#one piece 764
kookoofufu · 7 months
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Wine, tea, and other beverages
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zonaenthusiast · 10 months
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beaulesbian · 4 months
i'm caught up with end of wano, so here's some parallels from one piece that could be or don't have to be connected, but are still pretty cool.
long post ahead & wano spoilers
protecting new era:
rayleigh protecting zoro at sabaody from an attack by kizaru, ch 511
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luffy protecting law from an attack by doflamingo, with same move as rayleigh above, dressrosa ch 782
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at the end of wano, ch 1055, shanks telling ryokugyu a similar thing as rayleigh above ("don't pick the buds before they sprout. their era is only just the beginning"),
shanks "when the new shoots that just changed pirating history are exhausted, (..) are you that afraid of the new era?!"
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zoro king of hell
same page as luffy protecting law - with haki clashing against doflamingo, the panels after that talking about supreme king haki - qualities of a king,. in this context for doflamingo, ch 782
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at amazon lily ppl reacting to luffy using supreme king haki, while he doesn't know he just did, ch. 519. "that's the haki of the chosen ones' only one in millions has that spirit!"
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vs, zoro unknowingly unleashing haki of supreme king for (possibly) the first time, ch 997
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and later during his rooftop fight against kaido, (and still denies/ doesn't know what they're talking about, which is very interesting). ch 1010
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then during his fight with King, unleashing haki, which makes others around fall unconscious (as mentioned above to doflamingo is a sign of supreme king haki), ch 1033
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and some more chapters later, claiming the title of King of Hell (funny in this context it was told to doflamingo he was chosen by the heavens, and for zoro he became the king of hell. smth smth about the character work there).,
and as always - connected to luffy and his dreams!. ch 1036
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then there's the asura figure surrounding zoro's powers,
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and i find it so interesting that on wikipedia about asura (which zoro's sword and fighting styles are also based on with hindu and buddhist religions) is mentioned they're "considered enemy of the gods"
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i like how it's the same phrase as we also heard in the manga before form law's flashbacks about corazon, ch 764
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this is in the context of the people with the D. name, and then mostly used for law himself, and luffy and how far he's come to truly wreck the world government, as well as them being a threat to the celestial dragons.
luffy and nika:
from point above, i like how the "enemy of gods" being applied to people with the name D. is also interesting in the context of luffy awakening his devil fruit powers, which are named sun god nika. (i know that in the phrase "enemy of gods" mean gods as the celestial dragons, but it's still interesting)
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which doesn't take away from luffy's character as i was a bit worried at first.
he's testing the new skills and powers, and he sees how he can reach the new limits he couldn't before. it might have been the devil fruit that chose who would eat it, but it's luffy and his dream that make the decisons., ch 1045
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and ch 1049
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luffy in ch 507 & 1053, his core ideals are still the same
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not fighting someone
shanks not fighting the mountain bandits, and luffy not understanding it, ch 1
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jaya arc, luffy and zoro not fighting against bellamy, and nami not understanding at first, ch 225
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and ch 1054, momonosuke telling yamato not to fight the navy guy because he wants to be able to protect wano, and let yamato go to the seas as he wants to - it's just that similar energy that luffy has when he tells someone not to fight (or when to fight), without almost any explanations.
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also loved this usopp moment!, - could be paralelled to his whole character arc. ch 1036.
he's so real for saying this to kin and kiku (and samurai in general). he's always scared and sometimes can be acting like a coward, but he always, always, stands up for his crew and fights to live through whatever hell luffy puts in front of them.
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-- wano was so good and there are so many thoughts about one piece in my head now, about each of the characters and their development/meanings/themes! OTL
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bettyfrommars · 13 days
After I saw your blurb game post I just had to run to your inbox
E4, *, 💜
Very excited to see what I get ☺️♥️
Gia you sweet angel, you can have whatever you want 🫠 blurb game
Your Person is that babe Drifter!Eddie, your Place is a Concert Venue, and your Thing is a Payphone
18+ONLY, hints to monster Eddie, yearning, scars, allusions to physical fights and angst, gender neutral reader
word count: 764
Eddie had been on the road for so long, he often forgot what day it was. Was it Saturday or was it Tuesday? You were never far from his thoughts, and the weeks all blurred together.
He wasn't supposed to feel this way, especially not about someone he'd met while on a short visit back to the Midwest.
He took a rubber band out of his pocket to tie his hair back before he picked up another heavy piece of equipment to load it onto the stage with ease. It was the summer of '98 by then, and he'd taken a job as a roadie for Pantera on their European tour for Ozzfest. He hadn't known why at the time, but he needed to get as far away from the states as he could, far away from whatever connection bound him to you.
He was scared shitless that you'd see who he really was and run. Worse yet, what if he woke up from one of those nightmares about the Upside Down and he hurt you? Nah, he wouldn't be able to live with himself then.
He overheard one of the new guys ask, "which one is Eddie?" To which Dimebag Darrell pointed in his direction and said, "the one over there, the one with all the gnarly scars."
It didn't bother him anymore, not like it had in those years right after it happened, when he was so full of rage, he'd pick stupid fights for literally no reason. Back when he wanted to transmute his pain onto others and make them hurt as bad as he hurt.
Backstage that night, while Phil growled out the lyrics for the song This Love, the music pounded in his chest and watching the action under the bright lights made him forget who he was for a second. Through the deafening throb of the crowd, he made his way down along the backstage hallway where he remembered seeing a payphone earlier.
