#people who type in excitation and mess up words
koolades-world · 3 days
Hello! Congrats on 2k followers, you deserve all of them and more!
May I request "I only accept payment in cuddles" and "I didn't know you were the type to play footsie" with Lucifer, please? Thank you
thank you :) of course i can
cute prompt combo!! it made for a very fluffy piece. great choice!
enjoy <3
prompt 14 and 30 w/ Lucifer
Dinner with the brothers could never be just dinner. There's always some kind of shenanigan at that table, which is something you grew to expect. Thankfully, it wasn't your turn to cook, but that meant it was your turn to collect Lucifer from his room for dinner.
"Luci, almost dinner time." You knocked on the door to his room, ensure he knew it was you at the door. When you didn't hear a responses, you spoke up. "Are you in there? Dinner soon." You waited to hear his voice again.
"Come in." You faintly heard him. You opened the door to find him doing paperwork as usual. A small smile crossed his tired features.
"Hey there. How's everything going?" You shut the door behind you and took a seat on the arm rest of his chair.
"I could be better. Lord Diavolo had an emergency meeting earlier this evening, so I offered to pick up some of his student council paperwork. As you can see, I haven't even started that pile yet." He gestured to the pile sitting on a sofa in his room, likely untouched.
"Is there anything you won't do for that man?" You playfully rolled your eyes and rested your arm on his shoulder. He couldn't help but smile at you, and made no move to shove you off. In your book, this was a win because if Mammon had done this, he would've been pushed away. You knew this because you'd witnessed it happen before. "Y'know, I think I might be able to help you out with that paperwork, under one condition, of course." You suddenly got an almost devious idea.
"And what is that? You've got this look on your face. I can tell you're thinking quite hard right now." Lucifer chuckled, turned back to his paperwork while he waited for you for your proposal.
"I'll help you if you pay me in cuddles. I'll only accept payment in cuddles, so I hope that works for you." You got up to sit next to the stack of papers for size comparison, which was nearly taller than you. "I'm sure you know how tall this stack is. Taller than an average sized human. It's daunting, but with me by your side, you can work twice as fast, and you get to cuddle with me afterwards. How does that sound?" You grabbed the first paper off the stack, scanning over it.
"You drive a hard bargain, but I can't say no." You stood up to cheer.
"Yes!" You were quick to make your way back over to him, leaving the paper behind.
"You sound excited for someone who just signed up for student council work," he said amused.
"Well, it's with you. Now, it's time for dinner. Asmo cooked tonight, so it'll be good." You used that excuse to grab his hand, to drag him out of the room.
"Alright." He didn't move to remove his hand from yours. The walk to the dining room was filled with your animated recount of your day. It'd hadn't been that interesting of a day, but Lucifer hung onto every word. Once you were at the table, you took your respective seats. He always sat at the head of the table, with Mammon on his right and you on his left. The left used to be Levi's spot, but Lucifer usually had you sit there since your arrival to help curb their arguing.
Dinner was already served when you arrived. For once, you were late. Beel was already scarfing down his food. You began to converse with everyone else, but at some point during the conversation, you felt something brush against your foot. You didn't dare to look down, but you scanned the faces of the people around you to see if anybody was clearly responsible. The shit eating grin on Lucifer's face told you everything you needed to know.
In response, you began to mess with him back, leading to a mini war that ended in a truce with your ankles crossed over his. As soon as you'd cleared up after yourself and were back in the safety of his office, you were quick to confront him.
"Lucifer Morningstar. I never took you for someone who liked to play footsies," you remarked. He gave you a rather mischievous look, pulling up a chair for you beside him to start working. That look alone told you he was ready to play footsies with you again.
"The paperwork won't do itself, now will it?"
127 notes · View notes
elllisaaa · 4 months
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SUMMARY : what was supposed to be the least interesting class of your semester turned out to be the most passionating one when you met jake sim and his tendency to tease. but two could play a game, right ?
-> pairing : college mate!jake x fem!reader
-> words count : 15k
-> genre : college au, smut
-> warnings : switch!jake x switch!reader, teasing, dirty talk, sexting, phone sex, mutual masturbation, praising, dry humping, marking, hair pulling, doggy, unprotected sex, creampie, body worship, use of 'good girl', 'good boy' and 'slut', oral (f. and m. receiving), deep throating, cum play, manhandling, quick mention of choking, fingering, begging, riding, panties sniffing, jake is down bad for yn (yes, that's a warning), nipple play, jake is asking consent a lot and it's sexy.
+ the way i'm depicting jake does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction.
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language
-> author's note : here we are, my not so little gift for you for valentine's day ! i hadn't planned something at first, but it turned out that i finished this not too long before so i decided to post it on this day. it's the first really long fic that i'm posting here, but i enjoy writing them so much ! shoot out to @xhdream that started it all by sending me a gif of jake during our christmas family gathering and messed with my mind 😭😔. this ended up being really self-indulgent but i hope you'll like it as much as i do !
-> masterlist | enha masterlist
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🎵 lost the game by two feet
🎶 meddle about by chase atlantic
🎵 i'll make you love me by kat leon
🎶 more by i.m
🎵 it's not easy for you by misamo
🎶 more than friends by isabel la rosa
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Leaving all your friends and family for college was not easy. Your freshman year was really hard, having to manage your classes and doing a part time job to be able to afford your rant, and being in a brand new city you didn’t know anything about, nor had any friends to help and support you. You felt on the edge of giving up just before your finals, but that was when you met your best friend, Yeji. She really was a gift, always smiley and willing to cheer you up. Without her, you really didn’t know if you could have continued university, or got your life back together at all. 
But now, here you were, currently in your third year at college, happy and confident about your future. And you really didn’t want to mess it up, so you remained serious, and worked hard to have the grades you got. Even if for some people, psychology was not a “real” major, it was for you, and it was what you wanted to do for your whole life. And you sometimes wondered how they could say that when you had to take science classes. At first, you were not so excited to follow them, thinking that it would be just another thing you would have to study just for the exams and never remember again, but someone made you change your mind. 
Jake was not in the same major as you, that was why you didn’t see him before the start of this semester but he immediately caught your eyes. Well, it would have been hard not to notice him, or you would’ve been blind, because he was really good looking. He was the cliché of the hot college fuckboy, the one so many rumors were spread about, the one who had supposedly hooked up with half of the campus. 
Despite that, you were not one to have prejudices against people you didn’t know, so you gave him a chance, mainly because he was attractive and exactly your type, and also because he seemed to be the only other student to be invested in this class. Surprisingly, he was always participating, sometimes before you even had the chance to do so, and he was doing his work everytime. And so on, he became even more your type because smart people were automatically the most fuckable in your eyes. 
However, you tried to not let your interest in him show. It seemed like he already had an ego, you were not here to fuel it even more. So you stuck to staring at him during your shared classes, under the excuse that you were only closely listening to his answers to your professor's questions. That was until he suddenly decided to sit down by your side on one random Thursday. 
“- Is that seat taken, or can I ?”
You lifted your head, even if you had grown familiar to the sound of his voice by now, seeing Jake, waiting for your approval with a grin on his face. Well, he was asking kindly and really, you could not refuse to have your crush sit with you. You simply nobbed, taking off your bag from the chair so he could sit down. 
“- Thanks !
- No problem.”
Regardless of the confidence you were trying to keep on, you were feeling incredibly nervous. It was the first time you and Jake were this close. Sure, you had talked to each other before, picking up on something one of you had said in class to add other information or to correct each other. But that was it, nothing more. So to suddenly have him so close to you was very strange, but at the same time, you were giddy, like a high-schooler confessing her love to her first crush. 
“- Did you understand the paper we had to read for today ?”
Jake's voice straddled you as you were lost in your thoughts, but you quickly composed yourself again, doing your best to hold his intense gaze. 
“- Yeah. Or at least, I think so, but I struggled a little bit at first. Why did you want to know ?
- Well, you’re the only one except me that seems to give a damn about this class, and you’re smart, so I thought that maybe you could help me, because I didn’t understand anything !”
You chuckled at the defeated tone he used for his last words, perfectly getting his disappointment of not assimilating a new thing immediately, it was frustrating. But at the same time, butterflies erupted in your stomach at the thought of Jake having noticed you. And he was saying you were smart on top of that ? What started as a not so good day was turning into a much better one. 
“- Of course, no problem. We have some time left before Mr. Lee arrives, so maybe we could go over the paper and you stop me every time there’s something you didn’t get ?
- Works for me ! Thank you Y/N.”
The way he said your name had you fighting demons not to blush and try to concentrate on bacteria and immune system instead of his bright smile and beautiful face. But it was not easy to stay focused when he brought his chair closer to yours so he could have a better view of the drawings you were making to materialize what was explained in the paper. You could feel Jake’s warmth through your clothes and it was so hard to resist the urge to turn your head and just look at him. Thanks to some magical forces surely, you got to the end of it when your professor entered the classroom, greeting his students. 
“- It’s so much easier when you explain everything to me, you’re very good at that, you know ?”
And he was at it again with the compliments, and you were trying to repress a stupid smile from eating up your face once again, whispering when you answered him in order not disturb Mr. Lee, who had already started today’s lesson. 
“- I’m glad I could help.”
Jake's response came in the way of a smile before the two of you started to take notes of what your professor was saying, not having much time to discuss throughout the class. These lectures were always very intense but also very interesting, so you didn’t mind the fast rhythm with which you were approaching each subject. You thought about asking Jake his number at the end of the class, just in case he had another problem with something related to this class of course ! A few years back, you wouldn’t even have dared to consider something like that, but right now you were thinking “why not ?” If anything, he would say no and end of the story. So as you were packing up your things, you started to get your phone out when you were interrupted by Jake once again.
“- I have a class now, but if I could have your number it would be very helpful, because there’s still some things I can’t get a grasp of, if you don’t mind of course !”
You smiled back, taking his phone and typing your number in the new contact he had created before handing the device back to him.
“- Actually, I was going to give it to you anyway. You’re pretty smart too, and you’re funny so it’s not a waste of time.”
Jake chuckled as he put his phone in his back pocket after checking the time. He was going to be late to his next class, but who cared when he finally got to talk to the girl he had a crush on since the beginning of the year ? Certainly not him. 
“- I’ll make it worth it, promise ! Huh, I really have to go but I’ll text you later pretty.”
With a wink, he was gone and left you behind with a beating heart and a stupidly big grin stretching out your lips. 
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From this day on, Jake sat next to you every time you shared your science classes. And even if the seat was empty last week because Yeji was sick that day, she happily let the guy take her place with a knowing look on her face, wiggling her eyebrows every time he walked in and greeted you. You acted annoyed every time, but really, it was funny how supportive she was - sometimes, you worried that she was more excited about the whole situation than yourself. 
“- Is it Jakey again ?”
You rolled your eyes as you picked up your phone from the kitchen counter where Yeji and you had spread all your work sheets and textbooks to study. It was Sunday, and you often reserved it to work together and then relax with a movie, while doing each other's skincare and gossiping. 
When you first came to the city for college, you had rented a small apartment with another girl you didn’t know. At the end of your freshman year, she left and since Yeji was searching for a new place to stay because her last roommate was insufferable, you had proposed to her that you live together. She really was the best friend you could ask for, and also the best roommate. But sometimes, just sometimes, you wished she didn’t know you so well as she fake gaged when you laughed at the last text Jake had, indeed, sent to you. You wrote a quick answer before going back to your cognitive psychology assignment. 
“- And what if it is him ? You’re jealous ?
- Of a man ? Never !”
Both of you laughed at her remark, not able to hold back yourselves after being focused for such a long time and having spent the whole afternoon studying. 
“- No but seriously, what do you think of him ?”
You were not one to let other people direct the way you acted or lead you on to choices you wouldn’t have made by yourself but you valued Yeji’s opinion, and she always had something to say about your crushes. Sensing that the subject was no longer meaningless, your best friend put her pen down, thinking for some time about your question.
“- Well, you know all the rumors about him right ?”
You nodded. Of course you knew, especially since you started to talk with Jake two months ago, you paid a lot more attention to the conversations of other students about him. They were all saying that he was a typical frat boy, going to parties, not caring about going to school, and fooling around with every girl he found attractive. But you already knew that a part of that was not true. He was often sending you some parts of texts or lessons he didn’t understand for you to explain, he was really invested in what he was doing, and he had even told you that he was not here to skip classes.
“- And you also know that Lia is friends with his roommate Jay ?”
Again, you nobbed. You knew Lia too, because she was one of Yeji’s childhood friends. You were a little less close to her but she really was a very sweet girl, and you loved to spend time with her. 
“- She told me that Jake was not how everyone is depicting him. Apparently, it’s only because he’s spending time with Heeseung and his frat, and because he hooked up with a random girl at a party during our freshman year. And from there, people created him a reputation, and he never really tried to deny it because, well, everyone would assume that based on his looks and who he’s hanging out with. 
- I guess, yeah. I thought that too when I first met him. And that doesn’t surprise me, he cares too much about his studies to be a frat boy.”
Yeji laughed again, detaching her long, ginger, hair from the hair clip that was holding them in place.
“- I agree, he’s too smart too, and too sweet with you. He genuinely seems like a good guy, and not every guy out there gets your humor so…”
You threw a random highlighter in her direction, pretending to be vexed by her comment.
“- And I didn’t see you smile so much since that dick left you this summer, so I sadly have to validate him.”
Yeji let out a defeated sigh while shaking her head, making you smile again. It was true that you had a hard time because of your “ex”, if you could really label him like that. He was just a guy you met at a party just after your finals were over, and from there, you started to be in some kind of situationship, that was becoming serious for you, but not for him apparently since he left you over a single text and not even an apology. But you were fully over it now, and ready to welcome someone in your life - and bed - again. 
“- I’m glad you’re thinking the same.”
She simply gave you a smile before stretching her arms over her head, repressing a yawn as she did so. 
“- I’m thinking about wrapping up this study session and getting on to the movie.
- Oh my god, yes, thank you ! My brain stopped working one hour ago !”
You both started to tidy up the counter, putting your sheets back in your binder and your pens back in your case. 
“- You order while I’m hopping in the shower ?
- No problem ! Pizza and sushi ?
- You know me so well !”
You giggled as Yeji disappeared in her room, closing the door behind her and letting you finish with your mess. When your phone received another notification, you picked it up again, not holding back your smile when you saw Jake’s contact name popping up this time. 
jakey :  wow ! working on a sunday ? you have a stronger will than me ! you :  ahah only because i’m not doing it alone !  otherwise, i would lie in my bed all day, not doing anything lmao what are you doing ? jakey :  [attachement : 1 image] just relaxing while watching a movie it’s pretty boring tho…
You were not expecting this photo to be a shirtless one of Jake, sprawled out on his bed, and looking at the camera with a pout on his face. You had to pick up your jaw from the floor and mentally stop yourself from drooling over his abs, and his chest, and his arms, and the gray sweatpants hanging low on his waist. Was that flirting ? It was, for sure. Why would he send you that if it wasn’t ? But how could you respond to that ? Sending a picture of the same type seemed a little too provocative, and you didn’t want to interpret the signs wrong. If he was doing this after only two months, what would he be willing to do in a few weeks ? You were curious to see how far he would go to seduce you. 
jake :  why are you not answering pretty ? too busy checking me out ? 😉 you :  in your dreams. jake :  oh yeah, don’t worry about that, my dreams are already filled with your cute face.
You didn’t dare ask him what he meant by that, busying your mind by ordering your dinner and trying to get the image of Jake’s chest out of your mind.
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The whole task of not getting your hopes up revealed to be a lot more difficult than you thought it would be when the universe seemed to team up against you. Or at least, you saw it like that as your professor was listing the groups for the new project of the semester.
“- Y/N and Jake, I want you two together for this. Usually, I’d put you in a weaker group to help but I’m very curious to see what you can do when working hand in hand. And that’s all for today everyone, I’ll see you next week and don’t forget to tell me the angle your presentation will address.”
You couldn’t believe that Mr. Lee really did this. It was not that you were horrified by the idea of having to work with Jake, it was the contrary, really, but it also meant spending a lot of time together, because you wanted your presentation to be perfect. You would have to go to the library together, or go work at his dorm, or invite him to your apartment, and all that will certainly not help you to stop your little - or rather big - crush on him, and neither will it help you to stay focused. 
“- You don’t seem so delighted by the news, pretty.”
His voice interrupted your thoughts, and you lifted your head to meet his pouty face, the one he always had on when he was trying to get your attention. It was cute. And his puppy eyes were too. And there, you were feeling all fuzzy inside once again.
“- Who would be delighted to know that we have a presentation that counts for half of the final note to do before the end of the month ?
- When you put it this way… But I was not really talking about that.”
You sighed as you stood up, checking the time because you had to join Lia and Yeji at your favourite café soon. 
“- I know Jake. I have to go but I’ll text you later to let you know when I am free so we can start to work on that. Bye.”
Jake stood there, mouth slightly open as if he wanted to add something but couldn’t with how fast you left. All this made him wonder if he read the signs wrong or not. He didn’t imagine the way you were often staring at him. He didn’t miss the few times your eyes flicked down to his lips when he was talking to you. He didn’t imagine the way you were shivering every time he touched you, intentionally or not. He didn’t miss how you were always smiling when he was teasing you, even if you tried to look annoyed. 
Or was it only pretending ? Jake didn’t know anymore. But you were not the type of girl to do that, right ? He watched you from afar since he saw you for the first time in this science class, noticing how kind you were with everyone, how funny you were, how pretty you looked, and he also noted how many boys tried to hit on you, and how many of them you sent away. 
That was why he approached you as a friend. Because at least, even if he didn’t succeed in charming you, you could be friends. And it worked until now, you were getting closer and he even saw you blush one or two times when he made a flirty joke. So he didn’t understand why you were like that today. Maybe it was only a bad day for you, you seemed off and didn’t participate as much as usual. It should be that, yeah. That, or Jake was a total fool. 
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“- You know the rules Y/N ! You’re late, you pay !”
You sighed but got your wallet out. You were rarely late anyway, so it was not often that you had to pay for the three of you. Your two friends had already ordered your favourite drink and you made your way to the counter to pay before returning to your table and finally relaxing for the first time since you woke up. 
“- You seem exhausted today.”
You nodded at Lia’s word, taking a sip of your caramel latte before answering her indirect question. 
“- I am. I’ve been running all day ! I was late to my first class because my bus times changed and I didn’t know, so I had to wait for the next one and you know Mr Kim, he hates it when we are late and he literally humiliated me in front of the whole class. Then, I realized that I had forgotten the assignment that I had to hand back for one of my lectures, so I had to rush home to get it on my lunch time and couldn’t eat. And the cherry on top is that Mr Lee paired me up with Jake Sim for our next presentation.
- Wow ! That’s a lot, my dear !”
You nodded again, leaning against Yeji’s shoulder to seek some affection and comfort. 
“- Well, all that sucks, but I don’t see how having to spend more time with your crush can be a bad thing ?
- It’s not ! That’s the worst part, I think that he thinks that I don’t want to work with him because I was so dry when I talked to him today, and he looked like a kicked puppy and now I feel guilty.”
Lia reached over to stroke your arm and try to make you feel a little bit better. She knew that you could spiral about the smallest thing you were saying or doing sometimes, overthinking every interaction you had with other people.
“- Just apologize next time, and that should be good. This is nothing that you can’t fix.
- Why are you always right ?”
The blonde shrugged before taking a sip of her own drink, while Yeji led the conversation to how her own day went. But you couldn’t stop thinking about how Jake’s smile fell when he sensed that you were not as enthusiastic as him to work together. You took your phone out, opting to send him a text now, even if you knew that he would not answer right away because he still had some other classes. 
you :  i am free this weekend and wednesday afternoon to work on the project. and sorry if i was too harsh earlier, i just had a really bad day, it was nothing against you. 
You shut off your phone, not expecting a notification to light up the screen just seconds after your last message, trying to hold back a smile from stretching your lips. 
jakey :  this weekend seems good, but i’m going back to my parents so we’ll have to facetime 😉 don’t worry about that pretty, i figured it was not me you were mad at i’m here if you need to talk. you :  i’m good now, but thank you, you’re sweet i’m staying here so call me when you have a moment. and stop texting while you’re in class, idiot !
As he answered you again just to tease you, the weight on your chest flew away. Jake really was a sweet guy, you just couldn’t believe that he was interested in you. He was popular around the campus, whether because of all the rumors about him - mostly false, but they were spreading fast - or because he was incredibly handsome, and a lot of girls were after him, numerous of whom were prettier than you. That was why you had so much trouble understanding why he chose to text you so much. It was not like you to doubt yourself like that, but for some reason, Jake was making you really nervous. Maybe because it was the first time in a while you were really interested in somebody, past just physical attraction, and you didn’t want to fuck it up. 
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You read Jake's last text again, the one in which he was telling you that he was going to call you in five minutes, just the time for him to gather all the things he needed to work, and you couldn’t stop biting your nails. There was no logical reason for you to be so stressed out about facetiming with him, especially since it was only to talk about a school project, but you were. You checked your appearance in the little mirror above your desk one more time, but didn’t really get the time to fix your hair, your phone ringing straddling you as you picked up the call immediately, setting up the device against your laptop so it would stay in place without you needing to hold it. 
“- Hi pretty !
- Hi Jake, how you doing ?”
You tried to ease your mind by making small talk with him, but you were distracted every now and then by how veiny his hands were, or by how comfortable his thigh looked to sit on, pressing your own together to stop the warmth spreading in your lower half. It was really not the moment to think about that, even if it was not the first time nor would it be the last. 
“- Did you have an idea of how we could talk about this in an original way ? Because I’m warning you, I don’t want this to be only a boring, classical presentation.”
Jake's deep voice as he chuckled sent your mind to other places you shouldn’t go while working on a science group project. 
“- I should have known you’ll be like this. I’ll send you the research I’ve done so far and you tell me if you see something interesting.”
This was enough to get you to concentrate back on what you had to do, and as soon as you chose your angle, you started to work properly, sometimes making comments that made the other laugh. However, Jake was not able to focus on the article in front of him, too immersed in the contemplation of your figure to get anything done. 
Why did you have to wear this fucking top ? The straps wouldn’t stop falling off from your shoulders, showing a little more skin of your cleavage everytime it did, before you’ll put them in place again. And he could see that you were not wearing a bra, your nipples poking through the material of your top, allowing him to think about how much he wanted to see you naked, how much he wished he could touch them, lick them, suck on them. Your hair were put up in a messy ponytail, and with your glasses on and the serious look on your face, he couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to fuck you from behind for some obscure reasons. 
And well, it seemed like he got a little too entranced by his own thoughts because Jake could feel his cock twitch in his pants. Swearing under his breath, he turned around in his desk chair to grab a pillow from his bed and put it on his lap. He didn’t want you to notice that he was hard, the risk being that you would take him for a pervert, which he maybe was but he didn’t want you to think that of him. He was trying to be the perfect, sweet guy. He wanted to take you on proper dates, and offer you flowers before initiating anything sexual between the two of you, even if it was you he saw every time he was jerking off, even if he sometimes had to go to the bathroom after your shared classes because the vision of your thighs in a skirt was enough to make him pop a boner. 
Sadly, the shuffling sounds he made while reaching for his pillow intrigued you enough for you to lift your head and look what Jake was doing, seeing him quickly put the cushion on his lap before going back to taking notes about the article. You weren’t thinking about something naughty for once, only up to tease him a little bit. 
“- What’s with the pillow ? Are you hard or something ?”
Your smirk widened when you saw his ears grow red. It was the first time you were witnessing a blushing Jake, and well, the view was interesting and too funny to let it slide. 
“- Don’t tell me you really are ?”
Jake didn’t dare to look at you anymore, his gaze lost in contemplating one of the posters on his walls, so much more interesting right ? How could he explain himself to you without saying anything disrespectful, because the thoughts he was having just before weren’t really ones a well-mannered and polite guy should have. All he wanted right now was to be swallowed by the floor and bury himself six feet under.  
“- What were you thinking about ? Me ?”
At the way Jake lowered his head even more, you figured that it was, in fact, you that got him hard. And what was supposed to be a silly little joke turned into a whole lot more. The way your laugh died in your throat when you realized made Jake feel even more nervous that he had really made you uncomfortable and that you wouldn’t want to see his face ever again. 
“- I-I am really sorry… Please, don’t think that I'm a creep Y/N ! It’s just… Fuck ! You’re just so hot with your glasses, and your top won’t stop showing your skin, and that’s so embarrassing but it turns me on how smart you are and you explain to me all these things like it’s the easiest thing you’ve ever come across.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard, and it was apparently showing as Jake spared you a glance and turned away immediately, groaning about how stupid he was, and that you could insult him as much as you wanted if it made you feel better. 
“- Jake, just stop and look at me.”
It took some seconds for him to do so. It was a good thing you didn’t decide to end the call and your friendship with him already, he was not going to talk again and push his luck. When his eyes finally landed on you, he gulped loudly, trying to stop himself from getting turned on even more by the intense look you gave him. 
“- Show me. 
- W-What !?
- Show me what I do to you. And maybe I’ll show you what you’re doing to me.”
It was Jake's turn to not believe his ears. He must have looked so dumb, with his mouth hanging open and blinking repeatedly without saying anything because you chuckled cutely at him, pushing your chair back a little. And this time, when you let the straps of your top fall down, it was done on purpose, encouraging Jake to throw away that damn pillow and allow you to take in the appealing view of his boner. He was wearing these grey sweatpants again, and you couldn’t help licking your lips when you imagined how big his dick would be. 
“- I wanna see more, this is not enough for me to forgive you.”
Even if his heart was about to burst out of his chest, a little smirk started to spread on his face. He wasn’t in a position to negotiate, but he liked the game you were leading him into. And your wish was his command. Without a word, Jake got rid of his shirt, throwing the piece of clothing away before looking back at you, happy to find you biting your lips while checking him out. 
“- Like what you see ?
- Don’t be so cocky, you still have to make it up to me.
- And what do you want, pretty ?”
You pretended to think about it, using it as an excuse to drool over his abs a little longer. Because yeah, Jake was insanely hot, and even if you didn’t want him to see how affected you were, your drenched panties should be enough of a clue. 
“- I want to see you jerk off for me. And I want you to tell me all the things you’ve been thinking about doing to me.”
Jake immediately stood up from his desk chair, throwing his sweatpants and boxer away while a quiet “fuck” fell from his lips, bringing a smirk to your face. This was getting way more interesting than science. When he sat down again, you only needed to tilt your head to the side for him to start stroking his cock slowly, releasing a sigh that had you pressing your thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure you felt building up. Your eyes couldn’t leave his hard dick, wondering about how good he would fill you up, how good he would feel inside of you. 
“- So ? Aren’t you going to say anything ?”
The sound of his hand around his cock was starting to resonate in his room, spreading his pre-cum onto his shaft and going faster. He couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about you wanting to know his fantasies about yourself, sitting there so prettily but still fully clothed, while he was jerking off for your eyes only. 
“- I-I thought a lot about… About fucking you, especially when you’re wearing these damn skirts.
- What about my skirts ? Don’t you like them ?”
If he wasn’t already blushing, he was definitely right now, not only because of his confession, but mostly because your pouty lips had him thinking about sliding his cock between them and he felt close to cumming already just because of this, just because you were playing with him and he loved it a little too much.
“- Fuck ! I do, I do, but they make me want to eat you out so bad, you have no idea how hard it is to sit next to you when you have them on.”
Jake closed his eyes for a few seconds, missing your proud smile as you watched his face scrunch up in pleasure. Since he did nothing but listen to you – and make you even more wet –  you decided to reward him by removing your tank top, letting him finally see your breast. 
“- You’re so hot Y/N… I wanna touch you…
- But you’ll just have to watch for now, okay ?”
For now ? Jake didn’t want to dig on what you meant, too entranced by the sight of your hands coming up to play with your nipples like he dreamt about doing, forcing another moan out of his mouth. How bad he wished he was the one massaging your boobs right now, how bad he wanted them in his mouth and your hands tugging on his hair. 
“- I want to see more of you, pretty, please…”
Your eyes shifted from his dick to his face, your mouth watering at his fucked out look zeroing on your hands on your chest and fingers pinching your nipples. But hearing Jake beg for you was too pleasing, you needed more of his pleas, more of his airy moans. It was like a drug you were slowly becoming addicted to. 
“- Beg some more, and I’ll think about it. 
- Please Y/N, please, it’s not fair, I want to see your pussy, been dreaming about it, please.”
The fact that he didn’t even hesitate before doing it made your head spin with want, clouding your mind with lust as you got rid of your clothes too and sat down in front of the camera again. 
“- Shit ! You’re so fucking hot pretty, making me want to fuck you so bad. 
- I really wished you were here Jake, wished you could be the one touching me like that.”
As you were talking, you spread your legs for him, your feet sitting on your desk so he had a full view of your soaked pussy and your little fingers playing with your clit. 
“- Is it enough for you ? Or do you want even more ?”
The way Jake’s tongue poked out of his mouth to lick his lips had you thinking back to him eating you out, and how good that would feel. A soft whimper escaped you when you slipped two fingers into your hole, too excited to wait for his answer. The way he was lazily stroking his cock was driving you insane, and you didn’t care if you looked desperate for him anymore, because you were and all you wanted was him right now. 
“- Would feel so much better if it was your fingers…  
- You don’t know how much I want that… You’re so wet, you’re dripping everywhere baby, fuck ! I want to lick your pretty cunt so bad….”
Another moan rolled off your tongue, closing your eyes for a second before opening them again because you didn’t want to miss the show Jake was putting on for you, his hand moving way faster now that he got to witness your naked body and the sinful vision you offered him. Your fingers couldn’t reach that spot you knew he could have, knew that his long hands would be perfect for you. 
“- You want that pretty ? Want me to eat your pussy ? 
- Oh god, yes ! Please Jake, I need it, I need you…”
The way you were saying his name, full of lust and desire, had him coming close to the edge already. He wished he was with you right now, wished he could hear you scream it again and again, wished you would beg him more and more. 
“- I need you too, need you to sit on my cock and ride me.”
He was sitting in the perfect position for you to do just that, and the image wouldn’t leave your mind. You abandoned your nipple to play with your clit, your thighs shaking as you approached your climax. 
“- I’m so close, feels so good… 
- Me too… Cum for me Y/N.”
This was all you needed for your orgasm to wash over you, clenching so hard around your fingers you could barely move them anymore, circling your clit until it felt too much. Jake had to bite his lips and quickly remind himself that he was not home alone to hold himself back from releasing a litany of filthy moans as he spilled all over his abs, covering them in his release that you wanted to lick off from his body so badly. 
During a moment, the only sound was the one of your heavy breathing, trying to get a hold of what just happened. As you were about to say something, a knock against your door interrupted your thoughts, eyes widening in surprise. You rushed to end the call with Jake, not even taking the time for a goodbye before dressing up quickly and trying to not look like you just had the best orgasm of your life as you opened the door of your bedroom. 
“- Are you alright ? I thought I heard you scream…”
You smiled innocently at your Yeji, hoping that she would not interrogate you further because your legs were still weak and trembling and your face was obviously flushed.
“- Oh, yeah, I just hit my toes against the bed, that’s why.”
Luckily, she seemed to accept your excuse and you plopped down on your bed after closing the door behind you. What the fuck just happened ? Did you really have sex over a facetime with Jake ? It was usually something you dreamt about but that never occurred in real life. But with the way he was blowing up your phone, there was no way this was not true. 
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If you thought that this would ease the tension between the two of you, you were definitely wrong. Because when you saw each other for the first time after this one call, you felt ten times more attracted to him than before, almost getting wet just seeing him smirk at you as you entered the classroom. Sure, you had texted each other during the week, but neither one of you dared to address the subject directly, too embarrassed and afraid that it would ruin everything. 
But you couldn’t lie : you wore the shortest skirt you owned today on purpose, only because you wanted a reaction out of him. And a reaction you got. As soon as Jake took in your entire outfit, his gaze darkened, mouth opening just enough for his tongue to dart out and lick his lips as if he wanted to devour you. If you weren’t wet already, now, your panties were definitely soaked with the way he was eying you up and down. 
