#ohh i hope youre doing well as wellll!
koifsssh · 7 months
Hello 👋! Hope your doing well! Are their fun facts you can give us about your oc’s?
I certainly do! Sometimes I fear I may have too much honestly, I have the tendency to hyperfixiate hard over the smallest things...
I'll give Rainy as an example!
(Only a few, I wouldn't want this to be very long... unless you wish it to be of course!)
To be honest, the whole concept of Rainy was me taking the "puppet being alive" concept and running with it.
Rainy mistaking his beating heart for a radio is one of the funniest things to me! Anything romance related is very silly as well, as he knows next to nothing about it honestly!
(When he feels his heartstrings pull he goes "ow", of course he doesn't have a concept of physical pain, as he can't really feel it himself, but it's a funny thing to think about...)
One of the things that has been in my thoughts lately has been how he's just kind of... a weirdo! But in a charming way!
He takes things often literally, which leads to amusing situations!
( Once he ate something he shouldn't have because Barnaby told a rather flat joke... cue Frank freaking out over Rainy eating a beetle...)
(No beetles were harmed! Rainy can't actually eat... he just sort of put it in his mouth!)
Oh! Despite that, though, he can still be rather silly...
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dreamerlucifer · 2 months
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A sleep deprived Dove was curled up onto the couch of the hotel; the nightmares wouldn't stop plaguing her, and it was taking a toll on her. Tear stains covered her cheeks, tucked into a ball as she struggled to stay awake..
"Another long day..." Gasped Lucifer as he finally got the chance to leave that ungodly boring, and most one sided argument heaven had given him so far to date on extermination and why it should still remain even after a soul from Hell was able to Ascend... "I mean, what was the point of dragging it out for 3 hours when they weren't even going to give me a word in edgewise??"
His disdain grew well past his normal breaking points this time, but somehow, this situation was starting to feel a tad more dire than situations of the past.. What with everyone now aware that Angels could be killed, there were bound to be those getting ready to uprise against heaven, while at the same time, Residents of Hell were being able to Ascend to the pearly gates... Surely the inner workings of the world were slowly being turned onto their own head!-
--OOOP-- came the odd noise from Lucifer, as he had been completely taken by surprise when he literally bowled over the younger Cannibaltown couple he normally spied hanging out near the quarry... Normally, he would have stopped to offer some apologetic form of assistance.. But, NO, not today, as he was already WAY MORE concerned about the possibility of missing Charlie's game of cards over at the new hotel...
Now, hmmmm, which form of cards was it they were planning on tonight..
"Ughhh.... Damnnn.." No matter how many times he placed reminders about the mansion for the month, or took the time to remind himself of the game by name, there was just no way Lucifer could get it right DX...
FLASHBACK 1- A devastating loss at poker when He thoroughly believed the game to be played had to do with Bullshit!
FLASHBACK 2- Yet another devastating loss when he had mistook Egyptian Ratscrew for Slap-Jack
"Welp, Luci, third time's a charm, right??" He said to himself as he ran down the many streets towards the new hotel, his hope being to trick himself back into having some form of confidence when it came to card games at all.... Card games were never really quite his strong suit..
Soon enough though, he found himself close to the entryway to Charlie's Hazbin Hotel. Rounding his way past a cute memorial to Sir Pencious, he slowed his pace just before slamming into the large double door entryway...
"Well well well, fancy meeting you on this.. FINE night, My shortest of Kings!!" --
"Can it, Alastor!!" He said smoothly, barely a tinge of his usual rage for the Radio Demon.. "Where's Charlie at, anyway?.." his tone immediately lifting into a melody as her name left his lips..
"Ohhh, your little 'Char Char' won't be here tonight, I'm afraid.." The smile growing ever more sinister, as if beckoning Lucifer to ask--
"Woaa, wait wait, waiiiitt, what?" His face was NOT amused in the least as he attempted to question why...
Not even giving Lucifer the satisfaction of a glance, Alastor continued, "Ohh, wellll, it just so happens that we've gotten some new recruits pretty late in the day today." His head cocked slightly as he watched Lucifer with great amusement, Luci's brisk walk slowing to a halt...
