#picking a fight with a mikaelson?? bad idea .
sethrollinsgirl · 2 years
Title: Game Night
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"I don't want to play the silly game love" Klaus told you. You had demanded that the whole mikaelson family including Marcel, Davina, and Hayley play monopoly and of course, Klaus put up a fight every step of the way.
"You said you would play if I promised to go to that art gallery with you Klaus! You aren't getting out of this." You told him as you set the board game down and took the pieces out of the box.
"This was a good idea. With all the chaos lately, maybe some family time is what we need." Rebekah told her brother backing you up. Klaus glared at her.
"Alright, the most trustworthy person here will be the bank." You told them as you gathered all the money up. You knew who you were gonna hand it to, but you wanted to see the fight that will no doubt in fold in front of you.
"Clearly I'm the most trustworthy person here" Kol, Klaus's younger brother told you reaching out to grab the paper money from you. You pulled it out of his reach.
Klaus laughed as he turned to you. “I’m the most trustworthy person here, right love?”
You smiled at him as you leaned over to kiss him. Pulling back you shook your head.
“No, babe. It’s Marcel. You two idiots will cheat. Especially you, Kol.” You told them as you handed Marcel the money. He smiled taking it.
Klaus glared at you before turning that glare to Marcel.
“Him? He’s gonna cheat. I should be the bank!”
“A minute ago you didn’t even want to play, now you are upset you aren’t the bank. Well too damn bad. I’m the bank.”
You were halfway into the game when Klaus had landed on your property. You had bought three of the rail road. Klaus owed you one hundred bucks.
You smirked at Klaus as he had a grumpy look on his face.
“Sweetheart, I love you! You’re beautiful. You’re strong. You’re full of light. I enjoy you.”
You looked confused at him. Looking around and noticing the looks of disgust on Kol and Davina's faces and Rebekah who had rolled her eyes. you realized what he was doing, throwing your head back in laughter.
“You still have to pay, you landed on my property.” You told him with a smirk on your face. You held your hand out for the money.
“Oh come on!” Klaus shouted as the others laughed. He grumbled handing you the money.
The game ended abruptly fifteen minutes after that. Mostly because Klaus lost all his money, and flipped the game board.
“Neeklaus!” Elijah shouted at his brother who didn’t even look a little bit fazed.
You glared at Klaus as you finished picking up the pieces of the games. He did look a bit sheepish at your glare.
“Sorry Love, I’ll make up to you tonight.”
“Oh, I know you will Klaus.” You heard Kol oh, you rolled your eyes at him.
You grabbed Klaus’s hand ignoring Kols use a condom comment and dragged Klaus upstairs.
He smirked at you as your hand went around his neck.
“I wanted just one peaceful family night. We have your first sirlings in town causing mayhem and all I wanted was for us to spend some quality time together.”
“We can still spend some time together sweetheart. Just us. I’m taking you out for dinner tonight. Go put on the black dress I love so much.”
You pulled him into a kiss as his hands went to rest on your hips. You pulled back shortly after to catch your breath.
“Alright Mr. Mikaelson, I’ll go get dressed.” He smiled at you as you made your way over to the dresser and put your favorite black dress on to get ready for the date.
(A/N I don’t own anything but the plot. This was my first attempt of writing Klaus, so I hoped I did him justice. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading :).
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isagrimorie · 1 year
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I posted 7,997 times in 2022
That's 499 more posts than 2021!
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Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#btvs - 1,123 posts
#buffy summers - 872 posts
#tv: legacies - 745 posts
#faith lehane - 529 posts
#hope mikaelson - 521 posts
#critical role - 519 posts
#lizzie saltzman - 449 posts
#queue - 449 posts
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Longest Tag: 93 characters
#but also spike always picking fights with practically the strongest slayers of the generation
My Top Posts in 2022:
The way Marisha and Taliesin recoiled at the idea of Keyleth and Percy being in a sexual relationship was amazing.
And the solid belief of both Taliesen and Marisha that neither Kiki and Percy would ever touch each other in a sexual, except if Vex was involved.
But also, I love Marisha brought up the chilliness between Percy and Kiki! I love that it’s a little because they’re both being formal, playing good cop and bad cop, AND there might have been frictions between Percy and Kiki.
Taliesin is still of the idea that Percy can still be a little too bloody minded and that despite being best friends, Keyleth and Percy still have some arguments.
They are both leaders of their own respective places and sometimes what Whitestone prioritizes can be against what Zephra needs.
Also Percy being the Bruce Wayne from Batman Beyond. Amazing.
I also love Marisha clocked that Ashton was way too quiet when Laudna returned. Both Marisha and Tal are excited to have another one on one with each other.
And honestly, I look forward to both of Laudna’s interactions with Imogen and Ashton equally!
But also Taliesin’s knowing: “fRieNd???” when Marisha called Imogen Laudna’s friend.
You know he wanted to poke on that more.
But gah, everything’s reset back to zero for Laudna. She has a lot to work with to regain the certainty she lost about herself.
The good thing is this go around, Laudna is no longer alone to do it. She’s no longer like Tom Hanks in Castaway making imaginary friends.
She has real people willing to help her.
I am so EXCITED for everything.
423 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Rewatching Eve of the Daleks because I love it so much, especially this moment:
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Sarah glances at her phone and out of screen, Thirteen asks, just a shade annoyed: "Er, where were you?"
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Thirteen moves towards her opening her arms wide with a very annoyed expression. Her lips are a thin line.
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I love the Donna of it all!
But in general this is what I’m feeling in light of him constantly overshadowing Thirteen and now Fourteen:
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rippyre · 3 years
❝ you bit off more than you can chew. ❞
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rage   is   as   blinding   and   white   hot   as   pain.         the   former   flares   upon   hearing   what   appears   to   be         a   smug   comment         on   the   situation.            “         do   you   want   to   make   any   more   obvious   observations?         “               rhetorical   question   is   posed   through   gritted   teeth.      the   aftermath   of   a   fight   left   him   with   arm   contorted   in   an   unnatural   way,         waking   face   down   on   the   floor.         not   his   finest   moment.            bones   crack   and   a   pained   grunt   rips   through   throat   as   injury   corrects   itself.            he   stands,         facing   the   hybrid.               “            your   sister   has         a   worse   temper         than   you.      “       /   @vikoris
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moremaybank · 2 years
being the youngest mikaelson (maybe 15) and the boys being overprotective of reader and being close with Rebekah? (fem reader pls)
being the youngest mikaelson while having the boys be overprotective of you & being close with rebekah
warnings: slight violent themes (violent threat mentioned)
mikaelson siblings masterlist
being the youngest of the mikaelson siblings pretty much means that you're the child of 5 disastrous co-parents
like the time they ALL forgot about you being at school
"niklaus, you were supposed to pick up y/n from school today"
"need i remind you that i have my own actual offspring to take care of? why not ask kol, elijah? all he does is sit on his arse all day"
having to let them know your whereabouts if you don’t want them following you around the whole day
and i don't mean a text saying "at the st. james infirmary"
i'm talking full-on coordinates you got off google from pinpointing your exact location
okay, let's talk about the guys
they're all at different levels of insanity so we'll break this up
klaus: level 100
you've almost been daggered for wearing a backless dress
and for "sneaking out" (even though all you did was walk outside the compound to say hi to one of your friends that was just passing by)
don't even get me started on the look on his face when he walked into your bedroom to find you making out with your significant other without telling him
"you know, if i wasn't immortal i bet this would kill me. my littlest sister being deflowered right in front of my eyes"
"you are literally the most dramatic person on earth. deflowered? it's called kissing. and we all know you've done far worse. is your child's existence ringing any bells?"
he's always the first one to threaten any potential suitors
“if you hurt our sister in any way, your death will be spectacular. i can assure you that”
“can you relax? this is literally our first date”
now let's move onto elijah
elijah: level 50
he's the most level-headed of all the mikaelson brothers so he's not thaaat bad
he doesn't lose his mind about you unless he really has too
like that one time he caught your ex cheating on you
man went berzerk
he compelled your ex to the priesthood/nunhood (ok, he got this idea from klaus & although he's not proud of it, he has no regrets)
he's the one who's always pestering you for your location updates (especially when you started going out without your very own mikaelson-sibling bodyguard)
"you informed me that you were going to rousseau's, but i tracked your cellphone & it seems to be showing me that you're in texas. care to explain?"
look, i didn't say you made things easy on them, did i?
you're a mikaelson for god's sake
it's in your very nature to deceive your siblings and do your own thing
lastly, let's discuss kol
kol: level 1-100
the man is his own kind of unhinged if we're honest
he's super chill & then two seconds later he's lost his damn mind
"you snuck out without informing me?! are you insane?!"
*two seconds later*
"bring me next time, though. i wouldn't mind sneaking out at 2am to get drunk either"
he escorted you to a school dance once (mostly because he saw one of your teachers before and thought they were hot)
which didn't suck
it was definitely better than having klaus as your escort
but nevertheless, it did suck when he compelled anyone who wanted to dance with you to get out of his face
actually, can i rephrase that?
1000 year old, original vampire/hybrid brothers
your sisters are the best though, so let's chat about them
they aren't as overprotective because they understand the whole "independent woman" thing
rebekah always helping you with your hair & makeup when you go to fancy events or you’re going on a date
she compels random women from the street to try on the outfits you're debating so you can choose
fighting over shoes with them (mostly rebekah, she can never peacefully part with her loubitins)
freya puts a special spell on you to ensure your hair & makeup stay in place all night when you have events to go to
going out for mani/pedis with rebekah and freya
extravagant shopping sprees with one sister on each arm
rebekah and freya being your hype-women
being able to talk to them about anything & everything with them
sister spa days
binge-watching current tv shows/movies with your sisters and singing along to your favourite disney movie songs with them
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hi <3 can i request headcanons for being in a love triangle with klaus and kol? prepare for chaos 😤
oooh this is gonna be fun.
— being in a love triangle with kol and klaus mikaelson headcanons:
competitions upon competitions upon competitions
who can make you laugh the loudest? who can make you smile the biggest? who can make you the most flustered? who can make you blush the most? who can get the most compliments from you?
you get drawings and heartfelt written messages with fond nicknames from klaus
and from kol you get jewellery, clothing etc and fancily enveloped letters with charming words and flirtations
the nicknames ‼️
love, sweetheart, darling, angel, my love, lovely y/n, pretty love, gorgeous, little love
the brothers will literally have full on fights over you
kol is definitely a lot more forward with his flirting and sex related comments while klaus has his secretive and seductive smirks and words riddled with hidden meanings
they will always check up on you! your mental & physical health matters more to them than anything
they both can listen to your voice for ages, it’s practically a melody to them
all the fuckin compliments—
‘you look simply ravishing, darling’
‘love, you’re by far the prettiest person that i have even come across’
omd kol’s cheesy pick up lines.
‘are you a bank loan? because you have my interest’
‘do you have a plaster? i just scraped my knee falling for you’
‘is your name google? because you have everything i’ve been searching for’
poor bby is hopeless 😓😓
they will both be extra, uncharacteristically affectionate with you & only you
unnecessary hugs
hand holding
lingering touches
holding your face in their hands
everyone is painfully aware of just how infatuated the two of them are w you bc they make no move of hiding it
for example, kol is leaning his head on your shoulder as you sit together on the sofa and klaus is burning daggers into the side of his head, seething mutely
or you give klaus a kiss on the cheek as goodbye or hello and kol wants to literally snap his brothers neck
the most aggressive glares
omg- babe, they’re so protective of you
like you barely even have any bloody breathing room bc they think your fucking fork is going to get compelled and stab you mercilessly to death as you eat breakfast
everyone is just waiting to see who you choose in the end - they’ve all made bets
back to you, you genuinely have to get a whole storage room for all of the gifts they’ve given you
constantly being offered trips around the entire world
kol has named every single country and watched your reaction - whatever you gave the most happy reaction to, he wrote down as a reminder to take you there first
they offer to pay for literally all of your life expenses, ever
#sugardaddies #getthatcheck #sugarbabylife
you can decide for yourself if you accept or deny that 😏
necks have been snapped over you. many many many threats. temporary heart removals. toddler tantrums.
if you thought their arguing was already bad... you should see it now
they never bloody stop
no peace whatsoever
tho there’s a mutual understanding between them that you’re a beautiful, amazing, otherworldly goddess and they’d kill anyone who dares to hurt you
when confessions were finally made and you just looked at them like ‘whore ik’
and they asked who you choose, their devoted gazes urgently glued to your perfect face
and you introduced them to the idea of polyamorous relationship ( obvi they’re not dating each other ) 😁
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the-dawn-star · 2 years
Klaus Mikaelson x Gilbert!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson (Place to Stay pt.15)
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm having a bit of a bad patch so sorry for the bad quality. Also you guys support means so much so I just want to say thank you.
+2300ish words, not proof read.
(@venomsvl, @dark-night-sky-99)
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‘Can I pick you up?’
That's all it had taken, and I had responded to him before I even realized it. ‘Yes’
In less than fifteen minutes I was sitting in the same passenger's seat than I had been less than 12 hours ago. Elijah had driven to the front of the house and in the same second, I had gotten out of the house and I was half running to him, like he was my personal savior. Elijah had opened the door for me from the inside and I jumped in pulling the door close keeping the cold dry air outside.
“Hi!” I said little bit too happily for my normal acting. And the noble vampire could see it too, squinting his eyes like making sure that it was really me.
“Hi...” Elijah said, letting a smile bloom onto his lips, the lips that I had missed so badly, and he could see that too. Like in a whim he bent down just enough and pressed a second long kiss against my lips. Kiss, that I didn’t even have the time to react until he backed down and started to drive.
The silence was comforting in the best way possible, listening the car engine was just enough. And I wasn’t sure if I could keep the tears away if he asked about last night.
The Mikaelson mansion was silent when we stepped in, not that I minded. The silence had somehow bothered me in home but here it felt calmness and pure.
“Where is everybody?” I asked while Elijah helped me to take my jacket of before settling to the living room. “Kol and Rebekah needed to get out of this town, they have always been fans of bigger cities,” Elijah said words ghosting against my neck before Elijah pressed a second long kiss against my shoulder. I had to close my eyes and hold my breath so I didn’t let out an ungodly sound.
“My brother has become way too bold with you...,”
I knew the speaker even before I opened my eyes. Klaus was standing few meters away from us, arms crossed and a small smile on his face, a smile that wouldn’t mean anything good. “Hi...” I said barely louder than a whisper and embarrassment took over my body.
Well, this shit is awkward, standing in the same room as the brothers that I had kissed more than should. I have no fucking clue how Elena has survived this long with the love tringle with Stefan and Damon. And I wasn’t even in a lone tringle, and still it was bad enough of wanting to run away.
Klaus uncrossed his arms walking to me pulling me to a hug and giving me a quick kiss on my forehead. “Hello, my love,” The hybrid murmured before pulling away. But his smile died the moment that he looked my face this close.
“What’s this?” He asked hand raising against the cheek that my sister’s hand had made contact with. There wasn’t anything on my face. I had checked it in the bathroom before leaving, and Elijah hadn’t said anything. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Lying wouldn’t work, but god telling the truth could be so much worse. Klaus didn’t seem to like my incapability to speak, so he turned his focus to his big brother.
“Elijah, what’s going on?”
“I was going to ask about it, Niklaus,” So, he had seen something. Maybe the mark was still there but so light that I hadn’t seen it.
I took a step back from Klaus just to make sure that he wouldn’t explode while anger rose in him. But it didn’t help when I collided against Elijah’s chest and from habit, I turned my head around ready to whisper apology, but I didn’t get the time to do that when he took ahold of my jaw gently.
“What happened, Y/N?” Elijah asked raising my chin higher so I had no choice than to look into his warm eyes. He wanted to compel me, just to know the truth but he could feel the vervain around my neck, the vervain that his brother had given to me.
“Elena and I had a fight...” That was what happened, it doesn’t mean that I should tell everything. Telling them wasn’t a good idea when you wanted to keep someone alive.
“And...,” Elijah pushed, jaw tightening.
“She might have slapped me. But that’s it,” They didn’t need to know about her calling me a whore and saying that I was fucking both of them.
“I’m going to kill her...,” Klaus whispered behind me while Elijah let go of my jaw, and I lowered my gaze to the wooden floor. “Brother, please don’t do anything idiotic,” Elijah said rolling his eyes pressing his hand to my back. “Why don’t you get settled,” And I had no other choice than to nod and let him guide me to a couch.
I sat down to the corner kicking my shoes of and pulling my legs next to me. Elijah walked in front of me touching my cheek so gently that I barely felt it. “Have you eaten anything?” I shook my head. “I’m going to get you something to eat, okay? Try to make sure that my brother doesn’t kill anyone,” I had to let out a small laugher before covering it with a cough when the hybrid took a quick look at me. Elijah tried to cover his own smile failing badly and left me and his little brother to the living room.
“Come here, I mean if you aren’t planning to stand there forever,” I said to the hybrid, who left out a huff before giving in and came and sat to the couch with me and pulling me closer than he had to. Not that I minded, Klaus’ warm body pressed against mine wasn’t something that I would ever say no to.
“Why you and Elena were fighting? I thought you two were perfect siblings,”
For a moment I had forgotten the reason of the fight but with my luck, of course, he would ask. I didn’t know what to say, I mean would it be proper to tell Klaus that Elena had caught me and Elijah making out. Of course, I could lie but still in some way he would get the information out from me. He had a bit of a superpower like that.
“She walked in on me...,” It wasn’t a full lie so maybe he couldn’t detect it from my heart beat.
“You had a fight because she walked in on you? Come on, love, the truth can’t be that bad.” I felt the heat taking over my cheeks and a part of me wanted to run to Elijah for safety. “She walked on me and Elijah...,” My voice was barely audible but still I wanted it to be quieter.
I really should have run away from the question. And all I had expected were proven horribly wrong. It wasn’t sudden death, it was just a laughter, laughter what was more terrifying than anything that he had done, at least on the stuff that I knew.
“You just can’t stay away from my brother,” Klaus asked between his laugher, pulling me closer until my back was pressed against his chest and his arm were around me. “Come on, it’s not that funny,” I tried to put between with no luck.
“God, what would have happened if I had been the one, cus your sister would have murdered both of us,”
“Well, she didn’t have the time to get to Elijah...” I whispered, hiding my face onto his chest. Klaus’ hands rubbed my sides as in comfort but his right-hand followed from my side all to way at the back of my neck raising my head by small force.
“Are you telling me that Elijah ran away?”
“I asked him to leave,” I responded, pulling myself back without luck when the hybrids hold on me tightened. But I didn’t mind his tight hold on me, he was so warm and soft even if he was a bit of a jerk. I could have almost fallen asleep in his arms and most likely that would be the best nap in my life.
“Yes, I left and now I really hoped you would have told me otherwise.” Elijah had a plate and a glass on his hands that I almost ripped away from his reach. I was hungry and tired and any other miserable feeling that had graced this earth. But I wanted to tell myself my actions were because I didn’t want to bother him or his brother.
“Thank you,” I whispered directing my gaze to the sight before me. I liked to think that I knew Elijah, but god did he look saddened when he looked at me. Like it was his fault that my sister’s hand had touched my cheek. Like it was his fault that I had cried myself to sleep.
“Elijah..., I’m sorry.” I wasn’t sure why I was apologizing but it felt the rightest thing I had done in weeks.
“You have nothing to be sorry about..., my mistakes are only mine,” The vampires voice was like honey and fire. Somehow it made me feel a lot safer and relaxed than all the people who loved to call me their friends.
The original crouched down just enough that he could give a small kiss on my cheek. But god, why he couldn’t reach only few inches to the left to my lips.
I let myself to fall back to the couch to Klaus’ arms.
We all fell into silence. Silence that didn’t bother me. The sandwich that Elijah had made for me was delicious and the two brothers enjoyed the glasses of whiskey on their hands. The hybrid’s finger drew abstract shaped onto my arm. I could get used to this. Silent that isn’t pressuring or doesn’t bring the bad memories and thoughts to the surface. The touch without undertones of coldness and words that weren’t told to me.