“- Hi Jake ! How was your weekend ? Must have been great to see your parents.”
He didn’t expect you to strike up such a casual conversation with him, but his mind was already far away, staring at the way your skirt rode up your thighs when you sat down, revealing even more of your skin. Jake had to turn his gaze away from you for a few moments to focus back on how to form sentences and answer you. 
“- It was cool, yeah. And how was yours ? Did you have fun ?
- Actually, it was very fun. Something interesting happened.”
The grin stretching out your lips didn’t go unnoticed, Jake’s eyes zeroing on them and wishing he could kiss you right now, wishing he could have you grinding down on his lap and making out with him. He was snapped out of his daydreaming when Mr.Lee entered the classroom loudly, as usual. 
“- Hello everyone ! Today you’re gonna work on your projects, and I’ll come see where all of you are so I can help you if you need it.”
Working together turned out to be way more complicated than you thought it would. Jake wouldn’t stop subtly caressing your arms or your hands, coming way more closer to you than necessary when you had something to show him, his thigh pressed against yours underneath the table. But two could play a game, right ? Too bad you dropped your pen on the floor and had to get up to pick it up. Too bad your skirt was so short that when you bent over, Jake could catch a glimpse of your panties. Too bad the hand you landed on his thigh to get his attention was so close to his crotch. 
By the end of the class, you were just dying to come back home and relieve the unbearable heat you were feeling, almost squirming in your chair. If he had you wrecked with only that, you didn’t dare to think of how good he would actually be able to ruin you. But what was infuriating was how he didn’t even seem to be affected by the whole situation, despite his leg bouncing up and down, and his lips swollen from biting them. Still, you wanted to get back at him. After all, it was his fault if your call took another turn, and it was his fault your panties were ruined right now. 
With how fast you escaped the classroom, Jake didn’t expect you to ask him to meet up, especially in an area he knew was unknown by most students. His body was tingling in anticipation, wondering what you were going to do next. Maybe he loved this little game too much, and maybe it was risky because he almost popped a boner in class, but it was worth it if it was for you. 
“- What do you want pretty ?
- Give me your hand.”
You could see that he was confused, but he did what you asked nevertheless, so you could place something in his palm, closing his fingers around what seemed to be a piece of fabric, which was a little damp. 
“- You feel how wet you made me ? This is what you do to me Jake. Now, enjoy your next classes.”
He watched you go away, definitely hard this time when he realized you really gave him your panties, and that the material was, in fact, soaked in your juices. Behind you, you heard him swear loudly and rush to his class to not be late, a smirk spreading on your lips. It was his turn to suffer a little. 
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Jake didn’t even take the time to greet his roommate when he came home, tracing a beeline to his room and locking the door before he dropped his bag on the floor. He got out your panties that were stuffed in his pocket, the fabric still a little wet. You were the reason he didn’t pay attention to his last class of the day, not able to understand a single thing his professor was saying. He couldn’t stop thinking about how much he wanted to jerk off with them, couldn’t stop thinking of you going home with nothing underneath your skirt. 
That was enough to make him hard all over again. Quickly, Jake got rid of his jeans and underwear, laying down on his bed with a hand already wrapped around his painfully hard dick. Without an ounce of shame, he lifted your panties to his nose, inhaling your scent and immediately moaning. He was already addicted to this, to you, to the way you were playing with him. 
Jake could already feel his tip leaking pre-cum, and he knew that he was not going to last long, especially after you had edged him all day. It was as if he could still feel your hand on his thigh, too close to his crotch for his sanity. And every time you touched his arm to have his attention, it was like your fingers were leaving a trail of fire behind them, a shiver running down his spine every time your warmth left him. 
The smell of your juices was driving him insane, sticking his tongue out to lick it off the material. He sped up his movements unconsciously, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, incapable of holding back his moans anymore. He didn’t care if Jay could hear him or not, he didn’t care if what he was doing was disgusting, if he was a creep for loving it all. You already tasted like heaven like this, and he knew that as soon as you’d let him go down on you for real, he would never want to pull out from your pussy ever again. 
Once he could taste nothing but his own saliva that had completely drenched your panties, he wrapped it around his cock, the friction feeling so much better than his own hands, but not coming close to what yours would feel, he knew it. His mind couldn’t stop drifting away to a sick scenario in which you were watching him do all that, in which you were telling him how disgusting he was, in which he was begging for you to touch him. The thought was enough to push him over the edge, moaning your name loudly as he came all over this stomach and your panties. 
“- Fuck…”
Without a second thought, he reached for his pants on the floor, getting his phone out to take a picture of the mess he had made. The material was still wrapped around his cock, making sure you had a great view of his abs covered in his cum and his tip still leaking. As soon as he hit “send”, Jake plopped down on the sheets again, closing his eyes for a while. He knew he had to get up, take a shower and do his homework, but the only thing plaguing his mind was you. Only you. 
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Of course, the teasing didn’t stop there, neither of you being able to stop. You had sexted each other during classes, not paying any attention to the actual lesson, too busy telling the other the dirtiest things. It felt even better when Jake did it during your science class, blowing up your phone with messages filled with praises of how gorgeous you looked today, of how your outfit was suiting you perfectly, of how much he wished he could fuck you on your desk right now, of how much he just wanted to get out of here and show you how good he could make you feel. 
You had not given up on your skirts and dresses, which were getting shorter and tighter as time went on. And Jake had not given up on putting his hand on your thigh, which was getting closer and closer to your core everytime you were sitting side by side. The flirting comments he whispered in your ears got more and more unhinged, and the pictures you sent to him got more and more revealing. Jake had started to save them in a locked file, but always making sure to send something back so it was fair - and not at all because he loved the idea of you drooling over his body, or touching yourself while looking at his nudes. 
And even if Jake loved the game, he couldn’t wait for the moment he would finally have you. Because he was so close to breaking down the act when you sent him an audio message of you moaning his name, going on and on about how much you wished he was with you right now, about how much you needed him. It was late at night, and Jake was ready to go to sleep, but he was quick to slip his hand in his underwear, jerking off to the sound of your whines and begs that he listened to on repeat from this moment on. And he was seeing so clearly the sinful image of you fingering yourself that hadn’t left his mind since this video call, the same image that was imprinted in his memories. 
He was almost ready to go out at 1am and come to your apartment, but he was too tired and mostly, he wanted to win, even if it was pointless because he knew that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. So he settled on sending you a video just when he was coming, while telling you how bad he wished you could be riding him right now, how bad he wished he could fill you up with his cum. And you replied with a close up of your wet pussy that ended up in his locked file. 
It was also very fun to talk casually in front of everyone else, as if Jake wasn’t fucking you with his eyes, as if you hadn’t sent him another filthy text last night where you were calling him your good boy. The sexual tension between you and Jake was so high that neither Yeji or Jay could even bear to look your way without being disgusted - their words, not yours. And the way you were both always smiling, giggling and blushing everytime the other sent you something had your two friends desesperate for you to finally fuck each other and stop flirting in front of them - again, their exact words. You knew Yeji was happy for you and just liked to tease, but you were just as eager as her to get laid. 
But you will not be the one to give up. You wanted Jake to surrender before you did. Why ? Just because it was much more fun that way. Hence why you were standing so close to Jungwon. And Jake was clearly not having it, watching the two of you from his seat in the classroom, jaw clenched and gaze burning a hole in your friend’s back. The way you were touching his arm and laughing at his jokes shouldn’t have made him jealous. After all, you were not his, you were not his girlfriend, and he didn’t even kiss you yet. But still, it didn’t stop him from wanting to swat Jungwon away from you when he hugged you. 
Your innocent smile as you sat next to him and asked him how his day went so far did not help. He could see right through you, could see that you did that on purpose. And this time, it worked. Jake didn’t want to admit it, he didn’t want this to stop, but he had to do it or he would go insane. While you were cautiously taking notes, he took his phone out, accustomed to texting you during class by now. During a little break, you looked at your phone and grinned seeing a new message from Jake, asking you to join him in the same corridor you gave him your panties a few weeks before. You had to bite your lips to not let a big smile invade your whole face, because you knew very well what it meant, your body tingling with excitement. 
At this point, Jake had no self control anymore. All he wanted was you. All he needed was you. And he was not going to survive if he didn’t actually have you in the next few minutes. However, a small part of him was anxious, overwhelming him with the doubt that maybe, just maybe, you really only wanted the game, and not him. He should have heard your footsteps resonating in the empty hallway, but he was into his thoughts and only did acknowledge your presence when you came into his view, not letting him utter a word before you grabbed him by his jacket and kissed him. His brain stopped working, wide eyed and not moving until you let him go. 
“- Are you okay ?”
Jake shook his head at you, before reaching to grab your waist, pushing you against the nearest wall, lips only inches away from yours. 
“- No… You’ve been driving me crazy since the first day Y/N, I want you.
- Then take me.”
That was all he needed to lean in and kiss you again, harder, messier as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You moaned against his lips, tugging him closer to you by his jacket and he took the hint, pushing his body impossibly close to yours. The way he was kissing you, as if he had an insatiable hunger for you, had you wet in seconds, and you could feel his boner pressing against your thigh, an obvious proof that you were just as desperate for this to happen. 
Neither one of you was thinking about the fact that you were in a hallway, and that anyone could walk in on you, heavily making out. It didn’t matter to Jake, too lost in the taste of your lips and tongue against his to care about anything else. He finally had you all for himself, finally had you where he wanted, finally had a taste of you. And he already knew that he was going to get addicted, that he wouldn’t want anyone after you because it was like you were made for him. Eventually, you needed to breathe and had to detach yourself from his lips, Jake chasing yours and letting a quiet whine escape him when you started to grind your hips against his. 
“- Fuck… Do you feel how bad I need you pretty ?”
You nodded, not trusting yourself with making sentences, not when he was holding your gaze and all you could see in his eyes was lust and desire. This look alone made you want to drop on your knees for him right now, and the way he started to pepper your neck with his kisses didn’t help either, taking a hold of his hair and moving faster against him. 
“- I need you too Jake… Need you to use me…
- Don’t say that if you don’t want to get fucked for everyone to see.”
His voice had dropped lower, his hot breath fanning against the skin of your neck where you knew for sure he had already left some hickeys. And he didn’t feel guilty at all. He wanted everyone to know you were his, even if you technically weren’t. Jake knew that if he didn’t leave now, he would never have the strength to do so. 
“- I have to go pretty…
- I know…”
You knew but you kissed him again anyway, hoping that the taste of his lips against yours would linger for as long as possible. When Jake finally had the courage to stop you, he was already ten minutes late for his next class and cock hard as a rock in his pants, but who cared if he got to have you all needy and desperate for him - as if he wasn’t just as needy and desperate for you. 
“- Come over at mine tonight, okay ? I’ll kick Jay out, and I’ll be all yours pretty.
- Okay, text me later ?
- I will.”
Jake pressed one last kiss on your forehead before he started to run for his class, praying that it would be enough for him to calm down and stop thinking about all the things he was going to do to you. 
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Jake was probably more nervous right now than he had ever been in his entire life, and he had had many situations to be anxious about. However, the fact that you were going to come over in less than five minutes made his palms sweat and his heart beat faster. He didn’t really know why he was feeling so panicked, because you obviously showed him on numerous occasions how much you were yearning for him too, there was no way you would stand him. But if he did something wrong ? If it was not what you had expected and you decided that you didn’t want to see him again after that ? 
This last idea in particular was running in his head. Because he didn’t want to have you just for one night, he didn’t want to fuck you and then let you walk away as if he wasn’t crazy over you, as if you didn’t make him feel shy everytime you smiled at him. But the more he was thinking about it, the more his heart ached at the scenario. So he stuck to trying to distract himself on his phone until you arrived. 
He didn’t really do anything in particular, didn’t litter the whole place with rose petals and candles, but everything was cleaned perfectly and he even cooked so you had something to eat if you happened to be hungry. It was strange to be suddenly so anxious about meeting up with you. Because he was not nervous when he texted you all his fantasies about you, he was not nervous when he sent you pics and videos of his dick, he was not even nervous when he made out with you in this corridor later. But now, he could feel his hands shaking as he tried his best to open the door for you without looking like a complete idiot. But how was he supposed to stay calm and collected when you were standing at his door, wearing a little black dress that took his breath away. 
“- Are you going to let me in or not ?”
Jake finally snapped out of his haze hearing your teasing tone, and he had to mentally restrain himself from letting his eyes wander all around your silhouette. And immediately, he forgot all about being anxious, grabbing you by your wrist and pulling you inside, closing the door and pushing you against it quickly. Your whole body felt on fire from his hands on your waist alone. 
“- I’ve waited so long for this, pretty, wanted you since the first day.”
Your own hands came to play with his hair, bringing his face closer to yours, grinning as he tried to focus on your eyes and lips at the same time. 
“- Yeah ? Wanna show me how much ? 
- I’m going to make you feel so good, make you scream my name for all the neighbors to hear.”
You licked your lips, your gaze locking with each other. Slowly, Jake’s face got closer to yours, one of his hands leaving your waist to rest on your cheek, tilting your head up so he could kiss you. He wanted all this to be perfect, wanted to take his time with you, wanted to hold you close to him and satisfy every one of your needs. But as soon as he got another taste of you, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting more, all the teasing from these past months reaching its climax as he devoured you, his tongue passionately dancing with yours. 
You couldn’t hide anymore the effect he had on you, the slightest brush of his thigh against yours having you sighing in his mouth. But you needed more, needed to feel more of him, more of his skin against yours. That was why you let your hands drop from his neck to the hem of his shirt, sliding your fingers underneath the material, finally able to touch the beautiful abs you could only see in pictures and videos. 
Jake’s eyes landed on the hickeys he left earlier, smirking at the fact that your dress didn’t hide them at all. And he made it his mission to cover the other side of your neck as well, his kisses trailing from the corner of your mouth, along your jawline and finally landing on the sensitive skin that he immediately started licking and nipping at. He was used to hearing your little whimpers of pleasure, but it was even more addicting to hear them when he was the one provoking them, even better when he could feel your hands tugging on his hair, even better when he could grip your ass at the same time. 
“- Jake… I need you…
- Mh ? But you have me pretty…”
You could feel his grin against the skin of your neck as he kept sucking on it, his hand slipping underneath your dress to feel your bare skin. He could be as cocky as he wanted, in the end he was getting even more hard just by kneading at the plush flesh of your thighs. And you knew that, and you wouldn’t let his arrogance be. One of your hands came up to grab his jaw, forcing him to look you in the eyes while the other slid down to his crotch, squeezing his hard on enough for Jake to let out a gasp of both surprise and pleasure. 
“- Don’t get so confident baby, you know how good I am at edging you and you don’t want that now, do you ?
- No…”
His voice was barely above a whisper, lips parted, breathing heavily and eyes wide open. You were sometimes getting more assertive in your texts, but to really experience it was different. He loved when you were begging him, but if you wanted him to play in your fantasy and dominate him, you could bet that he would be the best sub ever. 
“- Good boy. Take me to your room.”
That was all Jake needed to carry you through his apartment, managing to get to his bed while kissing you again, and again, and again. He laid you down on his sheets, unaware of how hot you thought he was for being able to do that so effortlessly. You wanted to get on top of him and worship him all night. But for now, you simply watched him discarding his shirt and sweatpants on the floor, biting your lips at the sight.
“- Come here.”
And he did it, caging you in with his arms before going back to kissing you while you let your hands roam around his body, touching up every inch of skin you could reach - his back, his arms, his abs, everything. You needed to have his skin against yours, to really feel him. His own fingers were sliding underneath your dress, caressing your thighs, your ass, your lower back. But all these clothes were getting annoying, he wanted to see you, have your whole body in display for his gaze only. He needed to see in person what you had shown him so many times in pictures and videos. 
“- Can I take these off ?”
You simply nodded, a sigh of relief coming out of your mouth when Jake helped you get rid of everything you were wearing, starting from your jacket that you didn’t even have the time to discard because he immediately jumped on you. Then, he threw away your little boots and your socks, and finally your dress, revealing the black, laced lingerie set you had on. Another smirk played on your lips when you saw shock as well as lust play in his eyes. 
“- You like it ?”
His hands were almost shaking as he put them back on your body, grazing the skin with his fingers slowly. If he liked it ? He could feel his cock twitching at the view alone. You were like a sinful goddess, and you were here for him only, sprawled out on his bed, waiting for him to make you feel good. 
“- Fuck, yes, you’re so hot pretty… Can I touch you ?”
You smiled at him, finding his carefulness even more attractive. As an answer, you took his hands in your own, guiding them to your breast, letting him massage it over your bra as he looked at you like you casted a spell on him. And truth be told, you might have done just that because he soon found himself unable to keep his hands for himself. In the span of a few seconds, Jake had pushed your boobs out of the coffin of your bra, his lips coming down to play with one of your nipples while his fingers were giving attention to the other. 
Your hands quickly came back down to grab his hair, whines leaving your mouth every time his own closed around your nipple. Your mind was already clouded with pleasure and desire, having waited for too long for exactly that to happen, and you didn’t have any patience left : you wanted his cock, and you wanted it now. In one swift movement - and because Jake didn’t expect you to do that - you managed to get him on his back where you were laying seconds before, straddling his lap. Immediately, he found your waist again, his big hands tugging you closer to his cock, where he needed you.
“- If you wanted to be on top, you could’ve just said that, princess.”
You wanted to kiss that stupid, proud grin out of his face, but instead you decided to strip him from his underwear, finally getting to see his cock for real. And it was even more pretty, even more bigger, even more perfect for you. 
“- I just need your cock, I don’t care how, I just need it.”
How eager you were to touch him too had Jake groaning and releasing a moan as soon as you started to stroke his cock. He loved the fact that you simply took what you wanted from him, and he was ready to let you use him in any way you wished if that made you happy. However, all the times he imagined how your hand would feel around his dick couldn’t compare to how it really was, to how good it really was. 
“- Do whatever you want to me.”
You didn’t need to be told twice to lower your head and be at the same level as his cock, sticking out your tongue immediately and coming to lick his flushed tip. The sight was unholy, tempting him to push the rest of his shaft in between your lips right now. Jake couldn’t even recall all the times he closed his eyes and thought about your mouth closing around his dick instead of his hands. And now you were really there, spitting on it and spreading your saliva before taking him in your mouth. 
He couldn’t help but throw his head back, his hands coming down to take a hold of your hair, following the movement of your head. The feeling of having you suck his dick couldn’t compare to anything he had fantasized about before. And if you weren’t so busy trying to fit his big cock in your throat, you would have teased him because he looked so fucked out already and you hadn’t done anything yet. Little by little, you managed to fit all of him down your throat, and the moan he let out at you hollowing your cheeks, making you even more wet if possible. 
“- Fuck ! Your mouth feels so warm, so good…”
Even when you started to bob your head up and down, he didn’t look down at your face, but you wanted his full attention, wanted to see him lose all his composure. Your hands were resting against his thighs, and you started to graze his skin with your nails, effectively getting him to open his eyes and focus on you again. Another moan left his lips just from seeing you like this.
“- Please, don’t stop…”
And you didn’t, feeling his grip on your hair tightening as you took him all the way down once more. If Jake wasn’t trying to not lose his mind over how well you were taking him, he would have loved to wipe the smug expression out of your face. But for now, all he could do was moan and whine and look at you through hooded eyes, loving how much of a mess you were, with a mix of saliva and pre-cum dribbling from the corner of your lips. He couldn’t resist anymore the urge to thrust his cock up in your mouth, closing his eyes again at the feeling of your tight throat around him.
“- Wanna cum in your mouth so bad pretty, can I ? Please, please, let me…”
You hummed in agreement, far too fucked out yourself to do anything else than taking what he was giving to you. At this point, he was simply using you for his own pleasure but you just let him because you loved it, loved how he claimed you by ruining your throat. 
“- Shit Y/N ! Gonna fill you up, yeah ?”
A moan escaped you, the vibration sending Jake over the edge, his hips halting their movement, buried deep inside of your warm mouth and spilling his load right there, your eyes watering as you tried to swallow it all. Jake felt on cloud nine, and he knew that he would not need anyone else for the rest of his life because you were definitely made for him, perfect for him. You got one second to breathe when Jake pulled on your hair, taking you away from his cock and bringing you up to his lips, kissing you deeply and tasting himself on your tongue, loving the nasty mix of both your saliva and his cum. When he finally let you go, you couldn’t help but zeroing again on his red, swollen lips that he was biting while looking intently at you.
“- You did so well for me, pretty, such a good girl.”
His forehead was pressed against yours, cupping your face, thumbs whipping away the tears who had rolled down your cheeks. You felt even more turned on by how thoughtful he was, by his praises, by his sweet gestures despite being so rough with you.
“- Need you Jake…
- Want me to return the favor ?
- Yes, please…”
You felt so desperate for any kind of touch, your body tingling with anticipation as Jake switched position and laid you down on the bed again. He’ll get you to sit on his face another time, when his mind will be clear enough, when he’ll have the patience and self control to make you cum at least two times. He quickly got rid of your bra, even if you looked heavenly in them. But the sight of your naked body was even more appealing. Soon, his hands were all over you again, roaming around your skin and making you shiver. His lips found purchase on your neck again, littering it with more of his kisses and marks. 
“- Don’t tease, please, I want you so bad…”
A single swear escaped Jake’s lips as he helped you out of your panties, bringing them to his nose and making a show out of sniffing them and groaning at the intoxicating scent, allowing you to picture how he looked when he had jerked off with your ruined underwear. Then, he threw them away somewhere in his room, not caring where it landed and grabbing you by your thighs to bring you close to his face, holding them wide open for him. The view of your bare and wet pussy had him getting hard all over again. 
“- Such a pretty cunt baby, bet you taste just as sweet.”
His praises had you shying away from his dark gaze, but you were not able to hold back your little whimpers. Jake chuckled lightly before diving straight into your wet folds, having had enough of teasing you when he was just as desperate to taste you as you were to feel him. The second he licked up your wetness, it was over for him. He could be as cocky as he wanted but not when he felt his cock throbbing only at the taste of your pussy, not when you were invading all his senses as he buried his face between your plush thighs, sucking harshly on your clit. 
Every moan that came out of your lips only spurred him on to continue, to go harder. When he felt you squirming around, he made sure to grip your thighs and keep them in place for him to have better access to your cunt. The way his skillful tongue was taking turns between playing with your clit, licking up your folds and going inside had you losing your mind already, both hands coming down to tug on his hair as if you wanted to keep him there forever. 
“- Fuck ! Jake…”
He opened his eyes again at hearing your cries of his name, diving in your lustful gaze. Your parted lips allowed you to whine out everytime his mouth was on you, your cheeks were dusted pink because of the unbearable heat of your body and your hair was a tangled mess, thanks to Jake’s hands earlier. But to him, you never looked better, an heavenly sight for only him to witness. 
“- Feels good pretty ?”
You nodded along, a quiet whimper echoing through the room at the loss of contact with his wet muscle. 
“- Yes ! Yes, so good…”
Jake knew that, but to hear you say it had a smirk playing on his lips, and you couldn’t even be mad about it because he was looking insanely hot doing it. You could feel the pad of his fingers creeping up the skin between your knees and hips, so slowly it made shivers come alive on your whole body. And when he was almost touching your wet folds, he started all over again with your other leg, this time going as far as debuting at your ankle, and coming up even more lazily. 
“- Please…
- Please what, pretty ?
- You know what I’m talking about !”
Your pouting face was too cute for Jake to not want to tease you more. He loved it when you made him go crazy, loved when you were getting him hard in the most inappropriate situations because you sent him a picture of your boobs. But it was also enjoyable to have you in the palm of his hand, dying for him to touch you. He rested his hands on the insides of your thighs, so close to where you needed him and yet so far away. 
“- Hum, I don’t think so baby, you need to use your words if you want something.”
The grin on his face got even wider when he witnessed the way your hole clenched around nothing at his demanding tone, at his deep, low voice. He suspected that you had a thing for it since you were always biting your lips when he facetimed you early in the morning or late at night with his hoarse voice. 
“- Come on, don’t get shy on me now, you told me a lot more worse before.”
You did. You definitely did with all the filthy texts you exchanged, and all the photos, videos and audios you sent, and your panties which were still sitting in one of his drawers like the ultimate proof of how naughty you were. 
“- Want your fingers…
- Here we go. That wasn't so difficult, princess, was it ?”
You shook your head no as Jake dived back into your cunt, his lips finding their spot back on your clit, while his hand finally reached your wet folds. His touch was as light as a feather, but still enough to tear a noise out of you, still enough to make you crave more. All it took was a slight tug on the strands of hair you were still gripping and suddenly, you could feel one of his fingers entering you slowly, so as to not hurt you. 
“- Good ?”
You nodded energetically, releasing a sigh of relief to have something filling your empty pussy, and you didn’t even need to tell Jake for him to understand that you wanted more, inserting another finger while still playing with your clit with his tongue. And when he started to pump his fingers in and out, you knew that you wouldn’t last long, especially not when he seemed to have figured out exactly how to make you lose your mind. You couldn't stop the noises from coming out of your mouth anymore, pushing Jake's head even closer to your core if that was even possible, grinding on his face as pleasure coursed through your veins and the knot in your stomach snapped. 
Your breath was knocked out of your lungs, and you almost didn't feel his gentle kisses on your inner thighs to help you come down off your high. What you did feel though was him pulling out his fingers and bringing them to your lips. He smiled sweetly at your obedience, watching you through his lashes as you opened your mouth and let him bury them inside, even moaning around his fingers just like you did around his dick.  
“- So good for me, fuck, you're so pretty…”
He wanted to lick off your lips the string of saliva connecting them to his fingers, wanted to make out with you and your pussy for the rest of his life. Silence came back in his room, only broken by your heavy breathings, looking into each other's eyes as if you could read your minds. 
“- You’re gonna fuck me or not ?”
Your teasing smirk and the challenging tone of your voice brought a grin on his face, which widened at the strangled moan you let out when he grabbed your hips and forced you to turn around, getting you on your knees, ass up and pushing your head down his pillow. He was doing with his hands everything he did with his words : ordering you around, telling you how to place the camera so he had the best view of your dripping cunt, not letting you cum before he did. Without letting you have any more time to think, Jake was pushing the tip of his cock between your folds, sliding right in with how wet you were. You couldn’t see him from your position, but you could hear his deep groan as you clenched around him. 
“- All you need is a little bit of dick to shut your big mouth uh ?”
You wanted to protest, to say no, to answer something that would have made him shut up, but all that came out of your lips was a cry of his name as he thrusted all the way in. If he wasn’t holding your hips up, you would’ve collapsed, overwhelmed by the rush of pleasure in your body at feeling so full suddenly. 
“- Yeah, that’s it, just a slut who needs to be fucked.”
As much as Jake wanted to sound composed, his voice was shaking, and the moan that left him just after was really far from composed. The feeling of your tight, warm, velvety walls had him wondering why he waited so long before fucking you because it had to be what heaven felt like. Slowly, he pulled his cock out, only to thrust back inside roughly, the sound of your whimpers mingling with his deep groans. 
“- Fuck ! You’re perfect for my cock, pretty little pussy.”
At this point, you could only whine in his pillow, mumbling on and on about how good he felt, about how you had wanted this for so long. And Jake wanted to be cocky about it, wanted to tease you for being so desperate for his cock, but he wasn’t doing any better, barely resisting the urge of painting your walls white on the spot. You had told him so many times over text and even during your calls how much you wanted him to fuck you raw, how much you needed him to fill you up to the brim, it was the only thing he could think about right now. 
“- You want me to fill you up with my cum ? Is that what you want ?”
You moaned in response, your brain too mushy to think about anything else than the way the tip of his cock was hitting your sweet spot over and over. But that didn’t seem to satisfy him as he pulled on your hair, yanking your head back. Another noise fell out of your lips at his rough actions and you could feel the smirk on his lips when they brushed against your ear while he was talking. 
“- Words pretty.
- Yes, fuck ! I want your cum Jake, want it all, please !”
- Such a good little slut, shit !”
You felt your eyes watering again with the increasing speed of Jake’s thrusts, the rush of pleasure through your body too good to resist anymore. Your orgasm washed over you before you could even register it, leaving you a moaning and incoherent mess in his hold. The feeling of your cunt getting even more tight was enough for Jake to cum too, spilling his load inside of you with a throaty groan. 
You were tired, but still, the tingling sensation in your core was there. You wanted more of his cock, more of his moans, more of his hands on you, more of him. A quiet whine fell from your lips when Jake started kissing your back up and down, his hands caressing your hips to soothe the skin he had marked. And you knew all of this was supposed to be sweet and caring, but all it did was turn you on even more, your cunt squeezing his cock that was still buried inside. You felt some of his cum spilling out and sliding down your thighs, followed closely by a swear from Jake.
“- You’re getting me hard again pretty…”
You turned your head to look at him, cheeks flushed and eyes glossy, lips swollen and red from his kisses, and hair a mess because of his hands. And Jake could swear it was the most divine you’ve ever looked - when he had just ruined you.
“- Let me ride you then. 
- Fuck, yes.”
You chuckled at his eagerness when he pulled out from your leaking cunt, trying not to drool at the sight as he plopped down on his bed, grabbing your thighs and bringing you on his lap. But you couldn’t really make fun of him when you had dreamt about this for just as long. You traced along the marks that already started to blossom on his skin, grinning proudly at your work and loving how sensitive Jake was, taking a deep breath as you took his cock in your hand, brushing the tip against your entrance. 
“- Y/N… Please…”
The way the word came so easily to him paired with his whine of your name convinced you to not make him wait any longer and to sink on his dick instead, both of you moaning at the feeling. It felt so much deeper this way, and you knew only from the photos that he was big, but you were only acknowledging just how much now. 
“- Feels so good Jake, love your big cock…”
He desperately wanted to answer something, wanted to tell you how delicious you were, but you took his breath away when you started rocking your hips back and forth. And suddenly, the only thing he was able to think about was you. His hands were on your waist, but he didn’t have enough consciousness left to even help you bounce up and down, simply staring at you, mesmerized. 
A flood of dirty words was coming out of your mouth, praising him and his dick, telling him how good he felt, how handsome he was. And Jake loved the attention, loved to feel your hands dangerously close to his neck, close enough for him to want your fingers wrapped around his throat, close enough for you to purposely restrict his breathing a little without really choking him. Only the squelching of your mixed juices and the ones of your cries of pleasure could be heard in the room, both of you too fucked out to care about anything else than your release. 
“- Can I cum inside again, pretty, please ? Please, let me…
- Yes, want it so bad !”
Jake closed his eyes as he felt his orgasm approaching, lifting his hips to meet your thrusts. He was only able to do it a few times before his cock twitched, cumming deep inside. He kept you down on his lap until he felt on the verge of passing out. The erotic moans and whimpers he let out triggered your own climax, and everything was even more intense because of the slight overstimulation. You grinned your hips against him a few more times before your arms and legs gave out and you collapsed on top of him, his arms immediately wrapping around your sweaty body. 
You closed your eyes for a moment, and you were almost ready to fall asleep when Jake moved you off of him and stood up. You whined and grabbed him by his wrist, trying to pull him back to the bed with you. 
“- I’m just going to take something to clean us up pretty, I’ll be quick, promise.”
Jake smiled fondly at your pouty lips before kissing them and running to the bathroom to find a towel. He rapidly cleaned your skin, delicately whipping it down and handed you one of his shirts to cover up when he saw you shiver. He discarded the towel on the floor, not having the energy to do anything else than going to sleep with you in his arms right now. He slipped under the covers after having put on some shorts. 
You directly snuggled up to him, hiding your face in his neck and breathing his scent in. And Jake couldn’t help the big smile stretching out his lips when he tightened his hold around your waist and distinctly heard you hum against his skin.
“- Y/N ?”
You lifted your head when he broke the comfortable silence that had settled between the two of you, taking in his soft smile, his shiny eyes and his disheveled hairs. Maybe he had looked more put together before, but to you, he was the most beautiful like this. 
“- Will you be my girlfriend ?”
