#pov you are about to be euthanized
krowbats · 2 years
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how do you tell the difference between a spinal kink (or kinks) that will require a snake to be euthanized, and kinks that *look* bad from a human POV but aren't actually much to worry about? is it possible for a snake with a "bad" looking kink (or multiple kinks) to have a good quality of life and live to their full adult lifespan, or do they all eventually reach a point where they have to be euthanized for QoL reasons?
Great question. It comes down to two main factors:
Is the snake able to eat? To have a good quality of life, a snake should be able to eat an appropriately-sized meal (or one that's slightly smaller), digest it, and pass waste without issue. They should be able to eat comfortably, and shouldn't require assist-feeding.
Is the snake able to move? The kink shouldn't prevent the snake from being able to get around. They should be able to move and engage in natural behaviors, like climbing or burrowing, without frustration or pain.
If the snake can do both of those things, even if the kinks look bad, then they have a good quality of life! I've met snakes with kinks that look severe, or snakes with multiple kinks, that were able to eat and move with no issue, so humane euthanasia wasn't required in those cases.
In general, if a snake's spinal kinks don't prevent them from having a good quality of life, they'll be able to live full and healthy lives just like any other snake. I take in a lot of snakes with kinks, and few of them ever develop any issues. They might have a bit more difficulty shedding completely as they get to be seniors and their mobility decreases, but that's about it (and that's a common issue in snakes without kinks, too).
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sapphicdib · 8 months
One of your recent reblogs mention you having had dreams from the perspective of a catslug, could we maybe hear one?
sorry for taking so long to answer!
but i've had 3 dreams that were in the POVs of slugcats! what i think was happening was that i was suns' test scugs pre-spearmaster, since spearmaster's test number is 07, so obviously there had to be some that came before. anyways, the dreams were like this:
the entire time i was being watched by Suns and NSH, doing some simulated mission to test my skills/readiness to be a messenger. I can hear them talking, but can't understand them. im pretty sure i’ve been subject 01, 06, and somewhere in the middle, since in my 01 dream i was in a simulation of a room in outskirts, but i was incredibly weak and struggling to even kill lizards. it was so scary bc in the back of my mind i know i was failing, and was just desperately stabbing lizards like “fuck i am going to get euthanized huh?”, though thankfully neither of their voices became frustrated or angry. in my 06 dream, i was basically spearmaster but black and a LOT clumsier with my spears. I was in a subterranean-like room, stuck in a death loop and i could tell Suns was getting increasingly impatient with me failing, and it ended with them GRABBING me by the scruff and i woke up LMFAO. the mid-subject dream was strange, mostly just parkour that wasn’t actively dangerous. sig n suns didn’t talk much but i did actually see them this time because the simulation ended and sig picked me up, but i didn't see their faces, they're greyed out/black/fuzzy in my mind and i only really recognized them from their clothes.
yea hearing angry seven red suns from the pov of a slugcat strikes the fear of GOD into your heart man.
also idk what it is about rain world that infects your dreams. ive NEVER dreamed about my hyperfixations before and yet TWO WEEKS after getting into rain world i started having vivid dreams about it. i actually started shipping lilypad bc of a fUCKING DREAM I HAD where i was with moon from the pov of NSH.
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challahbread · 8 months
pov you are about to be euthanized
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pyronormalsimplicity · 3 months
Signalis Potential
There's a NieR: Automata fic on ao3 where 2B wakes up in Limbo with all the 9S's she's killed over the years (30+) This work takes inspiration from that.
The story will take place in a third-person format with differing perspectives from Ariane and Elster, similar to Heroes of Olympus-style POVs. This will be told in the chapter titles but will also be indirectly reflected through how the characters see the world. Elster is more analytical and logical, Ariane is more descriptive and colorful with her views.
Story begins shortly before Elster wakes Ariane up. She describes her feelings, her sensations, the pain, the trauma, and her longing for death. When she feels Elster kissing her forehead, she finally opens her eyes and smiles at her. The two lovers briefly share a touching moment, reminiscing about their memories together before a coughing fit brings them back to reality. Ariane tearfully asks Elster to euthanize her, and although Elster tries to fight it, she eventually caves and wraps her hands around Ariane's throat to begin choking her. Ariane lets a single tear fall as she whispers her final words to Elster.
The story then shifts over to Elster's POV. She looks down at Ariane's body before collapsing due to her wounds. As her systems begin to shut down, she has a series of quick flashbacks showing things such as feeling Ariane's hands on her back, the first time Elster lifted her up, etc., etc. The point is that while Ariane enjoyed the whole experience, Elster enjoyed all the small moments that made up their love together. She has a perfect memory so she's able to sift through them at her leisure, but not Ariane. The chapter ends with Elster dying. She reaches up to touch Ariane's hand but is unable to before passing away.
The third chapter is a conversation piece between 2 entities. They discuss the events that have transpired and express their disappointment at humanity's inability to properly harness bioresonance. Bioresonance was a gift to humanity, with the Empress being the physical embodiment of said gift. Bioresonance was meant to be a gift that would "lift" humanity to it's next cycle. Instead, humanity used it to wage war and create replikas as their society and technology stagnated. They express regret at ruining "another promising species" and declare the experiment a failure. As one entity begins contemplating how they can improve, the other raises a question about Ariane and her "automata." Ariane was supposed to be the final hurrah, one last gift to humanity. They were supposed to use her to advance themselves but instead brutally mistreated her and sent her off on a suicide mission. Ariane was created to be a catalyst but instead suffered needlessly through no fault of her own. Surely, the horrors she faced deserves some sort of compensation, right?
Taking some inspiration from Nier: Automata's (E)nding conversation between the pods, the two entities discuss what to do. One is reluctant to interfere anymore than they already have. The other argues they're past the point of interference. Humanity will burn itself out through a combination of war and the fallout of Ariane's bioresonance awakening. These entities are supposed to take after Halo 4's Didact, namely in how they had high hopes for humanity despite their better judgement. When the experiment fails, they are more disappointed in themselves than humanity.
Either way, one is reluctant and one inhales copium. The reluctant one could be an expy of the creators of Signalis. "Game's over, you get what you get." The copium is, obviously, the community for obvious reasons.
The two beings discuss humanity's failures. Most notably, they disapprove of Falke units, referring to them as "shaded imitations."
LORE THEORY: Ariane is a reiteration of the Empress, which is why Falke and Ariane share such a similar appearance. As for Elster and Ariane, they are cosmically intertwined. Alina was another iteration of the Empress but was tragically killed before her bioresonance powers could awaken. However, her love for Lilith was so strong that even as Alina reincarnated as Ariane, LSTR would always be by her side through sheer cosmic coincidence. Each time they're reiterated, Lilith would be given a new form as their lover each time. After all, there is no Shepard without Vakarian.
As for others who have suffered, such as Lilith, Alina, etc., they both agree that as much as they would like to "reward" them as well, they can't. Their role, purpose, and time in this experiment has been fulfilled. Pulling them back from the brink would only rip them apart more than they already are.
It is also revealed that the Red Eye was Ariane, but with a twist. Ariane could see everything through the Red Eye, but these entities are the ones who ultimately control the Eye. Everything Ariane saw, they allowed her to see. Ariane is wholly ignorant of their existence, showing just how far they exceed even the most powerful bioresonant.
In the end, they both agree that Ariane deserves a better ending. They allow her "automata" to continue existing as well because, at the end of the day, there is no Ariane without Elster.
The next chapter begins with Ariane waking up on The Island. She notes how she's completely healed, no scars, no bandages, no thing. She's wearing her white dress too. She wanders around the island before finding Elster lying facedown in the dirt. After waking up, the two finally reunite properly, ending with a particularly passionate lovemaking session.
As they recover, they both notice that neither of them feel particularly tired or hungry. They both come to the conclusion that they're in some sort of limbo. Ariane panics at first, since this reminds her of the Penrose again, but Elster calms her down, stating that no matter what happens, they'll be together forever now. Whatever this place is, it's clear they were meant to be together. Ariane eventually accepts this outcome and the chapter ends with them watching the sunset.
From here, the fic will devolve into a series of oneshots, similar to Cycles. Both characters are aware this is a simulation, but they don't really care. If their reward for suffering for eternity is an eternity spent together, then it'll be more than worth it.
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downwithpeople · 3 years
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POV: you are about to euthanize a catboy who's too old
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saphie3243 · 2 years
For the dvd commentary ask will you do your favorite part of sympathy for the devil? It’s my favorite story
I go back and forth on what my "favorite" part of Sympathy is. Some days it's the scenes with Nesta and Elain at the House, some days it's the Graysen stuff. I'm especially proud of my accidental full arc for Tabitha.
But really, there's no question. It's chapter 49: Father. It's a beast of a chapter, mostly because it's the battle. One of the challenges with writing a POV-swap is trying to show events from another angle without just recounting them verbatim. Why not just reread the book at that point? And I struggled with it for some scenes, leaned heavily into Nesta's inner world. But for this chapter, I really didn't.
Nesta's entire story is about healing from the trauma we get from our parents. She is what she is because of her parents. To say she has conflicting emotions about them is an understatement. I had spent most of Sympathy up to that point showing memories of Nesta's parents from the "good" times. When they were rich and her father was just kind and her mother was... sober more often, at least. And that was intentional. Throughout all of Sympathy, Nesta is "getting better". She seems to be opening up, she's working, she's cooperating, she's even helping fight a war!
But it's all a sham. A facade. One that starts to peal when Elain shows up and reveals that she knows the one secret Nesta has never said out loud before. She killed her mom. Euthanized, if you want to make it pretty. And then we dive into it, we see the scenes with Papa Archeron and Nesta that broke their relationship, damaged it seemingly beyond repair. He wouldn't get help to make Lady Archeron better, forcing Nesta into the situation where her mom ordered her own death (at the hands of her 12 year old daughter). He sold her books out of spite and lost them everything. His knee was broken and he was powerless to provide, and Nesta just kicked him when he was down.
But even so, there is hope. When it seems that they will lose the battle, her father arrives with the 10,000 ships he had said were impossible to bring. And at the helm, he stood on his flagship, named for his eldest daughter, Nesta. She cries because it's a chance. There is a chance. Despite everything she had done to ruin their relationship, despite everything he had done to show he's incompetent, there is now hope. Things could be better. They could be better. They could be heroes.
Then he fucking dies, and all that hope dies with him.
I knew practically from day one that the final battle's chapter would be called "father". And while the rest of the world might remember that day as a hard fight leading to a triumphant victory, Nesta would only ever remember it as the day she watched her other parent die.
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After a Longass time, I'm gonna make a response post to a post from @itsclydebitches. Not sure if I'll acknowledge All
Of it, but still..
1.Thats, the opposite of what the First episode shows, the first episode shows that the Military presence in Mantle dosent really do anything to actually help them with the Grimm. With it even being joked about as usual for the Military by Nora. The next episode also states that wasn't even the reason James had for it. It was to handle the 'eventual' Panick.
2.This and the recurring point of this later on is something I kinda want to address, because it's sort of what I was trying to say in My ask but I should go into more detail.