“Can I have some?” My words were quiet and timid. Klaus turned his focus to me following my gaze to the glass that he was holding. His smile was more of a grin but I had to return to it. That was enough prove to him about me being sure. He gave the amber filled glass to me.
I wasn’t sure if the flavor was good or not. The burn was the only thing that I tasted. I had to close my eyes for a second to let the burn disappear. I let out a cough that I had tried to keep in. I knew that Klaus was smiling next to me and god, did I hate it. “Fuck you...,” I whispered through the burn in my throat.
Without looking at the Mikaelsons I gave the glass back to Klaus and fell to his arms little bit harsher than needed, but he deserved that. “Don’t worry we had had thousand years to build a tolerance, and you aren’t even legally allowed to drink,” Elijah said taping a sip from his own drink.
“Yeah, you two would destroy your livers in a matter of days, if you could, I mean.” I noted laying my head against the original hybrids shoulder.
Klaus let out a huff, and tucked me closer against him. “Most likely...,”
I wanted to bury my hands against his fluffy hair and pull him close enough that I would be able to make him shut up for a moment. I wanted to stay in the moment forever with no worry about the thoughts of my sister.
“And by to way everyone drinks underage here. It's the perfect American law system!” Sarcasm flowed like water and my smile was bigger than it naturally would be making my cheeks hurt just to enough to notice. “Our little law breaker,” Klaus murmured next to me with the up most of care, like a part of him was proud of me. But even better was the one word, ‘our’, Klaus called me theirs, like I belonged to them, and I hoped it would go the other way too. That they were mine, like I was theirs. A reality that would never see the light of day.
I needed to get the attention from me, the Originals could see my bashful face in any second, if they hadn’t already seen. “Yes, and I’m talking to two literal murderers,”
“But still, you aren’t running away... what that makes you?” Fuck, I’m tired.
“An idiot?” I guessed pulling myself up from the couch. I'm sitting way longer that needed. We had a school thing about teenagers sitting too much few months ago.
“Please Y/N, don’t say such things about yourself.” Elijah broke my pacing with his words, maybe just in my mind, he sounded angry. “Sorry, ‘Lijah...,” I mumbled walking behind the armchair that Elijah was sitting on. The vampire arched his neck just enough that our eyes met. He is so beautiful.
My mind clouded with something that I wasn’t sure. I just walked to his side so he was on my right. Even without looking I knew that the hybrid on thesofa was looking at me like a hunter to its prey. And the same could have been said from his brother.
I can’t do this shit anymore. But once more couldn’t hurt... right?
I just bend down so the two of us were at eye level. And without a second thought I pressed my lips on his.
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One Bad Day…. (Part One ½: Christmas Eve)
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Day 5: Gift Giving
Fandom: DC, Batman, Batfam, Batmom
Word Count: 2212
Tag List: @hjgdhghoe, @dazaisleftballsack, @simp027, @animefan3223, @mysticchopshop, @eternalharry @edgycatx, @lanatheawesome, @yandere-batfamfan, @zsalvatore-mikaelson, @constantshitposter, @lauramb7, @loverhymeswith, @thedumbgirl, @leonielaufeyson, @ultraxavbo, @chrismarium, @joceymoo, @shanksfav, @leyleyinpijamas, @notwonderlandsworld
Note: This is set around the reader's first Christmas in Arkham. It can be read anytime after Part One, but falls between Part One and Part Two based on the timeline
Series Masterlist
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You glance at the small clock in your cell for about the hundredth time that day. Six minutes left until midnight. He still has time. He still might show up. He still can show you he cares.
Five minutes.
For the past four months you have been living in this nightmare of a prison without a single word from your ex-husband. But tonight will be different. It has to be. And though you have waited all day with no sign of a visitor, he still has five minutes. He can still make it in time. He has broken into Arkham enough times, you bet he can do it with his eyes closed. So, five minutes is more than enough time. Because tonight is Christmas Eve, and he can’t forget you on your most special night…. Can he?
You storm through the door of Wayne manor and immediately drop your coat on the floor. You couldn’t care less that it is real fur and costs more than your rent. You want nothing more to do with any of these expensive trinkets. As you stomp through the halls, you rip off the diamond bracelet and matching earrings Bruce had given you for your birthday and scatter them as you walk. You hike up the train of the awful green dress Bruce’s secretary had picked out for you, not caring when you feel something on it rip.
When you finally reach the library, you burst through the doors before throwing yourself down onto the couch in a huff. Bruce has been trailing behind you and he watches your fit as he leans in the doorway, arms folded over his chest.
Raising one eyebrow, he asks, “So, are we going to talk about what happened?”
“No, we are not.……………........I told you, Bruce! I told you this was a terrible idea!”
He sighs heavily. “It wasn’t that bad until you started making a scene.”
You sat up abruptly on the couch. “I started making a scene? Did you not see the way they were looking at me? The things they were saying about me? Everywhere I walked, all I heard was ‘gold-digger’, ‘tramp’, ‘slut’, ‘whore’. One old lady actually clutched her pearls when I passed her! Who the hell knew people really did that in real life! And, yet, I’m the one who made a scene?”
“You didn’t have to climb up on stage and yell that you weren’t a prostitute.”
“That is not what I said! I believe my exact words were ‘I just want everyone here to know Bruce Wayne is not paying me to fuck him. I do that shit for free.’”
Bruce rubs his hand over his face. “Yes, I remember that very vividly.”
You fall back onto the couch and roll over so your back is to the door, all of the fight suddenly gone from your system. You whisper, “I told you it was a bad idea. I’m not like them…. I’m not like you.”
“Sweetheart…” Bruce stops as he notices your shoulders starting to shake. With a sigh, he comes over and sits on the edge of the couch, hand gently resting on your back. You try to squirm away, but he is sitting too close on the little couch to avoid his touch.
He tries again, “Sweetheart, I’m not asking you to-”
“Stop, Bruce, just…stop.” You roll over so you are facing him, tears gently leaking from your eyes. “There is nothing you can say to make this better so just don’t even try.”
He reaches down and takes your hands in his. “Okay, well…. how about I love you?”
You stare at him in disbelief for a long time before shaking your head. “Don’t. Don’t do that. Don’t throw that word around like a Band-Aid trying to fix this situation. That word isn’t a joke to me. You know that.”
“And you know what it means to me too. I would never say it unless I meant it….. And I do mean it. You are the first woman who has ever…. Who I ever…” He looks down to where his hands were wrapped around yours. “I wanted to say it weeks ago but it never seemed right. And now…” He looked up and stared deeply into your eyes. “But I do. I love you.”
The tears began to stream harder down your face. You can hear the sincerity and love packed into every word he said. He is telling you the truth. “Bruce, I….I love you too. So much more than I ever thought possible. But…”
His face had lit up for just a second before your ‘but’ makes it crumble once more. “But what?”
“But how can we ever have a life together? I thought maybe there was a chance, maybe we could make this work. But after tonight…. We were fooling ourselves. I don’t belong in your world. Well-” You thought back to the night the two of you met. “- I don’t belong in this part of your world. I belong in the darkness and the shadows where you found me. Not the bright glittering lights of your high society life.”
Bruce shook his head. “You know I don’t truly belong there either. I figured out how to fit in and play the part, but that is not who I am. The man you met that night, that’s who I am. This man, the one sitting before you now.”
“I know that, but Bruce…I’m not a good person. I’ve hurt people, and I’ve done things. I don’t deserve someone as virtuous and noble as you.”
“I wasn’t always like this. I’ve made mistakes in the past too. And I know who you are, all of you, all the bad parts and the good, and I love you for it. And I realize that becoming a part of my life, a part of both sides of my life, will require a lot from you. But, as far as those people tonight are concerned, it’ll just take some time before they come around just like they did for me.”
“Bruce, you were born into this life. They had no choice but to accept you. And no matter how much I try, I will always be the gold-digging street slut who Bruce Wayne is slumming it with. It could be fifty years from now and that will always be all I am to them.”
“I don’t care. Let them talk, it doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter to you! …. I think I have to leave. I’m sorry.”
He squeezes your hands tighter. “Don’t do this. Don’t let them ruin this for us. Please… you are the first person to make me happy since…. I don’t even know when. I can’t lose you.”
You ran your hand down his cheek. “Bruce…Maybe if things were different, but…”
“Stop with all the buts!” He stood up abruptly and stalked across the room before whipping back around to face you. “I love you and you say you love me! That’s all that matters! The rest… we’ll figure out later. But I am not losing you because of what a few old rich assholes say.”
He rubs his hand over his face again as he lets out a deep sigh. “Listen, I won’t try to make you stay if that’s honestly not what you want. But please, don’t end this because that’s what other people want. If there’s something bothering you, tell me and I can try to fix it. If you prefer to date in secret, we can. If you’d rather not go to these social functions, I will never bring one up again. If you want me to go to the top of Wayne Industries and shout, ‘This woman is the love of my life. And I want everyone to know that I, Bruce Wayne, am not paying to fuck her. She does me the honor of doing that shit for free.’”
You burst out laughing, shaking your head in astonishment. “There is no way in hell you would actually do that!”
“You don’t think I would?” He rushes over to the couch, offering you his hand. “Come on! We’ll go up there right now. A big Christmas announcement for the people of Gotham!”
“Oh, Bruce…” You take his outstretched hand and rub your thumb over the back of it. Softly, you ask, “I really mean that much to you?”
“You are the only person I have ever loved like this, and I can’t imagine loving anyone else like this ever again. You are more than my love, you are my heart itself.”
You stand and draw his face down until your foreheads are resting on one another. “You darling, darling man. For someone who claims they’ve never been in love before, you sure know all the right words to say.”
You pause, taking a slow, deep breath before whispering, “Okay, we can try again, but I need some ground rules.”
Bruce nods emphatically against your head. “Of course, whatever you want.”
“First, I understand that there will be a few events each year where it would be almost necessary to bring a partner. In these situations, I will go and try to be on my best behavior. But when it is more… optional that you bring a date, I don’t have to go.”
“That sounds more than fair.”
“Second, I want to be more involved with the other side of your life.” You saw him start to hesitate. “That is the part I know, the part I’m familiar with. I can be a big help. You need someone else watching your back while you’re out there every night. I’m not saying I have to be on the streets with you, but I want to help in some way.”
He thinks about it for a moment. “We can discuss it.”
You nod, willing to accept that answer for now. “And third, you can’t keep giving me all this fancy shit. I don’t want it and I don’t need it. Tonight, you have already given me the best gift I could have ever hoped for. You gave me your love. And Bruce, as long as I have that, as long as I have you, there’s nothing else I need.”
“And all I need is you. Forever.” As the grandfather clock in the hall begins to chime, Bruce cups your face and kisses you more passionately than ever before.
You finally pull away from each other on the final stroke of midnight. Faces still just inches apart, Bruce rubs his thumb gently over your cheek, “Merry Christmas, my heart.”
You smile brightly as you stare into the eyes of the man you love. “Merry Christmas, Bruce.”
Since that evening, Christmas Eve has been your special night as a couple. More important than your anniversary, or either one of your birthdays. It was the one day of the year that he always made time to see you, even if only for a few minutes. No Batman nor Bruce Wayne matter had managed to keep you apart on Christmas Eve…. Until now.
11:59 PM
Please, Bruce. Please don’t do this to me. Please show up, show me there might still be a chance….. show me you still love me like I still love you…
12:00 AM. Midnight. Christmas morning. He didn’t come.
You roll back over as you stare up at the dingy ceiling above you. You had known there was only a slim chance that he would actually show up, but the pain still feels like a bullet to the heart. However, you are done crying over Bruce Wayne. If that bastard is truly done with you, then fine. You can be done with him too.
After a moment, the trembling starts in your chest, unstoppable and hysterical. Soon it begins to spread throughout your system until you are a quivering mess.
I will not let him do this to me. I will not-
A sob burst from your lips, destroying any remaining control you are trying to maintain. In seconds, you are a blubbering wreck as wail after wail poured out of your mouth, each one growing louder, more frantic. Tears cascade down your face as you bury it into a pillow, desperately trying to drown out some of the noises coming from between your lips. Only one thought dances through your head. He didn’t come. He really didn’t come. For the first time in over a decade, we didn’t spend Christmas Eve together.
When you finally sob to the point your eyes feel unable to produce more tears and the quaking in your chest has dulled to a small shiver, you reach under your mattress and grab the small book. You pull out the photo you hid within the pages. The one that had been folded and unfolded so many times in the past four months that the people in it were almost unrecognizable. But you know each of their faces by heart.
Ignoring the image of yourself from that night in that horrible green dress, you traced your finger down the face of the man standing beside you. The face of the man you love. The man who had once called you his heart.
Merry Christmas, Bruce.
Part Three of this series will be coming very soon! However, I am also interested to know if there are any moments in the past like this you would like to see. (Ex: Bruce and reader's first meeting, their wedding, meeting Dick, something else with Jason, etc.) If you think of anything, please send me an ask or make a comment and I will see what I can do! (Overall story permitting). Thanks!
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
Match My Heart to Yours
Okay, since the Exchange reveals have been pushed back until Thursday (for very, very good reasons) I have decided to post a tiny thing to hopefully tide people over. I do sort of intend to write more on this, but I have been stalled for a few months which means I need to change things up. So here is the first bit, hopefully you all like it!
You can also read it here on A03.
Synopsis: Enzo has an plan. Caroline has some serious doubts, because first all, werewolf, hot or not. Alpha, even. A political marriage to a man with his dimples seems like a terrible idea.
Caroline paused, chopsticks hovering over her container of fried rice. Across from her, Enzo looked relaxed, no real tension visible as he reached for another eggroll. “Excuse me?”
She narrowed her eyes at his placating tone. “I should have known your offer to pick up dinner two towns over was a bribe. You don’t even like Chinese food. You cannot be serious.”
Her witchy best friend would walk through fire for her, but perfect egg rolls an hour after they’d been picked up should have dinged as an obvious bribe. Though this was not nearly big enough. 
“Would I have made the drive if I wasn’t serious?” Enzo asked, sighing when her expression didn’t budge. “You know what I do. What I really do.”
Her gaze dropped to his wrist were a tattoo wound along the bones and tendons, the ink black and red, starkly visible against the olive of his skin. Usually he used the modern advances in makeup to hide what no magic could, because sometimes people were less understanding about this particular quirk of his magic than others. She’d never had a problem with it, but she was human and had no desire for his services. 
Caroline speared a piece of shrimp and narrowed her eyes in warning. “I am very aware of what you do with your magic when you aren’t perfecting fireballs and lightning strikes, Enzo. No need to be rude.”
She chewed carefully, giving herself a moment so she didn’t do something stupid like throw the food at him. The wood floors were brand new. “I’m human. No witchy bloodlines for ten generations or more, and definitely not a werewolf. São Paulo proved that. In spades. So, seriously, there is zero reason for your magic to like me for this.”
A faint grimace. São Paulo had not been a good time. Not for anyone. 
“You know it doesn’t always work like that,” he said patiently, dunking his egg roll repeatedly into the sweet and sour sauce, his expression wry. “Sometimes my magic has a mind of its own.”
She rolled her eyes. “Enzo, tell me something I don’t know.”
A small laugh escaped him. “True.”
“Have I ever done anything, absolutely anything, that would make you think I’d want to have a matchmaker stick their nosy magic in my life?” Caroline set her chopsticks down and started closing containers, her appetite gone. 
A sigh. “No.”
“Damn straight. Isn’t there some kind of ritual involved? Blood magic? The romance novels I read on this subject insisted consent was a factor and blood had to be given willingly, much to the displeasure of several southern mamas.”
He deliberately finished his eggroll, sauce-soggy rice paper and all, chewing methodically. “Normally. This isn’t a… usual situation.”
“Normally?” Sitting back, Caroline waved her hand. “The food buys you an explanation. So start talking.”
Enzo leaned back, chair creaking, and ran a hand through his dark hair. “Look, you’ve been in Europe the last, what? Six months?” 
“Eight, and should I be hurt you weren’t counting?”
He snorted. “You spent the last eight months chasing diamonds. Busy enough you even stopped answering texts in a timely manner, so I imagine you haven’t kept up with what’s been going on.”
“Excuse you? What text did I not respond to?”
“Emoji’s are not words, Caroline.”
Caroline pressed her chin to her palm, gaze narrowed. “Stop being old, Enzo. And let’s be clear. It’s not like I was chasing just any diamonds. These were expensive. The kind of expensive we peons can never actually afford to legally own.”
Enzo rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen your rate sheet. You do just fine.”
She grinned at him. “Thank you, I do very good work. But what does my previous job have to do with the completely ridiculous proposal you brought me?”
“Mason died.”
Caroline arched a brow. “Yeah, I saw. That was impossible to miss. International news, all those TV Pundits talking about who would take over as the US Alpha, blah blah politics. Since he had the bad taste to die outside of a challenge fight, I didn’t have time to worry about it.”
Enzo put the plastic lid back on the sweet and sour sauce, his expression unhappy. “That’s the problem. He did die in a challenge fight.”
He sighed and pushed his chair back. “This is a bit of a complicated story. As nice as these chairs are, something a little more comfortable might not be adverse.”
“You’re not getting any of the beer in my fridge until I’m sure I’m not kicking you out.” She narrowed her eyes. “The odds are not in your favor.”
“Cruel, but I suppose well deserved.” His chin tipped towards his car, expression amused. “Is now a good time to mention the cheesecake in the trunk of my car?”
He laughed and sauntered into her living room, flopping his favorite squishy chair. Caroline picked the couch. She motioned for him to start talking, and he slouched a little further down.
“Look, a lot of this isn’t common knowledge, alright?” Enzo grimaced. “Though it should be and I’m not sure how much longer they are going to manage to keep a lid on how badly the Council screwed this up.”
“Cover up?”
“Among other problems.”
“Mason was their darling.” And, she knew, some factions had whispered, their pawn. She reached up and shoved her bangs back to hide her wince. “Losing a wolf so pro-witch would have been a blow. Losing the top Alpha who was also pro-witch is a political travesty.”
“Political travesty or not, Mason’s dead, and they’re going to have to deal with the new Alpha. He isn’t known for his tolerance.”
“Most werewolves are suspicious of magic,” Caroline pointed out, curling one leg underneath her. “Can’t really blame ‘em, with how they ended up as werewolves. Vengeance, magical curse. That sort of thing tends to sour peoples opinions, and then you know centuries later, they really improved things with their required silver legislation.”
“Yeah, you’re not wrong, but that’s not the kind of tolerance I am talking about.” He leaned back against the chair, and lifted his foot towards the coffee table, pausing, gaze darting towards her narrowed eyes. His foot thumped back against the floor. “The short version is that Mason was challenged, he lost, and the Witch’s Council, for lack of better words, bungled the announcement.”
“How do you bungle an announcement? Challengers have official channels they have to go through and everything.” She pointed at the TV. “They’ve even started wanting to televise the damn things, like it’s some kind of wrestling bout and not a fight to the death.”
Enzo rubbed a hand down his face. “From everything that I’ve been able to tell, Mason just… didn’t expect to lose.”
“That makes no sense. Mason wasn’t young, even by werewolf standards,” Caroline said slowly. “There have been rumors in Europe that he should have been disposed of as much as a century ago. They aren’t really sure why the packs here haven't risen up against him, particularly after the whole issue with his nephew abducting his bride after she’d been paired by the matchmakers to someone else.”
“Tyler Lockwood leads more with his dick than his brains,” Enzo agreed. “And that should have weakened Mason politically, spurring a few challenges. That it didn’t…”
“It’s only been ten years, and that isn’t that long for a werewolf,” Caroline pointed out. “It’s reasonable that the family of the disappointed groom would just now be in a position themselves to pick a fight. Hayley’s family is old blood but not particularly powerful.”
Enzo gave her a dry look. “When do werewolves ever wait to pick fights?”
“When they are going up against the top Alpha in the US and need public opinion behind them. The general public expects a dominance fight or a natural cause of death for all alphas,” she said dryly. 