"Aww, REALLY??," he sneered at the radio demon...
In walked Angel, his slow movement only acting to accentuate the overall lefthand sided limp, "Guys, Charlie told me to pass the message that she'll be really late," Obviously worn well out, all onlookers automatically assume it to have been a studio day with Val...
Passing Lucifer slowly, Angel reached a hand out unbeknownst to the Small King.. At full arm's length, Angel dropped his hand onto Lucifer, the Fallen Angel's casually dressed left shoulder...
-ACK!!!- He exclaimed, completely unexpectant of the grab on his left shoulder, "Angel DUST!!!" He yelled, barely able to coax himself back down to a normal tone.., "What on earth was that for??"
"Woaa, now, Easy Mr. Short King!!" played Angel, though still very visibly in great pain from the days events, "Charlie had a special message for you!!"
But before Lucifer could shoot back, Angel continued, only, seriously this time, "Yea, she wanted you to check on one of the new arrivals. It seemed like the two had come together at first, but after talking to the one guy, Charlie's pretty certain that the girl still here in the hotel was by herself." He said as he motioned down towards to Guests' signature book in the great hall. "Her room number is written in the Guest book, so uhh, don't go screwin' it up, kay?" Angel took a minute to motion to Husk, I mean, it WAS his time to relax, right?? Short King can wait a hot second, sure he could.. "Look, its easy, just check in on the kid, see if they're hungry or something, and we'll take care of the rest, "he said, "SIMPLE!" And with that, Angel's focus was back on Husk as they seemed to have just struck up an argument on the strength each drink should be, naturally..
Woa.... He thought to himself, with renewed vigor!! Charlie trusts me... ME???? with one of their precious hotel screw ups?? "NO, don't just screw this up, Luci," He scolded himself as he wondered over to the guest book. This has to run smoothly, no.... PERFECTLY!!!!!... I'll just have to show Charlie what she's been missing while depending on that drowned rat, Alastor, as hotelier...
Looking from line to line, Lucifer decided that the one he was looking for HAD to be in room 1408... So before anyone else could stop and pester him, he took straight off for the 14th floor, 8th room ♥
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He knew it wasn't necessary, but hey, why walk when you have the full on outright usage of a form of teleportation! Right? That's exactly what he thought...
He went to hop right in front of 1408 and knock loudly, but something down the hall had caught his eye first..-
To his sad surprise, was what looked to be a beautiful young woman laying on one of the great hall couches... His expression softened greatly as he approached her further, though... as he watched intently... small tremors seemed to be overtaking the poor girl..., "Uhmm, excuse me," He began, his voice light yet smooth.. He waited for a response, but none came, so he tried yet again.. "Miss? Are you alright?.. Because it seems you have been--" She still didn't stir...
Thinking to himself, Lucifer then decided to touch her lightly, perhaps helping her to awaken from what appeared to be.. this deep, dark Nightterror... So ever so gently, he shifted her with the use of his staff's magical properties, so as not to distress her. But once his spell had been set in motion, he realized much too late, that this was most certainly the wrong approach, as she was indeed already AWAKE!
Taken aback by that, Lucifer opened his mouth to apologize.. but then stopped-- His expression much warmer, concerned, and ready...
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The ever darkening stains on both of the beautiful girl's cheeks spoke so much just to begin with..
Lucifer waved his staff in a circular manor, not a huge spell by any means, but this very small one would suffice ♥ The spell conjured a medium sized blanket, made of the finest microfibers. It was a pretty little blanket, adorned with small white and yellow ducklings, and its texture was that of the softest of furs... Warm enough to make one feel safe, yet light enough to allow them to drift amidst the endless astral planes..
Once close by, he easily spread the blanket out over the poor lost soul, careful to tuck the edges as he slowly leaned back to sit on the couch beside her.. "You know," Lucifer started, "I was terrified when I came to this place for the first time too..." His warm smile aided him as he caressed the hair on her head, "But just as I thought it was the end of the world..," He took a deep breath, a tear in his eye, "I found out not a day later, that I had been entirely wrong!!" He sniffled lightly, his eye immediately finding a portrait of Charlie on the great wall.., "Now, tell me, small teary one, What brings you here, to our very own, Hazbin Hotel?" ♥ ....
