#plus size chef jackets
sleezydonny · 3 months
The culinary industry is experiencing a significant shift towards sustainability, and chef uniforms are no exception to this trend. As chefs become increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their profession, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives to traditional chef jackets. These sustainable chef uniforms are crafted from organic cotton, recycled materials, and other environmentally friendly fabrics, reducing the carbon footprint of the culinary industry.
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skyhamilton · 3 months
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Donquixote Doflamingo X Female Reader NSFW "Daydreams of Dressrosa"
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Anon-I noticed you have a request box. I just wanted to say your writing is 🤌🏻 *chefs kiss*. I wanted to request something angsty and maybe even smutty with Doflamingo. I’ll let you decided if it end fluffy or not. I knows he is problematic and controversial as hell (I can fix him) But if you don’t write for him I completely understand! Thank you and have a amazing day my beloved heartfelt!
AN-So I totally took this and ran with it lmao. I just recently finished the Dressrosa Arc and I find Doflamingo to be a interesting character. This was a welcomed challenge for me. I've never written for a villian before and It's been a hot take since I've written smut. With that being said it's also the dirtiest thing I've ever written. I ran laps around my house just writing this. But thank you for reading my work and I hope you enjoy this my beloved anon :)
Side note- As always this story is plus sized reader friendly!
Word Count- 7.5k
*Any thing in italics is readers thoughts or a flashback. *
!Trigger warning! The relationship between Reader and Doflamingo is extremely toxic with emotionally abusive undertones, please never let anyone treat you like this.
~NSFW Warnings/Content~ Dom Doffy/Sub reader, PWP, Pre established situationship, A tiny speck of pet play, Doffy misuses his devil fruit powers (Spoiler alert he makes a clone.) Humiliation, Name calling (Slut, whore etc) , Reader is slapped once, Spanking, Degradation, Oral Sex (Fem giving and receiving) Fingering, Implied squirting and use of reward system. I tried to stay true to Doflamingo's character, but he may be OOC in some parts!
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   From the moment you woke up to a quiet and peaceful palace, you immediately knew something was up. You asked one of the guards where everyone was and much to your surprise Doflamingo and the top executives have gone out to a meeting. And according to him,  they won’t be back until dark. It’s very rare for all of them to be gone at the same time, but you're thankful. It’s been a long time since you've had any alone time, so you were going to make every moment count. 
  You’re currently in the courtyard pool floating around on the huge blow up flamingo Doffy bought a while back. No one ever uses it considering most of the family have devil fruit abilities and aren’t willing to risk falling into the water. So you’ve laid claim to the giant pink float. You’ve even given it the nickname “Mini Master.” 
 “Now let’s get down to the real fun.” You smirk before pulling out a book from your favorite romance series called “Daydreams of Dressrosa: a collection of love stories from the kingdom of passion”. You read them in secrecy. The only other person who knows is Baby 5, her being the one who sneaks them to you. You knew if Doffy found out about them, he’d probably be pissed, saying something to the extent of “What can a book offer you that I can’t?” And the answer to that was simple. Romance and love. The two things he would never be able to offer you. It’s sad, but nonetheless true. 
 You open the book and turn to where you left off on story #17 titled “Carnivals and Carnations”. The couple in the story are going to a carnival as a first date. The story was super cheesy, but you're living for it. You squeal when the guy puts his jacket around the girl's shoulders because she is cold. It’s funny how something so simple causes your heart to swoon.  But your favorite part so far was him winning her a stuffed bear from one of the game stalls. You can’t help but think of Doffy doing something like that for you, no doubt you’d walk away with every stuffed animal and trinket you wanted. But how Doffy would win them is the part you find funny. He’d probably use his devil fruit ability to ‘Win’ (Cheat)  or he’d scare the person running the stall until they gave up everything. It brought a bittersweet smile to your face. The poor hopeless romantic in you still hasn’t accepted her fate. Once you got stringed in with Doflamingo, any chance of you experiencing sweet and innocent love was thrown to the wind. 
 You can’t help but be jealous of the girl in the story. When you were a teenager you dreamed about finding a man who would love you and treat you like a princess. Now here you are as an adult and plaything to a criminal. You knew he was bad, you knew he had done horrible things. But something about him lured you in. Tears trickle down your face and onto the pages below. You yearn for the impossible from him. But it’s Doffy, and he will do whatever he wants, when he wants and without even thinking about anyone else. You know this better than anyone. 
 “Doffy, can I ask you a question?” You pulled your sore and sweaty body from the bed. Doflamingo was in the middle of putting his shirt back on,but stopped when he heard your hoarse voice call out.
 “Well would you look at that.” Doffy seemed to be amused, smirking at your trembling form. “My little girl didn’t pass out after all. I was almost certain you would, considering how hard I was on you.” You were on the brink of passing out from his rough treatment, but you clung to consciousness. “For that I’ll answer your question. Go on.” 
 “Well I guess it may be more of a favor, but.” Your mind and heart raced even more than it did earlier. All because of what you're about to ask him. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after? I know you're busy and I won’t take up much of your time, just a few minutes I promise!” You watched Doffy’s smirk disappear, replaced by one of  his more disapproving looks, causing your heart to drop.
 “You want me to shower with you and stick around for “cuddles”?” You muster the strength to  nod at the man. His lips curled into a wicked smile before he laughed in your face.  “What a joke. Do you think I have time for something so stupid? Never ask for something like that again. Got it?” You couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down your face at his cruel words. His large hand reached out and grabbed your face, giving you no choice but to look at him. “Speak girl.”
 “Yes. I- I’m sorry Doffy.” Your cringe at how your words struggled to come out through the small sobs. Times like that reminded you how cruel Doflamingo was. Your heart shattered into a million pieces. 
 “Good.” He released your face and without another word, walked out of the room as if nothing happened. To him it probably was nothing. Your body fell against the bed as a few remaining tears slid down your face. Your hands snaked around one of the spare pillows on the bed, in search of the comfort you so desperately needed that night.
~Flashback end~
 It had been weeks since that night and not once has Doffy come to your room for a “session”. The more you think about it, the more uneasy you become. It’s unlike him to go that long without sex. Maybe he’s getting bored with you or maybe he’s getting it from someone else. Both of those thoughts stung. At the end of the day, you're just another woman at his disposal.
 You look into the sky and see the colors changing with the sunset. You didn’t have much time left before the family would return. A small sigh leaves your lips as you open your book again. Now where was I? The couple were now riding on a ferris wheel.  The man wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, causing her to scooch closer to him. The ferris wheel came to a halt, leaving them at the very top. They admired all the lights and the way the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. Their eyes locked onto each other. You can’t help but giggle knowing what’s about to happen. The man gently cupped her cheek as he slowly moved his lips towards her. Her eyes closed as his lips barely ghosted over hers. A small tug on the float causes you to close your book. Before you had a chance to investigate the cause, the float was pulled out from under you. Your body tumbles into the cold water alongside your book.
 “Fufufu~.” You hear Doffy’s muffled laugh as you swim back up to the surface. You cough up a little water you inhaled as Doffy continued to laugh. Judging from the way his fingers were bent, he was the one who knocked the float over. “Did the mouse have fun while the cat was away?” Your eyes roll at his snarky comment. You want to splash water on the cocky warlord, but you also want to live long enough to finish your book. Wait, the book! You frantically swim around the pool until you notice it sitting at the bottom of the pool. You take a deep breath in before diving to get it. You emerge once again holding the soaked book.
 “Well the “mouse” was having a fine day, until you destroyed its book.” You hold the book up and watch as the pool water drips from the pages. “And I was getting to the good part too.” You mumble the last part. 
 “Good part?” A wild smirk forms on Doffy’s face. With a flick of his left index finger the book was snatched from your hands and right into his. “What page was this “good part on”?” You watch as he skims through the book. 
 “112.” You swim over the edge of the pool and watch him read the page. For a man like Doflamingo, the scene will be underwhelming and quite boring. For a moment you think he was getting interested in the words, but it was short lived.  With a wet smack he closes the book and tosses it to the ground. You frown knowing the book will be unreadable by time the water sets in and blurs the words. I guess I’ll never know how it ends….
 “So that’s your definition of a good part?” You gave the man who was now towering over you a small nod. “When did my little slut become so vanilla?” Heat rises to your cheeks despite the cold temperature of the water around you.
 “I just thought it was cute. That’s all.” You let your body sink into the water in an attempt to avoid his gaze but your body stills. 
 “Trying to run away are we? Do I need to put you in your place Y/N?” You feel his strings loop underneath your arms. His left and right index fingers lift up causing your body to come out of the water in one motion. A shocked gasp leaves your lips as you fly out of the pool water and into the cold evening air. You sometimes forget that no matter how big you are, Doffy can and will treat you like a rag doll. You land rather ungracefully in front of the Blonde. Goosebumps rise onto your wet skin, but you're unsure if it’s from the cold air on your wet body or from the aura radiating off the man above you. 
 You peer into Doffy’s sunglasses and see your shivering body looking back. Your arms cross in front of your body in a sad attempt to warm up. You expect to see a sadistic smirk on his face, but you're met with an expression you’ve never seen on him. It makes you a little anxious not knowing what he’s thinking about or feeling. It dawns on you that he knows you read romance novels now, meaning he was most likely not very happy with you at the moment. 
 “I’m sorry If I upset you, Doffy. I promise I won’t read books like that anymore.” You try to diffuse the situation but it’s too late. His hand raises into the air. A sense of fear washes over you, causing your body to tremble even more. You feel a rush of wind in front of your face causing your eyes to slam shut. You tensed up preparing for the impact.. But it never came, instead the smell of his expensive cologne invades your nostrils as warmth engulfs your body. You let your eyes flutter open to see that he placed his pink feather jacket around your frame. It takes a while for your brain to process it. The cold, unloving and emotionally unavailable Donquixote         Doflamingo did something…. nice?   
 “Thank you young master.” He never lets anyone wear his jacket, NEVER. You wrap the jacket around your body more to enjoy its warmth. 
 “I was getting annoyed watching you shake like a pathetic little leaf.” He retorted with a scowl. “Now. Why don't I show you what a 'good part’ is supposed to be like.”  He points a finger at your neck, causing a string to connect to your flesh like a leash. He gives the string a firm tug, sending you to the ground on your knees in front of him. “Spread.” His commanding voice sends excitement through your veins.
 “Yes sir.” You move your knees apart as far as you can. The course ground below dug into your knees, but you didn’t care. As bad as you hate to admit to yourself, you’ve missed this and you’ve missed him. 
 “Good, now look at me.” You crane your head back in order to look up at him. Your body feels like it is shrinking as the10 ft tall man looms over you. Your mind goes blank when you feel the pointed tip of his shoe moving up and down your swimsuit covered pussy. “I’m going to cut you a deal so listen up.” His shoe puts extra pressure on your clit, causing a moan to escape your lips. “If you can be a good girl and do everything I say without question, I will give you a reward.” His foot retracts much to your dismay. But the mention of a reward entices you.
 “I will, I promise sir!” And just like that, you submit yourself to him. 
 “You will or else.” Doffy began to walk away leaving you to crawl behind him. You're thankful the steps he took were a lot smaller than normal, otherwise you’d have a hard time keeping up. It dawned on you how embarrassing the situation was. Here you are crawling around on all fours with Doffy’s jacket on. I probably look like a poodle. 
  You got lucky and didn’t run into any family members while Doffy paraded you around like the loyal lap dog you are. A couple of guards saw you, but they didn’t dare to say a word knowing Doflamingo would kill them on the spot. The door to your room was finally on site, but he walked past it. Your bedroom is the only place he agreed to do the deed in. It gave him the freedom to come and go as he pleased. You know better than to question him, but you're still curious as to where he’s taking you.
 “You’ll find out soon enough.” Doffy answers as if he read your mind. Much to your surprise you find yourself in front of the door to his room. In the time you’ve been with him, not once have you seen the inside of his bedroom. “Stand up.” The string on your neck beckons you to your feet. You wince as you stand up, knees throbbing due to all the crawling you’ve done.
 Doffy slings the door open and leads you in. The door clicks shut and the sound of the lock being turned echoes in the bedroom. His room was so big it made yours look like a mere closet. Your eyes land on the double king bed in the middle of the room. As you look at it, the only word that comes to mind is sin.  A blood red canopy surrounded the dark oak frame. The mattress itself was covered with a plush black duvet and luxury pillows. It was most definitely fit for a fallen angel like Doflamingo. 
 The string around your neck comes loose, leaving a ring of irritated skin in its absence. Doflamingo walks over to a red armchair that sat adjacent from his bed. He sat down and spread his long legs, giving you a perfect view of the hardening erection in his pants. With a devilish smile on his face, he beckons you over with a motion of his finger. Your body tingles with nervousness as you get closer and closer to him. You were only a few feet away from him when his hand came into the air, letting you know to stop. The same hand pointed a finger in the air and swirled in a circle. You nod and turn around to face the bed. A rush of air sends shivers down your body as the pink feather jacket was taken from your body, leaving you in your damp swimsuit. You turn your head and watch as the jacket drapes around the armchair Doffy sat in. 
 “Did I give you permission to turn around Y/N?” You whip your head back around to face the bed, causing Doffy to chuckle at your speed.
 “No sir, I’m sorry.” You hope your action didn’t piss him off enough to take your reward. 
 “I didn’t give you permission to speak either little whore.” Your body trembles at his condescending tone. “You're very lucky I’m in a good mood, otherwise you could have kissed that reward goodbye.” A wave of relief washes over you knowing it was still on the table. “Now strip and do not turn around for any reason.”  
 Your hands come up to the straps of your bathing suit. Slowly you pull them down your arms until your breasts popped out of the top. Your wet nipples harden immediately when they hit the cool air. Your hands come to your back to untie the knot, you struggle for a moment before it comes loose. With a wet ‘plop’ the garment hits the floor. You could feel your heart racing in your chest. You wanted this, you needed this. You take a shaky breath in and slide your hands down your curves until you reach the band of your swim bottoms. You curl your fingers around the fabric and bring it down until they fall around your ankles. You step out of the bottoms and kick them next to your top. You're now completely exposed to the heavenly demon.
 “Good girl.” Your body heats up at his praise. “Now bend over the bed.” You take a few steps forward and let your upper body fall onto the bed. You scooch back a little and spread your legs apart. “Spread yourself more.” You know exactly what he’s wanting you to do, and you're going to deliver. You slide your hands down your body until they reach the globes of your ass. Your fingers pull them apart, exposing your wet pussy even more. You wiggle your hips from side to side, showing him how needy you are for him.
 “What a dirty little girl, what will I ever do with you?” Your body tenses up when you feel something attach to your clit. A string? “Now I’m sure you're wondering why we came here instead of your room.” A moan leaves your throat when you feel the string moving your clit in small circles. You were so sensitive from being celibate for weeks, it took no time for your orgasm to start building. You hear Doflamingo let out an amused hum. “I can tell by the way your legs are shaking you're about to cum.” You have to hold back a scream as the string picks up the pace even more. 
 You dig your nails into the flesh of your ass in an attempt to ground yourself, but you are too far gone. Your hips start desperately swirling with the strings movement. Fuck it feel so good. But right before you could get your release the string retacts. Your head falls flat on the bed as tears of frustration form in your eyes due to the loss of your high. 
 “Can’t have that now, can we?” You don’t have to see Doffy’s face to know he’s wearing a shit eating grin. You should have known better than to think he’d let you cum this early. You hear him get up from the armchair. His loud footsteps reverberate in the room. You feel the bed dip as he hoovers above you. “Now as I was saying, the reason I brought you here is quite simple. Your bed is a little bit too small.” You feel his hot breath next to your right ear as he speaks. You wonder what changed? The size of your bed has never stopped him before. You tense up when you feel the bed dip on the other side of your body. Is there someone else here? “Too small for the both of us that is.” Your heart stops when you hear Doffy’s voice fill your left ear. It made no sense, how can he be on both sides of you at once? You try to lift yourself up, but a large hand keeps your face shoved into the mattress. 
