#ooooooh yesssssss
doli-nemae · 5 months
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I am your blood, child. You can't run from me.
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nebulaleaf · 2 years
so glad p5r is also coming out on steam and not just xbox
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
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queseraone · 4 months
Positivity time—
Your top 5 badass, confident Lucy moments.
Because it never hurts to remind everyone what our girl is made of ☺️
Ooooooh yesssssss!!! Our girl is such a badass!!
This is actually kind of hard, because there are soooo many to choose from!!
1. Pilot (1x01) - The very first scene, arresting that guy who was going to steal her car. Is this is most badass thing she's ever done? Of course not, but it's a wonderful introduction, truly setting the stage for her character. She doesn't take that guy's shit for one second, and the confident, proud look on her face when she brings him in? YES!
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2. I can't make a list of Lucy's most badass moments and not include the entire DOD/Caleb/Rosalind arc. Is it cheating to lump this all together? Sure. But you only gave me 5 spots total, so I have to get creative here! Starting with Day of Death (2x11), from her bravery through this entire ordeal, to the way she sought out and seized every single opportunity to fight back (physically and psychologically), to ultimately saving herself. The most badass to ever badass. Moving past DOD and into the following episode, Now and Then (2x12), we see Lucy's insecurities. But it's the very fact that she pushes through that shows us what she's made of. Not many people would be able to go through what she did and come out the other side, let alone as a stronger person. We see this again in nearly ever other instance that Rosalind or the case is mentioned, and we know Lucy is haunted by it. In Consequences (3x01), when she dismisses Tim's unease about having her visit Rosalind in prison, in Coding (4x17) when she her sense of justice ahead of her own trauma, in Double Down (5x01) when we see her visibly shaken by the news of Rosalind's escape, but then pushing her own feels aside and putting the case ahead of it all, and even in The Choice (5x04) we see her using her trauma - she won't let Bailey be left alone, subtly acknowledging her trauma and using it for something positive.
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3. And here I am with another sneaky way to include more moments in this list - every single time Lucy is undercover. These moments alone would have eaten up every single slot. No matter the scenario she's thrown into, regardless of the amount of time she has to prepare, she fucking kills it. As the chemist getting into the back of Salonga's car (Revelations (3x06)), to her stint with the Rowena Razors (Crossfire (5x07)), to her middle-of-the-night, spur-of-the-moment rescue of Noah (Exposed (5x16))... as Nova (Triple Duty and Threshold (3x13 and 3x14)), as Sava (Double Down (5x01)), as Jamie (Going Under (5x21)). She's the most badass of badasses.
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4. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1x03) - The fact that she's willing to stand up to her asshole of a training officer? A man who most people are afraid of crossing? SO BADASS. Not only does she stand up to him, but she refuses to back down after.
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5. Safety (2x07) - I loved seeing Lucy work with Nyla here (and every other time it happens), and seeing her tiptoeing through that bomber's house, knowing one misstep could make the place blow? Bow down to the queen. You know she's scared - the very fact that she threw up the moment the coast was clear proves that - and yet she persevered. Because that's what makes a badass - not the absence of fear. We're all scared of something. It's what we do in the face of that fear that shows what we're made of!
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I absolutely guarantee I've left out so many great moments. Truly I'm listing more off in my head right now. This woman is SUCH a badass. She's confident (not insecure), strong, and frankly just the best.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 58
Matt Mercer, destroyed before he can begin ...
Oh gods ... not more terrible French Sam ... look at Marisha, she's already losing it completely ... and now there's a ghost? WTF? Wow ... so good and SOOOOOO BAD both at the same time ...
Yes. Give them ALL a raise!
New game! New system! CANDELA OBSCURA!!! Ooooooooooooh ... yes, gimme gimme gimme! Especially with added Robbie!
Yes. Everything that follows will be CHETNEY'S fault ...
Aaaaaaaaaaah! Roll initiative! Already! Aaargh!
Battlemap's already nightmare fuel, not good ...
Travis: "if everybody rolls zbove a ten we'll win!" Sam (to Ashley): "So what'd you roll?" Ashley: "Six." Oof ...
This thing screams and INSTANT psychic damage? Ooooooh fuck ...
Go off FRIDA!!! Badass round!
"Eyeless teeth and mouths swirling in space"? Dear gods, Matthew ...
Blood Curse of Bloated Agony! Sweeeeeeeeet ... and TURMOIL!!! Yes! And WOW nice damage ...
Legendary Action? Shit ... CHEW?!!! Oh fuck ... OUCH!!! DOUBLE FUCK!!!
No Sympathetic Bond for Fearne? Ashley (angfily amused): "What the fuck?!"
Angry butts ... hmmm ... and "moist", "glistening" ... gods, please SOMEBODY STOP THEM BOTH!!!
Matt: "Big risks, Big rewards, big ... fuckery if you fail!"
"PUSH THROUGH THE SLAW!!!" Oh my fucking gods ...
