#oopsies im saying this on main
stars-and-loops · 2 years
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
yk i was having trouble writing tllr chapter 12 because Dew is sick with a fever in the beginning and i just,, idk felt uninspired or something because im not the biggest fan of sickfics or whatever
well now i’m sick with a fever and it’s helll so sorry Dew im gonna have to put you through this now my bad 👍👍 at least i am now inspired
if this post makes no sense it’s because my brain hurts and i’m tired 👍👍👍
#i’m fine it’s just kinda funny#like last night i was writing ahead to chapter 14 because i was stuck on chapter 12 cuz i didn’t know how to write it#and now i’m sick with a fever just like Dew hahahaha sorry buddy but we’re in this together now 👍👍👍 and it’s 105 idk if that’s normal#at least it’s giving me inspiration and i am no longer stuck on it#but i’m too sick to fucking write it!!!! i wanna write uhhgjjfjdjd#ok im done#well actually i had the craziest dream last night#it was about this new animated movie that doesn’t exist and i was watching it/ acting it out as the main character and it was so fucking#cool like i was flyingggg!!! i was a weird purple creature with wings and was flying just like dew it was fucking awesome#like there were so many really cool characters with really creative designs and the antagonist was a weird giant bug who could also fly#so he was chasing me around in the air and it was so cool i was so fast flying around like in a minecraft elytra course#i love vivid dreams like that that feel real and like after the movie was finished i posted on tumblr about how much i loved this new#netflix animated movie and my mutuals were there and also thought it was cool#anyway it was fun i love flying in my dreams i feel so free.. unlike Dewey oopsie sorry buddy#deweyeyeyeye ur so silly i love him SO MUCH#ok im gonna shut up now#wyrms says stuff#fever#fever dream#if i tagged this as irl whump would i also have to tag it as minor whump hahahhaha#idk i wanna play roblox with my mutuals again#mutuals if ur reading this u can literally bother me to play video games all day every day because the answer will always#be an enthusiastic YESS!!!!#i should watch nightmare time today#no dumbass i should REST dumbass ehehheehe#i’m being so annoying again sorry everyone 😼😼😼😼
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lovely-showtimes · 7 months
i'm in a very vicious cycle of wanting to write more characters than just tsukasa/wxs all the time -> not feeling confident in my ability to write them in character -> not having enough motivation to go and read other events that arent just wxs ones
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Can someone please explain to me if this new editing team making changes or smth whatever the fuck for Ubisoft is a good thing or not
#CUZ LIKE IM SALTY#look. look. all i want is to play as a woman#i am so so sooooooo simple#like no one talks abt evie BUT I LIVED EVIE OK.#no one talks abt aya and i didnt care for Aya but its ok cuz Bayek was just that good ngl#KASSANDRA I MEAN MUST I SAY MORE#EIVOR DO I EVEN HAVE TO MENTION#what im saying is#just gimme a woman to move#gimme a woman to force to run and circles and make my roomie mad when i play cuz she gets motion sickness#plz plz#like plz plz#like pl–#jesus literally ill deal with odysseys bs pf making it IMPOSSIBLE to play the main quest only#ill deal eith mmm i forget what i didnt like aby Valhalla other than that joke of an ending lmao#no rlly like how does it end but not rlly end it just kinda fades out like oh soma is dead oopsie ahaaaaaa....#thats it u cant lie and tell me the end actually felt like an end#but anyways#ILL TAKE THAT. ILL TAKE JACOB KINDA BEING ???? COMPARED TO EVIE CUZ THE MAN JUST??? DOESNT ASSASSIN???#WHICH I LUV DONT GET ME WRONG#FUCK IF ELISE WAS PLAYABLE YK HOW MUCH I WOULD HAVE LOST MY SHIT#just GIMME A WOMANNNNNN#anyways tgats my ac rant also i have to reply origins one day but yea ummmmm aya wasnt likeable :/ srry#they did her dirty and made her parts like so annoying u didnt want to play her even when u got the chance#at least for me#qnd i vaguely remeber that she technically killed the guy who got the son killed??#which i was like ??? shouldn't bayek??#i thought like aya was able to move on more than bayek so it was kinda crucial to bayeks growth that he got that kill but i digress#i barely remember origins#might be wrong
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asleepyy · 6 months
Hello! Popping in your inbox for no other reason than to say I STILL LOVE YOUR COMIC SO MUCH and I look forward to every update! I'm so intrigued by the Armageddon era of the comic and all your clever alterations. Still reeling over Jophiel dressing like I did in elementary school. No notes, stellar.
I don't have notifs on for Tumblr on my phone EXCEPT for when you post. So your art is often what greets me in the morning, be it a new part or new art or a reblog or anything else. Great way to start a day.
Also I really want to write more oopsie fics but we shall see if the muse strikes. Guess I'll have to reread the whole thing again as "research" oh no....
Anyway that's all love you byyyeeee ✨️
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i've never been in a fanbase as loving and giving as the good omens one, i barely even know what to say at this point without sounding like a broken record!! THANK YOU < 3 it rly is my main drive to keep making stuff ;, ) INEFFABLE DOLL I LOVEEEE UR FICS!! i reread practically all the oopsie fics like once a week because... im a softie and i cant help it i love everyone's writing
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Please tell me more about your human welcome home au 👀
!! gladly!!
i don't remember what i said in the first - and like... only lmao - post about it so if i restate some things! fuckign oopsie! (a lot of this is just Barnaby &/or Wally asbdjasj im sorry) also this got! so fucking long!
