#or possibly how many older d&d memes you know
singsweetmelodies · 6 months
Hello Katie 👋🏼👋🏼 :D
For the 50 romance prompts ask meme, I'll like to request for 44: soulmate AU: timers <3
but if possible... with a twist...? (you don't have to include a twist if it's too difficult to work it in!)
The twist being, for whatever reason, their countdown timers for each of them to the time they meet their soulmates doesn't match, so they think "we're not each other's soulmates. that's cool. (no it's not)" but it turns out that they're each other soulmates anyways. or they choose to be with each other in spite of not being each other's soulmates. idk. *nervous laughter*
hiiii charlotte 🥰 first off, i am SO sorry for the incredible delay with this answer!! i saw this prompt and i absolutely LOVED IT (and the twist!! 🙏 *chef's kiss*) but unfortunately i got struck with a horrible case of writer's block/work deadlines, and just couldn't get to it at all.
until yesterday: i decided to just open my inbox and see what came to me. no thinking, just following the vibe of a prompt and writing. and uh. this happened... not only did it get ridiculously long (oops?) but it also somehow became a mini "investigate montreal" fic?? so in that vein, i'm tagging @1016week and submitting a belated entry for Day 6 "Montreal"... ❤️
i love this one. hope you love it too!! 👀⌚
Charles' soulmate timer stops when he is seven years old, and he meets the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen.
He's been vibrating with excitement all weekend - not just because it's a karting cup, but because his soulmate timer has been ticking down to this day for months now. Well, not just months, not really. It's actually been his whole life, but Charles doesn't remember all of that. He only remembers the past few months, when the little numbers had been getting smaller and smaller, until there were only ten days left and Charles gasped when he realised that the day would fall on the same day as the Bridgestone Cup.
"Of course the girl I marry is going to like racing, too," he'd told Maman and Papa, confidingly. Not a lot about soulmates made much sense to him, but this did.
His Maman had tried to smile, and Charles had hugged her tight to let her know it was going to be okay. He would find his soulmate, and then everyone would be smiling, because that's what people do when you meet your soulmate.
(Later that night, when Charles had been too excited to sleep and he'd gone to the bathroom quickly, Charles had heard his parents having an argument in their room. The door was closed, so their voices were muffled, but Charles could still make out his Maman saying "I just don't think it's a good sign, to meet your soulmate so young!" But Papa had countered, "Many people do, and they have beautiful stories. You have to trust that our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow." And then there had been an icky noise, like kissing, and Charles had flushed the loo quickly and ran back to his room.)
Now, with the beautiful blue eyed boy standing in front of him, Charles thinks of Papa's words again. Our Charles will meet his perfect match tomorrow.
Charles thought it would be a girl who really liked karting, but this is even better. This is a boy who wins at karting, because he's holding a trophy in both hands and grinning like he couldn't be happier.
Of course Charles' perfect match would be someone who wins at karting. It's only right, because Charles also wins at karting.
Charles clears his throat. "Hi," he says shyly, and the blue-eyed boy jumps.
"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," he says apologetically, and then he laughs. He has a nice laugh, Charles thinks - like he knows how to have fun. "You are a bit short," the blue-eyed boy adds, and hey.
"Hey," Charles protests. "I'm tall for my age. I'm seven."
"Well, I'm nine," the blue-eyed boy says, like that's the most impressive age in the world.
It is a bit impressive, but not very, because Lorenzo is much older than that. Still, it is a little scary - Charles is only seven. What if this blue-eyed boy doesn't like him because he's only seven? Older kids can be mean like that.
No, he is your perfect match, Charles reminds himself. This blue-eyed boy won't be mean to him, because that's not how perfect matches work.
Charles takes a deep breath, then he sticks out his hand. "I'm Charles," he says.
The blue-eyed boy takes his hand, and it feels... weird. A little bit like when you get shocked by static electricity.
Charles giggles, unable to stop himself, and the blue-eyed boy smiles, as though he likes that.
"Hello, Charles. I'm Pierre," he says, squeezing Charles' hand. His eyes widen a moment later. "Oh! You've met your soulmate?!"
Charles doesn't understand what he means. "Well, yeah," he says. "It's y-"
And then he notices it.
Pierre's soulmate timer, right there on his wrist, right above where Charles is gripping his hand - it's still ticking.
Now, Charles doesn't know a lot about soulmates yet, but he knows that that's not good. Not good at all.
"I, um," Charles stammers, and then he does the one thing Maman and Papa said you should never do to your soulmate. Charles lies.
"I met so many new people today. I don't remember who it was."
Pierre's face falls. "Oh," he says, and he sounds unbearably sad for Charles. "But..." He chews his lip, shaking his head with a deep frown.
Then, mid-shake, Pierre's expression changes to one of determination. "I will help you find them," he says, with the kind of confidence Charles can only dream of when he's not on the racetrack.
He tugs on Charles' hand - which he still hasn't let go of - and Charles is helpless to do anything but follow.
They don't find Charles' soulmate anywhere, of course, and then Charles has to go win his race - but Pierre makes him promise that they will find each other at the next French karting event, and Charles will tell him all about his soulmate.
Charles promises, even though the idea makes his stomach feel all funny. I shouldn't be lying to my soulmate, he thinks, guiltily.
But Pierre's soulmate timer didn't stop ticking, and... that's not how soulmates are supposed to work.
The moment he's in the car with his father after the race, heading back home, Charles asks him about it.
Papa is quiet for a long moment, then: "Are you sure there wasn't someone behind Pierre, Charles?" he asks, in his careful, kind way. "Someone who's timer stopped at the same time as yours?"
Charles thinks about it for a moment, but even the idea of that feels - wrong, somehow. Like going into a corner and knowing you braked too hard, and you're going to flip the kart.
He shakes his head decisively. "No," he says. "It's Pierre."
He hears rather than sees his father blow out a soft sigh. Charles catches his eye in the rearview mirror, feeling confused and a little shaky inside.
When Papa sighs like that, it's never good news - it's usually something about sponsorship, which is a word Charles is already coming to dread.
It doesn't make sense how this could be about sponsorship, though. It probably isn't.
Charles waits for his father to gather his thoughts, like he needs to do sometimes to make sure he says exactly what he means. (It's something Maman keeps telling him he should try doing as well, but he's not so good at that yet.)
"You know how even the greatest racing drivers make mistakes sometimes?" Papa asks.
Charles frowns, but he nods. "Yes?"
"Sometimes the universe is like that, too. Sometimes the universe makes a mistake, and stops the timers too soon," Papa explains.
Charles frowns. He hasn't heard about that before, but he guesses it makes sense. It's true what Papa said - not even Senna was a perfect driver who never made mistakes. It makes sense that the universe is the same.
"But this doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, okay, Charles?" Papa says before Charles can spend too much time thinking about the whole thing. His voice is firmer than Charles was expecting, and he reaches up to tilt the rearview mirror to see Charles better.
"It doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate," he repeats, like he doesn't want Charles to ever doubt that. "It just means it's going to be a little harder to find them."
Charles frowns, and he can't help but be a little annoyed. Isn't the whole point of soulmate timers to make it easier to find your perfect match?
It's just his luck that his soulmate timer doesn't work properly.
"I understand," Charles says, though, because he can tell it's important to his father.
Papa nods, but he keeps watching Charles in the rearview mirror for the rest of the drive, like he sometimes does after a race where Charles crashed the kart badly and he needs to keep making sure that Charles is fine.
Of course Charles is fine. He doesn't think this is comparable to a bad race at all! It's a little annoying, yes, but it's not that bad. It's just a bit of extra work, isn't it?
Charles shrugs his shoulders, glancing quickly down at the stopped soulmate timer at his wrist.
Whatever. Racing is more important than soulmates, anyway.
Almost twenty years later, Charles still says that to himself almost every day, even if he doesn't believe it with nearly the same careless seven-year-old confidence anymore: racing is more important than soulmates.
It is, because it has to be.
The thing is this: his father's explanation to Charles' seven-year-old self had been true - if a little oversimplified, and painted with an overt layer of kindness.
The truth Charles knows now is that there are two reasons, two categories, for people whose timers stop when the other person's keeps running.
One is, like Papa had said all those years ago, a simple case of mistaken timing - cases where the universe or fate or whatever controls it all stopped one person's timer a little too soon, or the other's a little too late.
It's harder to find each other in those cases, but it's still quite possible.
And then there's the second category. The unrequiteds. People whose timers stopped at the right time - when they met the person who would be their perfect match - except that they are not that person's perfect match in return. It only goes one way.
It's rare, but it happens sometimes. No system is perfect, after all - not even a system of soulmates.
For years and years, Charles tried to convince himself that he fell into the first category. His soulmate timer simply stopped too early, by some cosmic accident - but it's okay, Charles insists to everyone who asks and to himself as well, because what it's done is given Charles more time to focus on his racing instead. He's not constantly glancing down at his wrist and wondering when his timer is going to stop ticking - he can just get on with the racing.
He'll find his soulmate eventually, but on his own terms. There's nothing bad about that, surely.
Charles believes that. Really he does.
Except, if it's true and Charles falls into the first category - the mistaken timing category - then it would mean Pierre isn't his soulmate.
Pierre, who kept the promise he'd made to a seven-year-old who wasn't even his soulmate (because, yes, he had found Charles at the very next French karting cup, and he'd asked to meet Charles' soulmate - and when Charles had to admit that he still hadn't found them, Pierre had hugged him and told him not to give up and that he would find his soulmate someday. Pierre had held Charles' hand and explained that his parents almost didn't find each other, but they did. So it might take Charles some time, but that was okay, because it had taken Pierre's parents some time too, but now they were happier than ever. He'd been so convincing, firm but kind and absolutely sure of himself, and he'd made Charles believe it. He also made Charles smile, genuinely and truly, when he promised he'd stick by Charles' side no matter what anyone else said or whispered about his stopped soulmate timer.)
Pierre, who kept that promise about sticking with Charles, too. Pierre who never stopped being kind, and loyal, and the best friend Charles could ask for, whether he was seven or thirteen or nineteen or twenty-six.
Honestly, how was Charles supposed to not fall hopelessly in love with him?
He tried to deny it. For years and years, Charles tried to deny it - I will find my soulmate someday and it will all make sense, he'd tried to convince himself - but the thing was, what made more sense than Pierre being his soulmate?
It was roundabout the time of Pierre's first win (when Charles was standing under the podium in Monza with an aching back but a heart soaring with joy for his best friend despite the disaster of his own race) that Charles resigned himself to the truth: Pierre is his soulmate.
He has to be. Isn't a soulmate meant to be your perfect match; the person who understands you better than anyone and makes you happier than any other person in the world?
There's nobody else who could make Charles as happy as Pierre does. Nobody, nobody. There's no point in even trying to deny it anymore.
Pierre is his soulmate. But he is not Pierre's.
And that's okay. It's okay.
It has to be.
It isn't okay, not really, but that's true of a lot of things in Charles' life, and he's learned how to deal with them. He can deal with this, too.
On the whole, Charles thinks he does a pretty good job of dealing with it. He gets to be Pierre's best friend, after all - isn't that just a different kind of soulmate? True, Charles might want more, but it isn't like he has nothing. He has Pierre, and he will have Pierre for the rest of their lives.
Not in the way he wants, but - at least he will have Pierre.
The one thing he tries never to think about is Pierre's actual soulmate. Because Pierre has one, he knows, and he will meet them at some point.
Charles doesn't know how the hell he's supposed to look at some soulmate of Pierre's, and smile at her, and not be hopelessly, heartbreakingly jealous.
(He will do it, though. He will learn to smile at Pierre's soulmate - for Pierre's sake. He'll do it for Pierre.)
But that's a bridge he will cross when they get there. He doesn't have to worry about it yet (or at least, that's what Charles keeps telling himself even as the months tick by, and he knows there aren't year figures left on Pierre's soulmate timer anymore. Just months now, and then... weeks.)
Charles isn't thinking about it. He's put it out of his mind completely - which is easy enough to do, thankfully, given everything that's been happening on-track this season.
That's probably why he accepts Pierre's invitation to dinner in Montreal without thinking twice about it. (Even if he had realised, though, Charles doesn't think he would have been able to say no, either. He would give Pierre everything, if he only asked.)
So they go to dinner in Montreal, and it's perfect, and wonderful, and laughter-filled, and all in all exactly what Charles needed to distract himself from the fact that he has yet another engine penalty, and the sinking feeling that the championship is beginning to slip out of his reach.
Pierre seems to realise it, because he's in even finer form than usual - teasing Charles and tickling his ribs playfully and making him laugh at every possible opportunity.
Even on the drive back to the hotel: they stop at a red light, and Pierre steals Charles' cap, and Charles is giggling and filming it while Pierre is giggling back, and he's pretty sure neither of them are thinking about it at all, until-
Until Pierre's face changes from laughter to something almost ashen. "Charles," he says, and for all the years Charles has known him, he's never once heard Pierre's voice like that. "My soulmate timer just stopped."
For a few seconds, the words don't even register in Charles' mind.
Then they do, and Charles can feel his heart drop. "What?" he breathes.
His hands shake, and he doesn't even register the fact that the light has gone green as he glances all around them, craning his neck to see if there's anyone behind the white Ferrari, or around to the side.
Just a few minutes ago, their car had been surrounded by fans on all sides, all jostling to try and get pictures of them. But now, somehow, they're all alone in the Montreal night.
(The irony of it all is not lost on him - is this how Pierre felt all those years ago, when he was trying to look for Charles' soulmate at a karting cup, but not finding anybody it could be?)
"Are you sure it stopped just now? And not earlier?" Charles asks, willing his voice not to shake.