Roll a 22 or tank ... Laura: "Well I got ONE of the numbers!" Yeah ... she rolled a TWO ... "No! I don't do yhat!" I DO NOT blame her for wanting to retcon THAT mess ...
Lightning damage! YES!!! Tumble down the stairs! NOOOOOO!!!
Another Chew? 21 points of piercing damage on FCG? Ouch!
No! Not Fearne too! Aaaaaaah! And now she's GRAPPLED too!
Shit. The place is now ON FIRE!!!
Aabria: "How many of its BUTTS fell off?" Matt: "It is now minus 4 butts."
CONSUME?!!! I'm sorry, CONSUME?!!! Fuck that's a lot if rolling ... NOOOOOOO!!! Fearne is DOWN!!! And she has just been fucking EATEN!!!
A DEATH SAVE?!!! Already? 9? FUCK!!! 1 fail already?
Save her! Yes! Do it! YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!
Spare the Dying! Yes! Do it! Thank fuck ...
FRIDA!!! Badass protector!
Chetney renders Fearne invisible with his "sexy claws". XD
Travis: "You son of a birch, you BAITED ME!!!"
FCG's new and improved bolt thrower ... is INEFFECTUAL. Balls ...
Spiritual Weapon towel whip attack ... NAT1?!!! Fuck me ...
The Thing is POOPING ITSELF down the stairs towards Imogen. Dear fucking gods ...
Laura: "WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!!! WHERE AM I GONNA GO!!!" Matt: "That's a good question." Ooh, you evil bugger ...
Giant Pacman maw ... no teeth? Just a gummy rend ... BLACK BILE?!!! What?
Oh fuck, roll good, Ashley! Oh no, what is that face, Ashley? 9? No ... and Fearne's gone again! FUCK!!! One failed death save AGAIN!!!
Channel Divinity? Ooooh ... YES!!! Half her HP back! Fearne's back up! Thank fuck ... Nice one, Deanna!
Spiritual Weapon ... Deanna conjures a mystical DivaCup! Which doesn't do ANYTHING!!!
Fearne (now awake): "I can't see my hands ... I CAN'T SEE MY HANDS!!!" Chetney werewolf: "You're invisible." Fearne: "Oh."
Rot! ROT AWAY, YOU FUCKER!!! Nice one, Fearne.
Aabria: "I don't like short-form improv. Get the fuck out of here."
Chewing on FRIDA!!! NOOOO!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!
Shit! The fire is now becoming A PROBLEM!!!
Flaming crossbow bolt! Yesssssss, FRIDA! A miss? Balls ... second hits, though! Phew ... plus Sharpshooter! Cool ... 21 points altogether thanks to the fire! And it DOESN'T LIKE the fire! Good! Use that!
Matt: "You might take some fire damage if you stay there." Christian: "I always take fire damage when I'm next to Faithful Care Giver!" Cue appreciative yelps! XD
Travis (singing): "REEEEEEEEEAAAD the meat!" Oh dear gods ... and then "treetrunk of skin" ... this is getting so nasty ...
Another Chew on FCG ... aaargh ... 25 points of piercing damage! Sam: "I'm okay!"
Aabria: "BAD butthole!" Laura: "It's horrible in here!" Snort ... Evolution for the WIN!!! XD
Telekinetic Pull ... she's gonna try to PULL IT DOWN into the room WITH HER?!!! Seriously, Imogen?
Fuck, and now it is COMING FOR HER!!! Bite and Constrict! Shit! 29 fucking points of damage! Jeebus!
A SECOND Death Ward on Chetney! Man, Deanna is REALLY upset right now!
The Divine DivaCup finally comes good ... and it's SO BAD ... LOL ...
Aabria: "GOD WHAT A BIT!!! I'm so punished for this fucking bit!"
Fuck ... now IMOGEN's being eaten? FUCK!!! And NOBODY'S SEEN IT either! NOOOOOOO!!!
Fearne goes running, as she should ... Burning Hands! Oh fuck yes! She has a level of Rogue! Bonus action Dash! DO IT ASHLEY!!! YEEEEEEESSSSSS!!! Wait ... it's SECOND LEVEL?!!! FUCK!!!
Still, Burning Hands works ... Ashley gets the HDYWTDT!!! YES!!! She cuts this bitch RIGHT OPEN to carve Imogen out and now it's just a ruined peel ... Nice.
FRIDA's Guiding Bolt lights up the thingy ... but doesn't manage to activate it. FCG follows through ... IT'S OPEN!!! YES!!!
Ooooh, loot! An old satchel ...
Panic makes for poor investigation ... stop getting burned while you insist on continuing to dig!
Oh, this place is FUCKED. Best get out NOW.
Travis: "I stand and take the flames in the name of love!" Matt: "Do you?" Travis: "No." XD
FRIDA's staying? Seriously? And Chetney too ... the ceiling is now cracking? No, it's ... fuck, NEW CREATURE coming out of the old? Fuck ... RUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!
