#on the same day someone put him dressed in that outfit on my tl AND dash
mahealinskis · 5 months
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Jung Nine in that one slutty outfit
fancam credits: [2] [3] [4]
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shivunin · 1 year
39 and 43 for Wen/Zevran and Maria/Fenris?? 👀
Thanks for asking, Lilou! <3
(Ship Game Asks)
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
Well! I did write that scene for Zev and Arianwen here, but the tl;dr of it all is that they said it on the march back to Redcliffe when things had gotten very obviously dire. Zev admitted that he wanted her to have the earring because he loves her. It's hard for her to say it outright because...well, the last time she said "I love you" it was to her mother half a lifetime ago, and I think a little part of her thinks as long as she doesn't say it out loud there might be some way to mitigate the damage if he leaves or gets hurt. (Really, it was too late a long time ago, and putting a word to this bright beautiful thing only made everything easier, but she's still got a lot to sort through and figure out!)
Fenris and Maria...I think they didn't say it explicitly until well after the events of the game, maybe not even until they found each other again post-Inquisition. They show each other love in a thousand tiny ways, and I think they both know, but it seems like saying "I love you" is something he is really uncomfortable with and she would respect that boundary. There is a certain pressure to tell someone you love them when they're not ready to say it back, you know? She wouldn't want him to feel pressured. Even after they actually exchange the words, I think they prefer to show love in other words and save that particular phrase for very special occasions.
(But you will never convince me that when he says "I am yours" or "I remain at your side" he is not actually saying "I love you," romantic or platonic. I will die on this hill. That's why Maria says "I am yours" back instead of the other, so he always knows she feels the same.)
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
sjbadfbkjbkj oh my god. I am so bad at describing clothes, I don't know the names for anything, I'm sorry in advance.
I think Zev would put her in something very fancy and silvery and soft because it's the polar opposite of what she usually wears. I reblogged this dress yesterday that I think would fit the bill nicely, though she would only tolerate wearing it for any length of time because Zevran asked her to.
I actually think Arianwen would want him in something soft and form-fitting, too. Like...I want to say some kind of soft waistcoat and tight pants. With silky lingerie underneath, for reasons. She was into his outfit in the final scene from the main game, I think, if not very fond of the colors.
(and like, to be honest, I said it off the cuff the other day but she would be very into him wearing a gown. That might be what he needs to bargain with to get her into one, too. They could have a fancy date night dinner in their fancy gowns c:)
Fenris would give Maria some kind of leggings because she complains about her robes very often and she hates shoes. For the top....hm. He has strong feelings about her in red and he has a Thing for her shoulders, so something red and off-shoulder I think. Definitely a more Marches style, not something Tevene.
Maria buys him a fancy set of clothes in one of the ficlets I wrote for them and I think it would be something like that. But basically she would put him in something of fine cloth and simple but elegant details, maybe something black with silver embroidery.
Honestly? Fenris could be in any fancy clothes and it would reduce her to babbling because the sight of him in not-armor would probably be too much for her. The first time he wore pajamas in front of her, she smacked her head on the one of the posts on her bed. Fenris in formalwear might make her faint on the spot.
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I see people accusing Jim of stealing stuff from Garden Lodge all the damn time and it's really getting old, because there is zero evidence that this is true and is based on nothing but hearsay from a bunch of loudmouths on the internet. It's no coincidence that the people who spread this rumour are bitter Mary stans who hate Jim and will do anything to demonize him. If Jim, Joe or Phoebe had stolen anything from GL, they would have been arrested. I've seen Mary's fans claim that she let them get away with it because she "didn't want to cause a scandal" but we know that's bullshit, given that she's publicly slated the GL boys and the band to the press, gave several interviews right after Freddie died where she made all these dishonest claims about his final days, and that huge fiasco with Oscar the cat. If any of them had taken something from Garden Lodge that Mary wanted, she would have raised merry hell over it (or should I say, "mary" hell, lmao.)
So, either A) the jacket was specifically left for Jim as well as other things B) Jim asked if he could keep the jacket and Mary let him, or C) Jim "stole" the jacket and Mary didn't give a fuck. Take your pick.