The point is basically that If James was shady for what he did, then So is Ruby for being willing to work with him for that long...I kinda want to mix this with a different Criticism I heard. That Ruby not trusting Ironwood was horrible and ungrateful because of all the good stuff James had done and how sympathetic and well meaning he was. The issue is that they are both 2 halves of the picture that ignore the other half, wich was what the heroes actual response was.
Him being sympathetic, clearly just trying to help and all the Good stuff he was doing is why they are willing to work with him and help with things. But Ruby didn't like his shadier actions either, wich is why she didn't trust him completely. And also? ""Nora dosent agree...But Ruby, the leader, does. She pushed Ironwood to finish Amity somwhow", that....isnt What happens, we see After Nora yells at James, ruby walks up to him and tells him more calmly that his actions, his management of Mantle and such were only helping Salem and it's what was making it easy for Salem to frame him. And earlier on we saw her with the other protags suggest working with Robyn. That's not 'Reaping the benefits of his actions even if they don't like them', that's not liking some of his actions but still trying to Understand him, and hope to reason or talk him down. Basically...Well it's a display that the other charachterization for Ruby, that she was a judgmental child who considered anyone who went beyond her standard of perfection to be Evil, isn't true. She tries to help and Understand James because she knows despite his flaws he is trying to do good, she tries to reach out to him and get him to see his actions were flawed.
Hell, the Jobs they were actually given were jobs where they could actually help soften the consequences of James actions, like Ren and Nora guarding the wall. the Robyn thing was a direct display that they weren't just doing anything James asked or were perfectly fine with his morally ambiguous actions. When ordered to attack a Huntress who was just trying to help, they instead went against his orders and even tried to actually fix things in a better way.
3.This is a few different issues, I'll start by saying that, that wasn't Ozpins problem in the Previous Volume, Some fans and some of the Heroes in there Angrier times think that, But the big thing was basically that Ozpin wasn't trusting anyone With that Info, that's what separates it from Rubies situation with James, Ruby wasn't trusting James because he actually did have many traits that made him look untrustworthy. And...well Finishing Amity and the plan is not pointless even with Salems immorality. Ruby dosent 'Know' That her being immortal means that the whole plan is pointless for 2 reasons, 1 is that she never had the mindset that it made it all pointless, she was actually distinctly against that when the others thought that under the Apathies influence, and makes her stance clear later, that Salem being Unkillable doesn't mean she's unstoppable. And 2, she dosent 'Know' that because....Its not true. Even if they can't directly kill her like James is planning...Were explicitly, directly told in Salems first actual appearance in the show that Humanity United was a threat and that was why she was going to ensure she divided them. Not to mention that...It isn't even all about the plan? It's made clear that global communications being down was a really bad thing and fixing that alone would help.
4.Im just gonna address one point here...It was not 'The Majority of Mantle' Being taken, were told that they were not even close to being done evacuating.
5.Basically what I said at 2, But to also state, James wasn't an Unambiguous Bad guy in Volume 7, He was in the Wrong In Volume 7, but he wasn't meant to be a Villain yet. The point of James charachter is basically he's someone who meant well but was highly flawed and made bad decisions, and instead of growing from his mistakes, he doubled down on them and let his flaws consume him. I'll get to it more later, but, that doesn't mean he was always evil or meant to be, Also...Jaunes license was given to him by James but, he was not part of the Military being fused with Huntsman, especially by this point. And with Winters words in her and James fight, I have my own issues with that fight or Winters Arc, but I don't think that point holds up either because we weren't meant to see Winter as unambiguously a good guy in Volume 7. Her words in there fight was after she had changed, that dosent mean we're supposed to believe she was a hero while working under James. It just means her POV changed after leaving him, now she wasn't following her programming of being blindly obedient anymore. Penny called out Winter for her being willing to follow through with euthanizing the Winter Maiden, Marrow calls her out in Volume 8 asking the Weiss question.
6.Well, to answer the questions there, were told in episode 5 what the recources were. Clover says how they were taking 'Construction resources', were told this again by Penny in the Car ride, wich makes total sense. They are changing Amity so that it could serve as a shuttle, so needing Construction stuff makes sense. While we may not be told how much power James had explicitly, they do give us a decent idea, that he had way more then he should. It's said in the Council meeting that they set in Checks and balances to keep him from overstepping with his seats, and that he basically just Ignored them to pull the actions he did in Volume 7. And Watts gives us both one Major decision that shows James flaws and gives a Clue as to part of the reasons Mantle was crappy as it was, saying how James updated most of the code in Atlas after the fall of Beacon, but 'As Usual' None was updated in Mantle. Aside from showing a...Truly Spectacularly callous move on James part, it also gives a big clue as to part of the reason Mantle is as crappy as it is, That Atlas and James basically treat Mantle like an afterthought and neglects changing things there to make things better, resulting in the City's state that we see. And, I imagine that being surveillanced and patrolled almost constantly wouldn't be ideal, and it's established by Winters line in that first episode that not cooperating with Personal was a punishable offense. I think you also....Picked a really bad example with Rhodes, if anything, Rhodes is probably a perfect demonstration of why being complacent or loyal to a system is bad for Huntsmen. I think if he would have loved to help Cinder more, it's just that he was loyal to the System and wasn't doing anything to upset the status quo despite knowing it was wrong. If issues like that existed, then it makes James specialist program, wich is specifically supposed to be Huntsmen trained to be loyal to the system, an even worse idea. Also I sort of feel like the bits at the end are sort of a false equivalency. I explained Ozpin amd Rhodes but also...Well for one, while we don't see portals line up in those specific areas, the plan was to have Jaune explain what was going on with everyone. And Qrow, Marrow and Robyn were still taking in the other Ace ops,they knew the plan so they would likely just head over to the nearest portal after, and...Maria and Pietro weren't there. And in James case, it wasn't just him 'saving who he could', it's that he could have tried to do more but didn't because he didn't want to risk it, and as Volume 8 showed, they really did have lots of time to evacuate people and could have found a way to Launch Amity. And...Well in his case there's the little fact that, as his Convo with Oscar makes explicit, James plan involved leaving the rest of Mankind To the dust and at Salems mercy.
There are problems with RWBY, but I don't think it's shoddily written, partially because I don't really find it 'particularly' flawed and think the good far outweighs the bad. And you know what? To some degree, I agree. I do think there's a weird bias towards authority in the FNDM, but maybe alot of fans are too dismissive of criticism, I do think to some degree we should acknowledge the RWDE and such aren't all right wingers and there's now a Vocal part of it that are on the left or members of minority groups. I don't agree with a ton of the things they say, and think most of it dosent hold up, but instead of just dismissing, perhaps it's better to look at things in detail and give proper arguments agaisnt them. So I won't treat you like an idiot, I'm going to give a full rundown on why I don't feel like it holds up under analytical scrutiny.
For one, while it doesn't have those specific issues like in the real world, I don't agree with this Criticism because I feel it is the one that sort of ignores the worldbuilding and what's been shown or said about the Military and the world itself and not the show, It sort of feels like people just bring up the basic concepts that would seem reasonable and ignore how the show executes certain things. For one, the military was a leftover from a time when they were meant to fight against other humans, It was something an Authoritarian state held over after its defeat and reformation, James and the Military helped Jac as he turned the SDC into the horrific corporate empire it is, Covordin shows that Nationalism is indeed a bit thing and that there were high ranking officers who were fully comfortable with the possiblity of just waging war on the other Kingdoms again. And then there's the specialist program, I've seen people sort of distill it to its very basics to make it seem more reasonable, describing it as just stuff like Huntsmen having rules and such, when the show displays it being way more screwed up then that. It literally involves indoctrinating people as students, were shown Elm reprimand the protagonists saying how they don't need to think about Orders just follow them. As both Volumes show, the culture of the program is deeply screwed up and unhealthy for them, were shown how they taught stuff like repressing your emotions and how deeply unhealthy it is for them.
And...Furthermore? If we're judging by how things are In Universe with the show the world built...James way of doing things is, completely absurd. I already dislike Cynical 'This is the REAL world 'Types IRL. But....In the world James is in, his strategy is just....
He lives in a world where negativity causes monster attacks and the villains whole Shtick is manipulating narratives to cause disarray and ensuring people stay divided. James strategy involved closing off Atlas from the rest of Remnant after they were framed for causing the Fall of Beacon, never bothering to clear there name when sleet and Camilla say he could easily do so, he dismisses both his image across the Globe and in Atlas, and dismisses what the people of Mantle want and the stuff his actions currently cause, all as Neccesary sacrifices when that's all completely insane and Relies on basically ignoring absolutely everything about the situation they are in and how there enemy works, wich again, Ruby points out, that he was actively playing into Salems hands and making it easier for her.
I think it's a decent display of the Tunnel Vision James has, he's prepared for the negativity of the END result of his plan and made preparations for it, but he...Basically ignores the consequences his actions are having right now and how that will affect his ends.
Overall...I think the issue is that James is not meant to be the Bad guy through Volume 7, and I feel like its not that the show 'contradicts' it's pure black and white take on things, it's just that it wasn't there to begin with. Whenever a Major flaw Ironwood had from the start is brought up, it's claimed that it means he was supposed to be 'Always evil'(admitedly some fans as well), when it dosent, it just means his flaws and darker aspects were always there and he didn't jump off the slippery slope instantly like some claim.
Were meant to sympathize with James, understand him, ECT. We're meant to want to see him get better, to be escatic when he does almost get better.
Overall, I don't agree with the idea that James was a reasonable charachter who was bastardized, the show set him up as flawed pretty well already, he's sympathetic because he's designed to be sympathetic. He's not potrayed as a Villain through 7 because he wasn't meant to be til the end.
Also...Well, even if you still felt that him 'Just' abandoning Mantle was still just morally gray...That isn't dropped in V8, it's bascially dropped not 2 episodes later. Where not only does he shoot Oscar but Oscar pointed out not only was he abandoning Mantle, but abandoning the rest of Mankind. Wich James just responds calling it an 'excellant philosophical point'.
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rotten-carcass · 4 years
Sorry if I disturb you but it came to my attention that there is a holocaust trend on tik tok.... COULD YOU NOT PLEASE?!
Those are pov of "victims" who died in Auschwitzs gas chambers, dressing up and doing there make up etc. and then talking to someone in heaven, which is already heavily insensitive because jewish people don't believe in the same "heaven"-concept as Christians. Btw there is a wood carving in Auschwitz from a Jewish victim which states: " If I meet God, he will have to apologise to me "
As someone who actually visited a Concentration camp (Buchenwald) and the sanatorium Pirna-Sonnenstein ( disabled (mentally and physically) aswell as mentally I'll people were euthanized there) let me make something clear:
THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. It's not educational at all!
Some facts:
Victims of the holocaust were Jews, gays, socialist, communist and other groups that went against the idea of the Third Reich.
Many people which had some kind of mental illness were deemed not worthy to reproduce and sterilized against there will and most of the time also euthanized in places such as Pirna Sonnenstein ( there youngest victim was a boy at the age of 2).
