#ok i don't hate it my coworkers are nice
blurrycow · 2 years
time to go and do my job (run around picking up tennis balls) for four hours! 
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rubberbandballqueen · 10 months
i love how absolutely normal my coworkers are. there's no fear of doing a petty internet slight against someone by mistake. they're all just chillin
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beautifulfuckup99 · 10 months
A Yoongi smut where he is very cold and rude but head over heels for her
Im getting addicted to your stories btw🥹
OMG, thank you so much! Love ya!
Title: Only for you
Warning(s): Classic "Black cat/Golden Retriever" Energy, Curs!ng, D!rty Talk, Bathroom S!x, Creamp!e, Oral, and Fluff
Author's Note: "Hates everyone but you" trope is my absolute FAV! Hope you enjoy, and also this is a "Non-Idol!AU"!
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"No. No!"
"Baby, please! It's just-"
"No, no, no! Nope! Nah! No!"
You sigh deeply and move to straddle your boyfriend's lap as he shakes his head continuously. "Y/N. Don't." He warns and you smirk at him, knowing you'd get your way eventually. It was cute how he always tried to 'put his foot down' though.
"Baby... Focus on the set." You say calmly as you place his hands on your new lingerie set you'd gone out to buy just today. You knew you'd need the big guns for tonight. Black silk barely covered your body that was freshly washed, shaved, and lathered in vanilla lotion.
"Y/N, that's not fair!" He argues as he grips the fabric of your boy shorts in his hands.
"It's a night out, to a nice lounge, to celebrate my co-worker's birthday." You justify. Yoongi had no real desire to always go out and party. If he was forced into it, he'd have to get drunk. That's how he became more sociable and friendly. But other than that, he didn't have the patience for a night out. Or a day out. Or... Well, if it involved other people, let's just say Yoongi wasn't interested.
You knew getting him out would be hard. Especially right now. He couldn't drink thanks to his pain medication the doctors just put him on due to the cold air hurting his prier shoulder injury. You knew tonight, he'd have no real vice to hold on to. Besides you, that is.
"Can't we just... Wish her happy birthday over the phone? I mean, YOU don't even like her!" Yoongi mutters and you snort, moving to kiss along your boyfriend's neck.
"Y/N... I'm serious..." He grumbles as you lay him back, smiling at him innocently. "Don't 'sex brain' me. I'm not going." He says flatly and you hum as you kiss down his body slowly.
"Sex brain?! I'd do..." *kiss* "No..." *kiss* "Such..." *kiss* "Thing..." You mutter between kisses as you get to the waistband of his sweats.
"It's all cold out there, and the snow is mushy, and the lounge is gonna be packed, and I don't even li... Like... Oh..." Yoongi breathes out as you start to softly kiss the outline of his dick through his sweatpants.
"Go ahead, baby. You can complain..." You whisper patiently before rubbing the slowly swelling outline.
"Fuck..." He breathes out and groans. "Y/N, that's not... Fair." He huffs as you slowly pull out his cock and kiss the tip sweetly, as if greeting the thick member. It was your best friend after all...
"We'll give it a few hours, and then we'll say our goodbyes and head out." You say gently as you stroke your hand slowly up and down his shaft.
"I hate your coworkers..." He groans and you smirk at that. Yoongi wasn't judgmental by any means. But your fellow coworkers... They really didn't like his style, or his job, or his opinions and viewpoints... Actually, they didn't like Yoongi in general. You two really were from different worlds and you knew the world you came from was full of stuck-up rich people who only ever saw Yoongi for where he came from.
"Just think about it like this..." You begin before softly licking up his cock, watching the tip twitch. "You get to see that new red dress on me tonight, if you just agree to come." You mumble before swirling your tongue along the tip as he moans.
"Fuck, Y/N..." He moans as his hips buck up slightly, trying to feel your mouth more. It makes you moan around his tip, which in turn, makes him gasp happily. "O-Ok, ok. Just... Suck my cock, baby..." He pants, needing this. You smile and move your hand upwards along his cock, doing a twisting motion.
"And you'll try and be nice...?" You taunt, watching in amusement as he nods fast.
"Ye... Yes!" He pants hotly, hand moving to grip your hair. You smirk and get right to work...
"You said you'd be nice." You hiss in Yoongi's ear. He grumbles a bit in response, and you snort at the sound. "I agreed to try." He corrects in your ear, and you snicker before going back to the conversation the table was having about this week and the bad weather.
"What are you two whispering about over there?" A male coworker jokingly asks.
"Oh, you know Y/N is Yoongi's little mouthpiece." Another jokes and Yoongi stares them down till they stop their laughing. You facepalm slightly. He always had this dark, icy glare. Like a shark...
"So, uh... Yoongi," Another coworker speaks up, eyeing his leather jacket with a fake smile on her face as if she wasn't judging his outfit right now. "How's your little... Business going?" She asks with a soft laugh. Yoongi scrunches his nose at the question, eyeing her in an annoyed fashion.
"Oh, things are going great! Just had a deal close the other day, he's doing great things." You say fast in order to clear up the tension before Yoongi really comes out of his mouth with an attitude. You were actually surprised he hasn't already.
"God, do you ever talk?" Another coworker tries joking and Yoongi finally speaks up.
"Do you ever shut up? You should try it sometime, maybe it'll help lessen my headache." He says bluntly and then fake laughs. You cover your mouth as to not laugh at the shocked look on your coworker's face.
"Please, excuse us!" You say fast and get up, grabbing Yoongi and dragging him off with you. You lead him towards the bathroom and playfully hit his arm.
"I said be nice!" You say and he hums as he eyes you.
"You said try." He defends and you rub your face tiredly before you feel your boyfriend pull you into his arms. You playfully grumble and let him kiss the side of your face and down your neck lightly.
"You're such a pain..." You mutter and pull back to eye your boyfriend. He looked absolutely delicious tonight. "How the hell can I get you to behave?" You whisper and he eyes you with a smirk playing on his lips.
"I can make a suggestion..." He says and you hum.
"Reading your mind as we speak..." You tease and pull at his arm, dragging him off to the ladies bathroom.
The second you realize the coast is clear, Yoongi's already grabbing you and pulling you to the sinks. You laugh at his eagerness. "No way you're still horny..." You mutter against his lips as he kisses you hungrily.
"Blame it on this fucking dress." He grumbles and you snicker proudly, wrapping your legs around his waist.
"We're gonna have to hurry. Can't keep 'em waiting forever." You whisper.
"Fuck them..." Yoongi mutters with a snort before focusing on your neck. You shut your eyes and hum in enjoyment till you feel him bite your neck.
"Yoongi! No hickeys!" You pant.
"What? Don't want them knowing what we snuck off to do? Hm? Too bad. I want all those stuck-up assholes to know their fancy titles and big watches mean shit. Because you'd still rather fuck me." He smirks and his proud smirk makes you laugh.
"Oh? Makes you feel like you won the big dick having contest?" You joke and he presses against you.
"I don't know. You tell me..." He whispers cockily and you playfully mush his face.
"Don't talk my ear off. Hurry up." You giggle and grab the back of his neck to pull his lips to yours, kissing him deeply and passionately. He kisses back with the same heat. His hands reach under your dress for your underwear, and you shiver at the coldness of his hands.
"Wanna warm them up?" He whispers against your lips before sliding his fingers along your inner thighs.
"Fuck..." You gasp softly and your head goes back against the mirror as he slides two fingers between your folds. "Mm... Yoongi..." You gasp and he bites your collarbone as he strokes your clit.
"Please. I need it..." You pant out as if suffocated by your own desire. He pulls his fingers away and sucks them clean, much to your bashful delight. You're quick to undo his belt and the second his cock is free; your legs are spreading.
"Ha. I've trained you well..." He jokes and kisses you deeply as your legs tug him by the hips so he can slide into you already. "Fucking eager..." He taunts and slides into you. "Fuck. You were made for me..." He groans happily and you lean back to look at him with soft eyes.
"How romantic..." You tease as he bottoms out inside of you. You moan as your head rolls back.
"So fucking pretty." He whispers as he watches you closely. You grab his face.
"You can be romantic with me after you finish fucking me." You pant as you grab him in need. You core felt on fire.
"Yes, ma'am..." He whispers and gives in to you. He fucks you a bit faster as you yank off his leather jacket to feel more of him. His hands grip your hips tight to hold you in place and your hands grip the sides of the sink so you can hold your legs open. His hands go to the back of your knees to hold your legs up and wide apart.
"Yes! Oh fuck!" You moan out as your head presses against the mirror more.
"Why so loud? Because no one can hear you." He taunts in your ear, and you shiver at the thought.
"Give me more. Please..." You pant. You never knew what you were begging for exactly, but Yoongi somehow gave you what you needed every time. He angels his hips to find your spot as his thumb goes to your clit. "Baby!" You cry out as you grip his arms, always careful of holding him and he was always grateful of that...
He kisses you sloppily and pumps in and out of you, enjoying your own private world for a moment until there's a knock on the bathroom door. You're quick to cover Yoongi's mouth.
"Y-Yes?" You call as calmly as you can.
"Y/N? That you?" One of your male co-workers, Timothy, asks, and Yoongi laughs from behind your hand. You give him a look to stay quiet.
"Y-Yup. Yeah, it's me." You shakily call out cause Yoongi has decided now is a great time to slowly bottom out inside of you, so you feel every inch of him...
Your eyes roll back slightly at the pressure and the feel of his tip pressed firmly against your sweet spot.
"Are you okay in there? Did your little boy toy leave? We're sorry if we made you two fight." Tim says in an innocent tone that you and Yoongi knew wasn't so innocent. You knew Tim had a little workplace crush on you, but you were sure that always talking and showing off Yoongi would one day snap him out of whatever he thought was gonna happen between you two. But there was no realization coming from him anytime soon.
"Oh, no, we're-" You're stopped from your sentence by Yoongi sliding out and the hitting your sweet spot with the right amount of force.
"Perfect!" You call out in pure pleasure before swatting at his arm.
"Are you sure you're okay in there, Y/N?" Tim asks as Yoongi moves to your ear while fucking you hard and fast.
"Yeah, are you okay in here, Y/N?" He whispers in your ear, and you can barely focus on anything other than the bundle of heat in your stomach about to burst.
"Y-Ye... Yes..." You hiss out as you look Yoongi in the eyes with a 'I'm gonna kill you after this' look. It makes him smirk happily.