He'd had your phone number written on the back of his hand in black marker for the longest time, and before it faded completely, it was committed it to memory. He always had a way with numbers.
He stared at the box for a hot minute before yanking the receiver off the metal cradle with a curse, as if he'd just lot a bet with it.
He dropped in the quarters for long distance, punched the keypad, it rang, and he held his breath. In the space between the second and third ring, he realized he hadn't remembered to take the time difference into account. Shit, what if he woke you up? No, it had to be the middle of the day still where you were.
If you were still in the same place, if you even wanted to hear from him.
He panicked a little when a voice finally came on the line, but it was your answering machine. Much safer talking to a machine than a real person, so he took a breath to prepare what he would say.
"...just leave your name and number at the beep and I'll get back to you..."
The beep was a long one, felt like it would never end.
He cleared his throat. "Hey, it's me, um, it's Eddie. I know it's been a while but I'm out here in Italy or some shit and I----"
But then your voice came on the line, your real voice this time, and you sounded winded like you'd been exercising or something.
"Eddie? Oh my god, Eddie? Are you still there?"
If only you could see the huge ass grin that spread across his face.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "I'm still here. How are you?"
You'd been screening your calls, waiting to see who it was, and maybe you'd get back to them later. Since you were on the other side of the apartment, you worried you wouldn't get to the phone fast enough. You'd slipped on the rug and bounced off the wall, landing on your knees in front of the sofa.
"I'm good, I'm..." you trailed off, feeling a wave of relief and happiness so strong, you almost burst into tears. "It's good to hear your voice again."
He ran his thumb along the plastic divide, feeling all lovesick goofy. "Well, I figured, you know, it wouldn't hurt to check in, make sure you're okay or whatever. This tour is nuts, I wish you could see it."
You climbed up on the sofa to hug a pillow, smiling into the receiver.
"Tell me all about it."
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
and today in "fantastic DE moments that you may have missed": almost sneezing on cindy's painting. dont ask me how to get here i was just browsing fayde
YOU - "Would you describe this as one of your signature pieces?"
CINDY THE SKULL - "*Signature*? Oh yeah, pigster. I sneezed while holding a wet brush. Paint flecked onto the canvas, and voila. You don't get more signature than that."
HALF LIGHT - Is that all she thinks it takes to be an artist? Outperform her with her own style. Make it *yours*.
[Fc] *691.YOU - (Tickle the longest of your nasal hairs.
[Fc] *970.HALF LIGHT - You feel the biggest sneeze of your life itching its way to the centre of your face...
[Fc] *271.CINDY THE SKULL - "Uh, what are you doing...?" She looks disgusted, her individual facial features racing to be the most dramatic expression of her disapproval.
[Fc] *327.KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant furrows his brow at another one of your eccentricisms.
[Fc] *764.YOU - "I'm an artist too." (Your nostrils flare involuntarily.)
[Fc] *632.HALF LIGHT - You tilt your head back, close your eyes, and get ready to snap it all forward...
[Fc] *911.CINDY THE SKULL - The coat gets flung over her head as she braces for impact.
[Fc] *581.KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant is desperately searching for a handkerchief.
[Fc] *580.DRAMA - The pre-sneeze hype is unreal.
[Fc] *437.PERCEPTION (SMELL) - The mucous gripping the sides of your nostrils is cheering. All scents and odours seem to have left the world; your nasal chambers have become wind tunnels of *very* ticklish particles.
[Fc] *766.YOU - "AHHH--"
[Fc] *579.HALF LIGHT - But the rest doesn't come. You exhale softly -- no spittle, no shout. It's over. Just like that.
[Fc] *765.CONCEPTUALIZATION - Perhaps not *everyone* is an artist after all.
[Fc] *435.CINDY THE SKULL - "Was that it?" She looks relieved. "Stop playing with your snout and let's get on with this so you can go back to your stinky sty. You still want this painting or what?"
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sempiternalmuze · 1 year
whispers in the forest
Whispers in the forest - Druig x reader
description: lots of pining between you and Druig and the whispers only you can understand.
word count: 764
warning(s): none
a/n: woah where did this come from. likes, comments, and relogs are always appreciated!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ─── ➶ ─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Druig's eyes danced over you, taking his time to observe your movements. Your powers were still emerging, but he knew even now that great things were bound to come your way. He strolled quietly until he was behind you, you oblivious as your mind focused on the sounds around you. To anyone else, it was another day deep in the rainforest. But to you, it was a million voices, whispers traveling through the wind, messages only you could understand.
"Hey." He spoke, the messages so near to becoming clear now shattered into a million pieces as you jumped to face him.
"Druig! You ruined my concentration! I was so close." You cried, giving him a small punch on the arm, lips pouted. He stared down at you, a coy smile playing on his lips.
"I'm sorry darling, I couldn't help myself."
You rolled your eyes at his childish ways. He pulled you in for a hug, his arms wrapping dangerously low on your waist, his grip on you tight.
"Druig..." You started. He pulled away just enough so he was able to look you in the eyes, his own holding a knowing, teasing look. "What have I told you?" You pushed him away, walking towards the building that was currently being used as the Eternal's home.