Wow ... some kind of twisted monster dryad thing ... yuck! Sick shit ... FUCK THAT THING IS HUGE!!!
Oh nice, Imogen's telekinesis FTW!!! YEEEEESSS!!!
Getting out of the tower now ... nighttime ... hmmmm ...
Yeet that sucker, Imogen! With a Bless from Deanna ... 31! Oh yes! Proper CHUCKED!!! Right into the fire! Nice ...
Everybody's out now ... and the burning tower is providing light for them. Where's the Wolfking?
Pass Without A Trace at THIRD level now ... just in time, looks like.
Stoneshape to BLOCK THE DOOR!!! Sweet save, FCG!
Mass Cure Wounds! Nice, Deanna!
Group Stealth Check! Nobody better fudge ...
Shit ... bad roll = big tumble for FRIDA ... and now they've been detected again! Here comes the Wolfking!
Just RUN, guys!
Like foglamps in mist ... lovely! Not a mistake at all ...
Over the wall ... wow, that was a MESS. Shit ... oh fuck, here it comes!
So did they make it, or ...
Into the THICK TANGLE of the Savalirwood. Hmmmmmm ...
Imogen's guiding them ... Nat20! Yes! Thank fuck ...
Everybody takes SIX POINTS OF PIERCING DAMAGE just from pushing through the foliage! Fucking hell ...
They've lost the Wolfking ... thank fuck ... Matt: "And that's where we're gonna take a break!"
Holy fuck, that unused Wolfking mini is INSANE!!!
Back to the game ... and an adrenaline DUMP now ... everybody's crashing.
Apparently, 26 is "pretty solid".
Hiding place ... yes. That's what they need right now.
Oh yeah, the satchel ...
Chetney: "We produce heat, y'know." Deanna: "Oh, I don't wanna be horny right now, I'm so tired!"
The satchel IS A BOOBY-TRAP!!! Fuck, that's a lot of damage to FCG ... Travis: "Say it ..." Sam: "I'm okay!"
Laura: "Ask for Ludinus' notes." Wait ... FUCK!!! It's a Bag of Holding!
Turn it upside down and SHAKE IT!!! Yes ... empty that bitch out!
Lots if papers ... and they're blank. Chetney: "Of course they are ... we need lemons!"
Turn the paper into a human? Is that REALLY a plan you're considering? Matt: "What am I? Kill me! I shouldn't exist!" XD
Smooth wooden rod ... ensuing giggles ... Matt: "It's NOT A DILDO!!!"
Armour ... hmmm ... Matt trying SO HARD to not accidentally describe a strap-on ... and he's failing. Matt: "Laura Bailey, fuck you!" LOL
Deanna can indeed read this ... yes. Here we go ... AND MATT HAS NOTES FOR HER!!! Nice ...
Staff of Dark Odyssey? Hmmmmmm ... wait ... they now have TELEPORT?!!! Oh snap!
Major note-based infodump ... the harness has a purpose here! Hmmmm ... magical infusion ... Fey entities throughout Wildemount ... "Feeding the Route"?
So Ludinus has basically been turning powerful entities into energy to make himself stronger. Fuck. Evil bastard gets even more evil.
History check ... 12 ... Aabria: "I've never read a book. I'm actually OLDER than books." XD
Next batch of notes ... Ruidus stuff! Laura: "Oh shit!"
Sam's flask ... "Where's Vax'ildo?" Oh dear gods ... Sam, WHY?!!!
Oh yeah, Ludinus got up to some SCARY summoning shenanigans ...
Any way to make notes ... ensuing printer humour ... oh, I know this horror all too well ...
Third batch ... a "crystal well"? Hmmmmmm ...
Imogen: "He didn't even know what he was waking up, he just had a hunch." Yup ... pure narcissism ...
Yes. Take the notes back to Uthodurn. Use the staff?
Chetney suggesting either Rexxentrum or Vasselheim ... hmmm ... might work.
Beau and Caleb mentions ... Imogen: "She had abs for days!" XD
Bayestra? What? Hmmmmmmm ...
FCG's right, they KNOW Uthodurn. Might be best ...
Oh, Fearne meant Ivaadel ... I'm blanking ...
Timeshares ... Chetney: "Oh yeah, Menagerie Coast's full of 'em." XD
The Arch Heart ... Emerald Cross? Hmmm ...
Imogen has a good point, they need to GET THE OTHERS BACK FIRST before they do anything else. Go back to Uthodurn and then to Jrusar!
Archmage of Domestic Protection? Ashley's notes are a wild ride ...
FRIDA makes a good point, they're currently A MESS. Best rest first before going ANYWHERE.
Oh, here we go, jumping into a dream odyssey again. Hmmmm ...