He nodded in approval. “For someone so disparaging of politics earlier, you do have an excellent grasp of the situation.”
Caroline tossed a cushion at him, which he caught with a grin. “Please, my Mom was the Sheriff and Dad, well, you know Dad. Conspiracy theories and hatred of anything that so much whiffed of the unnatural. But none of that explains what actually happened?”
“We think Mason was using magic to win his challenge fights.”
Her lips parted. “But that’s… the packs would riot. Because something like that…”
“It’s something the Witch Council had to be involved in.”
She inhaled sharply. “That would be a disaster.”
“It is a disaster,” Enzo said bitterly. “There have already been two executions, and several investigations are still pending. We’ve managed to convince the new alpha to hold back the public announcement, but he’s losing patience. We need a solid infrastructure of a plan in place, because humans don’t do well with surprises of this kind, and right now we’re barely holding the alliances together.”
“And what?” Caroline asked exasperated. “The remaining Council has decided to hire a matchmaker? They think since the new Alpha is single, they must be in want of a partner? You’re going to announce the change of leadership, the challenge fight, and then announce he agreed to be matchmade?”
“Something like that.”
“Who is going to trust the Council after something like this?” She shoved her hair away from her face. “If I was the Alpha, I wouldn’t touch anything that they touch with a ten foot pole. That includes matchmaking.”
“I wasn’t hired by the Council, though a couple of my… co-workers have taken those contracts.” He seemed to consider his words and then shrugged. “I was hired by Bekah.”
“Rebekah Mikaelson?” She said, brows arching high. “Why is she involved in this? And I thought you two didn't get along. The last time you were in the same room, she lit your precious robes on fire.”
Enzo’s mouth curved into a slow smile full of male satisfaction. “She’s an odd one, but it’s not the worst way I’ve had someone flirt with me.”
“And the time she declared matchmaking the worst magical school in existence and she hoped you did the world a favor and never reproduced?”
“Charming, isn’t she? I don’t think she really likes children in general.” He looked unbothered. “The bit about my magic was just an attempt to be clever. Her insults have gotten better the more she gets to know me. I appreciate her dedication to getting my attention.”
“Yes, and that is what I am going to put on your gravestone. You finally got the attention you always wanted.” Caroline shook her head. “Insults and spells aside, why did she hire you?”
“Because the Witch Council is right, in a way. It’s going to come out that Mason lost a challenge fight and the witches tried to cover it up.” Enzo reached up and rubbed the back of his neck. “A werewolf who is newly matched has more appeal than a single one, and it’s not a terrible way to divert the press.”
“Is he worried about appeal? Why are you worried about his appeal?” She threw up her hands. “He killed Mason. He is now unequivocally in charge. Why does appeal matter?”
“We need stability.” Enzo’s face went grave. “We can’t afford a year of dominance fights when we’re already struggling with sorting through Mason’s people for traitors. Announcing a match buys us time.”
Caroline froze. “You want the year truce.”
“We need that year, Gorgeous. I’m not sure we’ll survive without it. Pairing off the new alpha? It’s the only way we’re going to get it.”
“And you want me to marry him? Why?”
“Why not you? You’re smart, resourceful, and not bad on the eyes. That you're from a small town will add to your appeal. Small town girl meets werewolf Alpha, and it’s a match. People will love you.”
“I’m a Finder, Enzo. That’s not exactly the most politically correct of jobs.” Her gaze narrowed. “Am I even going to be able to keep working if I agree to this?”
“Once things stabilize, sure, why not?”
“You’re really selling this.”
Enzo shrugged. “You know that one of the true weaknesses of Mason’s was that he refused to find a mate or even attempt a match.”
There had seemingly been a good reason for that. Werewolves were blessed with supernatural strength, a lifespan that more than tripled a normal human’s, and were highly territorial. Most of the time, those instincts could be driven towards their pack and maintaining the careful balance that the world existed in. A werewolf in love was a dangerous creature. Werewolves fighting over their lovers more so.
It was why Enzo’s magic existed. 
“Uh huh,” Caroline drawled, unconvinced. “You're really going to tell an Alpha he can’t claim what’s his unless he agrees to a match, the very thing the last alpha decried as unnecessary. How’s that going? I bet not well.”
“The sooner you say yes, the better, then.”
She glowered at him, but he looked unrepentant.
“Seriously Enzo, matchmaking magic or not, this cannot be your best plan. I cannot be the absolute best idea you have for this.”
“Why not?” He leaned back. “From where I’m sitting, it’s a fantastic plan.”
Caroline’s jaw dropped and she stared at him. He was serious. She knew that set of his jaw, the glint behind his eyes. Matchmaking wasn’t a science, it was magic. A fail safe, a terrible and beautiful promise: that somewhere out there, somewhere, maybe, a soulmate existed. And if you were lucky enough, maybe magic would find them for you.
“Enzo, seriously this time. Why even ask me? You know I’ve never been interested in matchmaking with a werewolf or witch. I like my life.” She spread her arms to include the house. “What you're asking me to do, asking of me, it changes everything. Why?”
He was quiet for several moments, his gaze unfocused. When he spoke, his voice was strangely serious. “My magic likes the match.”
She considered that, shifting to hug her knees to her chest. She’d been friends with Enzo since she was seventeen years old and she’d dragged his half unconscious body out of a car wreck that should have killed him. In turn, he’d been there for her when her mom died and her dad disappeared. He’d helped her get established in her career of choice, even though he’d been disapproving of the reasons why she’d chosen to go into it. 
She trusted him. 
Enzo liked to hide what he could do because he was so good at what he did, and she’d seen him drunk more than once post-match. His magic was not… unkind, but it wasn’t easy, what it demanded of him. To put two people together, with the intention that they’d make a relationship work for possibly hundreds of years. The weight of success and the pain of failure were both so heavy. 
Enzo did not match lightly. 
His magic liked the match. 
Her stomach flipped as she really considered what that meant. No such thing as soul mates, Enzo always insisted, just the endless probabilities of human lives narrowed to a single red thread between two people. And here, he said, was her chance to see if this probability would work for her. 
She couldn’t decide what that made her feel.
“You swear this isn’t about Dad?”
A tip of his head. “While I have no compunction about putting a few hundred werewolves between you and whatever mess he left behind, it’s not about him. You were right. My magic should never have considered you for this. You’ve never wanted to find a match, and honestly, I’ve always liked that about you. And nothing about this is going to be easy. But when Rebekah brought me his blood, all my magic could see was you and the potential you two had together. I could no more deny you the chance to say yes than breathe.”
She groaned under her breath. “This could be a disaster. You know I hate politics, and I’m an only child. I’m terrible at sharing. He’s alpha. Nothing he does is his alone.”
“I know. The circumstances are unusual, so they’ve been willing to negotiate generous terms if things don’t work.” Enzo grinned. “No one wants to trap either of you, not when all parties know that magic isn’t infallible.”
She eyed him. “I don’t like it when you think you’ve got it all figured out.”
A laugh. “Come with me to New York. Give it two years. A year for the truce, a year to fortify whatever weaknesses his enemies attempt to manipulate. At the end, if you want out, no one will stop you. I’ll dissolve the marriage myself. No loopholes.”
Enzo never dissolved marriages. That, more than anything, told her how serious he was about giving her an out. How badly they needed to truce. 
“I guess you really do have this all figured out.” 
“I wish I did, but we both know that’s impossible with something like this. I can only read the magic, and tell you what I see. But I’ll do everything I can to help you.” He smiled ruefully. “We’ve gotten good at hiding bodies, what’s a few more?”
Caroline wasn’t sure she should have found that comforting, but she did. “And just who am I agreeing to consider marrying?”
Enzo suddenly coughed and stood, a familiar hint of devilment twisting his lips. “Klaus Mikaelson.”
She spluttered. “Klaus Mikaelson? You want me to marry Klaus? He killed Mason?”
His smile widened. “Yes.”
Caroline gawked at him. Before she’d gone to Europe, Klaus Mikaelson had been the third most powerful Alpha. Young, handsome, devastatingly charming, he made people forget just how terrifying he could be with a pair of dimples that raised the blood pressure of every woman past puberty. 
He was also Rebekah Mikaelson’s half brother. 
Enzo had been entertaining her for years about the Mikaelson sibling dynamic. Klaus had not been spared in those stories, and while she’d never met him, she knew two very important things: he was built on lines that had always, always snagged her attention, and the sharp temper of his wolf, the brutality of his temper, hid a clever, agile mind that made him dangerous to underestimate.
“Enzo!” She protested. “Klaus?”
Sliding his hands in his pockets, he spun towards her door. “Yup.”
“Just where do you think you are going?”
Enzo tossed her a grin over his shoulder. “To get your cheesecake. You didn’t think I lied about that, did you? And you might as well fetch me that beer. We both know I’m not going anywhere until tomorrow, at the earliest.”
Caroline stared at his back as the door clanged behind him, heart hammering in her throat for a hundred reasons she couldn’t explain.
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little-diable · 4 years
Shakespeare - Klaus Mikaelson (angst/smut)
Request by anon: Love❤ can you write for Husband!Niklaus Mikaelson & Reader? They had a fight over something and now she is very upset with him. She is not talking to him, sulking and moreover 'ignoring' him. And he is very sorry about his behaviour and craving for her attention. So he does all the cute efforts to propitiate her(made a painting of her, write poems and love quotes for her to read) {add loads of fluff in his efforts} so she finally gives in and please make it an eventual romantic smut 😊
God, I loved writing this, I think that's one of my favorites, hope you like it just as much as I do. Enjoy my loves. xxx
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“Don’t,“ (y/n) whispered, Klaus slowly pulled away his hand, his arms were now loosely hanging by his sides, a devastated expression on him as his eyes wandered across the tear stains down her face. He watched her leave the living quarters, sunk down onto the couch, head buried in his hands, a sob left his lips. Klaus couldn’t believe the words he had screamed at her, just seconds ago. 
Regret began to fill him, his throat was tightening up, it felt as if somebody was cutting off his airway, tightly squeezing his skin, crushing his windpipe, making him suffer, for the profane words that had left his mouth. 
Hiccups rumbled through her, (y/n) grasped the sink in her and Klaus bathroom, her knuckles were turning white at this point, she was watching herself through the mirror, she was a mess, not being able to let go of his, “I should have left you centuries ago.”
The way he had so aggressively screamed it at her, wouldn’t leave her mind, his eyes had been pitch black, empty pupils were staring at her, watching her crumble, fall apart as he kept on screaming and screaming. She needed some time to breathe, to calm down and overthink the whole scenario.  
Their fighting had been going on for weeks by now, every time they’d visit Mystic Falls, all hell would break loose, Klaus would switch his focus onto something ‘rather important’, would leave her hanging and turn his back on her, as if he was a completely new person. 
She had been going through thick and thin with him, had picked him off the floor, had pulled him out of his darkest holes, they had been married for centuries by now, (y/n) probably should be used to all the stresses and strains by now. 
(Y/n) would hide away in their bedroom, desperate for some time alone, she couldn’t get herself to talk to him, every time she’d think about him, bile would rise in her throat, tears were welling up in her eyes, making her cry out over and over again. 
She wasn’t noticing, that he was sitting across of their door, out in the hallway, tears would fall from his eyes as he listened to the sound of her crying. He was suffering just as much, but for complete other reasons, this had been the first time Klaus had felt terribly anxious, scared that she’d give up, finally realizing how bad of a person he was, turning her back on him. 
He knew, that it would be on him this time, to make things right, so he did the only thing he could think of, Klaus began to paint, he’d stare at his canvas for hours on end, trying to come up with any idea. A tight smile would tug on his lips as he’d finally start painting, faint brush marks would graze the white fabric, slowly turning into a beautiful memory Klaus was trying to project onto the canvas. The small clearing, where they had gotten married centuries ago, was slowly beginning to take form, transforming single movements with his brush into a bigger picture. 
But it was obvious to him, that a painting wouldn’t fix anything, it would need more convincing than that, so he sat down and began to write a poem for her, murmuring her favorite lines out of Shakespeares ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Klaus was too focused on his writing, to hear her nearing, he began to whisper. “Give me my Romeo, and, when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and-” he whipped his head towards the door, as her sweet voice interrupted him. “He will make the face of heaven so fine, that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun.”
“I can still remember, the day we met him for the first time, the way he was sitting in the tavern, writing down those words. You smiled at me, told me that our love was eternal, what happened to you, Klaus?” Her voice was hoarse from all the crying. 
“Love,” (y/n) walked towards him, her naked feet were tapping against the wooden floor, she grasped his hand and sunk down in his lap, nuzzling her head against the crook of his neck. “I love you. I’m so sorry, I can’t even put into words how sorry I am, (y/n), trust me-” she placed her pointer finger onto his lips, silencing her husband. “Show me, prove to me, how much you love me.” His eyes were staring at her, burning right into her soul, trying to swallow down the guilt, that was eating him alive. 
Klaus carried her towards the bedroom, smiling down at her, he moved some of her hair out of her face, slowly dipping his head down to kiss her. The loving kiss soon turned into something else, something much more passionate, fueled by their rage, their sadness, that had been clouding their minds for the past days. “I love you,” he whispered against her lips, Klaus pressed his forehead against hers, his hands were moving along the sides of his white dress shirt she was currently wearing. 
A shaky breath left (y/n), he began to unbutton the shirt, kissing her skin every time he popped open another button, followed by a sweet “I love you.” He attached his mouth onto her boobs, taking his time as if he was exploring her body for the first time, Klaus pressed loving kisses all over her chest, her eyes fluttered close the moment he finally sucked on her nipples, making tingles erupt in her lower belly. “Beautiful.“ The original whispered against her skin, moving his hands down to her panties, he rubbed her clit through the fabric, slowly teasing her, he didn’t want to rush things this time. 
“Please, Klaus.” His ring felt cold against her hot skin, slowly he pulled her soaked panties down her legs, Klaus kissed down her upped body, to her hipbones, where he placed his hands. He ran his tongue across her clit, circling it, eyes finding hers, a faint smile began to spread on her lips, she reached her hands out and tangled them in his locks, getting pulled back into the pleasure he was currently providing her with. Klaus plunged two fingers into her heat, pumping them in and out of her as he sucked on her sensitive nub, one moan after the other fell from her lips. 
Her release was nearing, Klaus curled his fingers upwards, teasing her sweet spot, “Does that feel good, my love?” He groaned out, his pants were getting tighter, he couldn’t get enough of her. She could only moan a small “yes” tugging on his roots, telling him that she was close, her orgasm would wash over her any time soon now. His name fell from her lips, the familiar warmth began to spread through her, the knot in her belly exploded for the first time that night, leaving her breathless for a few moments. 
His eyes wouldn’t leave hers, Klaus pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his toned upper body to her (y/e/c) eyes, he ripped his trousers and boxers down his legs, his length was standing proud and tall, throbbing in his touch. He crawled up her body, Klaus ran the tip of his length along her folds a few times, coating himself with her slickness. (Y/n) grasped his necklace and pulled him down for a kiss, moaning against his lips as he sunk his length into her heat. 
Klaus completely filled her, she could feel ever inch of him, buried in her heat, fully stretching her, he wrapped her legs around his middle, slowly pulling out of her before he thrusted his hips against hers. “I love you,” he whispered again, his eyes were closed, he was building up the speed of his thrusts, he didn’t want this to end too soon, this wasn’t about him, it was all about her and the love he felt for her. 
“Look at me,” (y/n) whispered, she was still holding onto his necklace, “I love you too.” A smile began to spread on his lips, his hips were thrusting against hers more easily by now, excitement was flooding through the both of them, relishing in the feeling of being as close as possible. “Faster, please Klaus.” Her toes were curled, he began to put pressure onto her clit with his thumb, while he was pounding into her. 
He kept on calling out her name, one hand was placed on her right thigh, the other one next to her head, her walls were clenching around him, trying to pull him even closer. “Shit,” (y/n) tugged on his necklace once again, pushing his lips against hers, deep moans rumbled through her as her release washed upon her. Her whole body was tingling, the heavenly feeling overcame her for the second time that evening, a tear fell from her eye, she truly loved him and would never let him go, no matter what.  
Klaus pressed his forehead against her neck, moaning into her skin, it took him a few more thrusts, till he released himself into her heat, his sweat was dripping down onto her skin, his hands had left some marks on her thighs, displaying the deep emotions he had felt a few moments ago. “I’m sorry.” The original breathed out, he pulled her into his chest, his fingers were dancing across her skin, trying to remind him, that this was indeed real, she had forgiven him, once again, hadn’t left him on his own. 
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nolaimagines · 4 years
Hey can you do another neglect Mikaelson but different one like the she is the first born child Of Klaus and powerful witch who’s the Mikaelson enemy. And the Mikaelson don’t give her attention or anything basically focus on hope she leaves them and years later their looking for her only to see her married and has kids and is pregnant. The Mikaelson tries to earn her trust but one day hope tries to talk to her and end ups getting. Hurt and the readers husband yells them to stay away from her
I am going to attempt to write this from your point of view (hope that’s okay)
I totally got carried away with this...it is a bit long
“Hello?” You shouted out as you stepped into the home.
“Your dad has gone out, Elijah is god knows where, Rebekah…again no idea. And well I’m here…tired from the baby and bored.” Hayley explained as she walked down the stairs.
You groaned, “I’ve been calling them all day and it’s like I don’t exist…” you threw yourself on the sofa but quickly regretted it as you winced.
“What’s wrong?” Hayley sat beside you.
“Oh, nothing. It doesn’t matter.” You breathed through the pain, as you got comfortable.
Hayley rolled her eyes, “Fine, have it your way.” She sat on the couch opposite you and threw the control your way.
You sighed, switching on the tv before silently chanting a spell to heal your wound before your family could pretend as if they care.
Your father was the great original hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson, son of Esther and her love but Mikael was left with the burden of raising him. Your mother was a powerful witch who Klaus had close relation with and soon came along you. Your mother’s bloodline was part of the greatest witch bloodline there was beside Esther’s. You were powerful and everyone knew better than to mess with you, and to make it worse, you were a Mikaelson. When you were young, your parents fought constantly, becoming quick enemies, fighting over you. But it led to you watching your mother die at the hands of Klaus Mikaelson. He didn’t kill her, but it was his actions that lead to her death. Yet you still stayed by your father’s side. He didn’t care much for you; you were a living and breathing reminder of your mother, and he hated it. He didn’t care if you lived or died. The only reason you are with them is because your Uncle Elijah comes up with some poetic speech that family is power. You didn’t feel like family. You were used for your magic and power. Whether you were caught in the crossfire, injured or nearly dead, it was your own problem to save yourself. No one cared much for you.
“Y/N!” your dad yelled your name through the house.
You rolled your eyes, and continued to watch the tv, pretending it was interesting.
“Y/N, why is it you choose to ignore me? I am your father, you dare to ignore me!”
“What could you possibly need from me? Go ask one of your witchy friends to perform a spell.” You groaned, sitting up and walking out.
Klaus grabbed your arm, pulling you back, “You will do as I say. You live under my roof, you will go by my rules.”
You shook your head, “Well I guess It’s time for me to move out then isn’t it. I won’t be such a burden to any of you anymore.”
“Y/N…” Hayley started but you cut her off.
“Hayley, I suggest you get out of here while you can. Take the baby and start somewhere new.” You pulled your arm out of Klaus’ grip and walked upstairs. Klaus rushed to you, pinning you to the wall.
“You dare threaten me.”
You snickered, “I haven’t threatened you…yet. I said I am moving out. I won’t be in the way.” You motioned your hand, sending Klaus flying across to the other side of the house, “Ooops.”
You grabbed a bag, packing the essentials before hopping into your car and driving off.
“Gracie, you be careful on those swings! Mind you don’t kick anyone!” You called out to your 6-year-old daughter as she ran to the swings with her sister.
You sat down on the bench, and sighed in tiredness, rubbing your pregnant belly.
“Okay mummy!” You daughter shouted back, taking her sister’s hand helping her onto the swing.
