#or ‘some say it doesnt matter how a man begins only how he ends’
ilynpilled · 11 months
Do you think Jaime will have to truly reckon with what he did to Bran, maybe even meet him again someday?
considering we are heading towards an interaction with lsh, the mother of the boy, who also knows of this crime, and is essentially a “monster” that is the product of the crimes of house lannister/by extension jaime, and is ready to judge him and hang him, id say it will come up lol. not to mention that these themes are not exactly absent rn: link, link.
and when it comes to part of what george is exploring with jaime:
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an interrogation of the possibility of forgiveness is a prevalent theme in these answers about his arc, and also set up in the text. if that is what he is going for id personally expect more direct addressing of that event especially, though i do not necessarily expect something easy and ‘conclusive’ and unambiguous at all. again, george is posing questions here, not giving clear answers, so i expect that fact being pretty relevant even if there is an eventual interaction too. i personally would like it if he wasnt necessarily forgiven for that by his victim that he brought great harm to, and i like thinking about the difference between forgiveness and understanding, and what it means to not be entitled to forgiveness despite change/atonement/etc, and how that shouldn’t stop reformation. we will see what george will do with it.
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
Hobie with a reader who’s a homebody? Love staying inside and has a cat. Only goes out when necessary. Hobie gets them to go to his concerts? They get him to have a full night in with no patrol?
Hobie x homebody! reader Hc’s
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warning: none
Its no secret that hobie is out and about almost all the time, whether that be at the spider hq or running rampant through the city.
So he realizes being with you is not what he’s used to pretty quickly
The first time he sees you is when he was swinging past your apartment building. You were laying down on your balcony, taking a nap.
He was immediately enamored by you, making a mental note of where you stayed so he could hang around that area when he wasn’t being spiderman.
But what he didn’t realize was he wouldnt see you for the next 3 months. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t find a trace of you in public.
He was tempted to come by your apartment again as spider-man, but he thought that was too weird and stalker-ish.
At this point he was beginning to doubt you even existed in the first place, maybe he imagined you that first time.
But then one afternoon hes at a music shop buying a new pic, and he sees you.
You were looking at strings by yourself.
He wasted no time coming over to talk to you, convinced if he didnt do it now, he’d never see you again.
“D’ya have a favorite brand a’ these?” He asked, coming up besides you. You looked up at him, then back at the wall of strings.
“No, this is the first time I’ve had to replace the strings on my guitar myself.” You said.
Hobie smiles inwardly. Then he picked up his favorite brand, showing them to you.
“These work wonders for me.” He said.
“Good to know, any advice on how to string my baby up?” You ask. Hobie walks with you to the register, talking with you and giving you tips for your guitar. And before you know it, he’s payed for your strings and slipped you his number.
“Call me if you need help.”
You ended up calling him and asking him to come over and string the guitar for you. You two began dating a couple months afterwards
He actually has no problem with you being a homebody, it means he can come over whenever because youre always there.
Sometimes he’ll bring by rented movies or board games for the two of you.
When you start getting low on groceries, he’ll go grocery shopping with you.
Your cat loves him, constantly jumping on his back and resting in his hair, much to his frustration.
He does require you to go out and get some sunlight occasionally, for health reasons.
He’ll take you to a park or to go see a movie, just to make sure you get outside
He begs and begs for you to come to one of his shows, and when you finally say yes, he’s ecstatic.
“Youre gonna love it! Its the best set, at the best gig, ina’ whole tri state area!”
He keeps his eyes on you the whole time, making sure you’re comfortable.
Then afterwards the two of you buy icecream and go back to your place. Hes super proud of you for staying out that long.
When theres finally a night where he doesnt feel the need to patrol, he rushes to your apartment.
The two of you stay up the whole night, relishing your time together.
You cuddle up on the couch, you in his lap, the cat in your lap, and talk and watch movies until the sun comes up the next morning.
And he’ll watch you rest for a while if you fall asleep in his arms.
Thats when he realizes he’ll never stop loving you.
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dollcherray · 1 month
Hi there!! May i request SMG4 and SMG3 (separate) with a very VERY cuddly and clingy reader? (gn!reader pls)
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୨୧ GLUED ୨୧
A/N: this took so long cuz Tumblr fucked up the post and didnt save it till the end... sincerest apologies
type: Headcanons, romantic, fluff
triggers: none
song(s) recommendation(s}: glued / hug me
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୨୧ I hc him to also be a bit clingy, so everytime he gets sad or at least a bit upset, he would use it as an excuse to jump into your arms and feel your warm embrace, your touch simply sooths him<3
୨୧ Smg4 would eat up all the affection you give him, he was already happy that he finally pulled someone, and they are affectionate and clingy? he is loving it and is living for it!! everytime you just hug him suddenly, he would hug back 10 times tighter, sometimes it takes all of your breath, but he does that to show how much he loves your hugs!
୨୧ Imagine him babbling to others how he haves such an loving and affectionate partner, my man would be all "hey look at my partner, they are such a sweet person with me, i love them so much, they are so-" and continue to ramble about you and your cute features (which is everything about you) and behavior.
୨୧ If he cant give you attention he will simply warn you and tell you he will try to make some time for you later and when he finally gets that time, he is IMMEDIATELY jumping on you.
୨୧ Smg4 loves your affection indoors and outdoors too, he isnt afraid to show it, he loves it so much that Smg3 once said for you two to get a room, only to get an "Your just jealous" back.
୨୧ If you (somehow) is shorter than him, he would just pick you up and carries you to his room silently, he just cuddles u on the bed once he gets there.
୨୧ He doesnt feel overwhelmed by your cuddly and clingy behavior, not at all! he is easily able to keep up with him as surprising as it seens.
୨୧ Whenever you two are in a adventure, he is always holding you, holding on your arm, waist, hand doesnt matter, he just needs to hold you whenever he gets the chance to.
୨୧ "Hug me! bring it in!"
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✮⋆˙ SMG3 ✮⋆˙
୨୧ *Insert embarrassed angry face*
୨୧ Do i really need to explain it? this man is simply flustered, but aint complaining... much, he just never had someone as affectionate as you to give him so much love and affection, its kind of new to him.
୨୧ It just breaks him "tough" character facade, it gets him all flustered and silly and ahshshshebsjwj did you cast an spell on him? are you a witch? cuz you making him feel alot of things he never experienced much before.
୨୧ In public he may show himself to hate it but in private he will just eat it up as much as Smg4 does and maybe soon he will eventually warm up to also getting it in public, he just doesnt really wanna show it outdoors in the beginning because he wanted to keep his "bad guy" reputation, but dw, he eventually gets used to it.
୨୧ He goes up to you everytime he is mad or mildly upset too, he looks like Smg4 in that aspect, but he sometimes does it unconsciously, as in "i did it on auto pilot" unconscious, he got too used to seek for your touch.
୨୧ He 100% is a secretly touch starved person, i dont make the rules (i do), so he will hold onto any part of you he can, and i really mean any part, if he need to he will hold onto your ankle.
୨୧ He will brag about you, saying things like: "Look at my partner, they are so cool and sweet, bet you cant have that" "i have the most sweet partner and YOU dont" and etc, hes a little bitch sometimes but still fine as hell
୨୧ You are his soft spot ‼️ like he will soften his behavior around you SO MUCH that anyone who knows him like Smg4 would be so impressed, would usually get mocked because of it but he didnt really care since he HAS YOU‼️‼️‼️
୨୧ "Why are you blushing? thought you were tough" "I-IM NOT BLUSHING! BAKA." <3
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
hi, hope you're well! so today I was thinking (bc ofc my brain's natural reaction is to lunge viciously for the hurt/comfort), what if the '09 game events still happened? Like, instead of AUs (where timelines branch off from a single event), it's a glitch in the timeline? So you have the '22 version of the 141 doing their thing, but they have nightmares & deja vu stemming from the '09 stuff. Cue (yes I'm shipping) SoapGhost where Ghost has all these bad feelings concerning Shepherd plus he has awful nightmares about burning & Soap's there to comfort him, but he's afraid that they're all losing it bc he keeps having similar dreams concerning how he dies--
i am well ty! hope u are as well!
anyway i tried my Best. however u may (will) have to pretend 22 141 doesnt know shepherd was part of the betrayal bc uhhh yeah👍🙂👍 also cw for kinda graphic desc of ghost’s nightmares
Soap couldn’t pinpoint when the dreams started, or why, for that matter—but what he does know is that it’s pure and utter torment.
It’s a unique fear that festers in their wake, in cold sweat and heart palpitations. It’s spine-chilling in a way Soap has never experienced, because while he’s confident he’s looked death in the eyes on too many occasions, never has he actually died.
But his dreams, these dreams—they tell him otherwise. And he isn’t the only one, either.
Gaz and Price have started to look just as sleepless. And Ghost—Soap has never seen him so afraid. When, for the first time in weeks, Soap sees his face, it’s harrowed. Haunted.
There’s a sense of familiarity that’s brought along with Soap’s dreams; explosions, gunfire, dilapidated buildings and someone screaming his name. His brain supplies him with the knowledge that it’s Price, but it isn’t, not really. At least, not how he knows Price. He feels old wounds tearing open and a searing pain in his side as his body is drained of far too much blood, and Price—not his Price—is shaking him. Begging.
In the end, it just makes sense to Soap. To die in the field. But the dream is too visceral to feel anything but real, and he starts to wonder just when he’d begun to deserve these sorts of taunts.
Gaz says his own nightmares are blunt, but just as violent. As fiery. Price doesn’t say anything, but there’s a new sunken quality to the bags under his eyes, and he just looks at his team so different, with a tortured gaze and a regret so profound he doesn’t seem to understand it himself.
