#or really anything that could potentially bite me in the ass later on
mygwenchan · 1 year
Oh boy... why do they actually fight this out in public, I really don't understand it. Did no one tell them to stay away from social media and let the lawyers handle the matter (especially because there seem to be accusations of abuse and money issues)? Anyway, I think I'll go watch a movie and take care of my plants for the time being. This is just too messy tbh
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thegnomelord · 5 months
I REALLY LOVE THE STRAIGHTFOWARD WEREWOLVES SOAP. OMG. Its just really funny in my head, imagine the way soap would act so shameless around the reader, uncaring about the stare he got because thats just how they are! The werewolves race with their no-shit and unfiltered attitude, and oh if they take interest in you, prepare your heart especially if you has a weak one; because surely they'll cling their every waking moment with you, sniffing every spots of you that they can reach. Absurd yet endearing flirtiratios compliments would hurled at you, catching you off guard cause they just come out of nowhere. Baring their fangs at potential rivals, worst case scenario if its their own race, because they can and will get violent, best calmed the werewolves down before anything awful happened. Just a thing between werewolves to prove which one is the stronger and more qualified, whose more worthy of your love, in their point of view.
If you have the time can you make a short fic, it would be the highlight of my life for weeks!!
Okay yes but also because I love needy clingy pathetic Soap too much lol
CW: NSFW, gn reader, grinding, somnophillia, quick and rough.
You've noticed that Soap has started to act. . . strange.
He's started trying to feed you all types of stuff, mostly meat, seeking you out at all times of the day. You'll see him go out to the woods and come back with some large animal, and an hour later he'll be coming to you with a plate of food and a 'Kiss the cook' apron on (every time you have to bite back from drawing attention to the fact the arrows point down to his dick). "Hey, need that wonderful mouth of yer's to try this out." He says, watching with rapt attention as you try his food, taking every critique with a wagging tail.
And if you like his food, oh, there's a giant grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, ye like that?" He comes closer, the plate in your hands forcing distance between you two. "Reckon this cook should get a reward." He's already stepping around to press his chest flush with your back before he can finish his sentence, and you don't have the heart to stop him because the food is mouth watering and he's just scenting you, even if the occasional flick of his tongue against your nape makes you shiver. (You, again, try not to draw attention to a hard bulge grinding into your ass)
That's the other thing. He's gotten really clingy.
He's always been clingy with all the team members, nuzzling his cheek against Gaz, whining like a kicked puppy when pushes him away with a hand on his face, tail wagging as he scents Price. Usually he's satisfied after he's done scenting the lads in your team, happy to continue with his business.
But with you. . .
You can't even sit on the couch for five seconds before his burly body is snuggling up to you, taking his seat in your lap like he owns it, like he's a lap dog. Doesn't even excuse himself before his hands are groping your biceps as he nuzzles your neck. "Aye, yer so hoht," He purrs, full body rubbing against you. "Could use ye fer a blanket on cold nights." You don't know how to feel about that, his words causing your mind to stutter long enough for him to replace the scents lingering on you with his own.
And when someone enters to find you like this, he doesn't even throw them a glance, gripping onto you like a koala and all you can do is mouth a 'help me'. Doesn't work though, as the second he senses someone is getting near he's growling like a monster truck's engine, glaring at the poor sod with his face still stuck in your neck.
Or, if you're busy with something, he'll saddle up to you, ears perked up. "Oi, bonnie, hold som'ting fer me." He'll whine, tugging on your arm until you sigh.
"Fine, just give it here." You growl, holding out your arm, still concentrated on what you're doing.
Next thing you know you're cupping his jaw, his head resting on your hand. "Anyone ever tell ye, yer got perfect hands te grope with?" Johnny grins at you, that one snaggletooth fang pinching his lip, using your confusion to rub the scent glands in his cheeks against your palm, making sure you smell like him.
You shake out of your stupor and pull your hand back, resisting giving in when he gives you such a heartbroken whine. "No, Johnny." You growl and shoo him away, but he still manages to brush his tail against your leg.
You make the mistake to fall asleep on the communal couch after a grueling day of training recruits. When Johnny finds you, his nose immediately trying to get a whiff of your scent, he growls when he can barely get traces of it beneath the smell of dirt and sweat and way too many people when the only scent you should have on you is his. His inner wolf growls along with him, his ears pricking up straight, staring at your sleeping form.
He's more than happy to rectify your mistake.
He lays on top of you, purring happily to himself when you don't even shift. "Good mate," He hums to himself, wrapping around you like a blanket, face buried in your neck once again. His hands slide beneath your shirt, making him pant into your skin from the sensation of your muscles beneath his hands. He moves his body slowly, seeking to have as much skin contact as he can, mouth watering and angel bells ringing in his skull at how he can taste his scent replacing everyone else's on your skin.
He doesn't notice when he starts to nibble on your neck, but it's the sensible next move, what better way to keep competition away than let everyone know you're taken? Johnny's marks bloom across your throat as he sucks hickeys into your skin, his wolf and himself standing on common ground to make sure you're covered in his marks.
He pulls back his head to look at his work and groans, cock immediately hardening in his pants from you covered in his marks. His hips gain a life of their own, thighs gripping your own as he grinds down, already half drunk on your scent.
You wake up to find his hot breath fanning over your face, the sensation of something hard grinding against your leg dissipating any residual drowsiness. "Johnny, what the fuck?" You ask, voice rough from sleep, only now registering his weight on top of you.
"'m sorry bonnie," Johnny whines, burying his face into your neck to muffle his whining. "Just- hah- needed ye."
You grumble, but you can't hide the way heat burns through your veins at the sight of him, his face flushed, claws gripping you like you'll disappear, desperately humping against your leg.
"I can see that." You say, tensing your thigh to give aid him in his grinding, your eyes growing wide at the loud moan that escapes him, like he's a whore on camera.
"Oh, shite, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye-" He whines, his humping growing faster, butterflies fluttering in his stomach at the way you hadn't pushed him away, that you're accepting his advances, muttering 'mate' under his breath as he chases after his orgasm.
He cums before either one of you knows it, a dark stain forming in his pants as he bites down and groans into your neck. You grunt, but Soap's quick to release your skin and lap at the aching spots with his tongue, soothing the pain.
"'m sorry bonnie." He mumbles, cock still hard in his pants, his wolfish eyes settling on you. Shame nibbles on his stomach for cumming so fast when he can't smell a lot of arousal on you, his wolf growling at him to show you how good he can be.
You jump when his hand slides down to grip your crotch roughly, his pupils dilating at the way a small moan slips past your lips. "Lemme make it up fer ye yeah?"
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
In It For The Long Haul (Doctor Who)
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: Almost dying repeatedly will wear anyone down eventually, and you're not sure how much more of this you can take.
CW: anxiety, nail picking, angst, comfort, sprinkle of fluff
DW tag list: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Spending day after day with the Doctor could be incredibly easy. Travels throughout time and space, meeting aliens, seeing new planets and visiting markets and things. Those were the easy days. The soft days. The hard days, well, they almost broke you sometimes. 
The hard days were filled with kidnappings, murders, weeping mothers and danger lurking around any and all corners. You never knew what monster was going to pop out of what closet, or whether you were going to meet your end that day. And eventually, as that sort of thing would do to a person, it wore you down. 
Today, well, you weren’t sure you were going to make it. The Doctor was so used to this kind of thing day in and day out that you supposed he didn’t need to process it the same way you did, and the more you needed to press your memories back and bottle it all up, the more that tight ball of anxiety grew inside you, threatening to burst out and take you with it. 
The Doctor held his psychic paper in his hand, slapping it against the other thoughtfully. He’d received another message. Someone else who needed help. You wanted to help them. You really did. And you wanted to be there with the Doctor- side by side as you saved people and kicked alien ass. However, at the same time, the two of you had faced down at least three, maybe four, terrifying potentially fatal situations this week alone and, well, you were getting close to your breaking point. 
You were tired and overwhelmed.
You could tell just by looking at the Doctor that he was gearing up for an adventure. It was really horrible of you to think, but, well… if they were suffering and asking for help at a specific point in time- you could always wait a while and travel back to that point later. The caller would never know. You weren’t talking years or anything, just a few days. Even just a day.
As soon as the thought crossed your mind, you regretted it. You felt a wave of guilt wash over you, causing you to lean back against the TARDIS wall and sigh defeatedly. She seemed to hum from behind you, trying to give you a little comfort. Oh, you needed a vacation. And not a vacation where as soon as you get there the Doctor finds some alien threat to investigate or some bomb to diffuse. A real, honest-to-God vacation. Or you’d be the bomb the Doctor had to diffuse. 
“What do you think, eh? Up for another adventure?” The Doctor finally turned to you, a massive grin spread on his face. Upon seeing whatever expression was plastered on your own, his brows dropped down into concern. He hummed and within seconds had bounded over to where you were standing in the corner. “What’s wrong, love? Was it the crab? I never trust the crab from Sigfried Xena. Bit too… purple for me.” 
You let out a chuckle despite yourself. No matter what mood you were in, the Doctor always made you laugh. Whether it was intentional half the time was up for debate, but still. He made you laugh all the same. 
“It’s- it wasn’t the crab,” you say, biting your lip anxiously, looking at the tops of your shoes. The Doctor’s warm hand is suddenly over your own, and you realise that you’d been picking at your nails. A habit you’d formed when stressed or anxious. You were pretty sure that’s why you let them grow out sometimes. A steadying sigh leaves your lungs and you risk a look back up to the Doctor. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked pointedly, giving you one of those arched brow looks that always pulls you out of your shell.
“I don’t think I can do this.” The admission is so quiet you could barely hear it yourself. But the Doctor heard it. Of course, he does. 
“Do what?” 
You can tell he’s fighting the urge to say something to make you laugh. He can see you need to get this off your chest. 
“I don’t think I can go off on another dangerous adventure,” you breathe. “It’s not that I don’t want to, but, I’m- I can-” you let out a frustrated groan as the words refuse to form for you. The Doctor’s eyes are flitting between yours as if he understands perfectly and doesn’t understand a word at the same time. Then again, you were pretty sure that was just his permanent state of being anyway. 
“I almost died this week,” you say exasperatedly, feeling around the words and forcing them out. “Four times. And not in a cute oh-yeah-that-maths-homework-almost-killed-me kind of way. I almost actually died, Doctor. Four times. This week alone.” You knew he knew this, but you couldn’t regenerate. One bad shot from a gun, or a Dalek’s laser and it was game over for you. 
Being put in these situations over and over were starting to wear you down. The almost constant fear was starting to grate against your insides like sandpaper. 
The Doctor hummed for a second. You were almost certain this had been the most quiet he’d ever been. It was concerning. 
“I can’t leave whoever this is- they need help,” the Doctor said eventually, choosing his words. “I know you’re not asking me to stand by and let them suffer, but I can’t leave them. It’s not who I am.” 