"Yeah," Pierre whispers. He sounds... devastated.
"But," Charles says, and then he has to take a deep breath. "But there's no-one else here, Pierrot."
"I know," Pierre says, somehow even softer.
Charles' fingers clench reflexively around the steering wheel, and he's moving in blank autopilot as he puts the car into gear and starts driving forward again.
He doesn't even realise he's shaking his head until Pierre says softly, "Charles." There's something wounded about it.
Charles stops shaking his head and slams on the brakes instead, jerking the car into something he hopes is a parking space at the side of the road.
"I don't understand," he says, far more calmly than he feels. "You can't - I can't be your soulmate."
Okay, maybe he's not so calm after all. But he doesn't think... he doesn't think anyone would be calm, in this situation.
Pierre makes a sound that could almost be a laugh, except that it sounds too strangled. "Do you know," he says, "that I have spent half my life wondering if the soulmate system got something wrong in my case? Because if you're not my soulmate, then who is? Who could possibly..."
Pierre does laugh this time, shaking his head. "You know, I asked to go out with you tonight for a reason. I knew - I knew it would happen tonight, so I needed to..." He swallows. "I needed to see you, one last time. Before I wouldn't be allowed to love you anymore."
It jolts through Charles then, what Pierre is trying to say. "Pierre," he breathes, and now it's his turn to say his best friend's name in a way he doesn't think he's ever said it before.
But Pierre's not finished yet. "I thought I could have one last night with you," he says. "One last night, before I had to say goodbye to my feelings, and try to love someone else."
My feelings. Try to love someone else.
Charles Leclerc is a lot of things, but an idiot is not one of them. He knows what Pierre is saying. He's...
Pierre loves him too. All along, Pierre has loved him too.
Only, he never had the option of thinking we're soulmates, Charles realised, and his heart twists in his chest.
Because Charles, for all that he accepted his soulbond toward Pierre was unrequited - at least he'd had the option of them being soulmates. Yes, it was in a twisted way, but at least he'd had that.
Pierre didn't. And he still fell in love with Charles.
The thought hits him like a shell-shock, and it's enough that Charles can only sit there for a moment, staring blankly, as Pierre continues talking beside him.
"I meant for tonight to just be a quick dinner together, something fun but normal for us," Pierre is saying, wringing his hands. "But I lost track of time. I always lose time when I'm talking to you, Charlito, I could talk to you forever - but the point is, I forgot to tell you I need to go back. I forgot that I was meant to meet my fucking soulmate tonight, because I was spending time with you, and - "
He takes a deep breath, and then he laughs again, leaning forward to drop his head into his hands. "I felt it happen, you know? I knew exactly when my soulmate timer stopped, because I could feel it, and it's - it was when I put that fucking cap on my head, Charles."
The cap that he's still wearing. Charles' 16 Ferrari cap.
Charles' hands shake as he reaches out to touch it, just the brim. "Your soulmate timer stopped when you put my cap on," he says, because a part of him still can't believe that this is real, that he's not living in some kind of heartbreakingly wonderful dream.
Pierre straightens up so fast that Charles is left with his fingers dangling awkwardly in mid-air. "Yes," he says, suddenly looking wild, "but this doesn't have to change anything, Charlito, I promise. I will still help you find your soulmate, and I will - I'll learn how to live with an unrequited bond, it's -"
"No!" Charles interrupts, half-throwing himself across the car to catch hold of Pierre's hands. "No, no, no, no. No more unrequited bonds, Pierrot."
Pierre starts to shake his head, but then he stops in the middle of the movement. "What do you mean," he asks, very carefully, "no more?"
And suddenly, Charles feels giddy, of all things. "I mean, your timer didn't stop when mine did. So for years, I have thought that we can't be soulmates, or at least that you couldn't be my soulmate. But now your timer stopped when you put on my cap, so -"
"Stop, stop, stop," Pierre says, squeezing Charles' hands tightly. "What do you mean, my timer didn't stop when yours did?"
"Oh," Charles says, and then he winces, the weight of the only real lie he's ever told his best friend (the only real lie he's ever told his soulmate) settling onto his shoulders with uncomfortable heaviness. "Um. Well. Do you remember when we met, and you thought I already met my soulmate?"
"No," Pierre breathes, but it's not the kind of no that says "no I don't remember." This no is more like "no way."
"Yeah," Charles says, and he can't help but look down at his own wrist, where the soulmate timer has been stopped for years and years. "My timer stopped the moment I met you, Pierrot."
Pierre doesn't look like he knows how to finish that sentence, but Charles understands him anyway. "How was I supposed to tell you? I was seven, Pierre, and your timer didn't stop. I thought it was a mistake for years."
"But?" Pierre asks, like he can tell there was a but.
Charles beams at him. "But, I realised that there was nobody else who could be my perfect match. So I thought you were my soulmate after all, but it was unrequited."
"Never," Pierre says with a fierceness Charles doesn't expect. "Charles, never. If I knew... if I thought I had even half a chance, I would have been with you anyway."
Charles tries to laugh, but it comes out all breathless. "No you wouldn't."
"Yes, I would," Pierre argues, and his voice is heartbreakingly sincere. "I don't care. I would have chosen you."
Charles hears a punched-out noise, and it takes him a moment to realise it came from him. The next moment, he's unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing awkwardly over to sit on Pierre's lap.
It's not quite comfortable, because for all its luxury, the white Ferrari does not have a lot of leg space - but Charles doesn't think either of them give a single fuck, in this moment.
"I love you," he tells Pierre, reaching up to cup his cheek. "I've always loved you, but I never would have stood between you and your soulmate."
"Funny," Pierre says, his hands coming up to grip Charles' hips, "because that's exactly what stopped me from kissing you senseless."
"Well," Charles says, and if he grinds down just a little on Pierre's lap, he'll swear to everyone who asks that it was accidental. "It doesn't have to stop us anymore."
"Never again," Pierre agrees, tightening his grip on Charles' hips. "Never."
"So kiss me senseless, please," Charles whispers, and then he adds "soulmate," and that's what does it. Pierre surges up and kisses him, wild and desperate and more than a little clumsy, but without question the best kiss Charles has ever had. His own cap digs into his forehead a little, but Charles can't even bring himself to care about that - they owe too much to this cap now, honestly.
Maybe the universe does know what it's doing after all, Charles thinks. Maybe the universe just wanted to write a good story for them. A story that goes like this:
Charles' soulmate timer stopped when he was seven years old, and he met the boy with the bluest eyes he'd ever seen.
Almost twenty years later, Pierre's soulmate timer stopped in a white Ferrari in Montreal, and Charles finally got to kiss the boy with the bluest eyes he's ever seen, the man who is his best friend and his soulmate.
The odds of it working out this way have to be... a million to one, probably, or maybe even less.
But then again, what are the odds that two boys who met at a French karting cup and became friends with a shared dream would both make it to Formula 1?
Maybe the answer is just that Pierre and Charles have always liked beating the odds.
(50 Romance Prompts Ask Meme) <- not currently taking more prompts, sorry!
54 notes · View notes
laissezferre · 1 year
notes on a fic
ok so i don't usually do this. however i wanted there to be a place where i could put all the easter eggs in @vandrawsing and i's reverse bang collab just for my own benefit. under the cut are references, allusions, comments, and general notes on Francis and the Frog Prince. (best viewed on desktop in my blog theme)
chapter 1
Once upon a time in a swamp in the forest, there lived a frog named James. Not Hops or Croak or anything more suited to a frog, no; this particular frog believed in a great many things, the greatest of which was that how one seemed was infinitely more important than how one was. -- reference to The Hobbit. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell... it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort."
“I don’t know, old boy,” said the duck named Duckdy. -- truly delighted how everyone seems to enjoy "duckdy". i thought it was too on the nose, but then just went ham in the end. i do what i want!
May Bear and Stars keep you safe; fare thee well!” -- if animals in the forest had a "god", i think it would be in the form of a bear
And with that, the bear-witch disappeared, as quickly as James’s sire had left after he was spawned. -- heh, fuck u lord gambier
“I put it to you that there is nothing as easy as being a prince. They go about their days wearing what they like, eating what they like—and all they need ever do is smile and then everyone will love them. Is that not the perfect life, Duckdy?" -- james dahling! he just wants to be loved!
“God’s teeth!” the rider exclaimed. “Is something wrong, master?” “I think a bird shat on my head.” -- i read some writing advice some time ago that a character's first delivered line must bear weight and say something about their character. this is francis and jopson's :D
He buried his wet nose into the warm wool, breathing in its pleasant, heady smell. So calm and pliant was he that when the satchel opened he had not noticed it at once. -- jeames likes how frauncis smells. it's very comforting for him!
“What in God’s name is happening here!” -- this is james' line in the show, but i gave it to francis as a kind of reciprocation
“By my troth, we are quite alone.” -- i looked up famous shakespeare quotes and i believe 'by my troth' came from much ado about nothing
The man was much older than his servant. His thin red hair had streaks of white at the temples. -- V and i discussed what francis' hair situation would be in this fic. and they said that they preferred to illustrate francis as a redhead with white streaks.
What sorcery is this? -- meme time!
“—must take it to the castle, surely. See if the physic can make head or tail of it. -- 'physic', shakespeare once again, from macbeth
Until that instance, James had not known that it was possible to be looked at but not seen—and James dearly loved being seen. -- episode 8, "a man like me will do amazing things to be seen".
chapter 2
James looked down at the rest of his body and saw himself clad in the finest clothes he had ever seen. -- james's clothes here were inspired directly by V's preliminary sketch during the claims phase of the bang
“How—what—who are you?” he demanded, and James, still reeling from boundless joy, could only say, “Why, I am beautiful!” -- from les mis, in the chapter where a grown up cosette looks in the mirror and realises that yeah she's hot
Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Fitzjames, there lived a prince named James. -- figured that a story within a story was the most efficient way for james to deliver his bullshit
With nothing but his royal dagger on hand and his loyal duck at his trail, Prince James left the castle under the cover of early dawn. -- actually a call-forward to chapter 4, when a heartbroken james leaves the castle under the cover of early dawn
“Cartography,” Jopson put in. “I am to be a royal cartographer—like Sir Francis.” -- i considered many occupations for francis here. scholar first, then an astronomer to be more specific, and then settled on cartographer bc this period had gorgeous maps.
They showed such a chart to James then, a draft map of the merchant isle of Sabine. -- y'all know sabine
Something of that must have moved Sir Francis, for he smiled and slowly blinked his eyes, like James had seen felines do. -- francis is described as having cat-like characteristics several times in the fic
Whatever James could think of, it would appear on himself the very next day — fitted doublets with leafy brocade, silky hoses in juno pink, stunning shoes of cattail leather. -- V was adamant that i vividly described all of james's clothes :D
“—miracle that he found the time, what with all the voyages he enlists in. I rather think he’s applied to the next one by now. We are all very glad for him, truly. And for you too as well, Your Highness. ‘True love’, ha! And at his age. Who knew?” -- this character was originally ned little, but after a bit more thinking i realised that nah ned wouldnt be this cringe
“Well, that is no trouble at all! You may take Francis’s instruction.” -- sophia has been matchmaking francis since time immemorial. what a good sport!
“Don’t leave,” James said, as feeble as a newborn bird. -- james and his abandonment issues, he is baby!
“Oh,” he croaked. He cleared his throat and looked away in embarrassment. “Well then—um—as you wish.” -- as you wish!!! from the princess bride
“You are a natural, my prince.” -- i assigned james a pet name for different people in his life. he is 'old boy' to duckdy, 'dear fellow' to sophia, and 'my prince' to francis.
“A bee,” Sir Francis said, lifting his hand so James might inspect it. “My family’s crest. Diligentia fortunae matrix, as we like to say. -- the bee is from the flag that the terror crew designed in 1840 for capt crozier. the flag's motto: diligentia fortunae matrix, or "success is born out of hard work".
“Be valiant, bold, and loyal. Be thou a knight in the name of the Bear!” -- actual words said during a knighting, "be thou a knight in the name of the king."
There were swords on the ceiling. And mirrors on the walls! And with each swirl of a lady’s skirt it seemed to multiply a hundred-fold in the hundred looking-glasses watching over the milieu. -- the mirrors and sword chandeliers (as illustrated by V) are the decorations aboard hms terror in the erebus and terror ball of 1841, hobart. "The mode adopted in lighting the supper room was inimitable, for, independent of numerous chandeliers formed of swords and cutlasses neatly fixed, holding hundreds of wax lights, there were arranged all round the sides numerous small mirrors, each containing two lights, which reflected double forming the most brilliant light that could possibly be conceived."
Just then, a churlish man with a forehead taking up half his face made his approach. -- i was not sure how to describe sebastian armesto so i brought up a picture of him and yeah, that was my first impression :D
James watched with fascination as Sir Francis placed a doting hand upon Evans’s shoulder, the boy looking up at him adoringly. -- "No ship's boys, Evans." "Sir, please." (pat) "You'll be with me."
“Ah, then it is my own company that pleases you!” “Yours and none other.” -- bruh i was blushing when i typed this up, i didnt think francis capable of flirting so well
James’s hair was plaited with green ribbon -- ribbons on the hair were part of medieval fashion, but for women. this was a way of calling back to "the dress".
“Your prince desires you—” he croaked— “to cease your flattery and dance with me instead.” -- a little slip from james's subconscious here. your prince desires you. period.
