#otp: well why do you let her?
dylanconrique · 1 year
i need lucy to be taken care of. she always goes so far out of her way to help others in need and i love that about her, but i don't think she's had a real break since her recovery from being kidnapped and so much has happened to her since then that i just need her to be hugged and taken care of. not only by tim, but by everyone else too. 🥺💗
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wordsbyrian · 1 month
Would you pls do a Mary earps imagine with them filming TikTok’s together and being otp x
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A/n: Not exactly what you asked for but close enough i think.
TikTok is the bane of your very existence.
It’s the bane of your professional life as a chef because everytime you turn around one of your crew is using prep time to make a concoction and upload it to that godforsaken app.
And in your personal life?
Well, in your personal life, it feels like every time you blink you're being sucked into filming one of those stupid videos with your girlfriend.
The first time it happened, you were barely even sure what was going on.
The two of you had been getting ready to go on a date to a relatively nice restaurant, when she pulled up in front of her phone’s camera so she could show off what you were wearing.
That had been the beginning of the madness (as well as a very hard launch of your relationship to the public).
It didn’t really matter what you were doing, if Mary had decided that a video needed to be filmed, it’d be filmed.
A literal walk in the park. TikTok.
You driving. TikTok.
You tearing a member of the kitchen staff a new one. TikTok. (Although she’d been asked not so politely by the head chef to never do that again).
You cooking in your shared flat. TikTok.
Hell, she even made a TikTok of you sharpening your knives, a task you find completely mind numbing.
And if having your every move recorded wasn’t bad enough, she also had you joining her in filming one of the more popular trends. You mouthing along to the silly sounds that are currently popular on the app. Or worse, dancing, you hate the dancing.
Asking how often you think about the Roman Empire (only as often as you need to).
Throwing herself fully clothed into the shower  and singing Taylor Swift while you were trying to brush your teeth.
Making you record a two second clip of everytime you changed clothes while on vacation.
The list is neverending.
Which is why you should be more alarmed when you see her walking into the kitchen  with her phone out but you’re too focused on chopping the vegetables you’ll be using in your meal prep.
 “Baby,” she says.
“Can we record a TikTok?”
“Can I keep doing what I’m doing,” you ask in return, still not looking up from the cutting board.
“You don’t need to do anything but stand there and look pretty,” Mary says as she sets her phone up next to you. “And answer questions,” she adds as an afterthought.
You roll your eyes but don’t make any additional comments as you see her hit record.
“So a ton of you have been asking in the comments how my wife manages to be a professional chef when she has so many food allergies,” Mary says, looking directly at the camera. “And I figured it was better if I just let her explain it. Babe?”
Admittedly, you hadn’t really been listening to every word that she had been saying, only really listening to every word that she had been saying, only really catching the words ‘allergies’ and ‘professional chef’, which is a topic you get asked about a lot. So you just answer without really thinking.
“My main allergies are seafood, peanuts and treenuts. And since I’m one of 2 or 3 sous on any given night, I just,” you pause, “wait, what did you just call me?”
You can feel cheeks heating up as your brain finally processes what just happened.
“What? Babe?”
Mary’s playing dumb on purpose. She knows it. You know it. And you both know that the other one knows.
“Not that, the other thing.”
“What my wife,” she asks.
A cheeky grin breaks out on Mary’s face as she watches even more color rush to your face.
For you, when she repeats it, you suddenly feel like you can barely breathe and you know that your next words come out a little choked (much to Mary’s amusement.)
“Yup, that.”
As calmly as you can manage, you put your knife down and take off your apron before walking out of the kitchen.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“I have to find my wallet and keys,” you shoot back.
“I gotta go buy a ring before you change your mind!”
The sound of her laughter is the only thing you hear as you close the door behind you.
The video is up on that cursed app by the end of the week.
A photo of the ring on Mary’s finger goes up just a few hours before.
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pinkomcranger · 4 months
my thoughts on Saga Anderson and the lack of spotlight on her in fanworks
Hmmm…this has been bothering me since I waded into the fandom after AW2 dropped. WHY DOES 99.9% OF THE FANDOM SLEEP ON SAGA WHILE IT'S HALF HER GAME???
I DON'T understand the fixation on Casey (even though I adore him and he's the other half of my OTP), or Zane to the point that when Saga is in ensemble art, she's relegated to being the "bro". And for what purpose? She has just as much build up and storyline as Alan himself. She certainly has more screen time than FBI Casey. I see posts going "oh, I love Saga so much, she was so badass" and then almost nothing when it comes to fan work.
Do y'all understand, how, as a black woman, this frustrates me to NO end? I go to her tag on AO3, see new fics, get excited...just to see she's the bro or footnote to CaseyWake. I've literally been brought to TEARS over this. Saga was written with SO much love and care, and it's so obvious. She was not the stereotypical sassy, angry, loud black woman that we tend to get when we're even thought of at all.
And it's genuinely PAINFUL to see all of the love, all of that care, ALL OF THAT RESPECT, IGNORED by fandom because you want to focus on the white men. Because why? I get it, het is so icky for most of you, fine. But to not even give her fanart/fics just on her and her daughter? It's terribly egregious.
Saga Anderson is genuinely a role model. She's smart, warm, funny, dedicated, sympathetic and passionate. She will change REALITY just to save the ones she loves. She's NEVER had to deal with anything like the Bright Falls situation and she came through it with such GRACE. She saved the fucking day. She did what Alan couldn't do in THIRTEEN YEARS. And she gets no recognizance in fanworks?
And I know the majority of this fandom happens to be made up of women, at least for fanworks. You truly mean to tell me you can't, at all, even a little bit, relate to this woman? You can't make her the focus, instead of a background character? The white men are easier to understand and draw/write for?
I can't tell anyone who to like, or who to ship, nor would I ever try to, because on the internet, it seems like het is icky despite how amazing the woman is. But I've seen comments towards andercase fanart going "Saga, no, you're married!" But shipping CaseyWake in the same breath, despite Alan being married and getting back to his wife being the main motivation for Alan to do anything at all.
It comes off as hypocritical, it comes off a wee bit "I don't know what to do with this black woman...hmm, let's just make her root for CaseyWake" I'm left feeling that Sam and the team love Saga more than the fans ever do or will. And that fucking sucks. Because to put so much thought into a character and love the character, just to be ignored?
That hurts, really really badly. I genuinely enjoyed feeling like I was represented. I loved having a character I could relate to, one I could understand. But it feels like I'm in the minority. When she tells Alan he's not alone in this, this is THEIR story...well, that was the truth for me, and I wish others felt the same way.
I genuinely adore the works Saga has gotten that focus on her, and I see so much love and care put into them. It just somehow feels like fandom made this game into CaseyWake 24/7 and it's icky.
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midastouch-zaza · 2 months
Hi I do love possession of yuri dominant her bf but what if snsd otp 9 punish there younger boyfriend for talking to others girls
Immagine pissing off 9 of the most powerful women in kpop🙈 Well, in this case maybe it's not that bad, because here everything it's so smutty lmao
(I won't talk about Yuri, because I have made a post just for her)
Taeyeon: she's the perfect example of a tiny yet powerful and dangerous woman. If you really tilt her, be ready to be pushed on the bed, couch or any place good enough to ride you. And she will go on until your mind is too busy absorbing the pleasure and adoring her to think about any other girl in the world.
Jessica: I mean, she doesn't like her bf around other woman, you know that. So why were you smiling so warmly at that waitress? Now good luck containing your moans while Sica jerk off non-stop under the table during all the dinner at that restaurant.
Sunny: ouch, she got you staring at some other woman chest. Don't worry, she's not mad about it, but it's only fair that you get a punishment: being choked between her boobs. I mean, I've seen worse punishments🤭
Tiffany: poor angel, she's so sensible and you got her all mad. She's too sad and disappointed to give you a punishment, but as bf it's your duty to seek for forgiveness from her: and the best way is to fuck her pussy and giving her so many orgasms that she forgets even why she was mad.
Hyoyeon: did you really make the main dancer mad? What a fool. Now she's grinding her phat ass all over your cock without letting you putting inside nor moving your hips.
Sooyoung: two words would be enough to describe her punishment, and those are angry sex. So be ready to receive the worst of insults and be verbally abused by her while you pound her pussy. At the end your arms and back will be full of her scratches.
Yoona: never piss off an actress, because she will make you so jealous, flirting with other actors in front of you. But hey, at least she got the result that wanted: now you're fucking her silly in the first empty room you've found.
Seohyun: you all expect something cute and nice from the maknae and you're all wrong for that. She's done with that role and her movie, Love and Leashes, is the definitive proof of that. And actually that movie is the perfect inspiration for your punishment: putting you on a leash and using you as her sexual puppy, and, oh boy, she's so good in playing with you.
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piglet26 · 4 months
Top Five Reylo Scenes
Before I start I do want to add why Reylo means so much to me. Recently I went through a really deep depression and part of what pulled me out of it was Reylo. I was able to write essays and do analysis about this OTP. Rewatching the films and focusing on theirs scenes helped get my mind off of some pretty deep stuff. I was also able to receive love and connection through the Reylo community. It's meant a lot to me! Also, I know that Tumblr is very supportive to anyone going through a tough time and directing people to self help lines. If you are going through a time that is really dark or challenging I Love You in Reylo.
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Now my top three scenes is tough cause I love them all, but if I had to focus on an order to the game I'd say........
5 " You Need a Teacher"
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“There’s a history in Star Wars of the attraction between the light and dark…”
Truth be told I'm surprised this scenes ranked as high as it did with me because I do not like that she beat him. The more I thought about it I realized why I did want to rank it. There is something raw and dirty about them here. The look of sheer amazement he gives her after that lightsaber flew to her was everything. The force theme beginning to play. Then when she lit the lightsaber and he was like "oh, you wanna duel? ok, let's duel then." The moment they found the force together with their faces beautifully lit up. It really is great.
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There is nothing violent really about their fight, like I don't fear for their lives. Resembling the scene where Kylo Ren said could “take whatever he wants” and “Don’t be afraid, I feel it too” while looking at her lips. The chemistry took me by complete surprise and I shifted in my seat uncertainly watching this the first time. Surely I shouldn’t like a murderer and a villain with Rey, but I couldn’t help it. This very chemistry, though probably amounting to less than ten minutes of actual interaction between each other, leaves the audience with a hungry desire for more.
Reylo and Anidala could be mirrors of each other with Anakin falling to the Dark Side because of his selfish love for Padme and Kylo coming back to the Light because of his selfless love for Rey.
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When Kylo is with Rey, he is calmer, and calculating. For Kylo, the seduction is to the Light. However, when Rey first searches out the Force with her feelings, she immediately ends up in the Dark Side, and is unafraid to take what she wants from it. In battle, she is furious, screaming and bent on destruction. As I mentioned above, Anidala and Reylo could be the Force’s attempts at balancing itself. Where Anidala was destined to fail, Reylo is destined to prevail and finally balance the Force.
4 "You'll turn........I'll help you"
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“The Abduction,” the song in TFA when the “bridal carry” happens, has a very similar ascending line of notes to a recurring theme in Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet overture.
