#ok but back to the topic (??) at hand: hell?!!! literally maybe this shit is why we have like‚ 3 people we consider Good Friends
2-wuv · 2 years
being one of The Tumblr-wide Blorbos™ is so weird it's like ok Well. I exist. Other systems have fictives of me (as in, Source Me) too. That's wack?? Not in a Bad way just in a.… Well I've Seen Weirder And This Is Cool But Still Wacky sorta way.
(this got long & rambly more under the cut)
And. It makes socialization In System Spaces (esp. on here) Weird for us. I'm fine with doubles!! In fact I love doubles they're cool as FUCK! Literally one of my besties outside the system is also a double (btw Hiii bestie if ur reading this hi <3 JFJDJSJD)
buT LIKE!!! Fuckign!! Outside of our Very Small Social Circle of people we Talk To Often idk if like. Existing, as a fictive, from a currently popular media, makes OTHERS uncomfortable? Others, as in, our mutuals, or other systems we follow & rb/like from on here often, like uhhj. ?!!??!! I don't know???¿¡¡!
And this doesn't just go for me it goes for EVERY fictive in our system (with VERY few exceptions). Literally every one. Bc one of our biggest positive front triggers is doubles (and, sourcemates, but primarily doubles) and. !?!??!!!!?? y'know??
I don't fucking know if this ramble has a point I'm Just talking into thw void rn honestly. But tl;dr: uhhjjj Socialization Weird™!!
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s0urfangs · 2 years
I could hand you Tai for the match up thing but he's horrifically undate-able (a challenge)
Necromancer, deep in his studies, knows too much (literally been around since pre searing) technically an eligible bachelor through being a widower but has a few horrible literal skeletons in his closet regarding that
Only really interested in people if they bring something new to the table that interests him
(also he has a little nightmare courtier assistant who's smitten for him who he barely gives the time of day who may or may not try to sabotage any attempts lol)
A CHALLENGE? ALRIGHT. I have bad taste and so does Fedsy.
Ok. so. First things first. We are going to have a problem with that nightmare court assistant. They’re the lot that gave Feds what he colloquially calls vampirism and he will indiscriminately kill them. They either have to die, or Tai has to be interesting enough for Fedsy to ignore it. 
Despite the fact he’s having a time. Fedsy does feel/is quite lonely, at least during the start of HoT. He’s a little vulnerable. Bad combination! I simply do not think he would be able to resist harassing Tai about magic and such, but would be sure to keep his facade up. No vulnerability. None. You get the full bratty little bastard. Maybe he only noticed him at first after inflicting violence upon his assistant and was like hm, interesting. Anyway. Things that could interest him from Tai? Necromancer. Came back from the dead. Doesn’t have a connection to the pale tree. 
WHY? Well. Fedsys dream is fucked up. He has vampirism. He wants it GONE. He will commit a few crimes for this to happen. He figures it’s for the greater good. Also… he’s just curious about anything and everything he can use, especially to further either his mesmer magic or alchemy. 
So. bullies him into helping him cure the vampirism. (Or at least, that’s what he’s telling himself.) Fedsy is good with people, so I do believe he’d recognise how Tai works. Hi. I killed an entire dragon. Not interested? Not interested in how a little guy murders an entire dragon? Man. your loss. I’m literally in the pact. Also I’ve got this disease and it's kind of cool. Bite people sometimes. Do you ever just wanna see a guy go apeshit? Bet your little shit of an assistant can’t do THAT. I can almost imagine him trying to latch onto him for some form of protection in that godsforsaken jungle. Hey. hey. You wouldn't wanna lose a valid specimen right. RIGHT? PLEASE. PLEASE I HATE IT HERE. I’LL DO ANYTHING PLE
He would not mention the egg. No way. He’s not an irredeemable villain. As long as it only hurts himself that's fine. 
EERM. ARGUABLY, I WENT OFF TOPIC. DATING HIM? Yes, if the manipulation for information doesn’t work, he would try flirting. Hell, he might do it anyway just to entertain himself and make him feel a bit more in control. You have to approach him like a nervous dog with genuine feelings but if you just want a fling AND it’d help him get info? AND he doesn’t have to be alone in the hell jungle? Yeah, sure, it is not difficult. You can bully him. It's fine he’s got no self preservation. He likes it a little. He thinks it's hot and he needs and craves validation in that way all the time. Sighs. Fedsy, babe. Stop it.
.... Also he's got a little bit of a thing for nerds. And just more composed/quieter people in general. Likes to try break that composure. watch out watch out watch ou-
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #020
(so i have barely been conscious today and I am too tired to even try to think of lyrics to put here so fuck it, this is from waaaay earlier this morning)
What is a topic you are uncomfortable with discussing with most people? My writing/RP, 120%. You are fucking LUCKY if you know about that shit. The people who know about it probably barely surpasses being able to count on one hand, if you count my past therapists. What is something you dislike about the dating world? I mean to be totally real, I don't have a lot of experience with it. I've never really dated around; I've only had three even remotely serious partners, and I had a long history with two; the other was, I will always say, like magic with how quick we connected and fell for each other. I felt very strongly for all of them, and each relationship was different. Jason and Sara failed for unique reasons, so it's really impossible to bunch them together into a shared lesson I learned from them or something. Is there a habit you’re currently trying to kick? ACTUALLY I literally decided today (or maybe yesterday?) that I want to stop peeling/picking at my nails. It's just not pretty to look at and I will do almost anything to boost my self esteem rn ok Have you ever dated someone with very different sexual tastes than you? No. Well I mean, not that I KNOW of. I've only gotten sexual with two partners. Has anyone ever been extremely jealous of you? Do you know why? I almost laughed, and then I remembered well actually, yes. Before Jason, Juan was very openly trying to date me, and his ex (I... think????? what the hell was their relationship???? fuck buddies????? bro idk) Rachel knew and was NOT fucking happy and basically harrassed me. I am FULL aware she friended me on FB to watch if anything happened between Juan and me, and boy when that relationship status changed to "taken" (for less than a day), she was on my ASS. Literally snatched my arm in the lunch room to claim she and Juan had ~gotten busy~ like two days prior or whatever, maybe even the night before. I later learned (from her) that she'd nearly punched me in the face. SO I broke up with Juan because of a mix of believing her (I absolutely do not now, in retrospect), knowing he had a rep, but also because I was NOT getting into that shit. THEN Jason comes along, and guess who I discover his serious ex was while on our first date outside Sonic? Rachel. BOY LET ME TELL YOU it was the biggest "are you actually fucking serious" moment of my LIFE like I went FULL SILENT and had to take a minute lmfao, and then Rachel hated me times like ten because she and Jason had remained friends on social media until our relationship became posted there and she had shit to say and Jason was hearing none of it. Fast-forward to now. Rachel is a FB friend again and she's been happily with my old school bud for many years and are engaged. Hell, I'd go eagerly to her damn wedding if I was invited. People. Change. She is great and I love seeing her post life update stuff. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? Honestly, probably mine and Jason's first anniversary gift: a hand-made book of pictures and such of us and well over a hundred (maybe even 200+, idr how far I got) reasons I loved him. I worked very, very hard on it for a long time and even after what happened between us, I hope he has it to remember. If memories of me make him happy at all. Which I would understand if they didn't. What was the angriest your parents ever were at you? I don't know about my dad, but two instances come to mind for Mom: when I briefly ran away from home as a kid or when I texted her back "fuck you" for being extremely insensitive. That ride home was NOT FUN. It might actually be the fight where she tried kicking me out of the car, I can't remember. Do you feel as though someone "won" in your last break-up? No; I don't believe either "lost," either, though. We just simply weren't good for each other romantically. What ever happened to the first person you ever loved? I don't know. It's a painful and scary thing to not know, but I will say it again and again and again: it's better we don't have contact. I mean I THINK Jason's brother or brother's wife is on Mom's Facebook (it's how she learned about his mom) so she'd probably learn if something truly horrible happened to Jason, but. What is the biggest difference between you and your best friend? Girt is WAY more hardworking and determined than I am. That man will bash his head against a fuckin wall til it gave way. What is something most people are turned on by but you’re not? Porn. Like I just DO NOT wanna see two random people get busy. Has anyone in your life changed drastically (for better or worse) since you met them? How? My dad, for one. Rachel, from earlier. Myself. I don't feel like explaining. Is there anything you wish you had done with a current/previous significant other? Uh, sometimes I wish I hadn't been abstinent and fully "known" Jason for lack of not knowing how to put it BUT when I consider the realism of just how fucking head over heels as well as just stupid I was, I would NOT be surprised if I had winded up a teen mom, because I was also pro-life then. THAT woulda been a goddamn hellfest. What song reminds you of good times from high school? Don't even try to convince me otherwise, "All Signs Point to Lauderdale" by AD2R is THE High School Vibe. Like the lyrics aren't very positive but idc man it makes me Remember and feel old. Do you own any jewelry made out of shells? No. Have you ever made your own website? Multiple times. Do you like men who have a sensitive side? I personally do. Have you talked to your special someone today? Yeah, we talk every day. Have you ever tried to get someone into a certain band/artist? Yeah, and it worked. *finger guns* Have you ever carved you and someone else's initials into a tree? I have not. Do you like Dairy Queen? Yep. Have you ever used glitter as one of your makeup items? Oh yes, silver glitter was literally The Thing that was dabbed onto your eyelids for dance recitals, lol. Have you ever owned what would be considered a "farm animal?" No. Does listening to music while you work help you? It very much depends on what I'm doing. Are you normally the one who initiates a kiss? Eh, it can really go either way. FIRST kiss, I dunno. For like Girt and me where it's very normal I'd say he prooobably does it more, but there's definitely not a strong leaning. Is there a song in a different language that you can sing? Well, probably. I know I can kinda sing SOME parts of Rammstein's songs okay, but factually, no matter how long I studied it and have heard it over the years, I *speak* it so rarely that I'm DEFINITELY not experienced with SINGING it. I've also noticed that I overthink the FUCK outta German pronunciations and then butcher it when I try, lmao. What was the most expensive thing someone bought you? That would either be Jason buying me a really nice gaming laptop or probably some other electronic device from my parents, idk. Do you have any currency that’s not your native country’s? No. Have you ever tried to write something humorous on a test for bonus points? No. How do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? WHALE insane pyrotechnics are literally's Rammstein's Thing so I have to be in wild support, lol. But for real, be careful w/ that shit. Don't James Hetfield yourself. The person who last spoke to you in person, what is their name? Donna. The person who last texted you, tell me their name? His real name is Donald. What was your favorite class to take in school? Of all classes I've ever taken at any education level, Art and German. Would you ever consider joining the Navy? Even if I didn't have mental health issues that stop me from being accepted in any military branch, I wouldn't. Have you seen the movie Inception? I haven't. Have you ever dated someone with red hair? No. Do you know the first word you spoke as a child? Yes, "Dada." The last person you kissed, have you held their hand? Yeah, a lot. I love holding his because he has Big Man Hands and mine are all small and dainty and it is Best Feeling. Are you any good at video games? Well, I was. I don't play them NEARLY enough now to have the same kind of quick reflexes and everything. Has an ex ever liked you when you were long over them? I mean, I suppose it's possible, but not that I know of. Fred - annoying or funny? OH MY GOD I forgot about that mfer. I liked him. I know. My little sister and I watched him. Oh god. Have you ever ordered something from a different country? Yes. Do you own any Tupac albums? Honestly, I can't even name one of his songs, so... Who last grabbed your butt? WOW I actually don't know the last time that did happen. An old friend and I used to spank each other all the time in just a purely playful way, but she never actually *grabbed* me, THEN it woulda been weird. HOW DO I NOT REMEMBER IF MY CURRENT PARTNER HAS DONE THIS????? bro this body ain't 26, my knees and brain say other shit. Do you sleep in a bra? HAIL no please don't do this to urself Has your ex ever gone out with someone close to you? No. Has anyone close to you ever been suicidal? Yes. What are you listening to at this moment? "Blood, Milk And Sky" by White Zombie. Who was the last person in your bedroom, besides you? My mom. Are you friends with someone who’s autistic? I am CERTAIN there are more people than just her that I'm just not aware of, but my niece is autistic and she is certainly my friend. <3 Do you ever have movie nights with your significant other? Nah, we actually don't watch movies much. We watch TV shows a lot together, though. Who was the last person to call you fat, if anyone at all? Well, me. Besides me, no one else that I recall has ever directly called me that except some mean kids when *I* was a kid (a swing broke while I was on it and apparently that only happens when you're fat and not because the playset is old and well-loved). Doctors have made me aware that I am and all, but not by calling me that, you know? What color skin does the last person you danced with have? She's Caucasian, pale. Are you afraid of being kidnapped if you go outside at night time? Well, that's one reason. I just don't trust people. The best field trip you’ve ever been on; where was it to anyway? So two are tied, tbh. I'll go with the one that happened first, 4th grade: a trip to Beaufort, NC, to the island there that is full of wild horses. Yes, seriously. And we almost didn't go; it was actually the back-up plan to go to that island instead of one I can't remember with a lighthouse. The ocean was very aggressive that day with a storm, and the site of the lighthouse was simply too dangerous to get to by the boat, so plans changed to go to the horse one, which was closer. It is amazing how immaculate my memory is of that place, primarily the back side of it where I wandered around the beach collecting sea shells. The ocean was fuck-ing BEAUTIFUL with the fierce waves and the stormy sky and just oh my god I would kill to go again. The very next school year is funnily enough the one that ties it: a trip to the Asheboro Zoo. This one is simpler to explain with that I simply love (good) zoos and it is so far the only occasion in my entire life I saw meerkats (they got rid of them for some reason I don't recall). I spent my ENTIRE disposable camera shots on these fuckers lmfao. Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? HA a bitch wanted to be an electric guitarist, but never to a very serious degree. When did you last spend the night at someone’s house? Uhhhhh... wow, have I done that since going to Sara's???? I don't think I have. Do you find any of your friends’ parents creepy or really mean? Oh my GOD okay we're not friends anymore of course but Colleen's father-in-law gave me the CREEPIEST motherfuckin vibes and I do not miss seeing him. Do you like pickles? I love pickles. Which two bands would you love to see playing on tour together? Ozzy and Metallica. Mom and I wouldn't make it out of that concert alive. Do you watch The Walking Dead? No, but I have avidly watched let's plays of every season of the game, and I played S1 myself as well. That game makes me CRYYYYYYYYYY buddy like I think every season got me, the first one of course more than any other. Would you want your child to go to the school you are going/went to? If I had kids, I would 100% want them to go to my elementary school because they were fan-fucking-tastic and very loved, but I'm not overly attached to any other schools I attended. Hell, quite frankly, I probably WOULDN'T want them to go to my high school because I wouldn't want to go there for anything. Though I guess it would be pretty fuckin cute for my kid to walk down the same halls that their dad and I talked in and stuff. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW but imagine them sitting at the same lunch table seats Girt and I first talked at SCREAMS When is the last time you slow danced with someone? <3 ugh Do you have a celebrity crush? GOD I have fucking three serious ones, please extract my heart from this wretched body Do you think corset piercings are disgusting!? Now look I LOVE piercings and all, but those gross me out and seem extremely dangerous. Your body, get whatever the hell sorta piercing you want, but you sure won't see me with those.
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beann-e · 3 years
I have a head cannon that bakugou would not be sweet to who he liked or dated and instead deny it and hate on them even more.
The reason being because he doesn’t really understand feelings so, when he’s talking badly about you he just assumes it’s normal and a bit funny at the lies he’s spitting that his just continuously friends are eating up.
he’s been talking bad about people for years so , who cares if your his s/o your no acceptation all people are equal in his mind. Now lemme explain please fall in line and hold a buddys hand kids we’re going on a trip inside my brain
It wasn’t easy getting the spiky haired male to ask you out honestly if someone asked you , which they’d never dare since they’d never know per bakugous request him saying it’s not their business , how you two got together you would shrug your shoulders and walk off.
It wasn’t that it was a boring day or a simple question that you supplied the answer for. It was that it was unusual.
You’d been at quirk practice after school in the gym like you’d usually do only this time bakugou made his way over to you.
You’d been seeing him more often when you were in the gym and you weren’t sure why until he explained that he was interested in your workout routine saying you two could have a contest to see who’s was more grueling
It seemed like fun so like any competitive person you agreed. Only for him to tap out on day two your laughs swirling around the gym as he fought so hard to say he only lost because he just didn’t like how the air would hit his ass crack anytime he did your little girly squats you’d wrote down for him.
You couldn’t say you weren’t both confused and happy when he let the air calm down before he spoke “ i’m kind of conflicted “ his eyes coming up to look at yours from the floor “ could you maybe help me“
“ of course what’s up “
“ i’m at a standstill “
“ more like a sit still “ you joked eyes peering down at his straight face “ yeah ok let’s imagine that didn’t happen —continue “
“ uh yeah anyways — i’m at a standstill because honestly I like your shit workout “ he shook his head to the floor “ but I also like you so I find myself thinking if I couldn’t get through your workout even though I enjoyed it so much could I “
his voice rasped shakily “ could I get through a relationship with you even though I like you even more “
truthfully you’d wish you’d said no because right now you wanted nothing more than to just be friends with the male sitting across the room from you.
It’s not that you didn’t like him of course you did he was hot , smart, and felt strongly about his goals but, he was an asshole.
Not in the aspect of hes just mean and rude but he was an all around prick as he laughed with his friends from across the room.
Their voices only getting louder as you sat alone a few seats away from them trying to complete some work on your desk you’d just been given “ dude gotta admit class 1-A’s got some hot chicks “
“ yeah honestly minas top three if we’re being truthful “
“mina dude come on have you seen jirou “
“ don’t even get me started “ denkis voice came out in a soft groan “ god I would— “
“ yeah yeah all that jazz but “ seros voice came out soft. His hand coming up to point at the seat as you sat in with your head down eyes furrowed in anger at the math on your paper that wasn’t syncing up with your brain right now
“ y/n “ his fist tightened as he groaned “ y/n could get it on all accounts — the car “
“ you don’t have a car “ denkis voice came out as sero continued
“ the school bathroom “
“ but which one ? because one of you would have to go in the wrong sex’s unless its a handicap or family stal-“
“the fucking dorms “
“ y/n ? “ kirishima asked quickly “ y/n l/n ? “
“ fuck yeah “
“ hmm “ kirishima studied you before shaking his head “ honestly kinda hot never really paid attention to that stuff before though “
“ what the fuck how can’t you “
“ uh i’m more so a personality guy “
“ so by personality would you fuck em ‘ “
“ not to be vulgar but of course “ his answer taking no time “ y’know how fun they’d be in a relationship though not just with sex ? imagine cuddles—fuck —what about cuddle monster y/n maybe ? god that’d be so hot “
denki getting restless as he held his thoughts in from the other males. His mind spazzing before finally getting to speak “ i’d fuck her too “ he yelled everyone’s eyes going sharp on the boy before he coughed “ id rock it too — we’re talking about getting mullets “
“ oh boys that’d be kinda hot “ you said laughing sarcastically sero turning to you smiling softly “ oh yeah on who in particular “
“ mm totally blondie over there “
“ the fuck ? “ his eyes shot away from denkis and moved to yours anger pouring through his gaze making you jerk back a little in surprise “ the hell you mean i’d look hot “
your eyebrows creased “ well because I — you do you would “
“ don’t go talking out of your ass you hear me—shit people like you don’t deserve to talk to anyone about looks “ your mouth went dry at his lazer stare.
His lips curling up into a smirk before he shook his head “ these assholes are talking about fucking you yknow “ he whispered to you “ you gonna let em ? you gonna let em right? because that’s the only attention you’d ever get right “
“ bakubro hold up chill out “
“ yeah bakubro chill out “ you said your gaze wavering from the hard one you’d had when you felt the heat radiating off of him no comfort coming from him to you only confusing you more. Had you two been in a secret argument that you knew nothing about
“ whatever “ he leaned back in his chair as the class went back to what they were doing your hands gripping the pencil when the class got even louder but you only searching for your boyfriends voice easily drowning out the others
“ i’d never fuck “ your heart broke at the deep voice youd identified
“ dude seriously come on with the lies —fucking beautiful “
“ correctomundo my friend their absolutely stunning “
his laugh ripping through their claims hand jerking back to point at you “ you think their beautiful much less hot ? “
“ yeah you don’t ? “ denki spat all of them looking at the boy like he was crazy for enjoying this obviously racy topic right now much less taking the wrong side of the debate
“ I literally just sat here and said I wouldn’t fuck em’ pokémon —so you can guess what that correlates to “
“ hey dude why’re you being sucha a dick —the personality’s top tier even if your stupid enough to think their not at least hot“ kirishima putting the ending words in quotation marks honestly a bit upset with his friend
“ hey watch it your over here defending an extra like your gonna make moves on em “ he laughed “ I advise otherwise “
you let out a sigh thinking he’d finally stopped acting the way he was. Your mind preparing to only give him the silent treatment for today and then tomorrow peppering him with kisses until he laughed and apologized for his words
Heart only being snatched away from your body when you heard his deep vibrating voice cut through the room “ probably gonna give you a rash from all the shit that’s on their mouth all the time “
it’s just lipgloss.
Lipgloss bakugou bought you packs of earlier this week after he swore he loved the taste and scent.
moving to wipe at it gently with the sleeve of your outfit him still going causing tears to start building up in your eyes “ bet the bitch doesn’t even shower —had em’ over for a project last night had to wash my sheets and blanket —took hours last night “
“ oh “ denki let out “ I was a bit confused when I saw you at the laundry room at 3 in the morning.
Tears blurring your vision as you thought about his earlier words when he’d given you your favorite sweater of his after saying he’d washed it for you because he knew you wouldn’t do it yourself because in his words ‘ you would never wash it without his help because you were a creep and didn’t want to erase his smell or some shit ‘
“ yeah —smelled so bad im telling you stay away you don’t wanna ask em’ out “
you moved to grab your phone as he kept talking you typing out a message as best as you could before hitting send. His hand moving off the desk and going in his pants pocket to pull his phone out keeping it hidden under the table eyes trailing over the screen
Firefighter >3
baby are we arguing
if your mad at me please just tell me don’t just talk shit about me in front of your friends
him locking his phone and placing it on his desk before you typed out one more message him letting out a sigh as he grabbed for it again
firefighter >3
if you keep going we’re over
“ but imagine whoever bags them apart from bakugou at least since we all know he’s all anti hot y/n “
“ they’d be so lucky “
“ yeah right “ he spoke lowly almost trying to hide his voice from you eyes glued to his phone “ wouldn’t dare “
“ wouldnt dare what bakugou “
“ oh wouldnt dare be —-be lucky “ he locked his phone again “ feel bad for the person dating them all the shit they gotta go through put up with , claims they make through message and not with real words, being too much of a pussy to speak up for themselves“
he shook his head softly eyes twitching “ you wouldn’t put up with that —you couldn’t put up with that your not built for it you gotta have tough skin y’know like me “
he licked his lips moving to sit up straighter when hearing his phone vibrate “ don’t uh “
firefighter >3
one more bakugou
one more bakugou katsuki and were over
his eyes darting over to yours before his eyebrows furrowed and body shook in anxiousness he couldn’t figure out what to do.
He was an asshole you knew this so why the fuck were you being such a crybaby now? did he pick the wrong person to date he thought you were strong
He genuinely just wanted to keep these creeps away from what’s his by scaring them off he wasn’t doing anything wrong? well at least in his eyes
He moved to talk again trying his best to string together a nice sentence “ just don’t uh ask —ask em’ out —-their utter dog shit when it comes to relationships leave it to someone who can handle that y’know “
he relaxed into his chair at his victory when he watched you throw your phone to the table and fix your skirt and standup. Him sighing out when you picked up your stuff to leave “ thank all might “ he whispered head shooting to lean back against his desk chair and look up at the sky blood running cold when his phone vibrated against the table
firefighter >3
all your shits gonna be outside my dorm door. So you might want to come collect it before I have half and half lighting campfires tonight
y’know since i’m such a shit person —gotta hope your bestie deku can give me some after school lessons on personalities. He’s so sweet I bet he’ll fix me right up
screw you katsuki see you in hell
“ the —the fuck what did —the hell did I do wrong “ he screamed when he saw you slam the classroom door after flicking him off
his friends eyes moving from the door to bakugous phone that he’d thrown on the table.
Todorokis eyes going wide when he read his stupid nickname given to him by the steamy male “ I —I uh“ he coughed “ I think i’m gonna go help y/n since their now single—don’t want em’ getting hurt with amateur fire starters again when i’m right here “
his stone face peered down at the red faced boy “ I mean that is ok with you bakugou seeing as though you two were most likely in a relationship by the messages before today “
“ you asshole did you go through me and my s/o’s messages “
“ judging by the series of recent text I don’t believe that’s the case for you two anymore “ he reached to grab his backpack saying a formal goodbye before he spoke “ I feel like i’m needed by a very —very perfectly intelligent unshitty person right now “
seros voice coming out softly as he let bakugous phone fall to the table disappointment in his eyes “ look uh —dude you didn’t have to mess your relationship up just to go against us ? “ he winced at the claim“ honestly you could’ve stayed quiet the whole time —it’s not like we agreed with you anyways “
bakugou leaned back in his chair anger swirling in his stomach as he felt his body sweat at the new heat spreading throughout his whole body.
How the hell did he mess up where the hell did he mess up he explained to you he wasn’t gonna treat you any differently than any other extra here and that went for basic conversations too
Maybe he went a bit far with the dont date em ‘ that was probably it you didn’t like how he said don’t date you because he was the only one who could handle you right ?
He shook his head a bit confused you just wanted him to say that you could handle yourself and didn’t need him right ?
So , why the hell did he feel like he’d done something wrong he wasn’t stupid but he just wasn’t well versed in feelings. He already didn’t know how to handle his own so how was he expected to handle another persons.
To him his words were normal he talked about all people like this hell, he bullied deku for 3 years going as far as to make a special nickname for him
that wasn’t even the worse he could’ve done and you knew that so why was he in trouble and worrying about Icy hot taking his place
He was honestly confused?
Could words really be that hurtful?
could his words really be that hurtful ?
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street-smarts00 · 3 years
I Hear a Symphony
Midoriya x fem!reader
Summary: Midoryia couldn’t tell the difference between romantic and platonic feelings. It took 4 conversations for him to realize how much you meant to him and how he had fallen completely and utterly in love with you.
⚠️ language
WC: 4,500
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Eri was spending the day with class 1-a. You, Izuku and Eri were relaxing in the living room watching Disney movies. This time Eri wanted to watch her favorite, Frozen 2. The three of you were snuggled up on the couch together; you were seated to the right of Deku and Eri was to his left. He had both of his arms wrapped around the two of you.