Christian had something MADE?!!! Aaawwwwwwww ... what? So cuuuuuuuuuute ... Sam snd Christian, matching hoodies! :3
The lighting change! THE LIGHTING CHANGE!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!
Sweet, soothing memory lane ... FRIDA's past is warm and friendly ... Laerryn? Oh, here we go ...
Still nothing concrete ... glimpses of war ... going deeper ... Nat20! Nice, Laura!
Oh ... oh, this doesn't look good ... what are they DOING?!!! This is some hairy shit ...
10 ... Laura: "That's a scary roll!"
Ah, so this is a defensive action? Hmmmm ... pushing back to see what they're defending ... a contraption of great immensity ... hmmmm ... "Protect the Factorum!"
Oh shit ...
The Factorum Malleus ... ah yes ... of course ...
Fuck ... so D REPAIRED FRIDA as well as resuscitating them ...
FRIDA: "I don't feel better, I feel ... ominous. It feels OMINOUS."
Chetney made FRIDA a little wooden ACTION FIGURE!!! :3
FRIDA starts crying oily tears ... and Fearne just HAS TO try and TASTE that stuff! XD
Need to find more friends ... and need to find THEIR FRIENDS ... yeah ...
Chetney cheering distraught Deanna up in the cutest way ... :3 And he made HER a sweet little shell carving too. Awwwwwwwww ... and YAY!!! HUGS!!!
Oh shit ... is Deanna REALLY considering trying out crazy werewolf sex?
Oh lawd it's actually happening ... and it's filthy kinky ... and Fearne gives her blessing! LOL Wait ... Fearne is actually TAKING PART?!!! Dear gods ...
Lots of crazy noises in the night ... hmmm ... (snort) XD
Oh, the morning after discussion is something else ... XD I agree, this episode suddenly got so horny ...
So ... off to Jrusar? Okay ... or Whitestone ... hmmm ... decisions decisions ... wait, ZEPHRAH?!!! Really?
Ask the Changebringer? Okay ... oh yes, best to be PRECISE about this shit ...
Ooooh ... oh, this is different ... oh, a much more PROPER contact this time ... he's actually getting a genuine COMMUNION with her this time ... Holy shit, a voice on the wind? Awesome ...
FUCK!!! Orym, Laudna and Ashton ARE STILL ALIVE!!! WOW!!!
FCG trying to find out about his future with FRIDA, if it will be long ... WHOA, this just got intense ...
A proper plea for aid from a god ... wow ...
Wait ... what's happening to Deanna? Aaaaaah ... oh ... wait ... OH!!! It's the Dawnfather! Sweet! Okay ... He's pretty intense with it, but ... yeah, she's into it. XD Whoa ... The Red End? Hmmmm ..
Oooh ... the Changebringer coin's all shiny now . Holy shit! MATT GAVE HIM A FUCKING CARD FOR THE COIN!!! AWESOME!!!
Deanna gives Chetney her Ring of Temporal Protection. Sweet!
Imogen accepts Fearne's offer of the fancy staff. And the other one's a Plane Shifter? Intriguing ... oh, and Chetney gets the Bag of Holding.
Wait a fucking minute ... did CHETNEY make that MURDER FURNITURE from the first episode?
THAT'S what RTA stands for? Seriously?
Okay, so ... Imogen tries the teleportation staff ... oh boy ...
Go find Zhudanna? Yes. Good choice. Or Spire By Fire? Hmmmmm ...
Wait, it does her PSYCHIC DAMAGE when she uses it? Fuck ... and here ... we ... GO!!!
Matt: "And we'll pick up there next week!" Shit ...
Sam is rolling a D100 with Matt and we CAN'T KNOW what the result is? You bastards ...
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
With the clawed Romulan thing... If bite-marking is seen as an intimate thing with Vulcans and Romulans, could that mean claw-marking is, too, with Romulans? Sure, they could also use them in fighting and interrogations, but Romulans also seem fond of marking up their mate(s) with scents, biting...so clawing as well mayhaps? The main difference being how rough they are with it (and, perhaps, patterns).
Ooooooh, claw marking!! 👀 I'mma say yes! A bite mark on the shoulder, claw marks on the hips where they gripped, and being covered in the Romulan's scent... Yesssssss, I love that!!! That is such a good point!
Claw marks on the upper arm, perhaps, in a visible place so that others can see that they're taken...