Finally, Soap thinks, their mental states have deteriorated beyond repair. Until, in his arms, Ghost is screaming his throat raw in his sleep, a wail only ever sounded by those trekking their way through hell. Soap’s heard it before, from others, in their final moments, but never from the living.
And that’s when Soap begins to understand that these aren’t just some dreams, but some distant reality he hopes to never face.
Soap gently coaxes Ghost from his slumber, cutting through nightmare and imagination and whatever horrible thing could have Ghost in such pain. His face wets with tears as he slowly wakes, clinging to Soap like a child might to their mother’s leg in an indescribable fear. Ghost has never seemed so small.
“It’s not just you,” Soap whispers. He presses a kiss to Ghost’s temple, pulls the man closer. “Tell me what happened.”
As Ghost gradually forces out the words Soap begins to feel sick, nauseated not only by their contents but by the knowledge that Ghost had just lived through it, but he never lets go. Never asks for Ghost to stop speaking, just listens. Listens even as something gnaws away at his gut, as bile climbs his throat.
Hot, Ghost says. It was hot. A bullet had been lodged somewhere in his body but it didn’t matter—it was hot. He’d claw off his skin to get rid of the heat if it weren’t already melting flesh from muscle, from bone. Clothes and gear meld with his corpse and he feels it all, feels the bubbling, smells the burning, senses the way parts of his body slough off into ash.
He’s reaching for someone, and there’s the itch of betrayal, and a voice in his ear that he knows, instinctually, is Price, but there isn’t anything more he can do than lie there and accept his fate as his fleeting thoughts pester him about everything he’d done wrong. About everything he could’ve done—should’ve done to save… to save—
“I know his name,” Ghost murmurs, “but I also don’t. And I—“
“Don’t dwell on it, Simon,” Soap advises. “Please.”
Ghost shakes his head against Soap’s shoulder. “I can’t just—it’s not something I can forget, Johnny. Not when it keeps happening.”
“But you can,” Soap pleads. A terrible sense of dread has befallen him, growing in intensity and insistence. Something isn’t right, but he doesn’t know if he wants to find out just what. “We all can.”
Ghost is silent a moment. Shifts somehow closer to Soap. Soap can hear him thinking.
“I don’t know if we should be trusting Shepherd,” he finally says.
Soap’s face pinches in a tight frown. It seems such a random topic for this hour, after such terror. “Why?”
Ghost shrugs. “Can’t explain it. Gut feeling. Could be wrong, but—“
“When are you ever?” It’s meant to be teasing, but Soap does trust Ghost’s judgement more than anyone, perhaps even more than his own. Ghost just nods and clings ever tighter until his breathing evens out and tense muscles go lax.
Soap can’t find it in himself to fall back asleep.
Instead, he begins to wonder just how true these nightmares hold. And he begins to question how exactly Shepherd may fit into all of it.
Unfortunately, though, he supposes, there’s only one way to find out.
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one-idea · 4 months
Hi its me again, I was thinking about Kaya and what her role would be in the reverse crew and I thought of something and wanted to know if you think it fits.
So you said that Kaya was really worried that she wasnt useful since she is the youngest and she doesnt have a stand out talent. So I thought that what she would do is try to learn a little bit from everyone, how to fight, how to cook, how to navigate, how to patch injuries etc. She is like a sponge absorbing all the information she can get.
So Kaya ends up being a jack of all trades, and one of the things she also learned was how to make up stories from Ussop. And what do you get if you put all of that together? Kaya is amazing at disguises and infiltrating. She knows enough about so many things that she can pretend to be almost any job and she can make up a backstory to fit them too.
What do you think?
Kaya is one of my favorites in the reverse strawhats.
You’re right she has a lot of insecurities about being the youngest one on the crew and the only one without a stand out talent.
Ace is the captain. He’s a brawler. And has a devil fruit.
Kuina is a trained swordswoman and is going to be the best in the world.
Nojiko knows her way around a bo staf and a shotgun. While she’s not as combat focused as the rest she can at least hold her own.
Reiju is a force to be reckoned with. She has Zeffs training but she also seems to know way more than just what Zeff taught her. Though no one’s willing to say it. (Everyone has their secrets)
So ya in the beginning she’s really aware that she is the weak link. None of her crewmates will say so but she knows it.
And it doesn’t help that after she joined they got Reiju on their crew. Someone older and stronger and way more competent. And it just highlights all of her weak points (the others don’t think about this but Kaya has a lot of selfdoubts.)
So she makes herself as useful as possible.
She provides them their ship.
She come with money.
She brings her father’s crossbow. Usopp taught her how to shoot but she’s not great at it.
She has a some medical knowledge and functions as the crews first aid.
And she learns everything she can from the others.
She trains with Nojiko to become a better shot
She trains her body with Kuina for up her physical strength and endurance.
She learns to cook with Reiju and later they train together. (Reiju knows and off amount about poisons that Kaya could use with her crossbow)
She trains with Ace learning how to throw a punch but also how to hunt and track animals.
But it never is enough. She’s just learning their skills. She’s not special like them. She doesn’t have a speciality.
Until Koza joins them. He knows a lot of different things , growing up with Vivi and then infiltrating Baroque Works. From him Kaya learns how to be a leader and diplomat but mostly it’s how to blend in. To not be noticed and gather informations (I love your idea for spy Kaya) and she really excels here.
She grew up as a rich girl. Being seen but not heard. Blending into her father’s meeting and learning from them but never drawling attention to herself. She knows the games the rich and powerful play. She’s been here before. And she’s good at it.
Once they make it to Drum island things change again.
Kaya is starting to feel comfortable with her place in the crew.
She’s become a good shot with her crossbow.
She’s learning espionage from Koza
She’s helpful to the crew
And is their medic
Or she was until Dr Hiriluk joins them. A strange man. An incredible doctor. And a Zoan user being able to turn into a reindeer.
And Kaya feels as though she’s not enough. Because she couldn’t save Nojiko from her illness. No matter how hard she tried. And she’s so grateful to Dr. Hiriluk for saving her crewmates life, but she also feels like she’s being replaced.
Luckily Hiriluk is the best dad in this AU and without knowing any of this walks up to her like “you did an amazing job! Not many could keep someone with five day diseases that healthy for that long.” And Kaya just sobs. (She’s under a lot of stress) and Hiriluk is now clearly hugging her and looking at the others like what do I do. Before offering to train her in medicine.
Kaya jumps at the opportunity. Now the crew has two doctors (one in training but they count her)
Kaya and Hiriluk get very close with him being a great mentor to her and the dad of the crew. He is the one she starts going to about her self doubts.
When Olivia joins the crew, and I mean after water 7 when Olivia is truly sees them as family, she helps Kaya with her espionage training. Olivia had to hide from the government for years. No one is better than her.
But Kaya also has an ability to know when people are lying. She wasn’t best friends with Usopp for years without being able to tell which one of his stories are fake and when he is being serious. She can spot a lie in seconds. A skill she thinks very little of. After all it just from being Usopp’s friend.
But the rest of the crew is astounded by this skill.
Especially in water 7 when she immediately didn’t trust the CP9 agents but did trust Paulie and the rest of Galley-la.
The crew has learned to trust Kaya’s instincts on people. But it’s hard at water 7 because does Kaya think Kaku is a lier because he is (they don’t know he’s a CP9 agent yet) or is it because she doesn’t want to lose the Merry.
It’s another reason why her and Ace’s fight isn’t as bad as Luffy and Usopp’s if Kaya doesn’t trust Kaku’s assessment then they will get one from someone she does trust.
Cue dragging either Paulie or Iceburg down to the Merry to tell Kaya to her face what is wrong with the ship. Ace believes and made peace with Merry being unsailable. But if Kaya says that man’s a lier she’s going to trust her and get a second opinion from someone Kaya thinks is honest. Even if he has to drag them down to the boat kicking and screaming
They also have way more time than the original Strawhats. They get to sail together for three years before Marineford/timeskip occurs. So Kaya has plenty of time to develope skills.
I love the idea of her being a spy. Someone who is good at blending in and getting information because she can just tell when someone is lying to her face. She crucial in them making alliances because she can tell the moment their allies aren’t telling them the truth.
Kaya might be a jack of all trades, sharpshooter, doctor, spy, etc. but she is a valuable member of their crew.
Even if she doesn’t always believe so
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dittolicous · 2 months
whats this, more raging stealth black?! gasp!
(1- 2 - 3 - 4)
judge, in an attempt to ensure sanji does 'fall back into bad habits', messed with Sanji's ability to taste food, has him banned from being anywhere close to the kitchens, and even has forced 124ji to refrain from making comments about the food for the foreseeable future. they dont want to risk triggering anything too soon after his 'recovery'
of course, while in the infirmary, sanji just figured he was getting standard grade mild hospital food so he was (subconsciously) looking forward to his first real meal afterwards. and it smelled so good! but then he took the bite... and it just tasted like mushy cardboard. as did every bite afterwards. glancing around at his family, they all seemed just fine with the meal... so perhaps thats just how it was then? was food/eating just like emotions, something they preformed, an end to a mean? food was fuel, not a leisure activity, he supposed...