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elixrr · 1 year
Xiao x NoiseSensitive!Reader 🔥
You can do whatever but here;s an idea:
The reader gets overstimulated from a bunch of noise at the Lantern Rite (examples being like the fireworks, the large amounts of people gathering, stuff like that) and Xiao comforts them
“Cover Your Ears, I'm Here.”
Xiao x NoiseSensitive!GN!Reader
(plus Venti third wheel 😔😔)
Synopsis... You're out celebrating the lantern rite with your friends Venti and Xiao. (Everyone else has gone off elsewhere for a bit), and your next stop was to watch the fireworks. The issue is that you haven't told anyone that you're sensitive to loud noises.
Author's note... WOOO, very first fic request! Albeit the fact that this request was from someone I know personally, it's still nevertheless my very first request, mwahahaha
Warnings... Fluff, but very light swearing. May or may not have snuck in a sex joke 💀 ooc Xiao 😔
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“So, uh, how long will the firework show be?” Chongyun scratched the back of his neck, still awfully confused as to why the group left you and Xiao together.
“Ohh wellll, only about a 5 or 8 minute show really, the lanterns is where everything happens!” Hu Tao giggles, patting Chongyun's back. “We'll definitely be back with them before the lanterns.”
Xinqiu nodded, obviously enjoying this plan. “Don't you worry, my liege, I'm sure they'll be great on their own!” He gave Chongyun a ‘reassuring’ wink.
“Y- Yeah. I think so, too.” I hope so, too.
Xiangling scratched her neck. “Any idea where Venti went?”
Hu Tao and Xinqiu glance around the area. He isn't to been seen anywhere nearby. They give each other a worried look. Their plan might not go well.
“Say, Xiao, where did everyone else go?” You rub your chin, confused as to why they ran off so suddenly.
“Mm, they're supposedly getting food. But worry not, I will be with y— I will accompany you.” Xiao muttered, blushing a little bit from his little slip-up.
It was just you and Xiao, huh. Just him and you. Like. Like a date. You've always had a little thing for Xiao since the day he saved you from treasure hoarders. That day, you came prepared— well, you thought you came prepared. You never expected them to sneak up on you like that.
Nevertheless, it was just him and you. Just... hanging out, right? Like friends. On a hang out. Not a date. Just him and you—
“I was wondering where you guys ran off to!”
—And Venti.
“Y- You? What are you doing her—”
“I wanted to come see the fireworks too, y'know? So I came here and saw you and (name). And I thought, ‘what's the harm in joining them?’ And so I joined in!” Venti threw his arms up and grabbed you and Xiao by the shoulders, huddling the three of you together. He paused, then straightened his lips.
“Or, well, I'm trying to join in. But I am a believer in consent. Consent is beautiful, y'know that? I especially hope you know that, Xiao.” Venti smugly added in that last bit, internally guffawing to himself. You caught on immediately, holding back a laugh.
“Anywho, I am in dire need of your consent. Will you let me do... it?” Venti looked at you and Xiao (mainly you) with puppy eyes. He faked looking terribly desperate. You stared down at his pathetic puppy eyes, but internally, of course, you were cackling.
“...Well, yeah. Join us, I suppose.” Xiao broke a sweat, wondering about whatever the hell was going on. Plus, he's slightly disappointed, he wanted alone time with you :(
“Oh my, Xiao? Inviting me? Why, what an excellent day it is! The Adeptus Xiao, the conquerer of demons, the general himself, the general Alat—”
“Shut up. Let's just— let's just go already.” He held a hand over his mouth to cover his embarassment from the teasing. Despite you still recovering from laughter, you couldn't help but break a grin wider than your last one at the sight. Not to mention a blush of your own creeping up on your face.
“Right, right. C'mon, (name)! The show's bout to start!” Venti grabbed your hand and practically dragged you towards the very center of Liyue.