I'm also tired of people criticising Jim for selling the jacket. Like you said, the most important memories of Freddie for Jim were the ones he had in his head. At the end of the day, it was just a jacket. A piece of clothing that would have undoubtedly ended up at an auction or in a stranger's hands after Jim died anyway. I've heard some accounts that Jim was sick at the time and needed money for his cancer treatment, but whether that's true or not is irrelevant to me. I don't see anyone criticising Mary for selling some of Freddie's furniture, despite not needing to, right after he died. I don't see anyone criticising Freddie's mother for selling his beloved piano, or his sister for selling his car. These were all items that meant a lot to Freddie but that's what they were, items. Freddie was dead and had no use for them any more.
People can't hold onto that stuff forever and they inevitably have to be sold, lest they just sit around and gather dust. When my grandmother died, all her clothes were given to charity or recycled, including her wedding dress which meant the world to her. But it was too old to be used and would just have sat abandoned in a closet for the rest of its existence; it was sad to see it go but there was just no point keeping it other than sentimentality. The charity shop were able to use some of the dress' materials to fix/fashion other clothing, so it was put to good use in the end.
On that note, from what I've read, the jacket ended up in very good hands. The people who attend these auctions are usually responsible collectors, not just random people off the street. They're not going to waste thousands of dollars on an item that they're not going to look after. The collector who bought the Wembley jacket often temporarily donates it to museums, along with other celebrity clothes, so all Freddie's fans get to see and appreciate it. Had Jim left the jacket to a friend or family member, there's no doubt in my mind that it would have ended up right in the same place. But people just love to shit all over Jim, so of course they're going to criticise him for it.
TL;DR: There is no evidence that Jim stole anything from GL, only crazy theories by homophobic fans who love riding Mary's dick. Also, when someone famous dies, their items are often sold for various reasons. It would be great if we could keep everything forever, but sadly that's not the reality. People need to get off their high horses and stop policing who can and can't do what.
Not sure if I could add much else lol. Idk if it was the case with the other anon—it seems like no—but it’s no coincidence that most people who accuse Jim of stealing also love Mary. It’s hilarious when people act like she didn’t want a scandal or media attention when that’s the opposite of her actions. She would’ve loved to paint herself as the victim of theft at GL.
Yeah Mary sold GL furniture but no one questions that, and Freddie’s family sold some of his belongings, like you said. Objects mean different things to different people. Contrast this with Brian, who is very sentimental and owns Freddie’s touring piano, and Roger who takes care of some of his stage outfits. It’s a good point that collectors at that level take really good care of their memorabilia and don’t let items just sit and rot. The jacket is probably in better hands now than if it had been left in the Hutton family after Jim passed. I think this is another case of something that’s really common with celebrities after they pass being treated as some big scandal, like when people freak out over Jim writing a book.
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My Ex Boyfriend
TW: Transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, bodyshaming, victim blaming, domestic abuse, death, suicide, self harm, eating disorders, gaslighting
This isn’t a “tell me to dump him” post, he already dumped me and I’m mostly just venting and laying my cards on the table, I’m sorry for how long it is but I wanted to give full context to everything, tl;dr at the bottom.
I won’t go through the entire history of my relationship with my ex (mostly because we’d be here for hours) but we were together for 4 years, when we first met I was 19 and he was in his 30’s and we hit it off right away, I’d never actually wanted to date anyone before I got talking with him (I felt that between my Asperger’s syndrome how my mood often was that I was too damaged) but for the first three years we were great together, things weren’t perfect but he made me happy and I thought I’d done the same for him.
Anyway right after we got together my sister died due to a genetic disorder and in the process I lost my best (and at the time my only) friend, I’d planned my entire life around her and suddenly I had to accept that I’d lost her, I spent a lot of nights lying awake and thinking about how I should have died instead (I know now that that’s unhealthy and that it isn’t rational to think like that) He was amazing during this, he was so understanding, so emotionally available and he’d listen to me for hours and hours as I talked, it was during this period that I realized I’d started slowly fallen in love with him.