so, choking down his food, he said nothing
food was just fuel
just another drop in the pool, another small itch in the back of his mind, the growing sense of something being off
overtime he starts skipping meals, brushing them off altogether or asking for someone to just puree it for him so he can down it while he works. his time is more well spent furthering their plans than spent chewing on cardboard. he tries not to acknowledge the way something in his reiju's eyes breaks at that nor to claw at the spot where judge proudly clapped his shoulder for his taking initiative. his brothers remain oddly quiet, glancing between each other as niji snorts
it doesnt matter
what does matter is the strange burning sensation in his chest that has him biting back snarls at soilders that waste his time with meaningless compliments or the way he has to fight his face to remain neutral when yonji laughs or how his body aches, shoulders twinging from the tense posture he holds in his fathers presence
he is a a vinsmoke. he is a cyborg. he is an unfeeling, unflappable soldier meant to spread the glory of germa across the land and sea, no mere emotion nor man could ever hold him back
so why is it then that he finds himself clenched into a tight ball, hands ripping at his own hair, desperate to forget the feeling that came when that burning desire nearly succeeded in breaking free after a maid bumped into him in the hallway, flowing out of him with a snarl and its only his carefully honed control snapping back in place that allows the maid to keep standing where she is, pressed fearfully against the hallway wall
his hand, frozen midair, right where he caught himself before the hit could land across her face
the books in his hands have been long forgotten where they lay in the hallway after he dropped them and ran blindly. he doesnt know where he is, only that its quiet, dark, and he is alone with his ragged breathing. he curls up tighter, desperately trying to push down everything, the bile in his throught, the memory of the maids fear in his mind, and the horribly, confusingly angry tears that burn at his eyes
it shouldn't matter, he shouldn't feel, he shouldn't care, and yet, and yet, and yet
something snaps inside him as he yanks out a clump of his own hair, something bloody and visceral and uncontrollable
because he can no longer sate himself with soothing lies of his family's love and blood-born honor, not when he is so clearly broken and wrong and all he ever wants to do is scream and burn it all down, starving for something more he cant even recall
covered in his own blood, snot, and tears, sanji realizes how little he truly knows
with the plans to strike the strawhats down moving ever closer, he stands and begins his charting own.
in the meantime, he works. he trains. he studies.
he researches.
and he learns.
so, suffice to say, he's not happy with what he learns. the life of one blackleg sanji, sprawled before in clippings from newspapers across the years, some freshly printed, others yellow with age. faces in photos that he swears he knows yet cannot name make him break a wall with one flaming kick.
(the oldest of them is that of a restaurant opening in a far off ocean - but he couldnt read more before the paper turned to ash in his grasp thanks to the flames creeping up his body)
the only road forward, he realizes, is one that leads to their deaths. vinsmoke judge and everything hes ever had a hand in... this world was not just nor right, just an endless stretch of monsters like him ruining everything. death, admittedly, would be a mercy in the longrun.
he'd make it slow
they never even noticed him pulling away, sneaking into labs and war rooms across the floating kingdom. never questioned the bags beneath his eyes so long as he got them the results they desired. they trusted him, it seemed.
or maybe they just didnt care. is health really all that important when you can just throw them into a test tube and-and try again? dig into their brain and pull out every piece that makes them, them, and see if it works now. lie when you cant dig a scalpel in and hope for the best.
when the day finally came, only three before they were suppose to make the final move of the strawhats, sanji sneaks into the kitchen, aided by his new improved raid suit and his family's growing compliancy. they no longer parole the kitchens like bloodhounds, ready to turn him the other way.
as thanks, he adds something special to his siblings dishes
hes no fool, hes aware he likely couldn't take them all on his own. underhanded techniques never bothered them before, so this shouldn't be any different. besides, they werent his focus
no one says anything about the food or... any odd tastes, per usual thanks to judges standing orders. he bites his lip hard enough to draw blood just to fight back a smile as he spots a tremble in ichiji's hand as dinner draws to a close and dessert is sat before them. niji keeps pinching the bridge of his nose amd yonji eyes take on a strange glaze as he stares out a window
reiju looks at sanji, her ever present fake smile dropping away
the show begins like fireworks, lighting up the evening sky, his many bombs hidden about all going off at once
he listens and revels in the sound the labs make as they turn into flaming rubble, explosions bursting across the many snails in their armada, of his fathers fantic commands, his brothers confusion, and his sisters silence
the germa kingdom crumbles, flames crawling across the snails, the smaller of which begin writhing in pain as theyre cooked alive
he probably should of kept the charades going on for longer, but sanji just couldn't help the bitter laughter that welled up at his fathers flushed face, which only causes him to seeth more and sanji can barely breath through his manic laughter
at the very least, judge seems to catch on when yonji crashes to the ground, unconscious, without ever being touched and ichiji is swaying on his feet where he stands. niji hasnt gotten up, clutching table like a lifeline as he snarls in sanjis direction.
its invigorating, watching the fear creep into each ones eyes, fear they claim to not have nor know. judge can only watch as his kingdom burns and his precious soilders crumble, all thanks to one of their own
and the night has only begun
(in all the excitement, none of them see the ship approaching on the horizon, the lion shaped head glowing in the suns dying light and crackling flames)
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
minific :) hope u like it!! it doesnt have much of canon lore applied, and its Mann Vs Machine. Spy bein a dad when its far too late :(
The team had been split up when the robots attacked, and Scout and Sniper had gotten stuck together. Not that it was any issue for Scout, though. He figured the Australian wouldn't mind sticking with him for a little while, and so far, he hasn't left. But it's too quiet, even for someone like Sniper, the least talkative member on the team.
"Hey, you think the others are alright?" Scout looks at the marksman.
"Why wouldn't they be? They've better aim when close up than I ever bloody will." Sniper glances at Scout before returning his gaze to the hallway ahead of them. Broken robots lay littered about.
"Someone was here." Sniper frowns. "They must not be far."
"No shit, Sherlock-- is that blood?" Scout frowns, the red stain on the floor catching his attention.
"Yeah. Trail o' it, too..." Sniper frowns. "You follow it. I'll make sure there's no more of the bloody boltheads comin' down the halls."
"Gotcha." Scout quickly begins to follow the trail until he reaches the end of the hallway, where the rough smell of cigarette smoke fills the air.
"Ah. It's you." The voice of Spy says from the dark, and Scout flicks the lights on. Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn't... this.
Spy's injured badly. There's blood staining his suit in multiple areas, and what appears to be a gunshot wound to his upper body seems to be the main cause.
"Holy crap...!" Scout quickly snaps out of the trance he was in, and opens the duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He digs through it, pulling out bandages. Of course he'd forgotten the medkits. Fan-fucking-tastic.
"Scout, I am no doctor, but I don't think a simple band aid is going to heal a bullet wound." Spy glares at the runner.
"I'm tryna help you, man! Cut me some slack." Scout scowls, and Spy just sighs.
"Scout. Just... stop. I'm not making it out of this room alive. My leg is broken and I've been shot four times. It's a miracle I'm not already dead." Spy pushes the bandages away, fllicking his burned-out cigarette away with his other hand.
"Well... that's just morbid. I can use comms to get Snipes to find Doc?" Scout reaches for his headpiece, but Spy shakes his head.
"I want you to listen to me, boy. I don't want to be saved. I've accepted that I'm not going to make it out of here. It's better this way."
"Shut up!" Spy raises his voice to a yell, before letting out a pained sigh, propping himself higher up against the wall. "Just... listen to what I have to say, Jeremy."
Scout's eyes widen slightly. He isn't wearing his dog tags, there's no way Spy could've known.
"This will... sound familiar, I hope. I hate repeating myself." Spy lights a second cigarette. Hesitating. "27 years ago, I met a beautiful woman. She was everything I could've wished for... and we were happy together. As Tom Jones would say, I... dropped a 'sex bomb' on her. I was young then, and I ran from the explosion."
It all sounds so familiar. Had Scout heard this before? Where? When...? He can remember someone saying this to him...
Holy. Crap.
"You... You were the Tom Jones that I saw." Scout whispers. Spy just nods.
"I... It is one of my many regrets, leaving you and your mother behind. I was a coward. I suppose I still am, since it would seem I can only admit to this on the edge of death." Speaking is getting more difficult for Spy, and Scout can tell, hesitating before lowering his headpiece.
"Snipes. Find Doc. Hurry."
"Mate-? Wha--" The Australian's cut off as Scout tosses the headpiece aside, and Scout kneels at Spy's side.
"You're my dad. I-- I can't let you just... die here! There's... so much lost time to be made up." Scout starts unravelling the bandage. Maybe it's the shock stopping him from feeling the pain in his leg from a loose nail digging into his knee, maybe it's the sudden adrenaline rush. Doesn't matter. Spy needs to make it out of this alive.
"Jeremy." Spy's voice is calm, with the slightest hint of pain in it. Scout looks up at Spy, who takes his mask off.
He looks just like how Scout's ma had always described him, just... older, with streaks of grey in his styled-back hair and dark circles under his eyes that Scout had never noticed before. But they share the same blue eyes.
"I am proud to see the man you've become. You've made good friends. Your mother did amazing raising you." Spy pulls a photo from his suit pocket, holding it out to Scout. "Here. I kept this when I left. I always have it with me."
It's a photo of 2 year old Scout, with his mother and Spy sitting beside him, watching him open his christmas present: A baseball bat.
Scout looks back at Spy, his vision blurry. Spy smiles at him, whispering something in French that Scout can't understand, and Scout can see the life leave Spy's eyes.
"Dad?" Scout's voice is small, his eyes wide, staring at Spy's motionless body. He tentatively reaches over and shakes Spy's shoulder, but the Frenchman doesn't respond. He's dead. Forcing back a sob, he pulls the corpse into a hug as the sound of footsteps behind him come closer and closer.
Scout never got the chance to learn his father's name.
The angst got to me. I'm not gonna lie. This is so amazing, Anon. If you ever start writing these on your blog (or if you already do), please let me know because I will be your number one fan, I swear 💪
Thank you for sending this in. It is very much appreciated. Keep up the good work. You're an amazing writer, and I literally can't compliment you enough!!!
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kingcunny · 2 months
🦄 for the dance era targaryens
🦄 - Characters' physical appearance
dance era targs (roughly) oldest to youngest
rhaenys. tanned/olive skintone. takes more after jocelyn than aemon, but got aemons pale lilac eye color. not buff, but toned, swimmers build almost. when i read f&b for a sec i misinterpreted rhaenys “hair streaked with white” line as not referencing her age, but as poliosis.