Despite having been dragged away from Xiao (who was still catching up to the both of you), you couldn't help but admire the sights around you. The glow of the city at night, where lanterns glow and the moonlight shines. It was... beautiful. The slightly faded galaxy that hung above your head as you gazed up at the velvety azure sky. Your eyes glowed nearly as brightly as the lanterns, and Xiao from afar could only see that. To him, the stars, the sky, they paled in comparison to you. To him, you shone brighter than any lantern, any star, and any moon.
You glowed in his eyes. A light that shines in his darkness. Like a sort of hope in his world of—
“Xiaooooooo, come ooooooooon!!” Venti practically screamed, jumping and waving for the Adeptus to finally see him.
Xiao... zoned out. How unbefitting of him, he thinks, for an adeptus— a yaksha— to have been so distracted by the love he had for you.
But then you smiled at him.
And he couldn't even hope to handle his own heart at that.
Xiao paced over to you and Venti, where you were being guided by the wind onto a rooftop. You had a wonderful view of Liyue, but you were anxious.
You might as well be right in front of the fire works.
You might as well be right in front of each and every blasting noise.
You began to fidget a little. Subtle, but still there. You shook your leg a little, maybe even tapping your foot, but Venti was too mesmerized in the scenery of Liyue in front of him. You stared at the anemo Archon for a bit, wanting to ask him to move further away from the noise, but not wanting to ruin the moment for him. You furrowed your brows.
Xiao sat right next to you, closer than he usually would. Your hands rested on your lap, gripping your (color) clothing beneath them. As Venti fawned over the scenery, immediately coming up with a poem to describe it, Xiao noticed your constant fidgeting, the frown on your lips, the furrow of your brows, and the gripping of your shirt.
Xiao whispered to you, “(name), are you... alright?” Xiao didn't know how to comfort you, he never knew much about human interaction, but he wanted to try. Only for you.
“Mm? Oh, yeah. Don't... worry.” You shot a reassuring smile his way. It was a lot less reassuring on Xiao's end. He opened his mouth to speak.
“Are you su—”
sheeew... BOOM!
Xiao failed to continue his sentence. He was too late, anyways. The fireworks begun, and it felt like each explosion was ripping your ears apart inch by inch. You covered your ears, Venti busy clapping and cheering with a bottle of Liyuen wine in his hands. Xiao didn't stare at the beautiful lights of the fireworks. He stared at you, concerned as your eyebrows continued to furrow. They were pretty, yeah, but they were too loud.
Suddenly, there was a grip around your waist. It was Xiao, and he leaned in towards you ear.
“Please excuse this, (name).”
Within a flash of a smokey black and a seafoam green, you were teleported onto a mountain right next to the harbor, close enough to see the fireworks, but far enough that it wouldn't kill your ears.
“Xia— Xiao?!” you stumbled out of his arms and onto the soft patch of grass beneath you, a glaze lily brushing against your arm.
“If the noise is too loud, then just tell me. As I have told you before, if something is wrong, just call me and I will make it right.” Xiao subconsciously took your hand into his own.
“But... You should enjoy the fireworks too.”
“...I am enjoying them. Even if it's from afar, they're still nice from here. Especially when you're here with me, too.”
You smiled at Xiao, shuffling closer to him and snuggling close.
“Y'know, you're really... special to me, Xiao.”
Xiao stayed quiet. You didn't mind it, since he was still here. All you had to do was look up and see his reddening ears.
“I- I... Well, you— you see... I think....” Xiao blushed beneath your gaze. He felt your presence melting him.
But in a whisper beneath his breath, he spoke.
“I think the same way, too...”
“...Just call my name when needed. Okay?”
Xiao tried to cool himself down while looking down at the fireworks. They're quieter, much quieter from up here. They're still as beautiful, but they faded in comparison to you.
“Hehe, I will.”
“Xiao? (Name)? Where are you??”
Venti called out, looking all over the city and the harbor for you. Alas, you and Xiao never appeared. Besides, the bard was much too drunk to think to look up towards the mountains.
Anyways, he was much too drunk to walk. By the time the rest of the group found him, he stumbled towards them a little too unsteady and fell into the water in front of Wanmin restaurant.
Well, rip.
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Likes, reblogs, and shares are appreciated!