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sophiiwrites · 1 month
a little rating/review of doyoung nct solo album that no one asked for :))
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tl;dr: doyoung's solo album is a masterpiece, beginning will have a special place in my heart, electric guitar is a work of art, little light is adorable, lost in california is my baby now, i WILL walk amongst the cherry blossom petals while listening to these songs just watch me
full review under! it's kinda long sorry heh
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song by song, minute by minute thoughts:
little light [title]: stopppp i love this song so much it's so sweet and little and dazzling and pretty and beautiful omg omg omg omg that little piano chime thing is so gooddddd it makes everything so much brighter!!
the mv is beautiful stunning visually aesthetic ALSO THE GREEN LIGHT FOR NCT I'M GONNA CRYY
beginning: the melody that i loved from the teaser is back! gosh this song is so warming and welcoming and comforting. the second verse is so playful a surprising yet amazing switch-up and the transitions are beautiful, truly a song deserving of it's name
STOPPP THE ENDING IS BEAUTIFUL?????? i loved it immediately from the teaser video so this song is my favorite so far!!
from little wave: the electric guitar in this album is really making it so much better like what? that specific song makes everything so nostalgic even though i'm a teenager haha :D
can we like do a quick pause because every song is over three minutes and i'm so happy!! ok back to from little wave
omg the claps and the rhythmic beat stomping adds so much flavor to the song- wait have i missed the chorus? hold up no never mind here it is the title is adorable btw
ok but imagine. doyoung performing this song and the band starts playing an awesome guitar solo in the middle
no wait
DOYOUNG starts performing an awesome guitar solo in the middle
YESSSSSSS omg there is a guitar solo thing doyoung pls tell me you know how to play electric guitar
time machine (ft. nct mark, taeyeon): i was not expecting it to start with mark but that is a welcome surprise
ooh it's a chill song and honestly i don't know if i vibe with those yet... no never mind i do i totally do doyoung and mark's voices blend together so well? IF I GET A CHORUS WITH TAEYEON MARK AND DOYOUNG I WILL FREAK OUTTT omg time for taeyeon she's killing it
IT'S A DUET!!!!! doyoung and taeyeon you must perform this together
ooooooooooh i love the little slides in time machine oh oh oh oh oh i think we got the three way duet omg omg omg YESSS I THINK WE GOT IT!!! yessssssssssssssssssssssssss great song great song
serenade: oh boy it's a ballad not the greatest fan of ballads they can be good but can also be stunningly boring
oooh wait? never mind it got interesting yess ooooh it's a groovy song- imagine if the concert closed with this? that would be so so fun manifesting for doyoung solo concert!!
how is it that every song is so different but they fit together so well? that's what i call- a great album!
to quote a wonderful comment by @mia_ash on youtube:
This such a lovely groovy song. It’s so smooth, gentle, and soft. Truly like dusk over the gentle sea, with a soft warm breeze.
and i totally agree!! it would be great to play in the background of a romantic movie or something and doyoung should be a guest singer
rewind: oh it's a ballad hmmmmm
alright i'll pause the typing for a second to listen to it
you know what? it's not my favorite song and that's alright, it falls a little flat for me as someone who does not enjoy many ballads
but doyoung has a beautiful voice and it really shines through on this one! the high notes are majestic and are hit with such grace that i aspire to have while singing honestly it's a beautiful ballad and the piano harmony is amazing!
oh oh oh ooooooh that was a beautiful low note nice fadeee
warmth: is this a jazzy song? no *cri*
this was composed by KANGTA? crazy crossovers just crazy
oooh i actually think i like this better than rewind (i'm sorry rewind) maybe not a song i will come back to all the time but it's definitely one i'll come back to when i'm feeling down because it's so warm and comforting- really does live up to it's name!
what i admire the most about artists is that they have the ability to connect with people sonically, musically, and with their voices and that's just such a powerful thing to have
and i think doyoung has that power
that was kinda deep haha
lost in california: oooooh that melody and those adlibs??? kim doyoung you will always be famous
oooooooh okayyyy okayyyyy YESSSSS i love this one
banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger
sorry got caught up there for a second
banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger
haha can you tell i love this song? and it's only the second verse! oooooh yessssssss "it's a bop" -haechan (2020? 2021? whatever)
it's a certified banger i don't make the rules y'all
yessss those adlibs??? THOSE ADLIBS????? and that pianooo? harpsicord? kind of reminds me of a harpsicord
banger. absolute firee 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
rest: wait it sounds like a ost? or anime opening or something i love this song it's so hopeful and that electric guitar is literally music to my ears
oh i guess it's also literally literally music in my ears haha
it's a head bopper my head is bopping!! it's so rhythmic and groovy- there aren't any high notes or fancy things, it's just a regular rocky song and that is so appealing because it's so special
ok imagine walking to school, cherry blossom petals are flying, and you have these bangers playing in your earbuds???? this will happen i will make this happen
ooooh that ending was perfectt
dallas love field: heard raving review about this can't wait!
ooooooh following in lost in california's footsteps i see? OH MY GOD THAT GUITAR??? THAT GUITAR??? doyoung please tell me you know how to play an electric guitar
yesssss the song just keeps coming and coming and pressing and pressing and "it's a bop" -haechan
ok this could totally be an anime opening wooooooo!! banger banger alert
why does one of the adlibs sound like taeyong
am i falling asleep am i crazy
someone please tell me it does
niceeeeee good song good song
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ultimate rating!
favorite songs so far are beginning, little light, lost in california, and rest! time machine and dallas love field are still debates for now but this whole album is so amazing.