You watched your daughters on the swing, before something, or someone rather caught your eye behind her. Klaus. Your dad. You frowned, and blinked. He was gone. Were you seeing things or had your father found you? You shivered. Is this how it was when Mikael was hunting your Dad?
You shook your head, before sipping your water, and taking out the snack bags for the kids, “Gracie! Hannah! Come and eat your snacks and drink some juice please!” Thank god the park was quiet. It was so much easier to keep an eye on your daughters.  
It had been 8 years since you had left your so called ‘family’ behind and found a new one. Your new family, who loved you and cared for you. You missed your real family, but what was there to miss? You met your Husband, Harry, 6 months after you left New Orleans and things moved pretty quickly after. He was already aware of the supernatural world, despite being human himself. He accepted who you were with open arms and loved you all the same. He made you feel new, and beautiful, and loved. You weren’t alone, and he made sure you knew that. Two years later, here you were married, with 6-year-old twin daughters, and pregnant again with a boy. You unfortunately suffered a miscarriage due to a bad fall a few years ago and struggled to get pregnant after, so this was a miracle, but you were happy. Really happy.
Gracie and Hannah sat either side of you, thanking you for the snacks as they sat and ate quietly.
“Mommy, can me and Hannah watch a movie tonight?” Gracie looked up at you, her brown eyes shining.
“Of course you can. Are the snacks okay? Would you like anything else?”
Both girls shook their heads, “Right then, shall we head home then? Hold each others hands, and stay close to me please darlings.”
Hannah and Grace held hands, as Grace took your hand as you walked to the car to make your way home.
Back home, Harry had dinner ready on the table, “I assumed you’d be back around this time, so I had dinner ready.” He kissed you softly, but deepened it, “I missed you today. How are you?”
You returned the kiss, smiling before tucking the kids in for their dinner, “I missed you too. I’m okay. Feeling more tired than usual.” You rubbed your belly, “He’s a little more active today.”
Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around you from behind, softly rubbing your belly, “I can’t wait to meet our little boy.” Your husband kissed your neck before whispering, “Now please hurry up and be born so that your Mummy and I can do more baby making.”
You laughed softly and turned around and kissed your husband deeply. He groaned into the kiss before pulling away and smiling, “Now why don’t you sit down and rest. I’ll bring our dinners.”
You could feel your heart melt. What did you do to deserve such a loving husband? You held your tears back as you sat yourself down, “Thank you, my love.”
You tucked Gracie and Hannah in their beds, before closing the door softly and going to your shared bedroom. You changed into your pyjamas.
“Do I look fat?” You joked, as you looked in the mirror at your pregnant tummy.
Harry looked up, and scrunched up his nose, “In all honesty…you have put on a few pounds…”
You gasped, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him, “I thought you loved me!”
He laughed, catching the pillow and throwing it back on the floor, “I do, very much my darling. You could put on a thousand pounds, and I will still love you.”
You sat down beside him covering your legs with the duvet, “I…I have something to tell you. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy but something weird happened today…”
Harry sat up and looked at you concerned, “What is it? Are you hurt?”
“No, no. When I took the girls to the park today…they were on the swings playing…I thought I saw my Dad…Klaus at the park.” Your voice was shaky. You didn’t know how you really felt about the possibility of seeing your Dad again after all these years.
Harry sat in silence for a second, “Did he say anything? What happened?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I saw him standing there at the park, alone. I blinked, he was gone.”
Harry sighed, “If he does come back, and he does want to talk then that is up to you whether you give him that chance. If he dares lay a hand on you, I won’t hesitate to hurt him.”
You smiled softly. Harry was trained as a vampire hunter so he could defend himself…to a certain extent, “I just don’t want him hurting you or the girls…family isn’t his strongest point.” You sigh, “I don’t know how I feel about seeing him again.”
Harry nodded, “I can’t imagine how you feel, Y/N. I wish there was something I could do. But either way? You have me, and you have a family here. We aren’t leaving your side.”
You nodded and laid down, “I love you, so much.”
Harry kissed your forehead, wrapping his arm around you, “Now sleep, my love.”
*doorbell rings continuously*
You groaned, throwing off the covers, and making your way downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled your nose, and you hummed to yourself. Who is ruining your morning of pancakes?
“Hello…” Harry’s voice faded out.
“Hello Harry. I think you may be able to help me and my family. I’m looking for Y/N.” A British accent echoed through the house.
You gripped the bannister of the stairs before taking a deep breath and joining Harry at the door, “I’m sorry, but the person you’re looking for isn’t here.” You replied, before noticing that not only had Klaus turned up, the rest of the family came with him including Hayley and some random girl. You squinted at the girl…much to your surprise the miracle baby survived. She looked about…what 16?
Klaus’ eyes turned toward you, eyebrows raising in shock as he scanned your body and saw your baby bump.
“Y/N…we need to talk.” Your Dad’s expression was almost human.
“Mommy! Who is at the door?” Grace called for you as she ran towards you with her sister behind her.
“Who are you?” Hannah looked up at your dad, wrapping her arms around Harry’s leg.
“Um…girls go to your room please.” You kneeled down to your daughters, “Mommy has to do something.”
The girls glanced at Klaus again before going upstairs, calmly.
You sighed and stood up, “What do you want exactly?”
“Who said we want anything? Am I not allowed to visit my daughter?” Klaus replied.
You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to speak. The amount of emotions running through you right now was uncontrollable, and to top it off you were pregnant.
“Well you better come inside before you cause a scene. One wrong move and I throw you all out.” You sighed, moving to the side and nodding slightly to Harry.
Harry looked back at you before glaring at Klaus, “You may come in.”
You set down the tray with drinks and sat beside Harry.
“So why are you here? How did you find me?” You asked.
“A few witchy spells and well easy as pie.” Elijah replied, taking a sip of his tea.
“I assume that was you, Hope? You’d need to be a powerful witch and well a New Orleans witch is not powerful enough to break my protection spells.” You looked at Hope, “Glad to see you inherited your mother’s brains.
“Yes, that was Hope, who don’t forget, is your younger sister. Have you told your husband about her? About us?” Klaus looked at you.
“Yes, unfortunately I did. Again, I ask, why are you here?” You were becoming fed up with repeating yourself.
“We need your help.” Hope spoke up, “We need help defeating the Hallow. We…I accidently awoke this Hallow and well it’s sort of buried itself inside me.” Hope explained.
You felt your breathing increase, your heart rate shot up, “The hallow? Have you any idea what you’ve done? And you dare bring it here? To my home? Why do you expect me to help you? Any of you?” You glared at your father, “You hate me because I remind you of my mother. You’ve ignored me since the day she died. All of you have. You don’t bother to talk to me for 8 years. And here you are, in my home asking me for help.”
Hayley stood up, “Listen, we are all at fault here. We are all in the wrong here, but all our lives are at stake here. This thing, this hallow will consume my daughter whole, your sister. She hasn’t done anything wrong so please don’t use your anger that you have against us, against her.”
You sighed, knowing Hayley had a valid point. You looked at your ‘family’.
“Y/N, I can only apologise for how I have been since your mother died. What I did is unforgivable, but I would like to made amends if it is possible, if you will give me that chance.” Klaus got up and walked over to you.
You stayed silent, a thousand thoughts whizzing through your head. What were you supposed to do? Saying yes to helping them meant putting your family in danger, saying no meant putting your long lost sister in unreasonable danger.
You sighed, “I’ll help. But I swear, if any of my family get hurt…you will regret it.”
“Thank you, love.” Klaus gave you a small smile.
Hayley smiled, “Thank you, Y/N, you have no idea how much I appreciate this.”
You nodded, “Well, don’t thank me yet, we haven’t destroyed the Hallow just yet.”
“So when are you due?” She motioned towards your bump.
“I’m currently 7 months so not long to go.” You smiled at your bump.
“And you have twin girls?” She asked, smiling.
You nodded, “Yes, Hannah and Grace.”
“May I ask, why the long age gap?” Elijah set his glass down, sitting back in the chair now the serious talk was over.
“Uh…” You sighed, looking at Harry for some comfort.
Harry cleared his throat, “Y/N suffered a miscarriage a few years back from a bad fall and since then we’ve struggled so this baby…is our miracle.”
The room fell silent.
“I am so sorry. I can’t imagine how you felt…that must have been awful.” Hayley wiped her eyes before the tears fell.
You nodded, “It’s okay.”
You sat on your knees and flipped through the pages of your mother’s grimoire. You sighed, rubbing your belly.
“Come on little guy, not today.” You spoke to your unborn son.
“Do you need my help?” Hope came and sat beside you.
You shrugged, “I don’t know. This isn’t something that get’s written down. It was locked away and now it’s out. The only chance we have is someone who has encountered it before…and what are the chances of that.” You smirked as you came across the page full of details on the Hallow, “Thank you mother.”
You sighed, scanning the pages looking for a way to destroy the Hallow, “So it needs somewhere to live…with nothing to feed off, no energy, no other living thing with it…” you trailed off.
Hope sighed, “So why did you leave?”
You looked up, “Why did I leave? Our dad ignored me for years. My mother died as a consequence of his actions and he didn’t care. Since that day, he’s pretended as if I don’t exist. Really, I should have left earlier but I didn’t. Our Uncle Elijah has a way with words, you’ll find. But one day, I had enough. Klaus kept using me for my magic and didn’t care if I lived or died. So I left. But your mum is right, my anger isn’t towards you-“
“Exactly, it isn’t towards me, yet you left me alone. I had no one for so long. And all of a sudden I find out I have an older sister somewhere in this world!” Hope stood up, pacing around the room.
You got up, “Hope, calm down. Don’t you see? You weren’t even bought up knowing about me! You found out later in your life. I was completely irrelevant.”
“Oh, so this is about you now? I have this thing inside of me and it’s still about you!” Hope raised her voice, breathing heavily.
“Hope, control yourself.” Klaus appeared at the door with Harry behind him. Harry’s face was full of fear.
You studied hope, it was almost as if she had a blue glow around her, “Hope, breath. You have the Hallow inside of you. You can’t let it control you.”
Hope growled, “Don’t tell me what to do!” She drew her hands in the hair, throwing you across the room – thank god you landed on the sofa. You groaned, feeling something sharp in your leg.
“Y/N!” Harry ran over to you. He minded your hair out your face before standing up, raging with anger.
“Y/N…Harry…I’m so sorry…” Hope teared up, looking at her hands, “I didn’t meant to…I…it took control…”
“Get out. I want you all to get out of my house.” It was rare to see Harry angry, this was probably the third time you’ve seen him angry, “You turn up here with no explanation, demanding Y/N’s help. You ignore her for 8 years, not to mention before then. She deserves better and not a single one of you have any right asking my wife for help!” He was shouting, most likely scaring your daughters upstairs.
Klaus lowered his head, “I apologise…I can heal you if you let me-“
“I don’t want your blood.” You groaned as you got up, bearly standing on your leg. You took your grimoire, and took a photo of it on your phone, sending it across to Hope, “I’ve sent you something that might help. Now all of you, get out before I make you.” You turned to Klaus, “Leave.”
Within seconds your old family had left and didn’t make an appearance after that.
“My darling…are you okay? Should we get you to a hospital?” He helped you sit on the sofa.
You shook your head, “I can heal it, but can you tidy up before the girls come downstairs?”
Harry nodded, “Of course my love.”
“Harry…thank you for being here with me.” You gave a small smile, feeling all the regret of letting your old family back into your life.
“Of course,” Harry smiled finishing up making the room like home again, “I would never let you go through something like that alone.”
“I love you.” You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
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Our Little Secret Part 10
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Series: Our Little Secret
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 //
Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 // Part 15 (Final)
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 865
Summary: Y/N Gilbert tried to put Mystic Falls - it’s problems, and her whirlwind romance with Klaus Mikaelson - behind her after she graduated, but all it takes is one unusual phone call to bring her right back to where she started and into the path of her first love as she races to solve the mystery threatening the lives of everyone in her home town.
Tags: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce // @april-14-blog // @akshi8278 // @keiko0 // @mylovehes // @your-new-mom​
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By the time you’d geared up and wolfed down some food (and plenty of caffeine) Klaus was waiting somewhat impatiently by the doors to the school. You’d headed out with Alaric, Landon and a student called M.G, a vampire. 
Ric hadn’t been happy with either student coming along, but arguing had apparently been futile. You’d tried to convince Ric to hang back himself, but he would never have let his students walk into any danger he wasn’t prepared to head into himself. 
“Thank you for this,” Klaus told you as you made your way down the deserted streets to the High School. Many a showdown and supernatural occurance had gone down at that school... among other things, and you hadn’t set foot near it since your graduation. 
“You don’t have to keep thanking me, there’s no where I’d rather be,” you replied sincerely, keeping a watchful eye on your surroundings. 
“What about your nice new normal life?” Klaus inquired, picking up on your tone.
You shrugged. The truth was... it was fine. Just fine. And in a sense, that was the problem. All it had taken was one phone call for you to drop it all without a second thought, what did that say? “This is more important, lives are at stake, this whole town is even, my family and yours,” you answered, not quite answering the actual question, the one hidden between the lines. Were you happy?
A noise behind you had your crossbow in your hand, Ric taking position on the other flank, the students in between you and Klaus in front, eyes going yellow and veins going dark.
“I told you this was a bad idea,” a girls voice whispered guiltily as two figures emerged, Ric lowering his weapon immediately. You followed suit.
“Josie? Lizzie? What are you doing here?” Ric demanded of his daughters. The brunette, Josie if you remembered correctly, looked apologetic, but the other one, the blonde, Lizze, looked defiant.
“We came to help, you left with barely a word and expected us to stay at the school,” she half complained, sounding and looking exactly like High School Caroline. 
“It isn’t safe-” Ric began but she cut him off again.
“Hobbit gets to go, and his only power is temporarily dying, not that great in a fight,” she pointed to Landon, who gave her a look that said: what did I do? “No offense,” she added.
“You need to go back,” Ric tried, but you already knew it wasn’t going to do any good.
“We don’t have time,” Klaus told him, voice tight and strained... conflicted. He wanted to save his daughter, but you knew he didn’t want to endanger Ric’s children to do it. 
“We’re coming with you,” Josie spoke up, less outwardly defiant than her sister but just as determined, if not more, “Hope’s in trouble, and so’s the town, we won’t be left out of this fight.” Oh, you liked her.
“Let’s get going then,” M.G chimed in, pointing up the road to where you were heading. Ric sighed, earning a satisfied smile from Lizzie as the girls joined the group, the rest of you turning to walk on.
“You knew, Sebastian mentioned something about this kinds of vampires before, said they weren’t like normal vampires, they couldn’t pass for human apparently,” Lizzie said as you got closer to the school.
M.G’s expression was unreadable as you gave a confused glance to Josie, who’d ended up walking beside you. “Sebastian... was an old vampire Lizzie was seeing,” she clarified.
“British, fancy, mysterious...” Lizzie commented whistfully to no one in particular.
“Very much not good for you,” Ric finished pointedly, throwing a glance at you that had you smirking slightly, “sound like anyone you know?”
Lizzie looked to you, “I might have some experience in that department,” you told her with a shrug, looking to Klaus as Lizzie raised a curious brow, definitely wanting the story behind that later. If you survived, you figured you’d have time to tell her. 
“A girl falling for an immortal vampire, how... original,” You joked to Klaus in a low voice, earning a small amused smile at your terrible pun. His mind was obviously elsewhere, and you couldn’t blame him, but you’d definitely missed that smile. 
“We’re nearly there,” Ric called over his shoulder, hands back on his weapons as you followed his lead. 
You wished you’d waited until sun up as you approached the familiar entrance of your old school, straightening up and reading yourself for an inevitable attack. 
Josie and Lizzie exchanged looks. “We’re in the right place,” Josie announced. 
“You sure?” Landon asked, looking around at the seemingly deserted car park you were approaching from. There was a few sleeping students and teachers milled around, but it was quiet. Eerily quiet.
“We can feel it, it’s wierd, but it’s definitely magical energy,” Lizzie clarified, and that was good enough for all of you. Oh course it actually had to be the school, it was always the school.
You looked to Klaus, his whole body tense, ready to spring into action at a moments notice as an ear-piercing wailing cut through the night. 
Ready or not, here it came.
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
All You Got (Platonic)
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Requested Imagine: can i get hope mikaelson x reader where hope helps reader out of a rough time, maybe a depressive episode, B
Was the sun shining through? You had no idea. All you knew was that, according to your beeping clock, it was time to get up and go to class. You sighed, just wanting the clock to stop so that you could go back to sleep once again.
Were you pathetic? Yeah, you were. You couldn’t even get out of bed; just lying there and hoping to fall back asleep. You knew that going was a bad idea, with the way you looked and the absolute fact that you hadn’t done the homework that was due, so that would just result in more ridicule.
You felt bad for…. fuck it, you’d forgotten the name. No, that was bad, you can’t just forget a name of someone trying to help you, fucking idiot.
You closed your eyes, hoping to go back to the land of nothing. Maybe it would be kind of ironic. Or maybe it would make everyone forget, that was the truth of it though; you didn’t deserve your family. None of them.
 “Hey, Hope.” Josie greeted, stopping by her friend who was sat on a table, looking at a book. It took a moment for your sister to realise who was there.
She rose her head, seeing Josie and smiled, “Hey, Josie.” She returned the greeting, but immediately went back to the book.  Josie looked at her friend with a puzzled look. Looking over her shoulder, she saw that she was looking at it desperately, looking over spells.
“Studying?” The Saltzman asked.
“Already did the homework,” She held it up for her friend and sister figure to see, “This is for Y/N.” There, now the cat was out of the bag.
`Hope….” Josie was cut off by said girl.
“He – He’s having another episode.” Hope’s voice trembled a little as she spoke. She knew you had been dealing with this for a while, but you were pretty much all she had left; she couldn’t lose you, the answer had to be in here somewhere.
“Hope,” This time, Josie closed the book. Hope looked at her friend with a pissed off expression. Now, if it were any normal circumstance, she wouldn’t even dream of doing what she had just done. But it was you, her best friend that just happened to be the brother of her other best friend. You both were family, so she would do this if the tables were flipped.
“Hope, we need to get him to see Emma.” Josie hated seeing anyone in pain; friends, lovers, crushes, anyone really. You had been out of action for a while; and, while she understood Hope’s worry and sisterly concern, there was a time and place for her to take charge.
“We can’t –” Hope was now the one being cut off.
“Emma can help him, Hope –”
“I can!” Your sister stubbornly argued.
“You can, I’m not saying you can’t. What I’m saying is that there is only so much you can do without someone else stepping in. You don’t Lizzie started those sessions on her own, do you? I helped her get them. He needs them.” Josie was begging at this point for her friend to see facts.
She didn’t, however, “We’ve been through this before, Josie. I know that you guys are here too if we need it, and I am appreciative of that, really. But I know what I’m doing here, ok?” It was almost as if those words were meant to try and trick herself into believing them.
“Hope,” Said girl turned to the teacher, “I need you to talk to your brother as soon as you can, please. He’s been missing out on a lot of classes and essays.
There was rage for the woman. She, rationally, knew that the woman wouldn’t really know unless someone told her. But, still, you were going through something, and the teacher was acting as if it was nothing.
Josie, however, seemed to know that her friend, once crush, now sisterly figure was about to fight back. She put a hand on her shoulder and spoke to the teacher instead of Hope, “We will, thank you.” Her words seemed to satisfy the teacher, as she nodded and then walked away.
“He hasn’t been out of his room?” Hope asked in concern. She could’ve sworn that she had seen you in lessons. Then again, she was hardly awake herself in them, what with saving the world and your friends and all.
“Not in a few days, no. Lizzie and I have been bringing him so food. But…we don’t know if he’s eaten it. It’s gone when we come back, so something with it happens.” Josie said, although in a slow pace, trying to gage the reaction of her friend.
“God. Ok, I’ll go see him –”
“Hope, no! He needs more than that, he needs someone like Emma.”
“Yeah? Look how well that went for me, huh? Miss Nihilism was my name whenever I spoke to her.”