"Y/N?" Tim asks from the locked bathroom door as Yoongi kisses you hotly.
"Don't stop..." You whine quietly against his lips as he starts rubbing your clit.
"Cum, baby. Cum on my cock..." He nods fast and you tune out Tim effortlessly as you feel it coming.
"Yes!" You gasp and move closer to Yoongi, biting down on the cork of his neck as you cum.
"Fuck..." Yoongi moans quietly and holds you down on your cock so you're milking him. "That's a good girl..." He praises as you moan happily when you feel him fill you up. You grab him and kiss you as Tim starts knocking on the bathroom door relentlessly.
"Ugh. Stay here. I'll get rid of him and then you walk out." You whisper and Yoongi nods, pulling out of you. You wait for the shakiness to pass and, when you can feel your legs again, you get up and fix yourself before walking over to the door. You open it and poke your head out.
"Oh! You're okay. Thank god, cause I was so worried-" Tim is cut off by Yoongi walking over behind you, which makes you facepalm.
"Tim?" Yoongi asks as he makes it obvious that he's now fixing his belt on his pants.
"Uh... Yeah, man?" Tim asks, eyeing you both now wirily.
"You wanna fuck off?" Yoongi asks bluntly with the same casual expression on his face. You keep your face covered, not even wanting to look up at Tim.
"Uh... Yeah, yup, let me... Go back to the table." Tim mutters, a bitter look on his face before he storms off. You snort and turn to Yoongi, swatting at his chest.
"Would it kill you to be nice?" You ask and he pauses as if thinking.
"Mm... It just might. And then what would you do without me?" He plays along with the same smile that's only meant for you. You blush and nudge him lightly.
"Let's go. Before you fight someone else." You chuckle and grab his hand, pulling him off towards the table to get your stuff and run off back home.
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fuck-customers · 17 days
Ok on one hand, I like to get to know my coworkers. It's nice to actually know who you work with rather than just going "idk that person is wearing our uniform, they must work here or else they stole a uniform" But don't prevent me from doing my job and causing the manager to bitch ME out because YOU wouldn't stop following me around.
There's a newish cashier who I've talked to like twice (and only brief hi how are you shit) who seems to think that we're bffs now. Now I don't mind the occasional conversation with a coworker, but she clocked out and then hung around me for an hour after her shift ended. Plus she was venting to me about how much she hates our one boss and I agree with everything she said 100% except....THAT SAME BOSS WAS STILL ON THE FLOOR WITHIN EARSHOT. And I'm trying to politely tell her I have customers and I start ringing the customers up and she backs off only long enough for me to finish the line then starts following me and talking nonstop again.
Then the manager wanted me to stock in between customers, which is difficult enough, because I'm not tall enough to see over the shelves to see if I have a customer and is made worse by having to babysit some girl I barely know. And the manager gets mad at me for "socializing" when I she could clearly hear me tell the girl that I have work to do.
Just...ugh. I don't want to tell her to fuck off, because that would cause more problems than it would solve, but I politely told her multiple times "I have customers and I have to stock this stuff, I don't really have time to talk, I'm sorry" and "I've got a line, I have to deal with these customers and then finish stocking." and she just was Not Getting It. Idk if this is her first job or what, but she's been here 6 months and should know better by now.
I know this makes me sound like a raging bitch, but I truly don't mind talking to coworkers, just make sure it's the appropriate time and place, such as after or before we're clocked out/in in the breakroom. Or even if I was off the clock and she ran into me on the floor, that would be fine. Not while I'm on the clock and have customers and an assignment to do.
Posted by admin Rodney
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redactahoe · 5 months
even more redacted headcanons
i am losing my mind :D
this is just my opinion none of this is canon this is all for shits in giggles and i will infact repeat myself for previous headcanon post srry this is also only somewhat orginized and super unedited
ever person in the shaw pack has/had a crush on darlin
darlin has been voted as the 'hottest person in the pack as well
babe is classically trained in piano and viola and one day dreams to own they're own grand piano don't worry davids rich ass may or may not be planning this as a wedding gift for them
playing off that last point babe hates it when people after finding out they can play, start demanding not asking no demanding them to play something. everytime this happens (which isn't often at least with the shaw pack that is) asher has to physically hold his mate back from violently shoving they're viola bow up the assholes... asshole
instead of hush just waiting at docs apartment for them to come home from work, he would rather creepily sit with his knees to chest in an extra spinney chair in the corner of docs office. like he'll act 'normal' when its just him and doc, but if someone comes in for any reason hell stop talking and just watch them
mentor actually isn't that nice to they're coworkers but when they first saw ollie they were smitten, like ollie is the only person they talked to outside of work stuff. they were not there for water cooler small talk😭but for ollie they would do anything
on that same not i am a firm believer in james spouse being stoned faced with everyone except james and the hand full friends that they have
asset loves listening and asking questions to anton or james talk about their respective spouses
anton has been slowly building up a collection of shiny rocks hes either fond or bought so when he finally gets to go home to his partner and give to them
david is actually besties with babe because their both people who see Asher on a consistent bases and therefore meet up every other week discussing the various type of shenanigans asher gets into
darlin and brights have a bone room in sam and darlin's house.... let me explain, so it is of my firm belief that 90% of the shaw pack is neurodivergent and darlin is not exempt from that. bright also has some vague form of neurodivergent that bright refuses to anyone and this all comminates into both of them coincidently having the same special interests in bones and animals in general. and since sam (according to asher) owns this big ass cabin in the middle of the woods, it was perfect. and bright didnt have the bone room is because they had a small enough collection to keep in their room at sams place. that is until darlin moved and pulled up with their extensive collecting that they've had since the age of 10 and sam was very willing to put one of those 'guest room' nobody uses them bright happen to be there the day darlin and sam were able to get the aforementioned bone collection home form storage and they lost there collective mind with excitement. and sam got watch with this fond and loving twinkle as bright and darlin ramble and trade facts about animals and their bones (and darlin got to teach bright how to properly clean bones it was adorable)(ok ill shut up about this)
angel loves to recreate outfits from many types of videogames and tv show and uses packmembers (read as: tank and asher) as mannequins.
going off that last point(again) david loves listening to angel ramble about they're latest project and intentionally searched and bought a house with alot of big ass closets so angel can hang up all of the finished ones and store all of the stuff they need to make
ftm!guy is rarely ever dysphoric b/c while honey isnt the greatest at expressing their emotions they are incredibly attentive with guy and his needs and wants so this means that honey is always checking in on him. not only that but early on when they were just roommates that one other girl's boyfriend that they were rooming with (i forgot her name) made an off handed/gross comment about guy and honey literally kicked his ass out. like they picked he disgusting ass up and threw him out of the fucking apartment.... guy still laughs about to this day.
i fully believe that the damn polycule does and should include laskos listener (dear) and they can infact dom anyone
all of the de(a)mons can infact purr but gavin and caluem are most open about that fact.
lovely didnt grow up or live the riches life so when they started to dating vincent they had hard time excepting all of Vincent and williams expansive gifts all the while Vincent love langue is gift giving
lovley loves music so much. like its the hyperfixation, anything to do with music and i mean anything lovely could probaly tell you about. and much to willams delight that means he now has someone to talk about music and art from his time peroid (hes over 500 y/o yall) and them knowing exactly what theyre talking about
despite the fact that alot of people will say that lovely is William's fave, its actually untrue. williams favorite is actually darlin, i know i know but stick with me here. i think alot of the clan members to tend to question or disagree with william because hes their king but darlin is very diffrent. i think that once they start attending clan meetings the kinda behave like they're at pack meeting b/c its essentially the same thing. so theyre always asking questions, giving suggestions and even calling william out when he sometimes gets things wrongs. and william loves this, he loves how engaged they are and recognizes that thats just how darlin shows that not only do they care but that theyre listening. hell he'll even tell someone (even if sam has alredy told them the stfu) that trys to rudely interrupt darlin with " YoU SHoUlDnT iNtErRuPt ThE kInG!" to stfu if you dont have anything meaningful to contribute
everyone(excluding like a handful of people) in the both shaw pack and the solaire pack is kinda protective of babe and angel. and its not just because they're both humans its mostly because both of the are humans that treat others as humans. let me explain, so in empowered society ive noticed that vampires and shifter are treated differently form other empowered people. its really supple but anyways both angel an babe see no reason to interact with vampires and shifters any differently from how they would interact with any other person and most of them really appreciate that. people tend to talk to shifters like they're animals of some kind and people tend to act like all vamps have no control over theyre impulses and hunger and when both are asked angel tells the person that no matter what kind of magic got, it doesnt matter. because at the end of the day they all are/were human. with babe youll get similar answer but they'll tack on that its important for everybody to remember that they are people, human of not people are flawed and will make mistake. and trying to pretend that your above/below feelings and flaws is very bad for ones mental health. and thats how alot of older generations of shifter/vamp end up living in the middle of bumfuck no where, borderline insane and very lonely
welp thats it for know
thx for reading sorry if i forget any tags
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pedrostylez · 1 year
Mi Luz | Javier Pena x fem!reader
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pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
summary: reader and Javier are coworkers that typically hate each other, but find each other helpful in relieving that stress
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count: 1.7k
warnings etc: smut, dirty talk, light choking, unprotected p in v sex, pet names, established relationship. NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: Hi! Please be kind...first attempt at writing something. I got a thing for Narcos Pedro ok? Anyways. There's potential for this to be a one-off or have a prologue/continuation. Just wanted to get my toes wet :)
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"That's not good enough baby." His breath fanned across your chin and neck, hands wandering your sides to your hips, pressing down so you wouldn't move. He kept you in place, teasing your clit with his leaking head.
You couldn't help but still try to squirm, even though he was holding you down. "I just want to feel you."
His chuckle was quiet, deep in his chest as he tilted his head to get a better look at you. "You can feel me if you just ask, darlin'."
It was either beg or get nothing-You knew that.
He loved that.
You were so demanding and bratty at work-always knew what you wanted and how to get shit done, but meaner than just your powerful woman. He had no problem with women that knew what they wanted, but the attitude and tone you took with him specifically always made him grind his teeth. Having you under him and begging for release-begging to not be in charge-well he craved that almost as much as he craved being inside you.
"All you have to do is ask nicely and I'll take care of you. Just how you like. Don't you want that?" His hand that had been bruising your hip reached up to your nipple, squeezing lightly and then rolling it between his index and thumb. God, maybe just a quick taste so he could hear your whimper a little more.
