#open mindedness
purity-in-heart · 3 months
Ffs people
I know we're on the internet, I know we normally can't see the other person's face, but they're still people! Male and female users alike should still be respected. So show some restraint or be patient. Don't be rude, don't be demanding, and make sure you're not saying something so sexual that it's discomforting. Even if there's a small chance you'll cross the line with what you say, think on it or don't do it at all. It's not difficult. I just ran into at least three or four posts addressing overly sexual asks or replies and DMs by an audience member who is so impatient or out of patience that he got mad, when it's not somebody refusing to take 'no' for an answer - Which is another issue, btw; NO MEANS NO. It's commonsense, just be respectful and open-minded. And accepting 'no' as a response is the most basic form of commonsense, I shouldn't have to explain this! I'm being nice, here. I'm literally exercising respect and open-mindedness right now, because I could easily call you specific people idiots or cowards, but I'm not, because you're people, too, and I'm considering the possibility that insulting you will just make you wanna tune out without learning from your mistakes first. The worst thing I can say right now is the truth that I've seen people on here, especially, leave because of the pressure brought by people who have no patience or others who tell female users about their shlong just because they're female or based on their content. Is that what you really want? Is risking or overstepping one's boundaries really worth it?
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the-healing-mindset · 5 months
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The only thing needed now is your openness. You are well on your way to getting the things you want!
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ghoulsencyclopedia · 8 months
Bay Leaf
Open Mindedness
Self Awareness
Anti Inflammatory
Respiratory Aid
Digestive Aid
Stress Reducer
Heart Health
Solar Plexus, Third Eye
Yellow, Green
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quote-bomber · 2 years
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speakeasydesigns · 1 year
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I really like this dress; it makes me feel cute. You know, I did a craft fair once and had patches of this design. A woman came up to my booth and seemed interested. She pointed it out to her friend, and they looked at it for awhile. I said to them, "if you like the design, I also have it on some dresses and sweaters." She said, "I don't like it. I think it's scary."
I actually named this design "open mindedness" because if you open your eyes and open your heart, you'll open your mind too. I just thought it was kind of ironic. Any feedback helps though so I'm glad she was honest. Blunt, but honest.
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Why is it that there is this one cErTaIn type of ppl which just absolutely makes me wanna DEFENESTRATETHEM.
Lemme explain.
*deep sighs*
"LITERALLY ILLITERATE" people, or people with academic degrees or people who belong to the educated sector but are STILL UNEDUCATED in the matters of normal human things.
or as we say in hindi, 'padhe likhe ganwar'
for example, people who- "oh, yes I did go to the college of blah for blah degree and I know what is the world like, bu- is that their daughter? WhAt IsShE WeaRiNg?!" WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT LOOK AWAY IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE
"oh yes, we ARE vErY OpeN mIndED, we alLoW women in our house to work........but she should know how to cook too :)...yk....it's her kitchen.." y-you allow? who?
"Well, it's the 21st century, why do y'all need feminism now?, but I gotta teach it so meh." *inhales* you are a teacher to young kids, USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN.
"wha-what? oh these are your kids? ah, *looks around* OnLy twO DAUgHtErS..???" NO WERE YOU EXPECTING A SPORTS TEAM??!!
"i have a son, he can be a brother to you yk, cuz you are only two sisters." YOU KEEP HIM, THANKS :)
my brain: *🔥RAGE LEVEL 101: DEFENSTRATE 🔥 *
THE "we are only open minded when we want to".
The people whose degrees are wasted on them.
you may be smart on paper, but you'll never be anything more than that in my eyes.
just a paper perfect person.
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oftengrok · 1 year
You may not know this but you created an unfathomably complex game with incredibly high stakes to play against yourself. When you entered this game, you forgot and got lost. So you sent yourself in to help and save yourself. Be of service to others and have integrity. Otherwise you won't progress and you are only fooling yourself.
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lovesinistra · 2 years
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pierrenosekai-en · 17 days
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Why you should be an open-minded person
I am travelling Japan since over 10 years. Sometimes even twice. There was not a single time, that I couldn't discover something new I didn't know before. I came across several people and always had to realign my thought and ideas. Often what I was expecting was different or totally wrong.