The laugh he let out was nearly enough to make you turn around and go straight back to him. His voice vibrated through the air, engulfing you as the energy carried away in the wind. Perhaps that was one of the first things you noticed about him. Anyone else's laugh you could feel and forget, passing it off. But his, it held magic in it, a gentleness that you could only feel. You would never admit that to him, sure he would use it against you one day.
"I know they talk about me." He smiled, eyes shining.
You looked back at him, careful not to show your shock, treading around what he might be saying. "Who?"
"Who else? The flowers, the ones in your room especially, and the ones in the treehouse. The others not really but I don't really blame them." Your face grew hot as his words hit you. He had been able to pick up on their talking, how much did he really know?
"What would give you that impression?" You played it cool, trying to not make the obvious clear.
"Well, for one, you're always talking to them, giggling. Especially when you think I'm not there." He smiled, his eyes brighter now, "And I'm pretty sure I've heard a whisper or two, calling my name."
Now you covered your mouth, laughing softly. He was right, the plants did talk about him. You were sure they had a bigger crush on him than you did. Out of all the Eternals he understood your powers best, and therefore, he understood the plants that you spoke with, and the messages you communicated with them. He would take the time to talk to them, and try to make conversation without any kind of understanding of how they'd react to him.
His arms found their way around you once more, this time tighter. His breath warmed against your neck as he spoke.
"No matter how hard I try, you're always on my mind. Do you know how, how maddening that is?" His hold tightening slightly, "I have the ability to control people's minds, make them do whatever I'd like and yet...I hardly have control over my own."
You turned to face him, hands resting on his shoulders as you pulled him closer to you, his lips lingering.
"This would be a perfect moment for a kiss, I think." He smiled, never failing to only keep the joy even in a moment like this one.
"I think we should take it then."
His lips reached forward, capturing your own in a soft, longing kiss, the kind that has been building up for years, or in your case, millenniums.
You each pulled away, foreheads resting against once another. For you, it was like a breath of fresh air. Druig's hands wrapped around you once again, holding you close to himself.
"I've been waiting a long time to do that." He smiled.
You laughed, pushing away as you heard the voices around you, swirling as the energy built up.
"They're happy." You whispered.
"Who dear?" Druig asked, looking confused.
"Ah, there they go whispering again, eh?"
You both let out small laughs as you walked hand in hand back to the house, the whispers sure to sing songs in your favor.
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jammyjams-safespace · 8 months
Hug the Scares Away
Request: Fanfic for caregiver Wilbur and fem!regressor reader for anon
Heavily apologise for this taking so long!! Only recently got the motivation to finish writing this fic!!
I made a mini reference to my other fic Baking Mishap. Can you spot it?
Summary: Wilbur and Y/N decided to watch a show while they were hanging out, but Y/N has a slip so now their plans had to change a little
Word count: 764
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Wilbur and Y/N sat quietly on the sofa, occasionally commenting and making fun of the little plot holes and mistakes that were left in the show they were watching, Squid Game. Like how in the scene where Gi-hun bumped into Sae-byeok, the latter’s actor was laughing, and in one of the lunch scenes the actor of the main character scooped up nothing and put the empty spoon in his mouth (pls it’s very funny). 
Wait, but how did they get here? Well, when Wilbur decided to invite his little cupcake over, Y/N couldn’t say no to spending time with her favourite caregiver. It was the evening and they both wanted to do something more chill, being tired out from the fun they had earlier that day. How they chose the show? Well it was trending, and Tommy seemed to like it, and they trusted his opinion. And he was right! It was definitely pretty good. Maybe a bit sensitive but it was alright.
It was… something… to binge watch an entire season of gore and blood, especially since it would take up most of the two's day. It was fine, it was the weekend, and they didn't have any extra plans for it. Well, they didn't watch the ENTIRE thing. There was a bit of a… slip?
Y/N squeaked in fear at the sound of the gunshot, hiding away in her caregivers arm. Wilbur immediately took notice of the change in behaviour, pausing the show as fast as possible so the little one didn't have to be scared anymore. Y/N whimpered as he pulled her closer.
"Cupcake, what's wrong?" He rubbed her back gently. "Was the show too scary for you?" He spoke gently. Y/N nodded as she curled into his embrace. Wilbur softened. "What would cheer you up? Cuddle time with Mr Waffles?" He gently held up a little blue dragon plush and smiled softly. Y/N immediately made grabby hands towards the plush and cuddled it close once it was in her hands.
Wilbur grabbed the remote and switched over to Netflix Kids. He put on a cute children's show called Hilda, a young and free-spirited adventurer that moved from the wilderness to the bustling city. Y/N was immediately entranced by all the sweet looking characters, eyes following the very bouncy weather lady. Figuring that she would be okay on her own for a few minutes, Wilbur got up and headed to the kitchen, pulling out some leftover chocolate chip cookies that Tubbo and Ranboo had baked him from the fridge. They were shockingly decent. He put the cookies on a glass plate and placed it in the microwave to heat up.
Wilbur tapped his foot as the microwave hummed, peeking out of the kitchen as he heard the silly lines from the bird, followed by joyful giggles from the girl on the sofa. The microwave beeped not long after, and Wilbur pulled out the now warm cookies. He quickly looked out to observe Y/N. Her speech seemed to be fine, albeit higher pitched and maybe a bit lacking in usual vocabulary, and she seemed to understand what the weather spirits were saying. He took a guess that she was possibly around 7-12 years old. He grabbed some milk from the fridge and poured it into a plastic cup before bringing the snacks back to the living room.
