#omg i am so sorry this took so long
readingreylo · 2 years
If I may be as bold to say that your page is my fav Reylo blog and I check it every few hours for anything new. Thank you for consolidating the ship for me on a daily basis 😂
Might I please ask whether you have any fic recs which feature a divorce/break-up/unhappy relationship between Ben and Rey and do not have a HEA ending.
Thank you in anticipation 💜
Well oh my gosh I am flattered!
I try so hard to keep my queue full so there is always something daily, and it is so nice to hear that it is appreciated!
As for your request.... I got nothing. I honestly only read HEAs
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blindspct · 1 year
melina often spent her down time at the bar attempting to meet new people. she didn’t have a lot of time to date, not really. her schedule didn’t really allow her to have a social life but she still tried to have one whenever she could. glancing over as she felt a presence next to her, she smiled. “hey, i know you,” the dark haired woman started as she looked at the other. “it’s nice to see you outside of the hospital. you’re not planning on getting in any fights today are you? i’m off duty.” she joked.
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intotheelliwoods · 5 months
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Poptart to Poptart to Poptart to Poptart communication.
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blues-of-randomness · 2 months
🧸 to all the critters! I wanna know!
Bubba - Books, Bubba's ultimate comfort object is books. There's nothing he loves more than snuggling down into a comfy place, like a beanbag in his library or under the shade of the tree. he can just open his book and slip into another world for awhile, his favorite books are books about space
Kickin - He has a little teddy bear from when he was a kid. In the cartoon I could see him taking it on overnight trips and camping episodes, in true kids cartoon fashion I imagine that the teddy talks to him but only he can hear it, only the teddy bear flops when someone comes in (like in Doc mcstuffins).
Catnap - Almost everything in his room can count as his comfort objects. but i think anything on his bed fits the bill more, his blanket, his pillows, the fact that his bed is shaped like a crescent moon (yes this is an actual thing and they're baby cradles but they're cute and they fit Catnap so-) second would be his mobile or his stuffed lion
Hoppy - Her soccer ball, nothing detresses her more than a good old game of soccer. She used to try and play soccer with her little siblings but they were never interested.
Bobby - Bobby's entire house is filled with heart motives and positive messages but if I were to pick a comfort object for her, I'd say a heart pillow that she sleeps on every on every night.
Dogday - Despite the implications that comes with it I feel like Dogday likes wearing dog collars. Maybe it gives him a sense of belonging or safety
Craftycorn - she seems like the type that collects rare art supplies and never uses them cause she likes admiring them, that being said I could see her taking comfort in old crayola colors like "Dandelion" or "Bluetiful"
Picky - I'm actually stumped on what her comfort item would be so my basic answer is her baby blanket or a bib that looks just like one she had as a baby
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smoosey · 8 months
Unseasonable, for your prompts. <3
"It wasn't supposed to rain today," Obi-Wan comments, but in truth it's lovely, lovely, the midsummer rain light and cool and misty where they walk under the wide sweep of the stars, belly full, warm and tipsy and flushed and alive.
"We've had worse surprises," Cody says from beside him, and Obi-Wan laughs, because the Force is singing all around him, and Cody is beautiful in the rain, and there's something buoyant in his chest that makes him feel young again and quite in love with every star and raindrop, the wide galaxy and every soul that shines in the Light of the Force.
Cody's watching him laugh, eyes warm and dark, and then he's taking his hand, leading him into an alcove where Obi-Wan lets himself be sheltered by his heat. Obi-Wan raises his robe over them, and kisses him in a hallowed space, alone with Cody's smiling lips and reverent hands and his good, good heart.
(AKA: I saw this gif and lost by entire mind...)
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natasha-in-space · 1 year
Just wanted to let you know I've been scrolling through your writings and I'm so in love. <3
As for my request.. GE Saeran or Ray planting flowers/ tending the garden with MC? I need a little more fluff in my life. :)
"Y/N? What are you doing out here?"