Now, there were many things about James that had ceased when he had become human, but one enduring quality was that he made up in perseverance what he might want in sense -- reference to irl james fitzjames's actual words about himself in a letter to john barrow, 1844
Oh, but he would leave His Majesty had he known that his regular trump was here! There is much we must speak of, Frank. -- letter from james clark ross to francis beaufort, 1841. "Crozier hopes to be held in your kind remembrance he is a regular trump."
James paced back and forth on the gravel path until his feet made a long furrow on the ground. -- i wanted to match this closely with the cairn scene, so yes i put them on a gravel path to match even the sounds.
“I’m a fake, an imposter; I’m a failure of a prince.” “I challenge anyone in court to tally up your virtues and then call you a fake... It only makes you a man.” “I didn't know any of that.” -- precisely
“That is the very issue, Francis. I am not.” “You are not—what are you not, James?” “A man!” -- missed opportunity for trans james, i know i know
He turned slowly towards Francis, every part of himself heavy with dread. Even the very sockets of his teeth ached. -- episode 8, "I'm tired all the time, no matter what the hour. And I'm bleeding out of the sockets of my teeth now."
chapter 3
James let out a groan and threw himself aggressively onto the nearest fainting bench. -- a reference to fainting couches from a later period. chairs with cushions weren't a thing yet in the middle ages, so fainting bench it is.
“How is it that you could draw me without having ever seen me?” “‘Tis very simple, of course. I had only to envision to myself what a perfect prince should look like, therefrom your face and form came to me in a dream.” -- i like to think this is how the real clements markham came to his idealised version of james fitzjames
“Aye, Prince James. They are to accompany you and provide other means of company should you be of the persuasion.” - george barrow you kinky fuck
“Good fortunes, Your Highness,” said Prince Hickey. -- an early hint of hickey's true identity. the real princes refer to james as 'prince james', as they are equal in rank, whilst hickey calls him 'your highness'.
“There are many things I wish to say to you, but now that I am in your presence I daren’t speak the words.” “Oh? Speak the words, Prince Hickey,” said James. “Of all I know in this world, and of this world I tell you, I doubt there is a gift on Earth that could still impress you. -- hickey interrogation scene, "Captain, I want to say something, but daren't speak the words." "Oh, speak the words, Mr.Hickey." "Of all I know in this world, and of this world I tell you, I I do not believe it is an animal we battle."
Instead pray accept this humble gift for your humble friend.” -- mofo had his eye on the prize all along!
He tried to show himself in good spirits, yet one glance from Francis reminded him that it was fruitless to misdirect one who knew him so well. -- episode 1, "I tell you, one glance from him I have to remind myself I'm not a fraud."
“May I see?” Francis said. “I might hurt you.” “I don’t mind.” -- "i'll take care of you." "it's rotten work." "not to me, not if it's you."
His eyes lingered on James’s crown, on the thin, milky substance that bled from the roots of his hair down to the back of his ears. - james's bloody, scurvy-ridden hairline but make it frog toxins
“The people there call it a steam bath,” Master Jopson had once said of a similar contraption. -- aka a turkish bath
“James, did anyone ever tell you that—um—that your tail was—an unusual size?” “What? No. Is it important?” “Not at all! Believe you me it is not the girth that counts but the way in which you wield it.” -- robin hood: men in tights, "This means you've always been my one true love because it's the right size!" "It's not the size that counts! It's how you use it!"
“Help me, Francis,” he begged. “Help me out of it.” -- reader, i was cackling! cackling, i tell you!
“Are you certain you can do that, James, hm? Are you certain?” -- the smut scene was supposed to be a dream sequence but V advocated that it be real, no regrets, 100% an improvement and waaay funnier than the original idea
A wild sound came from Francis then, a cross between a gasp and a kitten’s cry that punched out of him as he trembled. -- cat reference #2
One of his legs instantly shot out; Francis caught it deftly, then he pushed it back until both of James’s knees were sprawled at the waist. -- V had this idea of james's legs sprawled open bc it was the most comfortable position for him when he was a frog :D
He reached out and tugged at Francis’s shirtfront, pulling him down until only Francis’s hand was keeping their faces apart. -- if francis only put down his hand then they could've kissed and this story would have finished!
Francis heaved against his own hand, his breath streaming down onto James’s taut neck, like the cool touch of a spring wind, a fleeting caress. -- neck sensory overload but less euthanistic this time
Francis held James until the tremors waned, until his vision blurred, and a great, gentle peace descended. -- from goodsir's line in ep 1, idk why i appropriated it, "I have been there when souls have passed. A great peace descends."
James beamed lazily and pressed his nose back into the pillows. -- a callback to james smelling francis's hat. he just likes how he smells!
“Oh no, truly! Prithee stay there as long as you like, James. You are welcome at any time—” was what Francis had started to say, but James had only to extend his hand for Francis to quiet and come to him like a well-trained cat. -- cat reference #3
You are meant to be cherished, James -- an inversion from ep 1, "He is my second. Now, if something were to happen to me, you would be his second. You should cherish that man."
And I’m sure you believe as well that nothing else will do. -- from the failed proposal flashback, "That will not happen." "It must. Nothing else will do." "Well, then this will be the great tragedy of your life, Francis."
Please, take this compass as a wedding gift. -- look i'd just gotten a really nice compass replica from the royal museums greenwich and i really wanted to feature it in fic somehow
I never saw myself as a hero-knight, James -- oh you will honey
But I assumed then that for just one time I might have been—for you. -- ah for just ooonnee time, i will taaakkke the northwest passaaaagge
chapter 4
You see, in my struggle to compose a poem for you last night, I had left the taper ablaze. I am not harmed but for my eyebrows -- the real clements markham died from being overwhelmed by smoke when his bedclothes took fire from the candle while he was reading in bed
I am sure that Francis will not leave you wanting for too long. Fret not, he shall come upon it soon. He has had some practice after all.” -- savage sophia!
“Not long ago, Francis was the manner of a man who mourned every second on dry land... gone for months in the world’s most perilous corners, -- again from the failed proposal scene
When I heard that he was sending out his deputies to surveys instead of himself, I was more than impressed—I was relieved. For I knew that at last he had found a reason to stay, that reason being yourself of course... He would swing out in search of his stars... and neither I nor our offspring could ever convince him to simply stay. -- ww1 poet wilfred owen to siegfried sassoon, 1917, "You did not light me: I was always a mad comet; but you have fixed me. I spun round you a satellite for a month, but I shall swing out soon, a dark star in the orbit where you will blaze."
When James was but a mere frog, he had eaten something he ought not have. His belly had hurt for hours until he had spewed it out and rinsed its contents. -- i googled weird frog facts and simply had to put in this disturbing trivia
He reached out a trembling hand and picked off a spot of glue from the bottom of the cap, wherein an unseemly object had been attached. Francis’s very ring. -- like this
“My dear Prince James... I think you have made a horrible mistake.” -- reference to scene where sophia is crying as they wait to be let in to the naval meeting, "Oh, don't they know we can hear them? I have made a horrible mistake, Auntie."
Yet instead he was in his room, morbing the morning away. -- it's james's turn to morb! "I do know there hasn't been a single meal we've shared, a conversation when you weren't morbing on about what you're due."
A single tear ran down James’s cheek. -- baby...
“Avast that now, you fiend!” -- from ep 8, "Damn your eyes! It's your captain! Avast that now!"
In essence, Francis looked devilishly handsome. -- a parallel to james's transformation in chap 2, "In essence, James looked utterly princely."
“I’d seen the drawings—in the storybooks. Beanstalks. Giants. That sounded nice. -- reference to ep 10, "I'd seen the drawings in the weeklies. Oahu. Maui. That sounded nice."
I ain’t no fool. I’ve read all the stories -- a parallel to james's own false understanding of fairytales, "I am no fool. I have heard all the stories—I know how true love is found." james and hickey are both fascinated with stories yet they have vastly different take-aways from it which affect their life decisions.
this creature must be the magical goose in the fairytales, the one who lays golden eggs. -- i can't make hickey a villain-villain in my fics so i always resort to portraying him as having misconstrued something important and thus making mistakes bc of it. in my victorian detectives au, hickey mistakes francis as james fitzjames the detective, thereby abducting the wrong guy. in this au, he mistakes duckdy as the magical goose. i think it ties well with how in canon he misconstrues his own connection to the tunbaaq and assumes that he can tame it.
He paddled desperately away, creating enough distance for Francis and his horse to leap majestically in one big arc from the embankment to the water and come between them. -- hero-knight i tell you
And then you will bugger off, Master Hickey, lest the watchmen hear of your disrespect.” -- i didn't know what the police force was called in medieval times, so once again i looked up the useless guys in much ado about nothing
“Disrespect to who, eh?” “To James! Who remains the king’s guest. And to the king himself. -- again from hickey's interrogation, "Disrespect to who, sir?" "The girl!" "And now to me."
You have therefore committed several acts against the Crown: theft, calumny, brutality, kidnapping. -- again, "You have therefore committed several acts against the Articles: desertion dereliction of duty, insubordination, brutality disrespect."
Francis waded across the swamp towards James, like a moon to its planet, destined to approach and fall in orbit. -- "I spun round you a satellite for a month, etc etc"
“Do you not yet know?” “Tell me.” “I had to see you. That’s all.” -- callback to chapter 1, and also episode 8, "James had not known that it was possible to be looked at but not seen—and James dearly loved being seen."
“But Francis... I’m not a prince anymore.” “No, you’re just James. And that’s just perfectly fine.” -- these were the ending notes from V's original prompt. i liked them so much that i was determined to end the fic in the exact same way!
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For the Otherkin ask game you reblogged a bit ago: 3, 5, 9.
Also, I’m pretty sure this is the first time we’ve directly interacted (aside from that reblog chain a while ago), so hi!
Hey! Yes, first time directly interacting :D
We'll do a set of answers each!
J (host, crow/raven):
3) Well, I'd say I've known since childhood to some extent. Didn't know the word for it back then. Eventually learned about various non-human communities, and for a time identified as voidpunk, and from there it was a slow buildup. I'd say the two events that made me realize my fascination with corvids was something else were L becoming independent and perceptibly non-human, as well as seeing pictures of someone wearing fully feathered black mechanical wings. So either for over a decade or about half a year!
5) Plenty of urban crows around, so definitely in the right habitat, and it's fine here! Wouldn't mind somewhere with more/older forests either though...
9) A fair amount, equal parts general non-humanity and being a crow. Some detachment from daily human noise. Spending time in/near forests when possible. Befriending local crows. Trying to stim by spreading my wings on daily basis. It makes its way into daily life, yeah.
L (headmate, arctic fox):
3) Some of my earliest memories are those of giving us both fox shifts, hard question to answer. Many years ago and always been like this?
5) No, this place is far too warm. I miss the snow quite a bit, but a more temperate forest with chilly weather could have its charms too. Just somewhere it's easier to get away from the city.
9) Quite an effect, I'd say; changes how I see myself, what time of day I feel the best, even how I process emotions.
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valasania-the-pale · 1 year
if no one else has sent you him, can I get Celeborn for the ask meme?
Absolutely :D
1: sexuality headcanon
Personally, I think Celeborn is bisexual as well as demisexual (e.g. he needs connection before he can really find himself attracted, but it could theoretically happen with anyone), but never found a real opportunity to express/indulge his attraction to men. There may well have been a time where he wondered if he was asexual in Doriath, but then Artanis showed up and suddenly he realized he was very, very capable of attraction.
Personal mischief headcanon is that Artanis, while mutually attracted, spent the first portion of her time in Doriath indulging in a Thing with Luthien (or Melian depending on your headcanons of her and Thingol's relationship, ymmv), and he was Very, Very jealous (though not like, rude about it). When the Thing ended, he was very quick to throw aside his reservations and state his intentions to Artanis as clearly and forthrightedly as possible.
2: otp
Galadriel ofc. Early Artanis I picture as having been with a few people for brief stints, but I really don't think Celeborn has ever known anyone else in that way, nor does he want to, and when she found him she found someone she could spend eternity with.
3: brotp
I think once Elrond, Galadriel and most of the elves sailed, in that brief span of years he spent in Middle Earth alone I think he really found himself reaching out and finding peers in people he never really allowed himself to before - particularly with Thranduil, Elrohir, and Elladan. Thranduil was a fellow monarch before, but was distant, and his grandsons weren't as present as Arwen - I think he would have been looking for more connection at this point, and probably wanted to spend as much time with them as possible before he sailed (as, depending on readings, one or both might not have joined him).
4: notp
Uhh.... Kind of anyone? It's hard for me to see him as anyone but Galadriel's - unless they tried to bring someone into the bedroom for some mutual fun, I suppose. They're multi-millennials in a stable loving relationship, I could see them giving it a shot. Relationships though, nah.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
He's younger than Galadriel by a little bit, maybe just a century or so. I picture most of the main elves from the Silm as having roughly a millennium in Aman before the Darkening (though I'd yield to more detailed texts), and overall I just find that I'm not a fan of readings where Celeborn is much older than she is (for all that it's a valid reading of the text).
6: favorite line from this character
"Let Gimli forget my harsh words: I spoke in the trouble of my heart. I will do what I can to aid you, each according to his wish and need, but especially that one of the little folk who bears the burden" (FoTR)
I appreciate that Celeborn really lives up to his epithet. He's the Wise - he can take counsel, which is especially validating given it comes directly from his wife. How many other men would stew in resentment of the dwarf despite better wisdom? Especially Sinda men - Thingol, Oropher, and Thranduil all made that error, and Celeborn learns from it and corrects himself when he speaks in haste and prejudice.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I mean, I also think Galadriel is pretty dang rad.