~ (im gonna talk about their middle/highschool years a lot so keep in mind the time frame is late 90s / early 2000s. they graduate high in either 2006/2007. so. yk. obvious warning for homophobia, transphobia, etc)
fun lil thing no.1)
so Barnaby & Wally briefly meet for the first time in the summer before 7th grade. the town Barnaby grows up & goes to school in isn't tiny, but it's not huge either. - i don't have a very good frame of reference for how many students are typically in a school, bc in both my middle/high there was at least nearly 2k of us. - so we'll just say it's smaller than that - a respectable, normal size, however many students that is. but Barnaby's school rarely, if ever, got any new kids.
so Wally randomly appeared on the edge of the Beagle farm one day, staring directly at Barnaby from across the fields. before Barnaby could go say hi, Wally vanished - but! on the first day of 7th grade, they wound up sharing a class. ofc within the day Wally was known as not only the new kid, but a weird kid at that. for the first week he sat next to a kid who had zeroed in on that and was an ass about it. Barnaby - already having an established rep as class clown & also widely well-liked by his peers - would try to stand up for Wally (from across the room) whenever that kid was being a dick to Walls in front of the class
by the end of that first week, seating arrangements were shifted, and Barnaby was seated next to Wally for the first semester instead. ofc the moment Barnaby sat down, he tried to strike up conversation and cracked a killer joke. and Wally, as we all know, doesn't laugh. he doesn't even blink! it rattles Barnaby to his core - not everyone laughs at his jokes, but there's always some kind of reaction!
class begins before Barnaby can be like "hey that. that was a joke. you're supposed to laugh". the whole hour all he can think about is the strange new kid next to him Who Didn't React To Barnaby's Joke. when the bell rings, Barnaby lingers as Wally (very slowly) packs up to go to his next class and walks him there. on the way he explains the joke, and Wally does the whole "oh. ha ha." thing. this all makes Barnaby very late to his next class (he's usually very punctual and never late - he doesn't want to disappoint his mama!) but for once he does not care.
Barnaby has been struck with this soul-deep need to get a genuine reaction out of Wally. he needs to make that guy actually laugh. it's all he can think about. he seeks Wally out for lunch, tries to find him after school (can't), looks for him in the halls. and to be clear! this is all very platonic! well, ok, these two kinda muddle the line BUT they have no romantic interest in each other. Barnaby just... really wants to be the new kid's friend. he wants to make him laugh. it's a friendship crush! platonic yearning! an inescapable desire to please & be accepted! he wants Wally's approval so so badly!
basically, Barnaby says "you're the weirdest person i've ever met (affectionate, intrigued, entranced)" and Wally replies "thank you (proud)"
fun lil thing no.2)
in my mind, Barnaby was a small kid. he was one of those kids who seemed like they were either gonna stay short, or just barely reach average height. he got his main growth spurt when he was like.... 16. it was very sudden. he lived the classic trope of "teen gets way taller over the summer and startles everyone on the first day of school". im talkin he goes from around 5'7 to 6'3. shoots right up like bamboo! and he's still not full height yet! mf is gonna cap out at 6'6!
on the flip side, Howdy was always just. so tall. he was that kid who towered over his peers from the start! ofc he got teased relentlessly for it (along with the transatlantic accent he started talking w/ at a young age and refuses to stop - among other eccentricities), but yk. he already got constant comments from his huge family about it, so he grew a thick skin pretty early on.
Poppy, on the other hand - the last of the three giants - had it worse than both of them! she wasn't outright taller than Howdy, and didn't have a sudden growth spurt like Barnaby, but steadily grew over the years until she was the tallest teen in town. this hit her hard bc not only did it draw unwanted attention to her & make her a target, but it made her dysphoria way worse (Poppy doesn't realize she's trans until highschool, and then doesnt medically transition until her early 20s)
but! once she started getting super tall, Howdy essentially glued himself to her a la "we tall guys gotta stick together!" a classic 'extrovert adopts introvert' thing. Poppy had no say in the matter.
fun lil thing no.3)
everyone's family sucks - except for Barnaby's, Howdy's, and Eddie's. well, mostly Eddie's. in my head they meant well but just... didn't really see the harm they were doing to him. he never spoke up, and they never saw him deeper than surface level.
but Frank's family? horrible. eugh. he was the school's "out gay kid" - not of his own choice! his peers picked up on it because it was very obvious. then the teachers heard, and let his parents know because of course they did, etc etc. Frank's home life was already shitty, and then getting outed (without any real proof or confirmation) made it a hundred times worse. he was a pretty depressed teen (emo Frank lets go) with mild anger issues & a habit for picking fights. but anyway on his eighteenth birthday he packed up his essentials into a backpack, escaped out the back, and never returned.
and Julie's siblings were alright, but their parents and grandparents were all very ~traditional~. it wasn't as rough as Frank's - it was more of a neglectful, passive-aggressive "you're all disappointments' household. ex: Jonesy was known as the local pothead & dealer, and his parents essentially pretend he's not part of the family despite him living in their basement. Bea had a bad (untrue) reputation, Franny was the goth weirdo who people blamed for their problems, etc. and then Julie was always different from "normal girls", and so her parents chalked her up as a mistake as well. but hey! at least the sibs were in it together! and the parents didn't care if Frank stayed over!
Poppy's family was great up until her parents caught her trying on a skirt Sally had made for her. it was a horrible, terrible downhill slide from there. they forced her to join the basketball team, made her keep her door open at all times, etc. for a while she couldn't even see her friends, though eventually they started sneaking in through her window & passing her notes in class. messaging in a 'secret' chatroom yk how it is. Poppy never directly stood up to her parents (very understandable & valid) but she rebelled in small ways. lying about having an after-school thing so that she could be with her friends, convincing her parents to let her go to a study group when in reality she'd be having a girls' night with Sally & Julie & Julie's sisters @ the Beagle farm.
Sally's family was similar to Julie's in that they were more lukewarm towards her than outright abusive. they thought she was too loud, too flamboyant, too expensive, too obvious, pretty much too everything. they wanted her to be normal - Sally wanted to stand on the roof and wax (loud) poetic about damsels. she wasn't outright bullied for being gay like Frank was, but it was certainly a common rumor that she was a lesbian. as a result, most of the girls at school wanted nothing to do with her, and the guys loved to provide commentary on the subject. her parents tried their best to ignore that truth and acted like she was totally straight. sure. still, Sally always refused to compromise on who she was, and treated it all like a mild annoyance. totally didn't hurt her at all. yep. (sarcasm)
there isn't anything known about Wally's family. not even Barnaby knows about them. the group tossed theories around (amongst themselves) over the years - was he an orphan? foster kid? was his family / home life so horrific that he doesn't want anyone to know? all they know is that he became an emancipated minor as young as legally possible and started living in Home, his (admittedly very spacious & high quality) RV. and they didn't even know about that until their junior year except for Frank
on the other side of the coin!
