#oh god is there sin
alecvolturi · 9 months
Dual Usage of a Secretary On Her Desk
This is the third part in the Uses of a Secretarial Desk Series.
Part 1 is here.
Part 2 is here.
A very fitting song for this fic:
Characters: This part is Demetri/F!Reader/Felix, and is ungodly long. The entire series is now over 8k words combined.
There are several pet names used, but none of them are derogatory.
The biggest warning I can think of other than sexual content is second-hand embarrassment.
Finally, I wasn't originally going to continue this so soon, if at all, but thanks to @kiiwiigii 's endless support and encouragement it exists. Seriously, guys. It took me five months between parts one and two, and parts two and three (this part) have less than a week between them. I can't thank her for her help enough.
The time reflected on the clock had been taunting you ever since you’d arrived at your desk promptly at eight o’clock this morning.   
Struggling to fall back asleep after yet another dream last night had been terrible. You struggled to fall back asleep once awoken at the best of times, but that dream. Oh, that dream. It had left you with an ache and no time to care for it. An ache that seems to only have steadily increased in fervor since that first dream.   
“I’m a vampire, it’s said to be in my nature. Besides, it’s not cruel if you like it.”  
You’d been thinking about those dreams since they’d happened, even as you tried desperately to focus on anything else.   
Like today. Like now. You were trying desperately to focus on your tasks for the day but unwittingly you’d find your mind wandering. Often lines that Demetri or Felix had spoken within your dreams whispered across your subconscious, feeding that delicious, distracting throb between your thighs.   
“I need you, sweet girl. Now.”  
You shifted in your seat, begging your mind to focus on your boring paperwork.   
“What a spoiled girl, wanting to be fucked by Demetri, and wanting to be devoured by me.”  
Perhaps pressing your thighs together would help? God, the wetness between your thighs was unbearable.   
“Look at you, squirming on my fingers.”  
Your pussy throbbed, and you took a deep breath in before letting it out slowly. You were tired, but you really should have touched yourself last night. Maybe if you had, you wouldn’t be in this situation.   
“You’re so wet for me. Right here on your desk, love. Is that okay?”   
Squeezing your eyes shut, you decide that you’re never going to make it to the end of your shift like this. It’s too early for your lunch break, but perhaps….   
You sigh. No, going to the bathroom wouldn’t work. What if you were away from your desk too long? The last secretary had spelled one of Master Aro’s dear friend's name wrong and been retired. You weren’t going to take that chance.   
That settles it. You can’t leave your desk, but you also can’t continue like this. You’ll have to take care of the issue here. Right at your desk.   
Biting your lip, you shuffle in your seat so that you’re sitting as far back into it as possible. If you push yourself into your desk so that you’re sitting as close under it as possible…   
Yes. That may work.   
Slipping both hands under the desk with you, you begin to pull the skirt of your dress up your thighs. Thankfully, you’d forgone any sort of tights or hosiery underneath making your task easier. When the hem of the dress reached your hips, you wiggled in your seat, pulling it up a little higher closer to your waist.   
Pausing to check your surroundings, you rest one hand on your stomach. You need to check for others nearby, particularly if any vampires have suddenly decided to populate the area, but none have. Relieved that you're alone, the hand not on your stomach moves to rest upon the desk, ready to fake a task should anyone appear.   
The hand on your stomach slowly slips lower, until your fingers rested upon the fabric of the panties covering your soaked pussy. They weren’t anything fancy, just a pair of pink, plain cotton hiphuggers with small, white embroidered hearts on the front. You can feel those hearts against your palm as you move your hand, fingertips finding your clit through the fabric and rubbing softly.   
The relief is almost immediate and you have to fight to keep your mouth closed, jaw wanting to drop open with relief and pleasure. Every circle of your clit sends small sparks up your spine, and you want to moan so badly in appreciation.   
It’s so good.   
Your wetness has made its way through your panties now, the fabric under your busy fingers wet and starting to stick rather than helping to provide you with friction. Humming quietly to yourself, you quickly shift and push your panties down to your knees before resuming your motions.   
The first touch of your bare fingers circling your clit causes you to clench, the walls of your cunt flexing and flaring the feeling of emptiness, of needing to be filled, inside you. You start to whine, but bite the sound off abruptly. You need to remember to be quiet. Your fingers gradually get faster, chasing the release you can feel building low in your abdomen. Your legs have slowly spread apart, pressing against the inside of either side of your desk, opening further to provide better access to yourself. The panties previously around your knees have slipped down, and you’ve kicked them off your left leg so they lay hanging off your right ankle. You’re right there when suddenly your ears pick up on approaching footsteps.   