"Oh, Ray!" You immediately perked up at the sound of the voice you knew so well, jumping up onto your feet from the small patch of soil you were crouching in before and turning to face him fully, a giddy smile slowly forming on your face as you took in his curious gaze. It was akin to an instinct that you couldn't control. The sight of him there made you feel so happy that it was hard to contain your excitement. "Sorry. Were you worried for me? I knew I should have texted you..."
"No, no, it's quite alright... You're one of us now, and Magenta is your home. I'm just... surprised." He smiled sheepishly at you, his shoulders relaxing little by little as he took in your cheery demeanor. It was apparent to you that your new status was a strange change for him, despite his efforts to make you feel comfortable. After all, he has grown so close with you in the last couple of weeks... It was probably hard for him to view you as a fellow believer now, rather than his precious tester.
You quickly dusted yourself off before picking up a plastic water can that you were busy working with before. "Well, I wanted to plant some flowers! It was supposed to be a surprise for you, but... I'm, uh, actually kind of struggling here. The gardener I saw acted all antsy around me for some reason, so I didn't want to bother the poor guy. Say... if you, maybe, have some free time on your hands... could you help me out? Just a little?"
After all, it was worth a shot trying to ask him.
"Well, of course! You've done so much for me ever since I came here! I simply wanted to repay the favor. After all, I know how much you love your flower friends. So, can you lend me a hand so that I don't kill any of these poor innocent seedlings?" You chat with him in a lighthearted tone, eager to keep the mood pleasant and comfortable between the two of you. Ray had a tendency to get lost in his own thoughts at times! And, you wanted to distract him a bit from the recent mess up with the Savior that has kept him stressed and anxious throughout the last week.
Ray's eyes practically lit up as you said that, revealing a pale blush on his cheeks in a matter of seconds. He seemed to be rather taken aback by your invitation... in a good way, from what you could see. "A... A surprise? For me...?"
"O-Of course. I'd love to." Although there was a slight stutter in his soft voice, he took a small step towards you. His eyes locked onto yours with an emotion that was a mix between gratitude and admiration. It appears that he was ready for the task after all!
"Great! So, uh, I'm actually unsure of how much water the soil needs, so could you help me with that? Those are white camelia seedlings... I read up on the right way to plant them, but it's not as easy as I thought." You explained to him with an awkward chuckle, crouching down next to the small spot of fresh soil you've chosen to plant in and gesturing around all the gardening equipment you managed to bring out with you. Although the gardener believer was anxious, he was willing to carry all the heavy stuff for you, and you were grateful for that.
He made it look so easy... like it was second nature to him. You only wished he could have more time and freedom on his hands to pursue these small activities that actually brought him joy... but, since you didn't want to ruin the moment, you never brought up this forbidden topic at hand.
Soon, you were both working in comfortable silence, nothing but the gentle rustle of greenery and the evening melody of crickets interrupting the sound of your gradual progress. Although, by this time, you spent more energy on ogling Ray than actually gardening. You couldn't help yourself! He looked so graceful as his hands placed each tiny seed in its respective hole... You never knew something like gardening could even look graceful! But, oh, what you liked most of all was seeing how... peaceful Ray's gaze has become the longer you worked. He appeared completely relaxed at this moment, enjoying doing something he loved and not worrying about anything. For this brief magical moment, at the very least.
"Oh hey, that one looks like a kitty!" You called out, pointing out the specific cluster of clouds you were talking about, with a silly snicker falling from your lips. There was something so... relaxing about doing this with him. It's possible to forget the huge imposing castle made of white marble towering behind you and, for a brief moment, find yourself free as a bird amidst these fluffy clouds. It was bittersweet, in a way.
The initial plan was to help you with your gardening effort, but it turned out to be cloud-watching as you sat next to each other on the lush grass, your arms barely touching. The closeness is just right to make your heart race, but not too much to cause anything prohibited within Mint Eye. Sort of like a secret date.
"I'm afraid I can't really see that, but your imagination is something definitely worth of admiration." Ray chuckled quietly, shaking his head a bit as he glanced at you with amusement before returning his attention to the rosy evening sky above.