 “Do you understand what’s happening now?” His voice fills your right ear again. You feel one of his hands wrap around your hair, pulling it back to leave your neck exposed. “I’ll give you a little hint.” Now it was back in your left ear. You feel hot breath on both sides of your neck before tongues lick up the sides in perfect unison. Rough hands grab your sides and with one quick motion your body was turned so your back was now on the mattress. 
 Your eyes nearly pop out of your skull when you see what’s above you. Your eyes land on not one, but two very shirtless Donquixote Doflamingo’s. They both wore the same lust filled expression. 
 “Two Doffy’s? How?” You mutter out in shock. Your nerves are on edge, one Doffy was enough to fuck you into a week long coma. But two of them? That would surely send you to an early grave. As Lao G would say “You’re a goner with a capital G!”   
 “While you were busy getting off on my string, I made a clone of myself.” The Doflamingo on your right spoke, meaning he must be the real one. “It talks like me, it can even use strings like me, but most importantly” Doffy pulls you up from the bed until your face is inches from his. “ It can fuck like me.” His tongue licks a wet stripe up your face. “But a slut like you should be able to handle us, right?.” You hesitate for a second, but nod your head in agreement.
 “Now let’s have a little fun.” Doffy’s clone spoke up, licking its lips. 
 “Sounds good. Hold the little slut up for me.” The clone nods and moves on the bed until it is behind you. Its strong arms hook under your thighs and brings you up until your back rests on its abs. 
 “It's almost pathetic how wet you are.” The real Doffy stole your breath by rubbing his fingers up and down your exposed slit. Your head slams back on the clone's hard chest when Doffy shoves two fingers deep into your cunt. The long digits rubbed along the top of your walls, paying attention to your sweet spots.  
 “Of course I’m wet. Don’t you remember making me fall into the pool sir?” You smile at Doffy innocently, but your bratty tone was anything but that. 
 “Is that it?” The dark tone in Doffy’s voice made you regret it instantly. And then you see the vein in his forehead pop out, you know you're in for it now. 
 “What a dumb whore you are.” The clone spoke before biting the side of your neck harshly, causing you to cry out in pain. “You are so fucked.”
 “Tell me you foolish girl, does this taste like pool water to you?” Doffy pulls his fingers from your dripping hole and shoves them in your mouth. You could taste your arousal as he shoves his fingers even further down your throat.
 “Aren’t you going to answer him?” The clone taunted before licking the bite wound it left. “I guess it’s hard to, considering your mouth is so full huh?” Your vision blurs with tears as you gag around Doffy’s fingers.
 “I’m going to take my fingers out. I suggest you apologize and beg for my forgiveness.” The fingers slowly begin to slide out. “Afterall, you want that reward, don’t you?” His fingers leave with a trail of your saliva. Coughs erupt from your throat as you catch your breath. Your mind has been so clouded over you forgot about the promised reward. 
 “I am very sorry sir. Please forgive me!” Your voice rasps out. 
 “That's all you got? What a lackluster performance.” Doffy grabs your cheeks and smooshes them together. “I’ll give you one last chance. Use it well, my patience with you is running very thin at the moment.” His hand releases your cheeks. 
 “Sir, please forgive me for being such a dumb brat. I’ll be a good and obedient cocksleeve the rest of the night for the both of you! So please use me until I deserve your forgiveness.” Tears are flowing down your face as you desperately beg him. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t take my reward from me..” You're unsure why you want the reward so desperately when you don’t even know what it is. 
 “That’s more like it. But I still think you need to learn your lesson.” Doffy's hand reared back before smacking you across the face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to make it sting. “Now are you ready to be a good girl?” 
 “Yes sir.” You feel a few more tears fall down your face. Doffy’s hand reaches back out. You prepare yourself for another smack, but instead he wipes the tears away with his hand. 
 “Good.” You watch Doflamingo unzip his pants, freeing his hard cock. “Drop her.” The clone releases you so you fall, landing all fours. You feel the bed move underneath you as Doffy leans his body against the headboard. “Come over here and put that stupid mouth of yours to good use.” 
 You waste no time crawling in between his legs. You stick your ass up in the air and start licking him up and down. His cock twitches under your tongue as you lick the sensitive spot under his tip. You hear him grunt meaning he wants more. You give one last lick before wrapping your lips around him. His huge size stretches your mouth until it's borderline unbearable. One of his large hands thread through your hair before he slams into you. You do your best not to gag around him as he sets a rough pace. 
 “Her pussy is so wet, like it's crying for our attention.” The clone lands a harsh smack on your ass, causing you to yelp around Doffy’s dick. “See.” You feel its fingers run up and down your pussy before bringing its hand to show Doflamingo your glistening arousal. You feel a hard twitch in your mouth as Doffy grunts. He’s getting close. 
 “I’m going to cum and I expect you to swallow every last drop.” With a few more rough thrusts he fills your mouth full of his thick cum. You swallow every bit of it and stick your tongue out to prove it.
 “Where are your manners?” The clone grabs your hair and yanks your head back. “What do you say when your master gives you his cum?” The clone releases your hair so you can look back at Doffy. 
 “Thank you master.” You smile at him through lidded eyes. He let out a satisfied hum in response.  Although you're not able to see his eyes thanks to his sunglasses, you're certain they would have a glint of satisfaction in them.
 “Get her prepared for me. She’s going to need it.” The clone got to work right away by flipping you onto your back. It hooked your legs over its shoulders before licking a long stripe up your slit. 
 “A-AH~” Your hips arch off the bed as the clone starts to eat you out. Its tongue would swirl around your clit before diving deep into your cunt. You could feel pressure building in your lower abdomen already. “ F-fuck it feels so… good~ Your tongue is the best!” You feel the Clone smirk against you.
 “The best huh? So even better than the real one?” The clone gives your clit a harsh suck before looking up at you. “I’m flattered.” It landed a playful smack on your thigh before continuing its assault on your swollen clit. You throw your head back and notice the furious look Doflamingo was giving his clone.
 “Doffy wait I didn’t mean it like tha-” You cut yourself off as a wanton moan escapes your lips. The clone's tongue started stroking that spot deep within you that had your toes curling. “Right there please~ I’m gonna cum~”
 “I’ve had enough of this.” You feel Doffy’s body move from behind you. You whine when the Clones tongue leaves you right as you are about to peak. You bring your head up to see Doflamingo had joined his clone in between your legs. They were both gripping one of your thighs while giving each other a dangerous glare. Was he getting jealous…. of his own clone?
 “Well I haven’t, so back off.” The clone had no plans of backing down as it gripped your thigh tighter. 
 “Do you actually believe you're better than me? Have you forgotten that you're a damn clone?” Doffy clenches his teeth and grabs the clone around the neck. “I can make you go away with a snap of my fingers.” You hold in a laugh as you watch the two bickering. 
 “Well how about we settle this?” You watch as the clone pulls Doffy’s hand off. “Let’s see who can make her cum first.” An evil grin etches itself on Doflamingo’s face at his Clones proposal. 
 “Fine by me.” Doffy agrees as they both turn to look at you. You felt like conquerors' haki was being used on you the way your body froze to the bed. 
 They both start leaving kisses and bite marks down your legs. Slowly but surely they inched closer to the place you wanted them the most. Finally you feel their hot breath ghosting over your sensitive flesh. 
 “Doffy.” You call out to the man himself, gaining his attention. “Please make me cum, only you can~” He smirks at you before his expert tongue starts lapping at your folds. It's very rare that Doffy eats you out, but when he does you're always left speechless. You wish you could thank the clone for pressing his buttons.
 “Don’t forget about me.” You feel the clone's tongue join Doffy’s. The two tongues fight for dominance as they lick every inch of your needy pussy. Your body vibrates from the sheer ecstasy you're experiencing. 
 One of Doffy’s hands snakes up your body to wrap firmly around your neck. You had no trouble figuring out which tongue was the real Doffy’s. Everytime he flicks your clit, he squeezes your neck as if to remind you who your pussy belongs to. 
 “I’m gonna cum~” Your hand grabs onto Doffy’s blonde hair as your body twitches.
"Your not needed anymore." Doflamingo pulls the clone away you before shoving two fingers deep into you. Your legs begin to shake as he syncs the pace of his fingers and tongue together. The perfect harmony of pleasure was driving you even closer to the edge.
 “That’s not fair.” The clone attempts to reclaim his spot between your legs, but was quickly shut down.
 “Have we ever been known to be fair?” With a snap of Doffy's fingers, the sound of string unwinding mixes with your moans. The clone had a scowl on its face before it disappeared. His fingers pick up the pace causing you to grip his hair tighter. “Be a good little girl and cum for me.”
 “Fuck~” Your body quivers as your overdue orgasm crashes over you. Doffy’s tongue detaches from your clit, but his fingers begin to rock up and down harder. You try to fight the urge to let go, knowing what would happen if you do. “Stop Doffy, I’m going to make a mess!”  Your warning came too late as your second orgasm washes over you, causing clear liquid to gush out of you. 
 “I win. Now to claim my prize.” Doffy places his fingers in his mouth and sucks your juices off them. It's hard to lose when you get rid of your competition. “Get on your hands and knees, now.” 
 You miraculously get yourself into the position he wants. Your hands shake trying to hold your worn out body up. Stay focused Y/N, don’t pass out. You hear the familiar sound of a condom being opened as the bed dips. One of his hands ghost up your back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path. The same hand wraps tightly around your hair as he bottoms out in one motion. He stays pressed up against your cervix for a few minutes, letting your walls stretch and relax around him. You move up and down his length, letting him know your ready.
 The pace he sets is rapid and ruthless. His cock effortlessly hits all of your sweet spots with every thrust. The blinding pleasure was starting to build up all over again. Your hands shook violently on the bed, you know they are going to give out any moment now. 
 “Are you struggling?” Doflamingo deep voice whispers in your ear. “Want your master to help you?” You weakly nod your head. Doffy’s free arm hooked under you, bringing you off the bed until your back was flush against his chest. He bottoms out again and continues his relentless thrusts. The new position gave him full control over your body, leaving you completely at his mercy. 
 The hand that was in your hair moved down until it stopped at one of your neglected nipples. He rolls the bud between his thumb and index finger before pinching it hard. You cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He then moves to the other nipple and gives it the same treatment. 
 “It feels so good.~” Your hand goes down to play with your clit but Doffy stops you.
 “Not so fast little girl.” He switches the position to where he is laying on the bed with you on top. “You're being so selfish, making me do all of the work.” His thumb starts circling your clit causing you grind down on him. “As a matter of fact you’ve not only selfish. You’ve been disobedient, bratty and you even went as far to say that stupids clone tongue was better than mine. You don’t deserve that reward, not even in the slightest.” His cold tone causes you to halt your movements. Something about it struck a chord deep within you. 
 “I’m sorry Doffy.” It hurt knowing he was so disappointed in you. You feel your mood declining. All the dopamine and adrenaline that coursed through your body had finally run out, leaving you emotionally vulnerable.  
 “I’m not finished talking yet, so stop crying and listen.” You were unaware of your tears until he mentioned it. You watch as his hand comes up to his sunglasses. He inhales a deep breath and pulls the glasses off. You bring your hands up to cover your eyes. No one has ever seen his eyes, not even Trebol has. “Look at me Y/N.” Slowly, you drop your hands. Your eyes connect with his. His right eye was ruby red, while his left eye was white and foggy. 
 “Doffy.....Your eyes are beautiful. But why? Why did you show me?” You look at him in awe. 
 “I can’t even answer that myself.” He sighs and runs a hand through his blonde locks. “It doesn't matter anyways. You still want that reward?” 
 “Yes, I do.” You were starting to think him showing you his eyes was the reward. 
 “Make me cum and it’s yours.” He crosses his arms behind his back. Out of everything you and him have done tonight, this was by far the most intimate.
 You slowly start going up and down his length. Every fiber in your body was screaming at you to stop, but the desire to please the man below you was louder. The lewd sounds of your body's connecting fill the room once more. You pick up the pace as you chase your high. Doffy’s hands reach out and grab onto your plush hips. His grip was getting tighter and tighter, causing your hips to roll and grind on him.
 “Fuck.” Doffy curses. One of his hands leaves your hip and moves to wrap around your neck. “Tell me, who does this pussy belong to?” 
 “My master.” You cry out as the grip around your neck tightness.
 “And who is your fucking master.” He brings your head down so your eyes meet his. 
 “You!” Tears of pleasure rolled down your face. “Donquixote Doflamingo!” You cling onto consciousness as you meet your final orgasm. Doffy follows you as he slams against your cervix. You stay still until his cock softens inside you. Slowly you lift yourself off him. Your body collapses on top of him the moment he is fully out of you. You know he is not a fan of skin to skin contact after sex, but you were too weak to hold yourself up.
 “Doffy.” You muster enough energy to lift your head. “Did I do a good job? Are you going to give me the reward?” Your vision was starting  to go in and out. 
 “Yes, I suppose you did.” A weak smile forms on your lips at his words. 
 “Good.” Your head falls back down on his chest. ”That makes me so happy.” Your eyes close and despite your efforts no to, you black completely out.
~While you were knocked out~
 “How amusing.” Doflamingo snickers at your worn out body splayed on his. “You put all that effort in for a silly reward, just to pass out before you're able to indulge in it.” He lifts your body off of his and lays you gently on the bed. He puts his sunglasses back on and calls a maid in.
 “How can I help you young master?” The maid was blushing ear to ear seeing the state you and him were in.
 “Go get something for Y/N to sleep in from her room and change the sheets. I do apologize, it’s my fault they got a little wet.” The maid's cheeks got even darker at his declaration. Doflamingo picks your limp body from the bed and makes his way over to the bathroom. “And if you tell anyone about this, I will cut your head off and send it to your family. You may go now.” 
 “Yes young master.” Her voice wavers with fear. With a bow she leaves the room.
 Doffy turns his shower on, letting steam fill the room. He sat you down on the shower bench so he could clean himself. After giving his body a good scrub down, he picks your body up and places you under the warm water. He leans your body against his and begins to massage shampoo into your hair. After rinsing the suds out of your hair, he poured shower gel into a washcloth and started to lather it into your skin.
 “You're missing out young lady. I’m even using my expensive soap on you~” No response. Doffy rolls his eyes and continues to rinse your body off. He turns the shower off after he deems you squeaky clean. He sat you back down on the bench so he could dry himself off. He threw on a pair of silky pink boxers and then got to work drying you off. 
 He picks you up and takes you back into the bedroom. The maid had laid your clothes out on the freshly made bed. Doffy grabs the night gown and places it over your body. He never in a million years would have thought about pampering a woman like this. But yet here he is.
 “I normally only take these off of a woman, but I guess I’ll make an exception just this once.” He grabs your panties and rolls them up your legs. He admires the small pink flamingo that decorates them. “I’ll have to buy you more of these.”
 He pulls the duvet down and places you under it. After turning the lamp off he joined you in the bed.
 “Baby 5……” You mumble in your unconscious state. “If you go out, get me the latest copy of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And don’t let Doffy find out.” 
 “I’m not Baby 5 and I already know you read those silly books you insufferable woman.” Doffy whispers in your ear and as he expected you don’t respond. 
 Doflamingo has never been one to fall asleep easily, normally he reads a book or ponders his next heinous act. But tonight he finds himself watching your sleeping form. The moonlight that peeks through the curtains casts an ethereal glow on your face. “Do you want to shower with me and maybe we can cuddle together for a while after?” He recalls your request from that night. You have technically already showered together, even though you weren't awake for any of it. Which was of course your (Doffy’s) fault. Now it was time to fulfill the last part of your request.  His arm hooks around your midsection and pulls you so your head rests on his chest.
 His arm wraps around your back keeping you snug against him. He’d never openly admit it to you, but he was enjoying this. From the way you snuggled closer to him, to the way your body molds perfectly with his. Like you were made for him. Because you were made for him. He has never been one to keep the same woman around for long. He viewed women how children viewed toys. They are fun for a little while, until something more fun comes along. But not you. You're different from the others who threw themselves at him. He of course finds you very attractive, but there was something else that allured him more. 
