. She’s right. “I’m wearing sandals!”   Inyoung is full of concern. “I only brought a thin jacket with me.”   “I just got my hair done,” Seulgi adds to the mob of complaints.   “My face is too handsome to be mauled by a bear or pack of wolves,” Jin says for no reason, somehow twisting people’s legitimate worries into a compliment for himself. Namjoon gives him an indignant look.   “Everyone is fine in what they’re wearing!” Jimin attempts to placate his fellow employees, using his cheerful and kind aura to his advantage. “And no bears or wolves are going to maul anyone here.”   For a moment, you wonder what the quiet bus driver thinks of all of this. “Wait,” Dahyun suddenly sits straight, head popping up from the seat in front of her that was blocking her face. “What if we get lost?”   Namjoon turns and pushes up his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Don’t worry, I read a survival guide once in high school.”   “And that’s why you had no friends,” Seokjin adds on and Yoongi snickers. The rest ignore him, including Namjoon himself.   “We would need to start a fire for help and secure a water supply.” At least it’s good to know who the leader would be if this little adventure turned to shit. You don’t think Hoseok and Jimin are very good in the wilderness, even if they’re spectacular in court and the judicial system.   “And then a food supply,” Yoongi interjects. “We’ll have to start choosing who to eat. I vote Sunyi.”   “Thanks, fucker.” The girl in question scoffs. “I vote Yoongi.”   “Okay, realistically, we need to look at body fat contents so the rest of us can get the most calories out of it. The most bang for your buck. It would probably take three nights before we make our first sacrifice and roast them over the fire,” Namjoon announces like he’s thought about this for a long time and has an entire list of who to eat in a very specific order. “I believe Jungkook would be the best choice.”   Jungkook’s doe eyes nearly fall out his sockets. “W-What?”   “Do we just roast him or do we make them into a stew?” Seokjin genuinely asks.   “This is disgusting!” Lisa screams before Namjoon can reply.   Seulgi is equally appalled. “What’s wrong with you?!”   “Okay!” Jimin tries to get control of the group. “Okay, okay!”   “No one is going to eat anyone!” you shout loudly, throwing it out there for good measure like it wasn’t obvious in the first place. “Cannibalism is definitely against company policy! Right?”   “Yes!” Jimin exclaims after exchanging a look with you since there really isn’t anything about cannibalism in the firm’s policy. Though it doesn’t take much effort to be on the same page. “You will get fired if you eat each other.”   “I don’t think it would matter at that point if we keep our jobs or not,” Naul murmurs from the corner of her red lips and you still don’t know if her eyes are closed or not with her dark sunglasses. Frankly, you’re surprised she was listening to all this nonsense.   Yoongi agrees. “It’s about survival.”   “Hey, can someone pass the sunscreen?” Dahyun hands it over to Inyoung, interrupting the conversation with something more important.   Yoongi nabs every opportunity he has and once again, leans over to bother the living daylights out of Sunyi. “Need me to apply some to your back?”   “I will bite your fingers off,” she spits at him.   “That’s hot.”   “Y/N!” The lawyer raises her hand in the air, childishly tattling to you and in front of everyone else. Yoongi laughs heartily and you’ve never seen him more joyful. It’s kind of funny how he finds such bliss in simple things….which is bothering Sunyi to death. “I’d like to file an official harassment complaint immediately.”   “Yoongi.” You use your authoritative voice. “Stop it.”   “Got it,” he responds.   Problem solved.   “Cut it out, you two,” Jimin sighs and collects his composure again. He scans the premise and everyone’s faces. “Look everyone, whether you like it or not, we’re going on this hike. So, you can go grumbling with a frown or you can go with a smile. It’s up to you.”   It’s finally quiet for a moment as if everyone is accepting the circumstances and how they got here. Except, Taehyung breaks the peaceful silence with a thought. “Is it bad I didn’t bring any water with me?”   //   It’s surprisingly quite nice outside. The weather is not too hot or cold, rather mild with a warm breeze that kisses against your cheeks every so often. There’s not many people at the base of the mountain and there’s somewhat of a dirt path to take. At least it’s not in the middle of nowhere where you’d actually have to eat Jungkook if things become dire enough. Even if something happened, there would be a rescue search. Probably.   There’s a sign at the entrance, a cafe and gift shop off to the side, and two volunteers that give you a brochure on the history and landscape of the area. Everyone’s enjoying themselves for the first ten minutes before setting out, taking bathroom breaks (which Jungkook runs to) and bringing up their blood sugar by having snacks. In the meanwhile…   “I’ll take that.”   Jimin steals Hoseok’s phone right out of his grasps. “Wait. I’m almost done. I’m finishing a draft that I need to submit on Monday. I’m serious. Jimin!”   It’s a bit odd to see the usually intimidating lawyer at a loss and trying to convince his partner, but you’re also aware of the rumours that Jimin can be much more frightening than Hoseok.   “I’m going to lose my shit,” he warns in a low tone, out of earshot distance from everyone else. “What’s the name of our firm?”   “Are you serious?”   “Answer me.”   “Jung and Park.”   “Exactly.” Jimin looks proud and smiles. “It’s you and I. So we gotta both be part of this, alright? You are a partner of this firm, just as much as I am. Let me remind you of one very important quote...we’re all in this together.”   “Please don’t break out into song,” Hoseok pleads.   Jimin simply pockets his best friend’s mobile device in his own pocket. “It’s not like you’ll even have reception up there. Plus, you can always do this work later. And let’s be honest, you’ll never be done. There’s always work to do.”   “Fine, fine.” He lifts his hands, palm facing forward for mercy. “I’ll be part of this.”   “Good.”   Jung Hoseok is left kicking pebbles underneath his feet, bored and quietly sulking. From a distance, you watch in amusement, finding it hilarious that the workaholic was ripped away from his work like a child was taken of their toy. His lips are downturned, slightly pouted, and you’re about to approach when suddenly the heavy cooler of sub sandwiches is taken from your hands.   “Is this our lunch?” Jungkook asks with a curious look, holding the heavy object with one arm easily and swings it like it doesn’t weigh at least twenty five pounds.   “Yeah.” You reach out to take it back. “No one’s allowed to eat them yet.”   “Oh, I know.” The student lawyer stares at you blankly. “But it’s heavy, right?” And that’s when you realize that he’s carrying it to help you. He’s the only one who offered and he didn’t even need to be asked. You’re caught off guard by his thoughtfulness, but the boy doesn’t seem to think it’s a big deal. Instead, he glimpses at the other tote you’re carrying. “Is that our games?”   “It is. Jimin was pretty adamant about bringing twister.” You decide to let him in on a little secret with a smile and shrug. “I have no idea why or how’d we even play.”   “If we played twister on the mountain, Jin would probably fall off the cliff and die,” he jokes with a laugh. “I don’t think he has insurance coverage on that.”   “Hey!” Seokjin turns around, having been bantering with Namjoon if the hat in front of the gift shop is ugly or not. It’s ugly. “Are you talking trash about me, son?!”   “No!” He speaks up.   You and Jungkook glance at each other, exchanging laughs and cheesy smiles. All in the while, none of you realize that Hoseok is glaring holes on the side of your head.   //   The workplace hiking retreat is Jimin’s special event. He takes the honours of leading the way and holding the map, making sure everyone is going in the right direction while hyping up the line of employees that are trailing after him. You’re left at the very back, making sure that no one (Yoongi) tries to book it in the opposite direction and run away — apparently he tried that one year. But Sunyi assures you she’s got tight reins on him and he’ll be walking all the way up, to which he scowled at and looked like he was about to bite the girl’s head off.   Jungkook waits and walks with you. He decreases his usual large strides for you, slowing down to synchronize your shuffling steps together. You didn’t think you’d be talking to him this much since he always seemed shy with little to say. But here you are, chatting away like old friends and the two of you are unable to stop taking, hitting it off relatively well.   “Taehyung might seem that way, but he’s a great mentor.”   “That’s good.” Now that you think about it, Jungkook never gossips or complains about anyone. He always has something nice to say about each person and you can tell he means it with the sparkling of his big eyes. He gawks at Taehyung who’s ahead with admiration...though you’re not sure if he’s objectively a good role model. “I’m glad you’re not having a hard time.”   “Sometimes it’s difficult. I think I’m still adjusting to the job and there’s a lot I don’t know.” His smooth voice drops down into a whisper. “But I do know that he’s saved me from getting fired by Hoseok a few times.”   You giggle and within ten minutes, somehow the conversation that centered around the job and his current health state morphs to things that have nothing to do about the office. “I can’t believe you pour milk before your cereal. Who even are you?”   “Well, I want a certain amount of milk in my bowl,” the younger male explains with wild gestures of his one hand, attempting to defend himself. “If I put cereal in it first, I’m not sure how much milk there actually is.”   “You just eyeball it. It isn’t that difficult.”   “No, trust me, it’s easier when you pour milk in the bowl first and then the cereal.”   “I don’t even eat cereal.”   Jeon Jungkook gasps out loud like you just offended twenty generations of his family. “What?!”   “Okay.” You hold back several laughs. “Don’t sue me.”   “I think I might have to.” He giggles as well, laughing at how ridiculous this debate is. But the student-at-law is persistent in nature and doesn’t back down. “How can you not like cereal? It’s the best breakfast food ever!”   “It’s bland,” you counter.   “What kind of cereal have you been eating?!” Jin’s dramatics must’ve infected him and you enjoy the theatrics of his arguments. The cool breeze whisks through your hair, the sunshine illuminating the surroundings of pine trees and the dirt path up the incline. But the pair of you don’t admire the sceneries or the premise when you’re busy looking at each other. “Have you ever tried the ones with dried fruit? Like there are cereals with dried strawberries in them.”   “Oh yeah, I love that, but I always end up picking out the strawberries to eat them and then I’m just left with the frosted cereal left.”   He shakes his head. “I should take you to this place I know. It’s a cereal restaurant. They have all kinds of cereal and all kinds of milk and it’s glorious.”   “A cereal restaurant?” Your brows shoot up in skepticism.   “Yeah!” he grins in enthusiasm. “Have you ever heard of it?”   “No, I haven’t.”   “It’s so good! I could take—”   “Is there a water bottle in there, Kook?” There’s an interruption that doesn’t come from you nor Jungkook. You turn and Hoseok’s in front of you both, having stopped without the rest of the group realizing and going on ahead. Jungkook doesn’t waste any time, putting down the cooler and opening it.   “Didn’t you bring your own?” you ask in surprise since it came out of nowhere.   “I finished it.”   “Already?!” An entire water bottle this earlier on? You wonder how thirsty he might’ve been or if he was dehydrated.   The lawyer merely cocks his head to one side. “Is that a problem?”   “Only if you have to pee later.”   Jungkook hands him the new bottle and he uncaps it, taking another sip before sticking it in his black tracksuit jacket, somehow fitting the entire thing in the pocket. “Thanks.”   Part of you expects him to be on his way, but for some reason Hoseok sticks around, on your other side and joins your walk. It’s not like you mind, but it seems like Jungkook is uncomfortable that his boss is right there and conversations of cereal-first-or-milk-first, pineapple-pizza-or-not, or if-it’s-okay-to-pee-in-the-shower, they all cease to exist.   You clear your throat, glaring at Hoseok from the corner of your eye. It’s not everyday that you get to chat with Jungkook or get to know him better or get to the deeper concerns, and Hoseok was really ruining this for you. Yet, he remains undeterred. Maybe he’s oblivious to your signals or he’s straight out ignoring them. You’re not too sure.   But for the next ten minutes, the three of you walk in complete silence.   You use the opportunity to finally take in the nature. There are trees that stretch beyond the horizon, greenery and gaps of fields seen in your vision. The fresh scent of earth and grass heals your lungs from the metropolis’ pollution. It’s quite pleasant to be away from gas exhaust and the smog. When you’re away from the city, highways of cars and trucks, it’s quiet and peaceful. You can hear chickadee birds, rabbits hopping, buzzing of wildlife.   Eventually, Jimin stops everyone at the first checkpoint.   “Okay, gather up, everyone!” He secures his round, taupe hat that reminds you of an explorer. You suppose this is the most adventure Jimin ever gets when he’s away from the concrete jungle. “I hope the half-hour trip hasn’t been too brutal but it’s time for our first set of team building games!”   “What is it?” Yoongi asks right off the bat to not waste any more time.   “Trust falls!” Jimin announces with a half-moon smile. “On the edge of this cliff.”   “.....”   “I’m joking!” The lawyer is the only one who laughs. “We’re playing charades.”   Dahyun raises her hand and he calls on her. “How is this supposed to contribute to team building?”   “Fantastic question! It’s team building because you have to work together to answer correctly and you’re also reading body language which helps with everything. Y/N, sketchbook, please.”   You immediately dig for the prepared sketchbook with words written inside of them and you hand it to the lawyer who nods in appreciation. He continues much to the chagrin of the others. “And now I will divide the entire group into two. Right...there. Yes, now pretend there’s an imaginary line. You guys are team one.” He turns towards your direction. “And you are team two. Team one goes first. One at a time, someone will face me and act it out and the rest of you face away from me and guess. No cheating. No speaking for the person acting. Ready?”   You sit on the sidelines, Jimin having enough mercy to let you take a break. Jungkook was divided on team one and you watch the game go on as Hoseok stands beside you.   “You know,” he speaks up, “Jungkook is like eight years younger than you.”   “So?” You shift to him with a lifted eyebrow, suddenly annoyed with what he might or might not be implying. “What does that have to do with anything, Jung Hoseok? What are you trying to say?”   “N-nothing. Never mind.” He looks away from you, sighing. “...I’m sorry.”   In the background, Sunyi is flapping her arms wildly and Yoongi is throwing out guesses without letting anyone else guess, saying absurd things like ‘synchronized swimming’, ‘an idiot’, ‘someone sad with no love life’. She gets frustrated and screams at him, “I’M A BIRD!”   Jimin docks a point for cheating.   “What's the matter?”   “Nothing.”   “Well, there’s obviously something,” you persist while staring at Hoseok’s profile. He’s still sulking and you don’t understand what he’s trying to say. “Is it because Jimin took away your phone? I can get him to give it back to you. It isn’t that big of an issue.”   “No.” A staggering exhale spills from the seams of his lips. “That’s not it. It’s nothing, okay?”   You decide to back off his case. “Alright.”   Seokjin is up for acting now and he makes a rectangle shape with his hands. Yoongi guesses ‘circle’ to add to his frustration and Sunyi physically shoves Yoongi to get him to stop. Jin pretends to put the rectangle shape on an imaginary wall and then he points to his eyebrows and then makes an ‘x’ shape with his arms.   Everyone is stumped. He does it again. No answers.   Seokjin stops his foot and cries out, “I want a new team!”   The word is ‘Mona Lisa’.   The game is probably the reverse of team building. It’s ripping friendships apart.   But you can’t focus on watching when there’s a thick, smothering silence between you and the man standing beside you. No one lets a syllable slip or makes a sound. Your lips are sealed tight and you force yourself not to gawk at him. It’s terribly awkward, but you refuse to address it.   “I’m not upset or mad or anything.”   Hoseok is the first to step forward and you finally turn to him. “I never said anything.”   “You get quiet when you think I’m angry.”   “Psh.” The corner of your mouth pulls. “Who said?”   “No one. I just noticed.” He gazes into your eyes and softens his own. The other employees are preoccupied in either participating or observing and laughing. Behind them, it’s just you and him, a bubble of privacy that is uninterrupted. “I’m sorry for being an asshole. Maybe it’s the outdoors affecting me…”   “I doubt that.” You give a tiny laugh. “You love nature.”   “Who said?” Now he’s the one asking and his expression remains blank, frowning slightly.   “Uh...Jimin.” You nod. “He told me about it.”   “Yeah, I’ve always wanted a house with a massive backyard. I would’ve set up the office in the woods if it were possible.”   “Except, there are too many mosquitoes.”   “Yup.” He gives one of the brightest smiles, rival to the sun itself. The atmosphere has returned back to normal, one where you feel like you’re able to joke around just a little bit with him. “That’s the only issue. The mosquitoes.”   When team one is done, it’s time for your own team to go. Since you were the one who wrote all the words in the sketchbook, you don’t get to participate. You’re left holding the sketchbook, but you don’t mind too much when Namjoon is pointing straight up and doing jazz hands and stomping around and people are guessing sun and clouds, but never outer space.   It’s especially hilarious to watch Hoseok reluctantly participate. He holds both his hands in tiny circle shapes and begins to thrust them back and forth towards his open mouth, interchanging his hands. Everyone pales and becomes horrified at the suggestive movements. On the other hand, Jimin bursts out laughing, so hard that his body folds in half and he’s clutching his stomach, unable to be a referee and you’re worried he might not watch where he’s going and fall off the cliff.   The word is ‘flossing’.   In the end, Hoseok is the one who gets most into the game. He’s screaming and pointing and howling when someone gets close, causing the team to be pressured to get it right. He also makes wild guesses, enthusiastically and eagerly like he’s a youthful twenty-year old again.   “Alright guys! That was great. Team one has six points and team two is in the lead with ten! Next set of games, we’ll be mixing up the teams, so don’t get too comfortable.”   Dahyun raises her hand and he calls on her. “But then how will you keep track of points?”   “Fantastic question. I’ll wing it.” Before anyone can question him, he spins on his toes and begins pointing off into the distance, explaining where they’re heading and telling his employees to enjoy the beautiful scenery.   Jungkook ends up getting wrangled in by Taehyung, joining the banter with him, Namjoon, and Inyoung. He’s still holding onto the cooler and instead, you’re accompanied by Hoseok who stays by your side.   “What is that?” He peeks inside the tote you’re carrying.   “Puzzles.” And at the expression he gives you, you give one in return that conveys ‘Jimin organized this, not me’. He ends up taking the bag, not to examine further, but to—   Actually....you’re not sure why he takes it, but you don’t even think twice about it. All you know is that the muscles in your shoulder aren’t so tense anymore.   As groups and clusters of employees are chatting and hiking, Naul who was talking to Jimin finally tugs down her black sunglasses and her jaw drops. “Oh my god.”   They stop and the others skid to a halt before they bump into each other. You exchange expressions with Hoseok, not sure what’s going on before Lisa gasps, “It’s BTS.”   “What?”   “What?!”   You look past the crowd to see another group heading straight down the mountain, parallel to you, marching in an orderly line with long sticks in their hands. They look like professional hikers with full on backpacks and hats and they’re all smiling at each other like there’s no other place they’d rather be. There’s a ripple of quiet that passes through the people that make Jung and Park.   “Who’s BTS?” You lean over to Hoseok, whispering lowly.   “Big. Top. Solicitors,” he tells you in a spiteful manner. “They’re one of the biggest firms in the city and they have multiple departments in all sorts of things. So, they deal with tax law, criminal, personal injury and...of course….family law. They’re our biggest competitors.”   “Oh. I applied to work there. They even gave me an interview.” You remember and you quickly retract when Hoseok stares. “But they never called me back. A loss for them, right?”   You can recall it well. Their office building was magnificent and seemed straight of what you would expect in a high-budget television show. If you were nervous for the interview at Jung and Park, you were swimming in your sweat for the interview at BTS. In that way, you’re glad you never got a call back. You’re sure you would have never felt comfortable at that job.   By the time Hoseok is finished explaining and your little anecdote is given, they’ve closed the gap and realized who it was that faced them. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Jung and Park.”   “What are you doing here, Jackson?” Jimin has a standoff with the partner of the opposing firm. It reminds you of a gun showdown from back in the day when two big names were on the same turf and fought to become dominant.   “We’re having an extended weekend for our employees,” he says with a smirk. The man is handsome and you wonder how he can climb an entire mountain and look like that. Even his jacket is crisp. If he was wearing a fitted, black suit, you’re sure Lisa who’s purposely looking away at the moment would piss herself, you included. “You’re only starting now? Guess you were trying to avoid that afternoon sun, huh?”   The condescending tone has Jimin’s eyes narrowing. “Why does it matter to you?”   “It doesn’t.” The male rolls his shoulders and the employees behind him seem to be staring daggers into your soul. “It’s just that we started at six in the morning and we made it all the way up to the peak. We even walked through lunch and now I’m treating everyone to an Italian restaurant. It’s nothing. But it’s pretty cute that you’re doing this too.”   “That’s actually really nice that you’re treating your employees.” Jimin smiles and it never quite reaches his eyes. “You must be pretty comfortable even after losing the Yoo case.”   A muscle in Jackson’s cheek twitches and had you not been staring, you might’ve missed it. “Don’t worry, we’re still comfortable. Unlike you, losing one case won’t hurt us. We have plenty more cases to work on.”   Satisfied, he brushes past him and walks down. It reminds you of petty high school movies where the crowd of popular kids would make fun of the underdogs. It’s a bit funny to see grown adults acting in such childish manners, but you don’t say anything. Instead, Jackson stops and turns to Hoseok once before going on his way. “You might have to pick up the pace, Jung. If you want to make it there before the sun goes down.”   “See you in court on Tuesday, Wang.”   When they’ve followed the curve of the mountain and disappear from sight, everyone is on their way again. But the steps seem slower, shuffling more against the gravel. Inyoung is the first to begin speaking again. “Did they really make it up and down in seven hours?”   “Only regular hikers make that amount of time.” Namjoon makes an objective statement, disregarding his own bias. “It’s pretty impressive.”   “Nothing’s impressive about them,” Sunyi mutters and it’s loud and clear. “I’d rather work for a smaller firm that actually cares about me than a larger firm who thinks I’m just one of their chess pieces.”   Taehyung lifts his head, having watched the dirt. “Did we never hear what happened to Wang Kwangsoo? Did he even go to court?”   “No, the lawsuit got buried and then he retired. He’s probably at some vacation villa right now living it up.” Yoongi remains impassive, but you can see the irritation in his expression, and a few others scoff when they’re reminded. “No one knows what happened to the victims, if they were paid or if something happened to them.”   Inyoung shakes her head. “That’s…”   “Disgusting,” Naul finishes.   “It’s not like we can prosecute him,” Hoseok says bleakley, but you know it’s from good intention. There's no point of being furious or having your blood pressure spike for someone who doesn’t deserve it in the least bit. “Take your anger and use it on cases where we can actually win. That’s the least we can do.”   “Yeah.” Sunyi nods in agreement and there’s a moment of silence before her voice continues in a hesitant murmur. “You know…..he might be a piece of shit…..but his son is really something else.”   “Right?!” Lisa whirls her head over. “That boy is one fine feast.”   “Oh my god.” Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Are you guys serious? Look at me! I’m much more handsome than Jackson.”   “I heard he’s running the firm a lot differently than his dad,” Seulgi pipes up and everyone else ignores Seokjin’s woes. “Like they recently had a huge purge and a bunch of people that were working under his dad got fired. He’s remodeling the entire hierarchy.”   “Don’t let appearances deceive you,” Naul warns. “We never know what’s really going on. But….I agree. He seems a lot better than his disgusting father. Again, we’re comparing him at a very low bar here.”   Even with Naul pointing out that the standard is low, Lisa sighs wistfully. “Kind, rich, handsome. A dream, right?”   “And they hiked like professionals.” Namjoon’s still hung up on it much to the dismay and surprise of others.   Jin lifts an eyebrow. “Who cares?”   “They beat the estimated time!” He stresses with wild gestures. “It’s really impressive, you just don’t understand. They made it all the way up and down. Only real hikers that go on the regular can do that.”   Throughout the entire conversation, Jimin remains unusually quiet. You’re about to pick up the pace to meet him and check to see if he’s okay. But then he turns around and stops. Dahyun asks if this was the second checkpoint and you find it odd that he would stop to do an activity in the middle of the dirt road like this. “Good question like always, Dahyun. Yes, this is our next activity.”   You’re about the pull out the puzzles—   “Everyone take a look at who you’re standing closest to. That’s going to be your buddy.”   You glance beside you and Hoseok’s staring right at you. Everyone quickly links up. Dahyun with Lisa, Sunyi and Yoongi glaring holes into each other’s skulls, Jin and Namjoon naturally beside one another, Taehyung that throws his arm around Jungkook’s, and Naul that joins up with Inyoung.   Jimin grins. “From now on, this is a race. First pair up the mountain wins.”   “Wait.” Lisa freezes. “What?!”   You’re as shocked as the receptionist is and you step up with a frown. “Jimin, this isn’t a part of—”   “It is now!” There’s a competitive fire that ignites behind his brown irises. Ideas of cooperation and team building have been thrown out the window. Jackson must’ve gotten to him. “Don’t you want to beat the record? I know we can do it!”   There’s an automatic sea of complaints, people threatening to just turn around and go home while others consider just sitting on the side of the road until someone comes to their rescue.   “That’s too far!” Sunyi points out one of the handful of problems.   “Fine! We’ll race to the halfway point and stop for lunch!” Jimin quickly spits it out before there are more protests, and then he scrambles for additional incentives. “First one up to the halfway point gets two more vacation days and a thousand dollar bonus.”   “What?” Jin’s jaw goes slack.   Taehyung’s already grinning. “What?!”   Hoseok throws it out there— “I didn’t agree to this!”   “Don’t worry,” Jimin reassures his partner. “I’m going to win and no one will get it. Ready, set, go!”   It’s completely spontaneous and chaos breaks loose. Jimin grabs Seulgi, the closest person to him and who’s automatically his buddy, and she screams when he begins sprinting up the steep incline of the mountain.   “Let’s go, Jeon!” Taehyung also begins running after a few beats and Jungkook’s doe eyes are large in surprise, but when his legs begin to run, he beats his mentor in sheer speed while he’s miraculously still holding onto the cooler. You wonder if he did track and field back in the day or was a competitor for some kind of Olympic game.   “I need that bonus!” Naul dashes off as well and Inyoung struggles. Lisa abandons her friends to book it in her thin sandals while hollering something about those vacation days.   “Namjoon!” Seokjin yells behind his shoulder. “Move your slow ass!”   Yoongi and Sunyi put away their rivalry for a moment, the most serious and cooperative you’ve ever seen from both of them. They whip their bodies through the air without saying more than a word to each other and after a while, Yoongi snatches Sunyi’s hand, helping her run faster or launching her forward, you’re not too sure. All you know is that you’re soon left in the dust.   This is the most enthusiastic you’ve seen everyone all day. You can’t help but smile, even if it’s all a bit ridiculous and the plans have been spoiled. It’s kind of nice to see everyone so involved and eager to make it. Maybe you and Jimin should’ve thought about incentives, aside from lunch, from the beginning.   “Are we going to run?” You turn to Hoseok who is stuck in his spot like a statue with his mouth wide open, wholly stunned at Jimin’s antics. “....no one’s supposed to get a thousand dollars, right?”   “You’re right.”   And that’s how the both of you begin jogging. It’s a steady speed, but it’s your strategy to win. Running out of energy is the last thing you want, so you try your best to maintain a stable speed. Once in a while, you can hear Hoseok swearing underneath his breath and you have to repress some laughter. Higher, higher, higher. On your way up, you run into Seokjin and Namjoon who are slugging along, dragging their heavy legs. They bicker about why the other person can’t keep running, yet each is out of breath and out of shape. You also find Inyoung and Dahyun who have been abandoned by their partners and are walking together.   Eventually, after twenty minutes of jogging and passing by Lisa and Naul as well, Hoseok and you decide to take a break. Well...more like your lungs were dying and you were gasping for breath and something internally in your intestines wasn’t feeling well and Hoseok took one glimpse at you and stopped.   “I can’t believe he did this,” Hoseok sits on the ground, leaning back and tipping back his head to let the uncapped water bottle bring a cool stream to his lips. His jawline is sharp, sweat dripping off his black hair and you wonder how the hell it’s so unfair he looks this good drinking water. But you quickly shake the thought away, trying to chug your own water bottle and replenish your system.   “We still have three more pairs to beat.” You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “Jimin and Seulgi, Sunyi and Yoongi, and Taehyung and Jungkook.” And it astonishes you that Jungkook is still carrying the entire cooler with him while sprinting like Usain Bolt. What kind of monster was he?   Hoseok grins, letting out an exasperated ‘yeah’ while nodding tiredly. He runs a hand through his hair, slicking it back and out of his eyes. “If he doesn’t win, I’m going to have some serious problems.”   After another moment, finally rehydrated and rested, you tear your eyes away from the vivid azure shade of the sky towards him. “Ready to go again?”   “Ready if you are.” He smiles and you help him to his feet, letting go of his hand just as quickly. “We can walk for a bit to build that energy up again before we start jogging.”   “Sounds good.” You’re thankful since you don’t know if you can keep up with him.   “It’s been a long time since I exercised like this,” he muses while your steps naturally sync together.   “Same here.” You peek at the lawyer. “Are you okay though?”   “I’m fine.” He meets your eyes. “Why?”   “You’re afraid of heights, right?” From the distance, the once large pine trees appear more like broccoli and you’re getting closer and closer to the clouds. Luckily, the breeze is cool and the sun isn’t beating down on you like earlier. But as pretty as the scenery and how pleasant the weather is, it’s still a far way down. Off the dirt and stones you’re walking on is a steep drop. You’re certain the sharp rocks would puncture your body like a sword if you fell.   “Yeah,” he murmurs thoughtfully, “I am.”   You can’t help but tease him further. “You’re also afraid of spiders, ants, ladybugs, moths, any kind of bug really, and roller coasters and snakes—”   “Okay, that’s enough.” He playfully glares at you, lips pouty and cute.   “It’s okay.” You comfort him and fail to hide your wide smile. “No one has to know you’re a scaredy cat. Your secret is safe with me.”   “I am not a scaredy cat.” Hoseok grins, lips sort of mimicking a heart shape, his presence radiant like the sunshine itself. “I’m the bravest.”   Suddenly, a sickening wave overcomes your body. “OH MY GOD!” A blood-curdling shriek rips from your throat and you point in the distance, at a loss for words.   “WHAT?”   And you laugh like crazy when he actually physically jumps and turns around. Jung Hoseok shifts back around to you, absolutely unimpressed with your little prank. “Don’t do that! I’m serious!”   “I didn’t know you would fall for it!”   “I will sue you for causing me mental trauma and distress.”   “Go ahead,” you egg him on. “It’s not like I have money to give you monetary compensation.”   You’re still giggling, tears accumulating in your eyes and choking out the remaining giggles. Your face aches from smiling so much and you most certainly don’t pay attention when the terrain becomes rockier, less dirt and more of tiny pebbles.   All at once, your left foot loses traction.   You feel your body slipping forward without permission, knees buckling, as if you’re on ice, ready to tumble and roll off the edge. But at the speed of light, Hoseok grabs your arm, stabilizing you and saving you from death. You look up at him, laughter dying off your lips. He’s held you tight, but still gentle like he’s afraid of squeezing too hard.   And the man gazes into your eyes.   “Watch where you’re going, stupid,” he murmurs after a moment of complete silence.   “Stupid?” You’re baffled, unable to help the pout that takes over your face.   Hoseok lets go of you and you both resume walking. He ganders off at the scenery and the breeze cards through his locks, stands of dark hair moving past his brows. You can’t resist tearing your eyes away to anything else but him. The way he persists, the way he helped you without a moment’s breath, like it was a reflex, like it’s so entirely casual for him to react that way.   Why—   Your thoughts are interrupted when Hoseok suddenly lurches forward. His shoe is caught on a stick and he nearly eats a mouthful of dirt. But his arms flail like a tightrope walker and he stumbles forward four steps, miraculously catching balance. You laugh loudly.   So much for being a hero.   Hoseok immediately turns to you, embarrassed and cheeks burning red when he was trying so hard to look cool. You grin, reaching down and taking his hand. Your fingertips brushing lightly on his until he uncurls them and lets you slip your hand into his.   There’s no reason, only because…   “It’s safer. Wouldn’t want you to take a fall and be injured. I don’t think Jung and Park can run without you.”   He grumbles, but the man walks closer to you. “You’d become a murder suspect.”   You scoff. “No, I’d be a witness.”   “Not with the evidence stacked up against you like this. They’d think you pushed me.”   “Keep it up and I’ll actually push you,” you threaten him and he laughs with another one of those massive grins.   Both your palms are clasped together, his down-facing and yours up. The heat of his palm presses on yours, arms moving together as you continue the upward trek. You hope he can’t feel how nervous you are or how you’ve become hyper-conscious of his presence. But it’s odd.   Behind innocent anxiousness, there’s a fuzzy feeling that you haven’t experienced for years now. It makes you feel at peace and panicked at the same time. But the way you hold his hand seeks and gives comfort.   “Then I’ll take you down with me.”   Hoseok holds your hand tightly and even gives it a squeeze.   You wonder if it’s a mistake to want this to last forever.
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sickiebangtan · 5 years
can you please write me one with number 6 where jungkook sympathy pukes because yoongi is puking? im suddenly OBSESSED with this trope and i would love to see your take on it.
I cannot, for the life of me, get this post to format properly. From the phone, it looks so awkward to read, but no matter how many times I try to fix it, it goes right back to being all weird with the spacing 🤦🏾‍♀️. I uploaded the doc to my ao3 as well if you’d rather read it there: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19352188
i’m sorry in advance, because this was originally a direct answer to your ask, and then it became mpreg… im sorry precious anon!!! it’s only kinda just implied?
as you can see, it also got insanely long. i ain’t complainin, i’m just emphasizing that things don’t go according to plan in this household lol 
this literally went from jungkook getting sympathy sick because yoongi caught a bug to jungkook getting sympathy sick from yoongi’s morning sickness but jungkook not knowing it’s morning sickness because he doesn’t know yoongi’s pregnant, but everyone else knows because they all want to tell oblivious maknae kook together as a family, when the time is right.
y’all, this idea sprung out of control in the MIDDLE of fulfilling this ask. I ain’t even mad about it. that’s how selfish i am.
i guess this is where i let you all know i have a soft spot for mpreg when it comes to boys going through pregnancy symptoms (speshly morning sickness, go figure), especially when it involves hiding it or trying to go about daily lives with it.
also, i wanted to keep situations vague for imagination, so there’s implied pairings (because i have my favorites), but i’m also ot7, so don’t think too hard about it :3
 lub yoo! 
tw: emeto, mpreg
jungkook just needed to pee originally. it’snot like he’d known the bathroom was already occupied. the light wasn’t evenon. he’d just sleepily stumbled in; only then had he heard a quiet choke andthen something trickling into the toilet bowl. and yoongi didn’t sound madabout it–more like, embarrassed.
“m’ fine—i’m fine. really. just close thedoor,”
he doesn’t look to be in good shape. yoongiis surprised he can even say that much without gagging. his back is turned, andhe’s too occupied to see who it is, but he hopes whoever just found him willjust shut the door and leave him to do this in peace. his arms tremble a littleas they hold his head over the toilet bowl and he feels about triple timesworse since he’d rolled out of his bed in the middle of the night to get to thebathroom, but he still thinks he’s got this under control.
his body is stiff over the bowl, shouldersup to his ears in anticipation for the next heave that’s going to come, he’s sure of it. his stomach’s beensending up mouthfuls of everything he’s eaten since breakfast for the past 15 minutes,without warning, up and out in quiet gurgles and the occasional retch that’stoo forceful for yoongi’s subtle self to contain. he just keeps himself hunchedforward and tries to stay calm while the vomit fills the basin. hopefully itwon’t be much longer for this nausea thing to run it’s course.
and now that he has an audience, he’s prayingthe dreadful pressure worming up his stomach will wait until he’s alone again.
he twitches violently when he feelssomeone’s hand on his back.
“relax, it’s just me hyung,” a whisperfrom behind him, kneeling beside him. he ‘tsks’, a sound of pure sympathyas he flushes away murky toilet water for him.
jungkook. yoongi closes his eyes. he guesses he can deal with that.jungkook isn’t overbearing in nature. at least the maknae has the decency tokeep the lights off.
he rocks forward on his heels with a dryheave that grates his throat (and makes more noise than he’s comfortable with)and jungkook stretches a leg out to nudge the door shut. he rubs yoongi’s backand stays silent, hand heavy and determined with its wide sweeping circles anda sympathetic grimace etched deep on his face.
he doesn’t say a word the whole time, justseems to know yoongi’s every need exactly as he thinks it. he wipes a bang awayfrom yoongi’s forehead before the rapper tries to shakily fix it himself. hehands him a cup of water to gargle before he can ask for it. he presses a coolwashcloth to yoongi’s forehead before he can complain how hot he’s feeling. hekeeps his hand there and yoongi is so grateful. jungkook feels yoongi’s tremblinghand on his own, his eyes closed and his breaths shallow. jungkook’s chest is apillar against yoongi’s back and jungkook can feel the heat seeping through hisclothes.
“you have a fever,” jungkook observes witha bitten lip. “hyung, you’re really sick.” but he isn’t. his skin just runs hotnow that his body’s changing. yoongi lets himself put all his weight on themaknae. he leans his head back and jungkook rubs yoongi’s arms because his bodyis shivering.
yoongi sniffs. “i’ll be okay,” hemurmurs, although a choked sound clicks in his throat and he’s struggling topush off of jungkook to lean over the toilet again.
“one second–i’ve got you, hyung,” jungkooksays, promptly lifting yoongi with his arm over his chest to get him over the rim.yoongi’s body convulses against jungkook as more water and bile and whatever bizarresnack it was that he’d stuffed into his mouth before he’d gone to bed splashes intotoilet water. his stomach clenches suddenly, wringing a heady burp up histhroat and coughing up sour saliva.
jungkook’s stomach curls at the sounds. hepats yoongi’s back, periodically lifting a hand to gently push back yoongi’ssweaty bangs. yoongi’s breaths shake and hitch like he might be crying, so jungkook’sconcern goes into overdrive as he chants “it’s okay,” pressing lips into yoongi’strembling shoulder, eyes wide and frantic as he looks for more ways to comforthis ailing hyung.
he flushes for yoongi again, readjusts thewashcloth on his forehead, and eases him back to lean against his chest oncemore when yoongi thinks he might not vomit again this time.
jungkook is about to tell yoongi he isn’t inany shape for work tomorrow, but as if yoongi knows already, he tells him to bringhim some medicine and a glass of water and says he’ll be alright once it kicks in.jungkook wants to argue, but he doesn’t dare.
yoongi’s hands shake around the glass ofwater, but he dutifully downs two pills and takes jungkook’s hand when heoffers to help him stand up. his grip doesn’t loosen long after he’s up and hecloses his eyes when the movement makes him sway.
“hyung—,”jungkook wraps an arm around his shoulders. the floor wobbles under yoongi’sfeet. now that he’s standing, he isn’t so sure his knees are going to hold himup if he takes a step forward.
“youmight not like this, but just… hold onto me okay?” jungkook slings yoongi’sarm over his neck and bends down to carefully lift him up. yoongi doesn’t evenprotest. he inhales deeply when the motion makes his head spin.
“i’mfine, i’m okay,” yoongi puffs out when he practically hears jungkook’squestioning thoughts in response to the feeble whimper that escapes him againsthis will. “just help me to bed?”
jungkookwould’ve slept in yoongi’s bed if yoongi hadn’t kicked him out, saying he’salready starting to feel a little better. his forehead doesn’t feel as warm, sojungkook promises he’ll leave once yoongi finishes the new glass of water hegets from the kitchen. it takes a long time, since yoongi’s stomach can onlyhandle the careful sips he’s taking, but jungkook sits with him patiently, rubbinghis back through every tiny swallow of water and every cautious pause beforethe next one.
hiseyes droop when jungkook finally gets up to go back to his room.
yoongisleeps soundly that night, the medicine dulling his aches and blanketing him withrelief.
but jungkooktosses and turns well into the morning with a stomach that won’t stop squirming.
jin isonto it before jungkook can tell him how he found yoongi sick in the bathroomlast night. everyone’s up and bustling around the kitchen for breakfast and jungkookwatches jin tend to yoongi in a special way, making sure he’s taken care of withjust enough attention to keep yoongi from pushing him away. more low-grade painpills, some stomach-soothing tea, and a single slice of dark toast. he and yoongiare having a low conversation between each other as jin examines him. 
(“wereyou feeling sick before you went to bed last night?” “no, it just came on when Iwoke up.” “the feverish feeling and the upset stomach?” “yeah. i just woke up andI felt really hot and nauseous, so i got up to go sit in the bathroom.” “any pain?”“not really—some cramps. body feels crappy, but mostly just… bad nausea.” “ah, baby, why didn’t youget one of us? you didn’t have to be alone.” “it wasn’t like i could moveonce i was in there–i wasn’t by myself for long. kook found me.”)jin’s eyebrows are creased deeply in concern. he reaches over to run his handthrough yoongi’s limp hair.
“hmm,poor guy. “i’m sorry you’re feeling so bad. did you throw up at all?”
yoonginods his head matter-of-factly. jungkook’s stomach turns sluggishly at thememory and he swallows the lump of apple that feels lodged at the back of histhroat. he palms at his chest a little, swallowing again. god, why is hefeeling so crummy? yoongi’s the one with the actual fever. he should probablystop listening. this is really getting to his head.
hoseoktries to cheer yoongi up by telling him how cute he looks with those rosy feverishcheeks he’s sporting. jimin hovers close by until yoongi wearily swats him awaylike a pesky fly, but he just returns to place his hand gently on yoongi’s middle.jungkook’s mildly confused as to why jimin’s eyes keep staring almost admiredlyat yoongi’s stomach.
heforces himself to eat an apple even though he isn’t hungry, constantly eyeing yoongiwith those big round eyes of his. namjoon’s large hand pats the top of his headand comes down to give his cheek a few loving strokes.
“stopworrying, jk,” his voice rumbles beside him, nursing a mug of coffee asthey watch yoongi’s slumped form on the barstool across from them. “yoongi-hyungwill be fine.”
jungkooksmiles tiredly but he doesn’t answer back. how is everyone being so casualabout all this? should he be casual too? and then jin comes around—with the intensityof the hurricane he becomes every morning when they need to be somewhere—clickinghis teeth and taking jungkook’s face in his hands.
“aaaaiiiish,kookie—ahh, your face,” he hisses, running his thumbs along the rims of jungkook’sswollen, shadowy eyes. they’re going to have to go heavy on his makeup this timearound. “you look like a racoon today. taehyung-ah, bring kookie’s bbcream here please?”
“ididn’t sleep very good,” jungkook mumbles, blinking against the sandy feelingunder his eyelids. he revels jin’s hands as jin feels around his face, lightlymassaging.
“becauseof yoongi hyung,” jin answers. he knows how consumed jungkook gets whenhe’s worried about someone.
“mm,”jungkook says with a sleepy nod. “are you sure he’s okay to work?”
jinhums in response, leaning forward to peck jungkook’s forehead with a quick kiss.“you sweet boy.“
“oursuga-hyung isn’t feeling his best, but he’ll be fine,” hearing jin say it insuch a sure tone makes jungkook feel a little better. “the medicine shouldhold him over. sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get home so hecan rest, right?” jungkook’s lips twitch with a tiny smile and he nods again.jin smiles back assuredly and namjoon reaches over to ruffle jungkook’s hair.
taehyungreturns with the bb cream and jin works a generous dab of it into the maknae’spuffy face, tapping lightly to get some bloodflow going.
