#non jethro
nikkeisimmer · 4 months
JAG post.
Excerpt from my JAG fanfic - "Rising Flames"
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The couple hurried through the Pentagon corridors, resplendent in their white service uniform, heading towards the SECNAV's office. The SECNAV was a four year politically appointed post so Republican Senator from the great state of Texas and former RADM Mike Metcalf, USN (ret.) callsign Viper.
The former Rear Admiral (upper half) nodded to Animal. "Good afternoon, Admiral, good to see you, Animal." RADM Mike Metcalf was Animal's Battlegroup Commander on his last cruise in 1996. RDML Mike Metcalf had coordinated the overseeing flights over the Bosnian regions and kept the battlegroup in the area when the Bosnians started firing on each other. The Black Aces couldn't shoot back unless they were fired upon but of course the then-Rear Admiral (lower half) had planned a deceptive enticement. Animal would run a TARPS mission at 7,000 AGL. through the Carpathian Mountains. And the Serbs had bit the bullet, they'd fired on Animal's TARPS bird and it was all-out war. His usual back-seater hadn't been trained on TARPS so he'd had to fly with Wrench who was qualified and Wrench managed to get clear crisp shots as Animal was jinking away from the Triple-A. Then they'd hit it with GBU-86s along with targeting the sites with LANTIRN on a following mission inside of five hours. Triangulated with a satellite image of the area, they could tell if there had been movement by the Triple-A platforms and hit the new location with ease.
"It's good to see you too, sir." Animal said acknowledging Sen. Metcalf's obvious position as Secretary of the Navy; an obvious appointment as he like Sen. John Lehman was a former Naval Officer and Naval Aviator instead of being completely oblivious as most civilian appointments were.
"Admiral, as you know, we have a very tenuous situation. Islamabad was hit with a vacuum bomb." The SECNAV indicated as he showed them a map on the projector. "This section along Abeyd-Asam Street and Khalid Wali Avenue. There was an explosion as the fuel-air bomb went off. There's structures flattened three-quarters of a mile wide and the casualties at last count were thirty-five thousand people and the number is rising. The scary part of it is that it is a weapon of mass destruction that these terrorists can cook up in their own back yard labs. Set off a few in the different neighborhoods across the city and there would be casualties in the hundreds of thousands. If you can't breathe because all the air has been sucked into a flammable mixture; you're dead. If you get injured by the blast wave, you're dead. It's a terror weapon."
"It's the same as the MOABs we drop out of our planes, only they put theirs on wheels and drive it into place incognito if that's what you're telling me they did."
"That's exactly what they did, Admiral Nakamura." Animal looked up to see a gray-haired man step in to the room; aquiline nose, and hard steel-blue eyes and a sharp angular jawline complemented his features.
"Gibbs, you ever think about retiring?"
"Not really." was his curt reply.
Meg saw her husband stiffen up in the presence of the senior NCIS agent. His friend and her former JAG investigative partner, Harmon Rabb, had nearly gotten railroaded into a murder charge by this very man. They had accused him of the murder of a JAG Lieutenant by the name of Lieutenant Loren Singer. Harm's first-degree murder charge but all was certain until Gibbs had an inkling that something wasn't right about the whole pattern of evidence they'd found up to that point and told the whole crew to look it over one more time. Animal still was wary of the NCIS senior special agent and thus both the NCIS agent and Animal were pretty frosty with each other - neither was sure about the other. Two alpha males circling each other each looking for a weak point they could utilize on the other.
"All the animosity between the Russians and us may end up having to be tabled..." NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs said, "the Russians just found out that the sub that launched a nuclear torpedo against our battle-group that failed to detonate, had a couple other crew on board. The bodies recovered showed three men of middle Eastern origin who weren't supposed to be there and and several Azerbaijani crew members who had somehow enlisted in the Russian Navy incognito. The Politburo didn't sanction this attack on Second Fleet and are backpedaling."
Meg narrowed her eyes,"So what does that have to do with the Judge Advocate General command, Gibbs?"
"JAG has always been a big help in the past with this sort of investigation. Vice-Admiral. Don't know if your predecessor told you but they've been quite helpful in ensuring we have cooperation. "
"Well the lead investigator on all those situations is flying F/A-18Fs off the deck of the USS Allegiance, Gibbs, under my chain of command as the COMSECONDFLEET." Animal set his jaw in a gritted, unpleased expression. "He's the XO of the boat and technically should be chained to a chair, but you ever try to tell Rabb to do something?"
SECNAV Metcalf snorted, "I heard about his exploits from Nelson and Sheffield. I hear he's a handful; much like Captain Mitchell. Maverick was a handful when I was CO at Topgun. Set the hard deck at Angels 10. Guy technically digs a hole going after Lieutenant Commander Hetherly. Guy was a cowboy. I hear he still flies hard but has tempered his style. He should have had four stars by now but I hear he got tagged with up or out. So he's just riding a chair at NSAWC serving out his time in uniform because NSAWC doesn't want to drop an asset like him. He can teach others and be mentoring other instructors."
"That's the way it should be done. The guys who have the balls to do what needs to be done technically should be the ones leading." Animal growled, "The rules may be the rules, but sometimes, the situation goes beyond the limits of the rules. Then you need the guys willing to break the rules to get the job done."
Animal looked over at the SECNAV and at Gibbs, "The ones that will still stay within the Geneva Convention of Rules of Warfare that is. I don't want Rabb being boots on the ground..." He said with some finality, "...when the damned Russians finally figure out which fucking country sent them on this stupid expedition of insanity. He's staying where I'm telling him to stay. Go find Mackenzie and Webb! Let them go down. Conmand Master Chief Yeoman Coates will probably be able to help me in that. She generally keeps track of who she served with, so, Gibbs, whatever happened to Gunnery Sergeant Galindez. I knew he worked a few field operations with you guys?"
"Went back to the Corps, after his in-country squeeze got blown away by Kabir, to become a Master Gunnery Sergeant. Admiral. He just didn't want to be boots-on-the-ground afterwards."
SECNAV said, "Admiral, the current CNO plans to vacate and we've just gone to the UN to form an Allied Command that will bring together every one to act against the ARP in the different countries affected. With this explosion, we've seen what they intend to do. The British have already reinstated their Fleet Admiral position from WWII. I think their aim is to gain control of the Allied Command. We suggested the idea to the UN Security Commission. I'd say we take control rather than the British; the President had asked me to find someone capable enough to take over full Allied Supreme Commander position and he's going to get the Secretary of Foreign Affairs to insist that we get control since we came up with the idea. This position has never been in use since WWII and neither has the rank. You'll be the first to wear it since Chester Nimitz and you are going to be Supreme Allied Commander for the Joint Task Force that will take the war to the enemy."
At this Meg's jaw dropped open as she looked at her husband.
"I presume that the Supreme Allied Commander is responsible for the Allied push against the Arab Reunification Party?" Her husband asked as he looked over at the SECNAV who had dropped this shocking bit of news.
The out-going Chief of Naval Operations Joanne Pruette stepped into the room, "Afternoon." She looked over at Animal, "Thanks for coming,"
"Well I wasn't expecting this."
"Ordinarily the President would in his role of administering his duties as Commander in Chief, however with the outbreak of hostilities between the Russians and us, understandably he's tied up." CNO Pruette said. "I couldn't think of a better officer to fill my shoes than you, Admiral Nakamura." She then turned to Meg, "Ordinarily, I'd be hesitant to put a JAG who is married to such on the command staff of the Supreme Allied Commander as it goes against the UCMJ, but you are aware that these are strange times and as such we need the most capable officers and matrimonial status no longer matters. We are fighting against an enemy that does not care about anyone other than furthering their own twisted idea of what family and relationships should be... Admiral Toshio Nakamura;" the CNO stated, "under the authorization conveyed upon me by the President of the United States to invoke his power as Commander-in-Chief under Congressional mandate, I am here to administer the oath of office. Step forward; Front and Center." Animal snapped to attention and marched over to Admiral Pruette; stopping in front of her. When he came to attention in front of her, she said, "Attention to Orders; raise your right hand. I..."