His tongue was hot on your skin as he wrapped his lips around the pebbled bud, you threw your head back and a deep sigh left your lips. The way his teeth just barely came down on you to give you a bite made your eyes roll in the back of your head. "Peña, I need you. Please, just- fuck it feels like I can't breathe."
You sounded so good like this to his ears. He couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face, the dimple forming on his left cheek as he released your nipple and pushed his hips forward, taking his hand that had been helping you to his mouth and moving it to your throat. "That's right cielo, that wasn't so hard was it?"
His cockiness was lost on you as he slid in, your hands reaching up to drag down his shoulders and arms, holding on at his wrist as he lightly held your neck in place. He never squeezed too hard, taking you seriously when you said you felt like you couldn't breathe. He didn't want to leave marks and have you embarrassed the next day at work when you would inevitably pretend you didn't like him, know him, or fuck him.
You needed this. Him, thrusting relentlessly at a steady rhythm, not rushed or slow, his breathy grunts and sometimes the light whimpers as he lost himself in you-it was everything.
You wouldn't mind being his if he wasn't someone that was known to get around the office. He never seemed to want to settle, and it wasn't your job to push that. But him getting on top of you and releasing the stress of the day? You could allow that much, at least.
"You're so beautiful like this, taking me like the good girl I know you can be, huh? You need me don't you, m-mi sol?" He couldn't help himself with the pet names. He tried correcting himself before he could blurt it out, but it came out as a stutter instead. He was so infatuated with you that he wanted you to desperately want him back, and it made him insecure. Even as he was making you feel on top of the world.
"Yes." You were lost in what you were feeling. "Fuck, you feel so good Peña-"
"Javi, baby. Please don't-fuck-just say my name." He was struggling to let you keep calling you by what everyone at work called him. You could get his attention with his last name while on the job, keeping it professional, but behind closed doors? With you under him? Begging him for more? He wanted to be able to hear you later when he was in the shower thinking about this moment.
"Ja-Javi." His hand released your throat as he leaned down to kiss behind your ear. "You feel amazing, Javi."
He groaned, biting on your ear and lifting your leg higher around his waist, changing the angle slighting. "Fuck, that's it cariño. I can feel you squeezing around me."
You reached up to his back, lightly scratching down Javier's shoulder blades, making him inhale harshly. "I think you're close too, Javi."
You sounded too confident, the smirk he saw on your face as he propped himself up insured that. He stopped thrusting and leaned away to reach a hand between you. "If you plan on finishing you better be going first because otherwise-" His thumb reached your clit, circling slowly as he started thrusting again, his other hand holding your leg up by your knee, spreading you out so he could see himself entering you. "you're going to just be my plaything today instead of the other way around. Is that what you want?"
He wanted nothing more than to bite your lip when you sucked in a breath at his touch and pouted. "No, please I want to cum."
Fuck-he could have come on the spot. He closed his eyes to try and regain control, stuttering in his thrusting but pushing harder on your clit. "You have no idea what you do to me."
He said it so quietly you weren't sure you were supposed to hear him, but it made your heart swell either way. "Please keep going Javi, I'm so close."
"I know baby, I want you to come around me. Let me feel you, yeah? You're so beautiful when you let go." He just couldn't help himself. He didn't even stutter that time, chastizing himself in his head but batting the thought away. You were beautiful when you lost control, body shaking and reaching for him like he was the only lifeline you had. "Let me see you mi luz."
His thrusts were getting sloppy, but he held his composure until he felt you release. It was cloud nine every time Javi was the one with you.
You had tried on multiple occasions to have someone else be your stress relief. Peña's reputation was gossip around the office, which meant you would soon be included in that. But anyone else didn't satisfy-and when you had your one night stand with Peña and no one was the wiser, you thought it couldn't hurt to continue.
Especially when he made you feel like this.
You felt yourself coming down as he began, his mouth opening slightly to release grunts, but then he caught himself and closed his eyes, biting his lip. He didn't want to let on that he was completely infatuated and obliterated by you. Being noisy would have been too much, right?
He still couldn't help it and let out a whimper, making you pulse around him and surprise him. His eyes popped open as he began to release, shocked at your reaction to his noises. "Fuck-ah-you like that? W-When I can't help but-ah-but make noise? When I c-can't help myself?"
Your face and chest blushed red, grabbing onto his forearms as he continued to thrust through his finish, lengthening your orgasm to a slower come down. He had let out a few more groans, trying to compose himself by asking you heated questions. "Yes, I like hearing you."
You were going to be the death of him. His eyes closed, halting inside you and he leaned his weight onto his elbows and was now nose to nose with you. He brushed his lips lightly against yours, not really thinking about the implications. He wanted to let you know how he felt the same-how he can't help himself around you, wants to hear you, but didn't know how to put it into words without being awkward now that you were both coming down.
He hadn't been able to be with anyone else since your first night with him. Sweaty, rushed in his Jeep after the whole office went out for drinks, but it was the best that he had ever had up until that point. Every time after that topped it, was with you.
He pulled out of you slowly, resting his hip off to your side, both of you laying naked in his bed. No one else had come to his bed-he went to theirs so that he could leave and not let people into his space. You didn't know that. You hadn't asked. "Do you want to shower?"
You giggled, looking down at your body and seeing both yours and his sweat mixed on your skin. "Yeah-Columbia's heat is difficult to get used to."
He smiled, tracing your collarbone for a moment before rolling over and out of the bed. "I'll order some takeout cariño, if you want to get the water started."
"What does that mean, again?" You questioned, sitting up and stretching your neck. You had been in Columbia with the embassy for a while, working their archives and helping officers find information they needed, but never really picked up on the language as much as you thought you would. It was disappointing in a way, but you reminded yourself you hadn't been here long and didn't converse outside of your bubble for safety purposes.
Javier paused, phone already on his ear waiting for the restaurant to pick up. "Uh, nothing. Just a nickname. I'm sorry I keep slipping into Spanish." He sounded so nervous, and you swore you saw a blush creeping up his neck.
"I thought I would have caught on by now, but I'm a little slower to understanding it. Eventually..." You trailed off, standing and heading into his bathroom and turning on the water. You looked in the mirror and saw how content you looked-hair a mess, eyes and lips puffy, but satisfied. You had a feeling that your bubble with Peña would burst soon, but for now, you were content pretending it wouldn't.
Javier finished ordering food over the phone, hearing the water running and walking slowly toward it. It was a blessing that you didn't know he had called you heaven or his sunshine. Fuck, he had even referred to you as his light...he felt anxiety in his stomach at the thought of you finding out, connecting the dots that this wasn't just a "fucking because we are stressed and nothing else" type of relationship. He didn't know how to ask you about your feelings and didn't want to right now. Why ruin the bursts of satisfaction he rarely had to begin with?
With a sigh he entered the bathroom, seeing you bent over the tub and feeling the water temperature. You looked over your shoulder as you changed the setting for the water to come out of the showerhead. "You better put that ass away unless you want to go for round two." He was breathless already, desperately hard and not understanding how he could be.
You smirked and stood straight. "Let's clean up a little first, Peña."
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thedeluluverse · 10 months
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Annyeong my darling @starfire21! Here is your request! Sorry it took longer than I quoted, hope it was worth the wait! Let me know of anyyyyy feedback ok? Enjoy :) <3333
Author’s Note: Big thanks to @starfire21 for this request as it beckons in a new era of not just BTS fics! I hope y’all enjoy and feel free to send me requests anytime 😊Also, I got a tad bit carried away so if it's too long, sorry! hehe
Summary: Being together for 2 years, there is no limit to how well you know each other. So why do you still try to hide?
Pairing:  softDom!Minho x subbyJYPstaffF!reader.
Rating: 18+
Genre: idol!au, angst, smut, fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship, coworker romance
Word Count: 3,861
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI.  swearing, angst in a couple parts, fingering (f. receiving), breast play, dirty talk, pet names, overstimulation, clit play, praise kink, neck kissing, guilt, crying, cockwarming, mom and dad issues, reader highkey hates her dad and wants to unalive him so there's talk of that too.
It's been 2 hours, and you are still reeling. Despite living in Korea for about 6 years at this point, your parents still manage to get under your skin. A notification pops up on your phone that your boyfriend, none other than Lee Minho of Stray Kids, has gone live. A small smile appears, knowing that he helps comfort you even through a screen and wondering if he can sense your need for his presence. Probably not, but it's a nice thought!
Once the live is through, you give a sigh of contentment, quickly replaced by the familiar sinking feeling that comes with the trauma you can't seem to shake. You are on the verge of sobbing when your phone screen lights up, showing that your boyfriend is trying to Facetime you. Taking a few deep breaths and smiling, you accept the call and are greeted by an "Annyeong jagiya! Did you see the live?". Nodding your head, you reply, "I did, and you look so handsome today, babe!".
Despite you doing your best to smile enough to not worry him, he can tell that the smile far from reaches your eyes. His tone changes to stern as his eyes bore into your soul; thank goodness there's a screen separating y'all! "Tell me." He demands; you try to laugh it off. "Tell you what? That I love you; you know I do, Min!". He isn't laughing, "Don't play this game with me, angel, I can tell something is wrong. Please, I'm here for you, always.".
At his sincere words and concern for your well-being, the dam is broken, and you start bawling, unable to communicate for about 3 minutes. He understands and doesn't bother you; he just looks at you pitifully, upset that he knows there is nothing he can do to help right now. Once your breathing has regulated, you say, "Okay, well, buckle up, my love, because today was a doozy…" he nods to show that he is ready and you are free to start whenever.
After a sip of water, you begin, "First off, my dad, who I haven't talked to in about 7 years, texted me out of the blue asking what I've been up to, and he misses me (bullshit, you mutter under your breath). So this fucker asks if we can meet up for lunch or something soon. I told him that I was not in the States anymore. He said that my mom was bragging about me and accidentally let it slip that I live in Korea now, so that's no issue since he has wanted to take a trip anyway. “
“I told him to stay out of my goddamn life since that is what he is best at, and he lost his chances to reconcile with me a decade ago. Then he dared to get angry with me and say he deserves to see me because ' he's my father.' I told him he was just a sperm donor and he had no right to me, especially since I changed my last name once I moved out. He didn't like that and said that I was just like my mom, a bitch, and that was it. Now most times, I don't like being compared to my mom, but in cases like these, it's a badge of honor, lol.”.
