#poor wizard roommate had to be the lead
batrachised · 6 months
Buckle up, kids, and settle in, for I'm about to share the tale of what went down in the batrachised household last night. There were battles...bonding...bloodshed (well, not really)...batrachised has been forever changed. Exaggeration? Yes, but let me have this.
My roommates and I live quite contentedly in a Patty's Place-esque arrangement: young women, striking out on their own, cozied up in a little residence we all love quite a bit. It's a darling place, full of nooks, crannies, bookshelves! (of very high importance). It has green spaces; airy rooms; bright kitchens; crocheted frogs; what more could we ask for?
Despite our idyllic situation, there has been one slight mar, only one, on our little hobbithole ideal. Wasps. During the summer, we had to battle wasp nests outside with frequency. To give you a sense of how bad it got, the brave savior deserving of a martyr's crown who normally helped us remove them (roommate's dad) took a look at one giant nest and shook his head with a whistle. We had to hire professional help to get them removed - which, not too bad, just pest control in the end. But still, the wasps were fruitful and multiplying in a biblical fashion.
Enter fall. Enter cold. Most importantly, enter death. Death for wasps, as bugs, to quote calvin and hobbes, died by the bucketful. We were free - or so we thought. Oh, how naive those who have never walked paths of treachery and pain are.
One fine fall day, we found a wasp in the living. Horrible, but manageable. It was dying. I finished the job with glasses, a mask, a jacket, shoes, a broom, and significantly, lots of poison, looking like Don Quixote of the broom closet. Finished. Done deal. I patted myself on the back for being a brave household savior. Really, this was the proof that I was a strong independent woman. Good on you, batrachised, I thought.
Then, a second wasp appeared.
Horrible, and less manageable. One wasp is an accident - a door left open too long, a window with a ripped screen. Two wasps is a pattern. Two wasps means more wasps.
However, this wasp was very dead from the get go. I pondered. What to do? Then as so many other fools have done throughout history, I chose to blind myself to the truth. Two wasps - what a freak incident! A pattern, to be sure. But how could there be more? We never saw any buzzing around. Odd. Horrible, But still manageable.
I'm sure you can guess what happened next. Another one appeared, this one alive and angry. Clifford roommate got home at 1AM and had to fend off an angry wasp with a broom and poison, until it disappeared and she decided to throw up her hands and go to bed as was necessary, right, and just. We could no longer ignore the reality in front of us. I called pest control.
The pest control man arrived. He was a cheerful, gregarious man who smelt strongly of cigarette smoke. I decided he was a man to be trusted, most especially when he chipperly let us know that no, we shouldn't pay pest control at all! What a waste of money! The wasps, you see, are in the chimneys. He could remove them for several hundred dollars and the inability to access our house for several hours, or...we could just start a fire. It would get hot in the chimney, they'd get uncomfortable, and they'd leave. Smoke theory and all that.
Great. Fantastic, even. We save several hundred dollars, and get to have a cozy fire! Win win. Maybe we could even make hot chocolate and put on Christmas music! Perfect for the Christmas season. We decided tonight was the night. A half hour of our time, then done.
We received two warnings though.
First, the gregarious pest control man had let us know to be careful when opening the flue, as wasps can fall. "Just jerk your hand out quickly," was what he sagely said in so many words. I repeat, we decided this made sense. After all, we could close the metal curtains. That would keep those ol' darn wasps away. Still, we approached the flue carefully.
Second, my little sister. She listened to our plan skeptically. She gravely said (paraphrasing), somber as a small child, "But these are southern wasps." I laughed. Why shouldn't I? We had heard from our dear friendly expert. She finished with a (paraphased again) line of "What if the wasps go down instead of up?"
Well, there's a fire, little sister! Surely they wouldn't!
Flashforward to us in front of the fireplace. My roommate reaches and opens the flue. There's a thud. The sound of something falling. But nothing swarms out. We release a breath.
Neither of us have lit a gas fire before, so we don't know how and have to look it up--and then, in the meantime, my roommate notices:
A wasp.
In the (unlit) fireplace. Nestled in the fake logs. Looking cozy as a demon thorn with wings can.
We decide worriedly to tape the metal curtains shut. They would protect us, remember? These curtains of chain metal (you might be familiar with chain metal as the one full of holes). Tape them shut. I run to get tape. My roommate watches the wasp. The curtains are taped shut. Ah, another sigh of relief. We continue our research into gas fireplaces.
When we look back, the wasp is on the outside of the curtains.
Reader, here I will be honest: if you're expecting a giant nest to fall down, and us to have to run for our lives, this does not happen. Or at least, it has not happened yet. But in that moment, that trembling, unsteady moment, we knew that anything was possible. We didn't know that a giant nest wouldn't fall. But we did know that we had committed. We had opened the flue. We had woken the beast.
Fear strings through the air tensely, but we continue. Roommate bravely lights the fire. Half an hour. Half an hour, then we're safe.
My memory of the next few minutes is shaky, but I remember one clear, bright detail gleaming out among the rest:
We saw more wasps.
One flew through the air. Slow, lazy. Unhurried. But assuredly directly headed for us.
Both of us scurried out of the room like we'd seen the girl from the ring.
Reader, the wasps had come down instead of up.
Three wasps, to be specific. Even as I sitting here writing this, it's possible we missed more. There was a fire roaring that would hopefully prevent more. But that did little to assuage our fears. I now understand what it's like to live in a horror movie. Around every corner, danger lurks. Danger lurks behind the curtains. Danger lurks in the lights. Danger lurks in the blankets. Nowhere is safe. Anything can happen at anytime. There are creatures in your house, waiting to attack for no reason. It's not your house at all, in fact: it's theirs. The house is on their side. It hides them, cloaks them, shelters them, and in doing so, destroys you (well my mental stability anyway).
Half an hour, and then we're safe. The problem was, that whole half an hour factoid didn't seem to ring quite true anymore. What I was realizing with a cold, gripping understanding, was that there might not have just been one wasp nest in that chimney - there might have been many. If not a downright giant hive. And we had lit a fire, right under their home.
It was time to discuss backup plans. We came up with an escape route on the off chance it was a big swarm. We grimly got out the wasp spray. And most horribly of all, we waited. Waited sturdily. Waited fearfully. My roommate made soup, then froze. "Did you hear that buzzing?" No, I hadn't. Did she hear a distant buzzing in the chimney?? No, she hadn't.
We scoped out the enemy's territory. There was a scout on the ceiling, still except for the occasional shift. Another lazily flew through the room. We had been invaded.
All throughout, that waiting for the worst, something was edging through the back of my mind, snaking through
We were going to have to turn the fireplace off and close the flue. Or, in other words (1) enter the wasp territory (2) turn off the wasp deterrent, and (3) stick our hand up the wasp-infested chimney. It was very much the moment in the horror movie when they realize the only way out is through. We had our velociraptor in the kitchen, except it was a ton of wasps in the chimney. What's more, we had our chosen weapon of poison, but our chosen weapon couldn't be used because the wasps were coming from the lit fireplace, unless we wanted to start a chemical fire.
Half an hour passes. We decide to wait longer. Better to be safe than sorry.
Finally, after an hour, we glance at each other. We have a somber discussion, akin to tributes from the same district about to enter the hunger games arena. How long to run the fireplace? Would more time matter at this point? Who would close the flue?
I decide if I go down, I'm not going down without a fight. Much like a few weeks earlier, I grab a jacket. I make sure I have my glasses on. I grab a mask to cover my face. I have shoes on my feet. I get an extra shoe to put on my hand. I have a potholder on the other hand to close the flue. Don Quixote (Don Avispa?) has returned.
We march into the enemy territory. The enemy watches from above. Bravely, we steadfastly ignore it. I ask my roommate to watch my back and cover me as I turn towards the side of the room. First step: close the windows. Visions of thousands of wasps hiding behind the curtains dance through my head (at this point you should have realized i have no common sense about wasps and would die immediately in a zombie apocalypse). I ripple the curtain gently. Nothing. One window down. Next window: again, nothing. Another window down.
Now, time for the fireplace.
Wizard Hat roommate insists on sacrificing herself to the flue. She's done before; she has the muscle memory. Both of us are concerned that closing the flue will jostle the wasps and cause more to fall down - wasps that if still living, have to be very angry. I hand her the potholder.
The flue closes without incident.
We wait, holding our breath.
No more wasps.
With not a little relief, although still edgy, we make our way to the other room. We still have wasps in the house, but for now, the risk of having a torrent of wasps come down the chimney seems to have abated. I will never forget, though, that time period of waiting.
We decide to stay up a little longer. Just in case. The fireplace is cooling down now, so in a way there's more risk of wasps.
We go to the other room and sit, making conversation quietly. It's not unlike the ending scene in Jurassic park where they're in the helicopter, bruised, worn, but still alive.
It's then I look up. And heading straight for me, straight and low, is a wasp.
We leap up. I hear its buzzing in the room, and I grab the poison. Enough is enough. This wasp is dying tonight.
It feebly lands on the fireplace, and we see that it seems to already be dying. The Lord is merciful when he wants to be. Unfortunately, its proximity to the fireplace means that I can't spray it safely. We talk, waiting for it to move, but then we lose sight of it. My roommate briskly goes to cover her chicken soup. "I don't want a wasp to fall in it." Wise words, and wiser priorities.
It's when she finishes that she notices it on the floor, still somewhat feebly dying.
I have to admit, I'm not the coolest head under pressure. We could have just waited it out. But I had had enough. Wasps? Wasps in my house?? Wasps that had tried to divebomb me??
I went a little berserk, even trigger happy, and sprayed the ever living bejeesus out of that wasp. The spray said it killed on contact, which did not turn out to be true because that wasp was KICKIN'. On the floor, but still kickin'. I sprayed it again. And again. And again.
Finally, it stilled. RIP, wasp. (Rest in Poison).
However, we then faced the fact that I had created a giant puddle of poison smack in the middle of the floor that we now had to clean up. We got out rubber gloves (I noted them for future use of fighting wasps, more armor), and paper toweled away. Once done, we had to face the issue of where to soak the poison-coated gloves, and decided in a plastic tub on the counter.
And so this tale comes to end (for now). We decided wearily to go to bed. We were done with the day. More wasps may come, but we'd shut the door.
The final cherry on top of the sundae though, was the fact that Clifford Roommate was not home during all of this. This means that she got a series of increasingly frantic texts that looked something like this (I invite you to consider the fact that these wouldn't be out of place in a doctor who episode):
We lit the fire and wasps came out be careful!!
keep the doors shut! we have to keep the wasps out!!
don't turn off the light in the living room...the light distracts them
we've closed the flues. the fire is off.
there's one in the room with us now
we're trying to kill it!!
DO NOT touch the gloves in the kitchen, they're covered in poison
Drums, drums in the deep.
All this to say, if ever you decide to light a fire to chase away wasps, be prepared. They might just come down instead of up.
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muerder-snail · 2 years
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These are my bee and puppy cat Ocs Louis and calum! I love them vary much and hope you all do too!!
Calum is also dating @sorrylostmysoulonthewayin Oc Eric I’ll draw them soon right now I’m a bit obsessed with Louis and crispin.
Louis backstory
Louis comes from a set of identical triplets and if female by birth but that changed when he came out as trans at the age of 13. His mother is a Tharipest and his father a doctor this lead Louis to try and become a doctor himself but the school put to much stress on him and he quite, his roommate calem who also quite introduced him to the world of goth culture and the plague doctor subculture from there he was hooked.
The two decided to go to a art school on the island together they lived in the dorms until graduation where the moved in to the same apartment building as the others. Louis and calum opened there own tattoo parlor called the ink plague, Louis’s idea witch was a cross from the cat cafe.
One day Louis went over to the cafe for a snack and to say hi to his new business neighbors and instantly loved the cats even if he liked dogs a bit more, later he did it again but at his apartment going around with chocolates calum made and giving them to his new neighbors this is when he meets the others. He got along with bee well but when it came to the others it was mixed most of the wizards did there own thing but decker liked the chocolates and cass at lest greeted him to the apartments.
Louis has a motorcycle of course it’s plague doctor themed, one day when driving around the island it broke down making him have to go to the most suggested mechanic by his friends. This is how he met Crispin, thankfully the clown mechanic didn’t change anything since Louis just stayed there since the shop was closed and he had nothing to do so the two just talked becoming friends.
Weeks later Crispin comes to the tattoo shop upset, Louis took him to the back where he became the others Tharipest in a sense letting him vent to him about his love life and how he wasn’t over bee when she clearly was over him. Louis helped Crispin threw it until Crispin eventually asked Louis out that was the start of a great relationship for them.
Calum backstory
calum’s mother left soon after he was born for unknown reasons making his father a single parent. Sadly calum was born with Cleidocranial dysostosis meaning his skull didn’t fully close, he has no caller bone and a few of his teach are fake. He had to get bone repair and replacement surgery because he had a severe case of Cleidocranial dysostosis his skull not closing till he was 4 and some of his teeth being completely absent. He was often picked on being called boneless and a freak one kid even went as far as sabotage the play he was it. calum’s role required a mask and so behind his back one of his bully’s put glue in his mask and when it came to taking his mask off after the play he was unable to gaining the nickname masky from Louis as a term of indent
because of his condition he went to med school to try and find a way to fix it but the stress got to him even cussing mental braking for the poor boy. This is when he met Louis they where roommates in the school dorms the two became quick friends Louis being like a Tharipest but that wasn’t enough for calum. With stress and depression getting to them Louis and culam Decided to go to art school together on the island.
after graduation they move in to the same apartments as the others Louis pays for the apartment for the first rent while calum pays for there new tattoo parlor the ink plague.
rest in progress
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Hi! I just finished reading ‘Voices From The Fog’ by noeeon from your fic rec and now I’m craving drarry fics that are set in places outside of the uk. Can you please tell me if you know of any?- maybe in a similar situation where Draco and Harry just happen to run into each other? Thanks!!
Hi anon, love this ask! I have a bunch of recs and am probably forgetting some, so I’ll come back to update this list if I remember any other title. Hope you enjoy these :)
Light Years Away by @lettersbyelise (2019, M, 2.5k) - just a brief flashback scene, but oh so lovely!
No one told Harry about the training courses young Aurors and Curse Breakers have in common, just like Harry never told anyone about his one-night encounter with Draco Malfoy two months prior.
Between the Power Lines by @tackytigerfic (2020, M, 3.2k)
For Harry Potter, all roads eventually lead to Draco Malfoy.
Mending (in the Mountains, with Monkeys) by khalulu (2017, G, 3.3k)
Well along on the road to healing, Harry and Draco do some sight-seeing in Sichuan, amidst the monks and monkeys.
Big Hands by @fw00shy (2020, E, 4.5k) - Muggle AU
Draco Malfoy is a pianist who's just moved to Paris. Harry Potter, his new roommate, has the biggest hands he's ever seen. Draco is immediately obsessed.
Vintage by momatu (2017, T, 7k)
Of all of the vineyards, in all of the regions, in all of France, Draco's blasted editor sends him to Potter's....
in between two tall mountains (there's a place they call lonesome) by @oknowkiss (2022, E, 8k)
In the shadow of a mountain on the Oregon coast, there may or may not lie a shipwreck, on which there may or may not be a magical relic, lost hundreds of years ago. Harry's been tasked with finding it, and Draco is there to take notes, and they're stuck in a campervan pretending to be married, and it's all going to be just fine. That's what Draco's gotten rather good at telling himself, anyway.
Water, Water, Everywhere by JulietsEmoPhase (2018, E, 9.5k) - Muggle AU
Speakeasy 1920s Drarry AU. Draco is so terrified of being different, he doesn't recognize a good thing when it's right in front of his face.
Before Florence by dysonrules (2014, M, 9.6k)
Harry is visiting Florence, Italy, when he runs into an unexpected person. They decide to explore the city together and by the end of the night, everything that Harry thought he knew had changed.
The Spider and the Moth by marguerite_26 (2010, E, 10k)
Young Auror Harry Potter is sent to Morocco to investigate a potion smuggling ring. He quickly realises he’s in over his head with both the assignment and the primary suspect.
Old City Jasmine by SilentAuror (2005, E, 11k)
Harry is woken suddenly one night when Death Eaters break into his flat and is whisked away to Damascus and the wonder of the ancient world.
Beekeeping by khalulu (2014, E, 13k)
A few years after the war, Harry needs distance from the British wizarding world and volunteers abroad as a teacher in a poor rural school. Draco is a low-budget traveler, wandering wherever his curiosity leads him. Their paths cross in Malawi, “the warm heart of Africa.”
World's Edge by RurouniHime (2011, E, 15k) - mind the tags!
In the harshest environment on earth, Harry finds that escaping is harder than simply running.
Exiled by A_factorygirl_69 (2013, E, 16k)
Draco is declared persona non grata by the Ministry after the War. Harry has been tasked with keeping an eye on him, ensuring he stays out of England.
Sparks from the Fox’s Tail by khalulu (2013, T, 17k)
Draco is frustrated with his career as a travel writer, when a mini-tirade from Mrs Weasley and an encounter with the portrait of an intrepid great-great-great-aunt lead him to Finland to study wandless magic.
Crimson Neon by @xanthippe74 (2020, M, 20k)
Winter, 1999. Harry thought going to New York would help him get his head on straight, but all he has to show for it are sore feet and a fridge full of takeaway containers. And now he’s homesick on top of everything else.
Phantom Orchid by dysonrules (2013, M, 21k)
Auror Potter goes to Seattle in search of a smuggler and discovers a very familiar person in a quite unfamiliar setting. Is Draco Malfoy really who he is pretending to be?
Match Fit by ravenclawsquill (2019, E, 25k)
After picking up a groin injury just two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup Final, star Seeker Harry Potter reluctantly agrees to seek help from world-renowned Magi-Physiotherapist, Draco Malfoy. Cue sexual tension, naked sports massages, inappropriate erections and a healthy dose of acid-green lycra.
Midnight in the City of a Hundred Spires by @shiftylinguini (2019, E, 25k)
Harry Potter is a missing person. Draco Malfoy is a vampire. They are the last two people one would expect to bump into each other in a Creature Bar in Prague, yet to Draco’s absolute shock that is definitely Harry fucking Potter sitting across from him. Even more surprising is that Potter may have a case for him.
The Venice Job by nishizono (2007, E, 25k)
Harry Potter was one of the youngest Aurors in history. He was the Boy Who Lived, and the Boy Who Lived Again. He loved Guinness and Quidditch, and hated pineapple. He wrote letters to Hagrid every Thursday, and on Sundays, he visited Hermione and Ron. Harry Potter was also not gay.
Unexpected Turn by Oakstone730 (2015, Explicit, 27k) - Muggle AU
English real estate developer Draco Malfoy is in America to find his long lost cousin and escape a scandal. When his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, his trip takes an unexpected turn.
Last City by @lol-zeitgeistic (2014, E, 27k)
Twenty-four Twenty-three men, six cities, and one unusual sexual requirement.
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (2019, T, 29k)
Draco Malfoy is the last person Harry expects to turn up in Boston, Massachussetts. But now he's here, and he won't stop requesting books from the library where Harry works.
Tourist: A Love Song by xErised (2019, T, 30k)
Harry is in New York City looking for inspiration for his next collection of paintings. He’s not expecting inspiration to appear in the form of a black-haired Draco Malfoy playing the guitar and singing with such a beautiful voice.
All Bets Are Off by dualwieldteacup (2019, M, 31k)
Harry Potter's latest security assignment brings him to Las Vegas for the International Wizarding Casino World Series. At a magic underwater hotel, he is tasked with guarding the legendary and mysterious gambler known as Snake Eyes. The stakes are high when both Galleons and emotions are involved.
Potential Gravity by @lol-zeitgeistic (2014, E, 32k)
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around. The one with Beirut and video games.
Starkissed by @zigster-ao3 (2020, E, 32k)
Harry hopes an indulgent trip abroad will help shake him out of the doldrums of his life. What he finds once he gets to Venice is more than he ever expected.
Sæglópur by @femmequixotic (2011, E, 34k)
After a difficult breakup, Draco finds himself dragged to the land of magic, law, and natural wonders where, of course, nothing goes as planned.
All Roads by @korlaena and Saulaie (2019, M, 36k)
Draco hates his job at the Prophet. He hates it even more when he’s assigned to write an article on Harry Potter, who left the country three years ago after their falling out. Draco doesn’t want to face the truth about himself, but he’s stuck between Harry and his duty, and he’s out of options.
Aeternus Solem by @onbeinganangel (2020, E, 37k)
On December 1st, Harry Potter gets sent halfway across the world to attempt to break a possibly fatal curse on an unnamed British Unspeakable — except said Unspeakable is not unnamed at all and Harry has been in love with him for over four years.
Unseen by @Jackvbriefs (2020, T, 47k)
Harry Potter finally has the chance to leave England and its expectations for The Chosen One behind for good. All he has to do is survive one Auror training conference overseas with Draco Sodding Malfoy.
Against All Odds by momatu (2015, E, 53k)
Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present. Meanwhile, Draco is stuck in his office, putting together the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe during, when he should be enjoying summer holidays.
Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor (2023, E, 54k)
Harry travels to arctic Norway on the trail of dragon egg poachers, only to find he's been assigned to work alongside the only NorMagPol Auror north of sixty: one Draco Malfoy. It's been ten years since they crossed paths, and Malfoy isn't exactly what Harry expected or remembered. For one thing, he wears a lot more hand-knits?
I could be wrong, I could be ready by @harryromper (2018, M, 57k)
Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings—including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings—he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy.
Heartlines by @shiftylinguini (2017, E, 72k)
Harry never expected he’d end up chipping away at his virginity while wandless and bonded to Malfoy in Northern Europe. He never expected that would turn out to be the least surprising thing to happen while out on their training expedition in the middle of nowhere, either.
Knead by laughingdog (2020, E, 83k)
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (2019, E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
Way Down We Go by @xiaq (2019, T, 109k)
In which Harry and Draco both run away from their pasts and conveniently choose to hide in the same tiny American town.
Grounds for Divorce by @tepre (2019, E, 122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter. A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Left my Heart series by emmagrant01 (2004, E, 236k)
Auror Draco Malfoy has disappeared, and Harry Potter has been sent to San Francisco to find him.
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stark-tony · 3 years
most recent bookmarks (6/18/21)
you game? cake time? by iron_spider (3k, T, pepperony) Peter stares at him.“I’d like your help,” Tony says, gesturing towards the ton of cakes. “Your refined palette.”Peter snorts. He can’t lie, excitement is rising in his throat and in his stomach, and he barely ate at lunch today because he was trying to finish up the book report before sixth period. “Does Miss Potts know you picked me?”“You can call her Pepper.”Peter cocks his head. “Does Pepper know you picked me to help you?”
The Dangers of Sleeping on the Upside of the Bed by Honorable_mention (1.1k, G, gen, quarantine) Midtown High School’s Academic Decathlon team had moved online. Once a week, even during the summer, everyone would log on and chat for a few minutes before trying to beat each other on Protobowl while hurling barely school appropriate threats at each other. It was really quite a lot of fun.Through these online meetings Cindy Moon had gotten the opportunity to intimately learn about her teammates in a way she hadn’t been able to when they were in-person. A person’s room and the way they talked to their family told you a lot about them.In which the members of the Academic Decathlon team get the chance to meet Peter's roommates
something bright coming his way by iron_spider (6.5k, T, gen, hurt peter) “Pete,” Tony’s voice says. “I’m heading to your location.”Peter narrows his eyes. Karen’s colors turn from dark red to a softer blue, which he takes as her celebrating Tony’s imminent arrival. How imminent? What?“What?” Peter says again. Like an idiot.“Your numbers aren’t what I like to see and you stopped moving and I was in the area, anyway. You know. Doing Iron Man things. You okay?”Peter blinks. He sees some more lights out ahead of him that he thinks are headlights, and he feels like Karen is trying to even out his vision by changing how things come across on the HUD. She’s failing, but he won’t say that. Can she read his brainwaves? No. Definitely not. Maybe. Either way he doesn’t wanna be mean to her, so he stops thinking.Ugh, his side hurts.
Of All the Nurses’ Offices in All the High Schools... by sahiya (7k, T, gen, outsiders pov, identity reveal, hurt peter) Peter Parker has his own gravitational orbit, and it tends to suck in the people around him. Including burned out school nurses who were just minding their own business.Or: Patrick Carmichael meets Spider-Man (and Tony Stark), adopts a cat, and gets just a little bit better.
a first time for everything by crowkag (7.7k, pepperony, sick peter)  “Why are you whispering?” Pepper was asking, and the other noises were receding away behind the creak of a door and click of a lock.“Because I’m hosting a vigilante super-teen with enhanced hearing this weekend.” He slumped back into the couch cushions. “Or did you forget?”There was a sharp intake of breath.“Peter? Oh god, what did you—”“Nothing,” Tony rushed out, scrambling. “He’s fine. The kid’s fine, honey.”A beat of silence.“Okay, well, he’s not fine, but—”“Tony Stark—”
Is he or Is he not? by Omenthia_Arc (43.2k, G, pepperony, 5 + 1, people think peter is tony’s kid) Five times someone thought that Peter was Tony's biological son and one time everyone thought it.
The Moon Looks Lovely Tonight by Omi_Ohmy (35.7k, M, drarry, post-hogwarts, domestic) When Harry moves into the damp and empty Black house, it doesn’t quite feel like home. And then the first owl moves in. After that, it’s a steep slope leading to bed-sharing, more owls, assorted housemates, strange potions experiments, and terrible cooking. And a bit of waltzing, too.
The Wrong Sort by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle (289.5k, T, drarry, romione, gryffindor draco, canon divergence, torture)  In which Draco Malfoy is sorted into Gryffindor and everything kind of goes to Hell from there… but hey. At least there’s a chance he won’t grow up to be an awful person. Alternatively titled ‘Draco Malfoy and the Worst Goddamn Seven Years of His Life’
The Mirror of Ecidyrue by starbrigid (998.6k, E, drarry, wolfstar, romione, neville/ luna, grindeldore, lockhart/snape, time travel, fix it, abuse) All it takes is one look in a mirror and an ill-advised attempt to shatter it, before an embittered Draco Malfoy fresh out of Azkaban is sent back into his body on the day he gets his Hogwarts letter.Suddenly, Draco has an unwanted second chance, with a Sorting Hat that doesn't know what to do with him, a certain Muggleborn who won't leave his study table alone, and green eyes he just can't get out of his head. And then there's his new wand, whose choice of him could just mark him as every bit as dark a wizard as his name means he should be.
more than getting by by sarewolf (34.4k, M, wolfstar, wolfstar raises harry) “What do you want me to do?” Remus says, tiredly. All he wants is to curl up on his bed. Smoke a pack of cigarettes. Get drunk. He can’t stop looking at Harry.“Remus...” Dumbledore is gentle. Remus hates when he has that tone. Hates that he knows it will hurt. “There is no one else left.”A bitter laugh escapes him. “So you’ll curse the poor thing with a werewolf for a guardian?”
How Like Home by waitingondaisies (63.5k, T, jily, dimension travel) When Sirius falls through the veil, Harry chases after him, determined to find him on the other side. Instead, he finds nothing at all. When he wakes up, he is informed by Unspeakables that he is from an alternate universe.Thanks to his uncanny resemblance to his counterpart, Harry is readily recognized as a duplicate of Harry Potter, a normal fifteen year old boy, and is entrusted to the care of Lily and James Potter. From them, Harry discovers that Voldemort is not, and never was, a threat in this universe.Now, Harry must adapt to life with loving parents in a peaceful world.
Professor Black by Haunted_Frost (29k, T, wolfstar, professor regulus black) Kreacher's unending loyalty has allowed Regulus to survive the Inferi. In order to destroy the horcrux and ensure Voldemort's death, he goes back to Hogwarts, this time as a Potions professor. Years at this position give him new insights, even as the papers rave about how both the Blacks were traitors to their sides.When Sirius gets loose from Azkaban, Regulus knows one thing: he is not going to let his lunatic brother hurt his students.Inspired entirely by this tumblr post.
(let me be) there for you by lesmiserablol (8.5k, T, zukka, post-war, bodyguard sokka, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers) Sokka pulls out a clean piece of parchment and starts to write:Reasons Why Sokka Would Be A Great Bodyguard for Lord ZukoHe smiles in satisfaction at the title. Seeing it in writing only makes him feel more confident in this brilliant, two-minute-old idea of his. Zuko is one of his closest friends, and Sokka is a great fighter, he would be the perfect bodyguard! He has the entirety of his trip in the Fire Nation to prove it to Zuko. This is going to be a piece of cake.(or, Sokka mistakes his crush for just a strong desire to be a guard for Zuko, and Suki is amused)
boy problems by burnt_oranges (22.2k, zukka, mailee, friends to lover, post-war, arranged marriage) “I accidentally signed off on an arranged marriage to Sokka,” Zuko says faintly. He sits up so fast he almost falls out of his chair. “I signed off on an arranged marriage to Sokka, and he agreed."In which Zuko suffers in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: close and constant proximity to the object of his affections, assassination attempts, and irreparable injuries to his dignity.
we really should google these things first by Bundibird (3k, G, gen, modern) Sokka's aloe vera plant is in need of a good pruning, and what's Sokka gonna do, just throw out all the pruned leaves? When instead he can make aloe vera juice? Come on. (Only - maybe he should have googled this beforehand. Because it turns out there's an edible kind of aloe, and a toxic kind. Guess what kind Sokka has. Go on, guess.)(Or: the modern AU based on the time I nearly poisoned myself with a non-edible succulent.)
Checked Out by whelvenwings (27.1k, G, destiel, dreamhunter, library au, librarian castiel, writer dean, openly bi dean, misunderstandings)  Castiel Novak can think of many writers who would not be welcome under the roof of Heaven’s Gate library, where he is the librarian: Ayn Rand ranks highly (no explanation needed), as does Charles Dickens (he hasn’t forgiven Charles for the month he lost to The Pickwick Papers). And, of course, Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester, local author and obvious a-hole, who is entirely too handsome to be true and who is clearly totally lacking in profundity, intelligence, sincerity, and self-awareness. Unfortunately, though, Dean’s been invited to do a book signing at Heaven’s Gate - and Castiel’s about to be confronted by some unexpected feelings when he finally meets Dean for the first time.
Aim and Ignite by wincechesters (10.3k, M, destiel, cas in the bunker)  After the angels fall and Cas loses his grace, and with Sam still recovering from the toll taken on his body by the trials, Dean starts a prank war as a way to lighten the mood in the bunker and alleviate his boredom. It might just have some unexpected consequences. --- A post-S8 canon AU.
Izuku plays video games with the League of Villains (among other things) by ADyingFlower (54.2k, T, gen, quirkless midoriya, villain deku) Izuku plays video games with the League of Villains, denies being a villain, has his beloved animal crossing file threatened, kicks ass with a shotgun, is proposed to, learns to deal with his depression, and accidentally kidnaps the son of the number two hero. In that order.Or: Five times Izuku played online with his friends, and one time he played with them in personThen Himiko screams.“CAPTAIN!” “Y-yeah?” Tomura asks almost hesitantly. “LOOK!!” All four of them spin around, right as a cannonball comes soaring inches from Izuku’s head from the Galleon less than a three feet away from them. They scream. “OH FUCK NO NO NO NO! NO!” Dabi yells, running to load the cannons. “DUDE WE HAVE SO MUCH SHIT! NO! HOLY FUCKING SHIT!”“Hey guys, guys! Hey, chill!” Izuku shrieks frantically, right as one of the players boards their ship and starts shooting. “CHILL THE FUCK OUT!”
our trust shot full of holes by nolov (louscr) (25.9k, T, gen) When he's twelve, Izuku meets his best friend. Neither of them are especially good at having friends, but they make do.The other shoe drops less than a week into his first year at U.A.
Are You Valued? by cyber_phobia (9.2k, T, dad for one)  "What are you drawing, Izuku?" Hisashi asks with adoration dripping in his voice. "It's Uncle!" Izuku shouts, smacking his dad's arm for daring to ask once more. All the air leaves Hisashi's lungs in one fell swoop.
To Spark A Smile by awefull (1.1k, G, gen, dadzawa) A six-year-old. Aizawa was the guardian of a six-year-old. Aizawa, a pro-hero, who had poor eating habits, and no sleep schedule, was in charge of raising a little girl.He, reasonably, had some concerns.
Long Night in the Valley by Marsalias (53.7k, T, gen, suspected traitor, dad might, dad for one) On paper, the Hero Commission's plan to investigate Midoriya Izuku under the guise of a training course for combating mental quirks is solid, almost foolproof, even. If Midoriya turns out to be innocent, they can pass everything off as part of the training exercise, assuming he even remembered any of it. Otherwise, they could beg forgiveness after the traitor was securely imprisoned in Tartarus.The paper plan failed to take into account the feral ghosts living in Midoriya Izuku's head, or his equally feral living friends.Time to bring on the chaos.
i gave the voices in my head a megaphone by hannahbal (17.3k, todoroki/midoriya/shinsou) ...and they started singing Megan Thee Stallion.(Hitoshi, like any good friend, brainwashes Izuku’s anxiety away for a day so he can know some peace. The problem? Izuku has no fear of god or consequences.Izuku also has no goddamn filter.)
Nothing Could Be More Worthwhile by Krisington (3.5k, G, gen, dad might) Toshinori Yagi wouldn’t say he had let his guard down in retirement, not exactly. It was more accurate to say that he had let his guard down in his true form. He didn’t notice others, and others didn’t notice him. It had become a small pleasure, he realized, one he was reluctant to let go.He should have known better.The man managed to reach All Might’s forehead a split second before All Might grabbed the man’s arm. But a second was just enough.A villain showed All Might a vision of Izuku. Bloodied. Broken. Fading. Was that some future that would come to pass? Toshinori needed to do everything in his power to make sure it wasn't.
everything i wanted by raindrops_0 (9k, T, gen, 5 + 1) Izuku turns to face Hitoshi and flashes a bright smile, eyes folding into crescent moons.Bright like the afternoon sun swallowing Hitoshi whole, bright like All Might’s fucking perfect grin, bright like he’s already a hero.Bright like everything Hitoshi has ever wanted and then more.(Hitoshi can’t help it, but he hates. Of course Izuku can smile as if the whole world is in his hands. He’s never had to fight for every little thing and be hated for it.)Or 5 times Hitoshi misjudged the golden boy of UA, and 1 time he finally understood.
Bend Before You Break by orkestrations (16.2k, T, gen) When Izuku set out for his morning run, the last thing he was expecting was to be plucked from his own world by magic and thrown into another universe entirely.Removed from his own conflict and with no way back, he sets himself to figuring out this world and its own incipient war while searching for a way to possibly reverse the spell that brought him here.It's just his luck that the year he arrives is the same year the government decides it's a great idea to bring back the potentially-deadly tournament.
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Fics With Titles That Start With A (2) Masterlist
part one
A Baby Girl (ao3) - LetterJumble
Summary: The last thing Dan and Phil expected to arrive on their doorstep was a baby. A crying, abandoned baby girl, that someone left for them. But one day, that is exactly what they found. Now, they just have to figure out what in the world they are going to do.
Abduction (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: Dan gets abducted and probed by aliens.
Act Naturally (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Phil has a quiet life studying film at university and some small dreams of being a director he's mostly ignoring, but his whole life is turned upside down when his roommate signs him up for a game show and he meets the famously arrogant movie star Daniel Howell.
Addict With A Pen - andromehdas
Summary: Angsty one shot where they’re friends, but then Dan gets in a serious accident and it is uncertain whether he will live, but because of the accident Phil realises he actually loves Dan. Then a fluffy ending with Dan waking up and they confess their love for each other?
A Flaw In The Code - chocolatesaucelester
Summary: So money and power is what you seek? How much do you want it though; what are you willing to go through to seize it for yourself? Dan is the criminal mastermind behind the world’s largest and most powerful computer hacking company. All he sees are numbers and coding, however something else glints in his eyes. Over the course of his career he’s become very interested in a set of four special computer chips, and although he has three of them, his collection is not quite complete yet. Unfortunately, getting this fourth and final item is not something he can do on his own. So, he employs the help of former top MI6 Agent Phil Lester to aid him in his quest. Dan quickly learns that someone else has been scheming, and that having an elite partner is extremely advantageous in keeping ahead.
Against London (ao3) - ordanary
Summary: ‘Against London weren’t some super small indie pop punk band who had the leisure of making real connections with their fans anymore. Things were changing fast, and Dan would have to learn to adapt quickly if he wanted to keep up.’
A Kiss In The Dream House - allthephils
Summary: Dan's not worried about the dreams he's been having. He's got them all figured out. It's simple really and it's definitely not anything that he's kept buried for years, nothing that he's afraid to face.
A Little Bit Of California, With A Little Bit Of London Sky (ao3) - twelfthnlght
Summary: On an impulsive road trip Dan plans right before their high school graduation, the truth will out.
All Signs Point To Yes (ao3) - vvelna
Summary: After being fired from his job at a coffee shop in Gatwick Airport, Dan impulsively hops on a flight to Orlando, Florida, where he’s taken in by a family on holiday.
All The Exes And Love (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: Simple bickering over cereal leads to a heavy argument about exes that might have torn anyone else apart, but Dan and Phil can always find their way back to love and happiness.
A Match And A Fuse (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: Phil is twenty six years old and stuck in a dead end life. He works at Starbucks and may or may not be carrying a torch for his best friend of eight years. He doesn't know who he is or what he wants--or how to go about figuring it out.
That all starts to change when he happens upon the resume of a certain law school grad named Daniel.
An Act Of Infinite Optimism (ao3) - manchestereyes
Summary: Raising an exuberant child is easy. Raising a moody teenager who wants nothing to do with you, though, is another thing entirely.
But maybe Dan's fascination with a certain 22-year-old can teach Karen a thing or two about being a mother—and herself.
A Night Reimagined (ao3) - LyricalPary
Summary: After getting stood up by his blind date, Phil decides to give up on the endless chase for romance. That is, until he encounters a crying boy on the bus ride home. Somehow, they end up spending the night together.
Antisocialites Watch A Wilting Flowers (ao3) - det395
Summary: Phil's an emotionally attached and loving vet and Dan's the drained receptionist with no dreams at the animal shelter who reconnect over the poor, hurt puppy dropped off. Dan's boyfriend is their boss.
Are You Mine? (ao3) - phandomsub
Summary: Teaching was never Dan’s dream job, it’s just something he kind of stumbled into, but after working at Greenbrook Secondary for two years he finds himself loving everything about it. Except for maybe the feelings he’s having for one of his students.
Asexual (ao3) - Misha_with_wings
Summary: Phil struggles with his anxiety disorder, his asexuality, his issues with contact, and with being comfortable around his boyfriend Dan.
A Wizard’s Misgivings (ao3) - jilliancares
Summary: Dan Howell’s entire family has been in Slytherin, and there’s no doubt he’d supposed to end up there too. Phil Lester does’t exactly know what to do when he finds himself liking boys, so he’s usually just horrendously mean to them. Oh, and they happen to get cursed and can’t touch!
A Year In The Life (ao3) - TwistedRocketPower
Summary: To celebrate ten years together, and moving into their forever home, Dan and Phil decide to release a self-made documentary of the past year. Unlike anything they’ve ever done, this video will show the good, bad, and everything in between.
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thetomorrowshow · 4 years
Slower Than Words Ch. 1
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
A/N: Welcome to my latest fic! I’m projecting about 10 chapters for this. If you’d like to be tagged, just leave a comment or shoot me an ask or send a request by falcon or w/e, I’m not picky!
Just to preface, I'd like to warn that there will be cult content in this work. I am in no way endorsing cults, nor am I criticizing anyone's religion. The intent of this work is to entertain, so please enjoy!
CW: Food, inflicted blindness, imprisonment
Virgil wasn’t expecting a roommate.
He’d only been here for a month or so, but he’d been alone for a while. He’d been quarantined for the past twenty days, and experimented on before that—Virgil didn’t want to think about that.
He hadn't known he had a roommate until someone brushed up against him as he curled up on the cold floor. He couldn't find the bed, otherwise that was where he'd lie. But something touched him and he reared back, ready to attack.
Whatever it was didn't touch him again, and Virgil slowly let himself relax. The sudden movement had sent a migraine to pound at the walls of his head. He groaned and let his head rest on the cold floor beneath him, before hearing some rustling. He jerked right back up, flinching again when something heavy fell on him. A blanket.
“Hello?” he ventured. No answer. For a moment, Virgil was certain he was making it all up, that he had gotten the blanket himself but had forgotten. Then another noise—a scuffle, the sound of someone sitting nearby. A hand touched his shoulder, and Virgil did everything in his power to not draw back.
“Who's there?” he asked, his voice quivering. “I can't—I can't see. I can't see you.”
Even after they'd taken the bandages off his eyes, Virgil had been unable to see anything. The first week, his eyes had burned and itched. He'd restrained himself from scratching, but now he wasn't sure if it would have made a difference. He had lost his sight, and with it his whole world.
The hand didn't leave his shoulder, and Virgil reached out cautiously. His hands met something solid—a person? Yes, a person, and Virgil's hands clutched desperately at their shirt. He hadn't had safe human contact in so long. . . . The person seemed to understand that, and gently placed his arms around Virgil. Virgil let himself be wrapped in the hug, arms awkwardly against his chest. The person smelled like soap and dust and immediately warmed him. Virgil relished the fiery contact, pushing his head up into the person's shoulder and sighing. For the first time in weeks, he felt safe.
The person pulled back and Virgil floundered, reaching again into the empty air. A hand caught his and held it still. Virgil frowned, confused. What was happening? Were they not supposed to know about each other? Was the person about to lead him back into that room, the bright one where they leaned over him and—
Virgil wrenched his brain away from that train of thought. He needed to focus on the here and now, not the terrifying past. Starting with who the other person in the room was. Said other person suddenly let go off his hand and pulled him close again. Virgil decided to not worry about who they were or why they were both here, and melted into the person's chest.
When Virgil woke up, he blinked blearily before remembering that he couldn't see. Someone—the person from the previous day—was still holding him, but his slow breathing indicated that he was asleep. At some point, they'd moved to a bed. It was nice, all things considered. He wasn't alone, he was in a soft bed with a soft person, and he had no need to go anywhere anytime soon.