“alright,hajah,” hoseok says, clapping his hands. he pats jungkook’s butt when hegets out of his chair. “lets go do this thing.”
it’sno secret that yoongi isn’t feeling well, it’s just that yoongi would rathernot attract the attention. he’ll be miserable all day for sure, but they still haveto work. a promotional photoshoot that will take half the day to complete. itcan’t be postponed, but at least once they’re finished, the rest of the day isthere’s.
jinoccasionally checks up on him but tones down on the typical fretting he tendsto do when a member is sick. yoongi’s always that one special case. namjoonkeeps asking yoongi if he needs to take a break. taehyung seems latched to yoongi’sside. jimin and hoseok keep lovingly touching yoongi’s face and feeling hisforehead in case he feels overheated again, but they try to let him be independent.
for jungkook,it’s been hard to focus on anything other than his ailing hyung. he’s been watchingyoongi like it’s his personal job, so much that the photographer has to ask himto pay attention enough times to actually start to lose patience with him. he’sseen each wave of nausea pass through yoongi each time it happens. sometimeshe’ll discreetly breathe through it as he sits still to get his makeup done. sometimeswith a press into his stomach or a shaky sip of water or some fingers brushing overhis lips. sometimes it gets bad enough that he has to excuse himself to bendover in his seat a little bit.
yoongi’ssaid “i’m okay” about one hundred times already, doing exceptionally wellkeeping things professional while cooperating through shots that seem like aneternity to complete. he slips away stealthily enough between breaks for no oneto really notice he’s gone, but jungkook’s eyes follow him hobbling to thebathroom every time. whenever he returns, jungkook knows he’s clearly thrownup, nose flared and flush in contrast to such pallid skin, eyes misty andthroat working. the makeup artist has to touch him up every time he returns, towhich he croaks a sincere apology.
jungkook’sstomach sours gradually with each passing hour, body reacting to yoongi’s everymove, to the point where he fearfully thinks he might actually vomit too if thiskeeps up.
halfwaythrough the day, yoongi is too miserable to hide his discomfort. he’s takenmore pills than he’s eaten food and his body heat spikes back up. he can’t stand orsit up straight; his stomach hurts too much and it has a voice to show for it,whining and groaning under his hand. every chance he can get, his hand finds itselfback on his stomach in an attempt to ease it off.
duringone particular short break, hoseok pulls yoongi aside to really look him in theeyes.
“areyou still doing okay? do you want to sip on some water? we can stop for a littlebit, you know. you don’t have to push yourself so hard when you don’t have to.”
yoongiswallows; his body is trembling. under hoseok’s gaze, he allows his guard tocome down, just for a little while. he closes his eyes and hesitates with hisanswer, and then just sort of forgets that hoseok’s waiting for a reply. inreality, he wants to fall right into hobi’s chest and give in to a good cry. hisbody is screaming at him. he knows he’s close to vomiting again and it’s beenthe fourth time already and he’s just tired.
hoseok’scool hand cups the crook of his neck and he shivers when the touch raisesgoosebumps on his skin. hoseok tuts softly in sympathy.
“ihate this for you, hyung.”
yoongiplaces his hand on hoseok’s to give it a weak squeeze. “i’ll be fine, hope-ah,”he wills himself to say, again. “i’m not feeling good, but i can handle it.”
“yoongibabyyy,” hoseok coos, puckering lips and leaning over to kiss yoongi somewhereand anywhere, but yoongi moans and grumbles feebly as his weak body tries topull away.
“stop,hope-ah, i’m positive i’m contagious.” there’s a joking lilt in yoongi’s toneand hoseok is relieved to hear it.
“oh,you have a point,” hoseok says, sobering comically and earning a faint laughfrom yoongi. yoongi tugs hoseok’s hand, pulling him back towards the set.
“comeon—lets get this over with.”
jintakes it upon himself to call it quits when yoongi unexpectedly heaves into hishand during a group shot, which starts a frenzy around him. jimin gets to yoongifirst, holding his forehead and rubbing his back and telling him not to worryabout the floor, and then cursing like a sailor under his breath after tellingeveryone that yoongi’s in no shape to continue. his skin feels way too hot and he’sgulping air and teetering like he’s fighting not to pass out. namjoon is talkinga mile a minute to staff, looking stressed as they argue not having enoughshots to cut the shoot short like this, but he isn’t backing down. hoseok and taehyungstay close by yoongi, calm and attentive after having gathered water, papertowels, and a bin for yoongi to be sick in. jin is kneeled next to jimin, voicinghis thoughts out loud, looking at sejin whose on the phone as he calls up forthe van to pull up to the building so they can get yoongi home as soon as possible.
andthen there’s jungkook, rooted to the ground around the commotion, staring at yoongicurled forward on the floor with his own stomach seizing and his throat fightingagainst him to gag. it isn’t even that he’s disgusted by the sight of it; he feels it. liquid gurgles up and out of yoongiand jungkook can hear it spatter loudly into the hollow container. And with a forcefulexpulsion of air, a burp rocks yoongi forward and jungkook feels himself tiltingforward too, stomach seizing again and sending bile up the back of his throat.
hegasps shakily, turns around, and swallows against the feeling, shuddering atthe nausea suddenly blooming heavy in his chest. his footsteps quicken towardan exit out of the building. “need some air,” he chokes when jin calls after him.
everyone’son edge on the way back home. yoongi’s exhausted, and he has a deep pout toshow for his grouchiness, but he’s harmless. he’s slumped onto hoseok, headresting on his arm. there’s a black mask covering his face. they’d learned thatsome peppermint oil drops helped yoongi’s nausea some when breathing it in,although it isn’t doing it’s job very well over the motion of the van. theoccasional dips and stops cause yoongi to grip whatever’s around him and moan miserablyto himself, making everyone aware that this isn’t doing the poor rapper’sstomach any favors. so everyone’s completely miffed when there’s an urgent andshaky demand to “pull over!” from someone who isn’t yoongi. jungkook is smotheringa fist to his mouth in the back seat, panting in between horribly convulsiveswallows.
thevan veers onto the side of the road almost immediately at the sound of a potentialmess being made and jungkook practically falls out of the vehicle before theyeven reach a complete stop. with a hand still covering his mouth, he jogs clumsilyaway from view.
no oneexpects it, so no one moves at first, and then everyone moves. “wait wait wait,it’s fine—stay here, I’ll go check on him,” jin says, getting out. namjoonfollows after him. jimin’s eyes are bugged out.
“is hebeing sick? oh my god, whats—why’s he throwing up? i should go check on him–,”
hoseokputs a hand out to stop him. “it’s fine, babe, they’ve got him. you know how hegets sometimes. he just got a little worked up.”
“prettysweet of him to have sympathy pains,” yoongi says, earning a break from thenausea to trust himself to speak. “he’s not even the father.” he’s too tired tolaugh, but hoseok catches on.
“yah, what’reyou trying to say?”
jungkookcoughs hard, lurching against jin’s firm hold across his chest as another mouthfulof his light breakfast hurdles up his throat. he burps up another bout of sourvomit, retching loudly as his stomach squeezes unexpectedly. his ears are buzzing,but jin’s voice is faintly there. the soothing circles along his back are muchmore noticeable, but his stomach’s too agitated to be calmed by the ministrations.
jungkookknows he hasn’t eaten much of anything all day, yet something still manages tocome up with each deep heave. every time he thinks of yoongi in any pain, he pitchesforward with a gag. his eyes are squeezed shut and he gulps for air, trying to willhimself to calm down.
“you’reokay, baby, you’re okay.” jin says calmly, keeping up with the rhythm of the widecircles on jungkook’s heaving back. he coughs again and jin pats him lightly, andthen carding fingers through his scalp until jungkook’s stomach finally startsto settle. the maknae sniffles a few times, blinking away tears of exertion andstraightening up to stand. jin’s hand doesn’t stop at his back, watching himclosely with tender eyes. namjoon gives his shoulder a squeeze, his voice boomingand so gentle at the same time.
“oh, ourbambi,” he hums, grinning warmly at jungkook’s red-rimmed doe eyes. “loves andfeels so deeply that it hurts, hmm?” he plants a loving kiss at his temple. “you’reso pure.”
jinfeels his forehead, just in case. nope. not sick. thank god. jungkook snifflesagain, congested after having vomited so violently.
“m’notsick, hyung. i just… i just, you know—because yoongi-hyung’s sick, that’sall. he’s the one you should be worried about.”
“yoongiwill be fine, bunny,”
“whydoes everyone keep saying that? he’s not,though. he’s been throwing up all day and he has a fever. he’s got a bad bug. ifhe doesn’t get better soon we’ll have to take him to the hospital.” jungkooksounds pretty upset, and frustrated. everyone’s been having this calmness aboutyoongi all day that jungkook just doesn’t get.
“baby,yoongi isn’t—,” namjoon pinches jin hard from the back and jin bites histongue even harder. yoongi isn’t sick,baby; he’s pregnant. Jin’s heart plummets. He can’t believe he was reallyabout to say it. He almost blew it.
“yoongi-hyungisn’t what?” the maknae looks from jin to namjoon for an answer.
jinjust shakes his head, chuckling softly, nervously. “nothing, babe. never mind.”he strokes the maknae’s cheek with his thumb. they’ll tell him tomorrow. theyshouldn’t keep this from him any longer.
“you’veliterally worried yourself sick. you’re too cute, you know that?” jin says, huggingjungkook and kissing his forehead, hoping to distract him from questioning himfurther. “yoongi-hyung’s gonna be just fine okay? now lets get you two home fora much needed rest, huh?”
theyhead back to the van with jin’s arm slung across jungkook’s shoulder. jin whipshis head back to throw namjoon a wide-eyed look and namjoon shakes his head, bitingback a snicker. he can’t believe jin was about to ruin the surprise they’d beenwaiting weeks to tell jungkook since the day they’d found out. they’d never lethim live it down if he did. especiallyyoongi.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Merry Christmas, Baby, You Sure Do Treat Me Nice (Pearlet) - Sammy Indigo
A/N: Puppies. It’s Pearlet with a puppy. At Christmas. That’s it.
Working in a bar meant that Matt often found himself walking home in the dark and cold early hours, and in order to make it home to Jason faster, he snuck through the alleyways on the backs of buildings that would be long closed for the evening.
Jason hated it. They had friends who had been attacked and intimidated, in similar situations, and the thought of Matt walking home alone in the dark winding passageways, away from any civilisation, kept him awake until he heard his boyfriend’s key in the front door of their apartment.
It was worse in the winter. The dark nights were longer, the air colder, and some nights Jason felt like he couldn’t cope. The anxiety ate at him as he waited up, curled on the couch with blankets covering him as he shivered, watching late night infomercials, trying to take his mind away from his worry about Matt.
It was a Sunday night when Matt was late coming home. Technically a Monday morning. It had been snowing steadily for a few hours, and the air outside was foggy. The club closed up at two, and was locked up around two thirty, Matt home and safe by three. But it was three thirty-seven, and Jason was feeling sick as he paced the living room.
Matt wasn’t answering his phone. It was going straight to voicemail. If he wasn’t dead already, Jason was going to kill him.
And then the key jangled against the lock. He struggled with the lock for a couple of seconds, keys clacking against their door. Jason heard him swear from the other side.
When the door swung open, and Jason ran towards Matt (whether to kiss or kill him, he hadn’t decided), it took a second for him to register that Matt had something in one arm, tucked into his coat. The thing moved of its own volition and Jason stopped in his tracks. The thing’s head poked out.
“What the fuck is that?” Jason asked, already knowing the answer.
Matt grinned. “I found a puppy.” He pulled back his collar to fully reveal the little dirty pest. “He’s so adorable. And he was all alone in the snow.”
Jason crossed his arms. “I thought you were dead, you jerk. You didn’t answer your phone.”
Matt had the decency to look sheepish. “It died at the club.”
“You will, too, if you ever fucking do that to me, again.”
“I’m sorry.” He held out the puppy, as though it were a peace offering.
Jason took a step back, grimacing. “Put it in the bathroom and close the door. That shelter on third probably opens at like seven or eight. We’ll drop it there in the morning.”
Horrified, Matt tucked the puppy back under his coat. “No.” He said. “Jay, he followed me. I rescued him.”
“We are not keeping that thing in our house.” Jason said. “It’s probably got rabies. Or scurvy, or something.”
“Scurvy is what pirates get.”
“I don’t give a fuck, Matthew.” Jason snapped. “Just know, that I won’t have that damn dog living in my house. Got it?”
Matt pouted.
Four weeks, three trips to the vets, and four hundred dollars later, and the puppy was still in the apartment.
It squeaked at Jason’s feet as he tried to do their dishes. He looked down at it. The fluffy white fur around its face was flat on one side from where it had been napping under their kitchen table, just minutes before. It yawned and stretched its short legs.
Jason waited for it to look up at him. “I don’t like you.” He said.
It tried to tug on the bottom of his jeans, and Jason hissed at it. The puppy whined and backed away with its tail between its legs.
“Okay,” Matt said, walking into the room and scooping up the dog, “I get that he’s not your favourite thing, but you’re not actually a cat, Jay.” He nuzzled the puppy’s head. “You don’t have to hiss at him.”
“It’s a menace.”
“He.” Matt said. “And he’s not. He’s just a puppy. Aren’t ya, Snowball?”
Jason groaned. “Snowball? You named it?”
“Yeah, it’s cute, right.” Matt cuddled the puppy close. It licked his face. “’Cause I found him in the snow, and he’s white. Like a ‘lil snowball.”
“Oh, God.” Jason threw his pink rubber gloves into the sink. “Does this mean you’re attached to it? You named it, and now you’re attached to it?”
Matt held Snowball up to his face. “He’s my baby.”
“Fuck’s sake, Matthew. You’re a grown man.”
  Snowball peed on the carpet.
And chewed holes in Jason’s shoes.
He cried through the night and woke them up at three am.
He left his toys in the middle of the room for Jason to trip over.
And he took all Matt’s attention by just sitting there, acting cute. That was supposed to be Jason’s job.
Plus, he was expensive.
It was the holiday season, and everything seemed to be more expensive. Even their rent had increased as their lease renewed, and Jason and Matt had had to sit down with a calculator, and papers spread across the coffee table, to work out their finances. Jason felt guilty. Matt was having to pick up the slack, working at the club five nights a week, and then picking up a seasonal job as a delivery person during the day. He was exhausted, and Jason felt like shit when their friends asked if he was still on the sick from his job.
When he voiced this, Matt told him to shut up. That his mental health was worth more than any money he would be bringing home from a dead end job that was detrimental to him. Matt was an angel, but Jason couldn’t help but feel inadequate sometimes.
“Please don’t forget to walk Snowball.” Matt said as he pulled his jacket over his hoodie. “Otherwise you’ll be cleaning up pee, again.”
Jason sighed. “It’s fucking freezing. Can’t he walk himself?”
Matt glared at him. “Please?” He said, walking over to Jason on the couch. He leaned over the back of it, wrapping both arms around Jason’s shoulders and hugging him. “Please try and be nice to the dog? Just try, and I’m sure you’ll grow to love him.”
Jason twisted his face into a grimace. “I don’t love anything except you and pizza rolls.”
Matt kissed his cheek. “Be nice to Snowball.” He kissed him again. “And I’ll be back later. I love you.”
“I love you, too. I guess.”
Matt stuck his tongue out at him as he grabbed his bag and walked over to the door. Snowball trotted behind him, yapping and trying to jump up Matt’s legs.
“Bye bye, baby.” He cooed. “You gotta stay here and Daddy’s gotta go to work now-,”
“-so I’ll see you when I get home.” He petted Snowball’s tiny head. “And Dada Jay-,”
“Absolutely not!”
“-is gonna walk you.” Matt stood up straight and blew Jason a kiss. “Love you, Dada.” He laughed.
Jason glared at him as the door closed.
Snowball sat down, face almost pressed against the closed front door, and waited. He whined for a few minutes, but upon realising Matt was not due to return anytime soon, he quieted, though remained at his guard of the door.
“Dumb dog.” Jason muttered on his way through to the bedroom.
It was over two hours later when Jason was awoken from an unintentional nap by his phone vibrating very close to his face. He cracked open an eye and quickly closed it again at the bright assault from his screen. A minute later, it buzzed for a second time as a reminder for the unread notification.
Jason resigned himself to properly checking it this time, and smiled when he saw the first line of a message from Matt.
Love you baby, don’t forget that
Jason smirked. Matt was such a softie. He made the effort to sit up on the bed and open the message, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The rest of the message popped up and Jason pursed his lips.
Love you baby, don’t forget that
you need to walk Snowball.
Jason typed out a message back.
Fuck off.
Not a minute later, and Matt responded with his own message, followed by a string of heart-eye emoticon faces.
Walk the dog, Jay. Love you, both.
Out of sheer pettiness, Jason chose not to respond.
In the living room, the stupid dog was still waiting by the front door. As Jason walked in, Snowball’s head perked up, and he watched him move around the room, remaining in his position by the door.
“Apparently,” Jason said, rooting around in the pile of laundry on their chair for a sweater, “you need to be walked.”
The dog jumped to his feet and began pacing in front of the door. Jason pulled the sweater over his head.
“You know what that means?” He asked.
Snowball whined.
“Walk?” Jason said, and the dog scratched at the door. “Huh. Didn’t know you could understand me.” He pulled on his scarf and coat. “Mattie got you a leash. Where does he keep it?”
The question wasn’t necessarily posed a the dog, just a rhetorical one aimed at the air, but when Jason began wandering around their kitchen, looking for the leash, Snowball made a beeline for the cabinet under their sink. He butted his head against the cabinet door, crying.
The leash, was in the bottom of the cupboard, obviously having been thrown there by Matt after his walk early in the morning. Jason looked down at the fluff at his feet.
“Let’s get this over with.”
  The dog had pooped, and Jason was still mad he had had to pick it up, but aside from the trauma of that, and the fact that it was colder than a witch’s tit outside, the walk had gone without issue. To himself, Jason had to admit, he hadn’t actually hated walking Snowball. He had ended up being stopped on four separate occasions during their small excursion, simply because people wanted to pet Snowball. When they told Jason how cute the puppy was and how well behaved he was, he had felt a sense of pride that he had no right to.
Maybe, Jason had enjoyed it a little bit. But that was just because he was an attention whore.
He told Matt it was awful and he hated every second of it.
But he walked Snowball again the next day when Matt asked.
And the next day, when he asked.
And the next day when he didn’t ask.
And the next.
And the one after that.
Until it was Matt’s day off from his daytime job, and somehow they ended up walking him together.
“So, I was thinking we could maybe order take out and snuggle?” Matt said, pulling slightly on he and Jason’s linked arms as they walked. “I know it’s not super Christmassy, but-,”
“No, that sounds lovely.” Jason smiled. “I mean, it’s just another day, really? Christmas is just for the kids. That’s what my dad used to say.”
Matt pulled a little at Snowball’s leash as the puppy strayed too close to the roadside. “I guess. But I still want to go see the Christmas lights tonight.”
“Are we bringing the dog? It might be too long for him to walk. We’ll have to carry him.”
“Uh,” Matt gave him a peculiar look, “I assumed you’d want to leave him at home?”
Jason bristled. “Well, obviously. I just thought that you’d want to bring him. And I can’t be bothered with arguing.”
“Okay.” Matt smirked. “Well, we don’t have to bring him.”
“No, no.” Jason said, looking down as the dog trotted by his feet. “We’ll bring him if you insist.”
“Well, I wasn’t insisting, but okay.” Matt made to turn a corner and go down a side street, but Jason put a hand on his arm.
“No, Snowball likes going this way better.” He said, pulling him across the road.
Smiling, Matt followed him. “Okay, then. If you insist.”
  They went to the Christmas market to look at the lights, and half an hour in, Snowball began lagging behind them. Matt picked him up and put him inside his jacket and within ten minutes he was sound asleep against his chest.
“How big do you think he’ll get?” Jason asked. “You think you’ll be able to carry him in your coat for much longer?”
“He’s got kinda small paws.”
“Like, if puppies have big paws they say they’ll be big dogs, but he has small paws.”
Jason slowed their walk as something on a stall caught his eye. “I hope he stays small.”
“Why? You gonna get a handbag to put him in?” Matt laughed.
The little stall next to them held Jason’s attention enough that he didn’t respond to Matt. A young woman behind the small craft table her wares were displayed on, waved, and Jason walked over. Matt trailed behind him, and amused smirk on his face once he realised what the lady was selling. He brushed a gloved hand over Snowball’s fur and whispered in his fluffy ear. “Your Dada’s going soft.”
“Hi.” The woman said. “How’s it going?”
“Good.” Jason replied, distractedly, looking over the various things on the table.
“I’m Adore. Everything on the table is handmade by me, and all individually priced. All safe for your fur babies. ”
She looked at Matt, smiled, then spotted Snowball in his jacket and beamed. “Oh, cute!” Adore pointed to the dog. “Adorable. How old? And what’s their name? Oh! How long have you had them?”
Matt grinned. He stepped forward beside Jason and wrapped an arm around him. “Snowball.” He said and Adore squeaked. “He’s a few months old we think but not one hundred per cent sure. I found him in an alley.”
“Oh!” Adore looked heartbroken. “A rescue.” She perked herself up and smiled again. “But how wonderful he has his fur-ever home.”
Jason looked up at her. “Actually, he’s a temporary guest.”
“No he’s not.” Matt said.
“He would be if it were down to me.” Jason said.
Matt rolled his eyes. “Sure, Jan.”
Jason smacked his arm. “We best be going.” He nodded at Adore. “But, erm, you have cute stuff here, I guess.”
“Thank you.” Adore grinned. “Here.” She handed Jason a card. Taped to it was a tiny packet with two little biscuits in. “I make things custom, and I’m a just a pretty cool person. And those are puppy-safe treats.”
“Thanks.” Jason said. “Er, see you around.”
As they walked away, Adore called after them.
“Don’t forget! Puppies need presents off Santa, too! Unless you’re Jewish. But I make cool stuff for every religion! Call me!” She waved. “Bye Snowball. I love you!”
Matt turned to Jason. “I bet she’s so much fun to smoke with. We should invite her to New Years.”
“We don’t even know her.” Jason said, opening the little packet of dog treats.
“But I want to.”
“I kind of do, too.” He inspected one of the homemade biscuits, then held it close to Snowball’s face. “She had micro-braids, and somehow was pulling them off.”