You freeze, stilling your hand. Your skirt is still bunched up lewdly around your waist, with no time to correct its placement. You know that if you stand up to greet the approaching guard as expected, you’d expose yourself, and your activities, to them. Keeping your hand in place, you decide to stay seated. Hopefully, the guard will pass by, paying you as little attention as possible, as is their usual, and won’t notice your lack of standing. You also hope, that if your hand is noticed they’ll simply believe you to be resting it upon your lap.   
As a figure rounds the corner, you plaster a smile on your face, scrambling for any semblance of normalcy, and call out cheerily.   
“Good morning!”   
Demetri slows his pace as he rounds the corner, eventually stopping before your desk.   
He greets you with a raised eyebrow. You know it’s because you’re not standing. You both know the routine, the secretary is to stand when greeting a vampire. Something about showing respect for your betters.   
You remain seated. You cannot stand up.   
“I’m feeling a bit under the weather today,” you rush to explain “so I’m-“   
“Ah.” He cuts in, nodding slightly. You’re thankful for the interruption as you hadn’t planned anything more to say. "Nothing too serious I hope?"   
"No!" You clear your throat nervously, "No, I'll just be uh- sitting today. Instead of standing. Because I'm ill."   
He stares at you, his head tilting to the side. He's looking you over carefully and you have the urge to do something but the thought of moving is terrifying. What if moving draws his attention toward your indecency rather than away from it? His gaze pauses on the floor, near the side of your desk, and you relax slightly. Maybe the floor is dirty. That has nothing to do with you. Cocking an eyebrow at what he sees, his eyes lift again to meet yours. Holding eye contact with him is excoriating, your current predicament and the dreams making it difficult. You want to look away. You want to run away.     
"Did you drop something?" He asks, his voice is... odd. Slightly deeper than you're used to hearing and there's an almost husky quality to it.   
"No?" You don't recall anything falling from your desk and you shift slightly, careful to keep yourself hidden, and peer down beside your desk.   
Immediately your face is scarlet. Oh, you wish you could die. Right now. You wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole. Peeking out from under your desk, still around your right ankle, is the corner of your panties. The pink fabric taunts you, looking so innocent in such an unfortunate scenario.    
"Oh," You start to say, about to provide an excuse for why there would be fabric there. Maybe a purse?   
It's too late though. Demetri is already bending down and grasping the fabric in his hand, attempting to pull the offending mystery out from under the desk. Your right ankle jerks as he tugs, following the fabric.   
"Demetri, wait!" You scramble to explain yourself. "That's....um, not what it looks like." You finish lamely, mortified to be in this situation.   
"Oh, I think they're exactly what they look like." He's grinning as his eyes lift from the panties in his hold, traveling up the length of you. Up to your embarrassed face, and past your eyes to lock onto-   
"It seems that I've arrived right in time."   
Felix. Felix is behind you, and Demetri's eyes have locked onto him while he grins.   
"Oh yes," Demetri intones "I've just discovered our naughty girl's panties around her...ankle."   
You're flushing, embarrassed, and confused by his words. Our girl? Does he mean our as in the covens? Or-   
"Her ankle? " Felix's voice breaks your train of thought, and his hands are on you suddenly. His hands close down on your shoulders and pull. The wheels on your chair's legs help him to pull you out from under your desk and towards him.   
He lets out a dark chuckle, and your legs are clenching as you're exposed to his sight, standing so tall behind you and able to see everything. The chair lurches to a stop as it meets his front and you instinctively grab the armrest with both hands to steady yourself. With your hand no longer covering you, your wet cunt is exposed to the open for anyone to see. You're just forming the thought to close your legs when suddenly Demetri is there, kneeling between your spread thighs, and stealing the hand that had been between your legs from its place upon the armrest. He hums in the back of his throat, and then your cunt slickened fingers are disappearing into his mouth. His tongue laps at them, cleaning them of your juices.    
You whimper audibly. Demetri moans.   
Felix, not one to be ignored, moves his hands from your shoulders. One hand circles firmly, but gently, around your throat, his thumb brushing your jawline as he tilts your head back towards him. His other hand travels downwards and cups a breast. The hand cupping your breast squeezes gently and the second your mouth opens in a gasp, he's there. Felix's tongue invades your mouth, exploring you and pulling another sound from your throat.   