So it is that excitement of learning something new and expanding my horizon, what keeps me open-minded.
But last year I even discovered some shadow sides (online and as I travelled in Japan). Not about Japan, of course. Some people experience racism and generalize. This kind of group punishment is not open-minded. A country and the people of a country are never racist. Only certain people are. Anyway, back to the story.
There was a man in Fukuyama approaching my Japanese wife and asking her why she is not married to a Japanese man and there was a person online naming lots of stereotypes of Germany and behaving extremely rude, being full of prejudice.
Both of them had in common, that they have never been abroad. They never widened their pond and were living on fiction instead of facts.
To be honest, you can experience such persons all over the world. There are a lot of Germans, telling with confidence how Japan is, despite the fact, that they themselves had never been traveling to Japan. Sometimes they are even mixing up the Chinese, Korean and Japanese culture, and it is not even limited to culture.
There are lots of people who think they know exactly how a vaccine is working, despite the fact that they have never read a scientific paper from a trusted source or have any academic background in that field.
And from time to time it might even happen that I myself do not have the whole information I need to judge a situation correctly.
Example: You are at work, you are handing over a project, but your colleague cannot use your project. It is working perfectly fine on your computer but what you do not know is, that the colleague has a different hardware setup. You might find yourself thinking that the person, you were giving that project must be incompetent, when in fact you were incompetent, because you missed that very piece of information.
So I think from time to time we all are trapped in a narrow-minded thinking. From time to time it is great to talk to other people, to gain more knowledge, to read more documentation and books and to extend your horizon even further.
Every piece of knowledge is a win to your character, as it makes you lesser vulnerable for prejudice and gives you more opportunities to personally grow.
I was once thinkig I could never fly to Japan, because I had a fear of height. I only had an imagination of Japan, which was build by media. With lots of stereotypes as well. As I set my foot on Japanese ground, I learned so many new things about what Japan really is, that I completely fell in love with that country. That was all, because I met that very special person (my wife). She was open-minded, travelled in Europa and America and was open for new ideas. That is the foundation of our love and why even though we are a cross-cultural couple, we are married since over 10 years.
So being open-minded is exciting. It is opening your world for lots of exciting journeys.
That narrow-minded person of Fukuyama is a sad character. He was not quite popular, because no one at that place wanted to talk to him. So it was rather sad for him. If he would be open-minded, he would have more friends and opportunities. Maybe his life would have been very different then.
So please always stay open-minded
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pandemicarsondaily · 3 months
what you think is right today
you may think is wrong tomorrow
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mitchismirage · 4 months
The Healthy Open Mind
I am a big believer in loyalty; however, there are times when it is detrimental to us as individuals and to society as a whole. We are so into placing labels on ourselves, others and everything and anything we come across that we have locked ourselves into boxes. These labels can include religion, politics, clubs, and so much more. We falsely believe that when we place these labels on ourselves…
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solitalien · 5 months
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Why is it that people can never leave anything alone? I have seen video after video of people giving their opinions on certain subjects that I feel do not need to be a controversial subject, whether that be LGBT, different cultures, or different beliefs. Why can’t we all just agree that we have different opinions and move on. Also why do you have to say anything? I’m fully aware that it is to bring awareness but shoving it down my throat won’t make me care or change. Just annoyed.
I don’t have to like you to have respect for you. I don’t have to agree with you to be on the same page with you. We all need to learn that the things that we care about, are for us to care about and that if we are willing to share, and want to share an opinion, understand that some people will not share the same opinion that you do. Agree to disagree agree. Find a middle ground. Learn and move on.
It’s called being open minded.
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holisticbudo · 5 months
Time To Wonder
There is not enough wonder in the world anymore. There are too many answers and not enough open-ended questions. Not everything needs to be or should be known to everyone all of the time. Sometimes it is better to not know certain things. Some things are better left a mystery or a curiosity. Knowing anything and everything you want and having the answer to every single question, does not…
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speakeasydesigns · 1 year
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This is my "Open Mindedness" shirt. Open heart, open eyes, open mind. $25 USD +Shipping. If you'd like a shirt custom made, I take commissions & I'm one DM away from getting that started for you.
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