  You are truly like his loyal lap dog. No matter how much he neglects you and no matter how many times he metaphorically “kicks you”, the moment he sticks his hand out you come running to him with that dopey smile plastered on your face. You're so hopelessly devoted to him and he loves it. You can’t live without him, he knows that. But a small part of him feels the same way towards you.
 “I think I’ll keep you around. For now at least.” 
 Your body stirs awake when you feel something tickling your ear. You search for the cause only to hear light snores coming from above you. Slowly you raise yourself from the bed to see the source of the snores was coming from none other than Doflamingo. You bite down on your lip in order not to laugh. It was so funny to watch a man so powerful and scary snoring.  He was still human after all. One particularly loud snore causes a giggle to escape your lips. You slam a hand over your mouth and pray he didn’t hear. 
 “Mind telling me what’s so funny?” It was too late, the beast was already lifting up from the bed.
 “It’s nothing Doffy, you were just snoring.” You press your hands against his chest urging him to lay back down. “I’m sure I’ve overstayed my welcome, I apologize. Sleep well young master.” You scooch yourself off the bed only to be pulled back by a strong arm. He brought you back down to his tone chest and wrapped his arm back around you, caging you to his side. Butterflies erupt in your stomach from the gesture. You lips form into a wide smile as you enjoy the warmth he provided.
 “I don’t snore. And you're fine right where you are. This is your reward after all.” You feel his hand draw soothing shapes into your back. I must be dreaming.
 “If that’s the case, I really like my reward. Thank you.” Your eyes travel up to meet his. You were on cloud 9 and the huge smile on your face proved that. He rolls his eyes at you before slamming your head back down. “Can I request one more thing?” You muffle out into his pecs.
 “Well, aren't you a greedy girl? What is this request of yours?” You feel your heartbeat pick up. You hope this doesn't go south like last time. 
 “Will you please kiss me? I’m grateful for everything you’ve given me and I-.” Your cutoff when his lips connect with your. It catches you off guard, but you slowly melt into it. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as he slips his tongue into your mouth. Thankfully he pulls away before it gets too heated, you doubt your worn out body could go another round.
 “Satisfied?” You meekly nod before laying back down on him. “Good, now go back to sleep.”
 “One more thing.” You hear him groan out in response. “Now that I’ve seen your eyes, are you going to kill me?” The room fell silent before he started laughing.
 “Perhaps.” You don’t know what worse, the fact he’s laughing about it or not knowing if that perhaps was a joke or not. “Now go back to sleep or I may actually off you.” That time you could sense he was kidding. He was kidding right?
 “Yes sir.” And with that you fell back asleep in his protective hold.
 ~The morning after~
 You woke up alone in Doflamingo’s ginormous bed. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll off of the plush mattress. Judging from the amount of sunshine that filled the room, it was very late in the morning. You stretch your arms over your head and let out a satisfied hum.
  Your eyes scan the room and stop on a large tray of sweets sitting on a table. After last night activities, you've worked up a appetite. You walk up to investigate the confections and notice a couple books stacked neatly beside it. You jump up and down when you realize the books are the latest volumes of “Daydreams of Dressrosa”. And they were all signed copies! There was even a copy of the book that was destroyed in the pool yesterday.
 “What page was I on again?” You open the book and skim through the pages until you find a pink feather marking page 112.
 Unknown to you, a certain warlord watched you with a rare, but rather pleasant smile on his face.
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munsonology · 1 year
Eddie munson working at a Waffle House is so....*chef's kiss* Reader, who is black, starts as a server because they're looking to just scrap by while in college.
Eddie is worried at first. He knows the patrons that walk through the door aren't always the nicest. A lot of drunk people. Sometimes people are just looking for a fight. He makes it his mental mission to keep an eye out for you. You're sweet. A lot of the guys come in and flirt with you.
You almost always laugh it off. It makes Eddie feel like it's going to make the wrong impression.
That is, until one guy comes in belligerently drunk. He's shouting, slurring his words--he's overall a messy drunk and Eddie, who'd been taking a smoke break immediately snuffs it out.
The guy slumps into the booth and you walk over, menus in hand. You stay behind the counter, like you're supposed to, you hand the guy the menu. But he grins up at you and reaches right for your chest.
Before Eddie can cross the room, you've decked the asshole square in the nose. Eddie freezes for a moment, eyes widen and then as the guy starts to push up from the table, Eddie kicks back into gear. The rest of the guys in the kitchen come rushing out too. It's the entire Waffle House against this guy. He doesn't even get fully up but you hit him again.
It's clear that you're pissed. Your eyes are unfocused and you're breathing hard. So Eddie hauls the guy out. It's not easy--he's almost twice the size of Eddie, but the two solid punches you've landed plus his own drunkness help. So Eddie all but throws the guy onto the curb and then comes back inside to see another linecook wrapping your knuckles. Gingerly he cuts in, adjusting the wrap a little.
"You okay?" Eddie asks.
"I should've killed him," you mutter.
"Still got time," he laughs. "Anything hurt?" He's trying to keep is snug enough but not cutting off circulation.
"If it's not broken, it's bruised like a bitch."
Eddie gets the wrap finished, sliding his fingers over your knuckles and palm then you your fingers. "Oh," he tsks, taking in the sight of two of your nails that broke. Nothing that damaged your natural nail underneath. He's seen that happen a few time to the other girls.
"I have an appointment Saturday," you shrug it off.
"Can I pick the color?" he teases.
"What do you know about that?" you gape.
Eddie winks when you finally settle your gaze on him. "I've been around the block a time or two. But you're blue right now. I think red would be nice."
"Red and black."
"Just in time for Halloween," he teases.
When you come into work on Sunday, he absolutely hollers for you to come into the kitchen. You've barely had time to get your apron on. He checks out your nails with a whistle. "Bet they'd look better digging into my back don't you think?"
"If we survive this shift, we'll have to see about that."
Eddie who is not religious signs the cross over his chest. "May God be with us. Because you're going to need him tonight, honey."
OH MY GOD ILYSM 😍 this is amazing and exactly what we need 🙌🏽
Exactly how I see Waffle House!eddie in my mind. He’s always getting into it Janice who’s also his neighbor. Janice isn’t a Karen but she stays on Eddie’s ass because he’s a menace and gets on her nerves
Janice gives waffle house wendy vibes! Eddie’s seen her jacket sleeve catch fire and she out it out with her hand!
lead waitress Miss Minnie brought him into the Waffle House family. She’s loved by everyone in Hawkins and she’s the mother, therapist, doctor, lawyer, teacher, pastor, and then some all wrapped in one body. People go to her for everything and she’s always helping even when people don’t deserve her help.
You’re the sweetest girl he’s ever seen walk into this establishment and he instantly has a crush on you the new waitress. I can see jeff also working here, maybe miss Minnie is his auntie! And they all tease him for having a crush on you! “You got it bad white boy” Jeff laughs.
You and Eddie fuck behind the building while on breaks 😭 I think Janice catches y’all one time and this is probably how she starts calling you titmouse! She didn’t learn your name anyway because no other waitress has stuck around other than the ones they already have so she knows you’ll quit eventually so why learn your name 😭
Y’all both work the night shift on stuardays so y’all literally see everybody in Hawkins stop by. The basketball team comes by after their big win and Jason starts shit because his waffles are cold. So Eddie comes out because nobody is gonna talk to miss Minnie like that! And Eddie and Jason start fighting and the players with girlfriends get involved so now here you are with the other Waffle House girls throwing waffle batter and plates😭
And if it’s modern, in the corner booth robin takes out her phone to record everything! “Dingus your hair is in the way move! This is my Scorsese moment”
And the entire kitchen staff is yelling “go white boy go white boy go!” As he’s whoppin Jason’s ass. Just like that cosplay video 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
😭😭😭😭 now I’ve never been to a Waffle House because we don’t have that out here BUT I have been to a red lobster on easter and ihop at 1 am and it’s basically Waffle House adjacent 😭 I love my people
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Day 2: Royalty
Part of the Feedist Kinktober prompt list!
Characters: Son.ia Nev.erm.ind and Kaz.uichi Sou.da
Words: 477
Tags: stuffing, button popping, embarrassment, light burping
“Damn, So.nia, you weren’t kidding around when you said your royal chefs could cook a good meal!”
So.nia was happy to introduce Sou.da to some of the finer things that came with her royal status— one of them being the food she routinely ate. Fine dishes crafted by the most experienced chefs around the world, plus serving sizes that could fill one person for days.
So.nia was also rather happy that Sou.da had actually taken effort to keep a clean appearance— he wore a bright green suit, his hair was combed back, and he had ditched the beanie. He still looked a bit like a traffic cone, sure, but this was certainly a step in the right direction!
So.nia was also rather taken aback by just how much Sou.da was managing to pack away. She knew he had a large appetite, but she’d never expected such unabashed greed from him when he was free to eat as much as he’d like.
“Do be careful not to choke,” So.nia warned him, a mix of warning and awe in her tone. “I’d hate to have to bring the medical staff on such short notice.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine!” Sou.da insisted as he cleared yet another plate. If she were being honest, it was kind of mesmerizing, watching him methodically go from one plate to the next. She glanced down for a moment, and her eyes widened a bit. The button on his suit jacket was starting to become strained— it was holding on for dear life, just barely managing to stay in place.
It was no surprise that, moments later, she heard a sudden POP sound, and the button flew off of the jacket to her end of the table. It seemed to be just then that Souda noticed how swollen his midsection was. He blushed a bright pink as he sheepishly chuckled.
“Think I uh… might have overdone it…” he muttered, quickly covering his mouth with his fist to muffle the sound of a sudden burp.
So.nia quietly shifted her seat toward him, still looking at him in amazement. “I’ve only ever seen To.gami eat this much,” she whispered. Gently, she put her hand on Sou.da’s bloated stomach, causing him to squirm for a moment before relaxing a little.
“Uh… I don’t know if I should… take that as a compliment…” Sou.da mumbled between small hiccups. He groaned in discomfort as he shifted in his seat. “Yeah, I really overdid it…”
So.nia looked at him with a small smile. “Perhaps you wouldn’t mind staying the night over in the guest chambers?” she asked him. “I’d hate to just send you away while you’re in discomfort.”
“I uh… yeah, I would,” Sou.da agreed with a nod, his blush returning as his stomach gurgled.
“Don’t worry,” So.nia said with an assuring smile. “I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”
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calidebs · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Chef Jacket Appliqued Food Is Love.
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pulsdmedia · 1 year
The Week Ahead 3/5-3/11
If you’re constantly searching in the city - be it for a date, the perfect bagel, or a new watering hole - we’re here to give you a break from all the hunting. We’ve found the hottest events, eats, and delights to fill your week with festive revelry and decadence galore...
**SATURDAY** 3 Hours To Drink 100+ Whiskies & Spirits In Chelsea
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This weekend, heat things up at The 2023 NYC Whiskey & Spirits Festival! Your ticket gets you 3 Hours of Unlimited Tastings of 100+ Different Whiskies, Bourbons, Single-Malt Scotches, and Ryes, plus a Selection of Vodkas, Gins, Tequilas, Mezcals, & Rums to enjoy! Think Ole Smoky Distillery (Tennessee), Misunderstood Whiskey (NJ), Distillery 291 (Colorado), Cotswolds Distillery (England), El Christiano Tequila (Jalisco), Unkkoded Vodka (Spain) & so much more sided by live music, games, and scrumptious gourmet foods from Mozzarepas, Taste of Poland, & then some to balance your swigs. A Saturday of sip-tacular sensations awaits...
Ramy Brook Sample Sale
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Contemporary womenswear brand Ramy Brook is putting on a sample sale of epic proportions! Expect flouncy, floral frocks and sophisticated, structured jackets that will have you heading into spring looking and feeling your absolute best!
$29: Dinner With Cocktails & Comedy Show Ticket, Flatiron
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Dubbed "upscale" by Time Out, Slate is "redefining nightlife with something for everyone in your crew." The energetic scene offers 16,000 square feet of dynamic space over two floors with an option to slide down to the game level via their brand new 20 foot slide! With an elegant design, the spot is overflowing with revelry thanks to an impressive drinks program and a compelling chef-driven menu. Think flavor-packed libations to wet your whistle while you swoon over plates of Spinach & Artichoke Dip Pizza, not to mention the Steakhouse Burger stacked with a juicy patty, Boursin cheese, steak sauce, and crispy onion rings on a brioche roll. Next up, comedians Gideon Hambright and Patrick Hastie will rev up the crowd as a procession of talent hit the stage. You'll laugh, drink, and repeat...
Holi Celebration in NYC
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Join The Culture Tree and Waterline Square to celebrate Holi in NYC! This fun and festive celebration will include powder play, dance performances, dance workshops, vocal performances and Indian drummers. You can also sample some delicious foods eaten during the festival. Get ready to dance and play with colors. Wear whites!
Get It Before It’s Gone: The Winter Tippler
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Inflation is no match for the 2023 Winter Tippler, featuring cocktails in all shapes, sizes, and flavors; so don't miss this opportunity to try 15 of them for under $2.00 each! You'll be given The Winter Tippler passbook that contains 15 drink vouchers at some of New York City's most coveted, trendy bars and lounges, like 82 Stanton in LES, Sincerely, Ophelia in the East Village, Made Lobby Bar in NoMad, Barrow's Intense Tasting Room at Industry City - the list goes on and on! To sweeten the deal even more, you can buy unlimited passbooks, making going out in winter a lot more accessible and carefree! Time to look for that sofa change...
Learn About New Beauty Trends with Nordstrom Beauty
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Join Nordstrom to hear from some of their top brand experts live and learn about this season's product launches and trends. Watch the show and then head to your favorite brand counter for a one-on-one appointment. Plus, receive a complimentary beauty tote when you attend the show. You won't want to miss it!
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menuandprice · 1 year
California Restaurants Guide – Everything You Should Know
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Just moved to California? Perhaps you’re visiting for the first time with a long weekend in front of you and you want to find some delicious food.  Whatever the case, here are some of the California restaurants you should definitely check out for a great dining experience.  