I love everything about this. The infamous elevator scene. Reylo once again dominates the screen in The Last Jedi, easily rendering Finn’s growing romance with Rose bland and tedious in comparison. Rian Johnson is a Reylo stan so I stan him. This is the first time Rey and Kylo are physically side by side since she tried to kill him in the forest on Star killer Base. It's the most sexually charged body language! They spiffed up for one another. She’s changed her clothes, put on makeup and decided to leave her hair down. His hair is freshly washed with a spritz.
“Ben” She’s using his real name now and like in every scene with her now he's calm. He hates his name, but when she says it he hears her. She's appealing to his true nature, or, what she believes it to be. It's possessive as well. He is HER Ben. The way he tried not to have a reaction to her until she said his name. He's trying to stay blank and not give away what he intends to do, but none the less has a reaction to her.
Rian Johnson basically confirmed that Kylo / Ben wanted to kiss Rey in the elevator scene. It’s canon so I am prepared to fight. Not to mention, Johnson tells us that Adam Driver, as Kylo / Ben, seriously considered kissing Rey in this scene. He is, indeed, staring at her lips in the elevator with the most intense eye contact.
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Reylo speaks to me, and many others, on a spiritual level. Like many stories of both maiden and monster, Reylo shows us what it means to be a heroine. A heroine reaches her hand out to monsters and says: you deserve love and compassion, no matter the mistakes you’ve made. We're in a movement where women are tired of "fixing" men and I'm here for it. I honestly think that's why so many woman found it difficult that Reylo is not soft and sweet.
3 ........Ben?"
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Adam Driver says Kylo Ren can’t help but harbor admiration for Daisy Ridley’s Rey in the Last Jedi. “I think there’s something familiar there, as well as something to be feared, or something… that he (Kylo) can’t quite place.”
Let me go ahead and say that I'm going to cheat.... I'm including the novelization in this because that mixed with novel is what gives me life. TROS brought such mixed Reylo emotions. We got great stuff! In small doses *eye roll* In the novel. She was glad to see him. Glad to be with him in this moment. It was the greatest gift she could have given him. His heart was full as Rey reached for his face, let her fingers linger against his cheek. And then, wonder of wonders, she leaned forward and kissed him.
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The way Rey sits in wonder...... never mind she was borderline dead..... Ben is there, really there and she's just staring in wonder. Ben is looking at her in painful awe and relief. They are both almost child-like in their affection. The way Rey hesitates, after years alone, it takes her a moment to work up the courage for her first kiss. Ben just lets her take her time. The way he waits patiently for her to work up the courage and then the moment the kiss, he pulls her to him like she is the air he breathes for his first kiss. Oh! The smiles. Seriously?! Ben and Rey are happy! There was fireworks, champagne and pussy power! Rey’s hand. Ben gave his very life essence to Rey because his love is that absolute.
And let’s not forget the novelization of TLJ had this quote “They will never have to be alone again”.
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Now this is where things get messy as hell. Adam was on the set of Tatooine..... but as they cut that ending. Daisy stated regarding the ending “the crew was shaken in a way I had not seen before. and I thought, ‘my god if this is people’s immediate reaction when the scene isn’t even ready, imagine what it will be like to see it in the movies, with the John Williams soundtrack and all that." When Ben faded into the force...... no one felt anything for a moment then there was just confusion and disappointment. You cannot nor will you ever have me believing that this janky ending was the real deal.
2 "Join Me.......... Please"
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“He (Kylo) sensed his and Rey’s destinies were intertwined, but how?......"
The Throne Room Proposal! Kylo premeditated in the purest Sith way regarding the murdering of his Master for his bae. Then he gives Rey a furious speech on killing the past in a bid to win her over and fulfill his dark Queen fantasy. “You come from nothing, you’re nothing—but not to me,” Kylo tells Rey, in one of the most beautifully twisted declarations of love ever uttered in a family blockbuster, before quietly pleading with her to join him like he’s the most desperately lonely person in the universe. The duo’s visions of their future together—Rey sees Kylo turning to the Light, and Kylo witnesses Rey joining him in the Dark. However, upon Snoke’s death, the bond still stands. Kylo offers Rey a place at his side and his hand in marriage, but it is the proposal of an awkward boy, grasping desperately at a relationship he has only begun to understand.
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And you can see it in her face, that she’s torn, there is a part of her that wants to take his hand, not to rule the galaxy, that’s not her ambition, but to simply stay with someone who truly understands her as well. But it’s the ‘please’ Adam Driver showed that Julliard education with that one word. Both actors just brough it. You can see how far they've come and yet still so far away from each other.
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1 "You're Not Alone.......Neither are You"
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“When Rey feels rejected by Luke Skywalker, who also sees parallels between the power in her and the abilities of his estranged nephew, the old Jedi master inadvertently pushes the two towards each other.”
You knew it was coming. In TLJ, Kylo is at his most sympathetic and tempting; Rey at her most understanding. Both are outcasts because of their power, they are both lonely, whispering to each other comfortingly “you’re not alone” and “neither are you.” Kylo sees more in Rey than she does within herself. He also challenges her as an equal. Ben ultimately encourages her to not only expand her mind, but in embrace her womanhood. It is no wonder that Rey goes to him. After experiencing Luke and his failings as a master and failing to find the answer's she's been looking for....... Rey ends up relating to Kylo. Kylo, for once, has put the whole of misery and life lessons into something productive.
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When we find them alone in a dark hut, slowly lean towards each other, and very hesitantly touch hands in a scene fraught with romantic tension. Notably, the Force music plays during the scene, signaling their relationship’s importance. A tear crawls down Rey’s face as the two connect and understand each other on a level so deep that it is reminiscent of sex, and causes Luke Skywalker to pull the ultimate Dad move and blow up the hut.
As Rey and Kylo develop their bond we see the force attempting to balance itself. Yin and Yang....... the imagery littered throughout the sequel trilogy is drawn heavily from those belief systems. We see continuous parallel shots with Rey and Ben to represent this duality. Both are presented in contrasting surroundings that represent the duality of the masculine and the feminine. In many shots half of their figure is bathed in light and the other half is bathed in the darkness.
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This connection is as spiritual as it is romantic. As Jason Fry explained, romance is merely the analog we have in the living force for this deep spiritual bond.
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since we on the ropic of sibling reader can you imagine how pissed bruce + batfam (and alfred, to a degree) would be if like talia ever did get with sibling!reader, she'd be smug af bcuz if bruce's sibling lives in the manor, it gives her a chance to see her love and her ex in one trip. cut to damian standing in the back conflicted that his uncle/aunt has the chance to become another mom/dad but also looking at his mother like "why are you dating my uncle/aunt 😦🤨"
can you imagine tho bruce throwing an aggressive fit if his sibling chooses to date Hal of all people?? Clark, Diana? He's sees the appeal tbh; he won't be too happy, but he sees the vision. Oliver, Dina? another pair of 'sees the appeal'. But Hal???? no no no bruce is shutting that shit down and fast. Barry is really the only safe option and even then he can quite literally sweep his sibling off their feet and away from the safety of the manor.
i want to imagine that the kids feel very strongly against this but also play matchmaker yk?? like some do it to piss bruce off (mainly jason, damian) and a few others do it for the drama (steph + cass by association, dick). the rest are a mix of both.
Talia totally takes pleasure in rubbing it in Bruce’s face that she’s with his sibling now and she loves seeing Bruce affected by it. He’s not jealous that she’s with someone else, let alone his sibling, honestly he couldn’t care less about that. No, it’s the fact that his sibling is in a relationship in general. Bruce is very much the type who thinks that no one is worthy of being with his sibling and no matter what they will never meet his standards for being a romantic partner to his beloved sibling who more than deserves the world and everything else. Not to mention Bruce knows damn well that Talia plans to take the Reader with her eventually and he’s having none of that.
I could kind of see Damian actually wanting the Reader to be more of a mother/father to him, they already act like one to him so why not officially become his second mom/dad. It wasn’t really until Talia was very open with her romantic intentions towards the Reader that had Damian really leaning towards making it all happen. I could also see Damian being very bratty and extremely jealous thinking of the Reader becoming a parent and having a family of their own that didn’t include him. As far as he’s concerned his aunt/uncle is already like another mom/dad to him and to have their focus and affections being taken off of him really irritates and frustrates him to no end. But when Talia mentions offhandedly about taking the Reader home with her, all bets are off and he’s fighting to keep them with him and Bruce. Unless the Reader was actually willing to go with Talia and start a life with her and the League of Assassins then Damian may be willing to go with them, not only to keep an eye on the Reader but also to stay with them as well.
All the batkids have their own OTP ships for the Reader and they would definitely play matchmaker to make it come true. Mush to Bruce’s horror and disdain. His own kids are going against him when it comes to the Reader’s love life. While he believes they shouldn’t have one whatsoever, the kids have their own ideas of what the Reader’s love life should really be. Also, this is all totally happening behind the Reader’s back without their knowledge. And I have no boyfriend that all the Reader’s suitors have and will continue to make impromptu and uninvited visits to the manor to see and spend time with the Reader. Whether the romantic yanderes were in actuality invited by/planned with the respective Baylis shipping them with the Reader or they came of their own accord to be around the Reader is debatable. But it certainly gets on Bruce’s nerves. Hell, even Alfred has his own ship of who the Reader should end up with adding more towards the betrayal Bruce feels with everyone in the batfamily going against him like this.
Just imagining Bruce’s reaction to Hal pulling up to the manor to take the Reader out on a date is so hilarious. I can’t help but see him being the one to answer the door only to slam it in Hal’s face when he sees him. If the Reader is adamant about going out with Hal then Bruce would totally be sat on their bed the whole time they’re getting ready trying to persuade them to cancel or at least go for someone else other than Hal. Bruce just Turing into a bratty sibling is just too funny not to think about. He definitely glares daggers at Hal the whole time he’s there. The only compromise Bruce could come to is either having the Reader and Hal’s date at the manor so it can be monitored or the date turning into a double date with Bruce and either Selina or some random woman he takes out just so he can keep an eye on his precious sibling. (I can’t help but imagine not only Bruce but the rest of the batfamily dressed in hilarious disguises spying on the Reader and whoever they’re on a date with. Or even the respective yandere’s rival suitors doing the same thing too.)
If you think Bruce’s reaction to his sibling dating Hal is bad, imagine how he takes to learning the Reader is going out with Guy Gardner.
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Horror Games
Jaune was a streamer, going by the name: Crescent Knight. And, today he was playing a relaxing game of, ‘Shadows of Doubt.’
Jaune: Okay… Fingerprints collected. Addresses collected. Any, and all information on the victim has been collected, and yet we have no clue who murdered this poor sod.
GoldenDragon: It was the butler!
RedReaper: No, it was the maid!
Jaune: I don’t think there is a maid, or a butler character in the game. You two.
GoldenDragon: I can dream, Harold!
Jaune: Hehe~! That you can. Ahh, my characters hungry. Lets see, what we should have today…?
TeaLotus: Noodles.
ThunderThighs: Pancakes!
Jaune: There are no pancakes, ThunderThighs, sorry.
ThunderThighs: WHAT?!!
ThunderThighs: This game sucks!
Jaune: Hehehe. What is with you, and your weird obsession with pancakes?
Jaune: Let’s see… 147th street…?!
A howling cry soon emanates form his speakers, causing, Jaune to look at the chat feed.