And you couldn’t help but reciprocate his smile and shake your head. Sometimes, he was very silly. Sometimes, he could be considered childish. But he was able to bring back sunshine when your days were filled with gray clouds, and he could make you laugh anytime you felt down. Your hands came up to cup his face, delicately brushing your thumbs against his cheekbones. 
“- You know, you’re very charming Jake Sim, it’s hard to resist you.”
This time, it was him who hid in your neck, holding you even tighter if it was possible. And you giggled heartedly, a sound that Jake would never get sick of hearing. And maybe he had lost your game, but he had won something even more precious. 
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You picked up your phone when getting out of the store, holding a little plastic bag with everything you needed to cook a delicious breakfast for you and Jake. Speaking of whom, you had a bunch of messages from him, asking where you were, and if you had ran away. Texts saying how sorry he was if he was too pushy last night, that he would let you as much time as you wanted if it was what you needed. And endless apologies, over and over. You only answered with a quick message letting him know that you would be back quickly.
Meanwhile, Jake was really panicking. When he woke up and felt the space beside him empty and that your clothes weren’t littering the floor of his bedroom anymore, all remnants of sleepiness left his body, immediately looking around the apartment to see if you were anywhere. It was stupid, he knew it, if you had left, it was certainly for a good reason, but he couldn’t help asking himself if maybe you had come to the conclusion that you didn’t want to be with him. He sat down on one of the kitchen stools, biting his nails while waiting for you to say something else but you didn’t, and stress took over him again. 
When you pushed the door open, you were only met with Jake's worried look waiting for you in the kitchen. He was only wearing the same pair of gray sweatpants as last night and you couldn’t stop your mind from going back to how good it all felt, but the object of your fantasies stopped your thoughts from going too far.
“- Where were you !? 
- I was at the store down the street, to buy us breakfast.”
You lifted your bag and dropped it on the kitchen counter before making your way over to Jake until you could run your fingers through his hair. The hands of the boy came up to rest on your waist, only noticing now that you were wearing his clothes, his heart beating faster at the view. 
“- Didn’t you see my note ?”
You looked around and saw that it was still where you had left it, immediately showing it to Jake who was getting more and more embarrassed for getting so worked up over something so stupid. 
“- I’m sorry, I just thought that maybe you didn’t mean what you said last night and that you realized that this morning and decided to leave…”
Jake hesitantly looked up at your face to find you smiling fondly at him. You leaned down to place a kiss on his lips, and another one, and another one, until you had peppered his whole face with kisses and made him giggle shyly.
“- You’re an idiot if you think you’re going to get away from me so easily, I’m not letting you go. 
- Good, because I don’t want you to.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, translations or reposts of my post.
-> moon dividers by @samspenandsword
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ncttytrack · 5 months
"Not your type?" - l.hs (m)
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“Oh, Sweetheart.” He says and looks at you with a massive smirk, his hand never leaving your soft cheek. “I heard everything"
Summary: Your new summer job was great. The salary was great and the scenery was beautiful. But what made the job perfect, was your hot older co-worker Lee Heeseung, who you swear is not your type.
Genre: SMUT, Co-worker!Heeseung x reader.
Words: 3,7k+
Warnings: HardDomHeeseung, Heeseung is lowkey mean, chocking, creampie, lowkey size kink, degradation kink!!!, reader is lowkey a masochist...
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☠︎︎♡︎☠︎ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙︎ ☠︎︎♡︎☠︎ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☠︎︎♡︎☠︎ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You load dirty spoons and plates Into the dishwasher, sweat running down your neck. It was a hot summer day, and while the average person your age is down by the beach sunbathing, you are working at your new restaurant job. When you applied, you didn’t actually think you would get it, but here you are during your vacation from college. Not that you could really complain, it is a nice restaurant you are working at by the coast. It’s always sunny, you are surrounded by people wearing little to no clothing because of the hot weather, and the nearest sea is just about ten meters away from you. The perfect summer job for someone who is in a desperate need for money. 
But there is one thing that makes working there difficult. 
The first day on your job, your boss wanted an experienced college to help you out. For example, showing you how to load the dishwasher, the different courses on the menu, what you should do after the restaurant closes - and so on and so forth. What you didn’t know however, is that the man getting the “help the new coworker” mission, would be the hottest man you have ever seen in your life. 
Lee Heeseung.
When Heeseung showed you around on your first day, it felt like you became 16 again. Every time his eyes met yours your whole body would tingle, only being able to look into his eyes for 3 seconds before looking away. Every time he asked you a question, you became a stuttering mess trying to compose yourself. It was really difficult, and because you two always seemed to get the same shifts, you couldn’t avoid him either. Not that he seemed to complain, he probably loved the attention he got from you. That is what you at least internally tell yourself. 
You did however get close to some of the people working at the restaurant over the last two months, one of them being your now close friend Sunoo who was your age. That is what is peculiar about this working place, everyone is about the same age. Over the age of 17, but younger than 24. And because of the young staff, it wasn’t an unusual thing that people hooked up with each other. And the first time you heard about it from Sunoo, you couldn’t help it but get almost too excited.
“Are you serious!?'' You shout with a shocked expression, the food you chew almost flying out of your mouth. Sunoo laughs, putting a hand right in front of his mouth. “Yeah, it's true! And can you please whisper, we don’t want the others knowing what we are talking about”. You look at him with big eyes, before looking around making sure that people aren’t listening to your conversation. 
You lean in and begin to whisper. “Like who?” Sunoo leans in as well, right by your ear. “Which ones have hooked up with each other? Well where should I even start. Um, well there was this one time with Yujin and Jay, and oh! Yunjin and Hee-“ you cut him off abruptly, not wanting him to mention Heeseung. 
You lean back beside him, trying to act casual. “Yeah I get it, I get it, you don’t need to continue!” You look away from him, but Sunoo looks at you. “What, do you like Heeseung? Y/n…” He says and punches your shoulder playfully. Your face turns beet red, trying not to unveil the secret you so desperately have been hiding for the two months working here. 
“What do you mean? Heeseung? Nooo he is like, sooo not my type” You say trying to sound convincing. “Not your type?” Sunoo says, not convinced by your false statement. Instead of answering him, you look away and shake your head confidently. 
Sunoo suddenly smiles teasingly, grabbing your arm and leans in. Because of his sudden touch, you look at him surprised. He maybe leaned in a little too much, though he is so close that you can feel his breath tingling your neck.
“You know what I think?” He says slowly, making sure to pronounce every syllable, and looks at you with innocent eyes. You get nervous, not knowing what he is about to say and try to look away. “What?”
His smile gets bigger, and he continues while having a teasing pout on his lips. 
“I think that you want big, sexy, Heeseung to grab your tiny, little, fragile body, push it against the hard wall of the storage room and manhandle you with,“ he makes his voice lighter, trying to mimic yours “his, big, manly hands, and strong arms”
Your mouth gapes open and you begin to laugh nervously, hitting Sunoo playfully several times until he backs away from you. You shake your head. “No! No! It’s not true!”
He looks at you and laughs while hitting the table in front of you. “Are you serious? You are lyiiiing! That is totally what you want!” You shake your head “No! I promise I-“. 
Before you can continue defending yourself, you get interrupted by Sunoo rolling back his eyes. “OhmaGAWD, You are so BIG! Don’t stawp Heeseungie-“ 
Sunoo suddenly stops, and look away at someone standing in front of your table. You slowly look towards the same direction Sunoo is looking. You begin to internally panic. 
“Um I think your 30 minute lunch break is over”. 
It’s Heeseung. 
You and Sunoo look at each other. 
Omg, did he hear all that? 
Heeseung is looking at you two confused, did he interrupt something? 
“I mean, I need to get my lunch break too” Hee continues, looking down on the salad he picked out. He seemed…nervous? Before you could make this situation even more awkward, you and Sunoo quickly grab your dirty dishes and walk away trying to ignore Heeseung's intense gaze. 
You could hear Sunoos' quiet laughter beside you while walking away from Heeseung. You look at him.“Promise me to never do that again Sunoo! And why are you laughing!” You whisper-scream trying to sound intimidating. “What?” He laughes, “It was sooo funny!” 
You look at him with a worried expression. “But what if he heard everything?” 
“So what! Just wait until the next Friday-night shift you have with him, drink the last 30 minutes at closing, and see what happens!” 
You look at him, smiling. “Are you allowed to drink on the job?” Sunoo looks at you and grabs your shoulder. “I don’t know? But what I do know, is that amongst the older coworkers-“ he points his finger towards Heeseung and the others, “it’s a Friday-tradition, and if you want what I think you want…then you know what to do” He says and winks, walking away to help a customer. 
And here we are, the Friday night shift. It would be embarrassing to admit, but the night before you did a 3 hour long everything-shower. Every inch of your body was shaved, scrubbed and cleaned. You were partially oozing vanilla. You hope that if something happens he doesn’t acknowledge the small wound you got from shaving too enthusiastically. Even though you put on matching underwear, an inch of you silently hopes that nothing happens. What if something goes wrong? What if you do something wrong? You try not to get too anxious, afraid that the nervous sweating will smell more than the perfume you put on this morning.
The final customer walks out of the restaurant, and you look at the clock. It’s exactly 30 minutes before the shift ends, which means it’s cleaning and drinking time. 
“Is it your first time on a Friday-shift?” The voice behind you, surprises you, making you do a small jump out of fear while looking over your shoulder. Heeseung looked down on you with an amused expression. “Did I scare you? Sorry I didn’t mean it” You try to say anything, but the scary thought of you stuttering is enough for you to stay quiet. You tap your foot on the ground trying to fill out  the quiet atmosphere while looking away. 
Heeseung tilts his head, while biting his lips, trying to hold in his laughter. Why is she so cute? “Um… So..If you don’t know already, we have a tradition where we drink during cleaning so it makes it more fun. I mean, it is Friday soo” You look up at him again trying to act as if you don’t know about the “tradition” - as if Sunoo didn’t tell you a week before. “Oh, well, that sounds fun?” You answer. 
Heeseung looks at you with bright eyes, turns around and grabs two glasses of beer, probably around 50ml, and hands it to you. "Perfect! You drink beer, right?” He says and looks at you. To be honest beer is the least you want to drink right now, but not wanting to be a burden, you take the big glass. You press it against your mouth, looking up into his eyes, while swallowing a big gulp of beer. You feel the bitter drink hit your tastebuds. Heeseung takes a deep breath, looking at your lips while you swallow the beer. Does she know what she is doing? 
You put down the glass, it is already half empty. “It tastes better than what I imagined!” You say, feeling the courage entering your body with every second because of the alcohol. Before Heeseung can answer, you pick up the glass again, only for him to take it from you. You look up at him irritated “I think you might slow down on that, the beer is extra strong and we don’t want any…accidents”. Heeseung says, bringing his hand up, laying it on your cheek. His thumb strokes your top lip, swiping away foam left from the beer. Your breath hitches, and you stop moving. Heeseung's hand leaves your cheek, before walking away, leaving you with a beating heart. 
Your body is swaying to the music coming from the speaker Sunghoon brought from home. The Broom you are holding gets heavier, the alcohol making your body weaker every minute. You don’t really remember how much you drank. Was it two glasses? Maybe Three? You don’t really care. All the staff members working this shift seem to be having a great time. Jay and Sunghoon were singing their brains out while putting up chairs on the tables, and Jake leaned towards the wall, holding his drink while laughing at his friends. You try to look around for Heeseung, but you can’t see him anywhere. 
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, and you look back to see Heeseung looming over you. Why does he always sneak up on me like this? 
He looks at you with an innocent smile, pointing back at delivery boxes filled with vegetables and meat. “It seems like the food supplies are here, do you mind helping me load the boxes into the storage room?”  He says. The storage room? Omg the storage room! That’s where the hook-ups that Sunoo talked about happen! You look at him trying to calm yourself, hoping he didn’t notice your body reaction to the word ‘storage room’. You look at him, confident enough to talk back without stuttering. “It seems like I am done cleaning the floor, so I can help you” 
He looks down on you, grabs the broom from your hand and leans it against the nearest wall. “Well come on then”. He says, picking up two boxes, and walks away, signaling you to follow him. You do so, lifting a heavy box with vegetables in the process. 
The storage room is in the far back of the restaurant, and it’s now when it finally hits you that you two are completely alone. Even the others were too far away for you to hear, and only the music from the speaker was the sound reaching your eardrums. Trying to do your best, you turn around towards the shelves, stacking up cucumbers and carrots. 
While opening up the second bag a hand suddenly leans on the shelf in front of you. You already know who it was, but decide to look back anyway, thinking he needs to stack up this shelf as well. Heeseung is looking down on you, his other hand resting in his pocket before bringing it up and grabbing your chin - making you look up at him. You could smell the alcohol from his lips, and you were super close, only a few inches keeping you apart. “W-what are you doing?” You say almost pathetic, as if you already don’t know the answer. 
Heeseung lets out a small laugh and bites his lips. “I think you know, not that you should be complaining” You look at him confused, before realizing what he might mean. He looks at you and sighs, leaning down right beside your ear and whisper sensually. “I think you want big, sexy, Heeseung to grab your tiny, little, fragile body and push it against the hard wall of the storage room and manhandle you with his big, manly, hands and stroooong arms. Or isn’t that what Sunoo said?” You look back at him trying to object before feeling his hand leave your chin and meet your lower back, pushing you towards the shelves, making you drop the bag of cucumbers on the floor. He pushes his leg between yours, rubbing it against your core to tease you. 
You try not to let out a moan, bringing up your hand in front of your mouth to muffle the sound. “Don’t think you can hide those sweet sounds from me princess” Heeseung says and grabs both of your wrists and puts them above your head. His other hand is now playing with the hem of your shirt, slightly brushing against the side of your stomach. Too drunk by his touch, the only thing leaving your lips are your heavy breaths. Heeseung grabs your waist and pushes you harder down against his leg, making you grind on him. The sudden friction is making you moan, and you tilt your head back to lean on his shoulder. His hand now leaves your waist and unbutton your shorts, sliding his hand over your panties. 
A smirk forms on his lips when he can feel how soaked you are, and only from using his leg. He lightly touches your core with the tip of his fingers, making you let out a small hiss. Getting inpatient, he turns your body around making you face him and he let goes of your wrists. He grabs your shorts harshly, pulling them down with your panties in one go. You gasp by the sudden movement while Heeseung crouches down so he is eye-level with your core.
While licking his lips, he puts his finger between your folds. “Aww, baby, you are completely soaked already!” He says amused, trying to hold himself back so he doesn’t tear you apart then and there. Not wanting to wait anymore, you let out a small groan. “I know, I know, baby. Heeseungie is going to take care of you ok? Do you want that?” He says and looks up at you while rolling his head to the side, his fingers still lightly touching your folds. You desperately shake your head and down. To your surprise, he stands up and grabs your chin. “Use your words baby, only good girls get what they want.” You look at him with pleading eyes, hoping that he would spare you from the embarrassment. 
He suddenly slaps you hard against your check, making your gasp. “I said use your words y/n” he says, his soft voice not matching his hard demeanor. He grabs your chin harshly. “Hee, please, I really want you” He looks at you and shakes his head. “I’m not sure I understand, what do you want me to do baby?” 
You can’t take it anymore. Your whole body is aching for his touch, and the only thing you want right now is Heeseungs cock buried deep inside of you. You look up at him with tears in your eyes. “I want you to fuck me”
Heeseung wraps his hand harshly around the back of your neck, and pushes your head towards his, passionately kissing you. His tongue slides in your mouth while you feel his hand massaging your clit. You leave his lips, letting out a moan by the feeling of his rough hand pleasuring you. He takes off your shirt, not sparing a single second before unclipping your bra. He starts licking your nipple while his hand starts massaging the other. Cum is dripping down your leg and he kisses you down your stomach down your thigh. He drags his tongue against your leg to taste your cum, from your inner thigh up to your core, pushing his nose up to smell you. “Mm, baby, you smell so sweet”. 
You feel his tongue circling your clit, making your head fall back towards the hard shelf behind you. Your hands grab his soft hair, a feeling Heeseung can’t get enough of, he loves how good he makes you feel, and how weak you are for his touch. Wanting to bring it one step further, Heeseung pushes his tongue inside your soaked pussy, making sure to push it as far in as possible. His hands grab your thighs harshly for support, and you roll your eyes back at the feeling. You know his harsh touch is going to leave bruises tomorrow. Heeseung speeds up his pace, using his nose to touch your clit while his tongue is deep inside of you. You begin to feel a clump in your stomach, and by the way you are pulling Heeseungs hair he knows you are close.
But then, he stops. You look down on him, disappointed and confused. “Why did you stop? I was so clo-“, before you can finish your sentence, Heeseung stands up and turns your body around. He leans down towards your ear “Don’t think we are stopping yet”. His nose brushes against your neck. He takes a deep breath to take in your sweet vanilla scent, before sucking your neck - making sure to leave a bruise. You tilt your head back, feeling both pain and pleasure from his actions. 
He then stops, unbuckles his belt, and pulls down his pants, and that’s when you feel it.
You feel how his cock teases your wet fold and he is big, really big. At least 9 inches, if not more. Not wanting to wait anymore, You need to feel him inside of you,  you whine “Just fuck me already!”. He slaps your ass, leaving a red mark and making you shut up. “Eager now are we? Don’t forget who is in charge here”
Before you can talk back you feel his cook slowly entering your hole, making you let out a moan. His hands meet your waist, pulling you in on his cook deeper. He is so big that it is actually difficult to take all of him, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you begin to bleed because of his size. He is stretching you out completely. “Common princess you can do it”. He says between heavy breaths, encouraging you to take his length completely. “Oh god, you are so tight” He says, pushing the last part of his cock into your pussy. 
He waits a few seconds, so you can adjust his big size, before beginning to slowly slide his entire cock out of you. You look back at him, “Why did you take it ou-“ you say, before he harshly slams it back fast and deep into you. Your body slams on the shelves and you moan from the pain. You are not sure anymore if it is blood or cum sliding down your leg, but you don't care. The only thing you care about is the man behind you, pushing his deep length inside of you. Using you, for his pleasure, like his personal fuck toy. 
Heeseung grabs the front of your neck while he fucks Into your tight little pussy, tilting your head back so he can take over your mouth, and your tits are bouncing with his thrusts. He then stops kissing you, still holding your neck almost shocking you till your light headed. You From the feeling of his large cock ramming into you to his hand on your neck is almost too much for you to handle, and you begin to see black spots forming in front of your eyes as if you are going to pass out from pleasure. “Aww are you about to cum? Do you think Heeseungie should let you cum?” He teases you, not slowing down one bit. 
“Please Hee, please let me cum” You say desperately, trying to hold in your orgasm before Heeseung lets you cum. He fastens his pace and the before steady thrusts turns into sloppy, and you know he is about to cum soon as well. “You want me to fill you up with my cum baby, be my little cum slut?” Sweat is running down his back, and his hand leaves your neck and he instead grabs your waist to deepen his thrusts. 
It’s not long before you both cum, his filling you up and leaking out of you when he pulls out his length. You are breathing heavily, and you feel too weak to stand on your feet. You lean back on Heeseung, your whole body aching because of him, and he hugs you from behind, kissing your neck. You feel his naked sweaty chest on your back, you can’t believe how tal he is compared to you. 
“How much did you actually hear from mine and Sunoos' conversation?” You ask, breaking the silence, while turning around still leaning on his chest. He lets out a slight chuckle, one of his hands holding your waist, helping you stand, and the other grabs your shin. His thumb sliding across your bottom lip, playing with it, wanting to slide it into your mouth. 
“Oh, Sweetheart.” He says and looks at you with a massive smirk, his hand never leaving your soft cheek.
“I heard everything” 
The moment you slam your front door you pick up your phone from your pocket to call Sunoo. “Sunoo, you have NO idea what happened at the shift today”
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neowinestainedress · 7 months
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: any nct member!ghostface x detective!fem!reader 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: “horror”, thriller, yandere-ish, smut, halloween special, scream!au 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: in these past months your only goal is to find the killer that is terrorizing the town of Woodsboro, but when you get close to him and feel like you finally have the upper hand, Ghostface turns the game around again.  Or, Ghostface wants to play with you but not like he does with his victims, and you let him. 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: dark content, talks of [m*rders, sl!tting throats, v!olent stuff in general], dr*g/anaesthetic use [to make mc fall asleep but unrelated to any sexu*l act (she’s awake and willing)], mentions of [dubcon] phone s*x + masturbation, implied stalking, use of restrainers, cl!t rubbing, rough t!t/n!pple play, protected s*x turns unprotected, kn!fe play, ‘fear’ play, clothes cutting, fake sympathy, pet names used in a mocking way, degradation, rough s*x, hair pulling, spit (1), p*ssy slapping, dacryphilia, possessiveness, 1 brief talk of carving, polaroids pictures, all consensual but i’ll still put a dubcon warning just to be safe (tbh it’s more like hate sex bc the mc would rip his head off but also fuck him), reader is kinda fucked up herself. | inclusivity notes: reader has hair long enough that can be pulled (no mention of texture, type and color), no mention of body type but reader is manhandled a few times and has b**bs and *ss big enough that can be cupped, no mention of skin color, no use of y/n 𝐖𝐂: 10.662k 𝐀/𝐍: this year i had vague ideas for halloween but not even a defined good one, i had some suggestions i liked but were far too complicated, and i had no energy to write them in time. but a ghostface/scream au was an idea i had in mind for some time, the original was a ghostface cosplay, but then i went with this one, and I’m happy with how it turned out. i had 2 members in mind (johnny/haechan) for the og plot, then someone suggested jeno and jisung (as a duo) but if i unmasked him the plot wouldn’t have made sense anymore, so he’s whoever you want him to be! the other ghostface is mentioned but doesn’t appear physically in the story, you can pick who you want for him too. i never wrote blankly for the male mc so let me know if it was good. please, if you like it, leave feedback through reblogs or asks! and also let me know who you imagined behind the mask 👀 enjoy and happy halloween
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Your mother always told you to mind your business or else your curiosity was going to be the death of you one day.
It’s clear you never treasured her words, and your curiosity led you to be a private detective with only a few thrills in your life since now, nothing too exciting ever happened in your small town, until one day you received a phone call from the district of Woodsboro. A string of murders was terrorizing the town after years and all the evidence led to another psycho who thought it was funnier to kill people while putting on a Ghostface mask. 
Months have passed since that call and you have nothing concrete. It’s like he’s only messing up with you and, in the meantime, innocent people keep dying. But you have your theories, the ones you only keep to yourself, stored away in the privacy of your diary, hidden under the pillow of your bed. Your colleagues seem decent people, but with time, you’ve learned to trust nobody. 
And your secret theories led you right where you are now. In the open country, away from the small town, where a small barn grabbed your attention the first time you moved to Woodsboro. 
The barn seems empty but eerie vibes surround it. The strong smell of the grass stings your nose as your black boots walk on the muddy ground, the rain of this morning still lingering in the air and in the countryside. 
When you reach the perimeter, you squeeze your eyes to see inside, but the few tiny windows don’t allow you a big view. The more you walk around it to make sure it’s empty, the more the hold on your concealed carry with the gun inside tightens.  
It’s late October and the cold penetrates your brown leather jacket, but the temperature is not the thing that makes you shiver. 
You should’ve never followed your instinct and come here alone. You should’ve spoken to somebody else in the department, told them your theory and have some backup in this crazy plan of yours. But when your impulses take over, your smartness slips away, and you find yourself in the worst situations ever. 
Like right now. You stand in front of the wooden door and find the courage to push it open. You should feel thrilled, you found him. You found the psycho that has been haunting the town for months now, messing up with you with clues and mocks that pushed you farther away from the right path. Yet, you beat him, for once it looks like you have the upper hand now that you’re walking around the empty barn away from the town. But something doesn’t feel right, your guts are telling you something but you don’t listen, you can’t walk away now that you’re so close.
There’s not much to inspect, a few pieces of furniture, a disheveled mattress in the middle of the room, and a few chairs in a corner. It almost looks like an abandoned farm if only it wasn’t for the unnerving vibes that carries with it and for two walls that call your attention. On the right, there’s a map of Woodsboro, pins linked by a red thread, connecting all the places where Ghostface hit in these past months. Your hand quickly reaches the back of your pocket to pull out your phone and snap a picture, hoping there will also be places he didn’t go, and this time you can be faster at stopping him. 
What’s on the other side is worse. 
“What the fuck…” you mumble under your breath as you step closer to the wall. Polaroid pictures hanging from it, Ghostface and the victims, you guess, moments before they were brutally killed. You’re not surprised, one of the gifts he would leave on the scene of the crime being Polaroids, but they didn’t make much sense. “He’s a fucking psycho,” you scoff as you take another picture. 
Your phone falls on the floor with a loud thud and your heart jumps in your throat when his voice breaks the deafening silence in the room, but your reflections are swift enough to make you reach for your gun and turn around, shooting. 
“Boo, fail,” Ghostface laughs, hitting your wrist hard enough to make the gun fall on the floor next to your phone. “You’re really not as smart as I thought you were, don’t you know intruding on someone else’s property is illegal?” he points out, pushing your body against the wall, the sharp blade of his knife grazing the skin of your neck. 
You try to keep calm, deep slow breaths as you try to don’t look scared for your life. You might die today, but you won’t give him that satisfaction. 
“Don’t look so frightened, my dear. I’m quite happy to have you all to myself,” he chuckles, his hand lifts to caress your face and you struggle to avoid it, but the click of his tongue makes you stop. “I wouldn’t act too careless, it’s sharp.” 
You stop moving. You are smart, and you can get yourself out of this situation. “Do you want to play a game, Ghostface?” You ask, ignoring his taunts, the irony in your voice is clear, just like it’s blatant in the slow bat of your eyelashes, but your words only make him laugh. 
“Oh, that’s not how it works, detective. That’s my line. You didn’t study the script?” 
You scoff, trying to take time to free yourself. “We’re switching roles. Do you want to play a game? It’s called you turn yourself in and I put you in jail.” 
He snickers, and his head tilts to have a better look at your face. He’s had many people in this position before and never saw so little fear in their eyes. “Now you want to act like you don’t love the chase?” 
“Fuck you, I don’t love it,” you spit out, narrowing your eyes, desperately trying to get a glimpse of anything under the mask. Another failed attempt. 
He laughs darkly, so deep it hits you to the core and makes you shiver — in fear or excitement, you’ll let this decide to your better judgment. “I know you do,” he coos as his thumb covered with the black glove caresses your lips. “Enjoy the little clues I leave you around? You were interested in the pictures, I knew you loved them, that’s why you get the prettiest ones. I tell you so much, but you don’t understand me,” his voice is calm, scarily calm, and full of sarcasm filled with a sweetness that feels like a slap across your face. “I was a bit mad it took you so long to find me.”
Rage shoots up inside of you, but you instantly push it down, you can’t lose your composure. “So, what are you going to do, kill me?” Your voice drops of a tone, and your eyes turn into a teasing gaze, making him chuckle. 
“Talking about death so nonchalantly with me, mmh… are you brave or dumb? Because if you ask so nicely, I just might let the knife sink in.” 
You laugh lightheartedly, putting up the best performance of your life before your eyes flutter seducingly at him. “No, please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel,” you coo, lips in a pout and innocence in your eyes, until you hit him with a swift, strong kick between his legs, the distraction of your performance giving you time to slip to the side, causing just a bit of your skin to cut and bleed. 
“Bitch,” he mutters under his breath as he kneels to the ground. You reach for your gun, but barely have time to grab it before he pushes you on the floor again. “We were having so much fun, you just have to ruin everything.” 
You’re waiting for the worst when he traps you on the floor with his body on yours, but his arms don’t lift to stab you in your chest or stomach, the last thing you see before passing out is his hand lifting in the air and the sting of a needle pushing past your skin. 
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The white light of the room feels like staring directly at the sun when your eyes blink repeatedly as you try to come back to earth and push away the hammering of your headache. You groan hoarsely, trying to adjust to the light, but the biggest discomfort comes from your shoulders, pushed behind your back and around the chair you’re now sitting on. 
“Sorry, I had to tie you up, but you’re a bit feisty today. Didn’t want you to get hurt,” Ghostface replies to your silent questions — not so silent, considering how loud you’re groaning and struggling on the chair, trying to break free. He’s standing in front of you, but a chair is right behind him so you guess he was sitting there before you woke up. 
“You can’t even take one down without a fight? Need to kill me without breaking a sweat?” You taunt, eyes dark and a deep frown on your forehead. 
But your teasing seems to leave him unfazed as he walks toward you with a glass in hand. “Drink.” 
You scoff, staring at him. You hate that you can’t see him, not even because you want to find out who’s hiding under there, but also because you feel like you can’t confront him well enough. “You think I’m so stupid to accept a drink from a psycho?”
His head rolls back followed by an annoyed sigh as he stops right in front of you. His black boots bumping against yours. “You know that’s not how I move, no fun in killing with these shortcuts. Drink. I would never want you to pass out here,” he coos while his free hand pushes your hair out of your face. You can’t see behind the mask, but you know he has a shit-eating grin on his face. He moves the glass to your lips, but you turn to the side, he doesn’t give you a choice when he strongly grips your chin, pushing your lips open, and forces the water down your throat. “Oops, it spilled all over, you’re so messy, detective,” he snickers when water drips on your chin and shirt. As if he didn’t do it on purpose. 
“Asshole,” you mutter, eyes closing into fissures while you look at him. His head tilts, “Oh, brave. I could slit your throat right now, add you to the collection.” 
You chuckle darkly, shaking your head. “You won’t,” you say firmly. “You’ve never had someone quite as fun as me.” 
A low laughter escapes from the mask. “So, you are at least a bit smart?” His hand places on your thigh and you try to move away, but the chair screeches on the floor, and his hold only tightens. 
“Don’t play games now. Don’t fake it,” he groans, hand moving up on your blue jeans. “You enjoyed our last conversation,” he whispers, the mask close to your face, so close you can almost see his eyes behind the blackness of the two holes. “Had shivers run down your back when the phone rang in the middle of the night, haven’t you? You sat up straight in your big bed, all alone, and felt fear take over. Never answer unknown numbers. That’s what they say, that’s what you say, running around town, warning everyone about me,” he laughs deeply. “And then look at you, picking up that phone call, eager to hear my voice on the other side.” 
“You’re a psycho,” you spit out, struggling against the restrainers. But once again it is an act; he is a psycho, but you are starting to fear you aren’t much different. 
He chuckles darkly. “Oh, I am, never denied that. But don’t act better than me. You stood right in front of that window, stripping for me, touching yourself for me, moaning for me. How fucked up that is?” He snickers. “You have fucked up fantasies, my pretty detective, but I’m not one to judge. I’d gladly help.” 
You laugh quietly, trying to look confident but it comes out shaky from your throat, “If you want to help, take the mask off and show me who you are.” 
“Wow, wow, darling. Not so soon, I’m not one to burn stages in a relationship. What next? Want to meet my mom?” 
You inhale sharply, and spit on him, “God, you’re insane.” Your eyes snap open when he pulls out of his back the sharp knife, your breath is stuck in your throat and fear runs all over your body. And once again you regret how impulsive you are. You did well all these past years of training and then on the first real-life experiences at pushing this side of you in the cage, but it looks like it’s coming out like a beast that’s been trapped too long.  
“Don’t be so scared,” he huffs, the fake sympathy in his voice should make you mad but it triggers something else inside of you, and you hate to admit that he might be right, you’re enjoying this more than you should, you’re enjoying this entire chase more than you should. It’s like a game, but it’s not when real people are dying. “I would never hurt you,” his voice is raspy, slightly muffled by the ghost mask he’s wearing, and the knife sits on your sternum. “I hope you didn’t like this shirt too much, detective.” 
You don’t have time to react, the steel cuts your shirt neatly, the sound bouncing in the small room and the sharp tip brushing your skin. You shiver, gulping hard and closing your eyes, already feeling the sensation of it cutting through you, but it doesn’t happen. 
He clicks his tongue and shakes his head disappointingly. “You truly don’t trust me. I’m offended, and I don’t like when people offend me. Just like I don’t like when they hang up the phone while we’re playing. If people were respectful, I wouldn’t have to kill them, you know?” You stare at him with a furrow on your face, you’d like to take the mask off and see his eyes, not really to find out who’s hiding underneath that mask, but to see if his gaze is as insane as you imagine it to be. 