Ms. Beagle was the friend group's favorite adult growing up. the Beagle Farm was a common refuge & hangout spot for them, and Ms. Beagle let all of Barnaby's strange & delightful little friends know that there's always a guest room open for them, should they ever need it. and as a respected member of the community (and provider for the best chicken eggs in town), anyone who tried to speak up against the kids was Immediately shut the fuck down. Ms. Beagle took no shit. if people were talking ill about that "group of depraved teenage fuckups" and Ms. Beagle turned the corner, all conversation would cease until she was well out of earshot. she likes to say that she has 6 kids, all of whom she loves dearly and is very proud of <3
Howdy's family is too damn big to care. not in a neglectful way, just in a "oh, you're friends with... who was it again? Franz? invite him over to dinner someti- STOP PUNCHING YOUR BROTHER-" there's too much chaos, too many things to keep track of to care if Howdy's friends are gay, or trans, or absolutely fucking bizarre. they'll blend right in! Howdy could bring them over for dinner without telling his family and none of them would blink twice! Howdy mentioned that his friends have bad home lives Once and his parents immediately insisted that he bring them over for next week's thanksgiving so that they don't have to deal with that during what should be a holiday. thus began the All Six Of Us + Ms. Beagle + Franny/Bea/Jonesy Attend The Pillar Family Thanksgiving. its incredibly chaotic every time. there's so many fucking people. they're too busy fighting for survival (bread rolls) to bother with manners or awkwardness. every time they leave feeling like they fought a war. none of the friend group has missed a single year.
fun thing no.idontremember!
Wally & Barnaby have had three fights. each are catastrophic and threatened to tear the friend group apart. because those two are closer than anyone - they are each others person. they would both rather chug rat poison than willingly hurt each other. and while Barnaby - a pretty easygoing guy - can get riled up, Wally... really can't. he's never angry. even things that Should make him angry only make him confused or sad. he's too kind, too earnest, a bit of a pushover. he'll just take it with a smile.
so when Wally stands his ground, they all know shit is going tf down. code red, everyone brace. and if he stands his ground against Barnaby? pack a fucking go-bag and ditch town until the storm blows over.
the first time was when Barnaby found out that Wally lives in a damn RV. Wally got weirdly defensive about it, Barnaby was upset that Wally never even told him but somehow Frank knew (he had a bad night & couldn't go home, Julie was unavailable, and Wally found him and took him to the RV for the night) & that Wally is living alone in an RV at all, etc etc - it was a huge fight. & it just kept getting worse. when Barnaby tried to get Wally to move to the farm - that was the first time he's ever heard Wally snap at anyone, let alone him. and since the friend group is fully established at this point, and they're all hopelessly entangled in each others' lives, it affects all of them. sides have to be chosen - there is no neutral party on this. Wally ended up vanishing for a week without a word, and his RV vanished from where it had been parked thus far. the group was in shambles. when Wally turned back up, he actively avoided them all. it took Barnaby tracking down the rv and not leaving until Wally talked to him to have a conversation and fix things. but hey! the disaster actually helped them get even closer!
the second fight was when Barnaby had to go back to the Beagle Farm for their second year of community (Ms. Beagle had a minor accident and needed his help running the farm). Wally wanted to drop out too & go with him, and it turned into a big deal of Barnaby trying to get him to stay while Wally gets unusually pushy & upset about it. the fight wasn't nearly as bad as the RV one, and was more just sad/distressing, but it was still a fight. they parted on less than stellar terms, which they both felt horrible about. Wally has to go through the last year of community alone - he hasn't been alone in many years at this point, and since they met he's never been without Barnaby.
the third fight comes many years later, and this one is the worst. the friend group has all graduated university(those that attended), they're living in the same town, Barnaby & Wally (technically) share a house, Eddie is part of the group now. once again, its over everyone's favorite RV, Home. Home is very old at this point - Wally has had it for around 15 years, and he didn't get it new, and it's been through a lot. Wally is still half living in it, even though it's starting to fall apart. Barnaby brings up the notion that maybe it's time to send the old thing off to a dump, or find a way to put it in storage. they can't keep up the upkeep. it's time to say goodbye to it. Wally flips his fucking lid - or his version of it, anyway. because, uh. no. absolutely fucking not. it's already a very touchy subject, and emotions rise fast. Wally initially shuts down the conversation immediately. over the next week or so, few weeks maybe, tension between Barnaby & Wally simmers. the entire friend group is holding their breath. Barnaby wants the RV gone, as sad as he is about it. Wally won't allow it. of course they reach a breaking point - Barnaby pulls the "i own the property its parked on" card, Wally threatens to leave. of course that scares Barnaby, but that fear mixes with the anger and he fully yells at Wally for the first time. and then Wally shoves him. or tries to - it does nothing physically, but emotionally? it immediately drains all anger from the situation. Wally has never purposefully raised a hand against anyone ever, for any reason. and yet he tried to shove Barnaby. Wally immediately turns tail and runs - he locks himself in the RV, and Barnaby goes to Howdy's.
at Howdy's, Wally calls Barnaby. at first Barnaby jumps at the chance to apologize and try to work something out, but then he recognizes the background noise - Wally is driving Home somewhere. that RV is absolutely not fucking safe to drive anymore. the conversation immediately derails and goes from 0 to 100 within a second. Howdy is off to the side nervously sipping at his beer as Barnaby argues w/ Wally. the phone call abruptly cuts off, Barnaby says "the little bastard hung up on me" and starts Ranting. he says things he doesn't mean, obviously, and Howdy is trying to get him to chill tf out. he's just too angry/scared/hurt/worried yk?
but don't worry Barnaby! Wally didn't hang up on you! yeah so a while later (a little over an hour i think), Barnaby gets a call! it's from the town hospital! yeah so he's Wally's emergency contact, and apparently Wally "hanging up on him" was actually Wally getting into a horrendous accident. it wasn't his fault! there was a drunk driver! but it's... bad. the drunk driver had died in the crash, and since it was night and no one was around, help was a long time coming for Wally. its a miracle that someone found him & called an ambulance in time! so Barnaby realizes that the whole time he was talking shit & being angry, his best friend was slowly dying in a ditch somewhere, alone and in pain. and that's a whole thing!
time for some fun "facts"!
the first time Eddie went over to Frank's place, he immediately fainted when Frank turned the lights on & Eddie saw that he was surrounded by pet tanks filled with Very Large Bugs. then he fainted again when Frank removed the tarantula from its tank to clean said tank.