Three years in I was in my final year of university and I got a call from my boyfriend, his mother had taken her own life, understandably he was devastated, he’d been her carer for years and we’d all wanted to believe she was making progress with her mental health. I booked a train up to be with him immediately.
I spent six weeks in a different country with him as he grieved, tried to make sense of why she’d done what she did and helped to arrange her funeral as well as settle any accounts she had left, it was a stressful time in our relationship but I was determined that I was going to support him just like he’d supported me.
During this period my boyfriend started to become very short tempered with me, he’d shout at me (usually for putting my foot in it and saying the wrong thing) but given what had just happened it was understandable, he’d just lost his mother in arguably one of the worst ways, and to make it worse he found her body so I quickly forgave him during this period.
It was during this period that I’d finally come to terms with the fact that I was transgender, I’d spent years fighting the way that I felt because I didn’t want to be a burden to my family or to my boyfriend but after a lot of soul searching I knew I had to tell my boyfriend about it, his mother had left a note and a lot of what she said was scarily relatable to me, I felt that if I didn’t get this off my chest then I may have ended up going the same way. I was terrified but I sat him down and explained how I felt and he was extremely understanding, he told me he loved me, that he’d love me no matter what I did and that he’d be right there to support me because we were partners, I knew then for sure that what we had was real.
The funeral came and went, it was an extremely emotional day for everyone and when it was over I went to give him a hug, he’d handled the funeral well but I thought he’d need the support, instead of hugging me back he pushed me off of him and said he wanted a drink, I was a bit hurt by this but I figured that he was just grieving so I decided to try and make sure he didn’t drink too much. Anyway he ended up drinking sixteen beers and calling me a “miserable Debby downer” in front of his family (I’d been diagnosed with major depressive disorder a few months back) and it stung, I tried to tell myself that he was drunk, probably thought it was just crude humor and would apologize in the morning (he didn’t)
The day before I was due to head home he decided to get drunk again, this time on a full bottle of whiskey, at first he was laughing, joking and it was all fun, then he started doing karaoke which was still fine although I was worried about the neighbors but overall everything was fine, then when we were getting ready for bed he wanted to wrestle (he’d occasionally do this to me but I was always fine with it, he was gentle and it was more of a mess around than anything) anyway he ended up putting me in a headlock and then he applied a lot of pressure, I remember trying to get him to stop but he kept going for another seven seconds before letting go and passing out.
I lay up most of the night trying to rationalize what had happened just then, he’d always stopped when I wanted him to in the past, and he’d always been gentle but just then he’d hurt me, I remember bringing it up to him in the morning and he said he didn’t remember doing that to me and that I probably misread the situation, I ended up agreeing with him before heading home.
During my stay with my boyfriend I’d put on some weight (about 14lbs) and he mentioned it to me when I was skyping with him, he said it didn’t look good with the clothes I was wearing now and that I’d look better if I dropped some weight (he kept making fat pig comments that were framed as jokes but they hurt honestly) I felt so self conscious over it that I used my student loan to get a personal trainer to help me drop the weight, instead I ended up eating under 500 calories a day and working out for three hours a day without the PT knowing, I dropped 4 stone in two months and while I felt that I looked great looking back I can see this wasn’t healthy, when my PT found out how I’d shifted the weight he was horrified and basically forced me to get help.
Around about this time I became friends with a guy I’d met via some charity work, I’ll call him Lee. Anyway me and Lee had a lot of the same hobbies and we both had major depressive disorder, he was someone I could talk to about the thoughts I was having (my boyfriend would always shut down any conversation about my mental state by bringing up the fact that his mother had major depressive disorder and that he couldn’t bare to talk about me taking my own life)
Around Christmas I ended up heading up to visit my boyfriend for a while, I’d done this every year and I felt that he could use the emotional support given that it was the first Christmas without his mother, when I got there he seemed strained and like he didn’t know how to interact with me, I found this odd but I didn’t think much of it, I figured that he was probably just upset given that it was the first Christmas since his mother passed away and that I’d do whatever I could to support him.