All valuables were taken from the victims and they went to the camps by train. They were crammed into "cattle waggons" without food and water and sometimes traveled in there for days. They had to pee in front of eachother and then stand in their feces for the rest of the time. Please take the time to imagine yourself in that situation.
Death didn't came quick. It took ca. 5-10min to recognize that the oxygen level dropped and another 10-15 min for the people to fully suffocate. LET THAT SINK IN. 15-25min of fighting for air and suffocating slowly while panicking in a room with other panicked people, being exhausted, naked and scarred.
The camps were designed to kill. The victims were not supposed to leave again. They were tortured, they were abused and they were let to starve to death. Most camps had dogs that were trained to bite into the genitals of people that tried to run away. Also most guards had fun playing "games" with the prisoners, like shooting there hats off, not to mention that they liked to aim bad on purpose. Nearly every adult victim was about 35kg or under when the camps were freed by the allies. And thousands died during the aftermath due exhaustion and malnutrition.
The trees which stand on the ground of the sanatorium Pirna-Sonnenstein are marked. Those marks are as high as at least 2 m on some tree trunks. They show how high the ash of the victims was staged around 1943.
In conclusion: nobody cares for your tiktok career. No one cares if you want to improve your makeup and acting skills.  You are fucking disrespectful to the victims, the survivors and their families of one of the darkest chapters in the history of humanity. It pisses me off. You MOCK the holocaust and you ROMANTICIZED it.
I don't think that anyone of those shitheads ever did stand in front of a polish jew that survived that time. They didn't stand on the ground were those horrible things happen and they have no right in making those dump videos to appear quirky and relevant just to get a little bit of attention in there otherwise irrelevant lifes.
Honestly fuck off!
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pro-birth · 4 years
I feel like this was important to bring up in light of recent events. Rachelle Oaks Pro-Life Atheist made a post asking black pro-lifers how they felt about white pro-lifers using the “PP is racist” talking point now that racism is finally getting the mainstream awareness it needs to fix other systemic problems POC face. Here are some responses (note: some of these comments were made by white pro-lifers, but they echoed similar sentiments to the black pro-lifers so I included them) —
•I think it’s offensive when people use it as an excuse to not talk about other injustices plaguing our community.
•I agree, I don't think it's racist. But I think a lot of conservative people use abortion in the black community as an excuse to not talk about other racial issues. I'm talking about people who every time racism is brought up say, "Well, but Planned Parenthood etc." Obviously, the high abortion rate in the black community, and the targeting of black women by the abortion industry, needs to be addressed, but it's not the only instance of racial oppression in America.
•Due to the George floyd case I keep encountering white pro lifers who were willing to convict Floyd from a case 13 yrs, a case they cant even provide proof on on one very vague detail. Yet I observed them use the "black babies are statistically aborted the most" line. It's a tactic to emotionally manipulate others, primarily black people to dismiss them them and I'm getting annoyed by it.
•I'm starting to think that they shouldnt point it out... or rather as much in order to prove how racist PP/abortion is.. I'm beginning to acknowledge that many who make an effort to point it out really do not care about black issues or that concerned with why a black person will be black/choose abortion.
The truth is I didnt become pro life due to the stat that most babies are black or because Margaret sanger is a racist. I did used to be hung up about it. But honestly who wasnt trying to euthanize us during that time. Margaret sanger really doesnt have any connection to why black women will abort.
And relaying that black babies are aborted the most Is pointless because in the end abortion is wrong regardless.
I do think if it should be brought up I would highly prefer other black people. Non black people may not know how to properly approach a black pcer or acknowledged our issues. Another black pro lifer will.
•It's generally said ignorantly, as if there aren't African Americans outraged at abortion. It's also generally said in response to the unjust murder of African Americans at the hands of white civilians and police. They are two separate issues, though they are connected.
•I'm "white" & I don't bring up this atrocity when discussing normal racial issues. However, I see OH SO many posts from BLM that targets whites/Christians/conservatives about how we fight for unborn lives but not black lives in which case.... how does one even react? As an independent, who was prolife way before I became a Christian, I want to fire back but without belittling the other obvious racial injustices in which they are passionate about.. but people on both sides of the aisle can be blinded. If Black Lives Matter would start teaming up with pro life groups, think of the incredible changes we could bring to these women & their babies! I'll get off my soapbox now.
If you are a black pro-lifer and have a similar or different POV on this, please reblog and share if you are interested! I feel like this is ever talked about enough in our movement.
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
Zeke is determinated to save his brother from the shackles of Grisha's poisonous influence. If Eren is refusing to go along with their dream the only reason is more than obvious: their wretched father has brainwashed him and only Zeke himself is able to free him of that burden. Only once he manages to undo the damage will the two of them stand together as brothers and put an end, once and for all, to the cursed fate of the eldian people.
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Xaver stoods in his mind as Zeke's personal saviour. From his pov he was his real father: a father who listened and played with him, an adult with whom he felt safe and comfortable. The person who finally opened his eyes to the monstruos nature of his birth parents characters, and encouraged him to turned them over to the marlean authorities instead of joining them in utopia.
Zeke has never questioned his mentor's motives or the type of person he was. He only saw one side of him: the loving man who had his best interest in mind. To this day he never pondered over the fact that this very man basically turned him into the executioner of his own parents and how terrible is to put that burden on a child. How cruel and manipulative is to tell a seven years old that his own parents never loved him.
Claiming that Grisha has brainwashed and mistreat Eren as he did with Zeke himself all those years ago, refusing to even consider the possibility that he could have been a better parent to Eren, and not even listening to Eren's thoughts on the matter, he goes ahead and brings their foreheads together. To show his brother the truth.
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But forcing your ideals and pov into another person is no different from what both his parents and Xaver did to him. So I have to ask: by using the FT powers to force his own convictions onto Eren, at the end, is he really that different from those he claims to loathe? Who is really trying to brainwash Eren at this point?
The brothers enter Grisha's memories and witness how this man interacted and raised his younger son.
This quest objetive is to reveal the true face of Grisha and all his wrongdoings. But along the way I can't help but wonder if what Zeke was really looking for, on an unconciouss level, was seeing their father again. Zeke was conditionated and encouraged by Xaver to hate and despise his father, but little Zeke loved him more than anything. He tried to put up with all the things he and Dina asked of him. Even when he thought those things were wrong and put him in danger, he did soldier on. What really brought him to a breaking point was not only his parents neglect, but the possiblity of all of them together being shipped off to paradise. For someone who to this day is still craving affection as a starved animal, I have no doubts that even if he convinced himself of hating him, a part of him is still that little boy who adored him. In order to move forward he had to believe his father was a monster.
When confronted with the reality that Grisha really seemed to care for his new wife and son, his bitterness and denial are palpable. He's jelous bc some part of him still wished he could have had something like that. Eren himself is going along this painful trip down memory lane, having to endure witnessing all those dear and simpler days with a deep sense of longing.
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But no matter how hard he searchs, nothing seems to match Zeke's expectations. He's desesperatly trying to find the instances when Grisha acted as a selfish man who puts his own ideals ahead of the safety of his family. The months pass and all he can find are wholesome family moments. They get to see how Eren was clearly loved and doted upon, how his father spent countless hours playing with him, taking him on walks, witnessing his very first steps. The tranquil family dinners where no talk of politics or revolution ever graced the table.
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Even then Zeke keeps searching for the devious facet that he knows must exit. Grisha infiltrated the walls to locate the FT and restaure the Eldian Empire. His new family is an accessory, just like his previous one.
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Eren himself is done with this futile quest. Unlike Zeke, he knows the two sides of the story. He knows his father's faults, even believed for a time the worst of him when Rod Reiss triggered the memories of the chapel massacre. He has come to terms with the fact his father was a flawed man who payed dearly for his dreams and came to repent and love his new family in all the ways he couldn't with his former one. Eren knows all about his guilt, about his sins and regrets. About how much he cherished him and his mother, and how he never forgot about Dina and Zeke.
But what good does it do to argue with someone who's utterly convinced of his own truth? Trying to force his biased version on Eren is nonsense and Eren is very aware of this fact. Of course father is a demon, isn't that what you want to hear? We can move on and euthanize our own people next now that I know your true Zeke. What an evil man! Forcing your vission onto others without giving a damn about their own side of the story or experiences is such a wonderful and foolproof plan. Can't you see how the brainwashing is coming undone thanks to you showing me all these things? It's useless to try to talk with someone who doesn't listen.
But then both Eren and Zeke learned that they didn't even knew all there was to know about Grisha and how far he had evolved from his younger self.
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He gave up on his old dream. He learned from his faults. When faced with the choice between his mission and his loved ones, this time he made the right choice. He was able to cast away his old self and previous mistakes and return to his family, finally deciding what was really more precious to him and clinging to this choice.
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Humans change and grow. But without taking the time to sit down and listen to other people we are unable to trully grasp who they really are as persons. We allow our own missconceptions and prejudices to blind us to the facts. What Zeke is experiencing now is a total subversion of what he was convinced was an absolute fact. But in order to allow himself to consider this possiblity, he had to witness it with his own eyes. Ignorance itself is a formidable enemy after all. That is the brothers motto, but the only one living by those words was Eren.
All the doubts Zeke still harboured and his last sanity rope was the utter conviction that his father never loved him. Mister Xaver told him so. It has to be true. Even if he changed in regards to his other son, Grisha never cared for Zeke. He was nothing more to him than a tool, a royal blood vessel that would help him to make his dream come true. Grisha found happiness with his new family, merrily forgetting all about his past one and the hell he put them through. Listening to Grisha utter "I'm sorry, Zeke" has began to utterly shatter this view.
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While Zeke was blabbing, Eren noted how his father still gazed and kept close his only memento of Dina and Zeke. He never forgot about them. How could he?
Kruger himself said that anyone can become a god or a devil, all it takes is for someone to believe in it. For Zeke and Rod Reiss Grisha Jaeger was a monster who gladly crushed children and anything that stood on his way. Marley and Willy Tybur convinced the whole world that Eren Jaeger is a demon hellbent on destroying everything in his path. We as readers were convinced that the Beast Titan was a devil who utterly lacked even an ounce of human compassion. Xaver appears to Zeke as a wonderful person; we as readers know better than to believe such a thing of someone who installed the idea in a child that his parents hated him and forced him to tarnish his hands with their blood. Just going by the flashes we saw this chapter about Grisha, an uninformed party would conclude that he was a good man with not a single fault to his name. To trully grasp others we need to get rid of our bias and missconceptions and learn to actually listen and see for ourselves what's true and what isn't. That has always been a theme in SnK. Zeke's journey isn't different.
Now both brothers experienced radically differnet sides of Grisha. Just bc he came to regret his previous actions and worked to better himself as a man, spouse and father doesn't mean all is forgiven. Zeke has the right to still resent him and the way he treated him. But he can only make that choice freely once he knows for certain all there is to his father's story. And the journey has only started.
I find intriguing how at the beginning it was Zeke who command the pace of their journey and kept selecting to continue. Now that his convictions have been shaken, and not Eren's, is Eren himself who seems to be in charge of the itinerary.
If inside paths realm the stronger mental will is the one who prevails, then the outcome of this little journey is very much on Eren's favour.