Snowballs nose twitched, and he opened his eyes. He licked the treat once, then nipped it out of Jason’s hand, crunching it and dropping crumbs inside of Matt’s coat. He snuffled in the jacket, trying to vacuum up the dropped morsels.
“She must make good treats.” Matt said.
Jason nodded. “Yeah.” He glanced back over to Adore’s stall. “Hey, listen, you go on. I’ll meet you by the cheese stand. I, erm, I have to go do something.”
“Do what?”
“Nothing.” He snapped. “Just, something. I’ll be like five minutes.”
Matt watched, as Jason not so subtly took the long route around to Adore’s stall. Matt walked towards the cheese stand, speaking to Snowball under his breath. “Why Dada can’t just admit he likes you, is baffling to me.”
  On Christmas day, Matt kissed Jason awake at four am, wished him a ‘Merry Christmas’, and left to go to work. Snowball was still asleep when he left, and Matt chose not to tease Jason about the fact that the dog had slept all night curled into the space behind where Jason’s knees bent.
The day was long, and cold, and hard, but in the early afternoon Matt was all done for the day, and excited to get back home. He picked up food to share with Jason, and stopped at the corner store for a couple of bottles of cheap red wine for them to get drunk off of.
He struggled with his keys, but quickly got the door unlocked, and slowly opened it with the expectation that Snowball would be waiting on the other side. However, the dog did not, as he usually did, greet him by chirping at his feet until Matt showered him with attention. A part of Matt was a little disappointed in the lack of fuss made at his arrival home, until he caught sight of his boyfriend asleep on the couch with their dog on his chest.
Matt closed the door and put down his bags.
His family was fucking cute.
Jason opened his eyes and smiled sleepily at Matt. “Hey,” he held out his hands, “baby, come snuggle me. It’s Christmas.”
Snowball snored on Jason’s chest. Matt had to bite his lip. The dog was wearing a knitted Christmas sweater.
He walked over and sat himself on the floor in front of Jason, leaning up on his knees to kiss him slowly. “I love you.” He said. “Merry Christmas, Jay, I love you.”
“I love you, Mattie.”
Matt rubbed his nose against his cheek. “Where did the dog get a sweater from?”
Jason kissed him again, putting a hand on his cheek and rubbing Matt’s ear. “Mmm, I love you, baby.”
“Love you. Where did the dog get a sweater?”
Snowball, awoke, climbing over Jason to get to Matt. He shook and the sweater slipped to the side. Jason fixed it.
“You love him.” Matt teased, picking up Snowball. “You bought him a sweater because you love him.”
“I don’t love him.”
“You do.”
“I don’t. I just was concerned he’d be cold.”
“You love him. You love our dog.”
“Oh, yes.” Matt grinned. Snowball tired to lick at Jason’s cheek from his place in Matt’s arms. “He loves you and you love him, and that’s okay.”
Jason said nothing, and Matt took that as a victory.
“I love you.” Matt said. He put Snowball back on Jason’s lap and the dog curled up. “I fucking love you.”
“Yeah, well,” Jason blushed, “I love you, too.”
“And our puppy?”
Jason tugged at the tiny knitted sweater on the dog, and smiled. “Maybe a little.”
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mychameleonsix · 5 years
ILY Chapter 9
The drive home was silent. Sungjin wasn't saying anything, and I was thankful he didn't. I knew he wanted to ask me questions or at least try to comfort me, but no words can take away the ache my heart feels right now. Everything that just happened is all blurry to me. I don't know how I can recover from that. "What time's your flight later?" "Huh? Oh uh...eleven in the morning." "Where are you guys going again?" "Toronto." "It's for tour right?" "Yeah, second to the last leg." "It's already three in the morning, make sure to get some rest when you get back. Thank you for driving me home Sungjin." "It's fine, no need to thank me. I know Jae wouldn't like it if you had to take a cab at this hour." "Still! I know you're tired too; you could be sleeping by now." "I'm okay, don't worry. You, however, are you okay? I know it's a stupid question but..." He said giving me a quick side glance. "I don't know how to answer that question, Sungjin." We fell silent again but Sungjin was fidgeting in his seat. He keeps on looking at me every few seconds, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. "Just spit it out Sungjin." I finally asked. "You do know it was Jae's birthday yesterday, right?" And I swear, in that moment, I felt everything stop. That single question felt like some car honked at me, jolting me awake. It felt like something hit me and put me back into my senses. Fuck. It was Jae's birthday yesterday. That's why he was so mad about me missing the concert altogether. Heck, I bet he isn't pissed that I missed that. It was because I forgot his birthday. Well shit. "Oh my God." "You forgot didn't you?" "I knew there was something off yesterday. God, I'm so stupid! I mean I knew it was his birthday soon, but I was too busy I forgot it was the same day as your concert." "He was sulking the entire concert. I mean he's his usual self on stage but, you know, from our viewpoint he was really down." "How can I forget that it was his birthday yesterday? Gaah, Sungjin help!" I said looking at him frantically "You were busy, it happens. Don't worry too much; just apologize, I guess? Wait for him to cool down or something?" "When are you coming back from Toronto?" "We're not just going to Toronto though, the entire North America and South American tour will last two weeks. Then we'll probably get an extra five days off right after. So, I don't know, we'll get back after three weeks?" "That's so long! I need to make it up to him soon! I can't wait three weeks Sungjin" "Good luck with that. He loves you Ri, he won't be able to resist you for a long time. Anyway, we're here!" He said parking the car in front of my house. "Thanks Sungjin, get some rest okay? And can you make sure Jae's okay too?" I said as I opened the door, about to get off. "I will." "Text me when you get home." I said as I closed the door and headed inside. *** "So wait, you're going where?" Soohyun asked as she followed me inside my room. "Toronto." "Are you crazy?" "Probably, but I need to do this." "Can't you wait three weeks until they get back?" "I can but I don't want to wait three more weeks. Also, I can go back home to visit mom and dad while I'm already there. Hitting two birds with one stone, ya know?" I said as I pushed her aside to get to my cabinet. "You've really lost it. You're so whipped Ri." She said putting her hands up in defeat, finally giving up reasoning with me. "Soohyun, can you not? I'm tired, I don't have any sleep yet, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I'm all doing this on a whim, just please help me fold my clothes." I said handing her shirts and pants. "You have your ticket already?" "Yup, I booked the next flight available. I called Brian earlier and asked him for their flight details." "How'd you get out of your duties at the hospital though?" "I told them there's an emergency back home and I need to go. I'll be gone a week, they can handle post-op by themselves. Besides, Pat's here anyway." "What time's your flight then?" "Uhh, 13:20" "So you're not on the same flight as them?" "Nah, their flight leaves at 11, so you better hurry up with the folding. If I wanna catch up with them and see Jae at the airport I need to leave by seven." I said going in the bathroom getting my toiletries. "Did you tell mom you're going?" "I literally made this decision an hour ago, d'you really think I have the time to call our parents?" "Touché." "Alright, all set! Did I forget anything? I need to leave now." "Passport? Ticket? Your logical reasoning? Cause I think you lost yours when you decided to do this crazy idea." "Shut up. Okay I'm leaving. See you in a week." I left in a cab, luggage in hand, and a whole lot of hope and courage that things will go well today. If I miss Jae before they leave, then I'll just have to catch up with them in Toronto. But nonetheless, I need to fix things with him before I lose him again. We were both at faults the last time; he left when things got a bit tough, and I let him. I won't let history repeat itself, I'm never letting Jae go ever again. * Jae's Pov * "Ready to go boys?" Our manager said, coming into the living room, luggage occupying the entire space. "Brian hyung's just in the bathroom peeing, he said we could go ahead." Wonpil said dragging his suitcase out of his room. Dowoon and Sungjin was already by the door, helping our other manager carry the bags into the van. It's only 7:30 in the morning, I barely had time to sleep last night, and now we're on our way to the airport. I followed Sungjin out and placed my luggage in the trunk and got seated in the very far back of the van. I'm not really in the mood to interact with anyone today. The rest of the boys piled in one after the other a few minutes later, sleep still evident in their eyes. We're all wrapped in jackets and masks, ready to brave another long flight. I can't wait to sleep on the plane; I'm ready to leave my problems here and just face them next time. Last night's fight with Riley took a toll on me. We both said things we didn't mean, I know, but it still hurts. How can she forget my birthday? I get it, she's busy I understand that, but how hard was it to at least update me on her whereabouts. And to at least send me a happy birthday text. Am I in the wrong here? Was I too way out of line with my arguments last night? "A little bit, hyung." I looked over at whose voice it was and saw that Dowoon was beside me. Didn't realize he sat down in the seat next to me. Wait, did I just said that out loud? "Yes hyung, you've been mumbling the whole time. We can all hear you." Dowoon said. "I hate to break it to you, hyung, but your arguments are kinda out of line last night." Wonpil said. "Aren't y'all supposed to be on my side?" I said. "We are, that's why we want to help you understand things from an outsider's perspective." Sungjin said turning in his seat to face me. "Oh please, do tell." I said kinda amused, curious at how their reasoning's gonna go. "Well, first of all, getting upset that Riley missed your birthday was totally acceptable. I understand you with that..." Brian started. "Thank you." I said. "I'm not finished. However, you were claiming that she didn't have enough time for you and that she's prioritizing her career over you, that was a out way out of line for me. We can all see how hard Riley's trying. You, out of all people, should know that." Brian said, Wonpil and Sungjin nodding their heads. "But that's how I'm feeling lately. It's as if she's not even trying to see me. Are you saying I'm not allowed to even feel upset over that?" "No of course not, your feelings are valid hyung. But what we're trying to say here is that maybe you're not seeing things in a bigger picture. Just like what Riley said last night, you're already successful. You've reached your dreams, so technically you don't need to prove anything to anyone. She on the other hand, is still studying; trying to make it big in her field. So of course between the both of you, she'll have less time to exert effort and do things for you." "Exactly. I mean we've seen Riley's fair share of exerting effort. Have you forgotten the times she spends her lunch breaks in the studio with us; bringing us lunch because we're too busy to eat? You do realize that her hospital's in the other side of town. The mere fact that she chooses to spend her lunch with you, with us, instead of taking naps in between her surgeries, is a big effort in itself." Sungjin said. "Okay, fair point. But still doesn't change the fact that she forgot my birthday and missed our concert when she promised she'd go." I said crossing my arms, as I looked out the window. "Then you should've stuck with that argument and let her explain and apologize." Wonpil said reaching out to me from his seat and slapped my hands. "Alright, I'll talk to her when we get back from tour. It'll give us both some time to think things through. We both said things, I need to process everything first. Can we drop it now please, I'm tired." I said before I closed my eyes and turned away from them. They didn't say anything anymore and went about with their own things. The rest of the drive to the airport was quiet, nobody was talking and it was peaceful for a while. When we reached the airport, there are a handful fans waiting for us so of course we had to at least smile and look okay for them. Good thing we're wearing masks, and I was wearing sunglasses. Or else my airport photos would show the bags under my eyes and how red and puffy they are. After we got our luggages checked in and went through immigration, we went inside the lounge to wait for boarding. Wonpil sat beside me, Dowoon and Brian across from us, while Sungjin went with our manager to buy food. "I got you chicken wings, Jae." Our manager said handing me the bag. "Thank you hyung." "So are you really not going to tell her goodbye or something?" Sungjin asked as he sat down beside me and started eating his sandwich. "Really, Sungjin? You're at it again?" "I'm just curious." "I'll just call her before the plane leaves, tell her I'll talk to her when I get back. Happy now?" "Are you guys done eating? We should move closer to our gate now, come on." Our manager said as he stood up to gather us. We followed suit and walked along with our other staff to where our gate was. Brian was standing beside me, a hand on my shoulder; while he was texting on the other. He's been texting someone since we got to the airport. Probably Ken. "Jae!" A voice said. It sounded very familiar but I'm not so sure. It's probably some fan calling my attention. "Jae!" The voice said again. I'm still not looking and just continued walking. It's just our fans, I'm sure of it. "Ya Park Jaehyung!" I stopped dead in my tracks, Brian and the others stopping with me. That voice sounds a whole lot like Riley's. I removed my sunglasses and slowly turned sideways to check where the voice was coming from, scanning the room, frantic to know who it was. I kept on turning, checking everywhere, until my eyes landed on her. Glasses pushed back up in her hair, some yellow hoodie from our high school, and a worn out ripped jeans but she stood out the most in the sea of people. She smiled at me and started walking slowly towards me. Scratch that, she was running. But the way I see it, everything's happening in slow motion. It's like we're filming an airport scene in a cheesy romantic comedy. In fact, I think we're in one. She ran up to me, jumped, and wrapped her hands around my neck, her legs on my waist. I was taken aback by the sudden movement, I almost lost my balance. She was hugging me tightly, it's starting to get harder to breathe. "What are you doing here?" I whispered to her. "Shh, let's just stay like this for a few more seconds." She said in my ear as she kissed my cheeks. I turned around and saw that Brian and Sungjin was grinning like complete idiots, while the rest of my members and staff had smirks on their faces. They knew she was coming. "Ri, come on get down. People are staring." "Let them, I don't care." She said, her grip getting tighter. "What's this all about, why are you here?" "Why are you gonna push me away again?" She said breaking away to look at me. "Well no, but seriously, what are you doing here?" I said as I put her down on her feet. Riley grabbed my face and pulled it closer to hers as she tiptoed to match my height. She kissed the tip of my nose and pinched my cheeks. "Belated Happy Birthday you big dummy. I'm sorry I forgot." Riley said smiling at me. "Thank you." "Also...surprise! I'm going with y'all to Toronto. Well sort of, I'll just be on the next flight." She said as she got her boarding pass from her pocket and showed it to me. "What? How?" I said shocked. "Zero sleep, hungry, stressed, mix that with a very clouded mind Riley plus my impulsivity equals an out of the blue decision to skip work, and follow y'all on tour for a week." "You're going with us for a week?" I'm still surprised at this sudden change of plans but I'm sort of happy now. "Well yes and no. I'll be with you for the Toronto and Minneapolis stops but I'll head home to LA for the last 2 days. I'm already in the US, might as well visit the parents." "Who's idea was this?" I said smirking down at her. "Mine! I told you, I decided this entire trip on a whim. About an hour after Sungjin dropped me off this morning, I called Brian to get your flight details, got my laptop, booked my tickets, packed my bags, and voila...I'm here! I haven't slept, haven't eaten, but I felt I had to do this or else I might lose you again. And I don't want that now do I?" "You're crazy you know that?" "Oh trust me, Soohyun made that very very very clear as she helped me pack my bags. I think this is crazy too, but what the heck right?" She said grinning at me like the complete idiot that she is. "What time's your flight?" "In three hours." She said as she glanced at the watch she's wearing. "What are you gonna do here for three more hours?" "I don't know, sleep? Or eat, I don't know." "Jae come on, we need to go to the gate." Our manager said, interrupting us. "I'll walk with you guys, I have time to spare." She said as she locked her fingers in mine and dragged me along with her as we caught up with the others. "I'm sorry." I said blurting it out, scared I might chicken if I don't say it now. "I'm sorry too, for forgetting your birthday, and missing the concert; and for everything. God, I was too occupied with the surgery that your birthday slipped my mind entirely. I know it's not an excuse, so I'm really sorry about that. Also I should've made sure someone told you I couldn't make it last night, but again, I was too busy and stressed I forgot to update you. That was irresponsible of me. And about the fact that I'm making you feel like I don't want you or that I don't have enough..." She said in a haste, talking so fast I'm barely keeping up with every word. "Riley, it's fine. I've thought things through and I know I was a bit overboard last night. I'm sorry too." "No no, I understand what you mean, and I get it. I get how you would feel that way, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you aren't a priority. You are, Jae, always have been." She said as we reached the boarding gate, and sat down on the benches, away from the crowd. Boarding isn't until 10:45 anyway, we have time. "Shhh, no, I understand your situation I really do. I'm not supposed to be a hindrance to your dreams, instead I should support you every step of the way. I'm your best friend for a reason, Riley; and you’re my girlfriend, all the more I should support you. If I won't then who else will?" "I love you, Jae, so so much. Thank you." She said crying into my arms. "I love you too Ri-bear. I'm really sorry I made you cry last night, and today." I said pulling away from her to wipe the tears in her eyes. "God, I'm so tired Jae. I can't feel my legs and I think I'm about to pass out any minute. But seeing you smile again made it all worth it." She said as she ran her hands through my hair, fixing the stray hair falling in my eyes. "Get some sleep on the plane, okay?" "I will, looking forward to it already." "How was your surgery yesterday?" "Successful as always, but let's not talk about the hospital for the time being. So tell me about the concert last night, how was it?" She asked. "Good, can't wait for you to see us live in Toronto. And you'll get to meet Bri's parents too." We have yet to settle our issues with each other, but that's for another time. Right now, what matters is that we made up, and we're together. Riley and I's entire relationship has always been like this, bickering and fighting. But at the end of the day, we apologize for our mistakes and acknowledge our faults. Maybe that's why I fell for her too. She's so strong and brave she's not afraid of showing her humility and lack of pride at times like this. It makes me adore her vulnerability and meekness, which I think, are the best part of her personality.
The boys and I boarded the plane last, not wanting to leave Ri behind just yet. But she pushed me, telling me to go and that she’ll just see me in Toronto. I left home this morning feeling like the world  was against me, my heart heavy, full of worries and doubts. But now, a few hours later, I’m leaving for tour with a smile on my face knowing that I’ll get to spend it with Riley. And I wouldn’t want it any other way
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kee-writestrashh · 5 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events…
Chapter 28: The Iron Bank
Ramsay entered the living room looking irritated. He stopped at the end of the couch, folding his arms and giving you a rather dangerous look.
You set your book down and offered an innocent smile.
"Why the fuck have you been up since fucking five o'clock?" He demanded, raising a brow and narrowing his eyes.
You sighed, "Well, first, I had to pee. Seems to be becoming a constant thing. Then out of nowhere my nose started bleeding and I thought I was going to bleed out. It was an absolute nightmare. Then I just couldn't get comfortable and didn't want my tossing and turning to wake you. So I came in here to lay down and fell asleep for awhile. Then I woke up feeling worse. I have a terrible headache and my fucking hips hurt. I'm afraid to take anything. So anyways, I thought maybe I could go through my book collection and find a book to start reading the baby in a couple weeks. What do you think, The Outsiders or To Kill a Mockingbird?"
Ramsay ran his hand over his face, shook his head slightly, and walked towards the kitchen.
"Stay gold, Ponyboy." He mumbled, walking past you.
You grinned slightly, sitting up and stiffling a yawn. You slowly rose from the couch, the cold floor uncomfortable on your bare feet.
"I'm sorry I didn't stay in bed. I know you don't like it." You said gently, wrapping your arms around your husband and resting your forehead on his warm, bare back.
He grunted, and continued to make coffee.
"You are just so lively this morning." You giggled, stepping away from him. "You good? You never sleep this late." You added, glancing at the clock to see it was almost 9.
He shrugged, lighting a cigarette, and stepping out the back door.
You frowned, watching him leave.
Something has definitely gotten under his skin. You thought.
Or maybe he had just worn himself out. You were exhausted. There was never a moments peace anymore. Not that you didn't do it to yourself. What were you thinking, cramming your day so full?
You rolled your shoulders and walked to the bedroom, opening your closet. You peeked around the door to look out the window. A bright, cloudless morning.
You pulled a sweater from its hanger and found your favorite pair of leggings.
You met your parents outside the diner. And there was baby Eli. But, he wasn't such a baby anymore.
"Wow. You've grown up." You said, looking up at him.
His green eyes were hard. His jaw ticking. Of course you had seen his pictures on Facebook yet they didn't really do him justice. He was no longer the braceface, freckled youth you had once known. He was tall, built, and looked unyielding.
"That's what happens." He replied, a slight edge in his voice.
You sighed, heart sinking. You hoped he wasn't still mad at you. But you knew better.
You hitched your smile, "Eli, my husband, Ramsay. Ramsay, little brother, Eli."
Ramsay eyed him carefully as he shook your brother's hand.
"Pleasure." Ramsay said, dropping Eli's hand.
"That it is." Eli replied, also sizing Ramsay up.
"Food then? I'm starving." You said quickly.
Your mother did most of the talking through brunch. She was ecstatic about having two of her three children together.
"How long have you been in town?" Ramsay asked your brother.
"We only just got in night before last." Eli shrugged.
He had seemed to soften a bit through the course of the last hour.
"Well then, let's go out tonight. Bring a couple buddies and we will show you the nightlife." Ramsay said, tearing his straw wrapper into a pile of even pieces.
You shot your husband a quick look but said nothing.
Eli hesitated.
"I promise you'll still be alive in the morning." Ramsay chuckled.
"Guess it couldn't hurt. I'd like to get to know my sister again, and the man she's married to." Eli finally said.
Poor little brother.
"So anyways, dad, your heart. What's up?" You said, ready to change the subject.
Your father heaved a deep sigh, "they wanna go through with the surgery."
"Well, it won't be so bad. I'm sure Whit can find someone to help out with the animals until you're back up and running." You said, giving a smile.
"Well, it's not cheap. Having to hire a paid hand. The surgery itself. Insurance will fight us tooth and nail." Your father said with a defeated air.
You watched him, a throb stinging your heart. No, your parents didn't exactly hurt for money, but keeping a farm took just as much money as they made.
"Dad, don't worry about it. Give me a number and I will make it happen." You said, reaching across the table for his hand.
You felt the eyes of your mother and brother on you.
"No, no. I have a few horses that will bring in more than enough money. And we can..."
"No." You cut across him, "You aren't selling anything. You'd never forgive yourself if you sold Joe and Mac. Give me a number and it will be done two times."
"Baby, we couldn't ask you to do something like that." Your mother spoke up.
You made an impatient noise. Stubborn, hard working country folk.