but actually beginning will now hold a special place in my heart from now till i die because why is it so perfect and adorable and round-shaped (why am i talking about this song like it's an object)
the whole album is beautifully created and so cohesive! i really like how doyoung didn't just decide to make a ballad album but branched out and tried different sounds. honestly, some of these songs remind me of taeyeon a lot which is really nice! i think doyoung really does have the potential to becoming someone who can solo really well
songs that i don't know if i enjoy are probably rewind T-T i think i will come to like it, i just need a few more listens to digest everything and then i will definitely be on board.
i do have one gripe, and that is that some of the songs are very similar to each other but again, i do not do well with sitting through an album so that is probably just me.
another gripe is that IT'S SO SHORT??? i need at least twenty songs of doyoung's greatness
ok that's a lot to ask
maybe like one more??? sm pls
anyways i'm overall super satisfied with this album and i can't wait to watch doyoung perform it online! (haha online cri)
kim doyoung you will always be famous
rating: 9/10
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exist101 · 1 year
I know I've shown you the full song but I don't think I've ever shown you the teaser video for that CORE mod
The sprites are really good! I love GF's in particular <3
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la-galaxie-langblr · 1 year
i’ll send you a signed copy of the book with extended chapters as a thank you!
short term goals, i wanna save up enough money to spend new years in sydney, somewhere i’ve been wanting to visit since i was a kid. i also wanna learn a language, probably mandarin bc i also wanna go to singapore one day and i hear its useful lmao
medium term goals i wanna at least be on my way to finishing the book, maybe even having it published. personal life wise i definitely wanna be dating again bc it’s been way too long and i miss it. i also wanna be working towards/have been given a promotion at work just bc i know im gonna deserve it haha. and if the book sells well then i wanna be leaving my job simply bc being a writer is my passion 100%
long term goals i just wanna live in a nice city, maybe brisbane, los angeles, toronto, somewhere scenic but quiet with my wife and our dogs where i can write till my hearts content.
some questions to ponder:
who, dead or alive, is coming to a dinner party you’re hosting? max guests, 9, as there are 10 seats at the table and you need one haha
if you could time travel, what 3 destinations are you hitting? you can go forwards or backwards in time
you’re a billionaire but not with money. what is the thing you have billions of?
warm regards, your pal, kai :)
Yesssssss I love extended chapters :D
Those are some great goals, I wish I had as clear of an idea of what I want in life but maybe someday, this is pretty inspirational!
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I've always been terrible at the dinner party question but here we go, in no particular order:
1. My (sadly deceased) uncle, he was a really cool guy and I want to pick his brain about some life stuff (don't feel bad, it was a really long time ago)
2. Gretchen McCullough, my celebrity linguist fav haha
3. James Acaster, for the funny stories
4. Jacqueline Wilson, childhood favourite author
5. R F Kuang, current favourite author
6. John McWhorter, another one of my fav linguists
7. RTGame, favourite youtuber
8. The creator of Pusheen
9. Dodie, favourite musician
> Ooooooh travel question but in time, if you ignore the repercussions/restrictions I would inevitably face for being afab, queer and disabled I'd go to the renaissance in Italy, Japan in whatever decade Nintendo first showed up and Brisbane for the 2032 Olympic games :)
> hmmmm what about a billion winning lottery tickets? sldhsksjsldhs jk I'd have a billion origami models in my collection, move over legend of 1000 cranes here I come
Thank you once again for the questions, are you/did you do anything fun this weekend? :)
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things to consider: that picture of kier by the employee handbook bibles side by side with White Jesus for an art post oh my god I’m sorry this picture is so big. Kier as Jesus next to the handbook bibles was all I could think about until the waffle party
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Dangit, I love the theatre headcanons so much. I love brewin them up myself cause they’re insanely fun to think about, and seeing as skilled a writer as you put one of yours into words is free serotonin. Gives me a bit of hope that I’ll actually get around to drawing mine out at some point if I’m being honest- Love your writing!
Heyyyy anon!
Yesssss I love the theatre ones too! Before COVID, I was in a theatre group myself. Obviously we can't do it now so doing the headcanons helps me relive the feeling!
Ooooooh yesssssss that sounds awesome! No idea who you are but I would LOVE to see your art! I'm sure you can do it! And if my writing can help, then let me help!
If you have ideas you wanna draw, I could try and write it out for inspiration? Or at least, my interpretation of it anywho. Not sure if that's helpful but I always like helping!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I don't feel that skilled most days haha! You're very nice to say it ^_^ x
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singularity1508 · 3 years
Idk but Chan just radiates big dick energy.
Like he might be 171cm but im pretty sure this man has a great dick.
Just imagine the first time y'all are doing the nasty and he pushes in slowly to make sure you can adjust before pulling back out and slamming in again. Mf would probably praise you nonstop while he's pounding you.