What's Zeke going to do? It's there a way to make him give up on his dream too? Or is he still fully convinced of the true of Xaver words? Memories of the previous shifter have a degree of influence on the current one. If Zeke can say with security that Eren was being controlled by their father, then how deep is the real hold of Xaver in all of this? Is this really only Zeke's dream? Xaver shared this dream with him when he still lived, and the two of them agreed to make it a reality. Even now he remains a dear person and highly respectable in Zeke's mind and heart. At the end I don't think it trully matters if his hold on Zeke is being reinforced by his memories living in him. The only one who can decide what to do is Zeke. Time may be infinite inside paths realm, but even so the clock is still ticking.
This chapter was monumental and has so many things to comment upon. I plan to do another post pondering over something I've been wondering for a long time: can shifters actually sense when someone down the line is witnessing/reviving some of their memories? Going by Frieda and Grisha this chapter, my tentative answer is yes. Hint: Grisha sees Zeke in front of him, but there was someone else behind Grisha who had the same view as him, and that someone would later be the vessel that holds all of Grisha's memories.
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yeenybeanies · 5 years
g/t prompt list
5. boop
matt murdock / daredevil & borrower!reader ( 3rd person pov ).
2,407 words
mild language warning
please keep comments to the tags!! thank you!! 
Matt started hearing the strange sounds a couple of days ago. He heard little rustling, pitter-pattering noises in the walls and ceilings of his apartment. At first, he’d thought it was just a mouse. That was the logical explanation. What else could it possibly be? But he quickly realized the error in that assumption when he listened a bit closer: the scurrying doesn’t sound quite right to be a mouse, nor does the quiet muttering of words. Last time Matt checked, mice do not speak. It wouldn’t be the strangest thing to find, admittedly, but it still seems unlikely. 
Whatever it is, though, it clearly can speak, which is troubling. It could compromise his security, his identity. Matt needs to catch it before it can expose him as Daredevil––assuming ( or perhaps hoping ) that it hasn’t already. 
Given its ability to speak, Matt assumes it has intelligence. It won’t fall for any sort of lure trap. Or maybe it would; maybe he’s giving it more credit than it deserves. Still, his gut tells him that it’s a bit smarter than that, especially given the things he’s heard it muttering. What kind of a rodent says something like  “ By the Gods, I’ll be sent to a top-secret facility where they’ll dissect me and take my DNA and they’ll euthanize me long before I can hope for any sort of liberation ”? It has a vocabulary and problem-solving skills that he wouldn’t expect from a simple creature. 
He’s also heard it whisper a name multiple times. Could that be its name? ( should he still consider it an it? ) 
“ [ Y/N ]? ”  he speaks plainly, lying face-up across his couch. The faint rustling, loud && clear in his ears, stops somewhere above him. Through the ceiling material, Matt can’t get a clear shape of what the creature is; he hasn’t been able to discern anything yet beyond the fact that they are small. And now they’ve stopped moving.  “ Is that . . . your name? ”  It feels foolish, speaking to a critter in the ceiling, but here he is. 
“ Where did you hear that? ”  The little thing is shouting, voice muffled through the ceiling. 
“ From you. ”  
“ How have you been––how long have you been listening? ”  
“ I first heard you about a week ago. What are you? Why are you here? ”  The creature falls silent––in that they stop talking, but Matt can still hear their movements quite clearly––and starts moving quickly along the ceiling. If he focuses hard enough, he can hear their heartbeat, small and rapid, as they scurry along. They move to the wall, and start to make their way down, looking like they’re heading for the floor. Matt sits up, a little puzzled, head angled in the creature’s direction. They stop once they reach the floor level, but the drywall still obscures their shape. 
“ How could he have heard me? What kind of super hearing does this human have? ”  Clearly they’re talking to themselves. They must not know that Matt can, in fact, still hear them. He shifts towards the edge of the couch, a little closer.  “ Shit shit shit––what am I gonna do? I just moved; there are cats upstairs, bugs downstairs––dammit. ”  
“ You, uh . . . uhm . . . ”  Matt clears his throat. It doesn’t sound like they have any nefarious, secret-identity-exposing intentions. It sounds more like they’re just trying to live.  “ You can come out. I’m . . . not going to hurt you. ”  Their little voice stops. They go silent again, save for minute shuffling. He thinks they’re going to run away at any moment, but then they do finally speak up again. 
“ That’s what every bean says. ”  Bean?  “ ‘ Oh, i’m not gonna hurt you. ’  and then you come out like an idiot and suddenly you’re trapped in a–a–a box-thing! And being carried off to Gods-know-where! ” 
“ Do you . . . speak from personal experience? ”  If so, this is actually quite concerning. Despite the being’s comic attempts to deepen their voice and sound like a human, their story resembles something from a nightmare. Matt frowns. He lowers himself quietly to the floor, onto his knees. 
“ Uh . . . no. It’s––it’s none of your business! ”  
Interestingly enough, Matt catches a flutter in the creature’s heartbeat, not unlike what he’d hear in a lying human. His brows pinch together. 
“ Look, I . . . don’t know how to, uh, reassure you. I can––I could probably help you, if you’d come out . . .. ”  
More movement. Matt tilts his head and focuses, trying to hear it better, gauge what the little being is doing. Little footsteps reach his ears. It sounds like the being is retreating, much to his disappointment and slight annoyance. They’re moving further away from him. He has half a mind to chase, but it wouldn’t do him any good––not with them in the wall like that. Not to mention, he would probably scare the hell out of them, which isn’t really something he cares to do. They seem to be under enough stress as is.
Matt is ready to let the being be, already standing up, when he hears the squeak of a screw being turned in drywall. He freezes, senses mapping the room, finding the screw in question in a power outlet cover––a loose cover, apparently. The cover is pushed aside, and a tiny––impossibly tiny–– . . . person slips out into the open. Radar senses are all over the little figure, picking up every detail they can get. The being is approximately three inches tall; they have four limbs, each ending in five digits; they’re wearing clothes; they–––they really are a very small human . . .. 
He isn’t sure what he was expecting, exactly, but this isn’t it. A talking rat actually seems a bit more likely . . .. 
“ You’re . . .–––woah. Hey. ”  The little person’s heart rate shoots right up as he takes a step, prompting Matt to freeze again. He holds up his hands in a sort of surrender.  “ It’s okay. Like I said: I’m not going to hurt you. ”  
“ You aren’t . . . looking at me. ”  
“ I’m––yeah, I–––that wouldn’t do me much good. ” 
They don’t press further, seeming to understand. A soft patter of little feet tells Matt that they’ve moved a bit closer, though they remain well outside of his reach. That’s fine. He doesn’t intend to grab them. 
“ You have really good hearing, ”  they comment. Their heart rate is going down, slowly but surely.  “ What is your name? ”  
“ Uh . . . Matt. It’s––I’m Matt. Is [ Y/N ] your name? ”  
They nod––an action he does notice––but they quickly follow up, sounding a little embarrassed, as if unused to speaking to a blind man. “ Y–yeah. That’s me. You heard right. ”  
Matt smiles a little, more to himself than to his company.  “ Well, [ Y/N ], do you mind if I sit down? ”  
“ Go for it . . .. ”  It sounds more like a question, indicative of [ Y/N ]’s confusion. It is a weird question to ask. Who asks for permission to sit in his own house? But Matt is more thinking that he doesn’t want to give the little one reason to bolt. And they don’t. They stay right where they are ( heart rate rising ) as he lowers himself back onto the couch. 
An interesting conversation ensues. Matt has plenty of questions, and, as it turns out, the little one––borrower, as they call themselves––has some of their own. Matt learns that, while [ Y/N ] has seen him return at night in his uniform, they don’t really know who he’s supposed to be or what it’s for. It’s probably best they remain in the dark. As they talk, too, Matt notices that the borrower comes a little closer every few minutes. They seem to be just as curious about him as he is about them. He guesses he’s the first blind  " bean ”  they’ve encountered. He also seems to be the first one that hasn’t actively tried to catch and/or kill them. It’s a little upsetting to think about. 
“ Can I . . . feel you? ”  It’s another odd question. Even for him, it’s a strange one, but he’s still questioning himself on whether or not this encounter is real. The borrower stiffens, immediately nervous once more. Matt feels the awkward tension rise up. 
“ Uh . . . what do you, uh––why? ” 
Right. That’s answer enough. Matt leans back a little, as if to give [ Y/N ] some more space. Some guilt creeps into his conscience for even asking, considering how the borrower’s reacted to him thus far. While they’ve been amicable, he’s not oblivious to their constant, underlying fear. 
“ Never mind. Sorry––forget I asked. ”  Stupid. He mentally berates himself, but another sound reaches his ears, cutting him off. He frowns, head jerking sharply towards the door ( which startles the borrower; he’ll have to remember to keep his movements slower and smoother in the future ). 
“ Someone’s coming. You should probably––– ” 
But they’re already gone. Matt hears the rapid pitter-patter of little feet on the floors, and the following scrape against the wall as the outlet cover is moved aside. For a brief moment, his focus remains on [ Y/N ] as they move through the walls, but the knock at the door pulls him back to the situation at hand. It seems that Foggy is here. 
“ Matt. ”  The voice reaches him, but Matt doesn’t wake just yet. 
Foggy came over, and the two of them had conversation over a couple of beers. Some of it was business, and some of it wasn’t––a good mix of the two, really. Matt lost focus on [ Y/N ] shortly after they vanished into the wall, and hadn’t found them again after Foggy eventually left. Figuring they’d gone to sleep, as the hour was pretty late, he opted to do the same, and retired to his room for the night. 
Then he started to experience things. His nightmares are always so intimate, an assault on the senses. So many voices ( screams ), sensations, so much chaos–––
“ Matt! ”  There’s a tap to his nose that finally wakes the man. He breathes out sharply, wrenched from his bad dream. Sightless eyes blink in the darkness, staring up at the ceiling as he works to ground himself and get his breathing under control. It takes a couple of seconds for him to realize he isn’t alone. There’s a buzzing heartbeat within a small, warm little body just to the left of his head. 
“ [ Y/N ]? ”  While he isn’t super familiar with their specific heartbeat yet, Matt does recognize the little squeaks and yelps they make when startled. Those are unmistakable. He pushes against his mattress and moves himself a few inches to the right, giving himself and the borrower some room so he can safely sit himself up, elbow propped under his body for support. The way the mattress deforms under him jostles [ Y/N ], but they maintain their footing.
“ Are you okay? ” 
“ I–I think I, uh––I should be asking you that! You were yelling in your sleep! ”  There’s a quiver in their voice. They’re nervous––terrified, even. They’re much closer to Matt now than they were willing to get before. Hell––they touched him, flicked him hard enough on the nose to wake him up. 
“ I . . . was I? Sorry . . . ”  He must have woken them up, then. Matt sighs and drags a hand down his face, still exhausted, but awake for the time being. He can feel the borrower staring at him.  “ I’m okay. Just a bad dream. ”  
They don’t seem too convinced, but they take a step back regardless, likely ready to make their runaway. That doesn’t happen, though; when Matt pushes himself up further, their surprised yelp hits the air, and he feels a little weight fall onto the back of his hand. Immediately he freezes, not daring to move, lest he frighten [ Y/N ] further. It seems they have a similar idea, though perhaps their freeze is more fear-induced than anything else. 