"Mom, stop. You're taking the money whether you like it or not. My father in law owns one of the largest businesses in the world. We can afford it, I promise."
The note if finality in your voice kept anyone from saying anything else on the matter.
You glanced over at Ramsay who had been oddly quiet. His eyes were glued to the television across the room.
You followed his gaze.
A news reporter was interviewing a man who you didn't recognize, but you did recognize the name at the bottom of the screen:
Jon "White Wolf" Snow
You brought your eyes back to Ramsay, who sat rigid in his seat, fist balled on the table, eyes looking daggers at the TV, jaw clenched so tight it was amazing he hadn't broken all his teeth.
You cleared your throat, turning back to your family.
"Well, this has been wonderful, but I know we need to let you get back on the road."
Your father glanced at his watch, "yeah, got animals to take care of."
You had to stamp on Ramsay's foot to bring him back to the present.
"Hm?" He hummed, slowly bringing his face to yours.
"Parents. They need to leave." You said, giving them a glance.
"Right. Of course." Ramsay said, standing and helping you from your chair. He shrugged into his jacket, pulled his wallet out, dropped a crisp $100 on the table, and offered his arm to you.
You hugged your parents warmly as they climbed into their car.
"Be safe, please. Call if you need anything. Money will be in the bank tomorrow morning. I love you guys." You said, giving a small wave at them.
"Of course baby. We love you too!" Your mother said, waving back and rolling up her window.
You stood between Ramsay and your brother watching your parents leave. When they had disappeared into traffic you turned to Eli.
"Eight. My house. I'll send you the address." You said, hugging your brother for the first time in almost eight years.
"Seven." Ramsay said, shaking Eli's hand again.
"Seven?" You said, turning to Ramsay.
"Aye. Seven. Can't go play the game without a little warm up." Ramsay said with a small shrug, opening your door for you.
"Alright. Seven it is." Eli said with a nod.
"You okay?" You asked, pushing the back of your earring into place, walking into the living room.
Ramsay was sprawled out on the couch, arm over his face.
"Yes, doll." He said, slightly annoyed.
You'd already asked him the same question probably 6 times since returning home.
You sighed, "Jon Snow?"
Ramsay sat up so quickly it frightened you.
"Do not ever speak that fucking bastard's name in my goddamn house." He growled.
The acid in his tone scaring you. You felt your eyes widen in fear and gave a small nod.
"I... uh... I have to go meet the Tyrell girl now." You said quietly, dropping your eyes to the floor and walking to the front door, pulling your purse from the table beside the door and fumbling with your keys.
"Baby girl, come here." Ramsay said, standing.
You slowly turned to face him, biting your lip, walking back across the room.
He grabbed your wrist once you were within reach and pulled you into him.
You stared at the buttons on his shirt, inhaling a calming breath through your nose.
He cupped your chin and brought your face to his. You didn't meet his gaze.
"Look at me." He whispered.
You swallowed, bringing your eyes to his.
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and ran his thumb along your bottom lip.
"I shouldn't have yelled at you." He stated, placing his lips to yours.
"I'm sorry I made you mad." You said quietly, kissing him back.
"It doesn't matter. It will all be taken care of soon." He said, releasing you. "What do you hope to achieve in this meeting?"
You shrugged, "she seems like a talker. Maybe I can worm something useful out of her."
"See that you do. You need to let me send one of the Boys."
"No. I said I would be alone. That means no Boys allowed." You smirked. "I have my girls. It will be okay. I trust them."
"You shouldn't trust anyone." He said, crossing his arms.
"I trust you." You replied.
"I don't even trust me." He said.
"Point exactly." You smiled.
He chuckled and walked you to the door.
"If you're not back by five thirty, I am coming to collect you." He said, kissing your temple as you stepped out the door.
"Of course, baby. I love you." You said, giving him a fleeting kiss on the cheek.
"Love you too, baby girl." He said, closing the door.
You dropped your keys on the counter and took a seat across from Tyene, holding your hand out to her.
"Didn't Bella just fix this nail?" Tyene asked, pulling her acrylic box from a drawer.
"I have a habit of biting this one, apparently." You said, giving an innocent shrug.
"So, what's up?" Tyene asked, taking your hand in hers.
"Oh, you know. The usual. Margaery Tyrell is meeting me here in thirty." You said.
Tyene raised a brow, looking up from your hand. "Why?"
"Rams reckons she can be useful. Not sure what he's looking for, but told me to get friendly with her."
"Be careful around those roses. They are all full of thorns." Oberyn Martell said, sitting in the empty chair beside you.
"Didn't expect you to be here." You said, offering him a smile.
"Ah, but nowhere I would rather be than with my lover and beautiful daughters." He said brightly.
You smiled. You really liked this family.
"Is your husband busy?" He added.
You shook your head, "I don't think so."  
"Well, I have word from my brother and would much like to relay the message to the young Bolton."
"He was at home when I left. He didn't say anything about leaving."
Oberyn nodded, rising from his chair.
He rested his hand on your shoulder, "You are a beautiful mother to be. Children are precious gifts. Never forget that."
You regarded him and gave a smile, "Thank you."
He disappeared into the back as the door chimed behind you. You looked up at Tyene, but she shook her head and continued working on your nail.
"Anything new?" You asked.
"Lannister's are recruiting men like crazy. Losing the Baratheon's was a big blow to them. And, if it is okay with you, we will be unavialble for a few days after tomorrow." Tyene said, sounding unsure about the last part.
"Of course, what's up?" You nodded.
"Papa wants us all to take a few days to go home and be a whole family again."
"Yeah, no problem. Not at all. After today I plan on doing nothing but laying in bed and sleeping. I am beyond tired. I've been doing waaaay too much since Christmas." You said, the idea of laying in bed for days so very inviting.
Tyene gave a grin, "Thank you."
"No need. It is I who should thank you. Finding you all has been a real life saver." You said earnestly.
You relaxed into the chair, closing your eyes listening to Tyene gush about Matt. It was almost too cute.
Finally she led you to the drying lamp, braiding your hair as you waited on the timer.
The bell chimed again.
"It's her." Tyene said quietly, under her breath, as she checked that your nail was dry.
You stood, turning to see Margaery Tyrell and her bright smile. Next to her was a very old and wrinkled woman. It must have been her grandmother. The legendary Queen of Thorns.
"(Y/n)! So good to see you again." Margaery said brightly, wasting no time in crossing the room and embracing you in a tight hug.
"Yeah. You too." You replied, hugging her back. It was weird and it left you flustered.
Of course it did. It was a game. Everything was always a fucking game. But you were a master at games thanks to Ramsay. She wasn't going to throw you off.
"This is my grandmother, Olenna." Margaery said when she stepped away from you.
"A pleasure, ma'am." You said, inclining your head slightly.
"Let's get to it than, shall we, Bolton?" Olenna said, sitting in the nearest seat.
Everyone always said your last name in such distaste. But you guessed you understood.
"Yes ma'am. Let's." You said, pulling up a chair to sit across from the old woman and her granddaughter.
"Why did you invite us here?" The old woman asked with a haughty sniff.
"I won't beat around the bush here. Why are you marrying that idiot?" You said, turning your attention to Margaery.
Margaery's smile faltered slightly and the sparkle in her eyes dimmed slightly. You felt a swoop of pity for her.
"Family. Security." Margaery said, forcing her smile back into place.
"You poor girl. You're just being used to gain financial wealth." You tutted, anger surfacing as you turned your gaze to Olenna. "And you're just going to let this happen? Let your beautiful, intelligent granddaughter marry that... that monster?"
"I'm not sure you're qualified to call anyone a monster after what you are married to." Olenna said, her grip on her cane becoming tighter.
A laugh escaped you, "my husband may be many things but he is not a monster."
"No? What is he then? Do you know half the things he is accused of? Do we even want to know the things he does to you?"
"Yes. My husband is blood thirsty and ruthless, I will not try to deny it. He is wonderful to me. People cower at the name Bolton. Why? Because we take what is ours by force. We are not fucking pussies. We don't try to buy our wealth by marrying off our family members to someone who will destroy them. Now tell me, what do you gain by marrying Margaery to that little blonde shit?" You said, fighting to keep ylur voice even.
Olenna smirked, "my my. You are a fierce little thing. A true Bolton if there ever was one." She paused, heaving a sigh, "I do not like the idea anymore than Margaery, but we must do as we are told. I have no control over what my son does or does not do with the buisness. But if you think I will let my little rose marry that monster, you are much mistaken."
You leaned back in your chair, appraising the two women before you.
"When is the wedding?"
"March first." Margaery spoke up.
You stood, "and a beautiful bride you shall be. If the roses need assistance in anything just remember we bathe in the blood of our flayed enemies."
Both women nodded, standing and leaving without another word.
Once they were gone you turned to Tyene and Obella, "I want someone on both of them. I want to know what the old crone is up to. And find me Sansa Stark. And let me know as soon as Theon Greyjoy is spotted back in this wonderful city. Enjoy vacation." You said, pulling a wad of cash from your pocket and exchanging it for your keys on the counter.
"So, are they going to do it before or after?" You asked, looking up at your husband from your seated position on the floor as he ran his hands over your shoulders.
"Don't know. We need more information on them." He said, rubbing light circles into your tired muscles as the doorbell rang.
You groaned in protest, pushing yourself up off the floor to answer the door.
Alyn, Damon, and Charlotte.
"(Y/n)." Damon nodded, stepping in as you stood back to let them pass.
"Um, I guess I'll go dress now. What am I wearing?" You said, closing the door and turning to your husband.
"Casual is fine for where we are going. But it will be hot, remember that." Ramsay said, running his eyes over you.
You nodded and crossed the room to the hallway.
You chose a simple grey dress that hugged you in all the right places.
You frowned, deciding there was no way you could wear strappy heels today. That left boots or flats of some sort. If only your husband wasn't acting like a douche and would tell you where the hell you were going.
You opted for gladiator sandals, as they matched better.
You heard the doorbell ring again, and fought a tiny, yet deadly internal battle with yourself about leaving Eli and his pals alone with Ramsay and his Boys, while you finished your makeup and hair. You said a small prayer of mercy for the young ones.
You had finished pinning your hair into place when Ramsay appeared in the doorway, cheeks a bit rosy, and a smirk on his face.
"You know, every time you have ever worn that dress at least one man has died."
You pursed your lips, turning to face him. "No killing tonight."
He held his hands up in mock surrender, "I don't make promises baby girl. Ready?"
You stepped into your husband, fixing his collar, and smoothing out his rolled sleeves.
"Is this going to be an all night thing?" You asked, unbuttoning one more button on his shirt, and sliding your ID in his breast pocket with his cigarettes and lighter.
"Depends on if the babies can hang." He shrugged, grabbing your ass and pulling you into him, kissing across your jaw.
"Let's go." You hissed, pushing him slightly.
He laced his fingers in yours and led you back into the living room.
Alyn had the room rolling in laughter when you entered. Eli rose from the sofa and hugged you. At least he was a happy drunk. Unfortunately also a lightweight.
"Sis, this is Wilson," he pointed to the man to his left, "and Kilpatrick." He pointed at the other man.
They both gave small waves. They too had to be no older than 22. So young, and yet so strange to see your brother so old. Not that being four years older than him made you that much older, but he would forever be 14 to you.
"Right boys, let's go fuck some shit up." Ramsay said, clapping his hands together and exchanging a wicked grin with Damon and Alyn.
"A strip club. Seriously?" You hissed as Ramsay helped you from the limo, "he's my baby brother."
Ramsay chuckled, "making up for the fact that I'm about to get hammered and probably fuck his sister for the whole world to see."
You opened your mouth, but found that embarrassment was blocking your airway.
Ramsay gave you a wink and led you inside.
It was loud, packed, and hot inside. People were having a hell of a time. It was weird to see a place like this so busy on a Thursday night.
"I don't want my brother with any of these woman." You protested, glancing at all the mostly naked women.
"They're all clean. Alyn makes sure they are tested regularly if that's what you're worried about." Ramsay said, tugging you along to an empty back corner table.
You sighed, glancing behind you to see your brother and his buddies already having drinks thrust at them, as well as tits.
Ramsay pulled you into his lap, running his fingers over the bare skin of your back.
Alyn brought over a tray of filled shot glasses and glanced around to find the rest of the party, stalking off to round them up.
Ramsay threw back two if the glasses, pulling you closer into him.
"I have a surprise for you, baby doll." He whispered, kissing along the back of your neck.
"Hm?" You asked, leaning further back into him.
"I can't tell you, or it won't be a surprise anymore." He murmured against your ear, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer still.
"I'll make you ruin these pants in you don't tell me." You countered, rubbing into him with your ass, as the rest of your group showed up.
Eli had a pretty brunette on his arm. She was dressed a bit more modestly. You weren't even sure she worked here.
"I'd make you run down your legs before you made me ruin my pants, baby girl." Ramsay chuckled, pushing his hips into you.
You would see about that.
Damon passed out the tray of shots, raising his own.
"Welcome to the city, boys!" He grinned, tipping his glass back.
You enjoyed the look of discomfort on Eli's face as the alcohol burned his throat.
They all put back multiple jello shots before finally getting pulled away from the table by women.
"Ah, ignorance is bliss. I give 'em an hour before it all hits 'em and I'm having to have them picked up off the ground." Alyn laughed, before leaving his seat.
Damon had led Charlotte over to a woman to dance with as he made off to find a drink.
"Now. What's my surprise?" You asked, turning around completely to face Ramsay, straddling him.
He ran his hand up your dress giving you that damn smirk to find you already wet.
"You'll just have to wait until Monday." He shrugged, running a finger over your wet folds.
"But Monday is so far from now, daddy. Can't I have just a tiny little hint?" You pouted, batting your lashes at him.
He shook his head, leaning forward to kiss you hungrily.
You kissed him back eagerly, grinding your hips against his to the music as your tongue explored his mouth.
His grip on your waist tightened as his other hand continued light movements against your folds.
You could feel your wetness escaping you. You were going to ruin this dress. But you would make your husband do the same. If you had to do the walk of shame, he was in it with you.
You took his bottom lip between your teeth, moaning as he finally slid his fingers inside you.
You arched your back, pushing into his hand, as he curled his fingers deep inside you, running his thumb across your sensitive spot.
You kissed along his jaw to his neck, worrying a rather sloppy hickey on him as you slid your hand down his pants and gripped him tightly, running your hand along him.
It was his turn to moan, as he canted his hips into you and aggressively put his lips on yours.
Your heart beat furiously in your chest and your body was warm and began to tingle. He wasn't going to stop. He was going to make you orgasm in this club, while your brother was around. It was an exciting thrill.
You leaned in to him, taking his ear between your teeth, "I want you, daddy. Fuck me please. I may die without feeling you. Make me scream."
You set the playing board. Who was going to lose first?
"Baby girl, you better slow down. We just got here. I haven't even taken you out to the floor to dance." He panted, pushing his hips into your hand as you gripped him tighter.
"What's my surprise?" You asked innocently.
Ramsay chuckled and kissed down your neck, to return the hickey you had given him.
You were quickly coming undone. And the bastard knew it as moved his fingers faster inside you, pushing and curling harder. He was breathing heavy against your ear that made you shiver and quake as the ache between your legs became over whelming. You had to have him inside you.
He always knew how to make you long for his cock instead of his hand. However he did it, he was a master at it. He could easily get you to cum with his hands and make it feel like heaven, but there was something he was capable of doing that sent desire washing over you, reminding you he could make you feel even better with his dick.
Maybe it wasn't what he did with his hands though, and how he canted his hips into you with you stroked his throbbing length. Gripping him as tight as you could, you could feel how hard he was, every throb, like it was begging to be inside you as you ran your thumb over the rather generous amount if precum collected at his tip.
"Fuck me, daddy." You panted, biting at his lip.
"If I fuck you now, I can't fuck you later." He panted back.
You ran your finger along the skin exposed under his shirt, wanting nothing more than to pull all the buttons free and run your nails over every taut muscle, every tattoo, every scar.
"Please?" You pouted.
Ramsay opened his mouth to speak, his most evil smirk in place when Alyn brought you crashing back to reality.
"Come on you two. You guys are worse than two horny teenagers in high school." Alyn chuckled, setting a cup down at the table.
Ramsay waved him away dismissively.
"Would if I could, Boss. But there's a man here wanting a word with you. Says it's important." Alyn said, crossing his arms and nodding across the room to an older gentleman you had never seen before.
Ramsay heaved an irritable sigh and nodded.
"I'll be over there in a minute."
Alyn nodded and left.
"Sorry baby." You said with a small pout and moan of protest as your husband pulled his fingers from you, and you removed your hand from his pants.
"Maybe it will be worth my while. If not, well, you're wearing the killing dress." He shrugged, sucking his fingers clean, sliding you from his lap, fixing himself in his pants, grabbing the cup of alcohol, and leaving you alone at the table.
You watched him cross the floor, tapping Charlotte on the shoulder and throwing his thumb back at you as he passed her and grabbing Damon by the elbow to go with him.
Charlotte came and sat beside you, "want a drink or something? They have water and soda."
"A carbonated drink of some sort would be fucking fantastic." You said, suddenly realizing how hot and thirsty you were.
Eli slid into the other seat beside you, a girl in his lap.
"Where's the husband?" He asked, smiling drunkenly at you.
You nodded across the room, watching Ramsay talk with his hands, Damon and the old man laughing.
"I like him. Seems like a good guy." Eli said, following your gaze.
Oh, if only he knew.
"He is very good to me. He makes me happy." You said, turning your gaze to your brother.
His face was flushed and he looked like he was having a good time; the girl in his lap toying with his hand.
"E, I want you to know that I'm sorry." You said, guilt filling you just as it had done at your parents when you were talking with your parents.
Eli shook his head, "No, (y/n). There's no need. I was hurt when you left. You hurt us all. But it wasn't until I left home that I understood. You would have drowned in that town. You were too good to be trapped at home. And when I saw you this morning, any anger I had at you just vanished. You're happy, and that makes me happy. You have a perfect little life."
You gave a feeble smile at your little brother as Charlotte set a cup down in front of you and resumed her seat.
"Thank you." You smiled at her.
"No problem sweetheart. Any idea who that man is?" She said, watching Damon and Ramsay.
"No idea." You shrugged, sipping your drink. "So how are you and Damon? We never really get to talk."
"Oh, we're good. Nothing overly exciting." She shrugged.
"Is he good to you?"
Charlotte nodded, "Oh yeah. Couldn't be better. Honest."
You weren't sure if she was lying or not, but she had stuck around longer than the last one. Maybe he did like her. She got up and left, as some woman asked her to dance. Maybe she enjoyed the company of women and that was why Damon kept her?
You turned back to Eli as his two friends came and sat at the table. They too were extremely flushed in the face and looked beyond trashed.
"So, how's the military life?" You asked, resting your elbow on the table.
"Shit." Kilpatrick said with a sage nod.
"It has its perks, but... almost not worth it." Eli shrugged.
"How long have you three been friends?" You asked, glancing between the three.
"Wilson and I have been battles since basic. We met Kilpatrick when we got stationed overseas." You brother said grinning at the two.
"Time to take them home." Ramsay said, resting his hand on your shoulder.
You glanced up at your husband, "everything okay?"
He gave a nod, "yep. But I'm ready to get home."
"Okay, baby." You said, standing.
"Y'all go on. We can call a cab. I'm a big boy now, sis. I don't need a babysitter anymore." Eli said, standing and giving you a tight hug. "Congratulations on the baby by the way."
"Thank you. I'm afraid for him or her, you being their uncle." You giggled, hugging him back. "You sure you boys will be okay?"
"Not our first rodeo." Wilson said, raising a glass at you.
You nodded, lacing your fingers in Ramsay's.
You didn't speak until you stepped out into the cold night air.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked, as the limo driver opened the door for you. "Who was that man?"
"Nothing is wrong. Have someone to find. That man, he is from the Iron Bank." Ramsay said sitting heavily beside you.
"Iron Bank?" You asked, furrowing your brows in question.
"Just like we all have the same code of honor, we deal with the same company to handle our money so it can't be tracked. The Bank is out of country and they see to us all. Big players like us, and smaller less organized families and groups. We pay them nicely to keep our millions safe and out of the eye of nosy people." Ramsay said, toying with the ring on your finger.
"So, what were they doing here?" You asked, staring out the window.
"When people don't pay them, things get ugly. They have their own group of assassin's to take out those who can't afford to pay back or double cross or whatever. But sometimes the people they need to put an end to aren't big enough to get their assassin's involved. So they come to a local family for help. I'm very good at what I do baby girl. So they've asked me to find said person and end him. He's gone into hiding, so I need to find him and bring him up to scratch."
"Who?" You asked, looking back at your husband.
"I'm not sure yet. The details will be sent to me shortly." He shrugged, lighting a cigarette.
"So, what's my surprise?" You prompted, hoping to catch him offguard into telling you.
"You'll find out Monday afternoon after your appointment." He smirked.
You rolled your eyes, crossed your arms, and let out a huffy sigh, falling back into the leather seat.
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fallen029 · 6 years
Parenthood: Sick and Tired
"Okay, boys," Laxus began as he walked back and forth in front of the living room couch, hands clasped behind his back. "What are the rules for when Mommy's sick?"
"Um," Pike, his youngest, hummed. "No eating things that aren't food."
Mace, his nephew (by marriage he might add), only blew his brown hair out of his eyes with a giggle. "That there are no rules!"
"Wrong," Laxus said, coming to a stop to stare at them. "There are definitely rules. And Pike, you don't eat things whether I'm in charge or Mira is. Or hell, even if the dog was in charge, you don't eat things! We've gone over this." Huffing, the man thought for a moment before saying, "Any other guesses?"
No. Not from those two. If he was going to be rude about it, then they didn't wanna play with him.
Nathan, however, the eldest of the three, only sat there on the other side of the couch, glaring at Laxus. He knew the rules of Mirajane being sick and knew them well.