A loud clang! interrupted his drowsy thoughts and he jerked up, feeling the person beside him stir in their sleep.
“Hello?” Virgil said, his voice shaking. No answer. His roommate sat up beside him and placed a gentle hand on his back, calm and reassuring. Then the person slid out of bed and seemingly vanished—Virgil could no longer reach them, no matter how far he stretched out his arms. He whimpered unwillingly, then covered his mouth. No use seeming weak. A little voice in his head reminded him that he'd certainly done worse than whimper when they'd taken his sight.
A terrifying moment later, a hand was on his arm and guiding him into a standing position. Virgil stumbled a bit, but allowed himself to be led across the room until the person eased him to the ground.
As it turned out, there was food there, laid out on a tray. Virgil felt his way around the tray before lifting what he was certain was a spoon, letting the other person place a bowl on his lap. It was full of instant mashed potatoes, Virgil soon discovered. He hadn't really been focusing on his stomach, but he realized some sustenance would be nice. While he ate, the other person traced seemingly random patterns on his wrist.
The bowl with mashed potatoes was pulled away from him, then returned but filled with canned beans. Virgil grimaced: he'd never been one for beans, but at least they were warm. It struck him as he ate that he had no idea what time it was. Was this an odd breakfast, or a poor dinner? It reminded him of something his dorm mate might have made—and just like that, tears were forming and his nose was burning.
Why did they take him? Out of every twenty-something person they could've kidnapped to fulfill their sick desires of blinding someone, why him? Virgil missed home, he missed school, he missed his obnoxious dorm mate, he missed his terrible paying job making terrible pizzas—
The bowl was gently pulled from him and Virgil willingly fell into the person's arms. He sobbed into their shoulder, lost and sad and homesick. How many times had he cried alone in the past month? How many times had he longed for human contact only to wrap his arms around himself? Now he cuddled closer into the warm weight of another human being, gripping as tight as he could.
The other person lightly placed a kiss into Virgil's hair and Virgil felt safe, and warm, and still so so awful but also okay.
Virgil pulled back and fumbled around for the bowl again, still sniffling as he took another bite. The person continued to trace the patterns into his wrist, slow and soft. Over and over. Familiar, like they had no meaning yet every meaning simultaneously. Over and over and over. . . .
That was—repetition? Did the pattern start over? Virgil set down the bowl and placed his hand on the other person's, who immediately stilled.
“Come on, do it again,” Virgil croaked. He gestured at his wrist, trying to get his meaning across. “I wanna feel it.”
Slowly, the patterns started up again, and Virgil traced along with them.
a . . . b . . . c . . . d. . . .
The alphabet. The person hadn't spoken at all thus far, and Virgil felt unbelievably ecstatic about this form of communication. He pushed his hand into the other person's, food forgotten in the giddy anticipation of someone talking to him. Old Virgil would have scoffed, unimpressed at his thirst for human contact. Old Virgil wanted to be alone. Old Virgil hadn't spent weeks alone in darkness.
Virgil could pick out some of the letters the person traced, but the rest felt like random scribbling. He definitely felt an 'a', and an 'o', and then an 'n', but the rest was unclear. He shrugged, then put his hand over theirs again.
This time he could feel the letters more clearly, as the other person carefully guided his hand.
V-i-r-g-i-l, Virgil spelled. V-i-r-g-i-l.
V . . . i . . . n . . . y . . . l . . . l.
“No, Virgil, not vinyl,” Virgil groaned. V-i-r-g-i-l.
V . . . i . . . r . . . g . . . i . . . l.
“Yes, yes yes!” Virgil impulsively hugged the man whose arm he'd been spelling on a second earlier. His name was Patton, and through much trial and error, Virgil had discovered that Patton was about his age and could see. Why he wasn't talking was a mystery that he hadn't decoded yet.
Virgil and Patton had been curled up on the bed for hours, tracing into each others' arms. It was mostly the alphabet, over and over again as they tried to instinctually recognize the letters. It was slow going, but Virgil felt they'd gotten far enough for his name—and they had. It exhausted both of them, he was sure, so he wasn't surprised when Patton fell asleep, him following shortly.
The past few days had been too short, it seemed, after the unbelievable length of the month he'd spent alone. Hours of tracing and sleeping and eating and just touching helped the days fly by. Every day Patton held Virgil steady as the walked the perimeter of the room, one hand on the smooth wall, the other clenched into Patton's shirt. He was slowly beginning to envision their cell in his mind's eye. He knew how many steps it was from the door to the beds—because there were two of them, apparently, though Virgil spent most of his time on the same bed as Patton. When it was night, he couldn't bear to let Patton go, afraid he'd wake up alone again, not able to find anyone. On nights when the fear was particularly bad, Patton held him to his chest and wiped the tears away.
They were almost constantly touching, in some way. When they were both mentally worn from the struggle of communicating, they often lay on the floor, hands entwined. In those moments, Virgil let his mind explore beyond the room, sometimes imagining himself to be a great wizard or adventurer. He went on grand quests to retrieve lost treasures, journeyed into caverns that dripped with shadows. Most of the time, though, he imagined he was going about his normal life. He pictured his dorm mate, the paths he'd take to school. He thought about the tree that grew outside his window, the aloe vera on his desk that was somehow managing to survive. Those bittersweet thoughts always led to a wave of homesickness, and Virgil would find himself curling into Patton's arms to cry.
Now, though, Virgil woke up slowly, automatically squeezing his grip to make sure he was still holding Patton's hand. The man squeezed back, then spelled something onto his arm.
Virgil smiled sleepily and spelled back: P-a-t-t-o-n. Who was he to break morning routine?
F-o-o-d-s-h-e-r-e, Patton spelled out slowly, making a slicing motion on his arm to indicate a space between words. Virgil nodded, forestalling the man as he began to spell it again.
“I heard, I heard.”
Over breakfast, Patton continued the alphabet lightly. Virgil tried to keep his arm free, but he needed one hand to hold the bowl and the other to eat the oatmeal, so it wasn't going too well. Soon enough, the tray was taken from them (by the morning food-bringer, Virgil was beginning to be able to tell their footsteps apart) and Patton squeezed him in a brief hug before taking Virgil's hand and placing it over his own, tracing more letters onto Virgil's skin.
That couldn't be right. Virgil wracked his brain, trying to think of which letter he misinterpreted. Before he could pick it out, though, Patton was tracing again.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added/removed!): @enragedbees @gotta-love-alejandra @bunny222
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for the character ask thing - gríma (Ik this is an obvious pick but I love him)
I mean I literally always want to talk about Grima so this is great. Any excuse is a good one. 
How I feel about this character
Well I obviously love him. I enjoy characters who have been shunted to the margins in some way, shape, or form - or believe themselves to have been regardless of whether it is an accurate reflection of reality - who then make increasingly Poor Life Choices. 
Also he is a great example of how isolation - whether self imposed or imposed by others - can lead to terrible things. In his case, it lead to despair in the world and the ability for people to defeat Sauron which resulted in being bedfellows with Saruman. Despair and the loss of hope and fear are such powerful feelings and I enjoy characters who go down those roads and the many iterations those stories can take. 
For poor Grima it ended with him being horrifically mistreated by Saruman - like *horrifically* - then dying. 
(I do resent that post by a Particularly Popular Tumblr which pitched Grima as the bad roommate that poor Saruman had to put up with as if it wasn’t Saruman who was browbeating and starving the guy, having him crawl on all fours like a dog, making him eat a hobbit etc. Grima is not a good man but Saruman is worse.) 
He’s also a spooky snake man?? Who has some form of magical/words-are-power-becuase-we’re-anglo-saxons-on-horses ability?? Which is rad. And he’s so sassy in the books! He even sasses Treebeard which is very sexy of him. (You know, before he was broken down into a empty husk of a man by a certain wizard.) 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Eomer or no one. Depends on my mood. But I would say it’s 90% Eomer and 10% no one/he’s ace or thereabouts. 
I know I’m the odd one out in this very tiny corner of the fandom who doesn’t ship him with Eowyn. But that’s because he is a tiny gay goth and she’s a non-binary queer and they should be friends but not lovers. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Theoden. Hands down. Oh my god I love the idea of Grima just waltzing into Theoden’s office like YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE THE NONSENSE I HEARD TODAY MY LORD KING. The two just bitching about shit and side-eyeing Gondor. 
‘Get your life right, Denethor,’ says Grima, middle earth’s messiest bitch. 
If only he didn’t go and ruin it all by committing some light oath-breaking and treason. 
For my Rewrite it’s obviously Legolas he’s bro’s with. They’re both uniformly strange. Legolas is 80% feral; Grima is just so messy. So, so messy. Together they’re an unstoppable force of “good gods who let them be friends? Is Legolas fist fighting that orc while Grima runs a book on it? Someone stop them.’ 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t know that I have an unpopular opinion on him? I suppose, my view that he deserves understanding could be unpopular. Like Sauron, Morgoth, Saruman etc. he didn’t start out the way he became. I think it’s important to understand what made a person the way they are as if you understand that you might because to unpick the knot. 
I personally have great sympathy for him but I don’t expect others to. 
Oh - he and Gandalf are two sides of the same Odinn Coin. They’re both different aspects of Odinn, essentially. Do with that what you will. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
He should have lived! I’ve banged on about this from time to time but his living would have been a powerful note to end on with the final wrapping up of the war. 
One of the tenants of the series is that love and friendship and kindness and generosity of spirit are powerful forces - as powerful, if not more so, than hate. So we have this whole thing about defeating Sauron, melting some nice jewelry, but only the Already Good People live. What about the power of these things to effect fundamental change in someone? 
Wounds that make a person do dark things are not formed in isolation - they are born in relationship with others. Therefore healing also must happen in relationship with others. 
Essentially, that moment of Frodo’s gesture: You don’t have to go with Saruman. You can leave him, stay with me, take what rest you need. 
That gesture is the first step in providing someone the opportunity to take the road of redemption. But everyone who could actually benefit from such an offer (Grima, Denethor etc.) all die. Had a single one of them lived, that would have made for a stronger story. 
Sorry for the deluge I just have 500 emotions about Grima and I drop them everywhere. 
Thank you so so much for the ask! Feel free to slide into my inbox and ask about Grima anytime, because I love talking about him so much. 
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hpdabbles · 4 years
Trans!Harry AU (Screw You Rowling)
Gryffindor Common Room is loud and colorful in a way that the poor orphan hasn’t ever known a room could be. It’s filled with people of various ages, roughhousing, laughing, joking, studying, or even just being about.
Green eyes look over everything in wonder, taking the detail of the carvings of roaring lions on the window frames as the Perfect that led them here is speaking.
He is Ron’s brother, the orphan thinks, Percy, but the words aren’t registering until the end where the green eyes child’s attention snaps back to him as he finishes “-are the rules. We expect them to be followed. That’s all for tonight, everyone can go up to their dorms now. You’ll know which one is your’s by the year on the doors. Roommates are based on school years so get used to each other for the next seven years there will be no trading. Boys will go to the left and girls upstairs on the right. We meet up here tomorrow at seven am sharp to show you where classes will be so go to bed early.”
Everyone is moving then, chatting with each other as they split into the proper direction. Ron waves from where he’s following the boys and the yearning to be one of them is so overwhelming it almost causes the orphan to burst into tears right there.
But there isn’t a chance, that’s not the life given to the Girl-Who-Lived. The dorm that Ron is going to is not the one the Potter can go to. 
The girls are halfway up the stairs already, and they won’t wait forever. Waving back to the redhead, hoping the fragile friendship created on the train a few hours earlier will survive the separation, the young one rushes to catch up.
Green eyes stare up at the girls while pulling down on the skirt that never felt right ever, calling all the courage inside of one-self, the child lifts one foot and steps on the stairs.
It’s on the third one that they start screaming.
Everyone whips around to stare at the way the walls are yelling, the stairway changing into a giant slide sending everyone tumbling back down landing on the overly underprepared half-blood and nothing is making sense. What’s happening? Why are the walls screaming? Who’s foot was digging into-
“Are you serious? The first night back?” Percy appears hands on his hips to glare at them. His eyes narrow, sweeping over the crowd who are either covering their ears or laughing hysterical. “Alright which one of you pranksters was it? You know darn well boys can’t go up there!”
The screaming of the walls stop thankfully and everyone climbs to their feet. A girl with big bushy hair points at the child who was still on the ground.  “They started when this one went up.”
Why would she say that? Now everyone turns to look and whispers on how the Girl-Who-Lived set off the stairway. Face burning as a few point and make some faces stays on the ground unable to get back up.
Percy frowns and something cold and terrifying settles in the child’s chest as he kneels to get their faces at the same level. “You a boy?”
No one’s ever asked that before.  “I...I...”
“What am I saying? Course you a boy, otherwise the stairway wouldn’t have activated.” The perfect shakes his head as if to question his own sanity.
 He offers his hand to which the stunned student takes on reflex and is hurled back up. “Alright. Next time just say so, instead of waiting until the last minute. Go on to the boy’s dorm, your things will be moved in a few hours. Your uniform on the other hand...anyone got a spare male uniform for him to borrow tomorrow?”
He turns to the crowd and a few hands shoot up.  Percy points to a second year that seems about the same hight. “He’ll have to borrow it all of tomorrow and maybe the next day. I’ll tell Professor McGonagall and hopefully, we can get his own set by then.”
No one is acting like it’s odd, the second year all but gushing that his clothes will be worn by someone so important. He’s smug grin causing his friends to bristle slightly. 
Like a show had ended the crowd breaks away going back to what they were doing. A female perfect appears and ushers the girls upstairs, taking time to answer questions the bushy hair one asks. A male perfect is doing the same to the boys, though oddly they seem to be speaking to the muggle-borns ones the most. 
Green and black gazes lock as the second year who offed his assistance looks towards the child’s way.  He then winks at the gapping first year and runs off to get the uniform.
“By the way what’s your name?” Percy asks suddenly causing the child to jump and look away from the second year who was disappearing into the door that lead to the boy's dorms. 
The...boy says it but Percy shakes his head.  “No. Not the one you were born with but the one you go by. Or do you like it? If so we can call you by it. The choice is yours but personally, I hate the one Mum gave me, changed it to Percy when I finished my treatment.”
“I don’t...I’m not...I don’t like it but...” The boy hands open and closes uselessly not sure how to explain. He has never thought about changing his name, it was just something he had. 
 What did the perfect mean by treatment? Was he sick?
Percy nods like that broken attempt at speaking made sense. “We’ll all call you Potter until you figure it out then. That fair?”
Potter stares then nods timidly. Percy gives him a crooked smile that rings true to the red hair twins he met earlier before raising his voice to shout  “He’s going by Potter until he finds a good name. Don’t use the first name ever again, you lot got that?”
There are some sounds of agreement and that’s that. Potter is ushered into the first-year dorm by Percy who insists it’s important to get the proper rest to do his best for his education. Ron welcomes him with a wide excited smile, patting him on the back like they are old chumps. “Why didn’t you say you were a boy? I would have saved you the bed next to mine if I knew! Now I got to sleep near Seamus and Seamus smells.”
“Hey!” The boy in question shouts offended. “I do not!”
Potter laughs so hard the tears rolling down his face, could be from the banter or the burst of overwhelming happiness he never thought he would feel. He sits on the best furthers away from the door, watching his last name, by itself, for now, appear on the wood and he feels at home.
For the first time in his life he feels at home.
There is knocking on the door then, and Dean opens it to find the second year with the uniform. He is also carrying a book that has the title “Names ideas for babies”, which he offers in an almost awe-struck nervousness to Potter.  “My parents send it to me for a friend last year. She picked one out from here but you don’t have to. I just thought.. it might be nice to have some options?... Ugh sorry, I’m muggle-born...am I being rude? I know wizards don’t care but it’s different in the muggle world...I-”
Potter throws his arms around him causing the boy to go bright red and his roommates to start chuckling. “This is wonderful! Thank you!”
“Oh, you’re welcome! I’m gay-happy!- to help. Ugh bye!” The boy runs out as if demons were chasing him causing the first-year Gryffindors to roar with laughter. 
Potter blinks “Did I do something wrong?”
“No mate.” Ron chuckles “You going to read that now? I want to play a round of chess but I know how important names can be even if they take forever. Percy took three whole years before he settled on one. I swear he should have kept Lucus.”
Potter grins. “I don’t know how to play chess”
“I’ll teach ya.”
He sets the book aside for the night but the next morning while eating in the grand hall he flips through all the options. Ron had offered him a quill and some parchment to write the ones he likes the most, building a list and feeling perfectly settled in his borrowed uniform. 
His hair looks shaggy now, after Dean went at it with a pair of scissors after promising he knew what he was doing- he did not- but Potter rather likes it, even it does seem like a right mess to others. 
Professor McGonagall had fixed up the ends for him with her wand, keeping the general style as his request- causing Dean to beam- and this morning he looked into the mirror and saw an eleven-year-old boy staring back at him.
Everyone was kind enough not to point out how much he cried afterward. He spends a while trying out some of the names on his list, though none of them feel quite right and according to Percy he can wait until the right one arrives.
Potter learned that the treatment Percy was referring to that first night was the potions one took to be the gender they were on the inside. Since charms and spells could tell what someone was-male, female, none-binarry-  the magical world had long ago come to accept people as they chose to be, and had developed safe ways to help young people get the body that showed them as they truly were.
Potter would be starting his own treatment a little later but that was mostly due to never being on potions before and Madam Pomfrey wanted him to wait till December instead of starting him right that day. 
She said she wanted to make sure his body could handle the change since it was used to muggle medication instead. She would be giving him potions that every child needed before Hogwarts- he thinks it’s similar to the concept of vacines- to help his body adjust. 
Potter traces a new name onto the list turning to Ron who is stuffing his face. “What do you think of Harry?”
“I like it.”
“Me too. I like it too”
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Winx Club Season 4 Thoughts Part 1
I have to say that I remember exactly five things from this whole season so I am interested to see where this is going even if it has high chances of annoying me. I am trying to stay open-minded about this and the fact that they still haven’t destroyed the art style here is definitely helping some so I hope that I will find something I like in this season and will not have to bitch about it 98% of the time. Here we go:
- Okay, so they just decided that season 4 and SotLK are not on the same time line. Because in SotLK the new school year had already started when Mandragora attacked and Winx were definitely not teaching. And Musa says that it’s been three years since they first came to Alfea so that implies that s4 is the school year after s3. Which means this is not the time line of SotLK. Great! I mean, I’m not gonna count that as a plot hole but it is still frustrating to a degree.
- Faragonda really said “Let’s make Winx teachers even though they have no training and qualifications for that whatsoever”, huh? Nice to see that there is as much real world logic applied to any of this as always - aka none. I know it sounds like I’m already bitching but, trust me, I am not. This is just an observation. You’ll know it when I truly start bitching.
- I get it that everyone except Stella is not thrilled about all the attention but Tecna and Layla sounded too annoyed. It’s not like the young fairies are trying to tear off their wings and fairy dust vials to keep as souvenirs. They are actually pretty polite considering that they’re fifteen and have just met their idols. Why is that Amaryl getting Stella’s autograph, though?
- Lmao that scene with Griselda. XD But they really did not consider the fact that now that they are at Alfea as personnel they’ll have different rooms? That is like walking into the room and sitting in your old student seat even though you are supposed to be the teacher. Come on, guys! Gotta love how Layla, Bloom and Musa almost sent Griselda falling to the ground and Flora was the only one who tried to help her keep her balance. Also, the fact that Griselda was more concerned with the misunderstanding rather than with the fact that she was about to fall down the goddamn stairs! Priorities, Griselda! Not breaking your neck should always come first in a situation like that.
- Is it me or have they toned Griselda down a little? She used to be a bit more of a hardass.
- Why is that the Agator box Faragonda has put the “keys” in? Did they just decide to recycle an old design without even changing it at all or what?
- It’s been three minutes (without the intro) and we’ve arrived at our first plot hole. Remember in season 3 when Galatea took the Trix to the Hall of Enchantments? And it was a very public and very unrestricted area in the school that was definitely not hidden behind a secret passage? Yeah, now it is suddenly a place where only a few people can go. Nice one!
- Why the fuck would you bury the entire history of the magical dimension under one school? And why the fuck can you find out the future from there? Let me tell you, this is a horrible idea.
- So now there are infinite levels of powers and more transformations after Enchantix? Second plot hole in four minutes. This is going well.
- “It will also give you the power to heal whoever is in need.” Where was that when they fucking killed off Nabu?!
- Of course, Bloom will wander off and find the villains of the season even if it is just a painting. Please, tell me that it wasn’t the fact that she removed the cover of the Wizards’ portrait that brought them to Alfea. That will simply be too dumb. Also, Faragonda could have totally used her magic to cover the portrait again and given her reaction to Bloom finding it, she should have. I am curious as to who painted the portrait of the Trix that went in there, though. Or did it just appear magically? Lmao, that would be a fun concept. Imagine that you do something big enough to threaten the whole magical dimension and suddenly, there is a portrait of you in a closed off gallery buried under Alfea.
