#penguin recommended
universitypenguin · 7 days
can you recommend any COD fics? I’ve become interested
Thank you so much for asking me this question!
It turns out that I have a lot of fic recs… I just kept adding and adding to the list. Putting this together took like two days because I just kept going and going 🤣
There are smut links below - I didn’t bother labeling them specifically, so preceded with caution. As usual, read all of the respective author’s warnings before reading their work!
Also, I tried not to tag anyone twice but I probably missed some doubles. If any links are broken, please let me know!
Alejandro Vargas
Pros & Cons - @homicidal-slvt
Best Friend’s Dad - @allemantheias
NSFW Alphabet - @ghostsvacuumcleaner
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Whiskers & Wishes - @sageyxbabey
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend - @gloomwitchwrites
Baby It’s Cold Inside - @kyletogaz
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts - @soapsgf
Better Not to Know (ch. 1) - @random-thot-generator
Simon “Ghost” Riley
I’m So In Love With You - @nomadstucky
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend- @/gloomwitchwrites
Please, Love Me - @/rowarn
Through Me (The Flood) - @/peachesofteal
Ex!Husband Simon - @oceantornadoo
Baby, It’s Cold Inside - @kyletogaz
Plane Crash - @ceilidho
Simon’s Girl - @audisive
Ghost & his tiny gf - @/ramagallery
Roommate!Simon - @schrodingerscougar
Snappy Reader - @lovelyghst
Ex-Husband!Simon - @cntloup
Simon Riley x Soap’s Sister - @seresinhangmanjake
Period Sex w/ Simon - @cntloup
New Year’s Fireworks - @i-am-hungry-24-7
Love Language - @yeahjadefinitelyfeel
Simon’s Love - @tojisun
John “Soap” MacTavish
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend - @/gloomwitchwrites
Enamored - @/rowarn
Soulmate AU - @all-purpose-dish-soap
Second Chance - @bookbrokelibrarian
Virgin x Soap - @/captainfern
Johnny Has Amnesia - @manticore-fangs
Safe Word - @lunarw0rks
An Interesting Errand - @mi-i-zori
Captain John “Bravo-6” Price
Good Fences - @the-californicationist
The first chapter of the “Good Fences” Fluffubury series. I’ll list the next few chapters below. This is one of my favorite Captain Price stories, it’s so good! 🥰
Good Fences / ch. 2
Good Fences / ch. 3
Break Up With Your Toxic Boyfriend - @/gloomwitchwrites
The Ocean - @peachesofteal
The Neighbor - @ivymarquis
Stay Away - @captainfern
Bear Shifter! Price (part 1) - @/ceilidho
Phillip Graves
You’re Being Detained - @writersdrug
The House Sitter - @shadowlali
Overstimulation w/ Graves - @/captainfern
My Favorite - @aphrodisiaxcunt
Experience - @rowarn
Bad Boyfriend - @lunarw0rks
All of the 141
Just Like Dad - @/gloomwitchwrites
Sex Pollen - @shotmrmiller
Self Esteem - @waiting-so-long
Showering With the 141 - @mushies-stories
Drunk Reader (Part 1) - @mushies-stories
Reader w/ Amnesia - @bookbrokelibrarian
Love Bites - @l0velylecter
Reactions to you flinching - @empresskylo
Controversially Younger GF - @sweet-as-an-angel
Author Recommendations
Author Recs - (courtesy of @/captainfern)
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mildh4nn · 10 months
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Doodled the gang in the bus, then realized I wanted to see it painted,,, so I took a photo and slapped some colors on ps.
I didn't want to retouch this doodle much besides some quick fixes and tugs too? Working on a smaller hand sized sketchbook was nice.
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aiweirdness · 1 year
used DALL-E's image completion mode to reveal never-before-released emoji
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Featuring such species as all comb chicken, mushroom deer, shopping owl-penguin and also "cyclops penguin will fight you," three-legged owl-lion, the baby horse-seal, and ORBS
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especially handy if your name is Wes and you like pigeons
more at aiweirdness.com
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pieandpaperbacks · 3 months
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Currently reading: Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin
I stand at the window of this great house in the south of France as night falls, the night which is leading me to the most terrible morning of my life.
There is nothing I can add to the discussion around this book that has not already been said by someone much more erudite than me. It's beautiful. Go read it.
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nolookeyyy · 2 months
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rookie sid
source x
bonus sketch 🪿
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oneshortdamnfuse · 2 years
The fact that kids can’t regularly see “traditional” animated movies in theaters regularly anymore is kind of sad actually. I’m not against other formats, I just think you could do a lot of creative things with this style and I’m sad to see it basically disappear.