"I have cookies and milk!" Wilbur said, placing them on the coffee table in front of the sofa. "But we have to share, okay?" Y/N nodded in understanding.
"Alfred can have some!!" She smiled. Wilbur furrowed his brows in confusion but smiled fondly anyway.
"The elf!!" She giggled.
"Ohh, the elf!" Wilbur played along. "One of the little men that I can't see, right?"
"Mhm!" Y/N picked up a cookie and broke off a small-ish piece, placing it on the table for the 'elf' to eat. Wilbur just sighed, knowing he'd have to clean that later. The two continued watching the show, the girl giggling happily as she ate her cookies. Wilbur let her take most of them.
Eventually, Wilbur felt a weight on his shoulder. Looking down, he saw the little sleeping softly against him, hugging Mr Waffles close. He smiled and gently moved Y/N so that she was lying comfortably on the cushions of the sofa. He turned the TV off and put a blanket over the sleeping girl. He switched the lights off for the living room and headed to the office in his home.
"Sleep well, my little Cupcake."
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year
Suspended Conscience
One shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x Gn!Reader
Genre: Angst and comfort
Words: 764
Warnings: dissociation
A/N: This is low-key shit but I'm in a writing slump so please bear with me 🥲 Also you can read this platonically
Knocking came from your front door. The sound traveled and reached you but was never processed. In the blink of an eye, you pulled your body out of bed and walked to the sound's origin, unaware that your legs were moving. Every action was no longer of your own volition; had you cared, you would have fought it, but sometimes taking a back seat to your life was more manageable. 
You were watching from afar as words slipped from your mouth, present in the physical but consciousness suspended and cruelly tethered, forced to witness everything play out with no part in it. It was what you had been doing for days. Now you were alone; you’d succumb to it. Sitting in bed, staring blankly at the wall for hours on end, contently. 
The process of opening a door is simple. Check who it is, turn the lock, and open the door. So you couldn’t understand why you stood still - for what felt like hours - staring into the gaping space between the peephole and the door handle. Nothing was remotely fascinating about it except a small splatter of white paint that stood out from the brown oak. It managed to hold you hostage for what you believed to be an eternity until another sharp knock jolted you out of your trance. 
Turn the lock, and pull the door open. Turn the lock, and pull the door open. Turn the lock, and pull the fucking door open. You screamed down to your body, begging it to listen. As if in spite, your body remained still, hand resting on the door handle, refusing to move until you stopped your infernal demands. 
“Are you okay?” 
The door, now open, revealed a worrisome-looking figure. When you looked at JJ, you could have burst into tears, that is, if you weren’t both numb and hypersensitive. The two opposing dynamics worked in unison to present you with the hypersensitivity, and your body, the nothingness. 
Couch. That’s usually where people converse. That’s where you were. Words were passed between you and JJ, but none were available. All you heard were muffles as you tried to piece together the puzzle of how you got to the sofa in the first place. She looked so clear, almost too clear, like a hologram. The resolution sharp enough to induce a headache. 
Staring into her eyes, you wondered if she knew, did she see you were missing. 
“What’s going on?” She asked, squinting her eyes and studying your dreary expression. 
It was an innocent question meant to cause no harm, which you knew. That didn’t stop the swarm that followed. 
‘Say yes.’
‘Say no.’
‘Tell her what’s going on.’ 
‘Don’t mention anything because she’ll think you’re fucking crazy, you idiot.’ 
Which you were supposed to choose was comparable to picking between life and death, both extremely attractive. No matter how hard you were trying to stop them, tears welled up in your eyes because, for the god knows what time in the last few days, you once again felt powerless. 
“I don’t- I don’t feel you,” traitorous tears prickled in your eyes, looking down at her hand resting on your knee, “I want to feel you. I don’t understand.” 
Every word coming out was in your voice; they resonated so deeply you could have cursed yourself for ever letting them slip out. You’d outwardly exposed yourself in a way you’d sworn never to let anyone see. 
The floodgates had opened, and intrusive thoughts were flung at you. You’ve said too much. You’re being dramatic and pathetic. Do you think she cares? 
The walls closed in on you. You felt everything and nothing, every sound loud and barely audible, the feel of your shirt pressed against your skin sickly tangible, and yet you were also numb to the feeling of it. 
“Look at me,” she instructed softly. And you did as you were told, “Good. Now breathe with me, in and out.” 
You mimicked her breathing by falling into step with the rise and fall of her chest. Taking a breath in, holding it, then letting it go. After repeating the process a few more times, your pulse slowed, and your heart returned to a regular tempo.  
“I’m here.” she took your hand and placed it to her face, “I’m real. This will pass, and I’ll be here when it does. I’m not going anywhere.”
All you could do was stare in awe as tears dribbled down your chin, “Y-you don’t have to stay.” 
“I want to. Now come here,” JJ wrapped her arms around you with a gentleness that brought forth another tidal wave of tears. Your head rested comfortably against her shoulder as she ran her fingers through your hair. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.”