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and i think thats a really cool look for her so im keeping it :) if i can get a little anime with it, its reversed in laena and laenor. silver hair with black streaks.
daemon . more silver than gold. pale skin. pale purple eyes. looks just alyssa, big ears, crooked gap-tooth smile. but didnt get her curly hair or freckles. strong but also not built, lithe. for Some Reason having facial hair makes daemon want to die 🤔 so hes obsessive about staying clean shaven no matter where he is. notible then, that while he was hanging around harrenhal waiting for aemond to show up he hadnt shaved in weeks.
rhaenyra . takes more after viserys than aemma, but cooler coloring than him. silver>gold. rich purple eyes. wavy/curly hair. she also got alyssas silly ears and smile through viserys, as well as his sense of fashion. dresses in dramatized valyrian style, not at all historically accurate but looks sick as fuck. canon traits: fat, big nose, long braid, lots of jewelry.
aegon ii and helaena both take more after viserys, aemond and daeron after alicent.
aegon ii . flushed, bloated, alcoholic face. yall know that bit in the beginning of disco elysium when harry stumbles into the bathroom and starts groping his face talking about how much it sucks and how badly it hurts? aegon2s daily morning routine. sallow skin. gold>silver. tries to grow a mustache to look like viserys but he managed to dodge both viserys and ottos facial hair genes, ends up with a little pencil stache. canon trait?: fat
helaena . shorter. rounder face and softer features. pale purple eyes. freckles. crooked gap-toothed smile. wavy/curly hair. canon trait?: fat
aemond . tallest out of anyone here. skinny and lanky. not an ounce of muscle or fat on him. silver>gold. cooler skin tone. freckles?
daeron . i know the book says daeron had the valyrian look but i like thinking that he DIDNT. and thats why he got sent away to military school oldtown. hes kinda fucking with the greens whole “rhaenyra is a SLUT just LOOK at her children its obvious :/“ ive been picturing him with brown hair (from alicent) and purple eyes, but i saw this one fanart where he had the silver hair but green eyes and that looked really cool too. tan skin, freckles. shorter, but strong. curly hair.
baela and rhaena are fraternal twins, not identical. (baela wishes they were identical) they take more after laena than daemon. im kinda thinking about having one of them inherit laenas reverse poliosis, but im not such which. i do think it should be only one of them though.
baela . black/mixed. stockier build. i like the idea of her having short box braids, with the beaded ends. or short twists, especially in this half up style. feels very baela. likes to wear pants+dress like a man. light green/mint jewelry for moondancer, but otherwise doesnt really like to dress up. crooked smile.
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rhaena . black/mixed. long goddess/butterfly locs. hair usually done up. always a bunch of jewelry and accessories in her hair. soft flowing fabrics, pastel colors. pink for mo(u)rning, maybe she also wears green for moondancer. lots of jewelry.
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jacaerys . out of all of rhaenyras children, including aegon3 and vis2, jace is the one that looks the most like her. little brown haired boy version of nyra. has the valyrian nose if not the colors. wavy hair, not as curly as luke+joffs. darker skin. tall but bad posture so he looks shorter than he is. purpleish brown eye color. able to gain the most muscle.
aegon iii . very skinny. pale, sallow skin, deep set eyes, dark eye bags. straight, lank, hair. cutting scars on his chest. silver>gold but barely even silver, more white. also got alyssas gap toothed smile, but he never smiles so you wouldnt know it. essentially looks like a living ghost. canon traits?: purple eyes so dark they look black.
viserys ii . gold>silver. tan skin. freckles? curly hair. chubby and shorter.
if anyones not mentioned here its either because they died as a child and i dont have any strong opinions about their appearance or i forgor
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h4venpha · 1 year
songs that make me think of trimax vashwood and why
like im serious please do not read if you haven’t finished the entire manga
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oceans & engines by NIKI
- i saw a post on twt talking about where at some point in vashs immortal life, he starts to forget wolfwood. he begins to forget what his voice sounded like and how his hands used to feel in his.
- and instead he misses him more than anything. he misses the thought of him. and it hurts so badly that he cannot remember the only one he loves.
- oceans & engines is vash's last stage of grief: acceptance.
- “how is it now that somehow you're a stranger? you were mine just yesterday": this represents how regardless of vash's immortality and the decades he has lived after wolfwoods death, he still finds himself living the days he did with wolfwood. thats where he feels he truly belongs. hes finally caught up with the fact that its been years after his death and hes realizing that wolfwood is just a stranger to him again
- “i know ill be alright, some day ill be fine, but just not tonight.”: vash’s final push, a swear to himself that he’ll get over it and he’ll drop it for good. that this night will be the last night he grieves wolfwood. he knows that at some point he may forget everything about him but his name. too many years meeting too many faces and he can barely form wolfwoods in his mind. and hes accepting it.
- “this is the last falsetto, ill ever sing to you, my great lost love.”: his great lost love, what better wording for him and wolfwood!
welcome and goodbye by Dream, Ivory
- this song because of the unspoken mutual understanding of each others motives and wants/needs. so honestly this song can be from both perspectives.
- “thats the reason im afraid, youre the thoughts that cant be tamed.”: no matter what either of them do, its so very obvious of the vulnerability and understanding they share. even if they bicker so often (as seen in the manga), they cannot ignore the bond they share.
- like how is it that this man knows these things about me? how is it he knows exactly how i will act? that somehow hes the one who knows everything about me with ease?
- “and im trying to be sane, and im trying to be sane.”: this line is more vash imo. at the end after he kills legato, when hes talking about “you[wolfwood] died for him[livio], i couldnt let that go to waste”. this line and what he said shows how even in death, wolfwood has such an affect on him
- how vash went against his insanely stubborn, strict morals because of wolfwood
pistol by Cigarettes After Sex
- post trimax vash to deceased wolfwood
- “and ill waste my time, til you lift me off the floor and love me again”: vash talking about how he’ll waste the years of his immortal life waiting for wolfwood to come back to him. oh he knows its impossible, but he can’t help but hope, hope that somehow wolfwood will find his way back to him
- he knows wolfwood won’t come back? yet he still waits, he waits and waits for all of eternity for him because he doesnt know what else to do
- “i know if i saw you, and we kissed just once; you could be happy, maybe you’d come back”: hes oh so desperate. vash who only realized the depth of his feelings for wolfwood as ww was dying. he cursed himself day and night that he never got the chance to kiss him at least once
- maybe if he kissed him or said something he wouldnt have died, its silly to say but hes so so desperate.
- he wants just one more chance to see wolfwood, to feel him and kiss him, maybe then he would decide to come back to him.
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karkat pov liveblog: hivebent, part 1
we begin in a lab on a meteor in the furthest ring.
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computer enhance.
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look at all those little goobers! i am not replaying this whole flash just for this moment but in lieu of that, here's hussie's commentary on the scene from the book, just for a bit of spice.
as far as i can tell, karkat's first chronological appearance in hivebent is 2177.
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vriska has just jumped tavros off a cliff, and he chooses to message karkat about it. im not sure what he hoped to get out of this since karkats only reply is characteristically snappy.
we then jump to 2025. karkat is messing around with some .~ATH files. in the middle of examining the mobius double reacharound virus (titled check_thii2_2hiit_out.~ATH), he gets trolled by its author. hello sollux.
CG: SO YOU MADE THIS GAME? TA: no no. TA: more liike ii adapted iit. CG: FROM WHAT. TA: 2ome crazy technology AA dug out of 2ome ruiin2. TA: havent you talked two her about iit? CG: MAN, NO. CG: I CAN'T TALK TO HER, SHE'S SO SPOOKY.
we start talking about the game that will take up the rest of karkats story, and get a hint about this mysterious "AA."
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he then hears crabdad complaining, and chooses to put this off...long enough to introduce himself, i guess.
karkat's introduction is 1992, written in a way directly referencing john's introduction.
Earth, also for convenient reference, is a planet that does not yet exist.
see how we are doing this? logical! earth doesnt exist yet, so of course we arent starting with the humans!
homestuck does not want me to read it chronologically. it is doing everything possible to stop me from reading it chronologically.
This game, for convenient reference, is a game that DOES NOT YET EXIST.
please. please let me obey chronology.
Later on, you would swap your modus with your hacker friend, a guy who unlike you happens to be competent with programming. It would only make sense.
i thought i would embark on this quest and find its purpose along my way. that purpose, it seems so far, is to acknowledge just how stupid this chronology is.
It is your sixth wriggling day, and as with all five preceding it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
yeah i was about to say something like that. that being that i wont have much to say so long as the plot remains linear.
It figures that installing this new beta chat client would open the floodgates
i always forget that trollian was brand new when hivebent starts. i wonder what they used to message each other before then?
speaking of which, his first pesterlog after his introduction is page 2010, with gamzee. its kinda sad how mean karkat is to a lot of his friends tbh.
(apologies if the text is hard to read on dark mode. i use cyber theme myself and cant see a word gamzee says here)
according to the pov cam, the next page karkat is on chronologically is 2058. the great team divide / team leader argument of hivebent has officially begun, with karkat and terezi. and in the end, it wont even matter at all. lmao.
and apparently karkat intends to deal with his quite grumpy crabdad at the end of this conversation.
but then his computer explodes.
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interesting. sburb equipment already? i suppose he was right:
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welp. guess he didnt have to deal with him after all. although the drawing on the fridge is very cute.
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terezi has continued to make progress on his hive...
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and he gets his new weapon...