- Stella really poked Brandon in the face to test if he is really here? XD
- So they did have some plan for their first class (since they built that obstacle course in advance) but they didn’t think of a name for it? Not looking too professional but as long as the young fairies are engaged AND learn something, I guess it’s fine.
- Why is Clarisse so mean here? I agree to some degree that Winx are not really qualified to teach but she has no reason to be like that.
- So she showed the magic she used to sabotage Winx to ALL of her roommates and none of them went to Faragonda to tell her the truth after Alice was accused?! What the fuck, you people?
- It would have been more interesting if it had been Bloom that had been hit. She is the leader, after all, and the show always insists on making her the center of everything but not this, I guess. Can’t have her be the target of a prank. That would probably be too embarrassing. I hate that Faragonda didn’t even give a chance to Alice to speak. For how much she claims to believe in her students, she never actually gives them the chance to explain themselves. You’d think she’d rely more on her intuition rather than on hard, cold proof that can be staged (as is the case) or reframed thanks to circumstances.
- If the Wizards hunt fairies, why have they never been to Alfea? It is literally full of fairies! Or are they just after Earth fairies? I have no memory of them or their plan whatsoever. Guess I’ll have to watch and see.
- Why are all the Winx being so damn mean in this episode? Even Flora is out for people’s heads. Honestly, the only time she’s given off more hostile energy than here was when the Trix attacked the Black Willow and Miele.
- At least that battle was a bit more of a battle than what we’ve seen in previous seasons. Although, it is disappointing that all of Winx’s arsenal of magic seems to be down to just blasting the enemy. Like, they literally never do anything else. Where is that energy of Musa doing an anti rain dance combined with runes to negate Stormy’s powers? Can we ever get anything more creative than just shooting magic beams out of their hands and throwing balls of energy at the opponents? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Wizards have a bit more interesting powers from what we’ve seen here. Especially, Duman with his shapeshifting (a Duman vs Wizgiz battle would have been interesting). And I like the idea of their partnership allowing them greater power like opening the Black Circle. It’s cool. We’re going back to the vibe of the Trix being equals in season 1 and that was interesting.
- Okay, so the Wizards really wiped the ground with Winx but you have to love how none of the young fairies care about the fact that the teachers weren’t able to do jackshit either. Winx failed once and now suddenly they’re losers. I know the idea of that part was that fame is temporary but you know what would have been a better lesson? That persistence is the key to victory and you have to get up after you’ve been knocked down and try again. That would have been far more helpful for the young fairies to learn from Winx and it would have been exactly the best lesson that Winx could teach them considering their own experiences of never giving up even when everything looked bleak and they were failing.
- So why did Clarisse suddenly change her mind? Was she touched by the fact that Alice was still trying to help Winx even after they didn’t believe her or...? But yes, if she didn’t even think twice about hugging Griselda, then the show has really softened Griselda here. XD It was adorable, though, so I am fine with it. And I hope that Alice and Clarisse will keep that friendship going (I so do not remember anything from this season).
- Really? We’re gonna stop this episode right before the origin story of the Black Circle? Damn! Have to love how they were teachers for all of one class. Not even that, in fact. Griselda will probably be the one who will take on those classes now. Poor freshmen fairies! XD
- Okay, I have questions. Where did the Wizards come from and why did they attack Earth specifically out of all the planets in the magical dimension? How did they create the spell that made them immune to fairy magic? You can’t just wish to be impenetrable and boom, it’s done! Also, were fairies the only magical beings on Earth? Because that story made it sound so. And what do you mean the powers of nature? Are we talking elements? Or not quite? Plus, really not into the way this blamed all the shit that happened on Earth on the disappearance of the fairies. It takes off the responsibility from humanity’s shoulders and that is not a good thing to do.
- At least Tecna is paying attention and now they know where to start. Bring back belief in fairies and find the last Earth fairy (though, that might not be the best idea since it will lead the Wizards straight to her and Winx are not yet powerful enough to protect her). That sounds like the first step of a plan.
- Aww, Stella is always so thrilled to see Brandon she ends up knocking him down! That is absolutely adorable! But please, can we skip the part where Bloom angsts about Sky not being there? But back to the important things (aka everything but Sky x Bloom), yay for Nabu being here! Riven picking up Musa was so cute! And she wasn’t angry that he didn’t come up with his own script which is good (besides, I think that the fact that he asked for help because he wanted to cheer her up still counts as a cute romantic gesture). And Timmy and Tecna instantly starting to nerd out together is just precious!
- Bloom says she’s getting used to it while still sulking about it. Forgive me if I don’t believe you. But at least his entrance was funny indeed. And the way all the other guys were in on it spoke of them planning it together which helps sell their friendship. I would actually like to see more moments like that. And omg, Riven being the one to say Sky is a friend! I approve so much of this non-sulky Riven. Dammit, why do they have to screw up everything (because we all know they will, especially when it comes to Riven)!
- Why did they have to lie to their girlfriends? Winx could use some help and it doesn’t have to mean that they’re weak. Honestly, the more people are fighting the Wizards, the better their chances! Like, this is simple strategy! It doesn’t have to mean anything about their power levels. And who the fuck decided that Winx should be the ones responsible for the defeat of the Black Circle and do it alone? All of this is nonsensical as hell and it is obvious that they will use it to generate drama again. MY GOD, CAN WE JUST NOT?!
- What happens if someone steals Tecna’s gadget and accesses all that info she copied from the Hall of Enchantments? That was probably not the safest idea there but it would have been cool if that actually happened and they had to deal with someone else while still trying to defeat the main villains. For a change of pace. Just saying.
- Man, Tecna is the one doing everything. But wait, how did Bloom miniaturize? Is it because she found her birth parents and restored Domino so now her Enchantix is complete? Is that what happened here? I mean, it wouldn’t be completely illogical so it’s fine, I guess.
- Wtf why did Bloom just jump on Tecna like that? Are they trying to emphasize her first miniaturizing experience by making her afraid of things because she is so small now? Knock it off, guys! I hate to say it, but Bloom isn’t exactly the person that scares easily no matter what she’s facing. She was attacking monsters with a stick before she even knew she had magic, please! And Layla getting scared is also out of character. I love how Stella just didn’t give a damn. That is kinda like her and she is right that they’ve faced scarier things. And here is Bloom with the stick spoon again.
- Hey, they remembered the ocean of light spell from SotLK.
- They brought tents? Why are they camping there? Do they have any idea what they’re doing at this point?
- Why do we keep at it with the flashbacks? There is literally no point to them!
- What the hell? It... is eating Stella? What is happening? Also, does Flora have any other magic at this point aside from making ivy grow and wrap around the enemy? Not to mention that she just started crying with a monster right in front of her that ate her friend! What the hell, Flora? Did you think your tears would move it and it wouldn’t eat you as well?!
- “Apparently, I am not easy to digest.” XDDD Only Stella can say that while in the belly of a monster!
- Wtf was Musa’s idea with roaring at the monster? And Layla couldn’t spot a butterfly that was roughly half the size of Piff’s head?! It was so visible from the moment they found Piff!
- Is that... Yes, that’s the tree from Magical Adventure. It definitely looks different here but it can’t be anything else.
- Well, of course, the Earth fairy was born in Gardenia. It is too impossible a coincidence for them to pass up on. If it means I will get some Mike and Vanessa, I am willing to forgive it, though.
- Yay! It’s Mike and Vanessa! I love how they totally don’t mind that Bloom and her friends just dropped off without any warning. They are the best parents ever!
- Okay, they copied almost all of this montage in Magical Adventure but I don’t mind because it’s funny and also pretty cute that they are now all living together. Mike and Vanessa are so open to Bloom’s friends and it is absolutely adorable! Also, the challenge of living together is hilarious.
- That montage of their jobs is also hilarious (but kinda painful as well when it is us, non-magical beings’ reality). I’m glad they also showed the others having trouble with their jobs and not just Stella.
- Do we trust this guy that offered them a job? He doesn’t look suspicious... but that is kinda suspicious. I don’t know.
- Wait, they can bring toys to life? Then that totally confirms my headcanon about Kiko being a stuffed bunny that Bloom unknowingly turned into an animate one with her Dragon Fire. Okay, so Flora can bring toys to life which makes sense but Bloom having the magic that created the whole universe should also be able to do that.
- Poor Mike! But omg, they really almost had Kiko jump a female bunny right there on screen. Damn, guys! Calm down.
- Okay, the pet shop is actually a pretty good idea considering that it turns their problem into a solution. And the pets are adorable.
- I am grateful that Vanessa is in on finding a place for the shop. She already owns a shop of her own and is a businesswoman so she knows what she is doing. It is the adult presence this series seriously lacks and she can be both helpful and supportive of Winx. It’s awesome!
- Well, the last fairy on Earth found them. And they conveniently lost her. Oh, come on! They didn’t even realize it was her?!
- I just skipped all of the Kiko and pets buffoonery. It is so unimportant.
- They are really fucking dense, aren’t they? Why did no one think that if the Wizards aren’t anywhere to be found, then it could be something else?!
- You left a bunny in charge of a business establishment. What did you expect? I mean, really?! Not to mention that the magical pets have zero reason to listen to Kiko. They probably think he’s beneath them because he can’t fly and shit.
- Of course, the Wizards arrive in the middle of a storm. Because Grand EntranceTM.
- You mean to tell me that Tecna didn’t know you could use a computer to play games and learn languages? What the actual FUCK?! She is literally the fairy of technology. I don’t even have the words to express how stupid this is!
- Why is Roxy sleeping in the clothes that she was wearing when she was out all day? Ever heard of pajamas, animators? And of course, she is having Symbolic Dreams just like Bloom. And by “symbolic” I mean overly obviously so.
- I love their clash with the reality of business. But why are they acting like the website is new? Bloom already mentioned it in the previous episode. And all Tecna is adding now is the download-a-pet feature.
- So they’re giving the pets for free... but they will be charging for food and other things? I am confused here. They promised to pay Vanessa back and they can’t do that unless they make profit from the shop. So they should be charging for some of their services at least. But what is the point of downloading a pet if you have to go to the store to buy food for it? Ugh, this makes no sense again.
- Why are only girls adopting fairy pets? Tell me this is not going to be sexist like that.
- Ugh, pls no drama with Sky over Andy. And what the fuck did he mean that they were engaged?! I mean, probably overexaggerating but it was still weird. Not to mention that Bloom’s reaction to learning he’s in a band is somewhat not selling the idea that the Winx would form their own band later on (even if this is what starts it).
- What the fuck are the Specialists doing? And are they only now arriving on Earth? Weren’t they supposed to be there already since Faragonda told them to stay close to Winx?
- Why is Brandon the only one with brains in here? Sky literally just went on and pawned the seal of Eraklyon? Stupid, stupid move. Besides, it’s not like they didn’t know where they were going. He could have gone to Eraklyon and taken some gold to exchange on Earth or something. They could have prepared for this trip. Oh my god, why does no one think of things ahead of time? This isn’t getting sucked into the Omega dimension by mistake. They could have made a plan and avoided literally all of the problems they’ve faced already.
- Why did they take the pets to a concert? Animals are sensitive to loud noises and can get scared by the music they’re blasting there. Wtf?!
- Damn, I was right about Sky being jealous of Andy but I am still entertained by the fact that he was being all righteous with Riven until he saw Bloom and flipped the script on its head. And again, Brandon is the only one that is actually thinking... for now. I so do not need the drama with Mitzi that will be in this season. But literally the only reason they haven’t blown their cover is that Winx haven’t looked their way. Otherwise, those menus wouldn’t be enough to hide them. And why didn’t they change in their everyday clothes before dropping in the middle of a park?
- Why are you leaving Kiko in charge again?! You already saw that he can’t control the magical pets! Oh my god, this show really insists on getting on my nerves!
- What, they don’t have fruits in Magix?! Please, if Magix is so much more advanced in terms of technology, there is no way that they don’t have smoothies and fruit salad. This is really stupid!
- Omg, thank you Layla. Finally! Can they now, please, figure out that Roxy is right under their noses? Because they keep crossing paths with her without even knowing it and it is getting ridiculous. Why was she so quick to judge Stella, though? She barely heard her say a sentence. No need to label someone based on the one line you’ve overheard them speak! Why is everyone so judgy in this season?!
- I told you the Wizards would just follow them and Winx would lead them to the fairy. Rather fortunately, they’ve all got it wrong but poor girl that got mistaken for the last fairy. She is probably going to be traumatized. Btw when are they going to start earning their Belivix? They totally forgot about the book Faragonda gave them.
- Ogron is really annoying me. But why not just eliminate Winx and they won’t have to deal with them anymore? What, is this some kind of “they’re obviously too weak to stop us so we won’t even bother destroying them” deal here? (Edit: Yep, that’s it - aka plot armor.) It always comes back to bite the villains in the end. You’d think at least one of them will know better... Or at the very least be ruthless enough not to care who they harm... which the Wizards allegedly are.
- I am so sick of Flora’s “luxurious ivy”. Try something else one of these days! But being caught in her own ivy was new at the very least. Maybe that will make her come up with a new attack next time.
- Omg, I am really starting to see the Riven x Nabu thing. XD But the Specialists generally seem too busy saving each other to help Winx.
- Seriously? They’re all gonna be dicks to each other? And over this stupidity with the jealousy and refusal to accept help? *sigh* I am so pleased to see Nabu and Layla just trailing behind like that. Like, “I don’t wanna be a part of this drama but I gotta stay with my team even though I would much rather be with you.” It is really cute and I love it! Also, proof that all of this is stupid because Layla has always been super independent but she didn’t seem to have a problem with Nabu coming to help her. Probably because she trusts him enough to know he wouldn’t think she was weak! Take notes, everyone!
- Hey, be a bit more supportive of Stella! She’s obviously tired if she fell asleep and she just told you she is stressed out because of what happened with the boys! She is not just dramatizing for attention. I know they are all in the same boat but they don’t have to be rude to her just because she voiced her discomfort.
- What the hell did the Wizards do to the pets? My gradually returning memory (meaning that whenever I see something, it triggers some deeply buried memories I have about this season) is failing me here.
- Lol, I can’t believe Riven actually went to get Brandon a glass of juice. That’s adorable! But how to break it to Timmy that they already look like they belong on the planet (Nabu is definitely standing out but that’s just because Gardenia is western-society based)? Riven is literally wearing England’s flag, wtf?!
- Why do the boys sound like they are sharing the same six brain cells (that’s probably too high a number)? Even Timmy is jealous which he totally has no reason to be because Tecna hasn’t been around anyone! Omfg, why are they turning the personal drama of one (well, two bc Musa and Riven also) couple into a drama for everyone?! And Flora hasn’t really said anything to Helia which could be rude of itself but still. I am sure she is not actually angry at him.
- I am actually really getting on board of this Riven x Nabu ship. Riven’s first thought of a solution was to turn to Nabu. I mean, their actions speak for themselves!
- I just had a new thought about Winx’s pet shop policy and it is actually a bit of a malicious tactic (even if not intentionally so) to just let children download pets that will later need to be taken care of. Once the pet is already downloaded, parents will have a much harder time saying no to their children and they will be forced to spend money on caring for the pet. This is... not how things should be going.
- Mike and Vanessa are adorable together! And awesome parents! (Yes, I will gush about that every time. We can use some positivity amidst everything wrong with the series. They definitely got Mike and Vanessa right.)
- Roxy is really trying to adopt all those dogs, isn’t she? But wow, Mitzi really wanted to wrap an animal in wrapping paper. They shouldn’t have given it to her at all.
- I actually like the fact that they had to go against their mission and convince everyone that they aren’t real fairies because they were otherwise running the risk of making people afraid of fairies. It is fun, though, that it was Stella who thought of faking a movie shoot and not Bloom who is from Earth, after all. I mean, movies in the magical dimension probably don’t need ropes for the stunts.
- I am already so tired of this fight between Winx and the Specialists and it has barely been an episode. And they are all so frustrating. The boys could have just said that they are there to help instead of “to protect” them like Winx are damsels in distress and Winx could have just accepted help. Honestly, this is such a non-issue that they are blowing out of proportion. Winx have never been so stubborn about accepting help from the Specialists before and the Specialists have never acted like they don’t fully believe that Winx are capable of handling themselves. Why did the writers have to do this now?
- Does Ogron mean that next time they will go for destroying Winx? That will be interesting as long as it actually happens.
- Okay, this is more like it! They are finally working together. And Layla fangirling over Nabu is so cute! As long as they don’t get pulled over for speeding, they should be fine now.
- Ugh, here comes the Mitzi drama. Is that what Stella was crying about? Like, Brandon literally didn’t look twice at Mitzi and cut her off when she was trying to introduce herself. Why is everyone making up issues when there aren’t any?! I am so sick of that! And Bloom not talking to Sky was also super stupid. Not that they ever talk so at least that’s in character, I guess. Doesn’t make it any less frustrating.
- I love how Timmy is the one that is handling himself best in this new world. And Nabu’s magic is also helping him so the two of them will have to carry the team for a while. (”All from home so I can be with you, guys”? Are all the Specialists just in love with each other? Because that’s what it looks like. XD)
- Omg, Mitzi kissed him on the cheek! That is not the same as “he was kissing that girl”. The least you could do in that situation is fucking talk to him! And why would he come all the way to Earth to just pick up another girl?! This is stupid! Stella has never been like that with Brandon. And if anything, she should be in Mitzi’s face like “You can’t have my man.” At least she is up for spending time with her friends.
- What the fuck happened to Helia’s hair?! Okay, who thought that was a good idea?! Like, both in production and in verse. This was a horrible, horrible idea. Bring back Helia’s hair! And wtf was that comment from Sky about girls checking them out?! You all have girlfriends! It should not matter at all if girls are checking you out or not! I swear, this season is trying to enrage me on purpose. But at least the dynamic between the Specialists is going strong and, I would say, better than in previous seasons because we actually see them be friends here!
- What is Mitzi’s problem? She is stalking Brandon AND trying to steal him from his girlfriend. Like, crazy psycho much? Calm down there and leave them both alone.
- It’s good that they’re having fun together but like Tecna said, they could get this done faster which would be preferable considering that finding the last fairy on Earth is kinda urgent. You know, before she gets killed by the Wizards would be nice.
- Oh, you have to be kidding me! They have been bitching about the Specialists helping them but “That looks heavy. Let me give you a hand.” gets a smile? Really? It is literally the same thing! Why are you, guys, not throwing bitch fits now?! And Bloom is suddenly very quiet for someone who didn’t want help now that Andy is all “Let me show you how to paint walls.” Because you’re girls and you obviously have no clue about it. This whole situation can’t get any more stupid.
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I was wrong. It just got more stupid. First, Stella sounds like she’ll push Bloom into Andy’s hands any second now even though she had the Bloom/Andy situation happen to her with Brandon (except that Brandon seems far more firm on not being into Mitzi than Bloom is about Andy) and then Mitzi is there to snap a picture of it and send it to the boys. Fucking spectacular! This is just shoving high school drama down our throats now that they are finally out of high school! Makes fucking sense.
- And Stella is flirting with someone else already. Just shoot me in the head. It will be less painful than this. Can everything just explode already so that we can be done with the stupidity? And why are the boys like that? It’s not like they just walked in on Winx having an orgy with Andy and his friends! They were just helping... and flirting with them a little which would mean less if Winx had tried to discourage it instead of doing the exact opposite. *sigh* It’s a mess on both ends and I hate it so much. Can we get back to the magical stuff? Enough with the stupid teenage drama already!
- Finally! Thank you! But didn’t they say in the previous episode that Tecna’s system didn’t allow one person to adopt more pets even if under different names? Now it is suddenly possible. I don’t need contradictions in the “plot” on top of the relationship stupidity!
- How did they think that that conversation would go? Though, to be fair, they could have done far more. They could have shown her their magic to begin with. And also, if Roxy doesn’t believe in magic, then where does she think the flying pets come from? I mean, they literally fly! How do you explain that? Genetic mutation that gave them wings?! (Tbh it would’ve been cool to see authorities investigate Winx and their business because they think they might be doing illegal experiments with animals. That would have been so much better than the jealousy.)
- Well, Artu seems better at dealing with the Wizards than Winx are.
- Why would Ogron throw a barrel at Layla? Is he still stuck on “they’re unworthy of us wasting our powers on them”? Ugh! But seriously, Winx need to come up with a strategy for fighting these guys!
- It’s working! Roxy’s belief is giving Winx more power. They transformed.
- Okay, so the new powers work on everyone but Ogron who keeps absorbing them. Do they by any chance defeat him by shooting too much power at him at the end of the season? Because that is usually the way to defeat someone that absorbs any kind of energy - overload them. More like overwhelm them. But back to the fight at hand, I love that Roxy is ready to defend herself with throwing rocks (lol, the irony, considering she is named Roxy). I guess refusal to give up is just the universal Earth power. XD
- Wait, how did Roxy disappear? Did Layla teleport her or were those Roxy’s own powers awakening? Wtf happened?
- At least Flora is using new spells. And so are the rest of Winx. But damn, the Wizards have really cool powers! Is Gantlos able to track Roxy because his main power is sonic waves?
- Doesn’t Roxy know that you don’t get in strangers’ cars? Or is she trusting the fact that Artu is not suspicious of the woman? I can kinda accept that.