As you take a breath, Minho stares off from his phone for a moment to process all of that. Now, that situation would be intense to hear about for anyone. Still, it's an entirely different playing field for your fiercely protective boyfriend who knows about your trauma. "I'm gonna kill him." He states, still looking off into the distance.
You damn near spit out your water at the suddenness of this statement, then reply with, "I mean, go for it, have fun even, but make sure I'm there. I want to see his pathetic life leave his blank stare as I deal the final blow." His eyes widen, knowing that your talk of wanting to kill your dad was serious all these years; his only response is to nod, "Anything you want, Princess.".
Blushing at the pet name and feeling a bit better, having vented some of the day away, you say, "You are already fuming; I can just finish up the story later. It's okay. I will see you, la-" "You'll see me as soon as you are done telling me what happened today. Yes, I am pissed at your dad on multiple levels. Still, I care about you even more. So what else happened, honey?". You close your eyes, and with your voice slightly cracking, you say, "My mom. She happened. So she Facetimed me earlier, like 10 minutes after the ordeal with 'dad'.
  She just wanted to check up on me, but I was snippier than usual because I don't like surprises like that and wouldn't have agreed to call just then. I told her that she needs to not just randomly Facetime me because next time, depending on what kind of day I'm having, I may not be in the mood to pick up. She didn't like that at all and tried to play the guilt card of not seeing me in forever despite her knowing I’ve been super busy lately. I told her that wasn’t fair, and we texted enough for her to know that my life has been hectic, so she needs to not try to make me feel guilty for my success."
“So then,” you continue, “she happens to spot that the sink has dishes, trash needs to be taken out, etc., etc., and huffs. I ask what's wrong, and she proceeds to say that, well, despite success looks like you can't handle it all if you can't maintain a clean living space and that after this long, she thought that I would’ve figured out a routine that works for me by now.
  She even had the audacity to say, 'Ah yes, your work is soooo taxing being around gorgeous people all day, you poor thing.' That set me off; I told her that my job is taxing because I want to ensure I am doing my best, so they do not have to worry as much. I have had no energy to do anything when I come home lately besides shower, eat, and talk to Min for a little while before I pass out. The final straw was when she said, ', Oh, so you have time for your boyfriend but not for your mom; I see how it is.' And just ended the call."
  He stares into space again and says, "Wait…what the actual fuck??!! She knows you have abandonment issues and how your energy levels can be, and she dares to pull that…. I'm so sorry, love, for everything." You sniffle, trying to ward off more tears and answer, "It isn't your fault, though; none of this is, which is why I wasn't going to bother you with it or bring down your day. Especially after a live because I know you get a mixed bag of comments with those; I feel extra bad now. I'm sorry; I'm selfish and shouldn't have word-vomited on you. Oh fuck, am I like my dad? I'm really gonna run into traffic now," you half-joke.
"AISH. Y/N-AAAA!! I've told you that you never need to hide anything from me, okay? I am here for you. I would’ve hated it if you kept all of this to yourself until you deemed that I was ready to hear it. Lovingly shut the hell up about that 'like your dad/being selfish' shit. I could tell you weren't okay and asked you to share why. Yanno, I love you and know you have struggled mainly alone for too long."
" Your dad would've just started unloading about his day without even thinking to ask how I was before, so stop. No running into traffic jokes either, alright? You really wanna do that to me and the kids?". The corner of your mouth twitches into a slight smile as you say, ", Okay, you maybe have good points; I'm sorry. And I wouldn't do that to you and those fuzzy little cuties in a million years!"
He smirks, "Good, and stop saying sorry. You did nothing wrong, okay?"; you nod in response, granting you a flying kiss through the screen. "Do you have any plans today y/n?" "Nope MinMin, I'm free the rest of the day; why?" "You'll see, just be ready in 15 minutes, dress comfy. I'll see you soon; gonna hang up now, saranghae jagiya!" "Saranghae jagi, I'll see you soon!". The call ends, and you put on your favorite pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie you had stolen from him on your third date paired with your trusty boots, and you are ready to go!
15 minutes later, your boyfriend is pulled into your driveway and leans against the car waiting for you, not wanting to rush you but letting you know he is there. The second you step past your door, he runs up to you and captures you in the most comforting hug that might've ever existed.
This causes you to cry more, and his only response is to softly rub your back, occasionally pecking your temple and forehead with kisses and soothingly whispering, "There there, y/n, I'm here. It's going to be okay, that's it. Let it out.". After about 9 minutes, he wipes away the tears for you, kisses their faint trails, and leads you hand in hand to his car. As he starts driving, you have no idea what he has planned, and frankly, it couldn't matter less; you are feeling better just being in his company.
Putting the car in park, he turns to you and asks, "You ready?" "for what?" you reply. He emerges from the vehicle and opens your door for you, holding your hand as you walk into the building, saying, "Just trust me.". As soon as you walk in, you are taken aback at how nice this place looks but are too entranced in the calming scents of rain and vanilla to put too much thought into it. He notices you just taking everything in and places a gentle hand on the small of your back to catch your attention, "Let's get this started, shall we? Don't worry, I pulled a few strings, and we have the place to ourselves.".
Returning to reality, you look at him with wide eyes, "Wait….did you rent out a whole ass spa just because my parents were jerks??? This is too much; I'll be okay, I swear!". He calmly places a finger over your lips, looking into your eyes. "Nothing is too much for my baby girl, you need to wind down anyway, and I just had an excuse to pull something like this off. Now… go enjoy my love."
You blush at the effort and care he put into this, all for you, and nod, walking to the back. First, you get the best massage of your life, not counting the ones that Min has given you; of course, once it is done, the masseuse leaves so that you can retie your robe and move on to the next room. Nearly falling asleep from how jelly-like your muscles feel, you don't notice that you aren't alone until you feel a hand gripping your ass cheek.
You bolt up and whip your head around only to find your cheeky partner showcasing the cat smirk that you so adore until he moves closer to you and bends down, placing soft kisses on your shoulders, neck, and all over your face until you are both giggling. "Now, on to the next room." He commands while taking hold of your neck with his strong, veiny hands that impress you more and more every day.
Helping you into the next room as you are still a bit wobbly, Min starts feeling like this was definitely a good idea since it has been ages since he has seen your features this relaxed. Once you sit in the massage chair, he plants a kiss on the top of your hand and then leaves you to enjoy phase 2. Phase 2 includes a full mani-pedi as well as a customized facial treatment due to him knowing that you have sensitive skin. He even asked the staff to provide extra cucumber slices to snack on if smelling them on your face kickstarted your craving.
Throughout the mani-pedi, you receive heavenly hand and foot massages, and you start to wonder if this is all a dream due to how perfect everything has been. As you wait a few moments for them to ensure the next room is ready, your sneaky boyfriend whispers into your ear, "Enjoying yourself pretty?" as your eyes are closed, leaning back in relaxation.
  Your eyes fly open, mainly from the realization that those 3 words created body-wide goosebumps. Hovering over you, he shakes his head and gently lowers your lids, "Keep relaxing, pet. Let master take care of you, yeah?". Biting your lip, you nod slightly while fighting a moan; at this green light, he starts a trail of kisses from your collarbone down to your sternum.
Your breathing becomes more uneven by the second as he takes one tit into his mouth, swirling and flicking his tongue around your hardened bud and occasionally sucking on it as if his life depended on it. He can tell that you are needy from his actions and stops right before the staff returns to lead you into the next room. Not before he leaves little love bites all over your cleavage, though.
Phase 3 is a special treatment that he personally requested. Now, the spa staff is well aware of your heat sensitivity, and you were fine temperature-wise until Min's little sneaky stunts left you panting with flushed cheeks. Well, it seems he anticipated this because he arranged a cooling stone treatment for you in the next room. They spend about a half hour moving stones of all sizes all along your body and double as many times over your pressure points to ensure you don't get overheated.
In the end, you are instructed to lie face down once again as they leave an even pattern of chilling stones all down your back as well as on the nape of your neck. In the midst of cooling bliss, you feel a familiar set of lips kissing up your calves all the way to the back of your thighs. Goosebumps appear again, and you can feel the desire pooling in your stomach along with the increasing wetness between the lips of your pussy.
He barely has to apply pressure to your inner thighs for you to spread your legs for him even wider. Leaning over your back, he nibbles your earlobe and coyly says, "Damn baby, you really are my subby little kitten, aren't you? All it takes is a few kisses and teasing touches, and you are dripping onto this table for me. I'm not complaining; I've just come to taste my handiwork.".
  Before you can object for fear that you'll be walked in on, his tongue is deep in your throbbing cunt, licking broad stripes along your lips. Feeling you adjust slightly in an attempt to grind against his face, he firmly holds down your legs, saying, "C'mon, my needy little babydoll, you gotta stay still so daddy can take care of you. Unless you want them to see that their handiwork has shifted and be privy to your true nature." You groan as if to say, "That's not fair," but you aren't complaining after all…
You finish for the third time, not 5 minutes before the staff walks in with a robe, ready to remove the stones from your back, ignoring the smell of sex as they were paid to do. Sitting on the end of the table, waiting to see what will happen next, Minho saunters in and extends his hand towards you while slightly bowing. Furrowing your brows, you ask, "Um, my dear boyfriend, it's a little difficult for me to walk. Could you tell me where we are going?".
Ignoring your question, he states, "You feel a little chilly."; you huff and reply, "Well, thank you, great compass, that helped a ton. For your information, I am, actually. The stones set me back to neutral, but then, all of that release burned a lot of calories, and now I'm resetting." "I thought as much. Well, welcome to the last stage of Min's 'If I can't kill those who hurt you, I'm gonna try my hardest to kill your unhappiness and soothe your soul for eternity' tour!".
Trying to disguise the tears in your eyes from being seen, you tease, "Damn, that's a mouthful, love…" He just grins and cocks an eyebrow replying, "Yeah, well, so are you, and I'm not complaining."; this makes you blush and scan the area, hoping nobody heard him.
He leads you into a private hot tub/sauna room with the temperature of everything set just warm enough to help you feel normal but cool enough that you won't pass out. You don't waste any time changing into a bathing suit and letting your body succumb to the sensation of the jets and the melting effect that the water is having over every inch of you. Eyes closed and head back, you still have trouble believing all this is real. Ten minutes later, you feel the water rise higher on your body, and it isn't long before you know the culprit is your Min joining you.