Wally & Barnaby's cat is named Welcome! she's usually small & pitch black with a permanently bristled tail! she's actually Barnaby's - he found her in a park as a kitten, and her unnerving stare reminded him of Wally so he took her home. Wally would like a dog! Barnaby would not! the cat is their only pet and will remain their only pet, no compromise. Wally retaliated by gluing googly eyes & dog ears onto a rock he found, then painting it. its name is Barnaby. Barnaby has beef w/ it a la Elmo & Rocco when Wally isn't looking
one time, during a group trip to the annual Pillar Family Thanksgiving, the gang stopped at a cabin-themed diner. Sally gasped at stopped Barnaby at the door "We must leave - you can't eat here". when everyone asked why, she pointed at a decorative sign on the wall: Don't Feed The Bears. it instantly became a smash hit inside joke that sometimes backfires (like that one time they go camping and Barnaby acts like he can't open the bear-proof dumpsters & locks & coolers). Howdy once got a "dont feed the bears" sign to put up in the store's diner section as a joke, but as soon as Barnaby saw it he left and refused to come back until Howdy took it down. he'd stand outside the store window and gaze at Howdy from afar w/ the biggest, saddest puppy eyes. it was incredibly effective
speaking of Howdy's store! they all built it together! Howdy managed to get his hands on an abandoned shell of an old building, and they all refurbished/renovated it! they all had the collective skills to get it done. Wally helped draw up blueprints & directed the color-scheme / painting portion, Sally and Barnaby used their carpentry skills, etc.
when Eddie "reconnects" with everyone, he feels like he's going insane. 'cause he keeps running into people who are familiar enough that it bothers him, but he just can't place where they're from (most if not all of them look very different from the last time he saw them in highschool). it drives him nuts! and then he meets Wally and Wally's like "oh! Eddie! it's you!" and Eddie's all "uh... how did you know myna- OH MY GOD IT'S YOU". he has a small crisis because he's over that time in his life, he's in a much better place, he's grown as a person. then he realizes that it's not just Wally but the entire fucking friend group he agonized over wanting to befriend for years and years. the group that (unintentionally) made him feel completely alone and like he was living a lie. and he keeps. running. into them. so Eddie, who just moved to this town, starts looking at mail carrier opportunities elsewhere bc he is Not doing this again - only for Julie to show up and drag him to a friend group function. because they all got together and went "oh, you caught up w/ Eddie too?? so we're in agreement? great! he's ours now! Julie, go get him". and then they accidentally break Eddie's wrist in a zealous game of soccer-baseball-corntoss & from then on won't leave him alone <3
Wally keeps his hair consistently dyed a rich royal blue - even his eyebrows! he continuously touches it up so his roots are never showing! Barnaby keeps his hair dyed blue in solidarity, but to a lesser extent - his roots show, and he doesn't dye his eyebrows or his sideburns/beard
on that vein, Wally has a very extensive hair-care routine he does every morning. he straightens his natural curls out, manipulates his hair into that absurd swirl, and hairsprays it to death. & gels down everything else. shit's Airtight. then at night he has an equally elaborate routine of washing the hairspray/gel out, treating his hair with high quality shampoos/conditioner/oils, and blowdrying it with impeccable technique to keep it Healthy
continuing on that vein - one time Barnaby was makin' breakfast when he heard a crash from upstairs. he sprinted to go see if Wally was alright, but Wally had locked the bathroom door and refused to open up. after Barnaby convinced him to, the door opened to reveal a very miserable Wally still in his towel. his hair was green. "the bottle said dye-safe', he said. the bottle lied. he wore hats for a while.
ok im gonna stop here! this is an absurd amount! i got carried away!
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nyanggk · 1 year
🌷 DEAR, JUNGWON — y. jw
( ♡ ) — chapter 7 | dear diary, im back! | chapter 9
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SYNOPSIS you've been in love with jungwon for longer than you can remember. initially, you made no plans to make your feelings known, but with something tugging in your heart and putting you on restraints, you're pushed to say "yolo," and ask him to date you for 90 days. after that, you'll finally leave him alone. for good.
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n. oopsie... now the story is ACTUALLY progressing towards the main plot. but for now, enjoy the yn x riki moment! I enjoy their little interactions so much it gives siblings energy 😫🤌 just like our baby mandu, dear jungwon riki is also mischievous yet very caring 🥰 so I don't wanna see any niki slander anywhere, ya got it?! 😠👎
BATCH 1 @amarillyis @peachysunooooo @meowmeowhoon @wonswondrland @axartia @heesflor @caty-catts @enhacolor @donghoonie-3 @artstaeh @thaliese @kuleo26 @heestart @kyanmeai @seung-scrittore @avbie @palajae @alex-is-sleeping @love-4-keum @lumiseung @jaylaxies @kimmchijjajang @yangrdn @gobighee @lunabean @notsimpingforbangchan @urszn @stinkoscope @lihee-blog @bubblytaetae
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bonetrousledbones · 9 months
question can you infodump about your Little Guys (atbb) to me because ive been following for like a year and i still dont totally understand them past papyrus au. they are really cool tho
oh my god ok so. first off atbb is the acronym for my ask blog @ask-the-bone-boys that's been on hiatus for a little over a year now. it was born in 2018 out of the annoyance of everything au-centered being sans and also a way to explore how the classic "aus get stuck in the original universe" fic trope would go if it was somebody from the "original" story leaving their universe instead. and also an excuse to make papyrus miserable to be fully honest
also also im going to preface this by saying i ship selfcest and there is some selfcest in this story ok if anybody has issue with that then uh. oopsies (i can explain the way i view it at another time if anybody;s interested but im already gonna ramble like hell here so not rn)
with that groundwork laid im gonna put this under a cut lmao dont click this
for the sake of organization- part 1: RUSS
STARTING AT THE BEGINNING so some very basic backstory for this Undertale Papyrus specifically is that he and his brother are twins, they grew up bouncing around several foster homes until they decided to run away to live in the woods on their 14th birthday, where they lived in a bigass tent for three years until Papyrus got badly injured and they had to get help from the townspeople, who uh kinda unofficially adopted them and thats how "they just showed up one day"
then more time passed and around 3 years after getting to the surface Papyrus was booted out of his universe by Mysterious Circumstances. he got a very bad introduction to the multiverse because the place he landed was my own version of horrortale, undermunch. there he meets Spooks!
i have a whole side-fic where you can read in better detail how this goes but basically monsters don't turn to dust in this world and also Spooks is a cannibal, which Papyrus doesn't know until he realizes he was fed spaghetti made out of a rabbit monster. IN addition to that, Spooks has very different magic from other aus, that being it's pretty much all concentrated into a kind of blue-magic-venom that comes out of his teeth like a snake.