“Hey izuku, what time is it?” you asked.
He picked up his phone, “4:25”
“Shit, I’m studying with Yaomomo and Tsu in five minutes,” you promptly stood up and grabbed your phone. “I gotta go, see ya later guys” you waved as you jogged to the elevator.
Eri and Deku stayed in the living room watching the movie. He was really glad that Eri took a liking to you. At first when Eri started to visit the 1-a dorm she was shy and mostly stayed with Deku, and sometimes Uraraka, Tsu, and Kirishima because they were familiar to her after the overhaul mission. But after a short while she started to open up and talk to his other classmates; especially you.
“Hey deku, what is a girlfriend?” Midoriya’s eyebrows raised, “Huh? What got you thinking about that?”
“Someone in lemillion’s class said they had a girlfriend.” Oh well that made a lot more sense.
“Well um a girlfriend, a girlfriend is,” he wasn’t sure how to explain it, he’s never had a girlfriend before. He also didn't want to explain it in a way that she would be confused or misinterpret what he said. He glanced up at the tv . . . Wait, that's it!
“I know, it’s like Anna and Kristoff. So you know how they fall in love and get married at the end of the movie?” He asked.
“Well before they get married they’re dating, and when a girl and a boy are dating they are boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Oh ok, I think it get it,” she responded as she smiled. “So it’s like you and y/n?”
WHAT? Where would she get that idea? One minute ago she didn't even know what a girlfriend was. Midoryia’s cheeks turned a shade of pink and his voice cracked when he spoke. “Um not really, we aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend,” He replied as he shifted his weight in his seat.
“But you always kiss her, and Anna and Kristoff kiss,” She added as she pointed to the characters on the tv screen.
“I uh, well they kiss on the lips, y/n and I kiss on the forehead and cheek, and sometimes friends kiss each other on the forehead and cheek.”
“Ooooh, ok!” She turned her attention back to the screen and leaned into him as she grabbed onto the blanket.
FEW, he was beyond thankful that she seemed to drop that topic. Although, it did stick with him; was it normal for him and you to kiss each other? It’s not like you guys made out or anything, but fairly often you guys did greet each other with a kiss on the forehead or cheek. But you guys definitely kissed in a not romantic way though. Yea definitely not in a romantic way. Yea, definitely.
“Hey deku, is y/n a princess? You call her princess a lot.” Eri questioned.
Midoryias heartbeat sped up. “No she’s not a princess.” He replied calmly even though his brain and heart were going a mile a minute. But then again what did he have to be worried about, you two were just really close friends that happen to be very affectionate and call each other cute nicknames. He called you princess, and you called him pretty boy. It was just a fun game between friends. His pulse slowed as his train of thoughts centered around you. He’s called you by that nickname for a while. He doesn’t remember when or how he started to call you princess, but he sure as hell knew why. “But she’s a princess to me,” he added.
Eri turned to him, eyes widened with excitement, “Am I like a princess?”
“Yes Eri. You are like a princess.” Eri smiled with one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen.
A few days later Deku was meeting with All Might in their usual teacher lounge room. Although originally they were talking about one for all, the topic of conversation shifted to you.
“And it’s not so much that her quirk itself is super cool and powerful, but it’s how she uses it. She’s always so creative and has brilliant strategies.” Deku beamed.
“You sure do talk about her a lot.” All Might chuckled. He watched as Midoryia’s bond with you grew rapidly as school went on. He also noticed that his successor would bring her up a lot and would bubble with excitement at any chance to talk about her.
“She’s amazing! She’s super nice and always looks out for others. And I love how passionate she is about the things she loves like music, she absolutely loves music. OH and she’s an amazing fighter. She does this thing when she’s fighting like she always raises her left eyebrow, never the right one because she can’t. AND she  . . .” Midoryia realized that he had been talking a lot. He pulled at the collar of his shirt. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling,”
“Don’t worry it’s ok, it’s cute listening to you talk about your girlfriend,”
What? Not this again. “Uh, y/n and I aren’t dating,” he squeaked. He coughed and cleared his throat so that hopefully his voice would go back to normal. Why was his heartbeat speeding up? He was so calm a second ago, why does it feel like his heart is about to fly out of his chest or like he’s going to pass out.
All Might could see the boy tense and his nervousness still lingering. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” He apologized frantically, waving his hands in surrender.
The boy seemed to calm down a bit but was still visibly tense and nervous “It’s ok, but um why would you think that?” Damn his voice was still squeaky, he cleared his throat again.
“Because the two of you are so close and during class you’re always together. Also because of the way you talk about her. Like, I don’t know you have this smile on your face that I only see when you look at her or talk about her.”
“Oh but I don’t think I treat her any differently than my other friends,” Midoryia added. He really didn't think he gave you any special attention. He was close with all of his friends and is just a super affectionate person. Whether it was hugs with Tsu or linking arms with Iida. But then again he didn’t kiss them on the forehead and cheek.
“It seems to me that she’s more than just a friend,” All Might implied. He saw the boy's face turn a dark shade of red. “Sorry, if I made you uncomfortable.”
“Huh? oh it’s ok don’t worry about it,” Midoriya stammered. He played with the fabric of his jacket sleeves. “But ya know you’re not the first person to think that we’re dating.”
“Really?” All Might tried to sound as surprised as he could.
“Yea the other day Eri asked me if y/n and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, like in the Disney movie we were watching.” Midoriya felt like he was experiencing 30 emotions all at once. He didn’t know what he was feeling or how he was supposed to feel.
The school bell rang and zoned him out of his thoughts that we’re running wild. He quickly said goodbye to All Might and ran to class. He couldn’t stop his mind from racing. Did he like you? Like in a crush type of way? He’s never liked anyone before so he isn’t sure.
Once he reached the class room he passed by your desk on the way to his.
“Hey pretty boy!” You beamed. When you saw his expression you were filled with concern. His face was red, eyes were wide and his eyes were darting all over the place but refused to land on you. “Hey are you ok? You look stressed.”
He finally placed his eyes on yours and took a deep breath. “Yea I’m good I’ve just got a lot on my mind and I’m trying to figure something out.” He stuttered.
You stood up from your seat, “ok, well if you need some help or maybe a hug, i'll always be here.” You leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek like it was normal, because it was. He couldn’t believe it, that this was his normal. The fact that the two of you casually kiss each other and so much apparently that when you do it in front of your classmates they don’t even bat an eye.
“Thanks,” he replied as he awkwardly walked over to his desk and sat down. He placed his arms on his desk and rested his head on his arms. Bakugou turned around and gazed at the kid that he’s known for most of his life. “You look like shit.”
Midoryia raised his one arm and gave a thumbs up, “Thanks Kachan, I really appreciate it,” he quipped. Bakugou grumbled and turned back to face the front of the room.
He was stuck. Figuratively and literally. Literally, he was stuck in his bed because he was unable to move. Figuratively, he was stuck with how he felt about you and what this means. Right after school ended he stayed in his room analyzing how he felt about you. He wasn’t 100% sure if he actually had feelings for you and at this point he’s worried that he is over thinking things. Which he probably is.
During all of his freaking out he received a text from you. Great 🙃. He unlocked his phone and opened your text.
Princess: hey, this song reminded me of you
He opened the song, I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry. He’d never heard it before but he always loved your music recommendations. He pressed play and listened to the lyrics.
I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I think of you
Huh, so now that he is in her life he changed her, but in a good way (or at least he’s hopping). He loved the melody and the way the song started off with piano. It was very calming to him.
As the song went on he continued to listen to the lyrics carefully. There weren’t that many lyrics so he was relaxing listening to the beautiful build up to the chorus. He felt like he was entering a fantasy listening to this song. It was graceful and peaceful, but also powerful and full of emotion.
I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
You took my broken melody
And now I have a symphony
He was frozen as the song finished. That remind you of him? He knew that you always pay attention to the lyrics and the meanings of songs, so this wasn’t just any old song. Did he really make that much of an impact on you? Listening to this song knowing that you thought of him made his heart ache. His stomachs filled with butterflies and his pulse slowed down from its former fast tempo.
Not long after, Uraraka and Todoroki stopped by his room. “Hey deku. Can we come in? I’m with todoroki.” Uraraka chimed.
He got up from his bed and fixed his hair after lying down for the past hour. He opened the door with a genuine smile, “Hey guys! Yea sure come in, what’s up?”
Uraraka sat down in his desk chair, “We wanted to check up on you to make sure you were ok. You were really quiet in class today and you’ve stayed up here all afternoon.” He really appreciated his friends and how much they cared about him.
“Yeah, I’m ok. I was just kinda um freaking out about something earlier and had to think things through. But now I’m not freaking out anymore, well maybe, it's just a lot to process.” Midoryia rambled.
“What's the problem?” Todoroki asked.
Midoryia scratched the back of his neck. “Umm can you guys promise not to tell anybody?”
“Of course”
Midoryia anxiously placed his hands in his pockets. He needed someone’s advice. “I think I might have feelings for y/n.” He babbled.
The two friends in his room had very little reactions, if any at all. This’d made no sense, he just confessed that he might have romantic feelings for their friend and they don’t react?
Todoroki was the first to speak, “I thought you knew that.”
“Todoroki!” Uraraka chimed in a scolding tone.
“What? What do you mean? I just figured this out today!” Midoryia stammered. He was beyond confused. “So wait a second, you guys knew that I like her and didn't say anything?”
“Not to be as blunt as Todoroki but, we thought you knew you liked her. It was kind of obvious. You guys practically act like a couple already.” Uraraka answered.
“Do you mean like the nicknames, and kissing?”
“It’s not just that, you guys always slip in physical contact when you’re together, you both are very flirty from time to time, and any chance you get you start rambling about how great she is.” She replied. Well then that makes sense why he was going on a whole tangent about her with All Might earlier.
Uraraka’s features softened, “You really didn’t know?” Midoryia grabbed a fistful of his curls in frustration. “NO! I didn’t, not at all! I thought that was all normal friends stuff ya know!” He explained anxiously.
“We’re friends and you’ve never kissed me,” Shoto added. Uraraka giggled in response.
Midoriya sat down on his bed and played with the material of his hoodie. “So what do I do now?” He asked.
Uraraka walked over to his bed and sat down beside him. “I’m not sure, but if you really like her, then I think you should tell her. I know this is all new to you so don’t freak out about confessing right now. But I’d say give it some thought.”
Midoriya sighed and gazed at the floor. He had so much to process right now. “Thanks you guys,” he said.
It had been about a week since Deku had his mind blowing chat with his two friends. He was lying on the couch in the common area. But it was completely empty because it was 1:30 in the morning. At first he stayed up late studying, but then around an hour ago he tried to go to bed but could only stare up at the ceiling.
He figured maybe he needed a drink or snack or SOMETHING. He grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around his body. He knew it was going to be cold downstairs since it was snowing outside and the heater turned down at his hour. He made his way downstairs, but when the elevator opened he was too tired to head to the kitchen and make tea so instead he just plopped down on the couch.
He stayed there for a little while thinking about you. His thoughts recently always traveled back to you. Ever since people kept asking if you guys were dating, he hasn’t stopped thinking about doing romantic things with you. He smiled at the idea of holding hands with you and rubbing your hand with his thumb. Or cuddling with you in one of your dorms and saying sweet nothings in your ear. Or going on cute dates with you, like ice skating in the park. Or putting his hand on the small of your back and pulling you into a kiss.
Midoriya was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the elevator open. He couldn’t see who it was from his view on the couch. The steps grew louder and stopped when they reached the lounge area. “Why the hell are you down here?” He heard from a deep voice.
He sat up and looked over at Katsuki. He was rubbing his eyes and his voice was groggy, he must have just worked up. “You’re down here too ya know,” Midoriya replied.
“Tch, yea but I just woke up, you probably haven’t slept at all have you? Ya damn insomniac.”
“I’m not in the mood Kachan.”
Bakugou grew suspicious of Midoriya’s response and tone. Usually he would respond with a snarky reply or a rambly explanation. He also sounded physically and mentally exhausted. Bakugou walked closer to the boy wrapped in a blanket and poked him. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked in a calmer but still rough tone.
The green haired boy shrugged his shoulders in response. “Nothing.”
“Yea sure, you’re alone in the dark in the middle of the night, and I can tell something’s bothering you.” Bakugou poked him again, “Now talk.”
Midoriya sighed, “I told you it’s nothing.”
Bakugou shoved his hands in his pockets,
“Fine don’t tell me.” He started to walk in the direction of the kitchen; But he stopped in his tracks after what he heard next.
“I’m in love with y/n,” Midoriya Mumbled.
Bakugou turned to face his childhood friend, “huh?” Midoriya pulled at the fabric of his blanket. “I said I’m in love with y/n. And I don’t know what to do,” he replied louder.
Bakugou made his way back to the couch. “Tch what the hell do you mean you don’t know what to do, if you like her so much then just ask her out.” Midoriya covered his face with his hands and sighed. Kachan was the last person he would expect to have this conversation with.
“I would, but I don’t want to make things awkward if she doesn’t like me back. I’m worried it will ruin our friendship,” Deku confessed.
Rolling his eyes, Bakugou sat on the couch adjacent to the one deku was sitting on. “Listen ya damn nerd, you’ve gotta be an idiot to think she doesn’t like you back. She follows you around like a damn puppy, it’s gross.” He cringed at that last statement.
“It’s not gross, it’s sweet. She cares about others a lot,” Midoriya corrected.
“She sure cares a whole lot about you for some reason.” Bakugou stood up again and slowly made his way to the kitchen to retrieve a water bottle he had been meaning to get. Midoriya was silent, Bakugou took note of this. The nerd was probably lost in his own train of thoughts at this point.
“Deku.” Midoriya turned to him, his blanket falling off of his shoulders. “Just suck it up and tell her how you feel. And don’t act like an idiot and say she won’t like you back. You may act like an idiot almost of the time but your not stupid. You know that girl would do anything for you.”
A small smile grew on Midoriya’s face. Bakugou saw and retorted, “If you tell anyone I said all that I’ll blow your ass up, got it?”
“Sure Kachan,” Deku laughed.
Midoriya couldn’t see it, but after Bakugou turned his back to him, there was a small grin on his face after hearing his “friends” normal tone again.
Not long after his chat with Kachan, Midoriya felt a lot better. He wasn’t stuck, not any more. He knew how he felt and he knew what to do.
You didn’t intend on staying up late. Originally you were going to watch a little Netflix, maybe go on your phone, and then go to bed around 11:30 or midnight. But then you found a new show to watch and 8 episodes later, it was 1:30 in the morning.
Around the middle of the 8th episode you heard a knock at your door. Crap. Just your luck. Every so often Aizawa would walk around the dorms if he didn’t go to sleep or woke up. He would check on the students to make sure they were asleep and in their own dorms.
About twice you and Midoriya got in trouble because one of you was in the other's dorm after curfew. Thankfully he didn’t catch you guys the other times you snuck into the other dorms.
It was actually a pretty common occurrence. Whether one of you couldn’t sleep and just wanted to talk, or if one of you woke up and needed help going back to sleep. Oh wait yea the  knock at the door.
You paused your show and didn’t move. You waited for Aizawa to say something like open the door, or go to sleep, or Midoriya go back to your own room. But, you didn’t hear anything.
There was a second knock on the door, much weaker than the first. I guess it’s not Aizawa, you thought to yourself. You slowly got out of bed and tiptoed to the door. After opening it you didn’t see anyone. Huh?
You peaked your head out and looked around the hallway. “Hey,” You whispered.  You saw Izuku slowly walking away from your room. He turned around and faced you looking frazzled. “Hi,” he replied with a small wave.
“What’s up? Can’t sleep?”
“Something like that. I didn’t think you were awake and I didn’t want to bother you.”
You opened your door wider, “Come here, get in.”
A small smile grew on his lips. He made his way into your room and sat down on your bed, you followed suit. “So what’s . .”
“I need to tell you something,” he interrupted. A small blush danced on his checks as he spoke. “Yea sure what is it?” You asked, voice filled with concern.
Midoriya was frozen, he wanted to speak but no words came out. This was a lot harder than he expected. He even went through what he was going to say beforehand in his dorm. Crap. His heart rate was picking up and his breathing quickened.
You could tell he was anxious and placed one of your hands in his. “Hey it’s ok, you can tell me anything.” You comforted him. “I’ll always be here for you.”
His features softened, “That’s what makes this so much harder,” he replied. He took a deep breath and tried to slow his rapid heart beat. He looked at the floor, too scared to look you in the eyes.
“I’m in love with you,” he confessed. He did it, he finally did it.
“You make me feel safe and happy. Your smile is  beautiful and your laughter is contagious. I’ve never met someone like you. It’s like that song you sent me last week. My life was pretty boring and a little sad, but then I met you. You turned my broken melody into a symphony y/n.”
He couldn’t see your reaction but he felt your hand tighten its grip on his.
Now you were the one that was frozen. The two of you sat there for a minute in silence. He started to get worried. “Look, I get it if you don’t like me back, just, promise it won’t mess up what we have. Your friendship means too much to me to lose it.” He muttered.
You placed your hand on his chin and pulled his head to face you. Your faces were inches apart. You made sure to not take a pause in between what you were about to say, in fear that the first statement would give him a stroke. “I don’t like you, I love you.”
He didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the look of joy in your eyes. Maybe it was his blood filling with adrenaline. He didn’t know. He leaned forward and pecked you on the lips. The blush on his face only grew as he watched your eyes widen and cheeks turn red.
Only a few seconds after the first kiss, you leaned forward and matched his lips with yours. This kiss was nothing like the first one. The first one was an electric spark that filled you with happiness. The second kiss was more passionate and gentle. Although, it was a bit awkward at first and it took you guys a second to figure it out. But, pretty soon you both were in sync. You placed your hands on his neck and he reciprocated by placing his hands on your waist.
It felt like the world stopped spinning and it was only you two. You’ve waited for this moment for so long, since the culture festival to be exact. A moment where you were kissing the boy that you had fallen in love with and there wasn’t a care in the world.
The two of you pulled apart gasping for air. Your head was spinning. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” you sighed with a smile. Izuku giggled in response.
The two of you stayed in your room and went to sleep in each other's embrace not long after. You felt so safe in his arms, like you belonged there.
The next morning you woke up the blaring sound of your alarm. You turned around and shoved izuku’s shoulder. “Yo, pretty boy wake up,” you mumbled, voice groggy from just waking up.
Eyes still closed he wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you towards his chest. “Nooo, I don’t wanna wake up. I stayed up super late confessing my love to the most beautiful girl in the world.” He whispered in response.
Before last night you two flirted or responded with wiry remarks like it was normal Tuesday. But now, it felt different. It wasn’t coming from your best friend, it came from a boy who had stolen your heart, and you stole his.
“I mean it. If I have to wake up you have to wake up,” You returned. He smiled and opened his eyes, “Good morning princess.”
You chucked and leaned forward to peck him on the corner of his lips before getting out of bed. “If I were you I’d head back to your room so you don’t have to sit through detention and have to explain why you were late.”
“Yeah you’re right,” he walked towards the door. “See ya later y/n.”
“See ya.”
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soulwillower · 3 years
friendly neighborhood spiderman • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: soooo my idea was an e2l spiderman richie x reader. they hate each other at school, but one day while patrolling he sees her with her friends outside and watched her and is like ‘shit maybe she’s not so bad’. then proceeds to be mean to her at school anyways. then a few days later he sees her crying her e yea a out and talks to her as spidey, consoles her, start liking each other. and then at school he’s a jerk and she’s like I can’t take ur shit. make up. friends. lovers. photographer reader.   +    ok so I was thinking maybe her parents are divorced and it’s smth abt how both parents tell her totally different stories abt the divorce. like the mom says we never loved each other, it was arranged marriage, but he abused me and cheated on me. and the dad says she was a psycho always stealing my stuff and bitching at me. we thought shE had schizophrenia. both her parents are ok to her so she gets fed up and leaves home crying. Goes to rooftop sees Spider-Man AND BOOM LOVE. self indulgencE here
warnings: enemies to lovers (my specialty), mentions of a rough divorce, a bit of violence, spiderman!au, slight blood, unedited, she/they pronouns for reader
[losers + reader are 18.]
6.4k words
you're convinced it started when you missed the subway. 
that was the butterfly flapping it's wings; then the chaos of the rest of the day just happened to fall in place because some sadistic twist of fate said it so, and now you're rolling your eyes at your friend in the hallway, backpack loose on your right shoulder with a budding black eye that was throbbing with the pain of a hundred suns. 
you'd snuck up on your classmate in the dark room (first mistake) and then tried to scare him (second), resulting in a metal water bottle to the face. "well if you just ice it, i'm sure the swelling and the pain will go away..." your friend trails off as you sigh, nodding in agreement. "i'm so embarrassed, i'm just hoping it doesn't bruise." 
"-y/n, what's up with you? wh- oh." your other friend says as they join you, eyes landing on your swollen cheek. 
it was this moment that richie tozier, certified asshole, walks near with three of his friends. richie, the bane of your existence. also, the boy whose locker is four away from yours. sensing your fatal hesitance, richie grins, "y/n's still upset because someone dropped a house on their sister." he making everyone snicker. you glare at the ground. 
you don't want him to see your face; any kind of ammo would be enough for richie to take and go miles with, and you're not in the mood for one of your typical screaming matches, as much as the others at this school love to watch. 
"woah, y/l/n, who gave you the shiner?" he asks as he twists his fingers around his locker combination. 
"why? you trying to match?" you threaten, and richie just smiles. he's laughing into his open locker as you roll your eyes, your friends peeling away eventually as you start to search through your locker. 
"so," richie starts just as you thought the silence would stay until you could flee. you groan, leaning your head on the locker as he continues, "did flash finally figure out who's been saran-wrapping his car?" 
you narrow your eyes, "how'd you know that was me?" you ask, certain that nobody had seen you besides three of your friends. it's doubtful they'd tell richie. 
his face pales slightly and a rosy blush blossoms on his high cheekbones as he shakes his head, adam's apple bobbing as he gulps. "because, e-everyone knows." he stutters out weakly. you give him a weird look, shaking your head. "bullshit." you mutter as you brush past him, slamming your locker closed. “creep.” 
richie hadn't meant to stalk them. y/n y/l/n's friend group just happened to be on the route he usually patrolled after classes, so he unintentionally ended up watching them pop in and out of the drugstore.
it was nearing a golden light around the city as richie sits on the fire escape of some building across the way - y/n's distinct figure sliding out of the store, arms wrapped inconspicuously around a bag and smile bright enough that richie can barely see the shiner still catching the light on y/n's left eye. 
he briefly wonders where it's really from, and if y/n was okay. he wonders if y/n was robbed, or if he could've been there to stop it. 
it's not until the three others in y/n's gang of idiots run out of the store that it clicks in richie's head - they definitely just stole those cookies, chips, the bottles of pop, the - richie tilts his head, squinting his eyes. yes, y/n definitely stole that handle of tito's. 
then y/n’s lifting the sheet in their hands - it looks clear, and then it’s being wrapped around a car in the parking lot. he’s alarmed, for a moment - y/n wouldn’t do that to just anybody, he doesn’t think. but then he laughs into his mask when he recognizes the car: flash thompson’s. 
he’s a nightmare, and he makes richie’s life hell just as much as flash makes y/n’s life hell and the rest of richie’s friends. so he leaves her be to saran wrap the car. 
feeling relieved that when he got his powers his vision repaired itself, richie can't help but chuckle, watching y/n's hair glint in the light and the way they tilt back in laughter, the gaggle of friends traipsing away from the store and down the block. richie's lips quirk in a small grin: shit, maybe y/n's not so bad. 
but despite that, richie and y/n's rivalry did nothing but steadily increase for the next week.
maybe it was because you were furious that you and your bio partner, richie's best friend stan, had gotten a b- on your lab, or maybe it was just  because richie was just feeling a bit more testy than typical. 
you're sure it's because when you go to your debate club's meeting, you find none other than richie tozier sitting across from your chair. 
"why is he here?" you ask the teacher, and he nods to richie, "i requested he attend a meeting, try it out. richie's quite talented, you know. i figured we could bring in a new challenge for you." 
“just because someone can talk a lot doesn’t mean they have anything good to say.” you snap. 
you can't even look at the cocky smirk on richie's face, his feet kicked up as he lounges at the desk. "intimidated, toots?" he asks cooly, and you roll your eyes. "never." 
and then ten minutes later, you’re doing a brainbreaking exercise where you’re split into groups of two and debating over a topic given to you. but you and richie were far more distracted by each other. 
“you know, for someone who everyone says is the best intellectual match for me, you’re a straight up douche and i can’t wait to graduate and never see you again.”
“compatible intellect, doll, not personalities. maybe if you stop acting like such an infant and stamping your feet around, we can part ways even faster.”
you glare at him. he glares back. then nothing else happens. 
the stress of the day caught up to you nearly immediately as you got home. you're holding back tears as you ignore your parents, who are screaming at each other; instead changing into sweats and a sweatshirt, brewing yourself a mug of tea, and slinking up to the roof with a blanket, prepared to mope around in the drizzle of rain. at least on the roof, nobody will see you cry. 
but the universe just can't let you have anything as of lately, because as soon as you finally settle down on the roof sitting on the blanket, and nearly letting a tear escape, a figure stands up a mere twenty feet from you, and you jump a bit. apprehensively, your eyes squint, and you're shocked to discover a spiderman suit bright in the dreary lighting of the overcast afternoon. 
the suit-clad person seems to be surprised by you as well, as you stand up, you're wary, unsure of how to act. of course you've heard of spiderman - he's all anyone can talk about lately, but you never expected to see him this close. what do you say?
"are you real?" you croak out. 
"am i- yes, what kind of question is that?"  his voice is way younger than you expected, and you're almost thrown off. he's closed the distance between you now, standing between you and the edge of the building, about four feet away. 
you narrow your eyes, immediately wanting to test him. "well, i don't know, i've seen people around jackson heights just wearing costumes like spiderman-" you argue, shrugging. 
the bickering is unexpected from a literal superhero, but it's strangely familiar to you. frowning, you walk closer to the masked figure, watching as spiderman takes steps backwards. he's at the edge of the building, and so without any thought, you place both of your palms across his sturdy chest and shove as hard as you can. "wait, wait what are you-" and spiderman's voice fades as he stumbles back, falling off the edge of the building with a yelp. 
for a moment, your breath leaves your lungs, and your hands slap your mouth. what did you just do? you can't breathe, tears clouding your vision yet again. 
but then a sticky, stringy substance slaps to the side of the building and the figure comes flying up, having catapulted himself up and back on the roof with a web. you gasp in relief, but the figure is already talking. 
