sophiiwrites Β· 1 month
a little rating/review of doyoung nct solo album that no one asked for :))
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tl;dr: doyoung's solo album is a masterpiece, beginning will have a special place in my heart, electric guitar is a work of art, little light is adorable, lost in california is my baby now, i WILL walk amongst the cherry blossom petals while listening to these songs just watch me
full review under! it's kinda long sorry heh
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song by song, minute by minute thoughts:
little light [title]: stopppp i love this song so much it's so sweet and little and dazzling and pretty and beautiful omg omg omg omg that little piano chime thing is so gooddddd it makes everything so much brighter!!
the mv is beautiful stunning visually aesthetic ALSO THE GREEN LIGHT FOR NCT I'M GONNA CRYY
beginning: the melody that i loved from the teaser is back! gosh this song is so warming and welcoming and comforting. the second verse is so playful a surprising yet amazing switch-up and the transitions are beautiful, truly a song deserving of it's name
STOPPP THE ENDING IS BEAUTIFUL?????? i loved it immediately from the teaser video so this song is my favorite so far!!
from little wave: the electric guitar in this album is really making it so much better like what? that specific song makes everything so nostalgic even though i'm a teenager haha :D
can we like do a quick pause because every song is over three minutes and i'm so happy!! ok back to from little wave
omg the claps and the rhythmic beat stomping adds so much flavor to the song- wait have i missed the chorus? hold up no never mind here it is the title is adorable btw
ok but imagine. doyoung performing this song and the band starts playing an awesome guitar solo in the middle
no wait
DOYOUNG starts performing an awesome guitar solo in the middle
YESSSSSSS omg there is a guitar solo thing doyoung pls tell me you know how to play electric guitar
time machine (ft. nct mark, taeyeon): i was not expecting it to start with mark but that is a welcome surprise
ooh it's a chill song and honestly i don't know if i vibe with those yet... no never mind i do i totally do doyoung and mark's voices blend together so well? IF I GET A CHORUS WITH TAEYEON MARK AND DOYOUNG I WILL FREAK OUTTT omg time for taeyeon she's killing it
IT'S A DUET!!!!! doyoung and taeyeon you must perform this together
ooooooooooh i love the little slides in time machine oh oh oh oh oh i think we got the three way duet omg omg omg YESSS I THINK WE GOT IT!!! yessssssssssssssssssssssssss great song great song
serenade: oh boy it's a ballad not the greatest fan of ballads they can be good but can also be stunningly boring
oooh wait? never mind it got interesting yess ooooh it's a groovy song- imagine if the concert closed with this? that would be so so fun manifesting for doyoung solo concert!!
how is it that every song is so different but they fit together so well? that's what i call- a great album!
to quote a wonderful comment by @mia_ash on youtube:
This such a lovely groovy song. It’s so smooth, gentle, and soft. Truly like dusk over the gentle sea, with a soft warm breeze.
and i totally agree!! it would be great to play in the background of a romantic movie or something and doyoung should be a guest singer
rewind: oh it's a ballad hmmmmm
alright i'll pause the typing for a second to listen to it
you know what? it's not my favorite song and that's alright, it falls a little flat for me as someone who does not enjoy many ballads
but doyoung has a beautiful voice and it really shines through on this one! the high notes are majestic and are hit with such grace that i aspire to have while singing honestly it's a beautiful ballad and the piano harmony is amazing!
oh oh oh ooooooh that was a beautiful low note nice fadeee
warmth: is this a jazzy song? no *cri*
this was composed by KANGTA? crazy crossovers just crazy
oooh i actually think i like this better than rewind (i'm sorry rewind) maybe not a song i will come back to all the time but it's definitely one i'll come back to when i'm feeling down because it's so warm and comforting- really does live up to it's name!
what i admire the most about artists is that they have the ability to connect with people sonically, musically, and with their voices and that's just such a powerful thing to have
and i think doyoung has that power
that was kinda deep haha
lost in california: oooooh that melody and those adlibs??? kim doyoung you will always be famous
oooooooh okayyyy okayyyyy YESSSSS i love this one
banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger
sorry got caught up there for a second
banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger banger
haha can you tell i love this song? and it's only the second verse! oooooh yessssssss "it's a bop" -haechan (2020? 2021? whatever)
it's a certified banger i don't make the rules y'all
yessss those adlibs??? THOSE ADLIBS????? and that pianooo? harpsicord? kind of reminds me of a harpsicord
banger. absolute firee πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
rest: wait it sounds like a ost? or anime opening or something i love this song it's so hopeful and that electric guitar is literally music to my ears
oh i guess it's also literally literally music in my ears haha
it's a head bopper my head is bopping!! it's so rhythmic and groovy- there aren't any high notes or fancy things, it's just a regular rocky song and that is so appealing because it's so special
ok imagine walking to school, cherry blossom petals are flying, and you have these bangers playing in your earbuds???? this will happen i will make this happen
ooooh that ending was perfectt
dallas love field: heard raving review about this can't wait!
ooooooh following in lost in california's footsteps i see? OH MY GOD THAT GUITAR??? THAT GUITAR??? doyoung please tell me you know how to play an electric guitar
yesssss the song just keeps coming and coming and pressing and pressing and "it's a bop" -haechan
ok this could totally be an anime opening wooooooo!! banger banger alert
why does one of the adlibs sound like taeyong
am i falling asleep am i crazy
someone please tell me it does
niceeeeee good song good song
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ultimate rating!
favorite songs so far are beginning, little light, lost in california, and rest! time machine and dallas love field are still debates for now but this whole album is so amazing.
but actually beginning will now hold a special place in my heart from now till i die because why is it so perfect and adorable and round-shaped (why am i talking about this song like it's an object)
the whole album is beautifully created and so cohesive! i really like how doyoung didn't just decide to make a ballad album but branched out and tried different sounds. honestly, some of these songs remind me of taeyeon a lot which is really nice! i think doyoung really does have the potential to becoming someone who can solo really well
songs that i don't know if i enjoy are probably rewind T-T i think i will come to like it, i just need a few more listens to digest everything and then i will definitely be on board.
i do have one gripe, and that is that some of the songs are very similar to each other but again, i do not do well with sitting through an album so that is probably just me.
another gripe is that IT'S SO SHORT??? i need at least twenty songs of doyoung's greatness
ok that's a lot to ask
maybe like one more??? sm pls
anyways i'm overall super satisfied with this album and i can't wait to watch doyoung perform it online! (haha online cri)
kim doyoung you will always be famous
rating: 9/10
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