“She didn’t give you that though –”
“Yeah, but she said I always came in with that attitude. I’m not subjecting Y/N to that too. Not when he’s going through this.” Josie went to say something but stopped herself. She knew that this would just end up going in circles, and your recovery was what mattered; even if the pair disagreed on how to make that happen.
“Is the door locked?” Hope questioned.
“I think so, but you both have spares remember?”
“I know. Look, Josie, I appreciate this, but I will make sure Y/N is fine, ok? I promise you.” And, with that, your older sister left to find you.
Josie was Hope’s best friend, and with that came a deep level of trust. Both sides knew that the other had their back no matter what and their best interests at heart. But that came with some crossed lines and some things that the other would be mad about.
This was one of those things.
Josie knocked lightly on the door of her father’s office, waiting until she heard the welcoming words before she entered.
“Josie, what’s going on?” The father asked with a smile. However, upon her dejected and uneasy look, the smile dropped, “What’s going on?” He asked.
 “Y/N, it’s me.” Hope didn’t get any response. She knocked again, getting the exact same response. She went to do it again, before she remembered the spare key. She pulled it out of her pocket, looking at the door one more time.
She then put the key into the door and turned it until she heard the click and the bump of the door unlocking. The door then unlocked.
Opening the door, she was met with darkness, other than the very small amount of light from the window. She moved her hand to the light switch, turning it slightly so there was a bit of light, but not a blinding amount.
That was an adjustment to your room that Lizzie had asked for, which she knew that you both appreciated. As much as she could snap at you guys, you were her friends. With the way Alaric treated you both and all you had gone through as a group; you were basically family.
Hope was silent in her entry of the room; she saw your figure still in bed. Your room was a mess, but that was understandable.
She was silent as she picked up one of your fallen trousers, folding them up and then putting them back in the correct draw. She was silent as she picked up a shirt and shook to try and get rid of some of the creases, before hanging it up in the wardrobe.
She put your shoes back against the wall and continued folding the clothes and putting them away. The whole time you didn’t react, you didn’t talk. However, it didn’t matter to her, she knew how to help you. She knew that talking would help but trying to force it with pointless questions would do no good.
She cleaned the table, just a simple wet cloth did the job. She knew that spells wouldn’t fix you, so this wouldn’t either.
Plus, the physical effort would help her get tired out and help her when she joined you in the bed. It was a tactic she used to use; share a bed and put a protective arm around you to keep you safe and show you her support.
She wiped it clean, before filling up a glass for you and placing it on the table.
Then she rose the covers and laid in bed next to you; you faced the wall; she faced the ceiling. She smiled a small amount at the scorch mark that still remained, “I remember that. When you were trying to control fireballs, as you called them. You remember that?” Her voice was light and soft, airy even.
It as one she didn’t use a lot, most of the time there was some kind of sarcastic wit or even malice to it. She only reserved this tone for those she really cared about. You, as her brother, her younger brother, you were on the top of that list.
Plus, she knew one thing from Emma, raising your voice was not a great idea when trying to help.
“Hm.” Was your response. It wasn’t much; it wasn’t anything, but you were slightly engaging rather than not at all. That was something.
“I’ve…. I’ve got the homework for the class done; I can help you with it if you want?” She offered, trying to find something to show her support without going down the bad choices; namely the why and the I know what you’re going through.
“Like everything else in my fucking life?” You were still monotone, but the words had some spite to them.
“What do you mean?” She asked, thinking that this would be a time to vent.
“Ever since Klaus came home with me, covered in my blood parents’…. well, you can guess, you said that you wanted to help and protect me. Anytime I needed homework done, there you were. Anytime I got picked on, you kicked their ass.”
“You don’t think I should’ve, I’m always going to look out for you, little brother.” She had meant the words; they had come out passionately and on instinct.
“It’s not about whether you should it or not, it’s about whether I deserve the help.”
 “I just…I didn’t know who else to turn to.” Josie had been venting, worried sick about if this was even the correct decision to make. She knew, that maybe in the long run it would be a net positive, but would the negatives of right now be too much?
“Josie, honey,” She looked to her father, whose face had softened at her anxious face, “You’re one of the most caring people I know. And, I’m not just saying that as your father. You’re proving it by being here and talking to me about this –”
“But what if Hope is –”
“Hope might have a reaction at first, but she’ll always do what’s right for Y/N. Just as any of us would and will.” Alaric assured his daughter.
 She had raised her voice once during the words exchanged, it had become a bit heated on her end; she wouldn’t take anyone speaking ill of her family, but hearing you say it about yourself made it worse for her.
“How about we go eat? Or take a walk. We don’t even have to be gone for that long?” She asked, moving off the bed and crouching down to your level. The two of you finally met eyes, she is seeing the dull look in your own gaze.
She held out her hand, keeping her eyes locked with you and hoping that the love and concern she had for you were being communicated through both the dark and her own gaze.
Slowly, your hand went into her own one. She pulled the covers back, slowly helping you up and holding it the whole time as she went to the door.
Opening it, she felt your hand tighten the grip on her own one. She gave it a gentle squeeze back, opening the door at a slower pace, when it fully opened, she led you out.
She had you out, that was something, it was a small amount of progress. She would make good on her promise for only being out for a moment.
“Hope,” You both turned to Josie, whose gaze lost a bit of the conviction in them when she saw you out and about, “Hey, Y/N.” She greeted in a softer tone of voice; you gave a very week smile.
She then turned back to Hope, “I told my dad, he’s making arrangements for –”
“You WHAT?!” She squeezed your hand as a silent apology, “No one else has to know, Josie –”
“They already do know! Everyone does, it’s not a secret of what Y/N is going through. It’s not some curse, Hope. It is an illness, and we just want to help –”
“And I am, like I told you. I’m sorry, Josie, but I’ve got him.” Hope assured, pushing past her friend and bringing you with her. However, she then paused and turned back, “But, I’ll call you if I need you.”
When she turned back, two questions rang in her mind: Did she really have you? And: was she the only one who could help you?
She didn’t release the hold on your hand, in fact, she had tightened it a bit as that very question still spun around her head. She was scared of the answer, of the answer that may be a possibility.
The answer of “no”.
Entering the kitchen, she saw that the close was clear. This, for once, was going well. She pulled you in, pulling you out a chair and sitting you in it, “I’m gonna make us a sandwich and get you a drink, I’ll be right back.” She assured you, before going to do just that.  
As she got the plates, she looked back at you. You hadn’t moved, you hadn’t spoken, you looked entirely defeated; you looked sad; you looked like you were done; you looked like you were holding in a lot of pain and not letting it allowed to be seen.
It hurt her, it did, truly. You were her brother, and she as an older sister had always been protective of you, always had been and probably always would be. That was the truth.
However, now it seemed to be a more tragic then loving truth.
 “What did she say?” Lizzie had now joined the discussion, sitting on her father’s desk as the man himself sat in his chair. Josie entered, almost a bit blindsided by the bluntness of the question; the again, it was Lizzie. And this was a Lizzie that was scared for a friend, so Josie knew the questions would only get blunter the more she delayed the answers.
“She said she appreciated it, but still took him to the kitchen. She’s trying.” She said, seemingly defending her friend while also berating her for not fully taking the advice on board.
“Look, Jo,” Lizzie said, approaching her sister and grasping her arms gently, “I get that you want what’s best for the two. I get wanting to help out Y/N before he falls to the dark side and takes Hope with him,” Ok, she did regret the way she phrased, she even stopped and closed her eyes with a sigh, “What I meant, is I don’t want Y/N to spiral and for this to have a knock on effect on Hope.”
“Honey, we understand what you mean,” Alaric said, assuring his other daughter, “We all want what’s best for Y/N. Hope does too, she’s just…. protective.”
“She’s stupid, Y/N needs to see someone, just like I have to. It’s not the best, speaking your darkest thoughts to a stranger, sure. But it’s better than our minds fully ruining us. It’s got us screwed up –”
“You aren’t screwed up, sweetheart.” The father was slightly hurt by the words coming from his daughter about both herself and you.
“We are dad. But…. we’re trying. I just don’t think Hope fully knows how hard we are trying.”
 Hope put the plate in front of you, leaning on the other side of the counter, watching you intently as you, “Just a bit of it will do. You need to eat something.” She said, trying to hide the slight quiver in her voice.
You looked at it again, before looking at her, you seemed to do a slight eye roll (not putting in the effort for the whole thing) but it got the point across. You picked it up, taking a small bit, before swallowing it.
She smiled timidly; it was something. It was better than you either skipping out on those meals Josie and Lizzie had left or eating too much.
“You know Josie and Lizzie left stuff?” She asked you, trying to start a kind of dialogue with you. To be honest, it was something she had missed with you, the way you both could seem to just talk for hours about the absolute square root of jack shit.
You nodded, taking yet another bite out of your sandwich, “You know when you threw yourself into the pit, I thought I was the only weirdo here, right?”
The words were sharp, and they did sting, “I thought, “Shit, I’m the heir to the Mikaelson throne, and I’m sat here being a fucking bitch.” And then you showed back up, my sister who was apparently the actual blood daughter of my – our, parents. I mean, shit, how could I ever top that, huh? The blood daughter of Klaus Mikaelson,” You gave a sarcastic clap, “Hero to us all, saviour of us all. How in the ever-living fuck, could I ever amount to that legacy?”
You got up, leaving the sandwich, and storming over to your sister, “You know what? I am done. You want the burden off your shoulders? Consider it removed. I’m done with the fucking looks; I’m done with the pity glances whenever we’re going anywhere together. I am done and I am tired of you constantly chasing my useless ass around and pretending to give half a shit. I’m done.” You spat, storming past her, but she heard the sob that left you as you went.
 She couldn’t fight the tears anymore, her sob was silent, but the tears still ran down her face as she put a hand to her mouth to try and contain it all. She slowly slipped down to a sitting position on the floor, back pressed against the table as she silently cried. She had lost you; you were probably going to revoke your own name and leave and never be heard from again. You were –
“Hey,” She turned to see Josie. The girl sat next to her, “Y/N’s talking to my dad and Lizzie, he’s wanting to leave,” Josie knew that these words wouldn’t help, but she knew that Hope would still want an update.
“I just wanted to help him,” The -now maybe- single Mikaelson sobbed. Josie put her arms around the girl and hugged her, Hope putting her arms on the girl’s arm, “I just thought – maybe I could help him through this like I have before.” She hiccupped a few times but got the words out.
“Lizzie’s talking to him, I came here to check on you…. I think you both need someone to talk to. Not just a friend, but I think you both need Emma –” Hope was quick to interrupt.
“I’m not talking to her again, not after how I snapped at her last time. Y/N wouldn’t fair good there either.”
“You know she didn’t take it personally, right? Yes, it’s her job to listen, but she also cares, Hope.”
“…. I know. I just don’t want Y/N to think I’m not trying to help him.” Hope admitted, a rare moment of full on vulnerability.
“He knows you do, Hope. He knows, and he appreciates it so much. It’s just –”
“There’s a time for me or you guys to help, and a time for someone with more knowledge to help?” Hope filled in for her friend.
“Exactly. Do you wanna see him?” Josie asked tentatively.
Hope thought about it, before she nodded.  
She took a breath, one that was admittedly shaky. She felt a hand grasp hers, turning, she saw that it was Josie.
Josie gave her friend a supportive smile, a silent, “you’ve got this”.
Armed with that bit of wisdom, she opened the door. Any conversation in the room that was going on had stopped as the three in the room had stopped and looked at the newcomers. Hope’s eyes had met yours, and she saw the red rims that indicated the tears, but you looked to be a bit more stable now.
There was silence for a moment, with Lizzie looking between you both. With the way she was sat, on the desk with her whole body facing you, it was clear you two had had a talk. She was glad, glad that you had opened up to someone.
“I think we could both use a talk with Emma.” Hope knew when to be laxer, then when to be firmer and blunter with you; this was one of those times.
You seemed to soak the words in, before nodding, “Maybe we do.”
 So, that was how you and Hope and ended up with scheduled sessions with Emma. One at a time, of course. As you both were aware about how the other would be with how dark some of the thoughts would go.
You stared at the door, knowing that you were a few minutes late, you raised a hand to the door, knuckles hitting the wood three times to announce your presence.
“Come in, Y/N.” The voice of Emma told you, a voice that held no malice.
You opened the door, seeing her bright and welcoming smile when you got into the room enough, “Hi, sorry for – uh, for being late.” You said, dropping eye contact and looking to the floor instead as you gave a smile, but it wasn’t a happy one.
“It’s alright, Y/N. You’ve made it, that’s what matters in the end.” She assured you in a soft tone. You just nodded; it didn’t exactly alleviate you of your guilt.
Still, you sat in the chair, looking at her with an anxious smile, “So, how have you been doing?” She asked you.
“I…. not really that much better.” You were honest, you had to be. You felt like you could be around her.
“Ok, do you mind telling me, why?”
“Just…. I snapped at Hope the other day about giving up my last name, about a legacy that I have. And I know she has it too, but –”
“It’s a weight on your shoulders as well, Y/N. From your perspective, she had just appeared in your life. Granted, you do now remember, but you didn’t before. It’s disorienting –”
“It’s hell. To know I had a sister out there this whole time. I remember my parents, I remembered how they died. And….it wasn’t for me; it was for Hope.”
“It was for the both of you. Hope may have been the one with the Hollow, but you were their son, just as much as Hope was their daughter. Parents, good parents, care for both of their kin. And, from what I know, they did for you both. Hope has a feeling that she needs to look after you, being the closest Mikaelson to you now, but you feel that too –”
“We’re all we have.”
“But you aren’t alone. You have us, Y/N.”
 Those meetings would go on, with you and Hope meeting up after and meeting your friends. It wasn’t an ending, but progress.
That was something.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Klaus Mikaelson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1041 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Shopping with Rebekah after Klaus wakes her up and as much as he hates to admit it, you look incredible
Klaus should have known that bringing you along to help get Rebekah more used to the 21st century was a bad idea. 
The only thing worse than one woman obsessed with shoe shopping, would be two. 
However, you were their best option at getting her adapted most quickly. You had gone through it too. Everything she was thinking and feeling, you had thought and felt…
Just sooner. 
“Where’s the rest of it?” she bellowed from behind the closed dressing room curtain. She had been obsessively trying to pull at the hem of the garments from the last hour and it showed no signs of stopping. 
Rebekah was used to floor length gowns, and a lot had changed in a hundred years. Garments like that hadn’t been in fashion for a very long time and she was in for a rude awakening. 
You couldn’t help but laugh, standing from your perch, on the side of Klaus’ arm chair. “Trust me sugar, you’ll be glad for that length soon enough” you teased, ducking behind the curtain to help her zip it. 
If you could say anything for Rebekah, it was that she was stunningly beautiful. She would be breaking hearts all over the place before she even knew what she was doing. 
It was going to be fun. 
It had been far too long since you had a gal pal to hang out with. You loved Niklaus, but he wasn’t good for gossip and shopping...unless he was paying. 
“I look like a prostitute” she huffed, still fiddling with the hem as she left the enclosed space to show off the look to both men. They had already drank two bottles of champagne, and their boredom wasn’t slowing. 
In fact, Stefan got up and left, clearly having had enough of this whole day. 
“It’s sexy ‘Bekah, trust me” you assured, swatting her hand away from her thigh. She really had to get over the length thing. You for one had embraced the change completely. 
You liked it. 
“What do you think, Nik?” you wondered, taking her hand to give her a twirl, showing off the entirety of the dress for him. 
He didn’t really care, of course, he didn’t. This whole shopping thing had been your idea in the first place but if there was one thing being married to you for a thousand years had taught him, it was to not fight it too much. 
“Black is more your color darling, try gold” he suggested, not a care in the world. However, as soon as he said it, your face lit up. 
He was right. 
She looked nice in black but with her complexion and hair color, she should try something gold. It would compliment her fairness excellently and maybe she would feel more at home in that. 
“You’re right, that will be perfect” you hummed, ushering the blonde back into the dressing room before hurrying over to the racks of dresses that lined the walls. 
You should have just asked Klaus in the first place. 
With as many years as you’d been dressing this way, he knew about all this fashion stuff. If there was one thing he paid attention to, it was your body and the things that made it look good. 
Klaus couldn’t help but grin as he watched you. You got so much joy out of all of this, as you always had. 
Even all those years ago, you loved picking the most decadent and expensive fabrics to have your gowns made from. You loved playing with color and fabrics and right now, you were dressing his sister like a doll. 
He knew that if he hadn’t brought you, he would already be bored out of his mind. 
At least you provided some kind of amusement and comfort to him. 
“Do you like this?” You wondered, grabbing a few hangers from the wall, filling your arms with garments. As much as you wanted to help Rebekah find a new wardrobe, it was hard not to do a little shopping for yourself. 
You couldn’t help it. 
Klaus smiled, standing up from his chair casually before hurrying over to you. He had always been a fan of that damn superhuman speed. 
He grinned, taking the hanger from your hand. “I love it” he purred, taking it from you and heading over to his chair once again. You may have made his job easy as far as you were concerned. 
However, it would probably take Rebekah a few more hours to find anything that she actually wanted. 
Klaus could have shopped for you all by himself if he wanted to and everything would fit perfectly and you’d love every bit of it. Though, it just wasn’t the same here. 
Rebekah didn’t even know what kind of style she wanted yet, not to mention the fact that she couldn’t get over the length of anything. 
...If she kept it up, you would make her walk around in jeans. 
Luckily, before you could once again start gathering armfuls of hangers and garments for her-you found something absolutely perfect. 
It was a beautiful dress decorated in gold leaf and wine red fabrics that would be amazing on her. As soon as you saw it, you could hardly contain your excitement, which Klaus could see immediately. 
“That’s a wonderful choice, my love” he mused, resting his chin on your shoulder as he admired the dress hanging from your grasp. 
There was no doubt in his mind that Rebekah would love it but the only way to be completely sure would be to have her try it on, just to be sure.
You were always up to the challenge. 
“You think so? I quite like it but I’m not sure” you hummed, gesturing down to the length of the skirt. It was relatively short but not too bad. 
In your opinion, it was the perfect length to start off with. 
...Before long, she would be flaunting her body all over town without a problem and you couldn’t wait. You had done it, and Rebekah would be no different. 
If anything, she would adapt even better than you had once she got used to everything. 
At least, she would if you had anything to say about it. 
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the sinking man (8/?)
a/n: i really am looking forward to picking this story back up! The previous chapters are up ao3! I have the same username on there so make sure to read my fics there too!!
eight: whispers in the dark
The hybrids are not what she expects, at all.
She thought them to be this group of friends - odd souls that came together through these mysterious powers and bonded over their shared pain. Maybe even a merry band of misfits - like something out of a teen movie.
But instead, the hybrids seemed more like a strong and intense group of warriors, trained in to submission.
"They all look," Hayley sighs, as Tyler shows her around the vast field. She sees all their eyes from a distance - the ones fighting on the grass, the ones practicing their running, the ones working out. "So sad," she says.
Tyler shrugs at her as if he's used to it all by now. "That's because they're all stuck here," he reveals. "This place has a barrier around it, I'm the only one who can freely come and go," Tyler explains.
Hayley tilts her head to one side and raises a brow. "Why?" She wonders.
And unexpectedly, Tyler laughs. "Klaus really didn't tell you much did he?" he asks, jokingly. Hayley looks away, feeling ashamed. "We're his secret weapon in the war, no one else really knows about the hybrids," Tyler adds on.
The she-wolf takes another careful look around the field all of the hybrids seem to be trapped in. Other than a few entry ways into small cabins, she can't see much else for them - no place to do their hobbies, no books, no instruments, or anything else to pass the time with really.
It's as if they were robots.
"So, what exactly do all of you do all day then?" Hayley questions
"Mostly training," Tyler offers. "We have access to pretty much everything we need here, bathrooms, food, showers are all in the cabins - some of Klaus' compelled vampires minions shows up every two weeks or so to clean and replenish anything we need," he tells her, while bringing her to one of the cabins where she assumes that she will be staying in.