The first and most important was, of course, that they weren't allowed to bother her. In the new house, that meant that they weren't even allowed to go into her room and wake her up. Short of one of them cutting their arms off or something, Mira was to be left alone so she could rest.
Nate hated that rule. A lot! How could Mirajane get better if he wasn't there nursing her back to health? If you asked Mirajane, she'd tell you that she very much so wanted her boys there, but mean ol' Laxus didn't see it that way. Something about how they'd only stress her more or some other stupid garb like that.
No one could make Mirajane feel as great as Nate could. No one.
She was his mother. And he was her favorite. No doubt about either of those. Mira needed him.
"No?" Laxus was still prompting. "No guesses? Alright, then I'll tell you. The one and only rule is that I am in charge. Which means no going to bother Mirajane or whining because I'm mean or-"
"Laxus, what are you doing? Because I know it's not bothering the children."
The man in question didn't even turn around as someone else entered the living room. Only growled.
"Gramps," he complained. "I'm talkin' to my boys right now, so if you would kindly-"
"When you were a boy," Makarov went on as all three boys, at the sound of his voice, jumped up to go use the man for protection, "I couldn't get you to behave for anything. Did you know, Nathan, that your father used to-"
"We brought you here for your own good," Laxus growled. "But you interrupting me is about to make it to your detriment."
"Laxus is being mean," Nathan told his grandfather who only patted him on the head. "We don't like him as much as Mommy."
"Don't call me by my first name, you brat," Laxus complained as Pike only wrapped his arms around Makarov with a giggle. "And you better stop undermining me, old man."
"I'm not undermining you," his grandfather defended. "At all. If Mirajane is sick, they shouldn't bother her. But they don't need you acting so rudely to them about it. And besides, if you really wanted to do your wife some good, you'd take them out of the house for a bit so she could truly get some peace and quiet."
Laxus blinked. Then he glared. "You don't think I was already planning that?"
No. But the man only hummed before patting each boy on the head and saying, "How about you go and get ready for the day, boys. You don't think you can go out in your nightclothes, do you?"
Considering the older two tried their hardest to take after their fathers and, even in the cold, only wore their underwear to bed (albeit theirs were covered in superheroes), they really couldn't. And Pike didn't want to get his doggy jammies dirty, after all.
It took some time for them all to get ready. Laxus had to change too, doing so as quietly as possible as he entered he and Mirajane's bedroom. She was in there, of course, with her faithful mutt sleeping at her side, and didn't stir in the slightest as he moved around. The boys were very busy as well, trying hard not to wake her up.
Except for that argument over the bathroom where Nate wanted to take a shower and Pike was trying to brush his teeth and Mace had to pee. That argument went on for a good ten minutes until Laxus came to break them the hell up. And shut the them the hell up as well.
Those three…
Laxus went to go wake Mirajane up before they left though, to inform her of what they were doing.
"I'm gonna go take the boys out to the market," he told her as she only blinked sleepily up at him. "Alright? And I set some juice on your nightstand. Right here. See?"
"I'm not five, Lax," she whispered, voice extremely hoarse. "Thank you though."
Nodding, he said, "We'll go out and get some stuff to make soup."
"You don't have to-"
"I do have to," he insisted. "And besides, I have to make them something for dinner anyways."
"I guess that's right."
"Gramps is still here," he added as he turned to head for the door. "In case you need anything."
Mirajane snuggled down into the bed with a sigh. "Like I would ever bother Master with-"
"I know," he said, grinning over at her. "But he made me say that."
"I won't be gone long," the man assured her. "And if the dog's bothering you-"
"Laxus, leave us alone." She shut her eyes once more as her mutt didn't move from his spot in, well, Laxus' spot. But really, it was his spot. He just let Laxus keep it warm sometimes. "And can you pick up some tea while you're out?"
"For you? Anything."
It wasn't hard for Mirajane to drift off after that. She did hear Makarov mucking around the place though and only wished she didn't have such a severe headache so that she could use her headphones to block the noise out. All of her ached, however, and the only relief was sleep.
The next time she awoke, some time had passed and she was just lying there, on her side, staring over at where Pike was standing, at the side of her bed.
"Hi," she whispered softly as he only stood there.
"What are you doing?"
"Waitin' for you to wake up," he told her. The boy had recently gotten a hair cut and, with it so short and spiky, it was taking an adjustment to getting used to. His hands were clasped behind his back and he almost looked nervous. Mira had no doubt that her husband had threatened them that if they got caught bothering her, they'd be in big trouble.
"Why, baby? Are you okay?"
He nodded before moving to hold something out to her. It was a card, from the looks of it, and with a groan Mirajane sat up to look at it.
"Wow," she complimented as Pike lost some of his anxiousness and bounced in place, clearly excited. "This is really...something, baby."
"Uh-huh." It definitely was. Reaching out, he pointed at the face of the card. "I wrote that."
"I can tell."
"I didn't even ask Nate or nothin' on how to spell it."
Considering it said 'Git Well Son' she wasn't too shocked by that admission.
"It's beautiful," she said.
"Open it!" Another bounce. "Mommy."
"I am," she told him with a slight grin. The dog had woken up then and only shifted in bed with a loud breath. He wasn't feeling well either, but that was more his usual pains than anything special. "Wow, Pike. Did you draw this, honey?"
"Uh-huh. All 'lone." He leaned over the side of the bed to stare at it with her. "You like it?"
"I love it. Is this me? And you? And there's daddy and Nate and Mace and… What is this, Pike?" Mirajane pointed to the stick figure that looked like it was standing on it's head, if not hovering a bit. "In black?"
"That's Bickslow," he said.
"Why's he upside down?"
"Why wouldn't he be?"
And then they both just stared at one another for a moment and, with a shake of her head, Mira gave in. Then they went through the other stick figures that were there, rounding out Pike's family with his Aunt Ever, Uncle Elf, and, of course, Freed. Not to mention Gramps and the mangy old mutt. For some reason, Pike had given Makarov yellow atop his head for his hair, which Mirajane found odd at first, but figured that the old man had probably instructed him to do so.
Sounded extremely likely.
"Pike," they heard someone yelling about then. It was Laxus. "Where are you?"
"Uh-oh." Pike patted his mommy's arm and blew his doggy a kiss before hightailing it outta there.
Mirajane only giggled though, spending another few moments staring at the card, before moving to set it up on her nightstand where it would remain for a few days until she finally put it in the drawer with all the boys other 'artworks.'
Just as quickly though, she was diving back under the covers as the shivers set in, and tried to sleep some more. It wasn't easy, however, and she mostly just laid around in bed miserably for a good hour before she must have passed out. That was the only explanation as the next time she opened her eyes, the sun was setting outside it seemed. What had woken her up though was still very much so standing at her bedside.
"Nate," she whispered. "What are you doing?"
"I's callin' your name," he told her with a grin, gripping a bowl of something in his hands. "Mommy."
"I noticed," she yawned.
"I's supposed to come in here and see if you were up," he went on before holding out the bowl. Mirajane could see some sort of clear soup in there. "If not, I's supposed to just come back later."
"Then why didn't you?" Mira asked.
"Because I love you. And mean ol' Laxus won't let me see you." Nate even gave her a pouting face then. "He's real- Hey! Pike gave you his card? That sneaker."
"Nathan, don't call your brother a...sneaker," Mirajane said, though she was smiling a bit. "Or call your father Laxus."
"You call him Laxus." He was shoving the bowl off on her then before reaching around in his shorts pockets for something. Mirajane only moved to set the bowl on the nightstand as well. "Here, Mommy. Mace and I made you stuff too. He went home already, but wanted me to give it to you when you got up."
Mace's was a nice, folded sheet of paper on which the boy had written her in cursive (it was his favorite way to write) about how much he loved her and that he wished she felt better. It was riddled with misspellings and illegible writing, but Mirajane grinned at it regardless.
"And this is mine," Nate said, moving to hand her a crumpled up piece of paper. The best for last, after all. "You like it?"
Nathan had just written (in very defined and careful lettering) 'GIT BETTER NOW' as well as drew a smiley face.
Maybe Nate had helped Pike with his card...
Grinning at her, he said, "You like mine best, right?"
"Nathan," she giggled even though it hurt her throat, head, and entire body. "I love them all equally."
Yeah. That's exactly what she said when she meant that she loved his the most. Trust him, he just knew.
"Try my soup," he suggested then. Mirajane noticed that the dog was gone and figured Laxus had gotten him up at some point to use the bathroom. Nathan wasted no time in clambering over her to claim the vacated spot with a grin. "I made it all alone."
"All alone?" Mirajane repeated. "Nathan?"
"Well… Yes. I did."
"Mmmm, let me try it, okay?" Mirajane moved to set her new pieces of 'art' next to Pike's card before picking up the bowl of soup once more. "No crackers?"
"Oh, yeah." More rustling around in his pocket before the boy produced a handful of crumpled saltines. "Here you go. Let me-"
"No, that's alright." Mirajane held the bowl higher when he tried to dump the crumbs (mixed in with lint and...was that half a posted note?) into her bowl. "It's great without them. Mmmm."
"You haven't tasted it yet."
"I can just smell."
Shrugging, Nate moved to shove the crackers (and other things) back into his pocket. "Is it as good as somethin' you'd make?"
"Mmmm," Mirajane hummed as she spooned some up. After forcibly swallowing, she said, "It's a bit salty."
"Yeah. I know!" He seemed really excited by that. "Stupid La- Daddy wouldn't let me put anymore in the pot. I know how much you like salt."
She frowned. "You do?"
"Uh-huh. You're always puttin' it in stuff. I figured I'd pour a whole bunch in your bowl when La- Daddy wasn't lookin'." Nate seemed proud of himself. "Did you need some more? I can go get-"
"No, no," she was quick to say. "And when is it that you've seen me put so much...salt on things, Nate?"
"You always put salt on stuff you're cookin'," he said. "Don't you?"
Sure. She also put a plethora of other seasonings. Not just so much of a single one. Ever. In her life.
"Of course," Mira lied with a grin. Nate was staring so expectantly at her that she had to suffer through another spoonful. "Mmmm. And so much salt on top of all this meat that your father put in here that was already salt enough no doubt is just...swell. Thank you, baby."
"You're welcome." Nate grinned. "Is it making you feel better?"
It was making her attention shift from her horrible headache to her forming stomachache, if that was what he meant.
"I can get you more," he said. "After you finish-"
"I said to come in here and give her the soup, you brat," they heard from the hall then as the bedroom door was opened. "Not come in here and-"
"Don't call him a brat, Laxus," Mirajane said with a frown over at her husband as he came into their bedroom. "It's not nice."
"Yeah," Nate said as he only cuddled against the woman's side. "It's not nice."
"Look you little-"
"Laxus, go away," Mira complained. And then, with a stricken look, she said, "I have to finish my soup."
"She likes it," Nate said with a nod. "And I told you to put more salt in it. So I did without you knowing and she said that she loves it! So there!"
"Stop yelling at me, you little-"
"You stop yelling at me!"
"Enough," Mirajane told them both. "I don't feel well."
Snuggling up to her, Nathan only stuck out his tongue as Laxus looked about ready to go find some scissors to cut it off.
"Go start on your own dinner, boy," the man finally said. "Gramps and Pike are eating without you."
"I wanna eat with Mommy."
"Are you sure? I think Gramps said something about letting Pike sit in his lap-"
"What?" Just like that, Nathan was leaving Mirajane behind. "Bye, Mommy. I'll see you after I eat."
"No, you won't," Laxus called after him, going to shut the door once he was out it. "Brat."
"Lax, can you do something for me?" Mira was asking then, glancing over at the man.
"Already got the tea on for you, demon."
"Not that," she said, holding out her bowl then. "Nate, like, dumped an entire salt shaker in this and I-"
"He what?" Growling, he came over to the bed. "That little sneaker."
At least she knew where Nate got it…
"Don't tell him I told you," she was quick to say. "If he sees you getting me more, just tell him that I finished all his. Please?"
The man only grunted, moving to take the bowl. Mirajane smiled at him though as, shifting the bowl to one hand, he moved to rest a hand against her head, checking for a fever.
"You're still hot," he reported.
"I'll be back," he said, backing away with the bowl. "Without the salt."
"Please and thank you."
When Laxus came back bearing soup, Mirajane gulped it down rather quickly as the slayer only went into their adjoining bathroom to run her a hot bath.
"It's ready when you finish," was all he said as, with a long sigh, he headed back out of their room to go wrangle the boys in. Bedtime was upon them and, well, that was never easy.
The bath, however, was perfect and Laxus brought her some tea while she was in there, which was just as great. She neglected to tell him that he had, once again, bought the wrong type, as he always did, because he could never seem to remember the very simple brand that she liked, but sometimes it was just the thought that counted.
From the silence in the bathroom, however, she could hear Laxus chasing Nate around their house as they argued over whether or not it really was bedtime or he was just lying. Nate felt like he was lying. Not without good reason. Laxus had a pretty bad habit of that.
One of the biggest problems of their new house was, well, that it was so big. They were used to the tiny apartment where it was easy to corner and corral the boys when they were misbehaving. Nate was just so fast and Pike was extremely squirrely. If one didn't want to get caught, they wouldn't.
It was eventually Makarov, from the sounds of it, that forced Nathan to just go to bed and, though there were tears, not ten minutes after he was shut away in his room, they ceased and he no doubt was asleep.
Mmmm. Mira was glad she missed that one that night.
When she slipped out of the tub, the woman only put on one of her husband shirts and a pair of sleep pants before, finally, leaving the bedroom to get more tea.
She ran into Makarov in the kitchen though.
"What are you doing, Master?" she asked, glancing at the stack of papers that he was going through at the kitchen table. "Work?"
"Another day, another horrible amount of irreplaceable damage done to a town that Natsu was sent to save."
She would have giggled has she felt well enough.
"Well," she hummed as she went to refill her cup. "There's always hope that one day he'll grow out of it."
"At this stage in life," he grumbled in response, "I don't see myself living to see that."
"Oh, Master. Don't say things like that. You-"
"What are you doing out of bed?"
And Laxus was coming into the room with a scowl already plastered on his face.
"I," he continued as he came over to her, "was going to bring you more tea eventually."
"It's fine, Lax. I couldn't stay in bed forever."
"No, but you could have until you felt better."
"I wanted to get up. That's all."
"Leave her be, boy," Makarov complained from the table as Laxus only glared at him. "You bothered the kids all day, you yelled at the dog, and then you were just so rude to me when I-"
"You suggested making some sort of spicy, exotic soup instead of the one that I had already planned on making," Laxus complained. "You know, because Mirajane was sick? Something that your suggestion would have only made worse?"
"See? Rude."
"You guys are giving me a headache," Mirajane said as, with her tea refilled, she turned to leave the room. "And where's my dog, Laxus?"
"Peeing in the backyard or something. How should I know?"
"Get him fed and then put him in Nate's room, alright?" Mira took a sip of the tea. "And ooh, I have to go tell the boys goodn-"
"Mirajane, you better not wake them up."
"I mean it. And go back to bed! Do you even want to get better?"
Desperately. But she didn't want to lose her sanity in the meantime.
Both boys were already sleeping, but Mirajane still pressed a kiss to Pike's head and, as Nate slept on the top bunk in his room, only reached up to gently pat him on the tummy. There was nothing she hated more than missing out on time with them.
Or admitting that Laxus was right. Which he was. She needed to get back in bed and fast. The bath had soothed her a bit, but she was starting to get extremely cold again and had no problem with rushing to snuggle back under the covers on her bed.
Maybe things would be better in the morning.
She was awakened before that though, around eleven that night, when her husband finally came to bed. He did so in the most obnoxious way possible, immediately moving to press his hand to her head and cheeks the second he was in the bed.
"Lax?" she croaked out miserably. "What are you doin'?"
"Just checking," was all he said as he frowned in the darkness. "You're still sick."
"Thanks for the update." When he tried to kiss her head, she moved away. "I don't wanna get you sick."
"I don't care." He kissed her anyways, but Mira only stared at him. She'd woken up ill that morning and, well, now that she was full-fledged sick, she didn't want to spread it to him.
"Maybe I should sleep on the couch," she suggested with a frown. "I don't want you to-"
"Why would you sleep on the couch?" he complained as he only settled into the bed. "You really paint me as a jackass, you know that?"
"I just know that you won't sleep on it."
And he wouldn't. Not anymore. She used to kick him out to it all the time, but about a year ago, he'd been having so many back problems that he just flat out refused. She could sleep facing away from him, berate him the entire time, or even just glare the whole night at him; he didn't care.
He was not going to the couch.
For anything.
...Well, except for last month when he got so drunk at the hall that Freed and Bickslow had to help him home…or the time before that when he'd been rather cranky and said that her dinner had sucked...or…
Okay, so yeah, sometimes he slept on the couch, but not without good reason. Like life or death.
"I would before I made you," he told her gruffly as he stared up at the ceiling. "Besides, Nate's bottom bunk is free. If I felt like you'd get me sick, I'd go sleep there."
"I guess that's true."
Except for when she kicked him to the couch. Which didn't happen. Often. But when it did, if she said couch, she meant couch.
Mirajane was a monster.
Erhm, a demon.
When they both settled out for the night once more, she rolled away from him, which was odd, but he figured she didn't want to breath on him or something stupid like that. To remedy this, Laxus only shifted closer to her side of the bed and snuggled up to her back.
"Shuddup," he grumbled halfheartedly. "Those boys made me so damn tired today. They're impossible to deal with."
Given that she did so every day, alone, as he was out on jobs, while also balancing time at the bar, she found this to be rather false, but only moaned. "I'd bet. Now let me go."
"Never," he breathed. "Silly demon."
She shivered as he nuzzled against his neck. "I go in and out of being extremely hot and extremely cold because of my fever, so I'm going to be tossing and turning a lot."
"Bring it on."
"I wanna just hold you for a bit." He kissed the back of her head. "Okay with you?"
Slowly Mirajane relaxed into him and shut her eyes once more. "Okay with me."
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taetae-tea · 7 years
Class President ⁞ OneShot
✿ Paring: TaehyungXreader   ✿ Word-count: 3.7k ✿ Genre: s.m.u.t ⁞ oneshot (?) ✿ Keywords/warnings: Fuckboy!au ⁞  public sex ⁞ Oral ⁞ dirty-talk ⁞ teasing ⁞ moans ⁞ slight breath-play ⁞ praising ⁞ wall-sex ⁞ floor-sex ⁞ climax denial  ✿ Summary: When you heard Taehyung wanted to be an class=precident, you were kinda shocked but found out that he just did it so he could fuck the most beautiful girl in the school. Knowing he isn’t capable ruling a class, you weren’t going to give your vote, even though it’s the last vote he would ever need. 
‘There are many, many reasons why you should chose me for these tasks. First of all, I can help with any problem.-’
And so started the 10-minute speech of Kim Taehyung. You already sense he would only be talking about his ‘talent’ for helping people. but knowing Taehyung, he would probably be helping people to reach their climax in bed, nothing else.
At first you really couldn’t guess why he would want to be class president, but after a while you understood his interests. All the class presidents had to make plans with each other and had to be in contact. This also meant that they had to speak with the queen of the school, Jeon Mi Ra, who always becomes class precident for some magical reason.
If you would ask all the guys on the school, it would be her they would chose as the most beautiful creature they had ever seen. And she really is, it’s not a secret. But something about her just made you uneasy. If it was her treating face or her scary gaze, you didn’t know. But something was up with her. She also always wins the class-president title somehow. She really never failed to win it, but as if you would care much about it. This is just what you hear from the people around you. It isn’t your business. What IS your business, is your best friend Kim Taehyung, who is keeping up his status as fuckboy for the last 2 years. He literally has had all girls, except you and our queen. It is a big deal for him to keep up his status. You never understood, but you didn’t really put much thought to it. Why would you? You’ve friend-zoned each other from the moment that you saw each other.
It was the very first day of school 1 year ago. You were just calmly walking to school until you noticed this cute guy walking in front of you. He looked tall and had this differed vibe around him, like he was some alien. You immediately got a bit attracted to him and you couldn’t wait until you could meet him that new year. But of course he had to ruin your day. He first had spilled his coffee over your very new blouse while passing you, also NOT apologising for his carelessness. The second time was only 1 hour later as he ran through the hallway and let your books fall out of your hands. You got really mad, since it was a big task bringing all your books to your locker. You stopped him for walking further and yelled at him.
'Is you cunt looking ass serious right now? First the coffee and now my books?’ You yelled furiously at him. He frowned as he flashed a glance down at all the books. Then he suddenly began to giggle as you hesitantly let go of him. what the hell is he laughing at?
'I like your attitude! We should be friends!’ He said excitingly. He lowered himself to the ground and grabbed your phone through the books, running away with it in no time. Your eyes widened as you wanted to run after him, but decided you shouldn’t get as childish as he was. Plus, he was running too fast for you to keep up and knowing you always have bad luck, you will probably just fall.
At the end of the day he got your number and even crashed at your apartment, saying he was bored and wanted to chill with you. When you opened your door that night, you were shocked to see him all of a sudden. You were first mad at him for ruining your first day and after that you were mad for him suddenly knowing where you lived. He answered with a small ‘I have my connections’ before he let out a little giggle and just walking past you.
The first hour was an hell for you, because you could only awkwardly sit there and wait for him to say anything useful. After a while you both warmed up to each other and he left the house half crying out of laughter. You had a great night and he was pretty funny to be around after all, so you decided to keep the friendship.
Over the year, your friendship was only getting better and better. Even to the point where you had literally no shame around each other. You would fart and burp all the time and he would pee with his door open, no fucks giving if you would see anything. It is a nice relationship and you wouldn’t want it differently.
‘So, (y/n). Are you going to vote for me or not?’
You turn around and immediately the boy’s appearance exploded in your face with his, almost annoying, cute ass boxy smile. You huffed as you turned back around to your locker while inserting the last few books from your last class before closing it and turning back to the same face.
‘That’s a nah to the ah to the no no no, for you.’