You nodded, fingers grasping around the hand he has on yours so you didn’t start with your nails again. 
“How about this?” The Doctor says, using his free hand to raise your gaze back to him by your chin. “You can come, or you can sit this one out. The TARDIS will keep you company while I’m gone- and then when I get back, I’ll take you home.” 
You start to interrupt, but the look he gives you tells you to let him finish. 
“We can visit your family- oh, I dunno- have dinner or something, and then you can either come with me to the next great adventure, or you can stay. I won’t be upset.” You know this is a lie. Of course, he’d be upset. “Well, I’ll understand,” he corrects. 
You chew on your lip, peering into his eyes as if you’ll finally be able to decipher the thoughts going on behind them there. 
“One condition,” you say after a few moments, settling on a decision. “You take me dancing first- after the problem is dealt with that is,” you tack on quickly, waving at the psychic paper. 
“And I’m coming with you to help whoever that is. I might be overwhelmed, but I can’t stand by either.”
“Oh, yes,” he says softly, stretching back into that grin that melts hearts. “I think I can manage that.” 
He presses a kiss to your forehead, grasps one of your hands in his, and puts his other around your waist. You giggle freely as he leads you both back to the console of the TARDIS and lets go with an almost giggle of his own. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much I love dancing. Brilliant stuff, that is. Good for the soul. Alright, then,” he looks positively giddy, rubbing his hands together. “First stop Earth- 1746.” He starts booting the TARDIS up and organising the coordinates.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
But really Ptj truly lacks in female characters, like we want to see woman fight and beat asses too.
And love your writing;)
Hi anon - not me seeing this and jumping on it IMMEDIATELY. GIVE ME COMPETENT WOMEN. GIVE ME WOMEN THAT CAN FIGHT
I don't think I've got the unhinged quite there but this is to fun to not put down everything and starting writing. Adding a Goo and Sammy in the works for later too. Thanks for the ask and glad you're enjoying my brain rot!
Gun Park with Unhinged F!Reader
He wasn't a complete disappointment (Gun Park | Goo Kim | Samuel Seo | James Lee/DG)
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You are nothing like Daniel Park.
The last time Gun had felt fear, it was fun. The rush of blood in his ears, the adrenaline cursing through his veins. Exchanging blows with a worthy opponent, with a potential successor.
This? This was fight or flight or freeze.
Gun had never retreated from a fight, unless it served the bigger picture. And he certainly had never frozen before.
Being overwhelmed, truly, wholly, completely, wasn't a feeling he was used to.
You stand there over his beaten body, blood and skin under your nails, a sardonic grin upon your lips and rabid glint in your eyes.
"Is this little Gun all out of bullets?" You pout mockingly at him, as the realisation dawned that you had been playing with your prey all along.
You had to admit - at times he had even given you a thrill. But then he had to go along and break. How fragile.
You sigh as you take your eyes off him, licking the blood off your fingers.
Gun landed a few hits at first, like a true fighter - never holding back his strength even against a woman.
(That was usually the first thing people underestimated about you. These silly little boys with their poor delicate egos and idiotic misplaced gallantry.)
When his fist connected with your face, you couldn't help but let out a shriek of excitement.
Oh. Oh. Maybe you finally found someone that actually lived up to their reputation.
And sure, he managed to go a couple rounds with you, but it wasn't long before he was out of moves and out of time.
You gave him a peek of your demon, and he almost felt it engulf his entire being and swallow him in darkness.
How sad. Really. This could have been something great.
You kneel down and gently run your hands through his hair, "At least you weren't a complete disappointment."
All Gun could do was look at you with rage and fury and hate. How fun, another enemy.
You press two fingers to your lips, kissing them and transferring it to his. If he had anything left, maybe he would have tried to bite you.
You pull out a slip of paper and pen from your pocket, brushing away the lint and dirt and cross another inadequate name off your list.
"Who... are... you?" Gun gritted out, struggling with the words. Oops, you did almost crush his throat.
You stand back up and give him a shrug. He didn't deserve to know.
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 3 months
something in the orange - two
a Dieter Bravo x ofc!Ava in another life AU
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pairing - Dieter & Ava
word count - 1500ish
warnings - this was supposed to be more angsty, but Dieter wasn't really having it, so besides a mention of Ava's grandfather being a controlling ass, I can't really think of much? brief mention of a 3rd party buying drugs, implied past drug use, Dieter gets a dumb tattoo, lol let me know if I missed anything....oh, not a warning really but this chapter does feature Benjamin Miller as a very special guest star lol
authors note - I don't know what I'm doing, I never know what I'm doing, I don't know what the actual point of this story is from day to day, I just like to take my characters out and play with them, lol, so thanks as always to @wildemaven & @trulybetty for listening to me ramble on about all this silly stuff 💕
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“There's an idiot next door getting a hippo tattooed on his ankle,” Liza announces as she breezes into the store exactly at three.
“Oh, shit!” Ava exclaims, gathering her things and slinging her bag over her shoulder as she heads for the door.
Dieter. She forgot about Dieter.
“That's my idiot. Probably. I'll explain later,” she calls over her shoulder as she leaves and crashes directly into six foot two inches of lean muscle and boyish charm.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Benny. She forgot about Benny too. Benny is….she doesn't really know what Benny is. A friend. Sometimes a lover. Right now, possibly another potential headache.
“Hey beautiful, where's the fire?” He laughs down at her, hands going to her waist to steady her.
“Apparently, the fire is next door at your shop.”
“What? Hollywood? Yeah, he's with Will. Came in and asked if he could sketch his own design and have it inked.”
“Jesus frickin Christ,” Ava mutters, letting Benny pull her closer and hiding her face against his chest. “And you let him? How is this my life?”
“So that's your guy, huh? He doesn't seem that bad.”
“He's not my guy, he's a pain in my ass. And he really can be that bad.”
“Does he know that? Because he hasn't shut up about you,” Benny laughs, looking over towards the shop. “And he's watching us right now. Wanna make him jealous?”
“Is this an excuse to get me to kiss you, Benjamin Miller?” Ava asks, raising her head and narrowing her eyes at him.
“Depends,” He shrugs, a mischievous grin stealing across his face and his blue eyes twinkling. “Is it working?”
She grins back at him and loops her arms around his neck. “Fine. One kiss.”
“I better make it a good one then.”
“So that guy, huh?” Dieter asks as he and Ava walk to her place.
“Don't start, Dee.”
“What? I didn't say anything. He's hot. If, ya know, that whole blonde Adonis thing is what you're into.”
“He's a friend.”
“You kiss all your friends like that?” Dieter scoffs.
“Can we not with the jealousy?”
“I come to visit my wife–”
“That was annulled,” Ava laughs, playfully shoving his shoulder.
“I come to visit my wife,” he says again, louder this time. “And she's having a literal rom-com moment in a semi tropical paradise, what with the kissing and the twirling and everything. I think I'm entitled to a little bit of jealousy.”
“Okay, fine, if you want to be like that, husband, how are things with Anika?”
“Low blow, Ava. Low blow. Didn't Drew tell you? She left me for Kate.”
“What? No! Aww, she was cute. I liked her. Completely wrong for you, but I liked her.”
“What?” Dieter gasps, mock offended. “Why would you say that?”
She's not me.
That's Ava's immediate thought and one she's not about to voice so she just shrugs.
“She's too serious, too focused. And you're….not really. You're chaos and impulse. Like wandering off to get a hippo tattoo,” she laughs, gesturing at his still rolled up pant leg.
“But look,” he says, stopping to prop his foot up on a nearby bench. “It says ‘I hippopotamiss you’. Ya know, in case you ever wonder. It's right there. Permanently.”
Ava stares down at the little hippo on the inside of his ankle and has to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. It's cute and ridiculous and exactly the kind of dumb stunt she should expect from him.
“Touching, Dee, really. Because I spend so much time with you. And your ankles.”
That earns her another grin and what she knows is supposed to be a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
“Aww, babycakes, you could spend as much time with any part of me as you want.”
She grabs his hand to get him moving again and gives it a squeeze before lacing her fingers with his and continuing their walk.
“I'll keep that in mind.”
“Jesus, Ava, you live here?” Dieter asks, looking at the tiny camper she's led him to. “You couldn't have rented a nicer one? Maybe one built in this century? We had trailers bigger than this on set when we were kids….”
“Shut up, we did not,” she laughs, bouncing up the stairs and unlocking the door. “It's cozy. I have everything I need.”
“This can't even be safe in hurricane season. It's like a million year old camper in a questionable RV park.”
“Okay one, it's not a questionable park, it's very safe. And two, I usually pack up Lucy and head north.”
“Another relic,” Dieter snorts, referring to Ava's twenty year old Honda Element parked outside. “This is comfy though. I could sleep,” he adds, sprawling out on the sofa while Ava putters around the tiny kitchen.
“No, get up. Come to the table. Eat something and then you can take a nap if you want to.”
“You can cook?” He asks, sitting up and moving to the table as requested, eyeing Ava skeptically.
“No,” she grins. “But I can make you a sandwich.”
Dieter wakes up a couple hours later with a post-it note stuck to his forehead, Ava's familiar scribble stating if she's not there, he'll know where to find her.
He doesn't really, but he knows all he has to do is go outside, look around and then head towards the sunset. She'll be wherever she can find the best view.
He makes use of her pitiful excuse for a bathroom and then ventures outside, wandering around until he finds a little picnic area and Ava sitting on top of a table, arms behind her supporting her weight as she watches the sun starting its descent into the ocean.
“Where do you go?” He asks as he joins her. “When you pack up and go North, where do you go?”
“Wherever I want. Sometimes I make a vacation of it and go on a road trip. Sometimes I just hunker down somewhere until it's safe to come back. Why?”
“I dunno, just curious. There's so much I don't know about you now. So much I guessed wrong.”
“What do you mean?” Ava asks, bringing one leg up onto the table and turning to face him. “Guessed wrong about what?”
“I guess I didn't realize you had, like, a whole life here. When Drew told me where you were, I just assumed you were drinking margaritas and laying around, doing the beach bum thing or whatever,” he shrugs. “And then he said you were working at a gas station….”
“The gas station gig is temporary,” Ava laughs. “The owners are friends and they just had a baby. I was between things, so I'm helping out.”
“See- you've never stayed anywhere long enough to have friends before, to be part of the community or whatever, it's different. Not what I expected. So what do you do when you're not working at a gas station?”
“I've done a little bit of everything - tour guide, hostess, waitress, movie concessions, bartender, barista.”
Dieter shakes his head in disbelief. “You’re so fucking smart, Ava. You could've done anything…"
“I just wanted a normal life.”
“Babycakes, this isn't exactly normal,” Dieter laughs softly.
“Maybe not,” she agrees. “But it's not in the spotlight either and I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.”