It doesn't look like anything special, just a large room with a bunch of bunk beds, a seemingly reasonable sized kitchen, a bathroom. "Wow, sounds like a pretty sweet deal," Hayley comments, thinking of the free lodging.
She regrets her words as soon as she sees the broken look on Tyler's face.
"Hardly," he whispers. "When we agreed to do this, we didn't realize this meant becoming Klaus' pack of bitches," he spits, with anger.
She feels as clueless as ever.
"What do you mean?" Hayley says.
Tyler walks closer to her, looking her straight in the eyes. "We're sired to him - we have to do whatever he says," he confesses and her face is nothing short of surprised. "And Klaus isn't exactly known to be a kind man."
She feels a smidge of betrayal by this information, and even more confusion due to the fact that she doesn't feel so sired to Klaus in the same way that Tyler seems to be.
"He never told me any of that," Hayley softly releases.
Her expression reminds him of when he first became a hybrid. He felt so strong and powerful - the thought of not being forced to turn at every full moon was no longer a worry.
Tyler pities her.
"Yeah," he says. "We didn't know about it either."
(Klaus is gone for longer this time.
Days, maybe even weeks.
It's hard to say - time passes by so slowly in this place.
She spends her days training with Tyler, he's so impressed by how strong she becomes in such a short amount of time that he almost compliments her on it.
The other hybrids are a bit cold towards her at first - they test her, looking her up and down and judging her.
When she does ask about Klaus, she's met with a lot of silences. Almost as if they aren't allowed to speak his name.
It makes her wonder what else he's hiding from her).
A few towns away - the vampire and witch factions seem to be gathering close. The bloody species war has only just begun and the rumbling from each side has torn apart so many.
The original family has always been a group of rulers, leaders - creatures who were both the hunters and hunted.
Elijah and Freya, being the eldest, took it upon themselves to attempt to unite their family as well as the different species they incorporated.
"Brother," Freya, the leader of the witch faction, enters the scene. "Have you gotten in touch with Kol and Rebekah?" she asks, placing a hand on Elijah's shoulder.
He looks out the window of their manor - one of the many Mikaelson mansions located around the country. "Yes," he nods, staring into the night sky. "They won't be joining us, I'm afraid," he admits.
"I see," Freya sings, flipping her long hair. "And Niklaus?" she wonders, as she carefully watches Elijah's reaction.
"He, surprisingly, is on his way as we speak," he smiles, sounding rather cheerful. Well, as cheerful as an original vampire can be anyway. "I'm hoping we can get him to cooperate and join forces with us," Elijah considered.
His sister doesn't seem as enthusiastic. "He's going to be hard to convince," she points out. "He's not exactly fond of teamwork," she asserted, with a finger on her chin, pondering.
He turns to her, his face fills with hope. "It's the only way to bring peace amongst the species, " Elijah claims - he passes his hands along the folds of his blazer, pressing them down and maintaining his perfect posture. "This war is going to get worse and worse if we don't find a way to bring it to an end," he believes.
"I have my witches in alliance with your vampires," Freya repeats. "They aren't fond of the idea of welcoming in Klaus and whatever band of wolves he's been rumoured to gather," she recalls.
Elijah's heard them too - the stories of the missing wolves, the ones who suddenly, overnight, vanished without a trace. The assumption is that it's Klaus' doing, he's the only one known to seek such companionship.
The wolves were a minority of a species, the weakest of the three. It's only natural for them to be desperate enough to team up with even the unbearable likes of Niklaus Mikaelson.
"My brother is," Elijah laments. He could say a million and one things about him, but he settles on this. "Misunderstood," Elijah concludes. "He's not all bad - I assure you."
He thinks of not the monstrous hybrid who makes everyone quake in fear but, of the painter, the dreamer, the sensitive soul who lurks deep inside his brother's body.
"I've never seen that man care for anyone but himself," Freya finally says.
She truly won't believe it until she sees it - the true nature of her mysterious younger brother.
Klaus makes his way towards Elijah's manor.
He hasn't seen his brother since they all got together to celebrate Kol's birthday - their relationship had become somewhat estranged. They have a bad habit of stealing each other's lovers. First Tatia, then Katherina - now well, no one really.
Elijah had occupied himself with his families matters for quite some time. Starting with bringing their elder sister Freya back from alienation. Then, mourning the loss of their brother, Finn.
Afterwards, their mother.
Klaus wonders how his visit will go.
(The wolves are stirring that night -
Hayley feels connected to them, all of them, strangely.
Almost as if she can hear all their hearts beating, the blood coursing through their veins, how they all sink together - like a symphony.
The hybrids suddenly begin having a weird attraction towards her, they start to follow her around like lost puppies, it even confuses Tyler.
He swears he's never seen them act this way.
She's never spent a whole lot of time around other wolves - it was almost as if she was kept away from most of them on purpose. Hayley often thinks about all the things she doesn't know about her past, how she barely remembers her childhood.
Somewhere, in her locked away memories, holds the answers to all her questions.
She hopes that she will be able to recollect them soon).
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groovyzombiellama · 4 years
Ex Hunter
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Title: Ex Hunter
Requested? Yes.
Plot: You are an ex hunter and Sam Winchester’s ex girlfriend, because you broke up after you got pregnant with his twin girls, but years later, you’ve moved on and are now living with, and dating Klaus Mikaelson.
Word count: 1301
“Mommy, can we get some ice cream?“ One of your daughters asked you as she handed you her empty plate after breakfast and looked at you with her big eyes, that reminded you so much of her father. The other one had left the kitchen to get her phone and started playing the exact music her uncle likes. It sometimes weirded you out how similar the two of them were to Sam and Dean, as they danced around the kitchen, to convince you to give them ice cream after breakfast. You smiled down at them, still unable to process how fast they were growing up, and you agreed to give them the ice cream, laughing at their excitement as they were jumping all over the kitchen. You handed them a little bit, because their father was going to be picking them up soon, so they could spend the next two weeks with him, and knowing Sam and Dean, they will probably buy the girls whatever they want, and you didn’t want them to get stomach aches. The two of them sat down in front of the TV, their bags by the couch, ready to run off as soon as they hear their uncle honk the Impala.
You made sure to pack with them that morning, making sure they don’t take only toys, after all, they are only five years old, and were known to forget packing their clothes. As you were washing the dishes, you felt two arms wrap around your waist and a soft kiss placed on your shoulder. It was soon followed by a British accent. “Good morning, love.“ You giggled as you felt Klaus’ warm breath tickle your ear. He was out on a meeting with Marcel and had just come back, greeting the girls in the living room before approaching you. You turn to face him slightly, getting lost in his eyes for a moment, before replying back and giving him a small peck on his lips. Some of you might get confused as to what is really going on here. You see, your life was a tad complicated. Or should we say you made it somewhat complicated yourself. Escaping a dangerous life to save your two girls only to end up in a situation maybe even more dangerous. Maybe it was the fact that you were more grown up now and have learned how to take care of yourself over the years.
But sometimes you wonder how it all would have turned out if you stayed with the father of your girls. Were you now a hypocrite for deciding to end things with him and limit the time he spends with his daughters to two weeks a month, while you ended up dating an actual thousand year old vampire? You had no idea, and that question was still bothering you. Many mothers don’t even let the father see their children as much as you let Sam, and it makes you wonder if the girls are tired of moving back and forth every two weeks, but they haven’t complained to you when you asked them about it. In reality, you are glad that they love their father, because he did nothing bad to you or them. It was you who ended things. Sam and you met during a hunt, as you used to be a hunter yourself, and you two corssed paths, working together to help a common goal, becoming closer in the process and ending up being friends. Soon after, the two of you started falling in love with each other, but of course, didn’t really know how to tell the other person.
And Sam ended up giving you a huge bouquet of roses one day, with a note that asked you if you wanted to be his girlfriend. The amount of happiness you felt that day couldn’t be measured with anything. The two of you dated for about five years, having fights here and there, but over all, having a healthy relationship. Well, as healthy as your jobs could provide. There were a few near death and even death experiences for the both of you, but in the end you’d always find a way back to each other. That was until you found out that you were pregnant. Looking back at the five years you’ve spent hunting with the Winchesters and all that you had to endure together, it made you worry for the safety of your children. When Sam found out, he was so happy and so were you, especially when you found out you were having twin girls. But he noticed you were a bit different, and more thoughtful. He could kinda predict what was going through your head adn was ready to support your decision in case you wanted to move out of town.
And you ended up doing so, trying your best to pu your old life behind, both as a hunter and as Sam’s girlfriend. You loved Sam, truly, and you still do, in some way, but you mindset at the time was telling you that was the right choice. You two still stayed friends, even though you could sense he was a bit sad by the fact that you were now dating someone else, and he was more than ready to take care of his girls, and was truly a great father. The girls adore him and he adores them. You love Klaus, truly, he has been amazing to you and your daughters and has defended all three of you from danger, even when you could handle it yourself, being an ex hunter and all. Sometimes it was ironic, that you were now dating someone who you would be hunting if you had stayed a hunter. You served Klaus his breakfast, since you knew he didn’t eat before leaving the house, and you were about to give him a peck on the lips, when you heard the honk, knowing all too well it belonged to the Impala. There was no sound like it, and it felt like your ears have been tuned to recognize the very Impala Dean was driving by it’s sound.
As you are about to pull away from Klaus, in order to see off the girls, he grabs the back of your neck gently and pulls you in for that kiss he was supposed to get, causing you to giggle and playfully hit his shoulder. He smiled and looked down at his plate, begining to eat, as you made your way outside with the girls, who ran to hug their father. There it was again, that look on Sam’s face. His eyes were slightly saddened, and you could tell he missed you as he looked up at you from the place he crouched to hug the girls once they moved over to hug their uncle. He was happy for you, sure, but couldn’t help but wonder from time to time what it would be like to have a real family, with you and your girls. You give him a soft smile, which he returns, and like always, tell him to look after the girls, to which he nods. “Hey Dean, whatever you have planned, don’t get my kids in trouble, they are too young. And have fun girls, I’ll see you soon.“ You said as the two rushed to hug you again, as Dean laughed, and then entered the Impala, ready to go spend time with dad and uncle. You took one more look at Sam, who was staring at you, before he noticed Klaus at the door, looking at the scene, and so he looked down, before walking over to the car too, and soon they were driving away, as you waved until you couldn’t see them anymore, before heading into the house with Klaus.
I put the gifs together that I found on google and I really like how they turned out. I didn’t know how to title the fic, so it’s a pretty lame title this time, but I can do better, I swear haha :D
@cokecola4211​ I believe this is one of your requests, I hope you like it :) The next ones are coming soon ;) <3
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saiilorstars · 3 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 30: The Girl in the Forest
// Story Masterlist //
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x OFC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @transformerfan97​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​
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Chapter Summary: The final battle between the Mikaelsons and Dahlia is here and not everybody will survive. Klaus and Maleny go to the extremes to save Hope and their son no matter what the cost is. Soon enough, Maleny even gets to face the worst of her past: lifting the curse she had to endure for over a thousand years. Will she finally be free to live with her family?
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Klaus and Dahlia had relocated to a more secure place still near the bayou...where Dahlia would be performing the spell needed to link to Klaus. Before so, however, Klaus had forced her to de-link herself from Maleny as well, reminding Dahlia there was no point in having Maleny linked to herself when she would be casting the spell to break the slumber curse anyways. Fortunately, Dahlia had listened. With them was Hope sitting calmly in her car seat while Freya's unconscious body laid next to her. While she wasn't very happy with the new deal, Dahlia worked her best to get the spell finished.
"You're quiet," she remarked after Klaus gave a purposely loud sigh, "Are you having misgivings?"
"I was just looking for a polite way to ask, 'What the hell is taking so long?'"
Dahlia rolled her eyes and gestured to the table, "Well, we can begin now. Once we're linked, I'll no longer have to sleep a hundred years again. Your concerns for my status will ease, and I'll finally be able to focus on power that is truly owed to me."
"My son's—" Klaus said for her, darkly to serve as a reminder there was yet another part of the deal, "—whom you will only guide and draw the sufficient power you need from him."
Dahlia nodded with a smile, "Of course."
Klaus then glanced to the car, seeing his older sister still unconscious,, "What do you want to do about Freya?"
"She served her purpose," Dahlia carelessly waved a hand at the car. "So, tonight, at the moon's apex, I'll end her life, and once our link is severed, the bond that I share with your son will become one and stronger."
"Best get on with it, then," Klaus motioned, struggling to hide his discontent with the plan. He moved up to the table where Dahlia was awaiting for him with hands held out.
Dahlia then began to chant the spell to bind them together, "Medareno sometswar. Medareno sometswar."
As she chanted further, the pewter chalices Dahlia set up in front of her filled with blood. When it became full, it poured down to the table where it then traveled to the center of an infinity symbol. When the spell neared its end, the two spellers were blasted backwards from the table. Due to the commotion, Hope, alarmed, began to whimper. As Klaus went to check on her, Dahlia remained on the ground feeling the newfound power rushing through her body.
When the novelty passed, she began to laugh and got up, "With your strength, I will never need to sleep for a century again!"
"Well…" Klaus began, keeping his back to her as he slowly reached for something inside his jacket's pocket, "...perhaps one more nap."
Dahlia stood confused until Klaus turned around revealing he held the golden dagger. Realization dawning on her, she meant to telekinetically take the dagger from him but it was too late. Klaus daggered himself and just as the effects began to take him under, Dahlia felt the weakening come to her as well.
Both were out in less than a minute.
~ 0 ~
Back at the compound, Elijah was still listening to the exact plan Klaus had apparently formed without their opinions. In the meantime of doing so, he healed Maleny's bad neck with blood of his own.
"So, you see? You would have failed," Maleny finished off the story with a great big scold, "You would have failed and gotten yourselves killed."
"But to link himself to our enemy?" Elijah still could not understand why on Earth Klaus had thought that was a better plan, "She'll be virtually indestructible!"
"Not if he uses the dagger that was used on him," Maleny smirked when Elijah stayed quiet, "He uses the dagger on himself, Dahlia goes down with him in the meantime we collect the right ingredients for the final battle. You see, Elijah? Family works better together."
Elijah could not hide his monument shock. He glanced at Cami - who'd remained by the threshold of the living room - as if to ask for some sort of confirmation.
"They came up with it together," Cami said quietly, holding back her bitter tongue for the sake of the situation. "The perfect team, don't you think?"
Maleny slowly looked between the two, feeling awkward fairly fast.
~ 0 ~
"She'll be fine," Amarrah kept telling Marcel as they both waited for Rebekah to wake up in her original body.
It had been quite some time since Cami had snapped her neck and seeing Rebekah still not waking up put Marcel on edge.
"I can't believe Klaus forced her into this!" Marcel paced back and forth, actively ignoring the French witch, "Who does this!?"
"Um, we are talking about the sister who agreed to dagger her brother when his daughter's life was stake...right?" Amarrah sarcastically asked, upholding the glare Marcel now had on him, "Don't give me that look. She's no better than he is. But no matter what she's not going to die. We looked into the spell and she's going to wake up."
And just then, they heard a noise coming from Rebekah's coffin. After a couple of seconds, the blonde vampire opened up the lid and looked around anxiously.
"See?" Amarrah then gestured to the living woman, but Marcel ignored her to go hug Rebekah.
"Fair warning- since you're still compelled to kill me, you've got a whole new fight on your hands," Rebekah told Marcel as she was put to the floor.
"Well, technically not anymore," Marcel threw a look at Amarrah, apparently doubting her word still.
"How do you mean?" Rebekah questioned the French witch, curiously looking between the two.
"It's what I told you," Cami walked into the room then, grimly looking around the place, "Klaus daggered himself, thus cancelling out any compulsion he had on anyone."
"One bloody good thing he did, then," Rebekah muttered and straightened up, clearing her throat, "So, am I to assume you undaggered my other brother downstairs?"
Cami rolled her eyes and looked to the side, "He's fine," came her mutter. "He's downstairs with Mal."
"Excellent, I'd like a word with her," Rebekah started making way out of the room when she heard her cellphone ringing from Eva's body lying on the couch. With a sigh, as nothing good could come out of that call, she returned to answer it.
~ 0 ~
"I don't understand why they're not picking up," Maleny sighed after hanging up the tenth call she'd made to Alton that night.
"Perhaps Niklaus has unexpectedly taken them out as well," Elijah bitterly remarked as he also hung up on an unanswered call to Hayley.
"Elijah, I know you're angry—" Maleny began but Elijah lost his temper and furiously bellowed.
Maleny flinched but this time she didn't stay as quiet as she typically did. "DON'T SHOUT AT ME FOR SOMETHING YOU ALL DESERVED!"
"We deserved?" Elijah indignantly repeated, "Have you lost your mind—"
"YES!" Maleny screamed, now furious herself, "Because unlike you I am fighting for Hope and my son if you've forgotten! You can call me whatever you want but, just like you, I would do anything to get my son back. Hayley ran away from this family and you didn't even try to stop her because you firmly believed she was doing what was best for Hope!"
"It was the best decision to make—"
"THAT WAS NOT YOUR CALL TO MAKE!" Maleny had gotten close to his face when she shouted. Elijah blinked, her ferocity surprising him due to the fact she'd never expressed the emotion like that before. "It was a sole decision to be made by both Hayley and Klaus." Maleny continued, taking a step back. "We had a better, permanent way to keep Hope safe. Fault us for that, I don't give a damn what anyone thinks. All I know is that by the end of the day that little girl and my son will be free of Dahlia's wrath."
"Am I to assume that you know about this little switcharoo judging by your unsurprised face?" Rebekah strode into the room, not even going to address all the screams she had just listened to.
"Sorry," Maleny bitterly sighed, "but it was necessary."
"Sure," it was Rebekah's turn to sigh in bitterness, "Now, I just got a call from Freya. Dahlia is... incapacitated. They are two hours north at an orchard near Pale River. She has Hope."
"Told you," Maleny shot at Elijah then gestured for him to get going. For the first time in the entire night, Elijah agreed with her and vamp-sped away.
~ 0 ~
Freya was trying to handle a fussy Hope in her arms while waiting for someone to come and pick them up. She had no idea how she'd gotten there in the first place, and much less how Dahlia and Klaus became neutralized on the ground. She was more than relieved when Elijah appeared out of nowhere.
"Well," she sighed, "my adage holds- nothing good ever happens in a clearing in the woods."
"Nothing good ever happens where my brother is concerned," Elijah glanced at the two bodies on the ground. However, when he saw Hope perfectly safe his demeanor lightened, "With one exception. How is she?"
Freya smiled lightly, "She's a Mikaelson. She's resilient. When I woke, they were like this," she nodded over to the bodies, "Rebekah tells me Klaus has a plan to kill Dahlia, that he knew our plan would not work?"
"Yes, according to him and Maleny, our ingredients were incorrect. Niklaus infiltrated Dahlia's mind. You didn't break her heart. We needed the blood of the witch she loved the most, and you are not that witch—that honor goes to our beloved mother."
Although stunned, Freya was more frustrated than anything, "So, we need Esther's blood? Well, that's impossible—I killed her."
"One incarnation," Elijah said as if it weren't a problem, and truly it wasn't. Because at the same moment a certain new Regent witch was creating a resurrection spell. "
~ 0 ~
"Still nothing," Cami told Maleny once she hung up on a call towards Yamilet. The two blondes stood just outside the compound, still trying to get ahold of their two missing wolf friends.
"This is getting serious," Maleny bit her nail anxiously, "Alton doesn't answer, Yamilet doesn't answer, not even Hayley answers."
"Do you think it's a wolf thing?" Cami asked nervously, "Maybe something happened to them, and…"
"Nothing was supposed to happen," Maleny dropped her hand to her side, "I mean, I knew Klaus was angry and he was probably gonna hurt some of them, but not Hayley. We didn't really have anything planned except steal Hope."
"Yeah, you guys didn't, but what about Dhalia?" Cami arched an eyebrow, making Maleny stop and think for a moment.