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only to find his toilet detached from its fixings.
karkat, i think you are a bit behind on what this game is going to be like. yet you are already on your planet despite that!
i gotta go now but ill be back
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leafiebeanie · 2 years
owoowow 🔥🎴 AU where kyojuro is a shapeshifter, and sth sth, he ends up watching (stalking) over tanjiro using different animal forms
one day he's an owl with unblinking eyes, the next he's an orange cat with unblinking eyes, then he's a shiba inu with unbli-
you get the point
so tanjiro has been noticing someone's gaze on him, and for the life of his, he just cant figure out who it is
he inspects every nook and cranny of his house, turning up with nothing each time
this goes on until tanjiro wakes up in the middle of the night to get some water
and he finds kyojuro (cat) asleep just outside his window
tanjiro quickly opens the window to let him in—it was winter after all, and kyojuro startles awake (he didnt expect to get caught falling asleep so close to tanjiro nonetheless?!)
kyojuro almost thinks to run away, but he has never been one to run from his problems
he thinks that the cat's out of the bag, but as tanjiro brings out some warm blankets and prepares a little bed for him to sleep in, he realises that tanjiro doesnt know he's been watching him
the next morning, tanjiro tells him that he has to leave bc the apartment doesn't allow pets, but kyojuro looks at him pitifully on the doorstep
fine, tanjiro says. just a few more days, he says
but soon, days turn into weeks, and the end of winter is quickly approaching
kyojuro knows his time is almost up, but he got to know tanjiro quite well during the time he spent in his little apartment and also the time he had spent watching him from afar
he knows tanjiro has a soft spot for when he rolls over and expose his furry belly for bellyrubs
so he does just that when tanjiro asks him to leave again once spring arrived
a few more weeks pass, and kyojuro is still in tanjiro's apartment
kyojuro the cat doesnt cause much fuss normally, but there are times where he demands for tanjiro's attention and stops at nothing
then one night, a demon shows up while tanjiro is sleeping, and kyojuro shifts to fight it off
its a tough fight in such a confined space, so the sound of breaking glass and thuds jolt tanjiro from his sleep
he is confused when he sees a man with a sword in his house
and what is that /creature/ barring its fangs?!
tanjiro remembers his cat, and instinctively reaches his hand out to the spot where kyojuro usually slept, but he begins to panic when all he feels is the fuzzy blanket and not soft fur
kyojuro speaks for the first time, "dont move, tanjiro!"
before tanjiro has the time to register what he said, the demons hand reaches for tanjiro, only to be sliced by kyojuro
the demon screeches in pain and tries to claw kyojuro with its other hand, but his blade was faster
the demons head rolls on the tatami floor before disintegrating slowly
blood is splattered everywhere, and kyojuro grimaces at the dirt sullying his beloved's room
tanjiro finally reacts to the absurdity of the situation
who is this stranger, and how did he know his name?
now that the immediate danger is gone, tanjiro stares at kyojuro cautiously, pulling his blanket tight around him
kyojuro turns to look at him, a fluffy ear on his head twitching. he shifted in a hurry earlier, so the cat ears and furry tail were still present
kyojuro notices his gaze looking at the top of his head, and he knows theres no escape anymore
he braces himself for the inevitable barrage of questions about why he was in the house, but instead, tanjiro asks if he's seen his cat
oh tanjiro, precious tanjiro, he thinks
how tanjiro can be so concerned about his cat when there were more pressing matters before him, kyojuro doesnt understand
oh but he does understand
deep down, he knows how pure and selfless tanjiro is, its why he ever set eyes on the boy in the first place
he had spent countless days watching over tanjiro from afar, taking different forms so as not to be noticed
yet here he was in tanjiro's house, first as a spoiled cat and now as a human
his wish to be close to his beloved had been fulfilled after all, he thinks
without looking away from tanjiro, kyojuro meows
his tail sways as he sheathes his sword, and tanjiro's attention shifts to its movement
kyojuro's pastel orange fur is illuminated by the moonlight from the broken window—wait broken window?!
tanjiro glances at it and sees glass scattering the table, the floor, and how kyojuro's feet are bleeding a little from the shards
immediately, he reaches for the hanging light cord and tugs at it
light floods the room, and tanjiro squints before his vision adjusts
carefully, he gets out of his bed and tiptoes his way around the shattered glass and into his kitchen, where the first aid kit is
he doesnt question what kyojuro is doing in his apartment, that was for later, once the mess is cleaned up and after he's found his cat
when tanjiro comes back to his room, he finds kyojuro sweeping up the glass with the mini broom he kept in his closet
strange, how did he know where to find that?
"u-um! you were bleeding..." he trails off, unsure how to address the stranger in his room
kyojuro only blinks and meows at him before putting the glass away
tanjiro smiles when kyojuro sits, and he carefully dresses the wound on his feet
he can feel a steady gaze on him as he fumbles with the bandage, hair rising on the back of his neck at the intensity of it
"there! all better now!" tanjiro almost places a kiss on top of the bandages out of habit, but he stops himself
after all, he doesnt even know this person's name
he tucks the box away before turning to face him, sitting in a seiza position
"have you seen my cat? his fur is orange and there's a bell on his collar"
kyojuro wants to laugh at how tanjiro hasn't connected the dots yet. perhaps he should give him a little hint
his tail sways as he opens his mouth to speak, "tanjiro"
tanjiro startles at the mention of his name, eyes widening as he takes in the colour of kyojuro's tail and the twitching ears on his head
he gulps, slowly coming to the realisation that this man was, in fact, his cat
the man simply smiles and leans forwards for headpats like he usually does
tanjiro pauses before he awkwardly pets that fluffy head of hair
from such a close distance, kyojuro's peachy scent was easily distinguishable, and tanjiro heaves a deep sigh of relief
"...how long have you been able to do that?"
"since the beginning"
"y-you! why haven't you told me then? you know it was hard for me to keep you a secret from the landlady!"
"i don't take up a lot of space as a cat, tanjiro. your apartment isnt the largest either"
it suddenly clicks in his head, how large kyojuro is with his frame hovering above him
he gets a clear view of kyojuro's features, his golden hair with fiery red tips, those owl-like eyes that seemed to see right through him, and last of all, those twitching cat ears
tanjiro almost forgets how to speak, but he snaps out of it when kyojuro wraps his tail around his arm
"it's good that you're safe, kyojuro. you protected me earlier too, didn't you?"
kyojuro nods dutifully, shifting back into a cat and lounging lazily in tanjiro's lap
a cold draft blows into the room from the broken window, and tanjiro plops the tabby cat on his bed before turning the light off
it was late after all, and he needed his rest
tanjiro crawls into the bed and wraps his arms around kyojuro, cuddling him for warmth
he would deal with the window tomorrow, he thinks to himself
for now, sleep was more important, and kyojuro's warmth was infectious, pulling him away from consciousness
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Cemetery Mary: True End (Crowven's Route)
here i am!! time to get the true end, where i will hopefully get all of the answers to my questions (or at least most of them)
since the ending guide says that the true end is the same regardless of the route you got it on, i will be doing Crowven's and not twyla's or Reginald's because i just really like seeing Mary and Crowven have a good time together
spoilers below
since im gonna get the true ending, i've decided i wont skip anything so that i'll be going through a complete story (does that make sense??)
lol its kinda funny (not really) that Mary's parents were so worried that she'd be a victim of 'the Blackwood Butcher' im sure Reginald would find it funny since the only reason he's killing people is for Mary
i wonder why Reginald killed Mary's aunt and uncle (well i think he did) but only kidnapped her parents (unless he killed them at some point but if he did he would have let the bodies be found yk? for a funeral) maybe its just cuz it was her parents
man the tension between Mary and Crowven at the beginning,,,, at least in this route it will fade away
man,, i wonder what would have happened if Mary had told someone about the mystery number instead of like,, talking to them in secret
Vasilis looks cool i know theyre the mc of Blackout Hospital, and ive been planning to play that game after Cemetery Mary so after i get the true ending im gonna play that game afterwards lmaoo I wonder if Crowven shows up in Blackout Hospital or smth it would be interesting to see more of their relationship
"A chocolate muffin! Because sweet foods are the best!" Mary is so cute aaaaa i love her
i also wonder if we'll ever get an explanation for the animosity between twyla and Crowven like what was all that stuff in the lake about?? i need to know
im now wondering if the mystery number really is Reginald i mean who else could it be tho?? but it wasnt really confirmed in any route that its Reginald behind the mystery number and the kidnapping of Mary's parents, just that he's the killer how odd
ohhhh dude i just realized that Mary never learns that Reginald can tell when someone (when Mary?) is lying bc to get on that route you have to be honest with him, so she doesnt learn until that moment leading up to the good ending crazy
"Manslaughter on the Disorient Locomotive" lmaoo nice
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also Reginald being a pufferfish??? that explains why to get the good ending on his route you have to pick a pufferfish or a manta ray
wait a second. Mary Anta.... manta ray... OH MY FUCKING GOD
MARY ANTA IS JUST AN ANAGRAM OF MANTA RAY WHHH Ok that explains the manta ray part and why she was drawn with a manta ray cape in that one scene and why she feels connected to them and her hair-horn things oh my fucking god. holy shit. this is revolutionary
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theyre so cute
also oh my god i just searched the relationship between crows and owls, and theyre enemies!! like Crowven and Twyla!! this makes me wanna search up other stuff about the animals the characters are associated with but i have a game to play so i'll do that later
"Rest-aurant In Peace" thats hilarious
i feel so bad for Mary :(( i hope she sees her parents in the true ending
so the mystery number denies being the one in the diner, which i know is Reginald cuz of the Reginald route so if the mystery number was really Reginald then why would he say that he wasnt in the diner and that he doesnt know who it was
he could be lying OR im wrong and the mystery number isnt Reginald at all but then who could it be??? well i guess i'll find out in the true end
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aww this is so cute- oHMY GOD HER DAD IS A MANTA RAY
HE'S GOT THE HORNS AND A LITTLE TALE i wonder what her mom is another manta ray maybe???
man this dream makes me so sad :(( Mary thinks its another normal but fun day w her parents but turns out its just a nightmare also the text after Mary wakes up from the nightmare is so "What's the matter, Mary? I thought you liked ghosts." its so ?!?!?!??
the arcade music is such a banger fr
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so Zapara and Theodore,,, what animals are they at first i thought Zapara was a cat but maybe she's a dog??? her ears look like cat ears so she's probably a cat and then Theodore is.... i have no idea my first thought was a ram but probably not?? maybe he is tho
anyways on with the game
i still think its really funny that Zapara and Theodore thought 'Cemetery Mary' was a ghost
"You just met them in the wrong environment, that's all!" lol and u thought having Mary find out that ur friends keep drugs in the cemetery was gonna make her like them more than a club????