"Y-Yes?" He stuttered, his gaze now glued to you, even as his cheeks grew redder and redder as he inevitably took notice of just how close your faces truly were now that you laid your head on his shoulder.
As you laid your head on his shoulder, sighing with a sense of peacefulness that enveloped you like a warm blanket, he jolted and made a tiny adorable squeak at your sudden touch. You were aware that he didn't object to this. Ray was someone almost as touch-starved as you... although, it took you some time to realize that his jumpy reactions weren't made out of discomfort, but rather unfamiliarity with such gestures of affection. "...Ray?"
"Do you know the meaning of white camelia?"
"That's right. You're adorable." You whispered affectionately to him, as if it were a secret meant only to be shared between you, then leaning in and leaving a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose.
Your question caused his flustered mind to scramble and his eyes to grow wide. It wasn't long before a shaky gasp came from his lips, making you giggle in response.
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aimer-arts · 9 months
I realize that Piper's canon evolution is into Espeon, but do you think there's any other Eeveelutions she might have considered evolving into instead?
OH YES ABSOLUTELY. I had such a hard time picking just one eeveelution for her, omg
I was deciding between Umbreon and Espeon for a while, since these are both friendship evolutions, and I eventually decided on Espeon because of its symbolism with the sun (and because its signature move is Morning Sun, which makes me go a little bit insane). I still think Umbreon would've been a nice choice though :]
I would've LOVED to have Sylveon as an option too, but it doesn't exist in the game hnggg
In reality, I don't think Piper would have thought too much about evolving - one day she'd simply be sitting with Clementine and it just... happens.
(I really like the idea of her suddenly evolving with high affection instead of needing an item or going to Luminous Spring, both her and Clementine would be so confused SKDJFKDJG)
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pbnmj · 11 months
Ur tags about how Miles and Pavitr are the ones who say "I can do both" because it IS quintessential spiderman thinking AND because they're too young to have seen that devastatingly not work yet. BUT the thing is they are RIGHT but only if it's "we"! Spiderman's mythos is inherently a lonely one reinforced by Miles and Gwen's isolation and by every. single. intro. reminding us that every spider person is the "one and only spider person"! And yet!! These films are just about relationships (1/2)
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YES YEAH YOU GET IT !!!! and (quite recently rewatched it and mentioning it here cause i can't believe i forgot to mention it in the post you're talking about) it really gets me that gwen also says 'i was doing both' in regards to protecting miles and protecting the canon event, and i love that the phrase was reflected like that, even tho (at this point of the movie) miles and gwen pretty much oppose each other in views/priority !!
it also absolutely kills me the way that gwen begins (like you say) atsv quitting the band and isolates herself, and then throughout the whole thing she finds something/someone that she wants to take that leap for, all over again :') she (and the entire spider-team!!) is willing to bet everything on miles and is ready to fight for him, and i really just love the idea that miles just is a force that inspires good !!!! IT REALLY IS ALL ABOUT LOVE!!!
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I’m sorry that this is the only way I interpreted this one hhjsjfdhf-
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bisamwilson · 1 year
this is so hard all the prompts are great! but how about 13...discreetly?
#13: ...discreetly
this took over a month i'm so sorry written for the baseball au! n s f w, but more M rated than E
Staying behind after everyone else has left isn't exactly uncommon for them most days.
It had been a good game, evenly matched up until the Sox had pulled through in the last inning. Sam had pitched a no-hit inning in the top of the ninth, keeping the score tied as the Sox went up to bat, and Joaquín had pulled through with a triple right away. Bucky managed a single not long after, and the Sox had another win under their belt.
It's left Sam feeling pumped up and antsy as they all file back into the clubhouse at the end of the game, and one look at Bucky, already grinning in his direction, is enough to know that Bucky is already fully aware that he's all wound up.
They both start to stall when the rest of the guys hit the showers, Bucky by making an absolute show out of cool down stretching--popping cinnamon bubblegum bubbles constantly as he goes--and Sam by chatting and horsing around with whichever of their teammates happens to be around. He kills time during the first round of team showers by shooting the shit with Joaquín, purposefully keeping his eyes away from the way Bucky's bent over and touching his toes, and he manages to waste away the time it takes for the rest of the team to shower by making Friday night plans with Rhodey and Luke before they headed home.