Shakily exhaling, Maleny turned for the compound, "We need Amarrah to do a locator spell on Alton and Yamilet." However, she only made to the threshold when she glanced back and saw Cami staying right where she was. "Cami? C'mon. We have to get going."
Cami's eyes drifted to the second level and shook her head, "No, Mal. Elijah's back in there and he's pretty angry. I mean, I don't care, I'm still angry with him. But I don't want to see him. You've got a job for me tell me and I'll do it from my place or Amarrah's."
Maleny stared at her cousin for a minute before nodding, "Okay, I get it. It's awkward as hell. I'll tell Amarrah to meet you at her place so you guys can do the spell."
"Thanks," Cami warmly smiled and gave her cousin a hug before leaving.
Once gone, Maleny went on inside the compound, told Amarrah what to do then hurried up to the living room where Elijah had brought in Klaus and Dahlia. The two laid on the floor still neutralized.
"Nik is demented!" Rebekah was busy shouting, "Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash with Kol's, and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol... if Davina doesn't turn us inside out!"
"Or, we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it," Elijah muttered but was perfectly heard by Maleny.
"I say we choose a more permanent option: find the white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him," Freya added afterwards.
"You're all terrible people," Maleny declared as she made an entrance, ignoring their looks, "Luckily, I'm well used to it."
"Mal, you can't just tell us you're okay with what we apparently need to do," Rebekah, exasperated, turned to the blonde.
"Of course I'm not okay with it. It's what must be done," Maleny crossed her arms, "Now you may hate Klaus more than ever but he did what none of you could: put Dahlia down. Now the plan relies on us to make sure she stays down permanently." She sighed and moved closer to where Klaus was, "I was supposed to go down with him and Dahlia, but I guess he managed to get Dahlia to de-link herself from me. I will not fail him, and like I told you Elijah, I will do anything for my son and Hope. Question is, will you help us or not?"
Before anyone could respond, they heard an odd noise and were appalled to see the dagger still embedded in Klaus' chest was beginning to melt.
"Oh!" Maleny jumped back, "It's...melting?"
Elijah deeply sighed, unsurprised something like that was happening, "I suppose we have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set."
The others exchanged looks amongst each other while Maleny slowly inched back to Klaus, frantically watching the dagger continuing to melt.
~ 0 ~
Now in Amarrah's place, she and Cami worked on the locator spell for Alton and Yamilet. However, Cami could easily see the spell was not working with each irritated grunt Amarrah gave after chanting her spell over and over.
"What is it?" Cami sighed, preparing herself for the bad news.
"You remember the one time when I tried looking for Mal but couldn't because she'd already been forced to body jump?" Amarrah stared at the map that refused to give a location.
"Yeah," Cami slowly nodded, "What? Did Alton and Yamilet jump bodies or something?"
"Either that, or…" Amarrah looked up from the map with a heavy sigh, "...their bodies are no more."
"What...what exactly does that mean?" Cami inquired then, biting her lip anxiously.
"I don't know what happened but I know they're not quite themselves," Amarrah placed both her hands on the table and stared down at the map again, "Something happened in the bayou last night that has something to do with their bodies. And, since Hayley is also M.I.A. I'm willing to guess it's an entire wolf pack that's in the same predicament."
~ 0 ~
Davina overlooked her work with pleasure as she now knew she was mere minutes away from bringing Kol back from the dead. With the power of the Regent she had prepared every last detail of the spell and now proudly held the glass jar of Kol's ashes.
"It's gonna be weird," she began curiously, "seeing you with your original face." She walked to the end of a stone coffin that was to be used in the spell and was about to pour the ashes in when Maleny came in.
"He was the right devil, that Kol," she called and laughed when Davina looked at her heavily surprised by her appearance. "Yeah, I'm back, and this time I intend on staying here," she patted herself.
"I would have helped," Davina began guiltily and rushed out to meet the blonde, but Maleny raised a hand to stop her, "I was busy becoming Regent and-"
"It's fine, Davina," the blonde assured, "In the end, Klaus had Dahlia return me to my original body."
Davina made a face and muttered, "Well, I suppose he had to be useful for something."
Maleny only slightly gave a chuckle, as there was something important that needed to be done. "Davina, I know how much you want to bring Kol back but I need you to do something for me."
Davina suspected there was going to come something she didn't like, "What…?"
"There is only one witch strong enough to stop Dahlia, and that i, unfortunately, Esther. I need you to use your power as Regent to bring her back."
Davina's eyes widened in horror and immediately stepped back, "No! I only get one shot at this- I'm using it to bring back Kol."
"Davina I wouldn't be asking you this if there was another way, okay?" Maleny sighed, "We can get Kol back another way but-"
"No!" Davina repeated herself, more sternly, "I love you Mal, and yeah I've done things that hurt you but I will not do this for you. It's my chance and I'm not wasting it."
"Davina, I'm begging you—"
"NO!" Davina shouted, without thinking using her magic to blast Maleny back. As the blonde groaned on the ground, Davina had a momentary guilt flash in her eyes. "Mal, I'm…" but she sighed and shook her head, "...I'm not doing it. I'm sorry."
Maleny lifted her head off the ground, grimly staring at the teen across her.
~ 0 ~
Freya worked her best to slow down the melting dagger, or to stop it altogether. However, there were no good results. "It's no use- I can't slow her magic," she groaned, "Everything I'm trying fails."
Marcel could easily see she was right. Suddenly, they heard a soft whisper and a creak, and as the two looked around they saw vines covered in black dahlias were growing inside the room.
"There's gotta be a way to kill her," Marcel breathed in, horrified to see such power even when Dahlia was meant to be unconscious.
Freya took out the white oak stake she'd found in the room earlier and held it up, "There is," she regretted to announce.
"No, Freya!" Marcel lunged to get the stake away from her but Freya used her power to pin him to the wall.
Freya turned back for Klaus and Dahlia, almost trembling as she grew closer. She saw the dagger was almost completely melted and felt like it was her obligation to stop things once and for all.
"Freya, we can find another way!" Marcel frantically pleaded with her, still trying to break free from her spell.
"I'm sorry, but I see no other way," Freya was almost in tears as she knelt down beside Klaus.
"No! No! No! You kill him, you kill me, too!"
Freya sniffled and sniffled, until she was almost hysterical, "I don't want to kill you! I don't want to kill him!" but even though her sight was becoming blurry she could see the dagger was almost gone. "This is the family I longed for, but because of her-" she angrily gritted her teeth as she cast a look over to Dahlia, "-I'll forever be alone," she raised the stake up, and was about to push it down when she felt Klaus suddenly grip her wrist.
The gold dagger had completely melted and thus released him from its effects. He had managed to hear Freya's touching words and no longer looked at her with hatred.
However, there wasn't much time to contemplate on the moment when Dahlia gasped awake. She jerked upright, furious of what had been done to her.
~ 0 ~
From the threshold, Maleny silently watched Davina perform the resurrection spell to bring 'Kol' back. She didn't dare move nor say a word, for she knew there would be tension afterwards. And this time, it would be her fault.
Davina anxiously watched two hands grip the edges of the stone coffin, presumably Kol. However, when Davina stared harder, she noticed the hands were more feminine and when Esther Mikaelson rose up, she became enraged.
"Who the hell are you!?" she demanded.
But this time Esther was quite innocent, she didn't even know why she was alive again...and in her old body!
It didn't take long before Davina put the pieces together. "MALENY!" she yelled and whirled to the blonde who'd now gotten up, "You did this!?" the indignation in her tone was more evident than was her anger. "Mal…" her voice broke, "...how could you?"
"Just like you've done many times before," Maleny answered quietly, walking over to grab a decent blanket for Esther to take. "Because I felt it needed to be done. Elijah?"
"What-" Davina barely got the word out when Elijah super sped inside holding dark chain cuffs. The tears welled down Davina's face, her fury combined with despondence, "That was my only chance!" she cried, gesturing to Esther, "That was Kol's only chance!"
"Davina, I told you we can find another way-" Maleny tried to get through to the teen, but it was of no use.
"I HATE YOU!" Davina blurted towards the blonde, and while the statement meant nothing to Elijah, nor Esther, it immensely weighed on Maleny.
Maleny did not try to defend herself, nor plead for her forgiveness. She accepted her fault with her head held up high, but with her eyes full of tears.
Rebekah then sped into the room, yanking Davina away from her brother and friend, "I'm so sorry, love. I promise, we'll get Kol back - just not today," she told the teen before putting her under a sleeper-hold. While she did that, Elijah sped to Esther and cuffed her wrists to cancel out her magic.
"Careful with her," Maleny cautioned Rebekah once Davina had fallen unconscious. "She might despise me, but I don't want her getting hurt."
"That's the cost of getting your son back," Rebekah threw her words back, something Maleny expected.
"I know," Maleny nodded, "And when I hold my Nicolas again it will all be worth it."
She truly believed so.
~ 0 ~
Freya and Marcel helped Klaus stand and stepped away from Dahlia who was rising on her own. She was furious and looked as if she were ready to kill them all right there and then.
"I'm almost impressed by the lengths you'd go to for your little girl," she told Klaus, "Though you may have just cost your little blonde her own son...and you," she added afterwards with a smirk just as she ripped the white oak stake from Freya's free hand.
"We are still linked, dear aunt. You may not want to punish me with that particular weapon," Klaus reminded, though inside he was anxious as he knew he wasn't quite up to his strength to fight against her.
"Hmm, I made sure that the link between us melted along with that dagger," Dhalia stepped back, "Meaning... I'm quite free to kill you!" she used her magic to force him to come to her in order to be staked.
Marcel lunged for the hybrid and tackled him to the floor to keep him from reaching Dahlia. Dahlia used the distraction to make her escape. Hope's sudden crying made the two vampires speed into the nursery room where Dahlia's vines had nearly covered the entire room. They wrapped themselves around Hope's cradle and moved towards the infant and pricked her finger with a thorn, drawing out blood.
Klaus snatched Hope from her crib and backed away. Marcel watched the vines soon disappear as if nothing had ever been there in the first place. "Why'd she do all this? She doesn't need Hope anymore."
"She got what she wanted from the very start - to break the slumber spell and acquire a fresh new magic supply," Klaus sighed, "Unfortunately, I have no idea where the vile harpy has fled to."
Marcel shook his head, "Alright, go. Get Hope someplace safe. I'll track down your witch. And, when this is over, you and I are gonna settle up."
Klaus took his warning with a sense of amusement, "Provided we survive what's to come tonight, I look forward to it."
After several minutes, Klaus realized Dahlia had taken Freya with her as well. Carrying Hope with him, he entered the courtyard. At the same time, Amarrah and Cami strode into the place.
"Good, you're up," Amarrah called sarcastically, "you wanna tell us what the hell happened to Alton and Yamilet? We can't seem to reach them nor find them."
Klaus looked around for a moment, figuring now was as good as a time to let them all know what really happened to the wolves in the bayou. As if time was agreeing with him, Maleny came in.
"So, um," the blonde began, still carrying teary eyes, "Davina hates me. Oh! And your mother's back," she ran her hands through her hair, "Win, win, I guess…"
Cami looked between her and Klaus, suspiciously, "Go one by one, tell us what happened to the wolves and what did you do to Davina?"
"The wolves?" Maleny blinked, "What's happened with them?"
Dramatically, Klaus sighed and just came out with it, "Dahlia acquired a memory from Maleny and put Hayley and the rest of her pack under the Crescent curse once again."
"And because Alton and Yamilet were at the Unification ceremony they were cursed too…" Amarrah was horrified, her hand covering her mouth, "Oh my God!"
Even Maleny was distraught by the news, "What? That...that wasn't part of the plan. She...she wasn't...she wasn't supposed to do that!" she began to pace back and forth, but stopped when an even bigger realization hit her, "Yamilet was the only one who knew where my old corpse was! Oh my God! My curse!"
"Mal! Mal, stop!" Cami forced Maleny to stop her pacing by grabbing her shoulders. "Mal, we got that covered."
"Yamilet told us that Esther and Finn kept your old corpse at the graveyard. We know where it is."
Maleny's face lightened up immensely and gasped, "So, my...my curse, it's…" her hand flapped excitedly as she began to realize what it meant, "...I can break my curse! Oh! I can break my curse!" in her excitement, she pushed Cami to the side, the blonde vampire merely blinking with surprise because of it. Maleny went up to Klaus who was already smiling, "Do you hear that? I get to break my curse - finally!"
"There had to be some kind of happiness in the midst of all this," he touched her face, "Which is why I want you, Cami and Amarrah to get started on that."
Maleny's smile faded a little and she shook her head, "What? No, I can't. We have to find Dahlia, because I assume since you've woken up and you're kind of clutching Hope, that she's up and escaped."
Klaus took a shaky breath, disliking his words as they came out of his mouth, "I might not be here for tomorrow but if I leave I will know that you broke your curse and that you will keep fighting for Nicolas," he gently passed Hope to her, "and for Hope."
"I swear to God if you keep talking like that I'll kill you," she sniffed, "And when you come back I'll kill you again."
As always, Klaus just chuckled at her antics, "Go and break that curse. Cami and Amarrah will be there, and please look after Hope."
"She'll be fine," Cami said in the end, "They'll both be," she added with a small smile,
Klaus nodded, for once able to believe easily in another person. He kissed Hope's head then Maleny's cheek, giving them both one last smile before speeding out of the compound. For a minute, all was silent in the place and neither Amarrah nor Cami spoke a word for fear of what Maleny would do. In the end, Maleny growled in frustration and sniffled.
"We should, um...we should get started," Amarrah whispered, "The spell's old and I'll need to channel my entire coven back home."
"Fine," Maleny nodded for them to get a start. As the two women walked for the stairs, Maleny sniffed in and pressed a kiss to Hope's head, "It's going to be okay, my Hope. It's got to be."
~ 0 ~
Klaus was delighted to see his mother shackled and forced to sit on a chair, while Elijah stood behind at a table full of several knives. They had relocated the Original witch to the jazz club where they would then prepare for the final battle with Dahlia.
"Let me guess," sighed Esther as she looked around her two sons, "you brought me back from the dead to torture me."
Behind her Elijah rolled his eyes, "My dear mother, we simply need your blood. Though, in the event that you should suffer horribly, I can't promise I won't enjoy it immensely."
"And I've arrived just in time for another one of your deaths," Klaus grinned wickedly, "and as much as I appreciate the front-row seat, I'm afraid I'm going to have to postpone the festivities."
"You're in excellent spirits," Elijah muttered, "Despite the losses we suffered - by the way," he raised a glance at him suspiciously, "Care to explain to us where is Hayley?"
"Well, Dahlia pulled an unexpected stunt and cursed her to the Crescent's curse."
It took a minute for that to process through Elijah's mind, and then he shouted, "WHAT!? And you let it happen!?"
"There wasn't much to do in the moment!" Klaus yelled back, though much lower than Elijah. He expected the reaction, "I'm no bloody witch! I had everything calculated but Dahlia pulled the memory from Maleny and kept it to herself!"
"And what are we to do then, hm? Just leave Hayley out there in the bayou? Cursed to the body of a beast?"
"Of course we will bring her back, but right now I'm more interested in killing Dahlia," Klaus pulled out a silver knife from his jacket's pocket and glanced at his mother, "I need her blood on this blade which I've had bound with the soil from Dahlia's homeland, not to mention Viking ash. Mother's demise will have to wait. You see, I need her to weaken Dahlia's defenses. Bit of psychological warfare before I slaughter the both of you."
Esther rolled her eyes, "Ah, yes. You expect me to walk willingly to my death."
"Well, your willing participation would have been a bonus, but it's far from necessary. If needs be, I'll drag you there myself."
At that moment, Rebekah walked into the place, "Yes, dear Mother, you do not have a choice. Then again, why should you be any different from the rest of us? We're all dancing puppets in Nik's end-of-days marionette show. He forces every move we make."
"And how long are you gonna stand there and pretend you don't need me to?" Klaus snapped at her, fed up with being blamed for something he believed they'd earned, "The both of you have fought me at every turn, leaving me no choice but to act alone! We're no strangers to disagreements on the battlefield, but we also have a very long history of doing whatever it takes to win the war."
"And that includes leaving Hayley on her own?" Elijah asked, instigating Rebekah's attention.
"What of Hayley?" she looked between her two brothers.
"It appears our brother allowed Dahlia to place the Crescent curse on Hayley and her pack," Elijah gestured to Klaus, making Rebekah's eyes widened in horror.
"I didn't plan it!" Klaus defended himself, "It happened!"
"Oh don't bother, Nik," Rebekah shook her head, "This was all just a great big punishment."
"Punishment?" Klaus then feigned thought, "Whatever for? Perhaps the dagger you put in my heart?"
"You brought that upon yourself!" Elijah declared.
"As you have with your own pain," Klaus responded back in the same exasperation he was being treated with. "I did what I did for my children, and I bargained the hell out of it for Maleny. Unlike you, I am willing to do whatever it takes to protect them. Tell me, how is Cami?" he sarcastically, yet more angrily than ever, inquired, "Last time I heard you fought against her and snapped her neck. And for what? Oh yes, to dagger me. You chose family over the woman you love," seeing Elijah's stunned expression of the revelation Klaus was pretty sure he hadn't yet made was all the more satisfying, "How big of you, I'll say. And how costly it was. I would have worked alongside her, and…" he lightly chuckled to himself, "...I did. I worked together with Maleny, and look where it got us to? Perhaps this time, brother, you should have followed my actions."
With that, Klaus grabbed Esther by the shackles and made his way out the door, leaving Elijah to ponder on his recent choices.
~ 0 ~
Under a dark starry night Maleny clutched Hope - who was bundled up for the weather - as she and Amarrah watched Cami hurriedly digging up the grave where Maleny's previous corpse was stored.
"Where are we going to do this?" Cami asked once her shovel hit the coffin.
"In the Dawson crypt," Amarrah responded and rubbed Maleny's arm when the blonde witch gave an uncomfortable shift. "It's the safest place."
"How's that for irony?" Maleny mumbled under her breath.
When Cami had retrieved the corpse - which was still in perfect condition thanks to the spells cast over it - the three women relocated to the Dawson crypt. As Cami put down the corpse on a wooden table, Maleny couldn't bring herself to step inside the place. Amarrah came up beside her and smiled softly at her. "I know it's hard, but remember they're all gone now."
"Kids are here," Maleny whispered.
"With no memories," reminded Cami. "Now c'mon, we have a spell to get started on."
Maleny sucked in a breath and took one small step inside, feeling like all the ancestors of the Dawsons were watching her like hawks. She knew after her latest stunt against the new Regent she was less than welcomed at the graveyard. It wouldn't be long before they started going against her.
Amarrah had set a spell book on a nearby the corpse and was already beginning the preparations of the spell. Cami walked towards the entrance to check their perimeters in the meantime.
"How long is it going to take?" Maleny asked, slowly coming forwards.
"About an hour?" Amarrah estimated after skimming the entire spell again.
"How ever long it takes-" Cami returned from her checking, "-we have to be prepared for what might be coming."
"What do you mean?" Amarrah looked at her.
"Look, Klaus made it pretty clear Dahlia could win-"
"She won't," Maleny interrupted with a deep scowl, but Cami continued.
"If she does, we're going to need to run. I say we wait until midnight and if we see...things didn't go our way...we get the hell out of here. With Hope," Cami nodded to the languid toddler in Maleny's arms.
"We can't go anywhere. First of all, Nicolas knows he has to come here," Maleny reminded, "And second of all, Dahlia isn't going to win."
"We don't know that for sure," Cami insisted. "And if it does happen, then we can find a way to contact Nicolas. But we have to go by midnight. Think about Hope."
Maleny knew Cami's back up plan was logical and that it would be better for Hope if they weren't in the same city as Dahlia should she manage to stay alive. Klaus would want his daughter far, far away from the war zone - he proved it once by sending her away.
"Mal," Cami sighed, now speaking to her as what they had always been - cousins - and not as the logical vampire in the room, "it's for everyone's safety."