More seriously though, I try to be someone who will yield to better wisdom when it's given, yet I also often find myself in error. I can only aspire to be patient and make allowances for my lapses, and try to do better next time. To listen is a trait I think many would benefit from.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
(I don't know what I did with the font below here - Tumblr's edit is odd)
The fact that RoP seems to have forgotten him, and is in the process of trying to cuckold him? The fact that even PJ's movies seem to ship Galadriel with Gandalf harder than it cares about him? My man has been written out of damn near every thing he's in, it's infuriating.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Bit of both? He simps hard for his wife and while he's got a bit of prejudice to work through, he's making an honest effort of it!
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
hihi you get to hear about Marin for the ask game :D I am also offering up Hypno but will not talk abt him cuz yk abt it already
So! Marin! They're 32, transneutral, autistic, non-verbal, and love all things supernatural but mostly vampires. They're a goth and love dressing like a vampire. They like metal, painting, walks in the forests, and telling people about their interests. They own a few ferrets! Emotions tend to be weird for them and they're a very blank person with little visible emotional response. It's a bit hard to connect with them due to that but they don't mind have few friends. They built themself a little robot guy that hooks up to their computer and that's how they talk during the radio broadcasts! They like parallel play lots and enjoy existing around other people and helping them with their struggles!
HI hello I apologize for answering this late. You know how it is with soup brain.
ANYWAY Marin!!!! Oh I love Marin so so dearly! Marin is also the one you mentioned using vamp/vampself pronouns, right? That's really cool, I just wanna say.
Anyway, my immediate impulse for Marin was to say Roach b/c I think they have very similar vibes and aesthetics, but upon further reflection I'm not sure how well they'd get along as people. I would want them to hang out and be besties, but idk if that's possible.
HOWEVER, I actually think a character Marin might get along with is Oliver!!! Oliver is Roach's Beautiful Assistant™ so he's very well used to their shenanigans, but he's a lot more subdued than they are and just generally a nice guy who enjoys spending time with others and hearing them talk about their interests. He's sweet and supportive and I think he'd genuinely enjoy hanging out with Marin! It's like... uhhh I think there's a meme somewhere out there about a goth person who's friends with an absolute ray of sunshine. That's the dynamic I'm picturing here.
And as for HYPNO my dear darling Hypno, I'm gonna go ahead and say that Hypno and Roach would get along very well <3 I really think that Roach would absolutely adore Hypno and really enjoy hanging out with it, and if desired the two could get up to SO many shenanigans. On a more personal level, I think Roach would really relate to a lot of Hypno's internal struggles and like... okay I did just get the mental image of Roach being a dorky older sibling figure for Hypno and that is very cute I think. They may be a sarcastic little asshole, but they'd genuinely want to help and be there for him however he needs.
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zu-is-here · 2 years
So sorry for the late reply heh, like I said, was working tonight, it was perfect timing really.
Still snowy? Ahh so jelly, we've been having the most boring weather, wind, clouds and rain. Basically the most British weather possible.
Oh! Even if you didn't wanna change, it was nice of them to give you the option! Just remember zu, even if the deal is off, please return everyone's lockets to the correct owners.
My work is going good, as I've said before it's not alot of hours rn, but what I do have is going nicely. Tonight was a 90s theme, which I was actually not told until 40 mins before I left!! Ahhg had to run around trying to find something to wear.
It was fun though, played a bunch of classic music, so spent the night cleaning tables and dancingggg.
You know.i searched up the song CPR cuz of that and bloody hell, a song has never made me blush so much, can't believe Sdream was dancing to that XD
I love the way you draw rain!!
Oh thank you!! I'm happy with how it turned out, was just in a lineless mood I guess. Loved drawing them all.
Ooo I'm sure it will be great! I'll miss you while you're away though, I can't wait to hear all about jt!
Heheh...the 'good' boy peed in my room in the door way -_- that's how he's doing. How's the good girl?
I'm actually doing great!! Being super productive on thr next part of my comic!! I'm so so so so soooo happy how it's coming along I'm so hyped! I took some inspiration from your lay outs and I've been moving around pannels for the normal format I use
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Alsoooo the boyy
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I'm.very happy with my work rn basically!! How's it going with yours?
Hii again! :'D
The 90s!! \(//∇//)\ Awww this sounds wonderful in every way, so nice to hear you had a good time mixing business with pleasure! ٩( ᐛ )و♪
The weather may be not the best, but it's good that the things are as right as rain ♪(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Heheh fair enough! ;)
Guess he just doesn't know the lyrics while Cross does XD This is def not the safest thing to enjoy but the remix is awwwsome and I just couldn't resist cause the contrast between songs fits theim so well ♪ I liked how many recognized the meme without any words tho xp
Thanks again! (〃ω〃) The way you draw lineless art is so smooth and clean *^*
Knowing myself, no trip would be complete without drawing xp Hope so! Thank youuu <3
He didn't mean to! (ówò) The good girl's watching the snowfall through the window while sitting by the radiator <3
OHHH I'm so hyped! \(//∇//)\ I'm really glad to hear it inspired you, and the bois looks ssso good ☆ Keep up the great work! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) I'm looking forward to the next part ♪
I finished the comic over the weekend, aaand there's not much left for the Dark Cream week announcement ;)
How are you doing lately? ♡
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Oh that was an experience as well! You wouldn't know it without trying xp
Indeed XD
Awww yay! That's so sweet of you, Gayfish, I do appreciate it a lot (〃ω〃)
OMG— it's not here yet but I'm already curious about those deleted Nightkiller scenes :'D
Nooo but this looks quite sansational! :D We usually do it with cheese only (yummy!) but hmmm ♪
Awww that's so sweet! (ówò) Sooo many years later, childhood toys evoke special feelings <3 I do but in my parents' house, some of them are older than me omg *^*
Yep, today was a very productive day! ᕦ(òwó)ᕤ We had a staff meeting (a new year tradition) and it turned out to be much more fun (no diagrams/reports/suits XD)
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Heheh (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Ohhh sounds delicious! *^* Gotta try—
I do heheh! Hope you're having a nice time too <3
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Chan is very affectionate when it comes to you, he always likes to have his arms wrapped your body and keep you close as possible. Whenever he’s around you, he likes to be able to touch you in some way and know that you’re right there with him.
Knowing Chan so well, you knew he talked to absolutely everyone, so you weren’t sure if you really were special or if he spoke to everyone in this way. To begin with, he was just being nice, but as he got to know you more, he quickly found himself falling for you a little more. Everyone could see when he spoke to you, he wasn’t just being nice, he really was interested in you.
He was a nervous wreck when it came to confessing to you, he’d usually be able to start a conversation so easily, but now it felt like he couldn’t even say hello. He asked you on a date one night at an event for the company, pulling you aside. You were relieved to know that he had taken an interest in you, sighing in relief as you accepted, watching as he sighed himself, glad that you really did feel the same way as he did.
Your dates tended to be quite private affairs, but that didn’t stop them being incredibly sweet. Chan’s an old school romantic at heart, he likes to take you out for dinner and be the perfect gentleman, but he just as much loves having you offer at the dorm and doing something together, usually cooking or a game. He didn’t mind where the two of you were most of the time, he just enjoyed being in your company, and the two of you always had something to talk to each other about anyway, wherever it was that you were.
Having spent so many years dedicated to his career, Chan barely had time to date, so you were his first proper relationship. He’d spoken to a few girls before, but not even so much as a first date ever came from any of them. With you however, he found the perfect balance between work and enjoying a personal life, and even if work did call him, you were happy to go a few days without seeing him, you understood how important work was to him. He never imagined he could make it all work, until he had met you.
He’s very much a perfectionist in everything he does in life, so if something doesn’t go right or work has been a hectic sometimes, he can take that out on you. You don’t tend to argue too much about big things, Chan is very conscious of how he speaks to you and treats you, and he’d never do anything to hurt you. Being at the dorm as well meant if you argued, everyone got involved, so you always tried to squash it before it could get too big and solve it calmly, usually just by talking about how you both were feeling about things.
As his family were in Australia, you relied on FaceTime to get to know his family. When Chan first told them he’d found someone they were all quite surprised, but as they got to know you they could see why Chan had fallen for you, and appreciated that you were such a great distraction for him to live a bit of a normal life away from music.
Whilst Stray Kids was still quite young, he was quite keen on staying at the dorm for a while and looking after everyone which you were more than happy to do. But he knew, once everyone got a little older and began to find relationships themselves, he’d be straight at an estate agent finding the most perfect apartment for the two of you.
Chan couldn’t help being the first one to say those three words. The two of you were curled up one night and he thought you were asleep, when you felt his lips press to your cheek and the words murmured from him. You smiled in his hold, opening your eyes to look up at him and saying them back to him, smiling as he jumped, surprised that you weren’t as asleep as he thought you were.
He tried hard to not get jealous, but at times he couldn’t help it. Just like him, you were always saying hello to people and chatting, so when he’d show up at the studio and spotted you chatting to a few of his elders he couldn’t help but get jealous. He was incredibly protective of your relationship, even around the boys he’d get jealous if they were around you for too long, he hated the thought of other people making you happier than he could, it was his job to be the one to always put the smile on your face.
Before meeting you, Chan hadn’t given having kids a single thought, but as he got to know you and see you around children, he began to consider the possibility. He’d always thought about growing up and having the perfect family, but only with you did he begin to consider that it could become a reality. He had a few years yet before he’d become a father, but he knew that there was no one else he wanted to experience it all with other than you.
Most of your days were spent giggling at stupid things you’d found, whether it be a video or a meme. Chan’s laugh was one of the biggest things that drew you towards him, it was so distinct and familiar. For Chan, he loved to hear your laugh, because again that made him sure that he was making you happy. He’d always come up alongside you when you least expected it and tickle your hips just to hear your laugh, accepting when you hit his chest out of surprise. There was never a time when he didn’t want to hear your laugh, it was the best sound to him.
He’d been away from home for so long now that it was difficult for Chan to get homesick but being away from you when he was on tours brought the feeling back again. Most of his days were spent worrying about you, wanting to make sure that you were fine. But the hardest part of all was not having you around when he woke up in the morning or when the boys were playing around. He’d always video things they got up to and send them to you, so you felt like you were there with them, but it was never really the same. You missed him just as much as he missed you, if not just a little bit more.
The two of you always used nicknames for each other, if you ever called each other by your actual name then you knew you were in trouble. Chan always tended to call you ‘bub,’ or, ‘sweetheart,’ he loved all the old, romantic pet names.
He was obsessed with your body, not necessarily sexually, but he always just liked to have a hold on it somewhere so he knew that you were with him, whether it was holding your hand, or pressing his hand against your back.
Every now and then Chan didn’t mind engaging in PDA, but he tended to keep most of his affection for when you were at home. Again, his main thing was to hold your hand and protect you, which he did in most situations, but every so often he’d press a kiss to your cheeks or your forehead just to remind you that he loved you.
The biggest question Chan would ask you is, “can you help me?” Whenever he was stuck, or the boys were driving him crazy he’d look to you for help, because you always knew what to do in any situation.
No one but the two of you knew this, but Chan would often try and sneak words into his song lyrics that you had suggested. It could be the most random word, but it would always make him smile whenever he sung them onstage. You didn’t quite know how he always managed to do it, but they were always the perfect, subtle triggers he needed to think of you when he was onstage, or even when he was just missing you.
Again, Chan is a proper romantic, so sex is incredibly intimate for the two of you. He uses the time to show you how much he loves you and appreciates every part of your body. With muscles like his, he tends to dom, he likes to show off to you how strong he is and how in control he can be. You never complained though, seeing him show off certainly made you find him all the more attractive.
Without fail, every day, Chan texts you morning and night. Even if you’ve only just left for the day, he’ll soon be texting you because he misses you, wondering when you’ll be home or if you have a break in your day to call.
There were a lot of things important to Chan, the band, music, the fans, his family, but you always topped it all. No one was there for him like you were, at times he wondered what he’d have ever done if it wasn’t for you right by his side.
Being so busy you never really got the chance to go on holiday, but when you did, you made sure that Australia was the destination. You were desperate for Chan to be able to go and see his family despite his protests that he’d be fine. Secretly however, he was more appreciative than you’d ever know that you were going to take him home.
Whenever you left him by himself, he’d whine, it didn’t matter how busy he was he still liked to have you with him, you were never a distraction for him.
Kisses from Chan are always the sweetest, pressing them to wherever he could find a bit of exposed skin. Whether it be a quick kiss in the morning before you left for work, or a more passionate one as you fell asleep in Chan’s arms, he’d take them wherever he could find. They were his way of constantly reminding you that he loved you and that he was with you, quick or long, light, or passionate, it never really mattered.
You were his best friend, the crutch of support that he could always rely on.
Falling asleep in Chan’s arms always made you feel so safe and secure, he liked to keep you as close and possible too with his chest pressed against your back, always making sure he was the big spoon so he could protect you.