Jaune: Hey, thanks, GoddessofVictory for subscribing for…? (Whistles~!) Whoa… 14 months! Thank you! And, you sent me a message too…Let’s see… “Crescent, have you decided to do anymore collab streams with any other streamers soon?” Collab streams, eh? Well, Emerald Guardian, and I are planning on playing a few games later, but we need a few more people to play before we can do that. So… Maybe, hopefully soon.
ShadowNinja: Oh! Are you two going to be crossing swords soon~?
Jaune: Hilarious, Ninja, absolutely hilarious…
ShadowNinja: Let me enjoy my otp dammit!
AngelofSnow: We know you’re dating, let us enjoy this!
Jaune: Sheesh, can’t you guys get your own love life to be interested in. Not mine you sad, lonely people?
RedReaper: Ouch.
IceCreamShortstack: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
GoldenDragon: That hurts dude.
Jaune: Oh, we…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Lamb…?
TeaLotus: Did anyone else hear a scream?
CoffeeAddict: Was that Emerald Guardian?
BunbunBunny: Is she okay?
Jaune: Yeah, that was, Emerald Guardian, chat. She’s playing some sort of horror game.
Jaune: …
Jaune: I don’t think she’s winning…
CoffeeAddict: I don’t think so.
RedReaper: Sounds like she died during a jump scare.
Jaune: Yeah, probably. I don’t understand why she’s playing one of those game. She doesn’t watch horror films, because she can’t handle them, I don’t watch them because I’m bored by them. So, why is she playing those kind of games?!
GoldenDragon: Because it’s fun?
GoddesofVictory: People like to be scared.
Jaune: I know that, but…
Jaune: Hmm?
Jaune swiveled in his chair, allow the chat to see the back of his chair as he addressed the new arrival in his room.
Jaune: Jessica? You okay?
ShadowNinja: Oh, are we going to have some juicy Emerald Knight moments!
IceCreamShortstack: 😘😘😘
AngelofSnow: Hell yeah!
Jaune: Do you need…? Hey, what are you… Ooph?!
ThunderThighs: Oohhh~! Sounds like something interesting is happening~!
GoddessofVictory: This should be good!
Jaune: Uhh… You okay?
Jessica: No…
Jaune: Did something scary happen?
Jessica: Yes…
Jaune: Okay… Do you want to stay here for a while then?
Jessica: Please?
Jaune: Stay as long as you want then. Now, lets get back to it.
Jaune swivelled in his chair so he was facing the camera again, and he showed himself sitting in his chair with his girlfriend, Jessica, the Emerald Guardian hugging him tightly, resting her head in the crook of his neck as she sat on him.
GoddessofVictory: OH MY GODS!!!
IceCreamLover: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ShadowNinja: YES! All my fantasies are coming true!!!
BunBunBunny: Oh that is so precious!
CoffeeAddict: That’s so fucking adorable!
KnightBat: Hey, has anyone seem, Emerald Knight?
SuperMan: She left her game after that last jump scare.
GoldenDragon: Look for yourself.
RedReaper: ❤️ This is so cute!!! ❤️
AmazonianQueen: OH MY GODS!!! She hugging him like a koala! That is so precious!
Jaune: Hehe~! Ladies, and gentlemen: The benefits of a small girlfriend.
Jaune smiled for the camera before giving his Smol girlfriend a kiss, causing the chat feed to explode with hearts, and happy comments.
Jaune: Alright then, where were we…? Ahh yes. Murder~!
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nonasemporium · 1 month
character meme 2 electric boogaloo: awake remembrance of these valiant dead!!!
send me a character [Commander Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity] and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: I love her rage, I love her justice, I love her determination, I love that she forces John to say her full name, that she rejects everyone's attempts to twist her. I love her passion, her meanass laugh, her fucking commitment. If something's gonna get done, she's gonna do it.
least favorite thing about them: I get why she was doing what she was doing, but smashing a baby into the wall is very battle of Troy of her lmao. Same with teaching Pash to be a child soldier. I get it though, she's living in a horror where the alternative is worse.
favorite line: When she demands John say her name, when she says G1deon deserves that at least, the line about her nose, the line about her meanass laugh, the fact she called Gideon "Bomb", crying about all of it.
brOTP: Love her proud auntie vibes at Pash, but actual brOTP is probably with We Suffer, lmao. Idk it just seems like the kind of history that fits both of them.
OTP: G1deon/Wake/Pyrrha <33333 Literally OT3 of TLT for me, I love it so much. Pyrrha being bold enough to kiss her but apologizing, Wake not letting that go, not taking the bait to just kill her, nah, she's going to let her live with that, they're going to be something so explosive.... Then her realizing the ways G1deon and Pyrrha are separate, loving them both, perhaps even learning to love G1deon through conversations with Pyrrha over him as well, the way it must ache for Pyrrha so so deeply, punishment and relief. The way Wake talked about them till the end. The trust but also the knowledge that it only goes so far. The way she knew what G1deon was and she knew what Pyrrha was and ugh.
nOTP: Keep John the fuck away from her unless she's killing him, thanks. Love she got the last laugh, may she get more.
random headcanon: That she has a toothgap, that she has freckles, that she has two laughs--one where her teeth are bared like a threat and one where instead her cheeks fold up her eyes cutely. I also think that despite everything, she did have a fondness for Gideon in her own way, for "Bomb." There's something in naming a thing, there's something in the fact Gideon was initially a sacrifice for her but also meant to be a sacrifice for everyone. That she carried her under her heart for all those months ready to sacrifice her for the literal world, putting her body on the line but also like. She's actually a very loving person. Her rage is the rage of someone who despises injustice, her rage is the rage of someone who has plenty to lose, her rage is the rage of someone who has a people that need her. And this horrible little thing she grew in her despite not having the plans for it--she had to think about what made it worth it and you know what made it worth it? That this baby was meant to end the suffering of THEIR people, that this baby would be the key to kill the father, that this baby was where all their hope was placed, that this baby had to carry all the "sins" of both sides of this war, do you think she ever had a moment wondering if the baby, if this little Bomb, this little flesh of her flesh and blood of his blood, would forgive any of them for it? I think also of her trapped body and trapped soul, of her in that sword, how that sword in Harrow's hands was furious, was rejecting, but how in Gideon's was a weird comfort. How Gideon went to her bones, forced to labor under these people she fucking despised, do you think she heard Gideon? Do you think she heard Gideon speak to her bones, do you think she felt Gideon's prayers for a mother, do you think that fury she had was also the fury that this weird thing that she had never intended to have was being twisted to serve the empire she was going to be sacrificed to destroy? He deserved that at least, she said about G1deon. He deserved that at least, so what does Gideon deserve? The language was dehumanizing but not without fondness. Wake just seems so much the type of person, the kind of resolute and almost-humorous who might accidentally get a spot, soft and tender deep in--she said she carried Gideon under her heart. Under her heart. She didn't say in her gut, she said under her heart. And under her heart, I really think there's a tiny part of her still there for Gideon, for Bomb, for the thing that maybe in another life could've just been her and G1deon's weird little explosive tyke. In another life, that could've been the shitty love child of her goofy ass situationship and that little thing could've held Pash's machete and learned to build bombs to take down the Houses, or in another life outside of that, in a life without Jod at all, maybe that thing could've just been a gap-toothed kid with a meanass laugh and no need to carry the fate of humanity. I think of how Wake is Mary. How Gideon is the Jesus she has to give up for humanity, that she was fully prepared to give up, but I also think of how Wake gave herself up as well. Pregnancy is incredibly difficult, and in the end she was killed--not necessarily by her actual pregnancy, but. I just have a lot of emotions. When she was preparing herself to sacrifice Gideon, to sacrifice "Bomb," do you think a fondness grew specifically to how this baby was meant to save them? Do you think she thought "at least if this kid is going to have my dna, it's going to use that to take this fucker down finally," do you think coming so close made that little bit of potential pride slip in? And then she's her sword and her bones are on those fields and not only is her body made slave, her soul made bound, but all that fucking hope is chained down alongside her, stripped from any knowledge, any fucking purpose, molded instead for the very thing she carried it to destroy. Emotions.
unpopular opinion: Apparently that I see her as Black, lmao, it was from the description of her hair and nose, which doesn't have to mean Black, but it's how I see her.
song i associate with them: Okay well obviously fucking 'Lose Yourself' by Eminem, boo, tomato tomato, but another one that maybe isn't as often tied to her is 'Wygd' by Empara Mi. For funsies, I also do literally always associate her with 'Are You That Somebody' by Aaliyah. Darlin, I know you wanna light me up~
favorite picture of them: I'll post my sketch here because I do like showing part of how I see her, even if I may never clean up or do more with the sketch, but also I love this and this (sobbing about baby Bomb).
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jerzwriter · 2 months
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Carolina's phone would not stop "bleeping"! But when a friend helps her get to the bottom of it, she and Trystan are in for some startling discoveries about each other.
Book Boop: Crimes of Passion (post Book 2) Pairing: Trystan Thorne x Carolina Rose (F!MC) Characters: Luke Watanabe Summary: See above Rating: Teen Words: 2.150 A/N: All right, so I may have been a total party-pooper with the "boops," but that got me thinking how my OTPs would have handled them... and that led me here! I hope you enjoy it! Participating in @choicesaprilchallenge24 - prompt - "You're not going to believe what I just found."
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The utter silence of the Ginovesi Detective Agency’s offices was rattled each time Carolina’s phone “bleeped.” Trystan eyed the phone warily, glancing between it and Carolina every time it went off. For a woman who demanded complete silence when they were focusing on a case, she was doing her best to ignore it, but Trystan knew it was only a matter of time...
“¡Ay, Dios mío!” she cried out... and there it was. “¿Qué carajo es esto?”
Taking the phone in hand, she frantically tapped away at it, but the bleeps kept pouring in, and with each new arrival, Trystan watched as his girlfriend became more unhinged. “¿Qué es esta mierda?”
That’s when Luke entered the mix. Slinking into the office with his hands nonchalantly stuffed in his pockets, he slouched into a chair with a half smile.  
“Oh no. I heard nothing but Spanish coming out of you from way down the hall. This can’t be good.”
“It’s not!” Carolina spat as Trystan debated whether her frustration was utterly adorable or good cause for him to evacuate the office as quickly as possible. “I can’t get this fucking thing to stop bleeping!”
There were many things Trystan could have said or done, but as was often the case for the former prince, he reclined in his chair and chose chaos.
“It seems one of her former suitors isn’t taking the hint and won’t let go easily,” he smirked. “While I may no longer be a monarch, I still have some pull. One phone call to Lydea, my love, and I will have that man relieved of his testicles. Give me a name and number,” he winked. “I assure you, the bleeps will stop within the hour.”
Carolina glared at him with anger in her eyes, but despite her desire to remain cross, his stupid grin managed to do her in.
“Bold of you to assume it’s a he, your highness,” she derided. “There is a far greater likelihood that it would be a she. So, someone will be deprived the pleasure of performing an orchiectomy today.”
“An orchiectomy...” Luke queried, pulling up Google on his phone, but Trystan pushed it aside.
“Spare yourself the pain, man. It’s the art of relieving someone of their balls.”