Tags: @aws-l @babygirlscout @red1culous @7thavenger @sapphicprentiss @five-bi-five-mind @auggiewritess @jenna-ortega-is-pretty17177 @12fluffybunny12 | Click here to be added to my tag list
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Asmodeus with a Cupid!Mc
this piece belongs to this and has 764 Words
what a better fit for him than a God of love, nothing could have been more perfect for him than such a loving creature by nature and of course he would never have to worry about them only wanting him for his perfect looks but they also love his wonderful personality, in their words he´s “one of the sweetest and most loving person they ever meet” and if that wouldn´t melt someone´s heart right out of their chest he doesn´t know what else could
not only that but they give him countless fo self made gifts that are made just with him in mind and while that isn´t the first time that happened it´s the only time it ever made him incredibly flustered, the power of true love he supposes <3
and they share some of his hobbies and if somebody told him before he meet them that one of the most romantic things for him will be working together with somebody that completely loves him for who he is, he would have torn them apart for mocking him but it seems miracles do happen <3
they are also the one who helps him with his more… persistent fans, either they will make his fans fall in love with somebody else or if they are a bi to much for either of them well both of them aren´t just pretty to look at and know how to handle with people that get to handsy but if it comes so far the person will never be found again but otherwise they are the best and most beautiful people in all three Realms
and even the most of boring of tasks are fun when they are around, he was even willing to chip one of his nail while helping them with the dishes or doing the worst of all helping them carry out the trash of the House of Lamentation, he is willing to do a lot for them as you can see
but the best of moments are the small ones right now, where they are just brushing his hair and giving him sweet compliments
“did you know that you have the fairest skin of them all? I´m sure even ivory would pale in envy if it were to witness your beauty” he had to hold back a chuckle at their attempts at praising his beauty “ah Dearie I know you can do better than that” they were still brushing his hair and he could feel the wonderful sensation of them moving their hands through his hair and over his scalp “well despite you being incredibly vain sometimes you are in fact one of the sweetest and nicest Demons I ever meet”
“go one Dearie~”
“well you can be incredibly generous towards your Brothers remember when you were willing to lose a competition because someone tried to ruin one of your Brothers name?” ah he remembers what they are talking about “of course I would after all even if everybody can be grateful being related to me I can also be incredibly nice” he felt them move their hands away and he knew that it´s already over “and what else do you like about me? Your the only one that praises me for being me and not just my looks so I want to hear every little thing you love about me” they pulled his head back and gave him a kiss on the nose “I love not only your eye for fashion but also that you aren´t afraid to make your own, this is quiet rare nowadays did you know that?”
he pouted “that´s all? not to be as Greedy as Mammon but I expected a bit more you know?” they gave him another little kiss and he isn´t even going to pretend he doesn´t want to spend all of his time with them just like this, getting covered in kisses by them and all the cuddles he could ever want
“did you know that your also incredibly gifted at what you do? Not many Demons can juggle being a fashion icon, the most popular Demon in the entirety of the Devidlom, a vibrant and exciting social live or even inventing new fashion trends” now it was their turn for the kisses he took a hold of their face and gave them as many as they were willing to accept “what would I ever do without you?”
“finally be the most beautiful one of all” he gave them one more kiss “oh Dearie don´t start a fight you would never be able to win”
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kookoofufu · 7 months
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Cooking and serving
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zonaenthusiast · 10 months
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I like to think that Nami is sitting on Zoro's sword.
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em-writes-stuff · 11 months
day 11 of two weeks of whump @promptsforyourwhumpfic
hero, villain
warnings: being held hostage, cursing
764 words
a/n: do i know what this is? no, am i posting it anyway? yep!
Villain spits at Hero’s feet, “Let me go.” 
She fights against the chains anchoring her to the wall and grunts when they don’t give. The manacles dig into her skin, rubbing the flesh raw. She stares at Hero, her eyes throwing daggers at him. 
He smiles and shakes his head, and takes a step back, “Not yet.” 
“Nobody’s coming for me, if that’s what you think. It’s just not happening. Supervillain doesn’t give a fuck about me.” 
Hero stares at her, then at his watch, then back at her. “It’s only been a few hours. I wouldn’t give up hope yet.” 
She scoffs and slumps against the wall, “Yeah, right.” 
Hero stands there for a few seconds before nodding once and turning around, “I’ll be back with something for you to eat in a few hours. Any allergies?” 
“Fuck you.” 
The door slams and Villain slides down the wall, the chains jangling loudly every time she moves. She stares up and traces the shadows cast from the bars on the window. It was going to be a long wait. 
The sunset was a soft purple, it painted the walls of the room Villain was in. In terms of sunsets, it took forever. Over half an hour later, the wall is still stained with a deep red. 
A knock at the door and someone pushes it open, a head peeks past the door frame and Hero smiles, “I brought a sandwich. Ham and cheese.” 
He tosses it to her and walks into the room the rest of the way, leaving the door open behind him. Villain cranes her neck to see past him, she catches view of a door that could be an exit. 
She grabs for the sandwich and lifts the top piece of bread to inspect it. 
There was a thin layer of mayonnaise spread onto both pieces of bread, and three pieces of ham on either side of a piece of cheddar cheese. 
“I hope you don’t mind crusts,” Hero jokes. 
She looks up from the sandwich and glares at him, “You’re holding me hostage, do you really think you can make jokes?” 
He holds his hands up in mock defense and nods, “You’re right.” he slides down the wall across from her and sighs, “Just thought I’d try to lighten the mood a bit.” 
“Not gonna happen.” she takes a bite into the sandwich and quickly finishes it, rubbing her hands together to get rid of the crumbs. 