"good girl/boy/baby"
"you're taking me so well"
"look at you, beautiful, all mine"
I want to be dicked down by that man so bad gahhhh
Ooooooh yesssssss Chan would totally go slowly at first so you dont get hurt, but like the man just wants to take you deep. The first time would be super gentle and definitely would hold back...
But damn the second one and the rest would leave you shaky. When you are giving him a BJ and just make eye contact with him, he would take you by the chin and call you "good girl".
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darkicedragon · 3 years
Yakushiji 71% +85% part 1
Knew I should have made a new post with 85%. XDDD
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Uh oh. 8′)
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For a second I was hoping we’d see actually granny Tamao, but okay, it’s young Tamao, haha.
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Whaaaat is with this Tamao side anyway, hm.
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Apparently not.
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‘And shoot him with the gun you’ll get soon.’
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..........Dangerous for himself, or dangerous for everyone else?
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Aaaah, happened right next to each other.
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Riiiight right right, this is her side, when she goes and ‘saves’ Kurabe from Okino and Hijiyama.
Oooohkay, Fluffy personality needs to be within reception distance of Juro to send messages. ...Which is why she was needed to stay with Kurabe so 426 could manipulate her more often.
Ssssssooooo... Riiiiight, Tamao would have been 426 as well when she gave the lease to Megumi. Makes sense.
And yeah, Miura was only able to see Fluffy when he got close as well.
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...Oh, right, of course she hasn’t had the confirmation yet. XD;;;;
Huh, when did Tomi get the confirmation that Megumi was the one who shot her?
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....OH, FUCK. Right, that’s what the contract was! I just dismissed it as ‘lying evil mascot to manipulate Megumi’ and didn’t think about it again.
Oooooh nooooo, are we gonna have a mental confrontation? Or a confrontation with Fluffy, ahahaha.
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Aaaaaaahahahahahahahahah. Oh no. 8′) Kurabe has been getting 426 memories, not loop 2 Kurabe memories. 8′);;;;;
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Oh thank frick he finally tells her.
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Nice. 8′) Buuuut you gave them the chance to actually survive this loop, so yey.
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Helllooooo. Haven’t seen you in a while. XD
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Oh dear. 8′) Goutoooooo.
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Ooooooooh boooooy. 8’)
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Morimura, pls. XD
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Code in THEM affects the kaiju? I guess if one of them becomes the controller.... (Which hasn’t been picked up again yet)
Upping the ante will make the facility destroy itself?
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Yeah. XD Just not in the way she thinks he means.
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Oooookay. ;-;
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Yeeeeeeah, okay. Terraforming does take that long. Dang, was hoping some of the 2188 people were still around. Okay, so the girl in orbit it Inaba.
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OOOOOH? Or was Fluffy going to try and manipulate her again?
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Huuuuuh, is this how she shoots herself?
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:o :o That’s surprising.
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Ooooooh, okay. He wanted Kurabe to be back in love with Morimura, like he was, since this was before they had their disagreements.
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Yeeeah. But also. He’s not you, sooooo.
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Hnnnnng, yesssssss. >8D
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‘Oh, good, we’re going back on track with your DNA not influencing ano - NEVER MIND.’
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Could not get aaaaaany closer. XD
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*gaaaaaaasp* He remembers A LITTLE BIT, to proteccc herrrrr.
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Ghhhhhh, the sad music is soooo booooood.
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Aaaaaah, the one thing leeeeeefffffttttttttt.
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harryfeatgaga · 4 years
ummm let’s talk about what happens when big head gets to the bathroom!!!! 😤 also for some reason I’m picturing a white marble bathroom, something very niiiiceee
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 years
Hey!! Can I request a Bucky x reader where they rlly like each other but none of them admitted yet, and the reader is close to him (maybe an avenger too) but she's kind of afraid to get involved?? Ooooooh and if they could go out together it would be very cute too!!
omg yesssssss imma do it rn!!! 
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celestialriptide · 7 years
taggy q’s!
Thank you my dear @commodorecliche for tagging me!
The rules: Answer these 85 q’s then tag some peeps!
I’m not sure who to tag, so I’ll just go with @ideal-mina and @viktorthicciforov and @authordrive and leave it at that for now
THE LAST 1. DRINK: sweet tea 2. PHONE CALL: the jakester/close friend 3. TEXT MESSAGE: maribae. check her outtttttt atttttt >>> :) :) :) @viktorthicciforov :) :) :) 4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART yall probably think im joking 5. TIME YOU CRIED: i dunno honestly i cry a lot 6. DATED SOMEONE TWICE: i dont think ive technically dated anyone more than once 7. KISSED SOMEONE AND REGRETTED IT: ehh 8. BEEN CHEATED ON: Yes. 9. LOST SOMEONE SPECIAL: Yeah. 10. BEEN DEPRESSED: um yes, i have depression  11. GOTTEN DRUNK AND THROWN UP: oh of course 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. purple 13. blue 14. red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. MADE NEW FRIENDS: yupperooskies 16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: unfortunately. 17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: i think so 18. FOUND OUT SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU: ooooooh yeah, man. 19. MET SOMEONE WHO CHANGED YOU: not particularly 20. FOUND OUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE: not really no 21. KISSED SOMEONE ON YOUR FACEBOOK LIST: i have not kissed someone in almost two years.