"I, Toshio Masahiro Nakamura, do solemnly swear that I will protect and defend the Consitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic; that I bear true allegiance to the same, that I will truly, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, faithfully execute the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me, God." Meg noticed that his voice was firm, proud and she knew for a fact that he was staunchly loyal as an American citizen and a loyal officer in the Navy of the United States of America.
"Congratulations, Fleet Admiral Nakamura. You are the first to wear this rank since Chester Nimitz and since the office of the Chief of Naval Operations has gone to the most senior and high ranking officer in the United States Navy, I stand ready to be relieved, sir."
"I relieve you, Ma'am." Animal said, then leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Isn't it great? No more meetings with angry senators about budget overruns? Aren't you relieved?" He gave Admiral Pruette a wicked grin as he snapped back to attention as Admiral Pruette burst out laughing as SECNAV Metcalf looked over at the former CNO with raised inquisitive eyebrows expecting an explanation. He chuckled wryly when he got told what Animal had whispered in her ear.
Animal been handed a pair of Fleet Admiral Boards. He could order them directly from the Uniform Supplier as he was currently the only five-star fleet admiral in the US Navy. Meg and the SECNAV slipped off his Admiral's boards and put the Fleet Admiral's boards on. The five silver stars formed a pentagonal shape with the top-most point of the pentagon being the point of the fifth star. Each five-pointed star was linked to each other by one arm of another five-pointed star. The top most head of the apex five-pointed star ended up pointing towards the neck of the wearer of the shoulder-boards.
"Fleet Admiral Nakamura..." Admiral Pruette said to him when the boards were placed on his shoulders, "I believe two minutes allowed for a PDA."
Animal grinned at her then turned to Meg whose eyes were brimming with pride for him. He extended his arms and Vice-Admiral Megan Renee Austin-Nakamura, her own golden shoulder-boards with three stars, stepped into his embrace, with her lips meeting his in a tender kiss.
"Congratulations, my love." She whispered. She didn't want to let go but the PDA only allowed for two minutes. Then stepping back she snapped to attention and said formally. "Congratulations, sir!" The Stars and Stripes reporter was here to cover the whole news-story and snapped pictures of both the kiss and the formal address. As the PDA was usually a part of every promotion ceremony, it was certainly well-known to other military personnel and thus would not bring a hue and cry about seeing a picture of two wedded admirals embracing and kissing since it was well known that the JAG was married to COMSECONDFLT who was now the new CNO.
After that burst of pride over his promotion, Animal realized something and he paled. "Oh shoot!" He muttered putting his head in his hands.
Meg and Joanne looked at him in consternation, "What?" They asked.
Animal looked up at them with a long-suffering look, "Well, I guess I'm going to have to have the unenviable task of telling Command Master Chief Yeoman Jennifer Coates that we are moving lock, stock and barrel back to Washington DC." Animal informed her.
Meg and Joanne looked at each other and nodded. They both knew Jen had just managed to scrape together enough to buy a fairly decent condo in Norfolk, close to Norfolk Naval Station. Oh she was going to be majorly pissed off.
Animal continued muttering laconically, "This may be the shortest Fleet Admiralcy in history."
"Oh, it can't be that bad..." SECNAV Metcalf said looking over at the newly minted Fleet Admiral "an O-11 scared of an E-9?"
Animal gave Viper a morose look, then picked up his cell-phone putting it on hands-free and laying it down.
"Command Master Chief Coates!" Jen's brusque command NCO voice barked.
"Command Master Chief. The meeting is over and I have some bad news,"
"Sir? How bad could it be?"
"Bad" Animal said. Pruette, SECNAV, Gibbs and Meg looked at each other. "I just got the post for CNO."
"Well...that doesn't sound so bad, sir..." Coates' voice sounded cheerful.
"The post wasn't the bad part..." Animal explained silently inferring the logistics of what that entailed.
It sunk in, "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?! Sir! They want our asses in WASHINGTON?! 24/7?!" Animal winced and SECNAV Metcalf pulled his head back from the general location of the phone.
Animal favored those in the Pentagon office with him with an I am so dead look. SECNAV Metcalf grinned at him with a better you than me...
"If you don't mind, sir...I'm going to hang up, have a melt-down and then call my realtor." Coates muttered caustically.
"OK, Jen..." Animal tried to say as penitently as possible. He was absolutely certain that his yeoman was most definitely not happy about the whole deal.
"I'll see you and the Vice Admiral when you get back from DC, sir." Animal had his helo pilot cooling his heels at the Pentagon helo pad. . There was a helo pad on base which was active. Meg was already making arrangements to have the Navy Yard pickup their vehicle at the Pentagon since they would be flying directly home to Norfolk. It was a long ride to Norfolk.
But Animal's Cessna 172 was moored over there at Chambers Field as a rather quick way to get to work and then there would be a flight back home to DC. Even during the winter months his eyesight was still good enough to get in his Cessna and fly it back home.
With access to the Office of the CNO he could technically, call upon the helo to take him and his wife to work and not have to move in from Norfolk to DC, but that wouldn't be proper and it would be improper use of military funds and equipment on personal transportation.
He looked over at the SECNAV, "Sir, what is the next part of the agenda."
"In this current situation, your wife's staff command goes up one rank. So she is authorized to put on four stars. Her subordinate commands will also go up one rank. The RLSOs however will remain O-6 positions. The rest of the staff commands go up one rank as well in the national command positions except at the regional. positions. All promotions in a time of global war are merit-based. FADM Nakamura. Staff officers that do not see combat will still continue as time-in-rank based. Promotions will favor merit and heroism on the field of battle."
"Aye-Aye, sir."
"I'm not gonna sit here and blow sunshine up your ass, Fleet Admiral. This is going to be a tough one. We may, like WWII, need the Russians on our side. This time we're not fighting the Germans or the Japanese. It's everybody against Islamic fundamentalism. That's going to be the war. Anybody that doesn't want their female family and friends to have wear an abaya and one of them hoods all over the place will need to pick up a gun and prepare to fight." SECNAV Metcalf stated staunchly. His salt and pepper hair and mustache was now mostly salt. The lines on his face were much deeper and he wore glasses and he looked at Animal with a taciturn serious look. "Those fundamentalists that advocate their jihads against the West need to be eradicated. They think we're vermin; we need to start thinking about them like that."
Meg said, "Sir, that's not a stance that will win you re-election."
SECNAV Metcalf looked at her, "Vice-Admiral, re-election isn't in my sights, when this whole thing blows over, if it blows over, I want to be on my ranch and enjoying the rest of my days. I've had enough of Washington politics. This ol'warhorse doesn't like being harnessed. I'm gonna go home and ride the range for awhile and enjoy my time left. But while I'm in the Office of the Secretary of the Navy; if I don't treat the threats from the ARP seriously, people at home are going to die in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands."
That was definitely Viper talking there, Animal thought, he'd always been a straight-shooter and didn't like the circular bullshit going on within the Capitol. He much preferred the Pentagon and talking with his fellow straight shooting line officers. Viper had been a good A-4F, F-4 and F-14 aviator and NFWS adversary tactics instructor as well as commanding officer of the Topgun school. Animal had gone through Topgun after he'd tallied three: an F-15J, a MiG 29 and an Su-27.
McDonnell Douglas, now merged with Boeing was not too happy about that in 1990. They'd said the F-15J was being piloted by an inferior pilot inferring that a JASDF pilot was not as good as a Western pilot until they found out that his adversary was a Japanese-American naval aviator and that it was a battle that had lasted 26 seconds in total between the time that Animal engaged and by the time he'd sent a Sidewinder up the F-15J's starboard burner can.