“Ouch!” Luke shuddered. “Of course, I can see how the inability to do that would cause some Drakovian guard to fall into a deep depression, but still... ouch."
Trystan turned back to Carolina with a shrug. “It’s OK, love. They can remove body parts from women as well.”
“That’s so good to know,” she laughed. “But I’m afraid this isn’t as salacious as a spurned lover trying to get me to bend to their will.”
“Then what is it?” Trystan asked. “Your phone’s been going off all day, and I’ve never heard that notification tone before.”
“It’s,” she began, stopping herself as four curious eyes stared at her, eager for a response. “It’s... nothing. I’ll just turn the sound off my phone.”
“GASP!” Luke mocked. “During work hours! When you could potentially miss... something?”
It would have ended there for Luke, but Trystan wasn't done. Realizing something was amiss, he closely watched his love, not about to let her off the hook.
“Why don’t you just turn notifications off? What’s so embarrassing? Is it... Facebook?” he chuckled.
Carolina was an animal entrapped in a corner, desperate for an escape, but when it became clear that none existed, she surrendered. Burying her face into her hands with a languid groan... she confessed.
“I freaking wish! It’s .... worse!”
“Worse than Facebook?” Luke said with feigned horror. “What is it? Your old OKCupid app?”
“No!” Carolina said, throwing a pencil his way.
“Your old FarmersOnly account!!!”
“What?” Trystan snickered.
“I didn’t have a FarmersOnly account! Well, I did... but it was just a joke to frighten Uncle Tommy! Besides, I deleted that long ago!”
Trystan turned to Luke in confusion. “What... what’s FarmersOnly?”
“That’s unimportant, “Carolina interrupted. “It’s... it’s my Tumblr. I haven’t used it for longer than I can remember; I didn't even know it was still on my phone. But I’ve gotten like seven hundred notifications today, and I have no idea why!”
“So,” Luke shrugged. “Turn the notifications off.”
“I can’t! I forgot my password... and before you say it, I don’t remember what e-mail I created the account with. So I can’t reset it.”
“So,” Luke shrugged again. “Just delete the app! Problem solved.”
“But the detective in me needs to figure this out," she sighed. "Who knows why this is happening? When I go home tonight, I’ll try to remember what e-mail accounts I had circa 2016. Maybe I can figure it out.”
“It was probably something like myglitteringlittlenyyankeepony@ yahoo.com or something like that,” Luke laughed.
“More like [email protected],” she tittered.
“Dear Lord,” Trystan groused. "Both sound dreadful, but can we circle back to something potentially even more embarrassing? You had a Tumblr account?”
“Oh, shut up!” Carolina defended. “It was 2016! All the cool kids had a Tumblr account!”
“I didn’t,” Luke announced.
“I said cool,” Carolina retorted. Still, Trystan was undeterred.
“What on earth did you use your Tumblr account for? Were you in a fandom?”
He had intended to let it go, but when Carolina’s cheeks turned brighter than any apple he ever witnessed in a Cordonian orchard, he knew the quest was just beginning. Raising a brow in wicked delight, he teased. “Yesssss....”
“I was into Divergent,” she said, raising her hands. “Big fan... The Hunger Games, too.”
“All right,” Trystan nodded with a smile. “I can see that....”
But now it was Luke’s turn to incite, “Really? Because I could have sworn you once told me you used to write fanfiction for Princess Di.....”
“Obviously, you’re mistaken!” Carolina shouted. “Katniss! Katniss x Peeta, my OTP! That’s why I was on Tumblr!”
“Wait,” Trystan interrupted. “Princess Di? Were you into Princess Diana?”
“No,” Carolina spat. “Luke is just losing his mind, that’s all!”
“Oh, come now, princess,” Luke chided. “Is this the foundation you want to build your relationship on? A throne of lies?”  
“No,” Trystan smiled gleefully. “Thrones of lies are bad. Very bad."
“I believe they are,” Luke chuckled. "I'm sorry, Carolina. It’s confession time.”
Trystan slunk over to Carolina’s side, playfully nudging her with his shoulder. “Time’s up, dear. Tell me the truth, or I’ll have to employ ancient Drakovian torture measures to get you to speak!"
“Yeah! And not the kinky ones you’re into!” Luke grinned.
“Fine,” Carolina exhaled with disgust, her voice barely a whisper. “I was very into... The Princess Diaries."
Trystan’s lips began to curl, the dimple in his cheek becoming more pronounced. “I’m sorry... what?”
“The Princess Diaries! OK!! I used to love The Princess Diaries!”
“In 2016!” Luke scoffed. “Weren’t those movies popular in like... 2004?”  
"So?! I was a little behind the times. I was a nerd... so sue me! My Tumblr was all about The Princess Diaries... are you satisfied now?” She asked, hiding her face in shame.
Trystan rubbed his chin in delight as he allowed Carolina to sweat it out, thinking of the best way to torture his prey.  
“The Princess Diaries! This all makes so much sense now!”
“What?” Luke wondered aloud. “That she always had a soft spot for monarchy scum?”
“Well, yes,” Trystan responded. “ But, seriously... how long did you have these fantasies about being a long-lost princess, my dear?”
“What! Never! I’m a Boricua from the Bronx! A freaking badass, bisexual Boricua from the Bronx! Being a princess was nothing I aspired to!”
“Yet you were writing Princess Diaries fanfic?” Trystan tsked. “Then... you relentlessly pursued me.”
Horrified, she slammed her hand on the desk. “I DID NOT!!! You know I didn’t!”
“I’m not sure what to believe anymore, Carolina. Right now, I’m feeling sort of cheap and used.”
Luke howled with laughter. “In fairness, there’s nothing cheap about you, Trystan. Used? Sure, I can see that. But cheap? No way.”
“Thank you, Luke,”  Trystan acknowledged.
“Don’t mention it.”
But Carolina wasn't smiling. “I never had some monarchy fetish! I just liked the stupid movie! It was escapism for me, OK? But you know damn well you being a royal was a detriment to me, not a bonus! I wasn’t all, ‘Oh, now I need to land this guy!’ you know that!”
“I can't be sure anymore. I think I have to have this investigated to make sure your intentions with me are pure!”
“You know that’s not a bad idea,” Luke nodded as he typed away on his laptop. “I do know of a good agency that could help you.”
“LUKE!” Carolina yelled, so flustered that she hadn’t noticed her phone stopped bleeping several minutes before.
“Relax... princess...” Luke teased. “I just hacked into your Tumblr. The bleeping should stop now.
“But... how?” She asked, immediately catching his sarcastic stare. “Yeah, don’t bother answering that.”
Trystan stood over her shoulder as she opened the app. “700 notifications? Seriously, why the hell did I get all these notifications today?”
“It looks like they were having some kind of a “boop” thing for April Fools? I guess it’s like the old Facebook poke? Everyone seems to be sending boops.”  
“But why?” Carolina asked, dumbfounded. "Don't people have better things to do with their time?"
“Look,” Luke chirped. “I'm capable of doing a great many things, but making sense out of anything that happens on Tumblr.... that’s asking too much...even of me.”
“True,” Carolina mumbled. 
“He makes sense,” Trystan nodded in agreement. “Now, let’s read some of your old fanfic.”
“Oh, hell no!” Carolina insisted. “There’s no way!”
“Please?” Trystan begged, with puppy-dog eyes in full effect.
“All right, fine! But only on one condition!”
“Name it!”
“You show me your old Tumblr... and don’t lie and tell me you didn’t have one. We both know you did.”
“Sorry, my love,” Trystan shrugged. “But I didn’t.”
The couple turned to Luke when he sighed again. “Do you really want to start this relationship sitting on a throne of lies, Trystan? Or should I call you PlayfulPrince315.  Dude! Using your actual birthday? I know you were a tween then, but still, you should have known better!”  
“Playful... Prince?” Carolina beamed. “OK, Mr. Playful, what were you doing on Tumblr?”
“Oh, that’s easy,” he winked. “I was searching for beautiful want-to-be princesses from the Bronx.”  
“Nah,” Luke laughed. “Minecraft. He was into Minecraft.”
“Really?” Trystan asked, dragging a hand down his face.
“Hey, I outed Carolina, and she’s my best friend. You knew you weren’t safe.”
“Minecraft?” Carolina said with mock disgust. “Tell me it wasn’t Minecraft porn... please?”
“WHAT?" Trystan asked in shock. "Was that even a thing?”
“Sadly, it was,” Carolina laughed. “I’m sorry, but I need to know if you were into that. I don’t care how long ago it was; I am not marrying any man who once got off to Minecraft porn.”
A devilish grin slowly spread on Trystan’s face as he stepped confidently toward Carolina.
“Marry... you say?” His grin miraculously grew wider. “Have you been thinking about marrying me, Carolina?”
“I... uh, I...” she couldn't have been more grateful for Luke jumping out of his seat.
“Well, I think I’ll leave you two alone. You can handle this conversation without me.”
He headed toward the door, but not before handing Trystan a scrap of paper. “Here, this is your Tumblr password, Playful Prince. You two can figure out your weird pasts alone.”
“Oh, like you didn’t have weird things in your past!” Carolina yelled after him.
“At least they aren't archived for prosperity on Tumblr,” Luke grinned. “And I’m relieved to say it doesn’t look like Ruby has to deal with that, either. But I can’t wait to tell her about the two of yours.”
Luke whistled as he exited, turning one more time before shutting the door. “Oh, and Playful one? You got 200 fewer boops than Carolina... and you’re royalty, man? Embarrassing! Just... embarrassing! I don't think she should consider marrying you!"
Trystan turned to his blushing girlfriend. "So, back to that marrying thing.... how often does that cross your mind?"
"Uh, you know what," she said, reaching up for a soft but passionate kiss. "Why don't I tell you all about FarmersOnly instead."
"Uninterested," he beamed.
"All right," she said, pulling out her phone. "Then let's say I allow you to read 3,500 words of angst I wrote about Princess Mia and Prince Harry circa 2016?"
Trystan's eyes lit up. "Seriously?"
"Here," she said, handing him her phone. "Go through my whole masterlist. By the time you're done... you'll forget anything else."
Trystan slunk back into the chair, tossing his feet on the desk for comfort. "Don't count on it," he winked. "Don't count on that... at all."
Tagging others separately.
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dangermousie · 7 months
To me, this sequence is the crux of why Xie Wei is the endgame for JXN in terms of suitability - in terms of someone who allows her to be most at peace with herself and live happily. It's not just because with ZZ, she will always strive for an ideal and hide the "uglier" parts of herself. It's because as others pointed out - she needs to learn to love herself and she is mired in guilt around him - but also, XW doesn't just see her the way she is and loves that, he is also someone who is determined, obsessed even, with looking forward not back.
In some ways, he's the most driven by the past out of all the characters (he wants justice/vengeance for what happened during the siege, this is his cause) but that's the thing - his attitude is "this horrific thing has happened, it cannot be changed, now we will figure out how to deal with this and address it" (which in his case is a lot of murder :P) is something JXN needs - she's been trying to change the past emotionally, as well as physically and I think she needs to accept that she is irretrievably changed, you can't unring the bell, you can't make her pure naive girl who (in her belief system) is worthy of ZZ (btw any relationship where you constantly work to be worthy of the other person is unhealthy at best and doomed at worst), you can just move forward, in whatever way possible.