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cinaminho · 6 years
♡Preference 5♡:He's secretly in love with you (Hyung Line)
(Soon I'll be writing about Seventeen)
P.S. (and twice)
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It was just a normal day for you and him... Normal day translation: Shopping day.
For him...
"Ahh Y/n isn't this wonderful? In public, people, the air is nice, food, drinks, shopping. You know I could go on" Jin said as he looked in the windows of stores you both passed by as you were both in the largest mall in your city. "You do realize I've barely done any shopping because I've been carrying YOUR shopping bags?" You said annoyed as Jin didn't notice you were struggling to keep up behind him until he stopped to turn around and look at you nearly panting on the malls floor, Jin soon broke out into his famous laugh as be turned red while pointing at you and holding his stomach. You growled and Decided to leave his bags in the middle of the mall floor and brushed passed him aggressively and Jin soon opened his eyes shocked by the force of your little body. He watched you walk to sit on a bench near the food court then he looked to where you were just standing to see his bags as he ran towards them "Y/n! You can't just leave my things here" he whined as he grabbed the bags and walked over to you. You looked at him with a bored expression "Now ask me if I give a fuck about your stupid bags" You sassily said... "Do you-" "No".
It was silent for a few seconds. "Well while we're here I guess I might as well tell you the news" you said smiling up at Jin as he sat down and you hadn't realized it yet but your smile was one of his favorite things in the world "News ,What about?" He asked sitting his bags to the side. "I am seeing someone." You said looking in his eyes hoping he'd be excited and not over protective but , he was too lost in your words to even react.
"Jin... Jin... Jin!! Hello I know you can hear and see me boy" you say shaking his shoulder "what? Ohh yeah I can see you, sorry I was just-- processing the information... How long?" He asked trying not to let his voice sound dissapointed though he was... He really, really was. "Now it's not that serious yet" you explained "Yet?" Jin Chuckled but was deeply hurt "Yeah I mean you never know" you shrugged. "I just wanted to tell you because you know you get over protective but you're taking this well" , Jin simply nodded "so you good right?" You asked as Jin simply hummed staring at the bench space between you two "good now get up and you're carrying your own bags now" you laughed before walking away and leaving Jin by himself In thought.
"The only reason I was overprotective was because I was trying to scare them away.. Because I love you" Jin mumbled to himself. "Jin c'mon!! PINK Is having a sell and you know I love my lotions" he heard you say and quickly looked up "Hm? Oh yeah I'm coming" Jin got up grabbing all his bags and smiled at you "let's go" he said but as you turned around he Instantly Took off his fake smile. Although you said it wasn't serious yet he couldn't help but feel he'd lost you completely already. He didn't want you to be serious with this guy whoever he was or, anyone else for that matter, he wanted it to be him and only him that'd you'd get serious with. He just didn't tell you that.
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"Alright.. This is the last time" you panted out as you laid beside him. He looked over at you confused while covering both your exposed bodies with his silk sheets "what? Why?" He asked still out of breath from your passionate session just moments ago.
"Because Y/n got a maaann" you sung and looked at him smiling but Yoongi's face fell slightly however you couldn't tell because you had looked away towards the ceiling. It was silent for a good minute "when" was all he said bluntly trying to hide his hurt because despite your agreement he thought you both knew deep down that 'friends with benefits' didn't just stay that for long. He thought you both knew and maybe you both felt something but it was a one way love once again. "Last night in the middle of our first round I saw the text from the bedside table but I was too caught up in bliss.. In you..to stop and answer so, we have to stop Yoongi.. No more hooking up baby boy... I'm Sorry" You said and kissed his temple before getting up and grabbing your things . Yoongi felt a lot at the moment;
But most of all Regret..
Because he didn't tell you that this was more than hooking up for him because maybe then you would've felt the same and who's to say you didn't? Maybe he just took too long probably and you wanted to move on. "Okay , I'm gonna shower then head out mmk?" You sighed as you walked into the bathroom and closed the door before turning on the shower "yeah" Yoongi whispered. He sat up in the bed and ran his hands through his bed hair before groaning into his hands and throwing a pillow across the room in anger "I'm too late".