Must-Visit California Restaurants
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  Hotville Chicken Hot chicken is a big deal in Southern California. There’s even a citywide festival celebrating the popular California cuisine.  If you’re in LA, head to Hotville Chicken for a taste of this super-hot, crunchy, and crimson fried chicken. The spot is owned and run by a member of the Prince family – the original creators of the iconic and incredible hot chicken.  And while you’re here, don’t forget to grab a banana cream pudding or hot fish sandwich. Location 4070 Marlton Ave.  LA, CA 90008 Hours  12:00 am – 7:00 pm Tuesday to Sunday (closed Mondays) Cotogna When it comes to California restaurants that make exquisite pasta, there is Cotogna, and there are others.  This spot celebrates Italian cuisine, so if you’ve always wanted to eat great Italian meals, here’s your chance. You’ll find some of the most praised Italian vintage wines, too! Location 490 Pacific Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Hours 11:30 am – 2:30 pm, 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Wednesday – Friday 11:30 am – 9:00 pm Saturday   Hog Island Oyster Co. Hog Island serves shucked ice-cold oysters – salty, sweet, and briny; the restaurant produces unique oysters and other seafood. The scenic oyster farm boasts barbecues and picnic areas. Plus, it has a bar stocked with exotic wine and beer.  Want outdoor seating? Make reservations if you prefer a picnic table. Whatever you do, remember to bring sunscreen and a jacket. The weather here can change very quickly! Location 20215 Shoreline Highway, Marshall, CA 94940 Location 9:00 am – 5:00 pm daily    Sonoratown The best taco in town is largely a matter of personal opinion, and for us, Sonoratown makes some of the tastiest tacos in Downtown LA.  This small taco spot makes all of its flour tortillas in-house with lard, and they melt in your mouth!  Consider opting for the Caramelo taco – it is larger than the regular size and comes with avocado, cabbage, and salsa Roja toppings.  Location Downtown LA 208 E. 8th Street Los Angeles, CA 90014 Hours 11:00 am – 9:00 pm Monday – Thursday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm Friday & Saturday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm Sunday  
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  Brown Sugar Kitchen If you prefer organic and locally grown ingredients, Brown Sugar Kitchen has plenty of those on its menu. Own and operated by Chef Tanya Holland, the restaurant boasts Southern-style brunch classics, including its unique fried chicken with cornmeal waffles, Creole barbecue shrimp, and cheese grits. Location 2295 Broadway  Oakland, CA 94612 Hours 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm Wednesday & Thursday  12:00 pm – 8:00 pm Friday & Saturday    El Molino Central Located near Sonoma Highway, El Molino Central is an excellent taco stand and bar. Dine-in or take out some of the best Mexican dishes, including mouthwatering tamales, fish tacos, enchiladas, bean-filled tortillas, and more. And while tamale is El Molino’s top choice all year round, if you’re visiting California in the summer, you definitely want to try the crisp tostada tortilla with crema or pozole topping.  Location 11 Central Avenue Sonoma, CA 95476 Hours 11:00 am – 8:00 pm daily   Ember Restaurant Ember Restaurant should be on your radar if you’re headed toward the Central Coast – that’s if you live to eat!  Locals, as well as regular visitors, will give anything to dine at Ember nearly every evening, and it’s not difficult to see why. The spot offers a woodsy coziness that suits its generous and comforting cooking style. The menu includes appealing options such as rib-eye grilled over local oak, baked goat cheese, grilled peaches, and more. To top it all, you’ll find excellent beverages made by local wineries. Location 1200 E Grand Avenue Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Hours 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm Wednesday – Sunday (closed Monday & Tuesday)   Localis Restaurant  Four nights a week, Localis serves guests freshly-picked produce, skillfully prepared and brilliantly presented.  Its mission is to give locals and visitors the best possible dining experience. So far, Localis has continued to do so in a setting that’s both welcoming and engaging.  Enjoy fire-roasted octopus or Thai green curry while seated in the dining room or Chef’s counter. Whatever your choice, you are sure to enjoy Localis’ tasty meals. Location 2031 S Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Hours 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Wednesday – Thursday  5:00 pm – 9:30 pm Friday – Saturday (closed Sunday – Tuesday)  
Tips for Eating in California Restaurants
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Want a great dining experience while visiting any county in California? Follow these tips: Indicate Your Seating Preference Before You Arrive Think about what’s more comfortable for you in terms of seating arrangements, and make sure the restaurant understands your preference before you arrive. Let them know if you don’t like a communal table, or maybe indoor eating isn’t your thing things days and you prefer outdoor dining. Perhaps you are not comfortable with outdoor seating and would rather like bar seating.  Whatever your preference, communicate this clearly, whether online or through a phone call.   Book in Advance  Reserving a table might seem like a no-brainer, but it is even more crucial, particularly in a post-pandemic era.  Restaurants can figure out the number of workers they’ll need on duty every day if they know the number of guests to expect.    Don’t Be a No-Show Life happens, and it may be necessary to change your plans, including eating at a restaurant. However, it is not good for business if you don’t show up and forget to cancel. If you reserve a table but have a change of plans, don’t forget to cancel your spot. If you don’t do this, the restaurant will lose money because they will be holding your table. Make sure to phone the restaurant or go online and cancel if you can’t stick to your earlier arrangement.    Tip Generously Lastly, but very importantly, always tip generously. Encourage the restaurant workers to provide exceptional service by tipping.  Remember that tips support many food joint workers, especially during these difficult times when many of them may have been out of work for several months.  Bon appetit! The post California Restaurants Guide – Everything You Should Know appeared first on Fast Food Menu Prices. Read the full article
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mccall67andresen · 2 years
fake gucci scarf 7
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
My Ranking of their Demon forms
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As someone who is a Monster lover, I want to do a ranking list for their form from my least to favorite form.
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Satan (Sorry Han, Sya, and Shio.... Please don't be mad)
But his form is my least favorite out of all of them. The all button up shirt and the spotted pants. Its just so....not work well with each other for me at least. I like the idea of the feather boa as a reference to Lucifer's third pair of wings.
The horns and tail I like, especially the idea that Satan keeps his tail wrap around his leg is because it dangerous having it swing around like Levi's and Belphie. Due being more sharp and bone like.
And Demon marking (Where's the character sheet showing it!!!)
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For being the avatar of Lust, their doesn't seem to have a sex appeal. Maybe because how the sleeves cuts, Freaking Mammon and Diavolo are showing more skin then Asmo. The cups on his wrist I like (its the same with Raphael's arm warms? I don't what to call them.) And his pants with the right leg has small part that show skin.
I like his horns with the pink tips, but the wings.... I'm indifferent they look rubbery to me and I don't think that he can fly or stay airborne for too long.
And the demon markings... Their cute and fits with his sin.
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His form looks great.... But I don't have strong feels about it. As a suits girl (aka I fall for men in suits and uniform) He's has a point with me. other then that he's okay.....
The tail is unique, and I notice something, all the 'pure' demons has tails that aren't animal like. (so maybe Mephisto's will be the same?) and the horns, their cool and creepy at the same time. But I feel like they can be break.
And just like Satan, where are the character sheet for his demon markings.
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Now where getting to my favorites.
With Diavolo's form, this would be more believable in the past to have. Elephant in the room. Diavolo's form is the only one that can seen at anytime. When I say that, is when you imagine all these demon 13th BC and have these outfits? Diavolo's attire is timeless. You can see him during the fall of the roman empire and still have him in the modern era. The reason his lower is because of the gold broch? in his chest. Its too detailed for me.
The horns is *chef's kiss* perfect for him, and the wings.... Their at the complete opposite with Asmo and that he can fly with them. With his size 😏 the wings should be big and they are.
And the demon markings.... Are okay.
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Levi's form.... is perfect for him, in relation with his name. The snake skin design on his pants, the rain/scales pattern on his jacket, and skin tight shirt that is covering his swimmer abs, all give the idea of water demon. My only problem is why purple is the color that stand out? Like with the Mammon, Satan, and Asmo you can see the color of their sins. But with Levi and the three other demons their sin's color is either doesn't stand out or there's nothing at all.
Now with the horns, like it coral or like the sea dragon seahorse scream underwater. And the tail perfect with his animal/familiar.
And his demon markings are beautiful.
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This is my guilty pleasure demon form. So bias thoughts here.
I love that it's an emo like style (That's the first thought that pops into my head when I first saw this) The hoodie and bagging pants I'm really digging it. My only problem is the color blue. Like Levi, why the color different from his sin.
The horns... Maybe a little too big for him. But the tail I love it😍 Also I can't see this form being scary even though he kills us in this. (its just me, when I read others fic depicting the incident)
And his demon markings, are cute.
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Oh this I like! Mammon's form gives Rockstar vibes. The boots, shirtless jacket, and the belts/restrains(?) give that vibes. Like this subconscious idea that they choice for the Rockstar look is some parents in the early days associates heavy metal and Rock n' Roll music to being the devil music. Plus you can see his sin color.
The horns are cute, while his wings are one of my favorites! Since Mammon is slim and the fastest one out of the brothers his wings would fit his body type. And I like how you can tell bone like style.
And his demon markings.... well hear me out. I think why they are kinda fading is because it more on being a demon rather then his sin. Think about it, Mammon might be less demonic brother, due to him not having any demonic urge. And his sin makes him bad in the eyes of others.
And maybe that's why he is targeted by his brothers because he least demonic than them, as such their demonic nature subconsciously makes them pick on Mammon.
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And here's my second favorite demon form.
The jacket, cowboy boots, and his black top that show his figure just makes me faint. And the gray wind like design on the top and boots just stand out to me. The only complaint I have is the orange instead of his red sin color. Don't get me wrong I like it a lot.... but when the three brothers with their sin color works with their outfit then why not with the other brothers, Same goes to Levi and Belphie. The colors look great on them but is just a shame that they have sins color but they don't have them in their demon form.
The horns looks great on Beel, and the wings..... So, I have a confession..... I like insect theme designs. As such my original series has a race which is completely Insect/arachnid monsters. So I love Beel's wings. Its just I don't picture him as a bug/insect type of demon when I started playing the game.
And I love his Demon markings.
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No surprise here!😂 And this is another bias pick.
The check list, Suit check, his animal/familiar in his design check, covered up check and with a cape like part check!! The only thing is.... the red! I love the red color he has! all the brothers with colors that doesn't match with their sin color I love. It just you can mistake Lucifer's color for red instead of his sin color being blue.
You know what! They should have given the sin colors to the brothers that has them in their design. Blue to Belphie, Purple to Levi, Orange for Beel, and Red for Lucifer. I'm just saying.
Now with his horns are okay to me, and the wings could be a little be bigger. But overall I love them, to the point I want to sooth them.
And his demon marking, I love it and just want to give it a little kiss 😚
And that's it, feel free to ask me with other thoughts on their demon form.
And I want to know want others thinks about their form,
So I'm tagging: @amistytown @yukihaie @demonfamilytherapist @house-of-laminations @eternallydaydreaming2015 @coffeerecords @candymeowz @ice-icebaby @hobin-gnoblin @jellymoonbear @baalism and anyone else who want to do this ranking
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bookuya · 3 years
hiiii that xiao modern hc is sooooo *chefs kiss* and if its alright maybe u can do a childe one ?? ofc ure not obligated to do it if u dont want to !! AND CONGRATS ON 200 BTW U DESERVE IT <3
im glad you liked it, a childe one is coming right up!! also ty for the congratulations <33
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ingredients: you are dating modern au childe, what is it like?
calories: childe + gender neutral reader
serving size: modern/highschool au・fluff・677 words
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definitely very popular at your high school! not only is childe very attractive, but he plays basketball and is very good at it too! he looks very hot in his uniform. in fact, you guys first met when you stumbled into the gym and he accidentally hit you with his basketball while practicing
always runs straight towards your classroom when the lunch bell rings. before he met you, he hung out with his friends during break. now, you guys eat together (whether it's outside or in the cafeteria) and switch lunchboxes and steal food from the other
always begs for you to let him give you a piggyback ride on the walk to school and back home. speaking of which, childe always carries your backpack for you no matter your protests
honestly looks good in anything! mostly wears a hoodie or t-shirt with shorts plus a beanie and his sneakers are probably red haha
always sneaks up on you and puts his hoodie on you (with him still wearing it) so it's two heads popping out of a sweatshirt! he finds it very adorable when you get flustered and ask what the hell he is doing cause this man does this in PUBLIC with no shame
so many tickle fights! he sneaks into your bedroom at night and places his fingers by your sides. you have to try so hard not to laugh because it's literally two AM and your family is sleeping
doesn't get into school fights often but when childe does he either goes straight to you or avoids you at all costs. you help fix up his wounds but you are also extremely worried for him. either way you end up chasing him down in the hallways and hugging him, letting him know that you understand why he did it and that it's okay
he LOVES to ruffle your hair and throw you onto his shoulder, especially in public. you could be out on a date and suddenly kaeya walks by so you wave hello! except when kaeya turns around you're on childe's shoulder and he's running off so no one can steal you away
movie marathons every other weekend and this time you are the one to sneak into his room at night. you guys share earbuds (childe probably has airpods though cause he rich rich) and have a blanket over the both of you
secretly puts snacks into your backpack but also steals out of your fridge whenever he visits. you look very cute to him when you are confused about the missing food
you tutor him and he tutors you! both of you are strong and weak in different subjects but anyways every study date ends with you or childe falling asleep on the table
kisses all throughout the day. before you go to class? a kiss on your cheek! when he meets up with you at the lockers to walk home? a kiss on your forehead! when you guys have been facetiming for around five hours and childe has to go because his siblings want to play? well it's a kiss on the phone camera for the both of you but whatever works is fine :)
lends you his clothing all the time!! your classmates are always shocked to see you in the hallways with childe's uniform jacket or his adidas sweatshirt (and childe knows it and likes it)
dancing on the school rooftop! the first time it happened you just had a really bad day and went to cry it all out on the rooftop. little did you know one of your friends informed childe you looked a bit upset and he was up on the roof with you in seconds
it was around the beginning of your relationship and honestly he wished he could wipe off the frown on your face for all of eternity
so he took your hand (asking "may i?") and lifted you up, starting to sway and dance with you
there was no music but his voice singing to you already made you feel better :)
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You Are Perfect
Bucky Barnes x PlusSize!Reader
Word Count: 1,900ish
Summary/Request: Can you write an imagine with Bucky and a plus size reader (if your comfortable with it) and basically the reader was going on a date but they got stood up and the date said next time to tell people their weight before going out, making the reader insecure, Bucky sees them crying when the come back to the tower, so he then tells her to clean herself up cause he’s gonna take her out and he reminds and shows her how beautiful she is. The rest is just fluff and you can add to it.
Notes: I hope I did this justice. 
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You never liked dating apps. You honestly didn’t know someone who really did. But Natasha insisted you get on one so that you could try and find someone. She even knew that you had a crush on Bucky, and still insisted that you get on a dating app. That only made you come to the conclusion that Natasha knew that Bucky didn’t feel the same. He was your best friend after all, and that was probably all you were going to be to him.
Natasha set up your profile, checking with you on the pictures to make sure you felt comfortable. It was hard for you to feel comfortable sharing pictures sometimes, especially when you knew you were bigger than a lot of other girls. After the pictures, Nat had done the swiping and eventually set up a date.
That date was tonight and both Natasha and Wanda were in your room getting you ready. They had picked the outfit, done your makeup and your hair, all without letting you peek. Wanda, with your permission, had made it so your eyes couldn’t see. Allowing them to work freely on you without any worries of you seeing.
“Hey, Y/N,” Bucky greeted, knocking on the door as he opened it. “Do you— uh, what’s going on here?”
“Y/N’s going on a date!” Wanda exclaimed.
“A… a date?”
“Yeah! We’re getting her ready.”
“Speaking of which,” Natasha added, looking you over, “we’re almost done.”
“Good because I’m getting nervous,” you commented, softly. “Do I… Do I look okay?” Bucky didn’t answer right away.
“You look beautiful. Right, Buck?” Natasha pressed.
“Uh, yeah,” he answered nervously. “You look great, Y/N. I’m just going to leave you guys to it.” 
He quickly shut the door. You deflated, shoulders shagging and head down. All you wanted was to impress Bucky, which obviously wasn’t happening.
“Na-huh, none of that,” Natasha said, guiding your head back up. “You look beautiful and you will have great time.”
“What’s his name again?” You asked.
“Derek!” Wanda excited answered.
“He enjoys a good beer, he works out,” Natasha began explaining. "He’s a lawyer, I think. Don’t worry, not one of Starks. And occasionally enjoys long walks in Central Park.”
“Wow,” you rolled your eyes. “Sounds like I should just marry him now.”
“Hey,” Nat playfully swatted at you. “Stop. Can you agree to at least try?”
You took a long look in the mirror. Your friends had really gotten an outfit that flattered you, so your confidence did begin to grow. You were going to be able to do this. You were going to be able to have fun and begin to move on from Bucky. At least, that’s what you had started to tell yourself.
You arrived at the restaurant first, nervously playing around with the napkin on your lap. You had immediately ordered a drink when you arrived so that you couldn’t feel too awkward waiting there. So wrapped up in your own nervous thoughts, you failed to realize that Derek was going on 20 minutes late. Maybe he was stuck in traffic?
“Do you want to begin ordering?” The kind waitress asked.
“No, I think I’ll—“ 
You were halted by your phone beeping. You glanced at it to see a notification from the dating app. Maybe it was Derek. You quickly opened the app and pressed into the notification.
Derek: You might want to warn a guy about your weight before a date next time. Or change the pictures on your profile to more accurately depict you.
The waitress tried to hold in a gasp as she read the message over your shoulder. There were immediate tears in your eyes. Letting out a trembling breath, you stood up.