Needless to say, the fallout from Boeing's rep saying this was massive. They'd had to retract the statement.
And that had prompted the Air Force to challenge the Navy to a similar duel, no live missiles, just TACTS to see just how lethal the F-14 was against the F-15. Animal vs. the F-15 with the Boeing rep flying in the backseat of an F-15D two-seater. against a fully charged up and ready to go crew of Animal and Scooter in their F-14A. The F-15D's pilot was a Red Flag instructor well versed in the art of adversary combat tactics and ready to fly fangs out. The battle lasted 23 seconds. The first kill shot tracked straight up the F-15D's port burner can. The second engagement lasted 17sec. Animal elected not to get into the phone booth and lobbed a Sparrow shot in his direction after he locked the guy up with his AWG-9. The Red Flag pilot flying his F-15D didn't even see the missile coming. The third and final engagement lasted 48 seconds. Animal started from a defensive position with the F-15D on his tail in an apparent re-enactment of the engagement that got him his first ever kill. And the same result, the F-15D pilot and the tech-rep got killed thus proving the old adage that the longer a fight goes, the less likely you're going to survive the fight.
It had been soundly proven that the F-14 was truly the winner in that engagement. Even a Western pilot couldn't stand up to Animal in an F-14. US Navy training and on top of that he had to land on an aircraft carrier afterwards in the fight over Japanese soil.
What was even more satisfying to Animal was seeing the Boeing rep empty his stomach contents all over the ground. Rumor had it that he couldn't keep down anything for a week.
The Japanese had tucked their heads and were penitent after learning their lesson for a second time to not get uppity. They'd been beaten decisively, American warplanes had gotten seven kills in that brief conflict, a number that later became eight when the news of Animal's F-2A shoot-down. Of course their hackles were raised when they found out who they considered a Nikkei had been one of the American "navy pilots" who had shot down one of their top F-15J aircraft in a fight that had only lasted 26 seconds from start to finish with the American warplane in a defensive position at the outset and that he'd tallied twice against the JASDF; one each of what was considered their top two aircraft. In total 2 F-2A's, 1 F-15J, 3 F-1s and 1 F-4EJ. Animal didn't count that F-2A in his personal kill tally and always said his kill count was three but it was later found out that the US Navy had counted it and that his official tally according to the United States Navy was one Mitsubishi-built Boeing F-15J Eagle; one Mitsubishi F-2A Japanese Falcon; one Mikoyan Gurevich MiG 29 Fulcrum; and one Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker. That was really going to piss the Japanese off but well, so it goes.
It was that fact that Animal had tallied that made him somewhat of a celebrity at Topgun and many of the instructors wanted to go one on one with him to see if the tactics they were teaching actually translated to the aerial combat arena. Animal was there to learn and he conducted himself accordingly. Making sure that he learned aspects of one vs one, one vs two and one vs. multiples.
The MiG 29 and Su-27 were both equipped with fire and forget BVR Archer missiles which were dangerous missiles. The US had not put out a true fire and forget mid-range air-air missile. Currently F-14s could only carry the AIM-7 Sparrow and that one was a pain in the ass because one had to keep the AWG-9 lit on the target until it hit.
Unfortunately, it happened that if one had a two or three vs multiples you could get overwhelmed by odds firing a cold-nose missile: if it had its own radar or heat-seeking nose it would keep going after the target or was only going to get thrown off by a decoy flare. And most times the missile hit regardless of how many flares were dropped.
With the speed of fifth-gen fighters and super-cruise BVR could be closed to knife-fight in an instant and thus end up with his medium-range missiles being entirely ineffective. If the missiles had active radars of their own then they would be truly fire and forget. And the F/A-18F's truly needed actual BVR medium range missiles. The AIM 120 was supposed to do that for the Navy and Air Force but they were only starting to get the missiles with any regularity. Who knew what the Navy would be up against out there.
"So we watch to see what happens with the results of the Russian investigation into the matter. If they find ARP propaganda, that's who we'll target and this time it won't be a military attack with only reprisal in mind, it needs to be a full scale war. The Islamic Fundamentalists want jihad, we'll bring it to them." Gibbs explained further.
The NCIS Special Agent looked to the Fleet Admiral, "We'll need to move you in quickly in about three to five days. Hopefully we'll have that amount of time. The problem is that I don't think we have that time. Everything is primed to go off in the Middle East and we're concerned about the ARP's little offshoot of islamic fundamentalist radicals that still call themselves ISIS. The ones that are pulling off shit like this to draw focus away from the Arab Reunification Party is doing. It's their little task within the organizational structure of the Arab Reunification Party. We want our military leadership structure in place to lead the Allied response to these radicals and to cement our leadership at the top of the Allied command structure. If we don't the majority of our allies are not going to be able to communicate with the systems that we have in place. Our system is more widespread in terms of technological usage within our weapons systems and in terms of logistics. I don't know all the ins and outs but communication is going to be key."
"Gotcha on that one, Gibbs..." Animal looked over at the former CNO, "Joanne can you send me a 411 on the info for my perusal tonight so I can begin to formulate an attack plan of action so that I'm able to get us in key strategic position to take over as Supreme Allied Commander when we go to make a strike on the ARP." Animal grinned, "I trust our NATO allies will fall in line pretty quickly, with the exception of the former Warsaw Pact, and the Chinese and Russians are going to be a barrel of monkeys to work with in combatting the Islamist threat. I can see my days are going to be fun." He said sardonically. He looked over at Meg who was looking wryly over at her husband. "Where is Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie, the Under-Secretary of State's Marine Liaison? I need someone with legal knowledge and an in with the Marine Corps. Joanne, does Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie report to the Commandant of the Marine Corps as well?"
Joanne Pruette smiled as she looked over at Animal who was taking over. She knew she'd made the right choice. "General Barrett will be available and yes, Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie, as Marine Liaison at the Pentagon reports to him, sir!" She acknowledged that Animal was now of higher rank than she.
This is what I do when I'm not writing Simsfic.
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Imagine doing your nails while Gibbs is down with his boat and he comes up earlier and expected and is surprised to see you awake
“Why are you still awake?”
“Why are you still awake?”
And him ending up staying until you’re done
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Little Things
“I’ll be up soon.”
Your boyfriend’s famous words to you at least 3 times a week. You never understood why he said it as if he didn’t always end up coming to bed till many hours later, usually when you were already asleep.
You knew there were many reasons he stayed down there in the musky basement, tinkering away with his beloved DIY projects, decompression being one of them. Whether it was a stressful day at work, a particularly disturbing case he was assigned to, or just really dedicated to building various pieces of woodwork, he spent at least a quarter of his life down there.
It didn’t bother you for the most part, it was his biggest way of coping and you weren’t going to ruin that for him just so you could get a few extra hours of cuddles in with him.
But tonight was different, only because you were far from tired and decided that you’d use the time to do your nails.
Once you brought all of your supplies down into the living room, you turned the tv on low, mainly for white noise and got to work prepping your toes first. Your choice of color this week was going to be a taupe-like shade. Perfect color for the fall season and it would match with just about anything you wore. Had you been skilled enough, you would’ve added acrylics but decided to leave that to the professionals and just stick with the base and top coat.
After painting and cleaning up the edges on your toes, you got to work on the rest of your nails, struggling once it came to your non dominant hand. You were concentrating so hard on not painting outside the lines, you didn’t even notice your boyfriend come up.
“Why are you still awake?” he asked in curiosity, walking over to observe your makeshift nail salon. There were files, cue tips and cotton balls strewn across the dining room table and a half empty bag of kettle chips you had been intermittently snacking on.
“Why are you still awake?” you countered with playful sass.