“ . . . You can get up. I won’t move. ”  And they do get up after another moment, scurrying off of his hand ( with a little assistance ). He offers a soft apology. Much to his surprise, though, they don’t go very far. Already that hummingbird heartbeat is starting to slow. Once more, they’re silent, staring at him. Things are a bit awkward. Matt clears his throat. 
“ I’m, uh––I’m gonna go get some water from the kitchen. Do you . . . want anything? Or would you like to join me . . .? ”  
They don’t answer. Matt takes it as a no. He resumes getting up, off the bed, much slower this time. 
“ I could . . . use a snack, ”  comes the tiny voice, making Matt pause again. He glances back over his shoulder, senses picking up on [ Y/N ]’s minuscule form. Being their size, he imagines they must need to eat fairly often. 
“ Want me to carry you? ”  It’s just a suggestion. It’d be faster, more efficient, but Matt won’t push. 
“ I can manage. ”  Fair enough. The borrower approaches the bed’s edge and climbs down the sheets and covers, down to the floor, where Matt can hear their footsteps. He starts walking towards the kitchen, pace slowed a little, but still quick enough to keep well ahead of [ Y/N ]. Though the chances of him stepping on them are slim to none, it’s still a precaution he takes. 
Now, he’s sure he’s got some cereal in one of the cabinets that he thinks his new companion would like . . . 
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 114 Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1081 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,038 responses
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This arc continues to impress, with almost half of respondents giving it 5 stars, and only 3.5% giving it a highly negative rating. That said, the amount of 5 ratings is down 11.9% from last month, which itself was down 17% from 112.
That was an amazing way to conclude vol. 28, arguably making it the best volume of this arc so far. Not only Levi did get hoisted by his own petard, but it was a fantastic way to flesh out more Zeke as an actual character instead of a plot device meant to trigger the rumbling.
Amazing chapter. I was certain Zeke had his own goals, but I was not able to see it coming. I love where the story seems to be going.
Easily top 10 worst AOT chapters of all time
Excellent chapter. Expected nothing from Zeke's backstory and was pleasantly surprised to see how well it turned out. Also good job on leaving hints at his true motivations since RtS and making the whole thing come together in such a thematically impactful way.
This chapter has been just another in a rung of disappointing chapters that has taken characters like Eren and done so much damage to them I am concerned there is no recovery for them even if they begin to change in a better way.
One of the best chapters
This has to be my most favorite chapter of this series thus far! I absolutely loved finally getting some crucial insight on Zeke and learning about what has been secretly buried within his heart for the entirety of his life.
There was no Floch this chapter, therefore what a waste
Imho this is the best chapter we've had since 101
Not as exciting as the recent chapters
Not the most exciting chapter, but it wasn't boring either. We got to finally visit the source of Zeke's motivations and what his true mission is, which has been a mystery for a long time. Now we just need to know what Eren is thinking and why he treated his friends the way he did..
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Garnering over ¼ of the votes, Zeke dramatically detonating the thunderspear made a huge impact on us readers, followed by 22.4% finding themselves grappling with Levi’s uncertain fate on the last page. Bringing up 3rd at 20.4% was Zeke and Xaver’s plan to commit eldian genocide through titan eugenics.
Oh god, I did not know fear until I saw Levi being blown away. I was cool with him dying fighting his comrades, but christ, I can't stand the thought of him being critically injured or something. Going out in a blaze of glory is one thing, but no longer being humanity's strongest soldier? That's honestly more painful for me
Zeke's childhood was sad - but we knew that. Doesn't justify genocide - even 'gentle' genocide via sterilization. It felt more like a way of getting pieces in place for the final showdown.
Levi loses his right arm like Erwin! Fuckyeah
Levi better be crippled. Tension in the story increased a lot with him being maimed.
Zeke, you're a cool guy, but that ""Cockblock all eldians"" plan? It ain't gonna happen. The world is a cruel place with or without titans.
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In a chapter full of infodrops, 65.2% found the reveal that the Founding titan can manipulate Eldian DNA to be the most fascinating among them. 15.5% chose the curtain being pulled back a bit on Zeke turning in his parents, revealing Xaver convinced him to. 12.1% chose the tie in to season 2’s ED, with the battle of Lago. 3.7% were taken aback with Xaver’s tragic backstory, selecting it as the best reveal, and 1.9% selecting his profession as a titan researcher. 1.6% of you were shocked to learn that Xaver was able to hide his Eldian status.
I really love the DNA manipulation reveal, it changes a lot of things and allows for a bunch of new theories.
This chapter hasn't changed much for me aside from the revelation that the FT can alter Eldian DNA.
Now we have more questions (like always happens) like if Kruger was involved with Xaver and the decision to turn in Zeke's parents.
There's more backstory for Xaver.
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Zekerets revealed! Zeke’s master plan to end the world’s suffering through euthanizing the Eldian race was met to mostly mixed responses. 34.8% felt the reveal was alright and gave it a 3, with 32.2% bumping it up to a 4. 15.2% gave it the highest rating, and 17.9% voted unfavorably.
I think Zeke's motive fits his character and the stories themes perfectly. I can understand some people's disappointment expecting him to have some deus ex machina that'll solve all the stories problems and save the Eldians. But I find this far more realistic.
Zeke's ideology is classic "greater good"  rhetoric.
Was hoping Zeke would be more morally gray rather than a blatant antagonist so I'm a little disappointed, but I also thought this was genuinely an amazing chapter. My heart broke for young Zeke.
This isn't freedom, neither salvation. This is giving up of his own people lives, because of his own view of the world.
It’s funny, Mikasa’s ‘this world is cruel...’ line is probably the one that best sums up the world of Shingeki. But whilst Mikasa can see the good in the world, Zeke only sees the cruelty, and determines that there is no need to live in a world where people are so endlessly cruel to Eldians. A world in which they are a mistake.
I also like the thematic continuity of how Zeke’s plan was revealed, and how it fit perfectly with what we’ve seen already of how characters discover that “the world is a cruel place”, and how their individual life experiences and relationships lead them to completely different conclusions. I much prefer this kind of big reveal that adds depth to the story & writing, as opposed to something completely sensationalist just for a shock factor
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At 52%, just over half of respondents believe that Zeke has let Eren in on his plan, while 16% are sure Eren is oblivious to it. The remaining respondents don't want to say for sure either way.
I think Eren is fully aware of Zeke's plan, but is only letting it go on until Eren gets closer to his own goal, whatever that may be.
I really hope Eren doesn't know Zeke's actual plan. I have a shred of hope left for him and if he agrees to genocide that's out the window
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Over 76% of respondents agree that Eren hasn't gone totally off the deep end and will oppose Zeke's euthanasia plan. A small percentage feel Eren will see things the same as Zeke, while 16% remain uncertain either way. We can all probably agree we need to see his point of view soon, though.
Eren thoughts when?
Zeke as of now represents the perfect opposition to Eren's philosophy and the incoming conflict which will eventually push them to stand against each other is bound to be interesting.
Something is missing here. Zeke and Eren could do their "Eldian Euthanasia" right when they secretly met in Liberio. There has to be more to Zeke's plan.
With the conflicting plans almost confirmed, Jaegerbowl incoming?
I don't think Eren is double-crossing Zeke/only using him/intending to betray him. While I doubt Eren will agree to Zeke's plan, I think it'd be a bit too predictable and underwhelming if Isayama simply decided to do the brother vs brother route now, especially when we haven't seen them properly interact.
There'll be conflict, but maybe not in the way most of the fandom seems to be anticipating.
This chapter firmly confirms that unless Eren has agreed to go along with Zeke's plans, one of them is playing the other.
Eren is definitely either unaware of his bro's endgame or not truly on Zeke's side but pretending he is. I hope it's the latter because that would be so much more interesting to me than Eren being manipulated. I also think there's setup: Zeke projected on Eren literally the first time he ever saw him, thinks Eren is the only other person who understands, and seems like a deeply lonely person on the inside. The inevitable Yeager brothers clash will be awesome either way; they're total opposites. I am dying for Eren PoV soon, ugh.
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The vast majority (71.1%) agree with Zeke’s decision to report his parents to the Marleyan authorities. Most of those (59.1%) follow Zeke’s own logic:  that it at least spared his grandparents and himself, while the remaining 12% simply believe that Grisha and Dina deserved what happened to them. In contrast, almost a quarter  think Zeke should have instead tried a little bit harder to talk some sense into Grisha and Dina. Sadly, only 4.6% of respondents believe that he could have saved his parents.
I can't blame Zeke that he betrayed his parents. It was the best decision, to save the life of his grandparents and his own, cause they shouldn't be punished for the sins of Grisha and Dina.
He didn't have a choice. He was manipulated and was just an abused child. A better question, I think, should have been "Was Xaver justified in forcing Zeke to turn in his parents?"
Seriously, I don't feel sorry for Grisha and Dina. Zeke tries to warn them, but they don't listen to him and if you don't want to hear, then you have to be punished and take the consequences.
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Zeke finally got a chance to step up to the plate of tragic backstory, and hit a bit of a bunt. It did the job, but didn’t exceed the home runs hit by Reiner and some others. The majority, at 44.3% felt that while tragic, it doesn’t quite merit eradicating his entire race. Interestingly, the average rating of the chapter increases the more tragic you found Zeke’s childhood, finding the chapter to be more of a narrative success.  
Bold of Isayama to think a sad backstory would make me stop wanting Zeke to get rekt.
Zeke's childhood wasn't as tragic as Reiner's. They both had to deal with a lot of problems, but Zeke at least had Xavier and grandparents who cared about him. They gave him love he needed.
I never thought it was possible to make me not hate Zeke Jaeger. But somehow now I barely hate him at all. We'll see how Season 3.2 changes that.
I did enjoy Zeke's backstory but I also found it kind of underwhelming. IDK
Zeke has been my favorite character for years now. Glad to see my instincts were right. He is not the villain people used to think he was.
He was always thought to be a 900 IQ mastermind, but in reality he was even less talented than Reiner was.
Zeke’s flashbacks were very well executed, with the perfect combination of tragic and disturbing, and just the right amount of the classic Isayama “grey morality” to stir up some debate. Each backstory reveal like this is an exercise in empathy, in which we are asked to sympathise with a character just enough to understand where they’re coming from and the suffering they’ve undergone. By having their resulting crimes/actions as bad as they are however (i.e. mass murder), the story does NOT require us to forgive or justify what they’ve done. Rather, it simply invites us to expand our perspective and see the bigger picture, that horrible individuals are both victims and perpetrators of horrible environments; basically, how bad people are made, not born.
Zeke did nothing wrong, he is just a sad little monkey.
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Was Xaver being manipulative? Dramatic? Truthful? Luckily for Zeke, most of us (87.7%) do think that his parents at least loved him in some capacity. Unluckily for Zeke, almost a quarter believe that his parents loved him less than they loved their dreams of restoring their lost empire. Only 12.3% believe that Xaver’s words were honest, and that Grisha and Dina never loved their son - only seeing him as a tool to be used.