"-what the fuck is your deal?" are the first words from the masked boy as he walks away from the ledge. your eyes are still wide, heart thumping fast and your tears are still there, threatening to fall. "-what if i wasn't actually spiderman, i- you could've killed an innocent person, holy sh-" 
you're tuning him out, though, the realization that you could have just killed someone finally pushing you over the edge. you crumble onto the blanket and let out a short, cut off sob. 
"woah, woah, hey..." spider-man looks hesitant, but then comes towards you where you fall to the gravel. "-hey, what's h-what are you doing, why are you crying?" he says, voice going softer. you frown, wondering why his voice seems so deep and forced. batman did that to conceal his identity, you think before letting out a sob, shaking your head. "shouldn't you be out, like, fighting crime or whatever?" 
"i'm here to make sure people are okay. you're clearly not okay." he argues, and you're too tired to try and argue with this stranger. 
"my parents are getting divorced," you sniff, eyes squeezing shut as more thick tears leak down your cheek. you know you probably look destroyed right now in front of this hero, but you don't care. after silence from him, he sits down right next to you on your blanket, backs leaning against some electrical box.
"and.. i can't tell who's lying. they told me completely different things." you cut yourself off, swallowing thickly. "my mom says it was a l-loveless marriage, that he- my dad used to... hurt her. and cheat on her-" you hiccup, wiping your eyes, makeup leaking on your hands. 
"my dad says she's psychotic. that she steals his stuff, that she always yells at him, and i can't-" you sigh, looking up at the clouds, watching a flock of birds fly away in the misting of the wet weather. "i feel like they see me as a pawn to play off each other. and at my school, i'm just the antagonist. people only like me because they like to see the fights i get into with this other kid." 
"midtown is just like that, i'm sure none of them mean anything by it-" you look at the boy, squinting as you take in the red fabric stretching over sharp cheekbones.
 "-how d'you know i go to midtown?" you sniffle. does spiderman go there, too? or teach there? how old is he, because he certainly seems too young to be a teacher?
he leans back, exhaling in an admission of guilt that flares a feeling of familiarity in you somewhere, something that's on the tip of your tongue. "lucky guess?" he states, choking it out as if he was trying to form the right words. you decide to brush it off, the feeling of being able to vent to a complete stranger suddenly making you feel better. the light mist in the air even feels good, now. 
"i can't deal with it. i just don't know. why should this have to be something they vent to me about? it hurts, i don't know what to believe and i just don't know what to do. i'm lost, i just need to have someone here for me." you hug yourself slightly, "am i selfish?" you finally ask, voicing the thought that's been nagging you for months. it's silent for a moment. a car horn sounds in the distance, a dog barks, people call to each other in the street. below you, the street is dotted with tiny moving umbrellas, concealing people underneath their net of dry safety in mere splotches of yellow, black, pink from how high up you are. 
spider man's nudging you in the ribs softly, then, calling you back to your own body. "listen. i know selfish, okay? i'm the definition of it, but, uh..." 
"y/n." you sniffle. "-y/n. trust me, you're not selfish for wanting to be loved, to be cared for...it's, um..." he scratches the back of his head, and you briefly wonder what color his hair is. what texture, length, how he styles it. 
"you deserve good things to happen, and, uh, it's not selfish for you to be overwhelmed. you're going through stuff that people our age shouldn't go through. especially not alone."
"so you are my age?" you ask, sniffling. sensing him tense next to you, you brush it off. you kind of figured as much from his...immaturity. "and you - spiderman - think you're selfish? do you know how much of a paradox that statement is?" you jest, shaking your head. 
spiderman's head tilts back, and he laughs. it seems to surprise him almost as much as it surprises you, because he shakes his head, trying to stifle it quick. "you forget," he starts, his fingers tapping at the tight fabric on his thighs. "that i also have a life. i'm not just spiderman. so... yeah, maybe spiderman's not the most selfish person ever, but... i am. the real me." 
"you have to care a lot about people to want to do what you do." you say, feeling better after talking to someone and hearing his reassurance. "you're not always spiderman, but... y'now, spiderman is always you. i'd say that makes you a good person." you say simply. you sigh, heart still hurting.  you start with a deep breath, then a quiet, "you ever feel stuck? like..."
"like you're playing two people at once?" he finishes. you swallow, feeling oddly seen by this masked stranger. "yeah, spiderman." you say dejectedly. 
and that was the start of an odd, unlikely friendship between you and the masked stranger. he'd stop by your building almost every other day, even if for a few minutes, always to check in on you, to ask how your day was. it made your chest fill with butterflies and the air fill with your laughter. 
despite your new friendship, things at midtown sort of took a turn for the worse. 
it was just richie, really. your black eye was gone but richie seemed to be compensating for something every time he saw you - the person who used to be a challenging enemy turned into a malicious tormentor, who would comment on every single thing you do. it was driving you mad. 
you're just lucky richie doesn't know that you do all the school's photography somehow, or at least, doesn't remember, because he's gone the days that you take photos for the decathalon, the honor society, and the band. each time you asked, someone told you some lame excuse like, 'oh, tozier's at the orthodontist.' 
richie doesn't have braces, though. 
you can’t help but wonder why richie’s never there, why he’s always sneaking off, buying new backpacks... bruises on his eyes...
the last straw is when you and stan are just trying to finish this replacement lab to get a better grade, and richie's sitting at the end of the table with bill denbrough, the two of them playing paper football and laughing loudly like they're fourth graders. 
you resist the urge to beg stan to get his moronic friends away from you, knowing that it would just insult the boy and get you nowhere. 
so, with gritted teeth and a tight grip on your pen, you work in relative silence with stan while the two imbeciles chuckle at each other at the other end of the room, disturbing the quiet peace of the library. 
"so, y/l/n, you goin' to prom?" richie asks out of the blue, feigning innocence. you grip your pen tighter, knowing it's a trap. don't bite, y/n. don't bite. don't bite, don't bite, don't bite-  "it's a little soon to be thinking about prom." you say, trying to skirt around the issue. 
"it's okay, not everyone can get a date, you can still go with friends." he says, also trying to sound nonchalant. you snort, "like you could get a date either." 
bill laughs as he pulls out some homework, having finally decided to make good use of his time. "you can go together, then." bill mutters. stan huffs a laugh at that, too. "i have plans that night." you say immediately, eyes not leaving your paper as stan smirks at you in amusement. 
"no, yeah, y/n. let's go together." richie says, "i can meet the ol' pops and get to see your mom again. that reminds me, i can’t stop by to see her, so give her a big old kiss from me tonight, will ya?"  he asks with a wink. 
"is everything a joke to you?" you ask, trying to hide your irritation by acting bored. you ignore the feelings you get from his wink. 
"only funny things, doll." richie smiles, a crooked grin that, if you didn't know his personality, would make you swoon. it's suddenly no wonder to you why the people at this school always giggle and whisper and laugh with him; he's utterly gorgeous. 
"it's not your fault your mom likes me more than your dad." he jokes, chuckling to himself. "shut up, i'm trying to do homework." bill says, then promptly kicks him under the table, which you're grateful for because the pain that flashes across your face momentarily is concealed from richie's gaze as he winces and ducks down for a second. 
that shouldn't have hurt you because he's obviously just joking with you and doesn’t know, but since the tenseness in your house recently and the ugly divorce, things have just been extremely hard. you cannot stand his audacity; richie thinks he can say whatever he want and get excused because he's too damn pretty. you clench your fists. 
"y/n, i'll give you ten dollars to slap him." stan says, barely paying attention; a pen hangs from between his lips, brows furrowed as he works on your reassignment, eyes calculating. you think, for a moment, how nice it'd be to be real friends with stan. if not for richie. 
and for some reason, in that split moment, you don't think. you're pent up, angry at the world, at your teacher, at richie, at your parents, and because you can't be friends with stan because richie gets in the way of everything - and you whirl around, catching richie by surprise as you land a slap to his face that resonates throughout the whole library. a gasp sounds from somewhere behind you as the librarian startles out of her work. 
suddenly, four pairs of eyes are staring at you. 
you blink back, face feeling as warm as richie's red cheek looks. 
the librarian didn't hesitate to send you and richie to the principal's office, resulting in a suspension for you and richie alike, the two of you not meeting eyes in the waiting room outside the administrative offices. 
the subway trip and then consequential walk home was lonely, rainy, and dismal.
- - - 
besides your parents and your immediate friends, the only other person you told about the suspension was spiderman, when he came to see you on the roof that afternoon. you told him about richie, how you'd decked him for hitting a sore subject with you. 
"you know, he seems like a dick but... i bet he means well. i'm sure he does." is all spiderman had said, acting fidgety before leaving. despite that, it had still felt good to know you could trust him. 
the next monday at school is when you see richie again, face clean and clear of any evidence of your fist. 
you were walking home from school when you passed across the football field. he was with his friends on the turf, seemingly not getting on the subway yet. they're sprawled out, all seven of them, smoking cigarettes or playing a game of travel chess, one of them reading a book. there’s an empty can of coke, one of the glass bottles, filled with gross water and cigarette butts. stan sits with richie, beverly marsh laying with her head in his lap as she smokes, sunglasses red and blocking the sun. 
before you get too close, before they can notice, you snap a photo of them. they just look timeless. 
but then, as you put away your camera, richie sees you. you get ready for a fight; but what comes is just  sheffling feet and fingers fidgeting slightly. "y/n." he starts off with as he walks up to you, all by himself. 
you watch him, your own eyes flowing with guilt. "hey, richie." you say, trying to be better about controlling your attitude. "i wanted to say i'm sorry." he says, and you widen your eyes. he what?
"i sometimes don't know how to stop running my mouth, and i went too far. i usually do. and i'm sorry, i just want to start fresh." he says honestly. you swallow - something about his words, about the way he said selfish...
you shake your head, "no, i'm sorry too. i shouldn't have hit you." richie shrugs, "i deserved it, s’okay." 
it's quiet. 
"being friends is good." you say, shrugging. "as long as i can still tell you that i think you're acting like a three year old."  "as long as i still can act like one." he counters, grinning. and then he's shaking your hand and walking away. 
you feel better the rest of the day. 
- - - 
"you know, i'm a photographer." you whisper that same night in the dark.  "you are?" the boy in the suit next to you sounds genuinely shocked. you beam, "y-yeah, i actually got a few wicked shots of you from a few weeks ago."
"are you the one that's been selling my photos to all the papers?" he asks, and you laugh, head tilting toward the sky. "no, not me." he hums, a laugh escaping that doesn't sound like his usual voice he uses around you. you've accepted that spiderman's been hiding his identity and voice from you because you may recognize him. you've also decided that he's probably from midtown - but there are over seven thousand students at midtown, so chances are still slim. 
why is it that this boy, who you don't even know the name of, has captured your attention? why do you feel like kissing him all the time? 
“oh, here’s a shot i took.” you say, pulling out the photo you’d just finished developing in the dark room today. “couple days ago. i just finished developing it.” 
you show it to him, and you can’t tell his reaction at all. “it’s not really impressive, i just - they’re just some kids in my class, but... i don’t know, there’s something about them that i just really think should be made into art.” 
he’s quiet after that, but holds on to the photo hard enough that you’re worried it may wrinkle. 
“god, y/n-” he stops himself, voice cracking and nearing the closest you’ve ever heard it to being true to him. not the weird, batman garbage. 
“this is cool. you should- you should show them, i bet they’d like it.” 
you scoff, “no, they wouldn’t.” you take the photo back, fingers tracing richie’s face, the way his lips curl around a cigarette, the way his dark hair and eyebrows and eyelashes clash with his skin and clothes. you shake your head, “this is the boy i hit. when i got suspended. i don’t think he’d like this very much. probably call me a freak.” 
you meet his eyes - or, you suppose you do - and then his hand is hovering in front of your face, debating. you don’t dare move, and then he’s combing hair behind your ear, giving you chills that run down your spine.
you clear your throat, smiling softly as he moves his hand away.
spiderman doesn’t say much after that. 
it’s minutes until he speaks again. "shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?" he suddenly asks, and you sigh, beginning to pack up your things and gather your backpack. he follows you to the edge of the building and as you climb down the ladder to the fire escape, he webs himself and falls back, landing above you against the bricks when you stand up. 
you're nearly eye level now as he hangs upside down, listening to you rant. "-maybe i'll just walk to mary's place. it's not that far-" you cut yourself off as you're opening your window, eyes landing on the figure in your room, who looks just as confused as you. 
your eyes widen, "m-mom!" you say, alarmed as spiderman hangs next to you, just barely sealed from your mother's sight by the brick wall.
"is someone there with you, y/n?" she asks, tilting her head to get a look. you shake your head quickly, thankful that it's dark out and she can probably only see you, backlit by the lights from the alley below. she explains something about being unable to take you to your friend's house - and you nod along, willing for her to just leave. "that's okay, mom. i can take the subway." you say honestly. it's harder to drive around here, anyways. 
she finally leaves, and you let out a breath, unsure as to how she'd react to know you were with spiderman on the roof. you let out a small laugh, and so does he. 
"well, walking will be fine. she's just paranoid, and plus - i have you." you say, joking as you nudge his shoulder. but instead of laughing or going off the joke as he usually would, spiderman hums in agreement. 
"no matter what, you'll be safe. i promise." spiderman says from where he hangs upside down from the top edge of your fire escape, face almost level with yours. that makes your heart skip a beat, his words swirling around your stomach in a warm pool of comfort. 
you smile, "okay." you whisper. you believe it. 
then, before you slip into your window and he slips out into the night, you turn to him. you can only hope he's looking at you, the mask always leaving it to speculation.
 "can i try something? just once?" you ask, heart hammering in your chest as you step closer to him. he hesitates, and you wonder if he's biting his lips, or his cheek; if his eyes are wide or narrowed in thought. you wonder, for the thousandth time, what he looks like.
but eventually, it comes. "yes," he whispers.
gently, your fingertips find the edge of his mask down near his neck, and in the barely lit up corner of your fire escape you start to peel away his mask, revealing just his jaw, chin, and lips. goosebumps appear on his soft skin in the wake of your touch. 
you feel butterflies. 
his pale white skin reflects off the moonlight slightly, his jawline sharp as your fingers find their way across his skin, his mouth parting to take in a breath, lips full and red in the darkness. you wish you recognized these lips. 
in fact, a voice somewhere in you screams that you wish it was richie's lips. you abolish that thought before you have time to think about it.
you can tell he's nervous, but you don't know if it's because he doesn't trust you and thinks you're going to whip off his mask, or because he knows what you're about to do. you're pulled toward him by an invisible force, the kind that wishes and hopes and needs you to be closer to him, whoever he is. 
his jaw is structured and you feel it clench slightly under your hand as you cup his cheeks, barely raising on your tip toes as you near his upside-down face. you're not sure if he's breathing but, honestly, you know you aren't either. you just have to do this. so you close the gap. 
his lips are plush and less chapped than you'd expected, his presence warm and protecting and exuding bashfulness yet somehow also emanating confidence. he rises almost as the tide does at your grandma's old house in the east, tilting his head as your nose brushes against the skin on the side of his jaw. 
richie’s face flashes behind your closed eyes, and it makes you take in a sharp breath, realizing that yes, okay, maybe you do want to kiss richie. but you're not - you're kissing spiderman. you feel light, butterflies thrashing around. 
his hand, covered by his mesh suit's fabric, falls to the nape of your neck, upside down so his thumb rests right on the soft of your throat, where your heart thumps hard and quick against him. 
you swear you've never felt more like you're flying. you pull away after a few moments, your face burning even with the slight breeze. his hand stays on your neck for a split moment and then he lets it drop, returning to hold his web that keeps him suspended.
you watch with a small, shy smile as he bites his lip, containing what could only be the most beautiful smile you would ever see. you frown for a moment as you get that inkling again that you should know him. 
"please, what's your name?" you finally ask again. he had to trust you, right? you've had countless opportunities to pry, to rip his mask off, to find out yourself. but you want him to trust you with it, to want to tell you. 
his smile slowly fades, and yours does too. "can't you just tell me your name?" you whisper in desperate frustration. 
his mouth opens, then closes as if he decided against it. carefully, one hand pulls his mask back over his lips, concealing him once again as spiderman. the boy you finally knew for a mere minute is gone, probably forever. "i can't. i wish i could." 
"well, okay." you say, feeling heartbroken and frustrated. angry.  
"okay." it almost gets swallowed up by the breeze as you shut your window behind you. he's gone, swinging across streets and over buildings in the distance by the time you wipe your eyes of the tears. 
- - - -
you don't see spiderman the next week. 
it seems as though only knowing spiderman for a little longer than a month and suddenly not seeing him took more of a toll on you than you'd expected; you watch yourself go through the motions of each day with no complaint, barely any words, the world around you boring.
wake up, get ready, drink a breakfast shake, late for class, leave school, homework, wait on the rooftop for your friend who you know will never show. dinner. back on the rooftop. go to bed. 
you're about to leave school on friday when it hits you, the thing that has been missing from your regular school routine. and for some reason, not having been able to see him is just as painful as not seeing spiderman. 
you don't know why you're feeling so emotional - or maybe it's just because as much as you hate each other, the fun rivalry you keep alive with him is what gets you through life at midtown. he keeps you on your toes. 
so you seek him out for what may be the first time in your life, just to find him out back on the turf in his usual spot with all his friends. 
"tozier." you call, halting all conversation with his group of losers as they cease their talking, staring up at you with seven pairs of owl eyes. you have no clue why you're nearly in tears. maybe, in an odd way, he's a replacement, a surrogate. for a friend that you'll never see again. and you're furious at both of them.
"where the fuck have you been?" you ask. 
you watch in slight surprise as the color drains from his face, eyes widening in shock. you didn't expect him to have this reaction, in fact - you came here to pick a fight, to get the opposite of... this. richie looks as if he's been caught in the biggest lie of his life, and it's unsettling. 
he seems to shake off whatever the fuck that emotion was he just had as he stutters, "what-what do you mean?" 
you scowl at him, " did you just give up? that easy, huh? i thought you were better than that." 
richie, for a split second, looks like he might get sick, or cry. it just makes you more confused and, for some reason, more angry. for no reason. "y/n, how did you find-" 
"it's been silent in the halls, tozier. i don't know if i should be thankful or weirded out that you decided to mature overnight. you being nice to me, not being a freak... it's weird, but it's... when i said i was done with your shit and you asked to be friends, i didn't mean that i wanted you to ignore me." 
he blinks his owlish eyes at you, "OH." he states loudly, pressing his fingers to his temples as he shakes his head, "christ, i thought- nevermind. you missed me that much, doll?" he tries to ease back into his teasing attitude but you can tell it's forced. and you don't know why. his friends suddenly all look relieved too, as if they know something big that you don't. 
"forget it. this was so stupid." you mutter, walking past them briskly, barely even catching stan's eye. you don't cry until you get on the subway. 
that night, you almost didn't go up onto the roof. 
why should you? spiderman wasn't your friend anymore, he clearly got scared away when you kissed, or when you asked him who he was. it hurts, you think as you look at the dark skyline of queens, it hurts that he won't trust you with something as simple as a name. 
but you're still up there, staring at the cloudless sky and thinking of the taste of those lips as a whoosh, thud and a groan jolt you from your tranquil misery. 
you don't believe your eyes at first, but when the figure stumbles toward you, arm reaching to its neck, you definitely recognize him. "h-hey?" you say nervously, squinting against the dying light to try and see why spiderman's bent like that, stumbling to you, until he falls nearly at your feet. 
you gasp as you get a closer look; it's hard to see with the red of his suit, but he's got a fair blood stain coming out of his neck area, a slash through the neck that leads towards the collarbone. it's not fatal, and probably won't need stitches, but it sure looks like he's in a lot of pain. 
"y-your neck is bleeding." you say, eyes wide in a panic, "are-are you, do i need to get you to a hospital?" you rush, heart thumping. the boy shakes his head, though that clearly causes him pain. "my wounds- they'll regenerate quick enough. do you-do you have bandages?" he asks, and you nod aggressively, running a hand through your hair. "yes, let's go to my room." you say, trying to stay as calm as he is. with a lot of effort and sharp cries of pain, you finally make it into your room through the window on the fire escape, gently helping spiderman to your bed. 
you allow yourself ten seconds in your bathroom to gather your breaths and thoughts before taking the first aid kit and rushing back to the bleeding boy, whose name is still a mystery. 
your hands are shaking as you undo the box, and his hands suddenly fall against yours and squeeze. you look to him then, willing for the tears of fear to dry up and go away. "it's okay." he says, and then you feel even more rotten because spiderman is hurt in your bed and you're still making him comfort you. 
"no-i know. you just surprised me, is all." you trail off, pulling your hands from his to pull out antiseptic ointment, cleaning wipes and swabs. "what- um, what happened?" 
"mugging, guy had a knife. i was trying to get the purse from his hands and he slashed me. it's really not-" he coughs a bit, a fresh squeeze of blood seeping into the fabric. "-not bad. honest." 
you shake your head, looking at him. "i have to take off your mask." you say solemnly. "or else it'll get bad. infected, or- heal into the mask." 
he nods lightly, "i know." is all he says. his voices is laced with nerves. 
your hands are still shaky when you reach to pull up the mask. he makes no attempt to move except to shift himself on your bedspread. you slowly peel the mask, eyes focused on the wound and not on the boy's face. but then, you can't help it. when the mask slips off, the boy's eyes are screwed tight. 
but your breath catches in your throat when you take in his face. 
it's richie. 
of course it is. you press your lips together, forcing yourself to focus on his wound and not all the thoughts swirling in your mind. you don’t talk to each other, one out of anger and one out of pain, and he grips your arm, hand warm on your skin.
you can barely focus as you go to work on his wound, but you’re glad that by the time you’re almost finished, your anger has ebbed away and you’re strangely calm. 
you don't meet eyes until you've got his cut cleaned out and you're satisfied it won't get infected. his eyes are nervous, anxious, scared. yours are surprisingly calm, and almost emotionless. 
"hi, doll." he says, eyes no longer screwed shut, neither out of pain nor anxiety over revealing his identity. 
"do your friends know?" is all you ask. he gives you a curt not as you shakily wrap the gauze around the nape of his neck, figuring a bandaid would come right off. his hand falls from your arm as you move it around his head. 
"i had all them, but i wanted to see you." 
his words send warm waves through your body and you bite your lip.
"why didn't you tell me? the other night?" you ask shortly, knowing that fighting won't get you anywhere. 
“look, i’m sorry that i didn’t tell you, i really am. but slipping the fact that i developed spider-like superhuman abilities into an ‘are we friends or do we hate each other’ conversation is pretty fuckin' difficult.” he defends. 
you nod, because, after consideration, you think you would have probably done the same. "okay. if your friends know, why didn't you..."  you don't know how to phrase it. 
"why didn't i go to one of them?" he sighs, sitting up as you finish clasping the gauze. he rubs his eyes and you realize you're not used to him without glasses - does he even need those anymore? his eyes are so blue, so warm. his eyelashes are long. 
"i missed you. or, i - i don't know, i just... i needed to show you. to tell you. i was afraid to put you in danger but you deserve to know.” he says, honestly.  
you hum, flicking a piece of rubble from his shoulder and then using that as an excuse to run your hands over the material there, feeling his muscles under your touch. "and you had to get stabbed to work up the courage?" you tease. 
he beams, despite himself. and it's beautiful. 
"how else could i get your attention, doll? i tried everything else." 
you shake your head, huffing a bit. "can't believe you let me kiss you." you bury your face in your hands, feeling hot and embarrassed. "i'm sorry you had to do that." you squeak out, mortified. 
it's quiet, and then, "i would do it again." 
you look at him, from where you sit - both so close, almost touching... his breath almost hits your face. "really?" he looks at you like you've grown three heads. "yes." he deadpans, "obviously. why else could i have been spending so much time with you?" 
you laugh, tilting your head back. "so you only want me for my lips?" you joke even though you're nervous. richie groans, hands tangling in his nest of windswept curls. it's charming and it makes your stomach flutter. 
"y/n, don't make this so hard." he begs. unable to help yourself, you perk up, "that's what she said-" you start, but then richie kisses you for the second time. 
he's nearly crashing into you, lips finding yours desperately through his own smile of disbelief - that you'd said that, or that he's kissing you? you don't care as you kiss back, hands finding purchase on his chest or in his hair. 
then he's regaining his strength as your tongue finds his and he nudges you over, rolling so he lays above you. you pull him between your hips as he bites your lip gently and then moves on to kiss your neck, filling you with heat and butterflies. 
"i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner." he whispers into the shell of your ear as he bites a soft mark on your upper throat, and you sigh. "god, it-it's fine-" 
but then it's too late, because your bedroom door flies open.
startled,  you and richie break apart, eyes wide and lips bruised; blood staining his spiderman suit as he lays on top of you, your legs fastened around his hips and your hands tinged with his blood and sweat, both of you breathing wildly. 
your mom stands in front of you, eyes wide and mouth agape in near horror - spiderman in bed with you. "hello, ma'am." richie breathes out and you resist the urge to smother yourself with a pillow. 
"just... keeping your daughter safe, y'know, friendly neighborhood spiderman."
 tag list: @gabiatthedisco  @blisshemmings​ @stenbrozier​  @sft-core @clownsloveyou​  @moon-shine-baby​  @daughter-of-the-stars11   @trashedfortozier​ @oceandog13​ @chl0bee​  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss​ @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @cowbellies @deepestofwaters @melinda-hargreeves @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie @decafcoffeew @etaerealboy ​
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youngbeezer · 3 years
Do you Believe in Happily Ever After? | Joel Farabee
A/N: Hello again! I got such a great response to my first fic I posted which literally made me so happy, so thank you so much to anyone who gave me the time of their day to read my fic. Here is a new fic for mr. joel farabee!! This one is a little longer and I tried my best, feedback always appreciated, but I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: Few curse words, overall just fluff
Word Count: 2160
Tagging a few people again so this doesn’t flop,,,
@ollywahlygator @joshsandersons @joelsfarabees @fratboyzegras @sorokns @butgilinsky @ricohenrique
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I haven’t been to too many weddings in my life. I attended one for my uncle when I was around 10 years old but I don’t remember much from it. My mother also got remarried around 3 years ago, but up until this year, weddings weren’t a natural occurrence in my life. 