He put up his hands in mock surrender and walked over to the kitchen to grab a beer before coming back over and taking a seat next to you. The silence was comfortable as he grabbed the remote and changed the channel, offering you a sip of his beer. You accepted, giving it back to him and grabbed the bag of chips, holding it out as an offer. He grabbed a handful and set it back on the table as you continued your painting, occasionally asking him to hand you the acetone soaked cotton ball.
Once you had gotten done applying the final top coat, your back was killing you and you were getting light headed from all the air blowing you did to speed up the drying process. Jethro was still relaxed into the couch beside you, hand caressing little patterns on your back, content as he went back and forth from watching his movie to watching you.
“How do you like the color? I think it’s very chic in my opinion,” you spoke, smiling as he nodded in agreement.
“Looks good,” was all he said. He could care less what color you painted your nails and only gave you an answer to make you happy but that’s one of the reasons why you loved him. All he ever wanted to do was make you feel beautiful and heard. Even when it came to minuscule things such as a nail polish color. You didn’t need him to give you long articulated compliments, you had figured out his shorthand a long time ago.
He made you stay on the couch as he cleaned everything up and turned everything off.
“You can grab your supplies in the morning,” he said before picking you up bridal style, making you laugh and hold onto his neck.
“Jethro, the polish is dry, I can walk.”
“I know.”
You reveled in how easily he carried you upstairs and into your bedroom, only setting you down so the both of you could brush your teeth and get undressed for bed.
The two of you faced each other in bed, you running your fingers through his hair as he hummed in appreciation with his eyes closed. Placing a kiss on his nose, you whispered.
“Goodnight Jethro.”
“Mnight,” he mumbled already half a sleep from your brushing fingers ministrations but pulled you in for a proper kiss afterwards, leaving you with a smile.
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herbgroom · 11 months
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scottstiles · 1 year
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Oh, look, honey. It's your non-imaginary boyfriend. What's his name... Jethro? Billy Bob?
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could you talk a little bit about the narrative decisions in prince of egypt that you liked or disliked?
Narrative and plot decisions in Prince of Egypt I didn't like, in no particular order:
Making Pharaoh a symphathetic character. He was a tyrant over slaves. I get maybe emphasizing the regular Egyptians that got caught in the crossfire, but there should not be an entire fandom saying Pharaoh deserved better. Also the whole Moses and Pharaoh being brothers thing- in the Tanakh, Moses is Pharaoh's adopted grandson, son at most if maybe you want the first Pharaoh (Moses's adoptive grandfather) to die. That's an entirely different dynamic than adoptive brothers, and I think Moses facing the imposing Pharaoh whom he saw as a grandfather/father in contrast to the memory of his mother's song is much more powerful.
Not including Moses's disability. In the Tanakh he has some sort of speech impediment, and it's really important in the story. I don't like how Aaron was sidelined in the Prince of Egypt- he was Moses's interpreter!! I think it would have been really cool for a kids' movie to have a disabled protagonist, because speech impediments are really only used in movies for comedic effect or to imply a lack of intelligence or maturity in a character. Having the main character and hero of the story just happen to also have a speech impediment and have his brother as his interpreter would have been so meaningful. There's so many different angles they could have taken too- they could have made Moses a non-speaking or semi-speaking autistic person, or a Deaf person, or someone with an anxiety disorder, or someone with a neurological disorder, or someone with an injury that prevents him from speaking. All of these would have been incredible and I think it was a major loss for the film to not include Moses's disability.
Not including the kickass Jewish midwives who disobeyed Pharaoh. They could have made them seperate characters, or they could have followed Midrash and made them Yocheved and Miriam. Would have been really cool to see Yocheved risk her life not just to save Moses, but to save other babies, too, with Miriam as her assistant. Also not including Yocheved being Moses's wet nurse. In the Tanakh, Moses doesn't just get left with Pharaoh's daughter. Miriam offers Yocheved as his wet nurse, so Yocheved still gets to nurse her son. Would have been such an heartwrenching emotional plot point, for Yocheved to nurse her son and watch him grow up but not being able to tell him who she actually is. She could have sang "Deliver Us" while nursing him in Pharaoh's palace, and I think it would have hit even harder.
Not having Aaron perform the plagues of Blood, Frogs, and Lice. Moses recalling how the Nile and the earth saved him would have been so incredible, and just....justice for Aaron honestly he was completely destroyed as a character and flattened out and it feels like he was only included in the movie because they had to but they didn't flesh out his character at all and I hate it. They made him into a cowardly nobody when he was literally the first ever High Priest and Moses's interpreter and ughhhhhh
Parts of the Prince of Egypt that I loved:
"When You Believe". Just...god it makes me cry every time. The animation for this song sequence is beautiful and just...I love it.
"Through Heaven's Eyes". I love Jethro, I only wish we got more of him.
"You're Playing With The Big Boys Now". Incredible. Love the dread it makes you feel, but again, I only wish Aaron was given more of a larger role in confronting Pharaoh.
The scene with the burning bush. I like how it's animated and how it's both beautiful and terrifying at the same time- just like G-d.
The little details like the Erev Rav (Egyptians that joined the Jews when they left Egypt) and Miriam with her tambourine that shows that the creators really knew the source material......which makes it all the more disappointing that they changed really important details or omitted them, because they knew better.
There's probably more things I liked and disliked that I'm forgetting, but yeah these are the ones that I think about most.
If you disagree with me I don't care but please make your own post about it because I don't want my post to become a PoE discourse thread.
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For Amy:
Is there any definite history on Lycanthropy? And if so, is there any on when non-wolf lycanthropy began, or was it always there since the beginning?
This is something you’d have to talk to, uh. Who’s that guy that works with you? Big guy, scruffy, wears Hawaiian shirts?
Yeah, him. I have no idea, hun.
Maybe we can get him in here. I know he’s said we don’t know much about lycanthropy before Pasteur. He was one of the first people to sit down and study it.
I think he was a lycanthrope, wasn’t he?
Open question, as far as I know.
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writeandsurvive · 8 months
I'm open to requests. List non exhaustive. Also, I'm a sucker for old men and I'm (not) sorry.
Alden Parker
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Eventually, Tobias Fornell
Fire Country:
Vince Leone (sorry Sharon)
Manny Perez
Luke Leone
I'll consider requests for any Raúl Esparza's characters too.
I love(d) writing for Joel Miller from The Last of Us, but since the series came out, there's so much more writers for the show, and I feel insecure about my writing, so...
Same thing for Aaron Hotchner, from Criminal Minds.
As a reminder, @navalcriminalimagines is me. I just wanted a fresh start.
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theinsurancesketch · 16 days
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Hi! You can call me Minstrel! Or Insurance (as I realised far too late, is probably what everyone refers to me as)
I use both She/her and He/Him pronouns, and identify as Non-Binary 💛🤍💜🖤 I live in Australia, so my Timezone is probably different to yours!
-> This is my Monty Python side blog. You can find my main account @minstrel-in-the-gallery ! (I mostly hang out here, though). You are very much encouraged to send me any asks or messages. I’m too shy to say hi first lol
IMPORTANT: I can’t comment on this blog (tumblr, why) 😰😰😨, so replies will be coming from @minstrel-in-the-gallery
About Me!
-> Monty Python
This show has grabbed me in a chokehold and will NOT let go!!! 😕😕
My favourite movie is The Holy Grail, and my favourite python is Terry Gilliam! atp I have such a huge crush on him it’s not even funny ☹️
-> Music!
Music is my everything! I mainly listen from 1960s to 1980s. I’m a Prog fan at heart, but some of my other favourite genres are hard rock, glam rock and folk rock! I’m a HUGE jethro tull fan, (aka I’m very deranged about them). I play the bass and flute, though just for fun so I’m not that good or anything!