“Ma’am, how about I get the chef to—“
“I’m fine,” you cut the waitress off. “I’m so sorry to waste your time.” With shaking hands, you pulled out an a hundred dollar bill that Tony had given you for emergencies. You set the bill on the table. 
“No, I can’t—“
“Please, for your troubles.” A few tears escaped your eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
And you rushed out of the restaurant. The night was chilly and you had failed to bring a jacket. Looking around, you decided that you wanted to walk back to the Tower. You held onto your arms for warmth and you walked down the street and cried. When you got back to the Tower, your nose was red and running, not just from crying.
You were grateful that the Tower lobby was practically empty and that no-one entered the elevator with you. You wanted to go straight to your room, but your stomach had begun growling.
“FRIDAY?” You quietly called out to the AI.
“Yes, Y/N?” It responded.
“Is anyone in the kitchen?”
“At the moment, no. I do suggest you hurry. Sargent Barnes tends to get a drink around this time.”
With a sigh, you gave in to your stomach and allowed the elevator to stop on the common floor. You were on high alert as you headed for the kitchen, checking around every corner your came across. Eventually you made it to the kitchen, quickly grabbing a various amount of foods that you could carry. Struggling to see over the pile in your arms, you turned around and instantly ran into something—or someone. Causing everything you had grabbed to fly everyone.
“Yikes, doll,” Bucky chuckled. You quickly crotched down and began picking everything up. “Wait…” Bucky joined you. “Shouldn’t you still be out on a date?” 
You didn’t answer, you didn’t even make a move to look at him. You just kept your head down as you rapidly picked up everything.
“Hey,” Bucky said, setting his hand gently on yours. He leaned his head down, trying to get a look at your face. “Can you look at me, Y/N?”
“I’m…” you cleared your voice, having sounded like you had been crying. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Look at me.”
“Did he hurt you?” You didn’t respond, letting a tear fall down your cheek and off your chin. “Y/N, did he lay a hand on you?”
“I…” You let out a whimper. “He…”
“I’m going to kill him,” Bucky growled, standing up. “Stay here. I’ll be—“
“No, Bucky, don’t!” You quickly got up and grabbed his arm to stop him. “Please. He didn’t touch me, I promise.”
Bucky took in your blood shot eyes and tear stained face, and his heart felt like it could shatter into a million pieces. He stepped closer to you, slowly reaching up his hand to brush his fingers against your cheek. You looked away.
“What happened?” Bucky whispered. “Tell me, please. I just want to help.”
You licked your lips as you nodded. Taking in and letting out a shuttering breath, you closed your eyes and tried to pull your thoughts together.
“He… I… He was late. And I…” You looked down out your hands, fiddling with them. “I thought it was just traffic, but after almost 30 minutes I got a message… and, from what he said, he had to have come to the restaurant and then left… my weight...”
“And what did the message say?” Bucky pressed, his tone gentle and kind.
“It… it said that I should have warned him about my weight before the date.”
“Your weight?” Bucky was shocked and so confused. What did your weight have to do with anything?
“And that I should change my profile pictures to more accurately depict me…”
“What? What gave him the right to say any of that?”
“I don’t know,” you mumbled. “But maybe—“
“No! No but maybe. You don’t believe any of that, right?” Bucky’s hands went to your shoulders and he moved his head to meet your eyes. “Y/N, please tell me that you don’t believe a word that bastard said.”
“He’s not wrong… I’m not as small as many girls. I need to lose weight—”
“Oh no, no, no, no, no. Y/N, listen to me.” His hands moved to hold your face. “You are perfect just the way you are. Your weight is perfect for you. And you deserve better than that asshole. You hear me?”
“You’re saying those things because you have to… you’re my friend…”
Bucky shook his head slightly, wanting to tell you that it was more than that. That he wanted to be more than that. But he knew now was not the time.
“We’re going out,” he stated, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the elevator.
“No, Bucky,” you resisted, so tried too. “I really don’t feel like it. Plus there’s that mess—“
“Steve will clean it up in the morning. He’s always the first one up and OCD like that.”
“Bucky… I really don’t feel like going out.”
“Fine. Then we’ll stay in.” He led you into the elevator, only for himself to step back out of it. “Meet me in the movie room in 10 minutes. Change into something comfy.”
The doors began closing. “Bucky—“
“I’ll come up for you if you’re late.”
Though you didn’t want to, you did as you were told and met Bucky in the movie room 10 minutes later. You had changed into your comfiest, baggiest clothes, trying to hide your body from the world. When you arrived, Bucky had your favorite movie up on the screen, the popcorn machine going, and he was carrying blankets to the couch. That man worked fast.
“Right on time,” he smiled at you. 
“You really didn’t have to,” you replied, shyly. 
“Oh, I really did.” He plopped onto the couch, patting the spot next to him. “Come, sit.”
Fiddling with your sleeves you walked over and sat next to Bucky, making sure there was a decent amount of space between the two of you. Bucky sighed, noticing what you were doing but decided to give you your wanted space for a little bit. He started the movie and had FRIDAY dim the lights before handing you a blanket. 
Not long into the movie, the popcorn was done and Bucky went up to get it. He put it in a large bowl before sitting himself next to you. You inhaled sharply as he set the bowl between you and rested his arm behind you on the back of the couch.
It was the middle of the movie now and you reached into the bowl for some popcorn, at the same time Bucky did. Your eyes snapped to look at him. Without taking his eyes off of yours and before you could pull away, he carefully took your hand and brought it up to his lips, gently kissing your knuckles.
“You are perfect,” he whispered, breath fanning over your hand. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?”
“Thank you, Bucky,” you breathed out. “For all of this. You really didn’t have to.”
“I couldn’t let my favorite gal’s night be completely ruined.”
“I’m your favorite gal?”
“Since day 1… you deserve better than a man who doesn’t see your worth.”
“And you think you’re that?”
“I’d like to try to be that for you. If you’d let me… so, Y/N, what do you say? Will you let me try and show you how perfect you are?”
You tried to suppress a smile. “I’d like that."
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 8- Bastards From Space
Summary: These past couple years in Wakanda with Bucky have been the best. Who would have thought some aliens would be the thing to ruin it all.
Warning: violence, angst, reader being a bad bitch, things get intense
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Today had started as normal as ever, you woke up with Bucky’s arm slung over your face, his body practically covering you like a human blanket. Then you two got out of bed, did your usual morning routines, and started your day with helping the Wakandians with whatever tough job needed done for the next however many hours.
Which as of now happens to be chopping wood; you sit comfortably on a spared thick log while Bucky smashes the Vibranium axe into another chunk of wood while you watch him with a mischievous smirk playing at your lips. “You’re doing a fantastic job with that by the way.”
Bucky sets another one down as a smile pulls at his handsome face, “Oh yeah?”
“Yes, your form is just...amazing.” You applaud, making a chefs kiss motion with your fingers as he chuckles before splitting another hunk in two.
“You know..” Starts Bucky as he sets the axe against his shoulder while you rest your knuckles against your chin, “this would go a lot faster if you helped me.”
“Then I wouldn’t be able to watch you doing your thing....and by the way you look real fine, did I mention that already?” You add with a click of your tongue while he throws you a humored glare of affection.
“I could use your help.”
You point to the wagon seated next to you, “I did, I threw all these bags and split wood in here so now I’m taking my earned break that I obviously get because I finished my job. You on the other hand don’t deserve an earned break.”
Bucky huffs, deciding to ignore your little bout of sass that so unmistakably is targeted to rile him up, so instead does he mumble out something incomprehensible just for himself to hear, “Yeah, and if we were in that hut I’d show you an earned break.”
Snickering, you cross your arms while studying Bucky’s concentrated face; his dark mane is all wet and unwashed, clothes a bit dirty and unkept with some sweat stains marking them from when you two sparred each other that morning. But God if you don’t think he’s the most beautiful creature to have ever walked this earth in your lifetime. How did you ever get so lucky?
He’s been a true beacon of hope and refuge since Romania, and you’re for certain that if not for one another’s found love. You’d both be much lonelier people.
“What’r you thinking about?” Mutters Bucky while you return from your drifting thoughts. Though soon you’re alerted to the sounds of walking in the grass that draws your attention to the hillside. “Why the fuck is T’Challa here?” You move to stand and a moment later King T’Challa and a couple of the Dora Milaje are walking down the grassy hill with something in their arms to greet the two of you. The king of Wakanda appears a tad bit distressed, face unusually more serious then what marks his features most days. You immediately know something is wrong.
Bucky shares a wary glance with you as the king greets you two with a nod, “Mr. Barnes, Miss. Valerious.” One of his guardsmen unclasps the long black case only to reveal a Wakandian styled metal arm.
Bucky purses his lips as he looks down at the new appendage, “Where’s the fight.”
King T’Challa gives the two of you a hard expression, “On it’s way.”
After learning about some angry aliens on their way to take the mind stone from Vision, and that a good portion of the rouge Avengers are on their way to Wakanda. You and Bucky knew deep down something wild must be stirring in the universe for something as big as this to happen, something very bad indeed.
You just have no idea what.
Clasping your black armored top together, you move to put on the Wakandian black leathered Vibranium gauntlets that were gifted to you for this special occasion, not that it’s really that special, but you do look cool. The new armor feels solid and stable against your forearm as you focus on tightening the clasps when suddenly you can feel Bucky’s eyes on you.
“I know you’re looking at me.” You muse, side eyeing him.
He smiles, eyes never leaving you as you lock in the armor to your forearm. He studies the brilliant dark attire that’s laced with a vibrant golden hue, “You look like a warrior.” Admits Bucky almost in awe of how you’re currently looking.
You nod, “I’d feel a little out of place next to the Dora Milaje....but uh, this suit is nice.” You add with a shrug, “Comfortable and practical, they really know how to size right.”
“Yeah....” Mumbles Bucky with a breathy laugh while you focus on the task at hand, oblivious as to where his gaze wanders all over your vessel and the parts your new attire ever-so-slightly accentuates. He just thinks you’re so beautiful no matter how you look, and right now, in Bucky’s head you’re one fine specimen. 
“How’s the new arm?”
Bucky’s wandering eyes soon shift down to the new dark plated Vibranium and golden laced metalwork, “Feels light. Like it’s apart of me you know? I still can’t believe how amazing their tech is.”
“I know right..” You pause for a moment, glancing warily over to the clock, “Well, guess we better get moving. Okoye said they’ll be here soon.” Bucky nods before zipping his jacket up the rest of the way and walking over to your side. He stops to buckle down the left side of your Wakandian styled black vest while you happily let him. Enjoying how close he is to you and the adorable way he sticks his tongue out when fully focused on a task.
Once done, Bucky takes a look at his handiwork, reaching to clasp your one hand with his. He smiles though a sadness hides behind those beautiful blues, “To battle?” Whispers Bucky.
Reaching a hand up to place a soft touch against his stubbled cheek, you smile fearlessly, “To battle.”
Soon the two of you are outside of T’Challa’s palace, standing off to the side as the king and his warriors greet the approaching Quinjet as it lands on the stone landing pad. A minute later, you catch the sight of a bearded Steve, a blonde haired Natasha, Sam, Bruce Banner, and lastly Wanda and Vision as they walk out side by side.
Vision looks hurt, and Wanda has a scar above her brow. Wonder what brute did that?
T’Challa welcomes the team before he nods and turns for them to follow, Vision and Wanda walk past you two as you finally see them clearer through the parting crowd, “How we looking?” Asks Natasha as she follows behind the king, Steve to her immediate right, the others following close behind them. 
“You will have my Kingsguard, the Border Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and...”
“And a semi-stable 100-year-old man.” Quips Bucky as all of you finally come face to face with one another, Steve immediately smiles as you walk next to Bucky. “Plus whatever the hell I am.” You jest as the two of them go in for a hug.
Natasha gives you a smirk as they part, “How you guys been?” Asks Steve, blue eyes flickering between you two.
Bucky looks over at you and shrugs, “Uh, not bad...”
“....for the end of the world.” You deadpan, causing Bucky to chuckle as well as Steve and Natasha.
“Well, it’s nice seeing you guys again...” Adds Steve as Natasha takes a step forward towards you. “We gotta stop meeting each other like this.” Quips the ex-assassin. 
You snort at the little inside joke between the two of you, raising a brow at them, “You know, you guys don’t have to visit just because some aliens are threatening our entire existence. Couldn’t we have saved a reunion for a wedding or something?”
Steve sighs, “Yeah, that would have been preferred.”
“Too bad none of you invited us.” Smirks Natasha as she looks between you and Bucky with a raised brow of her own, his stubbled face growing a small shade of pink while you awkwardly cough, eyes darting elsewhere.
“Yeah, we’re getting there, Nat.” You mutter while rubbing the back of your neck, the thought of marrying Bucky has never actually crossed your mind. You love him, its just, you two married? Actually married? Would he even want that? You have no idea, maybe talking about it before the alien situation would have been helpful in the long run. Too late for that now, guess another time then.
“Alright, come with me upstairs my friends, my sister will see what can be done for your friend.” Adds T’Challa as he takes a step back, Steve, Natasha, and Bruce all following suit and through the doors they go inside to assess the Vision situation upstairs. Leaving Sam and Rodney. 
You watch as Natasha’s body disappears behind the dark glass before turning around to meet a smiling Sam as he wanders closer to you and Bucky. Undoubtedly about to give you two a proper Sam-like greeting, “Nice to see you two weirdos again.” Chuckles Sam as he takes in how much or little you and Bucky have changed since a couple years ago.
“Can’t say the same.” Muses Bucky as you snicker at Sam’s half-offended reaction.
“I guess.....maybe....possibly.....it’s nice to see your annoying face, again.” You add, voice dripping with sarcasm as he nods, “Better then you coming to try and arrest us.”
“Alright, I’ll take it.” He smiles, “At least someone cares about me after all this time.” Side eyeing Bucky as he holds back a laugh.
“Never said that.” You mutter while shaking your head at him, “Definitely did not miss you at all.”
“You were thinking it.” Points Sam, “So was Bucky.”
“I wasn’t.”
About ten minutes later, after fully catching one another up on the happenings missed by the distance and time apart, the hair on the back of your neck pricks with the sound of something large and unfamiliar breaking into the atmosphere above. Soon a smoking metal ship crashes into the forcefield high above your heads, an explosion of fire and debris blasts in its wake as the destroyed object slides off the sides.
“God, I love this place.” Mutters Bucky as the three of you look to the sky.
“Yeah, don’t start celebrating yet, guys. We got more incoming outside the dome.” Announces Rodney on the ear coms as your face falls when more blasts crash against the protective outer barrier of Wakanda.
“Fuck......I’ve never met an alien before.” You mumble as they look to you now, your eyes wide and fearful as you stare up at the sky, “And I don’t think I want to.”
Soon more glaring fiery balls come racing past high up in the clouds headed straight for the Wakandian forcefield, violently crashing against it though nothing pierces through much to your great relief. Not even a minute later T’Challa and the rest of the team are on ground level with the rest of you. Urging everyone into the advanced Wakandian vehicles, you file in close to Bucky and Natasha as the driver begins making haste for the huge fields beyond.
Wind flies wildly past your face as you observe the growing smoke rising up from the broken and burning forest from where the aliens have landed, where they’re preparing for battle far behind the protective forcefield.
The hover vehicle reaches its destination on the knee high grass, immediately everyone files out; your boots fall into the soft ground as you find yourself on the field positioned in between Steve and Bucky while the rest of the Wakandian army keeps strong from your left, right and rear.
It’s a small comfort having everyone so near but it still feels like a false protection; Bruce is held in the Hulkbuster suit standing high and strong above the rest, while Rodney and Sam keep to the skies as they circle around in anticipation for what’s to go down.
You wish you felt better about this, but you’d be a lying fool if you claimed to feel dangerous and fearless, you’re not fighting against mortal men this time. These are beasts from a whole other world with no intention of sparing a life, they don’t care for human problems, they’re here for one single goal and that’s to take the mind stone.