Long story short Papyrus has to escape from Spooks somehow, and that's how he learns he's able to move through universes by himself. It still takes him a while to learn how to without being in a life-or-death situation, but that's ok because almost every other universe he goes to after that puts him into a life-or-death situation :>
and then FINALLY he gets spat out into a variation of Underswap, where he meets Honey. this one's a bit spoilery because i haven't finished writing this fic yet BUT its ok because this will be so so so disorganized. anyway so Papyrus is scared of Honey at first because he's been getting completely fucking obliterated by the multiverse (his leg is broken and he's wearing a chest plate he stole from a different papyrus who died in front of him) but Honey is relatively patient with him and lets him stay on his couch on the surface. This is where Papyrus gets the nickname Russ!
Russ is dealing with a broken leg when he shows up in this universe, so he stays with Honey for a little over three months while he recovers from that as well as (some of) the multiverse traumas he'd been collecting up to that point. The main things that he still can't shake are nightmares, trust/attachment issues, and EXTREME food paranoia. he refuses to eat anything he hasn't prepared himself, and even that can be a struggle. Also, because of how long he spent without getting it properly treated, his leg never fully heals.
He starts getting really really homesick the longer he stays in this universe. It builds up over his whole stay, but only starts to get Very Bad after he gets the cast off of his leg. Honey's home is extremely similar to his own home, and sometimes just seeing him and his brother interacting with each other makes Russ upset.
OH I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT THE CODEPENDENCY ok so at some point Russ just starts completely clinging to Honey and Honey doesn't know what to do about it so he just kinda. unintentionally feeds into it and this turns into Russ sleeping in Honey's bed and blah blah blah eventually this becomes a problem for Honey because he doesn't know how to address Russ's homesickness and clinginess without hurting him somehow even though Honey is extremely stressed and actively burning out
Then Russ overhears Honey venting to Undyne and feels. crushed. And he reacts incredibly rationally! By avoiding Honey as much as possible! But it does not take him long at all to break down and the two finally have a chat about boundaries. They work out a plan together that Honey thinks will genuinely help and Russ thinks will get himself off of Honey's back. The plan is that they'll figure out how to control Russ's world-hopping ability and get him back home.
The idea is that if he's able to control when and how he leaves, he can control where he goes. Then, when he inevitably lands in his home, he'll pop back in Underswap and tell Honey how it went. Because he can control it! Of course!
Honey gives him one of his hoodies and a photo camera to remember him by. Russ tries to figure out what it was in the past that might have helped him jump universes, which was the desire to be just about anywhere other than where he was at that moment. So, he just, thought about going home instead!
And it worked! And he left Honey's universe! And then he realized he didn't land at his home at all! And when he tried to go back to Honey's universe, he went somewhere entirely different as well! And he never saw Honey again! Wahoo!
This is the point where he just becomes a complete mess I'm not gonna lie to you, he starts drinking even though he really really REALLY hates alcohol, he only eats enough to stay conscious, he gets into fights just for the adrenaline rush, and only stays in one universe long enough to confirm it's not his home before either leaving for the next one or collapsing somewhere and hoping he doesn't get attacked while he sleeps for two hours
then he lands in Edge's universe and this needs a part two now OOPS
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sleepy-vix · 2 months
What would your ideal book be like (as in, what theoretical book would be your absolute favourite) what genre, page count, setting, characters, etc would it have?
oohhhh this is such an interesting ask. hmm i'll have to lay this out in dot points
also i am indecisive and messy so my opinions will probably change idk T-T
alr here we go
- genre: psychological novel? im not exactly sure what the genre is but i love when books follow a mentally ill character that's just trying their best to navigate through life, and the book is about the way they interact with their surrounds and respond to issues and cope with their past and come to decisions, iykwim?
BUT I WANT FANTASY in it too so it will be epic. i love fantasy world building and i love when it makes so so so much sense. it would be cool if they had elements and got sorted into elemental groups too- that is so satisfying and fun to read.
- page count: probably 500. personally i think a normal book is 300, and it seems daunting when it's got like 700 pagesz but considering that this is my ideal book, i think i'd be sad if it had less than 400 pages (cus the story would be over soon) so i'd say 500 pages is the perfect amount.
- setting: in terms of time, i never really cared for it. i realise that i should probably have a preference on which century i like to read, but i find that characters can be mentally ill and epic no matter if they are from the future or the past.
in terms of location, hmm i wouldn't want to read about a character being anywhere with tropical or summery vibes. i like my characters knee deep in snow and drenched from head to toe in rain. it keeps them depressed and relatable ^^ (/hj....?)
oh also it would be cool if the country and places were mad up, since that this is a fantasy.
WAIT OR asia. i am obsessed with books that focuses on/is based off asia :)
- characters: trios are the best and i will die on that hill. ok like i dont need the trios to be together 24/7 but i need there to be THREE main characters if you know what i mean. one of them can be an antihero idc. it just has to be THREE.
oh also i love to read in the perspective of characters who are ambitious and feisty and impulsive because they're the opposite of me. but also i'd like them (idc abt gender) to be cunning, witty and good at making plans.
another character that i need in the trio is the smart one. there HAS to be a smart side character or else i will NOT fall in love with the book. i need the character who makes all the entensive plans. i need the character who is a walking dictionary. i need the character who hates to fight and would rather be learning but is somehow good at it and therefore forced to fight alongside the makn character. (oopsies im just describing the poppy war. but that is not a crime ;])
if its a soldier poet king trio i will be obsessed with it forever and ever
ok so for the stuff that u didnt ask but im gonna include:
-writing style: advanced. work my mind to death but enrichen it at the same time. i dont mind a difficult and layered magic system- in fact i LOVE THOSE, as long as they make sense and they are creative. do not give me that "she let out a breath she didnt know she was holding" bs.
i want "the night circus" level description when it comes to settings. i need to see taste hear smell FEEL the fucking surroundings
-vibe: doomed from the start. i dont want my characters to be happy. make me fall in love and then break my heart and do not apologise for it :,) (shit am i masochistic? damn)
- others: it would be cool if it is somehow relevant to our present irl current political state/ real world problems. it would be even cooler if it somehow fits a ton of mitski songs. also gayness is very welcomed
yeahh thats all i got for now. oops i wrote alot. at the start of my reply i was thinking along the lines of solitaire and crime and punishment and no longer human, but then it was all scrapped and i based it all off of the poppy war trilogy because it did fantasy and character dynamics/personalities/backstories SO RIGHT.
tysmmm for this ask. i would love to ask it right back, but i dont know who you are :(( ahsvsj feel free to tell me anyways tho in my askbox as an anon !!