This past year though.. I’ve attended two weddings, got an invitation in the mail today for another one, a close friend of mine just recently got engaged (so that invitation will be coming sometime in the near future), and one of my best friends’ wedding is tomorrow. Now I feel like everywhere I look, I am surrounded by love. 
Now I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but when every one of your friends are either having kids, getting married, or in serious relationships, it starts to feel a little discouraging. Is there something wrong with me? Am I the reason why I’m still single?-- No, I refuse to think like that! I could get a boyfriend if I wanted to. Maybe my friends are right though… Maybe I’m not putting myself out there enough. 
Anyway, one of my best friends, Karly, is getting married to her long-time boyfriend Travis tomorrow. I’ve met Travis, or as everyone seems to call him ‘TK’, a handful of times and I know he plays for the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team-- which is cool I guess, but other than that I don’t know much about his personal life or who he hangs out with. 
Karly and I met running into each other at a cafe once. Yeah, yeah I know it sounds like one of those cliche romantic meetings, where two people bump into each other and immediately fall in love. I mean we did hit it off almost immediately and from there we became like two peas in a pod-- just not in the way you think. I’ve always wondered though, if maybe I ran into a handsome man at a coffee shop or walking down the street, would I be having my happily ever after right now?
I snap out of my thoughts when an incoming call from- speak of the devil, the bribe to be. Before I can even say my greetings, Karly jumps right into business;
“Ok! So since you weren’t able to come to the dress rehearsal or rehearsal dinner. I’ll give you the rundown on what you need to do.”
Oh yeah, did I mention that I am one of the bridesmaids? Sadly, I was not able to attend the functions before the wedding due to not being able to get time off from work. But, Karly was super cool with it, which brings us to the reason for this call.
“Ok so basically, your dress and everything is already in the bridal suite, so everything will be ready for you when you get here tomorrow. You’ll be walking down the aisle third with one of Travis’ buddies Joel-- he plays on the team with Trav and he’s such a sweet guy he’ll definitely help you out if you need anything.. You know now that I think about it you guys would be such a cute couple-”
“Uh Karly? I don’t think now's the time to play matchmaker, when we should be preparing for your big day tomorrow.” I cut her off. 
“Alright, alright. But I will be coming back to that thought. Ok so anyway--”
After that I kind of zone out from trying to keep up with whatever Karly is spitting at me right now. While still on the phone, I pull out my laptop and search for the name ‘Joel’ with ‘Philadelphia Flyers’ next to it in search of this man who is said to be walking me down the aisle. Right away the name ‘Joel Farabee’ pops up with a wikipedia and multiple photos. Hm this guy is kinda cute. Just as I go to click view more images, Karly’s words register back in my brain;
“Ok y/n, did you get that?”
“Hm.. oh yeah! Got it. What time should I be there tomorrow?” I ask, praying that she didn’t already mention that and realize I wasn’t paying attention. 
“8 AM sharp,” she responds all giddy. 
I suddenly remember that my best friend is actually getting married tomorrow. Feeling giddy as well I reply, “Sounds good. I am so happy for you Karly and I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look tomorrow!” 
Karly does a little shriek in response and reiterates her excitement as well. We then say our goodbyes and I wish her a great last night as an unmarried woman before hanging up. I got back to what I was working on before the call and all my jumbled thoughts entered my brain, totally forgetting about a certain someone named ‘Joel’ as I exited the browser. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The next morning I arrive at 8:17 AM at the wedding venue and as soon as I exit the Uber, I start booking it to the bridal suite. When Karly says to be somewhere at 8 AM sharp, you be there at 8 AM sharp, and I’m not particularly fond of facing her wrath today, especially on her wedding day when stress levels are through the roof. 
There’s just one problem though… Since I wasn’t able to attend the rehearsal, I have no idea where I am going. 
Trying to recall the directions Karly told me on the phone last night (when I wasn’t paying attention), I take a sharp turn around a corner looking the opposite direction and suddenly collide with a dead end. Wait- no that’s not a dead end, it’s a person. 
Immediately going to spit out an apology, I stop dead in my tracks when I make eye contact with the handsome man I bumped into. 
“Oh shit! I am so sorry. Are you alright?” I see his lips moving, which are very nice to look at by the way, but my mind doesn’t register his words as I stare dumbfoundedly at this handsome stranger. Who, now that I think about it, looks a little familiar. 
When I still don’t answer, the familiar stranger clears his throat before giving me a once over of my whole body, which does little to bring me out of my trance. If anything I now start to feel my whole face flush from noticing him obviously checking me out. 
His face then seems to light up in recognition before asking, “Wait, are you y/n?”
When he notices my look of confusion on how he knows my name he continues, “I’m Joel, Joel Farabee.” Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, I notice a slight blush coating his cheeks before he adds, “We’re paired to walk down the aisle together… Um, also I think Karly is looking for you. She was kind of freaking out a little.”
With that last sentence my whole body comes back to life realizing that I am late and Karly is going to kill me. Hurriedly I exclaim “Oh my gosh! I am so late and I have no idea where the hell I’m going.” I frantically search around for any directions to point me to the bridal suite.
Joel kindly puts his hand on my shoulder, which immediately ignites a fire on the skin he is touching, before he reassures “Hey, you’re good. Just take your first right down this hall and then it will be at the end of the corridor, you can’t miss it. Seriously. She hung up streamers and balloons everywhere with a poster on the door that says ‘Bridal Suite. NO BOYS ALLOWED’.” 
Letting out a soft snort I gently thank Joel before rushing in the direction he pointed me to. Before turning right, I sneak a quick glance over my shoulder to find Joel already glancing my way. My heart does a little flutter when we make eye contact and he gives me a little lopsided grin before going on his way. 
What just happened… 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As soon as I walk through the doors of the suite, I am immediately ambushed by the bride to be on why I was late, until she notices the deep blush covering my cheeks, which then prompts another ambush on what made me blush. 
I change the topic as quickly as I can and direct our attention on getting ready for the ceremony. Karly looks absolutely beautiful in her white gown and her hair all dolled up. She doesn’t even seem remotely nervous for today as well. Most weddings I have been to, the bride is always going batshit crazy making sure everything is perfect or worrying that her soon to be husband might back out. That just shows how happy and comfortable Karly and Travis are in their relationship. God, I wonder what it must feel like to have that kind of love that is so solid and healthy. Suddenly my mind starts drifting to what it would be like to have that type of relationship with Joel. 
Oh who am I kidding? I just met the guy. Sure, when his hand touched my shoulder my whole body felt like it was on fire. And yeah, maybe when he gave me that little lopsided grin it gave my entire stomach butterflies. Oh jeez. Today is gonna be a long day… 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ok now I feel like my whole body is going to explode. He is looking at me like I’m now the bride and he is the groom. And suddenly, I’m wishing that were the case. We are getting closer and closer to walking down the aisle together, and every step we take towards one another my stomach does a little flip. 
When we finally reach each other, he offers his arm for me to take as he speaks, “Wow… Uh yeah wow, you look gorgeous.”
Blushing, I respond with a quiet “Thank you.” 
“Guess I was the lucky one eh? In case I end up tripping and making a fool of myself, no one will even be paying attention because all eyes will be on you.” There’s that little lopsided grin of his again. 
“Well aren’t you a sweet talker.” I responded. 
He just gives me a subtle wink before we ascend through the doors and down the aisle where Travis is waiting for the big moment. He gives us both a little smirk before we part ways like he knows something we both don’t. 
Eventually Karly walks down the aisle looking like an absolute princess. The officiator says his whole ordeal, Karly and TK both say their vows to one another, there are lots of tears, and Joel and I can’t seem to keep our eyes off of each other. 
After the ceremony, we all head in the direction of the reception hall where the real fun begins. Don’t get me wrong, the wedding was spectacular, the way everyone expected it to be. Now as music filled the air with a giddy sort of elation, the newlyweds looking beautiful and so happy while dancing, friends and relatives chatting between one another about this and that; I can’t help but feel a little bittersweet about it. I want this. I want that giddy elation to be surrounded around me, I want to wear that beautiful white gown, I want the guy to be looking at me like I just hung the moon while we had our first dance. Where’s my happily ever after--
“You know you never properly introduced yourself?” 
Startled, I spun around to find the source. Joel. 
I give him a sweet smile before returning my gaze back to the happy couple and responding, “Y/n y/l/n.” 
He follows my gaze and lets out a little sigh before expressing “They’re perfect for each other, aren’t they?” 
“Yeah, they really are.” Before I can get another word in Joel blurts;
“Do you wanna dance? Like,” He stumbles a little with his words, “like with me?”
Letting out a soft giggle, I happily reply, “I would love to.” 
Seemingly relieved, Joel takes my hand and leads me out onto the dance floor as soon as a slow song comes on. He puts his hands respectively on my waist while I put mine around his neck inching him closer to my body. We dance with each other for a while, even after the song is over and a fast high tempo song blasts through the speakers. It’s like we are lost in each other, just savoring this ‘moment’ together. 
Eventually after the fourth song comes on and we are still dancing, Joel pulls away just a little to look me in the eye before softly whispering “Do you believe in happily ever afters?” 
Seeing that look in his eyes again, the one where it seems like he is looking at me like I just hung the moon? I answer in that same soft whisper, “Yeah… yeah I think I do.”
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rocorambles · 4 years
Pairing: Ushijima x Reader
Genre: NSFW, Fluff and Smut
Warnings: Slight Size Kink
Summary: When you find out Ushijima is a virgin, you offer to be his first and help him out. But in reality, you might be the one who needs some help.
Requested by Anon
There’s a comfortable quiet atmosphere between the two of you as Ushijima hands you a clean towel while you pant for breath. Technically speaking, there’s no reason why the two of you need to be together today on one of the few days the Schweiden Adlers had off, but you had a soft spot for the pro-athlete, so when he had asked if you wanted to go workout together at the team training gym, you agreed. You couldn’t deny you needed some exercise. Being a team manager didn’t mean you worked out much yourself, so you looked forward to sweating some extra calories. But you really should have known better than to expect just a normal workout with Ushijima sternly overseeing your routine. 
“Ushijima, you do realize I’m not a pro-athlete like you, right? You can’t expect me to keep up with you.” 
“Anyone can do anything if they set their minds on it and work hard enough.” 
You roll your eyes before fondly looking at the tall man beside you. Was he a little dense and a little too blunt? Sure. But you saw the heart of gold and genuineness within him. You’d always wondered why the man was still single. You know he’s sometimes an idiot when it comes to social cues and can’t hold small talk to save his life, but you’d seen far worse and less deserving men end up tricking some poor damsel into their spider webs. Surely you’re not the only one who sees the diamond in the rough that Ushijima really is? 
You don’t realize you’re intensely staring at him until he uncomfortably shifts. “It’s rude to stare.” You blush and quickly turn away from him, opting to chug your water as a distraction. Checking your phone, you gasp when you realize how late it is. “Shit, sorry, I really need to run…” You trail off and Ushijima narrows his eyes at you as a mischievous grin spreads across your face. He’s all too aware that the look doesn’t mean anything good for him. 
“What are you doing tonight?”
There’s a long pause before he grunts out “nothing” and you suddenly seem more intimidating than any opponent he’s faced across the net when your eyes light up and your head moves until it’s only inches away from his own. 
“Cool! So you’re going to a party with me then.” 
He blinks once at you before completely shutting you down with a resounding no. But really, after knowing you and working in such close proximity with you almost every day, he should realize how relentless you are once your mind is made up. 
“When’s the last time you talked to anyone outside of the team, coaches, trainers, and managers? And Tendou doesn’t count since he’s still technically volleyball related.” 
Ok, so maybe you had a point there. 
“We don’t even have practice for the next few days! So you’ll have time to rest up and recover and be totally back to 100% for the next practice.” 
You smile when you see his determined look slip a bit, but your jaw drops at his next words. “I’m not going to a party where you’re just going to ditch me to have sex with someone and then either complain or brag about it to me the next day.” 
You frantically cover his mouth with your hands as you nervously look around to make sure no one around had heard him. “USHIJIMA! I tell you these things because I expect you to keep quiet about them. Not just blabber it out for everyone to hear.” 
He impassively stares at you and you sigh as you remove your hands from his face before determinedly looking at him again. “But actually since you’ve already brought it up, I noticed you never have any spicy stories to tell me! It’s not fair if I’m the one who’s always sharing. When’s the last time you even had sex? It has to be stressful to not let off some steam in a more enjoyable way than volleyball.”  (Although you secretly wonder if Ushijima finds volleyball more pleasurable than sex. You wouldn’t doubt it.) But you squint as he suddenly seems less stoic than usual and...are his cheeks pink? 
“Ushijima, are you embarrassed? I literally tell you about all my sex exploits and you’re embarrassed by me just asking you when the last time you did it was?” Your voice trails off when a suspicion begins to form and your eyes soften as you more gently nudge him. “It’s okay if it’s been a long time. I know how busy you are. It’s not a reflection of you, I promise. But isn’t that more reason to come out with me tonight?” He mumbles something and you lean in, unable to make out the words, but when he repeats them, you freeze. 
A virgin? Ushijima was a virgin? 
You know you should say something instead of just staring at him like an idiot, but shock numbs you and only when he makes a move to get up and leave do you hastily grab his arm. Your mouth flounders as you try to come up with a response, but when you observe how vulnerable and sensitive the topic seems to be for him, your heart goes out to your friend and you shake the lingering surprise from you. 
“Hey, it’s not a big deal. I think it’s kind of sweet actually. Your first time should be special, with someone you really care about. You shouldn’t ever feel ashamed about the fact that you haven’t done it. Hell, I wish I hadn’t been so quick to lose my virginity to some asshole in college.” 
You smile when you see his shoulders straighten and maybe it’s the slight upturned twitch of his lips or maybe it’s the way dark olive eyes glow when they look at you, but you don’t even register the words that come tumbling from your lips until they hang heavy in the air. 
“I could be your first if you wanted.” 
You are a fucking idiot. You scramble to figure out a way to take back those words, already preparing for Ushijima to angrily end any friendship the two of you had, already dreading how you’re going to manage a team when one of the starters hates you. Your mind is reeling so hard from the dark future you’ve painted for yourself in your head that you almost miss what Ushijima says. 
Suffice to say, all plans to go to your party fly out the window and you send an apologetic text to your friend. Ushijima and you go to your respective locker rooms to wash up and freshen up before trekking back to your apartment. The walk isn’t uncomfortable per se, but there’s an electric energy radiating between the two of you as you walk silently next to each other. And shit, you’re not the virgin, but why is your heart beating so hard and so fast that you think it might literally explode from your chest? You scowl at yourself as your hands tremble when you unlock and open your front door and when Ushijima’s back is turned to you as he removes his shoes, you mentally slap yourself to get it together. 
With renewed confidence, you firmly grasp his larger wrist and tug him along to your bedroom where you gently push him onto the bed. You take a moment to revel in the power you feel from being in charge of the stronger, larger man underneath you and arousal stirs within you from Ushijima’s submission and willingness to let you have your way with him. It’s the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen him and your heart warms as you lean down to softly kiss him, smiling against his lips when you feel him tentatively reciprocate. Kissing Ushijima feels like what you imagine completing a satisfying day's work on the farm feels like. You can almost taste the sturdiness, the comforting warmth of a fireplace burning as you return from the fields, and the authentic, humble roots on his lips. There’s no frills, no pretenses. It’s purely Ushijima and you love it. 
You think you could spend all night just kissing him if you wanted to, but you remind yourself of tonight’s mission. You trail your fingers down his chest until you reach the hem of his shirt which you begin to roll up until it reaches the top of his torso and he helps you fully remove it. Sitting upright on his thighs, you can feel yourself salivate as you take in the broad expanse of his upper body on display for you. You’ve seen it before, but in the dim light of your bedroom and splayed across your bedsheets, it’s mesmerizing and you can’t help the way you unconsciously run your hands across every inch of taut muscle and kiss random lines across chiseled lines. You smirk when you feel Ushijima’s groin thrust up when you coyly flick a nipple with your tongue and you stare at him as you begin to suck on the hardening bud, drinking in the sight of the usually reserved man letting out breathy moans as you continue your ministrations.
You want to tease him more, coax more sounds out of him, but the feeling of something hard prodding your stomach keeps you moving on and you pointedly tug on the waistband of his pants until he gets the memo and raises his hips to allow you to remove everything until he’s completely bare before you. And any confidence you had built up shatters. 
If you’re entirely honest, you’d had your fair share of wet dreams imagining what Ushijima was hiding underneath his shorts, but when faced with reality that’s somehow even larger than anything you had even dreamt of, you bite your bottom nervously as your pussy clenches at the thought of trying to fit him inside of you. You’re not sure if it’s lust or nerves that has your stomach twisting as you wrap a hand around his impressive girth. Probably both, you think, as your throat goes dry and your thighs squeeze together when you see how your entire fist barely covers less than half of him. 
Your attention is brought back to the man underneath you when you hear a low groan as you stroke your fist up and down his shaft, giving some extra attention to the leaking slit at the tip. Your other hand reaches underneath your panties and circles your clit. You’ll need to be absolutely drenched before you can even think of trying to take him. But it’s not hard for your cunt to become a sopping mess when you stare in awe at the way Ushijima writhes underneath you, releasing low breathy pants and grunts that you can feel rumbling throughout his body. Already feeling a wet spot seeping through your clothes, you affectionately kiss him once more before briefly getting up to quickly strip down. His eyes hungrily devour the sight of your naked figure as you crawl back above him and adjust your position until you feel his tip nudging at your entrance. 
You close your eyes and moan as you slowly lower yourself onto him, but even as wet as you are, you can barely take half of him inside you as he stretches you far beyond any person or any toy has. Yet, despite the discomfort and borderline pain of the stretch, you feel even more of your arousal dripping down your thigh as you continuously lift and lower yourself, always pushing slightly harder, slightly further than where you’d been before. Your eyes roll back from the feeling of being so full and your nails dig into Ushijima’s shoulders as you desperately continue to work his entire length into you. But you reach your limit and you swear you can feel him inside of your womb even though there’s still about a quarter more of his cock waiting to penetrate you. You take a deep breath and exhale as you try to sink further down, but you let out a broken moan when fingers twist and tug your nipples. 
Ushijima intensely observes you as he kneads your fleshy mounds, playing with your hardened nubs until he sees the tiny furrow on your forehead smooth out. He sits up and bends his neck to soothingly kiss you. A primal instinct in him had been entranced at the sight of your much smaller figure struggling to take just a part of him and he had to use every bit of will power he had to not instantly cum at the feeling of your warm and wet walls squeezing around him. But when he saw the hints of pain you tried to push past written all over your face, a desire to make you feel only pleasure had overtaken him. 
He continues running his fingers across your chest as your tongues twist and turn against each other and you moan into his mouth as you reach a hand down to furiously rub against your clit until you feel another surge of arousal and more fluids run down your inner thigh. You guide his hands to your waist before continuing to rub your clit and you urge him to help you as you clash your lips against his once more. But you tear away from his mouth in a silent scream as he grabs you and forcefully pushes you down and down until your lower bodies press tightly against each other, any space between them removed. Ushijima’s eyes are glued to your face and he takes in the way your eyes widen and your jaw drops open as you claw at his arms, leaving angry red trails as your body tries to adjust to literally being stuffed full. He patiently waits until your nails stop their frantic clawing and he drops his forehead to your shoulder with a groan as you begin to rock your hips up and down. 
He can feel the sloppy mess you’re making as you continue to flood the sheets underneath with your seemingly never ending arousal, but he can’t bring himself to care as your pace speeds up until you’re practically bouncing in his lap as you desperately chase your end. You scream when he tightens his grip on your waist and assists you, slamming you down and easily picking you up before slamming you down again, perfectly matching your rhythm until everything blends together and you don’t even know who’s doing what anymore. All you know is the feeling of Ushijima’s cock sliding and pressing against every inch and every crevice of your pussy, filling you so well you wonder if you’ll ever be satisfied with anything else inside of you after this. 
You can’t even bring yourself to feel ashamed by the wanton wail you let out as you reach a higher peak than you’ve ever reached before and your entire body shakes with pleasure as Ushijima continues to lift and lower your body even without any support from you until he harshly pushes you down one last time and holds you still as he releases thick spurts deep inside of you, so deep that even in the haze of your orgasm you’re grateful you’re on birth control because you’re sure he’s coating your actual womb with how far inside he seems to reach. You slump into his chest and let yourself be maneuvered by him until the two of you are lying side by side, facing each other, your lower bodies still intimately connected. 
The two of you lay there for a while and you instinctively nuzzle your face into his chest as his arms tenderly wrap around you, pulling you even closer to him and you both take quiet comfort in the sounds of your heavy breaths filling the air. But when your heart beats slow and your breathing evens out, you cringe in embarrassment. 
“Ushijima, I’m so sorry. This was your first time. I should have been the one taking care of you, but you ended up needing to step in and take charge.” There’s a stretch of silence before you feel one of his arms move and a hand lightly nudges your head up to look at him. Your heart flutters when you see the most gentle smile you’ve ever seen on his face.  
“Wakatoshi. Call me Wakatoshi.”
You see a flash of uncertainty in his usually confident eyes as he hesitantly inches his face closer to yours, but you grin as you meet him halfway and your lips slot against each other like two puzzle pieces perfectly connecting. You close your eyes and relish the peaceful moment for a bit before using the element of surprise and pushing against him until he’s on his back underneath you once more. You playfully clench your pussy walls and smirk at the way he throws his head back and hisses at the feeling. You can feel him begin to harden once more inside of you and when he looks back at you, you shoot a wink his way. 
“Let me redeem myself, Wakatoshi.”  
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bleedingvengnce · 4 years
Life’s More Fun When You’re High | JJ Maybank
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Summary: You’re a Kook wanting to see what it’s like to break the rules, and JJ knows exactly how to do that.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Warnings: Drug use, swearing, and smut;)
A/N: I miss smoking, and oh god, what I would give to get high with JJ, holy shit.
Growing up in the Figure Eight, you were taught to be the prissy posh girl every Kook is supposed to be. Dress nice, use intelligent vocabulary, achieve the highest grades, don’t get into trouble, and especially don’t get involved with Pogues. You were pristine, pure, innocent. Your life was filled with your studies, volleyball practice directly afterwards, time spent with family, organizing volunteering projects, boating, and very little else. It was boring. Or, a better word, mundane. Your daily routine held nothing new, nothing excited, and you craved more. You craved adrenaline, exhilaration, and most of all, you were just desperate for your life to be different. To be anything than the girl you are, in the average family of yours, in the dull place you lived. To be a Pogue.
Each and ever person you knew in the Figure Eight despised those who lived in the Cut. They were looked down upon, as though their lives meant less than the Kooks. You were born hating them. But you, you didn’t hate them because they were below you, but you despised the freedoms they held. Oh the fun they have. They broke the rules so much, it was as though they don’t have any to begin with. And maybe they don’t. Maybe they do whatever the hell they want, whenever the hell they want. Oh god, how much you wanted that. What you would do to be able to experience Pogue life just once. 
Well, what you would do is seek out a Pogue to help you with your wants and desires. And that Pogue was JJ Maybank. Honestly, you don’t know why your choice was JJ. You could’ve picked from the sweet John B, who worked for your close friends the Cameron’s, the intelligent Pope who once tutored you ages ago, or literally any other Pogue that existed. Maybe it was because he was the most reckless of them all. Or maybe it was because you held a massive school girl crush on the blonde haired boy since the first time your eyes laid upon him.
So, after miraculously getting his phone number from asking around, you rung him up, putting on the sweetest voice you could muster as you practically begged for him to scoop you up from your perfect little life and take you to the Cut, to a place where you could finally experience life. He was, shocked, to say the least, not expecting to hear the Kook princess on the other end asking for him to pick her up from her pretty Kook house. But, he did. He didn’t know why. He loathed the Kooks, and everything about them. He hated their privileged attitudes, their clean cut clothes, and the money that each and everyone of them seemed to be swimming in. He wanted nothing to do with any of them, so why was he so eager to hop in the Pogue van and venture to that side of the island. Maybe it was the massive school boy crush on the beautiful girl since the first time he laid eyes on you.
Your phone chimed harshly, echoing throughout your barren room, the screen alit against the pressing darkness. 
‘Here’ Was splayed across the luminescent screen. 
You let out a shaky breath, your gaze now cast towards the window in you room, wide and agape, calling for you to leap out of it, and into the arms of freedom. You could see the sickly moon hanging lazily in the inky sky, signaling the late hours of the night. You didn’t want to have to deal with an interrogation from you parents as to where you were going, what were you doing, who were you going with, and much more. You just wanted to escape easily and effortlessly into the welcoming night air. And so you did. 
“You can do this, Y/N,” You whispered, reassuring yourself as you approached the window, hands placed on the window sill as your head dove out and into the breezy, open air. 
Here goes nothing. And then, you leaped out of it, bare feet hitting the dirt covered ground. In this moment, you were thankful for living on the first floor of your enormous house. You turned away from the comforting clutches of your home, trekking to JJ’s vehicle that hummed mechanically nearby. It was a worn down rusted metal van. You could see the familiar glint of blonde hair through the window as you padded closer, hand wrapping around the door handle to swing it open.
“Jesus, what took you so long?” The boy questioned, not even letting you get situated inside before he began berating you.
“I had to make sure everyone asleep first,” You retorted, pulling the seatbelt across your body as you relaxed into the cloth covered seat.
You could see the boy placed in the drivers seat shake his head slightly as the van lurched forward, sputtering along the road now. You tucked your trembling hands under neath your thighs, an awkward silence hovering over the two of you.
“So, where are we going?” You attempted to cut the heavy tension, gaze fluttering to the soundless boy beside you.
“Somewhere,” Was all he uttered out vaguely, his eyes focused on the dim road.
“Ok... What are we going to do?” You didn’t like the unpleasant quiet, preferring to just interrogate the poor boy instead.
“Well you’re just full of questions, aren’t you?” JJ peered over at you briefly, taking in your figure.
You were adorned in unusual attire, clad in an oversized graphic tee and heather grey soffe shorts underneath, contrasting your usual well ironed and expensive clothes. You were a Pogue tonight, so you decided it would best if you looked the part as well. JJ adored this very of you much more than your normal Kook garments.
“We’re here,” His words shook you from your thoughts, noting the abandoned lot the van was now placed in, your eyes gazing out upon the rolling dunes that caressed the vision of the ocean.
“So, what is it exactly that we are going to do here?” You cocked your head as you turned your stare towards him, wondering what he had in store for the two of you.
“Hop in the back and you’ll find out.” He gestured towards the back of the van, motioning for you to scale the middle console into the open space.
