#doubles pls interact <3 JSJAKAKSKDDKKD /lighthearted
2-wuv · 2 years
being one of The Tumblr-wide Blorbos™ is so weird it's like ok Well. I exist. Other systems have fictives of me (as in, Source Me) too. That's wack?? Not in a Bad way just in a.… Well I've Seen Weirder And This Is Cool But Still Wacky sorta way.
(this got long & rambly more under the cut)
And. It makes socialization In System Spaces (esp. on here) Weird for us. I'm fine with doubles!! In fact I love doubles they're cool as FUCK! Literally one of my besties outside the system is also a double (btw Hiii bestie if ur reading this hi <3 JFJDJSJD)
buT LIKE!!! Fuckign!! Outside of our Very Small Social Circle of people we Talk To Often idk if like. Existing, as a fictive, from a currently popular media, makes OTHERS uncomfortable? Others, as in, our mutuals, or other systems we follow & rb/like from on here often, like uhhj. ?!!??!! I don't know???¿¡¡!
And this doesn't just go for me it goes for EVERY fictive in our system (with VERY few exceptions). Literally every one. Bc one of our biggest positive front triggers is doubles (and, sourcemates, but primarily doubles) and. !?!??!!!!?? y'know??
I don't fucking know if this ramble has a point I'm Just talking into thw void rn honestly. But tl;dr: uhhjjj Socialization Weird™!!
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