-> Movies & Shows
I really like movies from the 20th century, or ones that come from musicians. I have my favourites are on repeat all the time.
Tommy (1975), Monty Python (yes, all of them!), The Last Unicorn, Yellow Submarine, Head (1968), RRR (which actually isn’t 20th century, but man this movie blew my mind it was so good), Heaven Can Wait (1943)
A bit obvious here, but my favourite show is Flying Circus! I’ve seen it too many times. My favourite episode is probably Salad Days
-> Sports
I actually really like sports! I follow both the cricket and footy (afl, not that American one). I go for North Melbourne (AFL) and The Hurricanes (BBL). We are losing terribly 😭
-> So, yeah! Come be my friend!
Like everyone, I suck at talking to people but want friends. I’m working up the courage! I have a bad time articulating myself and probably overshare a bit (just read this intro post! Whoops!)
Btw, yes, the lil guy on the intro is what I look like! I’m all thumbs up in every photo 👍 (reminder I’m non-binary though!) update to this inspired by @whizzochocolate and @marcus-the-ant :))
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occhietti · 6 months
And the train won’t stop going
no way to slow down...
Ed il treno non si fermerà
Non c’è modo di rallentare...
22 notes · View notes
claudia1829things · 4 months
"INTO THE WEST" (2005) - "Jacob Wheeler and the Awareness of Self"
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Many people would usually consider the topic of Self Awareness when discussing New Age religions or Eastern mysticism. Characters from a Western television miniseries seems like the last thing anyone would think of when discussing the meaning of Self. Yet, a major character led me to consider this very topic, while re-watching Steven Spielberg’s 2005 miniseries about two families – Lakota and western Virginia - called "INTO THE WEST".
"Self" has been described as the essential self or the core of an individual. A person who has learned to live one’s life with a strong sense of Self is considered as someone who has achieved or come close to a level of self-actualization - namely, achieving personal growth through accepting the true core of oneself. If there is one character in "INTO THE WEST" who seemed to personify self-actualization, it was Thunder Heart Woman (Tonazin Carmelo and later Sheila Tousey), the Lakota woman who had married into the Wheeler family. I am not saying that Thunder Heart Woman was a person with no insecurities, personal demons or anything of the sort. But of all the major characters, she seemed to be more in tune of what and more importantly, who she was.
In the miniseries’ second episode titled, "Manifest Destiny", Thunder Heart Woman had seemed impervious to the Wheeler family's attitude toward her, during her immediate family’s short stay with her in-laws in Virginia. Even when faced with the disapproval of a German minister and fellow wagon immigrant called Preacher Hobbes (Derek de Lint), she remained impervious to his bigotry. At least according to her husband’s narrative. But this essay is not about Thunder Heart Woman. It is about one of the men in her life – the one love in her life, who managed to catch my attention. Namely one Jacob Wheeler (Matthew Settle and later John Terry).
The third of four brothers from a Virginia wheelwright family, Jacob Wheeler seemed very similar to his Lakota wife – the type of person that seemed to know his own mind. The miniseries’ first episode, ”Wheel to the Stars” revealed that Jacob’s Virginia family seemed to view him as a non-conformist . . . or oddball. He, in turn, regarded his hometown of Wheelerton, Virginia; his family and its profession with mild contempt. In short, this young Virginian was a fish out of water in 1825 America and he knew it. This would explain Jacob’s longing to see the world beyond his hometown and the eastern United States. He did not hesitate to express his enthusiasm for the West. After meeting mountain man James Fletcher (Will Patton), he immediately set out to achieve his desire to leave Wheelerton.
Possessing a talent for persuasion, Jacob managed to convince two of his brothers – Nathan (Alan Tudyk) and Jethro (Skeet Ulrich) – into joining his trek to the West. Jethro turned back at the last minute and Nathan ended up accompanying him. After Jacob and Nathan parted ways in St. Louis, the former caught up with Fletcher and famed mountain man, Jedediah Smith (Josh Brolin) and convinced the latter to allow him to accompany Smith’s expedition to California. I could probably list a number of examples of Jacob’s talent for persuasion, along with his exuberant and non-conformist nature. What I had failed to mention was that he possessed a strong and stubborn will to achieve what he desired. A perfect example of this was his determination to return to California after he, Smith and their fellow mountain men had been kicked out of the province by Mexican authorities. Not only did Jacob manage to achieve this goal, he did so at a great price. And yet . . . one of the interesting aspects of the Jacob Wheeler character is that despite possessing a strong will and extroverted nature, he also had certain vulnerable characteristics and insecurities. Especially insecurities. In both ”Wheel to the Stars” and ”Manifest Destiny”, Jacob’s relationships with his Wheelerton family and Thunder Heart Woman revealed just how insecure he could be.
Jacob seemed to have a rather peculiar relationship with his Virginia family. Despite regarding them with contempt for their provincial attitudes, he had also allowed their attitudes to bring out his own insecurities. His grandfather Abraham (Ken Pogue), his father Enoch (Serge Houde) and his three brothers – Nathan, Ezra (Joshua Kalef) and Jethro – either derided or teased him about his lack of interest in the family’s wheelwright business. And all of them viewed Jacob as a daydreamer with no sense of family duty or any common sense. The Wheelers have never hesitated to express their low opinion of Jacob’s desire to experience life beyond Wheelerton. I cannot help but wonder if the Wheelers’ contempt toward Jacob’s non-conformist ways had bred a sense of insecurity within him. Or if this insecurity was one of the reasons behind his desire to escape Wheelerton for the west.
It is possible that I may have stumbled across one result from Jacob’s less-than-ideal relationship with his Virginia family. I do not know if anyone else had noticed, but it seemed to me that whenever any of the other Wheelers teased, ranted or expressed contempt toward Jacob or his views on the West, he rarely bothered to defend himself. Jacob did not defend himself whenever his brothers mocked him at the dinner table.; when Jethro made the "tail tucked between your legs" comment, following Jacob’s return to Wheelerton in "Manifest Destiny"; and when Enoch accused him of luring both Nathan and later, Jacob to the West. Instead of defending himself, Jacob merely remained silent in an effort to ignore the hurtful comments.
However, there have also been moments when he did defend himself. Jacob made a snarky comment about his grandfather Abraham’s penchant for rambling on about his past as Revolutionary War veteran and the family’s business. And the elderly man reacted in such a vitriolic manner that I found myself wondering if Jacob had ended up with a new hole in his backside. When Nathan raged against him for helping an escaped slave named Ben Franklin (Sean Blakemore) in Tennessee, Jacob insisted they had done the right thing considering that Ben had earlier released Nathan after holding him hostage with a knife. And when Nathan lost his temper over Jacob’s refusal to follow him to Texas, the younger brother merely insisted upon continuing his intention to join Jedidiah Smith’s expedition.
One could only wonder why Jacob had rarely bothered to defend himself against his family’s scorn. Did he share Thunder Heart Woman’s talent for imperviously ignoring the scorn and prejudices of others? I rather doubt it. Whereas Thunder Heart Woman had seemed unconcerned by others, Jacob’s face tends to express his pain or embarrassment caused by his family’s attitudes. I suspect that deep down, Jacob longed for not only his family’s respect, but their acceptance of his true self. But unlike many people, he was not willing to change his nature for the Wheelers or anyone else’s acceptance.
Why did Jacob decide to return to Wheelerton with his pregnant wife and daughter after eleven years in the West? In his narration, Jacob claimed that he wanted Thunder Heart Woman and his daughter Margaret Light Shines (Elizabeth Sage, later Irene Bedard) to meet his Virginia family. Perhaps he was telling the truth. Yet, a part of me found that hard to believe. The moment Jacob began to enjoy his Lakota in-laws’ hospitality, he felt certain that his own family extend the same kind of warmth to his wife. And yet . . . he had insisted upon returning to Virginia. Why? Had Jethro hinted the truth in his "tail tuckered between his legs" comment – that Jacob encountered nothing but failure in the West and returned back to Virginia for a livelihood? Or was it something deeper? Perhaps a last chance for Jacob to seek final acceptance from his family? Who knows.