You turned around, smirking, and made your way down the hallway while swaying your bag on your back. You showed him a peace-sign and then took a turn left to the exit from the school. No way I’m going to vote for this. He sometimes doesn’t even know how to shave his own balls, so how could this guy make a great class-precident out of himself?
Next day
‘PLEASE. VOTE. FOR. ME.’ Taehyung shouted into your ear, almost making your vision blur by the loud noise. You could hear slight laughter in the class and even a faint windshield-laugh.
‘I swear to god, next time I will drag Jin into my grave with me.’ You mumble to yourself before flipping over a paper of the book you were supposed to read. You needed to read it all again because of Taehyung, which hasn’t been failing in distracting you.
‘I only need one vote and I will win, so please please please.’
‘Why don’t you just ask one of your sluts, why do I have to be the target.’ You sigh, finally pointing your glare into his fucking cute ass eyes. He looks down in reaction and he looks kinda embarrassed. ‘I may or may not have fucked and dumped the remaining population of this class. So, they won’t be voting for me.’ He mumbled as he didn’t dare to look into your eyes.
‘But, why is Jungkook not voting for you then?’ You asked questionable, but your question got answered as a smirk got planted on Taehyungs face as he looks proudly into your eyes.
‘But please! Just vote for me.’ He kept on asking and asking. You almost grow tired of him and you are about to give up on this.
‘How can you prove it that you’re a good leader? Do you have anything special in you that will convince me?’ You ranted on as you made a little something in your book, which awfully looks like a penis and made you silently grin. Taehyung looks down at your drawing and then, on that very moment, got the best idea ever (in his perspective then).
He looks over to you with a sly smile blasted along his face and darkening eyes creeping into your gaze. You frown as you tilt your head to the side and you look back at your drawing and then back at him. Your mouth made an ‘o’ form out of realization and you couldn’t stop yourself but to grin.
‘I would rather die than fucking you, Kim Taehyung.’
‘We will see, Baby Doll.’
And that’s where hell started. Taehyung began building up this sexual tension between you two and it was irritating you to the fullest. Partly because he’s probably just playing with you, but also because he sometimes really could get you all hot and bothered. So you just began to think simply and decided to give in and vote for him. Rather give him your vote than being one of his dumped hoes
So on a Friday, late after school, when nobody was really around anymore, you voted for him. You walked up to his little box for votes and inserted your vote, also taking a photo of it to send to him. You hoped he wouldn’t bother you after that anymore and you could live your life perfectly after that. You quickly send him the photo and waited for his reply while slowly making your way out of the classroom.
‘You will not escape from me that fast (y/n).’
You jump slightly as the sudden voice, also giving you a slight heart attack. You look in front of you with shocked eyes, but they quickly turned into an annoyed gaze as you see the smirking Taehyung in front of you.
‘God damn it Tae, I almost died. Can you not sneak up on me?’ You scolded him slightly as you put your phone back in your pocket. You glare at him, even though you’re freaking out from the inside. You knew he would make a move if you didn’t watch out, so you kept yourself strong against his gaze.
‘You can stop with these weird actions of yours, because I already gave you my vote. There is no reason for you to still follow me around like that.’ You scoffed and you walk towards him, wanting to walk past him, but he pulled you back in place harshly. You almost fell back and you were quiet shocked by his sudden behaviour.
‘What the fuck Tae. Stop it already.’ You say with an even more annoyed undertone. Taehyung isn’t paying any attention to you, but rather to you body. His eyes trail down your body and you could see how his gaze only got darker. You suddenly felt very naked under his eyes, as if he could see right through you clothes.
‘You know how hard it was to keep myself from penetrating that little cunt of yours?’ He says casually as he closed the door of the classroom behind him. You widen your eyes and you immediately took a step away from him.
‘You’ve been in that cute little skirt of yours the whole day. You know I have a thing for skirts.’ He slightly pouted and a low groan left his mouth. He now makes his pace to you, slowly and seductively as he doesn’t break any eye-contact. You want to back up, but you also wanted to stay strong. You didn’t let your feet move any inch and just glared at the boy, which is now so close that you can feel his breath on your lips.
‘Why don’t you bend down in front of me and hike up that little skirt, Baby Doll?’ He hissed as he licked his lips all too hungrily. You bit your lip in response, but you weren’t planning on following his orders. He can’t get you that easily, not when you’ve known each other for that long. The heath was already rilling down to your core and you are sure you are already dripping wet, but you want to resist.
‘And why would I want to do that?’ You scoffed back and a slight irritation tuned in your voice.
‘Because I know that you want this cock as much as I want your dripping core, m’lady.’
A smile appeared on his face as he sees your response. Your face is bright red as you felt hot from his words and you were pushing your thighs strongly against each other. He pushed you back slightly, his hands on your shoulders. As soon as you felt a table press up your butt, he tilted you up and settled you down on the little classroom table. You were sure this was the table of a girl you are very familiar with and knowing he is going to fuck you against it, just gave you an extra kink.
‘So, (y/n). How do you want to have it?’ He asks seductively as his hands stroke you thighs gently.
‘Have what?’
You weren’t going to give in that fast. He has to fight for it.
‘How do you want my dick? From behind? Or are you more a vanilla girl?’
He pushes you down so you lay on your back on the little table and you were just small enough to fit your whole upper-body on it. He grabs you ankles and pushes them upwards and over his shoulders. Your skirt flew down your legs in response and your panties were now easy to see for him by now.
‘lacy black? Like you knew I was going to fuck you senceless today.’ He smirked down. You only looked away in response, kinda embarrassed that you chose black panties on a day like this.
You got ripped away from your thoughts as you suddenly felt his hand stroke down your thigh again and streight towards your dripping heath. He strokes one finger over your slit and a sigh left your mouth by the awaiting contact. ‘Fuck baby, you are so wet already.’ He groans out.
You buckle your hips foreward, trying to get more friction out of his long fingers, but he moved away.
‘tsk tsk, first I need to taste you. I never fuck someone without tasting them first.’ He smirks and lowered himself to your entrance. He pushed your panties down your legs and let them fall on the cold ground of the classroom.
Your hiss because of the cold air rushing against your wet entrance, but as you look down at Taehyung, only a groan could leave your mouth. He was looking up at you, looking all innocent and it made you think about the nastiest things.
He took a long lick from ur entrance to your clit. You moaned loudly in response and your head fell back, still having yourself propped on your elbows. He repeated that for a few times before circling your clit with his tongue. You couldn’t sit still as the sudden pleasure became a bit too much and you almost wanted to escape his touch, but he kept you firmly in place. You look down again with hooded eyes and seeing him between your legs, it just looks so pretty.
‘God Taehyung, you a-are so good.’ You whimper as his tongue finally made his way down to your entrance.
He thrusted his tongue into your tight hole and you jumped a little in response, so overwhelmed with the feeling, but he wasn’t letting go of you very soon. His tongue wasn’t going easy on you either, furiously making a pace into your entrance. He panted loudly and little quick moans left your mouth. You could already feel your orgasm building up, but before anything could explode within you, Taehyung moved away and stood up again. He leaned down quickly, your leggs still on his shoulders, and detached his lips with yours.
This is your first kiss ever with him and it was not disappointing. He has soft and wet lips, still covered in your juices, and they can do wonders on yours. The kiss was hungry and needy, not any romantic attached to it. His tongue licked your lips, trying to get you to open up and you did so. There was a little battle for dominance between you before giving him the dominance over the kiss. He was rough with your mouth and you could feel his hand snake around your back to tilled you off the table. He signaled you to wrap your legs around his middle ans so you did.
He brought you to the nearest wall and pushed you up against it, not leaving your lips for even 1 moment.
‘Take it out for me.’ He panted through the kiss and you immediately did as he said. Your hands found his belt and as soon as it got unbuckled, you pushed down his pants and boxers at the same time, exposing his large dick. Your hand immediately wandered to his length and gave him one long stroke, making him immediately a moaning mess above you. His member felt soft and warm and you could feel the feigns all over his cock.
‘Please, can I fuck you now?’ He panted in your ear after leaving a breathy moan. You smirked as you see how needy he is for you after just one stroke over his member.
‘Fuck me senseless.’ You whisper into his ear. A low growl left his mouth before getting his member alined with your entrance. The contact made you sigh and you could already feel a relieve resting over your body. He slides his cock along your core, teasing you to the fullest. You pushed your hips forwards and the tip of his member got shoved inside. That’s where he couldn’t hold back anymore. He thrusted his member into you with a big force. Pain immediately shocked through your body and you grabbed his shoulder tightly, digging your nails into the fabric of his cloths.
‘You’re so tight (y/n). So warm.’ He groaned into your ear. You enjoyed how he didn’t hold back any moans and let’s you know how much he got pleased by you. He held still for you, knowing that you had to adjust to his size first. You are both panting loudly as you felt the burning pain slowly fading.
‘Just move, it will fade Tae.’ You sighed, also impatient yourself and just wanting to be pounded against that wall. Taehyung surely didn’t disappoint you as he immediately began a nice pace on you. Your head flew backwards, just as Taehyung’s own head. You tighten your legs round his waist as you bring him in closer to you, wanting to feel his warmth more.
‘Look at me (y/n).’ He says with a low tone. You look up at his lustful gaze and you felt another warmth rushing through your body. He suddenly came across as so handsome and hot, something that you hadn’t noticed before. He licks his lips all too seductively and you could swear that a spark of adorering gaze went over his face.
‘Tae, you’re so handsome.’
He only smirks in response as he speaded up his pace on you. quick moans replaced the long ones and Taehyung’s breath became even louder. ‘Did you litteraly just notice that?’ He says cockely.
You smiled in response and somthing that felt as butterflies creeped up your body.
He suddenly tilted you up again, not removing his member out of you at all and bringing you down to the ground. He placed himself between you legs and his hands came under your head, protecting you from the hard ground. You placed your legs on his shoulders again and he picked up his pace again, making you both again a moaning mess. He hitted all the right spots in you as it was now more easy for him to hit them. You couldn’t stop your moans anymore and you were on verge of screaming.
‘Sssh (y/n), I know we are probably the only one left on school, but we can’t have anyone noticing us.’ He hissed as he snapped hiships forwards as a slight warning, only making you to let out a cry in response. You felt your height approaching fastly as he kept hitting your g-spot and by the twitching of his member, you could tell he was close too.
‘I’ve never came to the edge this fast (y/n).’ He confessed as one of his hands went down to your clit, rubbing it furiously. ‘But you need to come first.’ He panted.
‘Oh my god Tae.’ You reacted as he almost made you overstimulated. You wanted to close your legs because of the sensation, but he firmly kept them apart. You whined in response, but his gaze told you not to and you immediately closed your mouth. ‘You are going to come first (y/n), no whining or I’ll punish you.’ He hissed back. You could only look away as you bite your lip, not wanting to whine again. Your climax is almost there and the way Taehyung circled your little nub just made everything more intense for you.
He leaned in to your ear while panting loudly. ‘Come for me (y/n).’ He whispered into your ear. And there it was, you bursted. You climaxed and it wasn’t a normal climax, because your whole vision got blurred. His hand was over your mouth as he tried to muffle your screams, hoping that nobody heard you.
He kept his pace on you and it didn’t take him longer than 20 seconds to also cum into your tight hole. He groaned lowly as he slowly ride out your climaxes. After a while of panting and calming down, he got off you and shove his member out of you, making you cringe of your sensitivity. He looks down at your fucked-out figure and a smirk got blastered along his face.
‘If I knew that you were this of an great fuck, I would’ve done it earlier.’ He said nonchalant. You could only sigh in anoyance by seing his cockiness. You sat straight up and tried to stand up, but of course that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. You sigh again as you sit down on the floor, pouting at his snickering appearance.
‘Don’t just stand there, you caused this.’ You threw at him and he immediately came down to your level after fixing his own clothes. He bent down in front of you so you could climb on his back, and so you did.
Before walking out of the room he first got your panties from the ground, putting it in his own pocket.
‘What the hell Taehyung.’
‘I think I deserve that, because you kept waiting for voting this long.’ He says and you could already see the smirk on his face.
‘This pervert still got your vote though.’
You sigh in response as you kicked his leg slighty. ‘Just go already.’
You laughs before making his way out of the class.
‘Still thanks for the vote, I’ll asure you a will be the best class precident of the year.’
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jimins-quad-squad · 7 years
Too Close
Hoseok x Reader
(Requested by & dedicated to @sunwasrising happy birthday!!!!! ♡ sorry it’s late but better late than never right? Love youu xx)
♧ You’re the 8th member of BTS and everyone expects a couples dance for this year’s award show ♧ 
♧ Word count: 4k  ♧
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The song Yoongi chose was meant for the both of you. It was slow enough to be romantic while still managing to slip in and out of a fast chorus that suited both your styles. Hoseok, as always, was eating up the choreography and already making it his own while you were still just going through the motions with precision.
The best part about practicing together was that he would always become the person he was onstage, even during run-throughs. He wasn’t happy virus or sunshine Hobi while you were in his arms. He became a completely different person, trusting you to know your part enough so that he could focus on bettering his own. It was like a separate personality that you never expected to encounter in someone like Hoseok. That’s how you knew he was taking this performance seriously and it made your heart feel.. light. In a good way.
“Look at me.” He says.
So when he takes you by the wrist for the final move and twirls you back into his arms, you look up at him. His eyes were set and focused on only you and you almost felt naked beneath his heavy gaze. This wasn’t the boy you were used to being around at the dorms. Not even close. “You always tense up here,” He slides his hand up your waist, “but trust your body.”
So you do.
You step out, just as he lifts you at the waist, and spin, landing like you always have except.. much more graceful than you were used to. You look up at him with wide eyes as the music cuts off and he’s left beaming down at your successful landing. And thank god for that too, because you were beginning to miss his smile.
Both of you were left breathless, panting in the silence of the practice room that you thankfully had all to yourselves. He promised that you would only run through it one last time (and he always kept his promises) but he looked so ready to go again that it made you anxious.
Glancing up, you find Hobi doing the wave with his arms in your final position with a serious look on his face. “Who am I?”
“Stop!” You laugh and throw your empty water bottle at him from where you lay sprawled out across the floor. He was mimicking you! But that was a good sign. Definitely better than him telling you to fix things left and right. It meant you were doing things right enough for him to joke about it. “How do you still have so much energy?” You sigh, dropping lifelessly down like a starfish.
“I could go all night.” He says with a gin and flips backward with just one hand like he’d learned to do so well for his solo choreography. Your cheeks heat at the way his shirt rises to reveal his caramel abs for just a second. “Okay, maybe not all night.” He corrects himself and drops down on the floor beside you with a huff.
“Old man.” You snicker at his tired tone and close your eyes. Inappropriate thoughts swarming your mind at his words and you were so glad he couldn’t read minds.
“Yah!” He turns his head to look over at you but you were too tired to open up your eyes again, merely smiling up at his reaction through your tired haze. You were on the verge of falling asleep too, and he couldn’t keep the glare on his face with you looking like that. “You’re only a year younger than me.” He sulks like he’d been scolded. He just didn’t want to disturb you, looking as peaceful as you did in that moment.
“Your right.” You agree quietly, and it leaves your lips like a soft sigh. Hoseok liked to think he was old, but he really wasn’t. Besides, you were too tired to think of a comeback.
“Hey,” He nudges you. In response you grunt in acknowledgment, encouraging him to continue, “You did really well today.”
You exhale and the smile that lights up your face is so big, it makes your cheeks hurt.
“Is he hard on you?” Jimin’s eyes are wide and Taehyung sits beside him, already eating (although he shouldn’t be) a piece of chicken, “Has he hit you with anything yet?”
They were both recently very curious since you’d never actually worked with Hoseok before. You usually learned the dances well on your own and Jin always preferred for you or Jungkook to teach him because you (and/or Jungkook) were more patient with him than others. Particularly Hoseok. Or so he says. Except after working together recently, you weren’t sure how much of that you believed.
Seokjin comes wandering back into the kitchen and smacks Taehyung upside the head with his spatula on the way in.
“You three are supposed to be helping me in here, not eating the food.. or gossiping.”
Jimin grins as soon as Jin turns his back and points mockingly at Taehyung for getting hit till Taehyung shoves him and he accidentally knocks over a container of salt.
“I’m sorry.” Jimin turns and hangs his head low, ready for Jin to overreact. Behind him, Taehyung winks at you. He probably made him spill the salt on purpose.
“Both of you, out.”
Taehyung’s face falls.
“Because,” Jin waves them away with the spatula, “You’re making a mess and I don’t need your help here anyway. You’ll just gang up on Y/N and take up space.”
Jimin groans before Taehyung begins to drag him away, “Lets just go..” he mutters, realizing that Jin won’t start cooking till they leave. “Come on, I’m hungry.”
“You were the one already eating chicken.” Jimin mutters back before following him out.
Dinner smelled delicious already since Jin decided to cook the chicken early and the aroma filled the kitchen up deliciously. Chopping vegetables was always faster when there were two of you and it was great not to have to wash dishes after. The least you could do was help him when he would always cook for all of you. So you would always help Jin out when you could.
“So was he?” Jin mutters when you start to chop another vegetable.
“What?” You look up at him, confused by the sudden question.
“Was he hard on you?”
So mama Jin wanted to gossip too? You resist the urge to grin by biting down on the inside of your cheek and nod, just to see his reaction.
“Seriously? Should I talk to him?” He looks up at you, then and points the knife accusingly toward the door, “Because if he threw something at you-”
“No, no I was just kidding..” You laugh and then look up at him, “Wait, does he usually throw things at you?”
Jin huffs like it was no big deal with a sour look on his face. “Only once.” And just like that, he drops the topic.
So he threw something at Jin-hyung and lived to tell about it? Wow. What a savage.
Hoseok had quite the reputation of being a harsh teacher apparently, according to everyone else. “Remember when Hyung made Jungkook cry!” Taehyung yells from across the table with a grin. Hoseok rolls his eyes and groans loudly as Jungkook blushes, hiding his face and reaching out for another piece of chicken. You didn’t remember that at all, actually. “When did that happen?” You ask, trying not to seem too interested.
“Noona..” Jungkook whines, practically begging for you to drop the subject. But it was too late now that you knew about it. You needed to know.
Namjoon suddenly points at him from across the table, “I remember! Yoongi Hyung was there too but I left before it happened.” He sounded a little disappointed, “I came back from the restroom and he was already crying.”
Yoongi nods with a satisfied smirk on his face, staying out of the conversation. “And boys pee fast.”
Hoseok makes a distressed face, “He was so small back then.. now he makes me cry.” He whines and you can’t help but laugh along with everyone else at the table. Then Jin suddenly slams his fork down and everyone turns to face him, surprised. Jimin even chokes a little on the chicken wrap he’d previously shoved in his mouth.
“Is that how you treat Y/N?”
Hoseok blanches at the sudden attention and you speak up in his place, “Hyung, he’s never even raised his voice at me.”
Then Jungkook looks over at you with wide eyes and everyone else follows, looking at you like you might have just said something crazy.
Yoongi puts his cup down, “He’s never lost his temper?”
“No.” You almost whisper. Why was everyone suddenly so quiet? And why were they staring?
“Not even once-”
“Aish, I don’t always loose my temper.” Hoseok finally interjects.
“It’s because she’s a girl.” Jimin grins. “And our Y/N is such a pretty girl, too.” He coos reaching over to squish your cheek. You push his hand aside and everyone goes back to casually joking around with each other, going on to tease Hoseok about his soft spot for you instead. But the thought still bothered you throughout dinner.
You knew Hoseok was only hard on the boys to make them better, and if that was the case, then why wasn’t he ever hard on you too? Did he really think you couldn’t handle it? Or were the boys just right, and it was because you were a girl? Either way, you weren’t satisfied with the answer.
You couldn’t get it off your mind.
You weren’t a hardcore feminist, but you definitely wanted to be treated equally in a house full of boys. Even if it meant being constantly bothered and teased by Jimin and Taehyung or occasionally fighting Jungkook.
So after dinner, you text Hoseok to meet you in the practice room and run off before he can protest, grabbing a coat and jogging off into the night. Yesterday was the first time he actually gave you advice and you wanted more. You wanted him to be blunt, hard on you if it came down to it, but honest.
But Hoseok was so mad that evening because everyone else was right. You were his soft spot. 
You’d already stretched and started practicing when Hoseok showed up later that night, shutting the music off on his way inside. “What’s this about?” He asks, holding up his phone to show you your own message.
“I wanted to practice.”
“We already practiced.”
You nod. “I know. I want to practice again.” You take a deep breath and focus on keeping your voice level, “And I want you to be honest with me this time.”
He immediately knew you were talking about what happened earlier at the dinner table and you try to distinguish his reaction but he keeps an unreadable expression on his face. “Then start the music already.”
Something was off. His voice was cold and there was a look in his eyes that you should have noticed when he first walked in.. but you were too caught up in your own turmoil of emotions. All the traces of his usual happy self were gone. The look on his face made you even more nervous but you start the music anyway. Was your tone too rude when he got here? Too demanding? He looked angry, and Hoseok was never angry.
The music begins and instead of getting to his usual position behind you, he stands back and leans against the mirror where he could watch you best.
You shouldn’t have been so rude. It was a pretty stupid reason to be mad at him anyway. He couldn’t have possibly known that treating you better than the others would make you feel-
“Go.” He says and you realize too late that you’d missed your entrance queue. 
Speeding through the beginning, you try and find your place in the song but end up even more confused.. especially without him to help you find your-
“Here.” His arms suddenly encircle your waist and he gets you back on track immediately. It was as easy as flicking a switch when he was beside you.
“Faster.” He calls and you start counting out the beats in your head- “Keep your arms stiff.” He says and hits you below your forearm to demonstrate. You flinch but ignore it, moving faster to keep up with him while he pushes and pulls you in different directions like he normally would, except-
“Now you’re too fast. Keep your pace steady.” He growls above your ear, pulling you back into his arms.