Anyway we got back to his house and the first thing he said to me was that I looked “pudgy” and that he didn’t like that I had to “dress like that” when coming to see him (I was wearing a pea coat, jeans and a pair of kitten heels)
I felt incredibly hurt by this and I told him as much, I told him that it was fucked up to say that when I’d travelled all that way to see him and then the whole thing descended into a screaming match where we ended up sitting in separate rooms crying.
About an hour later his sister showed up, they got into an argument, he said something truly disgusting (I’m not going to repeat it) and she left in tears, I was horrified and told him as much when he snapped at me for being “all buddy buddy” with his sister which lead to another argument, during this he grabbed me by the arms, rammed me into the wall and screamed in my face that I was a “pathetic sperg and that I was lucky he put up with me, anyone else would have dumped me” before leaving, I spent an hour in a heap on the floor crying that night.
Once I’d regained my composure I ended up confiding in Lee about what had happened and how I was feeling (whilst omitting the wall ramming) and he insisted on paying for a hotel if my boyfriend kicked me out (he’d threatened to do that at one point) along with a ticket back home, but then he cried and I ended up caving and forgiving him, but I was both frightened and angry at him still.
After I went home he started to complain about me hanging out with Lee, he started to accuse Lee of wanting to break us up, that I was interested in him and that he wasn’t going to stand for it, he said some pretty messed up stuff about Lee which I tried to ignore, but during this Lee found out about the issues in my relationship and blamed himself, he ended up self harming and drinking due to how bad he felt over the situation, as you can imagine I was horrified that my friend had done this because of me and my drama.
Anyway this all lead up to my graduation, my boyfriend had come down and he’d spent the whole time complaining and telling me how I’d put on so much weight, how I didn’t pass, how my outfits looked bad and how I hadn’t made any effort for him (I’d spent two weeks deep cleaning my apartment, bought in all his favourite food, got him an outfit for my graduation at his request and agreed to do anything he’d wanted)
Right after my graduation ceremony he nothing short of frog marched me into a taxi to get back to my place, I didn’t get to say “hi” to any of my friends and I didn’t get the chance to tell my mother what was happening before I was gone, anyway once we were home he stripped off, went to the bathroom but left his phone open when a message came through and I know what I did next was wrong but I read it, I know that was bad of me but I couldn’t help it.
He’d been cheating on me with his ex girlfriend (who he told me he was just friends with) for a year, right after I went home from supporting him during his mothers funeral he started having an affair, I can’t begin to tell you how I felt in that moment, initially I felt nothing, it didn’t seem real, I quickly deleted the message she’d sent (a simple “hey x”) and closed the phone.
It wasn’t until after he’d gone home and we were skyping that it came up, he told me he was dumping me, that she was pregnant, that I was a pathetic fat tranny who would never pass, that my sister was lucky because she got to get away from me and that I was a sperg who used my condition for sympathy, then he hung up and left me sat there on my own in the middle of the night.
I ended up drinking through all of the alcohol in my apartment before deliberately burning myself on the oven, I was crying the whole time, I sent him a long, rambling text saying that we could make it work, I’d drop the weight, I wouldn’t transition, I’d never talk about my conditions ever again if we could just go back to the way we were but he only responded by saying I was the reason his mother killed herself and that he wished I would “do the world a favour and jump”
I’m doing better now, me and Lee got together recently and I feel that this relationship is a lot healthier than what I had before, I suppose I’m just putting this out there to try and move on so that I can give him the better parts of myself, my ex and I reconnected on a distant basis recently, he’s ok, the ex of his is ok, he’s sorry but we both agreed to never date each other again.
Tl;dr – boyfriend dumped me for the woman he cheated on me with for a year and almost made me kill myself.
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kukuandkookie · 6 years
Thoughts on Representation in Media
This is going to be a weird one. I’m kind of scared of saying anything at all. Tumblr’s a strange place to express any opinion.
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Damian Wayne and whether or not he should be drawn with darker or lighter skin, as he has Arab heritage. Many people are upset that he’s “whitewashed” in the media.
And I mean, certainly. They’re not wrong.
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This new cover doesn’t look right even to me, an outsider looking in (I’m Chinese-Canadian). That middle kid just...doesn’t look like Damian. 