Heart beating nervously in your chest, you turn a worried glance over to Bucky who’s holding a large machine gun in his left arm, he sends you a reassuring nod as T’Challa walks over to speak with Steve.
“There’s two by the perimeter, what our next move?”
“We’ve met the female one before, I guess we’ll go see if they can be reasoned with, though I’m afraid of their answer.” Begrudgingly replies Steve, eyes set ahead at two figures approaching the forcefield. One a tall broad scaled being and the other a half pale faced woman with two dark horns rising upward from her temples.
Steve, Natasha, and king T’Challa collectively decide to walk the distance to face them while everyone else remains in suspense. They speak for about a minute before walking back to the rest of you as the giant alien machinery shifts and rises with strange movement.
“They surrender?” Mutters Bucky as Steve takes his place by your side.
“Not exactly.” Well that sounds fucking promising.
Your body begins shaking with adrenaline as loud thunderous rumbling emits from the forest, a second later, large dog-like creatures race madly out of the tree line headed at a dead sprint for the forcefield.
“What the fuck.” You mutter, brows furrowed in confused bewilderment as the foreign creatures slam violently against the forcefield with little regard for what its doing to them.
Natasha hums, “Looks like we pissed her off.”
You nod as some of the beasts force their way through the guarded perimeter, they scream in fury and pain while their bodies and limbs get phased by the power of the giant shield protecting Wakanda.
“They’re killing themselves.” You can hear Okoye mutter in fearful bewilderment as the screaming creatures push through their violent assault, soon about a dozen break through, racing furiously over the shallow river and across the large battlefield to where everyone is standing.
King T’Challa shouts the battle cry as his army calls their technologically advanced shields to arms in an instant. The alien creatures thunder across the grass, getting closer and closer as the army around you begin shooting them down as fast as they can.
Bullets fly past your head as Bucky begins aiming for the beasts, shooting them down with great accuracy as you breath heavily from your growing adrenaline. Sam and Rodney shoot from the sky; you watch more fall but a plethora of others begins running off to the sides as they attempt at searching for an alternative way around the forcefield.
T’Challa realizing this, calls for the opening of North-West Section Seventeen, which is the one right in front of you all. Well this is it then, you think nervously. Dreading how the events of today may play out within the next hour, or ten minutes for all you know.
“This will be the end of Wakanda.” Mutters M’Baku as the section is lifted.
Okoye nods, face stoic and fierce, “Then it will be the most noble ending in history.”
T’Challa steps to the front lines before valiantly shouting, “Wakanda forever!” And with that does the warriors cry with courage and might as everyone including you begins a dead sprint across the grassy field, pumping your arms hard, you feel a thrill of strange excitement pulsing throughout your entire vessel as your boots thunder against the ground in tune with the beasts that charge onward.
Steve races inhumanly fast, you right on his tail as T’Challa makes ground to your immediate right. The rest of your fellow warriors keeping up as best they can. You don’t remember ever unsheathing your claws, or when they sliced violently into the thick skin of the first alien you met.
But soon your hands are covered in the warm inky blood of the creatures you’ve killed as you don’t have time to think, only kill and survive is all your mind is on. You’re practically on autopilot as the beasts thrash and slash at everyone in sight.
Suddenly one of them traps you between it’s bear paws and the rough ground, sharp daggered teeth chomping at your face as you drive your fist straight through it’s jugular and back out again, instantly a spurt of sticky dark purple blood sprays onto the side of your face as you turn away from the gory scene.
Shoving it off of you, another one punts you into the rocky earth, in retaliation you throw a clawed fist right across its shoulder. Making sure to sink it in deep when you reach its stomach. Screams of pain are all you hear as it dies, going still as stone while you jump right back into the action.
Without warning, about three pin you to the ground while you grunt and groan from the weight and their knife sized claws digging into your armored sides, damn you’ve really had better days. Shoving your Adamantium talons right through it’s exposed chest, it immediately goes limp as it’s two friends strain to reach you while it’s annoyingly bulky vessel pins you to the rough ground.
Your lungs struggle to take in a decent breath when suddenly a crack of lighting sounds throughout the battlefield, a second later the large alien bodies are thrown off of you from the force of bright white electricity, killing them instantly.
Sucking in a deep breath of relief and general oxygen, you jump to your feet only to take notice of a blonde man in some type of royal armor with an axe in one hand and sparks of lighting in the other. Oddly enough, a raccoon and a walking humanoid tree to either side as he scans the horizon before turning around and belting out, “Bring! Me! Thanos!” Before taking flight as more electricity sparks and shoots all around him.
Yeah, alright that’s normal. At least they’re on your side.
He lands and a giant plethora of white hot lighting emits all around him, killing many of the alien creatures where they stand. Though there’s no time to celebrate this small victory when giant circular machines of war burst forth from the ground, many going in different directions, but these couple begin heading straight in yours.
Eyes widening in fear, you book it in the opposite direction as T’Challa yells for his men to fall back for the tree line, your heart races a mile a minute as you force yourself to keep running through the exhaustion and slight pain in your left thigh from a heeling bite mark.
But just as the razored metal closes in behind you, a bright whispy red halts it in its place. Turning towards the source, you’re almost comforted to find Wanda at the hands of the machinery’s demise. She yells, throwing her hands back as the metal clashes across the battlefield, killing the beasts as they go.
And she was up there this whole time?
Turning to face more foes, you look over to notice as the female alien stalks across the ruined battlefield towards Wanda at an alarmingly hefty pace, dark rusted yellow eyes set and predatory as she reaches her oblivious prey. Smacking her armored fist across Wanda’s head, the Sokovian tumbles into a ditch, horned lady alien trailing after her.
Shit, you should do something.
Taking out another beast, you book it over to help Wanda, jumping into the wide trench behind the woman, you catch the end of her heated threat to Wanda, “He’ll die alone. As will you.” Venom tripping off of her every word, God why are they so angry?
“She’s not alone.” You growl, face painted with inky purple blood, claws shimmering in the sunlight as she whips around to face you. Her eyes trail over your body as she scowls in deep irritation, before handing her an unfriendly smirk, “Come on you ugly fuck.” You growl.
She lunges at you, weapon drawn as you dodge her deadly blow by the sharp thin blade. She quickly whips around and is kindly greeted by your claws that rips the dull white flesh of her lower face. Blood seeps out as she screams, face flaring a fierce anger as she powers through and thrusts her blade into your left shoulder. Fucking bitch!
You’re immediately greeted with a sharp stinging pain that rips violently into your body from the assault. A boot rudely kicks you backwards onto the hard earth as Okoye smacks her dagger across the woman’s back, distracting her from trying to end your life. Like that would work.
Blood pools hot and angry out of your opened flesh while Okoye and Natasha handle the horned bitch from behind you and Wanda. Your hands push you off the gravely earth as Wanda shares a fearful glance with you, giving her a pursed lip grin. You jump to your feet and assess the escalating situation before you; Okoye is breathing heavily on the ground as Natasha holds back the woman with her shocking stick while pinned on her back, straining to keep the opposing blade away from her throat.
“Hey!” You shout, causing the woman to lift her gaze from Natasha to you, she doesn’t even have a second to react as your clawed fist slashes a deadly blow across her face. She immediately stumbles back in shock as blood spirts wildly out of her deep cuts, her eyes going wide as saucers when you land a powerful kick into her lower torso, sending her body flying upwards only to be mauled by one of the circular razors rolling past.
Blue blood marking your already dirty face, you turn to look down at Natasha as she glances between the three of you, face dotted in blue blood just the same, “That was really gross.” Grimaces the blonde as you give the others a once over before jumping back out into the action.
Minutes fly by as you fight your way to the tree line closest to the Wakandian palace, suddenly Steve’s voice is heard in the coms, “Everyone, on my position. We have incoming.” And with that do you follow Bucky and T’Challa as they race into the woods where Steve, Natasha, Sam, Bruce, and Wanda is protectively holding Vision as they keep seated on the grassy earth.
Collecting your breath, you walk over to Bucky as everyone feels a soft hunting breeze blowing the trees around, “Something’s not right.” You mutter worriedly as he shares a nervous look with you.
“I know. Just stay close to me.”
You nod before giving him a weak reassuring smile, a moment later a strange anomaly of purple, blue, and dark grey clouds present themselves a small distance in front of you all. A tall figure of great stature and physical strength walks out from the odd whispy mass, he’s larger then anyone you’ve ever seen before, skin colored purple and golden laced armor of another world.
“Cap. That’s him.” Announces Bruce as you heart begins racing once more, oh shit oh shit oh shit. Fuck he’s really big.
Steve raises his two arm shields, “Eyes up. Stay sharp.” As he starts walking in the direction of you’re assuming is this Thanos everyone has been talking about.
Hulkbuster thunders past, but as Bruce reaches Thanos, his body turns a transparent blue and falls right through the purple alien before lodging himself in the rock of the ascending cliffside.
Steve’s next as he throws himself at Thanos, the titan uses his golden gauntlet when a sudden purply wisp of energy throws Steve into the trees. T’Challa lunges, but is swiftly stopped when Thanos’ giant hand wraps around his throat. He’s then thrown him down like a ragged doll; Sam is next, wings fold in on themselves and soon he’s down too.
Rodney right after as Thanos uses the gauntlet to crush him from within his suit, he’s promptly thrown to the side like a rock. Bullets fly violently through the air as Bucky fires shot after shot at the purple titan to no avail, he’s thrown across the ground like nothing.
Terrified yet too much full of rage to think, you race for the bastard titan as he pushes Okoye to the side, Natasha left disabled when tree roots throw themselves around her. He quickly takes notice as you jump on the roots, heading straight for him with an animistic rage flashing through your eyes.
His fist rises as he calls more roots to action, you skillful dodge their grip as you make a desperate jump for the titan below you now. He’s fast, but not fast enough to evade your clawed fist, the middle razor slashes a clean line right across his left eye as you tumble to the ground behind him, finding your footing in an instant.
Yourself now between him and the mind stone that’s currently getting destroyed by a tearful Wanda from behind you, though you’re not paying enough attention to fully realize what’s going down, you breath heavily while eyeing up the bulky man.
The pissed off titan whips around to meet your courageous glare, left eye missing, dripping with warm purple blood that trails like an ugly waterfall down his scared cheeks until it spatters to the forest floor. Face now visibly angered and very much in pain as he stares you down.
He takes a threatening step forward as you take a cautious one back, eyeing you up, he nods, “A clean hit, I’m afraid this one won’t heal for me unfortunately...nonetheless, I am impressed by your valor small one, but your bravery will be in vain.” Speaks the titan as you stare up at him with shaky breaths.
oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
A second later the power of his golden gauntlet sends you flying into the trunk of a thick tree, knocking you out on impact.
When you awaken with a jolt, your nose is wet with drying crimson that trails across your lips and chin. Nothing hurts anymore but your body feels incredibly weird, taking in a deep breath, you stand on shaky legs. Eyes scanning the area only to find a confused Thor who’s looking rather dreadful and lost.
Steve quickly runs up to him, eyes searching around for Thanos who’s nowhere to be seen, “Where’d he go?” Wonders Steve as you slowly walk over to them, “Thor....Where’d he go?” Asks Steve more urgently this time, blue eyes looking around to no avail. Thanos is gone. Just like that.
But how?
You quickly catch movement to your left, but it’s just Bucky walking over to the three of you. Heart filled with relief, you start walking over to him as he locks eyes with you, a confused expression crossing over his features as he looks over at his left arm.
You follow his puzzled gaze and watch as his arm begins to disintegrate like ash on a windy day. Bucky finds your concerned face; panic, confusion, and fear flashing through his stormy irises as he takes another desperate step to reach you, “Y/N?” Is all you hear as the rest of his body begins turning to dust right before your very eyes.
His gun falls to the ground with a thud as the rest of his body disintegrates to nothing more then ash and dust upon the grass. You freeze, it feels like your heart as just been frozen in ice and smashed with a steel sledgehammer without remorse.
You swallow, walking on trembling legs to where his ashes remain, you slowly kneel. Hand touching the area as delicately as you would hold a newborn, this isn’t real this is just a shitty dream and you’ll wake up any second with him right by your side.
It’s just a dream. But you know, it’s not.
Steve wanders to your side before kneeling down and placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. Biting your bottom lip to hold the lump back that’s building in the back of your throat, you turn your head to meet him, your eyes glossed over with unshed tears.
He lowers his head in defeat as you stare bitterly back down at the ground where Bucky once was, lip quivering uncontrollably as you fight back a waterfall of hidden tears. The pain in your heart almost too much to bear. “Sam! Where are you?!” Shouts Rodney, a voice to bring you back to the world.
No, not the others too. How many did he take?
Blinking hard, a couple stray tears patter onto the brown ashes as you rise, Steve doing the same, you watch as he walks over to Vision who’s void of all color and taken of all life, a small crater marking the demise of his life force, the mind stone.
He kneels down to meet the body as Natasha runs into view, she quickly halts once her gaze falls onto Visions corpse, mouth agape in shock. Bruce, Rodney, that little raccoon, and Thor coming to from behind them as you amble closer to the distraught six, though your legs feel like they could give out at any moment.
“What is this?” Wonders Rodney as he looks from Steve to you and then over to Thor, “What the hell is happening?”
Tears stream silently down the sides of your cheeks now, they make a clean line from all the other dirt and blood that marks your skin. Breathing heavily, Natasha looks over to you, “Y/N?” She asks, voice wavering as her eyes trail over your mournfully stoic face.
He can’t be gone, not Bucky, not him.
Tagged: @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94​  @iamasimpingh0e
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scapegrace74-blog · 3 years
Ginger Snap, Chapter 5
A/N  Know what this fic needs?  More Geillis.  No really, I think you guys are going to like where I’m going with this.   Just bear with me.   Only one more chapter to go after this one, plus an epilogue.   Thanks for coming on the journey with me!  With due credit to Sia, this chapter’s title is Fire, Meet Gasoline.
Previous chapters are best enjoyed on my AO3 page, because I have a bad habit of going back and editing them after they’ve been posted.
Geillis Duncan drove much the way she approached life, which was to say without much regard for rules and at white-knuckle speed.  I gripped her Range Rover’s leather cushion and swallowed any exclamations of dismay as we ricocheted through Edinburgh’s late afternoon traffic.  When we finally slid into an underground parking spot and emerged into the bustling festivity of the Princes Street Christmas Market, I felt the tension of imminent disaster abandon my shoulders.
“Where to first, then?” Geillis asked, looking far too animated by the prospect of accompanying someone while they did their Christmas shopping.
Geillis and I had kept in touch and met for coffee a few times over the past months.  When I explained that I wouldn’t be taking any more cooking classes at Ginger Snap because Jamie was giving me at-home lessons, her reaction was a moonbeam grin.
“Look at ye, wee vixen!  I ne’er wouldha thought ye had it in ya, Claire.  Tho I canna say as I blame ye.”
No matter how much I protested that I was together with Frank and that my relationship with Jamie was purely professional, she refused to believe me.  The ongoing absence of a ring from my left hand didn’t help.
“Now,” Geillis exclaimed once we’d taken in the sights and sounds of the market, “let’s have a keek at yer list.  Where should we start?”
I pulled out my phone and opened the Notes app.  As she read, my friend’s nose wrinkled in confusion.
“Trouser socks, shoe stays, Moleskine notebook, Rive Gauche...  who are ye shopping for, yer grandparents?”
“No,” I protested.  “The first three are for Frank.  The perfume is for me.”
When I explained that Frank had made a list of the items he would like to give me for Christmas, Geillis grew incensed.
“Ye mean he has ye doin’ his gift buying fer him?  Tha’s the least romantic thing I’ve e’er heard.  Do ye even like Rive Gauche, Claire?  And dinna lie tae me, fer I can read yer feelings all o’er yer face.”
Truthfully, I didn’t much care for the flowery scent.  My personal taste ran more towards woodsy or herbaceous aromas.  But it was Frank’s favourite, and it pleased me to please him.  Or it had.  I was beginning to wonder when it would be my turn to please myself.