In a way, what he says here is quite straightforward and in keeping with his "moving forward" attitude - if you can't let go, don't. Her guilt won't allow her to hear that.
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Lady, he talks a good talk but he's already 85% to losing control over you.
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And that is when all red flags that did not manifest before, manifested, in terms of that relationship. ZZ is a good man, probably the best of the characters. But any relationship where you are doing Jesus and Mary Magdalene imitation, viewing someone as literally flawless, as someone who shouldn't be touched by anything even if you tear out your heart, because you are so unworthy is not a romantic relationship, that's a medieval nun's attitude to her God. No go in real life. It wouldn't work and if somehow it did, would never make her truly happy. JXN should be in a relationship not even of mutual pedestals but being seen and seeing the other person as messy flawed being but still worthy of love.
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I laughed. I adore XW but what he knows about people's hearts in terms of romance is equivalent to a turnip.
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Time-out for haaaaaaands!
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And despite my snark, it's not a turnip of an answer at all, it's perfect (I think he's terrible at telling his own heart but not others.) That is what she needs to hear - as I mentioned - not ignoring what's in the past but moving on.
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I love it so much!!! And I love that he's genuinely heartbroken for her pain and just wants to fix it - there is none of that "my chance is here" attitude.
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It's an angsty moment but I giggled because I remembered wailing after my first high school boyfriend dumped me "I am never going to love anyone like this! I could never find someone like this!" Spoiler - I was wrong :P (And probably wouldn't be able to pick the guy out of a line-up now.)
But, more importantly, I was screaming into my hands, when he said "find someone more suitable." Not just because this is XW in a nutshell - he accepts the situation as it is, no arguing with the premise and offers a different solution (nobody is better? OK, accepted, then how do we deal in this situation) but because this is the crux of the OTP. What JXN (and every other person looking for a partner) needs in this world is not the person who is the smartest or saintliest or w/e, they need the most suitable person for them, whoever that is, to be happy. Objectively saintly ZZ is not particularly suitable for her; goodness is not happiness, not always, and she needs to accept that and fully accept herself.
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Yes, there will be!
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socialfakes · 27 days
the devils in the details- luke hughes
chapter 3; part 4: love hiatus
nhl x platonic!fem!reader
eventual luke hughes x fem!reader
the masterlist
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Liked by nicohischier, jackhughes, lhughes_06 and 13,417 others
yourinstagram | hey guys. it’s nico and y/n here. we decided to do a joint statement about our relationship to inform everyone of our split. we know some of you loved seeing us together and we also know that some of you weren’t too happy with our relationship. but regardless of that, we loved each other and that love will forever be in our hearts. for 2 and a half years, we’ve both grown and matured a lot which is why we know we can maintain this wonderful friendship. thank you to the fans for the support and most importantly, thank you to our friends and family for loving us and supporting us, no matter what. we love you all so much ❤  tagged: nicohischier
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nicohischier much love to you, always ❤  | yourinstagram forever 💕
user13 so sad my favorite couple has split but really happy you guys are still friends 😊  | nicohischier well i did promise her forever 😀  | yourinstagram and always, of course ❤
jackhughes ❤
_quinnhughes love you guys ❤
user04 am i the only one who still thought she was dating quinn this entire time? 😳  | yourinstagram no certainly not 😂  | _quinnhughes everyone on my team thought we were and even my mom thought so for a while 😊
lhughes_06 so sad 😔  | trevorzegras really?
trevorzegras sad this ended but glad you’re mature enough to be friends 😊
elblue6 you two went on a wonderful and lovely journey. so glad that love will live on 😂
user08 this is a joke, right? please tell me my otp didn’t actually split up 😱😭
user17 so if you’re single, you should definitely hmu 😉  | yourinstagram 👍🏻
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Liked by jackhughes, njdevils, bboeser and 12,817 others
yourinstagram | let’s go, baby! 🥳  tagged: jackhughes
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jackhughes 🍀🥳
lhughes_06 feeling betrayed 👀
_quinnhughes your new favorite player?  | yourinstagram of course not. just my best friend 🤞🏻  | _quinnhughes thought that was me, but okay 😔
bboeser he’s been playing really well lately so it’s no surprise you’re cheering for him 👍🏻
njdevils let’s go, baby!
user02 since when did you only cheer for jack?  | yourinstagram been cheering for him a lot more lately because he’s the best roommate anyone could ever ask for 😊  | jackhughes ❤
trevorzegras cheering for the wrong hughes, y/n 👀  | yourinstagram thought of cheering for you but now i won’t 💅🏻  | trevorzegras no wait. you can cheer for me 😲
jamie.drysdale is this why he’s been scoring in every game? 😂  | yourinstagram 🤷🏻‍♀️  | jackhughes yes
user11 he’s so cute
user07 he could run me over and i'd still thank him 👀  | yourinstagram intense but i get it 😏
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taglist: @worldlxvlys
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ink4blotches · 1 year
(Pavitr Prabhakar x You)
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Synopsis: You like Mumbattan more than New York, so you chill there often. And sometimes help your best friend out as Spider-Woman. But the people of Mumbattan think there's something more to the relationship of the two heroes.
"What does OTP mean?" Pavitr breaks the comfortable silence that had set in as we sat atop the tallest building in Mumbattan, staring down at the -very- busy streets below.
"Uhm..Only Thing Purple?" I guess, scooting over as Pav moves to sit next to me. "No, it means 'One True Pairing', actually." He states, showing me his phone screen and scrolling on Tik Tok.
The video consisted of a fight Pav and I had the other day with an anomaly. Specifically the part where I not so heroically got electrocuted because I stepped in water.
The music filled as Pav landed beside me, reaching out and putting a hand on shoulder. "You oka-" He got cut off as he was shocked as well.
"Okay why would someone edit that?" I ask as I read the caption.
Two dumbasses...literally made for eachother!!
"I know right? I can still feel the lightning in my veins." Pav shivers, pulling his phone away from me. "And there are tons of edits of us saying we're OTP." He concludes.
A second passes in awkward, notedly not comfortable, silence before a loud explosion came from the streets below.
Ah, back to work.
"And Look at That! Our very own heroes have swung by for a quick hello!" The reporter woman smiled at us as I wiped the dirt off my clothed leg.
I smiled back, instantly stopping once I realized she can't see through my mask. "Are you- oh wow, is this live?" Pav asks, waving at the camera.
"Stop you're so embarrassing." I judged his shoulder, to which he threw an arm over my neck and ruffled my hair. "You know you love me." He laughs.
"Oh, wow! That brings me to my only question...the public wanna know! Are you two an item?"
Not this again.
Before I can open my mouth to deny, Pav laughs.
"No, but...might as well do this now. Y- I mean, Spider-Woman. I love everything about you. The way you part your hair, the way you laugh, all the way to your face when you eat really tasty food. And as the months have passed, I realized that I love you. So, will you go out with me?"
I looked between him and the camera, then back at him.
"Nah, I'll pass." I say simply. The lenses on his mask widen.
"I'm kidding! I'm joking! Yes, I'll go out with you Paaaaa...l. Pal." I caught myself. "Oh, my god. Yes!" He tackles me into a hug.
"This is great and all...but can one of you swing this girl to the hospital? The ambulance is backed up..." A paramedic taps me on the shoulder.
I immediately throw myself off Pav. "Yes- of course I'm so sorry come on let's go girl." I grab the citizen, being careful not to touch her...ouch, really nasty arm and swing away.
It takes a lot of focus to swing through Mumbattan with a passenger, but I've done it a billion times. However, it's a little more difficult this time.
Since my heart won't stop beating so fast.
I sat in a chair next to one of the crash victim's hospital bed. The teenage boy hadn't woken up yet, and as much as I'd like to be with Pav right now, my duty as Spider-Woman is to make sure people are safe- even if they're not from my universe.
The boy suddenly stirred in his bed, which caused me to put down my phone. "Hey, you're awake. You got into a car crash. How are you feeling?" I ask the boy, who's hospital bracelet says Aarush. Cute name.
"Ugh...like shit. Who are you?" Oh damn I forgot I took my costume off. "Uh...my names Carly, I'm a med student. It's a whole program- don't even worry about it." I shake my head with a laugh.
"Oh, okay. Hey, look it's Spider-Man." He looks at the TV which had been playing the news. I looked up just in time to catch Pav(Spider-Man) catch my hand with a web after I fell off the bridge trying to keep a car up.
I should probably work out more.
I watch with a warm face as the entire scene from earlier plays out again, Pav wrapping me in a hug and me swinging away with a girl in my arms.
"Damn, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are totally OTP."
131 notes · View notes
karahalloway · 1 month
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 20 - Steal Me Away
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Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: The social season may be over, but Harper Gale’s problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Masterlist: (Less Than) Noble Intentions
Chapter Summary: Drake is back... but that doesn't mean that it's a happy reunion...
Word Count: 4,300
Rating/Warnings: M (shouting, guilt-tripping, dangerous driving, swearing in multiple languages, one over-heated kiss)
Chapter theme song:
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Chapter 20 - Steal Me Away
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I whirl around in disbelief. "Drake...!"
He's stood before me with two days' worth of stubble, regarding me with a long-suffering look.
But it really is him.
And I feel my heart swell, even though I can tell that he's not exactly best pleased to find me in a random antique shop in the middle of Rome.
The muscle in his jaw twitches. "I turn my back for one goddamn minute and—"
"What are you doing here?" I blurt.
"I can ask the same of you, Gale..." he counters, folding his arms over his chest. "Because this sure as shit ain't no bridal boutique."
My chin lifts on its own accord. "I decided to make a detour."
"Jesus fucking—" He rakes his hand through his hair. "Did you leave your brain in a ditch somewhere in the process?"
My eyes widen. "Wha—! No! I—"
"The city is crawling with paps!" he almost shouts, jabbing a finger towards the door. "Who are looking for any excuse to make a meal out of you! Did you not think for one second that—?"
"What?" I counter heatedly, stepping up to him. "That I should cower and hide instead, like I'm to blame for it all? I told you — I refuse to let these people—"
"Well, it would've been a damn sight better than making me chase you across half the fucking city!"
"Why were you even chasing after me?" I demand, my own ire flaring. "You're supposed to be in Dubai!"
"Been there, done that, got the jet lag to prove it," he hits back sarcastically. "But just because I'm gone doesn't mean you suddenly have carte blanche to fuck off on your own."
"Says the person who walked off without so much as a 'see you later'..."
His mouth hardens. "I didn't want to—"
"Also, I'm not on my own," I continue testily. "Allard and Schweitzer—"
"—are fucking fired," he cuts in, suddenly darkened mocha eyes flashing. "They should never have—"
"Ch'è qualche problema?"
"No!" Drake and I snap in unison.
The old man falls mute before muttering something disparaging under his breath.
I continue staring at Drake, heart thumping and chest heaving in the wake of our dust-up.
He glares back unblinkingly, jaw clenched as the tension rolls off him in palatable waves.
I reach up to adjust the strap of my tote indignantly. "So much for trusting each other, huh, Walker?"
"Dammit, Gale," he growls. "That's not what—"
Grabbing the wrapped box off the counter, I stomp past him without a backwards glance. "See you back at the embassy."
He has some nerve, showing up out of the blue t—
I barely make it two steps before he's grabbed me by the arm.