*this was not proofread
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cremesofa · 1 month
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i fucking love this game. i have 72 hours in it but its not enough. i fucken love this series but it makes me sad bc i dont think ill ever enjoy a visual novel as much as ive enjoyed the ones by gb patch
also if yallve never played this game you can be gay and/or trans and your character (which is fully customizable) has 2 moms and the main love interest is a goofy, pan(methinks), silly guy with green hair and wavy eyebrows who also autism (the game at one point says he is literally on the spectrum heehee). you can be fat and you can be intersex i think, and and and your character can choose to get top surgery and you can change your name or gender or pronouns and basically every choice in the game lets you choose whatever you want and things come back way later and and and im just. still blown away by it. the only thing i can think of they dont have is like for your player character is like. disabilities which is unfortunate but they have everything else you could ask for i think. and the game is already humongous so i dont blame them for not going the extra mile when they already blew past the finish line
i wish i didnt miss the kickstarter for the second game i want to dump my wallet out on it and get fun merch or whatever ok rambling over i did not mean to write a giant text wall hee hee oopsie
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A bunch of shorter ones today, but first!
We posted two top-centric hc lists yesterday, and I somehow completely forgot to mention Jack in either of them 🥳 I am so sorry to Jack Nation and to the goodest of boys himself, so at the end of this post there are hcs about him on both of the yesterday’s topics… (I’ll also add them to the respective posts, obviously)
This weird oopsie aside, here are the replies:
feverish-dove asked:
THANK YOUUUUUUUU♥️ i don’t think you realize how happy that made me. i love speedpaints but when an artist takes the time to break down what they did so i dont have to try (and usually fail) to do so myself it just goes brrrrrrr<3 im soooooo happy rn. you and katsu are awesome
You are so very welcome!! ♥️
I am very happy that the post was useful and any of my explanations were cohesive enough to understand something. And I really love talking about my art process, so thank you for your question!
Anonymous asked:
I just wanna say i'm in love with genderswap twst headcanons and arts... Thank you for sharing a full course meal-
You’re very welcome, Anon! I am super happy that you’re enjoying these. Like I’ve already said, drawing and writing these are a treat and a national holiday for me lol
Anonymous asked:
I’ll break Idia, you say? Well, I did always want to wreck him… 😏
Anonymous asked:
You can't tell me what to do 😠
I'm swallowing your art whole as you speak
Anons are misbehaving… Anons are getting wild 😳 breaking Idia left and right and not chewing stuff properly!
I love the chaos.
Anonymous asked:
I also have an Idia plush and he’s cheeked up.
His clothes sold out though so he’s naked. I put a Nagito jacket on him to hide his shame i.e. his butt.
Damn Anon this is even better though. Imagine Idia with a Nagito jacket barely covering his naked body. This image is doing something with my brain.
Anonymous asked:
HELP do you have any thoughts on azurido??? its been on my mind since i saw Floyd say Azul (probably) wouldnt mind keeping him as a pet for winter (?) break
Indeed, Anon, here is the tag!
Oh we love that line from Floyd lol This whole scene happens so fast and feeds us with so much stuff that it takes time to process.
Azul absolutely wouldn’t mind keeping him as a pet… it’s upsetting that Riddle probably wouldn’t be much of a help at the Lounge (the main reason for Azul to keep pets lol) but knowing how much Riddle’s existence wounds Azul’s precious ego? He would get super smug with Riddle temporarily being his lap cat. Or a little chihuahua.
Anonymous asked:
I’m not sure why but I would love the idea of Epel talking about how girls are weak and then getting his butt handed to him by a girl in Magical Shift. The competitive, tomboy in me would be grinning like a maniac.
Epel absolutely needs to have a girl kick his ass, and it’s weird that he even needs this to happen to realise that “girly” doesn’t mean “weak”; just look at his meemaw and how scary she can get. I’m sure Epel’s mom isn’t any better lol
Anonymous asked:
I had a sudden thoughts last night
So coway au
But it's just Riddle riding Floyd in a cowboy outfit
Thoughts? 👀👀👀
Anonymous asked:
yeehaw 🤠
I wonder… if you two are the same Anon… maybe not. Maybe we just mentally entered a saloon somehow and now I am a sheriff.
To answer the first Anon, this would be insanely hot, and I feel like if Riddle is drunk out of his mind enough, he could do that. He wouldn’t succeed though, because riding a horse is one thing, but riding Floyd while being completely drunk is totally different lol But it’s the attempt that counts. Floyd is going to be very entertained either way. Or annoyed, you never know with him.
Alright, so JackJack hcs.
strap hcs for fem tops or if they even use them lol.
Jack could’ve been very good at it if someone made her use it, but I feel like she thinks that this is too obscene of a thing to do. It’s not like she’s prudish, but wearing a strap is a bit too far for her. Even though someone would probably look at her and think that it looked very good on her…
Based on that one post about the bottoms getting creamed up inside how would the tops react if their partners are demanding/begging for them to cum inside them?
Jack – he is probably the type to start thinking about pulling out when he starts to feel his knot growing, you know, being responsible and stuff, but if he hears his partner begging or demanding him to cum inside, his brain would shut down completely and he would go even deeper than before and fill his partner to the brim :( He would be very embarrassed of himself afterwards.