- Why are all of the Wizards (well, except Ogron) flirting with Winx? But on a less creepy note, wouldn’t it have been better to have made the people believe in them so that they could become stronger? And Ogron has a point that if they lose Roxy to the Black Circle, they won’t be able to save anyone.
- “It’s a little hard to explain but, basically, we’re looking out for your future.” XDDD That’s my Stella.
- Okay, I am starting to like Roxy. The fact that she hates flying is super ironic considering that she’s a fairy. And I love that she thought of not leading the Wizards straight to her father and putting him in danger, too. Plus, she did go down the sewers despite not wanting to. And aww! She is already a fan of Winx (and of Stella). I have to say that I am a little annoyed by how similar they are making her story to Bloom’s. She even has her own spirit guide as Daphne was for Bloom. It’s almost like the writers can’t come up with anything else.
- They’re opening the Circle for the third time already and Roxy just ran out of it like it was no biggie. XD
- Why can’t the Winx admit that they did need help. Layla and Flora have no problem admitting that they could have used some help.
- Well, the scene with Roxy’s dad getting their names wrong is hilarious! And I love that Timmy figured out how to make him get his name right! That was awesome! Why can’t the scenes be like that instead of them fighting over bullshit?
- They already mentioned the three sets of wings. Why are they acting surprised now?
- Finally a boy interested in the fairy pets!
- Yes, thank you! Finally someone giving Stella some good advice and telling her to talk to Brandon about the whole deal with Mitzi. I am pretty positive that they are gonna drag that out until much farther into the season though, so I have more to suffer.
- Roxy’s father either doesn’t mind having her friends dropping by in the middle of the night or he’s a sound sleeper and doesn’t know they’re there at all. The thing with the photos arranging themselves was cool, though!
- I just hope Stella’s only problem with driving is her lack of sense of direction. It would have been more realistic if she’d misdesigned at least a part of Roxy’s outfit. They just met her and Stella already got a perfect sense of her fashion sense in order to make her the perfect outfit? Unless she’s using some kind of fashion magic, this seems unlikely. She’s just really not going to talk to Brandon, huh? Why do they have to do them dirty like that?! They’ve always been the perfect couple.
- Bloom is riding a horse here. But in Magical Adventure she didn’t know how to. Great one, you guys! But again, the movies just have no continuity with the show. On the other hand, the show has no continuity with the show so I don’t know what I expected.
- But why not put that guy to sleep? It’s not like they will harm him. Just get him out of the way for as long as they need to look around that place. What’s so wrong with that plan? They won’t have to deal with him and he won’t have to deal with them. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.
- Omg, for the first time ever “the ground is shaking and falling apart” is actually a problem because Roxy can’t fly. Finally they have a reason to pretend that this is actually dangerous.
- What about Roxy? They can’t just leave her in a burning barn filling with smoke! See, it would have been much better if they had put that guy to sleep! They wouldn’t have to save him from the Wizards now because he would have been away from the battle and unable to interfere.
- So the glowing thingy on the ground is the White Circle? Or is it Queen Morgana’s crown? What is happening? It is the White Circle, after all. But I would like to know more about it!
- Well, I guess it paid off that they didn’t put him to sleep, after all. They made him believe in fairies and be better to the life around him. So one for the team.
- Stella is being so ridiculous at this point that I just cannot take it anymore. Please, tell me this drama will be over after the karaoke. At least she snatched him away from Mitzi but damn, why is this still not over?!
- Why can’t everyone be like Nabu and Layla? They have no drama, Nabu trusts her and Layla shows him that he is the only one she wants. Why can’t the rest just get their shit together and start taking notes?!
- Why the heck would the White Circle reveal itself to be destroyed? Honestly, all of Ogron’s lines in this scene sound either cringy or nonsensical... or both. And why is the White Circle an object while the Black Circle is a group of people? This just doesn’t sound logical. Don’t tell me there will be an identical Black Circle popping up at some point.
- On the one hand I kinda liked that Winx have something else going on except for fighting villains with the shop and going to the Fruity Music Bar but at this point it seems like that is taking up too much of this season. And now they are shoving more of it with Musa getting a call for an audition and everything. It feels like the season is not focused on the Black Circle to an appropriate level considering how big of a threat they are supposed to be.
- So Roxy is one of Winx now? I am not really a fan of that idea. Idk I just always looked at her as a part of the season 4 storyline and not part of the girls’ group. But I like the fact that she “doesn’t want to be special”. It’s a nice change to the typical pace of these stories.
- What is Riven’s problem? Musa is literally just singing with Andy’s band. There is nothing even remotely provoking jealousy. Also, why was Sky the one proving Riven’s point by purposefully going to a girl and offering to make her favorite drink? That is more flirting than Musa singing with the band. And didn’t he and Bloom fix this already?! And why is Mitzi now holding on to Sky?! What is she doing? Trying to steal all of Winx’s boyfriends?!
- Okay, but how is Musa enjoying singing different from her normal behavior? Wtf, Riven?! What is the problem? That she is more social than she used to be? I understand his feelings just not why they exist since the situation is not at all the way the show is trying to make it out to be. Musa doesn’t seem all that different to me (it’s not like they’ve given them any character moments this season, only drama and jealousy) and all this angsting is just unnecessary, not to mention stupid.
- “Jealousy keeps a relationship alive and thriving.” WHAT. THE. ABSOLUTE. HONEST. GENUINE. FUCK?!?!?!? Yeah, Stella sure seemed very alive and thriving when she was distressed over her jealousy of Brandon. Sure seemed like a peachy experience. I just cannot even. And does this seem very OOC to anyone else? I mean, Stella’s parents are divorced and she took that very hard. She has abandonment issues. Why the fuck would she say that jealousy is in the core of a relationship?!?!?! What the fuck, writers?!
- Ugh... Erendor? Really? Out of all the ways to make this episode worse... Smh. And he is being an asshole as always. I love how he doesn’t care that Winx might have some urgent business. No, his wishes always come first. Entitled prick!
- Oh, great! So the White Circle was possessed and now Roxy is possessed. Fucking awesome!
- Why is Stella the one feeling what’s wrong with Roxy? Bloom is obviously the one who has taken on the role of her mentor and in the beginning all six of Winx could feel Roxy’s magic. Why is it different all of a sudden? And Erendor actually let them go?! Wow, I am shooketh.
- Ogron didn’t absorb that? Why am I surprised? There is no consistency in here and if you want to contradict what’s been established already, you have to explain how it works. Not just “White Circle makes Wizards of the Black Circle weak because opposing colors means opposing powers uwu”
- “She seems like a totally different person”? Are all of them deaf and didn’t hear that she just said she’s been waiting for that for centuries? The fact that Roxy is sixteen should have tipped them off somehow.
- They just keep throwing balls of energy at each other. Wow! What an engaging and epic battle! -_-
- How come Stella is the one who’s been doing all the reading this season? I am not saying that she is dumb but Tecna is usually the one who sifts through the information they’ve received and considering that she copied the whole library from the Hall of Enchantments, it would have made more sense for her to have read the book from cover to cover.
- Stella is like a caretaker now all of a sudden. This episode has thrown me for a loop, honestly.
- Oooooooh, this scenes with Erendor are giving me a headache with the twists and turns. First, what the hell did he think by making Sky king at the age of 18? Erendor is well so there is no need to rush to pass the crown to Sky. I hate to admit it but he kinda has a point about Sky abandoning his royal duties to go to Earth and do pretty much nothing to help there. And then the scene in the pawn shop (or whatever) that is just... huh??????? Erendor was angry about the seal but then he is suddenly flipping the script completely and giving Sky money so that he can stay?!?!?!?! I cannot even with this episode. Please, let it end.
- Are Stella and Brandon fine now? Yes? Please!!!!!
- The White Circle is the last portal to the dimension where the Earth fairies are held captive? Why are they only mentioning this in the recap of episode 10 and didn’t say it anywhere in episode 9??????????????????????????? I swear, the sheer number of times this has already happened (or rather the opposite where they introduce a concept twice) is nerve-destroying. They should really hire someone to check for continuity.
- So now Roxy remembers not just the Nebula possession but also the other fairies’ feelings? Didn’t she say she didn’t remember what happened in the last episode?
- Since when does Bloom understand not wanting to be a fairy. She has always wanted to be a fairy.
- What guarantees that Bloom won’t get possessed if she is wearing the Circle like a ring? The fact that she’s not from Earth? But she’s the only one who grew up on Earth so the White Circle will probably be much safer with any of the other Winx.
- Where did Bloom’s double come from? In season 3 they couldn’t make doubles and could only make pixies look like fairies. What is happening now? Edit: She turned one of the pets into a double. Great fucking idea considering how Kiko was handling the shop in a previous episode.
- Why tf are the guys trying to pay with gemstones?!?! First, I thought Sky refused to take them from Erendor in the last episode. And second, they’ve been on Earth long enough to know how buying stuff works! Just sell the gemstones to a jewelry shop and you’ll have money you can buy stuff with! Jeez, like it’s so hard!
- Musa is being stupid, then Riven is being stupid and we keep spinning in that vicious circle forever. *sigh* I have to agree with Riven, though. The building is ugly.
- Roxy’s explanation made no sense to me. But why is Bloom having trouble figuring this out? She grew up on Earth. Granted, she was practically just waiting for proof that fairies exist to fall in her lap which is different from not believing in fairies completely but still. And why not start from children? Children are always more open-minded to “impossible” things.
- Okay, so teleporting will not rattle Roxy and her hate for flying.
- See? The little girl believed in magic! Told you! What I can’t comprehend is what the parents thought. Like, those girls had plants growing in your apartment and had sparkly wings! What did you think? That they are scientists who just like to dress up fancy and go rescue people with their inventions?!
- Why were the Wizards so sure Winx would show up? It was a burning building. Surely, there have been other burning buildings in Gardenia. It’s not like it’s some beacon that would lure them there. And Gantlos using his powers in a building that is near collapsing is sketchy and best and incredibly stupid at worst.
- What the hell was Bloom thinking? That magic could have brought the whole building down!
- I am a bit... disappointed, I guess (not the right word) that Musa had to come to Earth to be noticed for her musical talent. She is literally the fairy of music. She should have been noticed in Magix as well. Not to insult our world but the show has made it clear that Earth is behind in its development so it kinda seems like they’re saying Musa’s talent is only special on a place where everyone else is ordinary compared to her.
- I don’t trust Jason. Like, his eyes remind too much of Ogron but I absolutely do not remember enough of this season to say if there is anything shady going on there. I am not saying that Riven was right since Musa really has not done anything that would give him any reason to be jealous but I also do not like Jason.
- Wtf, Roxy’s advice didn’t do jackshit. They saved people from a fire. How is that forming a connection with them? Anyone would have been grateful to be saved (well, almost anyone).
- Yeah, right. Musa, honey, you’re not breaking up with him for 2 and a half more seasons. And even if I didn’t know that, I still wouldn’t believe it. They’ve done this song and dance already.
- Since Duman always shapeshifts into animals and Roxy is the fairy of animals, can she influence him with her powers while he’s transformed into an animal? If she can, that can stop him from shapeshifting because she will have control over him. Please, tell me that happens somewhere in this season. It would be a horrible missed opportunity otherwise.
- I knew it! At least this time they were smart about something and had Roxy call Winx. But didn’t they use the Zoomix wings to teleport there in the first place? Why did they have to change them to leave? Or was that just for us to see the Zoomix wings?
- Now the girls are jealous of each other’s boyfriends?
- I knew Nabu would propose to Layla! They’re so adorable! I only wish they would have let him stick around long enough to marry her.
- But if people think of them as superheroes, they still won’t believe they’re fairies. They’re supposed to convince people that magic is real but I think the common consensus is that superheroes are not magical. They just have abilities that normal people don’t have. So how is that gonna help the mission?!
- Winx are stretched across two fronts. Why don’t the Wizards use that against them? Wait for Winx to get so caught up in a chase (like the one with the ninja thieves) that Roxy can’t keep up and falls behind and then attack her. Or put everyone else in danger also so that Winx have to help others and can’t come to her aid?
- Man, it really was a disaster. But on the plus side, they are nailing the superhero vibe. Most superheroes inevitably do some damage while helping. Unfortunately, I still don’t think the superhero approach is right.
- I swear, Stella is acting towards Layla the same way she was acting towards Brandon. And they’re making a surprise dinner for Layla? I think Winx are also in love with each other just like the Specialists. XD And that reunion between Stella and Layla was too cute (and maybe a bit overzealous in proportion to what happened).
- Tecna says it’s not the Believix power that makes people believe in them, yet it was exactly the Believix special powers that made people believe in them.
- Oh, wow. Roxy made Artu talk? That’s cool. I have to say that the way they draw that dog makes him look creepy and hostile half the time.
- It’s good that grown up men are so taken with the magical pets.
- Lol, at this point I am not sure whether I am relieved or disappointed that they didn’t make Kiko love Roxy a little too much to have Bloom getting jealous. Since a main theme of this season seems to be jealousy, that would have been on brand. But maybe a little too much on top of the talking thing. I don’t really know how to feel about the fact that Kiko is talking. At least Bloom seems to like it.
- When was that part where Bloom didn’t see herself as a fairy? She was insisting she was a fairy even as the Trix mocked her for not being able to transform. She never felt the way Roxy is feeling. Sure, she doubted herself but she didn’t believe she could be the fairy she wanted to be. Roxy doesn’t feel like she should be a fairy. It’s different. Please! I do appreciate the credit Mike and Vanessa are given, though.
- For a second there I was about to say that Roxy’s father is really getting on my nerves with his bad parenting but that wasn’t him. Though, he has been a bit dismissive and authoritarian in previous episodes so I am not sure I like the real him either. But how did Duman imitate Claus so well. He said he knew Roxy’s tone and it meant trouble which she didn’t consider out of place so it must have been true. How come Duman knew that, though?
- At least the spell that lets Artu talk didn’t wear off before he got to Winx and told them what happened. I have to admit that I expected it to. I should have known, though. That would have actually been a complex situation and they just can’t afford to write those.
- Okay, the Zoomix and Speedix wings make sense but the Tracix ones are just way too convenient.
- What, the name White Circle doesn’t tip you off on why the Wizards of the Black Circle want it? It’s obviously their opposing power! Jesus, didn’t they learn about opposites in season 2? Why is none of that ringing any bells?
- That spell sure seems to last a lot longer than I expected it to. When Roxy said it doesn’t last long, I thought it would wear off in half an hour tops. But it seems to last for hours and hours, and hours.
- Soooo... why didn’t Winx think of having Artu trace Roxy? They can also still communicate with him so that wouldn’t have been a problem.
- Omg, Roxy summoning a bunch of rats to defeat Gantlos is the most badass thing that has happened so far in this season. And she managed to transform.
- Timmy and Tecna are adorable!
- Layla just threw them for a swim. But why didn’t Ogron absorb her magic? Is it only attack spells that he can absorb? Or is it because their Believix is stronger now and it works against the Wizards?
- Well, at least Claus will have to believe that Roxy is a fairy now.
- The Specialists suddenly only seem to be good at failing which is stupid because they were holding up quite well during the battle in the previous episode. But again, everyone’s capabilities depend on what is convenient for the writers at the time.
- Timmy tracking the Wizards was a good move but it won’t help if they can’t fight them. Also, Ogron should have just threatened to kill Sky (and the other guys) if Winx leave and it would have kept them there. Simple as that. I mean, the guys were obviously losing and the Wizards could have very well killed them.
- At least Roxy’s “temper” is rather consistent.
- “Try fighting me like men,” he says and proceeds to use magic against people who don’t have magic. Yeah, very fair. Extremely manly.
- I love how Anagan freed himself exactly one second after Helia said he wouldn’t be able to. Helia, your fangirling over your girlfriend is cute but don’t underestimate the danger.
- Timmy is “Anagan-boarding”, I guess XD. But good thing Tecna showed up because he would’ve ended as a Timmy pancake on the sidewalk.
- Yes, I was going to say that they totally forgot about Gantlos while busy with their romance drama and he made himself known. But I’m sorry, I thought Musa was sold on breaking up with Riven. But now they’re a team? Okay, hon. Call me when you make up your mind.
- Why does Layla look so scared of Ogron? But damn, Sky, great way to fall of a train like a total idiot! Well, technically he didn’t fall off the train but he still tripped like an absolute klutz.
- “I hate to travel alone.” Is Sky hitting on Ogron? XD
- Can’t Bloom control the fire Ogron sent at her? It was from her own magic and even if he absorbed it, he shouldn’t have changed the structure of it, otherwise it would have worked in a different way. This makes no sense. Since when is he able to copy others’ powers?
- Poor Roxy. It’s horrible to expect of her to make a choice like that.
- I love how Duman was too much of a team player to pass for Riven. But that proves he doesn’t know anything about the people he imitates. So how did he pose so well as Claus?
- I’ve decided that Claus is an okay dad.
- Did Gantlos just vaporize a whole train? Oh, damn. That was a lot of people who died. But Gantlos sure seemed very worried about Ogron’s safety. If you know what I mean ;)
- What happened to the Wizards, though? They couldn’t have defeated them for good even if they were too weak to fight.
- That Flora and Helia photo was so adorable! And the one with Bloom, Sky and Brandon too. At least Stella and Brandon finally seem to have resolved their drama. Just, please, let it stay that way. Half a season of this was more than enough.
Part 2 is here.
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vtforpedro · 3 years
First Line Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. tagged by @curiousartemis​ thank yoooou. oh boy here we go come rain or come shine (Steve/Bucky) Steve doesn’t know when he started sketching Bucky’s eyes. Maybe that time they were sitting in his bedroom and Steve was leaned back against the wall, his sketch pad on his bony knees, and Bucky was at the end of the bed. Arm on the windowsill, looking out into a hazy morning, smog covering the early sunshine. winter wonderland (Mr. Numbers/Mr. Wrench) Numbers doesn’t believe in fate, destiny or chance. He doesn’t believe that some things are just meant to be. Fates colliding, destinies intertwining, or, heaven forbid, God’s will. An odd coincidence here and there and being in the right place at the right time, sure, but not that there is anything in this world that’s ever up to a higher power’s influence. sweetheart like you (Credence Barebone/Percival Graves) Credence knows a lot of people. His work lends itself to meeting new people all the time, all over the world, from photographers to agents to makeup artists to fans. There are always new faces in his life, and Credence doesn’t remember most of them because he has a poor memory, but he does remember the people that stand out the most. emotionally yours (Credence/Graves) The summer of 1919 was one of Credence’s best. It was a mere six months after he’d finally escaped the clutches of his mother. He was finished with Ilvermorny and simply hadn’t gone back home but had gone to live with his friend in Upstate New York. love sick (Credence/Graves) If Credence is grateful for anything, he’s grateful for the summer months. He’s twenty-eight years old and working full time in a MACUSA-owned potions brewery. He brews rare potions and aids in research for experimental potions that one day might cure things such as lycanthropy or eradicate dragon pox, so it’s never seen in the world again. under your spell (Credence/Graves) Graves’ department doesn’t often get called in for magical animal activity, whether a death has been involved or not. There are other departments for it, and it’s unusual to get a request for aid from them. But after a third death Upstate in the Debar Mountain Wild Forest in as many days, for what is suspected human activity, the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures asks the Auror department to step in. While they suspect humans are killing witches and wizards, they have never seen anything like it before, only referring to it as werewolf-like but not done by werewolves. bound to lose, bound to win (Credence/Graves) There is no particular just like any other day in the Auror department in MACUSA. Each day can be drastically different than the one before it, from being stuck inside all day with paperwork and meetings, to planning and carrying out raids, to emergencies that take them out into the field unexpectedly. automaton (Credence/Graves) Percival Graves was born in the year 2287, son of a Congressman and robotics designer. His father, Silas Graves, was well known for his harsh politics in an already harsh political climate, in favor of more control over the people the way it used to be, rather than the free society they lived in now. let it be me (Credence/Graves) Credence has been acting since he was fourteen years old. His mother, once he’d hit a six inch growth spurt, decided his face was good enough to try out for commercials or small roles. can’t escape from you (Credence/Graves) Vampires. Credence has known very little else in his life. He vaguely remembers that his mother used to talk about witches when he was young, younger than seven or eight. He didn’t understand then, didn’t understand where witches were or why his mother despised them. maybe you’ll be there (Credence/Graves) It’s a cold day in Stranraer, grey clouds overhead, promising rain this evening. The smell of brine is strong here, as Graves stands on the edge of a pier, leaning against a wooden post and looking out over the sea. as i went out one morning (Credence/Graves) When Graves had been taken out of that hole in the ground, weak and malnourished, near death, he had thought life would never be the same for him. dear landlord (Credence/Graves) Credence has been living in the same apartment for the last three years now. He has two roommates, a couple, the same two who had been happy to have him come in when he was two years into his degree at NYU. The first six months with them had been fine besides some cleanliness issues, but it had all gone downhill after that. At a slow pace but downhill nonetheless, with random parties or smoking enough weed inside the apartment that he’d eventually had to threaten leaving because his clothes were starting to smell like it. Cleanliness also took a nose dive and when one of them lost their job, rent was harder to make every month. had a dream about you, baby (Credence/Graves) Credence is eight years old when he has the first dream. It’s a strange dream, where he appears on a grassy hillside, nothing but miles and miles of rolling hills and lakes laid out before him. There’s a towering oak tree nearby and he sits in its shade and looks at leaves on the ground. let’s stick together (Credence/Graves) Credence has lived in Manhattan for twenty-seven years and though it is the busiest, most populated city in the country, not much happens anymore these days to surprise him. simple twist of fate (Credence/Graves) Credence has known tough times in his life.     Living under Ma’s rule until he was thirteen and called CPS himself one night, taken away and thrust into the foster care system without knowing what that really meant for him. see that my grave is kept clean (Credence/Graves) Graves leads a raid in mid-January. It’s bitter and cold, snow piled up over the property of a large manor. It looks abandoned but they’ve known for some time that it isn’t. a sunday kind of love (Credence/Graves) Credence sits in the sprawling cafeteria in MACUSA with a chicken salad sandwich, a cup of fresh fruit, and a glass of pomegranate juice. His hour-long lunch break has just started and he’s glad to get away from Mister Ibex’s office. He likes his boss just fine, but the closer it gets to Quidditch season, the more irate he gets about everyone doing their jobs wrong - except you, Credence, he always adds kindly - and he uses his lunch breaks to escape. nevertheless (i’m in love with you) (Credence/Graves) It’s a week before Halloween in Ilvermorny and the castle already has a colony of live bats living on the ceiling in the Great Hall. Their droppings are thankfully charmed to disappear through a barrier a few feet below them but Percy Graves finds them irritating when they start to fly around in cloud-like formations. ain’t no man righteous, no not one (Credence/Graves) Credence gets the message from a Patronus while he’s sitting in bed, reading a book, to come downstairs because there’s work for him. He watches the raven disappear from the end of his bed and sighs, in relief and resignation both. --- alright!!! so I’ve learned I have a bad habit of starting with one simple line of ~feeling or description~ that’ll be explained in the following paragraphs. but I doubt it’ll change my writing haha it was nice walking through these fics tho. they weren’t posted all that long ago but it gave me The Nostalgia™ kind of glad it wasn’t all just credence/graves tbh but it makes me laugh there’s no bilbs and his dratted dwarf considering I have more fics posted for them than anyone else! but I’m at 79 fics and working on my 80th fic to publish so, oh my god. never thought I’d post this much when I first started writing fic! I feel like I should celebrate or something my fave one has to be the second one, a Mr. Numbers/Mr. Wrench fic from Fargo season one c: hey you. if you’ve read this far, guess what? you’re officially tagged and I want to see your fics’ first lines pls and thank you c:
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blahblog · 4 years
So I am not a huge Harry Potter fan, but my roommate is. She asked me to take the sorting hat quiz to figure out what house I was. I got Slytherin, and I know enough to associate that house with like the evil antagonists. But I knew there wasn’t a whole house in Hogwarts that was destined to be evil, so I decided to read up on my new house on this Harry Potter fandom website. 