Maleny looked down at Hope he had rested her head on Maleny's shoulder, apparently becoming sleepy. "Yeah," she whispered. "It is."
"So then it's agreed," Cami shifted her attention to Amarrah, "How are we doing?"
"Good," Amarrah took in a deep breath after looking up from the spell book. "I can feel my coven's connection growing stronger. I think they're ready to start."
"So what do I need to do, then?" Maleny inched closer to the table after handing Hope to Cami.
"Well, it's simple in that I only need to repeat like three sentences..." Amarrah's widened smile made Maleny's stomach churn. She came to learn what that smile usually meant.
"Buuuuut...it might hurt a little..." Amarrah's face told Maleny it would hurt a lot instead.
"What's gonna happen?" Maleny dreaded to ask.
"I'm sorry," Amarrah began like this was her fault. "It's just you share a strong connection with the Dawson bloodline because of your repeated sacrifices. So to break the connection...a thousand-year connection...well, how many lives have you had?"
Maleny's eyes widened in horror. "Oh my God..."
"Just...get ready to scream," Amarrah sighed.
"What choice do I have?" Maleny whispered to herself as she watched Amarrah turn to face the corpse again.
"Come here," Amarrah gestured for the blonde to extend her hand forwards. "I need your blood to fall on the corpse. The connection will break as soon as it all turns to ash."
"Here goes nothing," Maleny turned her palm and allowed Amarrah to draw a knife from her bag she brought along.
Amarrah gently cut across the palm and moved Maleny's hand over the corpse and allowed the blood to trickle down. Afterwards, she repeated the same with Maleny's other hand. She chanted louder, and more aggressively, as if there was power going against her. Her voice then began overlapping with others', thus letting Maleny know the French coven had joined in the on the spell.
And then Maleny felt the most vicious pain start at the side of her head. With shaking hands she brought them to her head and released her agonizing scream that pierced both Amarrah's and Cami's ears. Even poor Hope had begun to cry. Amarrah kept her eyes screwed shut and focused her entire energy on chanting the spell. Cami had sped to the entrance where the screams were a tad less - for Hope's sake - and watched Maleny crumple to her knees on the ground.
~ 0 ~
Dahlia had taken Freya to a warehouse full of antique cars, but otherwise empty of witnesses - not that the older witch cared who saw. She intended on killing Freya there and then, moving onto the younger Mikaelsons afterwards. She had locked Freya in salt circle and for a minute choked her with magic. It didn't last long before the others found her whereabouts and prevented her from harming Freya longer.
"Bringing vampires to a witch fight. Someone hasn't learned their lesson," Dahlia, amused, look at the two siblings.
"Well, I can be a bit thick sometimes…" Klaus swayed his hard, sarcastically looking around just as he heard Elijah bringing in Esther by the shackles. "Although, on this occasion, I'd say I took your lesson to heart."
Dahlia was visibly stunned to see her younger sister there, alive, and shackled. However, it soon passed and she laughed, "My sister... in chains? Hahaha! Is... is she to be a gift to buy your freedom? Because I brought something," and she pulled out the white oak stake she'd snatched from Freya earlier.
The sight of the stake, while nerve-wrecking, provoked incredulity in the siblings. "One stake, three of us?" Klaus asked, "Even if you don't hesitate, the other two will rip you in half."
"Sound thinking. But... small thinking," Dahlia telekinetically threw the stake up into the air and caused it to break into millions of tiny pieces, almost like snowflakes, that sprinkled over the entire room. She then directed them to the three Originals, giving them no choice but to breath the pieces in.
Dahlia ignored the pleads and addressed Esther, gleefully, "Now, sister, let us watch together as I burn your children from the inside out."
Esther stared at her dying children for a minute before heading for Dahlia, "You still carry around so much anger for me after all these years?"
"You broke your vow!" Dahlia snarled, "We were to stand together, always and forever, and you left to marry that brutish Viking imbecile. You ended my family, and they were the result." She used her powers to blast the three Originals backward, and caused their veins to grow redder with the white oak, along with their skin.
"You call this my wrongdoing?" Esther shouted, "You made me bargain away my firstborn child! My daughter!"
"Not just this firstborn, but every firstborn!" Dahlia clarified for future references, as there were still two bearers that would be left after she was done with the people in front of her. "And even then, you found a way to deny me that which you had sworn to be mine! How do you think that felt?"
Klaus had tried to lunge towards the witch with the blade that was sure to work, but was easily thrown back alongside his siblings.
Dahlia smiled at Esther, "Now, Esther, say goodbye to the last of your children." She returned to her torturing and forced Freya into the choke-hold. Before she could finally kill the blonde witch, Esther called to her.
"Sister, wait! Wait!" she managed to get Dahlia to hold off the killing, but not to let go of Freya, " You've won, Dahlia. You have everything you ever wanted, including the firstborn of new generations! You have bested us all. At least let me try to make amends," she walked closer to her sister, coming face-to-face, "Let me share with you the glorious freedom that I have found... in death."
Without warning, she lunged for Dahlia and entangled her with the shackles around her neck, forcing Dahlia to release Freya as she fought. Once free, Freya broke the imprisoning circle around her and used magic to free the air of the white oak stake and cure her siblings. Although the three coughed up blood and dust for a minute or two, they felt their strength quickly returning to them.
Esther knew she wouldn't be able to hold Dahlia forever, and so she called out, "Elijah?" desperately, she glanced back at the others, nodding for them to do what they must for things to be over.
Elijah picked up the blade from the floor and tossed it to Klaus who wasted no time in speeding to the two women and stabbing Esther through the back, making it go through Dahlia's heart in the process. The term 'killing two birds with one stone' never had such a meaning until that moment.
~ 0 ~
"Aaaaaand…" Amarrah carefully poured the last of the corpse's ashes into a glass jar, "...here we go," she finished with one great, big smile and placed the lid over the jar just as Cami walked into the crypt with Hope in arms.
"I put Maleny in the car - but she's really out like a light," she briefly explained and eyed the ornamented jar.
"She'll be out for hours," Amarrah closed the spell book and dumped it into her bag. "A thousand years to break free from? I admire her strength."
Cami gave an agreeing smile. "So is that it, then?" she nodded to the jar.
"Yup," Amarrah picked up the jar. Maleny's freedom had been like an hourglass with its trickling sand falling down. The last bit of sand was the last bit of ash that proclaimed Maleny's freedom for the rest of her life. "Maleny has finally broken her curse. She's free."
"Finally," Cami chuckled out of pure happiness for her 'cousin'.
Amarrah grabbed her purse and turned to her. "I think we should get back to the compound. If we do need to run we're going to need things from there."
Cami agreed with a nod of her head. "You're right. We should go."
Arriving at the compound they were pretty disappointed to find it completely empty. Cami brought Maleny up to her bedroom while Amarrah went to put Hope down for a nap in the meantime they collected some of the important things they would need for the run. However, Cami had finished quick and found Amarrah still trying to get Hope to sleep.
"I think she needs Hayley," Amarrah sighed as Hope continued to fuss in her crib. "Don't you worry Hope, I'm going to get that curse reversed, you'll see."
"Can you actually reverse the Crescent curse?" Cami had to ask Amarrah. "The witch who originally cast it was a powerful one, and she's long gone."
Amarrah sighed. "It's not going to be easy, but I'm not gonna give up. I'll go back to France if I have to, but this spell will not take our friends away from us. And speaking of, I think if we do have to leave, then we should go to France. It's far, Dahlia has no idea who I am no where I come from so it'll be long before she finds us."
Cami nodded in agreement, but seemed discontent. "I can't believe I might actually have to run from this place…" she chuckled bitterly, "After everything, this is still my home. I was born here - I died here."
"I would've thought after everything you would be happy to get the hell out of the Quarter," Amarrah admitted, "Dying here because of an old vampire family," she began counting off with her fingers, "Fighting for your basic survival every day, getting your heart broken by the man you love-"
Cami's eyes widened and immediately cut Amarrah off, "I don't - I don't love anyone!"
Amarrah gave her a pointed a look, almost scolding her for wasting time in denying. "Cami, it's okay. He's not here, you can be honest."
"I don't," Cami insisted, huffing as she crossed her arms.
"I'm not gonna do this," Amarrah warned the blonde, "One does not simply fight a thousand old witch for a guy she just met," she laughed.
"I was doing it for Mal!"
"Yeah, and Elijah because you didn't want anything to happen to him. And you wouldn't be this hurt because of what he did to you, snapping your neck and all."
Cami rolled her eyes, heavily tired of having to repeat, "I'm not angry because he snapped my neck! No one gets it!"
"Point and case," Amarrah gestured and laughed again, much to Cami's annoyance.
~ 0 ~
When the Mikaelsons began to return to the compound, Cami and Amarrah were long finished with their "emergency packing" so they were partially irritated to know they would have to unpack.
"Your fault for not having faith us," Rebekah playfully told them both.
Meanwhile, Klaus was scoping the nearby areas for the missing blonde in the room. Seeing his frantic movements, Amarrah called to him. "She's unconscious, but in her room."
"Is she...?" he turned around.
"Free from a thousand-year curse? Oh yeah," Amarrah smirked. "That's one point for the French witch," she raised a finger. "The ashes of the corpse are in the jar—" she pointed towards said jar that sat on the coffee table, "—there. I don't know if Maleny wanted to do something special with them."
Klaus didn't bother remarking and instead hurried out of the room. To his luck, Maleny had began to stir awake on her bed. She had just taken a breath in to open her eyes when he came in.
"Mal," he went directly for her like she was still in danger.
Maleny was a bit disoriented from her long 'sleep' so it took her a moment to register where she was and who was currently holding her. "We...won?" she languidly blinked.
"Yes," Klaus couldn't help smile at her. He helped her sit up a bit but let her rest against his chest. "I heard you had a winning too..."
"Did I?" she raised her eyebrows as she tried remembering just what had happened earlier. Her head was a bit groggy from the massive pain but she was sure that somewhere along that pain she must have beat the curse. "Yeah...I think I did..."
"Yes you did," Klaus set a kiss on her hair and held her just a bit closer, "Amarrah put the ashes into a jar if, uh, wanted to place them somewhere special..."
Maleny thought about it for a moment but frowned when nowhere 'special' came to mind. "I don't...know. I'd like for it to be meaningful."
But while she pondered more, Klaus had already come up with an idea of his own. "Mystic Falls." Maleny looked up at him, confused etched across her face. "Mystic Falls is where we were born...where we practically died..."
"I...like it," Maleny gave a small nod, still half considering it in her mind. "Definitely meaningful..."
"And, we could take advantage to visit so that you could finally get the connection you wanted with your mother, remember?"
Of course Maleny remembered. It now meant even more because she was, once again, a witch. No more linked to anyone meant her powers were free, albeit limited, but they were hers. "Yes," she finally agreed completely. "Let's bury them there. When can we go?"
"Any day you want, just tell me."
"Okay," Maleny smiled to herself. "Now tell me what happened with Dahlia."
"Gone forever," Klaus answered, like a promise. "Along with Esther which just makes it even more better."
Maleny chuckled. "The more people who die, the better right?"
"If they're enemies then of course."
Maleny laughed again.
~ 0 ~
At Rousseau's, Cami had taken to cleaning out the place since she had let her job slowly go down the drain. She knew it would be only a matter of time before the place went under new management and the job she had would be terminated. While cleaning out a table, she was unexpectedly visited by her friend, Gia, whom she hadn't seen in quite a while.
"My God this place is awful," Gia crinkled her nose in distaste as she wiped a finger over a table and gathered dust, "Doesn't anyone clean it?"
Cami looked up from the table she was at and glared, "Ha, ha, the bartender's been a little bit busy."
"Yeah, fighting the old wicked witch of the west," Gia put her hands behind her back, "Who, I heard, killed Josephine?" Cami sighed and continued to clean the table, "I would've liked a piece of that."
"Trust me, you really wouldn't have," Cami shook her head and grabbed and headed back to the counter for a fresh new cloth.
"Marcel told me everything was fine now and that everything should go back to normal," Gia walked up to the counter and plopped down on a stool, "Which, kinda leaves me wondering what the hell you're gonna do now?"
"Hmm?" the blonde quizzically looked at the woman.
"C'mon, Cami," Gia sighed, "You and I both know that you plainly forgot about the whole psychology major. You went back to school for about two weeks before going M.I.A."
"Yeah, because Maleny was kidnapped, and," Cami awkwardly cleared her throat, "Esther had taken Elijah. I had to help find them."
"Okay, fair enough," Gia nodded, "But what about afterwards?"
"I was busy at the safe house with Elijah," Cami said.
"And after?"
"...busy again?"
Gia tilted her head, "You were busy, I get it. But you also have to admit that ever since you turned you haven't exactly been motivated to go back to school - at least that's what you've let me assume by everything you told me about yourself."
Cami threw her head back, groaning, "I know, I know. It's...complicated. The whole reason I went into the major was because of my brother. But now that I know what happened, and there's so much more to this world than the humans know...I can't go back to school and let everything just slide."
"Then what do you want to do?" Gia asked, "Because my place is always an offer for you if you want to leave the Quarter. Give yourself a break."
"No," Cami instantly declared. "I don't want to leave this place. This is my home and I don't intend on leaving it for anything."
"Okay," Gia chuckled while Cami sighed, "Then what do you want?"
"I want to make this a better place for everyone," Cami answered honestly, crossing her arms, "Before, there were these factions and because of who I am, I was supposed to take the leadership for the humans."
"But you're not human anymore…." Gia reminded gently, "Can't exactly do that anymore.."
"No," agreed Cami, "but these people need someone. Since the Correas are gone, there hasn't been much leadership…" the more Cami got to thinking, the more inclined she felt to stay in the Quarter.
"Oh my God," Gia said after a moment, realizing just what Cami was intending on doing.
~ 0 ~
"So you're telling me everyone in that town practically hates you?" Maleny asked after hearing the brief telling of Mystic Falls from Klaus. "Why am I not surprised?"
"It's not my fault they're all irritating, know-it-all, baby vampires," Klaus rolled his eyes, just the mere memory of some of the residents of Mystic Falls put him on edge.
Maleny chuckled. "So, by definition, if they hate you they'll probably hate me too?"
"I don't want to lie-"
"There's a sentence no one would ever think you'd say." Maleny tilted her head up to meet his unamused look. "Did I annoy you like the Bennett witch you talked about? Boy, you really hate witches. I wonder how you stand me then."
"Because you-" Klaus purposely brought her impossibly close to him, getting a small yelp from her part, "-are far more different than any of these people."
Maleny decided to play with him for a bit. "But I'm just a mortal witch now. Where does that leave me, then?"
"You're a special case, my love," he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "You're slightly less irritating."
"Oh," she looked to the side, feigning offence, "Well then I guess I'll just have to go find myself a less murderous vampire. In fact, I'll get a head start tomorrow when we go visit that town."
"Don't you dare," he warned her darkly, but it made no effect on her.
She liked it, actually, and continued to tease him about it, "Yeah, I'll ask Elijah who was the most irritating vampire for you and then seduce him."
"I'll start off with a nice couple of drinks," she continued, "Do they like bourbon?"
"I don't have a signature move, but I heard from Amarrah the blonde thing is really big in this modern world," she gestured to her hair, "So maybe I'll just flip my hair and batter my eyes. That's what got you, wasn't it?
"In fact, I'll go ask Elijah right now!" she declared and made to leave but was yanked back immediately. She laughed and shifted to face him. Needless to say, Klaus wasn't happy one bit. "You didn't like my joke?"
"You mean where you joke about you leaving me for some other man? And an irrelevant man at that?" Klaus placed a hand on her cheek, his soft voice ending all of Maleny's thoughts on pushing more of his buttons.
"You know I'm only joking," she spoke quietly. "After a thousand years do you think there could ever be someone else?" she cupped his face, smiling widely at him. "Now I think maybe you're the one that still has things to learn about this world."
She laughed for a second before pressing her lips to his. She wound her arms around his neck while he pulled her practically on him. Remembering the many times he wanted to kiss her while she was stuck in Yamilet's body turned it all into more urgent kissing. Without a warning, Klaus turned Maleny over so that she laid on her bed. She barely had time to gasp when he connected his lips to hers again. They fiercely kissed, both with equal fervor for each other.
It had been quite some time since they both found their selves in the same predicament, and now that they were free...there was so much time to take advantage of.
~ 0 ~
Cami walked out of Rousseau's on her own, and locked up while vowing to be back tomorrow for her shift she would now take more serious. When she finished up, she began down the street, intending on heading for her place instead of Amarrah's. Everyone had a home, and while she would much rather be where her cousin was, she didn't feel like she belonged there anymore. And when she came across Elijah on the street, she still felt the same.
"Can I help you?" she asked, doing her best to keep her voice serious and stern.
"I want to have a talk," Elijah began calmly, but already he was being met with difficulty.
"I don't have anything to talk to you about," Cami shook her head.
"Well, I do."
"Well, I don't care anymore."
"Cami," Elijah sped up to her, taking her by the arm, "I beseech you to listen, please. While we won much tonight, we also lost several things...and for me, I lost your friendship. I know what I did was wrong and it will take long before you can consider me even an acquaintance."
Cami sighed and pulled her arm from his grip, "It's difficult to forgive you when you don't even understand what the reason for my anger actually is. You think it's because you snapped my neck, everyone thinks so. Except Mal. And do you know why?"
"No…" Elijah quietly said, waiting for her to explain.
"Because she understands the pain of being cast out by the one you love," and as Cami continued to explain she overcame her fear of admitting what it was she felt. "All this time you have told me that I was part of the family. That my place was at the compound with you, with Maleny, with everyone there. But when worst came to show, you went back on your word. You showed me that I will never be one of you. The plan you made to dagger Klaus, you made with Rebekah, with Freya, hell, even Marcel and Hayley. You didn't even consider what my opinion would have been. I may not have a good concept of what love is, but I've had an example to go by."
"It's true I didn't consider your opinion on the matter, but it was a rash decision, one that needed to be made fast," Elijah tried to explain himself, "Niklaus was becoming far too paranoid and there had to be a stop. The decision was made amongst my family because they were there. And besides, you show more loyalty to Maleny, thus then to Klaus. You would have fought against me, like you did."
Cami's eyes teared up as she bit back a bitter laugh, "You chose your sisters' opinions over mine, you didn't even consider what mine would've been. Do you know," she bitterly laughed, "if there's one thing I've come to admire from Klaus since I've known him, it's his massive loyalty to Maleny. Because no matter what happened, he was there with her. He told her everything. And they fought against his own family, together. Their relationship may be highly unorthodox, but it's real, and honest. The girl in the forest," she recited Maleny's famous title, "The setting may have changed, the people may have changed, but they haven't. For Klaus, Maleny is the simple girl in the forest whom he fought for. And for Mal, he's her protector. I want that, Elijah," she sniffled, "I want someone who would fight for me, who would fight with me, against anyone. Until you can give me that, I don't think we should see each other anymore. If you need anything for Hayley's cause, or for Mal or Hope, I'll be there. But otherwise, I'm just another local in the Quarter. Goodbye."
Elijah swallowed roughly as the blonde woman turned to leave. His eyes had matched hers in tears, but after hearing what she had to say he wouldn't go after her anymore. She was right, he couldn't yet offer her what she wanted. He was too in depth with his promise to keep his family together. She deserved someone else who would stand by her against anyone, someone who would value her like she deserved. But it still broke his heart that it could not be him.
He thought back to Klaus, and his words...he had been, surprisingly, right.
~ 0 ~
Klaus shifted over the bed on his side to watch Maleny better in her deep sleep. He reached for the her next to him, gingerly stroking her hair, and smiled to himself. No more would she be leaving him. For once, he would have a good ending in one of the many tragic stories of the past. It became even better when he remembered their son was going to come home soon, and they would be able to make up for all they had missed in Nicolas' life. But for now, he would focus on what he already had with him.
The Girl in the Forest would be there with him forever.
Author's Note:
To be continued in...Under the Same Stars.
Thank you all for reading and I look forwards to hearing your thoughts about the next story! Go read it now!
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