"You'd never catch me here looking like some over-watered pansy!" oh Zapara,,,,, little do u know
i much prefer Mary's communication with ghosts over the cursed manga stuff
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Sunny is so cute just adorable
"Who's the Crowven I know? Is he just a ghost too?" MAN this line is so,,,, its so,,,, rrraghhhghhhhgh yeah
they put her there in that nasty bathtub while she was asleep disgusting honestly if i were Mary i would be more mad about the fact they put me in a bath tub and not the mean noose prank that Zapara did
"I am not at all a violent person" lol. lmao. funny joke Reg
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"...After having lost so many people..." "...I'm just glad I haven't lost you yet." SOBBING
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i love them so much,,, they are so cute,,,,
OKKK now its time for the TRUE END so excited!!
what happens if i say no oh LOL it just ends i mean that makes sense
so this mysterious narrator?? rewinded back to when Mary fell asleep at the mausoleum interesting
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this sure is new Mary please dont go inside the suspicious white van (is that a white van???)
oh its the bus LOL ok get on the bus
why is he asking her to go back to sleep?? whats happening??
why are they leaving tf
who is that and wtf is happening????
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this is serious and im lowkey freaking out but this just looks cute
oh my god we're finally getting some answers lets gooooo
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waitwaitwait wtf gangs??? like actually?? well ok
nO WAY ???? HE WAS THE HEAD OF CONGRESS?? so that was the war he was talking about
oh is that why Crowven and his family live in a cabin in the woods instead of actually inside the city???
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aww cute
Crowven fucking inherited this shit??? yoo thats crazy oh is that what he was out of town for?? gang stuff??
OHHH WTF HE'S THE MYSTERY NUMBER??? ok so i was wrong okok wild i thought it was Reginald they both had that vibe
"Why were you so creepy over the phone?!?!" LMAOOO ok but true maybe its just cuz he's old/j
dont trust the old man just cuz he's old Mary
ok i guess the old man isnt too bad,,
Ovidius is nice i like him
if Crowven dies in the true end i will cry lol pls answer Mary's messages u soon u fucking idiot
i dont why but in my head these guys have a british accent
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but theyre the only ones with the british accent so i think thats really funny it was the 'ello miss' that made me give them a british accent
anyways WTFFFFF NOOOOO i really hope her parents arent dead
why are we in a fucking movie theatre
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did Mary die is she a ghost wtf wtf i hope she didnt???? maybe this is just some weird nightmare??
ok it was just a nightmare but wtf
so she's in a jail cell
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what.... the fuck?????
what ?? the fuck?? no explanation at all and for what?? what is he doing there? why was he not talking? where is he going? what the fuck is happening???
Crowven r u fucking serious????
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NOOO WAY TWYLA???? oh my god oh ok so that sorta explains the lake stuff n why they hate each other so much bc theyre in opposing gangs
oh fuck oh no she saw Mary
oh wait wtf she's helping Mary?? fr?? ok i guess she isnt that bad but i still dont like her
oh she's insane actually
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oh ok i fucking knew it there is absolutely no reason to trust her
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lets fucking go!! thanks Ovidius
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goddamnit Crowven STOP IT
Mary what r u doing this is a fucking trap i feel it in my bones no way is it that easy
she just threw her phone out the window tf
ok so thats really not important compared to everything else thats happening like the fact that Crowven's in the car that was chasing them
does twyla know abt Mary's ghost communication thing or smth cuz in the route i played she didnt get a chance to learn
oh ok nvm its not even a real mausoleum
i hate twyla so much
oh my god its death???
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crazy she's talking to death and theyre a unicorn????? or narwhal??? wait that doesnt matter
ok so Mary gave up her ability to visit the afterlife unfortunately but its ok it was for her family bro that was literally a deus ex machina right???
lets fucking go!!!
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wild crazy insane all those words describe twyla
twyla shut the FUCK up
ok so 1) Reginald just up and left with no explanation if i went on his route and got the true end from there then how would that happen? like would we get answers for the manga and that headstone? does Mary react to the fact that she has the ability to visit the afterlife for the first time there???
also a small headstone with twyla's initials showed up??? weird
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wait what the fuck what???? huh??? will there be a sequel to this game bc i need an explanation for that and everything else
wow,,, so thats really the end wow
this whole game was an absolutely wild ride but i loved it
even tho there's still some mysteries yet to be tied up... im glad Mary and Crowven and her family are safe and are living a good life now its really nice
i do wonder if there'll be a sequel tho bc i'll definitely play that (there's a prequel so im also gonna play that too)
well,,, time for me to at breakfast bc ive been playing this game since 6 am and i am hungry LOL
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monkiebois · 1 year
⭐️ 2: Electric Boogaloo
maybe longing for more.
there is. one scene in there.
The man sitting before him is the very reason Mk was here in the first place, the very reason he was covered in bandages and why lingering pain remained in his head. Why he was forced into that dark room, why he was in so much pain.
All because the monkey demon before him-who’s acting like nothing even happened by the way-couldnt fucking accept any help.
“Are you done?” Macaque asked annoyed, he had no right to be annoyed. If Mk wants to glare at his bowl then he can. He has every right to be angry.
“I tried to help you” Mk chocked out.
Macaque didnt say a word but Mk caught the slight furrow of his brow’s.
“You almost accepted it too…” Mk put his spoon bac into the bowl
Macaque’s eyes darted around the table.
“What happened” He demanded. Macaque didnt answer. His brows furrowed further as he closed his eyes.
“What happened!!” Xiaotian slammed his hands on the table as he stood up. Now looming over Macaque who would not raise his head.
“I said i would help you, e-even if monkey king refused to. Did you think i was lying or something” Mk accused, his voice beginning to waver.
“Im not a fucking liar, unlike you!!” Mk barked,tears pricking at the side of his eyes. His claws dug into the table leaving small claw marks where he gripped. Macaque still would not raise his head.
“Sit down. And eat Mk” Macaque growled slowly with clenched teeth.
Mk blinked at the tears fell, anger,confusion and fear swirled within him and Macaque couldnt even face the consequences of his actions. It only fueled the nauseous betrayal choking him.
Mk let go off the table with a sigh, his arms shaking as he blinked away tears. Mk sighed once again and reached out for his glass of water. Only to grab it and immediately throw it towards Macaque who dodged it swiftly.
“What the fuck are you after?” Xiaotian growled, his voice cracking and wavering.
“You know she’s just going to kill you right?” Mk wiped away the tears falling down his face but more kept falling “she’s going to destroy everything!”
Macaque finally stood up, meeting eyes with Xiaotian. He tried to read him, to search for some form of an anwer. Macaques eyes were fixated on Mk, tired and large bags rested underneath his eerily still eyes. His jaw clenched and unclenched while his body remained tense. His tail not moving an inch instead limp against his leg.
Mk couldnt make out what any of it could mean, why he would look so ready to accept help only to throw it all away at the smallest sign of danger instead of taking that leap of faith. One that Mk was willing to guide him through. If he had to hold the damn monkeys hand to do so he would have.
lfm MK is too compassionate for his own good. he’ll see that one small spark of goodness inside of someone and try and help them all he can. only stopping when he’s at his breaking point. its. hes too good for his own good and it ends up hurting him. hes pushed away hes ignored but he still holds out that olive branch. a hand out for the other person to take if they’d only accept it.
and macaque is a foil to that.
he wont accept help. hes accepted his fate and if he cant get himself out of something, a situation. then its hopeless. why would someone else help him? its not like they care, no one does. no one is capable to caring for the six eared macaque bc thats just how it is. thats just the cards fate has dealt him. no matter how much he might want a home or a family he wont have it. at leeast thats what he thinks.
cause he maniulated mk yes. he did im not ignoring that at all in lfm. im just using it as fuel to the fire. how can i redeem someone who has caused so much pain. show his side of the story, show his mentallity. it doesnt justify anything but it sheds light on WHY.
mk is….naive, in a sense. that main character that thinks he can help everyone if he just tries hard enough. but thats not real life. you cant help everyone if they dont accept help.
if they dont accept help or let themselves get better then they never will.
and macaque was so close, he saw a glimmer of light at the end of the dark and long tunnel as Mk reached out that hand to help him. but then lbd got involved and resurfaced his self destrctive behaviors.
and then here mk stands, feeling betrayed when he really shouldnt. he saw something small, something unreachable. he just wanted to help
and now hes paying the price for being too kind, for reaching out and trying to help someone to fixed in thier own toxicity that mk isnt the person to get him out. if macaque wants to be better he needs to walk throuhg that door on his own.no one can make him move. no matter how much they yell or scream, macaque is the one who commands his legs to walk.
genuinly think mk and mac bonded during that week or however long mac and mk trained. even as mac first intended to use mk for his powers and take them in the end he ended up liking this stupid bright kid.
but then sswk got involved and he went rigth back to his old spiteful angry and vengeful self. nothing else mattered other then his revenge. besides, this kid is nothing more then swks little student. hes not a friend, hes not macaques friend. in the end. he’ll leave, just like everyone does.
macaque has no hope for himself and thats why he keeps being so self destructive. why he does the things he does. doesnt justify shit, the things he did was still fucked up. but maybe if he just, took one step in the right direction, then two, three. maybe he can be better and make up for all of it.
this entire fic is and story is somewhat similar to arcane. where there are things you cant control. you might try and help but someone else comes up. theres something bigger at play then our own inner demons and flaws. those are only kindling feuling the fire that continues to burn you. its lbd’s schemes and plans of world domination that just keep fucking everyone up further, she’s using these flaws and explioting them. using mac bc he sees himself as hopeless and wont fight against her much, not like the heros. Mk and his compassion, hes too kind to actually do any real damage.
shes explioting it.
little does she know macaque and Mk have a looooong way to go in this fic.
also the dialouge “im not a fucking liar, unlike you!!” *chefs kiss* go off little monkey guy u deserve it.