“Let me go,” you say, the skin of your wrist bruised from the pressure you’re applying against the ropes.
“Don’t struggle too much, it turns me on,” he warns, kneeling at your level. He smiles softly and thinks it’s a pity you can’t see it, you’re just so pretty, with your beautiful face filled with different emotions and your eyes looking at him with a gaze that wants to be threatening but it’s all the opposite, almost making you look like a lost puppy.  
“Why? It’s funny to see the victim beg for their life, it makes you feel powerful, you could show mercy, but you don’t,” the smug smile on his hidden face can be heard in his voice and you shiver at how cold he sounds, the shrug of his shoulder is just the cherry on top to his unhinged behaviour. 
“So, you’re just going to keep me here?” 
“No, I want to play with you. Do you want to play a game, detective?” 
Your gaze falls on your thighs where his hand is placed again, the black gloves preventing it from leaving traces behind, as it slowly moves closer to your heat. 
You snicker, pretending to play it cool, but your breath twitches at the contact. “’Cause if I said no you would stop?” 
“Hey, I’m a killer, not a rapist,” he defends, shrugging. Yet, you still don’t reply, and he doesn’t like that. “So? I’m not so patient when I ask people if they want to play with me, so don’t test me.” 
You swallow hard, swiftly looking around to see if you can pull a move on him. Damnit, it’s your chance to get him and throw him in jail but instead, you’re seriously thinking about his proposal. You fool yourself that you’re only doing this because maybe he could slip, maybe he could say something in the heat of the moment that could give you a clue, or he could leave his traces on you somehow, maybe his mask could fall, but you know you’re feeling something else. Attraction. 
“I said,” he mutters, his face comes closer to yours, making you pull back, and the knife pushes flat in the hollow of your chest, “do you want to play a game, detective?” 
“Yes, yes, I do,” you mutter, starting to breathe again when he pulls the knife away. 
“Good, I love playing with you.” His fingers move to unbutton your jeans and then pull the zip down, you look at him attentively. “Lift your hips for me, love?”
You glare at him at the pet name but he only chuckles deeply. “What? If I’m rough with you, you get mad, if I’m sweet with you, you get mad. I can never win, can I?” 
You huff, deciding it’s better to not reply and just do as he says. Your pants are quickly at your ankles and suddenly you feel even more trapped than before now that you can’t even move your legs, but his touch on your naked skin takes you away from that thought. 
“Pretty panties just for me?” He coos, tilting his head to the side as he stares at your burgundy panties with the lace trim. “Were you hoping to find me here so we could finish what we started on the phone?” 
“Shut up, this is not for you,” you retort, your forehead creasing with a furrow. 
“And who is it for?” He asks, cupping your pussy, watching your body shiver. “Oh, no, please don’t tell me there’s a boyfriend I’m not aware of. I’d hate to kill him.” 
You bite your lips and keep the contact with the mask, but words struggle to come out when his index finger starts rubbing on your clit, moving from the slit —where you can feel you’re starting to get wet— to your sensitive nub. “It’s not for you,” you repeat, trying to don’t show how much his touch is affecting you. 
“Well, you want me to work so hard too, I’ll have to find out on my own if someone is playing with what’s mine,” he replays nonchalantly. “I know where to find you, maybe I’ll come visit again.” 
“You talk so much for someone who wants to play so badly,” you retort, a teasing grin curling your lips. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know my princess was so eager,” he replies, saccharine voice filled with mockery, before a harsh slap lands on your pussy making you jolt and whimper. “Want my fingers?”
The glare you give him would be enough to kill him; isn’t this pathetic enough? How much more does he want you to humiliate yourself? 
He rolls his head back and then the knife is against your neck again. “Do we have to do this every time I ask you a question? Do you want my fingers, detective?” 
“Yes,” you whisper. Your body relaxes momentarily before tensing up with excitement again, but it quickly shifts to disappointment. “What are you doing?” You ask when his covered fingers press against you again. 
“Oh, you’ll get the gloves too, I’m not dumb, you know? Don’t leave fingerprints on dead bodies, won’t even leave them on yours,” his voice is smug, all the confidence of someone who didn’t make a wrong move and somehow was always ahead of you and the police department. 
You hate him. You hate he’s so much better than you at this. And you hate him even more now that he has you fighting whimpers and moans. 
“Are you seriously going to pretend you don’t like this while your hips are bucking up?” He taunts, clicking his tongue in a mock. “Think moaning is more pathetic than humping my fingers like a bitch in heat?” 
Your mouth opens to retort but you can’t deny the evidence; your hips are rolling against his hand, chasing for more, your panties are darkening as your wetness leaks through the fabric and your chest is heaving in erratic motions.  
“Look at me,” he sings, hand moving up to graze your neck, thumb pressing on your carotid, making your head snap up. “You listen so swiftly when you fear for your life. It’s funny, you know, because I truly would never hurt you.” 
You chuckle, shaking your head, trying to pull away from his hold when his hand moves up to caress your jaw. The gentleness of his touch is even scarier than when he has his knife pointed against you. “Is this what turns you on? The fear in their eyes?” 
His head tilts to the side, shoulders lifting in a shrug. “Partially. But not in your case, what turns me on with you it’s the chase, and the fact I always win.” 
You scoff bitterly, struggling in his hold but his hand quickly grips your chin and pulls you closer. “Didn’t you see the movies? The villain always dies.” 
“If the heroine is not busy getting fucked by him,” he mocks, squeezing your face harder and moving his fingers faster on your clit. Your head rolls back and so do your eyes while a chocked moan leaves your lips. “See, I doubt you will shoot me in the head if you keep moaning like this.” 
You groan angrily, you’re madder at you than you are at him. You want him and it’s so wrong that you do, but there’s not even a siren ringing in your head, telling you to make this stop. 
“No, shh, shh, angel, it’s fine, this will be our little secret,” he whispers to your ear, the mask rubbing against your face, and when your eyes turn to look at him, you can see small dots of blood on the white varnish. “We could play another game: one secret for you, and one secret for me. If you behave, maybe I’ll reveal myself to you, if you promise to keep it to yourself.” 
Your teeth sink into your lips harder when he delivers another harsh slap on your clit before resuming his quick movements. “Just — just tell me if I know you,” you mumble. You know he will never reveal himself, but maybe you can get something more, anything to complete the missing pieces of the puzzle. 
He chuckles darkly, staring at a spot behind you as he pretends to think. “Mhh, we’ve met.”
You frown and your heart jumps in your throat for a moment at the thought you’ve seen him. “Only met?” 
“We talked,” he adds, finally letting go of your face, making you breathe normally again. 
Your eyes widen while your brain hurts as you try to quickly connect the dots, and find out who’s hiding underneath the mask, you just have to put a face on a voice — even if distorted, but you can’t. And suddenly realization slumps on you.
“Will it — will it break my heart?” 
He snickers under his breath as he looks into your sad eyes, you’re looking at him like a dog when it’s being scolded, but in this case, you’re also silently praying he’s not someone close to you. He has no idea why that would make you feel better, if you care more about Ghostface or whoever is hiding under the mask, but it doesn’t matter, and he mocks you again, mimicking you in a high-pitched voice. “Will it hurt if I was someone close to you? A colleague? A friend? A lover?” 
Your breath gets faster. Will it? Would you turn him in or defend him? And you can’t stand you’re even questioning it, of course you’ll turn him in, that’s your job, but most importantly, your duty. But will you? You could be doing it now, and you’re not. 
“See? It’s not as funny if you know me,” he laughs at your face, your thoughts so loud he could get a headache. “It’s not as exciting, you love the thrill of this too, more than you like to admit.” 
“Fuck,” you curse when his other hand cups your covered breast, it’s a harsh tug and the leather feels weird on your skin, yet, it makes you clasp your thighs and forget what was tormenting your morals, again. 
“They’re so perfect, I can’t believe you always keep them hidden under those ugly clothes,” he pouts, giving it another hard squeeze. “Sorry.”
“For what — what the fuck?” You scream when he cuts your bra with the knife, first the middle and then the straps, the matching burgundy bra falling in pieces on the bottom of the chair. 
“It was getting in the way, and I don’t like things that get in my way. I cut them off,” in his voice lingers a hysterical laugh that makes you shiver, and in times like this, you’re glad you can’t see his face.  
You gulp and automatically close your legs. 
“Not you,” he reassures you, forcing your thighs open again with a smack, “you entertain me. And you suck at your job, so it’s clear you also don’t get in the way.” 
“I’m good at my job and I will get you and put you behind bars —” 
“Uh, uh,” he clicks his tongue, knife under your jaw before you can even finish the sentence, silencing you in an instant. “We were having so much fun, don’t ruin it, babe.”
You swallow and look down following the path he’s tracing with the knife, goosebumps bloom on your skin and you hold your breath when it gets closer to your neck, only releasing it when the blade sits in the hollow of your chest. 
“It’s so funny how you shake like a leaf, I’m a professional,” he says, sounding almost offended. And you furrow, is he talking about the knife or his fingers? “Both, love.” 
Another groan leaves your lips before he moves the crotch to the side and the cold air of the room hits your burning core. You’ve never been so ashamed your entire life, you shouldn’t be an open book to him, you shouldn’t be so malleable in his hands, it’s pathetic and humiliating. 
“You’re so fucking wet. I’m quite pissed I can’t run to the police department and let them know how much I turn you on. I can already see the disappointment on their faces,” he taunts, the slick sound of his gloves against your dripping pussy burns your body in shame and excitement.  
“Don’t you dare,” you spit out, but you don’t sound so menacing since your voice breaks, and a pathetically high-pitched moan rolls from your tongue right after.  
“I said I’m not going to, I keep my promises,” he kneels to the ground, one hand keeping you spread more and the other is still busy taking care of you. “Maybe if you promise you won’t shoot or put me in handcuffs right away when you’ll find out who I am, I can eat you out. I bet you let out the prettiest moans when you have someone between your legs.” 
Your head rolls back, and you hiss. “You wish,” you retort through gritted teeth, but a part of you dies to know what that would be like. “I will never give you the satisfaction.” 
He laughs mockingly. “Maybe I should blindfold you and do it now, will you recognize me by that?” At those words your body tenses up, head standing straight again as you look down at him with terror in your eyes. “What?” He asks in a giggle, surprised by your reaction. “You’re fucking with me right now, I still have blood on me. Would that be the most problematic thing? Having fucked with me before? Without this mask?” 
“You’re just messing with me,” you mutter but your brain is trying to think, the list of the people you’ve been with is not that long, he can’t be so stupid to out himself like that, right? 
“Maybe… I love it when I can see you think,” he whispers. “Usually, you have your hands in your hair, pulling at it even if you just washed it or spent hours styling it, and then you nervously bite your right thumb, somehow there’s always a hangnail to pull until it bleeds, oh, and you also nervously walk back and forth, two steps forward, two steps back. It’s cute, really. You have no fucking clue how to stop this, but you look so into it, chasing after me… well, so you think because, let’s be honest, you’re only chasing after your tail.” 
You can’t believe he knows all of this, how close to you is he? And a few names start popping into your mind, but for each face that you see, your only answer is it can’t be. 
“Why are you surprised? I told you, I love watching you,” he says, voice scarily soft even through the distortion of the mask. “You’re very pretty, detective. When you work hard to catch me, and even more when you screw it all up to moan for me.” 
“Ugh,” you groan through gritted teeth, wrist rubbing against the rope keeping you in place and hips bucking up, anger and pleasure mixing like a drug in your brain. You hate to admit it, but you’re close and you doubt you can push back your climax any longer.  
“It’s alright, love, I told you, I won’t judge you,” he hums. He studies your face for a moment, admiring how your teeth trap your lips in the vain attempt to don’t truly show how much you’re enjoying this, but your eyes are filled with lust, lightly glassy, and your cum is painting his gloves white. “Now, will you come for me?” 
He doesn’t have to tell you twice, your body shutters as the orgasm washes over you, the quick movements of his fingers on your sensitive clit making your nails dig into the palm of your hands while your moans slip out of you freely. Your morality disappears, getting dragged away with the orgasm that consumes you before leaving. 
You forget where you are for a moment, or to be more precise, with who you are with, as you let your head roll back, close your eyes and take deep breaths, waiting for the high to pass. 
The thing doesn’t bother Ghostface, though, he sees enough fear in people’s eyes, he likes it better when you stop pretending and relax around him. That’s the thrilling thing about you, you are the most entertaining game he has ever played. With all the others he knows how it will end, their lifeless bodies laying in a pool of their own blood and the sirens of the police going off in the background as he blends in with the crowd, but with you? It’s unknown. Like a Russian roulette. 
He’d love to shred all your clothes off, but he knows you’d have to spill your guts (not literally) if you walk out of there completely naked, and he’s sure the version you would tell the police would add another crime to his name. So, he takes your shoes off and then pulls your pants down. 
Your laugh makes him raise his face and stare at you. “What’s so funny, dollface?” 
You shrug, wetting your lips. “You scare me more when you act all sweet, you know?” 
He scoffs, standing up again, and caressing your face. “You want me to hurt you so badly. I could carve a heart right here,” he presses the tip of the blade next to your heart, tracing the shape of a heart, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. “It would look so pretty on you, and you will always carry me with you. Isn’t it nice? Couple goals.” 
You raise a brow at him, he doesn’t even realize it, but he’s giving away so much of his personality, even if you don’t find it out now, you’re pretty positive all of this is leading you somewhere. You shake your head quickly, trying not to show how hard you’re thinking about your plan. “I only want one thing from you, and you know what it is.” 
He chuckles, leaning next to your ear. “My dick.” 
“Oh, fuck off,” you curse, accidentally kicking him now that your legs are free to move. You suck your breath in, fearing your move, even if involuntary, might piss him off.  
He hisses but doesn’t do anything else. “Don’t get all bratty here, doll. You said you wanted to play a game, and we’re going to play it until the end.” 
When he cuts your panties and balls them in his fist, saying “keeping them as a souvenir,” with a grin that can be heard in his voice, you only reply with an “asshole.” 
Once again, he doesn’t pay your insults any mind, and you wonder why he’s so nice to you. Should you fear it? Will you be his last victim, getting the worst death of them all because he needs to put on a show? “Now I will untie you, if you play any trick on me… you know how it ends.” 
You nod quickly, watching him disappear from your view as he stands behind you. You inhale when the knife places against your neck again and roll your eyes back. “You don’t have to do this every time, you know?” 
“It turns you on,” he retorts firmly. “And I need to make sure you don’t do any funny business.” 
Your eyes roll back again but you try to relax anyway and keep still when your wrists are finally free. Your shoulders are in a more comfortable position again as you subtly roll them to ease up. “Get up,” he orders, and you follow, moving carefully because the blade is still close to your body and you don’t want to end up dead on the floor. “Good, now lay on the mattress.” 
Your face twists in disgust when you’re reminded of the mattress on the floor, but he pushes you forward. 
“We didn’t kill anybody there.” 
You stop, turning around swiftly, and his reflections are rapid enough that he doesn’t push the knife into your chest. “We?” 
“Oh… it didn’t click yet…” He laughs darkly at your expression, the whole world falling on your shoulders as you wonder how could you be so stupid to not realize it. “Sorry, love. But hey, aren’t you happy I helped you out?” 
You glare at him but then bring your hand to your hair and your thumb to your lips. Of course, there are two of them, that’s the only way they could always be so headed of you. 
“Not the right moment to think about that,” he warns, voice dropping lower, making you stop your nervous ticks. “Get on the bed.” 
You turn around again, suddenly aware that he’s completely covered and you’re bare. That thought makes you seek the cover of the mattress more, and swiftly you’re laying where he wants you. But it also turns you on, being so exposed to him while he’s giving you not even a peak of who’s under the mask and the clothes send chills down your body and more cum drips out you.
“Promise you’ll be good? We can play cat and mouse later if you want to,” he asks, the blade running flat on your boobs, making him chuckle darkly when your nipples harden at the contact and your hips buck up. “You promise, detective?” He repeats with urge when you don’t reply, too busy watching the knife move on your body as he pins you down. 
“Promise,” you reply, looking into the blackness of the eyes of the mask. 
He chuckles under the mask, and you watch him unbuckle his pants. You could easily grab the weapon that’s on your stomach and stab him, you could even un-mask him, but you lay still, almost mesmerized. And the conscience inside of you likes to remind you how fucked up you and your morals are, but you brush it off, shaking your head quickly. 
“Turn around,” he orders, but you hesitate. That’s too much vulnerability. It’s clear he doesn’t like your hesitation when he groans, grabbing the knife and pushing it aside. “God, I have to do everything with you,” he sighs as he forcefully flips you on your stomach before his legs trap you again. This time you can’t do anything even if you want to, but once again, you don’t want to. 
“Fuck,” he moans, hands cupping your full ass and squeezing hard, the firm hold eliciting a moan from you. “Look at you, so fucking pretty. Keep your head down, don’t try to even get a peak,” he warns, and your immediate reaction is to turn around to understand what’s going on, but you know better, so you press your face into the pillow and only when you hear the loud sound of a spit and a glob of saliva drip between your folds you understand what happened. “Not that it was needed, you’re dripping. But you know, I like to get messy at times.” 
You turn your face around, resting your head on the pillow, and bite your lips. The smugness and insanity of his voice causing more cum to ooze out of your pussy.  
“I want to feel you so bad,” he hums, spreading your cunt, making you feel so exposed, “but will you run to the police? Will you tell them ‘oh no, I had to fuck Mr. Ghostface to have a bit of his DNA and save the town from this psycho’?” he mocks with a high-pitched voice, it doesn’t sound like you at all, more like a hopeless, brain-dead, blonde girl that dies within the first minutes of any horror movie. 
You snicker. “You underestimate me, I could say I got those traces from somewhere else.” 
“But will you? Also, I’m pretty sure they will find traces of you too. How humiliating would that be? Come on, honey, I won’t blackmail you, but you will screw yourself over? That’s not very smart of you.” 
He’s right, you hate that he’s right. You will have to out yourself in the process of trying to turn him in. “I — I won’t.” 
Deep down he knows you won’t, there’s no way they won’t trace it back at you too, and he also knows you won’t try to play the victim when you’re not, but he needs to be conscious, one wrong step and you could turn the game around. As much as he likes to mock you, he knows you’re smart and have been close to discovering them a few times, it was a matter of luck, and they were extremely lucky. 
“Better safe than in jail,” he chuckles darkly, you don’t even try to peer around, and only listen to the plastic of the condom rip. 
You whimper when you feel the tip against your slit, and you hide your face in the pillow as if that could change the reality of what you’re willingly doing. You’re too excited to be so ashamed of your actions, but, even if some may argue your morality is nowhere to be found, it still feels like a big balloon hovering over you. 
You shiver when you feel the mask rest on your shoulder, “Nah, ah, angel, no being ashamed now. I told you I don’t like rude people, so don’t be rude and ask me nicely to fuck you.” 
The urge to slap him is stronger than anything else, but once again your greed makes him win. “Please… please fuck me.”
“Not what I want to hear, you know what I want. We practiced the other night, haven’t we?” He reminds you, a hand creeping around your neck, holding tight enough to make buzzes of fear run through your bones. 
You close your eyes, inhaling as deeply as you can while trying to find the courage to humiliate yourself one last time, but then the words slip out, “Please, fuck me, Ghostface,” and the air gets knocked out of your lungs when he pushes into you. It’s a strong, deep thrust that fills you to the brim and knocks you over. Your head falls against the pillow again while his loud groan fills your ears, “Fuck, it sounds so good from your lips.” 
“Oh, fuck,” you curse through gritted teeth when he starts moving right away, barely giving you time to adjust to the feeling, thick dick grazing your insides and strong hands wrapping around your waist tightly. 
“Is it too much for you, detective? My sweet little angel can’t take it?” 
A groan slips past your lips, you try to stand up on your elbows, but he pushes you down. His body presses against your back and you feel trapped again. “Don’t move. I will fuck you so deep into this mattress that I will feel your scent for days after this. I want your face smashed against the pillow, I want it to be wet with your ruined makeup and tears, got it? ” 
You nod quickly, shoulders dropping as you slump against the mattress. His breathing next to your ear makes you shiver, and you wonder if that’s the last thing the non-so-lucky people have met him heard before dying. But you push it away, for the sake of your sanity, you have to fool yourself that you’re not so attracted to a bloody murderer, that your morals are still intact, and that you are a good person. 
It’s pathetic how all the anger you feel disappears with each calculated thrust, pleasure getting to your brain so quickly you stop holding back. Soft whimpers and moans roll out of your tongue and unconsciously your ass grinds back into him.  
“Fuck, that’s what I want to hear,” he hums, standing up while his hands wrap around your waist. He never wanted to burn those gloves so badly, feeling the urge to feel your burning skin and mark you with his bare hands, but he can’t risk it. That doesn’t mean he can’t leave marks in other ways. One hand leaves your hips and cups your boob, eliciting a broken moan from you. “Have I told you they’re so pretty?” 
“Mhh,” you mumble, eyes closing as he pinches down on your nipple. You wish you could say it hurt you but instead, it makes you clench hard around him, cum leaking out more with each pinch on your delicate, sensitive buds. 
“Shit, you really are into pain,” he comments, there’s mockery in his voice —like always— but there’s also a genuine surprise. “Who would’ve thought, my innocent detective is way more fucked in the head than I thought.” 
“I — I’m not,” you retort, groaning and forcing your eyes open, but the deep chuckle that rumbles in his chest makes you quiver, and your attitude drops in a moment. 
“Honey,” he slurs, voice dipped in honey, “you’re letting Ghostface fuck you dumb, you are fucked in the head.” 
You shake your head quickly, but he’s had enough of your lies. The rough tug at your hair makes you let out a choked gasp as your head is lifted from the pillow. “I know you better than anyone else, angel,” he groans, mask pressed against your hot face. “I know your dirty, little secrets. I know what runs into that dirty, little mind of yours. You can’t lie to me,” he almost purrs, a low chuckle making shame fire up inside of you, “and I can feel you, princess. Squeezing me, barely allowing me to pull out to fuck back into you. Fuck — I should feel you right now, no stupid rubber between us.” 
Another broken moan slips from your lips when he roughly lets go of the hold on you, your fingers clench hard around the thin sheet under you, and your hips jerk up even more. It’s like you want to feel him more, to have him imprint himself deep into you, so far under your skin that you won’t be able to wash him off, and you don’t even know why you feel like this. Why it made you feel like this a week prior too, all the hesitation and fear as you picked up the phone and heard his breathy, distorted voice, flying out of the window the moment he started ordering you around. But was it truly an order when your only hesitation came from the fear of judgement, and you could only feel your body tingle with excitement? Sitting in front of the window, having no idea where he was hiding, putting on a show for the killer you swore you hated and making yourself come the hardest you’ve ever done. 
“It makes you feel special, doesn’t it? The way you’re the only exception. The only one I would never hurt.” His voice is lower, hitting you to the core, making your toes curl and your breath falter in your chest. “You’re like a daisy in a garden of bloody, red roses.” 
“Please,” you breathe out, choking on your tongue, eyes fluttering open shyly. 
“Want me to stop?” He coos, head cocking to the side as he lands a sharp slap on your asscheek that makes you hiccup on a whimper and then another to your boob that drags a louder cry out of you. “Don’t want to hear how special you are?” 
But that’s not what you meant. Your pleads were about something else, something you struggle to confess. 
A deep laugh resonates in his chest as he looks down at your already wrecked face. You’re so precious, he can’t believe you sometimes think he could hurt you. His prettiest game, his wildest fantasy. The thrill he feels in his bones every time he’s close to you, so, so near to being discovered and yet always safe. It’s exciting, getting to his brain so much he can hardly hide how much it turns him on. But you’ve never been this close before. He dreamed about fucking you, having you pressed under him, begging, moaning and crying as his dick hit deep into your sweet pussy, pounding into you over and over again until you were nothing but mush in his hands. He wanted to strip you down completely and leave nothing of the women he sees and admires every single day. He dreamed of having all this power over you, watching you get weak on your knees and let him do anything he wanted, watching your body convulse in pleasure and your brain empty. And here you are now; wet, fucked-out eyes looking up at him while your pretty, plump mouth opens and closes as your shut-down brain tries hard to find the words. 
“Speak up, princess. I don’t like to wait.” 
“Please, wa-want to feel you,” you slur in a whisper, eyes blinking lazily as you try to hold onto what’s left of your sanity. 
He chuckles, his thrusts coming to a stop that makes you whine in disappointment. “You want me to fuck you raw, detective?” 
You hum, nodding slowly, not for the lack of enthusiasm but for the amount of shame that’s looming over you like a tornado. But Ghostface doesn’t like your silences, he doesn’t like it when you hesitate, that’s not what turns him on about you. It’s your impulses, the way you jump into things headfirst without thinking, for some it may be dumb, but to him, it’s just that sprinkle of insane bravery that makes life exciting. Your head is yanked up again with a rough pull of your hair, but his hold quickly moves to your neck. “I thought we were over the phase where I have to drag the words out of your mouth, detective. I’ll ask nicely one last time, do you want me to fuck you raw?” 
You swallow your pride and reply meekly, “Ye-yes.” 
He chuckles, pulling out of you almost completely before sinking in again with no warning, knocking the air out of your lungs, air that’s already struggling to fill them as his hold on your neck doesn’t loosen up. “See? It wasn’t that hard, was it? Even your stupid brain could put two words together.” 
You gasp for air when he finally lets go and your face sinks on the pillow again. 
“I’d love to, but I won’t risk it. Maybe next time, maybe if I’ll ever feel like telling you who I am,” he replies, and you groan in disappointment. Not only he doesn’t give you what you want but he also mocks you, reminding you why you’re here and how your mission flushed down the toilet as you let him play you like a violin. 
“Then — fuck — please, fuck me harder,” at this point you want him to fuck you so hard your brain will just unplug and your superego can stop nagging at the back of your mind. You don’t want a single thought in your brain, just pleasure and lust. 
“That I can give it to you,” he hums happily, and in a second, he complies. His hips start snapping against you at a fast speed, his tip hitting you deep repeatedly as he keeps you arched back with one hand around your waist and the other one wrapped around the makeshift ponytail he made with your hair. 
You can already feel the orgasm build up at the tip of your stomach, but it only worsens when Ghostface roughly pulls you flat against him. Your head falls behind on his shoulder, eyes rolled far in your skull as your lips hang open to let out desperate moans and suck in as much air as possible. 
“You’re so fucking pretty like this,” he moans, his thumb rubs against your neck and jaw while his right hand squeezes and pulls your boobs hard before pinching the nipples. “Listen to those pretty sounds you make,” he snickers, “and you still want to pretend you’re innocent and pure? You’re fucked up just like me, baby, that’s why I like you so much,” he slurs. 
You blink, once again adjusting to the light is uncomfortable but you make out just in time the fact he’s holding a Polaroid camera. “Smile for the camera, babe,” his voice rings in your ears but doesn’t reach your brain and before you know it, you’re coming just like that. The look on your face is not a smile but an expression of blissed pleasure, the exact moment as the climax explodes inside of you, making you clench around his dick and shake in his arms, your arm twisting back, letting your hand claps on his bicep and sink your nail in the thick fabric of the black cloak.  
Ghostface would like to say he’s disappointed and scold you for misbehaving, but he can only stare at you with amused disbelief written all over his face. But you only see the constant expression of the mask and once again, you fear for a second he’s mad at you. Truth be told, he could even kill you right now, you wouldn’t mind much or even notice, too lost in the pleasure that’s still looming on your body. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, hips slowing down until they stop completely, “you just gifted me the most precious pic in my collection,” he whispers. You feel like the edge of mockery is still persistent but at the same time something genuine lingers in it, it doesn’t make it less creepy, but the ‘fuck me harder method’ worked because you don’t question his, and yours, fucked morality and just smile dumbly. 
And that smile, united with the slow bat of your wet eyelashes, is what he needs to lose it. 
“Oh, fuck it, I’ll clean you up once we’re done and if you’ll try to turn me in, I’ll find out, so you better keep your promise, alright?” 
You don���t get what he’s talking about right away, too fucked out as you lay on the mattress waiting for his next move, but when he pulls out of you and swiftly pulls the condom out, you get it. You bite your lips in anticipation and swing your hips in invitation. 
The sight would be enough to make him come right there, and he damns himself because out of all people, you can’t be his biggest weakness. It got to be some fucking joke of destiny. “Will you go to the police?” 
“No,” you mumble.  
“Good girl, because these little games are just for us, me and you, you can’t use what we do here to help you with your case.” When he sinks inside of you again, he feels like he could lose it all for the way your wet, warm walls wrap around him. “Fuck, fuck,” he curses, voice even more distorted now that he murmurs through gritted teeth, “you feel so fucking good.” 
His thrusts now are almost primal, desperately pounding you against the mattress, keeping you pinned down with a hand on the back of your head —not that you need that, you wouldn’t be able to hold your neck up even if you wanted to— and holding for dear life on your hips with the other. You’ll probably have some bruises by the end of the night, if not colored prints on your skin, surely light discomfort at the touch will follow you for a few days. And you almost want to beg him for more, to mark you in some other ways, to leave something just for you to see and carry with you. Sick and perverted thoughts cross your mind, and you push them away swiftly. 
You bite down on your lips when his hand leaves your side to torture your nipples again, he can barely push his hand between your body and the mattress, but he has just enough space to play with your sensitive nipples, making them even harder and causing you to clench even more around him. He loves how sensitive you are there and how each rub, pinch, and slap has you easily squirming and moaning under him.
“Look at you, going all dumb on my cock,” he groans, mockingly giving one harsh slap to your tits before his fingers trace your cheek. Your skin is so hot he can almost feel it through the fabric separating you, but what he’s most fascinated about are your tears, black mascara running down your beautiful face, dying on the pillow and your tortured parted lips. “Are you still thinking about being better than me or — fuck — have you finally embraced your dark side?” 
Not a word comes out of your mouth when you whimper back, and not even a thought crosses your mind. 
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he grins smugly. “You know,” he breathes out, head thrown back as it gets harder and harder to contain the orgasm, but he doesn’t want it to end so soon, “you should fire yourself and be my toy, just my toy, every time I need you, everywhere I need you. You’d love that, wouldn’t you? It’d make you feel even more special.” 
You mumble a weak reply, it’s a whispered ‘no,’ but your body doesn’t deny how much the thought turns you on. Too many responsibilities in your life and your job, too much to carry daily, but right now? Nothing. Guilt will eat you alive tomorrow but not now. Something feels exciting about being on the run with him, being the one that runs, instead of the one that chases. But it won’t happen, you believe in your job, and you want this slasher to end.  
“Cause only I can get you like this, ugh,” he grunts, hips slamming faster but more sloppily against your ass, the vulgar sounds filling up the room. “No man before and no man after will make you come this hard. Nobody, love. No matter how much you’ll want to, they all will disappoint you and you will look for me in every single one of them,” he groans, each word punctuated by a harsh slam of his hips, “well, the lucky ones that will get a taste before I’ll get them and kill them.” 
You don’t reply, just lay there, looking like a mess as you try to fight another orgasm because coming again would be humiliating. 
“It turns you on, doesn’t it?” You can hear the grin on his face and his voice has the edge of insanity of the usual. “Let’s be honest, you’ve got a list of shitty partners, you would’ve been grateful if I got rid of some of them.” 
“Fuck, just — just fuck me,” you beg, your hand reaching behind to touch him somehow, but he doesn’t like it. 
He grips your hand and pins it behind your back bending your arm, you hiss in discomfort, but he doesn’t let go. “Oh, no, angel. You don’t make the rules in this game, I do. If I want to sink into your brain and get so deep into you that I’ll make sure you will never come out the same, I will. I’m the darkest side of yourself, the fucked up filth you’re too afraid to face,” he groans. “And I know you’re close again. Your tight cunt is squeezing me, and you made a mess on the mattress,” he snickers. “Imagine if they find this place, this mattress, your DNA on it,” he stops, leaning next to your ear, voice dropping lower, “or better, imagine if they find us now. What do you say, detective? Would they be disappointed? Would they just jack off at the view? You look so hot right now, I wouldn’t blame them if they’d get off to you, to us together. Kill them surely, blame them not. We’re so hot, detective.” 