Soon you came out the bathroom as steam followed and you looked so fresh and new , Yoongi always admired that you were a clean person. "Well I'm going... I guess this is it but we're still cool you know that'll never end" you assured him as he got out of bed and putting on his discarded boxers and walked you to his hotel room door and opened it "mhm" is all he said "don't worry I'm not gonna just jump in bed with him I'll make him wait a while" you laughed, Yoongi adored that sound more than you'd ever know.
"It was fun" he said as you nodded. You stepped out of the hotel "Y/n" Yoongi said making you turn to him "Yes baby?" ...Jeez you're killing him but he thought it was too late "Uh-- just take care" he said and you smiled softly "I will" and with that you walked away and Yoongi closed the door before leaning against it.
"Why'd you have to find someone"
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You guys were in the park just walking along near a pond and looking at the different flowers . "Today is just amazing" you sighed and Hobi looked at you "You're amazing" he said in a daze while looking at you "well thank ya much Hobi" you smiled. He realized how he may have sounded but it was too late "yeah you're welcome" he blushed slightly "now why is My hobi bear blushing?" You teased making him roll his eyes playfully "no reason so stop" he grinned as he pushed your shoulder softly "mhmm.. Well I wanna tell you something exciting" you looked at him and he stopped making you do the same "that is..?" "Guess who just made it official with DARRIN" You said happily cheesing, "Hmm.. I don't know" Hobi pretended not to know making you smack your lips "quit playing you know" . "Ohhh yeah it's you... Congrats" he said smiling his beautiful smile that complimented his cheek bones.
"Thank youu" you said and leaned up on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the icey cup stand "c'mon I'll buy us both one" you squealed because you loved cold things on a hot day "be there in a sec I wanna- feed the birds" he lied but you didn't catch it and just ran towards the stand "aye !! you better wait I have money!" You yelled towards the stand making hobi chuckle.
He soon found himself feeling as if he wanted to cry and looked at a squirrel that stood in front of him "The angels in the Sky couldn't have held this one for me? Just her." He said as if the squirrel understood him. "HOBI! I'm gonna eat yours too if you don't bring your ass on" you yelled "coming!" He shouted back and jogged to you feeling as if his heart would give out from the pain of you not being his... It was unbearable.
(Oops I put his before Joonie's sorry)
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"Let's play dance dance revolution"
"I hate that game and I dance enough as it is.. Choose another"
"I broke or lost the pieces"
"That game is creepy I don't know why"
"NAMJOON WHAT THE FUCK" you groaned at your picky friend as you stood at your game shelf but he laughed "I'm sorry.. How about we just talk? I always love our conversations you know" he said and patted a spot for you to sit on the couch next to him. You went and sat next to him "alright so tell me what's been going on in the reality TV worthy life of Y/n" he joked "shut up stupid" you mumbled making him laugh hysterically. "BUT IF YOU MUST KNOW!" You yelled to make him stop laughing "okay, okay continue my bad" he said stifling his giggles and you just rolled your eyes.
"Ya girl got herself a man now" you said playfully wiggling your eyebrows and for some reason Namjoon had became more interested in what you were saying "oh? .. Who's the guy? Tell me more about him" he said resting his chin on his knuckles, you didn't realize it but Namjoon wasn't really interested in the guy he just wanted to know what he had that he himself didn't... What made you fall for him and not see that Namjoon had fell for you? "Wellll he's around your height, yummy omg! Works at car dealer ship, his own house, no kids which means no baby mamas AND, his family is the sweetest" you rambled on about your mystery guy.. You'd already met his family? Wow.
"Met his family already? Must be serious" he sighed while looking at one of the pillows on the couch "getting there I guess" you shrugged "but I'm happy" you added. Namjoon smiled 'oh well' he thought "well if you're happy then of course you know I am" you grinned "yesss which is why I love you and to show that I do I made some chicken I'll be back with the plates!" you said as you walked away but not before kissing his forehead.
"I love you too ..but I guess it's not in the same way" he said to himself.
Hmmm you like? PT 2.? Maybe if you guys want it Reblog to let me know. I hope you enjoyed this babies💓
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