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fonulyn · 3 years
So I'm reading this sad Chreon story - as one does (it's me, I'm one) - and I just had the weirdest epiphany? Like, I dunno, it's probably dumb and far from a hot take or some eye opening character analysis no one has done before but I noticed that people (including myself, so like not saying this in any kind of bad way) tend to write Leon as stand offish, apathetic, and cold. Like this story stated it specifically, said something along the lines of "this is what Leon gets for cultivating a reputation for being unapproachable, apathetic, and indifferent" and the insinuation there is that he's done this on purpose, put on this front to seem unaffected by things when in the presence of others, and I think it's pretty true for his character. Like anything post RE2, Leon is kind of. I dunno, I wanna say deadpan? He seems to express v little emotion, and when he does it's usually in the form of a quip, one-liner, or snarky come back. Sometimes awkward small talk lol. But it feels like he's built this wall, this persona around himself, not just to protect himself from losing more people (bc he probably sees it as some kind of inevitability, and with his track record I certainly wouldn't blame him), but to protect people from him. This poor man has spent so long fighting, trying to save people, and even tho he saves the day in the end, so many people get lost in the process, and Leon feels every single loss personally. Right off the bat we see it every time someone dies in RE2, then again in RE4 with Luis, who he knew for a short period of time and yet mourned so heavily for, and even Krauser to an extent. Leon is someone who is quick to trust, even as he gets older, and we see that in RE Vendetta, too. Like that's probably one of the big reasons he's so devastated after losing his team. Not only was he entrusted with a group (which doesn't happen often, as far as we have seen), but he probably put his trust in them as well, including Petrucio, the man who betrayed them. I just think Leon is such a complex character who hides so much of himself (which is convenient for bad writers at Capcom who can't write good dialogue to save their lives lmao, but I also think it's a decent part of his character now), probably so what happened in RE2 doesn't happen again. Bc that shit was probably so traumatizing, and Leon was still a baby! I'm only a year older then he was at the time of RE2 but like, as humans our brains don't finish growing until age 25, so that kind of trauma at that age is for sure gonna stick with you, and it seems he picked up some unhealthy coping mechanisms from it that's more than just his drinking problem. Anyways I guess I just wanted to rant about how Leon is the most "emotionless" character in RE but in reality he feels and cares so much, so much so that if he doesn't put up that mask of indifference then he'll destroy himself. This man would die so that others could live, he's saved the world multiple times without a care for himself past the need to finish his mission and keep as many people as possible safe. He's such a tragic character and I love him so goddamn much, like he's one of those characters who you aspire to be like, in a way. Selfless, capable, dependable, reliable, smart, passionate, caring. And some of this might be my own character building I've done based off of other headcanons and character analysis posts and stories I've seen, but I do think we see a lot of this in the canon content, too. I just really love Leon S Kennedy, okay? He makes me sad but also so so happy and I love him v much, he is a big time comfort character for me. Sorry for the rant, just needed to scream about this with someone who would understand lol 😅
oh anon, I get you, I dooo. I think that you're right in that Leon has kind of this shell around himself because it's the only way he can cope. but there are so many cracks in his shell, and he lets people in so readily even when it would stand to reason that he shouldn't trust anyone anymore. he gets attached to people lightning fast, and he'd die for them even when he's barely met them.
this borders on headcanon territory, definitely, but I tend to often write him as someone who gets attached easily and falls for people easily (be it friendship or romantic or anything), but then he doesn't know how to properly let people in because he's got his defense mechanisms, he's trying to keep himself from breaking, and what if he truly lets someone past those walls and then another disaster strikes and he never recovers from it?
and I think it shows a lot in how he's so awkward with small talk, he can throw in one-liners and dad jokes and try to keep his own (and anyone else's) spirits up with that. but oh man. beyond that? the boy doesn't know how to naturally talk to people. (even like in Infinite Darkness, with Claire, I think his "don't do anything stupid" was 100% meant to be a joke, both times, but it just didn't exactly land perfectly. poor awkward bby)
but like even though he might put up this unaffected front, he's still so very expressive? like... if you really pay attention to him? he's far from actually an expressionless and cold person. he just isn't very loud about it. (i was just going through ID screencaps yesterday and while Shen May is talking and Leon is on the background, he goes through such a journey in expressions alone :'D)
AND HE CARES. like, for example in Infinite Darkness, he sees Patrick is shaken and the first possible moment he has, he immediately asks him if he's okay and takes a moment to reassure him. they're in a hurry, he's supposed to get going and not check up on a guy he's never even met before, but he does it anyway. and I think it speaks a lot of his character. he's quick to offer support and comfort, and he genuinely tries to be there for others the best he can. he desperately needs someone to listen to him in turn, seriously. give him emotional support, damnit.
and I wanna highlight what you said:
in reality he feels and cares so much, so much so that if he doesn't put up that mask of indifference then he'll destroy himself. This man would die so that others could live, he's saved the world multiple times without a care for himself past the need to finish his mission and keep as many people as possible safe.
because yes. 100%. also this:
he's one of those characters who you aspire to be like, in a way.
like. yes. there was this one meme thing going around which was basically like asking if you feel like you're like your favorite character and I'm just. I fucking wish I was one tenth of what he is :'D
I know not even he is perfect, c'mon, no such thing as perfect people exist (not even in fiction, or if they do then they'd be really damn boring :'D). i'm not trying to claim he has no flaws, or that he never does anything wrong. he has and he does. but the amount of genuine caring he shows and how hard he tries to do the right thing? truly awe inspiring.
i just. I'm right there with you. I love him so damn much. and that's why I spend most of my time writing fic where he gets at least some of that happiness he deserves :'D i need him taken care of, damnit, and if canon doesn't give him good things then i damn sure will.
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remmushound · 3 years
Genderfluid Pride!
“Hey Donnie?” Michelangelo wandered into his brother's lab.
“Michael..” Donatello acknowledged, not looking up from the work he was doing, “I didn't hear you knock, nor did I say come in.”
“Oh!” Michelangelo looked back at the door and the sign hanging on it that was meant to remind Donatello's brothers to knock. “The door was open so I forgot.”
Donatello took a deep, frustrated breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s fine. Just try to remember next time.”
“It’s really hot in here.” Michelangelo fanned himself with his tye-dye shirt.
“That’s why the doors open.” Donatello said simply, “Machines make things hot, Michelangelo.” The softshell found a good stopping point to put his stuff down and then spun around in his chair to face Michelangelo, pulling his feet onto the chair to cross them and lean on his elbow. “What can I help you with?”
“I have a science question.”
“You came to the right place! Ask away, my dear fellow! My brain is a smorgasbord of knowledge and memes!”
“Well…” Michelangelo wrung his hands together, swaying anxiously on his feet, “Now— this is just a theoretical question and… totally not… anything personal whatsoever... but… uh… you know how when you’re born, you’re either a boy or a girl?”
“That’s the simplified version, yes.” Donatello said slowly; his eyes watched Michelangelo closely.
“What’s the... not simplified version?”
Donatello cleared his throat. “In most educational spaces we’re taught about the simple XX for female and XY for male, but that’s rudimentary at best! Sure, it’s the ‘standard’ for most, but then there’s also the substantial amount of the population that have different variations, some without even knowing! For example, XXX or XXY or XXYY; sex is much more complicated than aynone cares to admit, so the concept of two genders based on chromosones is completely unfounded. Gender and sex are better off separate from each other.”
Michelangelo listened earnestly, nodding his head along. “So… chromosomes don’t equal gender?”
“Not at all, dear Michael!” Donatello declared proudly, “Is that you have to ask?”
“No. That was just my first question.” He smiled shyly, “My next one is… uh… kinda more… personal?”
Donatello gave a slow nod, giving Michelangelo his full attention. “That’s what I’m here for, Michelangelo.”
“I… know the cultural norm is being a him or… or a her…”
“The American cultural norm, yes.” Donatello nodded.
“Well… is… it is possible to be all of that…?”
Donatello blinked slowly. “Could you… give me more detail?”
“Like…” There was a bitter taste in Michelangelo’s mouth, but he kept speaking, “One day you feel like a boy who should be called a he, but… then you feel like a she… or sometimes neither? Or… or none at all…?”
Donatello stood up and hurried over to close the door. Then he returned back to his seat, sitting properly this time so he could address Michelangelo with complete sincerity.
“The term for that is genderqueer or, more typically, genderfluid.”
“Is it new…?”
“Er… well, no, not exactly. The term itself is modern, but there are accounts of transgenderism and nombinarism and even gender fluidity in many ancient civilizations! Juchitán had muxes, Indigenous Americans had two-spirits, and Samoans have fa’afafine just to name a few. The history of these genders is a deep and rich culture that’s been existing for as long as humans have.”
“Could a… a mutant be one of those things?” Michelangelo’s voice was soft, eyes wide as he looked to his older brother for guidance.
“Michelangelo.” Donatello put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You can be whatever you want, and you can celebrate. If you want to, that is.”
Michelangelo considered, then shook his head quickly. “Nuh uh… I don’t want anyone else to know.”
Donatello simply nodded. “Then it shall stay our little secret, dear brother.”
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ajbwasntwriting · 3 years
Can I pls request a Bucky x single mom reader? Maybe the kid recognizes him and they bond and then the reader comes and Bucky asks for her number? It’s okay if you don’t wanna write this! No pressure!! Have a great day ❤️❤️
As a child who was raised by a single mother this one was both a challenge and a joy to write. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This takes place like a week before TFATWS
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Bucky Barnes x single mom! Reader
Tags: Fluffiest Fluff, mild ptsd and anxiety, Oranges.
Getting used to the modern world wasn’t that much of a struggle for Bucky, but the civilian modern world was a different situation. He still felt himself looking over his shoulder as he walked. He had locks on all of his windows and a sliding bolt on his front door. He had three phones, a burner he showed his therapist, a smartphone for keeping track of the news and talking to friends, and a third one that was exclusively for communicating with Wakanda. The last of which was a mixture of conversations with Ayo and memes from Shuri.
His therapist was pushing him to make friends and to try online dating. She later told him to ‘play tourist’ and explore what his locality had to offer. Something about it possibly introducing him to new people and at the very least ‘make you more interesting’.
So every week he went to a different place. He started with the Brooklyn Museum, having gone there for field trips as a kid. It was definitely more interesting now as an adult. The next place was the Brooklyn Flea, where he managed to get a record player and some records from when he was a teenager. He smiled fondly as the old tune played through his apartment, bringing back memories of flirting with pretty girls at the soda fountain and beating up bullies with Steve (Well, FOR steve at this time)
This is what lead him to be out in Brooklyn Park’s Harbour View Lawn on a Thursday Evening. They had this event called ‘Movies with a view’ that they did in the summer. The idea of being alone in a crowd of picnic-goers didn’t seem that appealing, but when he saw they were playing the original Dumbo, the same one he took his little sister Rebecca to see when he was 16 years old, he couldn’t pass up seeing the animated masterpiece on the big screen. Besides, if he got too uncomfortable no one would bat an eye to a man leaving an open-air venue.
He put some snacks, a drink, and a book(One of the ‘Lord of the rings’ series as he had been catching up)in his backpack and set out. He arrived early so he could sit on one of the benches. People from all walks of life arrived around him. Families both young and old, older couples searching for nostalgia, lovers looking longingly at each other, groups of friends looking to fill an evening, and so many children. The lawn had filled up so rapidly as people descended onto the grass, laying out their blankets and pulling out picnics they had prepared at home and purchased moments before from their favorite grocers. There was an undeniable excitement in the air as the sun was setting. Despite the fact it was the people watching that had him caught up, Bucky hadn’t noticed the small child walking up to him until she was less than a foot away from him, staring at him with big e/c eyes.
She wore a summer dress with a cardigan protecting her shoulders from the sun. Her hair was pushed back in a hairband. She was holding a yellow teddy bear that wore a silver t-shirt and a red cape and had gone limp from a combination of lost stuffing and age.
“Hi,” Bucky said, clearly uncomfortable. “Are you okay?” She walked up and sat next to him. He shifted away from her slightly, aware that this may look odd to any by-passers.
“I know who you are.” The little girl whispered to him.
“Do you?” Bucky asked, trying to remain calm. It was just a little kid, but she was freaking him out a little bit. For all he knew, this small child could be a member of some new black widow program. She smiled widely, revealing she was missing a front tooth.
“You’re Captain America’s best friend!” she half-whispered, half-squeaked in excitement. “Me and my brother saw you at the museum!”
Bucky couldn’t help the nervous laughter that came out of him. He felt himself relax at the kid’s excitement. “You saw me at the museum?” he faked intrigue. He knew there was a display on him in every Captain America museum.
Her hair bounced as she nodded. “There was a big picture on the glass and it said that you were dead, but my brother said you weren’t dead. And I thought he was being stupid, cause,” She looked around and then leaned in a little closer as if telling Bucky a secret “He can be really stupid. He didn’t even know how to tie his shoelaces until he was ten! But I’ve known how to tie my shoelaces since I was six!” She boasted.
“That’s amazing. since you were six? How old are you now?”
“I’m seven and three quarters.”
“Wow, you’re a big girl.” She nodded with a ‘yep’. “But you’re not big enough to be on your own, kiddo-”
“I’m not on my own, I’m with you.” She interrupted him. Following the trend of interruptions, a boy ran up to the two of them, holding a picnic blanket in his arms. He wore blue board shorts with a Captain America t-shirt and Iron man themed sneakers.
“Y/D/N what are you doing?! Mom is looking for you!” He yelled at the little girl. The two looked remarkably similar to each other.
“Look!” she ordered, pointing at Bucky. The boy looked at Bucky and his mouth dropped open, looking like a fish. Bucky wanted to laugh at how cartoonish it looked.
“You’re Captain America’s best friend.” He exclaimed though he couldn’t be heard that well over the chatter of people settling down and the movie being set up. “I knew that you weren’t dead, even before you were fighting Iron Man in Germany. That was so cool, Iron man was all pew pew and Spiderman was all thwish twish and you were in the middle all pow pow” The blanket had since fallen to the ground as the young boy got caught in his excitement and started recreating the movements with the sound effects, punching the air for Bucky’s punches, waving his arms around wildly for Wanda’s magic. Y/D/N looked on bored as he continued his display “and when the dust cleared you and Cap were gone, like dust in the wind.” He recounted epically, waving his fingers in a sideways motion.
“I told you he was stupid.” The little girl commented.