“Don't you ever miss it?” He leaves the underlying ‘don't you ever miss me, ever miss us’ unspoken. “I understand why you felt like you had to leave, I do. I know you felt like Conrad was controlling your whole life….”
“Because he was controlling my whole life, Dee. He had it all scripted out. When we'd get married again, for real and very publicly. When I’d ideally start popping out your babies. The types of roles I'd take. The most important one, of course, being your arm candy while you talked about whatever your next big thing was going to be.”
“That’s not fair, Ava. You know I never would've gone along with that shit- not if you were uncomfortable with it. Besides, you had a solid career. Steady work. You were America's sweetheart.”
“No, I was America's quirky best friend. Bailey was America's sweetheart.”
“I don't want to talk about Bailey.”
“You never want to talk about Bailey.”
“She stole my Oscar! She literally broke into my house and stole my Oscar and sold it to buy coke!”
*You got it back,” Ava laughs.
“Whatever,” he grumbles. “I hope she's freezing her ass off up there in Canada shooting all those damn Hallmark Christmas movies.”
“So I shouldn't tell her you said hi the next time I talk to her?”
“You can tell her to kiss my flat ass.”
“Okay, okay, no more talk about Bailey,” Ava says, turning to scoot closer to him so she can rest her head on his shoulder. “Just be quiet and watch the sunset. And then I'll let you treat me to dinner somewhere.”
“You stole all my money earlier,” Dieter reminds her and Ava shrugs.
“Just the cash. You still have your credit cards.”
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beanlot · 2 years
oh em gee just saw that ur reqs are open so may i please request for ellie:
what would she be like when you argue with her? or when she’s jeslous? angst ( + comfort PLS, HOW ELSE WILL WE SURVIVE) / or maybe a modern au 🫣 could be nsfw could not yk what im SAYINGGGG
you don’t have to but god if u do, i think i might just go out like a light
love u, take care <3
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just a little childish.
not to find fault with ellie, but she’s someone who isn’t emotionally disciplined when there’s hollows in your relationship. no matter what the argument surrounds, it’ll feel very one-sided in terms of communication and trying to plaster the holes in the walls - ellie is passive aggression, and it could be through maintaining bitter eye contact or not looking at you at all, unpredictability that has you treading on thin ice. she’ll wait for you to cotton on that something just isn’t right, and when you do, it’s not weight being taken off your shoulders.
i’m not saying it’s a howling match between you, but ellie’s warlike on a verbal level - she gets comfortable with hectoring at people whether it makes a scene or not, and this will only fuel her potential to hiss insult after insult at you. and it’ll probably go something like:
your voice is pissing me off right now, so shut it.
you think you’re the shit, don’t you?
you just walk around thinking you’re some fucking angel, but i see through it, don’t you fucking worry.
and again, not to rub the salt in the wound, but ellie has a tendency to abuse talking over you.
she isn’t much of a mumbler in arguments, which is ironic since she exhibits a very vanilla tone ordinarily - but in her peak of hostility, she’s not resistant to get her point across and really drill it into you no matter how callous it is. she likes to be heard, and if that’s through amplifying the vocal chords just a tad, so be it. and she’s an angry crier, no doubt. ellie gets indulged in the superfluity of emotion, too much that she doesn’t notice the tears streamlining her cheeks until she’s done, well, yelling at you and clarifying her outrage.
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but she’ll miss you.
ellie would prefer to have such disharmony resolved by the end of the day - she doesn’t like to go nights without alleviating the conflict between you, and its insufferable to breathe through the ripped bandage. she lives in the moment without realising it bites her in the ass later, and when she’s fanned out all of the wrath, she’ll come to you.
with ellie, her usual assertiveness during disputes plummets to submission with apologies; she knows she’s shy with talking things through, globes of fern planted on her fingers as she’ll fidget with them. she wants to be good at this, good to you, and it starts with a sorry once you’re both situated under the covers as she stiffly lays beside you:
earlier was stupid..
i wanna say i’m sorry, and i have no right to be upset..
i understand if you’re mad at me or you wanna, y’know, stop everything..
i didn’t mean anything, was just tryna dig at you..
please say something..
and if that didn’t work out, she’d shuffle closer, fingers on your waist. and depending whether or not you take her hand off, she’ll earth into you more, lips brushing against your neck and lashes butterflying your nape.
however, the only way make-up sex would happen with ellie is if you initiated it. realistically, she’d be too intervened with ameliorating the dissension between you and plastering all the little apertures she’d left - sex wouldn’t be on ellie’s cards unless you’d roll around and tell her that you’re horny.
and she’d do as you please.
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silentmoths · 1 year
As Fragile as a Brick wall
It's me, pulling my ass out of writers block hell to stress write a chapter because everything in my life is in boxes and I hate it.
Chapter 6: You really thought asking her out to dinner was a good idea, huh bud?
Zhongli x Afab (fem pronoun) Reader
NSFW elements in later chapters
Multi-chapter, Royal AU, angst, mentions of death, eventual fluff, eventual smut, hurt/comfort (Wonderful header image made by the wonderful @ainescribe)
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You had definitely cracked a rib.
The blooming bruise, the pain when you breathed in, moved too quickly, or gods help you, sneeze? It was a dead giveaway. 
You were no damsel though, funnily enough, your ex-fiance had once shown you how he went about bandaging himself up after a particularly rough tussle with the captain of his own guard. So with little time on your hands, that's what you do. Strapping your torso in a way that prevented too much movement, but was also easily enough hidden beneath your clothing for the evening.
Between your thigh and your rib, half of you didn’t particularly want to attend this dinner with the king…but there was a part of you, that scared, lonely teenager who had lost her rock to lean on, that needed to know.
You stubbornly hide your limp as you make your way to the dining room. When was the last time this room had even seen use? You weren’t too sure. Not since your mother had died… none of you could stomach being in the same room as one another lest insults begin to fly. 
Seems even Zhongli’s touch had blown away the dust and dreary that had long since settled here. Dingy greys are replaced with warm reds, rich golds and warm, soft velvets. The room was…inviting, for the first time in many years. The table is set for only two, it seems he wanted to speak with you in confidance, though you had somewhat hoped that your place would be at the opposite end of the table, no such luck. One place set at the head, and the other to the left. 
He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d ordered old favourites. Roasted duck and candied orange, root vegetables, stews, the kitchens freshest rolls and hand-churned butter, smells from your childhood that flood your senses and make you feel warm and soft. Zhongli looks up from the scroll he had been examining and smiles, warm, bright and hopeful. 
“I’ll admit…I’m surprised you came…” He murmurs as you slowly sink into your seat with a slow, quiet exhale from your nose; like hell you were about to show weakness, no matter how badly your torso throbbed beneath the bandages. “But I’m glad… You must have many questions.” 
“Well you’re certainly not wrong.” You grunt, occupying yourself by washing back a flagon of mead, hoping the drink would dull something, anything.
“Shall I start from the beginning?” He asks, his warm smile and kind gaze never once leaving you, even as he takes a bite of his dinner.
“Well, I’d assume that would be the logical option.” You know you’re being short with him…but considering, well, everything, you felt like you at least had that right.
Zhongli nods, taking another slow bite of his food.
“It was the day your father started torturing innocent civilians…” he begins, lacing his fingers together as he stares deeply into the cup of red wine before him, watching his reflection distort back at him. “I had known for many months at that point that your father had truly begun to lose himself…but that day…something in his eyes…any semblance of the man he used to be…gone.” “You say that as if my father was ever a good man.” you reply, trying to recall any fond memories you had of the man…scant after the birth of your twin brothers. “I never said he was…but there comes a point in one's life where you can learn to ignore some of the atrocities…but then he reached a point where I could no longer…” Zhongli sighs, “I began searching for ways to dethrone him peacefully…but anyone who could potentially hold such power was so afraid of his wrath…if not his, then his sons…even the archbishop proved useless; and I as one man could not overthrow him.” “So you left.” you spit “you abandoned your kingdom-” “I had not intended to.” He pushes, letting one hand fall to the table, lightly brushing against your own before you pull it away with a sharp look “An opportunity arose and I took it…but I had never intended to abandon the kingdom…abandon you like that, your highness.”
“Well you did.” You hiss quietly “you abandoned this kingdom and left us…all of us…to the hands of my father… Do you know how powerless I was? Once you left I was nothing but a bargaining chip!” You feel the way your ribs throb in your torso and you grit your teeth, taking no small amount of pleasure in the way his eyes widen, it was nice to see his facade crack now and then. 
“You left… and he got worse, because he didn’t have you here to keep any sort of lead on him.”
Zhongli’s gaze falls again, unable to look you in the face as he considers his response, clasping his fingers together and unclasping them again. 
“At the time…it seemed as if my presence was no longer doing anything to hold him back… He became…hungry for more power, hungry to show your brothers what they would inherit…What atrocities he would allow them to commit… But when he began declaring war on everyone who would even look his way..I knew things had gone too far… you should eat before your food goes cold.”
You blink at him, and then down at your food before shooting him a look, he smiles in return, but you can see a hint of sadness behind it, a change form the usual warmth…for the first time, Zhongli looks…tired. The longer you look at his face, the more you notice it, the faint bags beneath his eyes, the tired haze…had it always been there? 
“On the field during that battle…I came across Xiao…a young child who was never meant to be on the field…but his knight commander demanded it…he was beaten and abused…but he fought like a god… when I killed his previous commander…he immediately bent his knee to me… it wasn’t long after that I met Ganyu… Ganyu actually hails from the outskirts of Liyue, but she and a small group of people had already begun to band together to do something about the king…I saw this group as my chance…and so.. “
“So you left…” you mutter, pushing a roasted potato around your plate. Were you angry at him? Or at yourself for being angry at him? It was hard to tell.
Zhongli nods with a soft noise “I had…never intended to remain away as long as I did… but if I stood any chance at overthrowing him… I needed to make sure those who came with me could handle it…Xiao is an excellent fighter, but at the time he lacked control, he could lose himself easily… I am just…grateful that when the night of the siege came… my old guard still remembered me…and you were not here to witness it.”
“Oh, what? So you could have forced me to marry you then and there?” you scoff, stabbing at the potato you had been victimising. “Glad I was away playing dignitary in Sneznhaya with the Tsaritsa and her overbearing little prince?”
“I-I would not have forced you to marry-” Zhongli starts, but you interject, slamming both hands onto the table as you haul yourself from your seat to glare daggers down at him.
“So you would hold my twin brothers hostage and trade them for my hand instead!?” You holler, dignity and grace be damned. “You knew I never once cared for their existence and yet you somehow thought I cared enough to trade myself for their freedom when you know damn well they never would have done the same.”