You squirm under him, feeling like the room is spinning fast and you can’t ground on anything. You have a darker thought in mind, something you can’t confess to him or else he won’t stop mocking you. You want to get caught, but not by your colleagues, by his partner. What would he do if he saw you and his partner in crimes like this? Would he understand this, or would he snap? Maybe even feeling betrayed. Does he even know you and him have been playing this game of attraction for a while now?  
Your silence doesn’t make Ghostface suspect anything. You simply look totally fucked out, brain empty as you plead in soft whimpers and moans. 
“You sound so fucking good,” he praises. “Why don’t we play another little game, uh?” 
Your eyes open in surprise and you hum with no strength, “what?” 
“Beg me to save your life,” he says, grabbing the knife again and placing it close to your neck. “Come on, do it for me, I won’t ever hear you say it because I will never want to kill you. Please, detective,” he coos, hips slowing down because your pussy is fogging his brain and he’s not sure his always-perfect aim and reflexes will work right now. 
You take a deep breath and then speak. “Please, Ghostface, please, spare my life.” 
His head rolls back, and a deep, groggy moan comes out of his lips. “Fuck, yes, keep going,” he orders, hips picking up the rhythm again as he skillfully flips the blade to the lesser sharp side just to be safe. 
And you obey. You beg, choked-up words slipping from your lips that soon turn into please, fuck me harder, and then please, wanna come. You feel boneless, your body is too hot, and you feel you might pass out, you need a release and then hope something bigger than you will make you get back on your legs and walk out of there as if nothing happened, as if you never followed your guts and found his —their— safe haven. 
“Come for me, love,” he orders, throwing the knife to the side before his hand sneaks under your body to roughly slap your clit a few times, enjoying the louder moans he drags out of you by doing so and watching with pleasure as your body squirms and shakes. “And don’t forget to smile for the camera.” 
This time your eyes lock with the polaroid that he points toward your face as his chin rests on your shoulder. But it only lasts for the time of the picture, your body collapses again when he lets go of your hair and you let the pleasure pervade you from head to toe. It’s breathtaking and mind-blowing, and next time you’ll fuck someone else you’ll hate that he’s right. You will feel him everywhere, you will feel his dick deep inside of you every time your fingers will desperately try to take its place, and every time you’ll let someone in your bed, but you don’t hate that thought as you should. 
“Fuck,” he groans, giving you a few more pumps to make sure you rode your high before slipping out and then roughly flipping you over. “Close your eyes,” he orders, and you follow with no hesitation —honestly, you were struggling to keep them open in the first place. 
Your heaving chest, your parted lips still letting out cries, your wet cheeks, and your trembling closed thighs are the last drop he needs to let go. Deep moans reach your ears while his hot cum drops on your face, most on your skin but some in your mouth, and they get even louder when you shyly swallow it and lick your lips for more. 
“Fuck, fuck, you’re —” he gasps but doesn’t finish, holding onto nothing as he empties himself all over your face. “Fuck.”
He feels dizzy, the orgasm still shaking him up, but then he looks at you and has to bite back a moan. The white strings of cum are covering your blissed face, your eyelashes are clumped together by the tears, and your lips are plump and darker, he knows he doesn’t want to forget what you look like right now. “Smile one last time, baby.” 
And you do, the corners of your mouth lift and then you hear the click of the polaroid. You think for a second you should’ve told him to don’t take them, he could easily blackmail you, or straight-up get you fired, but once again, you don’t truly care, and you don’t deny how much the idea of those photos turned you on.
You should get up, grab your pants, jacket, shoes and leave. But you feel heavy and tired, you’re still shaking, and your breath didn’t go back to normal, yet. 
“Don’t worry, detective,” Ghostface whispers, something passes on your face to clean you from the mess, but you don’t know what, and only then you open them ajar, just to see he’s still wearing his mask. “I’ll take care of you.” 
The Ghostface mask is the last thing you see. 
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When you wake up, you’re in your bed, wearing your nightwear, completely cleaned up, but your bones and muscles are still sore, and a terrible headache is throbbing in the left side of your brain. You turn around, rubbing your eyelids with your palms before you can fully focus on the pillow and see three things on it. The Ghostface mask, a polaroid of you two from before, his face next to yours as he pulled your hair, and a note. 
“It was a pleasure playing with you, my pretty detective. Can’t wait to see what our next game will be like♡ ” 
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general taglist: @froggyforyoongi , @wingsss45 ; @tddyhyck ; @technologyculturedneo
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© neowinestaindress; all rights reserved. do NOT repost, modify, or translate any work from this blog on any other platform and claim it as yours. you can find my works on ao3 (neowinestaindress) and wattpad (winestaintedress_; currently inactive).
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1K notes · View notes
neptuneiris · 7 months
True Intentions | (One-shot)
Be the only one or be an 'sometimes'?
pairing: modern!aemond (best-friend brother) × fem!reader
summary: even knowing his reputation, you've always had a little secret crush on the most popular boy in school, Aemond Targaryen, until it becomes impossible to hide it when your brother Cregan makes friends with him and you begin to see him more frequently.
word count: 9.0k
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I'm very excited about this!
I hope you really like it, I loved writing this even though it took me a while, but here it is finally:) comments and reblogs are appreciated beautiful people, thank you so much for reading!❤
warning's: language, slight angst, mention of alys, sexual content, spanking.
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You always hated it when your brother Cregan brought his friends over to your house when your parents were away, whether it was to watch soccer games, play video games or have some fun at the pool.
You especially were never the type of sister to bring friends over, rather you were the type of sister who preferred to go to friends' houses, as you never mentioned your house as an option.
It just wasn't comfortable for you.
And apparently it wasn't enough for your brother and his friends to see each other almost daily at school that they also had to go to your house.
But you couldn't really do anything, he's the older brother and it wouldn't make any difference to accuse him to your parents since logically there's nothing wrong with him inviting his friends over, besides they work almost all the time and probably wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
So you can only lock yourself in your room with food as a provision, put on your AirPods and wait for them to leave.
And that's what you do, all the while Cregan and his friends prowl around your house. But you reach your breaking point when again Cregan plans a pool party.
"Are you serious?" you inquire, clearly annoyed, "I swear to God, Cregan, this is not going to happen again."
"Oh come on," he gives you a tired look, tossing balloons and animal inflatables into the pool, "Live a little, sis."
"No! You always do this, the same old shit!"
You reproach him as you follow him back into the house, where at the kitchen island is a stack of beers that he begins to store in the fridge completely disinterested to your clear dissatisfaction with it all, as he just doesn't care.
"Last time everyone was coming into the house like it was nothing to leave the whole floor wet, they also left a mess all over the kitchen, pool and garden," you remind him annoyed, "Not to mention we had complaints from the neighbors for all the fuss you made."
"Fucking Hell, will you relax? I'll take care of everything," he says looking at you wearily, only increasing your anger more, "The guys won't be long and I needed everything to be ready."
"That's what you always say but I'm the one who ends up cleaning everything up in and I'm the one who deals with the neighbors because of you fucking fault!"
"Fine!" he exclaims in exasperation, looking at you, "You have my word, I'll take care of everything this time, yeah?"
He looks at you seriously to get back to dealing with the beers, but you don't believe half a word he says.
"Now do you want to help me turn on the pool lights? Also lock the upstairs doors, just in case."
You slowly shake your head in his direction with your arms crossed with your completely serious and annoyed look in his direction.
"You're unbelievable, you know that?"
You don't wait for him to say anything back nor do you say anything else, you just annoyingly turn around and walk upstairs to your room, preparing to be another long night confined to your four walls.
And this is what happens every time your parents aren't home, having to put up with the liberties Cregan takes to do whatever he pleases around the house.
It's not until one day when you get home from your music lessons at almost seven o'clock that when you open your front door, you hear a lot of voices and laughter.
During the week he usually doesn't invite anyone over, except for a few times he invites the Velaryon brothers, Jace and Luke, over to play video games after school.
The weekend is when it really bothers you that he throws big parties without your parents knowing.
You close the door hard enough to announce your arrival and look into the living room as you head for the stairs, when then, you see them.
And they see you too.
With handsome faces and infectious smiles, besides their unusually silver hair and blue eyes that steal the breath of every girl in the school, Aegon and Aemond Targaryen, the kings of the whole school and also the most players, are in your living room having a few beers and smoking with Cregan.
And Cregan is the first to react.
"Guys, the lady of the house is here," he says, "So let's take this to the pool, shall we? Before she starts screaming."
You watch him with a completely serious look on your face as you see Aegon let out a small chuckle to himself. And without a word, you avert your gaze and continue on your way to the stairs, feigning disinterest.
And just like all the other girls at your school, you can't help but feel equally captivated and attracted to him, Aemond.
However, you don't leave without one last look at him, Aemond Targaryen.
From your single couch and with a cigarette between his long fingers, gives you back an intense and burning look that makes you feel a strange sensation all over your body.
But it's not something you really go around telling everyone, let alone something you want your brother to know now that he's apparently become friends with him.
However, you should have expected him to notice.
And it happens when Cregan again throws a pool party with all his friends and him too, where you don't confront him much about it like previous times and that's what gets his attention.
"Which of the two is the one you like?"
He asks you suddenly with a curious expression and a hint of suspicion in his voice, making you watch him with confusion on your face.
"What are you talking about?"
Your whole body tenses up completely upon hearing your brother's words and you inevitably start to feel terribly nervous, as well as your heart starts to beat too fast, especially because of his suspicious look on you.
"The Targaryens."
He points at you with his gaze, crossing his arms and looking at you again attentively and suspiciously.
"You haven't caused a scene since the two of them have been coming around often and you certainly don't look upset when it used to be a problem with anyone coming around, so you definitely must like one of the two of them, so tell me, which one?"
But you feign innocence and confusion, only to stare at him with your most incredulous face of all and try to evade him.
"You're talking nonsense."
"Oh, am I?"
"Cregan," you observe him seriously, "Have you ever seen me talk to either of the two of them here or at school?"
"Hmm," he says for a moment, thoughtfully.
Still he doesn't look entirely convinced and analyzes you with a completely intent and penetrating gaze, making you feel more nervous but you control him well.
"Still I find it odd that you don't complain about them when they come."
"Then maybe you should think about the fact that I just got tired of telling you the same old thing over and over again," you persuade the subject, "No matter how many times I complain, you'll still do what you want," you tell him seriously, "Besides, you assume that as if I didn't go to the same school as you and didn't know the Targaryens."
"That's exactly why I'm telling you," he says instantly, just as serious, "Do you think I'd like to see you start dating one of them?"
"And why do you care?"
"Why do I care?" he repeats incredulously, "I'm your brother, of course I care."
"As if I care about the girls you date," you tell him just as incredulously.
"Well, at least I have a good reason here," he insists, "I know them, both," he clarifies, "And I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I'm telling you."
"Stop being ridiculous," you tell him with your clearly annoyed tone, starting to head to your room, "And even if I will start dating one of them, it's none of your business."
You sentence to finally leave him behind, leaving a tension in the kitchen, while inside, you finally stop feeling tense and nervous, but Cregan continues with his suspicion.
He almost had you, almost.
And after that conversation, automatically the Targaryens come to your house more often, even more than usual.
Even after school, Cregan invites them over, the two of them and also the Velaryon brothers, where they all together invade your house and you start to witness the personality of him that he is mostly known for.
And it happens one day you're making yourself food and you hear them all talking from the living room.
"Oh, this fucker is texting Savannah," you hear Aegon's excited and amused voice.
"What!? Savannah Williams!?"
"Yeah, since yesterday. I saw her name on his phone when she texted him."
"So what do you say, dude?"
"Not much, actually," you hear his voice.
"But haven't you gone out with her before?"
"Yeah, but you know, it was casual," he explains, "Just now she told me her parents aren't home."
"Oh dude, if I were you, I wouldn't waste the opportunity," your brother says excitedly.
"But what happened to that girl at the party last week? What was her name? Emily, I think."
"Ah Emily… yeah, we had a thing but it was casual too. We only met once after that party."
"She was so hot, but Savannah is hot too."
"Yeah, I know," you hear his nonchalant voice.
"So will you go see her?"
"Yeah, I think so."
You hear them continue to talk, but you tune out and sneak off to your room unnoticed.
It's not the first time you've witnessed these conversations, though. It also happens when they are in the pool and you find yourself back in the kitchen preparing food.
But you can't concentrate because through the glass of the huge windows you see Aemond's bare chest marked. This is a distraction but you try to ignore it as much as you can, but to no avail.
When then the movement and sound of him emerging from the water catches your attention and that of Cregan and Aegon.
"Where are you going?"
"To Cerelle's," he announces, with his phone in hand and his towel over his shoulder.
"Yo! Cerelle Lannister!?" exclaims Cregan in surprise.
"She's so sexy," Aegon says, grining.
"She told me she's home alone and wants me to come over," he explains, as you watch him quickly move his fingers across his phone screen.
"Good luck, dude!"
Even though you know his reputation and how you are aware of his numerous 'adventures' with other girls, you can't help but feel a knot in your stomach and wonder if he might ever be interested in you.
You feel another pang of disappointment when you hear all this and also when you see how he smiles and starts to make his way over here without taking his eyes off his screen.
This immediately makes you react to quickly go to your room so you don't cross paths with him.
Not in that way, since you really don't want to be another girl on his huge list, but be something more genuine and real to him.
But that's totally ridiculous and impossible.
You tell yourself in disbelief, seeing the reality, as it's clear he's not looking for something serious and you don't want to be a 'one night stand' for him if you'll be ignored, forgotten and to some extent humiliated afterwards.
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One day, taking advantage of the fact that Cregan is not at home on the weekend and neither are any of his friends, much less your parents, although that is actually no surprise, you decide to make this day for yourself, relax and enjoy your own company.
You decide to stop paying attention to your phone and with your towel in your arms, you leave your room and go down to the pool.
But just as you finish walking down the stairs and are about to turn down the hallway, the doorbell rings.
You stop with a tired expression as that alone has slightly disturbed the zen zone you now find yourself in, but having no choice, you turn around and head to open the door, thinking it must be Mrs. Arryn to ask you for sugar, as usual.
But when you open the door, it is not Mrs. Arryn, but rather you come face to face with Aemond, taking you by surprise and takes your breath away for a moment.
If he is surprised to see you, he doesn't show it, just raises his eyebrows slightly and you notice how he shamelessly runs his eye up and down you, making you embarrassed and nervous as you remembers your outfit, which is a cute black two-piece bikini.
And you quickly try to cover up a bit with the towel in your hands, although in reality this shouldn't embarrass you, since you're at home and you didn't expect to see him, besides this bikini doesn't leave much to the imagination.
Or so you think.
He says to you dispassionately in greeting mode, with a look that you can't really describe but that makes you feel more nervous and you feel your heart beating too hard.
"Hi," you try not to stutter, "I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else."
Aemond watches you with a little mischievous smile barely visible and a spark of amusement in his eye.
"No worries," he tells you in his soft tone.
"Hum…" you place your confused face, "My brother is not here," you let him know, still finding it strange that he doesn't know that.
"Oh," he is silent for a moment, watching you intently, "He's not?"
You shake your head.
"He said he was going to Alysanne's, but he left hours ago," you explain and he hums in understanding, "Did you tell him you were coming today?"
"No, although I should have, I was just passing through and decided to come," he explains to you as well, shoving his hands into the pockets of his silk jacket, "I left my wallet here last night," he tells you later, getting your attention more, "That's why."
"Oh," is all you say, not knowing what else to say for a few seconds, "Well, I'm not sure what time Cregan will be back. But if you want to go up and get it, I'll be at the pool."
You allow him passage, as it's not as if he's a complete stranger and it's not as if he doesn't hang around here often either, it's as if he and Aegon live here too, being the brothers Cregan wished he had.
"Okay, thanks," he tells you as you step aside and make room for him to come in.
"Just close the door when you leave," you tell him, still feeling your heart beat too fast against your chest.
Aemond turns his gaze back to you, nodding in your direction.
"All right."
You give him a small smile and without saying anything else to him, you walk past him, hurrying to get out of his sight and urgently needing, now more than anything else, to get your whole body into the warm water of the pool that will make you stop feeling so tense.
And this is why you don't feel Aemond's piercing, burning gaze on you as you pull away, admiring your bare skin and having a perfect idea of your naked body to the imagination.
And with that alone, he feels himself getting hard at the sight of your smooth, long legs, as well as getting a good look at that ass of yours jiggling as you pull away.
He wets his lips and with a little grin, finally makes his way to Cregan's room, thinking about little things since you're here alone…. now with him.
Meanwhile you, wanting to forget that Aemond Targaryen is in your house right now, submerge yourself completely in the water, where you immediately feel a sensation of freshness and relief.
The water caresses you and envelops your body completely, while you let out a small sigh of pleasure and begin to get used to the new temperature, letting the revitalizing sensation envelop you completely.
Then you emerge with a slight jump, remove your wet hair stuck to your face and begin to swim elegantly, where your arms and legs move at a steady pace and the water takes you in all directions.
You submerge again for a moment and watch the horizon, as your house is on a hill and you can see the lights of neighborhoods below, being a beautiful sight when the sun sets and also when the sun goes down.
However, again your zen zone is disturbed when you hear the movement of the kitchen glass doors sliding, so you turn around in confusion and again feel all your nervousness wash over you.
Aemond makes his way over here, but what strikes you more than anything else is how he has clothes in his hand and also one of the many clean towels Cregan has in his bathroom.
You look at him confused face and he looks back at you with his intent gaze.
"Do you mind if I join you?"
The words get stuck in your throat, watching him still confused, feeling really very nervous and not understanding what he is doing here since he was supposed to go get his wallet and then leave, while he stands at the edge of the pool, watching you.
"Hum…" you say not really knowing what to say, "Are you going to wait for Cregan?"
He averts his gaze from yours, then drops the towel and clothes on a chair with dispassionate movements, to return his gaze to you.
"Yeah, I can do that too."
"And what are you actually here to do?"
You watch him warily and with a slight distrust, but not in a bad way, it's simply nerves.
He looks at you slightly amused.
"To keep you company, of course. Unless you don't want me to," he hastens to clarify.
And here your dilemma begins.
Being alone here with Aemond, in your house, in your pool, was a scenario you longed for and feared at the same time. You longed for because that's how your mind works when you're attracted to him, but feared since anything could happen.
And knowing his reputation, maybe when the moment happens, if the moment happens at all, you don't know if what will come next will be bad or good.
Also, you don't know if Cregan will arrive at any time or even later, so if he arrives in a couple more minutes and sees you alone here with Aemond, you don't even want to imagine the scandal he will make.
You don't know if Aemond has considered that possibility too but if he has, he doesn't seem to mind.
"So?" he looks at you expectantly.
But you again, can't utter words.
You let out a long breath and swallow hard before responding, trying to hide your excitement and nervousness.
You don't want to look bitter by telling him no, that it will be best for him to leave, but you also can't find another way to politely decline.
And on the other hand… there is that inevitable emotion in your being that begs you to invite him into the pool with you.
"Hum… yeah, sure, if you want," you say acting nonchalant, averting your gaze from him and distracting yourself with the water.
Aemond can't help but put on his smirk again and right in front of you, wanting to give you a show, he takes off his shirt, to which you watch him helplessly out of the corner of your eye and make sure he doesn't catch you admiring the view.
He's wearing that usual silver chain around his neck that makes it stand out against his skin, making him look only even sexier when he doesn't have a shirt on and God, you don't know if you can survive this, thinking it's a bad idea.
Then you watch as he pulls on a pair of Cregan shorts, secures his hair in a low bun and finally steps into the water.
In a nonchalant way you make yourself more towards the shore, unobviously avoiding getting too close to him as he swims towards the center of the pool, making it more impossible for you not to watch him as it's getting dark and the last orange rays of the sun beautifully illuminate his skin that glows slightly from the water and his face.
And then feel his intense gaze on you, while you try to distract yourself with your eyes, trying to focus only on you.
But it is genuinely impossible.
However, he doesn't make any effort to talk and neither do you, which you are grateful for, to continue to feel the calmness and relaxation throughout your body, although it's a little hard for you being here alone with him.
And it's a bit awkward since neither of you are talking, but is there anything to talk about?
He's one of your brother's best friends and you're just the sister, the two of you don't really know each other, so it makes sense. But still you feel the slight tension between the two of you and you don't even know why.
You wonder if he feels the same way too when suddenly his low, amused voice almost makes you startle in your place.
"I've always wondered why you're so quiet when Aegon and I come over."
You look at him with a slightly surprised expression, not expecting that, feeling again how your heart is beating too fast from nerves, for what are you supposed to tell him?
You should tell him that you have a crush on him and that your brother warned you about him?
"I know it's your house and I come with your brother but… you look like you hate me or something."
Oh God.
You think, only making you feel more nervous, especially since it's really impossible not to see a part of his torso and pectorals that looks almost glowing from the water and sunlight, not expecting to hear those words either.
And you force yourself not to turn your back on him anymore to watch him while they talk, adopting a relaxed and confident attitude, just like him, when actually inside you are shaking with nerves.
"You just said yourself, you come with my brother, not me," you say softly.
And while he watches you and listens attentively, he also struggles just like you not to see too much of your breasts confined in that black bikini of yours that makes you look too sexy, especially the way the wet fabric looks and your skin on your chest and collarbone too.
"And I don't hate you," you clarify, slightly amused and absurd, "We just don't talk, that's all."
"Because you haven't given me the chance."
You look at him expectantly.
"I don't remember a single time you ever tried to talk to me."
"That's exactly why," he tells you softly, "Because you run away before I can try."
Now it is you who watches him completely attentively, while you feel your heart beating like crazy and you look away from him for a moment, not knowing what to say or do since he is right, feeling really very nervous, especially when he starts to swim slowly towards you, with a determined look.
And you for insisting, you start to back away, watching his slow and calculated movements with some trepidation, having an idea of what he intends to do and you know it's not a good idea at all.
"See? You're already running away," he points out to you with his amused and satisfied look.
And you don't miss his determined look, how his head is slightly tilted as he continues to slowly advance towards you, with the corners of his lips twisted upwards in a small smile and his blue eye glowing, while his prosthetic eye remains the same as ever.
And you still don't want to agree with him.
"That's not true, I'm not doing anything," you defend yourself in a weak and pathetic attempt.
"Oh no?" he raises his eyebrows expectantly at you.
And you start to lose it all when he's already in front of you, cornering you.
"Aemond," you call him in a sigh in warning mode, fully alert, leaving his name in the air as you become very nervous of his intense, dark gaze on you.
"What's wrong? Are you afraid of me?"
You watch him with a slight expression of surprise and even more nervousness, as you press your lips together and try to say the right words.
"No," you reply softly, "But I know you're no good either," you confess.
And he frowns, watching you interestedly.
"What do you mean?" you are silent for a moment, as you give him a sad look, serious and obvious at the same time.
"We both know what," you tell him softly, without much detail.
And at this, Aemond can't help but feel annoyed, immediately noticing how you clench your jaw and look away from yours for a moment, serious and thoughtful.
You know he shouldn't have to be upset with you for implying a truth you both know, especially him, but still you can't help but hold your breath, hoping that maybe you haven't gone too far.
All the while thinking that maybe you've ruined the first chance you've had to talk to him by telling him that he's no good by reputation, since that's not your concern, but at least you make it clear that that's not what you're looking for now.
"And you don't even want to try?" he asks you quietly, turning his gaze back to you, attentive and completely willing.
You stare at him, completely speechless, as you feel your whole body tense and your eyes are slightly wide open, your lips parted, not having the slightest idea what to say at the same time as a million questions invade your mind.
And just at that moment, Cregan's words come back to your mind.
"I know them, both. And I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I'm telling you."
So you know.
Aemond is not like you and the only thing he wants is to fill his list, no matter with whom, not even if it's the sister of one of his best friends, who are supposed to be 'forbidden', somehow.
And that's why you decide to answer him truthfully, no longer caring if you hurt his feelings, even though you doubt it very much.
Not wanting this to go any further, since you knew all along that letting him stay was a bad idea, you move as fast as your body in the water will let you, walking away, wanting to keep your distance again.
"And be just another girl on your list that you never speak to again and suddenly pretend she doesn't exist anymore? No thanks."
But just as you pass by him, he's faster and you feel his big hand grab your arm and twist you in a demanding motion back towards him, slamming his chest against yours, locking you in his arms, making you gasp in surprise.
His face is above yours, completely close, causing you nerves and you try to free yourself from him, but he doesn't let you, even having that determined, attentive and dark look.
"Do you ever stop running away?" he asks you in a low, husky tone.
"What do you think you're doing?" you hiss nervously.
"You're not even letting me explain."
"There's nothing to explain."
"Oh no?" he asks, "Did I say I only wanted you for one night?"
"That's what you do, Aemond, with every girl," you say absurdly, "Am I suddenly going to be the exception? How am I supposed to believe that?"
However, any further protest gets stuck in your throat as Aemond grabs one hand from your cheek and the other places it on your bare waist, pulling you closer against him in a possessive grip.
And you know you're losing the battle when he brings his face closer to yours, where your noses brush lightly and your breathing becomes more rapid, having no idea what's going on.
But Aemond does.
And as he strokes your soft, wet cheek with his thumb, watching you intently and with understanding, his next words make you reconsider the situation completely.
"You won't be just another girl on the list," he murmurs softly to you, "I won't hurt you. I promise."
You shudder completely at his words, but also at his touch and closeness, being impossible not to look between his violet eye or his full lips, which Aemond notices, also peering between your eyes and lips hungrily.
And you don't even think or discuss it anymore when he leans his face towards you and kisses you with need, without even giving you time to react.
You moan into his mouth in surprise and he pulls you roughly to him, lowering his hands to your body where he makes you wrap your legs around his torso, then makes room between your lips with his tongue, making you gasp.
You immediately bring your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss further, a passionate kiss, where you barely give each other time to breathe properly before desperately bringing your lips together again.
A slight tingle of desire is felt between your legs as you move your body and legs to hold his torso tighter, where you perfectly feel the hardness of his cock under your ass.
You moan as you feel one of his hands grip your thigh and the other caress the skin of one of your ass cheeks, making you gasp against his mouth, closing your eyes in delight as he pulls his lips away from yours and begins to leave soft kisses on your neck.
"I fucking knew it," he murmurs in delight too in his husky voice, running his tongue over your sensitive skin, "I knew you wanted me too."
You squint completely as the hand on your ass reaches lower and nonchalantly rubs his palm over your covered, moist center.
"Aemond," you moan.
"I know, baby, I know," he coos, smiling in the middle of your lips as he kisses you again.
But it's there in that moment with his hand caressing you right at your nerve center that your brain for an instant seems to react, realizing what's really going on and you stop kissing him abruptly, watching him in surprise and slight fear as he watches you slightly confused.
"W-we can't," you say in a trembling voice, "We can't do this, t-this is wrong. Cregan—
"We can't do it or we can't do it here?" he inquires expectantly.
You let out a sigh.
"Both," you say with a certain embarrassed tone, "But I'm more worried about Cregan. If he sees us, he'll go crazy."
"Come on, Y/N, you're not a little girl anymore."
"I know but he warned me about you and your brother," you tell him hopelessly, "And you're one of his best friends."
Aemond is silent for a moment, watching you and nothing else, where he is aware and so are you of the hardness in his shorts, while in his thoughts he bets that you too must be spilling your juices between your legs.
Honestly he understands your concern, but he also understands that Cregan is really no one to tell you who you can and can't date, as the decision is totally up to you.
He doesn't want to have problems with him either as he also considers him one of his best friends but you... you simply drove him crazy with seeing you in this black bikini and now he is even more so for you, wanting, needing more of you, no matter the consequences.
"Then we have to be careful and not to say anything to him," he tells you softly, in solution, "Only if you want to," he clarifies, "But if you want to stop now, just tell me and I will, before we take this any further."
But you don't really have to make a decision when you are already here, in his arms, feeling how much he wants you and you also recognizing how much you want to keep touching and kissing him, no matter what.
But he still gives you that option, to make you see that he really doesn't want to hurt you and that he respects your decisions, since you are the one in control of all this and you are the one who puts the stop, at any time.
And when Aemond sees how you are watching him intently, with indecision in your gaze, holding back your true desires, thinking fast, he cocks his head to one side and watches you curiously.
"Or do you really want me as much as I want you, princess?"
Something snaps inside you and not just from hearing that nickname for you, but from having him so fucking close and his lips being a complete invitation to you and in fact all of him.
Soon enough, he is sitting on the edge of the pool and you find yourself sitting on top of him, your arms around his neck as you press yourself against the hardness of his shorts.
So you think no more and again crash your lips against his, resuming what you were doing before, to which Aemond responds with the same rudeness and fervor.
And then without stopping kissing you, he carries you to the edge of the pool along with him.
You move your hips in circles on top of him, rubbing your needy center against his hard cock, while he caresses your thighs, your ass and all the skin he blindly finds without stopping kissing you, feeling his breathing just as ragged as yours.
Then he brings his hands up and starts sliding the strings of your bikini over your shoulders, sending fiery electricity throughout your body.
"What was it you said? That we couldn't do this here?" he murmurs hoarsely against your skin, leaving wet kisses on your collarbone and neck.
You moan, as your bikini top piece is loosened completely by Aemond's fingers and you involuntarily wiggle your hips more intensely.
"You just can't resist, can you?" he asks you amused amidst all the sensuality.
"Shut up," you whine pathetically into his lips.
This time he kisses you again, softly and tenderly, deep, as he with his hand pulls away the piece of your bikini top that covers your breasts, freeing them, causing him to groan at the sight in front of him.
"Fuck," he murmurs, "Such a pretty tits, princess."
He says to you with his eye fully dilated and watching you hungrily, then you moan as he brings his mouth to your hard, wet nipple and begins to caress it with his tongue and lips, sucking on it, while he kneads the other one with his hand.
"Oh yes," you moan, pulling your breasts closer to his face.
You continue to move your hips on top of him, desperate and needy to feel the friction his cock gives you against your swollen clit.
When you least expect it, you begin to approach your limit, as your whole body tenses and his caressing hands only add to the pleasure.
"Mhm," he moans against your hard nipple, then gives the same attention to the other, still kneading them as he pleases.
"Fuck, Aemond, please don't stop," you say under your breath.
But that's exactly what he does, he releases your nipple with a wet sound and captures your lips in a sensual kiss, making you moan and groan at the same time from the attention on your breasts.
You arch your neck and moan, clinging to him completely, needing more of him, driving you completely insane.
And you sigh as he again distributes kisses all over your neck and his teeth grind against your sensitive skin.
You feel the moist heat of his mouth and hands all over your body, as if he wants to mark you with each firm, possessive touch.
"Remember we have to be careful, baby," he suddenly murmurs hoarsely in your ear, feeling his warm breath, "And we don't want your brother to see his innocent little sister getting the fuck of her life if he comes back, do we?"
Despite all the desire you're feeling and you're dripping completely for him, his words reach your brain and scare you a little, so you force yourself to be patient and you both go up to your room.
And soon enough you find yourself lying on your bed, with Aemond on top of you, spreading your legs for him, watching with his dilated eye and gently biting his bottom lip your wet pussy ready for him.
"Seven Hells," he growls, running his fingers all over your entrance, "Look at you, you're dripping, princess."
His cock pulses in pain for release, watching you in complete delight as you moan with every movement of his fingers that collects your juices, spreading them all over your pussy, making you wiggle your hips against his hand.
"Aemond, please," you cry, needing to feel it inside you, now.
"What is it, baby? Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want me to fuck this pretty pussy hard?"
He teases you, running his fingertips over your hole, making you moan, sigh and groan.
"Please, just fuck me, fuck me with your cock," you implore him.
"Yesah? Is that what you want?"
"Yes, please!"
"Only because you asked nicely."
He joins in, leaving you needy and trembling on your bed, spread wide open for him, watching as he removes his wet shorts and boxers, completely freeing his entire erect, heavy, hot, hard cock, just for you.