Bucky hits the showers before that conversation's over, early enough that it doesn't seem like they were waiting to shower together but late enough that Sam won't have any problem slipping under the spray with him before the water gets cold.
Rhodey throws him a look when Sam briefly turns his head to watch Bucky walk towards the showers, winking back at him, and Sam knows some of his teammates probably know, that Rhodey knows specifically, but Sam also knows that none of those teammates have said anything, have let on that they know other than a look here or there.
Sam also knows he's not ready to say anything about it either.
So instead he turns back to Rhodey when Bucky disappears into the showers and bids him and Luke goodbye when the rest of the team has left, Luke promising to buy him a drink on Friday night for that last stretch of pitching in the ninth inning.
Sam waits until the sound of their voices and their footsteps peter out, and then waits another couple minutes for good measure, before stripping out of his uniform and sneaking over to Bucky's shower stall with nothing but a towel around his waist.
He hangs it up nearby before slipping in behind him and wrapping his hands around Bucky's waist, placing a soft kiss to his shoulder.
"Seems like they stay behind longer and longer every time," Bucky says, voice betraying just the tiniest bit of frustration, as he turns around in Sam's arms to face him. He bends his head down like he's going to kiss him, but he bypasses Sam's mouth entirely, instead latching on gently to his neck and sucking softly at the skin there.
He places his hands on the front of Sam's shoulders and gently pushes him backwards, until he's got Sam lounging back against the wall of the shower stall.
He moves his hands down to Sam's ass, gently kneading and massaging, while he kisses at Sam's neck, and then his collarbone, and then his chest, before sucking gently on a nipple, scrapping his teeth gently against the nub. Sam grabs a loose hold of Bucky's hair, throwing his head back against the wall and trying his best not to moan.
Bucky's just about got Sam squirming from the attention on his nipple when they both hear heavy footsteps run into the clubhouse, followed by Joaquín asking, "Now where the fuck did I put my keys?" aloud.
Sam freezes, and Bucky slowly pulls off Sam's nipple, straightening himself back up until they're pressed fully together, their lips only a breadth apart.
"Gotta stay quiet for me, angel," Bucky says, softly enough no one but Sam could hear him over the sound of running water, but it still puts Sam on edge. "Wouldn't want anyone else to hear you all sweet for me."
He kisses Sam again then, before he can respond, despite the fact that Joaquín is still in the next room searching for his keys. It's soft, more chaste than Sam knew a kiss could be when there's another naked body pressed up against his in the shower.
The uncharacteristic chasteness is enough of a distraction that he doesn't notice Bucky's hand sneaking down to his groin until it's too late, until he has to bite down on his own bottom lip to muffle his surprised groan.
Bucky puts his other hand over Sam's mouth and grins, continuing his slow stroke over Sam's cock. Sam tries for a half-hearted glare, but he's too busy trying to keep quiet when all he wants to do is fuck up into Bucky's hand.
Joaquín continues searching for his keys, seemingly unaware, and a couple minutes pass by this way: Bucky's hand over Sam's mouth, Bucky's hand on Sam's cock, Sam trying desperately to keep in his moans and groans while Bucky works him over.
Joaquín whoops when he finally finds his keys, probably hidden under a glove somewhere in his mess of a locker, and whistles a jaunty little tune as he heads back out of the clubhouse to go home.
Bucky lets his hand fall from Sam's mouth as soon as the whistling is out of earshot, replacing it with his mouth.
Sam nips lightly at Bucky's lip. "Asshole," he says, without any heat.
"Hmm, yeah, probably," Bucky replies, voice overly cheeky, before kissing him again. "But I think I can make it up to you. Keep your hands in my hair?"
Bucky drops to his knees.
Sam tightens his grip.
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respondedinkind · 7 months
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Headcanon: Aging (Alien Verse)
Khan ages differently than humans do, and it's actually a bit complicated to explain, so to make it easier I will try to 'translate' the way he ages into human years.