Whatever Jacob had sought in 1836 Virginia, he did not find it. His father Enoch revealed that the family’s wheelwright business had suffered a setback, due to the economic depression that struck the United States in the mid and late 1830s. And the Wheelers seemed no more closer in accepting Jacob for himself or his Western family. His cousin, Naomi Wheeler (Keri Russell) viewed Indians as non-human. His brother Ezra regarded Thunder Heart Woman as a mere "squaw". Naomi’s sister, Rachel (Jessica Capshaw), viewed young Margaret’s hand as a piece of dung. And Enoch seemed to act as if his new daughter-in-law and grandchildren did not exist. No wonder Jacob ended up complaining about the Wheelers’ treatment of his Lakota family.
Eventually, Jacob decided to take his wife and children and return to the West permanently – preferably Californa. It seemed the Wheelers’ continuing disregard toward them – along with news of his idol Jedediah Smith’s death – led to this decision. He almost seemed cold and distant toward his parents and Ezra. But he did not count on Jethro and his three female cousins’ decision to accompany him to California. Apparently, not all of the Wheelers viewed him as an oddball for his preference for the West. Jacob seemed heartened by Jethro’s decision to join him. And although Naomi, Rachel and Leah’s (Emily Holmes) decision to join the trek West took him by surprise, Jacob readily accepted their company. In the following narration, he came to this conclusion:
"I hope that I would prove equal to the responsibility I had undertaken."
I found this comment rather odd. Jethro and the three cousins had been determined to follow Jacob and Thunder Heart Woman on the trek to California, regardless of anything the couple would have done or said. Even Jethro had later pointed this out.
The next three years (1837-1840) must have been the best Jacob had ever experienced with any of the Virginia Wheelers. The three cousins – Naomi, Rachel and Leah – finally began to view Thunder Heart Woman as a member of the family and cherished her and Jacob’s three children (Abraham had been born in Wheelerton in 1836 and Jacob Jr. was born in Missouri sometime in late 1840). Jacob’s close relationship with Jethro seemed like a far cry from the conflicts with Nathan that marred his trip to the west back in the 1820s. One would begin to think that Jacob no longer suffered from any insecurity by this point. And yet . . . they only remained buried inside him, waiting for the right moment to manifest.
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In the end, it took the wagon train journey to California (dubbed "the Wagon Train of Doom" by me) featured in "Manifest Destiny" for Jacob’s insecurities to get the best of him. Upon their arrival in Independence, Missouri in the fall of 1840, the Wheeler family remained there during the winter before joining a California-bound wagon train led by one Stephen Hoxie (Beau Bridges) in the spring of 1841. Surprisingly, only Thunder Heart Woman seemed reluctant to leave Missouri. I suspect she had enough of being constantly on the move for the past several years. But the rest of the Wheelers, especially Jacob, seemed determined to head for California.
Once the Hoxie wagon company began their westward trek, everything seemed to be faring well. The weather seemed beautiful. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits – including the black family from Illinois named Jones that managed to join the wagon train without any opposition. Both Naomi and Rachel attracted the romantic attention of the train’s two scouts – 'Skate' Guthrie and James ‘Jim’ Ebbets (Ryan Robbins and Christopher Heyerdahl). This contentment finally ended when Thunder Heart Woman spotted wolves feeding off the corpse of a buffalo and when the train later crossed what I believe was the Big Blue River. The incident proved to be the first of two disagreements between the couple. Thunder Heart Woman viewed the wolves as a sign that the wagon train would come to a bad end. She insisted that the Wheeler family return to Missouri. Jacob dismissed her worries as superstition on her part. But the expression on his face clearly indicated his doubts on the wisdom of the trip.
Then the first disaster struck. One of the emigrants, a German-born minister named Preacher Hobbes (Derek de Lint), lost control of his wagon during the crossing. Distracted by the Hobbes family’s situation, Jethro nearly lost control of his wagon. Leah fell out of the wagon and drowned in the river’s fast flowing water. Although Hobbes received an angry response for his carelessness from Captain Hoxie, the Wheeler women’s anger seemed to be directed at Jacob for leading them to this western trek. The expression of guilt seemed very palpable on Jacob’s face, as Naomi demanded that he take the family back to Missouri. Leah’s death proved to be just the beginning.
The further west the wagon train traveled, more disasters followed. The emigrants were forced to deal with a severe thunderstorm and a cattle stampede that left the only son of a black emigrant named Absalom Jones (Neville Edwards) dead. Not long after the storm and the stampede, both Naomi and Rachel married two of the wagon train’s scouts, Skate and Jim. But that brief period of happiness failed to last when the wagon train attempted to travel through a pass. While traversing a pass, a wagon broke free, knocked Rachel down and ran over her leg, causing a severe compound fracture. The leg eventually became infected. Hobbes, the closest thing to a doctor available, tried to amputate Rachel's leg; but his efforts turned out to be clumsy and Rachel died before he could finish. Although no family member angrily demanded that return to Missouri, the expression on Jacob’s face obviously conveyed his feelings of guilt.
The final blow to Jacob’s disastrous return to the west occurred when Mrs. Jones died from cholera. Since the Wheelers’ wagons had been traveling with the Jones’ wagon at the back of the train, they had been exposed to the disease. Hoxie and the scouts forced the Wheelers and the remaining members of the Jones family (Mr. Jones and Sally Jones) to remain behind under quarantine while the main body of the wagon train carries on. Only Naomi was able to continue with the train, since she had been with her new husband. Jethro became afflicted with symptoms of cholera but recovered. Both Jacob and Thunder Heart Woman drifted into a serious quarrel, when he suggested that she take their children and attempt to find her Lakota family. Needless to say, Thunder Heart Woman took the suggestion badly and reminded Jacob that he should have listened to her warnings about the journey.
No new outbreaks occurred after Jacob ordered that all drinking water be boiled. The Wheelers and the Jones rushed to catch up with the wagon train, but discovered that it had been attacked by Cheyenne warriors. All of the emigrants had been wiped out, aside from Naomi, who first became a captive and later, a wife of a Cheyenne chief Prairie Fire (Jay Tavare). The Wheelers and the Jones families were also attacked by Cheyenne warriors. They managed to repulse the attack, but Jacob ended up seriously wounded by an arrow in his chest. The surviving emigrants tried to move on with a wounded Jacob, but the juts and bumps of the trail made it impossible for him to endure the pain. Instead, he insisted that Thunder Heart Woman, Jethro, Mr. Jones and the children continue west to California without him, since he would only prevent them from crossing the Sierra Nevada Mountains before winter. They left him behind with great reluctance.
Thanks to a fortuitous encounter with one of his brothers-in-law, Running Fox (Zahn McClarnon), Jacob survived his wound before continuing west. The period he spent east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains allowed him to wallow in loneliness and grief over the separation from his family. But he remained determined to find them. And it took him another four to five years before he finally did. Becoming a member of John Charles Frémont’s California Volunteer Militia during the Mexican-American War allowed Jacob to scour the region for signs or news of his remaining family. Five years passed before he finally came upon the ranch that Jethro and Thunder Heart Woman had settled. Jacob also discovered that in the intervening years, his brother and wife had considered him dead, began a relationship and had a child – a little girl named Cornflower. Devastated by this turn of events, Jacob decided not to reveal himself to his family. At least not openly. Instead, he left the wooden medicine wheel necklace that Thunder Heart Woman had given him when they first met to his youngest child, Jacob High Cloud. Another five years passed before Jacob finally reconciled with his family, due to the efforts of his daughter, Margaret Light Shines.