“You’re stupid!” he shot back. Before anything could escalate, Bucky gently put his arms between the children.
“Hey now, let’s not fight. If I have to call the Avengers they’re gonna be mad.” Bucky spoke. He really hoped this would work, and that they wouldn’t continue to fight in hopes of bringing the Avengers down to Harbour View Lawn. The movie started then, music playing out over the crowd rendering the crowd quiet.
“Mom is gonna be worried.” The boy stressed out loud
“What’s your name, son?” Bucky spoke to the boy
“Okay, Y/S/N. Here’s what we’re gonna do. Spread that blanket there.” Bucky motioned to the empty patch just a step in front of the bench he was sitting on. “and you two will stay here while I go tell the event people that you can’t find your mom.” The two kids spread out the blanket and sat on it. Bucky passed them his backpack and asked them to take care of it so they wouldn’t runoff. He found an event organizer and told them the situation, describing the kids. He returned shortly, the two kids not having moved as the movie played on a screen in front of the open water. He sat back down on the bench just behind the kids, paying more attention to them than the film.
“I’m hungry,” Y/D/N complained.
“That’s what you get for running off.” Y/S/N shot back at her.
“Do you like oranges?” Bucky spoke up behind them. Y/D/N nearly launched off the blanket as she yelped ‘yeah’ back at the man, twirling to look at him. He opened his bag and pulled out his orange, passing it to the little girl. Unprompted, the little girl asked her brother if he wanted half, which he happily accepted. “Sorry I don’t have another.”
“It’s okay, we share all the time,” Y/S/N explained, shoving an orange slice into his mouth.
You are a good ten minutes into the movie when a panicked woman is lead over to them by an event organizer. She runs to them, falling to her knees as she scoops them into a hug. “Oh, my babies.” She sobbed. “You scared me so much.”
“Mooom!” The boy groaned.
She rapidly thanked Bucky and the event organizer, who took their leave once they were reassured that the situation had been handled. “You are both in so much trouble!”
“Can we be in trouble after the movie?” The girl asked.
You were about to order them to get up and leave when Bucky spoke up. “I’ve been able to keep a good eye on them from up here, and there’s plenty of space.”
The joint chorus of ‘pleases’ from your two kids won you over. You sat down next to the man. You two could barely see each other in the dark, but he seemed nice. After all, he had reunited you with your kids.
“Thanks again for keeping an eye on them.” You whispered. “I hope they didn’t give your group too much trouble.”
“No,” he answered quietly “They’re good kids.”
“Not good enough,” you muttered. “They’re excitable, but that just means it’s never boring.” Bucky watched as Y/D/N turned around and pulled a full net of oranges out of your bag.
Watching the movie with company was definitely better. A comfortable silence fell among the four of you, only broken when you had offered him a couple of the bite-sized chocolate bars you had brought. The kids laughed at the movie, your little girl even cheering on the animated elephant. She threw her hands up in a cheer when he successfully took flight, making the two adults chuckle.
“Told you they were excitable.” You giggled.
“Me and my little sister were worse when he first saw Dumbo.” Bucky admitted. “We were on the edge of our seats the whole movie.”
“How else can you enjoy a movie!” you posed the rhetorical question.
Bucky had to admit he thought you were lovely. Just enough seriousness and playfulness rolled into one. So when the lights came on at the end of the movie and he saw how beautiful you were he felt his heart race a little. You were already cleaning up while your children told you how great the movie was. He gathered his stuff and went to slip out when Y/D/N called out to him.
“Where are you going?”
“The nice man probably has places to be-” you began to lightly chastise the girl when you finally saw who you had been sitting next to throughout the movie. “You’re…”
Bucky held his breath. It was one thing the kid’s thinking he was amazing; you were a grown adult. Someone that possibly knew of his history and most likely thought ill of him. He waited for you to say his old mantal, possibly with fear or anger. Instead, you smiled gently,
“James Barnes.” You spoke. A moment later you flustered slightly. “I’m sorry. I work at the Museum of the City in East Harlem. We just did a big-” you stopped yourself before you could ramble onwards. “I’m Y/N L/N.”
It was a breath of fresh air to have someone react to him in such a…human way. “Please, call me Bucky.” He smiled warmly as he fixed his bag on his shoulder. “Can I walk you out?”
After your section was cleaned up the four of you walked out, with the two kids walking ahead of you. Despite how late it was, they still had energy. You had been left to take care of your daughter’s stuffed toy while she chased your son around the park space. “What you said about your sister,” you started, trying to keep an eye on your two kids despite how eye-catching the man beside you was. “I’m guessing that was back in the forties?”
“Yeah. Me and my little sister Becca went to see it. Me and Steve took her to see Snow White and since then we’d see all the cartoon movies. Every time we’d run home and beg our parents for extra allowance and bunk off school so we could see it before the other kids.”
“Captain America and the Winter Soldier…loved Disney movies.” You chuckled. “It sounds like some click-bait title.”
“We didn’t even have to beg that much, looking back,” Bucky recalled, shaking his head. The memories of Steve having an asthma attack outside the theatre because they’d run so fast to get there in time. Becca would pull him in by his shirt while he was still wheezing so she wouldn’t miss the opening cartoons.
“According to the display, you two were quite the pair.” You replied. “They were probably just happy to have you off the street and not causing trouble.”
Speaking of trouble, your two kids came bounding towards you with an angry swan on their heels. “Mommy!” Your little girl shrieked. The swan had given up its chase but the two still charged, Y/D/N colliding right into you and Y/S/N going behind Bucky to use him as a shield.
“I think that’s enough wondering for today.” You passively suggested. Y/S/N agreed as Bucky put his arm around the young boy and keeping it there as you walked and talked. You came to the exit of the park. “I’m this way,” you said.
“I’m the other way,” Bucky admitted. The two kids said goodbye to Bucky, clearly sad to be parting. You thanked him again for what he had done and turned to go with your own goodbye. “Before you go,” Bucky stopped you. “Could I get your number?”
You were instantly shocked. Your mouth opened and closed limply for a moment. “Are you sure?”
Bucky was slightly taken aback at that question. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I have two kids?” You said, almost sounding like a question.
“He knows that, mom.” Your son groaned. He looked absolutely bored; your daughter had newfound excitement.
“And I’d like to get to know more about you,” Bucky spoke. You chuckled nervously, looking away for a moment as you felt your cheeks flush then looked back to the tall man.
“I’d like that too.” You confessed, stepping forward. “Gimme your phone and I’ll put it in.”
Without a second thought, he pulled out his smartphone and watched you put your phone number in. “All setup.” You passed the phone back with a smile.
To say the two of you were riding on cloud 9 for the rest of the night would be an understatement.
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ignify-caligo · 3 years
You said you're bored, so hopefully this keeps you entertained!!
What do you think of younger Regis? Not just how he looked, but also factoring things like personality traits and how he might have dressed. This can include the addiction years or like even before/without them. I've seen people interpret him in all forms of high school clique type personalities and would love to hear your take on it!
(No answer needed, but I like your energy and would love to hear it if you're willing) :)
Oooh! I’m all in on writing more for Regis, especially his younger self. The cryptic-like description in the books gives a lot of room to explore, so that’s what I’m going to do! You could easily say that this vamp lad is slowly taking over the business, with how many asks I have gotten lately about him haha : )
Before I get lose on the ask itself, here are Regis – centric asks so far if anyone’s interested in reading those: O O O
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
☼ - appearance headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
Summarised in a sentence: Younger! Regis in my opinion is completely different compared to his current self. During his “youngster years”, I imagine him to fit with the vampire crowd he was hanging around with. That entails being an egotistical individual with a “try me bitch” attitude. In all honesty, you can accurately describe him as the “douchebag” from high school. He would do anything to uphold his status in “the pack” he was running around with, which means, there wasn’t any chance of showing weakness to anyone.
If I were to place him between being 100% selfless or 100% selfish, I would count him as neither. I feel like he would be the type, who deals in favors rather than selfless acts. The mutual gain would suit him best because both the parties go out of it with their prize. He would especially be content when his part of the deal was easy-peasy/comically small compared to the other persons. What isn’t there to be happy about in such a situation? He doesn’t need to perform any difficult or problematic favor while he would still be gaining something out of the deal.
Being prone to spontaneous decisions or acts, he would absolutely be the type to make some scene around authority. Whatever it would take to provoke a reaction out of the poor monk, mayor, or whoever would be in charge. It would be even funnier for him when he’s aware of zero consequences coming from it. He’s 100% the type to do something and yet being on the side of the law, because the thing he did wasn’t “technically” breaking any law. Short said: He was creating the drama, simply for the gist of it. Which according to him and his peers, was a quite fun way of entertainment besides tormenting the locals at night.
Even with all his antics and two-faced attitude, he was thought of as “an intellectual” among the common folk. But rather than using it to help people in need, he used his knowledge for his own gain and concerns. People would often compare him to the stereotypical jackal, fox, or snake. All this effort, went into keeping himself above the storming sea, trying to uphold his place beside his supposed “friends.”
To sum up: Younger! Regis was a definite little shit, and he loved the drama of it! :D
☼ - appearance headcanon
Regis truly wasn’t someone who walked in cheap clothing. Poet shirts, corsets, chokers, you name it, he most likely had one item of everything considered “rich people clothing.” He dressed up to leave an impression, being more precise: to inform everyone he’s no mere farmer or merchant, but someone way important and richer.
To describe his style, I would say he wore a mix of medieval/renaissance nobleman clothing. Plus, he would wear coats resembling those from the pre/post-French revolution, with all those fancy embroidery patterns. With that in mind, most of his clothes were costumes made with some extra spice in form of, different references to the vampire culture example being some hidden symbols or designs in the embroidery on his coat.
Another reason for costume-made clothing, in my opinion, would be his height. I imagine him to be something of a humanoid crane if I could refer to him as such, both thin and tall. Truth be told, I don’t think his strength or any attributes would be extremely affected by his build, with him being a supernatural being and etcetera. Nonetheless, to be honest, it would make for a great cover as a “weak nobleman.” Which could be used for conning people or picking a target for the feast.
Besides the main part of clothing, I think he would be a literal magpie. Anything shiny would immediately be considered his, either by legal or not so legal means. He’s absolutely in love with rings, the reason being their practicality. The more rings, the better and easier is the damage when sucker punching someone in the face (or other more sensitive areas). On another note, I don’t even know if it would be possible for him, but he gives off the vibes of someone who would get tattoos. The designs would range from some literature-inspired vampiric scenes, animals such as ravens, or even herbs (this one would most likely be something for older Regis though).
Headcanon Meme Here
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skyllion-uwu · 2 years
hey hey!! :D for the oc ask meme, could i ask...
for Jaxon: moon, spider, red heart
for Bailey: falling leaf, masks, green heart
for Robin: knife, ferris wheel, and heart w/ arrow!
for Holmes: fearful, cake slice, and sparkling heart
i know that's kind of a tall order, so feel free to do as many or as little as you like! 😄
Aaaa thank you! I'm gonna answer all of them since it's a good excuse to actually work on them sbbsnsn
Moon: What is their greatest wish? How far are they willing to go for it?
Greatest wish is to just live a happy and calm life. After meeting them, Bailey, Robin, and Holmes have become part of that life. I don't wanna spoil completely but Jaxon has already gone pretty far to try to get that wish.
Spider: What is their biggest fear? Do they have any irrational/mundane fears?
Xir biggest fear is that Bailey, Robin, and Holmes find out xe's not who xe say xe is. Like xe keeps having to pretend xe's not in a timeloop and a mostly normal human being as opposed to minor eldritch being/god (I still can't figure out what xir species is sjbsbs). As for irrational or mundane fears, xe has a fear of dogs after being told they can sense various things
Red heart: Their love language(s)?
Quality time and gift giving :D
Falling leaf: Do they enjoy being in nature? What is their favorite outdoor activity?
Yes! Bailey's really interested in science and doing her own field research, but her specific fields fluctuate over the years. Her biggest phase was astronomy, so camping and stargazing would probably be her favorites over the years.
Masks: Do they act differently around certain people? What's different between the way they act around family, friends, strangers, etc.?
In her younger years, Bailey was the same towards everyone (outgoing and excited, talking about whatever interested her in the moment), but as she gets older, she closes up to strangers. She's a lot more sarcastic and cynical around friends, but around her family she still acts like her old self with a bit more maturity.
Green heart: What things make your OC feel comforted?
Baked goods (specifically fresh baked cookies) and being able to talk to someone about whatever is upsetting her and know they're listening
Knife: How do they react to injury/misfortune befalling their loved ones? Do they put themselves at blame?
Robin would try to fix it as soon as possible. However, if she feels like she isn't doing a good job or she can't really do anything, she starts panicking. If things got worse after that, they would definitely blane themself and try even harder to push to a solution even if there is none.
Ferris wheel: Are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel?
Definitely. She'd be at the carnival or whatever with Jaxon and/or Holmes and at the top of the ferris wheel be like "What if we kissed right now and we were both queer" instead of directly asking. Jaxon would kiss them then while Holmes would stare in confusion until he realized what they meant
Arrow with heart: What traits do they look for in a relationship? Do they believe in love at first sight?
Robin mostly looks for people who have a sense of humor and are fun and intelligent. She's not very much attracted based on physical appearance but she does believe in love at first sight (or in her case talk).
Fearful: When scared, do they go fight or flight?
Holmes would want to fight, but his first instinct would be flight based on how he would have to in his past when faced with danger.
Cake slice: Favorite cake flavor? Are they specific about types of cake?
Carrot cake. He doesn't like overly sweet cake but is otherwise good with anything
Sparkling heart: Are they a subtle or showy lover?