BRIEF, ROUGH SUMMARY: Khan ages a LOT slower than humans in general, but ages much quicker as a child.
Ok, a bit more general info first, though: The planet Khan (original name: Ka'anh) comes from has a different day / night- as well as year-circle than earth; On top of that, Khan's race was bred to make them grow fast but remain constant for a while after reaching a certain 'age stage', which means that Khan's childhood was over quick and he stays within the certain 'age range' the longest before his body will shift into the 'elder' stage and, ultimately, die because of old age. Very few of his kind, however, ever reach that stage - especially within the military, most of them die sooner because of the wars they're fighting in, meant to give their lifes in return for bringing honor to the upper class & emperors.
Now, to the 'translated' parts - a rough 'timeline' of how Khan's kind (and therefore Khan himself) ages, as well as how education and training works (shown here as an example for the ones who are meant to become elite soldiers). The first number tells his actual age (how many earth years have passed with him existing) while the second number shows his development stage (mental age / physical age)):
They all start out as newborns, as most species do. They are born at about the same development stage as human babies are, so there's no real difference between him and humans. However, from there on, they grow rapidly:
1 year = about 2.5 yrs old (mental / physical development), age of starting the equivalent of preschool and basic education 3 years = about 5 yrs old (mental / physical development), age of starting the equivalent of elementary school and continuation of basic education + added basic military training 4 years = about 8 yrs old (mental / physical development), continuation of the equivalent of elementary school and start of advanced education + advanced military training / drilling 6 years = about 14 yrs old (mental / physical development), age of starting the equivalent of high school and high-level education + high-level military training / drilling 7 years = about 16 yrs old (mental / physical development), considered an adult, end of school period, start of all-day training and adult military education / drilling; Will be send to war for the first time 8 years = about 18 yrs old (mental / physical development), ongoing expert-level adult military education + training / drilling, start of testing-period, said tests need to be passed in order to proceed; Gets send out to war on the regular, becomes an 'official' soldier (lowest rank) 10 years = about 23-25 yrs old (mental / physical development), expert-level adult military training resumes, education happening in between whenever needed, more tests have to be passed; Going to war and conquering entire planets with their assigned division whenever needed (middle rank) 13 years = about 28-30 yrs old (mental / physical development), schedule remains the same as for the previous age section, promotion possible (higher rank) 17 years = about 33-36 yrs old (mental / physical development), the testing-period comes to an end and the last tests need to be passed in order to continue. Ongoing specialized military training + drilling, ongoing wars and missions to conquer planets 19 years = about 36-40 yrs old (mental / physical development), with aging now reaching its momentary peak and slowing down significantly. One final test has to be passed in order to continue; If tests are passed, the subject will reach highest rank (elite soldier). If tests are failed, the subject's life will come to an end at this stage
Khan is currently somewhere within this life-stage, as he has fled his planet right after failing his last test, which makes him about 19 earth years (36 - 40 yrs mental / physical age) old.
The aging process after that looks about something like this:
80 years old = about 40 - 45 yrs old (mental / physical development) 120 years old = about 50 - 55 yrs old (mental / physical development) 140 years old = about 60 - 70 yrs old (considered 'elderly' from this stage) (mental / physical development) 170+ years old = about 70 - open end yrs old (mental / physical development)
As one can see, once a certain stage of age has been 'overcome', the aging process itself will speed up a bit again before an individual of Khan's kind then, at some point, dies naturally.
In conclusion, it means that Khan will most likely become at least 170 earth years old (with it being the most lowest age he could possibly become; Chances are very high he will reach, and possibly exceed, 200 years), if he doesn't end up being fatally injured before it happens. With his body possessing incredibly efficient self-healing abilities, he most likely won't die of any illnesses or diseases that oftentimes affect humans in later age stages. With him aging the way he does, it also means his appearance won't change much in between the age of 19 and 80. As an example: If he were to have a human partner, said partner would, obviously so, certainly look like they're elderly at the age of 80, while Khan still appears to be around 40 years old by then.