“Right,” Geillis interrupted my thoughts.  “Marks and Sparks will do jes fine for yer wee granny list.   And then you and I are going shopping fer yer real gift.”
Geillis was a force to be reckoned with in a retail environment.  She navigated like a guided missile from one department to the next.   Twenty minutes later, we were back on the pavement, which glistened with the colourful reflections of decorations strung above.
“Your car is the other way,” I explained as Geillis turned left.
“Aye, tis, but our destination is right o’er here.  House of Fraser.  See?  Tis practically calling yer name, Claire.”
Inside the venerable old building was an astonishing multi-tiered arcade reaching over five stories to a massive skylit ceiling.  The central space was dominated by a fifteen metre-high Christmas tree (a Fraser fir, of course) and every archway of every arcade was dripping with lights.  The impression was like stepping into a Fabergé egg.
Geillis dragged me, slack-jawed, towards the ladies’ wear section.  Circling the racks like a hawk on the wind, she eyed my body, sizing me up quite literally, then thrust several pieces into my hands.
“Geillis,” I hissed, wary of the sales staff hovering nearby, no doubt smelling an excessive commission in the offing.  “I don’t need a new outfit.  And I certainly don’t need,” I shook the garments in question, “something like this.  Wherever would I wear it?”
“Well, fer starters, ye’d wear it tae dinner t’night.  I dinna wish tae offend ye, Claire, but I canna in good conscience allow ye tae set foot in the Timberyard dressed fer a job interview as a primary school teacher.”
With that she shoved me in the direction of the changing rooms.  Deciding to humour her, I was unbuttoning my top when two lacy bits of nothing came flying over the door.
“Start wi’ these.  And dinna think I willna notice if ye’re no’ wearing them!”
I stripped down to my panties, bemusedly wondering how she knew my exact bra size. 
Upon seeing me exit the dressing room in her choice of clothing, Geillis let out a squeal of delight.   She insisted I rip out the tags and leave the store wearing my new outfit, declaring it was her Christmas gift to me.  
I felt tremendously self-conscious as we walked towards the restaurant.  The aubergine velvet jeans clung to my legs in an unfamiliar way and the black turtleneck, while technically not revealing, hinted at kink with its many heavy zippers and fastenings.  Together with my unruly hair, unstraightened for once, I felt like another woman entirely.  I didn’t recognize her, but I felt like she might be someone I’d like to get to know.
The Timberyard was a modern restaurant in a rugged old warehouse, not far from the farmer’s market I’d visited with Jamie.  We were joined there by several of Geillis’ friends, and we ate, drank and laughed until my sides were sore. 
As I wobbled to the loo, I noticed the bartender following me with an appreciative gaze.  It had been a long time since a man had looked at me that way, and it gave me a guilty thrill.
We left the restaurant just before midnight. I pulled Geillis into an impulsive hug.
“Wha’ was that for, hen?” she asked.
“Nothing.  Everything.  Just, thank you for being you, Geil.”
“Och, tis my pleasure, lass.  I only want tae see ye happy.  Now, what do ye say to a digestif?”
After only a slight protest on my part, the two of us piled into an Uber.  Our destination was another restaurant, this time in a converted whisky warehouse by the harbour in Leith.  It was well past last sitting, but when I mentioned this to Geillis she explained away my concern. 
“I ken the owner, who’s also the chef.  Tis a popular spot fer locals in the restaurant scene tae meet after they close up fer a few drinks afore heading home tae their beds.”
Inside, the walls were rough stone, supported in places by industrial metal beams.  The kitchen was open to the main dining area, and I grinned as I thought of Frank’s strong opinion on the matter.  Near the back of the room, lit by dim naked bulbs and the glow from several open fireplaces, was a huge square table surrounded by nearly twenty chairs upholstered in bright yellow plaid.  Around the table was gathered a motley assortment of men and women, all talking and laughing and sipping on a variety of drinks.  And in their midst, his copper hair shining in the firelight, sat Jamie.
A shout went up from the table as Geillis approached.  I hung back, tugging at the hem of my new turtleneck as though I could stretch it to cover my arse.  Besides Jamie, I recognized Jenny, Angus and Murtagh, but I only had eyes for the big ginger chef.  He sat at one corner, probably in deference to his long legs which were stretched out before him, wrapped in black denim.  A black leather jacket hung over the chair behind him.  He looked dangerous.  It was a very good look for him.
Dragging me by the elbow, Geillis nudged and bumped Angus to one side despite his vulgar protests, then practically pushed me down into the chair directly next to the chef.  With a smug smile of satisfaction, she then retired to the opposite side of the table.
I looked anywhere but directly at Jamie, but I could feel his butane eyes on me.  I was certain he would scorch right through my outer layers and down to where Geillis’ choice in lingerie burned against my tender skin.  The noise from the rest of the table faded away.
“Ye look bonnie t’night, Arsonist.”  His voice was low and gruff and it sent a quickening through my veins.
“Thank you, Jamie. It was Geillis’ Christmas gift to me, and I feel, well... let’s just say it isn’t my usual look.”
“It suits ye, I think.”  He reached out and lightly touched the silver tab of a zipper that ended near my wrist, setting it swinging.  I swallowed and looked frantically around.  Several open bottles of liquor stood nearby. Grabbing the nearest one, I poured myself a generous serving and knocked it back, all in one go.  I tried to steady my breathing.
“Look, Jamie...”
Just then a blond man in chef’s whites called to Jamie from across the table.  An exchange involving a lot of Scottish cursing and an off-colour reference to someone’s lobster pot ensued.  I tried to convince myself I needed to leave.  It was late, I was half-drunk, and whatever I intended to say to Jamie should definitely wait for another moment.  Maybe never.
A hand on my thigh broke my preoccupation.
“Sorry, Arsonist, ye were sayin’ something?”
I wet my lips, frantically trying to recall anything but the feeling of Jamie’s strong fingers, stroking me through the velvet of my jeans.
At that moment, the woman on Jamie’s far side broke into song.  The rest of the table cheered and clapped along, and it was impossible to hear anything except the concussive pounding of my heart against my eardrums.
Jamie grabbed my clammy hand.
“Come wi’ me,” he instructed, grabbing our outerwear and pulling me towards the door.  Geillis watched our departure with all the excitement of a child on Christmas morning.
Outside the air was dense and cold, a briny slap after the stuffy warmth of the restaurant.  Jamie obviously had a destination in mind, and we walked hand-in-hand along the cobbled streets for several minutes before finally emerging at the port.  A jetty struck out into the inky sea, and it was there that we ended up.  Besides a few gulls and the winking of a nearby lighthouse, we were all alone.  The sodium street lights caught Jamie’s curls and made them burn.
“Forgive me, Arsonist.  I couldna hear myself think in there.  Tho, come tae think of it, tis no’ much better now.”  Rather than release me, as he spoke Jamie stroked my hand, running calloused fingers over each vein and every knuckle.  I don’t think he even realized he was doing it, but it stole every thought from my head.
“No ring,” he remarked, stroking the finger in question.
“No,” I whispered in response.  
And then it burst out of me, like a tidal wave of feeling that I never saw coming.  I told him everything.  My childhood roaming the globe with my uncle, pre-occupied and rootless, dreaming of stability.  Meeting Frank at Harvard, and realizing that he represented all the things that my life to date had lacked: structure, security, a solid foundation, a home.  And how it took moving to Scotland and coming into contact with a group of near-strangers to make me realize that the price I had paid for that stability was higher than I’d ever imagined.  I’d given up my dream of becoming a doctor. I’d become so lost in Frank’s vision of who I should be that I’d almost lost sight of who I actually was.
By the time the flood of words left me, I was in Jamie’s arms, crying into his leather jacket.  He hushed me with quiet murmurs and languorous stroking of my hair, as one would a child who has woken from a nightmare.
I stepped out of his embrace and rubbed my sleeve across my face.  I must have looked an absolute mess, but he still watched me with those earnest, patient eyes.
“I’m sorry,” I began, “I don’t know what...”
“Claire,” he interrupted.  I’d never before realized just how many consonants were in my given name.  “Ye dinna need tae apologize tae me.  But ye may want tae consider an apology tae yerself.”  At my raised eyebrow, he continued.
“I’m no’ the kind of man tae tell another what they should and shouldna do.  But ye strike me as someone who’s made decisions fer the right reasons, yet ended up in the wrong place.”  Here he paused, as though carefully weighing his words.  “There’s no sin in changin’ yer mind, Arsonist.  Tis very well tae be hungry, so long as ye ken what ye hunger for.”
“And what do you hunger for, James Fraser?”  The provocative words had left my lips before I had the chance to censor them.  His answer came in the form of a blistering look that left no doubt as to its meaning.  Then he gathered himself, banking the fire I’d unconsciously ignited.
“Many things.  Regular, ordinary things, mostly.  My family’s health and happiness.  A faster bike.  My own restaurant.”
“Like Tom’s there?” I asked, gesturing towards the harbour.
“Och, Tom is a braw chef, and worthy o’ every accolade tha’s been showered upon him.  But the hospitality scene in Edinburgh is cut-throat, an’ suitable locations cost a fortune.  Nah, Jenny and I want tae buy back our childhood home in the Highlands.  Tis called Lallybroch, and when our Da passed, our Mam sold it tae her brother.  We’d turn it inta a country inn, wi’ Jenny running the lodging side o’ things and I the dining.  Tha’s the dream anyway,” he ended with a shrug.
I rested my hand on his forearm.  “That sounds like a wonderful plan, Jamie.”
Before he could reply, an enormous yawn burst from my lungs.
“Time tae get ye home tae yer bed, Arsonist,” Jamie grinned.   “Come, I’ll give ye a ride.”
“Wait, haven’t you been drinking?” I inquired as we walked back down the jetty.
“Three years sober,” he explained with no hint of embarrassment.  “I went somewhere pretty dark after my Mam died, an’ it took a near-fatal crash tae scare me straight.”  His eyes squinted in a poor approximation of a wink as he added, “Besides, there are better ways tae chase a rush than in the bottom of a bottle.”
“Such as?” I asked brazenly.
Which was how I found myself on the back on a black motorcycle, my arms twined around Jamie’s waist.  Rather than take me directly home, he steered us north, following the coast.  It was very late, with hardly another vehicle about.  We merged onto the motorway, and Jamie picked up speed.  My thighs tightened around his lean hips, the vibration of the motor beneath us shivering up my spine.  As we emerged beneath the hastate lights of the Queensferry Bridge, I stretched my arms wide, icy air ripping against the sleeves of my jacket.  I laughed, although no-one could hear me.  I yelled, and only the wind yelled back.  I was flying.
It was nearly dawn when Jamie pulled up in front of my flat.  My legs thrummed, my eyes were dry with fatigue, and my heart ached, but I felt better than I could ever remember.  I handed Jamie back his spare helmet and shook out my curls.  He watched me in that half-sleepy, half-vigilant way of his that I now recognized as desire.
“I don’t know what I could ever say to thank you, Jamie.”
“Ye needn’t say anything at all, Arsonist.  Nae matter what ye decide, it has been my very great honour tae get tae know you.”
Without another word, he kick-started the engine and drove off into the early morning mist.
“Goodbye,” I whispered to his vanishing shadow.
The lamp above the couch was lit, and Frank lay still beneath its glow.  I realized he had fallen asleep waiting for me to come home.  Instead of regret, what I felt in that moment was pity.
The sound of my jacket being unzipped woke him.  He blinked in confusion and then in shock.
“I’m very sorry if you were worried,” I began.
“Worried?  Do you have any idea what time it is?  My God, Claire, I don’t know what to make of you these days.  You’ve never behaved irresponsibly before, and now you’re out at all hours and you’re wearing,” he gestured wildly with his hand at my new outfit which I had, quite honestly, forgotten I was wearing.  “And your hair, Claire!” he finished, as though the manic state of my curls was definitive evidence of my fall from grace.  Despite my exhaustion, I stood tall.
“Frank, we need to talk.”
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kaitosimp · 3 years
As a filthy, filthy multi shipper I’d like to know both headcannons you have for all his pairings and why you like them so much, if you want to of course!
As soon as I read this, my mind started ranting so hard 😂 I will happily answer! And tysm for asking bc if being able to talk about kaito is rare, imagine how much ive talked about the ships i have with him, so im very happy rn!! 🥰 WARNING: dis gonna be long as hell 👁👄👁
OKAY SO the two main ships I have for Kaito are Oumota and Saimota, Saimota is my fave ship and Oumota is my fave comfort ship! The other ships I rlly like with him are Akamota, Amamota, and Momoharu, i pretty much read any fic that has him paired with someone but these are the ones i search for on my own whereas the others its a "i'll read 'em if i come across em" type of deal! So lets dive in 👁👄👁 (i have endless hc's for my ships so i'll only give a few or else this'll never end)
🌌🎭 Oumota 🎭🌌
Reasons: I am a goddamn sucker for thematic parallels, enemies to friends to lovers, and the rivals tropes 🌚 I dont even know how i fell into the oumota hole, cause i didnt consider it much in game, but after reading a few fics it just made me so happy! I love their banter and clashing personalities and stubborness lol, and goddamn, the post game/hangar fics for them are *chef's kiss*
-The way Kokichi tried to get Kaito to see he had feelings for him was by bothering/pranking the absolute shit out of him, but Kaito's dense to these things so he didnt even realize Kokichi stopped bothering other ppl to target him specifically
-When Kaito realized he had feelings for Kokichi, his initial reaction was "oh fuck oh no why him pls no-"
-Eventually Kokichi had to directly tell him to his face he liked Kaito cause Kaito wasn't getting the message at all
-Kokichi loves stealing Kaito's clothes, esp his jacket
-They argue a lot but its over the absolute dumbest shit like before they got together, its usually nothing serious
-Kokichi secretly loves listening to Kaito talk about space, though he teases Kaito about it
-Kaito's fave thing is to cuddle/spoon Kokichi, cause he's the perf size to snuggle with
🌌🔍 Saimota 🔍🌌
Reasons: CAUSE YES!!! From the beggining of Shuichi being the main, Kaito is there for him and supports him so much and makes sure Shuichi is okay, he's just so supportive and loving and helpful and motivational and he's something Shuichi def needed to move forward in the killing game! I just fucking love their dynamic and how they help each other and how they balance each other out as well, plus the whole hero and sidekick thing is adorable! AND OFC THE FAMOUS "i shouldnt be talking about another boy like that" LINE ASDFGHJKL ITS CANON OKAY
-Shuichi confessed first, it took a few times for him to get his feelings across properly bc each time he said something like "i like you" or whatev kaito was like "aw bro i like you too!"
-Kaito tried to get over his crush on Shuichi bc he thought Shuichi wouldn't go for someone like him (i hc him being kinda insecure and covering it up with that confident persona of his)
-Shuichi isn't big on physical contact, but he makes the exception for Kaito bc he's always so warm and gives the best hugs
-Shuichi is the only person who Kaito lets see him vulnerable, it took a lot of time but he eventually learned to stop bottling everything with Shuichi
-Kaito constantly takes Shuichi stargazing, its his fave thing to do and Shuichi is ever so happy to accompany Kaito and listen to space rambles
-Their first kiss was beyond awkward and Shuichi nearly fainted but they got the hang of it eventually
🌌🥑 Amamota 🥑🌌
Reasons: I literally saw an amamota fic on ao3 and it won me over oops- to me it just makes sense! They're both adventurers in a way and i love their personalities together, Kaito's boisterous nature would be a nice change of pace for the ever calm Rantaro and Rantaro's mellow nature would be something refreshing for Kaito y'know?