I open my mouth to retort...
...but I'm not given a chance to get a word in edgeways, because in the next instant, he's slammed me against his chest, laying claim to my mouth with a ferocity that's on the verge of being savage.
The fight whooshes out of me as my arms fly up to wrap themselves 'round his neck, even as I feel his fingers dig against the soft cotton of my dress, pulling me to him like a long-lost ship to anchor.
"Christ, girl," he growls against my lips. "You send me off the edge of reason..."
"I'm... sorry..." I gasp, clinging to him helplessly as he trails down the line of my jaw. "I didn't mean to—"
"Ah... l'amore... non è bello se non è litigarello."
Drake starts as he gets clapped roundly on the back.
Peeking up, I see the shopkeeper smirking at us conspiratorially as he ambles past.
"Err... Sì," coughs Drake, pulling back from me. "Sto certamente imparando che a mio spese..."
The man laughs in response. "Non capita a tutti?"
"You speak Italian?" I gawp, feeling a flush creep up my cheeks as the old man throws us a wink over his shoulder.
"Uh... Yeah..." Drake mutters, running his hand over the back of his head somewhat sheepishly. "With Bast."
"Oh." I glance between him and the old man. "What did he say?"
"An old proverb," Drake says, looking just as embarrassed as I am feeling about the fact that we'd inadvertently let our dirty laundry rip in the company of a complete stranger. "Love is not beautiful if it does not quarrel."
My cheeks redden further. "I-I see..."
"It's kind of a compliment..." he admits, shooting a sidelong glance over at the man, who's now busy dusting some shelves. "But we should probably get out of his hair."
"Definitely...!" I chirp, diving towards the saving grace of the exit.
"Err... La saluto," offers Drake on his way out. "E scusi il disturbo..."
"Eh!" comes the scoffed response. "Chi non risica non rosica. Ma è meglio stare attenti con lei! Donna buona – vale una corona."
"Lo so..."
"Everything alright?" I ask as Drake joins me on the baking pavement.
"Yeah," he assures me, not quite meeting my eye. "Just giving his two cents..."
Something flashes across his face, too fast for me to read.
But before I can ask him about it, he's already marching me across the square.
"What about Allard and Schweitzer?" I protest, trying to squint behind me as Drake navigates us 'round the incessant stream of sightseers. "Are they—?"
"I sent them back to the embassy," Drake replies, yanking me back as a pair of kids dart out in front of me.
"You didn't actually fire them, did you?" I gasp.
"Sure as hell thinking about it," he mutters, moving us forward again.
"If it's any consolation, they did try to talk me out of coming out here..."
"Clearly not hard enough."
"I can be very persuasive when I want to be," I remind him.
He lets out a low breath. "Don't I fuckin' know it..."
"Look," I say, coming to a stop and turning to face him. "I get you're pissed—"
"That's putting it mildly."
"—but don't take it out on Allard and Schweitzer," I tell him flatly. "They didn't do anything wrong... and I actually get along with them."
He holds my gaze for a long time before answering. "They're not your friends, Gale."
"Maybe not in any conventional sense," I admit. "But getting me a security detail had been your idea, Walker. And I know I was against it initially, but Allard and Schweitzer have been able to be there for me when you haven't."
His mouth hardens.
"And I know that grates you," I continue quickly, before he can cut me off again. "But we knew from the start that this was going to be the case, so if you do need to leave, then I'd prefer to be left with people I can trust. And I trust Allard and Schweitzer — with my life. Which is actually saying a lot."
He holds my gaze for what feels like a full minute before answering. "I'll think about it."
"That's it?" I demand in disbelief as he grabs my wrist to pull me after him again. "After all that, you're just going t—?"
"I said I'll think about it."
I glare at his back. "You're a dick."
He rounds on me like a wolf. "I'm a fuckin' realist. And the reality is that Allard and Schweitzer messed up. Big time. And I don't care how much you like them, or how many times you've braided each other's hair—"
My eyes narrow. "That's not—"
"—because none of that fucking matters out here! What matters — the only goddamn thing that matters — is keeping you safe. From the paps, from the aristos, even from your ownfucking self, if you're about to do something stupid. And at that, they've unquestionably failed. So, no. I'm not about to cut them a break. Especially not on your say-so. Because the stakes are too fucking real, and I'm not gonna let anyone play dice with your life. Least of all the people whose one job is to look out for you. Got it?"
I force myself to blink back the sudden tears in my eyes. "Yeah..."
"Good," he grunts. "Now get on."
Glancing past Drake, I spot what is very literally the last thing I'd expect to see him with.
I scoff up at him. "In your dreams, bud."
"Gale," he warns, reaching for one of the helmets that's hanging from the black and white moped's frame. "I'm not in the fucking m—"
"Well, neither am I," I hit back tersely. "So, you can take that deathtrap of a Vespa and shove it."
"First off," he counters, tossing the helmet at me. "It's a Piaggio. Second, the only reason I had to resort to this is because you decided to bail."
I catch the helmet irately. "So, you're saying that this is my fault?"
"Damn right, it is," he confirms, extracting a second helmet from the storage compartment nestled beneath the seat. "It's got all of 50cc so it's underpowered as fuck."
"Then why the heck did you get it!"
"Because it's the fastest way to get around the city."
I snort at him. "You mean, it's the fastest way to get into an accident..."
He prays for deliverance under his breath. "Gale, for the love of Christ, will you just—?"
"No," I declare, folding my arms. "The last time you conned me onto the back of your motorbike, I literally thought I was going to die. And after seeing how everyone in Rome drives, I have no interest in—"
"You drive, then."
Drake's unexpected offer pulls me up short. "Wait. What?"
He pulls a set of keys from his pocket. "It's a one-time offer, Gale. Either you take the wheel, or I do. But you've gettin' your ass on this sorry excuse of a bike, one way or another."
"I..." I swallow thickly. "I don't know how..."
"I'll walk you through it," he assures me. "There ain't much to it."
"Somehow I doubt that..."
"Clock's tickin', girl..."
I heave a breath before shoving my head into my helmet. "Okay, fine. I'll do it."
"Figured you would," he murmurs, holding the keys up. "You know where these go?"
"Up your ass," I retort, snatching the keychain from his hands.
The corner of his mouth twitches — whether in amusement or annoyance, I can't tell.
Not that I really care. I can be a jerk, too. But, I figure that at least with me driving, we won't rack up any speeding tickets or near misses on our way back to the Cordonian embassy, which is where we are staying for the two nights that we are in Rome for.
Walking up to the moped — admittedly with more swagger than I'm actually feeling at this moment — I grab the handlebars and swing my leg over the middle of the frame.
After a quick inspection, I locate the ignition switch and slot the key in.
But before I have a chance to try and turn the engine on, Drake's hand appears in my line of sight.
Reaching between my legs, he opens a hidden compartment in the frame. "For your bag."
"Oh," I say in genuine surprise, taking my bag off so I can tuck it away. "That is actually kind of neat."
"Last thing we need is for you to lose your stuff..." he drawls, shutting the glove box back up.
As he straightens again, his arm brushes the bare skin of my knee. And despite (or maybe because of) the unresolved tension shimmering between us in the wake of our heated reunion, I can't help but feel a familiar zap of electricity course through my nerves at the inadvertent contact.
"No kidding..." I concede, somewhat hoarsely. Clearing my throat, I add, "So... umm, what's next?"
"Grab the break and turn the key over as far as it'll go."
"So, kind of like a car," I surmise, following the instructions. "Why isn't it starting?"
"Because you only turned the electronics on," Drake advises. "To kick the engine off, you need to disengage the kick stand, and then press the start button."
"Jesus Christ, this is complicated..." I grumble as I scoot off the seat so I can try to figure out how to do what he just said.
"No more complicated than sailing a yacht," Drake counters, watching my antics from the safety of the pavement. "Just give it a shove ."
"How will that—?"
"It's got a rear-mounted kickstand," he says. "You disengage it by rolling the bike forward."
"Right," I grumble, feeling like a total idiot. "Because that's so obvious."
Maybe I should've let Drake drive, after all...
"You still holding the break?"
I snap my head up as I give the handlebars a hard push. "Huh?"
A squeal erupts from my mouth as the moped suddenly lurches forward beneath me, and I have a moment of sheer panic as I wrestle with the hunk of metal to keep from crashing to the ground.
"I told you to hold the break..."
"You could've been more specific!"
He lets out a low breath. "You good?"
"Yeah," I huff, finally managing to find some semblance of balance with an uncooperative moped  stuck between my legs.
"Turn her on, then."
I scan the buttons in front of me. "Err..."
"The one by your right thumb."
Shifting my grip, I extend my thumb out to press the button...
"You still holdin' the break?" Drake asks.
I quickly tighten my hold on the left-side break. "Yes."
Drake eyes me unconvincedly. "Just checking..."
I stick my tongue out at him.
"Hey," he objects. "You're the one who wanted to do this, Gale."
"Yeah, everything is my fault today..." I grumble as I press the start button.
The moped sparks to life beneath me, and I feel a massive rush of achievement.
"I did it!" I cry, meeting Drake's eye with an unadulterated grin.
He quirks a brow at me. "Y'know you're still stationary, right?"
"Shut up."
Drake steps up to the bike with a shake of his head and flips out the passenger foot rest. "Last chance to bow out gracefully, Gale."
I glance over my shoulder at him. "If you're trying to pull some kind of reverse psychology on me, Walker—"
"Wouldn't dream of it..." he assures me dryly, mounting up as well. "But my word is gospel, y'hear?"
"Aye-aye, Cap'n," I say sardonically... while trying to ignore the heat of his body and the instinctive urge to lean back into it as he settles down on the narrow seat behind me.
Because as much as I missed him, and as glad as I am that he's back, our volatile reunion has served as a stark reminder that we never finished our conversation back in Applewood. Not only that, but thanks to the almost break-neck speed at which things have been happening, the list of topics for discussion has only grown since then.
And the last thing I want is for us to fall down the same toxic hole that we did in the wake of Christian's surprise reveal in Valtoria.
I just have to hope that we'll be able to squeeze in some much-needed couple time before even more things pile up between us.
Not to mention, I'm desperate to know what had happened with Tariq in Dubai... and whether Drake's record-fast turnaround was a sign of some much-needed success, or even more demoralising failure.
But, first things first: getting back to the embassy in one piece, without the paps chasing us.
I feel Drake roll his eyes at me. "Wrong salutation, but never mind... Now. We're gonna do this slowly and gently. There's a lot of people around, and we don't need you on the front page of the Sun again because you accidentally torpedoed a toddler."
My throat constricts. "Y-You saw that?"
"You'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't," he mutters. "But right now, your focus needs to be on driving this thing. So, eyes up front and ignore everything else."
I swallow down my nerves. "Okay..."
"Your right hand controls the throttle. Your left hand controls the break," Drake instructs. "For the love of God, don't mix that up, or I'll be on the phone to your patents explaining why you suddenly need skin grafts."
I wince involuntarily at the gruesomeness of that particular image. "Got it."
"It's a mistake you'll only make once," he warns grimly. "To get going, twist down on the throttle while slowly easing up on the break. Don't jerk it, or you'll face plant into the speedometer."