But at the same time, there’s been a pattern I’ve noticed.
I’ve found it really interesting because fan artists with a western background prefer drawing Damian with darker skin, often much darker, while artists from East Asian countries (Japan, Taiwan, or China) prefer drawing him with whiter skin.
I’m not trying to start anything; just something I’ve noticed. I’m also scared to put up any examples because it’ll feel as though I’m targeting certain artists.
This is not to compare either as right or wrong, but this is from a Taiwanese artist, while this is from someone in the US. Both versions are good in my opinion; I’m not trying to call anyone out. The point of this post is for discussion. If there is any fighting or witch hunting as a result of this I will remove these links.
The white skin thing is an East Asian aesthetic, and has been part of their culture for generations. And on the other hand, the drawings of Damian with darker skin come from a good place: the desire for representation, which despite that, is admittedly a rather western preference.
People have often demanded Japanese series like Precure to make darker-skinned main characters, but that thought wouldn’t be common in Japan because they don’t face these issues with representation as much. I remember this was a huge deal when Cure Scarlet was released because people thought she should be tanner, the way her brother Kanata was. 
It’s interesting, actually, because Cure Scarlet appears to have inspiration from Chinese culture. Her dress is reminiscent of what an empress in ancient China might wear—besides the fact that it’s also a magical girl outfit, of course.
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So in this sense, I understand fans want to call artists out for whitewashing, but I hope we all keep our differences in culture in mind. 
Now as for DC itself, that’s a different story. I’d be happy to see DC shift back to colourings of Damian’s skin that show off his Arab heritage more.
At the end of the day though, either style works for me when it comes to the fans. I understand I am an outsider looking in, and my voice may not count for much, but to the artists who prefer doing their own thing, I say keep at it. People can draw Damian the way they prefer. I like the fact that he has this heritage at all, and if I see it represented, then great!
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For example, the above is from a canon DC comic. It’s a step in the right direction at least, even if Damian’s skin isn’t very dark. The thawb is a traditional Arab garment, and it’s nice to see his culture being addressed in the comics.
As a Chinese-Canadian, I love seeing representation of China in media. It’s something all people desire (my brother was just complaining about the lack of an Assassin’s Creed game set in ancient China, which certainly would be a cultural representation dream, especially because Chinese history is so rich).
When I learned that Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug was half-Chinese, I was ecstatic. I almost brushed her off as probably Korean before I learned she was half-Chinese because most modern cartoons just go for Korean or Japanese for representation of East Asians nowadays. 
I was a little disappointed to see over time that her hair was always shown to be so unrealistically blue, and that somehow through genetics she ended up with blue eyes.
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She doesn’t really look the part, and many fans forget about this side of her, but I was happy that she was Chinese at all. It’s a strange balance, isn’t it?
I was even annoyed that fans would draw the kwamis in many different cultural outfits besides that of Chinese (eg drawing Plagg in Egyptian clothes or Tikki in western 50′s-style dresses, which I understood, but still), despite the fact that the kwamis were confirmed to have a Chinese background. So I ended up making those drawings of them in more Chinese-styled clothes myself.
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Again, it’s a strange balance, isn’t it? You’re happy to have this representation, but you wish it would be shown more clearly. Still, you want it to be done respectfully and not stereotypically. But you want it to be more obvious, but not too obvious, or you’ll worry it’s racist or cultural appropriation.
It also reminded me of the Chinese prom dress controversy. 
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Any Chinese person you ask about this would probably express happiness and joy at their culture being represented. Chinese people take great pride in their culture, and love seeing other people dabble in it. But the person who originally called this girl out on Twitter clearly grew up in America. His outrage comes from someone who has grown up with the Western desire for political correctness and probably a disconnect with his own Chinese heritage.
You’ll see this everywhere, and I know, because I feel it. When you grow up outside from your original familial culture, you often push it away, only to grow into it and try to be more familiar with it the older you get.
It reminds me of this video where people pointed out that the younger kids got upset at Panda Express for not being authentic enough, while the elders and adults didn’t mind it as much because they didn’t feel the need to prove that they were “Chinese enough”. 