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virgincels · 4 months
OMG BEEP ??? u and that commissioner are so powerful together omg …..
first off the way u write leon’s thoughts always makes me giggle he’s so stupid and creepy i wanna fuck him. and then the repeated mentions abt the poor paperwork on the desk 😭😭 can imagine leon handing this shit in like “oopsie i spilled smth!” “this isn’t water, what did you spill on it?” “……”
side note started spy x family in the last few weeks and idk if you watch anime but …. i got a thing for blonde twinks and their asian baddies and the show fits right in. like leon is my main blonde bitch (he’s not even blonde anymore lmao) but god the options are endless. im korean so i eat it up everytime
anyways !!! hope ur well bae
- 🪩
HAII BABE!!! miss oranje saved me w that comm fhdhfhcj
ily omg i love writing from leon’s pov cuz he’s. idk i can say more random shit like he’s a loser omg. he would hand it in. and it’s like ink smeared and paper crusty he’s nasty omg
my friend watches spy x family.. i love babies so she was like u should watch it but i never got into it omg? idk why! like im so autistic i think i saw the pink haired kid and got put off for some reason.. like her design. Is jarring to me omg idk why im super. SORRY TANGENT LMFAO I did think loid was cute however. but that’s just me n my. blonde boy problem
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r4bidcherry · 5 months
had a shower thought that turned into a shower rant so
heres my explanation on why next season (if we get one) having even more queer rep wouldnt be "too much" (this is mostly for like td reddit and twitter cause i know the fandom here wouldnt complain about having more queer rep lol)
(also realized in the middle of writing i drop a lot of hot takes and controversial opinions so uh oopsies)
firstly, the main one we all know, mkulia. they have a lot of chemistry already, hell even more chemistry than most of the straight relationships have had ik terry has joked about it a lot but seriously. and not to talk about queer discourse here but theres this idea that lesbians somehow have it easier to get queer rep, which im pretty sure most of us agree that isnt true lol, and the fact that so many people already think that rajbow is enough and that lesbians just need to stop complaining is pretty gross to see and kinda proves that thats not true lmao, especially all the stuff that terry is saying on twitter and im glad to see that im not the only one that thinks thats weird as hell. honestly most of the time i wouldnt care if i ship i like was made canon or not, however mkulia being canon would be the thing that rajbow shippers love to brag about rajbow being which is a big step foward. ive already made it pretty clear how i dont think rajbow is some godsend that absolves freshtv of all of their homophobic wrongdoings, however my opinion could very well change if we got mkulia because it would actually show me that they actually care about queer rep and didnt just add it in for brownie points. ik ive been sucking mkulias dick but seriously it IS important
secondly, there are like a buttload of straight ships in total drama, like probably even more than the average tv show considering all the characters and the fact its focused on, yknow, drama, having like 3 queer relationships out of like the 40 straight relationships is farrrr from being "too much". weve had even more in the reboot too like chemma, ripaxel, priyleb, we could have some more variety to even it out a bit
thirdly, the reboot is set in the present day. queer relationships are way more common than they were back then and honestly having mkulia and hell even maybe another queer relationship wouldnt be so out there crazy
but also if we dont get mkulia and/or another queer relationship itll be disappointing but honestly it isnt anything to like attack anyone over lol trust me. however it will be my conformation that freshtv doesnt deserve as much praise as theyre getting for giving us the bare minimum lol
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Phullo it is I again!
I am very glad that you actually responded and given me an actual advice since I was worried about the question I sent you.
Though besides that I have another question for you (hoorayyy)!
So, about the reading books earlier- I’m fortunately a bookworm too! It’s just that I notice I prefer reading the genre science fiction/psychological horror more than… anything else!
And while the books I am currently reading, ‘Flowers For Algernon’ and ‘I’m Thinking Of Ending Things’ (these books are seriously so wonderfully made they make want to tear my walls), DO have romantic aspects of it- it’s not really the main plot of the story..
‘Flowers For Algernon’ has amazing storytelling and is very unique- though I’m not sure if you’ve read it before but, it’s actually just the main character taking notes. Hence why there was a lot misspellings which honestly makes it a great touch if you know the context behind it.
On the other hand, ‘I’m Thinking Of Ending Things’ too shares the same uniqueness as the other, possibly even more unique if I must say so myself. Though I REALLY don’t want to make my story similar to them since I want to make it more heart warming than fucked up..
Which is why I feel like I have the need to borrow or buy at least one romantic book because, I lack of it. I mean I accidentally borrowed it one time but it was kind of disappointing.
I don’t know if its a good idea and if I should do it or not since does it really matter of the genre, or just the writing?
Still, if you have any good books that are in the romance genre. Feel free to recommend some to me!
-lots of love, from another bookworm
welcome back! happy to hear you're a bookworm as well <3 im writing those titles down since i read a criminal lack of sci-fi despite loving it
i actually don't have any straight up romance recs - i don't actively search it out (outside of fanfic), so any romance i read just comes with whatever book i've picked up. just straight up romance bores me, unless its a fic with a pairing i actively like. and even then, i need to take breaks from it unless the romance is interspersed with an actual plot. im not a romantically-geared person! i dont have single Main Plot Is Romance book on my shelves!
but imo its really just the quality of writing that helps. ive never been in a romance, im the child of two different divorces, and yet ive been told that i write romance fairly well. go fuckin figure lmao.
so actually my advice on romance is to just like. wow idk what i do is pick apart the romances i see on tv / in writing. what makes them good together, how do they act around each other, what are their love languages, what's their dynamic, what traditional romance things do they partake in, what dont they partake in, do they have anything nontraditional, do they work and why do / they dont they - does that make their relationship more interesting or is it flat. are they a good match.
you don't have to have every answer, but ive found that at least understanding their characters / dynamics, and having them interact in a way that suits them will help your romance feel natural. dont conform to tropes or tradition, that will just make the relationship flat and unrealistic. and you can always sprinkle in little things that you like / would like, which will help ground the romance and get you into the groove
tldr with romance, i think it's better to observe real life (whether that's paying attention to couples or reading reddit threads) & analyze in-love or in-a-relationship characters instead of just reading romance novels. bc honestly, and from what i can tell, they can tend to be over the top or cookie cutter
just realized you did not explicitly ask for romance advice! Oopsie! i got a little carried away here....