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So first off, each house is founded on the basis of a couple of characteristics that the founders of each house valued most. The characteristics for Slytherins are cunningness, resourcefulness, leadership, and ambition. Just seeing this list, I can imagine why they tend to be seen as the villains. I feel this specific mixture of characteristics can easily lead to some power hungry wizards, but on their own these traits are pretty admirable. Like imagine the leader of your group (in a work or friend setting), would you not want them to be ambitious and resourceful? What sort of tripped me up was that this house is more selective for purebloods. It kind of sounds sus because any other regime that had like pureblood favoritism didn’t turn out so well. Honestly, this second tidbit confused me. I feel like valuing cunningness and resourcefulness correlates to scrappiness. I feel that a muggleborn that gets into the school and survives through quick thinking and ambition would be highly valued in the house. 
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The animal that represents the house is the snake, which once again denotes evil in our Judeo-Christian centered culture. I think JK Rowling just really wanted Slytherin house to be associated with evil. That’s so sad to me. Like imagine being a whole ass wizard, going to a MAGIC school, and then being labeled as evil just because you are ambitious. I would feel so cheated. Anyways, the house colors are green and silver. I do not approve of those colors at all. First off, green has so many different shades and only 3 or 4 are cute. I’m sure they don’t mean pastel green, so I am assuming a deep emerald is the only option. Putting that shade of emerald on clothes and stickers are so difficult, so I can only sympathize with those poor students. Don’t get me started on silver. If it doesn’t shine it just looks really dull or like a messed up gray. I do think snakes can actually be very cute, but those colors are rough. 
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 I also read that Slytherin corresponds with the element of water because serpents are often associated with water. Plus snakes are physically very fluid and flexible, which match the flow of water. I think the colors also relate to this element, but I don’t associate green or silver with water. I really love this aspect of the house; I think it’s so beautiful. I think water can be so diverse; beautiful, scary, calm, rough, etc. 
I do think that a bright and lighter aesthetic could really change Slytherin image. For me, I really enjoy pastels and girly looks. 
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But on tik tok there are like styles based on the Harry Potter houses, and Slytherins always look so badass. Maybe I will channel my badassery once I finally watch all the movies with my roommate. I think then I will have a deeper understanding of what being in this house means. 
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With Love,
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save-the-spiral · 4 years
Emrys, lacuna?
lacuna: (n.) a blank or missing part 
(link to ask prompt) (link to Emrys’ tag) (here’s a fic where these side ocs were mentioned Once and still are integral to Emrys’ story)
Content warnings: Bullying, violence, unprovoked/surprise assault, narrating character having PTSD symptoms (flashbacks, mild paranoia, and dissociation), said dissociation leading to a gap in memory, uncomfortable/strained sibling relationship.
Exiting the Spiral Door was disorienting for Emrys. The sudden step from stone to wood made him stumble, and likely would have set him off balance even if he hadn’t just exited a literal portal between worlds.
He glanced around quickly, lining up what information his father had given him with what he saw now. It appeared the Spiral Door of Wizard City was indeed inside a massive tree. Sunlight streamed in with no known source, tinged green with life magic, though the area was full of all kinds of magic, blending into one forceful, ancient reminder.
Emrys quickly looked at the adult standing before him.
“Welcome! Welcome, you two, we have heard so much about you, and are honored that you have accepted our invitation to join our school.” Merle Ambrose spoke warmly, smiling. Emrys couldn’t help but stare at the glass eye the man had, fixated on how it sparkled for a moment, before Emrys nodded in response.
“Thank you for the opportunity.” Mari spoke quietly.
They begun walking as Ambrose continued to speak, the two siblings trailing behind him as they walked up the carved ramps and through an open archway, out into a courtyard.
Emrys looked around again, knowing he was in Ravenwood proper now, but trying to catch every difference from his father’s description. There was an obvious difference, no casually studying or picnicking students around the grassy roots of Bartleby, but a collection of tents with tan-robed students flitting in and out of them. As they kept walking onto the circular cobblestone plaza, Emrys made note of the cracked stones usually depicting a mosaic of the death school’s symbol as well.
“Ah, this is where I’ll leave you two!” Ambrose finished his rambling, smiling again. “Miss Jade, meet the life professor, Moolinda Wu. She hails from Mooshu as well, and may assist you both in getting over any lingering cultural questions you both have as you adjust.”
A kind cow in a kimono smiled gently and bowed in greeting before waving Mari over, who quickly joined her as they turned towards the life school.
“Professor Greyrose?” Emrys finally spoke, making eye contact with the remaining woman in the plaza who had been waiting for them.
“Oh, yes dear.” Her pale blue wings fluttered quickly, blurring slightly. “I’m sure we’ll do great work, Mister... Jade, I presume?” She clasped her hands.
“Pyre, actually.” Emrys said, face devoid of any emotion, evidently unwilling to explain.
The old woman made a clicking sound with her tongue, but Emrys didn’t notice it, simply shifting his bag on his shoulder and following her as she began to fly in the opposite direction of the life school.
Emrys hadn’t spoken to his little sister in months, even before they were separated by school divides within Ravenwood. He hadn’t spoken much, really, aside from what was necessary, and even then it was only to their father while he was recovering.
He didn’t know that the only time his sister heard his voice over those tense months of his recovery were during his nightmares, where he spoke plenty to make up for his silence in the daylit hours.
Once school started up, people in the ice school seemed confused by Emrys. It appeared that many students of Ravenwood either started learning magic there or came once they’ve finished learning magic, for refined lessons in specialty fields not found in their school. Being taught from books and a father who only knew life magic was not the typical route for other ice wizards. It wasn’t surprising, but it was unpleasant, to be the sole recipient of attention for something Emrys could not control.
It had quickly become evident that what little casting and battle experience Emrys had was made up for by his extensive reading. His father had been adamant that he not cast strenuous magic in his recovery, which only ended weeks ago, so while Emrys had complied, it did make him appear to be even more inept in that part of his studies.
He quickly grew in skill, but not before some of his peers decided his inability to cast was an obvious weakness to be preyed upon.
Emrys had a habit of quickly checking out the books he needed and then leaving the library as soon as possible. He didn’t like being out at night, or outside alone. It was unnerving, and he couldn’t help it but his hands would start trembling whenever he was out and about and realized there was no one in sight. So he avoided it.
Emrys was not the best at keeping to habits, though, and that was how he found himself out at night as he walked back to his dorms from the library, passing by the storm school and flinching as some of the ever present drizzle fell onto the back of his neck.
And then he flinched harder when a pair of hands pushed hard against his back, causing him to topple hard to the ground. It was as if Emrys blinked and suddenly he was on his hands and knees, his glasses on the ground in front of him and his pale blue hair falling in front of his eyes as he stared at the cobblestones.
There was a rushing sound in his ears, and he heard shouted words in time to the rumble of the storm school’s ambient thunder, and suddenly he was being kicked in the ribs and falling on his side.
He coughed, winded, and inhaled the cold air, feeling it scrape against the inside of his throat, and Emrys was gone. He was gone and alone, curled into fetal position and trying to slip out of the world quietly, with as little pain and fuss as possible. Still trying to face his fate with dignity, no matter how young and afraid he was. 
Emrys was so cold, and he should be more resistant to a simple chill as an ice wizard, but he had always been too skinny for his age, and he never wore enough layers anyway because he was stubborn, he was so stubborn and afraid and that was why he was here in the first place, and-
“Pyre? You in there?” A dry, impatient voice startled Emrys, and he gasped, looking up.
He saw one of his classmates, Jen. They were a natural leader of most of the ice school’s students, and set up most of the study groups as well, the ones that Emrys had brushed them off about. All Emrys knew was that they were from Earth, Thailand, but Emrys never bothered much with learning about Earth aside from Vietnam, where his father grew up, as well as South Korea, where he spent the first four years of his life.
“Hmm?” Emrys managed to choke out a questioning sound as he glanced around the room he was in (he was in a room, no longer outside, and it was much warmer). There were two twin beds on either side of the door, and a small kitchenette, as well as two desks. He was seated in one of the two comfortable desk chairs, though it had been turned around to face the room.
“Oh good, he’s not like, dead.” The second occupant of the room spoke from where she was lounging on one of the beds, sipping at a mug.
Castian, one of the few drakes attending Ravenwood. All Emrys knew was that she was capable, but outgoing to the extent of being almost harassing.
“I think I would’ve noticed if he up and died in our room, Cas.” Jen sighed, turning back to the kitchenette and grabbing a plain black mug with a constellation on it. “Here, some hot chocolate.”
“What?” Emrys looked between the two of them.
“Hot chocolate? Y’know, like... the powder and milk stuff? With little marshmallows? The good shit?” Castian began rambling, until she sat up fully, gesturing with her mug in hand, “Oh my god, do you really not-!?”
“I know what hot chocolate is!” Emrys snapped, grabbing the mug from Jen and setting it on the desk behind him.
“Glad to see you’re all grumpy again, can’t be too hurt.” Jen raised their eyebrow, before sitting in the desk chair opposite of Emrys and drinking from a mug with a bold check list on it. ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ were left unchecked, with ‘WIZARD’ in bright purple letters checked in a large red mark.
Emrys sighed, looking between the two roommates again. “...May I ask what happened?”
“Hmm?” Castian tilted her head like a confused puppy.
“You might have to be a bit more specific, bud.” Jen said.
Emrys rubbed at his temple. “What I mean is, I was pushed over on my way back from the library, and now... I’m here. That’s all I got, aside from a bit of pain and, apparently, some hot chocolate.”
Castian and Jen exchanged a look that Emrys couldn’t even begin to decipher, Jen shaking their head after a moment. Castian only nodded her head rapidly, her grin growing wider and wider, more of her sharp draconian teeth on display as she did so.
“No, Cas.” Jen finally said.
“Yes, Cas.” Castian responded, before she set her mug onto her bedside table and stood up, rummaging around the kitchenette for something.
“Care to explain? Like... explain anything?” Emrys said after a moment.
“Nope.“ Castian said plainly, turning around with a bright blue tin in her hands. “This, however, looks like a situation that calls for my special candy from back home. Here, have one.”
Her clawed hand grabbed Emrys’, the her blue scales surprisingly warm, and she dropped a wrapped candy in his hands.
“What.” Emrys stared at her, the same deadpan annoyance he had put on whenever she approached him before.
“First he doesn’t know what hot chocolate is, now he doesn’t know what candy is?” Castian turned, shaking her head at Jen. “Sad.”
“I know what-!” Emrys started.
“We'll teach you everything you need to know, little hatchling, don’t worry.” Castian grinned at him, obviously aware of how annoying she was being. “First, we’re gonna tell you the awesome tale of how I single-handedly saved your life from those ruffians that would dare attack a poor innocent child.”
“First off, I helped, second off, they were just some idiots who Greyrose is likely lecturing as we speak.” Jen interjected. “It’s only been like, twenty minutes since they knocked you down kid, you weren’t in any danger.” 
“And don’t worry about the obvious life debt you owe me, either.” Castian grinned as Jen pushed her away, causing the draconian to flop dramatically onto her bed.
“Thanks.” Emrys muttered, standing up. “Anyway-”
“Nope.” Jen held up their hand and stopped him. “We are going to actually tell you what happened, Pyre, but first you have to finish the hot chocolate.”
“Really.” Emrys’ disbelieving tone as he stared at Jen bordered on incredulous.
“Really!” Castian grinned again, leaning against her gratuitous amount of pillows.
Jen sighed. “Drink your damn cocoa, kid.”
Emrys pouted, and drank his damn cocoa.
After that night, Jen and Castian managed to bother him even more. Jen said they were just doing their duties as a student leader and older student, but Castian insisted that she had ‘basically adopted him already’ and that they were friends.
When Emrys told her that he had already been adopted, and she’d have to fight his dad for the honor of worrying constantly about him, she sighed, and told Jen that they could cross ‘daddy issues’ off of the long list of what might be wrong with Emrys.
Emrys quickly left the room after that interaction.
He didn’t admit it, but they were friends. Jen was only two years older, but they were wise and responsible, and held the respect of their peers. Castian was fourteen like Emrys, bubbly and annoying, but outgoing and inventive, and could connect with basically anyone who wasn’t Emrys in one conversation.
They spent long nights studying together, Emrys insisting it was only because he wanted to use their kitchenette (that they only had because of the double dorm plus Jen having some boring older kid duties), but sometimes he would fall asleep on the pillows and blankets that fell off of Castian’s overflowing collection on her bed.
He would look so small, then. He didn’t realize he was comforted by just knowing other living people were in the room, that the sound of soft, relaxed breathing was something that lulled him to a secure sleep better than anything. It was then that Castian would send a look to Jen, an obvious ‘I told you so’ just in general.
They insisted on sitting near him in classes, Castian as advanced as Emrys so they both were moved up into Jen’s level of classes. It was unspoken, but Emrys would roll his eyes or mutter under his breath, and never told them to leave, preferring to exit the situation himself if he got overwhelmed or uncomfortable. He also never asked to skip levels in classes again, so he wouldn’t leave the other two behind.
About a year later, a young prodigy joined their level of classes. An eleven year old girl from Wizard City’s rather sizable orphanage who had just come into her magic, yet managed to be so skilled already that she was walking into a classroom of seventeen year olds (plus Emrys and Castian).
Genevieve Mayr had big, all black eyes, a black almost canine nose, whiskers, and small furry brown ears. “I’m told my parents were from Avalon, I’m part otter, and no, I don’t eat fish raw.” She giggled in her introduction, before practically skipping and sitting herself down near Emrys, which was usually a no-man’s-land aside from Jen and Castian.
And so, Emrys had a third person he only semi-jokingly referred to as a stalker. This one, however, can and will approach him even more than the previous two, the young girl not even pretending it was a consequence of classes or schedules lining up.
Emrys was slightly afraid that Genevieve had a crush on him for a bit, but he knew for a fact it was mostly idolization. The idolization was not made better when he helped fend off some of the very same idiots who tried to go after him about a year ago, only now he had grown taller and more experienced in practical battle magic.
Having three people to spend time around doesn’t help, sometimes.
He spends three years at Ravenwood before he actually talks to his sister again.
In those three years he still needs white noise to sleep, whether it’s opening his window to allow the faint sounds of the storm school to trickle in, or sleeping over in Jen and Castian’s dorm so he can hear someone alive and breathing like he used to, when he was questing with Mari or when they would sneak into each other’s rooms, or both sneaked into dad’s bed.
He would still look to his side or tilt his head as if to hear something when the opportunity for one of his and Mari’s endless inside jokes came up. He would still look at a flowering vine and remember how those were Mari’s favorites, especially purple morning glories that would invade and climb all over their garden back home, the ones she insisted on never weeding out.
Emrys would make a face in response to what Castian had said to annoy him this time or the obvious reminder Jen told him and they wouldn’t get it. They’d wait for him to respond, and he’d know that Mari would’ve understood him, would have made a face back and then stick out her tongue and call him an idiot.
Whenever Emrys felt protective of Genevieve, he would remember how awful of an older brother he was, and leave the worrying to Jen and Castian.
Sometimes he saw Mari, her head down and hair longer than she ever liked it. She spoke with a more obvious accent than he did now, because he spent so long talking to people who had less obvious Common accents that his own faded more and more. She wore plain green clothes and appeared to be blending in, falling into the crowd and getting lost.
Some days she would have a bruise or would look exhausted or would have that look that Emrys knew meant she was trying desperately not to cry, and he would want to run over to her, to just hug his sister and mutter to her Vietnamese, the language they grew up speaking, or the common Mooshu dialect, or the few phrases of Korean he remembered.
He wanted to find the words to say to her, but it was as if she was a stranger, in this world that would never feel like home, and she would never understand no matter what language he spoke.
It was all in his head. Any time, if he had approached her and asked how she was doing, she likely would have burst into tears and hugged him, just thankful to finally have someone who knew and understood her, who wouldn’t judge her.
But he didn’t. For three years they were on parallel lines, never intersecting, no one even knowing they were siblings, no one knowing they grew up together and that Emrys knew Mari was afraid of needles and Mari knew Emrys was awful at card games.
No one knew, not even Emrys’ three friends, who were not a replacement for Mari, and never would be, because they were never meant to be. He only had one sister, and she was right there, across the courtyard.
And it took until the Spiral was ending for them to speak again.
But until then, Emrys would sit, and wonder, and grieve the loss of someone who was breathing the same fresh Ravenwood air as him.
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Seb!
You have been accepted for the role of MADALÉINA WARREN with the faceclaim of Sirena Warren! We really enjoyed how Maddy, while being a fighter against injustice, is also still a young adult. We truly can’t wait to see how she blossoms into herself and finds out who she really is as a person. We also love that she’ll be joining the ranks as a Muggleborn witch, as this is a group fighting for people of her blood status and doesn’t actually have many of them within their organization. So excited to have her on the dash! 
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Seb he/him
AGE: 21+ (not getting younger, lads!)
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I’m here! Usually I’d do at least a round of replies every morning (either 1 reply per character or a full round of 1 character) but at times I’m a bit anxious about spamming people with too many of my replies at once, so I hold off. And now that I’m on a holiday until October 15th, I’ll definitely be able to keep that regularity going so what am I to do? Find another roleplay? Never!
ANYTHING ELSE: Triggers, still: under-water sequences
NAME: Madaléina “Maddy” Warren
AGE: 18
Cis female. She/Her. Hetero.
To turn things around a bit, I like to think that Maddy is quite endeared by the idea of being bisexual, of just loving everyone and anyone regardless of their gender, and she definitely clings to the girl-crushes she had, but really, she’s just straight. She hasn’t had any serious relationships yet but I think the day she meets the right guy, she’ll realise that those feelings are very different from infatuation. For a while it’ll make her seek the same emotional depth with a woman for a while, but eventually she’ll realise that she’s fully straight. This being said, she was raised Irish-Catholic and this whole ‘I’m open-minded and bisexual!’ might ironically stem from that; a way to distance herself from the conservative world around her. So it’s less observation-based and more a head thing, where she’d just rather want to be on the side of the ostracised than the ostracis..ers. 
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff.
ANY CHANGES: No, please stay the way you are!
Maddy’s heart is big, open, and full of love. That is the first thing you must know.