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arabriddler · 4 months
guys please recommend me your favorite penguin media I miss him so much and it’s hard to find (proper) content about him
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sardinesinthegarden · 7 months
My fave reads of 2023 in a collage zine :•)
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deadpresidents · 3 months
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I'm just taking a moment to let everyone know that Steve Coll's new book, THE ACHILLES TRAP: Saddam Hussein, the C.I.A., and the Origins of America's Invasion of Iraq (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO), is incredible and you should all read it. It's available now from Penguin Press.
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the-meaning-iz-42 · 4 months
When I tried to read the Odyssey I managed with great difficulty.
When I tried to read the Illiad I gave up halfway through.
But then I decided to try and listen to it via audiobook and by the gods above now I'm so enthralled. If you're having trouble reading Homer go listen because he was a poet of the mouth and it was intended to be listened to.
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universitypenguin · 8 months
we’re getting smut again?! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 i’m so excited!!! the main reason i sent this ask was bc i wanted to thank u for getting me into top gun maverick bc when i tell u i’ve watched that movie more than 12 times at this point in a span of 2-3 weeks, i’m dead serious. so much thanks 💗😋
You’re welcome!
Personally, I’d have to thank the anon who asked about what Zach and Landon looked like. When I responded, I think someone else mentioned that they’d been imagining Zach as Jake Seresin and Landon as Rooster. That was the first time I’d heard of the characters.
My brother had already gone to see TGM in theaters and his official review was: “it’s exactly what you’d expect it to be.” He meant that he liked it, but that comment didn’t really gear me up to go see it, you know? 😂
So, until they wandered into my ask box, I hadn’t thought much about watching the movie. Then my Dad wanted to watch something on Paramount+ when I was home for the weekend and well… guess what I picked? Yep. Top Gun: Maverick! I loved it and I’ve watched it four times now.
Off the top of my head some of my favorite TGM fandom writers, in no particular order, are:
You should definitely check out their blogs, if you haven’t already!
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the---hermit · 1 year
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The Lottery and other stories by Shirley Jackson
I savoured this short story collection in small bites during the last month and I am finally done with it. I had already read a few stories included in the edition that my friend kindly got me at Shakespeare & co. There were ups and downs in this book for me personally. Overall I would say that I was reminded of how Shirley Jackson is able to instill a very specific kind of anxiety, which is insane. It's always that feeling that you have no control over mundane things, that people around you are somewhat plotting against you, that somehow everyone knows something you don't. On paper it sounds like something that should trigger me way more than it actually does when I am reading her stuff, which just tells you how good of a writer she is. I will not talk about all the stories, I would inevitably end up spoiling them which is not the goal her so here's a little list in no particular order of the ones I liked the most: The Lottery, The Witch, Nightmare, Journey With a Lady, The Order Of Charlotte's Going, The Very Stange House Next Door. The other stories in the collection didn't do much for me, but I understand it's pretty personal. What I can overall say about this author is that her writing is impeccable. She has a very distinct style that you can see from page one of anything you might pick up by her. I never read anything quite like hers and I am really intrigued to read more since I have only read two of her most famous novels.
I read this for the horror prompt in the 2023 genre bingo.
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jumex-again · 2 years
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More of the headcanons for the birds and some mammals |PoM
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door · 1 year
back in october we had cause to drive to gettysburg, pa, and while there stopped into a little coffee shop which had a spooky seasonal menu. i ordered the "salem fog," and my life was changed. an "english fog" is an earl grey tea latte with a pump of vanilla syrup, so the "salem fog" is an earl grey tea latte with a pump of hazelnut syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
my workplace has a little cafe, which i mostly avoid because they cannot brew espresso without burning it, but very occasionally i'll get a tea. after returning from gettysburg, i explained the salem fog and asked if they'd make one for me. the barista was delighted to oblige, and since then i have converted 2 staff members to the salem fog.
this afternoon, i went in to get one and there was an entire new person working. i started to explain this strange thing that i wanted and she went OH YOU'RE THE HAZELNUT!! I'VE HEARD ABOUT YOU!
now i'm like. am i this place's version of the coffee with 1 pump of blueberry guy
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Club Penguin Times: Issue 315, 2011
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lupines-slash-recs · 11 months
Rec: Just Admit It by Penguin_Beak
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Title: Just Admit It Author: Penguin_Beak Canon: Wednesday Pairing: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 18,562 Summary: Wednesday walks in on Enid and Ajax making out. An argument ensues which leads to a revelation that she
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