"Anything else?" I ask, somewhat nervously.
As anticipated, driving a motorbike is a lot more nuanced than Drake made it look back in Cordonia. And I'm having some serious second thoughts about this whole thing...
"Keep your feet off the foot-stand until you've got enough momentum to stay upright."
"How will I know that?"
"You'll feel it," he assures me. "Like on a bike."
I bite my bottom lip.
"Hey," he says, brushing his fingers across my hip. "You got this, girl."
The familiarity of Drake's touch — even though it's fleeting — unwinds something in me. Because it's an unspoken reminder that no matter what may be going on around us... or between us, it's not going to come in the way of the promise that he made me.
I suck in a steadying breath. "Okay. Here goes."
Readjusting my grip on the handlebars, I twist my wrist down. Feeling the engine start to rumble with increased vigour, I gentle ease up on the break.
The Piaggio begins to creep forward.
"Watch the road, not the instruments," Drake cautions from behind me.
Lifting my eyes up, I carefully navigate us 'round the oncoming pedestrians, keeping my feet suspended alongside the moped, in case I need to make an emergency stop.
But, as we move away from the iconic landmark, the crowd starts to thin out, and the street widens. Passing a fruit and vegetable stand, I let go of the break fully, the bike pulls forward eagerly. Feeling slightly more confident, I add a bit more gas so I can finally lift my feet up without capsizing our delicate operation.
"Not bad," Drake approves. "You just gotta relax a bit."
I flush inadvertently. "I am relaxed."
"Your shoulders say different. You're driving like Quasimodo."
"Oh." I make a concerted effort to straighten my posture. "Better?"
"Yeah. But now you need to drop your elbows."
"So much for this being easy..."
"It is," he insists. "Once you get the hang of it."
"You and your technicalities, Walker..." I grumble.
"Everything's got a learning curve," he reminds me. "But we just might make a Hell's Angel out of you yet."
I snort back at him. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Evil Knievel. We haven't made it back to the embassy yet."
"Then you might wanna knuckle down for this next part."
"Why? What's—?"
I get my answer as we round a corner and come parallel to a busier-looking road.
"Right here, then first left," Drake advises as we approach a somewhat complicated-looking three-way intersection.
"Umm... Okay..." I mumble, eyeing up the noticeably faster-moving traffic on the main road with more than a bit of trepidation.
"No one's gonna give you room, so you'll have to gun it," comes the no-nonsense tip from behind me. "The indicator is by your left thumb."
A Fiat whizzes past, but the next car is some distance away. Taking a breath, I flick the indicator on and twist down on the throttle to merge into the gap.
"Move over one more," Drake shouts over my shoulder. "You're taking up the bus lane."
"Where the heck does it say that?" I demand, casting my head around in confusion.
"On the sign we just passed..."
"Was it invisible?"
"Hey," counters Drake. "You wanna argue with me, or a cop?"
"Neither," I concede sourly, making the switch to the left-side lane after a quick check in the mirror. "But they could've made it more obvious..."
Drake scoffs. "It's Rome. The bastards are trying to catch you out."
"Clearly," I agree, taking a left at the traffic lights...
...straight into a two-way fork in the road.
"Umm... What now?" I squeak, trying to hedge my bets as much as I can in the rapidly shrinking room that I have to make a decision before I run into the curb.
"Stay left."
I start to turn the bike, only to yank it back violently with a yelp as a car that I hadn't realised was trying to overtake me blows past with a scream of its horn.
"Vaffanculo!" yells Drake, throwing his hand out angrily at the other driver.
"Ohmygod..." I rasp, my entire body shaking in the wake of the near miss.
"Fuckin' asshole," gripes Drake. "You okay?"
I swallow thickly past the lump in my throat. "I... think so."
"If you need to pull over..."
I shake my head. "No. I'm fine. I just..."
"...get a kick outta playing chicken?"
"I don't do it on purpose!"
"You sure?" he asks dryly. "'Cause you definitely seem to be making a habit of it..."
I open my mouth, but quickly think better of it... as Drake has a point. I have had a few too many near misses lately. "Sorry... It isn't intentional. I thought that since I'd left the indicator on, that—"
"I know," he assures me, laying a hand on my hip again. "I'm not blaming you. But all the calls you've had had been too close. And..." His fingers tighten against the material of my dress. "I just don't want you to—"
"I know," I concede softly. "I don't want that either. And I'm not normally this accident-prone, I promise..."
"Except when your blood sugar's low," he corrects wryly.
His words cause me to clench my eyes together in consternation. "Damn it, the croissants..."
In the whirlwind of Drake's surprise reappearance, I'd forgotten all about the primary reason for sneaking away from the bridal boutique.
"What croissants?" queries Drake.
"The pistachio ones I was supposed to get from this little bakery next to the fountain that the Italian President had recommended."
I feel Drake's disbelieving gaze knife into the back of my head. "Seriously? That's the reason you were out playing hooky?"
"One of them, yes..." I reply evasively.
"Putain de merde..."
"Apparently they're very good..."
Drake mutters something under his breath. "Pull over."
My eyes widen. "What? Why?"
"Because it's past noon, and you're clearly starving."
"I'm fine," I insist, even though the only thing of substance I've had since this morning was the cup of coffee on Olivia's jet. "I'll just grab something when—"
The Piaggio lurches to a stop as Drake slaps a hand on the break. "No. You won't."
My eyes widen as my feet fly out on instinct to steady the suddenly stationary moped. "Why not?"
"Because the staff at the embassy already have their work cut out pulling together tonight's dinner, so the kitchen is off-limits," he explains, hopping off the back. "And you won't be able to take two steps outside to grab a sandwich without picking up a pap tail."
"Then why have we stopped in a dead-end alley?" I ask in disbelief as Drake pulls the moped it onto its kickstand while I'm still sat gaping at him from the seat.
"Because we just passed one of the best restaurants in Rome," he states. "So, I'm buying you lunch."
His cinnamon-laced eyes meet mine, and I see a sudden flash of rawness in his gaze... a silent plea entreating me to say yes. Which means this is about more than just food.
"Okay," I accede, wondering what could've prompted such a sudden change of heart. "But what about the paps? Aren't you worried we'll get spotted?"
"See any people?" asks Drake, reaching across my lap to turn the ignition off.
"No, but—"
"Exactly," he affirms, pocketing the keys. "This is one of the few places in the city where you ain't gonna bump into a reporter."
"How do you know?"
"Because apart from the fact that Sugo actually makes its own pasta, it is also a stone's throw from Parliament," he explains, offering me a hand to help me off the bike. "Which means that pencil pushers from every level of government come here to ink deals over carbonara, so no one — staff included — is gonna mess with the status quo."
"Sounds like something out of a mafia movie..."
"Where d'you think Hollywood gets its ideas from?" he drawls, pulling his helmet off to stow it in the under-seat compartment. "Places like this. Which is why no one will bother us here. Especially not the paps. It'd be a death sentence for this joint if their tight and discreet ship suddenly sprung a leak."
"Good to know," I acknowledge, unclipping the clasp of my own helmet. "But how did you even find out about this place? Let alone got in?"
"Leo," Drake replies, taking my helmet to clip it onto the handlebar. "He's on a first name basis with the chef."
I quirk a brow at him. "Sounds like there's a story there..."
Drake extricates my bag from the glove box with scoffs. "It's Leo. There's never not a story. But let's get you inside first. Before you pass out on the pavement."
"I'm not going to—" My stomach rumbles in pointed disagreement. "Okay, I am hungry. But where exactly is this place? There's nothing here apart from the back-ends of buildings..."
"Have I ever let you down when it comes to food?" he asks with a raised brow.
"Then trust me."
The story continues in Chapter 21 - Coming Soon!
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A/N: Translations for the Italian below:
Ch'è qualche problema? - Is there a problem?
Ah... l'amore... non è bello se non è litigarello. - Ah, love... It is not beautiful if it does not quarrel.
Err... Sì. Sto certamente imparando che a mio spese... - Err... Yes. I am definitely learning that the hard way.
Non capita a tutti? - Don't we all?
Err... La saluto. E scusi il disturbo... - Err... Farewell. And apologies for disturbing you.
Eh! Chi non risica non rosica. Ma è meglio stare attenti con lei! Donna buona – vale una corona. - Eh! No risk, no reward! But you better take care of her! Good woman – worth a crown.
Lo so... - I know...
Vaffanculo! - Fuck you!
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fanfiction-she-wrote @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890 @mywildheartremains
(Less Than) Noble Intentions only (let me know if you want to be added!)
@thetruthisthatiloveyou @anakjaybon-blog
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lavellenchanted · 9 months
Otp: I want the whole damn thing & 5?
5. Angry Kiss
“April, what the hell are these?”
Jackson’s voice isn’t quite angry (not yet, anyway), just flat and tight, like he wants to sounds neutral but just can’t manage it; but when April turns to look at him, there’s bewilderment written across his face more than anything else as he stares down at the iPad she has so very stupidly left on the kitchen counter open and with the screen on.
A screen that is currently showing house and apartment listings around Boston.
Slowly, Jackson’s eyes lift to meet hers and she feels a guilty blush steal across her cheeks – which is almost immediately followed by a surge of irritation, because she doesn’t have anything to feel guilty over. And she finds it incredibly galling that he would look at her like that, with his eyes soft and confused and betrayed when he’s the one who –
“I was just browsing,” she blurts out, because she doesn’t want to think about that. Except that she already has, which is probably why she sounds so snappishly defensive. “I mean, I’ve got to look at some point, right?”
“What are you talking about?” His eyebrows are drawing down into a frown, and like a mirror of herself she can see the irritation building in him as well. 
They’ve always been too good at that, reflecting their worst emotions back at each other.
“This was only ever temporary.”
April waves a hand, a gesture meant to encompass not just the kitchen but the entire house. A house they had started sharing when they first moved to Boston because that was easier than trying to find two places at the same time, but which was never meant to be her and Harriet’s permanent home here. Just his. 
Except that it has become her home. Worse, it’s become theirs. It feels like cutting out a part of herself to say it isn’t, but how can she stay now? 
“Did I do something? I know you’ve been mad about something for a while.”
She almost wants to laugh because of course he knew. No one has ever been able to see through her quite so easily as Jackson can. It used to frighten her, the way he seemed to strip her bare and see everything, all her fears and insecurities and hopes and dreams, with just a single glance. It also thrilled her, though she tried to deny that for the longest time.
At this particular moment it’s just making her angry, because how can he know her so well and still not understand?
“No, you didn’t –” She lets out a frustrated sigh. “I’m not mad at you.”
It’s mostly the truth. Okay, maybe she’s mad at him a little bit, but really she’s just mad at herself.
Because she thought that maybe they were –
But she was wrong. Of course she was wrong. That was made very clear last week, when she saw him looking cosy with some annoyingly long-legged blonde woman at the Foundation. 
Intellectually, she knows it’s not Jackson’s fault. She may not have done anything wrong but neither did he, not really. They’re still divorced, and neither of them have ever mentioned dating or getting back together or anything of the sort. A few lingering looks here and there or flirtatious remarks don’t mean anything. They aren’t promises or declarations.
Still, she feels so stupid that it makes her want to scream with an anger that’s sharp and bright and far preferable to focus on than the hurt drumming at her insides.