“Ladies first, go on.” He attempted to hurry you along, you looking at him incredulously before uttering an annoyed, ‘fine’.
You clumsily leaned over the console, hauling yourself over it with not a single ounce of grace as you tumbled onto the floor of the back of the van. JJ couldn’t help the gaze that was glued to your ass thrown in his face as you climbed into the back. After you finally situated yourself on the floor, JJ managed getting into the back with ease, making your face flush with embarrassment at how klutzy you appeared to be.
“Since you left me in ramblings on the phone, you are going to have to go with what I prepared, alright?” JJ sat criss cross apple sauce on a tossed out blanket he must’ve previously placed down for the two of you.
“Ok.” You lifted your shoulders in a small shrug, not knowing what you were agreeing to in that moment but being completely open to the experience you were about to receive from this beautiful blonde boy.
“Good,” He nodded, snatching out a small metal contained from behind him.
He cracked it open, pulling out a couple glass looking devices, a couple pre-rolled cigarettes of sorts, and lastly to be set in front of you was a plastic bag with green vegetation captured inside.
“Weed?” You squeaked out at the sight of the illicit drug placed between the two of you. 
“Yes, Y/N. Weed.” He confirmed.
“I was more thinking something like a shot of alcohol, or something, not illegal drugs!” You could barely bring yourself to say the word, gulping at the sight of it before you, only ever seeing it in pictures. 
“Oh, relax. Weed isn’t like hard drugs like coke or molly. It’s basically legalized in the U.S. Plus, life is so much more fun when you’re high.” He tossed a wink in your direction, trying to ease some of the anxiety you’re holding with a joke.
After a moment of consideration, you tilted your head down in a nod, convincing yourself that this is exactly what you wanted. To break the rules and have fun.
“Ok, ok, fine. So, what is all of this.” Your eyes flickered through each thing sat in front of you.
“Well, I’m going to give you a crash course in all things weed, which is my favorite topic of all, other than surfing of course. So this,” he grabbed at the bag, “is obviously weed. There are two strains of weed, Indica and Sativa. Indica is more of a relaxing high while Sativa is more energizing and can produce anxious and bad highs. So what I have is Indica because that’s my personal preference.” He shrugs, tossing the plastic bag to the floor before snatching up the glass things.
“These are pieces I have for smoking. You grind up the weed and place them in this little pocket, light it with a lighter, and inhale. All I have are a pipe and bowl, not a whole lot else with the money I make.” He set the delicate glass pieces down on the floor before picking up the final thing.
“And this is a joint, which is different from a blunt. Blunts are usually rolled with tobacco and use cigar or cigarillo papers to wrap them. I don’t like anything to do with tobacco, that’s why I roll joints and use this really nice rice paper from my dealer to roll them with. These are prime.” He winks, hoping he isn’t overloading your innocent brain with information.
“Obviously, there are more ways to get high off of weed. Edibles, bongs, even masks, which I won’t overwhelm you with today.” He grins, proud of himself at the way he is so intelligent in one area of his life that he can teach someone else, that someone being you. 
“Tonight, we will keep it simple with the joints. Just like a cigarette, light the end,” He flicked open his sliver lighter, a flame emanating off of the top as he flicked it to life, “Then you inhale through the joint. Next is the most important part. You need to inhale an extra breath of air after you pull the joint away, ok? Or else you won’t get the smoke into your lungs and you won’t get high. Just watch me.”
JJ brought the alit flame to the end of the joint, it hanging loosely from his bottom lip. The little flame licked around the paper, alighting it in small embers. You could tell when JJ inhaled a gulp of the drug filled smoke, watching the embers at the end illuminate. He then pulled the joint away from his mouth, inhaling a tiny extra breath, holding the smoke contained in his lungs momentary, before exhaling. The tendrils of smoke floated heavily in the air around them, the smell pungent in your nostrils.
“Alright, princess, it’s your turn.” The little cylinder was held in your direction, the petite thing seeming so monstrous in your eyes.
You carefully pinched the joint between the tips of your fingers, as though it would harm you if you weren’t cautious with it. You swallowed down a shaky breath, desperately attempting to settle your stumbling heart. You held it up to your lips, setting it in your mouth. Your gaze was down cast on the drug filled cigarette and intently watching the smoldering end of the joint illuminate as you sucked in. You felt the smoke spilling down your throat, wrapping around in your lungs while it burned uncomfortably. You attempted to sip another breath of the musty air, but the scorching fumes from the drug stung your throat causing you to let out a string of painful coughs. You could hear JJ chuckling at your hacking figure, tears threatening to escape from your lids at the burning sensation in your lungs. You sputtered out, JJ placing a plastic water bottle in your hands to soothe your tender throat. The cold water aided in subsided in the burn, blinking back the tears in your eyes as you looked at the giggling boy.
“That wasn’t funny,” You rasped, “Why didn’t you tell me it would burn like that?” You gave the joint back to him, glowering in his direction. 
“It was pretty funny, just relax, Y/N. Enjoy the high.” He hushed, taking another lengthy drag.
You went back and forth a couple of times, still being tossed back into a fit of wheezing and coughing, but enjoying the way the world began to be enveloped in a lulling haze. You didn’t realize it at first, but your eye lids began weighing heavily, feeling your tensed shoulders fall. Though, you couldn’t help but notice the way your muscles uncomfortably seized up. Your thighs involuntarily twitched repeatedly, furrowing your brows in confusion.
“JJ, why am I twitching?” You cocked your head to the side as you eyed the handsome boy in front of you.
“I dunno, happens sometimes. I used to get the shakes all of the time when I first started smoking.” His shoulders rose and fell in a shrug.
You felt your head roll back, enjoying the tranquility flooding your system, the rate of your heart steadily slowing as you inhaled a deep breath of the mildew and weed hanging heavily in the air of the van.
“Being high does feel nice.” You hummed with a grin, eyes closed as you swayed slightly, relishing in the peaceful feeling at the weed tangling through your bloodstream.
“I told you.” JJ laughed, uncontrollable giggles escaping the two of you at the nonsensical situation the two of you were placed in.
A Kook and a Pogue, getting high as a kite in the back of an old van. Who would’ve thought.
“Is it weird that I’ve never gotten high before?” You pondered absent-mindedly, attempting not to peer over at JJ too often for him to notice your bizarre stares.
“Kinda, yeah. What else have you not done before?” He lazily turned his head to the side, flickering the flame from his lighter.
“Haven’t drank. I don’t even think I’ve ever had a sip of my parents drinks before.” A chuckle sputtered out of your mouth at how ridiculous that sounded actually being uttered.
“Holy shit. Have you even been to a party before?” He was adjusting himself to sit up straight, gazing at you intently for a response.
You shook your head, unable to look into the surprised eyes of the boy at how innocent you were. Though, the usual crimson heat would be rushing onto your cheeks in embarrassment at the questions, the high was muddling your mind. It let the interrogation roll off your shoulders as though it wasn’t as important or as humiliating as you usually look at your boring life.
“I’ve literally done nothing before, JJ. My life is so ungodly dull. I almost went insane at how boring it is. That’s why I asked this of you.” You confessed openly, the high loosening your usually tight lips.
“Wow, I’m glad I’m the one to make you lose your weed virginity then.” A grin spread across his pretty lips, your eyes glued to them unintentionally.
JJ definitely noticed.
“Have you...” He trailed off, his gaze trickling down and away from your eyes, the words struggling on the tip of his tongue.
“Have I?” You dragged out, motioning for him to continue.
“Have you ever had sex before?” This time he spoke with more confidence in his words, his stare returning to intimidatingly hold yours as he struck your most coveted secret about yourself.
“No...” Your tongue darted out to flicker over your lips, eyes unmoving from his piercing blue ones.
JJ tilted his head down in a leisurely nod, as though he was mulling over his pooling thoughts after your bold response. The haze that hung over your mind began to clear, your skin noticing the nearness of how close the two of you sat in your criss cross positions, knees practically grazing against one another’s.
“Have you ever had an orgasm before?” He almost looked concerned at just the thought of you never being plunged into that world of pleasure before.
“Never. I, uh, I’ve never really touched myself down there.” Your words were shaky as he studied you.
“Would you let me?” A storm of lust was clouding his baby blue eyes, his gaze becoming hungry at the thought of him being the first one to touch you in that way.
Your mouth ran dry at his words, but you didn’t even need to mull over the offer, instantly coming to your decision.
“Yes,” You breathed, chest rising and falling in wracked breaths.
His hand cautiously lifted from the confines of his lap, calloused finger tips brushing gently over your thigh. You caught your bottom lips between your teeth at the feeling of a man touching you for the first time. Your gaze fluttered between his cobalt irises and his delicious lips you craved to have pressed against your own. He gratefully took the hint, leaning his body forward towards yours. You felt his warm breath fanning across your face, his lips feeling miles apart, but also being closer than any person’s before. Your body and mind were engulfed by his delicious scent that surrounded him, a musk of marijuana and salty ocean. You tilted your head up, trying to close the gaping distance between the two of you, but he pulled back, a smirk quirking on the edges of his lips as he teased you. 
“Jay...” You sighed, yearning for him.
He didn’t to hear anything more, tilting his head down as he delicately placed his plush lips upon your own. You felt your world crack open, as though your mundane life crumbled around you, tumbling away to live you unconfined, liberated, and new. The kiss was light, fleeting, a passing moment that you were desperate to capture forever. You never wanted it to end. So, you didn’t allow it to, pressing your lips harder against his as your head tipped to the side. You brought a hand up, fingers entangling in his mussed golden locks, tugging softly on it. JJ gingerly dipped his tongue into your mouth, sweeping around inside to memorize the taste of you, your tongues colliding together in a messier kiss. The kiss was progressively becoming more passionate, his hands that were previously cupping your face moving down to rest on your hips. The boy leaned your body back, the two of you now laying along the floor of the van, JJ hovering his body over you as your lips never parted. 
You could feel the tips of JJ’s fingers skim along your now exposed flesh below the hem of your shirt, and you melted at his electrifying touch. Goosebumps skittered against your skin in the wake of his touch, and you exhaled a breathy moan into the kiss. You could feel him grip the bottom of your shirt as he pulled away from the mind muddling kiss.
“Can I take this off?” His parted lips were swollen after the intensity of the kiss, looking down at you with lust and desperation.
“Yes, please.” You allowed, holding your hands over your head to aid him in discarding the fabric.
You were plunged into the moment, but still were anxious at the boy seeing your exposed skin. You bra soon followed your shirt as JJ tossed it behind him. Your hands that were running along his body flew to cover your chest, a rosy pinks dusting your cheeks in embarrassment. 
“Don’t do that. Let me see you, princess.” That stupid nickname rolled off his tongue as he eased your hands back to your sides, revealing your hardened nipples standing at attention for him and only him.
“Oh baby, you’re so beautiful.” He hummed, a hand reaching up to gently cup one of your breasts, thumb flickering over your nipple.
The gesture sent shivers of pleasure down to your core, feeling a wetness slowly soaking your underwear. You couldn’t help the gasps tumbling from your lips as he delicately pinched and flicked at your nipples, his eyes looking on in awe at how responsive you were becoming at the simplest of touches.
“How does that feel, princess?” He arched a brow as he gazed upon your squirming figure, twisting a nipple between his thumb and pointer finger.
“R-really good,” You stumbled over your words, intently watching his skilled fingers on your breasts.
“Good. But I bet I can make you feel even better.” He shot you a playful wink as his fingers danced their way down your abdomen, anticipation tormenting your body.
He began to trace along the waistband of your shorts, teasing your skin with delicate and pleasurable touches. He pressed a small kiss to your knee as he settled himself between your legs. The next thing to go were your shorts and underwear, leaving your bare and naked before him, your skin exposed for him to drink in your beautiful figure. 
“Fuck,” He muttered, eyes glued to your dripping center.
You were anxious, laying there for his viewing and touching pleasure. Your pussy was open for him to admire, and you were scared that he would be repulsed by it as you were, not knowing the depths of what it held and how much pleasure could come from it. JJ, on the other hand, craved to devour you, hunger pooling in his irises. He wanted to please you, to show you how good, no, how amazing it feels to be touched on your most delicate of places.
“Is this ok?” His voice was soft, a sweetness threading through it as he looked for your permission before he went further with anything.
He wanted to make sure you were comfortable with what he was doing, what he was toughing on your untouched body. But you didn’t care, your caution being tossed carelessly to the wind as you eagerly nodded. With your nod, he began pressing tiny pecks against the inside of your thighs, hands pressing them against the floor of the van to keep you in place. You were beyond desperate, the sparks from the kisses shooting straight to your core, moans tumbling past your lips. He mouthed his way up your flesh, passing directly over where you were throbbing for him.
“JJ, please.” You pleaded with the boy as the tiny kisses continued to ensue, your pussy dripping, wanting for him to touch more than just your thighs.
“Please what, princess?” He breathed against your thigh, his eyes capturing your own as you stared down at him.
“Please do something!” You were becoming increasingly frustrated with his ministrations, wanting his mouth elsewhere.
“Something like me touching your pussy? Like my fingers inside of you? Like my mouth on you? Is that what you want?” He spilled out every single thought your mind was thinking, wanting all of what he said and more.
“That’s exactly what I want, J.” You rushed out, begging for him to do exactly as he promised.
And that he did. You felt his finger, for the first time, drag through your slit, catching on a sensitive part of yourself down there. You flinched, hips twitching in the air at the tingling sensation dancing through your body at the touch. You watched as a smirk formed on the boys’ lips in satisfaction at your response, his finger repeating the motion, this time focusing on that overly sensitive nub, rubbing on it lightly. He more than enjoyed watching you fall apart beneath the most simple touch. He loved that he was the first one exploring your body like this. He wanted to do this over and over again, but right now, he had to focus in pleasuring you now. Small figure eights were being traced on the pleasurable button, moans and cries spilling from your mouth as you watched on in awe.
“Damn baby, you’re so fucking wet for me.” He practically growled out, his finger circling your hole before slowly, gently, carefully pressing the digit within you. 
You stretched around him, graciously taking him inside of you as he leaned his head forward to add more than just his finger. His tongue swiped between your pussy lips, the tip of it focusing on that electrifying part of you that caused your back to arch and your eyes to roll into the back of your head. His lips wrapped around it, carefully sucking on it as his fingers crooked upwards, hitting a spot that made your mind tumble into numbness and a small scream to escape you. The pleasure was almost unbearable. He continued, fingers picking up speed inside of you, constantly brushing against that spot within you. Your face was creased, mouth agape in an extended groan. Your fingers found their way back into his hair, harshly pulling on it as he lapped at your dripping cunt. 
“You taste so delicious, princess. You’re doing so good for me.” He hummed against your core.
You were a complete and utter mess, grinding your face against his mouth, chasing a high you didn’t know what it would lead to. You’ve never tumbled over the edge before, never even coming close to it, but JJ was shoving you there, fingers ramming into you and mouth harshly sucking on your clit. 
“Come on baby, I know your close, cum for me.” He ordered for you to do so before returning to his previous spot.
His words and ministrations shoved you over the edge, reaching a screaming climax as his fingers let your ride out your high. Your chest heaved, legs twitching slightly as his tongue still sloppily traced around your clit. You were practically seeing stars at the overly intense pleasure he just caused, your pussy and clit overly sensitive, you had to push the boys’ head away.
“How was that, princess?” He questioned with his puffy and swollen lips.
“So good.” You breathed, barely able to form a coherent sentence as he gathered you into his arms, allowing you to come down from your world crumbling orgasm he just gave you.
“I’m glad. I want to always make you feel like that.” His words caused your breathing to halt, the confession making your heart stumble over itself and butterflies to brush along your stomach.
“Really?” You gazed at him as his hands clutched at you tighter.
“Yes, and I want to do more than that. More than get you high and do what we just did. I want to take you out.” He attempted to come across as the confident and cocky JJ he normally appeared to be, but right now, nerves racked his body.
“I would love to go out with you JJ, even if you are a Pogue.” You giggled lightly, causing him to roll his eyes in response before he captured you in another knee weakening kiss.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
A lunch with a Luthor.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Lillian Luthor x Granddaughter!Reader
Word count: 2078.
The moment you see her there, a shiver runs through your spine. You look around for signs that other people can see her too. You obviously don’t find any, since the rest of the school is too preoccupied with their own lives. You don’t even know what to do, to be honest. Should you go and talk to her, or pretend you didn’t see her there? She can’t be here to talk to you, right? But then again, what other reason would bring Lillian Luthor to your school?
“Grandmother.” You say when you’re close enough and she can hear you. Your close enough is actually still pretty far away.
“Granddaughter.” Lillian answers nonchalantly and you see a black car behind her.
“Are you here to kidnap me?” You take a deep breath.
“Oh, no dear. I would never.” Lillian takes one step towards you. You tilt your head at the action. “I’m here to…” She cleans her throat. Tries a smile. Gives up the idea. Goes back to you. “Invite you to have lunch with me.”
“Oh, that’s very original. Are you going to poison me?” You bitch grin, and this time she actually smiles.
“You expect too much from me, granddaughter.” She points to the car behind her. “Please, join me. This is not a very good place to talk.”
You look around after lowering your glasses. You don’t know exactly what you’re expecting. Maybe someone showing up with a kryptonite gun, or a monster jumping at you, or even getting into the car and your uncle Lex being there. But there’s nothing. It’s Lillian Luthor in front of you, asking you for lunch, which is already weird enough.
You get in the car and she joins you right after. As soon as the door is closed, you turn to her.
“Listen, I don’t know what you’re planning, but remember that I have superpowers. I, also, can call Supergirl and she’ll be here in a second, and your daughter has literally microchipped me, so any funny business…”
“It’s just lunch.” She stops you and shoots a look at the driver and he starts the car, leaving your school. “I understand your concern, although I wish you didn’t have it.”
“You wish I didn’t have it? Ok. So, should I forget that the Luthors tried to kill my momma several times?” You cross your arms, annoyed. She wishes you didn’t have it! Has she gone totally bonkers?
“Your momma. Not you.” Lillian looks at you with a serious expression. She doesn’t look upset. She just looks like she means every word she’s about to say. “You may not believe me, but I would never hurt my granddaughter.”
“Your half alien granddaughter.” You add trying to annoy her. She just agrees with her head.
“It’s not your fault. Your mother was the one who fell in love with the alien in the first place. I wouldn’t hold it against you.” She turns her face to the front and you breathe heavily.
“You should. I love her too.” You look through the window. “And if you tried to hurt her, I wouldn’t think twice about hurting you back.”
“Noted.” You hear her voice. “Now should we move on from this topic?”
“Oh, sure. What do you want to talk about?” You look back at her. “Maybe how you’ve employed one henchman to follow me around?”
“What makes you think that?” She is still not looking at you, and you let out a fake laugh.
“So, you just happened to know that I won the physics decathlon? It wasn’t announced anywhere, and not even my moms were there.”
“Well, if you wanted them there, I’m sorry to hear that.” And she turns her head at you. “But I was.”
“What? No, you weren’t.” My dear Rao. You were right! Lillian Luthor was at your school watching you. You knew it. “How would you even…?”
“Get in?” She scoffs. But it’s different. It’s not like Lena’ scoff, it’s something else entirely. You’ve never seen someone look so good while literally scoffing. “I’m your grandmother, dear. I know sometimes you forget that, but the school doesn’t.”
“You tell me.” You roll your eyes. “They won’t let me live this down.”
She looks like she wants to say something. But before she has a chance to, the car stops.
“We’re here.” Lillian gets out of the car, and you do the same, looking at the building in front of you. You lower your glasses and look inside. People are eating, and drinking. No one has a gun, and no sign of Kryptonite. “Shall we, or do you need more time to investigate?”
“It looks like we’re cool.” You say adjusting your backpack on your shoulders and following her inside. She talks to someone and you two are taken to a private table further away into the restaurant.
“I heard you like Italian food.” She says when the waiter gives you the menu and you look at her questioning where the hell she heard that. “Just bring a little bit of everything.” She says to the waiter. “My granddaughter just left school, and she’s a bit hungry.”
And apparently, she also knows you eat like a goddamn monster. You’re feeling very restless in your seat. Lillian Luthor knows way too much stuff about you, but it’s so damn weird because you keep looking for signs that she’s going to do something bad to you, but nothing comes. And you can feel in your bones that nothing is going to come, which is not, at all, normal.
“So.” She starts when the waiter leaves the table and you look up from your menu. “How’s the lab at L Corp? Is it a good space for you to work?”
“Yeah. I mean, it’s quite an improvement from breaking old controls and assembling things in my room at night.” You shrug and she agrees with her head.
“I don’t know why Lena took so long to do that. It was obvious that with a brain like yours, you would need a good space to thrive.”
You blush from the compliment, and look down so she can’t see it. What is happening? Why is she being so nice? You want to ask, but you also don’t want to ruin the moment. You might ask later.
“Working on anything interesting lately?” She asks looking genuinely curious and you shrug.
“Made a video game this weekend. And, um, gave Lena a lead box for Mother’s Day in case she wants to keep any secret from us.”
“Oh, I doubt that. Lena doesn’t like secrets, unless it is from me.” Lillian says and the waiter comes with all the types of food you can imagine. She places everything in front of you two and leaves. Lillian looks at you. “Just choose something.”
You raise your eyebrow at her and she smiles at the movement.
“My God, your face might be Kara’s, but your personality is immensely Lena’s.” She takes a plate for herself and starts to eat, like she is trying to show you it’s not poisoned. You choose a plate of pasta and dive in. Shit. The food is so good.
“At least you’ll try to kill me after I’m fed. That’s not very on-brand, is it?”
She doesn’t answer. It’s pretty obvious she’s trying to dodge the ‘killing’ subject. You decide not to push any further and you go back to eating. A lot of eating, by the way. She doesn’t look impressed, and it’s almost like she’s used to seeing you eat.
Lunch turns out to be very much…ok? She makes small talk about school and robotics, and you try your hardest to actually answer without giving any information away. Not that it matters, because she knows more than you could ever have imagined. You don’t ask her any questions, especially because if you did, it would all come out like “so, killed a lot of people lately?” and you’re trying, Rao knows why, to keep the peace.
“Home?” She asks when you slid back in the car.
“Um, you should drop me at school. I wouldn’t want my moms to worry about… This.”
“Very reasonable.” She asks the driver to go back to school, and you smile to yourself, belly full of good food. “I trust today wasn’t completely insufferable.”
“Weirdly, it wasn’t.”
“That’s good to hear. I would actually like to do this again, eventually.”
“Sure. If you promise you won’t kill me next time too.” You smile and Lillian raises her hand at you. You look at it, and then take it. Shaking it.
“You have yourself a deal.” She lets out a little smile that you almost didn’t catch. You hate to say this, but Lena does the exact same thing when trying to hide a smile.
When you arrive at school. You get out from the car and go to the exact same place she picked you up earlier today.
“Granddaughter.” She says, tilting her head as part of the goodbye.
“Grandmother.” You salute her off, and the car starts taking Lillian away. You walk back home thinking about what happened. You’re still confused by the whole thing. Actually, what you feel is surprised. You never thought Lillian had all that inside her. By the relationship she had with Lena, and the hate she feels for Kara, she should not like you at all. But people have different relationships with different people, so she might truly not hate you.
Lena comes home earlier. Kara must be on some Supergirl call, because she doesn’t arrive until later.
“Hey babygirl. Why didn’t you come to the lab today?” Lena asks, sitting on the couch next to you. You lay your head down her lap, and she smiles at the action. Her hands go to your hair. And you look at her trying to read her expression.
“I have something to tell you, but um, I’m scared of your reaction.”
“What happened?” Lena’s brow furrows immediately and you breathe deep.
“I had lunch with Lillian today.” You close your eyes and expect Lena to scold you, but she doesn’t say anything, so you keep talking. “It was fine, really. She didn’t try to kill me or poison me or whatever.”
“Of course she didn’t.” Lena says and you open your eyes to look at her. She keeps playing with your hair like you didn’t just tell her that you saw Lillian freaking Luthor.
“She said she would never hurt me.” You add.
“I believe that.” Lena smiles at you and pinches your cheek. “I mean, who could ever hurt someone with a pretty little face like yours?”
“So, you are not mad?” You ask and she shakes her head in denial.
“Remember that day, a while back, that you saw her at L Corp?” She asks and you agree with a nod. “She was very impressed with your wit and told me I was horrible for keeping you away from her…”
“Oh, mom.” You sit down quickly. “You’re not horrible!”
“I know. It’s just Lillian being Lillian.” Lena breathes heavily. “Anyway, that day I kind of figured she would try to get close to you. Because you are, obviously, very impressive.”
“I won’t see her again if you tell me not to.”
“Oh, no baby.” Lena says putting a hand on your cheek and smiling. “She is your grandmother. And you are old enough to make that decision for yourself. Just don’t ever, ever, let her belittle you, ok?”
“Ok.” You agree and she pulls you in for a hug.
“You’re a bright light and no one can take that away from you.” She whispers close to your ear. “Not any Luthor, not anyone else in the world. Do you hear me?”
“I hear you, mom.” You hold her tight. She presses a firm kiss on your cheek and you smile at her. “Do you think momma will have the same reaction?”
“Oh, your momma trusts you with her eyes closed. I would not stress about it.” She squeezes your shoulder lightly and you agree with your head.
You are well aware you cannot trust Lillian Luthor entirely, but you’re also somehow happy to even have some kind of relationship with her. You know she’s not a very good person, and she is not warm and welcoming like Gramm Eliza. But yeah, she is your grandmother and that means something to you. And so you hope it means something to her too.
Thanks @adeledewittj for the idea :)
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curious-menace · 3 years
Can you do headcanons of any Riddler getting cared for and gentle kisses from reader after getting beat up? He needs some loves.
i freaking love this stuff so im going to do all of them mwahahah
post asswoop riddlers getting loves
Arkham riddler
He’s VERY quiet, which knowing him and his inability to stop talking, is  bad news.
I paint arkham riddler as a cry baby and i stand by that. this is the hill i will die on. He’ll have dragged his sorry ass into your apartment or house , dripping blood on your floors but he wont bother calling for you. he’ll just sit at the table with his head in his hands having a lil pity party until you find him.
when you do finally get home, he’ll be looking like a kicked puppy. he’s gotten stuck in his own head, mentally beating himself up even more. he got a fright when you came in because he was so caught up he didn't even hear you at the door.