Hero’s shoulders raise and he turns away from her, “Those are loud.” 
“What?” she stares at him, then shakes her wrist furiously, “The chain? Yeah, it’s like its made of fucking metal or something.” 
Hero nods again and stands up, “I’m sure someone will get you by morning.” 
“And if they don’t?” 
He looks over his shoulder and sighs, then closes the door without an answer. 
Before the sun comes up, Hero knocks on the door again and hands her a cup filled with cold coffee and a bagel with cream cheese. “I thought you’d be gone. I left the window unlocked.” 
“What is this?” Villain snaps. She sets the cup down on the ground next to her hand and balances the bagel on top. “What the fuck is this?” 
“No. Not this. This-this. Leaving the window unlocked? Keeping me so close to the exit. What’s going on?” she narrows her eyes, “What’s your plan?” 
“No plan. I’m just bored.” he admits. “I’m sorry you’re the one trapped here, but Supervillain hasn’t done anything in months and I was trained to do stuff. Not just sit around. I needed something to do.” 
Villain almost laughs, “Let me get this straight: you kidnapped me because you’re bored?” 
He nods. 
“Do you know how fucking stupid that is?” 
He nods again. 
“Are you gonna let me go?” 
He shakes his head. 
“Jesus!” she shouts, “It’s like working with a toddler!” she shoots to her feet and pulls against the chains, “You’re not doing this for a good fucking reason! Let me go, you motherfucker.” 
“Someone has to come for you,” He says, almost to himself. “Someone has to notice you’re missing soon.” he looks at her, “Right?” 
“No!” She shouts. “Nobody’s fucking coming for me! I told you that eighteen hours ago!” 
He shakes his head and walks up to her, gently holding her wrists in his hands. “I’m sorry. I thought someone would come for you.” 
Gently, Hero unlocks the manacles and lets the chains clatter to the floor. Villain pushes past him and walks out of the door, slamming it behind her. 
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x-reader-things · 2 years
“Something about art.”
The Ghost Crew x Reader [platonic]
Summary ; In which ranting about your favorite art pieces that you’ve seen in your travels before joining the rebellion brings you closer to the Ghost crew.
Requested? ; No - just self indulgent stuff, lmao-
Warnings ; The characters might be slightly out of character, since this is one the first times I wrote for them. Other than that, nothing else besides found family things because yes and because why not.
Word Count ; 764 words.
“…. Oh and this one! This was was amazing, seeing it in person - I saw this piece when I visited Naboo with my family a long while back”, You said, as a holographic picture was shown to them through Chopper, who (was kind of forced to but he owed you a favor) had generously agreed to help you show them the pictures you were raving about after a mission.
You had the pictures stored on an old hard drive you kept safe for a while, just in case you wanted to look at them later on. What had spurred this conversation on was a visit from a certain swindler who was an ‘impressionistic connoisseur’ - most commonly known as Lando Calrissian.
After the mission was done - just after you and the Ghost crew dropped the smuggler and his puffer pig off at his mining site - you and Sabine sat in front of the holochess table, jokingly lamenting over the fact that Lando Calrissian wasn’t really going to buy one of her art pieces. What had started off as a joking conversation turned into how you two got into art in the first place. That got the attention of Ezra, which in turn got the attention of Zeb.
Well, Zeb only decided to pay attention when your voice got louder and ‘more obnoxious’, in his words. However he still decided to sit back and listen to you ramble on about the amazing things you’ve seen from all over the galaxy.
Kanan had joined in the conversation after hearing you noisily clamor around yours and Sabine’s shared cabin in search for the old hard drive. The noise drove him out of a well deserved rest, but he couldn’t blame you too much after seeing the excited state you were in. Excitement like that was a rare find nowadays, especially with the Empire all over your backs.
So now, it was Hera’s turn to join in.
After running some diagnostics on the Ghost to check for any damage the Puffer Pig incident caused, she went into the lounge to finally see what the fuss was about.
“This is from Naboo?”, Sabine asked incredulously, admiring the artwork on the hologram.
“Yeah! Art is a BIG part of their culture over there”, you began, both Ezra and Sabine looking back at you to listen intently on what you were going to say. “It’s said that a lot of well known artists and musicians and architects come from there - its close to the Outer Rim, too…” After a moment of thought, you scoffed to yourself. “Maybe if the Empire wasn’t on our tail for a day we could try to go there.”
Ezra chuckled bitterly. “Like that’d ever happen.”
“Ah, well, a person can hope.” You said with a wistful sigh. Chopper changed the picture to another one, grumbling something about hoping too much in droid language. You ignored what he said with a roll of your eyes, looking at the new picture.
With a small gasp at what you saw, you began to enthusiastically ramble on and on about the artwork again, the atmosphere around you all quickly turning back to the wondrous nature it had before.
Hera stood next to Kanan as this all played out in front of her, a fond smile on her face. Turning to him, she asked the Jedi quietly, “So, what do you think spurred this on?”
“Oh I dunno”, Kanan answered with a shrug, a playful tone in his voice. “Something about art, I think.”
“Haha - very funny”, Hera quipped back, looking back at you four in the lounge.
You were now all sat in front of Chopper, looking at the images before you four. And for once, Hera didn’t see a shred of war in your eyes. Just a kind of awe that you would see in someone talking in extensive and in depth detail about their interests. A kind of child-like wonder and light that spread to others as well.