I think Dina did love Zeke, but loved the mission more. Grisha however, I think only ever saw him as their "savior", and never took the time to truly think of him as his son.
I used to believe that Zeke was some cruel psychopath. Now I see that he was just a sensitive, unloved child who was forced into some crazy plans of his trash parents. He never wanted to fight, that was not his nature.
Xaver telling Zeke "your parents never loved you" was incredibly manipulative but also (maybe) an attempt at making a bad situation less bad. If Xaver had said, "I know they love you but... " Zeke would have been consumed with guilt for condemning his parents to death. On the flip side,  believing he was never loved likely added to the feeling of wishing he'd never been born, and thus the mess we are in.
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For all of Grisha’s flaws, most of us don’t quite blame him for what happened on that fateful day 37 years ago, when he dared to venture outside the internment zone walls with his little sister Faye. 40% defend him - arguing that he was just a child himself. Only 2.1% blame him, citing that things would have gone fine if he had just followed society’s rules. A little more than a third of us don’t believe that he was personally in the wrong, but that he should not have endangered his sister.
Zeke wasn't so wrong about what happen to Faye, Grisha's curiosity and carelessness cost's the life of his sister.
Grisha, Xaver, Zeke... none of them were ever special or any kind of masterminds but just normal people driven to extreme due to their awful lives.
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Unsurprisingly, 80% of respondents believe that Eren is the brother takes after Grisha the most. Heated and bold claims of striving for freedom surely had a part to play in that.
I don't know whether Eren or Zeke will turn out more like Grisha until we find out how they both turn out
I've been saying during months that Grisha destroyed both of his sons, and now we finally have the evidence. They've both taken opposite paths (being different or the same as him) and will end fighting each other, unless Levi manages to accomplish his promise somehow.
Grisha had never really screamed Eren quite as much as this chapter, which truly makes me think how unbelievable it is that Eren inherited his father's titan and his memories along with it, including the absolute regret he felt over how he handled things with the Eldian Restoration Movement and Zeke (read: putting his desire for freedom above people) and then became exactly like him. He literally learned nothing.
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If this story has shown us anything, it’s that Isayama is marvelously skilled at creating problematic parent characters. Rod Reiss still wins the award for worst parent, but Grisha and Dina collectively come in second place after this chapter - with a quarter of respondents choosing them. Other (dis)honorable mentions go to Alma and Karina, who still managed to scrape up more than 15% of the vote each.
Grisha because he had a kid just to use as a tool TWICE!!!
Karina and Alma can share the title. :/
Let me pick more than one xD(Also Alma and Karina both suck)
There is a tie: Karina + Grisha/Dina + Alma + Rod.
They all have their faults as parents so it's hard to focus solely on one option.
They all sucked in their own way
Tom's wife
I don't know why people are letting Grisha's parents off the hook. They are just as awful at parenting as he was (who tells their grandson that his father was responsible for his aunt's gruesome murder? Also, they were pumping him full of just as much propaganda as his parents). Honestly though, that entire family was screwed from the beginning.
Everyone but Carla
Isayama: Worst parents? Worst childhood? Hold my beer. Now I wonder what did Isayama counter when he was young.
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Most of us felt positively about Mr. Xaver after seeing his backstory, with 65.4% feeling he had good interests at heart for Zeke. More of us are uncertain about his true motives, with 8.9% feeling he wasn’t genuine at all.
Xaver's doing that freaky "hide true emotions behind opaque glass lenses" thing that Zeke did a lot, giving me a concern
Definitely enjoy Zeke less as a villain now, but hope Kruger and Xaver keep on being creepy enough to make up for it.
It’s Xaver, not Xavier; spell it properly r/SnK!!!
Xaver is a kind and wise monky man, but with lots of secrets. Hoping to see more of him in the future.
Even though Xaver may be a schemer, he met Zeke by chance, so I believe in him.
About Tom Xaver...for me he looks friendly and I feel bad for him too, as he said that his wife killed their son and herself as she found out, that she has married an eldia. I guess, she doesn't want to take the consequences, cause it isn't allowed for marleyans to have a romantic relationship to an eldia. It was really sweet, that Xaver see's in Zeke his own son and was more a father figure to Zeke.
Zeke’s “watch this, Mr Xaver” is kind of sad; it’s obvious that Zeke respected him more than anyone else in his life...and he was just using Zeke. I wonder if Zeke realised that at any point during his adult life...
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62% of us felt that Zeke’s cute monkey toy, featured prominently in both Grisha’s and Xaver’s memories, has some significance to the plot going forward.
I feel like the Monkey Toy is a plushie of the Beast Titan, like each of the seven Titans in Marley have toys based on them. Xaver's son and Zeke being shown to have them is probably done to show that, but I wouldn't be surprised it is used as delayed foreshadowing as a writing technique to foreshadow who Xaver and Zeke will turn into later on.
I'm glad to see that somebody else noticed the monkey toy; I was really excited that it showed up again.
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The fandom is almost perfectly split with regard to Tom Xaver, and whether or not he was aligned with Eren Kruger. Half of us have donned our tin foil hats and are ready for the conspiracy to be unveiled, while the other half is more optimistic that Xaver was an authentic part of Zeke’s life - or at least independent from the Owl’s schemes.
Both Grisha and Zeke were groomed since childhood to inherit titan-shifting powers by Kruger and Xaver.
I don't know if Xaver is/was working together with Kruger and I kinda doubt that. Maybe Kruger used Xaver, cause he was a researcher from the titan-science about the information, but who knows? We don't have any proof of this.
If Xaver isn't the doctor who falsified Kruger's documents I will shit on my own head
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A typo in the official translation lead to an interesting question: Which would be the best titan to inherit?  The Warhammer titan wins out with its ability to create almost anything.  The supposed ultimate titan, the Founding, came in second place, while the raging Attack Titan fought its way into third.  The Armored Titan racked up 7.9%, the Female Titan got 6.9%, and the Beast Titan garnered 4.8% for best titan.  The icon for the titans, the Colossal obtained 4.7% of the vote, with the Jaw titan following with 3.3%.  The poor Cart Titan got a measly 2.1% of the vote.
Part of me wonders if an inherent trait of the beast titan is to create war? For the sake of conflict?
The whole Titan and World History is what I'm interested the most.
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This more introspective chapter drastically changed opinions on a few characters, while others who had less focus were rather unchanged.  The main character of the chapter, Zeke, saw his favorability increase a bit with his time in the spotlight.  His parents weren’t as lucky, with Grisha tanking the hardest after we see him through Zeke’s young eyes.  We also got to know Xaver for the first time, and the new info lead most to becoming fans of his.  Magath, Eren, and Levi remained at about the same level, with Levi going up the most of the three in his time of peril.
I miss eren, I love zeke and grisha is a bastard
Levi is - as always - an arrogant midget who paid for his silliness, finally (he knows that a shifter can regenerate from the brain, and he still uses a single spear!). Historia will save all the Eldians asses from suicidal Zeke in the end - she has her agenda, but Eren is still a mystery to me. Grisha is the worst character and Dina truly disappoint me.
I get that Levi is the most popular character, but dear god am i tired of everything revolving around him. can we have one sequence of events without it being the Levi Drama Hour
Xaver good boi
I have to say, the Marley arc was a real turning point for how I felt about Zeke. He went from 'someone I love to hate and want to see suffer' to 'I can't believe I actually kinda like this guy'. Then his betrayal happened, and while I didn't go back to hating him as viscerally as before, I couldn't help but feel a bit bitter about the whole thing. But this chapter. This. Damn. Chapter. It was everything I could ever need to fall in love with his character. Don't get me wrong! He's still wrong, on so many different levels and I definitely do NOT want him to succeed with his plans! But I hope, in the end, he can find some peace for himself.
But is it Xaver or Xavier tho?
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With all of his Zekerets seemingly revealed, Zeke attempts to explain why he’s snuffed out so many souls over the course of the story.  Almost half of the fandom, at 46.6% understand what he’s saying, but don’t think it justifies his past actions.  On the other hand, 41.5% don’t buy a single word coming out of his mouth.
Justification isn't the right word. It gives me a means of understanding his reasoning, and I sympathise more because of it. But racial cleansing is not justifiable, no matter how little you value your own life., but given his history, that is also understandable
At the end of the day he's no different than all the other people that built mountains of corpses to stand upon so everyone could hear them preach about peace.
His mindset and feelings of defeat are completely understandable but nothing ever justifies killing people the way he does.
His parents and Xaver made him this way. It can't be helped. I think he's lying to himself. He clearly enjoyed torturing people. It was like a game to him. I think he isn't sane.
There’s always a “reason” for what people do, but it doesn’t always justify their actions.
No. But, I understand where he is coming from, and it's just truly heartbreaking that this was the solution that he feels is best for all Eldians.
Aah man. This is probably one of the only times I understand an antagonist’s desire to destroy humanity/a race
Fuck him, he killed our precious Erwin
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At 62%, the majority of voters feel that the end game will be to free the Eldian people from the power of the titans. 13% feel that the titan power will remain, but that the rest of the world will learn to stop viewing them as monsters and 10% feel that Eldians will all die.
DNA will be the solution to remove curse
I can’t help but to draw parallels with the real world. I want more than anything for Marley to stop holding Eldians to the crimes of their ancestors and to talk with each other instead of further alienating each other.
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The conundrum to end all conundrums.  If peace doesn’t end up being on the table, one side has to go.  Just over ¾ of the fandom, at 76% feel that bringing an end to the Eldians would be a lesser evil than wiping out the rest of the world.
I think at this point it's clear there's no 'good' way to solve the Eldians' problems, unfortunately.
Genocide can never be the lesser evil. Murder is never justified.
Neither Zeke nor Eren's plan qualify as the lesser of two evils, imo. The point is that they are both deeply flawed goals that bring a lot of misery. Neither are desirable outcomes.
I can't see either out of 'killing all Eldians' or 'killing the rest of the world' as the lesser of two evils, even if killing all Eldians is technically lesser in numbers terms. They're both just evil.
I actually find some comfort in the fact that Zeke sees no way out of this situation for the Eldians. He has no ultimate Zekeret plan, he genuinely believes the situation is impossible for them. Which is exactly how us fans feel since literally any possible solution that would either make any form of sense or wouldn't be massively unrealistic, or an overly optimistic stretch are non-existent right now.
Zeke knows that peace between humans and eldians is impossible and eldians will never be accepted in the world. Instead of crushing humans, he decided to remove the eldian race.
If I'm to choose between two evils, then I prefer not to choose at all. Fuck that, I'll find another way or die trying.
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Ymir Fritz is the biggest mystery within the world of SNK, and for us as well.  The only place most of the fandom seems to agree on her is that she’ll likely be important to the story’s ending, with 77.3%.  52.9% are putting the new info given this chapter about biological manipulation to use, theorizing she used that to create titans.  50.3% believe she came in contact with the source, whereas 21.7% think the devil was responsible.  34.3% believe PATHS are at play and she has, is, or will contact Eren.  The majority of respondents don’t believe the ramblings of Grisha and the restorationists, with only 14.3% believing she was in fact a benevolent person.  Interestingly, people who selected that she is benevolent, as well as those who think paths contact with Eren is likely, on average had every other option chosen far more as well.