His movements were definitely rougher than usual and you feel your whole body begin to ache beneath his grip. It was almost too much to handle. “Hyung-”
“Keep going.” He insists, and so you do.
You turn away, step out to your left-
“Fix your posture.”
Fix your posture, reach out to the right-
“Reposition your foot.” He kicks your ankle a little too hard and you stumble. “You missed another queue.”
He wasn’t even dancing near the end and moves away so you’re left alone in your ending position without him.
“Stand up straighter. Do it again.” He commands.
The music starts up again and this time, he comes close and holds you like he normally would except it hurt. He was upset but.. if this is what you asked for..
If you had a limit, you definitely surpassed it sometime around midnight. And if you hadn’t already had the next day off, you probably would have skipped and stayed in bed all day anyway. You couldn’t even remember how late you two were out there, but you woke up feeling more sore than you’d ever been. The boys were already awake now too. You could hear them talking amongst themselves and occasionally passing your door without bothering to stop by and check in on you, luckily enough. It was unusually for then to leave you alone like this.
Last night you’d gotten back to the dorms and slept the moment your head hit the pillow, but now, even thinking about the night before gave you a headache. And heartache.
This must have been why Jungkook cried. It just felt so bad to be scolded by Hoseok.
You send Jungkook a quick text and as soon as he walks in, closing the door wordlessly behind him, tears pool and messily spill down your cheeks.
“Noona..” He locks the door and immediately rushes over, dropping beside the bed to try and comfort you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m.. okay.” You assure between shallow breaths, but you were definitly not okay. That much was obvious, considering Jungkook was on the verge of panicking.
“What happened yesterday?” He asks, keeping his voice low so that no one could hear beyond just the two of you, “I saw Hoseok Hyung leave after dinner and you weren’t in your room.”
You can’t help but smile at how concerned he was, grateful that he decided to lock the door even if it meant breaking house rules. They were pretty strict about them since there was one girl living amongst 7 guys, but you’d rather deal with getting in trouble later than risk someone walking in on you bawling your eyes out. “Why did Hoseok make you cry?” You ask through sniffles that wouldn’t stop.
A look of relief crosses his worried expression like he was hoping that maybe you were just worried about him this entire time and he tells you everything, not even embarrassed if it meant that he could make you feel better. “He told me to fix the same part over and over again during practice until he snapped. It wasn’t even a big deal but we didn’t know each other back then so it was just scary to see Hyung angry for the first time.”
That was understandable. “Did you fix it?”
“No.” He grins.
Jungkook was such a little shit. And you loved it.
You sit up after waiting a particularly long time for Jungkook to return with your glass of water and contemplate on getting up to get it yourself when the door finally opens. Except Hoseok is the one to walk in instead of him, clutching a bottle of water.
You turn away, pulling the covers high over your head and swearing to never trust Jungkook again, that snitch. It was probably childish to hide, but you didn’t want to talk to him at all right now.
“Y/N,” Hoseok whispers like you might be sleeping, (even though you clearly werent) putting the bottle on the nightstand and climbing up on the bed to straddle you, dropping down and wrapping his arms around you like a desperate koala. “I’m sorry.”
“Get off me.”
“Not until you forgive me.” He mutters, pressing his face against yours above the thin covers. You blush and turn away. “You’re heavy!” You squirm to try and buck him off, but it was impossible when he was so heavy, keeping you pinned beneath him till you finally brought out the big guns.
“Oppa I can’t breathe.”
He pulls away immediately and flops down on the bed beside you. That was better. Still, he grabs the blanket and tugs it down so he could see your face. Your hair was a wild mess and stuck to your tear stained face in certain place.
“Were you crying?” He asks, his smile disappearing. You hear the carefulness in his tone and shake your head, despite how much of a lie it was.
“Last night I messed up and I’m not leaving here until you forgive me.” He says and suddenly pulls you toward himself, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry.” You stiffen at the contact, completely speechless, hoping he couldn’t hear your heart beating from where he lay. Hoseok was usually one for skinship, but this was different. “I never told you anything because you were already good without me.” He sighs, his warm breath tickling the base of your neck.
You exhale and a fresh wave of tears slams into you like a ton of bricks. He was so obviously out of it that night and you couldn’t hold it against him. You were the one who forced him into practicing afterall. A choked up sob escapes your parted lips and he holds you closer, allowing you to sob in the warm comfort of his arms. “Forgive me.” He mutters, pressing a kiss to your temple. But he’d already been forgiven.
All day Hoseok stayed with you. Till the sun set, till your eyes were dry from crying too much and Jungkook finally came back in to announce dinner.
“I forgive you.” You say to assure Hoseok as he reluctantly stood up to leave. He’d fallen asleep and his eyes were glancing down at you in a drowsy haze. With one last tired smile, he left.
If you could stay in bed literally all day, you would have, but your apatite said otherwise. As soon as you sat down you were shoving as much food in your mouth as physically possibly, not even acknowledging the people around you. Except when Taehyung tried to take something off your plate and you almost stabbed him with a chopstick.
The others kept their mouths shut, but you kept catching Namjoon’s worried glances. It was probably best to just ignore them.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help with dinner today.”
Jin smiles, knowing that something was wrong by maybe just a mother’s instinct or the rumors floating around, before shaking his head. “It’s okay, Jimin helped out today instead.” You look over and Jimin shoots you two encouraging thumbs up. “Let’s hope he doesn’t help again tomorrow.”
You can’t help but laugh a little. Suddenly everything’s back to normal. The weight lifts off your shoulders and even Hoseok looks a little brighter after Jimin's roast.
The door creaks open later that night, startling you out of your sleep as Hoseok���s figure pushes past the door for the second time today. What time was it? You sit up but the glowing clock on your bedside was nowhere to be found. “What are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer, taking deliberate steps toward your bed till he stood just close enough to tower over you.
“Hoseok?” You whisper..
He leans over, inching closer to you on the bed, so close that you could finally see him as your eyes adjusted. His nose was practically brushing up against yours with how close you were. It was like when he came in earlier except.. his eyes fall to your lips and you can’t help it when your heart begins to race in anticipation.
This was nothing like before. You wanted him to kiss you and the realization makes you shiver.
“Hoseok..” His skin never looked so smooth.. so soft.. and suddenly he’s leaning in closer, and closer, till his lips are just millimetres away.
So you close your eyes, unable to resist, and kiss him back.
You spring up at the booming voice down the hall and frantically shove the blankets off you in a hurry.
Photoshoot in 20 minutes?
You sit there for a second, momentarily confused.
Was it just a dream?
Man, your head hurt already.
Looking at Hoseok proved to be impossible after the dream you had last night, but luckily there wasn’t much looking at anybody involved in a photoshoot. You could stare off into space and people would just think it was part of your photogenic charm. Unfortunately, you were still required to practice with him afterward. It couldn’t be avoided if you wanted to perform well together next week.
You try to convince Jimin into staying longer but he was just sitting by the mirror taking selfies anyway.
Hoseok calls your name over his shoulder once the room is cleared out, leaving just the two of you in the very empty practice room.
“I’m sorry again.” He mutters, unable to meet your eyes.
You expect him to go back to his usual self after yesterday but he starts up the music and gets in his performance position behind you instead, his expression hardening. God, looked even more handsome up close, but you try not to think about it.
Somewhere between the choreography and the counting and concentration, you let yourself be present in the moment and realize how close you two actually were. It was intimate, and raw, and Hoseok was so focused on his movements that you wondered if he even noticed it.
The dream was making you feel this way, you try and convince yourself, but you wished it wasn’t just a faked intimacy in his dancing. The song ends way too soon.
“Yah!” He grins when the music cuts off, but doesn’t realize how heated your cheeks were or how you were still standing so close together. Maybe he just thought you were winded, but you were most definitely blushing. “That was great.”
“Yeah.” Pushing your sleeves back, you reach up to further tighten your ponytail and his whole body goes rigid beside you. “What?” You turn to face him.
He’s staring up at your wrists, “Is that-”
Oh. Realizing his intentions to reach for your hand you draw back like he’d burned you and hide them both behind your back. Too late.
“Did I-” He looks up at you, eyes wide, “Did I do that?”
You let his question linger and try not to look too defensive, grateful that he couldn’t see the worst of the bruises on your waist from where he’d held you too tightly that night.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Obviously because then he would feel awful about it. It was just a little bruising anyway. It would go away. “It’s fine.” You mutter, but his expression remains tense. You should have kept it hidden, but for just a moment there, you forgot.
He exhales in disbelief.
“I’m fine, Hobi.”
But he wasn’t.
This would eat him up inside, and by the look on his face, you could tell it already was.
He left right after the incident and you let him storm out of the practice room, clearly angry with himself. And after an uneventful hour of attempting to practice by yourself, you head back to the dorms too. There was no use in trying when your body felt like lead and your mind was still picturing Hobi’s broken expression.
It must have been your fault that he was so stressed lately.
In the morning Namjoon calls a family meeting and you drag yourself out of bed, dropping yourself beside Taehyung on the couch. 
“Where’s Hoseok?” You ask, glancing around the room for him.
Namjoon clears his throat. “Hoseok went home.”
A few of the members start whispering amongst eachother but you feel your entire body go rigid, your head beginning to hurt from trying to process the information. “Why?” You look over at Namjoon, desperate for answers.
“I promised him I wouldn’t say.”
You look away. It had to be your fault.
Running a hand over his tired eyes, Namjoon continues, “So, since the award show is in a few days-”
“I need to find a new partner.” You mutter before he can even say it.
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I’m going to be getting back into writing. Except it won’t be Fanfiction.
I’ve been working on this since this time last year, but I haven’t had much feedback on it. I want to get into writing again. So, please tell me what you guys think. Here’s the first chapter and if this goes well, I’ll link my Wattpad where the other chapter is. Now, remember, this is an ongoing Novella, so it’ll be about every week or so when it’s updated.
Word count: 2830
Chapter One:
Why do I have to do this? I would much rather be at home, petting my cat, and delving into the magical world of Harry Potter. But, no. Skylar Mellark, my best friend, says I need to get some 'fresh air'. If I wanted fresh air I would just take my book outside or open a window. Right now I'm in the car with four other people on our way to Aspen Colorado to go hiking in the mountains. Granted, I could be reading right now, but I like peace and quiet when I'm reading. I wouldn't be able to focus with all this yaking going on in here. As much as I love all of them. I like my alone time.
"So, Amelia," Casey Delgato turns to look at me from the front seat, "How come you never come and hang out anymore? We all miss you."
I let out a long, deep breath. I stopped hanging out with everyone and shut everyone out when my mom passed away. Skylar was the only one who stuck with me the whole way through. She was the one who always made sure I had at least some human contact.
I shrug and say, "I don't know. Just really haven't been in the mood to hang out I guess."
"Well, I'm glad you decided to come on the trip," Serena, Skylar's little sister, says. She's not 'little' per se. She's only a year younger than the rest of us. She hit the big one-eight last month. Skylar and I still see her as the little 8-year-old girl who would try to play with the big kids. The thing is though, she wasn't. She's now a beautiful young woman.  She and Skylar both are. Although they are basically polar opposites personality-wise, their looks are far from it. They both have a body almost any girl would kill for: small, petite, and blessed on the chest. The only thing that makes them differ from one another is Skylar has long, curly, dark brown hair that cascades down to the middle of her back; whereas Serena has thick black shoulder-length hair. Both had enticing blue eye's to go with it.
I hear a snort from the front, "Yeah, you can thank me for that. She was trying her best to not come," it was Skylar who spoke.
I roll my eyes at her comment, "I can't help it if I'd rather be at home re-reading Harry Potter," I pause looking at everyone around me. From Skylar to Serena, then from Serena to Casey, and to the last person, I thought I would ever see again. Elias Bellerose.
"I'd just rather be alone. I don't know why either," I sigh, "I mean, I do. But, it's honestly just stupid,"
"Tell us. Please don't push us out. We're here for you. We'll always be here for you," This time it was Elias who spoke. For a moment, with the way he was looking at me, it made me wonder if he meant that the whole group would be there for me or if he was talking about just himself. I pushed that to the back of my mind as  I felt everyone's eye's on me. Watching. Anticipating an answer.
I gulp the lump that was forming in my throat and start, "Well, It basically all started when my mom died," I look from one person to another. "I-I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia," I blurt, "I was afraid that if I had one of my episodes in front you guys you'd think I'm a freak," I finish.
Everyone but Skylar looked at me wide-eyed. Skylar was the only one who knew. She's basically my human diary. "Oh, honey. I had no idea," Serena say's giving me a hug. Casey took my hand and squeezed it in a reassuring gesture. Elias was the only one who didn't give me a hug. It would be kind of hard though since he was sitting opposite me by the other window on the driver side. Instead, he said a simple, "I'm sorry," and gave me a look that clearly meant he took pity on me. I hated it when people felt sorry for me. It was a sign that they thought I was weak. That's one thing I wasn't; weak.
Things were really quiet after that. A part of me believes something else is wrong with me. Something isn't normal. It's not normal to hear your mother screaming for help as she's dying on the bloody kitchen floor; even after you've already buried her. I'm not crazy though. I know I'm not.  As my thoughts started clouding my mind, my eye's became heavy with sleep. I let the peaceful darkness consume me.
I awoke to Casey poking my cheek telling me we were in Aspen. Turns out we weren't really in Aspen; we were 20 minutes away from Aspen. "I'm sorry. I thought we were there," he says defensively. "It's alright. Seriously," I crooned. "Are you hungry Amelia? We were going to stop earlier, but we thought we'd let you sleep," Skylar asks. "I could eat," Casey announces. I bark out a laugh,"We all know you can eat," I state, "Remember when you tried that steak burger challenge at John's Steakhouse and the waitress was so surprised when you asked for another one. Her face was priceless," I smile thinking back. I haven't really smiled a genuine smile since I got the entire Harry Potter series for Christmas. Don't judge me. I love my Harry Potter.
"There! We passed the sign. Everyone, we're in Aspen Colorado!" announces Casey. I think he was the most excited out of all of us. He kept yelling we're almost there every time we passed a sign that said "Aspen Colorado in this many miles". It was funny to watch at first, but it got a little annoying three signs after he started doing it. After being in traffic for another 10 minutes, we finally get to the place we're staying at; which was a lodge we found that had rooms for a cheap price. It wasn't bad looking for a place with such low prices. It looked like a huge log cabin mansion. The shutters were painted a bright firetruck red and the railing at the top looked like an off-white that was probably once white as snow. We were currently parked under a huge canopy in front of the doors. There was a sign on one of the pillars to the right that read: Baggage loading area only! No parking for more than fifteen minutes.
"Alright, Casey and I will go and check in. You guys can sit out here until we get back," Skylar announces.
"Wait. I have to pee," Serena say's climbing over me to get out. I open the door and let her out and instantly get back in the car to get out of the freezing cold. It's a lot colder out west. Elias and I were the only ones left in the car when they left. We sat in silence for about five minutes until he spoke up, "Ahem. So, how have you been?" "Eh, I've been alright. Bare is huge now. I think the last time you've seen him was when he was a kitten," I say. Bare was my big fluffy cat. I found him on the streets about a year ago. I was on my way to Skylar's house when I found him. His name is Bare because he was missing so many patches of fur to the point he was almost bare of fur. I brought him into the house and mom was convinced I had brought in a hairless rat.
"Yeah?" he asks chuckling, "I'm glad he has a really good home," he ruffles his curls that were starting to swoop in front of his eyes and pushes them back.  He must be nervous. I don't know why he would be. I should be the one who's nervous. But yet, I'm not.
"He does. He's a very spoiled kitty," I reply smiling. It wasn't a show your teeth smile, but it was a nice small smile. "I wish-"
"Hey, sorry it took so long. It took us like five minutes just to get someone at the front desk," Skylar interrupts.
"Oh, it's okay," Elias says, "What were you saying, Amelia?" He turns to me.
"Nothing," I wave his question off. I was going to tell him that I wished things were different between us. That I hadn't ever lost contact with him. The last time that I had seen him was when I broke up with him a year ago. It was a little bit after I buried mom and I was pushing everyone I loved away. The only person I have left of my family is my aunt, Catherine.
"Are you guys going to sit here and wait for new years to come or are you going to get out and help with the bags?" Casey asks hastily, interrupting my thoughts.
"Well, sorr-ey" I deadpanned. I open the car door and  at once the blasting cold hits me, causing me to shiver. I lifted my bag out of the trunk and put it on the baggage trolley they had brought outside. I put my hands in the "Ta-da" position and said, "There. I helped." I heard Serena giggle and Casey say under his breath, "Smart ass."
I giggled and gave him a big, wide, toothy grin. "I can't help it if my ass is smart. It's in my genes," I say grabbing my butt. As I said that I saw Elias shaking his head, his curls swaying from left to right, and biting his lower lip so as to try not to laugh. Casey scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Skylar was busying herself straightening up the bags on the trolley but I heard a soft chuckle come from her direction. I looked around and Serena was nowhere to be found.
I scrunched my eyebrows together and asked, "Where'd Serena go?"
"I'm right here," said a disembodied voice.
I jump back making a squeaking sound and throw my hand over my chest, all in a sudden motion. When I turned towards her, my face was a contortion of anger and amusement. "You scared the crap out of me!" I said in a shrilled voice.
"Sorry. I was getting brochures of places we can go to eat," she says holding up three brochures; which one of them was for the mountain we were going to go hiking on.
"Are we just going to stand outside and freeze or are we going to go inside?" Skylar asks, shivering. Everyone but Elias turned to go inside. I stop to wait for him, but he urges me to go on. "I'm going to park the car. I'll be inside in a minute," I shrug and turn on my heel to leave.
As I try to catch up with the others in the lobby, I stop, stunned for a minute. The first thing you see when you walk through the doors is the breakfast area with a TV on the far side of the wall with a built-in hearthstone fireplace below it. The kitchen area was on the right-hand side towards the back. The front lobby had high ceilings to where you didn't even have to look up and see there were two balconies, one right above the other; each withholding a different floor. I looked to my right and there was a sitting area with another built-in hearthstone fireplace. To my immediate left were the front desk and a snack store on the right side of it. On the other side of the snack store was a small hallway that had a sign that it said "Elevators" and under that "Ice" and had an arrow pointing in the direction to go down the hallway alongside each word.
Elias walked up beside me, his cheeks slightly red from the cold. "Okay," Skylar speaks up seeing that everyone's here, "The boys will be staying in a separate room from us girls," she says looking at each of us, stopping on Elias and hands him a room key. "You guys will be in room 228. We'll be next door in 227," she wags her finger between them, then us as she says it. The guys grab their bags and start heading to their room.
"Oh! I was thinking we could check out the mountain on our way to get something to eat. Just to get a feel for the area." I say as we're heading to our rooms.
"Yeah, we could. Do you think Casey would be up to it? You know how he  loves food."Skylar asks.
"Eh, he'll live. I want to go too." Serena deadpanned.
"Well okay then. I guess we'll go check out the mountain first," Skylar says, pushing the key card in the slot. The light flashes green and we open the door to a simple room. There was a small closet to the right, right as you walked in and next to that was a door that withheld the bathroom. We walked in the room a bit more and there were two, neatly made up, queen sized beds that were centered in the middle of the room with a nightstand separating them. One bed was beside a window that was almost the whole length of the room, the other bed was right beside a wall that withheld the bathroom on the other side.
"I call the bed by the window," Serena yells.
"I guess we get this one then," I say over my shoulder pointing to the bed closest to me.
Skylar walks out of the bathroom and throws her bag on the bed. "Perfect," she says.
I sit my bag on my side of the bed and got some clothes out. We all change and head out to the lobby to wait for the guys. Once we got out to the lobby, we all headed to the refreshments bar. The refreshment bar included coffee and different kinds of syrups for the coffee and milk. It also had cold water and hot water for hot chocolate and tea. After five minutes of waiting the guys finally walked in the lobby.
"What took you two so long? Were you fixing your hair?" I asked.
"Um, No. I was-,"  "He was taking a shower," Elias answers pointing at Casey.
Skylar sighs and rolls her eyes, "We better get going before it gets dark if we're going to check out the mountain before we eat."
Casey scrunches his eyebrows up and tilted his head a little to the side, "What do you mean check out the mountain before we eat? I'm starving," As if on cue his stomach growls.
"Amelia wants to check the mountain out before we go eat to 'get a feel of the area'," Serena says in a mocking manner.
"Okay, fine. But she's buying me dinner," Casey says in defeat.
We all follow Elias to the car since he's the one who parked it and got directions to the mountain. We get there after about five minutes of driving, two of it being we accidentally took a wrong turn. We pulled up in front of a tree and got out. As soon as I opened the door, I felt a weird energy. I don't know exactly what it was, but I knew it wasn't normal.
"Yep, it's a mountain. I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon. Can we go eat now?" Casey begs. I ignore him and head for the tree line. It seems the closer I get to the tree line the stronger the feeling comes. I was five feet away when I heard a tree branch snap and a man walked out.
"Hi, I'm Caspian," he holds his hand out as he introduces himself. When he spoke his voice was gruff but it was modulated.
"Hi. I'm Amelia, and that's Skylar and Serena," I say pointing over towards the car.
"I'm Elias," he says shaking the man's hand.
"And you are?" Caspian asks.
"Casey," he says abruptly.
"Are you lost?" I question, thinking it was sort of weird he just came out of the tree line and just stated his name.
"Oh, no.  You guys hiking? I'm a tour guide if you need help" he asks taking a step back looking us over.
"No, we just stopped to take a look at the place. We were just about to leave. We're going to start hiking tomorrow." I say. I honestly didn't really want to leave but this guy was giving me the heebee-jeebees.
"Oh, well. I'll see you tomorrow then." He says giving us a small smile.
"Yeah," I strangled out.
We got back into the car and Casey was the first to speak, "Did that guy give anyone else weird vibes?" Everyone mumbled a yeah. They just had no idea.
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