GENERAL 22. HOW MANY OF YOUR FACEBOOK FRIENDS DO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE: like most of them. all except like 15? and even them i’ve known for 7 years. 23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: i live with five chihuahuas: Sasha, Clifford, Mika, Nora and Navi 24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: yupp i’d love to see Ryn on my legal docs 25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY: i worked a 10 hour shift :) and then died :) im still bitter :) she wouldn’t let me leave :) because she bought a cake :) and didnt want it brought in until nearly :) 8pm :) even tho i had been there since 9 :) with no break :) on my fucking :) birthday :) 26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: uhhhhhhhh like 1pm lmao 27. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT: i have the vague idea that i was reading, but i dont remember 11:30-1:15 28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: the void h a l l o w e e n 29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: couple of hours ago, i still live at home 31. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW: the call of the void the ambient noise of living on a military base 32. HAVE YOU EVER TALKED TO A PERSON NAMED TOM: yeah, i think he died a few years ago. i miss him. 33. SOMETHING THAT IS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES: being unemployed, living at home, not being independent, my mental state, lots of things 34. MOST VISITED WEBSITE: i would say tumblr, but it’s ao3. 35. HAIR COLOUR: im a bleach blond, with brown roots bc im lazy and dont feel like upkeep 36. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: short, but still longer than i like 37. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: subtly screams: MARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 38. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: mnyeh. nothing really i reckon 39. PIERCINGS: i’ve got a standard tongue piercing, a monroe, right nostril, and then i’ve got 7/16th plugs 40. BLOOD TYPE: i honestly dont heckin know my guy 41. NICKNAME: uhm. void and, uh, vore. lmao. there’s probably more but these are the ones i see daily. 42. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: a single useless pringle, i think? i dont think im dating anyone, maybe 43. ZODIAC: im keith (scorpio power yall) 44. PRONOUNS: he/him pls pls pls 45. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: got that VLD and Rick & Morty grind yall GoT doesnt count its just part of my life at this point 46. TATTOOS: 3ish. This swirly star neverland skully thing on my left foot, a bird on my right shoulder, mars/moon/stars on my left wrist that matches my mother and oldest younger brother, and vaguelly some blotches of color on my right foot that dont count anymore because you cant really see them unless you Know. 47. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED: right handed, left hand can be used for some things. 48. SURGERY: galbladder, tonsils/adnoids, and wisdom teeth.
50. SPORT: i’ve never been a sport but i always enjoyed the idea of playing volleyball. 51. VACATION: all my vacations are home. @ tennessee whats good i miss you  52. PAIR OF TRAINERS: idk like the only shoes i own rn are like vans MORE GENERAL 53. EATING: i nothing atm, but i do love eating. 54. DRINKING: sweet tea 55. I’M ABOUT TO: bounce between writing some more and playing overwatch 56. WAITING FOR: the void to take me a job 57. WANT: to enter the void to take my longboard out, but it’s too hilly here and im still new 58. GET MARRIED: one day probably i like the idea of proposing to someone.
WHICH IS BETTER: 60. HUGS OR KISSES: meh. idk. depends on who i guess 61. LIPS OR EYES: can i get a uhhhhh b o t h 62. SHORTER OR TALLER: meh 63. OLDER OR YOUNGER: either or 64. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: i am a slut for some nice arms 65. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: idk. 66. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: little bit of both. im hesitantly a troublemaker. HAVE YOU EVER: 67. KISSED A STRANGER: neh. 68. DRANK HARD LIQUOR: ooohyes. 69. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: i lost 6 months worth of contacts once 70. TURNED SOMEONE DOWN: yesssssss 71. SEX ON THE FIRST DATE: does it count if it wasnt a date at all, just hanging out that ended up there bc yes? but we didnt have a date so 72. BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART: idk maybe probably wait yeah sorry 73. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN: ahahahaha yea 74. BEEN ARRESTED: nopers 75. CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED: vaguely. the concept of death is something that vaguely affects me. i generally end up crying a few months after the death, if at all 76. FALLEN FOR A FRIEND: ye DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. YOURSELF: meh 78. MIRACLES: not exactly 79. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: lust, yes. love, no. 80. SANTA CLAUS: i believe that there was probably once a man that sparked the legend but santa as the current urban myth is a m y t h 81. KISS ON THE FIRST DATE: sure 82. ANGELS: in a way. OTHER: 84. EYE COLOUR: hazel 85. FAVOURITE MOVIE: donnie darko or howls moving caste
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