Demetri's mouth releases your fingers, and you feel hands upon your knees. The thumbs rub a small circle across each one before they're hooking under the back of them, pressing your legs up and back to hook over the armrests of your chair. You make a questioning sound in your throat, but Demetri makes a soothing one in return before he presses close between your rearranged thighs. Kisses begin to rain down upon your legs, moving from the inside of one knee and inward. When he reaches that spot where your leg meets your hip, Demetri switches to your other leg to repeat the process. You squirm a little in response and receive a warning squeeze from Felix's hand around your throat in response.   
"Look at you." Demetri's voice cuts through the relative silence of the hallway you all occupy "A pretty little snack, so kindly prepared for me to enjoy."   
And then his mouth is on you.   
Your back arches and you let out a muffled yelp. Felix laughs softly as he breaks your kiss, the thumb of the hand around your throat brushing your jawline softly before it drops to join the other on your chest. He releases your captive breast and then his hands are fisting in the fabric of your dress and pulling. The fabric gives way, tearing down the middle as easily as wrapping paper, exposing your naked tits.   
"No bra?" He questions tauntingly.   
You open your mouth to answer, but Demetri's tongue pressing into your opening provides a distraction. Felix had already begun to speak again, anyway.   
"You know, those dresses you wear are very pretty. Almost as pretty as the sight of your hard little nipples poking out within the confines of them." His hands are cupping your breasts again, thumbs brushing lightly across your nipples before retreating. The feeling combines beautifully with the way Demetri's currently fucking you open with his tongue. "I've wanted to do this for ages."   
"Felix" You plead with him. For what, you're not sure. Just that it feels right. "Please..."   
"Please? Oh, such nice manners. Did you hear that, Demetri?"   
Demetri hums affirmatively in response and you almost scream, the vibrations against you are intense. You're still so sensitive from your earlier touching, especially since you never actually got to finish, and his hum causes sparks of pleasure to shoot up your spine. You start to beg again, but Felix sliding two of his fingers into your mouth puts a stop to that.   
"Be a good girl and get these wet for me."   
You're staring up at him and sucking his fingers, not even questioning why and Felix grins down at you.   
"So obedient, perfect girl."   
You moan around his fingers at the praise, and he slides his fingers out slowly, sensually dragging them across your lips as they retreat. His wet fingers return to the breast he'd been neglecting, closing around your nipple to pinch. He's gentle at first but adds more pressure until he gets the reaction he was seemingly aiming for. He has you suck the first two fingers of his still-dry hand until both hands match, and then his focus is on your nipples. His fingers tug, brush, and pinch relentlessly. You're gasping, and then moaning, as the combination of both Demetri and Felix's efforts combine. You're squirming, hips bucking up before Demetri pins them to the chair with his hands. You can feel that cliff getting closer again, stronger than earlier. The feeling burns, but it's so good. You're absentmindedly grinding your hips, moving against Demetri's mouth as much as you're able and begging.   
"Oh, god, please. Felix. Shit. Demetri. I'm-" You gasp, as that cliff is suddenly right in front of you and you're about to go hurdling off. "I'm going to come. I'm, I'm going to-"   
Except you don't because just as you're about to be shoved that final inch over the edge, they both stop. They stop. You gasp, this time in outrage, and Demetri laughs.   
"Don't laugh at me," You complain, pouting and unable to keep the whine from your voice. "That's the second time you've done that to me."   
Felix takes a step closer to your desk and suddenly the surface is cleared. Your pens, papers, and other items hit the floor with the sweep of his arm. Demetri stands, taking you with him, and moves to the now cleared desk. Depositing you on the cool surface he shoots you a questioning look.   
"Um- Well, earlier...." You stutter out, struggling to explain just how he'd interrupted your irresponsible self-care session earlier. "I was... when you came around the corner earlier."   
They both let out an amused sound, bastards.   
“You can come on my tongue later. Right now, I’d prefer you do so on my cock.” Demetri pulls you in for a kiss, lips moving with yours momentarily before he’s pulling away again.   
"Don't worry, princess. We'll make it better." Felix soothes you.    
Demetri applies pressure with a hand between your breasts, pressing you back to lie on your desk.   
"Yes, we will. We promise. Would you like to know how?" Demetri speaks this time.   
You nod.   
"Demetri," Felix says, "is going to fill that needy hole between your legs." He's standing by your head now, a hand lifting from his side to run through your hair. "And while he's doing that, I'm going to keep your mouth occupied while I wait for my turn."   
“Oh, fuck.” You gasp out.   
“That’s the idea, love” Demetri grins down at you from his resumed place between your thighs, standing this time. His hands move to his belt buckle, and he begins to undress. His belt opens first, and then his slacks. Felix’s hand has moved, providing support for your head as your stare down your body, watching Demetri free his cock.   
You lick your lips, wetting them before you speak.   
“No underwear?”   