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infizero · 15 days
pokespe reread: ruby & sapphire chapter - closing thoughts! 🔴🔵
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i've finally reached the end of the ruby & sapphire.... im now gonna start from the beginning and work my way back up to FRLG like i said i would!
first though, some overall thoughts!!
(also im gonna say right off the bat that i am only talking strictly ruby & sapphire here, not anything that happens in ORAS - i'll get to THAT when i get there. eventually - or any other arcs)
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ok first off i said i would talk about the way the narrative portrays norman once i had finished the whole arc. and now that i have.... yup its basically as i had already been feeling as i read. they dont know wtf they're doing with norman. sometimes it feels like they're so obviously portraying him as a threat and a bad person, but they just cannot accept that and keep trying to make him sympathetic.
and i dont think that giving norman more layers as a character is a bad thing! but you can just tell that when you learn that norman WAS going to give ruby permission to do contests before he ran away, or how norman gave up his shot at being a gym leader to pay for ruby's childish mistake, the intent is not to add layers to an otherwise unredeemable character. the intent is for the reader to go "oh, he's not so bad after all! he actually IS a good dad!"
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and thats. i mean i dont think i need to describe why thats horrible. the way norman treated ruby is unforgivable and he is NOT a character that should be so easily redeemed. they cant even portray his abuse without downplaying it!! like how do you depict norman beating his 11 year old child up in such horrible upsetting detail and then immediately have the other characters in the story undermine it and go "aww hes not such a bad dad after all!" RIGHT AFTER SAID ABUSE! it doesnt matter that norman was going to give ruby permission, it doesnt matter that he sacrificed for ruby when he was younger, none of that matters when its put up against norman BEATING THE FUCK OUT OF RUBY! (and like i already said in my norman analysis post, even the contest permission thing isnt that good of a deed bcuz it doesnt come with any actual change in behavior from norman)
all that to say, a very clearly abusive father is depicted here and yet the narrative is dead set on trying to make you think that his abuse isnt that bad and that hes actually a good guy deep down. which is just frankly gross and i really wish it had been handled better.
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secondly, i already said this but oh my god the thing with celebi is so fucking stupid. like this isnt even cause i want norman to have stayed dead, this is just objectively a stupid writing decision. you have these characters die and add so much drama and stakes to the story, and then at the last moment you reveal that ruby SOMEHOW had caught celebi back in johto and just???? had it with him THIS ENTIRE TIME and it never came up once?
and everything just magically gets fixed and the consequences of that are just not addressed. this is just bad writing im sorry. it happens so quickly and so nonsensically it instantly makes everything that happened feel so much less consequential.
and to be clear the problem isnt that it was solved with magic! this is pokemon after all lmao. the problem is that celebi was not set up AT ALL in the story. there was absolutely NO BASIS for this reveal so it feels completely random and like a terrible deus ex machina. needless to say in my personal canon this does not happen and everyone who died just stays dead lol. (maybe not steven. we'll see once i revisit ORAS, if he really needs to be alive then i can make an exception and just say he doesnt die in the first place here. but norman and courtney at the very least gotta stay dead like cmon man)
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third, here are my thoughts on how the narrative portrays ruby and sapphire's gender nonconformity overall (again, STRICTLY IN R&S) which ive been waiting to talk about!
i'll first say that i was nervous the whole time since i couldnt really remember how things were by the end, but im actually pleasantly surprised! i do have some criticisms which i'll go ahead and get out of the way first.
first of all, there is some weirdness with how sapphire is portrayed. most of the time she is tough and masculine but they occasionally hamfist in these moments where she's like "hey but i am a GIRL yknow. i can like cute things and have crushes and stuff" and it just feels. off
like im not SAYING that sapphire cant also have SOME interest in traditionally feminine things. but the way it's presented can make it feel a little like sapphire is really a "normal" (feminine) girl underneath it all and that her toughness and masculinity are all just a front. i dont think thats true and from the way they portray her other times i dont think that is supposed to be the takeaway. but it can feel like that sometimes
like it definitely feels like in contrast to ruby, they were scared to make sapphire TOO masculine without giving her certain traditional markers of femininity. yes she's like this but also look she's squealing over her crush on ruby! she is still a GIRL after all!
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this can be seen as well in her appearance - while i love her fangs and wild expressions, she is still depicted as this pretty feminine looking girl. she's skinny and fairly curvy, she's got long pretty eyelashes, she wears a short skirt, etc etc. (yes ik ruby made those clothes for her but on a meta level that IS what she has been chosen to wear. and i also know that they have to use the gameverse designs BELIEVE ME I KNOW. im just commenting on it)
and again irl none of this really matters ppl can do whatever they want gender-wise and presentation-wise. but this, being a story and all, is a conscious decision to create this character this way, which might i add was made by men. sapphire is remarkably brash and masculine and i dont want to undermine that, but it really feels like they were too scared to really go all the way and not add little "oh but shes still feminine in this way of course" disclaimers throughout the story
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another negative is that, while i do love ruby and sapphire's backstory, it does come with the unfortunate side effect of once again calling their gender nonconformity's genuineness into question.
having ruby and sapphire be a traditionally masculine little boy and a traditionally feminine little girl when they were kids, with seemingly no qualms about this, can make it feel like those are their "true selves" and that their gender nonconformity was ENTIRELY just bcuz of their trauma. as in, sapphire is ONLY masculine bcuz she wanted to get strong enough to protect herself and others, and deep down she actually is a feminine girl; ruby is ONLY feminine bcuz he was scared of hurting others with his strength, and deep down he actually is a masculine boy.
now this isnt actually true, and the narrative shows us this since in the little epilogue they're still acting in their usual gnc ways. but it does sow an unfortunate seed of doubt in the mind of the reader that really doesnt need to be there.
but with that out of the way lemme show some love for the positives of ruby and sapphire's portrayal bcuz i just love these guys so much
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first of all, it's never even so much as implied that ruby doesnt ACTUALLY like contests or sapphire doesnt ACTUALLY like battling. if the intended narrative really was that it was all a front post-trauma and they're actually gender-conforming deep inside, then this wouldn't be the case.
secondly, im really happy that the story ends with reaffirming these things about them!! by the end ruby is decorating sapphire's cave, fawning over cute plushies with his signature Gayass Face, and bragging about his skills brushing pokemon. and sapphire is still battling, running around with her dirty pokemon, and rolling her eyes at ruby's decor. this IS who they are. ruby IS feminine and sapphire IS masculine. the narrative does not let you think otherwise by the end
third of all, i just really appreciate them being portrayed like this at all. like i said sapphire's depiction could have been played a lot less safe, but she still is a pretty masculine character and she embodies a lot of qualities that werent rlly common for these characters at the time. she's freakishly strong, she's brash, and she's constantly running around being a hero to everyone she meets, in contrast to ruby not really fitting the label of hero at all (at least until the end)
and ruby is just so overtly feminine and well. queer. it's still astounding to me. ive said before, i obviously dont agree with everything kusaka's ever done, but i will always thank him for fighting against the editors to let pokemon have such a feminine male protagonist. that really means a lot, esp back in 2002!
ruby is a very flawed character (i mean that in a good way!) and it can sometimes feel like the narrative is laughing at him a bit, but at the same time he IS the protagonist and you are supposed to sympathize with him. and like i said before, there is never any reveal that actually ruby DOESNT like these feminine things and he was just forcing himself to after the salamence incident.
he just IS feminine, even by the end of the story after all his character development. that part of him is never depicted as something that he would be better off without, that's just who he is! even after beginning to battle again. and i appreciate that!
alright and finally. just some notes on how ruby and sapphire's romance is portrayed. i've already said a lot of this but i wanted to repeat it here
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basically, OVERALL i like how their romance is written. i love franticshipping, i think they're so cute and i love how they've got the whole opposites attract, enemies to lovers thing going on
i think kusaka overall does a good job of showing them starting to care more about each other in a way that feels well written, but then sometimes he just throws in some stupid cliche fanfiction bullshit that completely disrupts the slow burn going on.
the perfect example of this is the scene where sapphire rushes into granite cave to save ruby:
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the way that she just instantly bolts into danger without thinking the second she realizes hes in trouble already tells you SO MUCH about how far their relationship has come and how much she cares about him, just on its own.
but then kusaka apparently decides that this isnt enough and he needs to really make it obvious, so he slaps in this weird moment that feels really off tone-wise:
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like this is a dangerous situation! its tense! being treated seriously! and then all of the sudden we're hit with this comedic cliche little "it's not like i like him or anything!!1!" moment that just feels really forced. esp since brawly literally just called ruby a friend of hers. i'd take sapphire getting embarrassed/defensive at ruby being called for her friend, but there is no reason she needs to just flat out go "it's not like i have a BIG FAT CRUSH ON HIM!!" like girl. no one was saying that. what are you exposing yourself for 😭
this happens a couple other times where these random moments of making it extremely obvious that ruby and sapphire like each other are unnecessarily inserted into their otherwise slowburn romance. and it just doesnt need to be there man. the story would be much better off without these moments, if we JUST got the subtle displays of care, some blushing, etc leading up to the eventual confession. like that just makes it so much more engaging!! rather than just straight up telling the audience "they like each other!" like ik this IS for kids but damn bro cmon let me figure that out myself with my brain 😭
i also think that ruby forcefully preventing sapphire from helping him save the world near the end should have had more attention drawn to it. like ik he was just trying to protect her but i think sapphire should've been allowed to get mad at him for that!! at the very least i think it should've been brought up in the aftermath and ruby should've apologized or something. it just feels like sapphire's agency was totally stripped from her in the climax of the story and because it's never addressed, the narrative basically says that there was nothing wrong with ruby doing this.