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lovebvni · 6 months
i got love! (motivations)
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oopsies my bad guys i know eyes r like scary to some people but for some reason, recently they’ve been a sign (the left is an older one from like a week ago, the right is from today) (that was as or typing the blog.. which was almost 2 weeks ago as it has been posted. i’ve seen more tho)
anyways! i wanted to make a blog on the things that have kept me going through the three years of being a reality shifter and working towards that goal of shifting
one thing i do want to say before we start, is the universe provides help, guidance and support when we’re feeling down. i genuinely believe i would not be this far into my shifting journey if it wasn’t for the universe + the tools they have given me. these are things that may also help you, but are not 100% guaranteed as we are different souls with different interests and understandings <3
anyways long blog ahead blah blah blah… 💀💀 LMAO OK
so, i’m neurodivergent and a really driven person. it isn’t easy for me to let things go either, but whenever i did feel like giving up or leaving shifting behind, here are some things i keep in mind.
wow i sound… dumb as hell 💀😔 LMFAOOSF OK BUT FR HERE i don’t have a good relationship w my parents, nor have i had… good experiences w exes (WHERE R MY BITCHES THAT ALWAYS FALL FOR THE TOXIC ONES🗣️💯‼️) anyways yeah. i remind myself that that’s the main reason i started this. i mean with love comes happiness, right?
2. my inner child
dude i feel like i’ve been having dreams abt shifting since i was a kid. i remember i was first introduced to daydreaming by my 2nd grade teacher, i’ve deffo had dreams abt being in different worlds, i’ve manipulated my daydreams, and more! there’s always been a “one-up” thing in this. dreams -> daydreams -> shifting. and i eventually learned/im learning how to do each of them.
i know i’ve been damaged since i was a child, i want born into a great place, but i can change where i am. plus, i’m someone who has always wanted to have superpowers n shit so like…. why the hell not?
3. friendships 🤭🤭
girl i lose friends like every other year, so why not have some i can talk to every day? i mean i wanna have fun, right? i want to be happy and talking to people and friends makes me happy
4. for others
dude i want people to be able to experience it he change, transformation and growth i have — along with sharing the successes. i believe every soul has the ability to change and mold into a better soul, so everyone should have that opportunity. i want to be able to teach and guide to goals and success. that’s one of the main reasons i stared this blog.
5. for understanding
i want to spiritually ascend, and get over my fears of it. so i want to experience it. that’s why im doing it, that’s why i do a lot of things. to experience and see the outcome.
that’s all i got for now! i may add to this blog, depending on what happens or if i think of anything else. but for now, im sleepy n i wanna get my drafts cleared. this is my last one 🤭
i love you all!! i hope this helps someone <3 666
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hannahwashington · 6 months
hiii kiddo 1 free pass 2 go insane about Anything U Want
hi i love you <3 so i fucking love crash bandicoot right. he's my silly little guy. he's so full of love. i'm going to ramble about crash for a bit methinks. in crash 4, a major plot beat is the main villain of the series (who up to that point in the timeline had spent the whole time trying to kill crash and take over the world) is forced to team up with him. crash's first instinct is to pull him into a big ass hug. no hard feelings there. and i guarantee there were no hard feelings when he inevitably betrays crash, because they team up AGAIN in a later game in the timeline (though the circumstances of their teaming up are way, way more silly that time).
here's the thing. the villain - cortex - made crash. ignoring the end of crash 4 (which makes use of time travel shenanigans and changes the perspective on something quite important, and also crash 4 actively says 'who cares if any of this is canon, just have fun'), all crash was up to that point was cortex's most atrocious failure. crash was supposed to be the general of cortex's army and be used to take over the world. but something went wrong - and crash became this goofy, loving, chaotic guy. powerful, yes, but not quite the type for villainy. it feels poetic that his biggest failure - and cortex has had resounding successes, like creating an actual bandicoot super soldier in wrath of cortex, or utilising time travel in warped, and even the competency of his evil daughter/niece (it's not a long story at all but not relevant to explain here) - would come back to bite him so much.
heck, even those 'successes' i mentioned get taken from him because of crash. super soldier? by the end of that game, he becomes a part of crash's found family. time travel? crash and co. also figure out time travel, and in the true ending of the game send cortex on a one-way trip far, far back into the past. Also as a baby to be extra insulting. Nina - his daughter/niece - is WAY more competent than he ever was, almost succeeding in her own plans in crash of the titans, only to be thwarted (shocker). in the sequel to that, mind over mutant, nina actually helps crash out a bit (not before pranking him, though, which is really small potatoes in the grand scheme of things). it's also a super popular headcanon that nina isn't all that into following cortex's footsteps and is on good terms with the bandicoots outside of game plots. so, yeah. crash is cortex's biggest failure and biggest pain in his ass (deserved imo).
and this isn't even to mention crash's little sister, coco. so smart that she's voiced by jimmy neutron for majority of her appearances (i am not joking). also a creation of cortex, and also made to be a general. guess what! despite seemingly being a success due to her incredible smarts, she was too smart for cortex. smart enough to gain her own sense of morality and book it. at least, that's what i think happened. she isn't present in crash 1, then appears in crash 2, and her origin isn't fully explained until crash 4 (of which i have not finished playing her origin... oopsies!! also, crash 2 came out in 1998, and crash 4 came out in 2020, which is why i say it took so long - there were a lot of games between them but crash 4 took up the numbering system again and placed itself before all the games following the original trilogy timeline-wise). what's great about modern coco is that she's silly goofy like her brother. the older games made her a bit more prissy and stuck-up, so i appreciate the change. she also loves fiercely, i'd say, but she doesn't trust quite as easily as crash does (bless 'im). hey while i'm on the topic of the bandicoots lemme bring up the super soldier, crunch.
he is a brute. big, powerful, and catering to cortex's every whim. he is able to handle the elemental masks, super powerful beings that were purposefully locked away for how dangerous they were. in wrath of cortex, his goal is to destroy crash and take his rightful place as cortex's right hand man. and then crash beats him. and - guess what! he was under the influence of mind control. even the creation that had the biggest and best chance of defeating crash would have immediately been a resounding failure without it. also, after joining the found family, crunch acts like the older brother to crash and coco, which is hilarious considering he is younger than both of them (if you consider how long he has been lucid for, which is the 5th game onwards chronologically. we don't know exactly when his body was made but he only awoke in wrath of cortex).
also remember how i said crash is powerful. strength wise yeah but do NOT let a turtle touch him. he disintegrates instantly. also he has a girlfriend that is modelled after pamela anderson. we did not see her for like 20 years until the remakes of the original games. shes got blue hair and pronouns and #trauma in crash 4. also crash has a penchant for eating super powerful artifacts because why not. god forbid he have hobbies. a hug from him would heal me. when i hear marimbas i think of him. i just scrolled back up and holy shit this is a long answer. well. you gave me permission to go mad so there. crashe bamdicoote <3
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