She sees the good in people before anything else, and when there is no good, she dreams of planting it into their hearts, seed by seed, smile by smile. She’s the epitome of ‘kill them with kindness, giving everyone second, third and fourth chances, and truly believing that everyone can change for the better, that no one deserves death, that everyone deserves a friendly hand, helping them. The second thing you must know, is that she’s a clever little fox, and when she asks: What Would Jesus Do?, she doesn’t mean the glorified white Jesus people misuse for the prejudiced bullcrap, but the actual Jewish Jesus who yelled at the rich and kissed prostitutes regardless of their reputation. She’s got an innate sense of justice, and it can turn her into an American Honey Badger if ever she encounters someone being treated unfairly. The third thing you must know, is that she’s still very much searching for herself. She knows who she wants to be, she knows she wants to spread love and eradicate injustice in the world, but in between those goals, she’s an 18-year-old mess who’s not really good at what she’s doing. One minute she’s talking about the importance of unity amongst the Order, the next minute she’s talking about how cool it would be if they all wore the yellow-black X-Men uniform. One minute she’s angry about big corporations exploiting the poor, the next minute she’s babbling about how much she loves coca cola. One minute she’s talking feminism and how every woman should be allowed to do what she wants, the next minute she scoffs at a roommate wearing too short of a mini-skirt. She’s young, Christ-damnit – oh yes, she also truly struggles with cursing in a non blasphemous way – but she’s trying.
Derry, 1972. The infamous key-event of The Troubles of Northern Ireland called Bloody Sunday, which caused the IRA to grow and radicalise further, makes the mother of 9 children a widow. The youngest of those 9 children has just been born in the hospital and Maddy is watching over the other younger siblings with only mild interest – after all, the Addams Family is on TV! – and she knows not to expect her mother to come home before tomorrow night. What she doesn’t know, however, is that while her mother returns, her father never does.
From that day on, the Warrens’ life is no longer the same. Were they a wild, jumbled bunch of messy but cheerful people, they are now scraping at the stone of their personal rock bottom hell. Maddy’s older siblings are off to find work, so is their mother, and Maddy is left to slowly become a second mum to her younger siblings.
Before that, she was one of many, forgotten and forced to scream and scratch for attention – now there’s not even that much left. Who she is doesn’t matter, what she wants doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the family survives, and a fun and quirky personality brings laughter but not bread to the table, so what’s it really worth?
The TV is sold, so are all of Maddy’s comic books and the cool earrings she got for Christmas. When it’s time to even sell her father’s clothes, she steals the jeans jacket he was shot in, never bothering to repair the hole on its back. A reminder, perhaps, of the injustice in the world. Of how dangerous it is, to let people know who you really are. No one notices. No one ever notices what she’s doing. Much like the big jeans jacket eats her entire frame, her father’s death overshadows everything she once was. By the age of 10, she’s lost her identity and personality, becomes ‘one of the many Warren children’, and people in the streets address her by her father’s name, not her own. And then she turns 11. It’s Dumbledore himself who appears in her living room, explaining Maddy everything, and her mother cries the whole time through. Why? That’s something Maddy learns only a few years later. And quite frankly, in that moment? She doesn’t want to know. Here is a real whole Wizard who looks like Gandalf the Wise and says she’s a Witch and says she’s special and says she has a life away from all of this. And then he says: “It’s okay to be scared,” and Maddy hears herself admit that, yes, she is a little scared. After all, she wasn’t raised to be special.
Suddenly she’s an individual, her own person, and the possibilities are endless. Who does she want to be? What’s the plan? Where will this adventure lead her to, and why is no one there to guide her? She’s lost. Alone and lost. Her dream has become a nightmare. Her first year, she is focusing on being a good Witch at Hogwarts, carrying the burden of her destiny as good as she can while keeping her head low and fearing the sound of her own name. It’s only been a bit less than a year since her father died, but a year in the life of an 11-year-old is a lot, and it scarred Maddy. Hogwarts isn’t a big school, people quickly know her, that Irish Mudblood, as they call her, and even though she hears the snarl in their voice she’s too afraid to correct them. “What is it, muddy Mudblood? Don’t know how to use your wand to defend yourself?” Then the Summer holidays come. She’s can’t wait to be back home, one of many, ‘one of the Robert Warren kids’, back in anonymity. But it’s too late. Things have changed. She’s the special one now here, too. In Derry, people know her as the girl who got a scholarship in a private school in Scotland; everyone is proud of her. Her older siblings are glad they don’t have to feed yet another hungry mouth all the time, to see at least someone get out of here unharmed. And her younger siblings have, for the first time in years, hope in their own future again. Hope that they, too, might become special at the age of 11. None of them are.
Maddy remains the only Witch of her family.
For a while, as the years pass, she tries to fit in even better. Look less catholic, speak less witchy, smell less like a Mudblood. She’s long stopped screaming and scratching for attention but now she’s actively trying to never stand out. And why would she want to? The English don’t care about the beauty of the green. The Muggles don’t understand the full scope of the marvel that the Wizarding World holds in store. And the Purebloods can’t even grasp the greatness of using a damn – sorry! – telephone. People live and exist in in- and out-groups, and the walls are high, causing cold wars in the world and amongst possible friends. She’s special, yes, but in a way no one truly understands, and she realises that there is loneliness in being different. And that’s when Maddy, fourteen years old, walks into the second-floor bathroom at Hogwarts and into a long-deceased family member: Myrtle Warren. Her father’s sister and her mother’s childhood best friend. Killed by bloodpurist ideologies. Safe, nowhere, not even in the hopeful life she’d been promised here. And Maddy understands. People die because they’re different. It’s not just lonely. It’s dangerous. But ducking one’s head and letting the un-different people rule will never undo the danger. Only being visibly different, outspoken, unashamed of one’s specialness can tear down the walls and help people familiarize themselves with the cultures on the other side. She’s special, goddamnit – sorry! – and she’d rather die teaching people how beautiful that is rather than pretending she’s not! With determination, she puts her wooden cross back around her neck. Stuffs her Wolverine T-shirt into her jeans, tosses her dad’s jeans jacket over her shoulders. Then she marches up to the Slytherin table and smashes her fist into Avery’s face. “See, the thing is, we Mudbloods don’t need a wand to defend ourselves.” So, while the war in Northern Ireland gets worse and worse, Maddy makes a name for herself at Hogwarts by selling Muggle-trinkets (sending the money home), playing on the Quidditch team, excelling in various classes and just being a good sport altogether. People listen to her ideas and even laugh at her jokes, and she makes sure to learn about everyone else’s specialness as well. After all, if everyone realised they’re worth of attention and love, maybe they’d grant the same blessing to others as well, and no one would have to fear being different anymore. 
Nowadays, cheer has returned to her family. With four children out of the house and two already capable to work, the Warrens are much more relaxed, enjoying watching everyone’s path unfold, while still waiting curiously to see if the youngest, Robert Jr., will receive a letter for his 11th birthday or not. Some resent never having received their letters, others are just happy for Maddy, and others prefer not to think about it at all. What matters is that they’re now all individuals thinking for themselves, allowing each other, at times together, to be happy. And all would be good… Only that Maddy’s no longer part of it now, is she?
Entrepreneur (Business for Muggle-trinkets sold in the magical world).
What started as an act of desperation (bringing ballpens to Hogwarts) suddenly turned into its whole own thing, where first Muggleborns begged for more objects from home and then the other kids got interested in it, too. Seeing how Hogwarts’ magic didn’t let electronics function properly, those objects were usually of mechanical banality or just plain cultural stuff like magazines, blotting paper, alarm clocks, a special type of cereals, etc.
Maddy was more than ready to stop her business after graduating, but the fact that her clients graduated along with her and now still preferred her shop than hunting through Muggle cities for the things they never really had to buy for themselves in seven long years just had her continue the thing. And now, since she has to make money somehow, she’s looking into buying an empty shop at Diagon Alley.
Maddy was attracted to the Order by Maurice’s radio show and his subcultural references calling out for more Muggleborns to join the war. In all honesty, up until that point, she wasn’t really aware that a war was going on..? She understood that she was being discriminated against, and that Muggleborns were fleeing the country, but, Jesus – sorry! – she’d grown up in Derry, a bit of oppression is neither a proof of war nor a reason to run away, is it? But when she learnt that there was a vigilante group trying to fix the racist bullcrap that was going on, she found herself quite interested. “I don’t really know what I bring to the table, though,” she told Maurice after meeting him before anyone else, and he replied: “You bring perspective, and that’s exactly what we need.”
She doesn’t really support the more radical notions of some Order members, and would rather see them figure out a peaceful way to end the war (the idea of seeing someone be shot in the back like they did it to her father is haunting her at all times, unfortunately) but she knows that not doing anything won’t fix things either. And at least these people understand the beauty of diversity. In fact, she’s more than proud of the Purebloods who have joined the cause, and takes it as proof that everyone can change if given the chance.
She’s still very new in the Order (therefore still full of hope) and is mostly trying to find her footing. But I think it won’t take long until she will come forth with her first pro-active, constructive suggestions: it’ll be less about killing Voldemort and more about educating those who could become potential followers. Teaching them of the Muggle World, of how fun the culture can be, how there’s not such thing as blood dilution, etc, perhaps going all the way to even dismantle the Statue of Secrecy.
She lives in a flat with some Muggleborn and Halfblood friends in Muggle London. Gerry and Charlie started a university degree and Kathy is currently doing an internship at the Ministry of Magic. None of them really know what’s going on, what they’re doing, and how to subscribe to a newspaper, so while they do face daily discrimination in the Wizarding World (very much a reason why Gerry and Charlie went back to the Muggle World for the time being), they haven’t really paid attention to fixing it yet. And while Maddy knows it’ll be a bit difficult to keep the Order thing a secret from them, she also knows that they wouldn’t really care. In a way, that’s what’s also keeping them safe: they’re just a bunch of kids, so no one would ever suspect Maddy to be a danger to society. Right?
As you just saw above, there will definitely be a strain put on Maddy’s relationship with her friends. She knows that she’ll eventually have to leave them, if the secret becomes too much of a burden or Death Eaters could put them at danger just for being close to her, or tell them the truth and let them decide whether they want to join the Order as well or not. In a way, she already knows they won’t. After all, they chose to go back to the Muggle World for a reason. The same goes for her family – who, admittedly, are less close to her these days, but who are still very much family, and she’d never forgive herself if something happened to them. Other than that, I think joining the Order will open a lot of new relationships, seeing how Maddy will be surrounded by people who are equally as invested in wanting to make the world a better place.
The Bang Gang (Chaos Trio): Maddy went to school with them and has a complicated relationship with them. By the type of personality, she’s similar to Dorcas, her roommate, and you’d think that’s a great basis for a friendship. But that’s definitely not what happened. From the day Dorcas revealed herself to be more on the ‘I’ma fight everyone!’ type, Maddy decided to go against that and be of the ‘I’ma befriend everyone!’ type. The Bang Gang seems loud and obnoxious and not at all on the peace-path to fix discrimination with love. No wonder the Order is so radical! Sure, deep down, Maddy admires them at least a little, for being so cool and brave, but on the outside she’s mostly annoyed. After all, if Maddy had wanted to join a terrorist group, she could’ve picked the IRA.
Caradoc: Big Grumpy Man, Maddy is not a fan. While he’s surprisingly civil to her, compared to many other Order members, she doesn’t agree with his radical notions. Sure, Purebloods are the ones who started it all, but Christ – sorry! – give them a chance to change! It’s not by antagonising them that you will end up making friends. From the outside, their relationship must look like a tiny dog yapping at a benevolent old man who just smiles back with patience.
Dedalus: Funky Funny Man has a shop on Diagon Alley, and while Maddy absolutely despises Wizarding Candy, she wonders if the flamboyant (and very handsome) Wizard might want to give her a corner of his shop for her to set up her own. Just until she has enough money scraped together to buy her own shop. And if the poor Muggleborns entering this world had to suffer through ear-wax jelly beans, then it’s about time that Purebloods experience the greatness that is Muggle candy.
Maurice: Feisty Pretty Man is the one who attracted Maddy to the Order. His voice drew her in, his face made her stay. Who can blame her? When she asked him what the Order could possibly want from her, he said: “Perspective”, and it was what Maddy needed to realise that her whole thing about changing the world one kind deed at a time might’ve just found a home to grow in. Whether Maurice knows it or not, he’s become her mentor, and Maddy couldn’t look at him with any more heart-eyes if she were a cartoon.
I direly need Maddy to have a crush on every boy she encounters, be they gay or racist. I don’t care how far it gets (I don’t think she really wants anything serious anyway, even if she whines about being single all the time) or how many rejections she’ll receive, I just need her to constantly be distracted by the urge to snog, thank you.
I think by nature of who they are, how they grew up, Muggleborns are less prejudiced towards people and creatures from the Wizarding World. Because on the one hand, everything is weird and different to them, on the other, it’s just fairy tales! Werewolves are cool as hell – sorry! – why would you be mean to them?! Why not befriend them and learn everything about them! And while obviously Maddy finds herself kind of tense around Purebloods, it’s not at all an innate thing like her hate towards the English. And then there’s the whole thing where she believes in the good in everyone that just makes her actively fight any prejudices she might have. So while I’m sure she’s free of bias, I think of all my characters, she’s the most open-minded one.
For Maddy:      - have her fight for a spot on Diagon Alley while bloodpurists try to keep her from it.      - have her kill the Basilisk at Hogwarts (it’s personal, okay)      - have her get some snogs      - make up with Dorcas and Benjy? For the RP:      - telephone station at House of Bones for Maurice to actually receive responses from the Muggleborns he calls out to (Pride style)      - Generally a branch of the DTF actively recruiting Muggleborns (and it causing discussions in the Order)      - maybe a law passing at the Ministry related to her shop in Diagon Alley, taking away the right for Muggleborns to have their own shops, and the Order managing to prevent the law from passing (but before they manage, perhaps there’s a surge of refugees the DTF has to take care of?)
Maddy is Low-Level. I’d say she joined fairly recently, seeing how Maurice’s radio show plot hasn’t even been made official yet. So maybe Dedalus’ plan of that buddy-system [x (first paragraph)] for new Order members could take effect on her as a test dummy? :’ D
PAST: Born and raised as an Irish Catholic in Derry during The Troubles of Northern Ireland, young Maddy learnt from a young age that there are people who will kill you based on something you cannot control. Born and raised amongst a family of nine children, however, she also learnt that being different is a gift and not something you should hide. Being the same as everyone else, one of many, might make life easy, but it certainly doesn’t make life honest and good. This realisation came when she met the ghost of her aunt in the second-floor bathroom at Hogwarts – known as Moaning Myrtle; Maddy didn’t know why she was the only one of her siblings to have been granted magical powers, but she sure as hell – sorry for the swearing! – understood in this very moment that keeping a low profile like Myrtle had done fifty years ago would neither protect her life, nor change the world for the better. Thus, in the span of four years, she grew to be the most honest version of herself that she could possibly be: an Irish Catholic Muggleborn Witch with a love for superhero comics. Selling Muggle trinkets at Hogwarts (ranging from ballpens to comic books) she was known as the proud Hufflepuff who knew how to befriend about anyone. ‘Kill them with kindness’ became her motto, and while she still had a lot to learn regarding how to be as self-assured as she liked to present herself to be, she was, for the most part, succeeding in her mission to introduce Purebloods to Muggle culture, building bridges for those two worlds in ways she knew she’d never be able to do it for the English and the Irish at home.
 PRESENT: The cat who dragged her into the Order was Maurice Creevey and his radio show. Her “What do I possibly have to offer them, though?” was answered with a “Perspective,” and it was all she needed to hear to be convinced. Had he said ‘your wits’, ‘your optimism’, or ‘the stakes you have in this war,’, she would’ve declined and gone back home to her Muggleborn flatmates who have turned their back to the Wizarding World after graduating from Hogwarts. But he said: “Perspective”, and that was the one thing Maddy has always believed is in her range of capabilities. After all, she does have a different perspective on it all, and she is more than willing to teach people of this perspective, of her side of the story, to make them empathise and want to tear down the walls of cultural divide alongside with her. She firmly believes that everyone could be friends if they only understood each other, and she’s not afraid to grab her megaphone to have communication happen. Either way, she does not care for another war like there is at home, does not care at all for seeing more people she loves be killed by being shot in the back, the way it happened to her father in 1972. So her main focus right now (except finding an empty place in Diagon Alley to set up her Muggle shop) is to identify the more radical members of the Order and explain to them that they shouldn’t hurt anyone on behalf of the Muggleborns, or there will be direct retaliation against exactly those. And once she’s got them in her pocket, she wants to update the Hogwarts curriculum to educate Wizards about Muggles to finally end the divide – and perhaps even the Statue of Secrecy, one day. 
FC CHOICES: Sirena Warren as found here: [x], [x], [x]. Alternatively: Meta Gewald [x], [x], [x] or Faith Jaggernauth [x], [x], [x] . I must admit, none of them have very good resources, though…
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supercasey · 4 years
Nomad of Nowhere Modern+Twins AU Notes/Ideas
Can y’all tell I got bored and can’t stop thinking about this sort of AU? Prepare for some serious bullshit. (Putting this under a cut because I’m merciful)
((El Rey is gonna be called Adrian in this AU, as I saw someone on Tumblr (emery-night) suggest it as a possible name awhile back, and since one of my brother's middle names is Adrian, I had to.))
Benjamin, Annabeth, and Adrian are all polyam, but they're not exactly the most “picture perfect” polyam relationship; they all tend to argue quite a bit, but at the end of the day, they all still care very deeply for each other.
Ben and Adrian went to college together, and were roommates through all four years they went; they started dating/hooking up about halfway through freshman year.
Annabeth: Oh my god, they were roommates.
After their fourth year of college ended, Adrian had to go back home to run his father's business, which meant he couldn't date Ben anymore, as his dad was extremely homophobic. Ben was heartbroken, but understood that Adrian didn't want to end things either, so he accepted it and moved on with his life, making sure to keep in touch with Adrian through social media and by calling/texting him every so often.
About two years later, Benjamin ran into Annabeth for the first time. Anna was working on her family's farm at the time, but once she fell for the city boy, she packed her bags and ran off to start a new life with him.
They had the twins within their first year of marriage, which was… chaotic, to say the fucking least. Thankfully they managed well enough, but it was still somewhat of an ordeal to get through together. ((Thankfully in this AU, Ben isn’t running from any bounty hunters/his ex, so he doesn’t ever lash out at Anna and lose her.))
Nearly five years after the twins were born, Adrian just kinda… showed up on their doorstep, looking frazzled and freaked the fuck out. They of course let him come inside, and after finding out that he had been cut off upon his father discovering he was gay, the couple let him stay with them from then on.
Pretty soon, the trio was officially polyam, both Adrian and Anna dating Ben, but not each other. They’re both really good friends, though! Ben loves his husband and wife so fucking much.
Since he grew up in such a privileged environment, Adrian really struggles with getting used to living like his partners (they aren’t necessarily poor, but they aren’t rich either), but he settles soon enough into working at an office building, where he constantly is climbing the corporate ladder and becoming quite the businessman.
Annabeth settled really quickly into her job as an architect, and works on designing houses in an office building about an hour away from the family house (which she and Ben built together right before they got married, adding another floor after Adrian moved in with them).
Benjamin, surprisingly enough, is a stay at home dad, and after all the kids reach school age, he starts doing part-time handyman jobs around town. Primarily though, he's still mostly a stay at home dad, and does a lot of the housework.
Adrian can't cook for S H I T. He set the oven in his and Ben's dorm on fire no less than three times, and also accidentally blew up the microwave at one point. After he moves in, Ben is quick to ban him from any sort of cooking; Adrian doesn't even bother arguing with him over it.
Anna can cook a little. She's usually pretty tuckered out after work, so she rarely cooks dinner, but when she does it's a stew that's fucking incredible.
Ben is a monster in the kitchen, having learned how to cook at a very young age, and he takes great pride in cooking nice meals for the family almost every night.
Both Ben and Anna were really worried the twins wouldn’t like Adrian, but he gets along with them really well, especially since he came into their lives so really early on; when they’re about seven, Skout asks who Adrian is to her parents, and after being told he’s in love with Pappy and best friends with Mama, she starts referring to Adrian as Daddy/Dad, Hunter doing the same through sign language/writing note to him. Adrian cries from happiness.
Also, because I love her, and because I honestly think Ben would never obey the “have as few kids as possible” rule most wizard's follow in the Twins AU, when the twins are about six or seven, their parents have another kid; a little girl they name Melinda.
(Truth be told, Ben and El Rey aren't 100% certain who fathered her, but they always say it was the other guy who did it. Anna doesn't really care, so long as they both treat her youngest daughter well, which they of course do!)
Melinda is a bit of a terror as a young child, and is constantly pestering her older siblings. Skout and her get along better once Skout hits high school age (before then, they argue constantly), but before that Hunter and Melinda are super close. After Melinda hits 13-14 though, they don’t quite have a “falling out”, but she gets her own friends at school and doesn’t want to hang out with Hunter as much anymore; this devastates Hunter, but he’s so freaking glad she has friends that he’s never going to tell her that.
Okay, onto the twins:
Hunter and Skout are practically glued to the fucking hip all throughout their early childhood; Hunter follows his sister around because no one wants to try communicating with the mute kid, and Skout loves hanging out with her brother despite other kids being weirded out by him.