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queenofbaws · 7 months
Love Six Sentence Sat(Sun)! I love your writing style, so let's have your interpretation of Trench x Northmoor from Control (a total stretch, I know, I'm just, ah, low-key obsessed with them...) <3!
He tried to give himself some kind of credit - chalk it up to the late nights and early mornings, the fact that his breakfast had consisted of stale breakroom coffee and cigarettes for the past week or so - but no matter how many excuses he came up with, they all ended up ringing hollow.
The fact of the matter was plain and simple: He should've thought this one through and he hadn't; he should've given it the time and space it needed to breathe in his mind, to unfold, to grow flesh, to become cohesive...and he hadn't. For once in his life, knocked so off-kilter by the direction things had taken lately, Zachariah Trench had simply reacted, his over-worked and under-appreciated mental faculties taking in the words "protocol," and "inter-office relationship," and "reporting," and (worst of all) "permission," and he'd tightened his tie, swallowed his pride, and started briskly down the corridor with Broderick to get the damn thing over and done with.
It shouldn't have taken him that long for it to click.
"Wait," he said brusquely, one of his hands beginning to reach for Northmoor's sleeve before remembering the burn that had come from the last such surprise, "we don't have a human resources department...not yet, anyway."
"When did I say it was HR we had to report it to?" Broderick fired back, his expression inscrutable and his cufflinks giving off an impossible heat as he lifted his own hand, directing Trench's attention to the end of the hallway...and the Hotline beyond.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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sunliv · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 dick grayson?
this is late but pride is forver!!!! anyway dick grayson says bi + demi rights!!
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send me 🏳️‍🌈 for hc + doodle! :)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
woo heyy you guyyys!!!!
*looks at the last time i've been active*
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soo...school amma right??? haha i'm turning into a corpse with how little i sleep :'D
(man and i swear each time i try to even THINK about drawing they bombard the whole damn week with assignments smh >:/)
i really can't feel time pass anymore hhh BUT! i have some news!
i put some reblogs in my queue a while ago (i try to whenever i have some spare time) so worry not! i am not dead and i did see some of the art in my dashboard/i was tagged into so posting those would be my top priority!
second is that i'm gonna start posting the art i had planned before starting tomorrow! i will also post some doodles i did in ms paint/ edited in medibang while i wait to get a new tablet/pen/whatever :'(
i am not even gonna try and make any promises or with my luck i'll end up with another disaster next year</3 but i will try to post whenever i can! it's been some rough months lately and i'm not doing the best, but trust me when i say i ain't leaving any time soon!! y'all are stuck with me >:)c <33333
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insidefantasy · 5 months
|| @ourdyingwords || elio said: "you shouldn't be out here by yourself."
"ah, if not alone, then with who? with you?" she's almost upset at herself for the harshness in her tone, but she doesn't allow herself to falter, her gaze firm as she looks at him. maybe it was the alcohol that made her brave, or maybe the drink in her hand would be an excuse if he ever questioned her about it afterward. still, after a moment, when she can no longer bear looking at him any longer (heavens, he was just as beautiful as when she last saw him, or perhaps, even more so now under the lights that illuminated him under the night sky), she finally looks away and faces the view behind her, her body slumping against the railings of the balcony. it had been a while since their last interaction, and although things hadn't ended on a bad note, and she had sworn she understood, it left a bitter taste in her mouth. it was too much like her to fixate on what no longer mattered, to drive herself mad thinking about all the signs that were there but that she overlooked or forced herself to ignore. still, she knew it wasn't entirely his fault. at least, not entirely. she had allowed herself to be enchanted by something that never held any promises — a fleeting spell destined to end with her own heartache.
"c'est juste que tu reviens et j'ai l'impression que je me plierai à tout ce que tu diss," she murmurs under her breath. "but maybe it's my fault. maybe that's what i meant when i promised we'd be friends forever, that you can do and say as you please, and I'll always forgive you as long as you promise to always return."
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hersunsettia · 1 year
ladies gender neutral i will not lie I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING!
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