Honestly, Ymir Fritz was probably just a girl that wanted to save her people and had no idea what she was doing.
The true History will be play a huge part about the end, I guess.
Another friend discussed the idea of maybe the beast titan being the organic source/devil that Ymir made contact with. Just fun ideas to throw around.
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Captain Levi has made it through his fair share of death-defying ordeals, but this time he may not have escaped unscathed.  35.9% of respondents believe he’s done it once again, escaping with only minor injuries.  28.6% feel the captain is in more dire straits, losing both an arm and a leg.  24.5% feel he lost just an arm, similar to Commander Erwin.  Only 4.8% feel the Captain has breathed his last.
He's been through worse. Not worried
Best case scenario he's missing just his right foot. Worst case (assuming he lives), Levi is half his original height.
He has Ackerhacks, he's fine
Hope he's dead. Too op
One thing I haven't seen anybody mention, Levi was holding a sword before the explosion.  I think it's possible the dude might've been impaled by his blade, in which case he might be screwed.
He will probably fall into the river and be led somewhere by the stream. Maybe to end like Kenny with a last discussion or memory.
He’s not dead... yet
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With a whopping ¾ of respondents worried about Levi’s fate (followed by nearly 50% wondering what happened to Zeke), the majority of us are hoping Isayama doesn’t leave us on this cliffhanger for too long. Historia brings up 3rd, possibly based on the theory that she’ll find Levi and help him?
I wanna see Floch get jumped tbh I used to stan but I can’t anymore
I'm afraid that Isayama killed Levi
I'm just over here waiting to see what Reiner and friends are up to, probably getting the whereabouts of Annie and attempting to free her
At this point my pet theory is Historia somehow swooping in Valkyrie-style and making everything better. Hey, a girl can dream, right?
I don't think Levi is dead, he's a survivor! If any man can, Levi Ackerman can!
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Chapter 112 - Zeke is using Eren. Chapter 113 - Zeke and Eren are working together. Chapter 114 - Eren is using Zeke. It's quite amazing how fast it changed.
What's the right, what's the truth, what to believe?
I was absolutely blown away by how artfully Xavier's back story was told. Those panels are haunting, and beautiful, and so well constructed. The kind of thing that will definitely stick with me for a long time. Isayama has become a truly amazing artist.
I have so much respect for Ymir. Despite having the shittiest childhood, she ended up being one of the most emotionally stable characters.
THE CHAPTER OF MY LIFE and Leave baby zeke alone you monsters *i meant you fandom*
At least Isyama knows how to make the final boss sympathetic. Even if his writing in most places leaves a little more to be desired, I am definitely enjoying the story for the story's sake.
Really miss Pieck…
[Levi] has a bruised ego, due to being so fucKING STUPID YOU DUMBFUCK WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THE ENEMY A BOMB
If you don't think Levi was remembering his choice in chapter 84 when Zeke said that stuff about saving the soldiers he killed you're wrong.
Should have gone for the head, Captain.
this chapter makes me feel like us readers have been caught in the final explosion, too. I see so many people who hated or disliked Zeke before, sympathize with him now.
I don't know how a person can stand and say one person deserves to die and I sure as hell don't know how one person can say whole nation deserves deaths. This is genocide, not euthanasia, but Hitler and Stalin would've approved this plan.
So, my dislike of Zeke aside, kid went through some shit. Every one only wanted to push their own ideas and agendas onto him to guarantee their own safety. He reminds me of Reiner, sans the rebellious parents. He went through just as much as Zeke did as a kid, but Reiner is racked with guilt over what he's been forced to do. Zeke hasn't shown any genuine sympathy; even Eren managed to look lifeless and affected by his self directed actions in Marley. And that kid LOVES killing people.
The fandom theories for his actions were setting people up for disappointment. This is a story about common people who are forced into abhorrent positions and have to make the best out of shitty circumstances.
I feel like Zeke's plan is perfectly valid if we take a step back and see the Eldian race as what it is. Each individual is an intelligent WOMD linked to a hivemind with limitless potential for change. Suddenly the Eldian people don't look as harmless. As readers however we've only been following from one perspective, and didn't fully get to see how terrifying the Eldian empire was.
[Zeke’s] whole plan sounds unbelivably stupid that even Hanji and Armin's "let's just talk lol" sounds more reasonable in comparison
As more chapters release, I'm struggling to fathom how Annie would become relevant to the plot line later on, or if ever.
The manga is reaching levels of depression I couldn’t think it was possible to reach inside me. Maybe it’s because of how long I follow AoT. This is a very tragic and sad story, Isayama is telling us, and I think it has more in store to come. Brace yourselves, my fellow soldiers....
If Levi is going down, let it be a glorious end, not like that. Just give him some satisfaction finally, no crippling please, he's suffered enough.  Come on Yams, I believe in you :)
This chapter really tugged at my heartstrings. As a reader, being aware of and mourning Zeke's lost childhood doesn't excuse his behaviour as an adult, however, I'm really glad we finally got to hear Zeke's side of the story.
I'm really tired of Isayama using cliffhangers to stir people into a frenzy and this chapter was the worst of it. People wanting Zeke's spinal fluid to have gotten into Levi's wounds (I guess so he can turn into a titan), Levi having the ability to regenerate or turn into a freaking titan out of nowhere because Ackermans' powers do come from PATHS also. Really? All of that sounds horrible and I really hope none of it happens.
I was hoping for this chapter to not be as bad as the chapters normally are since Isayama married and shit bu holy fuck I was wrong. The happier this man the sadder we get.
Zeke should be a Final Fantasy villian instead of an SnK antagonist
Cool motive, still genocide.
im eating a cucumber
82 notes · View notes
sseanight · 5 years
Park Jimin Fics Recommendation
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[ ❥ ] = Favorite
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Kim Namjoon  — Kim Seokjin  — Min Yoongi  — Jung Hoseok  — Kim Taehyung  — Jeon Jungkook
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[ ❥ ] Our Little Family; parent!au, fluff, angst
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 finale
You were just a pre-school teacher, a simple dream that came true as you always adored children. But what you didn’t know, was how one child and her very special father would change you dream forever.
♠ The Unfaithful Wife; angst
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10
He never believes you. Never.
♠ Will You; angst
part 1 | part 2 finale
Park Jimin, your boyfriend, was nothing but the cutest boyfriend on earth. No one could ever compare to him. He was your prince charming, your favorite superman and your Mickey Mouse. That was until he started to show his other side. The not so good side. A very jealous side, which from the start was kind of adorable but it soon became a big problem in your relationship.
♠ Because of Love; angst
One day, Jimin picks up his wife at the office.
♠  Dress Code; ceo! au, smut
Jimin takes it upon himself to discipline you when your attire doesn’t exactly adhere to HR regulations.
♠ Mistake; angst
part 1 | part 2 finale
One stupid mistake can change everything.
♠ Hidden Tears; angst
part 1 | part 2 finale
A smile can hide millions of tears.
♠  Power Play; porn star!au, smut
You know him as the A lister of all porn stars; a man who sits pretty in his place at the top of the food chain. But you also know him as the Park Jimin who single handedly humiliated you and ruined your own career as a rookie just starting out, the epitome of the biggest dick in the entire industry… and you’re not talking about his assets. But when Park Jimin comes to you, saying he’s in a slump that only you can get him out of and begs you to sign an exclusive contract with him; things get messy… in more ways than one.
♠ Tease; idol!au, smut
You miss your boyfriend Jimin very much, especially when he’s on tour, so you decide to tease him slightly. However, you learn very quickly that Park Jimin does not like to be teased.
♠ Ribbons (ft. Jeon Jungkook); smut
Your boyfriend, jimin, arranges the best birthday present you could have ever asked for.
[ ❥ ] Blue Blood; royalty!au, smut, angst
Prince Jimin was born with blue blood. His coronation is rapidly approaching, but there are two requirements he must fulfil before becoming a king. He must have the skills to fight in battle, and he must have a Queen with blood as blue as his. You, a member of the royal guard, are assigned to teach Jimin the ins and outs of combat. You are not scared of death, of blood, or of battle. What you are scared of however, is falling in love with Jimin, the one man your blood decrees you can never have.
♠ Just Sayin / I Tired; angst, fluff, smut
Sometimes love isn’t enough.
♠ Body Party; smut, fluff
It’s your birthday and Jimin decides to throw you a private party.
♠ Sin City; smut
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15
After a run of bad luck, you can go back home and admit defeat or step out of your comfort zone and look for a job at Sin City.
♠ Sated (ft. BTS); heavy smut
Sin. There’s nothing more.
♠ Beholden; royal!au, smut
As the rightful Queen to your nation, you have always known you one day must marry. Each time the question has arisen in the past, you have found legitimate reasons to turn the men down. Until now, that is. Until the proposal of a distant King, one whose union would only bring benefit to your people. Except for the fact, that your heart has already been taken by his proposer.
♠ No Strings; fwb!au, smut, slightly angst
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 finale | (Jimin’s pov part 5)
It started off as such a simple question. How to know if you’re bad in bed? Of course when you asked, you didn’t imagine Jimin would actually answer.
♠ Stress Relief; smut
Jimin keeps working late. He decides to wake you up in a way you can’t refuse.
♠ Like I Would (ft. Jung Hoseok); angst, smut, slightly fluff
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14
Sometimes, a shoulder to cry on can be the most dangerous thing of all.
♠ Tease; smut
part 1 | part 2 finale
Your best friend gets a new job, but tries to keep it a secret from you. You manage to find the address to his work, but why did it lead you to a strip club?
♠ The Rules of Heaven; angel!au, angst
Jimin is in love and Heaven doesn’t allow for it.
♠ Hurting Hearts; angst
“It’s not what it looks like”. But guess what? It is what it looks like.
♠ You; angst, fluff
You are his gf but totally not his ideal type, then Jimin’s childhood friend is perfect.
♠ Excuses; angst, fluff
part 1 | part 2 finale
Busy. You hated that word.
[ ❥ ] Partiality; parent!au, angst. fluff
You and Jimin argue about your kids not loving you two equally.
[ ❥ ] Charity; prince!au, angst, fluff, smut
You’re a maid for the Crowned Prince of Busan, you’re in love with him, but you think he only uses you for charity, so one night at the new karaoke bar, you try your best to forget him, with the help of a stranger.
♠ Part of Your World; merman!au, angst, fluff
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 finale
Jimin has always longed for the wide-open skies of the Above Sea. After saving the life of a beautiful human woman, he seeks to find her and finally live in his dream world. But young mermen should be careful what they wish for.
♠ Runaway Love; fluff, angst
Hoseok is panicking because his two best friends are getting married and he kind of lost the groom.
♠ Misunderstanding; angst, fluff
It was a mistake. A total misunderstanding.
♠ Promise; angst, fluff
In which Jimin attempted to fix all the mess he had done.