Skout used to be a total tomboy/rebel as a preteen. Seriously, she was constantly in and out of the principal's office, mainly because she got into fights protecting her bro.
By the time Toth moves to town at the very start of 9th grade and meets her, Skout is almost a completely different person by then, having gotten more invested in reading/school than getting into fights.
The first time Toth sees some ex-bullies from Skout's middle school run for their lives upon seeing who Toth thought was just a sweet, innocent redhead who loves reading, Toth knows she's in love.
Toth does NOT like Hunter at first, mostly because the first time she met him, he refused to let her borrow a pencil and she took that to mean he was an asshole; truth is, he only had the one, but had trouble communicating that to her at the time, resulting in her not quite “bullying” him, but… okay, she bullied him, but after getting with Skout, she lays off and even apologizes to him for being so mean.
Toth and Hunter eventually start getting along after Toth and Skout get together, but Hunter definitely teases/messes with her on occasion because he thinks it's funny. Toth is mostly neutral to this and figures it's justified payback for how she used to treat him.
Where Skout has Toth as a friend at school (and I guess that total asshole “Red Manuel” or whatever the fuck he’s calling himself who constantly pesters them both), Hunter is friends with a trio of kids nicknamed “The Three Amigos.”
The three amigos (Null, Santi, and Jethro) have all known each other since kindergarten. Null got to go to school early due to his intelligence (the kid is insanely fucking smart), while Jethro and Santi are the same age, and they all became friends because their moms all know each other and made them hang out a lot as young kids.
The school's mascot is the “Dandy Lion” and Red Manuel is the dumbass who agreed to wear the suit for school events. He thinks it makes him a celebrity; it definitely doesn't.
Omg, I almost fucking forgot about Don Paragon.
Don Paragon considers himself to be a theatre star of some kind, because he literally only got the lead part once in a middle school play, and he has yet to stop bragging about it.
Don's also a huge fucking bully, and has been harassing both Hunter and Skout since elementary school; he's actually one of the people Skout beat the crap out of back when she didn’t care about holding back, so he low-key fears her, but he'll pick on Hunter whenever he can catch him alone; luckily, Hunter doesn't end up alone very often, thanks to the three amigos, as well as Toth shadowing him when Skout asks her to keep an eye on Hunter in order to keep him safe.
(On another note, about halfway through high school, Don Paragon challenges Hunter to a fight after school, and of course everyone comes out to see this shit. Don shows up first with a switchblade, and everyone’s scared he’s gonna fuck Hunter up, but then Hunter shows up with a fucking pitchfork. Needless to say, Don backed down and Hunter was now known as “the guy who brought a pitchfork to a knife fight” instead of just being the mute kid.)
Hunter and the three amigos are considered to be outcast's at school, but none of them are particularly bothered by this; they all can often be found chilling together during lunch, passing around a notebook so Hunter can talk to them easier. By senior year, the three amigos have all fully learned sign language, which they use not only to talk with Hunter, but get away with joking around in class with each other.
Before then though, Null was the only one who knew sign language, and became friends with Hunter first. Through this, Null invited Hunter to their friend group, but despite them all obviously being friends, other kids at school still mostly referred to them as “The Three Amigos + Hunter”; this annoys Null to no end, but Hunter swears he doesn't mind (he does, but he’ll never admit it).
The four of them eventually form a band that plays primarily at school dances and weekend parties. The band was almost called The Three Amigos, but Null insisted they name themselves something else in order to include Hunter. Santi came up with calling themselves “The Nomads of Nowhere”, which sticks. Hunter plays guitar (Adrian taught him how), Jethro plays keyboard, Santi plays drums, and Null sings.
Hunter is constantly being followed by animals of some kind, so instead of creating Critters, he attracts animals to himself (mainly stray cats, which he feeds daily).
The family has a few pets of their own: a black cat named Nomad (Hunter's therapy cat), a brown tabby cat named Critter (Ben found it as a kitten and gave it to Skout when Hunter got his cat), and a black Labrador named El Rey (Adrian's dog that he's had since he was a young teenager… no one knows how it's still alive, not even Adrian).
Post-high school headcanons for everyone:
After the twins graduate, Skout goes to a university in their state with Toth, who she's still dating. Hunter, in the meantime, goes to community college for awhile, and still lives at home, later moving out to live with the three amigos.
Toth proposes to Skout during their sophomore year, but they don't officially get married until after they both graduate. Everyone in Skout’s family sobs (Melinda’s her maid of honor) and Toth’s family is also cheering like mad. The after party is more or less a fucking rave, and the cops almost get called because they’re all so goddamn loud.
Skout becomes a biologist, but still constantly visits the library she worked at in college. Her specialty lies in forest preservation, and later on she starts working in a national park.
Toth becomes a historian, specializing in old weapons and war strategy. She also has a degree in psychology, but she doesn’t really do much with it tbh (other than mess with Red, who after getting his act together, becomes one of her closest friends).
Hunter becomes a musician, and as a side gig works as a sort of “cat whisperer” to make extra money and tell people they’re dumbasses who shouldn’t own cats.
The Nomads of Nowhere actually stick together for a long time after high school, and become a semi-popular indie band. After a few years though, they disband so Jethro and Santi can do their own things, so Hunter and Null form a two-man band called “The Dreaded Nomads.” After that, their music gets a lot more popular, but they’re still considered indie.
Oh yeah, almost forgot; Hunter and Null started dating in secret early on in high school. They mostly kept it a secret because they were both self-conscious about being judged by their peers, but they came out by going to their junior homecoming dance together. Everyone (except Skout and Melinda, who Hunter had already told) were surprised, but of course Hunter’s parents were all supportive. Null’s folks were… not, but at least he then got the chance to live with Santi’s family!
After high school, Hunter and Null are still going strong, and while neither of them are really comfortable with getting officially married for personal reasons, they plan on staying together for the rest of their lives. Also after high school, Null’s still no contact with his family for the most part (save for his mom), but Hunter’s family accepts him with open arms!
Santi and Jethro were dating since fucking middle school, and literally no one is surprised when they get hitched the day after graduation; if they have a kid and they’re a boy, they’re naming him Null Jr and Null will be secretly touched but act mad.
That’s all I’ve got for now! I might add more later, but feel free to add your own headcanons/ideas if you’d like to!
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lumiolivier · 4 years
Fan Fiction Master Post (and Where to Find Them):
Hello, Internet.  It’s been about a year and a half since I last updated my master post and it’d be nice for you to pass this one around instead of the others.  And so much has happened since the last list!  I finally jumped on the Ao3 train!  This list has got everybody here.  If you got nothing better to do and need a little fic to put on the wounds life has dealt you (or if you’re a little bit of a masochist and want something that’ll tear your soul to shreds), then pick a link and indulge yourself, K?  Like last time, this list is organized alphabetically by fandom and chronologically, if there’s a series.  You’ll see what I mean.  Enjoy!
** indicates a story in progress as of the time of posting this list.
Attack on Titan:
Classified Files:  Ackerman, Levi
AU Crack! Hanji needs a favor from Levi, but there's no way Levi would be so willing. That's what she has Eren for! But...Well...Why can't Hanji's experiments ever go right?
Black Butler:
Just a Simple Interview, Right?
1 of 4.  What starts out as just an interview with 19 year old earl Ciel Phantomhive for the paper turns into a little more than that a young reporter bargains for when she meets his enigmatic, yet beautiful butler. (Mostly T rated with some lemon chapters)
His Strange Little Girl and Her Butler, the Enigma
2 of 4.  She had her interview, but gained a few new friends and one very, very special butler. Now, she has her beautiful demon husband for the rest of eternity. But when the honeymoon’s over…is it really over? Of course not. We can’t have anything simple, can we?  (Also T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
You, Me, and Cambion Makes Three
3 of 4.  The Michaelis family has grown by one. The young lord has finally married Lady Elizabeth. So, what comes next? A little catastrophe, perhaps?  (Yet again, T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
Her Butler, One Last Time
4 of 4.  So blissfully living as a magazine contributor in modern day New York City. Until she meets her new landlord…or her demon husband from a past life?
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect
(Mini-series) She’s graduated college. Her boyfriend dumps her. Her roommates find a way to cheer her up. But for whatever reason, she’s feeling a little desperate. Especially when the DJ keeps giving her looks. He feels like he’s seen her somewhere before…
Trouble Comes in Threes
(Hetalia x Fruits Basket)  Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio could get anyone they want. They're beautiful, they're young, and the whole school knows it. But...They've had it all and grow bored. Even traveling outside city limits wouldn't prove to be any sort of challenge. But after a mess of a party, it appears Yao and Kiku's family tree is extending its roots when their cousins relocate. They couldn't stay at the Sohma house forever.
A New Hacker Has Entered the Chat**
(DRAMAtical Murder x Mystic Messenger) The RFA is usually pretty airtight when it comes to their information. Although, when their systems end up getting hacked, Seven and MC put their heads together to figure out who did it and why their source is coming from two different places. 
DRAMAtical Murder:
His Angel Bunny
When Angel goes into work on her day off, she just wants to throw her head against the wall. Until she sees a cute boy with a face full of metal and a heart full of sadness. She had to do something about it. Little did she know, that would lead to the greatest domino effect adventure of her life.
About Time
Just a quick one-shot of Koujaku doing a HUGE favor to humanity. Thank you, Koujaku, for your bravery and your services.
Death Note:
Ever wonder how L happened? The name? The person? The little boy behind it all…? (child!Lx parental!Reader going into the Kira investigation)
Fairy Tail:
The Princess and the Dragon  
(AU) She wants to be where the wizards are. However, her father has other plans for her. Stay out of the books, Lucy! You don’t need to practice magic! How do you expect to further the bloodline if you don’t meet anyone?
The Siren’s Song
(AU) Beware a frozen heart desperate for warmth...What a load of garbage...Right?
The Knight in Shining Armor (At the time of me posting this, the last chapter is going out this week)
(AU) Erza's flashbacks to the days before she joined the guild kept getting worse and worse. Master Makarov couldn't stand to see one of the strongest members of the guild falling apart like that, so a special job for a special S-Class wizard should be enough to snap her out of it. Especially when that job is for the Fiore royal family.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Halfmetal Heart
Edward and Winry’s precocious daughter Tricia has picked up the family trade, but when she goes to apply for her state certification, something wonderful catches her eye…
Don’t Forget
Their house used to be a pile of ash, but now, it’s a home as Edward and Alphonse reflect on the day it burned.  One-shot
Happy Birthday, Sir
Today marks a very special day in Amestris. It’s the Fuhrer’s birthday! And his wife has a little something, something planned for him, but can Mustang let it be a surprise?  One-shot.  Partially goes off the Halfmetal Heart canon
The Spark and the Sparrow
Just some young Royai fluff about a thunderstorm that happened at Master Hawkeye’s house.  One-shot
Candy From Strangers**
Amelia's boyfriend is a jerk. No matter how anyone looks at it, he's a straight up jerk. One night, things got a bit out of hand and...Well...He's her ex-boyfriend now. A broken plate to the cheek does that. But a kind hearted stranger in the park was more than ok with fixing up more than the deep cut on her cheek.
Draw a Circle
France stumbles on a mysterious naked woman and can't keep her to himself, so he consults his good friend Britain. Who is she? And where did she come from?
The Legend of Zelda:
Courageous Duality
Five years after the Kokiri Village has been burned by the Gerudo King’s newest apprentice, Link gathers the intestinal fortitude to go back and pay his respects to his old home. Until he finds his true destiny deep within the Lost Woods.  Takes place after Ocarina of Time
Kilgrave’s Good Little Girl
Who better to bring in a murderous psychopath than a murderous psychopath?  (Reader)
Mystic Messenger:
Mistake Messenger
A one-shot collection of alternate routes for Mystic Messenger ranging from sweet and fluffy to naughty and depraved. MC x EVERYONE.
Man’s Best Intern
(AU) Poor Jaehee. Overworked. Underpaid. Under appreciated. Luckily, with the newest C&R intern, anything is possible. Although, when Mr. Han takes a particular shine to her, Jaehee’s workload may be doubled even more.
The Number Next Door**
(AU)  MC has finally gotten the opportunity to move into the apartment building of her dreams. After years of clawing her way up with her design blog, things have finally fallen into place for her. That is, until she learns her next door neighbor likes to blast meme music at 1AM.
Regularly Scheduled Programming
(One-shot) Saeran and MC indulge themselves with one night a week for garbage TV. Although, sometimes, we can't always get what we want.
Ouran High School Host Club:
Kiss, Kiss
1 of 3.  You’re starting at a new school and for any normal person, that’s difficult. For someone with your list of diagnoses, it’s even worse. Especially when all you want is to keep your head down and find a quiet place to study.
Back to Normal, I Guess
2 of 3.  After her summer in New York, Lana goes back to her school in London with her heavy heart full of the memories she made at Ouran Academy. But little does she know, the Ouran Host Club will always be there to welcome her back, no matter what time zone she’s in.
Our New Normal
3 of 3.  Lana misses Japan. Can we blame her? Unfortunately, she had to graduate from Ouran Academy sometime. But her new life in New York with Kyoya is only just beginning. College is an entirely different ballgame.
Daddy's only looking out for his little girl and he wants what's best for her. She's not ready to take over the...uh..."family business" quite yet. She doesn't understand why she has to go so far just to go to school. But Daddy's word is law. Hey...Why does the angry guy in her homeroom seem familiar? And what's a host club?
A Family Forged in Fire
1 of 2.  Lena was living in an orphanage. Constant rejection day in and day out. They were looking for a baby, not her. Little did she know that a case would bring a pair of brothers that would turn her life upside down.
When the Fire Goes Out
2 of 2.  After taking down the devil himself, a girl needs to get away, doesn’t she? Even though it puts her brothers in a worry and opens up a golden opportunity for someone new to slip into her life.
Yuri!!! On Ice:
1 of 2.  AU: Victor and Violet adopted two precious little boys that they can’t help but love and became an unorthodox family. Even though the youngest can’t stand the oldest, but that’s the way siblings work. And things get even more troublesome when they both want to take up the very thing that brought Mommy and Daddy together.
Off the Rails
2 of 2.  After Junior Grand Prix, the Nikiforov family has moved to New York and began their training for next season, including Violet’s comeback. However, her comeback may be a bit more than she…or Victor…bargained for.
Not a Perfect Fairytale (But It’s Ours)
Fairytale AU.  Whoever decided the prince needed a princess has terrible foresight…
Yurio is always a little paranoid, but for some strange reason, today, his radar was up even more than usual. Especially when Yakov doesn’t yell at him for missing a simple jump.  One-shot
Dr. Nikiforov Has a Ring To It
Getting sick sucks something awful on its own. Getting sick with no one else home but your overbearing roommate to take care of you? That’s a mess in itself.  One-shot
Pierced Through the Heart
(One-shot) Yurio and Otabek had been together a while now. Why couldn't they have something match like Victor and Yuri?
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mulciberii · 4 years
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Dominic Mulciber - Jeff Bridges
Current: Potioneer
Amelie Mulciber (nee Laurent) - Sally Field
Current: Housewife
Like many couples, their marriage was decided behind closed doors without either having any say in the matter. Formally, they’d only spoken in person a handful of times before their wedding. In the beginning, neither had any real interest in each other but did their best to present well in public the two operating more like roommates than a married couple. It took a few years before they announced the birth of their first child, Malachi’s father, Damian.  When all was said and done they would go one to have two more children together. 
Dominic is known to be a stern man who had high expectations for his sons and was not know to spare them. Even in his younger years, he was known for the cold manner in which he dealt with the people around him.  His regimented manner assisted him well in his career as a Potioneer. He now owns an apothecary and is still doing a lot of the brewing of his own products himself.  While his expectations are still very high he has softened in his older age and is known to favor Malachi despite having not spoken to Damian in years. 
Amelie grew up in the French countryside as the middle of three daughters with aspirations of owning a bakery at some point.  She is the youngest of three children and the only daughter. Her parents were French wandmakers.  Despite her agreeable nature it took her some time to warm up to the uncompromising man she’d married. Though she won him over rather quickly and is the apple of her husband's eye. Acts as the family mediator more often than not. 
Dominic and Alexander Rowle have been close friends from their time at Hogwarts together. And both couples are still known to spend time together quite frequently. 
While Amelie does not share her husband’s views on blood purity she values her family's reputation too much to voice such opinions.  
Alexander Rowle - Mark Harmon 
Previous: Unspeakable & Head of the Department of Mysteries 
Current:  Member of the Wizengamot
Jacqueline Rowle (nee O’Grady) - Susan Sarandon
Previous: Professional Quidditch Player & Head Coach of the Holyhead Harpies
Current:  Bookshop Owner
Alexander Rowle was enamored with his eventual wife the moment he laid eyes on her. She was boisterous and extroverted which let the two to butt heads for all of the seven years they spent at Hogwarts together. While they did marry for love it was far from a fairytale. Their relationship started on the heels of a drunken kiss in the midst of a petty argument at a party when Jacqueline challenged the other. What followed was a whirlwind relationship that ended in Alexander purposing before his family had even that the time to consider suitors. While they weren’t thrilled with his choice, not believing her to refined enough, ultimately they stopped arguing with him because she came from an otherwise desirable background. The two went on to have two children together. 
Jacqueline Rowle was the firstborn to a large family that resided just outside of Dublin. She’d grown up working hard either at home or in the bookshop her parents owned. Regardless of their best efforts, she was always a bit rough around the edges.  Her natural curiosity helped her excel during her time at Hogwarts despite the posh Englishman who seemed to make her life miserable. After graduation, she went on to play professional quidditch first for the Kenmare Kestrels, and then later for the Holyhead Harpies. After the birth of her second child and a string of injuries, she moved on to coaching which she did until a few years ago when she retired from Quidditch all together. Jacqueline is a very outspoken witch who had a hard time transitioning to type of life her husband was born into. She is a very capable witch who was regarded for her spell casting prowess. She currently runs her family bookstore in Dublin which many Irish families preferring to purchase their school materials there. 
Alexander was always rather particular. As a young boy, he was known to do things repeatedly until they were up to whatever standard he’d placed upon himself. During his school years, he was as meticulous as ever. His work always well researched and perfectly written. So being view as comparable to someone as crude as a girl who called herself Jac drove him up a wall. With many of the men in his family being career politicians, it was unsurprising when he took a position within the ministry. While politics weren’t his focus he has been a lifelong ministry employee working as an Unspeakable and heading the department all together before his retirement. He’s been a member of the  Wizengamot for the last ten years. 
Damian Mulciber - Jeffery Dean Morgan
Previous: Dragon Killer
Current: Head of the Beast Division
Eleanor Muciber (nee Rowle) - Elizabeth Hurley
Current: Housewife
The announcement of their engagement was a shock, to say the least. With the Rowle’s love story, it was expected their children would have the ability to do the same. The two had grown up together with Eleanor being one of the few able to break the young wizard self-imposed isolation at times. Nonetheless, it was safe the say the two hated each other. Despite his friendship with her brother Damian tormented the poor witch well into their time at Hogwarts. Even with their dislike of each other being common knowledge they were wed less than a year after her graduation. While Eleanor made continuous attempts to be the wife Damian wanted and expected their household was far from happy. Malachi is their only child together, and was born after years of being pressured by their families about children. Early in his childhood, Eleanor began locking herself in Malachi’s room at night as a way to keep them safe from his father. The two have slept separately since then. 
Damian Mulciber grew up in a house that was initially as warm as it was grim. In his early years, his mother doted on him incessantly. While his father didn’t find it becoming he allowed it as to not rob his wife of her experience as a first-time mother. However, by the birth of their third son, Dominic had no patience for his heir being coddled. While he was hard on all of his children the focus of his ire was largely on Damian. In turn, the young boy chose to isolate himself save a friendship with the Rowle’s son. The two would bond over similar conditions and quiet penchant for violence which would lead both of them to an association with Tom Riddle in the school years. His obsession with Eleanor began as jealously; he found her to be spoiled, sheltered, and vain. Though no fault of her own she became the embodiment of everything he felt was out of his reach and was determined to show her just how miserable the world was. In spite of his father’s protest, he took a position as a Dragon Killer straight out of Hogwarts. It was far from glamourous but Damian proved to be almost too good at it. He is one of Lord Voldemort’s earliest followers joining as soon as he was approached, believing firmly in the cause. He is currently the head of the Beast Divison and has been for the last four years. 
Eleanor was her parent's pride and joy. The young woman growing up well protected and pampered for the moment she was brought home from St. Mungo’s. Her mother had been so excited to finally bring home a baby girl. While the standards were still very high in their household she excelled easily in the areas her brother struggled. Animosity grew quickly between the pair with their parents happy to pit them against one another. Matters weren’t helped with the torment she received at the hands of Damian being facilitated by her own flesh and blood. During her time at school, she did everything to set herself up to start the life she’d dreamed of. Unfortunately, all of that came to an end during the Christmas holiday of her seventh year when she was informed of her engagement to Damian. Admittedly she was devastated, but attempted to accept her circumstances graciously. While it’s not common knowledge, but Eleanor left Damian right before she found out she was pregnant with Malachi. After making the mistake of telling her mother of that fact Damian tracked her down using a barrage of threats to bring her home. While she loves her son his birth was the worst thing that has ever happened to her. 
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