Your mouth waters at the sight and he proudly holds it in his hand, turning to make his way back to you, thrilling and scaring you at the same time as you've never had a cock like Aemond's inside you before.
"Do you take control pills? I don't have a condom."
"Yes, I take them, don't worry," you assure him instantly and he grins.
"Eager, huh?"
"Aemond," you groan and moan at the same time.
"Someone's acting like a little brat," he croons, starting to rub the tip of his cock against your pussy, making you shudder and moan, needing him inside you, "Behave yourself, princess. I'll give you exactly what you want."
"Stop teasing," you whine between whimpers.
When suddenly Aemond enters you in a single hard, firm movement that makes you release all the air in your lungs, moaning loudly at the rough intuition as he pulls it all out of you again.
"What did I say? Stop being a little brat and behave yourself," he warns you.
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise."
You plead desperately and moan as he slams the tip against your pussy, to again enter you fully in a more careful and slower way, letting you feel all of him, making you moan.
"Oh fuck, Aemond," you moan his name, drunk with pleasure, closing your eyes tight.
"Yeah, just like that, squeezing me so fucking good, baby," he murmurs hoarsely in delight.
He leans fully into you, kissing your hot, sweaty skin, just like him, then slides all the way down to your bottom, where you feel every inch of his long, hard cock, moaning into his mouth, as your whole body trembles.
He stops once he's all the way inside you, letting you get used to his size, while you feel him pulsing inside you and all his heat flooding through you.
When he rolls his hips in a grunt and his tip touches exactly your swollen clit in need of release.
His hands run along your waist and thighs as he lifts both of your legs and places them around his torso, feeling him sink more easily inside you.
"You're so hot, baby. So fucking perfect," he growls against your lips, closing his eye and rests his forehead with yours as he begins his swaying hips back and forth.
"You're so deep," you moan, clinging to his back, lightly digging your nails into his pale skin.
This makes Aemond grunt and feel more desperation as he begins to penetrate you with more rhythm, all the way in, with hard movements that hit exactly that spot inside you that makes you squirm beneath him.
"Yes Aemond, right there," you moan.
"Yeah? Do you like it, baby?"
"Yes, fuck, yes."
You both gasp into each other's mouths, where then his dark gaze returns to your features and he watches you intently, never ceasing to slam his hips hard and deep against you.
"You're mine now, you know that, don't you?" he asks you in a low, husky tone.
His words only make you clench tighter around him and you feel yourself slowly reaching your limit, each onslaught sending delicious waves all over your core that soothes your needy pussy.
"Say it," he demands forcefully, only this time to plunge your cock back into your wet pussy with a hard onslaught that knocks the air out of you, "Say you're mine."
"Yes," you gasp, "Yes, Aemond. I am yours," you manage to say it, "I am completely yours."
He smiles complacently and contentedly, never ceasing to move for a moment.
"Yes, you are," he croons, "You. Are. Mine," he rams you hard to the hilt on every accentuation, not giving you time to anticipate it, making you moan loudly in pleasure and pain, "And I don't fucking share."
He brings his lips back to your skin, marking and sucking on your breasts and neck even with his heavy cock inside you, fucking you hard and grunting against your ear telling you how tight you are.
He takes you completely over the edge, where your mind goes blank with each thrust, filling you completely, swelling inside you, as both you and he begin to gasp for breath, but he doesn't slow down or change his pace, continuing to penetrate you and press you against your bed.
Until finally everything inside you explodes, you see stars behind your eyes and Aemond's warm semen fills everything inside you, coming with an almost painful grunt in your ear and with a last strong thrust that leaves you drunk with pleasure and makes you forget everything for a moment.
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Things didn't end with Aemond there, not at all.
He was honest with you when he told you that he wouldn't hurt you or make you just another girl on his list, just as he was honest in telling you that you are now his and he doesn't share.
After that day in your room, the little secret affair began.
When Aemond comes to your house along with Aegon, you both behave towards each other as you were before, completely indifferent.
However, you and especially he are not entirely patient, so once you reach your limit, he secretly intercepts you in one of the empty classrooms or labs and you take advantage of that little moment as much as possible.
You don't even speak to each other and avoid as much as possible to look each other, where no one suspects the two of you. And at school it's the same, although especially there you have to be more careful.
Even in the library, you both find a secluded corner between the shelves of books and can't keep your hands off each other, where Aemond makes you come on his fingers and sometimes you also dare to suck his cock, hoping not to be discovered.
As far as you know, he has not been seen with other and his usual girls, since almost all the time the two of you are texting each other and sometimes, when Cregan is not at home, you let him know and he comes as fast as he can, not missing the opportunity.
Already being in the four walls of your room, the two of you can do whatever you want without fear of being discovered, where Aemond fucks you against your mattress in all positions.
And sometimes, when things have not been in favor of either of you, he climbs through your window at midnight and unable to hold back any longer, he fucks you silently, silencing your moans with his mouth, hands or cock, since Cregan's room is at the end of the hallway.
And this lasts for a while, all in secret, where you look for small moments to share intimate moments, hidden caresses and soft whispers in your ear that only you and he can hear.
But of course, the good things can't last forever.
Jason Lannister, a friend of Cregan's, throws a Halloween party at his house and practically the entire school has been invited. So you see this as an opportunity to be able to be with Aemond for a few moments of the party.
Cregan dresses up as a wizard and you choose to dress up as a sexy sailor girl with a skirt that exposes your legs, a simple white blouse, you put on your tie and also your hat, and then you and Cregan head off to the party.
You immediately look for Aemond, but he is nowhere to be seen, even though you meet Aegon and his younger brother, Daeron.
However, not to be obvious, you start pouring yourself drinks and talking to your friends, starting to get into the same mood as everyone else because of the music with twinkling lights and also because of the whole decorated house.
You see Aegon talking to Cassandra Baratheon, dresses up as a vampire and she as an angel, then you see Alysanne talking to your brother, dresses up as a bunny, and then you keep looking around the party, not understanding where Aemond is.
You are about to send him a message, when you look absentmindedly towards the kitchen and then, there he finally is, only he is not alone.
Dresses up as a pirate, Aemond is chatting with his ex-girlfriend, the gorgeous Alys Rivers, dresses up as a witch.
You had been enjoying the party, but your mood inevitably changes and also without being able to help it, you feel a twinge of jealousy all over your insides, watching them intently.
They both talk, she occasionally laughs and places her hand on his chest, playfully smacking it, both of them too close, while you see Aemond's grin on his lips at all times, making the knot of jealousy in your stomach tighter.
And, you mean, you can't even blame him, she's Alys Rivers.
When then at that moment your gaze crosses his casually, who slowly wipes away his smile, but you quickly avert your gaze from him as you bite the inside of your cheek, trying to act nonchalant.
But too late, he's already noticed your annoyed look.
However, you quickly make room with Aegon, Cassandra and Daeron, simply to dissemble in front of them and him as well. Then Cregan and Alysanne join in and of course so does he, but you don't even notice him and continue drinking.
You notice how he wants to approach you slyly on a few occasions, but you don't let him, you continue to laugh with Daeron, ignoring him altogether, not wanting to talk or be with him anymore.
Until the hour starts to get late and taking advantage of the fact that one of your friends is already leaving, you ask her to drop you off at your house and she accepts. You just tell Cregan, who nods and you leave the party with your friend.
And once you get home, you take off your costume, take a shower and get ready to sleep, although you should have expected Aemond to start calling you, but you send it to voicemail.
He calls you a couple of times more where you don't answer and you also get severe messages from him that you don't read, to finally leave your phone on mute and try to sleep.
But you barely last a few minutes with your eyes closed, suddenly you hear some sounds at your window.
You sit up confused in your bed, looking at your window, instantly knowing what it is or rather who it is, since only one person has the habit of doing this and you let out a long resigned breath.
Reluctantly you open your curtains and the window, where the figure of Aemond stands down there, watching you confused and attentive.
"What are you doing?" you reproach him sleepily.
"You're not answering my calls or texts," he tells you with some anger in his tone of voice, "And you ignored me the whole party."
You press your lips together in anger as well.
"It semeed to me like you were too busy," you can't help but say with some bitterness.
He lets out a sigh, lowering his gaze for a moment.
"It's not what you thin—
"No matter. Go home. I want to sleep," you cut him off, intending to turn away from your window.
"I swear to God Y/N, I'm not leaving until you listen to me," he warns you.
"It's after midnight!" you reproach him.
"Open the door," he demands.
"No," you say firmly.
"I'm not going to repeat myself."
"I don't care."
"Y/N," he warns you again.
"Stay there all night, I'm not opening for you."
You sentence and finally move away from the window, close it and close your curtains as well.
Feeling no remorse, you settle back into your bed, ready to sleep again, but only a few seconds pass when you hear noise again.
And that's when you realize you should have locked your windows.
You startle and turn your head to watch how Aemond is entering through your windows with the same agility as always, with a serious and threatening look, jumping into your room and you look at him angrily.
"You're unbelievable, you know that?"
"You don't know what you just got yourself into," he says as he makes his way towards you.
"Fuck you," you spit back at him.
"Oh yeah, I just pretend to do that, princess."
"Alys wasn't available at this time that you decided to come and play with me?"
He lets out a long breath, rolling his eye.
"You're getting it all wrong—
"Oh I am?" you inquire, "She's your fucking ex, Aemond. I'm not stupid."
"In fact yes, you are being stupid right now, " he says, coming towards you.
And just before you can escape, he catches you, instantly grabbing you by both wrists, cornering you between him and your bed, climbing on top of you with a mischievous, menacing grin and his pupil fully dilated.
"Let go of me," you gasp, trying to shake him off.
"Listen to me—
"I mean it, get off me and get the fuck out of my house!"
He cocks his head.
"Where did this bratty attitude come from, hm?"
"Aemond," you plead, "Stop it."
"Oh baby," he croons, bringing his lips to your ear, "Can't you see? Can't you see how fucking crazy I am about you?" he murmurs hoarsely.
You try to fight your own urges, telling yourself that you shouldn't let yourself get carried away by him, that he can talk and fuck whoever he wants, while you are only exclusively for him and these are just empty words to convince you.
"Alys and I ended on good terms, we're just friends, it's nothing to worry about," he says earnestly in your ear, as your breath is cut short when you feel his knee make its way between your legs.
"Aemond," you whine.
"But if you want me to stop talking to her, fine, I will," he murmurs in understanding, only to feel his knee press lightly into your pussy, making you moan.
"Oh, A-aemond-" you try to say, feeling so good.
"Yeah, baby? What's wrong? Does it feel good?"
You can't formulate words, especially when he puts more pressure and makes you gasp more, just that making you feel good, only to then feel him drop almost his weight against you and now positioning himself between your legs, he starts rubbing his hard cock inside his pants against you, making you shudder.
Now he gasps along with you, as he lets go of your wrists and slides one of his hands under your shirt, kneading one of your breasts with ease as you sleep without a bra.
You arch your back against him and bite your bottom lip as he begins to leave soft kisses down your neck, never letting go of your touch and never stopping rubbing against you.
"Please, Aemond, please," you beg him, needing him.
He marks the skin of your neck, sucking and sucking, then brings his lips back to your ear.
You bring one of your hands to his face and turn him towards you, kissing him with need and depth where he responds in kind, where you are completely delighted by his caresses and words.
"Now do you get it, princess?" he says hoarsely, "You're the only one who can make me play this fucking game of hide and seek with your brother and everyone else."
He says honestly, making you moan as he puts more pressure on his hips.
"But you know what? I've had enough and I don't fucking care if Cregan bothers or not. I don't give a shit."
And that night Aemond fucks you from behind, hard and fast, while you hold the sheets tightly under you and avoid shushing your sobs and moans too loudly against the pillow, as every time you do, Aemond gives you a hard spank with his hand on one of your ass cheeks as a way of punishment for your bratty attitude earlier.
And he doesn't give you a chance to silence your moans as he gathers all your hair into a fist and makes your back arch, while his other hand takes it to hold your throat firmly and rests his cheek against yours to fuck you with more accessibility, fast and deep, bringing you to the peak several times.
And when it's all over, you melt into the arms of your perfect, official boyfriend.
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thank you so much for reading!❤
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banquetwriter · 11 days
Johnnie x reader and he’s just super loud during sex moaning and whining
୨୧ Deep moans ୨୧
pairing: Johnnie Guilbert ♡︎ fem!Reader
warnings: ୭̥⋆*。 not edited we die like men, smut with heavy plot, panic attacks, sorta drunk smut, not safe sex, cum fingering lol, lowkey dom!r vibes
summary: ʚ Johnnies feelings for you cause him to freak out, luckily your there to calm him down •smut• ɞ
Words: 2805
An: HIIII YALLLL SOREY IRS A DAY LATE HHEEGE also this fic was inspired by the middle picture hehe
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Johnnie was scrolling away on his phone. Not doing anything useful at all. Just messing around on Twitter. He was supposed to go to a punk show with you tonight. Alone. Just the two of you. Jake being the supportive friend he was, tried and failed to set the two of you up.
You were pretty, and funny, and you made his heart race quicker whenever he was around you. Plus you smelled good. Which was a creepy thing to say but it was true. Tonight wasn't even supposed to be a not-date ‘date’. It was supposed to be you Scuff and him all hanging out at a show then maybe a bar after.
Lucky for him Scuff canceled last minute leaving the plans to the two of you. He assumed that meant the plans were off. He was mistaken.
You enthusiastically told him how much you wanted to go with him tonight. That didn't help his ever-growing feelings for you.
So there he sat on your couch awkwardly looking around as you finished getting ready. He could hear you walking around your room, your boots making enough noise to reach the living room.
“Ok ok, I'm ready,” you say, stepping out of your room. Fuck. You looked good as hell. He felt his cheeks heat up slightly looking at you quickly putting his phone away. “Took you long enough.” he joked, staring at you.
“Hey hush, it takes time for a girl to get pretty,” you murmur, flicking your hair back dramatically. “Oh, don't I know it.” Johnnie sarcastically flicked his dead hair back in the same dramatic fashion.
You both laugh at his joke. Your heart flutters watching his smile spread as he laughs. You quickly push your feelings down as you both sit in silence for a few seconds. Johnnie doesn't say anything just looking down avoiding eye contact of any kind.
“Ok let me call Uber,” you say quickly pulling your phone out. You type around and order the car looking at up Johnnie who is just sitting on his phone. “Hey don't look so bored,” you say putting your phone down.
He looks up from his phone with a small smile. “Sorry,” he mumbles, pushing his phone in his pocket. “I know we aren't going with a big group or anything but I promise I'm fun to be around,” you tell him walking up.
You were so close he could practically feel your breath. “I-I know that. I'm just like, anxiety blah,” he mumbles shrugging. He knows your ‘fun’. He was more worried about going to a show with lots of people.
That anxiety sat with him, in the Uber and all the way to the venue. It rested on his shoulder like a terrible angel as you both walked in after getting a stamp on your hands.
“I'm so excited Johnnie!” you squeal in his ear. It was loud and sorta hot at the place, which was to be expected. He just didn't know how to handle it.
He was already feeling anxious, but he was certain his heart was gonna leap out of his chest when you suddenly took his hand and led him to a good spot. Your hands were so soft. You went up behind someone who just didn't seem to want to get out of the way, Johnnie stood right behind you.
Your cold bracelets touching his hand were all too much input. Eventually whoever was in your way left and you found a spot upstairs next to the railing. “This is such a good spot!” you exclaim looking back at him. He looked down at you with a smile and, while still holding your hand, he looked out at the stage.
You were right, it was an amazing view. What he was more focused on was your hands still holding his hand. You pulled out your phone and let go. Johnnie feels ashamed at how much he misses holding your hand.
You pull up your camera app and hold it up to get both of you in it. “Here wait come closer,” you say, scooting back slightly. He furrows his brows slightly and rests his head on your shoulder for the picture.
You stick your tongue in the corner of your mouth and snap the picture. “Hehe thank you” you mumble uploading the photo to your Instagram story with a song from the band you were seeing.
You put your phone away as the show begins. Johnnie moves his body slightly watching you headbang to the music. He enjoyed metal music to a degree but he was mostly here for you.
As the night rolled on he had more and more fun as you forced him to dance. He smiled at you as you screamed for the new band that appeared on stage.
However, the beautiful bliss that the two of you existed in was shortly ruined as some people you knew from somewhere came up and said hi to you. Johnnie didn't know them and was subsequently left alone for a few minutes as you attempted to catch up with your friends.
He tried to focus on the band playing but he couldn't seem to as the anxiety creeped back into his throat. “Hey I'm gonna go get a drink at the bar if you want anything?” you yelled. “Yeah get me a Jack and Coke,” he yelled back.
Maybe if he got drunk this feeling would go away. He felt like he might throw up and die from the feeling that filled his bones. Some of your friends hung around the same spot as they waited for you.
Did they know you were with him? Were they judging him somehow? He was relieved when you appeared back about 10 minutes later with several drinks in your hand. “Ok, who got this freaky-looking blue one?” you ask.
One of your friends raises their hands and you step towards them, they take the drink from your arms as you look down. “Oh here is your Jack and Coke Johnnie,” you mumble, stepping towards him, he picks the drink up and immediately starts sipping it.
He doesn't have just one drink. He was surely gonna be hungover tomorrow. However, with the added alcohol, it was harder and harder to think rationally. He leaned against the railing feeling his heart breaking at your laugh with your friends.
He wishes he could be like that. He rubs his hands in the face. Cringing at how he feels. You were just his friend, someone who took enough pity on him to hang out. It felt like there were a million bees in his ears.
“Hey let's go ok?” your voice brought him out of his state. “What?” he asked, looking at you. “I called an Uber, let's go home ok? You don't look ok right now,” you yelled over the music. He could swear his heart stopped when you said those words.
He froze, not able to return to real life. “Come on.” you beckoned once again taking his hand and leading him out of the venue. You both get into the Uber, your hands not leaving one another.
In the same way, his eyes didn't leave you for more than a few seconds. He was so grateful for someone like you to be in his life. You made it back to your apartment, both of you drunkenly stumbling in.
“Sit down, I'll get you some water,” you said, making your way to the kitchen. He sat down taking the glass with a ‘thank you’. You say down next to him, moving your hand up to his face and adjusting his hair. He was certain he would burn a hole into you from how much he was staring.
You took the glass out of his hand and set it down. “What's wrong? You looked like you were gonna cry,” you asked him, your gaze full of nothing but worry. “I was just having a panic attack,” he told you, looking away.
You once again lifted your hand up and moved his cheek so he faced you. “Why? Did I do something wrong?” you ask. “No! No, you didn't I just-” he sighs, unsure of how to delicately tell you, that he was so in love with you he almost couldn't bear it.
That the thought of you with someone else was nearly enough to kill him. “Listen I need to tell you something, and before I tell you I want to tell you I'm so sorry. I don't want this to affect our friendship-” his mouth suddenly feels dry.
You don't say anything, you sit silently staring at him. “Mm fuck.” he mumbles burying his face in his hands slightly. You reach your hand out and pull his hands away from his face slightly, you scoot forward. You kept your hand on his eyes searching his.
This certainly wasn't helping. “I-I mmm fuck. I'm sorry. I've developed feelings for you, and I know that can ruin friendships, which is the last thing I want with you. I never meant for this to happen and I'm really sorry.” he braced for you to take your hand away.
But you didn't. You looked up at him. He couldn't tell what you were thinking. He was hoping you would say something, anything, to relieve an ounce of stress. But you said nothing, instead, you pulled him directly into a hug.
He reciprocates the contact, squeezing you close. “Did you seriously think I never liked you back?” you asked, pulling away from him. “Yeah,” he whispers, unable to get his voice much louder. “Sometimes you can be so dumb,” you mumble with a laugh.
“Sorry,” he says with a laugh looking at you. “Don't be. And I'm sorry you worried yourself sick over this, Johnnie since the moment I met you I knew I wanted to be with you. I wanted to tell you I just had to wait until I knew you felt the same.” you confessed.
Johnnie felt like a million pounds had been lifted off of his chest. “So what do we do from here?” he asked, looking at you. “I think there is only one thing we can do,” you whispered back to him. You closed the gap between the two of you. Your lips are crashing against his.
He feels his face heat up as you push his shoulders down slightly. He lays down on the couch as you start to crawl on top of him tasting the liquor on his breath. Your hips rest against his as your hands start to slide up his button-up.
You pull your lips apart for a second, you find his hands and guide him to your shirt. He gets the hunt and fumbles to lift it off your body. You aid him and it reveals your torso.
He stares slightly for a second seeing your tits spill out of your bra. You smirk at his staring, wasting no time unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. He shrugged his shirt off revealing all of his tattoos. His hands found your waist as you pulled him back into another kiss.
You used your hips to grind down on him, his boner resting nicely on your clit. Your pressure causes him to whine out. You pull away from him, moving your hands to unlock your bra.
“Take your pants off,” you instruct him. He is on his hands in an instant, you rip your bra off and sit up to take yours off as well. Johnnie's hands falter as he stares at your tits. “Don't get distracted.” you chastise. A grin spreads on his face as he feels blood rushing to his face and his dick.
You revel in his body, his tattoo-covered chest rising and falling. You lick your lips slightly as you walk back to where Johnnie is lying down on the couch. Your hand wraps around his jaw, lifting his head up and pulling him into a kiss.
Your other hand roams his body. He whines slightly into your mouth with the contact. His erection grew painfully with your attention.
His whining only increased as your lips moved to his neck, sucking and hitting on his skin. The marks left in your wake didn't leave for days after. Your delicate fingers slid up and down his torso.
“Mm fuck.” he whines wiggling his in anticipation. You notice his struggle and slide your hands all the way down to his bare hips. You pin him down slightly. That only encourages bucking. “You gotta hold still for me baby,” you mumble, bringing your hand down to his aching cock.
“Mhm,” he whines, nodding his head. “I can do that,” he whispered, watching your hand start to massage his hip bones. He sharply inhaled looking at your eyes as they darkened with desire. You turn and begin to straddle his lap.
He leans back on his elbows watching as you begin to place delicate kisses on the tip of his cock. He clenches his jaw in an attempt to hold back the moan that threatens to rip through his throat as you make your way down his cock.
His attempts fail as he lets out a high-pitched screech that he quickly attempts to conceal with his hand. “Oh that part is extra sensitive huh?” you coo batting your eyelashes before placing a lick up a vein.
“Jesus fuck you're going to kill me.” he whimpered. “Oh I don't plan on killing you sweet thing, but I'll get you close,” you whispered, against his neck. “Oh god,” he mutters as your hand slowly wraps around his aching cock.
His hands find their way to the dip of your back nearly drawing blood from his scratches. The combination of your grinding your cunt down on his side, your soft hand tightly fucking his cock, and your warm wet kiss spread out against your neck and chest he wasn't going to last long.
His cute little whimpers and moans only drove you further and further to your own end but you weren't going to get it simply from grinding your cunt against him. You let your ministrations stop pulling away from him. His worried eyes slowly grow excited as you reposition yourself above his cock.
You pumped it a few times before beginning to tease your clit and entrance with it. “Oh god.” he whimpered into the back of his hand as you teased his tip.
You decided to pity him and let yourself sink all the way down onto him. As you bottom out, we both gasped in sync. His hands found my waist as I slammed down on top of him. Unable to contain his sounds any longer, he let every pant, moan, and whine out.
Johnnie sounded like a bitch in heat as watched your delicious cunt swallow him whole. “Please don't stop holy fuck.” he mutters starting unable to see clearly as he feels the coil threatening to snap in his stomach. He tries to reach out and help you somehow.
You quickly swat his hands away, wishing to see his own pleasure rather than your own. His pretty whines and the faces he was making were worth it to hold off for a little longer.
And rewarded you were, with a particularly quick pump of your body let Johnnie finally unravel all the stress he had felt tonight. “Oh Jesus fuck.” his incoherent curse was lost in a sea of moans as he fucked himself into you shooting hot ropes of cum.
“Oh fuck oh my god,” he whined coming down from the high. You slow your pace to a stop watching him attempt to lift himself up. “Did you finish yet?” he asks, still panting.
“No, not yet.” you wander looking down at him. “Sit back,” he murmurs, gesturing towards the couch. You smirked but complied and sat down on the couch, Johnnie brought his fingers into your hair kissing you deeply. He brought his free hand down to yours and guided it to your clit.
You got the hint and started to pleasure yourself. He brought the still-free hand down and slipped a finger into your sopping cunt. After a second of pumping his finger in and out he slipped in two.
Your orgasim approached rapidly as it was your turn to moan. Johnnie swallowed every last one as he curled deep, hitting your g spot. “I'm gonna cum.” you warned as your legs shook.
Johnnie didn't stop his movements and let you cling to him as you rode out your organism. Your pretty moans felt like prayers to his ears. As you began to fall from your high he removed his fingers from you and placed a very loving and gentle kiss on the top of your head.
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
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Top-Secret Fiction Ch. 1
Date Scored
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Description: After meeting the one and only pro hero Dynamight on a dating app, you two begin to see each other. Because of the dangers that come with his hero work, you both promise to be completely honest with each other from the beginning; though you can't help but keep one big secret from him.
You write fan fiction, mostly about him.
Chapter Details: This story is honestly mostly fluff, some crack fic elements lol, lowkey fast pacing but IM IMPATIENT LOL sorry
Word Count: 1.2k
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It was a Tuesday night when you were on your computer, logged into HeroFiction.com and typing away at a new fan fiction you promised your readers.
You had been writing fan fiction as a hobby for about three years now and over time quickly began gaining followers. Now, you had almost four thousand readers that loved your work.
At first you wrote for a variety of heroes, until Dynamight started becoming really popular. You didn't see the hype in the beginning. He was so rude and destructive, why would you write about him?
Your mind didn't change for a while until you saw a video of him getting interviewed after taking down a villain. He was as rude as ever of course, but his face was covered in soot and his hero costume was ripped, showing his chest and arms. Watching that video made you realize how hot he actually was.
That was the moment you decided to start writing for him.
He quickly became a favorite among your readers, so you kept writing for him. It seemed as the more you wrote for him, the more you liked him. He was suddenly your favorite pro hero.
Now, you focused every piece of writing on him. It worked out perfectly for you. You and your readers loved it, it was a win-win.
So now as you were thinking of what to write next, your phone buzzed next to your thigh, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You grabbed your phone and looked at your new notification, seeing it was from the dating app you recently downloaded.
Now curious, you opened up the app to see what the notification was. It appeared to be a message from a recent match.
Hey sexy. Meet up 2night 👀?
Face curling up in disgust, you blocked the person and deleted the message. It seemed as if everyone on that app was just looking for a hookup, and not something long term.
Maybe it was foolish for you to think you'd find something serious on the app, but it didn't hurt to try right?
You closed your laptop, making sure to save your work, and began swiping through profiles on the app.
You continued swiping left for who knows how long, until you came across a profile claiming to be Dynamight.
Sitting up in bed quickly, you looked at the profile closely and read through it.
Katsuki Bakugou, 30
Pro hero. No, I'm not hooking up with you. Yes, I'm fucking real.
It was short and not so sweet, but it didn't seem fake. You swiped through his pictures. The first one was of him and other pro heroes dressed in their hero costumes. The second was a picture of him, flexing in the mirror, and the third was a selfie of him and a german shepherd outside.
Maybe you were being way too optimistic, but you really believed that this could be him. If it was, then you hoped that somehow he'd match with you. If it wasn't real, then it wouldn't be an issue, but you would be disappointed.
Feeling brave, you decided to swipe right.
It's a Match!
You never gasped so loud in your life. If it was already a match, then that meant he had to have swiped right on you before right? You bit your nails as your heart raced in excitement, wondering what you should even say to him now that you were matched.
But what if he wasn't even real? You'd just be embarrassing yourself by believing that Dynamight of all people, would be on a dating app and actually matching with you. This could be some horrible person messing with people, trying to humiliate them.
Now discouraged by your own thoughts, you just shook your head and closed the app.
Katsuki Bakugou: Hey
Your eyes widened and your eyebrows raised so high up they could probably touch your hairline.
"Oh my word!" You cried while gripping your phone. You opened the app once again and tapped on the new message, typing your own.
Me: Hello!
Me: I'm sorry but I just have to ask. Are you actually Dynamight?
You chewed on your fingers nervously as you watched the text bubble pop up, a message eventually following it.
Katsuki Bakugou: Yes I'm real. I can prove it to ya if you need me to. Idk how but I will.
You hummed out loud, thinking of what he could do to prove he's real.
Me: Uhh could you send a pic of yourself with a spoon on your nose?
Katsuki Bakugou: That's what you came up with?
Me: That's the only specific thing I could think of!
Katsuki Bakugou: Yeah yeah
Katsuki Bakugou: [image attachment]
Opening the picture, you saw exactly what you asked for. It was Dynamight with a damn spoon on his nose.
You threw your phone across your bedroom and shoved your face in your pillow, screaming in excitement.
"Holy shit." You said in disbelief, "I'm actually talking to Dynamight."
You got up out of bed and picked your phone up off the floor.
Me: Oh my word you're actually real
Me: Thanks for the pic lol sorry you had to do that
Katsuki Bakugou: It's fine. I get why you'd think otherwise so that's why I agreed to it.
Me: Well thanks again
Me: Anyways, can I ask why you're on here? Most people I've come across so far are only looking for one thing. If that's you then no judgement here.
Katsuki Bakugou: Someone I know recommended it to me. And nah that's not me. Being a pro hero and one night stands do not mix well.
Me: Understandable. I'm no pro hero, but I'm on here for something more serious you know? Even just finding friends would be nice.
You cringed at how pathetic you sounded and sent another text.
Me: Sorry, didn't mean to get sappy there lol.
Katsuki Bakugou: You're good. But I feel the same about wanting something more serious. Sucks that almost everyone on here is just a horny bastard.
Damn, who knew Dynamight was so relatable?
Right when you were typing a new message, another one from Dynamight came in.
Katsuki Bakugou: But anyways, when are you free? I wanna take you out.
Katsuki Bakugou: If you want me to, obviously.
You squealed at the message, kicking your feet in excitement. It was kind of surprising that he asked you out so early, but just from what you know about him and his personality, it wasn't out of character. Fast and straight to the point.
You bit your bottom lip as you typed up your response.
Me: Of course, I'd love to! I'm free this weekend.
Katsuki Bakugou: Alright, I'll pick you up Saturday at 5:30 pm.
Me: What do I wear?? Pls tell me where we're going.
Katsuki Bakugou: Can't. It's a surprise. I'll tell you what to wear the day of.
Me: Okay...
Katsuki Bakugou: Don't back out now.
You grinned and held your phone against your chest. You couldn't believe you scored a date with your favorite hero.
Suddenly, your cat jumped up onto your bed and in your lap. You gasped and picked him up, carrying him in front of your face.
"Hey Cheerios." You cooed, "I'm going on a date with Dynamight!"
next chapter
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authors note
i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Top Secret Fiction lol. this is my first multi-chapter fic so i'm a little nervous, but i think it's okay so far! pls let me know what you think 😊
also, if you noticed that bakugou seems to be a bit more mellow here, its bc he's older in this fic and i just imagine him as being a bit more calm as an adult.
btw sorry if the fast pace isn't something you like. i'm impatient lol
love ya!
taglist: @doumadono @lovra974 @54fangirl @andysdrafts @dagger-dragger @l4rsun1vrrse @emmab3mma @littlkittenfan @tatiquichi @cloudxluv @seonne @shonen-brainrot @the2ndl
those in pink cannot be tagged for some reason!
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peaches-creek · 5 months
Jason never, in a million years, thought he would want children, but here he was. You both were sitting in the waiting room of your OBGYN waiting to find out the gender of your baby, his baby. When you had told him that you thought that you were pregnant, an ache settled in his chest. He wasn’t upset or had any regrets, this wasn’t planned but you had been married for 3 years now, its not like he was planning on it just being the two of you for the rest of your lives. He was just worried. About the usual things a new parent should be worried about. Like the general health of the mother and the baby, if they were going to be prepared enough, and if he was going to be a good father. Which are all normal worries to have. But the reason they are different is because we are talking about Jason. Jason will worry himself to death over stuff like this, especially when it involves you.