Very subtle. He does little things for the people he cares about, like giving a freebie at the cafe he works at or listening and nodding along when someone needs to rant.
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Hello! If you don't mind me asking, are you planning on watching House of the Dragon? I'm personally unsure about it. I was cautiously optimistic about it since D&D are not involved, but the recent casting news have been ugh disappointing imo. What do you think?
Hey anon! Sorry to say I kind of mind you asking because my inbox is still closed (to everyone except my secret Santas, which is why the ask page is accessible at all), but then I realized it’s possible if you’re on the mobile app only, you haven’t seen said note in my askbox, or my FAQ, or anything of the sort. And with older metas of mine being reblogged recently, it’s possible you may be confused. (I hope you’re on mobile only and not just ignoring my requests.) So I wanted to inform you of that... but also, y’know, I kind of wanted to make a post about the HotD cast anyway? And this ask is as good a prompt as any... so, you’re lucky, but please don’t push your luck. ;)
So, straight up: I currently have no plans to watch House of the Dragon. HBO is not getting any of my goddamn money, I don’t trust like that. And hunting down illegal livestreaming sites is a pain in the ass and I regret ever doing it for GoT, as well as regretting getting drunk every weekend enough to dampen my senses to ever tolerate that show. Yeah it’s different showrunners and writers, I know. It’s still (mostly) the same executives at HBO and even if the pervert producer is gone (or is he?), you know they still just want to sell sex and violence and dragons to an audience that thinks fantasy is for geeks.
Also, considering that Fire & Blood’s story of Dance of the Dragons has very little actual narrative or dialogue, and the historical record is deliberately untrustworthy, that gives them pretty much full rein to do whatever they like with the story and characterization and words without even being slightly obliged to GRRM at all. Furthermore, since the story is wholly political with virtually none of the magical side of ASOIAF (excepting dragons), and honestly does not have much in the way of themes or depth that main ASOIAF or even D&E has, I think it will be very hard for an adaptation to show even those brief sparks of quality that used to make me wistful GoT couldn’t be that good all the time and eventually just made me frustrated and depressed. Note I do like the history and characters of the Dance despite myself, despite its many many many textual issues, but I don’t need to see an adaptation, I have a very visual imagination. I don’t watch a lot of television to begin with, I don’t see why I should start again with this.
However, I’m not going to avoid spoilers or discussion, and I’ll probably follow the show the tumblr way, through gifsets and video clips and people bitching on their blogs etc. If, somehow, by some miracle of good screenwriting and acting, the show manages to transcend its source material, I’m sure I will be informed. And then, if and only if then, I may try watching. (Without, of course, giving HBO any of my goddamn money.) We shall see.
(Though I certainly don’t know why anyone in Targ standom would ever watch a Dance adaptation considering almost every Targaryen and everyone else in the story is terrible except Helaena and the kids, and considering how the story ends, unless y’all are gluttons for punishment? (I do not comprehend hatewatching, sorry.) It’ll probably be fun at first to see the adventures of those “precious silver douchebags” (to borrow a friend’s tag), but eventually rocks fall, everyone dies, including the girlboss you know you’ll hope the story will be changed enough that she succeeds. Just letting you know now, she won’t.)
That said. I’ve been following the casting news and I think the hate/fear/wild screaming is entirely overblown. Yeah, I know, but wait, just listen. On Friday I officially welcomed @naomimakesart to the “favorite character is now played by an actor who looks nothing like most fanart and is mostly known for wildly different roles” club. I still remember that day in September 2009 when my brother texted me “yarp”... and that right there is the thing. Yeah. Rory McCann looks very little like most pre-GoT Sandor fanart... but many fans grew to love him anyway. (There are some who never did, of course. And yeah the character went off the rails by the end, but truly, who didn’t. Having seen his audition, having spoken to him and heard him wistfully talk about book scenes he loved, I’m convinced if Rory had only been given Sandor’s actual scenes and such, he would’ve killed it. Sigh. Deep, deep sigh.)
And Rory isn’t the only one. Neither of the actors for Jaime and Cersei were considered “beautiful” enough at first. I recall very clearly people bitching about Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (about his nose particularly?) because they had wanted Tarzan-era Travis Fimmel to be Jaime. (Seeing people bitch because current-Fimmel isn’t playing Daemon made me laugh out loud for both BEYONCE?! meme -type “why would you ever cast him omg he doesn’t fit my headcanon Daemon at all”, and amazing amounts of fandom flashbacks.) Lena Headey was “too square-jawed”, “too mean-looking” (since at the beginning you should never be able to guess she’s evil), “too dark-complected”, “too mannish”, not at all attractive enough. (Tricia Helfer was the most common “but I wanted” for Cersei, btw.) And of course “they don’t remotely look like twins, ugh!” Note, there’s receipts for all of this, none of it is made up. (Unfortunately.) Those two actors are just the ones whose casting wank I recall most clearly, particularly because oh how the turn tables.
Also. You know, there’s a post with Matt Smith and Mark Simonetti’s TWOIAF Daemon going around with shrieks of horror... and I’m finding it maddening in a “am I crazy? am I  the crazy one???” way, because Matt looks like the painting. Their features are not that dissimilar.
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Same deepset eyes. Same cheekbones of doom. Same thin lips. Same protruding chin. Same high forehead. Same invsible eyebrows ffs. Matt has a squarer jaw, and a longer more rectangular face, and a wider nose, but considering that Daemon’s features are not described in the text, and this is the only official ASOIAF artwork that shows Daemon’s face straight on, I can for sure see why he was probably shortlisted to begin with. And that’s not even getting into to his role in The Crown, which I’ve heard is very well played with politics and palace intrigue... and if you doubt Smith can play seductive/roguish and/or evil (depending on how you LARP as a Westeros historian), or look good with long hair... well. I do not want to watch the movie, but this trailer is disturbingly enlightening.
And as for Rhaenyra... y’all know this show is starting at the beginning of the story, right? When she’s a teenager? Not a voluptuous MILF? Yeah, Emma D’Arcy doesn’t look like a Magali Villeneueve painting (though who does, good lord), but you know who she does look remarkably like? Harry Lloyd.
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Same jawline. Same nose. Same thin lips. Same sharp cheekbones. Notably, same kind of sharp cheekbones and deep-set eyes as Matt Smith. HBO evidently has a concept of a “Targaryen look” that’s a little bit quirkier than supermodel-Greek statue-gods on earth, yeah, fine. But it’s consistent, and they look like family, and that-- that is good casting.
And yeah, in a few months to a year or so, you’ll see them in costume and wigs and makeup, you’ll see them in motion and speaking lines, and go Oh. That’s different. Never mind. And while people will make fanart of the show depictions of the characters and those will probalby get popular, they’ll also keep doing fanart of their pre-show headcanons, and those too will be popular. (God knows when I draw or visualize book!Sandor, Rory does not come to mind, lol.) Either way, there’s no reason to panic. We’ll live.
(Though will we live well? Got to wait on the writing and showrunning for that, alas.)
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Feliz cumple! (atrasado, sorry!)
We haven’t talked in very long (I know, time flies) but just so you know, seeing you here makes me happy ahaha.
You probably know who I am (my url) so I’m keeping it anonymous. I never told you this and it’s been a while, so: Thanks for being my friend in high school when I was a quirky and annoying little shit (probably still am, maybe a little more tolerable), I really appreciate that you went out of your way to spend time with us. I really miss you and your humor, and all the time that we spent talking about Harry Potter or some random ship and looking at tumblr memes during breaks and theatre class. You know, we all probably saw you as an older sister, I know I did, which was something that I now realize that changed my “freshman” experience. I don’t think I would have been so bold or confident if It weren’t for you, and I’m grateful for that. Oh and, um, I guess thank you for introducing me to Tumblr!! This app has ruined my life but I mean that in the best way possible. Anyways, I hope you had a great day and wish you the best! I’m glad to follow you here, (hopefully you don’t block me after this 😂) makes me think we are still in touch, somehow.
All my love, jenny.
Primero que nada gracias!! ❤❤ It has been really long, I miss you guys so much
Second of all, I'm so happy you decided to write this to me! You literally made me tear up a bit :'D. I'm not used to reflecting on how much I can impact the lives of the people I know just by existing (yk, I just sort of assume I'm inconsequential in the long run, so hearing that I am/was important to someone for real is always so wild). I could've never imagined I was able to shape your experience so much, which is why I'm so glad you decided to tell me. Above all, it makes me really happy to know that I at least was a positive influence xD you always came off as confident to me, tbh. I had no idea I had something to do with it
You guys were pretty much my found sisters too ❤ In you I found friends both true and amazing, in a way almost none of my same-age peers could've ever been. Every break chatting and fooling around with you was a total blast. Y'all made having a good time so easy -the time spent with you is one of the bits I miss the most about high school. I'll treasure those memories forever
About the introducing you to Tumblr bit, you're welcome and/or sorry, whichever applies xD I'm also happy that we get to keep in touch through here (blue hellsite my beloved ❤)
And sorry if this reply is a bit all over the place, it's just being able to read this filled me with too many of them good feels and I'm struggling with putting them in order in my head lmao
Again, thank you so much for reaching out, for the good wishes, and for being my friend 🥰 Stay awesome!
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belongtothewcrld · 3 years
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Just wanted to say a few words about those who made my year ~ (SORRY THIS IS LONG) 
@idiot-juice-enthusiast​ - My sweet baby, where do I begin? I treasure you so much, I know I tease you a lot. BUT I am soo happy you decided to leave me an ask, despite you know, my stupidity. You are so funny and just, idk, BRIGHT. Maybe it’s because you’re still young or maybe it’s because you’re just a ball of light, idk. EITHER WAY. I am so thankful to have you in my life. When my friends slowly started leaving me in RL you were the first one who started to fill that void so like.... tHANKS. Happy New Year, my child! Love you!! 
@haikyuufairy - My shooting star, oh gosh. You not only have made my year by being my friend but by blessing me with stories that really shake up my whole existence LMAO. You are incredibly talented, and I just wish the best for you. You deserve so much happiness and success. You’re a beautiful soul inside and out, and the whole world should know it! I want you to know that I really do mean everything I’m saying, because you deserve to be showered in love and compliments. and as long as you keep me around, I will remind you of your worth. >:) I love you, and happy new year! 
@toikiwi​ - you peanut head, what should I even say to you. >:) You are very forgetful, funny and sweet. For some weird reason though you chose to care about me so deeply and for what??? I AM HORRIBLE. do I deserve your affection? probably not. BUT DO I APPRECIATE IT? yes. I never had a friend like you, and I’m really glad we met. ;-; you’re one of a kind. Love you and happy new year! 
@alluringeternity​ - my bestiee. we went from you sending me asks, to watching movies on zoom like I think that’s a whole ass victory. despite our time differences, we make this friendship work and I think that’s sexy ;) I really love talking with you, I know you once thought I’d get bored of you BUT HAHA BITCH IT NEVER HAPPENED. you’re stuck with me forever. I can’t wait until we meet up so then I can cling to you for all eternity. :D MWAHAH love you and it’s not the new year anymore for you so like happy Jan 2nd or something idk LOVE YOU 
@suna-r1n​ - lilyyy, my little duckie, my crybaby friend. I adore you, truly. I’ve never gotten so attached to someone so quickly until you LMAO. I mean I always loved when you would send me random messages but then we ended up talking much more frequently and honestly it was everything. You are so sweet and just... squishy. I’m really glad we became friends and started talking more, because you really are someone I cherish and want to protect >:) so be safe this new years eve, little shit! I love you.  
@4fterh0urs​ - Pheebz you crazy ass ho. JK. You’re just crazy ;) But I respect it. You have made me laugh so many times from the shit you post idk you’re just cool, I GUESS!? You’re also v moral I FEEL? sometimes when everyone else is silent about shit that’s fucked you’re not and I really respect you for it. I feel like we’re similar in weird ways and I really love talking with you. I hope you have a great new years eve, bbs!! love youu. 
@chaichai-the-weeb​ - my fellow Canadian!! I’m still pressed we haven’t met in RL yet but IT WILL HAPPEN!! I’m really glad I ended up messaging you when you left tumblr awhile ago, because now I feel like we’ve become such good friends. ;-; You and I don’t have the best track record with friends but HEY at least now we have each other? It’s amazing though how quickly we went from strangers to good friends LMAO our personalities really work. <3 I know you’re spending today watching anime lol so ENJOY IT. I love you and happy new years! 
@haikyuusimp91​ - my law school buddy ;-; You not only support the fuck out of my stories but you are an amazing friend. anytime I have law school worries you’re always there for me and I love it so much. I appreciate all you do, even if I don’t say it enough! you put up with me and my psycho ass and honestly idk how you do it BUT I’M GLAD YOU DO. I really hope this year treats you better because you fucking deserve it all. I love you a lot, missy ;-; Sometimes I feel like you’re the older sister I never had - BUT LIKE DON’T BE WEIRDED OUT OK DFGHJKL love YOU BYE (AND HAPPY NEW YEAR) 
@aquariarose​ - my little bodyguard. I have never met anyone with a heart like yours. gold. you are fucking GOLD. at first when we didn’t talk much, I would love whenever you talked about my stories with me. because you always seemed so happy about them and it would make my whole day!! I love talking with you daily and hearing about your life, because honestly girl you living in a shoujo manga LMAO. GO GET YOUR MAN OKAYYYYY hahah I love you sm!! I hope you have a great new years! 