Looking to the right of you, where he is sitting, you pull yourself over his lap and start kissing along his neck, all the way behind his ear, and finally over to his lips for a steamy makeout sesh that leaves you both breathless and has him asking, "Well Princess what was that for? I am certainly not mad about it, but I figured you'd be too relaxed to be this bold right now."
It's your turn to smirk as you rub your clothed core against his growing bulge, then whisper against his ear, "See, the thing is…I was relaxed, then you made me all needy, so you have to fix it now, mister." "Oh, do I?" he teases as he slips two fingers inside of your soaked cunt easily, which elicits a very loud “fuck Minho” from your lips. He curls his fingers inside of you, occasionally toying with your sensitive bud while kissing you passionately until you have cum all over his hand 5 times.
He lets you stay collapsed against him for a solid 10 minutes before saying, "Let's go, my adorable little raisin.". Pouting, you lift your head up, meeting his eyes and saying, "But baaabe, I feel too weak to dry off, get dressed, and go all the way to the car…” He chuckles, tucking your hair behind your ear and placing a soft kiss to the tip of your cute nose before explaining, “I planned for this situation as well my love, just trust me yeah?” he says touching his forehead to yours as you nod.
He gets out first, quickly drying off, pulling on a pair of boxers, and heading back to you. He lifts you bridal style with ease out of the hot tub and places you on possibly the best bed you have ever laid on. As he joins you underneath the covers, you curl up against him with your nose on his neck and his chin on top of your head; "Jagi, did you invent a cooling cloud for me to sleep on?" you ask, half out of consciousness.
He gives a deep chuckle in amusement at how tiny you are right now, places a kiss on top of your head, and traces his fingers up and down your spine as he answers, "I'm not thaaat powerful jagiya, but that was precious."
Pressing yourself closer to his chest in embarrassment while giggling, you retort playfully whiny, "Don't make fun of meee. Just tell me what magic is underneath us right now, and can we take it home?". He smiles ear to ear, just as smitten with you as the day he met you, and replies, "Well, I thought you might get overheated, so I asked if they could set up the extra room as a nap area with silk sheets for cooling reasons. Sadly, they didn't have any, but thankfully, they did have this other fabric called habotai. It is much like silk but a bit cheaper and slightly more cooling. If you like it this much,  we can send a set home with us."
Barely raising your head, just enough for him to see your eyes, you ask, "Wait, really??" with the wonderment of a child who just got told they can take home the toy they've been eyeing in the store for the past 20 minutes. Kissing your forehead, he nods and can feel fatigue overtake his body; right before he drifts into dreamland, though, your sweet voice permeates the air.
Pressing a palm against his firm chest to let him know you're awake, barely above a whisper, you say, "Um…I don't want to be greedy, but I have a question….if that's alright. I know you've done so much already." He glances down at you and cups your cheek with his palm, "What is it, my star?" you feel your cheeks flush as you ask, "Well, see, the thing is, I was thinking, or rather wondering if you could just…be inside of me? If that's silly, I get it, just, I dunno, I want to feel as close as I can to you. You're so healing you have no idea…".
Before you finish your sentence, he is gently filling you up with his cock and softly presses his lips against yours right as you finish speaking. "I doubt you could ever make a silly request or be greedy where I am concerned, sweetheart. You could want to hula hoop with Saturn's rings, and I'd find a way to grant your wish, my love." Giving a contented sigh, you nod, and you both drift off to the most peaceful sleep either of you have experienced in a long while.
  Even though you felt like absolute trash earlier today, here you are, feeling like the most valuable piece of treasure. All thanks to your fantastic boyfriend who sees you as a goddess and would move mountains if it meant you were at peace. The reason is, to him, you are the rarest gem that he had the fortune of stumbling across in life, and he spends every day trying to think of ways to show you just how special you are to him and in general.
After that day, you both vow to always let each other know what is going on so that neither of you faces hardships alone; from now to eternity, you will be each other’s soul soothers, and you couldn't feel more thankful to have this man by your side now and forever.
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lostonehero · 2 months
More of the new mech au
Because I'm thinking about it and I'm stuck at home with pneumonia
It's an absolute shitshow when the mechs (minus Nastya because she has her limits but did warn Martin beforehand because he made her a matching blanket and taught her how to get Jonny to drink tea) start working at the Institute
Jon is furious he was not informed of new assasitants he didn't approve of and he fucking hates Jonny to no end.
Martin blames himself but does appreciate GP Tim bringing in homemade bread pudding, saying it reminds him of home.
Jonny doesn't have his guns on him because he would never risk hurting Martin, but he is ready to grow out his horns to gorge Jon, and he despises growing his horns out.
Tim didn't realize GP last name was also Stoker, so he's very confused, and GP isn't helping anything by telling the truth. Tim honestly just thinks he's insane.
Sasha thinks this is hilarious but is also grateful to have other people to experience the weird things and maybe have someone check out that appearing yellow door. She has bo idea that they are aliens nor that they are immortal.
Martin only knows they are aliens.
New archive chat
Jonny D'ville has been added
Gunpowder Tim has been added
Jonny D'ville changed his name to Jonny
Gunpowder Tim changed his name to GP Tim
Jonny: the cooler Jon is finally here.
Jon: Why did you even get a job here? Why did Elias hire you?
Jonny: don't care
Martin: Jonny, please be nice. Also I brought your favorite mug don't steal Jon's.
Jonny: ok
GP Tim: Man, killed with kindness
Martin: Oh, right, Gp, I also baked a tray of biscuits as a thank you for the bread pudding. I'm almost done with the sleep Mas you requested.
Tim: dude don't tempt Martin. He got rid of all the starters shit in the breakroom when I accidently mentioned I was allergic.
Sasha: to be fair strawberries would actually kill you.
Tim: at least I can handle kindness I can see Gp and Jonny covering their faces. I think Jonny threw his phone.
Martin: he did. Although I didn't mean to embarrassed them. Oh, right, I do crochet and knit, so if you guys want anything, I have an overabundance of yarn from TS who doesn't understand what restraint means.
Sasha: can you teach me to knit?
Tim: Oh me too we can have a knitting club.
Jon: I know how to sew it, and it can't be much different. I shall join you.
Martin: I sure yeah that can be fun.
Marius is sent down to check on everyone. He's in a posh suit, and his hair is barely able to cover his pointed ears.
"What the fuck are you wearing?" Jonny raised his brow putting down a statement.
"Mr. Bouchard requested that I uh change my wardrobe. I'll be honest I don't enjoy it, and having my hair slick back is quite er.... unfortunate." Marius can see a small twinge of sympathy from Gp Tim, who knows he had nerve endings in his hair. He found out by accident giving him a surprised haircut as a prank, and there was a lot of blood and screaming. "He asked me to come down and observe how everyone is getting along. Raphella is in artifact storage, I don't know how she got there."
"Figures." Jonny rolls his eyes.
Marius waves at Jon, who heads out of his office. "Oh, Mr. Bouchard also asked me to tell you that TS in artifact storage needs to give a statement. It said that a ring master ripped their voice out, and it was uncomfortable to grow it back."
Gp Tim mumbles. "Why would someone steal a voice?"
Jon nods. "I will head over there."
Sasha raised her brow. "Who are you?"
Marius opened his mouth and then shut it. "Marius, I'm Mr. Bouchard new assistant. How are you doing with new coworkers?"
Sasha hums. "It's fine. Weird having two Tim's."
"I'm the original Tim. Thank you very much." Tim smirks tossing a crumpled ball of paper at Gp Tim.
"Just because that's true doesn't mean anything." Gp Tim smiles, catching the paper ball.
Sasha sighs. "Boys, please."
"An assistant?" Jonny snickers.
"You're one too, Jonny." Marius huffs. "Please try not to hurt your coworkers."
"I make you no promises." Jonny scoffs crossing his arms.
Martin smiles softly, handing Jonny a mug of tea. "Hello Marius, don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on him. And Jonny finish that you need to drink more fluids."
Jonny smiles softly sipping his tea the heat not bothering him.
Marius smiles. "Are you adjusting well, Martin?"
"Oh, it's quite nice having Jonny and Gp here. Although Jonny can get a bit jealous, which isn't bad but it wouldn't really matter if he didn't keep trying to fight Jon, our boss." Martin smiles sheepishly.
"You're word than Jonny." Gp raised his brow.
Tim slides his chair over to Gp. "Tell me everything."
Sasha does the same. "Our soft boy Martin, who couldn't hurt a fly, gets jealous?"
Martin covers his red face knowing damn well he would kill for Jonny if he asked.
Jonny matches the blush, hiding his blush with his mug.
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thinkin abt working w gene takovic & being generally shit at the job and he gets tired of reader slacking off and decides to give reader a little motivation to do better ……….
workplace harassment but if it was epic 😌
my immediate thought was "reader comes into work high and gets disciplined" so im adding intox to this hope that's ok :3
warning: intox, possibly dubcon? (you're high and he's your superior)
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You hated your fucking job.
I mean, it wasn't horrible. It was just a run of the mill food service position at the Cinnabon in the mall. Standing for 8 hours, shitty customers, all the glitz and glamour you could expect, but hey, free cinnamon rolls was a nice perk. It's not like you were planning to make a career out of this anyway. You could afford to dick around on the clock from time to time. Plus, y'all were short-staffed anyway, so what were they gonna do, fire you?
Well, today, you had pushed your luck too far.
It was supposed to be a busy day, some huge sale happening in the mall, and that meant a bunch of entitled pricks needing their cream cheese frosted insulin bombs. You didn't want to risk strangling the first boomer that yelled at you, so you figured why not pop a few edibles before your shift?
Big mistake. You realized that when you clocked in.
One of your coworkers called out, and another was coming in late. That meant it was just you and your manager Gene tackling the first few hours. He wasn't horrible to work with, but a skeleton crew was no one's idea of a good time. Let alone the fact that you'd be stupid high in about an hour and there'd be no one else to cover your ass.
When they kicked in, it didn't take long for him to notice. You were staring at the register blankly for maybe 5 minutes, but it felt like eons in food service time. Once your other coworker came in, Gene took you into his office to reprimand you, making sure to lock the door before he slumped down at his desk.
"Look, kid. I get it. I don't wanna be here either, but you can't be doing that. Not only is it against the law, but it's dangerous. If you're spacing out like that you could cut or burn yourself, and-"
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You ever talk to your cat and wonder if they can understand a goddamn word you're saying? That was basically this. You were just staring at how his nipples poked through his officially licensed Cinnabon® polo shirt. He was kinda cute, for a sad old man. Wait, fired? Did he just say fired? You snap out of it and make eye contact with him.