“Mrs. Todd?” The nurse calls. Everything after that was a blur to Jason, who was riddled with anxiety. He notices them asking you all the questions that they typically ask at these types of appointments. He notices the way you smile, it relives him, only a little. The last thing he notices is them handing you a gown to wear so they can complete the rest of your appointment.
“Jason you haven’t said anything, are you alright?” You sweetly coax him out of his own head.
“Yea, I’m alright just,” he pauses, finding the right words, “just nervous, about the baby.”
“I know you are, and that’s normal. You are right to feel nervous, but I’m okay, the baby is okay, you are okay.” You assure.
“I understand all of that, but I’m mostly worried about me.” He says. You raise an eyebrow.
“Not like that, i am very worried about you,” he starts, “I’m just worried that I’m not gonna be a good dad, that m’gonna mess stuff up.”
“I’m not worried about anything like that at all, especially when it comes to you.” You say.
“You’re not?” He questions.
“Why would I? I have seen the way you are with Mar’i, the way you are with Damian. I’ve seen the way you are with people.” You persuade. You know he’s not in agreement.
“Jason, if you think for a second that you aren’t a good person, your pregnant wife is going to choke you out. She’s also gonna choke you out if you don’t help her get into this gown.”
“Oh right.” He stands, jumping to his feet to help you.
You don’t understand why he’s so harsh on himself, he has been nothing but attentive since you guys found out about the baby. You’ve barely lifted a finger in weeks. He has held your hair back while you threw up the delicious pancakes he made for you every morning. He just about ran to the store every time you had a craving. He made sure you were as comfortable as humanly possible. You wish he saw himself the way you did.
Once your gown was on right, he helped you back onto the table. Your small bump barely visible through the thick fabric. He can’t help but place a hand on it.
“So small.” He says.
“Yes, very small,” you say as you place your hand on his, “not for much longer.”
“True.” Is all he says.
The doctor knocks on the door, then enters. Everything after that became a blur again, Jason is absolutely vibrating with anxiety, and excitement. He has been excited about this, how can he not? Whenever he imagines your child, he sees a child with his black hair, your nose, his smile, and god, he hopes they have your eyes. He envisions their beautiful face and can’t help but smile. He has always wondered about that, ever since he realized he loved you.
When he sees the doctor lift your gown, that’s when he taps back in, holding your hand firmly so that you know he’s there, aware and with you. You turn to him and smile, a smile that always throws his worries out the window, and it does exactly that. The doctor puts the gel on your stomach and waves the wand around, chatting to you about how you’ve been feeling.
“How would you guys like to know the gender today?” She asks.
You turn to him, smiling.
“You ready?”
“Of course.”
She waves the wand around a few more times, pressing into the side of your stomach.
“Well would you look at that, a beautiful baby girl.” She smiles.
Jason’s head snaps to yours, just as yours had. He begins to chuckle, his eyes getting all watery, just as yours did.
“A girl.” Is a Jason says.
“Our Girl.”
As you finish up at the doctors, you can’t help but admire him, his face went from crisis to wonder. You can only imagine the thoughts running through his head. You usurp to ask the same question, but in a place of worry. You knew he was so hard on himself and you knew there was only so much reassurance you could give him.
He helps you back into his truck, when you finally were done asking questions, though they were all necessary, it did take up some time.
“Wanna get Chinese take-out?” He asks, reading your mind.
“You know the answer to that.”
As you pull your phone out to call in your order, he starts to think. He thinks back on your conversation earlier, finally trying to convince himself that he will be a good father to his kid - his daughter.
He thinks of Mar’i, his niece. He remembers when she was about 5 months old, her babysitter canceled last minute, and he had about 15 IOU’s from Dick, so he was the last minute babysitter. He remembers Kori showing him how to change diapers on the fly, showing him how to bottle feed, and then promptly left. He remembers being so scared at first, holding this tiny little breakable thing, but after the first hour? He was fine, he even read to a few chapters of Little Women to her. Sure, her diapers were the most record breaking shits he has ever seen, but it’s nothing he can’t manage.
He thinks of Damian next, the little shit. He remembers when he first met him, the kid tried to stab him. But after a while, he started to figure Damian out, like the games he likes, his hobbies, weaknesses. He remembers finding a three-legged kitten in an alley one day, and immediately knew who would take good care of the little fellow. He fondly thinks back at the face on Damian when he pulled the fur-ball out of his jacket.
He remembers the little girl he saved a few weeks back, how she clung on to him. He gave her words or reassurance, telling her that he’s bringing ear her to her mommy right now, and that she’s okay.
So, Jason determines, that once again you are right. He will be a good Dad. It doesn’t do any good to be so worried about something that may or may not happen.
“Y’know honey?” He says.
“You’re right. Everything will be okay.”
“I’m so glad you think so Jay.”
It’s silent for a minute. A sweet silence of two parents who got good news.
“Who should we tell first?” He asks.
“I say Damian, he owes me 15 bucks.”
“Roy owes me 50.” He chuckles.
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neos127 · 2 months
love is hard for park sunghoon (or is it?) — psh
office employee!sunghoon x fem!reader; genre. dating for convenience to real love, fluff notes. small drabble based on the manga ‘love is hard for otaku’ bc sunghoon gives nifuji vibes in these glasses!
otaku — is a japanese word that describes people with consuming interests, particularly in anime, manga, video games, or computers
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sunghoon was positive that he was unlovable. he was a video game otaku who slaved away at his nine to five job and had rarely felt the touch of a woman. that was until you came along, like a bright ray of sunshine moving into his cloudy life. you were very different from him, loud and obnoxious at times with a very outgoing personality. sunghoon claimed that you weren’t his type, but the lie was long forgotten when he looked at your beaming smile and bright eyes.
for some reason that sunghoon couldn’t comprehend, you were interested in him. you talked to him first and were the reason behind the man becoming a flustered mess. sunghoon tried to tell you that being interested in him was a bad idea, his relationships never worked out because of his workaholic attitude and obsession with his handheld gaming device.
“you too? my past boyfriends never understood my obsession with mangas and idols. but it seems like you would!” you said, your voice twinged with excitement. after that you had basically proposed the idea of dating for convenience and oddly, sunghoon agreed. maybe it was because he was just lonely and severely touched starved— or maybe it was because your stunning smile made sunghoon’s heart skip a beat or two. he supposed if the two of you were dating for convenience, it wouldn’t be crazy to actually fall for one and other…right? he was your ‘boyfriend’ after all, it only made sense.
sunghoon couldn’t help himself. you were so understanding and you could relate to his lifestyle unlike people he dated in the past. you also never left sunghoon alone, even when he was furiously smashing the buttons on the controller of his gaming console. you would casually sit behind the man, legs thrown over his as you read your manga.
“you comfy back there?” sunghoon spoke up, readjusting his glasses and clearing his throat. he hoped that you couldn’t feel how hard his heart was beating or the way his body had become hotter under your touch.
“yeah i’m good.” you mumbled, a slight smile on your lips as you nuzzled the side of your face into his back. your eyes never left your manga and sunghoon could tell that you were highly invested.
“did you need anything?” you asked, surprised that sunghoon even spoke. whenever he played his game, he went silent. the only sounds that emitted from his mouth were annoyed grunts and a slew of curses.
sunghoon sighed and turned off his game, detaching himself from you to put his controller away. you whined at the loss of contact which soon turned into a gasp when sunghoon practically pounced on top of you. he took the manga from you, the book seeming so tiny in his large hands when he snapped it shut.
“m’sorry i’ve been neglecting you.” sunghoon mumbled, his glasses slowly sliding down his face. you pushed them up with your finger, smiling at the way they slid down his nose again.
“you don’t have to apologize. we decided to date because we understand how each other operates, is that not correct?” you asked, surprised that sunghoon decided to apologize. you felt it was unnecessary, you were just happy that he allowed you to be in his presence.
“but i want to. you’re…different from other girls I’ve been with…in a good way of course. and for some reason, that makes me actually want to give you my attention.” sunghoon explained, the delivery of his words sounding extremely awkward. you giggled, finding it amusing how inexperienced he was when it came to relationships, but you appreciated his honesty anyway.
“if that’s your way of saying that you’re attracted to me— then I feel the same.” you said, reaching up to mess with sunghoon’s hair. he caught your hand mid air, bringing it back down to his lap before playing with your fingers.
“yeah um, i am positive that i’ve fallen for you. i know we only dated for convenience but, i really do like being in a relationship with you.” sunghoon confessed, avoiding eye contact with you. using your free hand, you grabbed his chin, turning the man’s face to look at yours.
“i really like being in a relationship with you too, hoon.” you replied, a small smile on your face. sunghoon was sure he would’ve combusted on the spot due to the way your nickname for him rolled so easily off your tongue. the man had never felt such emotions before and he was surprised by how much of a hold you had on him. he was sure that he would get down on his knees and beg for you— if you wanted him to jump, he would ask ‘how high?’.
sunghoon smiled, an actual real smile where you could see his adorable fangs. you hadn’t seen much of the expression before, but at that moment you concluded that it was your favorite thing in the world.
“can i kiss you, sunghoon?” you asked timidly, watching as the man’s eyes widened behind the frames of his glasses.
“yeah…yeah of course you can.” he answered, his heartbeat picking up the pace by a tenfold. you smiled at his nervousness, leaning over to place a hesitant kiss on his lips. before you could pull away, sunghoon grabbed the back of your head, holding you in place as he deepened the kiss and forced you to open your mouth a bit more. you let out a low whine, the sound going straight to sunghoon’s gut. he shivered against your body, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap.
“what are you doing to me?” sunghoon groaned once he pulled away, moving his face to hide in your neck. you chuckled and patted the top of his head.
“it’s just my charm. only a select few can see it so, congratulations! you’re special!” you explained, playfully tapping the man on his nose. he scrunched it up cutely, letting out a small chuckle at your enthusiasm.
“yeah, lucky me.” sunghoon mumbled, his voice monotone as ever. to most people, it may have sounded sarcastic and as if he didn’t actually mean it. but sunghoon’s lovesick eyes said otherwise…and you knew sunghoon better than most people.
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cosmicck · 1 month
a female reader fic❤
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why did people act as if it was so difficult to pleasure a woman? it wasn't hard, and how could people be so stupid to tell if she was or wasn't faking it. tom knew and could tell easily, and with that he could always adjust himself mid-round. wasn't difficult, so why did people act like it was? i mean he was a pornstar, but still.
you were as well, more of a rookie to be fair. you were the type of star only a few people would notice watching or scrolling past some videos on the hub or whatever site they used. it made you fair enough money, but not a shit load like tom kaulitz made. no one really knew how he blew off so fast. was it his looks? his voice?
it had been known to fake orgasms or make them seem overdone simply for the entertainment of the viewer. but the stars who were with tom? even the men said he had something others didn't, he knew exactly what he was doing and didn't just stick his tip in you expecting you to moan out on it like a bitch.
but you, out of all people was told to collaborate with him? with tom fucking kaulitz? they had to be messing with you, they just had to be. but they weren't, and a week flew by you were on a way more expensive set than the ones you were usually used to. the lighting was perfect, camera's at good angles instead of on guys just winging it. and there he was.
he was looking all pretty sitting there, a bottle of water in his hands as he had been sitting there waiting for you. for you. it was like your heart had stopped completely, how could you have fallen for him already? simply no way..he was just sitting there!
you hadn't really exchanged words, only understandings of what you were told to do when the cameras were shut on. to you, it was pretty basic. you would be there with clothes on, feel eachother up with a bit of kisses and then..sex. that was about it. right?
absolutely not. when the cameras started it went as planned, his fingers feeling up on your body softly, yours doing the same. his lips would come in contact with the skin of your neck, softly kissing and nibbling. this..this was fairly new. usually they just went right into it but he was so soft with it. it actually felt good.
oh but poor you..you got caught in his little trap just like honey. he had switched up almost the moment you had your body relax. his fingers would come to tug at your hair roughly, as his small kisses turned into bites along your pretty neck. clothes were ripped off as you instantly had your head shoved into the white cotton pillows. his two fingers would be shoved into your mouth, almost hitting your gag reflex you barely had anymore.
"be good and suck." you couldn't lie, it was his voice that captivated you. your lips and tongue had almost moved on their own, and you were coating his digits with saliva. he'd pull away, a string of spit connecting from your mouth to his finger tips. he'd rub up along your folds, slowly becoming wet on their own from the excitement coursing through your veins.
he had given no mercy, coming to shove his wet fingers into your entrance. "aw..poor girl, i can feel you clenching around me already, how cute." his fingers teased for a moment, each thrust he'd tease and purposely miss your spot that you at least wanted him to graze. your hips tried to push back onto him, yet his grip on your hair tightened. "ah-ah, don't act stupid now." he'd tut, shaking his head as if he was some disappointed teacher.
you had never felt so embarrassed..your eye liner they had given you smeared all over your face from tears, and your clit was throbbing from how hard he was going on you. how long had it been? how long had his dick been relentlessly going at your prostate, feeling like it was bruising. very unrealistic but thats what it felt like. the camera was catching almost every facial expression of yours, and gosh you couldn't even look at it like you were supposed to. "such a pretty girl, yeah? mhm..smile at the camera." his hands would grab at your jaw forcing you to look at the lense.
"hng— tom, tom please i can't.." his head would tilt a little, his hips coming up to thrust as slick and cum dripped down between your thighs, and he'd hold it there. "shh, i know i know." he'd place a 'loving' kiss on your cheek before you heard a womans voice yell cut.
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i wrote this in school ya'll better like it
@tomssexdoll @tokio-motel @cherry-rawr @20doozers @itsmealaiah @evieskiesss
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sky-is-the-limit · 9 months
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(+18/NSFW prompt/AFAB reader x Philip Graves)
Disclaimer: I'm not a writer, if you are, feel free to continue this!!
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Out of all CoD characters, I think the one with the biggest corruption/honorific kink would be Philip fucking Graves. He is possesive and though he's the most confident man in any room he steps in, he can't help but burn in jealousy if you give your attention to anyone but him.
Whether you work for him, with him or have nothing to do with his line of work, he'd have you on your knees, begging for him to touch you, begging his forgiveness for being such a dirty little slut who even dared to touch another man's shoulder while laughing at his stupid joke. As if he could make you laugh more than him, as if he could make you scream in pleasure the way he does.
He's the type of man to walk over with all the audacity in the world like he owns it, wrap his arm around your waist with the most menacing smirk on his face as he stares down the poor guy who even dared to approach you, watching him tense up, eyes not knowing where to look. He's observing this pathetic little man as he loses every ounce of flirtation in his body as Graves places a small kiss on your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
If there's one thing that gets him going, it's having authority over people. Stepping into a bar with you, all dressed up in his favourite tight dress, love marks decorating your neck from fucking you in his car earlier, watching men not dare to stare at you longer than two seconds because he's there. It fuels him.
You know damn well what's about to happen next. Some might call it toxic, deep down you know it is but you don't care. You love provoking him, watching his beautiful blue eyes darken, knowing exactly the two specific thoughts going through his mind:
1. Kill the fucking asshole 2. Fuck you so hard that you forget you even met him.
This doesn't surprise you, the tight grip on your waist, soft enough not to hurt you but firm so you know that reckless actions have consequences when dealing with Philip Graves. You know the type of man he is, his self awareness gave you plenty of chances to leave, to find someone your age, someone 'healthier' who could calm down your storms but no. You chose him again and again. Like a fiend desperately needing a dose of him, crawling back to him every single time and you'd have it no other way. You'd rather be faced down buried in a pillow, mascara running down your flustered cheeks mixed with salty tears, your throat burning from screaming that you can't even hear your own voice, just the wooden headboard banging against the wall while he slips in and out like a madman. Yeah, you'd rather have that than anyone else who'd treat you gently.
"You know what happens when you act like that, don't you?" His breath burning against your skin, his hand holding you close as he guides you outside to his car. The excitement caught up to your brain long before a proper response could, a sly smile forming on your lips as you turn your gaze up to look at him with an innocent facade you know he will see through.
"Yes." It won't be long until you give in, you know it. He always gets what he wants. Philip Graves is not a tease, he won't kiss your neck and play with the end of your dress, sweetly messing with you to get a proper answer, no, that's not him. He craves control, he wants to break you into a pathetic mess, slurring your words, legs trembling, making you cling onto him like you're wounded and he's the only thing that can heal you.
You don't even register how quick you went from touching the handle of the door to finding yourself against it, your back touching the cold window with both of your hands pinned to your sides. There's the look you wanted. His slight smirk doesn't fool you when his eyes are staring at you like that, full of determination, looking down into yours like he's one second away from fucking the audacity out of you in this parking lot.
"Now.. let's try that again, shall we?" Game on.
"Yes, 'Commander'?" the dismissive, sarcastic tone in your voice must've struck a nerve. You can see from the way his bottom lip twiches, his smirk disappearing but never breaking eye contact, not even to blink. With a swift move, he uses the firm grip he has on both of your wrists to turn you around, your chest and forehead now pressed against the glass so you can stare at the pathetic state of your reflection.
“I’m going to fucking ruin you, doll.”
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kairiscorner · 9 months
if u have time i wanna like request a 42!miles x reader where reader hears some girls shit talking miles about random stuff u pick !! and then she gets like super mad at confronts them and it turns into like this bigass fight a crowd forms and everything and maybe it could be like outside the building where miles is and him and ganke are eating and they hear the noises and stuff and miles is like “wtf is that.. 🌚” and ganke looks out the window and he’s just like “bro it’s ur girl what the fuck.. ⁉️⁉️😨⁉️” and miles is just like 🏃‍♀️💨 and pushes the big ass crowd away n sees his girlfriend beating the shit out of the person and he like breaks it up and takes her out of the area and she explains the whole thing ab how it was ab him and he’s jus like “you don’t even know how much i love you what the hell. ⁉️⁉️😣” and it’s just fluffy in the end ????
HELP WHY DID I MAKE THIS SO SPECIFIC.. if this is like too long don’t even worry about it pookie you already feed me enough w all ur fics im in LOOVVVEVEVE !! anyways congrats again 😼😼
say that again to my face. — miles 42 x fem!reader
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summary: sometimes, people forget that they should be minding their own business instead of giving their unsolicited opinions on matters they have nothing good to say about—and especially not to offend a guy's girlfriend by shit talking her boy when she's not taking any of your shit. pairing: miles 42 x fem!reader genre: slight angst and comfort word count: 1,519 author's note: AWW POOKIE, THANKIES !! man ngl, i like the thought of reader being the type of person to not take your shit and be the defender this time instead of miles, HE DESERVES SOMEBODY WHO'S WILLING TO GET HURT FOR HIM, TOO, OKAY !!! omg i hope you like this 💖💖💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the shuffling of feet and excited, worried clamoring of other students as they drew more attention to the occurrence outside of the school building was creating more and more tension as nearly everyone exited the cafeteria and went outside to the school grounds. "what's... going on?" miles asked ganke as they exited the cafeteria, with ganke's eyes widening as he got a good look of what was going on and who exactly was the center of attention right now for a not-so good reason. he grabbed miles by the shoulders and dragged him to a spot where he could view the chaos a little better. "dude, it's your girl, she's going crazy on this other girl!" he exclaimed with a rushed voice, worried for you as much as miles should've been, had he known it was you all along being gathered around and filmed as chaos ensued.
as soon as miles heard that his girl was getting some unwanted attention–having a whole crowd surround her–he had to get her out of there immediately. he wove his way through the people filming, cheering and chanting, and merely watching as you throttled this girl you were fighting the best you could–repeating to her as she exclaimed and tried fighting you back: 'what, too scared to say it again? huh? i'll show you who you're messing with this time, bitch!' the crowd went wild hearing you cuss, it wasn't rare for you to cuss since practically everyone was aware you weren't the most innocent person around—but you were definitely a sweetheart, to the right people; no one could believe you were capable of hurting someone this badly, not even miles could believe you were saying all these awful things that sounded so uncharacteristic of you. as miles made his way towards you, his eyes widened, his heart sinking in his stomach as he watched you wrestle with this other girl and screaming at her–hurling insults and taunts at her through teary eyes, yelling out in pain as she pulled at your hair and tried scratching at your face.
"mi cielo, enough!" he exclaimed as he dashed over to you, nearly tripping over as he got in between you two and took the other girl's hits for you. ganke had made his way through the crowd and helped you up, with miles telling everyone the fight was over, there was nothing left to watch, as he jogged off to see you by the infirmary as the crowd gathered around the girl fighting with you just earlier. after you got patched up, ganke left you and miles to have a talk together. miles founs it very out of character for you to have done what you did–after all, you hated violence; there was no way you would've fought that girl for no reason, not unless it was a good reason. "babe, please... what happened?" miles asked you in a soft, worried tone as he placed his hand on your arm and gently caressed you, rubbing your arm slowly up and down, hoping you'd answer when you were ready.
you took in a deep breath and pulled out your phone. "i know this isn't the most justified reason, but, miles... watch this." you told him as you unlocked your phone, scrolled over to your gallery and clicked on a recently taken video of you on the thumbnail. miles obliged and took the phone from your hands, watching the video as it played out. the video started off as a sweet little video message you were gonna send miles, a cute little short of showing him the dance moves you were practicing for fun and ask him what he thought–you were filming this by the sinks at the girl's comfort room, with nobody else there–until midway in the video, a couple of popular kids that used to bully you had entered, and you soon took your phone away, forgetting to pause the recording.
you remained silent and pretended to wash your hands, propping your phone down as you washed your hands to cover up anything else you were doing earlier, not wanting to attract these girls' attention. they were in deep conversation about such shallow things–boys, clothes, victims of their bullying escapades and laughing at their poor, pitiful faces–and you were getting all the more disgusted the longer you heard them. one of the girls then mentioned a name you were quite familiar with, it was, of course, your boyfriend's name.
"oh, yeah, that morales kid... he's kinda weird, not gonna lie." said the girl, causing you to involuntarily look their way. the other girls agreed, stating that he seemed too quiet or too cringy in his outfits, in his shoes, in his choice of friends–or in their eyes, his lack thereof. they cackled to themselves how, for a cute boy from middle school, he ended up seeming like a real 'weirdo'. "it's such a shame... i honestly found his whole little sweetheart act in middle school so adorable, now he's just a killjoy. guess his dad not being around taught him how to turn girls away from him instead of making him even a bit likeable." "what did you say?" you butt in, drying your hands, the camera still rolling and you not noticing.
the girls looked your way with quizzical looks in their eyes, they don't remember you since you had quite the difference in your appearance from when they bullied you a few years ago, but nonetheless, you seemed like a bug to them–a pest–like every other kid at this school that was at their disposal. the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing you up and down. "who are you?" "not important. now, what did you say again?" you asked her, your eyes narrowing at her, with her eyes narrowing down at yours. the girl chuckled and sauntered over to you, her face in the frame now–looking completely different than the beaten and battered girl from earlier. she smirked at you and neared her face to yours, which was still scowling at her. "i get it... you like him, don't you? figures, a little... nobody like you with a little freak like him, acting like little weirdos that think they're more than muck in gutters, thinking they're hot shit for standing up to me–" and with that, your nostrils flared as you fumed, and grabbed at her hair; furious that she had the gall to talk to you that way.
miles watched incredulously as you kept pulling the girl's hair, practically screaming at her to say what she said again as the girl retaliated and slapped at your hands, yelling for the girls with her to get you off her–but those girls did nothing to help. they walked out of the comfort room and presumably ran off out the halls to avoid your wrath. and after some roughhousing... you two ended up at the school grounds, where that all went down. after watching, miles looked at you with pain in his eyes; guilty tears soon filling his eyes as shameful tears filled yours as you clung on to miles' sleeve.
"babe, i'm sorry... nothing will ever make this better, but i... i never meant to hurt her, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to cause a scene, i... i just couldn't bear to have them say that to you..." you mumbled out in choked sobs as you began to cry. miles shushed you and wiped the tears from your eyes, cupping your face and holding you close to him as he set your phone away. "mi amor... i'm sorry, i'm sorry you... oh, i can't even... you didn't have to do that for me. i... i'm okay with being labelled as a weirdo, a freak–just as long as you don't get hurt. that's all i want... i love you more than you could ever know, you don't even... i love you, mi vida..." he whispered as he kissed your forehead, eliciting more tears to fall down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him tightly.
if he was gonna be honest, if someone else said the same things about you, miles would not hesitate to have done as you did–confront those assholes and show them what's what; but having that fone for him felt so... different. he felt guilty, somehow, that you got hurt and hurt someone for him–risked getting disciplinary action for him and getting a lot of people against you for him. he wants to make it up to you, but all he can do now is be here in the moment and reassure you that, no matter what other people may think of him, nothing matters to him as long as he has you by his side to be his strength to keep fighting every day and live. he'd gladly wear the title of 'freaky little weirdo' while hand-in-hand with you–because as long as you'd be safe, as long as you'd be okay, that's all that matters to him–nothing else, just you and him together.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq
485 notes · View notes
jaegeraether · 5 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 46)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (41) & Alexia Putellas x Character (10)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**Happy 2024!!**))
“And you just left?”
Ridley shrugged. There were sat at a café Ridley was introducing her to, waiting to order.
“It sounds like a good night…”
“It was.”
“And she forgave you?”
“She said she did.”
“And you shared dessert!” YFN’s eyes were basically hearts. “That’s adorable.”
“She can’t eat too unhealthily during season.”
“Don’t go making excuses now, Riddles, she wanted to share.”
Ridley sighed, the heat of the Spanish sun shining down onto her face. Her sunglasses could only do so much. She’d dressed for the pool they were going to be bathing around at Lucy’s place, black shorts and a loose, see-through white button up shirt with a black bikini underneath. She always took advantage of her days off by spending them in the sun or doing activities. She was much more excited to spend it with her Blue though. She looked over at her little smiling face, her dimples on show. She was also dressed for the pool and wearing quite a similar outfit, though with one of Lucy’s button ups, from the looks of it. She wasn’t quite as tanned as she’d been when they’d last seen each other in Australia, though. The UK would do that to you. She seemed much happier though. Happiness suited her. Lucy suited her.
“What’re you thinking?”
“Spain suits you.”
Her face flashed a happy surprise as her smile widened, and she pretended it didn’t. “You think?”
“Lucy loves it here…” She said, looking around them at the people who were so much more placid and in less of a rush than the UK. “Reminds me of Australia.”
“Do you think she’ll stay at Barca?”
“She wants to, but her knee…she doesn’t know how much longer she can keep going.”
“You know, anyone in her position would have quit years ago already. Her work ethic is impressive.”
“I know. I find it hard to believe she wanted me of all people…I’m really proud of her.”
“Don’t discount your worth, Blue. She’s very, very lucky to have you. I guarantee you bring her a lot of love and security that she’s never had before.”
Ridley had always been honest, though she knew where it was necessary. She also was incredibly good at understanding people. Even though YFN knew this, it still didn’t stop her partially freezing at Ridley’s words. She understood them to their core, and that’s only after meeting Lucy once.
The waiter came over, then. He was cute, polite, his hair was a wavy light brown mess and he gave them both the most genuine smile as he pushed the glasses up the bridge his nose. He was exactly Ridley’s type. She leant back in her chair to get a better look at him, not worried that she was obvious about it. She could feel YFN’s eyes roll and the man’s naivety slowly being replaced by his testosterone as he realised she liked him. He blushed lightly and gave a little, nervous laugh that made her want him even more.
“Good morning, my name is Christian, what can I get for you today?” He asked, his voice so Spanish that she knew he didn’t speak English. She assumed he was new to the café as Ridley hadn’t seen him before.
“Torrijas and pan con tomate, both to share. A café cortado for me, and an apple juice for my friend, please.” Ridley replied in perfect Spanish, ordering for the two before they’d even looked at the menus. YFN didn’t mind, she was used to it, and Ridley knew exactly what she wanted anyways.
She handed the menus over with a smile she knew would catch him off guard. She could hear a little nervous breath as he took them, able to compose himself enough to nod at both before he left. She watched as he went. She was going to rock his fucking world.
“Ridley…” YFN chastised. She was the only person in the world who’d not be encouraging at something like that. She kept Ridley’s morals intact, which is one of the reasons she loved her so much. Also, hearing her actual name from her lips meant she was in trouble.
“He’s cute.” She murmured, still looking.
“Poor form.”
“I’m not in a relationship.”
“And what about the conversation we were just having?”
“Alexia and I aren’t dating.”
“But you want to be.”
“Wanting and doing are two entirely different concepts. Maybe I just want to fuck her and my brain is pretending it’s in love with her.”
“You know that’s not true. Yes, you obviously want to have sex with her. But you’ve had the opportunity, and you haven’t really… that night doesn’t count. You know she makes you feel differently. I hear the way you talk about her.”
That interested Ridley. She thought she’d done a good job of being nonchalant when speaking about the hazel-eyed footballer.
“I don’t owe her anything.”
“You keep telling yourself that, Riddles.”
Ridley hated when YFN was disappointed with her, which was a rarity. Did she owe her something, she wondered? For the feelings Alexia made her feel? For the feelings Ridley made Alexia feel? For the tension? For the unsaid acknowledgement from them both at dinner the other night that they could be something more?
Argh, emotions, her thoughts muttered. This is why she avoided them because they were always so fucking complicated. She wasn’t bad at them necessarily, she just avidly avoided them, so it was funny that the person closest to her in the world, the one sitting on the other side of the table, was the complete opposite.
“Any plans for tonight?” She asked, changing the subject.
“Lucy is organising a meet up for the Barca team to introduce me,” she said, her disappointment gone and her smile back. So she’d be with Alexia tonight. As if reading her thoughts, “I’m not sure who’s going. Lucy’s handling all of it.”
“Mmn. And this dress you need is for which event?”
“Uh…GQ Awards?”
“In London? How did you manage that?” She was surprised, and a little suspicious.
“My boss knows people.”
“Mmnhmn.” Again, the suspicion, but she didn’t push. “Date?”
“To help Jordan and Leah, right?”
YFN had mentioned it was to support her ‘friends’ but hadn’t mentioned who. Though, she didn’t seem surprised that Ridley had made a correct assumption.
“Cheeky, but yes.”
“Okay, solo, representing your business, celebrity awards…obviously we need something sexy. It’s the Man of the Year awards so everybody will be dressing more masculine, even the women. Expect suits everywhere. So I’m thinking we go opposite and make you look so sexy that the men will want you on their arms.”
“I don’t want to go too crazy..”
“It’s okay, baby, I know exactly what you need.” Their drinks and food arrived then; the server just as nervous as previously. Ridley shot him another grin that had him tripping over his feet as he left. “And you said Jordan wants an outfit too?”
“Only if we find something nice. She’s been busy with training and doesn’t want to ask Leah.” She slid her phone over the table for Ridley. “This is what Leah is wearing.”
“Fuck me, she’s stunning. We can find something to match that. Jordan has a gorgeous figure. If Leah is in a dress, is Jordan happy with a suit?”
“I think she’d prefer a suit to be honest…”
“Perfect, I already have something in mind.”
“I also have her sizing-” The look Ridley shot her was almost offended. She was good at sizing. “Never mind, now what are these?”
“Apple juice for the drink. These are torrijas which are essentially a sweet cinnamon sugar French toast, but the Spanish way. They tend to get offended at that description, though. I know you like your sweet things. And this is pan con tomate which is a very popular dish in Spain where you have bread, usually ciabatta, which you brush with olive oil and toast before rubbing garlic cloves over the bread and then spreading the tomato on top. If I were to liken it to anything, it would be closest to bruschetta, just with tomato puree and it’s simpler.” She gestured to the tables around them, most of which had the same. “It’s very popular in Catalonia.”
“I feel like falling in love with Spain is inevitable at this point.”
Ridley allowed herself a chuckle. “Well, you’ll always have a home with me.” She let herself pause to see YFN’s smile. “If you’re used to naked people, that is.”
YFN groaned.
“What? You’ve seen me naked.” Ridley teased.
“You know, I think the noise would be the deal-breaker.”