“Could’ve fooled me,” Jackson says drily.
April glares at him. “I just thought that it’s about time Hattie and I found somewhere else.”
Jackson’s jaw tightens. “So when were you going to tell me? Or were you going to tell me? Was I just going to come home one day and find you both gone?”
“Of course not! I was going to tell you when I found a place. Why are you so pissed about it anyway? I thought you’d be glad to have some space back. Then you could bring all the blonde friends you want back here without us getting in the way.”
The words have spilled out before she can stop them, bitter and jealous. She bites down on her lip to stop herself saying any more but it’s too late. Jackson’s staring at her, his expression growing darker, and then suddenly he’s striding across the kitchen to stand right in front of her, towering above her so she has to crane her neck to look up at him.
“Blonde friends?” he says furiously. “That’s what this is about? I don’t know what makes me more angry, April, the fact that you saw me schmoozing someone who is considering making a huge donation to the Foundation and assumed I was hitting on her, or the fact that you didn’t talk to me about it and just decided to deal with it by moving out. I thought we were past this, the not talking to each other about things.”
April blinks, thrown for a moment by this new information and desperately trying to ignore the sudden, painful burst of hope radiating in her chest, then feels her cheeks warm as her thoughts catch up to what he’s saying.
“Oh, like you talk to me? If I made assumptions, maybe it’s because we’ve been in Boston for eight months and I still don’t know what you want from me, Jackson! You asked me here but I don’t know if it’s just because you didn’t want to be that far away from Harriet, or if you actually want me around –”
She doesn’t get a chance to say any more because Jackson cuts her off, catching her face between his hands and covering her mouth with his. It’s not a gentle kiss – they’re both still too angry for that – and his lips are almost bruising, insistent, each stroke of his mouth delivered with deliberate passion, like he’s making a point and wants to be very clear about it. 
Maybe he is; she curls her fingers into his shirt and pulls him closer, kissing him back with equal fierceness, running her tongue over his bottom lip and then catching it between her teeth. Her heartbeat is roaring in her ears and she can hardly breathe, but she doesn’t care. She doesn’t want to breathe right now. She only wants to keep kissing him, to feel the fire that’s burning through the veins as she presses herself against him and gives in to the hunger and the longing that she’s been trying to bury for months.
Jackson lifts his mouth briefly, tilting his head the other way and between kisses he’s saying, “I want you. I have always wanted you. I will never not want you.”
She brings her arms up to wind them around his neck and whispers back, “I want you too. I want you so much, Jackson.”
Finally, when her head is swimming and her legs feel weak and shaky and like they might collapse any moment they break apart, though she keeps her arms around his neck and he brings his hands to her waist. They’re both breathing heavily, their eyes locked on each other, and April can feel her heart pounding against her ribs.
“I guess we both still need to get better at the talking thing,” Jackson says. “But let me start with saying that I don’t want you to go. I want you to stay here with me.”
April smiles. “Then I’ll stay.”
kiss prompts
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Over tea
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Tea can either bring people together to enjoy it or start senseless fights. How interesting
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Wc: ~900
Your liking of tea has always been one of the few things known about you by the public. Other than your face or name, nothing much was known.
A perfect blank page for anyone to dream about any scenario they want.
" I just know it! One of the secretaries spoke as she stirred her coffee " great sage YN and mister al-haitham MUST be an item! Totally confirmed" She blushed lightly, imagining one of the steamy book cover that she managed to buy in Inazuma
The rest of the group looks at her attentively, this is one of their common lunch talks. Paperwork, unreasonable workers, talking shit about their boss and gossip about their favorite pair
" Oh?" The golden eyes of one of the boys open wide as does his mouth, letting out a bit of food " how are you so sure even?"
" Hear this'' she leans towards the table as if she was about to tell a top secret " al-haitham was on his desk, as usual right?" The rest of the group looked at her with total attention, breaths hitched "I had to deliver a letter but when I was about to enter I saw the great sage next to al-haitham so obviously I didn't enter. I didn't want to ruin my OTP's moment-"
" You just wanted to eavesdrop but sure "
" Shush! So I stood by listening and they were really like ' oh, haitham, you should take a break from work for a moment. We could go to my office and drink some tea' all while being very touchy feely and al-haitham kinda smiles knowingly before going so I had to leave the letter in the door -"
" Ehem!" One of the matra touches her shoulder, quickly dimming the environment " care to repeat that?"
Jumping from her chair she looks wide-eyed at the matra followed by two other matras " I swear I didn't mean to eavesdrop it was only an acc-"
The blond one steps ahead crossing his arms ready to fight " that is the problem! The problem is lying blatantly about possible affairs from the great sage! Everyone knows great sage and cyno are in love
" Obviously! And you said you stood by the door? Then how would you have known they were touchy feely and if he smiled or not! Only lies!"
The oldest steps in, trying to calm the other two down, seemingly he is their senior " you two only came because you wanted to warn them about lying about a public figure. Either way, young lass, do you know how severe lying about this is?"
Grasping the fabric around her chest she stands her ground, facing against the supposed 'boss' " I might have exaggerated with the touching part but the great sage WAS inside mister Al-haitham's office and they DID offer him to drink tea at their private office".
The blond one jumps in place, an offended look on his face " even then! How would you ever think they would fall in love with such a straight faced dull man!"
Sara gasps looking at him " straight faced! That is flavorful coming from you! You mean to say Cyno, the general mahatma is more expressive than mister al-haitham! I'm so sorry but that is plainly untrue!"
" I have only seen your so beloved 'misteir il-haithim" frown! I know you low level workers don't know how hard the sages' work is they need someone reliable and comforting like Cyno!"
The other matra chimes in rising reasons why Cyno is better than al-haitham, to each of them his coworker nods, while their superior looks somewhat embarrassed " Cyno has a whole personality outside of his job! He likes card games, he is protective of his friends, reliable, funny!"
Tte oldest gives a broken smile " O-Oh well maybe that one…"
" UP FOR DISCUSSION! But either way the great sage YN always laughs at his jokes!"
" Huh?!
"As cynos unofficial big brothers we have to help him get his happiness! He only relaxes when the great sage YN is around. I will not allow you bunch to sully it with senseless rumors"
" Yeah, plus Cyno spent three weeks next to the great sage! Obviously there should be something there"
The chubby and meek girl stands up " Well most of that time was spent believing the sage was a criminal! I wouldn't date anyone who thought that of me!"
The lanky matra gets closer, visibility mad by the vein in his neck " Cyno was only doing his job!"
" And?! I don't think my trust could easily be built if his first impression of me was that of a criminal!"
Looking down the window you look at the busy streets beaming with light and sound " I'm happy everything is as calm as usual" you say softly as you lean against your lover's chest, faintly smelling the white tea from his mug and his mouth. You wonder, would his lips taste like white tea?
He nods before resting his head on your own, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around you as if he was about to sleep with a teddy bear
No longer caring about making hypotheses, you give him a quick kiss, lingering around his face to notice any reaction. Looking carefully you see his lips turn the slightest upwards and his pale hair hiding the sprinkle in his eyes. Leaning down he gives a light kiss on your cheek
He tastes like tea, a lightly orange blossom taste lingering on the tip of your tongue. How much will the taste change if you add raspberries? Or maybe Jazmine? You will have to check then, surely your handsome lover wouldn't refuse any affection under the alibi of sharing a cup of tea
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averytiredart1st · 7 months
One thing I do when it comes to shipping is just thinking of how possessive or jealous said characters of ship would be. It’s like fucking mandatory at this point for me so you know what that means.
Ships used in this post are my go twos Goldenpunk and Ghostflower cause they’re my OTPs. (Since I’m following the movies a bit let’s just say that Pavitr and Gayatri just has a mutual break up and are besties okay? Okay, we don’t tolerate Gayatri slander here.) No like? No read.
Ok right off the bat Hobie is definitely not the jealous type at all. Nada, zilch, nope. To me he’s just confident and knows that Pavitr isn’t gonna go run off with some random person so he doesn’t really feel the need to be jealous in the first place. But don’t get it twisted there’s a difference between jealousy and anger. Such as if Pav is getting uncomfortable in a situation where someone keeps on trying to push themselves onto him after Pav has said no. Yeah Hobie is gonna threaten the hell out of them but if it continues he’s not afraid to fight. Doesn’t matter if you’re a boy, girl, or whatever you better know sign language cause all you gonna be seeing is hands. He is very big about boundaries and doesn’t play when it comes to it as well.
I can’t really see Gwen as the jealous type. “BuT pAwS DIDNTYOUSEEHERDRAGGINGMILESAWAYFROMMARGO!!!!!!” Yes yes I know I know but this whole thing for me is happening after the whole multiverse chase Miles to the ends of the earth thing happened. So yeah she’ll feel a tad bit jealous when Miles gets flirted on by another girl (he doesn’t even notice that he’s being flirted on unless it’s really obvious let’s be honest) but it’s quickly overridden by guilt that since she betrayed Miles and really hurt him emotionally that yeah maybe he does deserve someone better than me someone that won’t hurt him so badly. Miles is quick to break that train of thought tho. The moment he sees that look on her face he’s quick to realize that he’s being flirted on and wraps his arm around Gwen’s waist and is like “This is my girlfriend Gwen by the way, you two should hang out some time, it sounds like you guys have some stuff in common.” And reassures her that no one in the entire multiverse could ever make his heart race like her.
Miles yeah he’s the jealous type. You can’t tell me this walking ray of sunflowers doesn’t have some type of tiny insecurities after that whole fucking being body slammed into a damm train thing and having someone tell you you’re a mistake thing happen to him. NO ONE CAN WALK OUT OF THAT THING WITHOUT AT LEAST A TINY BIT OF DOUBT. Also it was obvious with anytime Gwen mentioned staying over at Hobie’s during the second movie. He’s not very like obvious with it, it’s more like when he sees someone flirting with Gwen he stands closer to her and “casually” wraps his arm around around her shoulders. He’s basically the song Jealous by Nick Jonas and no one can ever convince me otherwise. He gets why people would flirt with Gwen cause who the hell wouldn’t his girlfriend is fucking amazing but dude back tf up she’s taken.
Pav……this man…this man lowkey fucking possessive. He’s not even fucking subtle about it, while Miles might glare a bit this man is is sending fucking death threats with his eyes. It’s not even from insecurity too this man managed to date Gayatri who is a fucking model and now he’s dating Hobie who was also a fucking model this man is confident as shit. It’s more along the lines that everyone just keeps on fucking staring and flirting with Hobie (and he can’t blame them have you seen his boyfriend?) and honestly it’s becoming annoying to be like “yeah MY BOYFRIEND is amazing isn’t he? I’m so glad we’re dating.” All the damm time cause cause Hobie finds it fucking hilarious when Pav is “jealous”, so he makes it clear that they’re dating from the very beginning. Anytime someone is flirting with Hobie he walks next to his boyfriend and like snatches his hand into his own very fucking obviously. There’s no way people don’t immediately catch on and back off. And we’ve seen the way he’s talked about Gayatri there’s no way he doesn’t gush and go on and on about Hobie and how his boyfriend is so hot and is in the band and can play guitar and has amazing fashion taste and such. He’ll fawn over Hobie to anyone who has ears this man doesn’t shut up.
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