“I…I know.” he sighs, he remains where he is, staring up at you with amber eyes swimming with so many different emotions it’s hard to read. Regret? Grief? Sadness? “I will admit…I had, as Ganyu called it…an inflated ego-”
You snort a howling laugh, it was all you could do to keep the tears of pain at bay, even if you couldn’t quite pinpoint if it was physical or emotional pain that was making your eyes sting. “I’ll say! I’m sure I made such a wonderful impression, slicing those traitors heads right there on your brand new carpet.”
“You are angry-” “Angry? …Angry!?” You devolve into full on shouting, shouting loud enough that any attendants manning the doors eyes widen and they quickly shuffle from the room. “You have some fucking gall, your majesty.” you spit at him “thinking you could manipulate me into marrying you after you take the kingdom by force.” 
“I never wanted to manipulate you.” Zhongli rasps, actually shrinking back at the sheer force of your rage. “That was never my intention…”
“Then what was Zhongli!?” You seethe “You got what you wanted, the kingdom was yours, I never needed to be a part of your ideal! So why!?”
His next words fall from his lips without hesitation, his resolve strong as stone as he looks into your fiery gaze.
“Because I had made peace with my feelings for you many years ago, because I wanted to share this victory with you.”
You blink and step back. It takes a moment to process, and when the words finally settle into your skin, they don't feel right. Too sincere, too honest.
Too true.
“Don't lie to me-” you rasp, but Zhongli shakes his head softly.
“I am not.” He tells you simply “Is it really all that surprising that after all the years I spent with you as your appointed knight did not culminate in my feelings towards you becoming more than just that? Your mother tried so very hard to keep you safe from the harsh hand of your father…and when she passed, I took that role without hesitation…because your smile was all I wanted.”
“S-stop it-” 
“If it were not for the fact your father already had plans, I would have asked him for your hand many years ago.”
“S-shut up!”
“You deserve to be a queen.” He presses, slowly rising to stand as you take a step back, emotionally? You had no idea where you were, why you were; but you needed to get away from him. “If anyone deserved to inherit this kingdom it was you.” 
No, nope, nuh-uh. You couldn’t take that…sincere look in his eyes. You hated him, you hated him for leaving, you somehow hated him even more for coming back. You hated his handsome face and his silky hair and his pretty eyes. You hated it.
Didn’t you?
“I know you do not trust me. Not after all I have done…but please…little love…let me earn it back from you…let me prove myself to you, like I did when I was assigned as your knight.”
Little love.
You hadn’t heard that name since your mother had died.
Words refuse to form on your tongue, you can’t think straight. Your ribs and leg are throbbing and he offers you his hand. You hated him.
You also happen to hate how the edges of your vision are beginning to blur, and how short your breath was becoming. Perhaps you had tied the bandages a little too tight, and only made them worse with your sudden movements.
You hate how Zhongli’s brow creases in concern. “Are you alright? You look whiter than a ghost-” his words are cut off when you take a step away and your knee buckles. Just like when you had fallen from the tree earlier in the day, he’s there to catch you, strong, but gentle arms wrap around you as you feel your world fading off for a short while, Zhongli’s wide, amber pools being the last thing you see.
At least he looked scared.
Serves him right.
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @theheartshaker @rjssierjrie Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
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lemoncrushh · 7 months
a sad little life update...
hi friends. I know Tumblr isn't always the best place to post about personal shit, but I feel the need to let some things out, and if you wondered why I've been MIA...
a few weeks ago, I got fired from my job. it was a sucky job, I didn't really like it, but it was close to where I live and it had health insurance. I'd only been there since January. the ironic thing is it was a mental health treatment center. but the owner didn't give a shit about the mental health of his own employees. he just wanted to make money. I ended up sending a long email about how I felt working there and what I was unhappy with (I won't go into those details here). a week later the HR lady told me they were letting me go. not the boss. not my supervisor. nobody else talked to me.
in the meantime (actually the day before), I had reconnected through Facebook with an old high school boyfriend. we exchanged numbers and chatted every day. he had been going through his own shit, but had a new outlook on life, positivity and all that. so he told me he wanted to help me. he lives three hours from me, and he even offered to let me live with him and get a job there. so anyway, he invited me to come visit for a weekend, and I was so excited. although we both agreed not to have any expectations (just see how it goes), we flirted all the time. for the first time in a really long time, I was feeling happy.
when I got to his place, I didn't notice the change at first. but that night he pretty much rejected me. we kissed, but he said we shouldn't "do anything reckless." I was like what?? I let it go because I knew he was tired (he works nights and had been killing it all week). the next day, although he wasn't really standoffish, I kept getting the feeling he was entering the friend zone. that night, he rejected me again (gave me some lame friend excuse), and I cried my eyes out. the next morning he asked if we were okay, but I told him I didn't know. honestly, I couldn't even look at him knowing he didn't want me. so I left. I cried almost the whole way home.
he'd told me to text him when I got home, so I did. but he didn't reply. I kept texting him, but I got nothing. when I finally heard from him, he said he was "giving me space". I told him I didn't want space, I wanted to talk. I couldn't tell if he was angry at me for leaving, or at himself for rejecting me, but I think it's the latter. we had even had a discussion at his place about how I hate when guys ghost me. but that's exactly what he's doing. he told me he was "attracted to my heart and my mind", something about my potential. That was over a week ago. Last Wednesday is the last time I heard from him. I'd asked him what I could do to make things better. he said to let him finish his day and catch up on what I wrote. he has not texted me since, even though I've sent a few more messages.
I feel so pathetic. if it was just some random guy, I probably would have just shaken it off and moved on. but because we had history, and because he'd seemed so adamant (and excited) about helping me, I just feel so lost and confused. my heart hurts so bad. some days are worse than others. today was the worst because I went back and read some of our old conversations. how could he say those things and then take it all back?
when he knew me before, I barely weighed 100 pounds. I have gained another 80 since then. I told him I was fat. he argued I wasn't. but I think once he saw me in person he was disappointed. he was probably trying to let me down easy, hoping we could still be friends. but it ended up biting him in the ass because I got upset and called him on it. he's choosing to ignore me rather than admit the truth because then he'd be the asshole. that is the only explanation that makes any kind of sense to me.
anyway, sorry for the rambling. in the meantime, I'm still living at my ex's house, still trying to find a job. I'm still waiting for my bankruptcy to be filed (just a couple things left to do, but it's taking forever), and I have no money.
because of all this shit, I have had no motivation to do any writing, or even reading. I'm so sorry. I just can't even bring myself to think about it.
rejection seems to be following me everywhere. in my teens, I was always rejected by guys I liked because I was a virgin and they didn't wanna be my first. when I finally found someone, he rejected me a week later to go back to his ex. my own ex husband didn't wanna marry me at first. now that I'm older, men don't want me because of my age or my body. I get rejected for jobs because I don't have a four year degree or the experience they want or I'm too old. I've never been anyone's favorite. never been anyone's first choice.
I had really hoped this old boyfriend connection was kismet. that we had come full circle and were supposed to help each other (even though I never believed in that sort of thing before). I'm so heartbroken :(. it hurts.
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maxislvt · 1 year
I Gave You My Heart
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Request: You and Kate doing the wham!agetton challenge during the month of December
Warnings: None
A/N: I'm only funny when I don't need to be, this is so bad I'm terribly sorry.
Event Masterlist
Kate had received many warnings about making you her assistant. Most of them were from her mother about how no "fooling around" would be tolerated if she caught you two. Though you two had tried — and succeeded — office sex was the least of your concerns.
You and Kate had two major flaws. One, both of you were very childish. Two, you were both very competitive. This meant both of you were liable to create some stupid game and take it to the extremes. It didn't matter how crazy or inconvenient life became, gloating rights were enough to keep going. Not even the seasonal rush of winter holidays could tame your immaturity. The goal was simple. Avoid one song for as long as possible.
Day one was easy. No one really knew about it and nothing interfered. Then days turned into weeks and neither of you could be considered patient.
"I'm just saying, I think it's really suspicious you haven't heard it yet considering how all the remixes are on one the for you page."
"You mean the remixes that you keep reposting on to my for you page?"
Your girlfriend scuffed and slouched in the seat of the car, but you decided to ignore her pouting for the unfinished document in your lap. "If you give up I'll buy you an extra gift this year!" Bribery was not off the table for Kate. Almost all of her grand attempts at tricking you failed miserably. Switching your alarm tone, blasting it over the intercom, and even sneaking it into your sex playlist. "I promise it'll be worth it!"
You clicked your tongue and closed the folder you were writing in. "You'd do that either way because I'm your assistant and we're dating! Your trading skills are awful!" You laughed and got out of the car. "Now let's get this over with, Ms. Big CEO lady."
Kate unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car shortly after you. "Y'know, I miss when you were just eye candy because you couldn't bully me as much." She straightened her pants and looked at the building towering over her. "Who are these guys again?" Her brain was a mess of vaguely put-together details that only you could pull apart and put into organized pieces."Wait, come here."
You playfully rolled your eyes and stepped in front of Kate. "Y'know, most people don't fuss over their secretary's clothes this much," You teased.
"Well, most people haven't seen their secretary's a- ow!" Kate snatched her hands away and rubbed her forehead. "Oh, come on! That wasn't even that bad." She gave you a fake pout and turned away.
The meeting had gone relatively smoothly. Kate seemed to have her thoughts in order. It was when one potential business partner foolishly requested a break. That's when your first plan of the evening hatched. After a quick switch on Kate's phone and a "phone call" later, your ringtone began to pay.
Unfortunately, Kate recognized the first two more almost immediately and threw her phone across the room. An awkward silence fell over the room. "Sorry…I…let's just pick the meeting back up. " Kate shot you a quick glare before taking her seat in front of you. She scooted her chair back and whispered in your ear. "Try that again and it's your ass."
A smirk spread across your face. "Sounds like more of a reason to keep trying it." You fought to suppress the giggle bubbling up in your chest.
The two of you sat upright and pretended to pay attention to the meeting. You weren't paying attention because you were about to unleash your next evil scheme and Kate was too focused on your barely repressed giggles to keep track of anything happening. With your hand hidden by the table and the back of Kate's chair, you sneakily connected your phone to the first Bluetooth speaker that popped up and hoped it was inside the office.
You tried to bite back the grin that spread across your face as you put your phone back in your pocket. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." You shot up without more elaboration and left the room. Just as you left the room and closed the door, you realized your phone had magically disappeared. A disappointed huff escaped your lips and you walked away. Defeat hung over your head when you returned.
The smile on Kate's face said it all. "You dropped this on your way out."
After weeks of constantly baiting each other, you and Kate were almost at the end of the line. Nothing seemed to work. No matter how many failures had occurred, neither of you was humble enough to call a draw or quit your silly games. So instead, the stakes kept rising.
"I'll take this into next year if I have to," You said firmly. Mere minutes before a party full of relatives and business partners and neither of you would stop. Though you sounded confident, dread-filled you at the mere thought of still arguing about it.