He’s literally sits there like a child with his arms up for you to come scoop him up. he’s not even sure why his first thought after getting beat up was to come here, he’s probably lead the cops here or something and that was so stupid and- you should probably give him a lil soft smooch on the head to stop him before he goes into a spiral.
he needs more emotional and mental care than physical. Talk to him while you're patching him up. any topic, it doesn't matter just keep him focused on your voice and not the one in his head calling him dumb.
he wont admit he wants to be held and coddled after something like this. get your softest blankie and 2 mugs of coco with marshmallows and just ramble at him. tell him about your day or ask him to explain something boring and complicated so he’s focusing on that rather than how upset he is. let him sit on your lap or between your legs on the sofa and watch how its made or mythbusters or something until he falls asleep. he should be ok again in the morning, he doesnt stay down for long. 
Blacklight Riddler
He’s used to getting his ass kicked, either by batman, the other rogues or once he’s a PI, by unhappy clients and the people he put away. He might be tiny but he’s pretty tough. 
even if he’s really hurting, his probably trying to crack jokes and tell blood and bruise related riddles. He doesn't like to see you worry so even if he’s in a lot of pain or a bit upset about things, he’s trying to make you smile.
he likes kisses on his bruises. even if he just banged his hand on the table he’ll come to you because he wants you to kiss it better. 
He’s a decent fighter, unlike a lot of riddlers who couldnt fight their way out of a paper bag. He can throw punches but he lacks in defence and with his bad knee, dodging can be a little hard. even if he wins the fight he’s still likely to need you to patch him up.
He likes kids plasters. like hello kitty and spongebob. no im not joking, he ALWAYS wanted them when he was little and his parents always said no. now he’s an adult he’s going to use them whenever he damn well pleases.
 if it was a particularly bad one, he’ll be ok in the moment even if he has to go to hospital. But he’s going to drop the facade at some point and let you see how upset he is. winding up in hospital after being beat was a common occurrence in childhood. even after doing it time and time again as an adult it doesn't make it any easier on him. he’ll want to stay in your bed, be close to you for few days until either he starts to heal or something snaps him out of his funk.
BTAS Riddler
he really prefers other people to do the fighting for him. well physically anyway. he can handle his own arguments...most of the time. He’s going to need you to nurse a bruised ego more than anything. he probably got dunked on my batman or crane and now he’s huffing.
i don't know if this counts as care and kisses but he clearly needs you around to keep his sorry ass alive. he hurt his side in a fight once and said he wasn't hurt. believable... until he started to act a little confused, a little dizzy. needless to say it worried you enough to take him to emergency care. 
He was obviously in agony by now but he was still fighting with you the entire drive there, insulting you and insisting he was fine. its a good job you took him when he did, turns out he’d ruptured his spleen and would probably be dead if you weren’t around to act like his common sense.
he still hasnt apologised for that. or any of the other times you insisted on medical care to stop him from pushing up daisies. he just pretends like you know he’s grateful so he doenst have to admit he’s bullheaded, stubborn and worst of all, wrong. 
if he has been seriously hurt, he acts more indignant about it than anything. he wants to be waited on and pampered while resting in bed. he can be a genuine pain to deal with, talking about how lucky you are to see him in such a vulnerable state and how you should be grateful he’s letting you do this for him.
He doesn't want to admit how much he actually needs you. his goons wont put up with him when he’s like this and he’s freaking paying them to do it. you do it for free and no matter how annoying he is you havent left him yet. he doesn't tell you but youve noticed he starts getting you more gifts about a week after he’s recovered. like its taken him a day or two to work out he should probably thank you for all you do.
Original Riddler
this riddler is just weird. like he gets a freaking hang nail and he pretends like he’s dying. but he could nearly lose a limb and he’ll say “tis but a scratch” and still try to hobble about like nothing is wrong.
actually he’s more like olaf “oh look i've been impaled.”. he probably tries to laugh off life threatening injuries like its nothing, taking maybe 3 steps before he collapses on his face in a blood puddle and lets out a tiny “help”
good luck moving his tall lanky ass around. better get a gurney and maybe those vets at the zoo who deal with giraffes. seriously if you want to take care of him you are going to need help or some sort of action plan and a go bag because with his limp butt this will not be easy.
he’s kinda like BTAS riddler in that he needs you to tell him the injury is serious. hes not dumb he just has a high pain threshold and genuinely doesn't realise that injuries are as bad as they are. 
he can be a bit of a baby while being patched up. he doesn't like a lot of blood or gore, it makes him feel a little sicky. better give him your phone to play with like a kid at the doctors or put the tv on for him to watch while you bandage  him. word of warning, he will pass out or throw up if you try to give him stitches.
i think you should focus your love and attention on him AFTER medical care. just focus on the job, be silent and as fast as possible to get it over with quickly. you should probably bring him something sweet too. no not just you, although you are sweet for looking after him. give him something sugary because he’s going to be light headed after seeing any blood. maybe you could give him a lolly for being a good patient. 
Telltale riddler
this riddler is essentially a metahuman. he can REALLY take a beating and bounce back fairly quickly. just look how many times batman punched him in the face and it barely stunned him! he doesnt usually need patched up after a fight. maybe just a lil smooch and some hugs
he did really need your help after the whole pact thing. having his friends abandon him hurt like hell, more than any physical injury ever could.
after that, he clings to you. almost obsessively so; we know he’s got some serious mental illnesses but he usually has the worst of it under control, even without meds. now? it seems like he’s experiencing ptsd and is afraid to go anywhere without you, like you might up and disappear if you arent in his line of sight at all times.
i think this riddler might need the most intense care from you. hugs and gentle reassurance wont be enough. you’re going to be responsible for taking him to therapy, keeping him taking his meds and grounding him to reality. this is the kind of responsibility you took on when you got involved with him but i doubt you realised how hard it would be. i cant promise it will all be worth it but i can promise he wont ever forget your kindness.
the kind of care he needs after such a hard knocking down is just stability. im not one for romance or any mushy gushy stuff but please just pour your love into the cracks in this poor mans soul.
its hard going, but he has his moments. his gallows sense of humor is still there and hey, after him being in and out and gone for so long, it might be nice to have him around more.  
Zero year riddler
INSUFFERABLE LITTLE SHIT THIS ONE. he could LITERALLY be bleeding out in your arms and he’d STILL be backseat driving on your medical skills. the temptation to just leave him there to bleed is INCREDIBLE.
he’ll drop the act eventually. he’ll ask and maybe even beg for your help. man has  no shame and all the self preservation instincts of a lemming. dont get me wrong, he can be a total coward some times, only looking out for himself . but when he’s actually hurt ? not a fuckin clue. does this head wound need an ice pack or heat pack? is this spurring blood wound worthy of medical care? no idea. he was a very sheltered child who never got so much as a bruise so he has no idea what to do when he’s hurt.
he gets the everloving shit kicked out of him on a clockwork basis. like you could hear knocking on your door at 3 am and already be at the table with a first aid kit like oh its tuesday riddler must have broken his nose.
he takes entirely too much joy in making you patch him up. youre starting to wonder if he’s doing it on purpose just to see you in your little apron and latex gloves . he’s getting off on this and you know it but god help you, you just  cant resist his dumb face asking for your help and would you also wear this pink nurses outfit while youre at it?
one time he lost a LOT of blood. he would be fine but he was pretty damn loopy from lightheadedness. while you were trying to get him into bed to rest he started flirting with you. can you believe the audacity? he’s lost 3 pints of blood and he’s still more focus on his libido? 
he’s actually going to be both humble and grateful for your help when he finally comes round. dont get me wrong, he’s still a bit of a prick but at least he says thank you for saving him before he demands you kiss all his booboos and ouchies. 
nonnie i am having a stroke. i was trying SO hard to just pick one but i COULDNT because i am WEAK for hurt and comfort.
theres a reason i have a tag that literally says “i have naughty hands and no self control”
someone needs to stage an intervention
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - The King and Queen of Hearts
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The existence of this episode just baffles me, as it undermines so much of what season three was trying to accomplish. 
Summary:  Rapunzel continues to try and restore the memories of her parents, King Frederic and Queen Arianna, and hopes to use the journal of Herz Der Sonne to remind them, but they do not understand the significance. Arianna still lusts for adventure, while Frederic cannot get over his obsession of egg collecting. Rapunzel recruits her friends to try and set up the perfect date for them and while they cannot find anything in common personality wise, they share a mutual love for Rapunzel. However, King Trevor arrives with the intent to woo Arianna using an ocean crystal he found.
So What Exactly Is the History Here? 
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We have no context for this sudden love triangle. All we know is that Trevor hates Frederic because he’s still in love with Arianna who wound up marrying him instead. 
But like, I don't know why Arianna married Frederic. I don’t know why Trevor is still hung up on her years later. Did she actually choose Frederic or was it an arranged marriage cause that’s what royalty did back then? Was she having an affair with Trevor this whole time but couldn’t/wouldn’t leave because of duty? Was she and Trevor pining star crossed lovers, or is Trevor just an incel? 
I know what the story wants me to assume; that Arianna deeply loves Frederic and that Trevor is just a jackass loser; but the series has done such a poor job of making Frederic likable and giving him and Arianna any sort of chemistry that I’m inclined to side with Trevor. 
For all we know, he may be trying to rescue Arianna from both her memory loss and her abusive relationship while at it. Especially now that she’s no longer needed as a ruler and has no reason to stay in Corona. 
Why Not Just Use the Potion from Rapunzel: Day One? 
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While any Varian cameo is appreciated, it doesn’t add thing to the story. In fact it only raises more questions. We already had a cure for the memory loss, why aren’t we using it? 
Even if we write it off as Rapunzel no longer having that particular Saporian spellbook on hand, she still has a whole dungeon full of actual Saporians who know magic that she could gain information from! There’s also Xavier, who already knows everything under the sun about Saporian/Coronian history and magic and owns spellbooks galore. You’re telling me he just has mood potions lying around but can’t brew up a cure for memory loss? 
Then there’s also the fact that the amnesia spell doesn’t work on Rapunzel’s parents the same as it did on Rapunzel and we’re never given a reason why. Like just some basic consistence is all I ask show. 
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I also can’t figure out what Varian is even trying to do here. Where’s is the science to this? What does strawberry goop and lighting have to do with memory? It’s just a cheap reference to Frankenstein and nothing more.  
We’re Already Pass Seven Months Since Rapunzel’s Return. 
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Ok, I have gotten into frequent debates with people about the timeline of season three. Many a story board artist and writer on the show have came forward and stated that season three was only one year. But the very existence of this episode disproves them! 
If you remember season one, Hearts Day took place after the Goodwill Festival, but before Queen for a Day. Even when putting episodes back into their intended production order that still remains true. 
Hearts Day has to be at least seven months past Rapunzel’s birthday, if not eight months, because the Goodwill Festival is six months past and her parent’s anniversary (QfaD) is nine months past. 
Now Rapunzel’s Return has to be Rapunzel’s 20th birthday because season two was a full year, and even if you say it’s not, then that still doesn’t explain Once a Handmaiden (the Goodwill Festival) coming after this episode.  
And no you can’t move the episodes around, Once a Handmaiden has be the second to last episode of the series and Under Raps always comes after Rapunzel’s Enemy in any order you watch the series in. 
No matter how you slice it, we’re missing a birthday episode for Rapunzel and season three has to be more than a year; a year and a half at the very least, if not two full years.  
Look I’m not trying to be disrespectful of the talented artists who worked on this show, but their word isn’t law. The very fact that they’ve had to tell us the timeline after the series was over with indicates bad writing, and the very fact that the show itself contradicts them indicates either a lack of communication behind the scenes or a lack of editorial oversight. Either option is just poor management. 
We Have Yet Another Failed Narrative Promise! 
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Are we seeing a pattern yet? 
This is the third time in a row where the episode flat out states that Rapunzel needs to learn something and then, just, never has her learn it; four if you count her non-apology to Varian. Instead the show rewards her for her bad behavior by just giving her want she wants on a sliver platter for no adequate reason. 
In fact, one could argue that this episode is the worst offender in the show because divorce is a real thing real kids have to go through. Children that will undoubtedly watch the series. 
How upsetting would it be to such a child to watch Rapunzel force her parents back together  with zero consequences and realize that they can’t do that in real life? It can potentially feed into misplaced delusions or make them even more bitter, either way it’s unhealthy and super irresponsible to tackle such subject matter in this way. Even Sesame Street handled the topic of divorce better than this supposedly ‘mature’ show. 
It’s a Castle! Why Can’t Frederic Get His Own Room?
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Frederic is the king. He still technically owns everything even if he’s not the one still in charge. He could have his pick of any room so why is he forcing himself on Eugene? Hell he doesn’t even have to stay in the castle. As pointed out during The Return of the King review, there’s other accommodations within the kingdom that’s suited for royalty. Why not head up to that mountain retreat?  
This is a Really Bad Message 
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I understand that this is meant to be a joke, because of how ridiculously over the top it is, but because the series gives Rapunzel what she wants in the end without ever having her acknowledge how she is wrong here, it winds up validating her toxic world view anyways.
Divorce is not inherently a bad thing. We should be working towards both normalizing it and promoting healthy coping mechanisms for those that go through it, adult and child alike. What Rapunzel is doing here is just repeating puritanical fearmongering. And while I can understand why she might behave in this way, I don't understand why the show refuses to call her out on it. Or any of the other million bad behaviors she displays repeatedly through out the show... like the example below for instance... 
Why Am I Suppose to Like Rapunzel Again? 
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It’s like the writers don’t understand that a joke can damage a character, especially if it’s overplayed. Super sweet upbeat Rapunzel snapping because she finally met someone who was annoying or a situation she couldn’t just solve with a positive attitude was funny maybe like the first time; but we’re three seasons in and this is supposedly her closest loved ones.  
Look at them! They’re fucking terrified of her! All they did was point out that she maybe should do her job and deal with real problems instead of poking her nose into her parents business where it doesn’t belong! And this brat is now the ruler of the whole kingdom!? No one can legally stand up to her. 
Like where’s the Eugene that stood up to her in Under Raps for trying this same bullshit? Why hasn’t she learned her lesson? She also pulled this same bullying tactic on young Lance and teen Eugene two episodes. Cass left her ass, supposedly, because of her bossy thoughtless ways. And this is also the same woman who abused a child back in season one and still has never acknowledged it. 
Yes characters should be flawed, but they should also face real consequences for their actions, and if they’re a protagonist they need to learn and grow past their flaws. 
I actively started to dislike Rapunzel after this scene. I already felt something was off way back in the season three opener, but this is the point where I stopped and went “What the fuck?” She used to be my second favorite character behind Varian. I didn’t go into this wanting to hate her, even after this episode I still held out hope that they were trying to purposefully lead up to some sort of falling out with everyone and with Rapunzel having to own up to her bullshit in order to win. You know like a classic third act “the hero is now alone due to their past mistakes” type story. But Nope! 
There’s no pay off for any of this. Rapunzel is just mean for the sake of being mean in season three, and no one is aloud to call her out on it. She’s now the same type person as Frederic, a tyrant. That’s not a good development! 
She’s Literally Bullying Her Own Parents Now, and I’m Suppose to Find that Funny? 
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Yes, Frederic is her abuser, and yes some people might find this scene cathartic if they hate him. But this isn’t actually calling out his past abuse. It’s just Rapunzel treating a now powerless old man with that same abuse and denying him bodily autonomy. An old man who has both less political rights and less power within the relationship than her; since due to his memory loss he is now dependent upon her. 
In the real world it’s the equivalent of picking on an Alzheimer's patient who is in your care. I don’t give a shit how much of dick they were before the illness set in, you don’t fucking do that!  
Why Should I Want Arianna and Frederic To Be a Couple? 
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The show has done nothing to sell this relationship. In fact one could argue that the show is trying to purposefully sabotage it. 
Before the memory loss Frederic was proven to be abusive, to the point where even his own wife was afraid of him and wouldn’t stand up to him. Meanwhile Arianna was shown to be a shell of her former self who’d all but given up upon the things she actually enjoyed in life. And now that they both have had a second chance they have even less motive to stay together. 
Look at Arianna up there? She’s clearly not enjoying her time with him. While he doesn’t want to engage in anything that she likes. I mean a couple doesn’t have to share their interests in everything, but there still has to be some sort of connection and the series just does not give us that connection. 
There’s no reason why they should stay together. They no longer have any commitment or duty to fulfill as rulers and their daughter is fully grown. Contrary to what Rapunzel says, the kingdom isn’t going to fall apart if they separate. It actually would probably better for everyone, including Rapunzel, if they got divorced. At least then she’d have to grow up somewhat and stop being a controlling asshat.  
Why is Attila Here?
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I thought Attila got a job running his own bakery and that it was Lance who became the new cook at the Snuggly Duckling? Even if you argued that Attila was just doing Rapunzel a solid that still wouldn’t explain who is running the place when Lance isn’t there. 
If you’re going to set up developments like that then you need to either stick with them or give an on screen reason for why these previous developments are no longer relevant. Flat out ignoring them like this is just lazy. 
Lance’s New Outfit is the Best Thing About the Episode, and It’s Also a Complete Waste.
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Lance deserved a new outfit because the team was too lazy to give him one for season two, even during the island arc. This however is a waste because it doesn’t add anything to the narrative. People were paid to make this thing for it to only show up for a few seconds of screen time. 
This Whole Exchange Is Gross. 
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Oh let me count the ways in which this is so, so stupid. 
Neither Rapunzel nor Frederic has ever proven themselves “thoughtful and responsible.” In fact both of them being irresponsible is intentionally a plot point in the main story arc.
How would either Frederic or Arianna know any of this? Not only have they lost their memories, but they didn’t raise Rapunzel themselves and those traits aren’t inherited; they are taught. 
Gushing over your grown daughter isn’t a point of connection! 
Why would anyone be compelled to kiss a practical stranger, that they previously didn’t even like, just because they both admire some woman they also barely know and happen to be related to? What is the thought process behind this? “Oh we made that? Then lets make another one!” What the fuck show? I’m ace and even I know that’s not a normal thing to get titillated over. 
The Series Turns Frederic Into a Literal Baby In a Last Ditch Effort to Make Him Likable 
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The whole point behind the amnesia plot was to absolve Frederic of his past wrong doings. You can’t call out an old man with Alzheimer's for being a dictator, I suppose. (not like that’s ever stopped me from criticizing Ronald Reagan, tho)  But from there the series then takes it one step further and actually infantilizes both Frederic and Arianna, because Chris assumes that if he makes Fredric as pathetic as possible the audience won't hate him any more. Well guess what, it didn’t work. Frederic isn’t suddenly a poor woobie just because he’s useless now. That’s not how that works.  
Rapunzel Literally Physically Assaults a Person, Kidnaps Them, Threatens Them With Even More Bodily Harm, and Causes an International Incident; All Because They Asked Her Mom Out On a Date! 
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You can’t hear it in the screen shots, but there’s very clearly a clanging sound to indicate that Rapunzel just wacked Trevor upside the head and knocked him out. 
Let me repeat, a Disney protagonist just committed armed assault against a guy, simply because she doesn’t respect her own mother.
What the Fuck!!!???
Arianna is fully grown woman. She is perfectly capable of making her own choices and she agreed of her own volition to go out with him. In fact she’s the one who asked Trevor if she could come along on his sea voyage. It’s not Rapunzel’s place to interfere with that. 
Secondly, Rapunzel shouldn’t get a free pass to attack people just because she’s doesn’t like them. And she most assuredly shouldn’t get to write off her cruelty as justice because she's royalty! What the hell? You just turned one of your official princesses into a literal tyrant for the sake of a joke, Disney! 
Where the fuck was the oversight on this show!? 
And to top it all off, Trevor is a ruler of a competing kingdom. This could easily have been deemed an act of war. Thankfully for everyone involved Trevor has far more sense and compassion than Rapunzel and doesn’t push the matter. 
Yes that’s right! The intentionally annoying prat and comedic antagonist is a more upstanding person than the main heroine! Let that sink in! 
Wait, If Laws Don’t Apply Out In the Ocean, Then Why Did Eugene and Max Have Jurisdiction to Arrest Lady Caine in Peril on the High Seas? 
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Max shoved this same rule book into Eugene’s face when Eugene rightfully questioned if it was his job to arrest the mutineers. This book said that it was not only his job, but that he was also legally required to stop any and all ‘wrongdoing’ no matter where he was at nor whether he was on duty or not. While also failing to specify what ‘wrongdoing’ entailed. 
Now that’s very problematic and ridiculous for a whole host of reasons that I’ve already covered back in my review of Peril on the High Seas, but this scene now adds a whole new layer of stupidity to the mix. 
If zero laws apply out in open waters than yes, Eugene and Max were acting out of their jurisdiction. Not only that, but the pervious dumb rule regarding their duties is also now null and void. So, Justice For Lady Caine! 
Oh, but were not done yet, cause it gets dumber. 
If laws, including marriage don't apply, then getting married while out at sea also would not apply. Thereby rendering Trevor’s plan useless, unless they got married back in Equis. Which if they did that, it would bypass the entire pointless rule book completely because Equis is not subject to Corona’s laws anyways. 
There’s not even any ‘inter-kingdom’ laws that they would be subject too because Equis isn’t a part of the seven kingdoms. Any treaty they did previously have with Corona would be something else entirely, and Trevor would be within his rights to end such an agreement.     
Also Trevor is a king. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Same goes for Arianna.
Ummm, No You Don’t Rapunzel
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Trevor can’t marry Arianna without her agreement to it. It’s already been established that she’s physically capable of taking care of herself and she’s also mature enough to make her own decisions. If she did wind up marrying him it’d be because it’s her fucking choice to and Rapunzel has zero right to interfere with that.  
There’s no one to rescue here. Rapunzel has no reason to go chasing after her mom. All this is doing is denying a grown woman agency over her own life. Why should I or anyone, root for Rapunzel here? 
You Do Know That Arianna Has More Than Just Two Choices Here, Don't Ya Show?
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Arianna doesn’t have to be in any relationship. That’s also an option. While I personally like Trevor, this shouldn’t be a choice between him or Frederic. The show should be asking what Arianna, as a character, would want for her life, instead of just shoehorning her into just being a wife for someone else. 
I still don’t know what Arianna really wants in life, but I do know that being a domestic housewife and a queen does not suit her. She doesn’t actually like being tied down with commitments and responsibilities. She’s repeatedly indicated over and over again that she feels uncomfortable in her role. 
But the show reduces her into trophy to win and turns her into a damsel in distress multiple times. Then it further neuters her so that she complacently walks back into that life over and over again for no logical reason. She’s treated not as a person but as a prop.    
Really, Arianna? Are You Really Sure About That? 
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These aren’t Arianna’s words. They’re Chris’s. 
Arianna has shown zero interest in Frederic up to this point. The closest they got was during that creepy boat scene where they just jumped to almost kissing for no real reason.  While before now Arianna was making actual goo-goo eyes at Trevor earlier, before Raps stepped in and broke them up.  
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They actually do have things in common and had a genuine point of connection. They even almost kissed themselves until Raps started being a dick. No forced and icky conversations about their grown children needed here folks!
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While I still firmly believe Arianna should just be single, the show does far more to convince me that she and Trevor should be together more so than her and Frederic. Everything about this scene on the boat feels forced and hollow because it doesn’t ring true to what was previously established. 
This just isn’t good writing. It’s the animation equivalent of a six year old smashing their Barbie dolls faces together and shouting “now kiss!”, all because a middle aged man couldn’t get over they fact people didn’t like his self insert. 
No, wait, I apologize. That’s being mean to six year olds. They usually have more interesting plots and established characterization than this.  
Hey, Remember When the Series Villainized an Orphan For Stealing This Stupid Book? 
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Yeah, stealing the book was treason and the mains ruined a child’s life over it, but apparently it just doesn’t matter any more cause no one seems to give a shit about Trevor taking it. Like, yes, as the king of another kingdom, Trevor isn’t beholden to Frederic’s bullshit, but you would think that the characters would treat this as a bigger deal than what they do, given how they responded previously to it being taken.
Unless Rapunzel was just talking out of her ass back during The Alchemist Returns. That’s also quite possible.  
This Literally Has Nothing To Do With You Rapunzel 
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Just because Rapunzel herself is a woman, doesn’t mean that stealing the agency of another female character isn’t misogynist. Especially when their both written by primarily men.  
Every guy who was involved with the writing of the episode, should be fucking ashamed of themselves!!! 
So What Exactly Has Trevor Done Wrong Up To This Point? 
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Yes, the story board artists and voice actors do a lot of heavy lifting here to try and make Trevor seem like a creep. Arianna’s body language and tone of voice when dealing with him here will be very familiar to a lot of women, I’m sure. I know what it’s like to have a stalker and not know how to turn them down because you’ve been trained all your life to ‘be polite and nice” to people, and I’m not unique in that regard. 
But here’s the thing, it’s not set up properly. There’s nothing backing this sudden shift in the characters’ dynamic. Up till now Trevor has been a perfect gentlemen. Sure he was over the top as always, and you could call it an act when regarding his politeness to Frederic, but he seemed to genuinely respect and admire Arianna and clearly desires genuine affection in return from her. Why would he suddenly stop behaving in a way that worked for him and start talking over her instead? 
Also why wouldn’t Arianna just tell him no to begin with if that’s what she wants? She had no trouble speaking her mind before now. But that begs the question why she wouldn’t return his feelings as well, because as stated above, she clearly showed interest in him previously. 
This is So Fucking Forced
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Yeah, okay, you’re daughter has no reason to be here to begin with, disrespected your wishes, and attacked Trevor first. At this point I’d argue he has a right to retaliate. Especially since, if Rapunzel was allowed to board, you know she’d just attack him again, because she knows no other way to resolve conflicts other than to hit people very hard.  
Arianna’s actions here only make sense if she’s kept in the dark about what an awful human being her daughter really is. That’s poor writing. 
Also, having a woman just punch people while denying them actually agency and choice within the plot is not ‘girl power.’ It’s fucking misogyny!
How Does Doing the Bare Minimum, and Just Showing Basic Human Decency Count As ‘True Love’? 
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What was she suppose to do? Let him drown? I mean I wouldn’t, and I despise the man. Not to mention anyone else could have done the same thing. They’re all right there. If Lance had jumped to the rescue would Trevor have proclaim them lovers too? 
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Trevor Is Still the Better Man Here
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Here he is rescuing Rapunzel even after she treated him like shit. 
Best. King. Period. 
This Still Doesn’t Redeem Frederic 
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So through out the episode Frederic has inexpiably shown an obsession for eggs. He now collects them even though this was never an established trait before now. But whatever. He’s just been through something traumatic and looking for something to ground himself.  Far be it from me to make fun of someone else’s special interest. If you like to collet eggs than good for you. Go live your life to fullest. 