Seeing the other three Spectres besides you listening quietly to your talking, and look at the art on the hologram with the same amount of engagement you had, was definitely a sight to behold for her.
Especially since Chopper, Ezra and Zeb weren’t at each others throats either. It’s strange how all it took was pictures to keep them at peace for now; with the occasional jabs at each other, but still. They stopped the moment the rambling took over again, and when the pictures changed once more.
“… We’ll, it’s something about art, alright.”
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trainofcommand · 8 months
Thank you, @wonkyelk, for the tag :)
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
764 464.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now mostly SGA, but other fandoms I've written for in the last year or so include Firefly, SG1, The Old Guard, some tiny/non-existent fandom stuff (Echoes, Who is Erin Carter, etc), some original fiction. Various one-offs (Hot Fuzz, ST:PIC).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Perfect Bride (SGA)
A Uniquely Dangerous Opportunity (SGA/The Old Guard)
Season's Greetings (SGA)
How to Succeed at Corporate Sabotage in Five and a Half Easy Steps (SGA) [note - I love this title so much]
In the Wind (SGA/The Old Guard)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I dooooooo! I love comments, they make me so happy, so I want to make sure the commenter knows that. And sometimes there's a nice chat that happens too, so that's exciting!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For SGA, it's Failsafe (still one of my favourite things I've ever written). For Firefly, I think it's Assessment, at least, based on the comments I got when I first posted it to...oh gosh, I think it was to a listserv and then the Firefly's Glow old archive. For SG1, it's Grey Skies, Ashen Ground (I also love this fic so much).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't know. I do write a lot of pretty happy endings, and a lot of humour, so it's hard to say.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Generally, no. I do remember getting a bit of snark about a few things I've written over the years, but that was way back pre-LJ.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I dooooooooo. I think I write a fair amount of E-rated stuff (PWPs and otherwise). What kind - I guess mostly m/m. My most common smut-related tags are blow jobs, dubious consent, and getting together. So I guess I write a lot of dubious consent oral sex romance or something :')
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Sometimes! Craziest one is probably Travel Light (SGA/The Littlest Hobo) (we need more dogs in Stargate, okay??) (yes, this is a niche fic with a small audience, but it is deeply hilarious to me). Or maybe Village of the Y-arrrggg (Anna and the Apocalypse/Hot Fuzz). I love both of these fics so much.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have no idea!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Heck yes, I have! Quite a bit over the years, and more recently a couple with @wonkyelk and four or five with @chaos-monkeyy. It is so fun!!!!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I tend to prefer characters over ships (I will ship that favourite character will alllllllll kinds of people), but probably if I had to pick, I'd say Jayne/Simon (Firefly), just because I think they're the most frequent ship I've written.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't know, really. I tend to forget about my WIPs and then find them again later and remember.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write humour pretty well! And I think I'm pretty good at writing porn. Maybe. I don't know. I can and will make train puns (shock, gasp, surprise).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't sustain long stories. Most of my stuff falls in the 2000-5000 range, and the longest thing I ever wrote was just shy of 10 000 words. I just don't have the capacity to write long stuff. Also, if I don't get most of a fic down in a sitting or two, I'm unlikely to ever finish it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm pretty sure I've never done this. Can't say I have any profound thoughts on it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This one is too hard. And whoops, it turns out I've already mentioned a bunch of stuff I like. I guess I also really like the way Pieces Tossed Aside (Firefly) worked out (I had to think about a few different things for that one), and also, Of winsome mood and disposition (SGA) (it made me laugh so much to write this).
no pressure tagging, if you're into it: @chaniis-atlantis, @cuillere, @cordeliaperry, @chaos-monkeyy, @colonelshepparrrrd, @dedkake, @sparrowsarus
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beardyboyzx · 5 months
2023 writing self evaluation
I was tagged by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed, thank you!! <3
1. List of works published this year:
May in my head we can love forever | Explicit | 1.2K, Girl Direction, Harry/Louis -- written for @wankersday
waving to the hard times | NR | 80k, A/B/O, Dystopian AU, Harry/Louis, Liam/Zayn -- written for @onedirectionbigbang [first part of a two piece series]
August I ain't ever fell from a love this tall | G | 733, Liam/Zayn -- written for @wordplayfics
September It's a rush inside I can't control | G | 764, Werewolf AU, Louis-centric -- written for @wordplayfics
you are the magic in me | NR | 2.8k, Magic AU, loosely inspired by BBC Merlin, Liam/Zayn -- written for @wordplayfics
so pretend (pretend) | NR | 1.9k, loosely inspired by White Collar and Catch me if you can, Harry/Louis -- written for @wordplayfics
November to wake up by your side is all I wanna do | G | 1k, AU, Niall/Zayn -- written for @theshowficfest
In 2023: I've published 7 works and a total of 89,283 words!