Ever since I first saw "INTO THE WEST" and especially the above mentioned scene from "Manifest Destiny", I have found myself wondering about Jacob’s actions. I understood why he decided not to intrude upon the family that Jethro and Thunder Heart Woman had formed upon their arrival in California. But why did he leave the medicine wheel necklace to young Jacob? Surely, he knew that his family would be aware that he was alive . . . and knew about their situation? Looking back on his action, it struck me as a very passive-aggressive on his part. He lacked the courage to face Jethro and Thunder Heart Woman. And yet, he seemed determined to thwart the happiness they had created . . . as if he was punishing them for continuing their lives without him. Or perhaps Jacob felt a great deal of envy toward Jethro because the latter turned out to be the one who successfully led the family to California, and not him.
Perhaps Jacob had always a passively-aggressive personality from the beginning. His relationship with his Virginia family struck me as being marked by a great deal of passive-aggressive behavior from the start. Jacob seemed determined to be his own man, whether in his enthusiasm for the West, his decision to leave Wheeler or join Jedediah Smith’s expedition over following his brother Nathan to Texas. And yet . . . he never defended himself in the face of their criticism. Instead, he resorted to resentful silence. Why did he constantly fail to defend himself? Was he merely trying to keep the peace? Or did some small part of him fear that his family may have been right about him? It seemed strange than many fans and critics of "INTO THE WEST" seemed to adore Jacob for his seemingly self-assurance and outgoing personality. At the same time, they derided Jethro for being an insecure loser in their eyes. I got the feeling that they were so busy either scorning Jethro or adulating Jacob that they failed to detect the latter’s personal insecurities and darker traits. And Jacob certainly had them by the bucketful.
Did Jacob ever overcome his insecurities? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wonder if many are aware of this, but it usually takes an individual to overcome his or her faults during an entire lifetime. A good number of people never succeed in overcoming all of their faults. And since "INTO THE WEST" focused more on his and Thunder Heart Woman’s children in the last three episodes, audiences never discovered if he had overcome all of his faults and insecurities. Jacob certainly seemed more at peace in his old age than he did during his first forty years. Perhaps those years of solitude near the Sierra Mountains foothills helped him finally achieve some inner peace.
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The Sounds of Justice (5)
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Warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, non-consensual drugging, descriptions of character death, mentions and descriptions of jail, car crashes, lying, manipulation, guns, yandere themes, mafia AU, mafia Rafael Barba (trust me, he needs the warning), mentions of rape (not to the reader), and unwanted advances (nothing happens to the reader).
Chapter 5
“How’s it going Abby?” You asked stepping into the space that she had claimed as her lab.
Your friend and colleague turned to face you and winced, “You look terrible!”  She proclaimed.
“I feel terrible.  We got fifteen different calls last night about four new victims.”
“Four?!” Abby echoed.
“Four.”  You confirmed.  “Ducky and Palmer are doing the autopsies now but so far nothing.  Aside from the fact that they appear to have died in the same manner, there’s nothing connecting them.  Even then, that’s thin because two of the bodies we found last night were two young men who appeared to have run in two completely different directions for no discernible reason.  One went south and the other one went east.” 
“That’s weird.”
“It gets better.  Or worse.  Depending on your point of view.  The two young men that I just mentioned?”  Abby nodded, “They accosted Rafael and I yesterday when we went for a walk.”
“Rafael Barba.  He’s the ADA that works alongside the SVU squad.”
“An Assistant District Attorney.  Bet Gibbs loooved that.”
“It went over like a lead balloon.”  You agreed.
“Did you tell Gibbs about your connection to those men?”
You shot your friend an are-you-serious-look, “Of course I told him.  I really thought he was going to Rule 10 me.”
“But he didn’t.  That’s probably because it wasn’t that much of a connection.”
“Maybe.”  You said non-committedly.
 “Do you want a sip of my Caf-Pow?” Abby asked, holding the oversized cup out to you.
“No thanks Abby.  I need to be alert not bouncing off the walls and seeing pink floating elephants.  I had some breakfast even though I didn’t feel particularly hungry.”
“Suit yourself.”  She turned back to her machines and put her Caf-Pow down.
“Should I worry that Gibbs was able to get that here?”
“I’d be more concerned with this case.”  Your boss voiced as he entered the lab.  “What have you got for me Abs?”
“So far the only thing that these victims have in common aside from having their lives cut short unexpectedly was a chemical compound in their systems.  I’m working on isolating the chemicals but it’s gonna take time.”  Abby was tapping the keys of the machine closest to her as she spoke.
“This chemical compound was present in our Ensign?”
Abby nodded, “Same dose but it had a smaller effect on him and that’s how he was able to drive as far as he did.  What I don’t know is why it affected him less.”
“Did he have any food in his system?”  You suggested.
Abby paused in her typing, “Possibly.  That’d be a question for Ducky though.”
Gibbs turned to you expectantly, “On it boss.”  You commented reluctantly as nausea bubbled in your stomach.  You tried to avoid the ME’s office as much as you could not because you didn’t like Ducky or Palmer’s company but because you found their work a bit confronting.
“(Surname)!”  Gibbs called and biting down on your impatience about getting your visit to the ME’s office done as quickly as possible, you turned back to face your boss.
“Ducky and Palmer have finished the autopsies and the bodies are in storage.”
You felt some of the tension leave your body, “Thanks boss.”  You exhaled in relief.
Moments later, you strode into the ME’s office, “Ah, Miss (Surname).  I was wondering when you would visit us.”
“It took some persuading.”  You admitted.
“Yes, I’m well aware of how forceful Jethro can be.  What can we do for you?”
“Our Ensign.”
“Ah yes, Mister Michael Burns.”
“Did he have any food in his stomach or his intestines?”
Ducky thought for a moment, “As a matter of fact, he did.  He had chunks of yoghurt in his large intestine.  If I had to guess the flavour, I would say that it was banana.”
“Thank you Ducky!  I’ll run that--”                                                
The doors to the ME’s office burst open and you came face to face with Sonny.  “Phone call two blocks from here.  Lieutenant thinks that it was the victim because he was slurring his words and muttered something about losing feeling in his left side.”
“Let’s go!”  You replied matching his intensity.  You paused and turned back to Ducky, “Ducky could you…?”
The ME held up his hand, “I’ll pass the message along to Abigail.”  He promised.
“Thank you!”  You called as you and Sonny dashed out of the office.
Sonny was able to cover more distance than you due to his long legs but you didn’t have time to dwell on that or give into your feelings of envy because you were too focused on reaching the next casualty before it became fatal.
Two minutes later, Sonny skidded to a halt in front of an abandoned building.  The two of you glanced at each other and if you could, you knew that you would have both spoken the same sentence about wondering why it was always abandoned warehouses or apartments.
The both of you unholstered your weapons and announced yourselves.  There was no answer.
“I hope that doesn’t mean that we’re too late.”  You thought.
You and Sonny entered the warehouse at the same time.  It was just as unappealing inside as it was outside.  It was drafty and the paint was peeling from the walls.  The curtains hung limply in tatters and the old machines were covered in layers of dust and cobwebs.  There were a few windows, so you and Sonny carefully manoeuvred around those to keep out of sight.  Thankfully, the warehouse only appeared to have one floor.
Sonny motioned that he was going to stay around this area and check it.  You nodded to show that you had understood his message and silently you crept forwards.  As you moved deeper into the warehouse, you could hear Sonny calling out “clear” every so often.
You turned to look behind a pillar and thought you heard a thud.  Straightening up, you peered in the direction that you had come from.  You stepped in the direction that you last seen Sonny and then you felt someone’s breath on your neck.