That’s more respectful than how the show handles it, as everyone dismiss his interest and it’s treated like a joke through out the episode. Only to have said obsession save the day. But this isn’t here to teach the others about respecting other people’s hobbies, oh no, it’s here to try and give Frederic a big hero moment so you’ll cheer for him. 
Except one nice thing does not erase his past actions! I don’t care what your hobby is, if you deliberately try to cause grievous harm to people you’re and asshole! And you will continue to be an asshole until you can admit what you’ve done wrong and try your best to make up for it. 
I Hope You Made Back Up Copies of The Tunnel Maps 
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A bunch of people are more upset over this development than I am, because it is a historical artifact and preserving the past is important. But the only story function the book held was a map to the tunnels, and said tunnels were never utilized properly through out the entire show. 
To this day people still don’t understand that they’re meant connect the island to Old Corona or that Herz Der Sonne is the one who built them into order to invade Saporia because the show is so bad at its world building. And come season three, they’re all but irrelevant anyways. Such a wasted concept. 
Once Again the Whole ‘Memory Loss’ Subplot Is a Copout 
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Ok that’s not how the spell worked previously, but that’s not what I’m taking issue with here. 
If the whole point behind the amnesia plot twist was to sweep Frederic’s awfulness under the rug, then I expect his past actions to be addressed once he’s regained his memories. They are not. 
This episodes reverses the very thing that the season was trying to achieve and just hopes the audience is too stupid/attention deficient to notice. Well guess what, we noticed and we’re far smarter than you Chris. 
I don’t understand the point of this episode. It shoots everything season three is trying to do in the foot. It screws up the timeline, makes Rapunzel even more of an irredeemable dickhead while preventing her from learning yet another needed lesson, undermines Arianna as a character once again, and it puts Frederic back in the crosshairs of the audience’s scrutiny. 
Oh and look, it’s written by the same guy who wrote Rapunzel’s Return. Why am I not surprised.  
Anyways another one down and only 15 more to go. You can support my continued marathon by dropping a tip in my ko-fi if you wish. I’m currently back to job hunting yet again and anything you can give is appreciated. 
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Ok imma be honest, this chapter moved me to tears and not the sad sobbing but the more inspiring kind. This chapter means the world.
She had told them her dreams were about ducks – since there were the only equally horrible thing she could think of.
Uncle Magnus had given her an odd look then, as if he knew she was bullshitting them. But he hadn’t said anything.
Lexi would be royally pissed if this turned out to be some stupid pointless dream.
Even though she was only 7 minutes older than Lexi, Selena always acted like she was 7 years older.
That's so cute though
People looked at her pastel-coloured aesthetic immediately assumed she was the soft and sweet Fairchild twin. People saw Selena in her red leather jacket and thigh high boots and assumed she was in the infamous troublesome Herondale twin.
Why Selena hadn’t killed her in her sleep yet, Lexi doesn’t know.
The meals at the Academy were to die for – quite literally. Last week two students from the warlock fraction had almost killed each other over a blueberry muffin.
Oh how times change...they will never know the dreaded soup
Selena’s was Idris of course. She was kind of obsessed with it.
Max loved the shadow markets. Lexi thought they were very cool too.
Rafael loved his father’s office – which was weird. There was nothing to do in that room other than ponder about shadow world problems. Besides, the place still weirdly smelled like the tangerine perfume Anjali wore, even though the girl had left New York almost a year ago.
David loved the New York Institute – especially the library.
Gigi of course loved the dining halls.
Dining halls, kitchens, food trucks, vending machines - if a place had food with it, Gigi loved it.
It's so amazing how they all have their favorite places...(same David same)
“You’re supposed to pour the syrup on the pancakes not into your mouth,” Lexi chuckled as she sat down next to her.
“It ends up in my mouth anyway,” Gigi shrugged.
True enough.
Someone make me a playlist.
“His parents fell in love in Rome when they were in Rome,” Gigi pointed out even though Lexi already knew. “I think it’s actually romantic.”
I had forgotten that-
Roman was nice. But not nice enough for Georgia. Lexi didn’t think there was anyone good enough for her parabatai – who was the most perfect person in the world.
Me @ anyone who tries to make a move at my best friend.
When's the wedding?
(you're telling me you didn't believe you were gonna marry your childhood crush? Liar)
“I like being his friend,” Georgia said. “I like spending time with him and all of that. But I don’t know if I like him…in that way. I feel like I need more time.”
Demiromantic??? YES GIVE US THE REP
Lexi sometimes thought life would be so much simpler if the world was full of women and everyone was a lesbian.
Ikr?? Life would be so much easier.
Lexi says Roman is too-nice-sus
Well well well
The kind of love that cheated death.
The kind of love that sustained memory spells put by princes of hell.
The kind of love that changed the world.
Trust me all of our standards are very high
Lexi successfully survived the class without falling asleep.
Me during English.
Ok who's the blond?
Lexi I thought we weren't gonna fall this soon-
Oh the girl's straight...sigh we've all been there.
which meant they had to hold hands. Kinda.
Lexi was a little scared of that.
Goddamnit, Alexandra. Get your gay together!
Lexi knew Olivia liked boys. She hadn’t dated anyone officially of course. All the boys were kind of terrified of her father.
She could be bi or pan or omni. WE GOTTA HAVE HOPE
vegetable loaf... David I'm so sorry you had to go through this.
Lexi then decided not to do any of her homework over the weekend because she was not coming back to the academy. She was not going to survive the sleepover and whatever else Olivia had in mind.
Bestie...why is this me when I make eye contact with my crush.
“Good stuff?” Max snorted. “Rafe literally ran away from home cause shit got too intense.”
“I didn’t run away!” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Stop telling people that!”
“But you have rumours and shadowhunters getting thrown into silent city and cohort drama and all that exciting stuff!” Liv pointed out.
True though.
“Wasn’t there a serial killer when your parents were young?” David asked.
“And didn’t your uncle do necromancy?” Max said biting into a chicken wing.
True and true
“Sorry, Chouchou!” Lexi winced. “I, uh, sensed a mosquitoe on your leg.”
“Girl, your angel powers are weird as fuck,” Max laughed.
“I don’t know,” the girl shrugged and threw her a wink. “I wouldn’t put anything past Lexi.”
Lexi looked at Gigi. She was one more compliment away from screaming.
But Gigi of course knew her struggle and therefore quickly stuffed a bread roll into Lexi’s mouth.
I need someone to stuff bread into my mouth when things get like this
There were rumours about David – and how Daddy had an affair. Lexi was yet to find those asshats and shove a witch light down their throats.
When you find them lemme know too.
“Or maybe it’s because you don’t need rumours be interesting,” David pointed out.
Max turned around, looking surprised at that. His cheeks turned purple. Lexi didn’t know why he was surprised. David only ever spoke fondly of Max.
“Oh. Oh! I did hear something a long time ago!” Gigi said suddenly. “Olly, is it true you were conceived at the beach?”
“Georgia, you can’t just ask people where they were conceived!” David sounded horrified.
That is very much possible.
“I heard you were conceived in hell?”
“Oh my god,” Selena looked horrified. “That’s not true! It must have been about Max!”
“Y’all I am adopted!” Max was shaking with laughter and then stopped. “Although our dads could have definitely had sex in hell. I wouldn’t put it past them.”
Oh yes. Both clace and malec.
Then they had of course continued to discuss that cursed topic until Rafael had threatened to tell the Consul about it.
Lexi turned around and saw Liv waiting for her. Nope. She wasn’t going to talk a walk – a fucking stroll! – with Olivia all on her own.
“You are coming back to the institute with me or I will un-parabatai you.”
You know there being an un-parabatai ceremony would solve a lot of shit
What if their hands accidentally grazed or something? That shit was lethal.
She is just trying to be nice. That’s what friends do. They are nice. And they give each other pretty dresses and say they would like to see them in it.
Honey that's gay.
Selena: Ugh boys
Selena: When I win back Idris, we are leaving all the men behind.
Lexi: Except Magnus? Lol.
Selena: Obviously.
Is that even a question Lexi? Duh.
Not everyone can kiss their partner in the Accords Hall. Some people didn’t have access to the Accords Hall.
And most important, some people didn’t have partners!
We're getting a lexi and Alec talk someone hold me
“I’m going to tell you something,” Uncle Alec said. “It might sound simple. It might sound ridiculous. But it’s the truth. So, you must believe me. Can you do that?”
Lexi gave him a small nod.
“It doesn’t matter what other people think,” Uncle Alec said. “Not when it comes to your future. Not when it comes to your identity. They don’t get to have a say in who you are and why you are the way you are.”
Lexi bit her lip.
“Alexandra, people will always tell what to do. But you shouldn’t let them. Never let anyone tell you what to do with your heart or your body. Neither belongs them. It only belongs to you.”
“Yep,” she groaned and then hesitated for a moment. “Uncle Alec…Can I ask you something stupid?”
“Can I say no?”
“Then go ahead.”
I love her so much
“I feel…I feel it’s something we have to bear, Alexandra. The fear of rejection. It’s something we have to accept as an inevitable part of our lives. Because no matter how much love we have around us, we will always be afraid of people not loving us – simply because of who we are.”
“Besides, they named you after me,” he pointed out. “I don’t know what else they expected.”
EXACTLY! Did they really expect a straight child after naming them after Alec?
“I do like shouting,” Lexi wondered out loud. “That’s good advice.”
“I didn’t mean it literally!” Uncle Alec looked alarmed.
“No, it makes total sense!” Lexi grinned. “Some of these people can be tone deaf. Gotta shout it out. Loud and clear. Awesome advice! Thanks, Uncle Alec!”
“Hey, Lexi. I was wonderin-”
“MOVE, I’M GAY!” she yelled as she shoved him aside and kept on running.
“I prefer she/her,” Lexi answered. "But sometimes I prefer she/they. But you can use she/her because some of y'all already shit at grammar."
That's exactly what I tell people when they ask for my pronouns. Istg people are shit at grammar.
alright girl im here to give you a lecture on how someone's dressing doesn't describe their sexuality
One of the boys who had complimented cleared his throat. “So, uh, you don’t like boys?”
“That’s literally what I said,” Lexi rolled her eyes. “I’m gay. I’m very gay. I’m gayer than the Consul. Okay fine, that’s not true. No one gayer than the Consul. But I’m still pretty gay.”
Does the boy have hearing problems?
“Sexual orientation and gender expression are two different things,” she explained now, remember what Uncle Magnus had taught them. “Sexual orientation refers to who I am sexually and romantically attracted to. Gender expression is how I want to express my gender identity. Those two are not connected. Just because a woman wears feminine clothes it doesn’t mean she is straight. Just because a man embraces femininity, it doesn’t make him gay either. Does that make sense?”
“Ohhh,” the girl nodded. “Yes, it does. Thank you!”
“What I wear does not reflect who I like. It reflects who I am and what I like to wear,” Lexi explained. “And regardless of my sexuality, I like pretty things.”
“This doesn’t change anything. I hope you know that,” he told her. “I mean I have to change the pronouns in my shovel talk. But that’s not a big deal.”
Also – my good friend Raziel told me that homophobia is a sin.”
“You mean homosexuality is a sin?” an older man asked.
“No, homophobia is a sin,” Lexi repeated. “That’s what Raziel said.”
“But that’s not-”
Someone cleared their throat. When he spoke, it was in the Consul Voice.
“Are you saying know better than Raziel?” the Consul asked.
Listen to Raziel you dumb shit
“Sure. Let me just call the Lesbian Alliance,” Lexi rolled her eyes.
Ugh I wish
“Alexandra, I have a fucking undercut and I have pink highlights and I cuff my jeans and I literally walk around with a sword and I can quote Lady Gaga to perfection! Why would you ever think I was straight??”
Lexi your gaydar is broken bestie.
Don't do this omg this is gonna be a mess
Lexi: Relaaaax. It’s going to be fine!
Gigi: I’ve read enough fanfiction to know the fake dating trope never ends well!
Lexi: I’ve told you to include the ‘angst with happy ending’ tag!
Also Gigi which fanfiction do you read?
Jace omg...
That's so him though.
“How about my peeps? It sounds very hip.”
“It does not,” Lexi replied. “Please don’t refer to us as your peeps under any circumstance."
Her father chuckled at that. “Sweetheart, you’re a Herondale. Being problematic is what we do.”
Daddy opened the notebook again. “I need names.”
Grabs flamethrower names
“Besides, the Lightwoods and Blackthorns have been hogging the gay genes for too long. Now it’s our turn. I say you gay it up.”
“Gay it up?” Lexi laughed.
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Go for the highest possible level of gay.”
He blinked for a second and then it hit him. “OH MY GOD YES! DOES EMMA KNOW??”
Lexi laughed. Yeah, he can never find out it was a fake dating situation.
Hopefully he won't have to because it won't be fake :D
“To love is a privilege and to be loved is a blessing.”
This chapter literally means so much to me. I don't even know what to say. I hope I too can one day have the courage to shout it in front of everyone and not be scared. See ya on Tuesday!
It means so much to me that this chapter meant a lot to you. I hope you find all the courage, strength and support you need. You are amazing.
And here. I made you a playlist.
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You can find it here on YouTube. I hope you like it :)
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ampmiscfiles · 3 years
Let Us Love You: Chapter 8
Start at the beginning
Bucky watched with a thoughtful expression as Peter left. There was no denying the omega hadn't looked at him quite like he had before.
He looked......unsure.
He debated on letting the others know, but he didn't have to say anything.
"That was interesting." Natasha said, eyebrows raised.
"What was?" Steve asked, turning from where Karen had walked off.
"Bucky and Peter." she answered.
The three other alphas snapped to attention.
"What about them?" Thor pushed.
"We just made eye contact. She's making something out of nothing." Bucky said, rolling his eyes.
"There was something different in that look." Natasha said, crossing her arms.
"I don't see why this is such a big deal. We all know he was close to the version of me in his world. He damn near shuts down every time he sees me. You'd be better off ignoring what you saw. It wasn't me he was looking at." Bucky glared before stomping off.
"Was it really a big deal?" Steve asked, looking at Natasha carefully. "I mean, Buck's not wrong. Peter had a connection with his version, it really could just be that."
"Oh, it's definitely a little bit of that. I could see it. He misses him. Most likely it's the same with Sam. Still, he knew he wasn't looking at his Barnes. He was trying to seen him in ours though."
"Perhaps this is a good thing." Thor hummed. "If we can convince him to talk to our friend Barnes, then he could see ours is the same as his!"
"That might work in theory, big guy," Tony nodded. "But how do you propose to get close enough to Peter to suggest it? How would you suggest it?"
"It's not a bad idea. I think Peter wants to talk to him, but our other selves have left a serious impression on him." Natasha said, moving to follow where Bucky had gone. "Let's go. We need to do a little brainstorming."
"Welcome to my awesome abode. I'd be glad to show you around. Maybe you'd like to see the inside of my bedroom?" Johnny winked, opening the door wide for Peter to enter.
"I've literally been here multiple times. I think I can get around just fine." Peter smirked. "Plus, I've seen your bedroom. It's a disaster."
"You've seen theother me'sroom. I can assure you thatmineis ready for company."
"I bet it is." Peter rolled his eyes. "Where is everyone?"
"In the kitchen. Come on, I'll win you over with my co-"
"You can't cook." Peter snorted.
"You don't know that!"
"What are we having?"
"Exactly." Peter laughed, passing Johnny and heading towards the kitchen.
"Are you sure we're just friends? I feel like there's something between us."
"Yeah, a mutual respect for giving each other shit."
"You know, I think you're ignoring the fact I'm a different Johnny Storm here." Johnny pouted, crossing his arms.
"No. You're still the same idiot." Peter chuckled, flicking his forehead.
"I'll have you know, I'm a highly sought-after alpha. Everyone wants a piece of this." he gestured to his whole body.
"I bet. I had to fight the crowd of screaming fangirls just to get in here." Peter deadpanned.
The truth was, Johnny was every bit as good looking in this universe as he had been in Peter's. Still, just as he retained his looks here, he also retained his extreme level of self-confidence.
"I'll win you over yet, Parker."
"Uh hu. Sure. Just don't hold your breath."
Peter would never admit he had once had a major crush on his own Johnny.
"Peter!" Reed smiled as he and Johnny entered the kitchen.
Sue smiled as she looked up from pulling a pan of lasagna out of the oven.
"Hello, Peter. Everything is almost done. Why don't you all go join Ben."
"Yes! I have so ma-"
"Reed." Sue warned. "He only just got here."
"It's ok, really." Peter smiled.
"I was used to this." he said, motioning between him and Reed.
"Let's talk then. I'm curious about your story. The multiverse isn't a common topic I get to discuss!"
"Well, I can't tell you you're gonna like most of what I have to say. Still, it's great to see you guys again." Peter smiled, genuinely happy to see the family of four back together.
"Heard we missed all the fun." Clint called, stepping off the elevator with his bags. "You guys couldn't have waited?"
"Sure. Next time we'll ask the killer robot army to hang on and let our other team mates get back from their impromptu vacation." Tony huffed.
"You all seem in a better mood than when we left. Something happen?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow at others.
The alphas were gathered in the common area talking eagerly amongst themselves.
"Yes." Thor smiled widely. "We have decided to properly court our omega. We shall return to the old ways."
"Who says romance is dead?" Tony grinned. "We're gonna woo the hell out of him!”
"This should be fun." Sam deadpanned.
“Oh ye of little faith. We're an extremely romantic bunch when let loose.” Tony scoffed.
“The guy couldn’t be more clear on his desire not to be your omega.”
“We’ve been talking to Karen and each other. Slow and steady wins the race and all that.”
“I think we made it back in perfect time then!” Clint grinned, opening his bag. “Brought some of Laura and the kids’ things. They missed you guys.”
Clint passed out the few items he had brought from his home. The scents of Laura and the three kids extended into the room. The calm of knowing their distant pack members were safe settled the atmosphere.
“We’ll get out to see them soon.” Natasha smiled, rubbing the small stuffed bunny she knew belonged to Nathaniel.
“We may even get to introduce them to Peter.” Steve said, a hopeful lit in his voice.
“Please don’t push that on him.” Bruce sighed. “It’s going to be enough on him dealing with you all, much less integrating into a full pack.”
“We are fully prepared to take it slow with our young omega.” Thor smiled.
The four other alphas nodded in agreement. There was no other option really. Sam was right in his statement that Peter seemed to want nothing to do with them, but Peter's conflict over Bucky had revived their hopes.
Maybe it wasn't such a lost cause after all.
“Your universe sucked.” Johnny scoffed from his seat next to Peter.
“I don’t always get along with Stark, but it’s deeply upsetting to hear about a version of him that was so violent.” Reed frowned, taking his own seat.
“I just can’t picture any of them being like that.” Sue agreed.
“Well, good thing ours arn’t like that. Not sure I could clobber them all at once.” Ben huffed.
Peter listened as the four voiced their opinions of the Avengers.To be honest, he was getting a little sick and tired of everyone telling him how wonderful they were.
They were wonderful in his world at once too!Everyone loved them and practically worshipped them!
Truth be told, there was no real understanding of the change. It wasn’t like anyone was opposing them. Who would? The Avengers risked their lives to help people, to keep them safe. Why would they evenneedto change?
Not that it mattered. They did change. They went from saving people tohurtingthem. They lorded their power over the people, and gleefully killed those who posed any real threat.
They were monsters!
Peter absently ran his hand along his thigh where he knew a long scar sat. A memorial to a particularly brutal up close fight with Black Widow. She had managed to stun him with her widow bites, slowing him down enough to prevent an unharmed escape. It could have been much worse, he knew, but he got lucky in where the bites had hit him.
She had been aiming for a fatal blow.
His movement had saved him from a slow death, but the blade had torn practically through to the bone in his thigh. If Bucky hadn’t shown up, she would have finished the job. As it was, he was out of commission for two weeks before the wound had healed, feeling had returned, and the leg moved without stiffness.
God, the blood she had spilt.
Peter startled out of his thoughts to find the four looking at him.
“Sorry.” he mumbled. “I can get lost in thought sometimes.”
“Well, I’m more than willing to help you with that.” Johnny grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh I know you can. You always could bore me right to sleep.” Peter snarked.
The others laughed and began passing around the food as Johnny pouted.
"So, you said there are no second genders where you're from?" Sue asked, curious as to how Peter was handling the change.
"No, we definitely didn't have alphas, betas, and omegas where I'm from. It was.....surprising to say the least." Peter winced.
"Well, you seem to be doing alright as a beta." Reed smiled.
"Beta?" Peter raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. Your scent is barely there. Beta scents are generally muted. Yours seems a little more so. Maybe it's because you weren't originally from here. Do you not know your second gender though, or did you think you hadn't gained one?" Sue frowned.
"I would have figured Matt and Karen would have explained things to you."
Peter looked around the table, unconsciously touching his wrist where one of the patches sat under his sleeve and web shooter.
"No," Peter hesitated. "They did, I.....I'm just still adjusting it all. I mean, I lived 26 years without all this, so it's easy to forget sometimes."
Ben, Sue, and Reed nodded, striking back up light conversation and more questions about himself and how he was getting along. Out the corner of his eye, Peter couldn't ignore the strange look Johnny kept giving him.
"So, what are you going by if you can't be a Parker?" Ben asked, drawing Peter's thoughts away from Johnny.
"Jones." Peter sighed.
"Any relation to Jessica Jones?" Reed asked.
"Yeah." Peter huffed. "Everyone thought they were so funny when they decided to make me Jessica's cousin."
"What's funny about that?" Sue frowned. "Did the two of you date back in your world?"
"Not hardly." Peter laughed.
"No, they just thought my initials were a nice joke.They left my first and middle name then changed my last."
"What's your name then?"
"My name is Peter Benjamin Par...err, Jones. Peter Benjamin Jones."
"I'm sure you'd make a delicious sandwich." Johnny snorted.
A few hours had passed before Peter noticed the time. He had been enjoying himself while getting acquainted with this version of the Four. They were practically identical to his, making connecting with them extremely easy.
“Well, I guess I better get going. Karen’s a worrier.”
“Don’t let Matt fool you, Peter,” Sue smirked. “He’s a worrier too with people he cares about. I saw you two talking.”
“Matt was the first person I went to after I got here. I was good friends with him.” Peter smiled.
He was happy to have Matt and Karen, and to be gathering back all the people he lost, but Ben, May, Bucky and Sam were never far from his mind. The people he wanted most were the people he’d never get.
After promising to visit again, and give a demonstration of his strength levels compared to Ben's, Johnny led Peter out.
"So, Pete," Johnny started, unusually hesitant compared to his normal composure.
"The others didn't press, but I'm going to. You're an omega, aren't you?"
Peter blinked in surprise. He had yet to have to admit his second gender to anyone on his own yet. Everyone who knew, had either discovered from his scent, or been told by someone else.
"I could see the scent patch occasionally when your sleeve moved up and your, whatever those are on your wrists, shifted."
Peter swallowed hard, not missing the fact Johnny had moved into his space.
"It's ok, Pete." Johnny smirked, stepping back. "I'm not going to blab your secret. I am, however, going to knock you off your feet! You'll give in to me yet, Jones."
"I don't think you want to try, Storm." Peter replied, breathing a little easier as Johnny's alpha pheromones calmed.
"Why? Do you already have an alpha? I just don't see any mating marks."
Mating marks?
Peter frowned. He hadn't heard of any 'mating marks'. Was there more he had to learn? Maybe he should keep blowing Karen's lessons off.
"No. I don't have an alpha, and I'm not interested in one." Peter narrowed his eyes.
"Fair enough." Johnny smiled, holding up his hands in surrender. "But that doesn't mean I won't keep trying."
Peter sighed. While he wasn't about to let Johnny Storm in on his alpha problem, he couldn't forget how the Avengers had reacted to Wade when they realized the two were hanging out together.
Deadpool hadn't been in any real danger since he could easily regenerate, but Johnny couldn't.
If anything Karen had already told him had gotten through, it was that alphas could be possessive. He had already seen it in action, and the Avengers were anything but normal alphas.
Still, he wasn't going to let that stop him from hanging around people he actually trusted.
They would just have to deal.
If they couldn't, and tried to hurt his friends, he'd be ready.
As he made his way back toward Matt and Karen's, he didn't even notice how his thoughts on the Avengers had changed from "when", to "if".
"You smell like Johnny Storm." Karen frowned when he walked through the door.
"Hello Karen. I see your fine after today's events. My dinner with the Four was great. If was nice to catch up. Thanks for asking."
"Don't sass me, Peter Jones." Karen glared, following him to his room, passing a smirking Matt along the way.
"What if you had run into your alphas? You're unmated and smelling of an alpha that's not one of them! Even worse that it's Johnny with his flirty reputation."
"I'm not avoiding friends just becausetheymight not like it, Karen!" Peter shouted, turning around with his own glare.
"They don't own me and never will. I don't want them! I don't trust them! It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks of them. I can't stand them!"
"Peter, please," Karen tried.
"No. This discussion is over Karen. I'm never going to be with the Avengers. It's not happening."
"You won't even give them a chance!" Karen shouted, her frustration rising. "You're so hell bent on seeing them as the same villains they were in your world that you refuse to see them as the heroes they are here! This isn't your old world, Peter! You can't keep hanging on to what happened there. You're here now!"
The two glared at each other, neither wanting to admit defeat.
"You don't know what you're talking about Karen. You have no idea what I've been through."
"I have a damn good idea, Peter! You've made no effort to hide your disdain for them. You have no problems admitting what those other Avengers did to you. I know it's left physical as well as mental scars, but did you ever stop and think that maybe getting to know these Avengers could help you heal?"
There was complete silence as Karen's words hung in the air.
"Getting to know them and seeing they're who you wish your Avengers had been could be good for you. You could finally relax a little and try to move on. You've been here for months now Peter, and yet you still hold everything from your past so close it's like it all happened yesterday."
Karen sighed, running her hand through her hair.
"We're all still here, Peter. Nothing has happened to any of us and they've had more than enough opportunity to hurt us if they wanted to. They've had plenty of chances to kill the others and make it look like a casualty of a fight and no one would question it, but they haven't. They haven't, and you need to realize and accept it."
Without another word, Karen turned and headed into her and Matt's bedroom, slamming the door behind her.
Anger rippling under his skin, Peter left the apartment and headed towards Luke's bar. Maybe he could find something there to keep himself busy.
Anything to get his mind off his....whatever that was, with Karen.
Shoving his way into the back door, the sounds from the front filtered in through his ears. The place was at peek hour.
"I swear, if one more asshole-Peter?"
Peter looked over as Luke stormed into the back, grabbing a bucket and mop.