Kate shrugged, trying her hardest to seem dismissive of your threat. "So? I'll take it through the next two Christmases if I have to!" Her eyes focused on tying her tie. Winning had lost its charm by that point and Kate was honestly hoping your sneaky little schemes would finally get the jump on her. "I'll even take it to our wedding."
Your face soured at the thought. "If you interrupt our vows with this stupid song, you're sleeping on the couch forever." It was impossible to keep Kate on the couch. Even at your angriest, she'd wiggle her way back into your bed. Maybe you would mean it someday, but you refused to let some TikTok challenge be the reason. "If you give up, I'll let you do that thing you wanted."
For a moment, Kate's face lit up. Then it hardened once again. "That's a low blow, even for you!" Despite her complaining, she grabbed your hand and walked out towards the car. "We should totally still do it because it'd be really hot, but I'm not giving up." Her hand squeezed yours as she let you slide into the backseat of the car. "I mean, look at me. I could just hide it in some boxers and- ow!"
One jab on Kate's side was enough to get her quiet. "Nope, I've already given my terms. Meet them or say goodbye to that wet dream of yours." You placed a soft kiss on Kate's cheek before resting against her shoulder. "Now shush and let me take my nap."
No amount of sleep could prepare you for what fate had in store for you two. After a quick stretch and a few kisses much longer than they should've been, you and Kate finally entered the party. Then there it was. That awful song.
"Then the very next day, you gave it away! This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special…".
"You technically walked in first so-"
A near-demonic groan escaped your lips as the song filled your ears. "Fuck it, come here sugar lips." You grabbed Kate by her tie and dragged her to the nearest restroom stall.
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kichimiangra · 9 months
I think Specter's peekaboo bangs actually serve a real purpose. As an albino and a hybrid, Specter got pretty dang lucky in regards to the traits he inherited, but his right eye is more sensitive to light than his left. The park vets eventually figured out why he kept shying away from bright areas and combed his hair down as a temporary solution until they could fit him with an eye patch. He ended up keeping it as a personal choice because he loves the look of it.
This actually drove me insane going through old files until I realized that I usually draw both of his eyes then erase his right eye afterwards, but Specter has been drawn multiple times (More times than I actually HAVE images of D:< ) Where Specter's right eye is visible and noticeably different from the left
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(These are the only two my bitch ass could find with both eyes because usually if I draw his right eye it's because his head is turned)
His right eye is stuck fully dilated and for the most part is almost blind in that eye in anything but very low light due to the light sensitivity.
It's also one of the reasons his "I am dressed like a normal person to go out" outfits usually include sunglasses though he commonly ignores the eye issue.
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In chapter (*checks*) 10 of 'Red Light;Blue Light' it was originally going to be revealed when Specter was hung up by his boot in the rope sling, where Spike would comment the disappointment that the mystery of his right eye wasn't an empty eye socket, or a cool villain eye patch, or even a bionic eye that shoots lasers, but just an eye with a disproportionately large iris. That ended up getting cut and replaced with the baseball bat joke instead because I realized it would be too dark in the gibbon enclosure for Spike to see Specter's eyes clearly and it could be something better to tell later.
The next place it was pushed to was during the shocking miniskirt story line where, when backstage and Trainer Morgan is waxing nostalgic he offhandedly mentions that Specter's haircut was brought about by the upsetting light sensitivity in his right eye, which caused him to be too upset under the spotlight or on bright days to perform. It never got cut per se but was never set in stone to be put there and may not be particularly natural to come up in the convo.
The third potential place was for a short comic or one-shot fic chapter taking place anytime after their relationship starts on an intimate level called "Marked". It would open on Spike and Specter in the bedroom and Spike trying to leave a mark on Specter, but frustrated by the lack of visible surface area on his body on account of the hair. Specter laughs that he would never let Spike mark him because he's the king of apes and Spike is the 'pet' to have the camera pan out on Spike just covered with bruises, bite marks and hickeys and demanding to know in what universe is this at all fair? They try to go back to their business when Specter tucks his bangs behind his ear (Something I only tend to draw in specific scenarios, one of which being either physical or emotional intimacy from Specter. Like... metaphor and shit) When Spike notices the odd right eye and shines a flashlight in Specters face, ruining the mood but confirming that Specters right eye doesn't contract even in bright light. Spike asks about it and Specter mentions that the right eye was always shitty and sensitive to light but after whatever happened to the iris it became even worse and is practically blind in that eye because of it. Specter initially doesn't remember exactly WHEN it happened, because it didn't really change how he functions with it day to day but with some prodding from Spike thinks and realizes that it was Spike's doing, either from taking a smack to the face with the Stun club in their final showdown of AE1 OR when Specter got knocked over from Spike 'politely' rejecting his offer to be employed by the Apes and got flung onto the floor. Haven't decided which. Stun club is more likely to cause and eye injury but the "EnOuGh oF yOuR eViL!" is more poetic. Regardless the two realize that Spike has technically permanently marked Specter long before they had ever gotten together, though is a little sad that he caused near blindness to Specter. Specter assures him that the eye wasn't being used much anyway and that he should find himself lucky that he is the only one to ever leave a mark on him, and the only one who will probably get to see that mark, tucking his hair behind his ear again and the short story ends.
But yeah thanks for predicting plot points again! Go stamp your bingo card!
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hardwaresysx0 · 11 months
im going to go on an autism ramble i am WOMBO COMBOING two fixations. JAY FOREMAN. he makes this really neat guitar music with really creative lyrics and shit right. well i kinda made this weirdly specific connection. and he reminds me of sniper from tf2 lowkey. and now i'm just thinking sniper would be kicking ass at like a campfire or something, yknow when people play the guitar around the campfire right. yeah that but anyway what im getting at is. the one issue with this headcanon is that jay foreman is british (or at least i assume he is considering Something Oddly Specific) and sniper is australian so it would be weird to headcanon his voice as jay foreman, plus its not THAT fitting i guess. BUT BUT BUT BUT. i read this fanficton right. it talked about how he never really ended up liking women. gay people ANYWAY uh. hm so theres this one song called "slightly imperfect girl" by mr foreman that could possibly be him before realizing that, its about "if like me, you've been single for a long time, and you're looking for the right person, eventually your standards drop" it's quite a funny song actually you can listen to it here but then later he realized Wait a damn second! IM A GAY ASS you know? also i really think he would play guitar he just REEKS guitar to me. ive also seen people headcanon him as playing saxophone though which could also be fitting but now im just thinking about how in this fanfic ive been brainrotting over GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA you know? you know. you do not know. hold on let me open the fanfic and get a screenshot. THE FANFIC IS RUNNING BLIND BY THETRIGGEREDHAPPY BTW. its not fully done yet but ive already reread 5 of the chapters because of how good it is. heres a link to it if you want anyway i just opened it and found this funny screenshot instead of the thing that i was looking for so you're looking at that now. wait nvm its not that funny without context it just looks like some guy getting over the head with a wooden stick. anyway let me find what i was actually looking for HERE IT IS
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im going to kms i just deleted like half of my rambles im gonna cry. im gonna kill something im gonna bite you. im gonna bite the reader. but its okay actually because i got really really off track. im kinda tired of typing actually. maybe ill do more later but my brain is too tired to come up with anything more than this NO WAIT I LIED im going to talk about jay foreman now POTATO. potato song. thats one of the ones where once you listen to it after a while it isnt really that funny but its hilarious the first time you hear it. heres the potato song (animated for your viewing pleasure).... it would be more than strange, it would be horrible!/lyr i never thought a song about a potato prime minister would be so entertaining but here we are. AND THERE'S THIS ONE SONG BY JAY FOREMAN. WHERE HE DOES THIS FUCKING AMAZING MOUTH TRUMPET IM STILL SO SURPRISED HOW DID HE DO THAT?! YOU KNOW??? heres that one the lyrics are also really good honestly its soooo clever. one of my favorites of his. if i could do that mouth trumpet i would pull so many bitches..................... but what im getting at is that sniper would probably sing at least SOME of these. sometimes. as a treat. but he doesnt like singing that much so you gotta ask him really nicely and even then he'll be all like SIGHHHHHH or whatever, yeah
the original post where i thought about this i said that the song that he would most likely know is pretend you're happy by jay foreman(obviously its by jay foreman/t) and the reason why is BECAUSE OF THE FANFIC I READ OKAY. it goes into depth kinda about a surprisingly amount of mental illness. but it reminded me of him because of how my view has changed on the character after reading running blind like im putting it in my mouth. i am putting it in my mouth you dont understnad im going cray cray bonkers over this fanfic. i think im gonna look at more potential fanfics from thetriggeredhappy because OOOH MY GOD its not just the characters and story i find interesting its the WRITING like its . THERES A LOT!!! THERES LIKE AT LEAST 35 CHAPTERS IN TOTAL. NO THERES TOTALLY WAY MORE THAN THAT IN TOTAL. with all of the fanfics smooshed together though. not just one. all of them. theres like 4 but one of them is about spy which im not too interested in but its still interesting. why are all of the tf2 fanfics i read so GOOD RIPS MY HAIR OUT AND SCREAMS. theres this one texas toast (idk if its actually a ship but its about the two of them) fanfic i read that im still frothing over i need to reread it because the story is SO FUCKING GOOD and the headcanons are SO FUCKING GOOD AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH let me look for it and see if i can link it. its this and it is SO GOOD i hope it gets updated again because i am like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH about it i am so AHHHHHHHHHHH about these tf2 fanfics it is free brainrot content and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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here is an image of sniper. oh yeah ive actually started sorta maining sniper recently let me get my hours on the game really quick...
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i started maining pyro and then i kinda went "hey sniper is loads a fun in casual" so i started playing sniper a lot and now im kinda just vibing with it. medic too but thats because i just. enjoy being a support class?? idk. anyway. a lot of my time is on mvm and i dont know if you can check how long youve played on mvm or not ill look eventually but i dont feel like it right now. anyway im going to stop typing before my fingers start hurting and before my brain runs out of things to ramble about. goodbye
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Following Team Orders ~ Australia
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Olivia Williams
Summary: Olivia Williams is Formula One royalty. Her father is a racing legend and all Liv wants is to be one of only six women in the world to have raced in the most elite racing division in the world. When she finally gets the chance, she has to not only take on a male dominated sport, but her past, her teammate and a life beyond the track that she was not ready for. She just has to follow team orders but what happens when one man challenges her on and off the racing line...
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: A-N-G-S-T!!! eventual smut, slow burn, enemies to lovers, love triangle (if you squint) misogamy, fluff, racing accidents, an asshole Steve Rogers (you'll see what i mean)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series MasterList - Main Masterlist
After Saudi Arabia, Liv headed straight for Sydney.  She didn’t want to head home to California first before the race since the time change would mess with her head. Red Bull set her up close to where the track would be, and she took a couple of days to get over the high.  Bucky flew in a couple of days later, ready to go over numbers and video.