A hand wrapped around your head and shoved a handful of lollies in your mouth.  Your eyes widened in fear as your tastebuds registered an artificial taste underneath the fruity flavours of the lollies.  It tasted almost alcoholic.  The hand across your mouth tilted your head upwards and you unwillingly and reflexively swallowed the lollies.  Your vision dimmed alarmingly quickly and the last thing you heard before you went limp in your captor’s grasp was a clear voice with a mocking tone saying, “You’re lucky the boss wants you alive and mostly uninjured.”
Then your vision went completely black and you passed out.
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turtlemagnum · 2 days
so, a friend asked for music recommendations and instead of spamming their DMs with Way Too Many Links i'm gonna get out what i wanna get out on this post. ok? ok.
so, i was specifically asked what i've been getting into recently, which has been japanese progressive rock. but i feel like in order to get into japanese progressive rock, context of what its precursor inspirations were is important to. arguably the most important formative prog rock (and, as i've heard some argue, metal) bands is king crimson, and i think the best album to get into them with is in the court of the crimson king, which is incidentally their first album. they tend to change pretty significantly from album to album, so i can't recommend slowly working your way through their discography enough. i still haven't fully gotten through it! another important prog band would be emerson, lake and palmer, and i think a good first step would be tarkus. one of my favorites of the era is definitely yes, and i think a good choice for getting into them would be fragile, which honestly has some of the most iconic music of all time, to me.
so, onto japanese progressive rock. the reason i mentioned king crimson and emerson lake and palmer as particularly important context is that bi kyo ran and ars nova each started off as a specific tribute band that evolved into its own thing. i can't recommend them enough, here's bi kyo ran's self titled first album, and here's ars nova's fear and anxiety, which i think(?) is their first studio album. it's also worth noting that there's other bands also named ars nova, i think specifically there's an italian band that comes up when you search them. probably a pain to sift through online, i found a download of their music just fine though. i believe the person i'm recommending this to played final fantasy as a kid, so i can't help but recommend midas in specifically midas ii, which very much strikes me as a particularly nobuo uematsu type album. the thing with him (final fantasy's main composer dude) is that his music is pretty much just chiptune japanese prog, so me going "hmm, definitely getting some 'final fantasy' vibes from this..." is just a symptom of just like. listening to japanese prog. but still, i feel like this is a particularly strong case of it, y'know? i also can't go remiss in recommending masayoshi takanaka's rainbow goblins, i'm pretty sure takanaka was one of japan's most popular performers in general at the peak of his career, and he definitely brings a less hardcore and more jazzy edge to his work.
gonna end this out with a few non japanese prog recommendations, two of which are specifically prog metal. here's lost horizon's a flame to the ground beneath, it honestly took me a bit to start to like the vocals but they definitely grow on you, and it also just has some truly iconic shit in it. i'd consider rainbow rising to be one of the most important pieces in early prog metal, and is honestly one of the albums that just inspires me to write. and, of course, i couldn't not mention jethro tull's thick as a brick, just one of the best pieces of prog rock in general imo. can't recommend enough
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hime1993 · 22 days
WIP ask game
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@thenightmaredrowns, here ya go!
Grey's Anatomy WIPs
Multi-Chapters If I Went Missing CURRENT PROJECT Between Love and Hate The Ties that Bind How to Save a Life Sins of the Father If/Then AU
One-Shots When in Boston (S19 finale rewrite) Meddison/Swan Queen Crossover MerDer Fight AU (it's Meddison, I swear) Pokémon Go Meddison fic Play Date fic Meddison Meet Cute Meddison Accidental Marriage Meddison Arranged Marriage One Bed NCIS WIPs
Multi-Chapters Secrets CURRENT PROJECT 60 Hours Taken One-Shots Five Times Tony and Abby Go Out for Drinks + The One Time They Don’t (Tabby Friendship +GJA OT3) Tabby Friendship fic Theirs The ABCs of the OT3 Caffeine Fallacy Jethro the Dog Nightmare
Tagging: @niceminipotato @thecolouryellowandacupoftea @lordoflezzies. You don't have to do it if you don't want to :)
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ncisfranchise-source · 11 months
The team behind NCIS is bringing a new book to fans of the show, true-crime followers, and history buffs alike. Mark Harmon and Leon Carroll Jr., who worked together on the CBS drama NCIS for many years, have penned the non-fiction book, Ghosts of Honolulu: A Japanese Spy, A Japanese American Spy Hunter, and the Untold Story of Pearl Harbor. 
It is the first narrative non-fiction title from the pair and is set to be released by Harper Select on Nov. 14. 
Harmon famously played Leroy Jethro Gibbs for 18 seasons on NCIS while Carroll served as the show's technical advisor due to his background as a real-life NCIS special agent. Harmon exited his role as Gibbs in 2021 after first appearing on the show in 2003, but his character was neither killed off nor officially retired, leaving an opening for him to make a return appearance. 
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Courtesy of Harper Select, an imprint of HarperCollins Focus
"I feel compelled to take part in opening up the history and real story of what became NCIS[Naval Criminal Investigative Service]. When I first started this show, there was not much information to be found by research," Harmon said in a statement. "NCIS agents are public servants at the highest level and many have come and gone through this life with no one knowing anything about who they are or what they do. And now that story gets told. All because of a TV show."
Carroll added that the book is "intended to be the first in a series," highlighting the inner workings of the organization's role in the nation's security. 
"Even through all of the fascinating storylines of NCIS over the last 20 years, Mark Harmon always knew that the most amazing stories in naval intelligence were the true accounts in decades past. He had long desired to tell those stories, and we are honored to help take this first book to the world. Together with his longtime collaborator, Leon Carroll, they have brought the past alive in a true story that reads like a novel but shows the great debt we owe to so many who paved the way for our freedom," Matt Baugher, publisher of Harper Select, shared in a statement. 
Ghosts of Honolulu will be available in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook. You can pre-order today. 
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unseenacademic · 1 month
wip game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
I was tagged by @mihrsuri (thank you, friend! 💜💜) and I couldn't resist 😅 so here's a list of my WIPs 😅
The Hospital Scene (without awww)
It Never Could Have Happened in New Hampshire
Jethro the Snowman
New Hampshire: It's What's New
The Proposal
Day Four
The Dead Irish Writers Missing/Drinking Scene
Abu el Banat smut/angst/post-ep
The First Meeting
I'm supposed to tag someone, so I'm tagging @onekisstotakewithme @claudiajcregg and @holy-ships-x-red-lips if you want, of course 💜💜💜💜
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Hi there! A couple of questions about lycanthropy/shapeshifters.
I saw one of the posters about getting vaccinations. Is transmission the only way to become a lycanthrope? Or are some people born lycanthropes?
And what is the general attitude of the lycanthrope community about non-lycanthropes that want to become lycanthropes?
Good questions, but I'll be a little careful here. I'm not a lycanthrope myself so I don't mean to speak for all of them - different packs in different regions have different feelings on the subjects here. However, my first girlfriend Amy (hi Amy!) was a werewolf, so I did get involved with a lot of the folks in the east coast pack structures as well as the support group Howl Together. Also my good friend Jethro works for the Office and he's a scientist. Hi Jethro!
Current understanding is, yes, transmission via blood or saliva contact is the only consistent way lycanthropy is spread. Other bodily fluids are known to have a lower transmission rate, but not zero, so...be careful, is all I'm saying.
No one is born with lycanthropy. It differs slightly from pack to pack, but the current prevailing cultural model is children are raised in the community, so to speak, and then given the choice to become lycanthropic when they reach a measure of adulthood decided by that culture - sort of like Rumspringa, except children aren't really cast out if they decide against it. Again, it differs, and Howl Together has made strides in this sort of thing, but generally a young person's choice is respected either way nowadays.
And speaking of Rumspringa, as an aside, the venn diagram of those communities in question overlaps a lot more than you'd think.
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