I’m kind of just spitting out random things I’m thinking of, which is why this post is going in so many directions at once. Sorry if it feels like there isn’t a real point, but I hope some people see what I’m trying to say.
The desire for representation is often a western desire. It’s not wrong. Other people of different cultures just may not think about it or desire it the way someone from the west would, where so many people grew up in an environment of political correctness or the desire to reconnect with their own culture.
It’s a hard balance to find.
TL;DR: I guess I just want more understanding and tolerance. The ferocity of people on Tumblr can be scary, and many people are quick to call others out for doing something differently (eg demanding Damian be drawn with darker skin or else you’re racist). I just want people to understand both sides, and see that not everyone different has evil intentions.
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trashangel-dee · 7 years
Since there’s some minor ship wars going on and just general discussion and disagreement, and I just feel like sharing my thoughts on the Charlie/Dee relationship, since it’s one of my favorites, and I think one of the most interesting.
Do I think they’re actually in love? No. But I do think they’ll settle for each other. Their relationship feels like one of those things in movies where two friends decide “if we’re both still single [at a certain point], let’s just get together” They both realize they can’t escape the gang, both because they’re all so codependent, but also because no one else will have them. Even meeting someone and bringing them in is unlikely and would throw off the balance.
Charlie may finally accept that it’s never going to happen with The Waitress- he’s already admitted it some in “The Gang Group Dates”, then kind of in “Frank Falls Out the Window”. He decides that he’s getting tired of constantly being rejected and all the work he puts into doing stuff for her/attempts at courting.  Maybe she even gets better at avoiding him, and becomes harder to track down; which could come from experience but also, she apparently doesn’t have a home anymore and might have a new, or even no, job for Charlie to stalk at and hang around. I think after so much rejection, Dee finally admits that some rich, successful, attractive guy isn’t going to whisk her away from Philly and the bar to what she thinks is a better, more classy, life. And that she’s stuck with the gang forever, and the way things are now are the way they’ll stay.
I don’t see them having any really sweet, romantic love story with flowers and presents, and mushy stuff, but they both seem to have a similar, slightly warped, sense of what a relationship is and what they both want. In “Charlie and Dee Find Love” we learn the things Charlie does for The Waitress to keep her safe and healthy. He puts vitamins in her shampoo, chases people away from her bike, and even somehow tests her food for poison. Though I feel like her standards have fallen some over the years, Dee probably still has somewhat high expectations for a lifestyle and wanting to be somewhat pampered by someone. And while both of these beliefs are fairly unhealthy, they work together in a way; one wants to essentially obsess over someone, while the other wants to be obsessed over.
It appears they both want a relationship, or at least the idea. In “The Gang Saves the Day” Charlie imagines moving The Waitress in with him, getting married, and even raising rats, and eventually kids, together. He really sees them living a storybook life. Dee, apparently, also has some desire for an exclusive relationship with someone. In “The Gang Group Dates” she goes out once with a guy, on what probably wasn’t even a “real date” and assumes they’re exclusively dating: calling him her boyfriend, buying him a promise ring, and even deleting her dating profile. Then, in “PTSDee” she hooks up with Mike once, and thinks they’re dating and have a “really amazing connection” and “meaningful sex” Yeah, she used to sleep with guys to get something out of it, or to make herself feel better/prove some sort of self worth; but now it seems like she’s actually looking for someone to be with on a more personal level. She even tries on wedding dresses every Saturday for over a year, and says “I should be the one getting married”
In “The Gang Misses the Boat” they both admit that Mac and Dennis, and maybe Frank?, make them do things they don’t really want to do. Not that they’re any better or nicer than the others but maybe don’t dislike each other as much as they pretend to, essentially out of self preservation. I may be reaching here, but there’s the obvious attack the other before they get it, but there’s probably also a knowing that defending the other one when being teased will result in criticism. I read an article that called them both “the kicked dogs of the group” and it really is a good description as to how the gang treats each of them, and also how they treat and relate to each other.