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
My Big Bang! I love that story so much, I'm still a bit sad I had to break it in half, but I'm still so proud of how it turned out (@aestheticlarrie's poster is such a masterpiece, I can't help but love that story more because of it <3) I didn't think I could pull it off -- the world building, the characterization...it all looked so intimidating while I was plotting it. But I did it. And I'm happy about it.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Weirdly enough, there is nothing I'm the least proud of. Not even the ones I've written in a rush because of my poor time-managing skills lol
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
This bit from waving to the hard times keeps coming into my mind, every now and then:
Louis closes his eyes, taking in a few shaky breaths. He doesn’t want to cry. People will pity him if he will and he hates it. Hates being known as the orphan child, the one who was crying in his mother’s arms as they stood at his uncle’s side twenty-five years ago. He hates being remembered for it, being depicted by the newspapers as a symbol of overcoming grief. Because he’s found out that you can never overcome grief. You just live with it being a big part of yourself, letting it shape you while trying not to let the bad days get to you. Louis also hates not being able to be honest about it just because he doesn’t want to be coddled.
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
I can't share them, because they contain spoilers, but there are some comments on my big bang that really made me trust my (creative) writing skills a bit more! <3
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Right after I finished the first part of my Big Bang. It was pretty hard for me to write, so much so that I had to drop out from a few fests because of it
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Oh, I think Niall from (once again) waving to the hard times surprised me a lot. I didn't know he would turn out to be like that! But I loved him so much.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I don't really know. I re-learnt to let my mind wander and my fingers write without overthinking. Which is something I usually do when I write in Italian and that I used to do when I first started writing in English.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I just hope to keep writing what I like and for it to keep being something I love.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Hello, @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed <3 She's been there for me for every writer's block, metaphorically taking my hand whenever I had to drop out of something, reminding me that taking a break was more than fine. Love you, Mia <3
@chai-hat-tea has been on my side for all the year by hearing my frustration and always cheering me up. Love you!
And @nooradeservedbetter, without whom I'd have been too afraid of publishing my dystopian au.
Last but not least, @bigxrig, @muldxr and @helznik who were my alpha/beta readers for my first two works of the year. Thank you so much, really <3
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Louis' grief and some bits of my political thoughts.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Write what you like and don't forget to have fun while doing it!
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
I'm gonna tag @chai-hat-tea, @nooradeservedbetter and @hellolovers13!
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faes-land · 2 years
Day 11: Thigh Riding - Taeil
Tumblr media
Pairings: Taeil X Female Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 764
Warnings: Daddy! Taeil, Thigh Riding
“Come sit on Daddy’s lap,” Taeil said as you came out of the shower. You had a pair of panties and a bralette on and that was enough for Taeil to go crazy. He felt like you purposely picked the set that was his favorite color. You might have, but he didn’t have to know that.
You looked at your man, sitting on the couch with his legs spread. You knew what he wanted and you weren’t going to deny him of it. Shit, you wanted it too. You walked over to him, balancing yourself on one of his thighs. “Of course, Daddy.” You smiled at him before you put your arms around his shoulders and kissed him.
His lips tasted sweet like he had just eaten a piece of candy. You moaned into your kiss when you felt his hands caressing your ass. He pinched one of your cheeks and you yelped, moving slightly against his thigh. Your clit had rubbed against the muscle in his leg, turning you on. You pulled away from Taeil and raised your eyebrow at him. He smirked before placing his hands on your hips, “Do that again, baby,” he said softly into your neck.
You weren’t fully sure what he meant until you felt his hands start to push your hips, making you move on his thigh. You moaned slightly when you felt the friction of his clothed thigh against your center. Your panties were thin and you felt everything. You started to rock your hips against him, and you felt him smirk on your neck. He liked when you would do this to him; he enjoyed watching you fall apart.
Taeil’s grip tightened on you as he helped guide your hips on his thigh. He could feel you getting wet with each movement. Your breathing became labored with each passing second. He flexed his thigh and you moaned a little louder when he did that. You moved slightly and the new angle was hitting your clit deliciously. Your panties were soaked and you knew there were be a wet spot on Taeil’s grey sweats, but neither of you cared. You just wanted to get off on him.
You started to move your hips a little faster, rutting against him. You moaned when you realized that his hands were helping guide your movements. His kisses on your neck had become intoxicating and you felt euphoric with each movement on him. You loved the way you were feeling; you had completely forgotten how fun this was since you and Taeil had only done this once before. You looked at your man, his handsome face fixated on yours as your orgasm was approaching.
Taeil was getting hard as he watched you fall apart on him. He loved knowing you were satisfied in any possible way. He always got off knowing you were pleased, and seeing you like this was making him throb in his sweats. You were leaking through his pants and he couldn’t wait to give you even more pleasure than you were already experiencing. Taeil was a very patient man, he couldn’t come unless he knew you did too.
You leaned down to kiss him, your hands were on his shoulders, holding on tightly as you rocked your hips a little faster. You were getting closer and closer to your orgasm and you knew you were going to come at any given moment. Taeil knew by the way that you were whimpering and losing your rhythm in your hips. He moved one of his hands up to your chest and moved your thin bralette aside and began to toy with your nipple. He knew your nipples were very sensitive and always helped you come when you were as close as you were right now.
Your moans were becoming more strained and frequent when you could feel that familiar knot in your stomach begin to unravel. Taeil moved his leg and you screamed at the newer angle. It hit your clit perfectly and after a few more ruts against him, your legs began to shake as your orgasm took over. Taeil loved seeing how beautiful you were when you would come, it turned him on so much to see you like this.
When you had calmed down, he pulled you in for a kiss, it was sweet, but hungry. You knew that he was ready for more. You reached down and felt his erection in his pants and you felt excited again. “You can handle more, can’t you?” He cooed after pulling away from you.
“Of course, Daddy.”
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