She shrugged. “I soundproof. And then there’s the gags-”
Ridley was stopped by a small torrija launched in her general direction which she caught with ease and bit into as if it were meant for her.
They finished up their brunch and of course Ridley collected the server’s number before they left, much to YFN’s disapproval. Ridley made sure YFN had all of the attention and care she needed when they chose a dress. By the end of it, even she admitted it was stunning. It was a simple, charcoal grey satin dress which curved down around her body, hugging all of the right places. It was a spaghetti strap and low back to accentuate one of her best features, her back, and those dimples at the bottom. The design was so elegant and simplistic that even YFN loved it. They played around with hairstyles, Ridley eventually convincing her that a minimal boho side-braid would be the best with the dress the show off her collarbone on one side. They picked out jewellery, a simple silver necklace and a few rings along with an exquisite silver flower ear cuff. YFN had said she’d never felt so beautiful in her life. Ridley was proud of that. She loved putting confidence into others, especially YFN.
During her fittings and talks to the staff, Ridley had been doing some shopping of her own, amongst which was a suit for Jordan to wear. It was expensive, but money had never been a factor for Ridley as she purchased everything they’d chosen that day, including YFN’s items before she’d even had a chance. Ridley had YFN tell Jordan that she had a full outfit picked out for her as she drove them to lunch by the beach. A dip in the water was tempting, but they were already both hanging out for the pool at home. A lazy day, just with each other’s company.
“Do you mind if we pick up Chiquito on the way to yours?” Ridley had asked.
“He won’t fight with Narla?”
“He doesn’t fight with anyone unless it’s for my attention.”
“Okay, then.”
Chiquito was Ridley’s cat. He was a young, grey Turkish Angora that she’d rescued during her recent contract in Dubai. Due to the weather, he was a lot less furry than others of the same breed and being Ridley’s pet, he was quite used to all things outdoors including swimming. Unusual for a cat. They say pets are like their owners, and in that aspect he was, along with being the cuddliest cat on the planet according to Ridley. YFN had not met him yet, though.
They stopped by Ridley’s house, which she’d only seen in photos. It was massive. To own a house in Spain, you needed to be well off, let alone to own a house of that size. It was typical Spanish architecture, and from the state of it and the Spanish gardens, it was obvious she had people to take care of it. Inside, it was still original with a modern twist. The attention to detail was incredible, she knew Ridley must have had a lot of input into the intricacies of the place. Everything was so neat and tidy and…Ridley. Chiquito greeted them at the door, excited to meet someone new. He let YFN pick him up and cuddle him while Ridley showed her around the house. The outdoor area and pool were stunning. YFN’s jaw dropped. She knew Ridley was rich, but she had no idea how rich. She was scared to look in the garage.
“Why don’t we just swim here?” She laughed as she stared.
Ridley shrugged. “We can. Isn’t Lucy picking you up from your apartment, though?”
Your apartment, she’d said. A Ridley way of saying she approved of their relationship which was more important to her than she realised. “I can just give her this address.”
“Okay, it’s settled. We’ll stay here then.”
Two people rounded the corner then and YFN jumped.
“It’s okay,” Ridley laughed. “It’s just my housekeeper and caretaker. Blue, this is Maria and Mateo.”
She waved while Ridley introduced them to her in Spanish. They were a cute, older couple who looked happy to see someone other than one of Ridley’s casuals. Ridley asked them something in Spanish and they nodded, getting to work.
“They live in the guest house,” she said. “They look after the place 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I’m practically just their guest who’s home on occasion.”
“They seem lovely. What did you ask them?”
“I just told them to expect more company and asked if we could have some snacks out by the pool.”
Ridley was similar to Lucy, always hungry, because she was always working out. She showed her around the entire place, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, gym, kitchen, living areas and she even had a music room. Ridley loved her music. She’d always played when they were younger.
“Do you remember any of the guitar I taught you?” She asked.
“Some I think?”
Ridley grinned and picked up an acoustic guitar, handing it to her, before taking her favourite since high school, a cream coloured Sterling Cutlass. Ridley took a few more things including an amp out by the pool with them and set them up. YFN texted Lucy the address before they settled in for a swim and a play. Watching Chiquito get in the water and swim was one of the strangest things she’d ever seen, and it was hilarious to see him all soaked as he got out. They sun-baked for a while in their bikini’s and had a few jam sessions, the music coming back to YFN. Ridley could tell how much she’d missed it and the calm that came with it that she enjoyed. Snacks, guitars, swimming, Chiquito. It was perfect. They’d lost track of time, the sun getting lower in the sky. YFN was sprawled out on her sunbed in her bikini and open button up, eyes closed and listening to Ridley as she jammed to a song. Ridley was proud of her musical intelligence, following flows and creating her own melodies. She was sitting partially cross-legged on her sunbed, also in her bikini and button up, Bose headphones on and head moving to the sounds she was improvising. They had Spotify playing popular songs that she was improvising solos to, eyes closed and in her happy place. Chiquito was by her foot, now fluffy again with the sun drying his fur, curled up with his paw draped over her foot. He was a touchy cat.
She was in the middle of a solo to The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, one of her favourite songs, when a grape hit her head. She was undisturbed and reached for it, popping it into her mouth before another one hit her and she got the hint, her eyes opening to a sight she hadn’t expected.
Lucy was there. With Ona Batlle. And Keira Walsh. And Alexia.
Alexia would have been lying if she said she wasn’t turned on by the sight of Ridley jamming away in her bikini. YFN threw a grape at her, impacting her temple but she didn’t flinch, she stayed in her zone, even popping the grape into her mouth as her fingers expertly navigated her instrument. She opened her eyes at the second grape, though, her eyes immediately finding Alexia with a grin before they roamed over the others she was with. She popped the second grape in her mouth and tilted her head, pulling her headphones down around her neck.
“What in the world of football lesbians do we have here?”
Another grape hit her head. This one was thrown by Lucy, though, from her spot on the bottom of YFN’s sunbed.
“Are you secret royalty?” Lucy asked.
“No, just materialistic, I guess.”
Lucy chuckled at that and Alexia could tell they were already good friends. “I brought a few people, I hope you don’t mind. I drove them all to practise this morning.”
YFN was standing, introducing herself to Keira and Ona. Keira was happy to meet her, hugs and all. Ona was a little quieter than usual, Alexia realised. It had been last minute that they’d diverted and she hadn’t realised YFN would be here, she supposed.
“The more, the merrier.”
“The pool looks tempting. I would ask for a swim, but the sun is setting and we don’t have bikini’s.”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to a little skinny dipping, Bronze,” she replied with a wink.
“Riddlessss…” Came the warning from YFN. “Play nice.”
Ridley put her hands up in a gesture of submission. “Party wrecker.”
YFN rolled her eyes. “Ona, Keira, this is Ridley, Ridley, this is half of the Barca team,” she said with a laugh. It was a happy sound that made Lucy turn around just to look at her. She stepped forward and put a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder where she sat. “And you already know Lucy and Alexia.”
Ridley gave a wave. “Hola. And this is Chiquito. Welcome to our home.” She gestured around her as she picked up the little grey cat. “Have you come to take my friend away?”
Ridley stood then, most of her body on show. Alexia couldn’t physically help but stare at her. So many scars she hadn’t noticed before. And…tattoos? Ridley wandered over closer to the group, not bothering to close the button up like YFN had. With a body like that, she didn’t blame her.
“Sure have. I hear you helped YFN find a dress for Friday?”
“Not ‘helped’.” YFN said. “She did everything. And accessories. And hair. And Jordan’s outfit also. I can’t wait for you to see it!” She gushed leaning further onto Lucy. Alexia knew she didn’t mean to be so touchy in front of Ona, it was just how they were together. Thinking that, she remembered Ridley’s fingertips on her hand at the restaurant the other night, her lips on her cheek as she said goodbye, her fingertips rubbing her clit into her orgasm and through it-
“La Reina?”
That pulled her from her daze, her eyes immediately locking with Ridley’s.
“Are you okay with it?”
“With what…?”
Ridley’s smile and eyebrow raise made her feel like she knew she was the reason she was so distracted. That stunning face. Alexia was…nervous. It was an unusual feeling.
“I asked Ridley if she wanted to come tonight and she only will if you’re okay with it.” Lucy responded. She was standing now, one arm around YFN’s hip.
Alexia cleared her throat quietly and responded quickly trying to not be so obvious about wanting exactly that. “Si…yes I’m okay with it.”
Alexia tore her gaze off of Ridley, finding anything else. Her eyes fell on YFN who was biting her lip and Alexia wondered what she was thinking before she spoke. “We can meet you at the bar if you want?”
Ah, she must have been thinking about an awkward car ride sitting between Ona and Keira.
“Your clothes…” Lucy reminded her.
“I have plenty of clothes here. Many different sizes. We’ll find something cute for her to wear.” Ridley was confident.
Alexia wondered exactly why she had so many clothes, and her brain immediately thought of women she had over. Was it for them?
“It is…a boy?” Ona asked in broken English, stepping closer to Ridley and looking at Chiquito.
“Si.” She took a small step forward for Ona to pat. Ona was very much an animal lover. Keira stepped forward also when she realised how cuddly he was.
“How old is he?” She asked.
“Just turned one.”
“You adopted him?”
“She rescued him while she was in Dubai,” YFN answered for her.
Ridley rescued him? The thought of her seeing the little cat and wanting to take him home to Spain moved something in her. Her heart softened. He was very much obsessed with his mum, from the way he looked at her. Alexia felt a sadness in her stomach for her Pomeranian, Nala, who she’d recently lost. She pushed that emotion aside and gave way to the next which surprisingly was a deep jealousy, watching both Ona and Keira so close to Ridley, brushing up against her as they patted Chiquito in her arms. Keira stepped back first, being more of a dog than a cat person and even while Ona was still patting him, he looked over at Alexia and extended a paw in a stretch, slowly blinking. She thought she was going crazy, thinking he was gesturing to her when Ridley caught her attention.
“I think he wants to meet you.”
Alexia hesitated, not allowing herself to look up at Ridley just yet, for fear of daydreaming or doing something stupid again. She stepped towards the cat who was leaning into Ona’s hands, though looking at the Barca captain as she came so close she was almost touching Ridley. She stroked her fingertips through his soft, longish grey hair, noticing there wasn’t much of him. He was still a baby. And he was adorable.
“He’s intelligent, no?” She asked in Spanish.
“Si, very much so,” Ridley replied in perfect Spanish.
Ona’s head shot up. “You speak Spanish?”
“Of course, I live and work here.”
“Most people don’t bother to learn.”
She shrugged. “You learnt English, no? It’s rude to move to a country and not try to learn the language.”
“Wow, your Spanish is so good!” She complimented, listening to it roll off of her tongue. Ridley smirked at her and that jealously hit Alexia hard again. Very, very hard. So hard she felt sick and took a step back. She looked over at Lucy who’s eyes widened as she noticed.
“Okay, should we stop patting Ridley’s cat and go?” It was a deliberate sexual innuendo, obvious enough to earn her a slap on the arm by YFN. They grinned at each other.
“I’ll see you there. Text me the address.”
“Actually, we’re going to Javier’s bar…” Alexia said.
“Javier?” Ridley seemed confused and the look in her eye was almost as if she would back out. Alexia wasn’t surprised, she would have a lot of people flirting with her there. She couldn’t imagine she’d get through the night without spending some time up in one of the private rooms with someone.
“Is that okay?” YFN asked, a hand going onto her friend’s arm.
“Si,” she replied, pulled from her thoughts, her eyes finding Alexia’s. “Yes, we’ll see you there.”
Alexia was sitting on a bar stool, her leg bouncing as they waited. All of the Barca girls were there and having a good time. It was the middle of the week, so they weren’t drinking, just having dinner and chatting away. A hand touched her knee gently and she turned to Lucy who was giving her a look. A look that said ‘calm down, everything is okay.’
“They’ll be here soon.”
They’d arrived earlier, and Alexia knew that. Just as she said that, they walked through the door. She knew that because of the regulars greeting Ridley, and Lucy’s head snapping to watch YFN like she sensed she was there. Lucy stood automatically and Alexia couldn’t help but chuckle. They were just as bad as each other. While Ridley was tied up with some of the staff and regulars, Lucy introduced YFN around the table. Alexia forced herself to talk to Mapi and Ingrid across from her, distracting herself. She’d only lost sight of Ridley for a few minutes when the hair on her neck tingled and she smelled her perfume as she came up behind her.
“Is this seat taken?” She asked in Spanish.
Alexia shook her head as Ridley took a seat to her left, but not before introducing herself to Mapi and Ingrid over their table who gave Alexia a look. It was common knowledge around the team by now of Alexia’s ‘crush’. The ‘one who made her so grumpy’ Oshoala had said.
“Alexia!” Came another voice from behind her. She turned in her seat and grinned at Javier who had his arms outstretched as he came in for a hug and a kiss on either cheek. “Ridley was telling me about how your friends are dating…small world, yes?” He laughed.
“Apparently so,” she grumbled.
He laughed again at that. Javier was not stupid. He knew people. Not of people. But…people. What made them tick. It’s what made him so good at his job. “Servers will be around soon, I’m heading off for an early night, I just wanted to say hello first.”
“Sexy date?” Ridley asked.
“Oh baby, you know it. I’m going to blow his socks off.”
They shared a hand clap and a cheeky look between them. Javier said his goodbyes and left, but not before slipping something to Ridley that she caught out of the corner of her eye. Her stomach sank. Was it a room key, so she could fuck someone?
Lucy and YFN returned to their seats on the right side of Alexia, Lucy grabbing the bottom of YFN’s chair and dragging it right up against hers. Cute. Although Ridley wasn’t as close, she was very aware that she was right next to her, no matter where she looked.
“Alexia?” A small voice came from behind her.
She turned in her chair to see a young girl in a Barca jersey holding up a little teddy. Alexia took it out of politeness.
“Hola. Would you like me to sign this?” She asked in Spanish with a smile.
“No, that’s a present for you. Could I get a photo?”
Alexia smiled and nodded. She knelt down next to the girl and held the teddy up, one arm going around her as her mother took a photo of both of them.
“Thank you for my teddy, it’s very cute.”
“Her name is Nala.” Alexia hesitated, not able to find words. “Because you lost Nala.”
The melancholy must have been written on her face because her mother stepped forwards putting her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry, Alexia. She heard you lost Nala and wanted to give you something…I hope it’s okay?”
“Y..yes.” She replied, her voice cracking. “Yes of course, sorry, you caught me off guard. Thank you for this.” The last part was directed to the girl who smiled.
She watched them as they walked off and she returned to her barstool, holding the teddy to her with one arm. Nala. Fingertips touched her hand. She looked at Ridley who had lost all cheekiness, her eyes sincere.
“Are you okay?” The question was soft and just between the pair.
Alexia nodded. “Si, thank you.”
“She’s cute,” she murmured, looking at the teddy.
Her fingertips left her then and the skin where they were became cold.
The rest of the night was full of good talks, and a few awkward moments. Ona had been unable to stop her eyes wandering to Lucy, and it was obvious to everyone at the table besides her. YFN made her way around to talk to different people, Ridley mingling also. Ona had been flirting with Ridley and Alexia wondered if it was intentional, or just to distract herself from Lucy. From what she’d seen, Ridley had been polite about it, but that hadn’t stopped the jealousy. They all moved around, not really keeping their seats as they spoke to each other. Alexia kept her little teddy close so it wouldn’t be covered in drinks or food.
Ridley turned, so did Alexia who was a few people down from her. He was a handsome guy who’d had a few to drink, and he spoke to Ridley like he knew her.
“It’s me!” He said in Spanish with a slur.
She tilted her head.
“Oh! Max. Hola.” She seemed uninterested and as if he’d interrupted them, which he had. Still, her reaction caught Alexia off guard because she was usually nice to everyone.
He frowned. “I thought you’d be more excited to see me.”
“I’m with friends, Max. Is everything okay?”
“I just wanted to know if you’re free.”
“Clearly not.”
Another frown. “I’m beginning to think you don’t like me…”
“I’ve told you multiple times in the past that I don’t.”
“Come on baby.” He grabbed her jaw. “I wanna see what that mouth can do.”
Alexia took a step forwards but stopped as YFN grabbed her arm. “She’s got this.” She murmured.
Ridley slapped his hand away. “My mouth can do a lot of things…” She teased.
“Like what baby?”
“Like hurt your feelings. Now fuck off.”
He didn’t take it well and his jaw flexed as Ridley turned her back on him. A woman came over and grabbed his arm, dragging him away before returning and grabbing Ridley, spinning her around.
Ridley groaned. “What in the one mutual friend do you want?”
“That’s my boyfriend.”
“I’m sorry. Do you need a therapist? I have a great one I can recommend.”
A few of the Barca girls chuckled under their breath, enjoying the show.
“Fuck you. He’s a great guy! He was just being nice!”
“You see a lot of potential in a guy who obviously sleeps on a mattress on the floor.”
Alexia coughed to cover a laugh and from the side of Ridley’s mouth smirking, she knew she heard it.
“You’re just a fucking-”
“Uh uh.” Ridley cut off. “Before you try to hurt my feelings, take into account that I don’t have any, and that you probably do. Now go back to your boyfriend and maybe give him some attention so he’ll stop trying to pick up women in the bar like he does every other night.”
“He does not.”
She shrugged. “Just warning you. Have fun.”
“He’s…he just like sex. He’s the reason I’m happy.”
“Good for you. I’m the reason a lot of people drink heavily. Now fuck off before I call security.”
She raised her hand, gesturing to the security guard watching them. The woman looked over and thought about it until she gave up and walked away. Ridley nodded to the security guard who nodded back and kept an eye on them.
Ridley turned back around to the applause of the Barca girls and Alexia would be lying if she said she wasn’t incredibly turned on. Apparently Ona was also as she leant in and shared a chuckle with her about the ordeal. Alexia turned away but couldn’t find a distraction anywhere. Across from her, Mapi and Ingrid were kissing, and to her right, YFN and Lucy were getting closer, talking lowly with their eyes loving each other. She couldn’t be mad, but she was. So mad. Behind the madness she could feel loneliness and sadness. She looked at the time. 9pm. They had training tomorrow.
“I’m going to head off,” she murmured thinking no one would hear. They did.
“Already?” Lucy asked before looking at the time, her eyes widening and turning to YFN. “We need to get you to bed.”
YFN had an early flight.
“We’ll come too,” Mapi nodded.
“I want to stay,” Ona said, but it was directed more at Ridley. Her eyes flicked to Lucy and back though.
Alexia didn’t even want to hear the response, thinking about the room key in her pocket. She stood and said her goodbyes, holding her teddy close as she walked out with Lucy, YFN, Mapi, Ingrid, and a few others.
“Who needs a lift?” Lucy asked.
Alexia, Mapi and Ingrid put their hand up for that. Oshoala offered to take Patri and Keira home while Caroline and Marta were going together.
On the way to the car, they were approached by two young men wanting autographs. Alexia had seen them before, and knew they didn’t care about them, they just used their autographs to make money. The Barca girls brushed them off but they were insistent. One of them was going for Lucy and pushed YFN out of the way. She stumbled and fell to her knees.
Lucy saw red and shoved him away, helping YFN back onto her feet, putting her behind her protectively. “Get the fuck away from her.”
He put his hands up and backed away, Lucy waiting until far enough away to look at YFN’s scraped hands. She put her in the passenger side and closed the door, holding the rear door open for the others. Ingrid jumped in and Mapi was shoving the other insistent guy away before he got to the Norwegian. Alexia was last, and obviously his prime target.
“Alexia!” He held out something for her to sign. She ducked her head kept walking to the car. “What, so you’ll only sign it if I’m a girl? Typical lesbian.”
What he said was disgusting, but it wasn’t something she hadn’t heard before. She kept walking to the car as he backed away, though he seemed to change his mind and before she got to the car, he snatched the teddy from her arms and ran away.
“No!” She yelled after him. Nala. He jumped into the car his friend was in, both laughing as they started the engine. Alexia knew better than to pursue in case she was hurt and just stood there, her arm still outstretched a little from when she’d tried to stop him. She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes. A hand touched her arm and she turned. Ridley. One look at her face and Ridley’s jaw flexed, her expression changing to something Alexia hadn’t seen before. Ridley ran to their car as they started it up and grabbed the door handle. It was locked. They stuck their finger up at her and started to drive off. She ran with them and that’s when she smashed the front window in with her fist. It took a few tries and Alexia gasped when she watched it, knowing how much it must have hurt. The guys yelled and hit the brakes as she leant through the window and grabbed the teddy. She left them there, and wandered back over to Alexia, her anger disappearing as she did so. The car sped off behind her. Alexia looked wide eyed at Ridley as she handed the teddy back to her as if it was nothing.
“Some things can’t be replaced.” She murmured, not meeting her eyes.
Alexia’s lips trembled and she wiped the tears from her eyes, taking it and holding it close to her. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now, can you drive my car to hospital please? I broke my hand.”
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youronlylie · 19 days
hello people in my phone
BOONE head cannon list, just a mix of stuff that'll probably change later ( THERE WILL BE MORE ) 1/?
• He undoubtedly was ripped/heavily worked out being in the ncr, after moving to novac and loosing his wife he undoubtedly lost a lot of muscle but...guys he still is literally like beefed.
• He cannot fucking cook for shit, he understands what shouldn't be put in your body but from there he has no clue.
• Going off of cooking, he has strict times where he eats, like routine from the ncr.
• For some reason he strikes me as a guy who really enjoys fruit whenever he can get his hands on it.
• Cannot tolerate any sort of spice.
• Smells very mettalic, sweaty, like man must.
• Has a soft spot for cats.
• 1000% is not bald, just shaves his head as he probably prefers the look.
• I feel like with a romantic partner, since he isn't one much for talking his love language would be physical touch or gift giving, I could imagine him seeing stuff he knows they'd like and saving it for later, excited to see how they'd react.
• He would definitely have a special place in his heart for fantasy movies, he doesn't seem to be able to express himself well and I feel like the creativity of something like lord of the rings would get him going.
• I seriously cannot pick so I'll include both, he is either an extreme cuddler with a romantic partner or on very rare occasions, he's just terrible at expressing emotion.
• If the courier and him are something like romantic partners he'd definitely never be able to sleep, often awake staring and listening for noises, waiting for the next cascade of legionares but it never happens and he eventually learns that.
• I don't think he'd ever get married again unless it'd be over 20 or so years in the future, it's a type of commitment that I don't think he could mentally handle whatsoever unless he is totally over Carla.
• I definitely do think boone could find love again in another person, he's scared and alone, fearful for any sort of attachment.
• 10000% has really really nice man hands, like large hands with nice fingers.
• Is definitely tall but not close to arcade tall, 6' ish at MOST, I just feel like looking at his build and concept art that he is definitely a tall man.
• Secretly really has a thing for drawing whenever he can, especially when he was nested at novac, sitting up top the dinosaur scribbling stuff on old receipts or whatever else it helps him get his emotions and thoughts out.
• irl he would be so patriotic it's not even funny, like he'd go all out for fourth of July but is the somber type so he'd cook hot dogs and whatever else then sit in the corner and watch everyone else.
• Has a thing for memorizing features, very very very intuitive and will remember almost anything you tell him.
• He is so the type of guy to enjoy snow, like yeah he'd probably be kinda pissy for a bit but if you pushed his buttons enough I feel like he'd mess around with the courier.
• He absolutely like no doubt has nightmares, like the ones where you erupt in cold sweat and your throat is sore.
• If he does sleep like ever, along with nightmares he grips the sheets, rolls around a whole lot, mumbles. In the ncr he was the total opposite, stone faced, layed straight and slept some what peacefully until later on in his ncr years.
• Yearns for someone, even platonic, to just sit beside him, no words and scratch his back and kinda just touch him lightly. I don't think he'd cry but it's something I could imagine would bring him close to tears.
• He absolutely probably finds almost everyone annoying, like, he just is done with everything and doesn't give two shits about what anyone has to say unless the courier puts some sense into him.
• Really disagrees with gambling, just doesn't like it.
• Wishes he had a nice farm house, out somewhere away from everything, where it has everything he needs and could be away from absolutely everyone. ( of course after extracting revenge on the legion )
• He wants to learn how to play guitar, either he has tried and is horrible or has just never gotten the chance, I have a feeling he'd really be into (irl) like classic rock or something smooth.
• Cannot look at people with features his wife had the same, down to personality or looks.
• Absolutely dreads deep down without realizing going back to novac when the courier disbands him.
• He would like having books read to him, he's a listener not a reader, likes hearing people's voices just not his own.
• At a point probably had a nickname for his rifle, something like Beth or something that was a joke between him and Manny.
• Manny 1000% at a point tried hinting to boone or even confessing his love for him, either the point never got across or they got over it together. ( somewhat ish at a point )
• In all reality I play him out to be a really sweet guy, which I can imagine and he can somewhat tend to be but he ultimately really doesn't care, he'll kill in order to get what he wants ( so be it revenge or whatever else ) even if he isn't necessarily fond of it.
• At a point, consumed by guilt he forgets what Carla looks like and that eats him up inside, like the teeth gritting soul crushing ache for revenge, and a year or two leads him to completely forget her complexion.
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anilovie · 5 months
Hii tilly I love your writing sm! I’d really love more shy or innocent reader cause I think he’d be soo sweet with someone like that, if you had any more thoughts! Thanks! 💕
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I do have some more thoughts!! these are some more technical headcanons based on his character , but i hope you enjoy!! 💖
CW: fluff
WC: 300
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♡ I think he'd be super, extra sweet with you when you first meet because he can tell how nervous he makes you. He doesn't wanna scare you off, so it's like he takes his personality and dials it back tenfold. He never talks down to you, or yells, or even teases you in any way cause he knows you'd take it too literally and get embarrassed and he doesn't want that!!
♡ But once you become more familiar and friendly, he'd let his teasing-side out. He loves to make you squirm and smile all sheepish, get you to the point where you can't even speak, can only mumble bashful little responses he has to strain to hear.
♡ he thinks you're incredibly adorable, the way you get so tongue-tied and awkard around him. you can't even hide it, cause you get all fidgety and jumpy and defensive if anyone calls you out on your odd behavior. you only get this way around him-- because of him.
♡ If you're in a group of people and you start to say something, his eyes are always the first on you. You're a little more soft-spoken than most, so sometimes people don't realize you're speaking; but since Anakin always has eyes on him, people notice who he's listening to. So just turning his attention to you makes people listen to you, too. You never have to worry about going unheard around him -- cuz he'll physically hold a hand up to make people stop talking, all "hold on, hold on, what was that, Y/n?"
♡ Your chest always gets warm and fuzzy cause no matter where you are or what you say, he's listening even if it seems like no one else is. you could mumble something just for yourself, or to no one in particular, but he'll still respond like you were speaking directly to him. You think he's just got superhuman hearing, but really he's just paying attention and hanging on to every word you say.
♡ if you have to meet a new group of people, he slings an arm around your shoulders as he leads you up to them -- it's comfortable and casual, and strangely helps you come out of your shell a little more than if you were standing alone.
♡ i also think he'd get extremely, irrationaly jealous if he saw you talking to other people super animated and excited, cause you rarely let him see that side of you yet. You open up like a flower, and he wishes you could be that way with him.
♡ Ahsoka’s always talking about how “you said this,” and “you said that” and “you’re so funny,” — He wants to laugh at your jokes!!
♡ He wants to hold your pretty face in his hands, and kiss you till you’re breathless, and taste your moans in his mouth. He wants to hear about your day, and brush your hair when you’re too tired, and swipe his thumb over your pulse to see how hard it’s beating. He wants to clean up after your messes and fight the bad guys off of you and pick you and spin you around and pinch your cheeks and tuck you in and wipe your tears and and and —
♡ all that said, i think his patience really gets tested sometimes. Not in a bad way, just in a way that makes him rethink his whole personality and how he approaches things. usually he's an "act now, talk later" type of guy, but with you he has to go slow. So slow. Especially when you finally end up together.
♡ takes you forever just to be able to kiss him, but he never pushes it. he does, however, encourage affection whenever possible because he knows that the more you get used to it, the more comfortable you'll be with him. he butters you up to the point where you're the one asking for his lips, his touch, his honey-sweet words-- He's so open, generous, and giving with you that it makes it impossible to get shy or nervous with him.
♡ Like-- it's sort of hard to get embarrassed about something when he's the one literally begging for it, on his hands and knees for any crumb you could offer him.
♡ I said it once and I'll say it again -- he's got no shame, so the fact that you have enough for the both of you means he's gotta double his efforts to prove how pointless it is. you have absolutely nothing to worry about with him. He's already chosen you.
♡ He's a charming guy. I think he could make anyone feel comfortable around him no matter how shy they are. and i think he secretly loves that you're like that cause he likes to pull your strings and tease you and squish your cheeks when they get all hot and you try to turn away.
♡ he gets some kind of sick satisfaction pushing your buttons just right, to the point where you get all teary and can't even look at him. he likes having that power over you, cause then he can just pull you into his chest and kiss it better again :)
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thanks for the message!
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
What will your future spouse find attractive about you?
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How to choose a pile?
Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Kindly ask your spirit guides to show you the right pile for yourself and then open your eyes. Whichever pile catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
The way you're always ready to learn and the way you're not afraid to accept your mistakes. I'm seeing that you're someone who doesn't get mad at someone for pointing out their mistakes rather you try to fix them because you know that doing this will help you improve and this will be madly attractive to your future spouse. I'm also seeing that you are a fast learner and you learn like a pro , your future spouse will be in awe at how much you know. Another thing I'm picking up on is that you are your future spouse's ideal type. The way you keep moving forward with your life and the way you don't let bad or negative feedback or things hold you back will be really attractive to your future spouse. I'm also seeing that you can have nice shoulders or collar bones. When you'll wear black or any dark color that is going to be an end ( not really) for your future spouse. Your future spouse will love to see you in black clothing. Your future spouse will love how accepting and open minded you are for sure. The way you don't judge people will be really attractive to your future spouse. This might sound weird but your future spouse will love the moles on your body lol.
Random things I heard while channeling: swordsmanship, bunny teeth, cat eyes, crooked lower teeth, monolid, short hair.
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Pile 2
Most of you have seen Frozen right? So you know that scene where Anna wakes up with her hair a mess, drool on her face? I see that some of you look exactly like her when you wake up, so that will be really attractive to you future spouse lol. I'm also getting that your future spouse will love to see you sleep. Your future spouse will love the way you communicate and the words you use will be really attractive to them. I'm also getting that some of you have a really attractive voice. I'm getting that you guys dance, or jump around when excited or happy , that will be really attractive to your future spouse. The way you don't get overwhelmed by work and the way you're a master at managing. I just heard " I work well under pressure" lol. The way you word to make all your dreams come true. I am also getting that some of you may be seeing 1111 a lot of this could be a sign that you'll meet your future spouse soon. You guys are really passionate about your life and you guys have experienced a lot of things both good and bad. You guys have a lot of wisdom and I see that your future spouse will be learning a lot from you.
Random things I heard while channeling: angry Birdy , it's pajama party all day long, only sociopaths love mint chocolate, I would give all the cookies to vampires, those guys look depressed.
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Pile 3
Your unpredictability is going to be really attractive to your future spouse. They will love the way you always manage to shock them somehow. I'm seeing that you guys are the people who don't show all their cards at once. People really can predict what your next step will be and that is hella attractive. Your future spouse will love the way you can say things to other faces without feeling guilty or making them uncomfortable. I'm also getting that some of you say the most random and questionable things sometimes. Your future spouse will love the way you are always ready to help and guide others. Unknowingly you'll always keep your future spouse wanting to know more of you. Your future spouse will love the way you walk , some of you may have a unique way of walking. I'm getting that the way you walk screams queen/king. I'm getting that you might like giving handmade gifts, this will be really attractive to your fs .For your future spouse you're like a diamond and they want to take care of you. I'm getting that some of you may like being spoiled rotten and your future spouse will do just that. Your future spouse will love your craziness and your pranks. Your future spouse will love the way you're able to keep up with their craziness too.
Random things I heard while channeling: squishy stress reliever, highschool sweethearts, dance as if it's your last, knitting, artistic
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