He moved into the bar of the hotel and saw Liv sitting at the bar, her long legs crossed dressed in a short, black flare skirt and a green blouse. She dark hair was loose about her shoulders.  Bucky gawked at her for a second. She was gorgeous and he was suddenly nervous.  She turned and saw him and smiled.  “Hey Bucky!”
Bucky moved and gave her a one arm hug. “Hey Bug, how are you?”
“Rested.” She smiled radiantly.  “Exactly what I needed after the whirlwind of a couple of weeks.”
“Hate to break it to ya, kid, but as the season goes, it just gets worse.”  Bucky flashed his best smile.
“Well, you tell me what I need to know, boss.” Liv shrugged and Bucky laughed.
“Alright let’s get started.”
Bucky pulled all the numbers and reviewed everything with her, tire pressures, fuel usage, speed, wind velocity, anything that could hinder or help in qualifying or the race.  “Look,” he started, “it could mean nothing or everything with these numbers. Everything will change once you are on the track.”
“It is different. I mean, moto and F3 are totally different from F1, I knew that but wow.”
“I know what you mean.” Bucky took a swig of his beer.  “But, let’s leave it.  I wanna know more about my racer.”
Liv smiled.  “Why? So, you can get a feel for me?”
“Kinda.  If I know you, what it’s like when you sound frustrated or angry, it helps during a race.  You can communicate with me without saying the words.  And remember that radios can be translated on a broadcast because they can hear us.”
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Liv looked at her crew chief.  “Alright fine.  How will you know what I sound like if nothing is frustrating me?”
“Easy.  Let’s talk about something the frustrates you.” Bucky cocked an eyebrow.  “Like Steve.” He watched as Liv frowned at the name. “Thought so.”
“Thought what?  That your best friend is a cocky, arrogant, petulant asshole?”
“Please tell me what you really feel.”  Bucky laughed as Liv ordered a gin martini.
“He’s just such a jerk.  He thinks he’s better than everyone else which he is not.  He’s good, I’ll give him that but one day all that arrogance will bite him in the ass.  Someone just needs to knock him down a peg or two.  I mean, he has potential to be the next Vettel or Hamilton if he just utilizes and works with the team he’s got.”
Bucky’s mouth hung open for a second as she finished.  She took a sip and then said. “What?”
“How do you know him so well?”
“Please, I know how all of these racers work.  My dad is a legend for a reason.  We studied F1 like some study football. Plus, you know, Ransom.”
“What is the story with that douche?” Bucky signaled to the bartender for another.
“The story with Ransom is that I was 18 and stupid in love with him.  He swept me off of my feet.  Should have lied about my name and maybe I wouldn’t have been used.”  Liv drained the martini glass. “So here I am, finally living the dream at 28, and it has to be with my ex-boyfriend.”
“Have you seen him since you came back?”
“No, thank God. He’s lucky too.  Told him and that bitch I found him with that I would punch him the next time I see him.”  She flashed a smile, but Bucky could see the hurt in her eyes. “Didn’t realize that it would still hurt five years later.”
“How long?
“Almost five years.  Made it to the day before our anniversary.  Came home early to surprise him.  Surprised me more.”  Liv thanks the bartender before taking a health sip.
“Sorry Bug.” Bucky rubbed the small of her back.
“‘s ok. Frank helped a lot.  So did my sister.  I started racing motorcycles after that just to feel something again. Haven’t really dated since.  Don’t trust guys much anymore.”  She looked away from him, trying to abate the tears.
“We’re not all that bad. And Stevie, well, he just had a lot happen to harden him but he’s usually a sweet guy from Brooklyn.”
She snorted.  “I can imagine. Guess I wasn’t worthy enough to see it.” Liv finished her drink. “I’m going to get dinner and then head up.”
“Would you like some company?” Bucky flashed her a soft smile, showing off his Brooklyn charm.
“Sure boss.  Tonight’s tab can be on you.”  She stood up and offered him back the same soft smile. He stood up and took her hand, placing it in the crook of his arm.
“Dinner with a beautiful lady.  How can I say no to that?”
Liv’s cheeks flushed a delicate pink. “Charmer.”
They walked out as Ransom hit the lobby.  He sneered at the image of his girl on the arm of Barnes. A voice beside him interrupted his thoughts. “What are you staring at Drysdale?”  His partner, Lance Tucker clapped his back.
“Nothing.  Let’s just check in.”
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After a couple of good practice sessions, Liv left confident heading into qualifying. The confidence left after the first session. 
Qualifying in Formula one is broken down into three sessions.  In the first session, all 20 drivers take to the track and lay down a fast lap.  The five slowest drivers are eliminated and slotted into their positions for the race.  The FIA, the regulating body, then wipes the times and the remaining 15 drivers do it again and another five drivers are eliminated.  In the final session, the fastest car of the 10 remaining is considered in first position or pole.
Olivia makes it though the first session.  She is sitting in her car, waiting for her team to release her in the second session.  “You got this Liv”, she hears from Bucky.
“Thanks Bucky,” she chirps back.  She gets thumbs up from Frank and she heads onto the grid, warming her tires as she makes her way around the 3.2-mile track in Melbourne.  As she gets closer to the starting line, she makes sure all of her gages and temps are where they need to be. She sees the start and takes off.
And makes a mess.  She jumps curbs and almost loses the back end on turn 5.  Her time is low.  She pulls into the pit and the team changes her tires.  She heads back out, but the time is hardly better than before.
“What the hell!” she yells in her radio.
“We don’t know Liv, nothing changed from practice.  You got time for one more.” Bucky tells her calmly, trying to get her to relax.
Liv drops the clutch and shoots forward, starting her last lap, hoping to avoid elimination.  She makes it around faster but its still not enough and she qualifies 11th.  She heads in to the pit and parks the car.
“I’m sorry Liv, I don’t know what happened, but we lost DRS and it just wouldn’t stay open.”  Bucky took her hands.  “You were driving great.  This isn’t on you.”
“Yeah, alright.”  She pulled away and headed to the trailers to change.  She still had her interview obligations to complete so she cleaned up and head out.  Once she was done, she headed to her corner in the garage.  It was high enough that no one would notice her unless they were looking for it.  She headed up and curled around herself just needing a few minutes peace. She wipes away a frustrated tear.
Olivia rolled her eyes as she saw Steve looking up at her. “Fuck off Rogers.” She started to climb down to head back to her trailer.
“See your attitude is still as sunny as ever.  I was wondering.” He smirked up at her.
Olivia saw the smirk and her heart fell. “You’re happy I failed, aren’t you?”
Steve didn’t hold back. “For you, yes.  For the team, not so much.”  He shrugged.  “I knew last week was a fluke.”
This brought even more tears.  Being here, driving, was her dream.  They say never meet your heroes. They couldn’t be more right. “Get away from me.  You are an ass.”  She moved to walk away from him.
He grabbed her arm. “Hey, I’m top here, just help me stay there,” Steve growled.
Liv shook her arm off and turn to him.  He saw the tears in her eyes. And he instantly regretted his words. But she was done. “Right, because it’s all about you right?  Fine whatever. I just wanted to make the Bartons, Andy, Frank, Bucky and… and you, proud of me.  Guess I failed in more ways that one.”
Steve was stunned.  “Olivia…”
“Save it.  I don’t need or want your pity. You make it perfectly clear that I don’t belong here.  You just want me to help you get to the championship.  Message received. Excuse me.”  She walked quickly out of the garage, leaving Steve stunned.
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Steve’s POV
Steve stood with his hands on his hips staring at the door Liv just exited from. He hated seeing her beautiful eyes red rimmed.  He knew qualifying wasn’t her fault and he wasn’t sure why he had attacked her like that. Maybe he was going about this the wrong way.  She was good, that much he knew but maybe just talking to her might help her.  He shook his head and walk out.
Right into Johnny Storm and Chase Collins, drivers for team Ferrari.  “Yo Rogers!” Johnny flashed his infamous smile.  “Heard your rook had a rough day.”
“Yeah, what’s it to you?”
“Nothing, just though you might know where she is.”
“I don’t.”  Steve started to walk away.
“Shame, was hoping to comfort her,” he heard Storm whisper to Collins.  The men laughed and it took everything within Steve not to turn around and pummel him.  He let go of the fist he unconsciously made, letting the blood run back into his hand.  He frowned.  Why was his reaction to someone being disrespectful to Olivia violence?  She didn’t like him, and he didn’t like her.  But after seeing her eyes in tears, it dawned on him.
He might have, maybe, sort of, kinda, have a crush on her.
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The race on Sunday went better than Liv had hoped.  Her start was better, and she was able to keep pace.  She passed several car and ended the day in fifth, earning her Driver of the Day honors.  As she parked, she hopped out to be weighted.  She smiled at Bucky and shared high-fives with the entire team.  She looked up at the podium and watched Steve win his third in a row. Her heart clenched slightly as he smiled and waved and stood for the anthem.  As soon as it was done, she left and went to change.
As she walked out, she saw Steve making out with one of the Ferrari moto girls and her heart dropped. Maybe, she, possibly, kinda had a tiny itty-bitty crush on Steve.
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@patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling
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mmriesoftvat · 10 months
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THERE'S REALLY NOTHING to stay for at this point. kami had done the bare minimum of surviving up until this point.
the past several months had been nothing but a blur. while kami can recall the funeral, he can't remember anything he'd done in school, outside of school, or with anyone he can reasonably call family.
kaminari especially doesn't remember any time spent with arakan. maybe that's his fault -- he'd shut himself away, locked his emotions up so tight that nothing can get in. kami doesn't WANT anyone or anything breaking down the door and trying to reason with him.
irrational? yes. kami is very aware this is probably going to bite him in the ass later. but the alternative is staying here and letting himself SUFFOCATE in the tension. arakan may be his only sibling, maybe even the only family that actually gives a damn.
ei? not likely. yae miko who is the next fucking loser who glued herself to ei's hip now that makoto's out of the way? or had yae always been there? kami can't bring himself to recall those particular details. and ren...
there's a distant, barely noticeable acknowledgement that ren hadn't exactly had it easier. but then again, kami knows through the grapevine that ren travels a lot. some backwoods corner of japan that doesn't have much going for it. all kaminari knows is that ren tends to go there a lot more than stay here, so whatever relationship he and arakan could have with him, it doesn't exist.
which means kaminari doesn't have to worry about ren, either. if no one else cares, then kami doesn't have to.
it's the middle of the night now. arakan is either sleeping or painting. either way, they're holed up in their room and shutting out the outside world. maybe arakan is grieving, maybe arakan is finding their own way to move on from this stupid TRAGEDY that shouldn't have ever happened. whatever killed makoto, whoever decided to take her life -- it doesn't matter. maybe it never did to begin with.