@bloody-bella - BELLA OH BELLAAAA, MY SWEET BELLAAAA. hi. :D can I start off by saying you have a cute af voice? like excuse? okay back to the point, YOU. your support is why I was able to finish my stories TRUST ME. your little cute comments and asks, it gave me the courage to * write * LOL. I’m so glad that you joined my among us game and started talking with me more ;-; because I really do wanna get to know you more!! I feel like we may lowkey be twinsies in odd ways ;) BUT I hope you have a lovely new years eve my love!! <3 
@yourstarvic - vic the hoe ho. somehow you went from this funny girl with a CRINGE ass UN to one of my good friends?? Your support for my stories has always meant so much to me. I’m always looking forward to hearing your thoughts and listening to you scream about shit LOL. I’m glad we started talking more, because I love your company. Even when you’re telling me something weird af or being horny for NO ASS REASON. You’re a weird one but I love ya. Have a happy new year! 
@nerdyphantomlady​​ - my angel of music! you are sucha joy. I adore you so much. I’m really glad that I started talking with you more because you’re sO DAMN CUTE. talking with you melts my heart because you’re just this small ADORABLE BEAN WHO I LOVE. I know you don’t understand iT BUT I AM RIGHT. I know you’re worried about your test coming up but I know 2021 is gonna be your year! MWAH. I love you and happy new year! 
@pha2nt0m​​ - gOSH I just need to tell you that you were the reason I was able to finish “let’s do it again” your support means the world to me!! you’re so damn sweet and supportive like idk what I would have done without you??? so thank you so much. I really hope this new year brings you happiness, success and good health!! <33
@newfriendjen​​​ - Jen, I love you WHAT THE HECK. You were one of my first followers, in the early days ;-; and you supported me with your whole heart and I CAN NEVER SAY THANK YOU ENOUGH. The thing that I love about you is that you’re not one of those cocky asshole writers who think they’re god’s DFGHJ like you are kind, supportive of others and talented? like SHIT??? you deserve everything because you are the whole package!! you are honestly the ideal - AAAH. I love this new year brings you love and happiness!! <3 
@sugawarabby​​​​ - my lovely, we’ve spoken only a handful of times but each time meant a lot to me! you’re a true delight and I really wish you the best for the next year. I know 2020 wasn’t the best for you but you deserve a happy, love-filled 2021. MWAH. <3
@vicassa​​​ - my love, you and your support to my stories is unmatched. I know you think that spamming me would bother me but it never did! I loved talking with you and hearing about your days. when you’re less busy, come talk with me again, hm? Because I loved talking with you. You’re a sweet sweet little bean and I adore you so very much. ;-; But happy new year!! 
@hyskoa1998​​ - hi my love. our schedules rarely match up but I always loved reading your reactions and talking with you ;-; I hope we can talk more this year because I really do wanna be your friend IF YOU WILL HAVE ME. But happy new year! I hope it’s an amazing one. 
@tsukkismamagucci​​​ - your comments on every single smau - GOLD. everything you post is just so funny or accurate!! everytime your name popped up in my notifications I would be so excited!! or whenever you sent me asks my heart would make some weird ass noises. ;-; so thank you for being so wonderful. I love you and happy new year!! 
@kara-grayson04​​ - one of my first friends on here, and a whole ass little fighter! Thank you for supporting me in my early days on my writing account and for spamming me with funny stuff! you’re someone with a bright future ahead of you and I really wish you the best for 2021! 
@chibishae34​​​ - MY OIKAWA PROTECTION SQUAD BUDDY. I have told you this before but again, you are too good for this world and me. I can’t believe you’ve been here since my first smau and it took me so long to start talking with ya. :( that’s my regret for the year. I wish we started talking sooner because you’re sucha joy. thank you for being the amazing person you are though, your support and friendship mean so much to me. I hope you have an amazing 2021. MWAH. 
@chocolaterumble​​ - you’re not even on tumblr anymore eh? BUT when you see this, know that I appreciated everything you did for me and our conversations. you’re a kind idiot who really needs to develop a backbone. :)) I say that in the nicest way possible :* Just know 2021 is YOUR year, so make it your bitch. you can have the whole world if you try putting your effort into things that matter. just learn to believe in yourself, aLRIGHT? because you’re fucking awesome. 
@dope-squish​​​​ - one, wHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? I hope you’re okay and safe. ;-; I miss you. it’s not the same without youuu. who else will make my day with funny reactions and memes? but for when you do read this, thank you for being...you. You are so unique, funny and just talented. idk. you’re spectacular like spiderman. thank you for being my friend and supporting me. I hope the new year treats you well. <3 love ya! 
@swoonhui​​​ - my silly love! thank you for supporting me through it all and trusting me with your troubles. I always love seeing messages from you or asks, because you really are wonderful and likeee I WANT TO PROTECT. haha. I hope you’re having a safe and happy new years eve, missy!! Stay happy. I love you. 
@astronomyturtle​​ - shout out for being one of my first supporters and for being a full on badass!! hahaha. no but really. you are amazing, and I really want to thank you for everything. you supported my shit stories and my good ones, and that really means so much. I hope you have a great new years!! 
@dreamstormings​​ - hellooo, I just wanted to thank you for your support. it means sosososo much to me. and regarding the stuff we talked about recently, everything you said just demonstrates what a wonderful person you are. thank you for ... existing >:) and happy new year! <3 
@rajablast​​ - hii, I just wanted to thank you for always sending me kind and sweet asks ;-; it really means a lot to me. I hope you have an amazing new years eve or new years day!! <3 
@elianetsantana​ - hii. ;-; I know we only started talking recently but it made me really happy so pls don’t be weirded out by me adding you here. <3 I hope in the new year we can talk moree! because you seem super lovely. ;-; 
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jckelly · 3 years
updated intro / jack 101
Is that JACK KELLY? Wow, they do look a lot like VAN MCCANN. I hear HE is an NINETEEN year old FRESHMEN who are studying AEROSPACE ENGINEERING  at Luxor University. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be PHILOPHOBIC and INSINCERE, but on the bright side they can also be WITTY and IMAGINATIVE. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [YUNI, 21, GMT, SHE/HER]
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 the other two got updated intros n rat man felt left out
full name: jackson noel kelly 
nicknames: jack (does not answer to jackson)
date of birth: december 25, 2001
zodiac: capricorn sun, leo ascendant, sagittarius moon
nationality: dual uk and us citizenship
sexual orientation: straight but will try anything once
course: aerospace engineering
faceclaim: van mccann 
voiceclaim: van mccann
ethnicity: white (english, irish)
height: 5′8 / 173cm
weight: 58kg / 127lbs
eye colour: blue
hair colour: brown
distinctive features: freckles (many), left ear pierced, scars on his wrists usually covered by long sleeves, northern english accent
clothing preferences: jack prefers to only wear black, or at a push grey, although he’s slowly improving and will Occasionally mix it up with ... navy. his style is pretty basic, usually just a sweater, jeans, and beat up black converse or doc martens depending on how emo he’s feeling. the sheffield united hoodie makes an appearance every time someone forgets precisely which uk city jack is from. 
positive traits: witty, imaginative, perseverant, passionate
negative traits: philophobic, disloyal, insincere, callous
mbti: entp
religious beliefs: atheist
the first side most people see of jack is the side he wants you to see. a total asshole. it’s not an exaggeration - he’s pretty much infamous for flirting with everyone, dating anyone and as a serial cheater. he’ll actively try to worm his way into your life, and then just when you start to care, he does something to hurt you. he’s strangely persistent, probably helping him to push people even further, until they snap. there is nothing which satisfies him more than managing to wind people up to the extreme, get them to the point where they give up. adopted parents, friends, nobody is immune to this side - he even tries it on the people he genuinely cares about, as if just to see if he’ll still be able to push them away.
the second side, which most people don’t see, is that at heart jack is a kid. he’s the type of person to ask if owls have ears at 3am, or get some childlike joy out of dumb jokes. of course, this is the side nobody but a very small number of people see. and even if you do see it, it never lasts long. he keeps his true personality under wraps even amongst those he does like, and it only slips out if he’s extremely comfortable with you. otherwise, he’ll go straight back to being a sarcastic, flirty piece of shit.
jackson noel kelly was born in hell on ironically christmas day to his father satan......
jack and his older half brother finn were born in sheffield, united kingdom, to a single mother. a drug addict, she was notorious among social workers for neglecting her children and as a result jack shuffled between foster homes and his mother’s home during his first ten years of life, with finn, less than four years older than him, being his primary carer even when he was back with his birth family. this cycle finally ended when jack was ten and he was permanently removed from his mother’s care, and placed in the first of a series of foster homes which didn’t last particularly long.
the thing was, jack’s remarkably good at pushing people away when he wants to, and as he got older his talents only increased. running away, wreaking havoc, insulting anyone who tried to get close and anything else he could possibly think of meant that for three years he lasted no longer than eight months in any one place. in fact, he frequently took himself back to live with his birth family until social services came to drag him out again. this lifestyle continued until he was fostered by his now adopted parents, claire and george, at thirteen.
much to jack’s dismay, no matter of hell raising would push these newest set of parents away. in fact, they seemed absolutely set on raising him as Their Son, even as his attempts to get them off his back got more and more extravagant. they removed him from his previous school, transferred him to a fancy private school, put him in therapy and tried their best to help him get through all of the issues developed through his slightly fucked up childhood.
the thing was, jack loves his mother. he still refuses to see her as being in the wrong, no matter what people tell him or what he himself recalls, in his mind he has one mother and that’s his birth mother. so he did not take kindly to attempts by his foster parents to become his “new” family, because in jack’s mind? he already had a family. and even though they were actively encouraging him to continue contact with his brother, he couldn’t help but see them as trying to replace his birth family.
jack’s fifteenth year pretty much became the year when all of these issues finally came to a head. he was adopted legally by his foster parents, who had now been fostering him for two years - which should have been a happy occasion, but for jack represented the final loss, the final betrayal to his birth mother and brother. then shortly after his fifteenth birthday his brother went to prison at eighteen for grievous bodily harm, having glassed another boy after an argument.
of course, it would later be revealed that in actuality the assault had been committed by jack. and that finn was simply covering for him. (they looked alike enough that questions were not raised, it had happened so fast.) but in the eyes of jack’s adopted parents, finn was now a dangerous offender and jack had to be protected from him. so he was then isolated from his brother, his mother had relapsed and his continuous guilt over being adopted played on his mind, culminating in a suicide attempt in march 2017. 
of course, he wasn’t successful, but this was the final straw in the minds of his adopted parents. they felt jack needed a fresh start, away from the people who had defined his life prior to that point. so by his sixteenth birthday, jack had been moved to the united states to be near the family of his adopted mother, and subsequently enrolled in luxor academy. 
where he continued to be a menace :))
although it did appear, for some time, that jack was showing signs of improvement. sure, he was still wreaking havoc at luxor. but at home, he had calmed, even showing signs of affection to his adopted family. until his mother overdosed suddenly and died when jack was eighteen and things started to immediately go straight downhill again.
he can’t help but blame himself, for allowing himself to be moved. for the move being his fault, if he’s being honest. and if the honesty continues, jack’s got a whole lot of other stuff to blame on himself. (see: ruining his brother’s life.) so now he’s just taking shit out on everyone to try and make them a fraction as miserable as him. 
npc connections
birth fam
finn kelly / fc: jake bugg / b. may 10 1998 / taurus sun, gemini ascendant, pisces moon
finley, who also refuses to use his full name, is jack’s older brother - same mother, different father.  jack thinks he’s boring because he doesn’t raise hell with every opportunity. finn calls this “being a sane person.” went to prison for jack and regrets it. pastimes include crying over murakami books and trying to look shocked when jack tells him about the newest crisis he’s having. 
lauren kelly / fc: elena tonra / b. february 20 1983 - d. april 1 2020 / pisces sun, aries ascendant, leo moon
jack’s birth mother, who was still a teenager when he and finn were born. she was an on again, off again drug addict and had jack removed from her care when he was ten due to continued neglect. instilled in him a love for oasis and a hefty number of mental health issues. looked pretty much exactly like jack. 
jordan taylor / fc: alex turner / b. october 12 1984 / libra sun, leo ascendant, virgo moon
jack’s birth father, who he knows little about. not for lack of trying on his father’s part, who was prevented from seeing jack as a child by his birth mother and blocked from trying to make contact by jack’s refusal to interact. he keeps trying to message jack and jack is running out of daddy issues memes to respond with. finn thinks jack should give him a chance to redeem himself. jack thinks finn should fuck off. 
adopted fam
claire fielding / fc: julia roberts / b. may 12 1964 / taurus sun, cancer ascendant, leo moon
jack’s adopted mother. loves him very much and is convinced he is a sweet boy who just needs love and help. has written a memoir about adopting jack. jack is mad at her constantly. when he is not mad at her, he is embarrassed by her existence. honestly deserves better.
george fielding / fc: timothy olyphant / b. november 6, 1963 / scorpio sun, capricorn ascendant, virgo moon
is proud of jack, but very deep down underneath a strong layer of calling jack out on his bullshit. has some loud ass shouting matches with jack. also really wishes jack would sort his hair out and maybe not look like a cheap liam gallagher. jack honestly just winds him up constantly and he knows jack is doing it but goddamnit it’s so hard to not be mad at the little rat. 
maisie adeyemi / fc: yewande biala / b. january 6, 1997 / capricorn sun, sagittarius ascendant, aries moon
finn’s fiancee. her goal in life is to try to get jack to ruin finn’s life at least 70% less often. she has yet to achieve this goal. her love language is setting finn’s phone to silent when he goes to bed to stop jack from phoning in with some sort of random crisis at four in the morning because the little shit forgot timezones exist. finn will never find out. maisie is grateful that men have no brains. 
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