♠ Mermaid Melodies; mermaid!au, fluff
After you meet Park Jimin, you start to think that humans are not that bad as the Tribe said.
[ ❥ ] Faded Love; married couple!au, angst
He doesn’t need to say it. because you can feel your husband, park jimin, falling out of love with you.
♠ Trying Something New; smut, romance
Your boyfriend accidentally stumbles upon your porn stash and decides to make your fantasies reality.
♠ Cutie; angst, fluff
He has been out late at night, and you didn’t know why…until someone had texted him.
♠ Spring Day; idol!au, angst, fluff
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
You knew that married life with an idol would be challenging. You just didn’t know that it would be this challenging.
♠ Betray (ft. Kim Taehyung); angst
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
In which taehyung leaves you on the day of your wedding to run off with your best friend and you finding out about their secret.
[ ❥ ] About Time (ft. Jeon Jungkook); time travel!au, angst
Be careful for what you wish for, because you may never know how to deal with them once it comes true. What would you do when your wish for a second chance actually came true? But was it really a fulfilled wish? Too many questions lie when it actually happened. Were they real memories? Or perhaps a part of a past life? Was it only a dream all along? Will everything be different this time?
♠ 2 PM; fluff
Long-distance relationship are hard.
♠ One Year; smut
In which jimin really just wants to enjoy dinner but his jealousy gets the better of him.
♠ Heartbreak Insurance; fluff
The average person falls in love 4 to 7 times before marriages and 40% to 50% of all marriages end in divorce. 85% of all relationship end with a breakup. Don’t just be a statistics! At Heartbreak Insurance, we are committed to be there when you need it most. Affordable and comprehensible solutions to meet your needs today! With our Heartbreak Insurance, you can find a plan that fits your needs. We cover and care for you in most vulnerable times, offering paid times off, therapy sessions, and care packages. Because heartbreak is pain too.
♠ One Time Thing;  bestfriend’s-boyfriend!au. fluff, angst, smut
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
What are you going to do when your best friend asks you to have a sex with her boyfriend?
♠ Instincts; hybrid!au, fluff, smut
Who wants a snow leopard as a pet? No one, and  you don’t want to be a pet, but the day before you’re supposed to be euthanized you’ll take what you can get; a nice enough man, but something about him seems off.
[ ❥ ] Strip; stripper!au, fluff, angst, smut
Everything you have done has always been about surviving life and raising your child on your own. Having someone else caring about you was the last thing you had expected. Especially when that someone is the same man you have watched performing every night on stage and secretly admired. But will he run the moment he finds out about your little secret waiting at home?
♠ Sweeter Than Sweet; vampire!au, smut, angst, fluff
You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you. As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet. Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction.
♠ Confession; angst
When your idol boyfriend Park Jimin video calls you one night, the confession he tells you turns your world upside down.
[ ❥ ] Touched by a Fallen Star; prince!au, fantasy, angst, smut
You know he doesn’t belong to you. It’s pure science, physics. The stars have always belonged to the night sky, but since when has the night sky belonged to one of its insignificant stars?
♠ Thank You, Next; best friends to lovers!au, fluff, slight angst, smut
In high school you weren’t very popular, ten years later you travel to a class reunion of your old class. What could go wrong?
♠ Vlive Blowjob; smut
You and Jimin make a bet: If he loses, he has to buy a purse of the new Gucci collection for you, but if you lose, you have to make him a blowjob… while he makes a Live. None of this makes sense, but he was drunk when he proposed and you were drunk when you accepted. That explains everything.
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aspoonofsugar · 5 years
Hi! :) My question consists of two parts: 1) If it turns out Paradis would have no choice but to destroy the rest of the world which could be Eren's plans so far (I doubt it tho), do you think those who didn't aprove of his actions so far would agree to this? I mean they already decides on using the rumbling (only the threat so far) so is it possible? 2) I saw a similar ask on momtaku's blog and I totally respect her opinion but it's interesting for me to know about your opinion as well:
(Same anon) do you think if Paradis decides to wipe out the rest of the world this makes Zeke’s euthanization plan justified? Of course as momtaku said genocide should never be the option but which one of these in your opinion more sensible? Thank you
Hello anon!
I am answering your asks in two parts.
1) I think it is something impossible to say in an absolute way, but I doubt we will see something like this happening.
First of all, what do you mean by not having any other choice? There is always a choice even if the alternatives might be both horrible. In this case, using the Rumbling as a deterrent has honestly good chances of working unless the other countries decide for some reasons that they prefer the end of the world.
As far as we are told, the rest of the world has no way to survive such an attack, so they should logically have zero reasons to provoke it. If this is true, then why should Paradis wish to truly use the rumbling considering the fact that it is something dangerous and which would damage a part of their lands as well?
It would honestly make more sense for other countries to send assassins in order to kill the founder and/or the titan with Royal Blood since now they have this information thanks to Pieck. Alternatively, they could just accept Zeke’s euthanasia plan since it would make so that in a couple of generations there would not be any Eldians left.
What I am trying to underline is that there are several ways to go at it which don’t involve the rumbling or even an all out war.
From Paradis POV using the rumbling makes sense only if they want to avoid the euthanasia plan and to recreate an Eldian Empire. Using it would literally mean to destroy humanity and to conquer the world. In order for it to become a forced choice, I think several things must happen and the situation must be handled very carelessly by both parts.
That said, let’s imagine such a situation arises, maybe some of the people who are currently against Eren might change their mind, but the point is that I don’t think it will happen because the point is to try to find a solution before things reach such a hopeless scenario. In order to do so, I think some of the main characters might have to become more cynical, but they might be willing to apply this cynism in a different way than to pursue the objective to destroy the world.
2) Thank you for mentioning you had already asked something similar to @momtaku who answered here if someone is interested.
Honestly, I agree with what she said. I think there is no sensible choice since both plans would be born by two understandable wishes (a wish to survive and a wish to stop a cycle of violence), but would both lead to a genocide. All in all which plan each person would support would depend on which one of these two wishes they feel more strongly and since both wishes make perfect sense there is really no difference between these two plans morally speaking imo. They are both horrible alternatives and are really the same thing just changed of sign. The willingness to survive and the one to end a violent conflict are both good things, but one should think about a way to realize them which doesn’t end in the complete destruction of one side of the conflict because this is what both plans consist in.
Zeke’s euthanasia plan will end the conflict and make so that the non-Eldians survive.
Paradis destroying the rest of the world will end the conflict and make so that the Eldians survive.
Thank you for the ask!
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thehappyscavenger · 5 years
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Books Read in February 2019
There There by Tommy Orange
I read one of the hottest new Lit books in a timely fashion? How shocking! I liked but did not love this. Less a novel then a story cycle it has 12 pov characters, all Native Americans, that are loosely related by blood or circumstance all living in and around Oakland who gather together during a pow wow with some disastrous consequences. The good was the writing which was engaging. I didn’t mind the loose structure but it also disappointed me a little bit. If you’re going to have 12 pov characters you better make them damn distinct and unfortunately they started to bleed together a little too much. I had to keep flipping back through the pages to try and remember who certain characters were and I read this pretty quickly, I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to remember if I was a slower reader. If Orange had focused on fewer characters and fleshed them out a little more I might have liked the book better. It was still a very good solid read, mostly lived up to the hype! 
Animals by Emma Jane Unsworth
Another book I liked but didn’t love! Honestly a pretty good solid read. I am a sucker for friendship books and this book is about a 32 year old codependent alcoholic on the verge of growing up and getting married who is still pretty much married to her hard drinking and the best friend who enables her. It’s set in Manchester and honestly the writing was a little... dense for me to get through including some Britishims that I’m not quite sure I understood. Really good and solid though. Also despite this being a really classic tale (woman has bestie, bestie falls in love with a guy, friendship gets fucked up) this had a really good and honest ending which felt perfect. Good read, would recommend. 
An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
A fantastic book! I read this all in one go because it grabbed me from the beginning and never let go. The book covers about 7 years in the courtship of one couple, an African-American couple from Atlanta who, shortly after their first year of marriage, are separated when the husband of the couple is arrested for rape. The book makes it clear that he didn’t do it, but because of his skin colour he winds up becoming a victim of America’s prison industrial complex and their marriage suffers as a result. It’s a heart breaking read and there are three pov characters and Jones does an excellent job balancing between them and making it clear what their intentions are so that even when they’re hurting each other we see they’re not wrong exactly. 
The crazy and sad thing to me is that I read an interview with Jones after reading the book and she said the entire thing was originally told from the woman’s perspective but everyone hated her so much and found her so unsympathetic she added in the male perspectives. Now the book doesn’t suffer at all as a result but at the same time it made me really sad. I would have loved to read this book as told entirely from the woman’s pov and it sucks that black women are still judged so harshly and held to such brutal standards (she said people still find her female character unsympathetic to which I say “Get a grip”). Anyway this was brilliant and I was happy to see that Jones has written other books which I will definitely be digging into. 
Childhood by André Alexis
What can I say? I’ve loved Alexis’s writing since I first read the book that broke him into the big leagues, Fifteen Dogs. Childhood is his first book published in 1998 and is a really weird novel, so closed off and in some ways pedantic and self indulgent that I understand why it got very little notice when it was first published. The book takes the form of a love letter written to the main character’s paramour and which he claims is about his mother and her love affair with a man called Henry who was like a father figure to him. At least half of it is about his actual childhood and anyway what it’s actually about is this repressed abused man finally opening up because he doesn’t want to live the life of missed opportunities like his parental figures. Incredible writing completely carries this through. I really enjoyed it though I don’t know if others would. For Canadian lit snobs only I guess. 
Erratic Facts by Kay Ryan
I don’t know, I don’t feel like a good poetry reader and I seldom read poetry so I don’t even know how to review this. Ryan is someone whose poems I admire every time I see one so I decided to give these a shot. They’re all quite short and quite beautiful. Only a couple really stuck with me. Still a good, short read.
Amsterdam by Ian McEwan
I’ve read 8 books by McEwan and I’ve loved 7 of them. That 7 now includes Amsterdam which is a quite brilliant and quite darkly amusing short morality novel. It regards two friends, a journalist and a composer, both former lovers of a wonderful woman who dies of a degenerative disease who make a pact to euthanize the other should circumstances ever require it. Fun, surprising, witty. Loved it. As I side not my choices this month were wonderful! not a bad book in the bunch!
I also read two scripts:
Destroyer by Phil Hay & Matt Manfredi
I was actually REALLY looking forward to this movie and when I watched it I was incredibly disappointed. I did something I almost never do after I’ve finished watching the movie and read the script. Sometimes screenplays work better as screenplays and don’t pop when they’re filmed off the page. I didn’t think this one popped per se, but I did think the screenplay didn’t show off the faults and plot holes as much as the movie did. It’s too bad because I liked the story, the twist ending and the lead character but this was a draft or two short of really working.
Eighth Grade by Bo Burnham
Like almost everyone else I was totally traumatized by living through grade 8. I decided there was no way in hell I hated myself enough to watch this movie so I decided to read the script instead. This one popped immediately. Funny, brutal, sharp, hilarious. I’m glad Burnham one some awards for this. Well deserved.
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