-Kaito always tried helping Rantaro catch up in classes bc he always misses 'em to travel and he was always the first one to welcome him back
-Rantaro got attached to Kaito and didnt even realize it until he came back one day and kaito wasnt there to greet him (cue disappointed rantaro and bAM thats when he realized)
-Kaito loves hearing about Rantaro's travels, he's always asking for pics and details
-Kaito confessed first, he literally couldn't take it anymore and just threw it out there while Rantaro was mid greeting
-Rantaro didn't tell Kaito about his sisters until about a year into their relationship bc he was scared Kaito would disappear too
-Rantaro literally re-visited a bunch of islands and countries in the artic circle just to take pics/vids of the aurora borealis for Kaito
🌌🎹 Akamota 🎹🌌
Reason: I just think they'd be sooo cute together 🥺 Kaito and Kaede are both positive people who try to help others and their personalities fit so well together! Idk man it just makes sense to me
-Kaito absolutely loves hearing Kaede play the piano, sometimes he'll sneak record her so he can listen to it whenever he's feeling down
-Kaede tries teaching him how to play the piano, instruments aren't his thing but he tries his best in the lessons cause it makes her happy
-Kaito's confession was accidental, he was just listening to her play when he blurted out how pretty she was, which led to an awkward confession talk with lots of blushing
-Kaede has tried to compose a piano piece that embodies Kaito's personality but she fails everytime, cause his larger than life personality is hard to capture perfectly
-They're both big on affection, so they're constantly holding hands and hugging
AND FINALLY, 🌌🔪 Momoharu 🔪🌌
Reason: THEY'RE GREAT TOGETHER OKAY 🥺 I just love how Kaito got Maki to come out of her shell and how he trusted her/accepted her!! He gave her the cutest nickname and befriended her and literally gave his life up to protect her, aND MAKI'S CONFESSION ABOUT FALLING FOR KAITO STILL MAKES ME CRY
-Maki confessed it ever so casually while mid training, which literally made Kaito fall over in shock
-Kaito loves Maki's hair, he could spend hours playing with it and he always helps her brush it
-Maki hates her scars, but Kaito's always there to kiss em and remind her how beautiful she is, he always traces constellations on 'em when they cuddle
-Maki's constantly scared she'll accidentally hurt Kaito, or that he'll get hurt bc of her past
-Kaito's very protective of her, just like Maki is of him
-Maki loves the sound of Kaito's voice, her favorite thing is to listen to him talk about space
W O W i am so sorry for this massive post 💀 I seriously tried limiting myself asdfghjkl oops
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dropsofletters · 3 years
how to lose someone in seven steps? | prologue
— summary: love-induced heartbreak is one of the most overrated things to ever be talked about, and she doesn’t get why most of her friends take up on such conversations with sighs following every statement. relationships aren’t something to linger on—but when one of her friends dares her to make one of their infamous exes, whom they had a hard time getting over with, fall in love with her, she takes up on the challenge. earning them? easy. losing them? even easier.
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— title: how to lose someone in seven steps? — pairing: wayv x reader (depending on whose route you select) — genre: bet!au ; strangers to friends to lovers!au ; love experiment!au (and other au’s depending on the routes) — type: fluff ; romance ; humor ; drama ; angst (varying according to the route) — word count: 2,821
She once said she’d die the day she fell in love.
It’s one of those rare concepts that her literature teacher loved gushing about when she wrote them on paper. Dying for love, actually, has been romanticized for as long as she can remember. Think The Notebook or Romeo and Juliet—hell, even The Walking Dead could enter in this category in some of their episodes. The toxicity of such matter, however, goes past what she has ever wanted to portray when saying those words. She’d die if she ever were to fall in love.
Because, falling in love feels like dying, and though she hasn’t lived it, she can tell by the look on her friends’ eyes whenever they got their heart stepped on, munched, bitten, spat out at their feet—whatever. Promises of never going through the same thing lived inside her head when she had to push one of her friend’s hair back to have them throw up on the club’s flooring, crying after a break-up. Or, rather, when she saw one of her friends skimming through Instagram for the twelfth time that day and, yes, absolutely, her boyfriend is, still, liking the pictures of a bunch of women with cup sizes bigger than hers.
It’s unnecessary. People dream about it, hear songs about it, but they never quite think about how much they could avoid if they didn’t go around seeking for love, or for one-time-things that will only end up in another person getting entangled. It’s the common mistake of never getting to know another person well, and hence, never getting to know oneself nicely enough. Love starts from the moment we give our first breath.
As of currently, her friend Ada can’t breathe. Or, well, she can—but she chooses not to as she downs yet another shot and weeps at the memory of her latest break up.
The food settled on the table in between the group of eight women smells delicious, but no one has payed enough attention to the meal itself and rather, downed a few drinks for the sake of making Ada feel better. With her makeup running down her chubby cheeks, her once long brown hair cut into a bob after the break-up that has kept her crying for the past two days, and her hands shakingly reaching for the soju to pour some more, she finally takes the first bite of the salad she had ordered, eyes glimpsing at what she never wants to have.
Heartbreak is the ugliest, yet most overrated, thing that could ever happen in this world.
The kind of beauty a woman possesses when getting into a relationship erases itself when she’s out of it. It’s momentary, sure, she’s well aware that Ada will go back to her bubbly, adorable self one of these days, but it’s neither tomorrow nor the next day. “I—I just don’t get it—” And, preferably, the people on the table next to them must not get it as well. They have been snooping on what Ada has been worrying about for the past thirty minutes. “The sex was good. The kisses were good. I just—Why did he have to be such an asshole at the end?”
Ada believes in happy endings, though. When they were children—and she’s one of her oldest friends—, she’d always dress up as Cinderella on Halloween, throwing her shoe around in hopes of someone catching it and looking for her. No one did, but one can only dream. “Baby,” Elena, the classiest of the group, takes out a small handkerchief from her purse before patting it against Ada’s moist cheeks. “That’s what you get for dating an exotic dancer. Who thinks an exotic dancer is going to settle down for them?” She pushes her long black hair away from her shoulders, her porcelain skin matching the deep burgundy of her plush lips. Elena’s beauty is unmatchable.
“I did, b—but…” There it is, the worry, the excuses that come with dating a man. “But Yukhei just seemed different. He always talked about his dreams…and about how pretty he thought I was. It just—” Before she could refill her glass with soju, she takes the bottle away from her.
Heartbreak may have never reached her, but she’s not letting it affect her friend. “Ada, stop it. Enough alcohol for today. Grab a bite or something.”
“Ah!” Ada, as dramatic as always, pushes her head back. “Stop babying me, you’ve all been in this position. Just let me motherfucking drink—!”
Elena sighs from her spot, fingertips running over the glassed table of the restaurant they’re in. Red curtains over glassed windows who trail over the lightened-up city, matching the champagne colored walls. “I didn’t act like this when I broke up with Kun.”
Yifei, who has just come back to the table after a smoke break, ruffles the curled up strands of her bleached blonde hair before scoffing. “That’s because you didn’t love Kun, honey.” Taking her bomber jacket off, she lets her tattoos be on full display, roses and thorns the most outstanding one. “You’ll know what real love is when they leave you for someone else, not when you’re the one leaving.”
“…Damn.” Ada whispers from her spot, licking the outline of her shot glass before sighing. “Did Kun Hang hurt you that much?”
Yifei has thick skin, hurts in ways that no one ever notices, and her love affair from four years ago still lingers within her. “It’s not exactly pain, but when your high school love admits that he’s been in love with this old ass businesswoman for the entirety of your months-long relationship, it hurts.”
“That was four years ago,” Elena answers, swatting her hand in the air. “Besides, I was in love with Kun, but contrary to your two guys…he loved too much. I felt like I was being constricted and, girls, I am a chef—” Pride bleeds from her every word when she takes a sip of her pink champagne. “I know when bad things are cooking up, and Kun was a big red sign for clingy.”
A hiss leaves her lips then, rubbing her hands together. “Oh, damn, we’re getting good spice today, aren’t we? Tearing your exes apart!”
It’s fun—it’s the kind of activity they have to do to have Ada smiling at them. “Well, Ada, now that you’re single, some advice:” Liying speaks from her spot, fixing her perfectly sleeked back bun just to grab a bite of the immaculately prepared carbonara pasta in front of them, twirling her fork in the air. “Never go for younger guys. I went for a college guy, thinking that because he didn’t have much experience, he’d go to me, and because he was rich as all hell, I thought he’d pay for everything…” Liying’s voice trails dangerously, her face without an ounce of makeup scrunching up in disgust. “But younger guys? They’re insecure, end of story.”
It’s a bit difficult to remember who had swept Liying off her feet, considering she’s now happily in a relationship with a journalist. “Who was that again?” She asks, well aware that she is the only one who has stayed single for the majority of their friendship, and Liying turns to the side to look at her.
“Liu Yangyang. Rich nightmare.”
Yifei whistles from her side. “But he was rich. That’s always a plus.”
“Not when he’s always texting you, Yifei.” Liying conquers, pursing her lips in the process. “Like, babe, like, are you sure that you didn’t, like, sleep with someone while I was in Germany? Like, babe, really, like, it is better if you just tell me. Like. Like. Like.” She repeats over and over again, and it’s at this moment that her brain clicks. Right. Liu Yangyang…Liying had introduced her to him once at her birthday event, but she doesn’t remember much from him.
The women around the table burst with laughter, and she looks towards another one of her friends, trying to make Ada feel better. “This group of friends was formed because we all have shitty tastes in men,” Angela instructs, moving her bangs off her forehead to showcase her big eyes, wetting her lips with her drink before hissing. “You remember my ex Ten, Ada? Sometimes, when we slept together, I used to think he was actually getting off to the thought of himself.”
Elena actually snorts at those words, and to have elegant Elena Wang give such reaction means that it is something truly interesting. “No way!”
“Yes! He was too vain. Everything he said was amen.” Angela raises her hands in the air, sighing deeply. “I was saved the day he decided to break up with me.”
She turns to the quiet woman to the side, Shishi’s platinum hair cascading down her back, her thick eyeliner definitely something outstanding about her. “What about you, Shishi?”
“I broke up with someone not too long ago…” The quiet woman says, though the entire table already knows about that.
Yifei groans. “Come on, Shishi, let it out!”
“Fencer asshole.” Shishi, who rarely cusses, lets it out in the air, wrapping her hand snugly around her fork. “Xiao Dejun liked every woman who had good makeup skills. Wear red lipstick and you’re ready to get on his good list.”
Someone lifts their gaze from her phone—Bingbing, happily in a relationship for the last two years, lover of men with smart mouths to carry on with her perfect texting skills. “Can I talk shit about my ex, too?”
“Aren’t you happily married?” She questions, only to have Bingbing waving her phone in the air.
“And I’m keeping my relationship alive because of what I learned.” Bingbing replies, pushing her body forward and resting her head on her interlocked hands. “If a man is hard to decipher, he’s just not that into you. Men are simple creatures, you see.”
“Word to that!” Ada says from her spot, a hiccup following soon after. “Men are simple creatures, because they can’t be considered human.”
For a moment, silence falls around the table and she takes this time to lose herself in the taste of lettuce, tomato and onions sliced together into a perfect concoction with rosy sauce on top. Only when she takes a big bite, downing it with a bit of water, does she realize that all pair of eyes are settled on her. Fourteen eyes capturing her every move is already enough of a terrifying visual.
“What?” Her voice lifts a bit after she says those words, patting a napkin against her lips in case there is something on her lips.
Ada rolls her eyes, too much alcohol taking away her dulcet features. “Babe, tell us about your biggest heartbreak. The biggest asshole you’ve met.”
For a moment, she tries to think. The last date she had was over a year ago…and after losing her time with someone who actually didn’t want to be with her, she cut things off. Not that it hurt, just that she simply decided not to continue dating. It’s a waste of time, seriously.
“I’ve never…had anyone break my heart. If you don’t let anyone do that, it doesn’t happen.” Or so she wants to believe. She never wants to give anyone the benefit of the doubt.
“Come on,” Ada replies, taking her phone out of her pocket and looking for something before turning the screen to her. “Tell me you wouldn’t fall for someone like this. You just have dated people who are not worth a heartbreak, I guess.” A golden skinned man meets her vision, and it’s the first time she has seen Yukhei. His brown hair parts naturally, the dimly lit room letting her see the curve of his plush lips, the straightness of his nose and his big, almost doe, eyes. A glint of sweat trails up his biceps as he places one hand on his head, his collarbones on full display on the picture, and though the image does not go lower, she can tell he’s shirtless.
Attractive and yet, she shrugs. “Too typically handsome. I wouldn’t consider him my type.”
“What she wants is the absolute opposite,” Elena says, already rummaging through her social media. “A goody-two-shoes who would leave everything behind for you: Qian Kun.”
This time around, she gets to see a picture directly from Instagram. This guy’s hair is darker, sporting a chef’s uniform as he lifts a tray of food up into the air. Exquisite at its finest, but he’s not bad looking in any way. Slim lips welcoming a big smile, eyes twinkling in innocence, looking too posh to ever make a mistake. “…Not bad, I like the dimple. He seems too good to break your heart, though.”
“What about an artistic guy?” Angela says from her spot, showing her own phone but from another account. This breakup must’ve been messier, she guesses. “I’m sure you’d get your heart broken by Ten. He’s just…too risqué, you fall for him without thinking.”
This man is seated on a leather couch, a camera up to his face, one of his eyes squinted but the one that is opened lets her see the cat-shaped form of them. His lips are slim, though the glimmer of his cheeks is the perfect highlight, tattoos shaping his form, his legs ones to desire. “Nah, he couldn’t break my heart even if he wanted to.”
It becomes a competition, with Shishi rushing to find the pictures she saved on her phone of her latest relationship, clinging to the side of a man in a white uniform. His eyes are an enigma, though the smile on his face is sweet, his brown hair pushed away from his face. “What about the fencer asshole, Xiao Dejun?”
“He’s okay.”
Then, Liying refreshes her memory of Liu Yangyang. Seated in between a big group of people with a smile on his face, his surroundings rich enough to point out in what kind of party he is, the suit on his body deep blue like the ocean. “What about younger guys? Maybe, she just needs someone who is reckless—”
“I’d crush his heart.” Overconfidence starts to take up on her, taking a sip of her drink. “Give me a better shot.”
Yifei, one of her latest options, pushes her phone forward. “What about Kun Hang?”
She remembers Kun Hang, and the man may be gorgeous—but his goofy ways don’t figure him out as a heartbreaker. “We’d be great friends. I doubt we’d even get together.”
“Last chance, ladies!” Bingbing stands from her seat to get over her, wrapping one arm around her shoulder before showing her the screen. This man is more simplistic, his black hair covering most of his forehead, though the prettiness of his face is not to be missed, plump lips, nicely rounded cheeks, and a look on his eyes that screams ‘boy-next-door’. “Is Dong Sicheng the kind of guy who’d break your heart?”
“Girls,” She says, pushing Bingbing’s phone away before chuckling. “You just give people the power to hurt you. I could make any of these men cry for me if I just put my mind into it. Heartbreak is mental, no matter how much people try to say it isn’t.”
Shishi deadpans, then. “Break one of their hearts and we’ll believe you.”
Ada must have seen a goddess right at that moment, with wings and promises that have her widening her eyes and smacking her hands against the table. God, she’ll be lucky if people stop looking at them for once tonight. “Yes! You can pick someone and break their hearts, and teach us your ways!”
“I doubt this is a good idea…” Elena whispers, though Ada shakes her head.
“Raise your hand if you want her to break your ex’s heart.”
Six hands are raised, and Elena raises it with one final sigh.
It’s one of those ‘a rush in the moment’ things, when adrenaline pumps inside her body too quickly and she’s overexcited. Very rarely does someone feel like this in adulthood—as if youth and power lasts forever, so she puts one hand forward. “Put all your phones down with the pictures of the guys whose heart you want me to break, and I’ll pick someone.”
Cheers fill the air for the tale of a bad idea given by alcohol, but she feels powerful, staring at a group of men that she doesn’t know—men she should hate for breaking the hearts of those whom she loves. It shouldn’t be that difficult, right? If they were able to break her friends’ hearts, she can do the same thing.
Her hand hovers in the air, pondering, seeing, letting her mind choose who would be the easiest, who deserves it the most. A challenge, that’s what she wants—
And a smile appears on her face when she grabs certain phone.
want to pick a route? check out the masterlist
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