(hmm wow ruby ignoring sapphire's agency and doing things "for her own good" without actually consulting her? that feels..... familiar........
oh god. it's right behind me isn't it
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ACK. BACK FOUL DEMON. it's not your time..... not yet....)
but yes, other than these moments, i think their romance is well-written. they are just sooooo freaking cute i love them so so much. this arc may not be flawless (none of them are lol) but it did give the world charmer ruby and conqueror sapphire so. let's end on that.
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overall i really enjoyed rereading thru ruby & sapphire with a new perspective now that im older, and i cant wait to do so with the rest of pokespe!!!
see you all next time for whenever i finish rereading RGB!
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repl1c4nt · 2 months
ffxvi desperately tries to grapple with its identity as a final fantasy game while also trying to be something the series has never been before (m rated game of thronesesque dark fantasy) and honestly i think that internal conflict really is what kills the game most because it is at its best when it sheds its expectations as a final fantasy title and becomes its own thing with gripping political drama and high stakes in a less world-ending way. ultima kills just about all intrigue the story builds up which is especially disappointing because Annabella worked incredibly well as the games primary antagonist.. her and olivier were fumbled severely imo you cant get any cooler than THE! dion lesage having an actual unspoken war with a 10 yo
there was no reason (in my opinion!!!!!!!!!) to bring ultima into the mix and change the stakes so rapidly and drastically. wow this man is being manipulated by his evil cousin fucking wife into dragging the entire continent into a pointless war all while theres disloyalty stirring among the knights dragoon led by his OWN son but its all just ultima. like ok whatever but annabella would have made a vastly more interesting antagonist liek :P but of course it has a long history of intergalatic threats (usually god adjacent) that Should be the antagonists because its what final fantasy is. stakes larger than life, epic battles and flashy effects, i know i keep comparing ffxvi to heavensward, and i generally dont do that when criticizing games but i feel like its warrented for this: how thordan functions as an antagonist and final boss vs ultima
i think the most obvious difference is thordan is there and apparent since the beginning however ultima serves roughly the same purpose as lahabrea the background scheming ever-present force manipulating the game however lahabrea is merely a conduit by which thordan achieves his goal of being the god-king and not the surprise twist antagonist there to shed every character of their interesting appeal. barnabas suffers the most from this being easily the most interesting man here (i struggle to really say id like to see more of barnabas given what we do see of him is.............Well)but no matter what glimpses of his psyche we do get the allure is non existent because hes not a character in any meaningful way hes Just an extra limb to ultima who ultimately serves no narrative purpose besides saying cryptic things and be a boss fight (admittedly his fight is good. maybe the most ive struggled in the game which i mean as a compliment that dps check was brutal barely made it through by the skin of my neck spamming max potions when i could and relying solely on lb haha) where lahabrea acts as the mysterious force pushing the plot along hes only relegated to a dungeon boss as opposed to a trial because narratively it isnt lahabrea who wants this its thordan. its by his own hands that his god king form is achieved he feels like an actual character... barnabas is there to serve vague exposition that only goes barely explained by the end of 16
olivier and annabellas roles as antagonists feel more complete and thought out than the actual main 'villain' which is really disappointing, because any intrigue built by the conflict in Sanbreque is dashed when dion was simply wrong and olivier was ultima the whole time ooooooh
joshuas entire sideplot is relegated to following ultima similar to cloud but with none of the intrigue because we dont know Anything about ultima. hes only introduced to the plot as some vague concept joshua has an unexplained connection to (btw we still dk how/why joshua 'trapped' ultima in his heart/soul/whatever becos. none of it is elaborated on. i tried too i was hoping for an ff7og type hidden revelation if i did jotes side quests too but no....... i looked yall i tried i did
not to mention how joshua survivng kind of killed clives arc for me.. L3+R3 to accept the truth was kind of badass as fuck... too bad it doesnt matter and theres no truth for clive to accept joshua was never dead. clives arcs are perpetually meaningless. internal conflict about this power hes been given that could change the world for the better.. or worse and he could (and has) hurt/killed the ones he loves.. well doesnt matter joshua is alive and ifrit has caused no real harm to people who matter..
i remember talking to my irl, they were going off about fe3h about how the trailers built up political intrigue and expectation that was dashed when it all turned out to be villains behind the curtain manipulating everything with no foreshadowing and yeah... yeah
ultima was so poorly handled to me, nothing about his buildup felt coherent to me and all it did was serve to distract me from what i was genuinely enjoying (dominant political dramas) i really dislike it all.. god i wish there was more, theres a dlc coming out about leviathan, you might have honestly forgotten about leviathan because it was a single line of dialogue with no explanation build up or payoff. if you want to know why joshua namedropped leviathan and then moved on like it never existed pay square enix extra money and hopefully this wont be utter bullshit too lol.
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sloppyplanetary · 2 years
rickorty review s3e6 rest and ricklaxation
aka the slimy gilf episode, and one of my favorites. they absolutely fucked behind the scenes in this one.
very beginning of the episode, morty’s boutta ask jessica out, but rick interrupts them. jealous old man.
says a lot about their partnership that rick trusted morty to fly the ship in a near death experience. and when they were both freaking the fuck out afterwards, morty said “why do you keep doing this to us”, another confirmation morty views them as a duo. rick and morty a hundred years. ricks reply with “maybe i hate myself, maybe i think i deserve to die”, only morty gets to hear vunerable shit like that. throwback to the time he took morty with him to go try to get unity back.
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the duality of man lmaooo. rick’s a very all or nothing person in the first place. he either shits on morty and pushes him away or he submits himself to the terrifying ordeal of being known and loved and loving in return. both options are bad options to him and he’s fuckn miserable lmao. maybe you should make out with your grandson and you’d calm down
when mortys seducing that chick at the bar, she goes “aren’t you a child” and he goes “only in the ways that matter.” morty’s a fuckn canon teleiophile aint he. his planet girlfriend in s5 was older too, and jessica looks older by a year or so even if they share a class. and those mermaids he lost his virginity to in the citadel episode? doubt they were younger teens. and the girl he's with at the end of the episode was older too. got a type, morty? anything ya want to share with the class?
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possesive rick, anyone?
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morty looked at his dick again lmaooo this is the uhh second on screen time now, maybe third. also, shoutout to rick peacocking for morty, like he does every other episode. he acts like he doesnt care about anyone’s opinion, but he obviously hold some weight to morty’s.
and then, of course, comes the shit fans have been analyzing since this episode dropped.
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look at how deep his fuckn frown is. him gently cradling morty in his arms. soft.
this all happened because healthy!rick realized his love for morty belonged to toxic!rick. he doesn’t view his love for summer or beth as toxic- he’s sweet to them and offers to cook and doesn’t otherwise mention it. but morty? if he had it his way, his love for morty would be gone. partially due to it being romantic, partially due to fear- rick is an all or nothing thinker, but he’s also an all or nothing lover. once he falls, that’s it, it won’t go away, and rejection hurts. diane, bird person, unity- those all hurt the shit out of him. as of season 3, no way in hell does he want to fall in love again. but the heart wants what it wants, old man. and, on some level, he does recognize that what he and morty has is toxic, feelings aside- he doesnt come to fully actualize it until s5, but there’s no fuckn way he’s not aware.
the detoxifier took out everything the person views as bad, and kept everything the person views as good. doting on his family? good. god complex? bad. higher regard for personal safety? good. verbally abusing morty? bad. helping people? good. loving morty? bad. it’s interesting how he considers every part of how he interacts with morty wrong- both the shitting on him, and the caring about him.
and on to morty- healthy!morty tells rick he loves him. he doesn’t seem to expect a response, which is good, because healthy!rick doesnt reply. the machine took out morty’s low self esteem, it took out his willingness to follow rick, it took out most negative emotions, it took out his good feelings towards technology (”i downgraded to a clamshell.”), and it took out his codependence. he views his need to stay with rick as toxic. he’s not wrong, but he’s not fully convinced, either. because ultimately, when rick had jessica call him at the end of the episode, he didn’t hang up. he knew he was being traced, it was the first thing he told jessica- so if he didn’t want to be found, he wouldn’t have picked up the phone in the first place. and what happened to having a clamshell? he was leaving his trail wide open. and i have a fuckn hunch it was from him watching toxic!rick sacrifice himself for morty. he stands there blankfaced during the whole thing, but this is the first time he actually sees this happen. the time collar, the prison, it wasn’t the same. he knows that on some level, rick cares about him enough to prioritize him in a life or death situation. maybe he brushed this off, thought it was different because of the detoxifier, but i’d bet it stuck with him.
I fuckn love that whole scene where jessica tells morty that rick kept drunk dialing her and crying about morty being gone- lets be real, rick couldve tracked morty down at any time. maybe he was waiting for morty to come back. maybe he needed time to come to terms with realizing his toxic half had love for morty. either way, he reacted exactly the same way he did in the vindicators episode- getting shitfaced and crying over presumed rejection from morty. yeah, he’s fuckn whipped, regardless of whether or not he wants to be, or whether or not he’ll admit it.
rickorty rating: 10/10
one of the juiciest rickorty episodes.
honorable mentions:
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naw, we all did too.
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