kami's alll packed and sneaking outside. he keeps glancing back at the house, almost SNEERING at it. forcing himself to turn away, kami slides his suitcase into the trunk, and quietly closes it again, before sneaking back into the house one last time.
honestly, kaminari doesn't know where he's going. ANYWHERE would be better than here. maybe arakan would even understand one day. or they won't. maybe they'll never see each other again. kami hopes arakan will find their own way in life and will eventually forgive him.
reaching into the parlor desk, he grabs a sticky note and a pen, before sitting down. his GOAL is to jot down a quick "goodbye", but that feels far too final. ideally, he'd leave without saying anything, but arakan at least deserves this. reaching for a pad of paper, he sets it down in front of him and begins to write.
ara: sorry. couldn't stay anymore, this place is killing me. maybe you'll hold this against me forever, but can't be in this house anymore. no one else gives a damn and i can't give one either. just promise you won't do what i'm doing, i know you're better than that. see you in another life -kami
setting the pen down, he thinks of everyone he's potentially leaving behind. arakan, ren, ei, yae. the only family he's ever had, and the family that never really paid much attention to the two teenagers who were orphaned and left without a proper guardian. all either of them had was some lousy inheritance, though kami's cashing his share out in the morning.
tonight, right now, he's sneaking back down and ripping down the rearview mirror and hitting the gas and going
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kynimdraws · 2 years
“he will ally with whomever will keep Leicester safe and stable.” But edelgard’s goal is to make fodlan a single empire again. That’s why she doesn’t like faerghus or leicester. There’s really no guarantee she won’t go back for leicester. And what’s so wrong with cyril? Hopes shows they really care about each other and she constantly tells him she doesn’t want him on the battlefield, worries when he gets hurt, and brings him along in her hopes paralogue. It’s in character for him to reciprocate because they’re written like a family. I thought that was really sweet.
IDK if you are the same anon as before who accused me of being toxic...the tone of this ask is too different? But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.
My answer to your asks are a bit long so it will be under the cut
Claude is aware of Edelgard being a conquerer too! He mentions often how the alliance is for the benefit for Leicester temporarily. Specfically in GW, Claude does some things to undermine her while still outwardly helping her...the most infamous example being the Aillel fight of Chapter 9. I highly recommend you read this thread for context bc some people got so upset for no reason about the arc...but you can see that he isn't just blindly following Edelgard. He sees that the temporary focus away from Leicester from Adrestria will benefit him at that moment. Later on in GW, he also helps out Edelgard when she asks for it (Chapter 14) only because this means she will be in her debt and Claude could potentially use that as leverage. And even in the post-chapter dialogue, Claude knows this alliance is only there due to their mutual dislike of the Central Church and nothing more. Edelgard even admits to that as well! While 3Hopes ends on a vague note, I still feel like worse comes to worse, Claude will use his Almyran connections to remain neutral and keep Leicester afloat...I made a whole hc thread about it here if you are interested lol
As for Cyril...Rhea only cares about him in the one AG paralogue tbh? I also believe that Rhea acts nice in 3Hopes way more than she does in White Clouds of 3Houses (where she demonstrably punishes/executes people if they go against her Church doctrines like the Western Church sect, keeps foreigners under the Abyss because of the centuries of xenophobia she allowed in Fodlan caused the "necessity" if this underground ghetto) because the consequences of her inactions in the past are coming back to bite her ass. And seeing this, she is trying to make amends way too late by being nice to the current generation Church folk. Note that I say "generation" because she has lived for a long time, and probably was slowly reforming her ways but it was too gradual for the likes of Edelgard and others.
Maybe it's because the game limits both as NPCs but...Cyril and Rhea's interactions feel extremely disjointed. So the kindness that she shows in that one paralogue feel very performative imo. Cyril comes off not as his own character, but as an extension of Rhea and her character. Cyril's whole story in 3Houses about how he was rescued by Rhea is all fine and dandy sounding until you realize Rhea never encouraged him to be educated, and kept him as servant while just praising him for his loyalty alone. That does not come off as motherly, just condescending. And 3Hopes banks on you knowing this story and never does anything to help him other than be Rhea's example of "see he's a non-Fodlaner treated ok by the pope so she must be good all the time!" Again, each mention of Cyril with Rhea always puts Rhea first over the poor kid who was enslaved and continues to be an uneducated servant :/
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bsxcrxts · 2 years
i love all of you work sm!! can you write about what you think some of Steve’s kinks are? thank you!!
This got borderline out of control lmao but here you go! Under the cut because it’s long and probably embarrassing!
DNI if you are under 18!!
Having his hair pulled and/or played with. Self explanatory and maybe a little obvious but there’s no way he doesn’t just love it
Praise! Steve won’t admit it, but he’s a little bit insecure, and being praised just completely destroys any doubts from his mind about those insecurities, so for that reason he goes completely crazy for it. He gets so worked up when you tell him how good he’s being for you
Steve can nearly cum just from being praised. When you have phone sex with him and he’s needy, telling him what a good boy he is and how much you miss the feeling of his cock, that gets him off faster than anything else you could say
Speaking of. Loves praise directed at his dick. I know that sounds weird but if you fawn over him, saying things like “so big, Stevie,” (and he really is, IMO) it really strokes his ego
This is going to seem like an abrupt turn, but he’s also into humiliation. The combination shouldn’t work, but when you say things like “god, you’re such a perfect slut for me,” Steve loses his mind
Sometimes he just wants to be put in his place but he’s lowkey ashamed of his urge to be bossed around (his shitty friends probably made comments about what a man was “supposed” to be like in bed and he internalized it) so that’s where the humiliation comes in
I’ve spoken on this before but he’s kind of a brat because of this reason. He says “make me” and he means it.
Steve also loves spanking and it goes both ways. He loves to be spanked, he loves to spank your ass, he even likes spanking your pussy
Even a little tap on his ass will really get him going. He knows it means “behave,” but really all it does is make him act up, because he loves the marks it leaves on his ass and wants more
If he’s domming and he’s trying to get you really worked up, he lightly spanks your pussy over and over until you’re begging him to touch you for real, telling him how much you need him. Steve loves that
Really anything that has the potential to leave a mark, no matter how temporary, Steve is into
Steve loves hickeys, love bites, etc. and I know that’s not really a kink but lowkey for Steve I think it legitimately might be
He sees the marks you left on his body later and presses his fingers into them, giving little shudders as he remembers what your mouth and hands felt like on his body. He’ll get hard and have to jerk himself off remembering the sex the two of you had just hours before
And he loves marking you, too. Not just with hickeys or love bites
Is it gross to say I think he’d spit in your mouth? I don’t care, I think he would. I think he’d ask you to do it to him, too
Idk I just think he loves feeling owned and loved by you, and loves seeing you like that as well
He’ll cum on your chest, stomach, ass, lower back, honest to god anywhere you’ll let him. He loves painting you with his cum, seeing you so utterly claimed by him
I’ve made a post about this before but I think if you let him fuck you without a condom on, he’ll literally pull out just to cum on your pussy and then fuck it back into you
Of course that leads to another kink of his, which is overstimulation
I don’t think Steve is into overstimulation in the extreme, but he definitely likes continuing to fuck you a little bit after he’s cum to feel how sensitive his cock gets. He loves the little edge of pain and gives such pretty whimpers
This post is so long but I can’t stop
Steve also likes body worship. This goes with his praise kink but he loves feeling appreciated and is very glad to do the same thing for you. He struggle with patience a little bit, but being able to slow down and just kiss you all over is something he treasures, especially when he’s feeling emotional
I also think Steve could border on enjoying exhibitionism, or maybe not literal exhibitionism so much as the thought of maybe getting caught, without the risk
He likes PDA. He’s can tone it down if you’re uncomfortable but he likes touching you and feeling you up
Steve is a little crazy, but not “full on public sex” crazy. He just has a touch of pride about dating you and wants everyone to know you’re fucking
So he encourages you to be a little loud, maybe touches you discretely in a movie theater or restaurant, or locks the two of you in a public restroom once or twice at the most and goes down on you. You could hardly blame him, he’s a horny 20 year old
And finally… to be a little sappy… I think he really does get off on love confessions during sex. Not that this is a kink. I just think that if you say “I love you” to him during sex when he’s not expecting it, his hips are gonna stutter and he’s gonna get closer that much faster knowing the person he’s fucking is in love with him
I’m sorry for this lmao
There’s probably more I’m forgetting tbh
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
All mine
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liam dunbar x reader / masterlist
summary; alec, scott’s new beta has a thing for liam’s girl, and sufficed to say, liam is anything but happy about the predicament / warnings; jealousy, smut, some choking, fucking in a playground, daddy kink, mentions of masturbation, mentions of phone sex, mentions of exhibitionism, oral sex (fem receiving).
the boy with anger issues was feeling a rage boil in his veins; they were in scott’s home, he had came back from college for a break, and thus, alec had joined in meeting with their alpha, though, not all his attention was reprised upon said pack leader.
there was a movie flashing upon the screen, you sat cross legged on the couch, whilst liam had been sent to the kitchen to grab a bowl of popcorn. he could feel his hand putting amble pressure on the plastic bowl, as he watched you explain every dumb thing occurring in the motion picture film.
alec was acting clueless on purpose, he could tell, more so since when he had first joined the pack, he had made such moves on you. and spoiler, eventually they had been successful. you were the same age as scott, meaning that you too had returned to beacon hills for your half term clause in the higher education, and liam wanted you to spend every moment with him, not this stray.
it took all his supernatural strength to restrain the growl threatening to rumble from his chest, his claws bent into the flesh of his palms, drawing a pooling of blood to the tether down from the self inflicted wound. scott smelt the blood, and wrinkled his nose at the scent that invaded his nostrils; he thought liam had his issues under control, but supposedly not entirely.
he couldn’t help himself, alec was trying his best, slyly glancing down your top, and he got he was only a hormonal teenage boy, same as him, but you were his girl. a rumble, resembling the natural force of thunder echoed around the living space, drawing all eyes, human and otherwise, in his direction.
the growl that had erupted from his chest had been possessive, a warning to the young, adopted beta, who quickly adjourned his arm away from the back of the couch, and shuffled from right beside you.
“li, are you good?” in an instant you removed yourself from where you were sat, walking towards him, and smoothing his shoulders over with your palms, watching as he heavily breathed. amber eyes flickered up to you, making you gulp; you now understood what had him so relentless and blunt with his aggression.
“i want to leave.” it wasn’t a question, it was a defiant statement. in turn, you nodded, grasping anything you needed, such as you jacket, and pulling it over your arms, liam quickly heading out, without bidding either of the boys a goodbye.
“see ya.” you waved at the pair, you would apologise for liam’s behaviour later to scott, he of course understood the situation nevertheless, he had been his alpha for a long time now. a hand grasped you as soon as you exited, pillowing roughly into your skin as he dragged you down the street, his pace quick and daring.