Gene sighed. "You haven't been listening to me, have you?"
You shook your head.
"I said, corporate has kind of a zero-tolerance policy for drug use on the job. I'm supposed to fire you, but," He got up from his chair and approached you, stroking your cheek with a pensive look on his face, no doubt a dumb, ditsy look on yours. "you're a good kid. I'd like to see you do better. I'm hoping there's another way we can work this out. Call it positive reinforcement, yeah?"
You nodded. Positive reinforcement. Sure, whatever.
He smiled. "Good boy."
You whined. Oh fuck, that felt nice to hear. He could tell.
Before you knew it, you were on your knees in front of him, servicing his cock with your mouth, messily. Drool was seeping out from your lips, pooling onto what you hoped was the floor and not your shirt. The weed was making this far more intense than you'd ever imagined. His taste was addicting. However deep you could take him just wasn't enough. You ran your tongue all over him, his head, his shaft, his balls. God, it was so fucking good. Shit, you were probably enjoying this more than he was.
That's not to say Gene wasn't enjoying it. He threw his head back and sighed. He rested his hand on your scalp and ruffled your hair, making you whimper around him. "That's a good boy."
Positive reinforcement indeed.
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wetcatspellcaster · 5 months
Thank you for putting into words, Rosalie’s “I was just trying to match your energy”. Because I never had such gentle words for my own experience, and now, it’ll colour my days.
On a lighter note, it was delightful you said that the latest chapter was nice and soft and us readers could take a break from angst. The more you lovingly batter up these two puppies to make a delicious cake, I am here, gorging myself on it. Like, I sometimes lie flat on my bed and contemplate what was happening in Astarion’s mind in “Party Favours” after (1) Rosalie failed to turn up at his house after coming by every day in a month (2) when Shadowheart turned up and he realised - he RAN to - and then (3) when he realised Rosalie dressed up for !! Threnn!! But not him!!
I love your writing, so so much. Wishing you the loveliest day, and for every day to be even lovelier after.
P.s. Should it be pleasing to you, I’d love to know your director’s thoughts of what was going on in Astarion’s mind in Party Favors.
Hello friend!! Thank you for your kind words :)
In response to your question -
Astarion's mindset in Party Favours, a dramatic performance.
Chapter One: oh, Foxglove wants to meet up for lunch! I haven't seen her in 6 weeks, 5 days, and 10.5 hours! time to pretend I don't care at all about her or her silly little wizardry business - ohwaitshesaidshewantstodatemeohgodohno oh wait it's a 'fake dating' situation... i see. time to pretend not to care again. i need to start shopping for suits. she likes it when i wear blue.
Chapter Two: I am going to achieve a good grade in boyfriend, something it is reasonable to want and possible to achieve. (don't have a panic attack, babygirl, you're so sexy and talented. have i mentioned i learned love languages for you?)
Chapter Three: this was my competition! this! she is both absolutely dull, and also awful. she fucking sucks! I hate her! ...I wonder if I could still poison her. I have now admitted that I bought poison with me, so Rosalie would know it was me who did it. I will wait six months, then poison her. Time to go back to getting a good grade in boyfriend.
Chapter Four: I have not been able to charm the pants of Rose, so I will charm the pants of every single one of her coworkers. I'm that bitch. oh no, wizards are hot, even when not casting counterspell. oops, kissed my girlfriend. we're not technically dating yet, but as a magistrate, i think that's mostly an administrative technicality.
Chapter Five: I've got this, I've got this, I've got this, I literally used to seduce people for a living, I've got this-
*followed by just that transition sequence from Twilight: New Moon where the months pass by Bella's window, only Astarion's wearing more eyeliner.*
Chapter Six: Shadowheart has told me Foxglove is in trouble. it's 5 weeks, 3 days, and 19hrs since I last saw her in person, 27hrs since I twitched the curtain aside and caught a glance out of my window at her while she was waiting on the doorstep, but *I'm* mostly doing this out of the kindness of my own heart. oh fuck, I hope I look hot. oh no, wizards are hot, even when not casting counterspell. why does she look sad? oh no. I forgot she was fucking stupid. time to confess my love i guess.
Chapter Seven: error 404 - Astarion not found. *horny static* *horny afterglow static* *dazed 'she said she loved me' static*
Chapter Eight: did I mention I live with my girlfriend now? Yes, we're thriving. Crops? Flourishing. Skin? Clear. Closet? Extradimensional. You fucks all wish you were me. We should get married. No, of course I'm not serious (I'm serious). ok, we'll just fuck in a closet instead. that's fine for now i guess.
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dnickels · 9 days
as someone from northern usa who’s considering moving i would love to hear more about the culture shock you experienced if you’d like to share
I have to begin with a few caveats, which is that I am making sweeping generalizations that will probably not hold true across race/class/gender lines, or in all situations, etc. but in my experience, as a lifelong Houstonian who spent significant time in places including Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, people in the Gulf Coast south are much more open to being friendly with strangers than people further north. Waving and making conversation with people you may not know but see often is the norm. A stranger on the bus or in line might comment on your haircut, tattoos, and start up a conversation. People might join you at a table at an outdoor coffeehouse for a little chit-chat. Generally if you can prove you are cool, open to low-stakes friendly small-talk, you can get pretty far even with people like cashiers or servers.
In comparison i found northern people to be pretty hostile across the board. Just not warm the same way. I realized that they never meant anything by it, but I'd be out on a walk and wave at my neighbors only to get stared at with disgusted confusion. I'd make a remark about the weather at checkout and be answered with a confrontational "OK?". Even my coworkers took a long time to warm up to me. I was pretty hurt and confused about why all my attempts to make polite conversation fell totally flat. I tried to tell a guy without an umbrella on the street that rain was in the forecast and he just straight up scoffed at me. A housemate in Massachusetts told me "When I met you I didn't know why you were being nice all the time, but now I know it's because you're nice." I'm not even that nice! I had another Mass housemate ask if I was angry at them because I was sitting out on the porch enjoying myself after work-- all these houses had porches and not a single person came out to sit on them. Like yes, there was a discharge of firearms across the street but that was an unusual circumstance (heavy drinking, frat boys). No one got hurt. The weather's nice, the vibes are good, why not sit outside and wave at people?
To this day I can't stand it when people want something from me but won't offer even a perfunctory "good morning" and just launch straight into their purpose. Say hello to me! If I get to work and people start immediately on work conversations I will stop them and make them go through a "Good morning, how are you?" exchange because god damn it, there has to be rules! Be courteous to me!!!
I also find that southern people are much more likely to couch their criticisms more gently or just not remark on something they think is ridiculous/stupid/ugly, whereas northern people will absolutely let you fucking know they hate whatever xyz thing you're doing/wearing. Funny example: I was part of an outdoor walking tour in Mass when two local guys came up and started openly gawking at the very idea of a historic walking tour. "What is this? Some kind of class?" One then looked at me and said "Well, don't have too much fun!" in a disgusted tone. It was hilarious.
Again, there are jerks in Houston (and plenty of bigots and racists) so I don't want to paint too rosy a picture, and the character of Htown specifically is change rapidly due to immigration from within the United States, but I found the rules were pretty similar in other southern states I've since worked in or passed through.
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mina-saiyat · 1 year
Twice Interactive Story Part 144-172.5 Official Cheater Now (Momo, Feat. Jihyo)
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You standing in front of Jihyo's home, thinking how you could explain to Jihyo what happened today. You don't want to lie to her, but telling Jihyo that you have sexual relationships with women other than your girlfriend is also inappropriate.
 You are hesitating to press the doorbell, and you finally give up and leave. When you turn around, you just see Jihyo coming out from the lift, she is still recovering from the jogging, her tits shaking following her breathe.
 "Oh hi Jihyo, looks like you had a good run. I was wanted to talk to you."
 'OH, you wanna talk about your colleague? You don't need to explain to me, it's fine. Everyone has their own private life.' Jihyo said.
 "Yeah, but I feel like I should explain the situation and I want to ask for advice. I don't really have many others to go to so I wanted to ask you."
 'Ok then, then come in.' Jihyo invites you to come in her house.
 'Still got some time before my husband back from work, need some drink?' Jihyo open the fridge while you are waiting her on the sofa.
 'Just water is ok, thanks Jihyo.'
 'So, what do you want to talk, I'm ready, Y/N.'
 "Sana, my coworker has been pushing herself on me a lot. We had sex a few times but now she's being way too much. How do I get her to stop. We had that ridiculous situation earlier, and I just don't want to deal with that any longer. Jihyo she was masturbating in the streets moaning my name when I tried to drop her off at her house. She wouldn't go in and to make it worse it was locked and she didn’t have the key. Jihyo I really need any advice."
 'Oh, so she is addicted to sex, so she just can stop having sex? Or anything that you have done that leads to she is having some misunderstanding on your relationship?'
 'Most importantly, what are you considering this relationship? Just curious about that, no offense.'
 "She just keeps coming back Jihyo. She is addicted or something like that. Our relationship? Friends with benefits, or at least it was but I'm reconsidering now."
 'I don't know, maybe she is developing more feelings on you, and it just becomes worsen when you two have sex.' Jihyo said.
 'Why don't you two talk, make a clear definition of your relationship, so you can be more comfortable. Although I really hate you have a fwb besides your girlfriend, you should handle it properly, that girl is poor too.'
 "I appreciate the help Jihyo. Thanks." I start to leave her apartment.
 'Just find me if you need other advice, and treat your girlfriend better!' Jihyo sends you out.
 And you hear the sound of someone knocking on the door, it should be Jihyo's husband.
 "Looks like your husband is here." I say as I leave.
 Jihyo opens the door for you, and you are shocked by what you are seeing.
 'Hey honey, welcome back.'
 The husband of Jihyo is Daniel?
 'Hey Babe, this is the neighbor I talked last time, Y/N.'
 'And Y/N, this is my husband, Daniel, Daniel Kang.'
 "Nice to meet you. Sorry I can't stick around I have to go" I say as I head to my apartment to change.
 You try to walk past Daniel to leave the flat, preventing further embarrassment, but Daniel stops you.
 'Why would you be in my house, you bastard, stay away from my wife.' Daniel looks angry and try to slab your face.
 I'll react quickly and grab his hand before he can hit me. "Woah, I was just getting some advice. Cool your jets."