Together, just as 2, they support each other. Dee explains to Charlie that he doesn’t have to eat beak at all when he admits, and even seems a little concerned, that he doesn’t want to but is made to, and is even genuinely happen happy for Charlie when he successfully orders the sandwich after he seemed stressed about it. She even says “I’m very proud of you” then later, when Charlie suggests they go right out to an open mic night, Dee admits to being scared and he authentically tells her, that she’ll “do great”*
So, I feel like my “shipping” of these 2 is wanting them to essentially have what Mac and Dennis already do. A mutual understanding and support of each other and having that one person they connect with automatically in the group, mostly by having a need the only the other person can fulfill, mostly through a symbiotic relationship. Frank has Artemis, the bridge people, and hookers, and seems to be okay with disappearing from the other 4 for a while. Mac and Dennis have their monthly dinners and movie nights, and I want Charlie and Dee to have the same thing. Maybe they rent a crappy movie and order take-out, or Charlie writes songs and she hangs around listening and giving ideas. (“Well, you know I like making music.” “Yeah, and I like listening to it.”)
I support that they’ll eventually just fall into a pattern of spending time with just each other, doing things they both enjoy that the others will criticize (def poetry and characters for example). And they’ll eventually just give up on chasing other people, because they’ve both found a connection with each other, and actually feel emotionally content. No one in the gang really is capable of having a normal relationship, and honestly, I feel like just giving up on that and settling for each other is the best they’ll ever get. (and maybe even deserve) I’ve seen a few people on here say that they have a good friendship, but platonic and romantic attraction is getting mixed up. In a way, I agree, and think that’s what works. No one in the gang actually knows what a healthy relationship is. Like Dennis’ marriage to Maureen failed partly because marriage wasn’t what he envisioned, and didn’t want to change his lifestyle and give up on friends and doing what he wanted. They both have some sort of romantic drive, and might not find it as great as they expect, but still find something from inside the gang.
It’s also interesting how they were kind of thrown together. I imagine that Charlie and Mac were friends in high school and always were together (obviously). Dee probably hung out with Dennis because they both didn’t really have any friends, and still had that codependency they hadn’t shaken since childhood. Mac and Dennis started to get closer and Charlie and Dee kind of got stuck together because they still wanted to be around Mac and Dennis, respectively, then when those two started getting really close, the other two hung out by default.
tl;dr- I don’t see Dee and Charlie having some sort of real romantic, love driven relationship that’s expected of shows, but they do seem to have a special rapport and a mutual understanding with each other, and need for acceptance they get exclusively from each other.
* I feel like the way she says it is important. It sounds so sincere and vulnerable. Dee has had to put up such a strong front for years, and she’s 100% putting out a weakness in both words and tone. She’s putting real faith that Charlie isn’t going to take an opportunity to insult or put her down.
I know there’s talk and disagreements about sexuality and that kind of thing, and I’m 100% not trying to start discourse, and as much as I love Charlie being on the asexual spectrum, he seems to initiate anything between them that happens along those lines. There is some sort of attraction there. I don’t really want to tie this in with the first part, but want to at least acknowledge it.
There’s something about “Underage Drinking” that feels like there’s something there; when Charlie and Dennis are talking and drinking, Dee comes out of the backroom and he actually calls her over and says “come here, let me take a look at you.” He then seems a little surprised by her outfit, as if he was initially expecting/anticipating something nice and starts out trying to compliment her, rather than having intentions to make a joke. In “The Gang Gets Held Hostage”, he’s the one to kiss her. (then pretty much leaves her to die, but still does something first). Then in “Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo” when Charlie is getting worked up over the drawings, and Dee snaps him out of it, he asks her what she’s doing, because she looks pretty… before getting cut off. It might have been pretty good, or just more of an okay/good enough thing. In “Charlie Rules the World” after learning what consummate means he seems to think, and maybe even be slightly hopeful, that she means for real; he asks “so, we should have sex, then” instead of something like “we have to have sex then” and when she tells him in the game he responds with “either way” Finally, in “The Gang Misses the Boat” Charlie is the first one to make any sort of move/acknowledgement. He’s the first one to say “I feel like I’m feeling something” then after the silence, he’s the one to acknowledge there’s still something there (the subtitles say “chuckles”) and seems to move in first.
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