"Rough night?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, it's gonna be for the shit that just broke a beer bottle over a guy's head. They're both about to clean up their little mess, then get thrown out on their asses." Luke grumbled, kicking the door back open and shouting.
Peter decided to hang out in the back, letting Luke handle things before making his way up front.
"Get out here, Jones." Luke snapped, sticking his head back through the door. "Make yourself useful and come serve some drinks."
Grinning, Peter slid his way behind the bar and got to work.
It was slowing down to the more, quieter patrons of the night. These were the people Peter liked the most. While the more boisterous crowd could be fun, they could also be annoying and demanding. Some even tried to get a little handsy, over the bar.
This crowd though, this was crowd was just looking for a little break from the world.
Peter heard someone sit at the bar while he was crouched, placing glasses back into their places. Rubbing his hands on his pants, he stood up to greet the customer and....froze.
Sam Wilson stared back, as equally surprised to see him.
The two just stared at each other, neither knowing how to react.
"Hey, Pete-" Luke stopped as he took in what was happening.
He wasn't quite sure what to do, and it didn't appear as if Peter or Sam knew either. Had it been any of the alphas, Luke would have easily jumped in, knowing how stressed Peter would be.
Sam wasn't an alpha though.
“Let me start by saying your secret is safe with me.” Sam said. “I’m pretty burnt out on alpha desperation at this point. I just want to have a drink and enjoy it.”
Peter stared at him a moment before moving forward.
“What would you like?”
“Whatever you recommend.”
Peter looked at him again. Guess Sam was willing to trust his judgement in drinks in any universe.
Sam nodded as Peter slid a glass across the counter top and took a swig.
“I hope we’re not gonna spend the entire time in here in this strange, tense silence.”
Peter sighed.
“This isn’t....this isn’t easy for me.”
“I’ve gotten that impression. I also heard you were close to your world’s Bucky and I.”
“Y...yeah.” Peter frowned. “By the end, they were my best friends.....they were all I had left.”
The two were silent again as Peter busied himself with meaningless tasks.
“I’m sorry this is happening to you.” Sam said suddenly. “I think I would have reacted the same way.”
Peter stood with his back to Sam, debating on his next move.
Finally, he turned.
“You’re a lot like him, well, when he wasn’t giving me shit anyway.” Peter chuckled.
“Oh, I can give you shit if that’s what you’re looking for spider boy.” Sam grinned.
Peter grinned back, strangely comfortable in this Sam’s presence.
Maybe all Sam’s were pretty much the same.
“Look. I know you’re probably willing to talk to me like thishere. I can see Cage keeping an eye on you, but I think, if we got along in your world, we could get along here.”
Peter hesitated, the since of unease returning.
“I’m not trying to hand you over to the wolves!” Sam said quickly. “I’m more so trying to offer up another friendship. One that gets me away from everyone at the tower and one that offers you.....” Sam hesitated, unsure if he should continue.
“Maybe something that offers you a bit of what you lost?”
Peter’s eyes widened in surprise. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of this Sam’s offer. As much as he missed his own, and as similar as the two seemed, could he really ever think of this Sam as a friend on par with his?
“You don’t have to answer me now.” Sam assured. “Maybe just think about it. I realize I’m part of the enemy here, but I promise I’m not a bad guy.”
“Yeah.” Peter snorted. “You’re not trying to get into my pants.”
“You do realize there’s more to it than that, right?”
“I’m not really interested.” Peter replied. “You don’t know what it was like to see them hurt people. To see them kill you and Bucky.”
“I’d offer up the argument that these Avengers haven’t done that considering Bucky and I are clearly still alive, but I have the feeling you’ve heard that line enough.”
“That obvious?”
“From five words in.”
Peter let out a breath, running his hand through his hair. It was hard having someone who looked like his lost friend be so close, and yet so far.
"I'll share a secret with you, kid." Sam grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
This caught Peter's attention as he leaned onto the bar.
"There are three betas in the tower. Me, Clint and Bruce-"
"I...I like Dr. Banner." Peter mumbled.
"What?" Sam asked, unsure he had heard right.
"I....I like Dr. Banner. He.......he had it hard in my world. Hulk is a force to be reckoned with. He can be easily enraged to the point that even the intelligence he does have can be quickly over written. When the Avengers...turned.....they held him hostage. Bruce was far to gentle in nature to side with them, so they held him captive, using Hulk against him. They'd do whatever they could to bring out Hulk, then set him loose on the city."
Sam sat in stunned silence. He could never imagine putting Bruce Banner through that kind of torment. Bruce struggled with balancing himself as both separate and part of Hulk.
"I wanted to free him. Tried several times, but it never worked. They kept him in an underground bunker beneath the tower. I only saw him once. I'm not even sure how I managed to make it that far. I've never forgotten how defeated, miserable and pained he looked inside that glass cage they kept him in."
"Glass doesn't sound like it would hold-"
"Oh, it was 'Hulk proof'." Peter hissed. "Before things went bad, Bruce and Tony created it to contain him if things got to bad and he needed somewhere safe to be until he returned back to himself."
"They used his own creation against him." Sam sighed, running his hand down his face. "Guess that explains why you didn't do anything to Bruce that day."
"I told Matt and Karen it was because he let me out. I'm telling you the truth because you live with them and need to know what they're capable of doing."
"If it makes you feel any better," Sam started. "We don't have a Hulk room or cage or anything."
Peter narrowed his eyes.
"Serious!" Sam defended. "Bruce comes and goes just like the rest of us. He pretty much stays at the tower though. We don't have many instances where the Hulk is needed, but Bruce's medical training comes in handy a lot. Even stepped up a notch when you showed up." Sam snickered.
"Are you.....enjoying me hurting them?" Peter asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Immensely. Clint and I, don't tell him I agree with him, think it's amazing."
Peter didn't stop the upturn of his lip at Sam's grin.
"Omega's don't typically kick their alpha's asses on the regular. I mean, I've heard of those mutant omegas at Xavier's going out and fighting, but I've never seen them do it in person. You, on the other hand, I have watched fling every alpha on the team around like rag dolls. It's humbling really."
Sam's laughter filled the small space between him and Peter.
"Well, I do have a history of fighting the hierarchy." Peter smiled.
"Tell you what," Sam said, holding out his hand. "Let's start fresh. No alternate identities. Just two guys meeting at a bar. I'm Sam Wilson."
Peter looked at the outstretched hand and up at Sam's face. His spider-sense remained, as it had the entire time, silent. Slowly, Peter took the outstretched hand.
"Peter Jones."
Sam raised and eyebrow.
"Doesn't surprise me." Peter rolled his eyes. "Of course you'd all know my real name."
"Why change it?"
"Because a version of me existed here at one time." Peter replied, looking away. "I can't be Peter Parker when he's dead."
"I guess not one that looks just like him." Sam nodded. "I'm guessing there's also family then?"
"Yeah." Peter replied, not willing to say more.
"Alright then, Peter Jones, it was nice to meet you. I better be getting back home though." Sam smiled, standing up and taking his jacket off the back of the chair.
"You'll cover that for me, right?"
Peter looked down where Sam nodded at the empty glass.
"No way Wilson."
"To think, I wanted to be nice to you." Sam said, pulling some bills out of his pocket.
"There's no such thing as free alcohol, man." Peter grinned.
"Then what's the point of being friends with the bartender?"
"The fabulous company?"
"I know that's what you get, I'm still trying to figure out what I'm getting." Sam smirked.
"I'll tell you what, this time." Peter's grinned turned wicked. "You'll get to keep a place you can go where the other Avengers can never bother you. I'll personally see to their exits if they ever show up."
Sam barked out a laugh as he straightened out his jacket.
"Well, if they ever show up, it won't be because of me. With that said, I appreciate your willingness to uphold the sanctity of my sacred drinking hole."
The two nodded at each other as Sam walked out the door, followed shortly after by the last of Luke's customers.
"You ok?" Luke asked as he restocked the bar while Peter swept.
"Surprisingly, yeah. Dealing with just Sam was way different than the others."
"Well, being a beta probably helps." Luke shrugged, not wanting to verbally address the other issues.
"Maybe." Peter nodded.
"You worried you'll have more 'customers'?" Luke asked after a moment. "I can't exactly say I can ban the Avengers..."
"No." Peter said, looking up at Luke. "I'm actually not."
Luke stopped and raised an eyebrow.
"You do realize-"
"I don't think he'll tell. Not them anyway. Maybe Barton and Dr. Banner, but not them."
"Well, I heard about Banner, but what about Barton. What's the feelings on him?"
Peter stopped sweeping, letting his thoughts gather themselves.
"He was just as ruthless as the others in my world. Tony made him explosive arrows. He caused so much damage with those. Lots of innocent people lost their homes and their lives. I don't trust him any more than the others."
Peter's face turned stony as he thought about the archer.
"He shot me in the back once. Went right through my right side."
"He did what?" Luke growled, walking from behind the bar and over to Peter.
"Yeah, right here." Peter said, lifting his shirt and tracing the scar on the side of his stomach, then moving to the part on his back.
Luke looked at the two scars, not missing a few others as well.
"Jesus, kid."
"I keep trying to tell you all. The Avengers can't be trusted this blindly! They could turn at any moment, and you could end up with the same scars as me......or worse."
Luke frowned as he watched Peter try to keep his breathing calm. He wasn't sure Peter having contact with Sam was a good idea anymore. It didn't matter what intentions the man had, being around him definitely opened Peter up to chances of having to see the other members of the team.
"I worry though, that I'm letting positive memories of Sam cloud my judgement here." Peter sighed. "I'm worried desperation for that connection is taking over."
"You can always keep to meeting here. You never have to meet him anywhere you don't want to." Luke shrugged. "I know you're tired of hearing it kid, so I'll save a lot of it."
Peter frowned, unsure of exactly what Luke was going to say.
"I don't have a problem with the Avengers, but I'm also not you. I don't have your past, so my opinion means nothing. Sam though, Sam's not an alpha. He's a beta with no romantic interest in you. I don't think it would be a big deal to consider the option of some form of friendship with him. Shit on the others if you don't want to."
Peter didn't know what to say. He was genuinely worried as to what accepting Sam's offer might lead to. The worst scenarios running through the forefront of his mind. Still, the possible benefits kept pushing their way in.
"I'll think about it.
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charlieswanwhore · 3 years
She (Ginny Weasley x Sapphic! Reader)
notes: can you tell im in love with Ginny Weasley? also my first post in MONTHS im so sorry
warning: none :) the end if kind of rushed sry
I'd never tell No, I'd never say a word And oh, it aches But it feels oddly good to hurt
Your soft voice bounced around the stone walls of your dorm. Your hands were raw at this point from playing the guitar and writing for hours. You finally finished the song you had written that expressed your feelings. Humming along while tuning your guitar, you were startled by your best friend and dormmate, Ginny Weasley.
“You’re really good, you know,” her low voice comes from behind you. Looking back at the dorm entrance you saw her coolly leaned against the arch, books in hand, school robes keeping her warm.
Shit. She heard you? You literally wanted anything but anyone to hear it.
Trying to not show too much shock, you muttered a nervous thank you. “Oh, yea, thanks, Gin,” Ginny smiled then ran to the four poster next to yours, sitting directly across from you. “How much of it did you hear?”
“Most of the song, I reckon,” Shitshitshitshit. “Well, I mean, not really. I heard your voice but I couldn’t really hear any of the words since I was just down the hall.” Ginny smiled. She had no clue you were singing a song about her. Thank Godric. Relief washed over you until she spoke up again, “Will you play it for me?”
“Play what?” You were dumbstruck with stress still that your mind went blank.
“The song you were just playing,” Ginny giggled and gave eyes of encouragement. That giggle triggered the butterflies to be let out into your stomach, fluttering around as if it is the first time they have seen day. Her laugh was always one of your favorite things. 
“Oh! Yeah, duh. Um, I-I don’t know. I mean, it isn’t gr-” you scrambled to make excuses but Ginny interrupted.
“Oh come on, Y/N. I know it’s amazing. Besides, I am your best friend, I won’t judge even if it was bloody awful,” she grabbed your hand while talking you up. You stared at your hand holding her paled, freckled one. Now you were more nervous than ever. 
You shut your eyes before sighing, “Fine! Fine! But you owe me a butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks today,” you pointed at her with stern eyes. Taking in a deep breath before going to strum you saw her get comfortable and wear the biggest smile ever. You soon blushed but the nerves flooded you again. “Ginny, are you sure? My throat is a litt-”.
“Y/N!” she giggled before you responded defensively with an ‘OK’.
Ginny was patient as you got into your zone of focus. After what felt like forever for you, your fingers began to strum. You were doing it, you were playing her the song. Out of nerves to start the lyrics, you played the beginning intro a few too many times before the lyrics spewed from your mouth. You saw from the corner of your eye that Ginny grinned bigger as she saw your mouth open.
Am I allowed, to look at her like that?
And just like that, Ginny’s expression changed at the word “her.” It wasn’t a negative expression, just a curious one. A curious look that was almost permanently on their mutual friend Luna Lovegood’s face. Ginny mouthed the word “her” before tuning into you singing the rest of the song.
Could it be wrong, when she’s just so nice to look at?
This was the point in Ginny’s head that solidified the idea that you were singing about a girl and that she didn’t hear you wrong the first time. There was initial shock at first but overall acceptance to her best friend.
And she smells like lemongrass and sleep She tastes like pumpkin juice and peach Oh, you would find her in a Polaroid picture And she means everything to me, oh
That was the verse that you were scared to sing to Ginny the most. 
Your head flashed to the day you and Ginny learned about amortentia with their Potions class. Everyone in the class announced what they smelled, but when it got to you, you had to think fast to cover up your answer which would make it almost obviously that you smelled Ginny. “I smell cologne and... today’s breakfast,” your whole class giggled. 
Ginny poked you in the ribs, “Almost no one ate whatever it was that they gave us for breakfast,” she pondered, “except Ron.” Her eyes went wide when she thought she put together puzzle pieces. “You like Ron!” she whispered, not quiet enough for us to not earn a glare from the Professor, though. You shrugged, you wanted her off the topic. You began to listen to the rest of your class announce what they smell, pretending that what you said didn’t matter. 
And I'll be okay admiring from afar 'Cause even when she's next to me We could not be more far apart
It was true. Although you and Ginny were attached at the hip and knew almost everything about each other, you could not feel more distanced. It wasn’t anything that was Ginny’s fault. It was your own. You were keeping a secret from her. And it wasn’t a secret such as ‘Once I wore your favorite jumper without asking,’ it was that you were in love with her. Hell, Ginny didn’t even know that you liked girls. You created such a large wall to protect yourself and your friendship with Ginny. 
And she tastes like birthday cake and storytime and fall But to her, I taste of nothing at all
Your voice got especially raw at that last lyric. You knew she fancied Harry. You knew she only saw you as a friend. You were never more than a friend. Honestly, you had no clue whether or not Ginny would ever swing your way, but you always assumed that she wouldn’t, you did so to protect your feelings.
Ginny was still grinning. Though she had a curious look on her face, she also looked proud. Which, honestly, you are proud of yourself. You are proud of singing in front of her, for coming out to her, and maybe, if it works out, you’ll be proud of being hers.  
And she means everything to me Yes, she means everything to me She means everything to me
You closed out the song slowly. You emotions were on edge. You were proud, sad, curious, nervous, and happy all at the same time. Once the guitar stopped vibrating with noise, Ginny began to vocalize her thoughts.
“Y/N! That was so beautiful! The lyrics, your voice... and ‘she’? Y/N! Why didn’t I know?!” she jumped to her feet and softly clapped. You sure hope she meant you liking girls, not being madly in love with her. 
Blushing, you messily thank her, “Oh- I- I- Thanks, Gin, I really appreciate it,” you awkwardly said, putting your guitar away as Ginny sat next to you on the bed.
“Don’t avoid the question, Y/N/N” she said staring at you sternly.
“What question?” Now you were playing dumb. You wanted to end this moment as soon as possible, you prayed that your friends would come to the door any second saying that they were ready to go to Hogsmeade. 
Without forcing the harsh question, Ginny tried to guide you into answering patiently. “You know... ‘She...’ Merlin, Y/N, that you like girls!” she rolled her eyes playfully before poking you in the ribs.
“Oh...right. I don’t know, it just never came up?” you tried to dumb the situation down but you knew you weren’t going to get away with it.
“‘It never came up,’ Yeah right, Y/N! We have definitely talked about who we like before. I just thought it was Ron all this time, haha! Ron... Thank Godric you don’t fancy my brother,” she was more happy than you thought she would be. It comforted you, but you knew what her next question was going to be. 
There was a moment of comfortable silence and calming from the laughing. Ginny then broke that silence, quiet at first. “Um, who is it about? Who is ‘She’?”
There it was. The question you absolutely dreaded.
Looking at her was the scariest moment you have ever experienced. She had to be pulling your leg. You name dropped her literal scent and favorite foods. Meeting her eyes made your stomach drop. You noticed Ginny’s eyes holding a bit of sympathy welded into the curiosity. Did she know it was about her and felt bad? Was she going to be able to tell from your nervous facial expression?
Her beautiful eyes were a trance that almost took her out of her nervous and repeating thoughts. The one thing that did was a group of Gryffindors stopping at your door way.
“Ginny, Y/N, everyone is starting to leave for the Hogsmeade, you ready?” a Gryffindor boy you both were friendly with asked, a few other Gryffindors behind him. 
Both of you jumped up and scrambled to get ready, “Yea, we will be there soon, thank you for letting us know!” you said, dressing warm in a quick manner. You were thankful that your classmates interrupted the moment. You wouldn’t mind staring into Ginny’s eyes anytime except for now.
You both quickly headed down to the entrance of the school, meeting with friends. There was tension between you too, nothing negative, just awkward. You tried to wipe the last five minutes from your brain to enjoy Hogsmeade with Ginny and your friends, but negativities swirling in your head made it hard, especially when Ginny kept stealing (what looked like sympathetic) looks at you the entire trip.
Walking back from Hogsmeade in the winter was awful. For one, it was too cold for what warm robes everyone had on. On the other hand, Ginny was staring bullet holes into your head the entire time. You couldn’t tell if they were pity or curiosity, but to be honest, you wanted to avoid the situation of finding out as much as possible. 
Dinner in the Great Hall was going to be served in about an hour so everyone freezing down to their bones has dedicated the hour to running to their dorms and warming up as soon as possible. Ginny wasn’t an exception to that, she bolted up the stairs leaving you alone to your slow walking. You planned to walk as slow as you could and take as many detours on the moving stairs as you could. When you did walk into your dorm much later, Ginny, now dressed in warmer clothes and slippers, greeted you.
“Y/N! What took you so long? I thought you would’ve run up here to get warm!”
Your eyes shot down to the floor as you paced your way to your four poster, “Oh, just took the long route,” you shrugged, hoping she’d leave it be. 
“Y/N,” you turn around towards the voice, which has now moved right behind you. 
“Close your eyes,” Ginny said. Nervously, you close your eyes.
It is nothing but darkness for a bit. That is until you feel a tug on your neck from your scarf. That loses your focus before it is on the pair of soft lips on yours.
She was kissing you. Ginny Weasley was kissing you.
The kiss was short and sweet but enough to make you shocked and have butterflies brewing between the two of you. 
After pulling apart, Ginny speaks up, “you taste of... butterbeer and... sugar quills,” she grins softly.
You stared wide eyed at the doe eyed girl. She reads the shock on your face and is immediately filled with regret.
“Oh Godric, the song wasn’t about me, was it? I just thought so since some of the clues connected with me and I have been in love with you for two years so I guess I just assumed. Godric, this is so embarass-” Ginny’s nervous ran was cut off by a kiss between you. This kiss was longer. Your arms were around eachother, breath was running out fast. 
“It’s you, you dork. The song is about you,” you confess before kissing her once again. 
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Note; I deeply apologize seeing as this is going to end up being long. Onto the information; My name is Ghost(mainly go by this one), Acid, Killer(more of a nickname), or Gore(more of a nickname). I go by he/they/xe/its, and I'm a dude, MLM and poly so it really doesn't matter much who it is. Born March 31st, being an Aries I'm a very loud and energetic person. I'm also very impulsive and get myself into deep shit, even if I don't realize I'm doin' it. I get overly loud when the topic is about something I enjoy or is into, if I try flirting on purpose it's ass but when I do it without realizing I get called a huge flirt. Big music and art geek, I have sketchbooks upon sketchbooks filled just sitting around in my room. I listen to a lot of rock like Queen, Guns N Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, ACDC, Nickelback, KISS, Slipknot, KoRn, and on and on. Although I listen to every genre of music minus country(although there are few songs I can deal with). Big tattoo/piercing person, if you have one visible I will point it out and geek out about it. Although literally don't ask me to name a few songs unless I've been rambling on about it because I have the shittiest memory. I dye my hair so often it's surprising my hair is still healthy. I have literally bleached my hair, dyed it red and let that fade for a week, then dyed it blue and have been touching up the blue ever since then. If it wasn't due to money problems and the fact it's hard to borrow in my town my hair would probably have my hair a different color every two weeks. I ramble quite a bit and have the shittiest focus and memory, so you may have to pull me to the side and tell me to calm down. Would definitely compliment on the boys looks, specially their outfits. I'm a coffee and monster addict at this point, you'll see one or the other in my hand, and the occasional water bottle because I try to keep myself health. My love language is through touch and insulting people. Ex, "I fucking love you dumbass" or flipping you off playfully as a way of saying "i love you bitch". Smoking doesn't bother me, grew up around it my entire life. I love riding on motorcycles, no matter the weather, is it cold asf, nice idgaf, is it raining, shit lets go. I have a bad(good in some people's eyes) of using petnames/nicknames for everyone. Everyone has a wholesome petname from me and then I'll call them a whore or some shit. I cuss too much for my own good, I literally don't have a filter in my entire body. I will impulsively say shit, sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes it's a bad thing. Due to my anxiety I try to stay away from large crowds, but if I'm in them (aka on the boardwalk) I will have music blaring in my ears and my ears glued into my current sketchbook. Although I currently don't have them, I'm going to add them anyways because I'm going to end up getting them when I have the money to go to a piercer or to get a kit. I want a shit ton of piercings. Such as snake bites(lip piercing), tongue, septum, all of the piercings finished on my ears, and bridge. I've stated once I'm a big tattoo geek, so I want a quite a bit of those. I'm definitely a big "oh let's do it myself" person, and I have tried giving myself a septum piercing. (it would've worked if it wasn't for the fact I did it too low to be able to flip it up to hide it) I love the adrenaline of fights, it doesn't matter if I win or loose, although I do prefer if I win. I literally get the most random urge to fight someone for the hell of it. Probably has something to do with impulsive thoughts and shit, but oh well. I'm a big respect person, I live by the motto "you respect me, I'll respect you". I have blackouts sometimes due to rage and anxiety, so I try to keep myself from having them. I have a bad habit of rambling and saying sorry too much. I tend to repeatedly say sorry whilst rambling as I tend to get overly excited and loud when I ramble. I'm a very talkive person if I know and trust you. If you're around me and you don't get your ear talked off or messed with, you're probably not liked or
you need to leave. It's one easy way you'll be able to tell if I get along with you or not. I kinda have a whatever/punk/alt style, a lot of time I just grab something decent and throw it on. Although you'll always see me wearing a belt and my platform shoes. I'm 5'0, so my obsession with platforms grew because of my need to be tall. I wear a lot of baggy clothing, I'm definitely more of a comfort over style person.
Ok, my dude, I'll definitely pair you with...
Marko and Paul
Oh, man, you three are gonna be some threesome (and not necessarily in the sexual way lol)
Just imagine THE MESS
The boys think you're adorable when you get into the romantic mood and try to flirt but end up saying bad pick-up lines, so they'll laugh, but will twirl their hair as whoerish as possible and follow the game. Or they would get on with their manly act and fight to see who will flirt back better.
Now, the chatting will be so goddamn long! You three will go on 4 hour-long conversations that'll get from a "look at this new t-shirt I got" to "so that's why Ronald Reagan was an alien". The worst part is left to the spectators like David or Dwayne since none of you three will be the sane individual and shut y'all up.
The blondes like your drawing, and ask you to draw them or random stuff and people CONSTANTLY, so you'll have many opportunities to improve your skills and try with different models. When they happen to find some of your sketchbooks, they try to impress you or simply give a small present by drawing you or something you like, or at least make the attempt since some of the "fine pieces" as they call them, they give you are like children's school projects.
And, man, about the hair, are you blessed to have the glam diva Paul by your side to give advice and constructive criticism to your hair. He will help you choose the color and will give it style from time to time if you accept. The process to dye it will be so much fun, and so chaotic; experimenting with the pigments ends up with wounds caused from the bleach and the currently used wardrobe disposed later.
A thing they love about you is that you can stand up for yourself if needed, but they rather you not to, because they know you handle yourself and the others well, maybe too well for your good. Paul tries to take care of you as much as he can so there is no need for you to possibly get hurt. It was enough trying to control Marko so he didn't get involved in some stupid street fight every night at the boardwalk to now have to worry daily about you too. Marko shares the passion for the adrenaline of this and will think it is hot as hell, but he protects you as much as Paul, maybe a bit softer than him about it tho, but if you're in the middle of a fight and it starts to get worse than expected, he dead ass will force you to back off. He'll finish the business himself, sweetheart.
As for your love language, don't worry, these dorks will accept you playful pushes with joy, and they'll give you some of them too. But if you accidentally flip and fall some meters before hitting ground, you know the rule: laugh first, help second.
Oh, and you better get prepared for the bullying. You're the smallest in the group, so that leads to a constant attack as a hobbit. Marko joins the quip, but I mean, he'll get humiliated along. Let's just say Paul gives you two a hard time about it. With all the love of course.
They love to get out with you and the others and go to the boardwalk, but they try to take you out on days it is not that crowded, or in hours where a small amount of souls are having a stroll. But, if you happen to go out on a crowded night, they will keep you focused on having a good time, but just mention your getting uncomfortable and you'll be back at the cave in less than a minute.
Paul and Marko really love your style, they think it looks badass and try to match tough outfits with you from time to time. Giving you cool shirts and leather jackets with some patches on them that they think are awesome. Don't ask why some of the clothes have strange-colored stains on them tho.
They go with you to get you ears or nose pierced from the moment you three decided doing it diy style was a bad idea cuz y'all ended up with a bleeding nose and an ear infection the first time of trying it, and because there's no voice of reason in the threesome, Star and Dwayne had to give you kids a very long lecture of not doing those things by yourself.
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