 Jihyo steps inside you and Daniel, trying to cool down both of you. 'Y/N, leave now, I will handle this.' And she pushed you to leave the flat before closing the door.
 You back home and change your clothes, ready to find Momo in the gym. When you walk past Jihyo's flat again, you can hear nothing.
 I'll go to the gym without thinking about his actions too much.
 You arrive at the gym, Momo is dancing again at the mirror room. You just watch her dance from outside, admiring her superb dancing skill.
 Momo finally notice you after the dance session, she rush out to hug you tightly.
 'I miss you so much darling, how is it today?'
 I kiss Momo's forehead "I had a really rough day. What about you?"
 Momo kiss your cheek, 'I have a good bay, because you are here with me. Need some massage to relieve your stress?'
 "Yeah, I could really use one right now."
 Momo brings you back to her room and gives you a massage. Seeing you are really stressed today, Momo doesn't tease you, she directly applies oil to her breast and starts giving you the body massage.
 "Thanks Momo, I really needed this." I say as I feel her boobs start to massage my body.
 Momo slowly uses her hand to rub your inner thigh, then grab your shaft from behind and starts stroking. The pleasure makes you kneel like a dog, Momo increases both the pace and the intensity, and pulls your shaft to behind. You soon arrive at the peak, you cum in her hand while moaning her name.
 After my climax I switch our positions and start to finger Momo, "let me make your day even better, Momo."
 After you reach your orgasm, Momo is still stroking you, hope you can enjoy the aftertaste of the orgasm. You flip her over and start fingering her, hope to satisfy her too.
 You two are now in a 69 position, licking each other, hoping they can reach orgasm.
 I grab onto Momo's ass so I can drive my tongue deeper into her pussy. Occasionally I'll give her a light spanking.
 You drive your tongue deeper into Momo's pussy, while you spank your ass. The pleasure makes Momo sits harder, her thighs lock your head, forcing you to focus on licking her clit. You soon choked as you can't breathe properly.
 Your dick becomes harder due to the excitement, Momo feels it starts to pulse, push her head to the deepest, and you cum once you arrive at her deep throat, she cums all over your face simultaneously.
 "Fuck, that was nice Momo. Did you enjoy that as much as I did?"
 Momo is keep sucking your dick to clean you, she just replies with a thumbs up, showing that she enjoys your work too.
 You just rest on bed and let Momo do the jobs, soon you fell asleep as you are too tired today. Momo sees you are sleeping, then she gives your tip one more kiss, getting off all her clothes, and jump in the bed to sleep with you.
 Once you wake up is midnight already, you see Momo smiling while resting her head on your chest.
 "Morning, beautiful" I say as I start to wake up. "Oh, it's night, I'm sorry for falling asleep Momo. It was a long day."
 'Always thinking about naughty things don't you, horny boy.' Momo smirks while start stroking your dick.
 Momo rubs her eye and hugs you tighter. 'Never mind baby, but how are you going to compensate me for waking me up?' You kiss her forehead and you two start to have some conversation.
 'Are you going to leave now?' Momo suddenly asks when you are playing her tits.
 "Do you want me to leave? I guess it is pretty late. What if we went to your house. Had some more fun?"
 'What about we go to your place? I want to feel you better.' Momo whispers in your ear. 'But we should start round 1 here first.' Momo then climbs on you and ready to ride you.
 I give Momo a playful smack on the ass, "That’s sounds great Momo."
 Momo aligns her pussy with your dick, then starts riding you fiercely. She holds both of your hands on top of your head, and starts kissing your neck, making some hickeys.
 It feels so itchy, and you start moving your body. Momo slowly goes down to your chest, playing with your nipple. You are really turned on, start thrusting your hips upward, hope to get more pleasure.
 Soon you feel you are going to cum, it seems her workout has included her walls either, it keeps massaging you and you cannot hold too long.
 'Momo stop, I'm going to cum.' You ask Momo to stop, but she just ignores you, looking at you with an innocent face and riding faster.
 'Shit Momo, I am cumming, I am cumming' Your seed fills her pussy and she reaches the orgasm at the same time.
 I pull Momo into a kiss "Fuck you're amazing Momo." I grab her hips and have her grind on my cock.
 Momo just grinding on your cock, hoping to milk you. You are sensitive from orgasm, the pleasure that comes from Momo's wall makes you shiver. Momo just smirks can kiss you again.
 'So now, I am better or Nayeon is better? I bet she could not make you cum that fast.' Momo asks while she is still milking you.
 You feel like if you give the wrong answer, she would stop the pleasure immediately.
 "You're so good Momo, you're so good" I moan. "You're better."
 Momo was happy with your answer, she kiss you again and her walls milk you tighter. The sensation makes you moan again, and she just can't stop to smirk.
 'Really like my pussy don't you, how about going to your home for another round?’ Momo asks while caressing your ball.
 "Let's go then"
 'Let's go then.' You spank her ass and tell her to get changed.
 You and Momo help each other to wear the clothes while teasing each other. You hold Momo's hand when you are going to the carpark. Momo looks really happy that you two can act like a couple outside of the gym.
 However, Momo soon wears a scowl on her face when she gets in the car. You are wondering why she changes so sudden.
 'Y/N, did you lie to me that you are busy at work? I can smell it.' Momo asks before you while she is pointing at your steering wheel.
 "No, I was busy, very busy. I just couldn't help myself when I thought about getting to spend more time with you."
 'No, you lie. I can smell that you fucked another bitch on the car. You did not even clean the car before picking me up? You even cum on your steering wheel? So excited with that bitch huh?'
 Momo starts dropping tears while she is yelling at you. You don't want to see her crying, you wipe her tears and hold her hand. However, Momo just turns her head around.
 "You want me to explain what happened? Then I will" I proceed to explain the part of Sana masturbating in the car and causing me trouble all day, but that I didn't fuck her at all. "I'm sorry for lying but it’s just embarrassing to say that all that happened."
 You try to explain to Momo what happened today and hiding the fact that you have fucked Sana before.
 'I want to believe you too, but how come she will masturbate in your car if you two don't have any relationship. Or both of us are one of your girlfriends?'
 Momo seems calmed down but still questioning your response.
 "You are. I had to ask my neighbor for help on that situation. Look Momo, I don't exactly know what Sana's problem is but I'm only with you."
 Only with me, Nayeon not included huh?'
 Momo seems finally convinced by you and start to smile again.
 'Y/N, you know you are really attractive that every girls fall for you? I bet that girl must developed some feeling on you. I am glad that you did not tempt to fuck her.'
 Momo says while kiss your cheek.
 "Let's go Momo" I say while I drive home.
 Once you get off the car, you and Momo start to make out passionately, all the way back to your flat. You just barely close the door and start fuck Momo on the dining table.
 Momo give her everything to you after you have confirmed the relationship, her trained body brings so much fun to you through the night. You just end the fierce sex nearly the sunrise.
 You are woken up by the sensation from your shaft, 'Momo stop, you haven't had enough for yesterday?' But you soon feel strange, as Momo is still in your arms, Sleeping tightly.
 You rub your eye and look down, it is Mina that giving you the morning blowjob alarm.
 I carefully leave Momo's arms and pull Mina away covering her mouth so she doesn't make a noise. I drag us both to the other room and tell her to leave. "Mina, I appreciate you for waking me up but I need you to leave and meet me at the office. We'll have a "special" meeting there." Mina is confused but agrees when she hears about the meeting, leaving quickly and without a word. In the meantime, I make breakfast to cover for me leaving Momo in bed.
 You heading to the kitchen to make breakfast for Momo, while you text Mina again to make sure she won't return.
 After the breakfast was ready, you back to your room and wake up Momo.
 'It's morning already? I am so tired baby, can I sleep for a bit longer?' Momo seems refuse to wake up yet.
 "I guess you don't want to eat then." I tease. I kiss her forehead.
 You tease Momo by using food, 'No, honey, you can't eat it all, leave something to me.' You then hold Momo in your arms and bring her outside.
 You two share the breakfast like a newly married couple, Momo sitting on your lap while you two are feeding each other. You miss this feeling for a long time, perhaps you have stayed with Nayeon too long, and the passion is slowly missing.
 You kiss Momo for one more time before you are ready to get up, you are going to send her back before you go to work.
 'Honey, what do you think if I move in with you.' Momo asks shyly.
 "I think you're moving a bit too quickly. Give it time, let's see how things go between us. I want to love with you but we had that fight last night."
 Concerning things moving on too quickly and Nayeon could stay here at the weekend, you could only reject Momo. Momo just nods and does not say anything.
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sacredsnape · 2 years
Ok since you take requests first off hi! 👋 hope you’re having a nice day and second could I request sev reacting to the new professor just sharing her muffins with him because she always has extras and insists on it🤍
this is so cute 🥲 ty for the request!
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summary: you always end up with extra muffins at breakfast and never hesitate to share them with your coworker, severus snape
warnings: none!
genre: fluff
link to masterlist
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you always sat down next to severus snape at the head table in the great hall. you found him intriguing and honestly thought that his sarcastic and witty remarks were hilarious.
honestly, you wanted to become his friend; you already knew it would be difficult since he seemed to hate everyone at hogwarts.
as per usual, you sat down next to him with your breakfast, smiling softly at him. snape gave you a blank stare, not returning the smile. that didn't stop you from trying to strike up a conversation with him, though.
"so, i heard you've been working on a wolfsbane potion," you casually said as you removed the wrapping from your blueberry muffin. "how's that going?"
snape looked over at you and slowly nodded. "it's going alright, i suppose. i would be nearly done with it by now if those dunderheaded weasley twins stopped stealing potion ingredients from my private stores," he bitterly replied.
"and have you tried to stop the twins?" you wondered before taking a bite out of your muffin and smiling at him again.
"yes. no matter how many points i take from gryffindor, they still won't stop with their antics," he sighed, poking at his food with a fork and frowning. "don't these scrambled eggs look inedible to you?"
you looked over at his plate, acknowledging the eggs. they looked perfectly normal to you yet you agreed with him. "they do. would you like to have a muffin instead? i have extras," you offered, showing him the different flavored muffins that you had.
"no thank you," snape said as he pushed his plate away from him. "i'll just have my coffee."