“you think i didn’t notice that beta’s eyes drifting down to your cleavage or him practically pawing for your attention.” he had stopped the two of you outside of a playground, you gulped, listening to him with an adjacent inclination.
“liam, there’s no need to be jealous.” your words had the priority of calming his angered exterior, though it happened that you had done rather the opposite. there was a firm line deposited between his dark brows, a frown that was aimed towards you directly.
“me, jealous? oh no, i know that you’re mine, but it comes to the question, do you?” he bit his lip, tensing the bridge of his nose as he moved his face closer to your own. “for all i know, at college, you don’t even let anyone know that you’re in a relationship, it could be your little secret, so you can fuck whomever you want.”
“that’s something i’d never do, you know that!” his accusations were flimsy, that much was liable, though although knowing that all his words came out of a place of secluded insecurity, you still felt the necessity to defend yourself. if you played his game, it would make him subconsciously doubt himself, and possibly believe the things that he was saying were true.
“do i?” the beta pried. liam made directories closer towards you, taking steps to discern your defence, letting his hand ravel up, and close around the front of your neck. your breath instantly hitched, as he wordlessly stated the power he had over you; not to mention, he was stronger, and he was irked, meaning that he would go to any lengths to prove his point, or lack of one.
“liam.” your hands came up to scratch at the exterior of his, worried that he would do some prominent damage, but rather than releasing his grip, he tightened his fist, triggering a hitch in your breath, and a uncoordinated, surprising moan to fly from your lips, as though your body was inherently howling at him for more.
“does my girlfriend like that? i think she likes daddy having his hand around her throat, don’t you baby? are you daddy’s dirty girl?” his slick words made your brain disintegrate into a contortion of confusion; more specifically, riddled with uncertainty, searching for a reason as to why his mature words were affecting you so.
there was no question about the matter, he was well adorned with the specifics of how it was affecting you. the reverberating of your heart thumped in his ears, like drums of a sacred matter, telling him how your hormones crazed, thundering with potential submission, that alternately had your knees quaking, fighting to remain standing.
then, there was the intoxicating aroma that scaled up to his nose from between your legs. that alone was a dead give away, he was lucky that it hadn’t killed him in the dead of night yet. being apart from you for so long had drove him borderline insane, one touch from you had him swooning, wanting nothing more for your hands to drift and intimately pet him.
phone calls, as erotic as some of them were, was just enough. the two of you were sectioned off for education in different counties, the distance pained him, in more ways than one. sometimes he’d wake up with a throbbing appendage between his thighs, begging for attention, more specifically, yours.
his hand got by, completing the job, but it wasn’t the same as the feeling of your sweet velvet walls encasing him likes an umbrella pouch, hugging his shaft tight as he rammed his length inside of you, preening moans of ecstasy out of your sinful mouth. the thought of such scenarios would have hun instantly hard in the school showers, leaving him frustrated for the rest of the day.
and though you had returned for a couple of weeks, he remained prominently stressed, never having enough contact with your skin that he had missed so much. he wished for nothing more than to spend it in a godforsaken rut, trapping you in the confines of his bed as he thrust in and out of you, but it so happened that isn’t how your return had panned out.
the luxury of the bed was not present, in its place was the soft breeze prickling at your skin, making every lingering, and restraining touch that he gave to it that more sensual. it was like nature was biting at your skin, plucking up the courage to adorn your flesh in small bumps, coercing your nipples into being erect, although, that was admittedly not all down to the wispy air.
your boyfriend had turned you on, his methods of doing so far different from anything that he had ever embraced before. whom would have ever thought that the once youngest member of the mccall pack would not forlorn in his youth, but instead want to demean his title as something as sexual as ‘daddy’? you sure as didn’t, but you couldn’t deny, it was kind of hot.
okay, more than hot, a lot more. “answer me y/n.” that’s right, you had gotten swept away with this whole new side to your partner, to say that you were drooling was an understatement, if he pointed it out, you’d blame it on him choking you. choking you! damn, he really had been reading up on some kinky shit whilst you were away.
“i do.” it was an honest answer, traded from you to him. though, it wasn’t entirely what he wanted to hear, you recognised that as he promptly squeezed your air way, causing your tongue to dip out of your mouth as you momentarily gasped for an ounce of breath. to spare you a second to respond, he pardoned his grip, stroking down the side of your face with the back of his stern hand.
“answer properly this time babe, else, i’ll fuck you over the swing set.” gulping, you locked eyes with liam, rubbing your thighs together at his prospect, inhaling heavily, as you felt him soothe his thumb rub upon the crevice of your chin, moisturising your own saliva into your skin.
“i love you choking me, daddy.” the word had a strange affect on your body as it rolled almost effortlessly off your tongue. instantly, verbalising the phrase had you feeling meek under the cold gaze of your boyfriend, a smirk ruling his face, as he clasped his knuckles into the dips of your waist, tugging you close.
“good girl.” he ushered the words into your ear as though he were a pro at doing so, lowering his palms to grab both your ass cheeks, a shocked squeal clawing out of the colander of your throat. “but i’m still going to fuck you over it, and i expect you to grasp onto the chains like you’re holding on for your life, and wail like a banshee that you are all mine.”
a slither of a sound, radiating utter betrothal escaped your withering lips, it was something between noise of a whimper, and a small moan. liam took that, and rightfully so, as approval to proceed with his intentions, and thus, he lead you through the gravel of the empty playground, directing his footsteps to the swings, and pushing you to be in front of him.
he bent your waist a little, so that you were hunched over, offering the perfect angle to generate pleasure for the both of you, as he began to tug your jeans down, letting the tight material meet with the croons of your ankles, and remain tethered around them.
“shit, you’ve already soaked through your panties baby.” liam soothed his fingers over the wet patch that opted through the thin material, brushing directly over your sensitive bundle of nerves, causing your mouth to wantonly drop open, in a silent beckon for more. “i can smell you too, you know, and damn, do you smell fucking divine.”
“daddy please.” the beg fell comfortably from you, there was no sudden recital to saying it once more. peculiarly, it felt natural, the dynamic between you and your partner being a stable structure to begin exploring further aspects that spectated in intimacy.
“sit on the seat, daddy will help you out darling.” trailing around the side of the metal structure, you carefully strode to do as liam has said, perching your ass on the swing, it lightly swaying from the impact of your weight upon the small dipped hammock. “there we go.”
liam knelt, scathing his covered knees upon the ground, as he ran his eager palms along the insides of your thighs, plucking at the band of your panties, before shuffling them down far enough so that he had all the access that he hungered for. the brisk whim that waded through the nighttime air had your pussy clenching, feeling the cold integrate against your folds, as liam puckered his lips.
he blew hot air upon your labia, enforcing your grip around the malleable metal chains to tighten, as you lightly shuffled the way that you were sat, spreading your legs a little wider, as your toes scratched relentlessly inside your socks, digging the front of your sneakers into the tarmac below.
your boyfriend leant forwards, swiping his tongue up your folds, causing you to press your head back, as you airily sighed from the contact, loving the way that his tongue delved around the area of your clit, swirling the bud in his mouth, as his teeth gently pinched the sensitive fumble of flesh.
“li- ah, daddy.” he had nipped at your outer lips, serving his actions as a form to correct how you had labelled him. “fuck, you’re so good with your tongue- shit.” his tongue slipped down into your entrance, thrusting the part of himself in and out of you, as you almost fell out of the swing seat.
“mmh.” your so called daddy hummed, sucking once more on your clit, before pulling his head away, as he stood, dragging you with him to force you to stand, delving his saturated tongue into the depths of your mouth, giving you no other option than to taste yourself on his buds. “what do you say baby?” his hand crawled into your hair as he bit his lip, staring with heavy lids at your flushed expression.
“thank you daddy.” a strong nod, he swiftly rotated you around, giving a light smack to your ass cheek, pinching the flesh, as he hurriedly undressed his bottom half, after fishing a loose packaged condom out of his back pocket. his tongue toyed with his top lip, as he ripped open the plastic square, rolling the condom onto his erect cock, giving himself a couple of jerks, as he steadied himself behind where you had hunched over once more.
he grasped his heavy cock, sliding his length through your smothered folds, teasing you as he tapped your clit, resting his hips flush against your own, as he pressed inside of you, causing an elongated string of obscene sounds to cast out of your mouth, playing a tune out of your melodically fawned lips.
a grunt tore itself out of his chest, as he clenched his fine jaw, digging his thumbs into your ass cheeks, as he began to move; delving deep within you, before pulling out of your tight walls, and rutting himself back inside of you. “fuck, feels so good da- ah!”
your natural sounds of pleasure drowned the surrounding area in an epitome of adulterated musings. adjoined with the sounds of liam’s skin slapping against your own, it was a surprise that no one had intervened, nor walked by. though, liam would have heard if they were in a nearby radius, with his supernatural hearing, that he had gotten through a set of canines digging urgently into his wrist, as he hung solemnly off the side of the hospital.
“you’re all mine, you hear that? those frat boys can keep their pervy gazes off of my girl, otherwise i guess i’ll just have to pay you a visit, and fuck you loud enough for anyone to hear.” he began panting, flowing his breath down upon your lower back. “yeah, you like that idea baby girl, how about i take over in the lecture hall and bend you over that desk, drilling into your tight cunt in front of every one so that they know that you belong to me?”
his half conceived promises, his taunting of you had you rolling closer to the edge, backing your hips backwards as you urgently met with his thrusts, forcing him to hip deeper into your cervix, a light growl prowling out of his chest, as he leant against you, angling his waist lower as he thrust upwards, his chest flat against your back.
“yes- fuck! please daddy, i wou- love that. love for you to fuck me for everyone to see, fill me with your cum, make me cu-um.” his heated breath strained against your skin, as your eyes fluttered, feeling succumbed to a white flush inside your veins, your body halting with it’s stability, resting helplessly over the swing seat, a she kept you steady.
“all mine.” your boyfriend stated, as he made you fall over the edge, ravenously thrusting into you to chase his own high. “gonna fucking cum.” a minor roar yelped out of his mouth, as his eyes strung shut, his shoulders relaxing as he emptied his seed into the condom, pulling out of your sopping cunt, as he removed the layer of protection, throwing it successfully in a bin a few feet away.
hazily, you went to stand, liam helping you pull your bottoms up, as he did so to himself too. he held you up, as he hoisted a passionate kiss onto your lips, a satisfied smile on his face once he pulled away. “i miss you so much when you’re away, i love you y/n/n.”
an appeased expression faulted your expression, as you reached up to entwine your hands together at the back of his neck. “i’m all yours li, or should i call you daddy?” you teased, causing a blush to fathom the apples of his cheeks. he looked down, an embarrassed poise covering his face.
“shut up.” he jokingly prompted, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he began to walk you home, as you continued to tease him about his newly revealed kink, or multiple.
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