"come on, severus. coffee alone surely won't fill you up," you insisted, sliding an apple cinnamon flavored muffin to him. "you need something of substance. plus, the muffin has sugar so it'll give you a boost of energy to deal with those dunderheaded weasley twins."
a very faint smile appeared on snape's lips but he shook his head. "they're your muffins. you keep them and enjoy them," he sternly told you as he tried to push the muffin back towards you. you refused and gave him two more muffins. "nope. they're yours to keep."
to prove a point, you got up and left to use the bathroom. now snape couldn't try to give them back at you.
snape sighed, waiting until you were out of sight to eat the muffin. he smiled to himself, enjoying the sweet flavor of the muffin. he's never had anyone treat him so nicely out of the blue, so he appreciated he gesture.
when you returned he shoved the other muffins into the pocket of his coat, saving them for later.
"i see you ate the muffins," you pointed out as you sipped your orange juice.
"that is a lie," snape quietly said as he narrowed his eyes at you.
you smiled at him, laughing. "whatever you say, but if you ever want more, you know who to come to."
snape nodded, sneaking a bite out of a muffin as he turned the other way.
"i saw that, severus."
"you did not!"
you took a bite out of your own muffin and said, "sharing is caring, and that's why i share my muffins with you. and also because it's a peace offering since i'd like to be your friend."
snape raised his eyebrows at you. "why would you want to be my friend?"
"because your sarcasm is hilarious and you're very intriguing. need i say more?" you replied with a coy smile.
"fine, but only if i get more of your muffins."
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 7 months
To be honest, I don't really have that many non-Jewish friends anymore. Apart from a few months living with my parents between seminary and moving here, I've both lived and studied or worked in frum communities for almost a decade. I don't live near either my hometown or my college city, so I only keep up with a select few people from those places.
On top of that, for those I do still actively keep in touch with or am Facebook friends with, I've never really bought into the idea that so many other Jews I know seem to be obsessing over lately that someone who isn't addressing Hamas's attack/antisemitism in general on social media and/or reaching out to the Jews they know to ask how they are is necessarily some big antisemite or at best someone who doesn't care about Jews. All of this feels SO close and all-consuming to us, but that's because it's our people. There are all kinds of devastating events, natural disasters, etc. happening all over the world. No one addresses every single one. Most of us don't address most of the things that happen "far away over there" at all. And to a lot of non-Jews, all of this IS "far away over there." They don't understand how deeply connected we all are to it. And the antisemitism that is local isn't on their radar the same way it is for us.
Yes, it's nice if they condemn the terror and mourn the victims. Yes, it's nice if they check in with us. No, it doesn't necessarily mean they're terrible people if they don't.
That said.
I had a non-Jewish college friend reach out and ask how I was doing given everything going on. So I told her. I told her that we're physically ok but it's been an emotionally very intense few weeks. I told her that I have 3 cousins currently called up to the army, and that my husband and I both have tons of civilian friends and relatives in Eretz Yisroel who we're worried about, and that I've been working overtime at work on projects related to the conflict such that I hardly ever stop thinking about it, and that I can't stop thinking about the children and babies taken hostage, and that my coworker was the victim of antisemitic attacks twice in one day.
It's been 6 days. She read the message within minutes of my sending it. And then silence.
It's possible that her silence has nothing to do with me or what I shared. Technically. I know she's faced mental health issues at various times.
But the thing is, I have no way of knowing without some level of confrontation.
She knows I lived in Eretz Yisroel for a year. I'm pretty sure she knows the story of my confronting a professor about his antisemitism in the guise of "antizionism" in college. Surely she shouldn't have been surprised by my concern for my Israeli family, friends, the hostages. She hasn't publicly posted anything about the conflict, so while her politics generally lean left, I don't have any specific reason to think she's pro-Hamas.
Was I supposed to be a good little Jew and only be concerned about antisemitism here where I am? Was I supposed to hate my Israeli cousins who are in the IDF and not care about my other friends and family there because they should just leave, or they deserve what they're getting? Is that what she's thinking?
I don't know.
I don't want to think that of her. But the problem is that the void left by her silence is so easy to explain with antisemitism, and not as easy to excuse away with something more benign.
I would've rather she hadn't reached out at all than leave me wondering like this.
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fuck-customers · 11 months
Have any of you guys had a manager/coworker that you were honestly fine with, but everyone else hated and you can't figure out why?
So I've been through 3 store managers in my time working at my current company and the first 2 were HELL CUNTS, just absolutely horrible. And the current manager is fine. Tolerable at worst, nice at best.
A small summary of SM #1:
-screamed at me in front of an entire store of coworkers and customers and physically pushed me out of his way when he wanted to use the store computer, but I was using it first
-would schedule me for recovery/go-backs and would lecture me for not being able to finish them all in my 4 hour shift and blame me personally to the rest of the store. Was later told by a coworker that she would see him go around the store and grab random items off the shelves and throw them in a cart to create another "go-backs cart"
-would assign me one task and then take me off task A to do task B and then take me off task B to do task C, etc etc etc and I was never able to finish anything and then would throw me under the bus to other managers and claimed I didn't do any work
-would ask me to come in for a shift on my day off and when I showed up to the store to clock in, he would ask why I was at the store and either pretend like he didn't call me in or pretend like he "forgot" to tell me that he already got coverage
-just generally would talk down to me and belittle me as if I were a small child or an animal
-there's probably more, but I probably blocked it out so I could continue going to work without going on a rampage
SM #2:
-was only there for a little over a year, but fired/forced all my coworker friends to quit
-would gaslight me about anything and everything; store policies, things she said, things other managers said, etc.
-also would assign multiple tasks at the same time and refuse to let me complete one
-hired new people left and right and then refused to train them so the new employees didn't know how to do anything and made more work for everyone else
-waited until after 5:00 on Saturday, the last day of the work week to post the schedule for the next week and then revised it multiple times throughout the week each week so no one ever knew when they were working
-regularly changed my schedule to cut my hours and then would attempt to call me in throughout the week + would cut a shift and then try to get me to come in for a different shift on the same day after revising the schedule to give me that day off
-scheduled people, but mostly me, 3 hour shifts so she wouldn't legally have to give them a paid break
-most importantly, fabricated a fake story to attempt to get me fired for a fake EEOC complaint, which would've effectively ruined my entire future
The current SM:
-is a little bit ditzy/spacey
-is wound a little tight/is a little bit neurotic
-That's about it?? Almost every employee hates her and I cannot figure out why. I suspect that the previous SM (SM #2) is somehow involved, since every current employee other than me and 2 other people (who also don't mind her) was hired by SM #2. None of them have given me any reasons that make any sense. She was a little bit snippy with them? Ok? She didn't yell at them in front of customers or call them names or swear at them. They claimed that she made the store messy/disorganized, when she had only been here less than a week and the previous SM #2 didn't do any recovery or cleaning of the store for a year. One of the complaints I heard literally imo translated to "she asked me to do my job" Like, I also don't like to do my job, but that's what a manager is supposed to do. Tell you to do your job. One of my leads and a small group of employees have banded together and decided they wanted to report her to HR and get her fired. Because of the above mentioned "incidents" (I don't think they actually submitted the report though. Or if they did, HR looked at it and laughed and threw it away)
Posted by admin Rodney.
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kingsephir · 1 month
I'm so sick of being in Japan- I hate it here. I hate being the other, I hate how most Japanese people treat me and stare at me. How they're always like wow your japanese is so good! And I supposed to say "no no no"? NO! FUCK YOU. I say "yeah, i've been studying for 16 years now"
Today I got laughed at (in a awe isnt that cute sort of way not making fun of) when I said "otsukaresama", like the rest of my coworkers. Like I do, to this guy, every FUCKING DAY? And today you wanna be like, "oh her japanese is so good! look you're saying otsukaresama" LIKE IVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THREE YEARS DUMBASS. We've had full ass conversations in Japanese!!!!
And another thing! My male coworkers can barely talk to me!!!! Makes me fucking annoyed and lonely. Like they can't even speak japanese to me normally they have that weird ass no eye contact, like i'm accosting them sort of look and i'm like BRO. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT PERIOD WE HAVE CLASS IM GONNA FREAK OUT RIGHT HERE AT MY DESK IF YOU DONT SPIT IT OUT. And the aforementioned "oh look you can say otsukaresama" guy cant even speak a whole sentance to me. And it's not an english thing bc he will just drop the end of the sentance in JAPANESE TOO. HOMIE THATS WHERE THE VERB IS IDK WHAT YOURE SAYING BC YOU DONT FUCKING FINISH YOUR SENTANCES *skreech*
I'm tired of my students being scared of me/suprised. Barely being able to talk bc what? they're afraid of mistakes or something idk? But they can't hardly spit things out sometimes- even in Japanese. They just like have an error code and stare blankly. Like homie. I just want you to say my COWORKERS NAME. SHES JAPANESE AND YOUVE STUDIED WITH HER FOR 5 YEARS NOW. AGHHHHH!!!!!!!
"oh you understand kanji that's amazing!" "yeah i took chinese too" and we've had this conversation MULTIPLE TIMES BEFORE. Do you just forget everything about me the second I leave your sight?? "Wow she knows to take off her shoes!" WELL DUH.
I'm just another human being!!!! Please treat me NORMAL!!! They literally CANT!!!!!!! Like maybe a quarter of them can but like ???????????????
I want OUT OF HERE!! I wanna LEAVE THIS GODFORSAKEN ISLAND. With it's earthquakes, lack of meat at the grocery store, suprise at every single thing I do, commenting on everything I do. Like leave me ALONE.
I so hope I can go to turkey this summer bc that's the only way i feel i can survive without freaking out. I was on my LAST STRAW today. I'm going to Turkey this winter then leaving Japan next year for the US. And trying to go back to school. I'm not cut out for teaching either. I don't like it, i've never liked it. I don't want to do it anymore or ever again in this capacity. Training is ok. Teaching? Kids? NO.
I do generally like the kids but I really wish they would just spit things out rather than just like blue screening. It's not scary it's okay. 😭 Our school is so chill and nice the english teachers are so nice to the students. We make sure they know it's ok to make mistakes idk.
Dude even in Turkey- even when they know i'm foreign- even when tbey are suprised I know turkish (mostly they just take it in stride- maybe a comment at the beginning then they go with it). They treat me like one of them immediately. They're so warm and friendly. Sometimes intimidatingly so but that's better than here (for me). Their country is so full of immigrants and tourists and tbh I only go to Istanbul or a small vacation town on the Mediterranean but like. Even in Tokyo I have problems (mind you way less than here but).
AGH. Rant over- I feel a bit better now.
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