“You’re one to talk, sweetheart.” Demetri quips, a hand wrapped around his base to steady his cock as he positions himself so that the head is rubbing along the seam of you. A muscle in your thigh twitches, and then he’s directing his hand so that the tip of him is brushing over your clit.   
Your mouth has dropped open, and you’re panting in anticipation.   
Demetri smiles, his teasing speeding slightly, but not giving you what you really want.   
“Please,” you try again “I want you- I need you inside me.”   
“You beg so beautifully.” He praises, and then he’s notching his head at your entrance, and inside of you. You moan, voicing your delight at finally being filled, and clench around his intrusion. Demetri isn’t small, but he’s also not overly large. There’s a slight pleasing stretch as he first enters, but you adjust quickly. His hands settle on you again, one on your hip and the other holding one of your legs hooked on his hip. He begins to thrust inside you steadily, and as he finds a rhythm Felix decides it’s time your attention was shared once again.   
The hand he has holding your neck begins to lower and your head follows until eventually it’s just hanging off the end of the desk. While you were distracted by Demetri, Felix had also undone his pants. Unlike Demetri, however, Felix had been wearing boxers. He’d shoved the front waistband down, and it now rests below the base of his cock. And his cock- oh, god, his cock is huge. You shouldn’t be surprised, the man is almost seven feet tall. While not worryingly large, he looks to be around seven or eight inches, he is thick. The sight of him, and the feeling of Demetri angling to hit a sweet spot inside you, makes you moan. The thought of Felix inside you makes you clench around Demetri. If Demetri feels this good, Felix may kill you.   
”I think she likes what she sees” Demetri laughs lowly, “if the way her cunt fluttered is any indication.”   
“Don’t give me all the credit, Demetri.” Felix fists a hand around his cock, stroking it slowly a few times while you watch transfixed before his hand drops away. “She’s making such pretty sounds for us while you fill her.”   
“Unfortunately, I’m going to muffle them.” The hand that had been stroking his cock is now cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. “I have plans for that sweet mouth of hers.”   
The thumb on your bottom lip presses down, opening your mouth to slip inside. He presses down on your tongue with it and you feel your saliva pooling around the digit. Closing your lips around it, you suck. Hesitantly at first, but as his eyes heat you get bolder.   
"P-please. Can I please-." You gasp as Demetri thrusts into you, cutting you off momentarily.   
"What was that, sweetling?" Felix bends down to murmur in your ear, hands fisting in your hair.  
"Can I please suck your cock." You practically moan, begging for permission to taste him even as blush restains your cheeks.   
Felix pulls back and lets out a surprised laugh. Demetri groans, cursing under his breath.   
"Our girl is naughtier than I thought, Demetri."  
“She is,” Demetri agrees. “Our brave girl,- fuck. So tight - asking for cock even though it’s so hard. Look at that blush.”   
“Hmm.” Felix hums, thinking. “Since you begged so prettily. Go on, wrap a hand around it.”   
You don’t give him time to change his mind, a hand immediately raising to wrap around the base of his cock. It’s heavy in your hand and your fingers have a gap between them, unable to meet while wrapped around him.   
Gathering your courage, you glance up at him through your lashes, lean in, and run your tongue over the slit of his tip. The taste of his precum covers your tongue, and your lips tingle when you lick them. They’re chapped, so maybe it’s from the venom? You don’t linger on the thought, going back for another lick, firmer this time. When he moans, you open your mouth and suck the head of his cock in. Opening your jaw this wide causes an ache, and you know you won’t be able to keep this up nearly long enough. You’re going to try anyway.   
Sucking the few inches you can fit into your mouth, you hum. The vibrations are a success and Felix hisses. His hips jerk forward before he corrects himself, and you begin to move your hand in tandem with the bobbing of your head. What you can’t fit in your mouth, you can stroke with your hand.   
Unintentionally, you find your motions lining up with Demetri’s thrusts inside of you. Your hand strokes down Felix’s cock as Demetri fills you. Upwards when Demetri pulls back. It’s a cheap illusion to being inside of you, but from the way Felix’s eyes dart to glance down to where Demetri repeatedly fills you, you know it’s one he’s caught onto.   
You hum again, this time stronger, and are pleased when Felix grunts. His hands tighten their hold on your hair and he stiffens.   
“Fuck, okay.” He’s guiding your head off of his cock not long after. “Hands only, sweetheart. I’m going to cum.”    
One of his hands joins yours around him, guiding you to touch him how he needs.   
“Stimulate the head. Yes, like that. Good girl. Such a good- fuck, good girl.”   
You lose focus on your task, mouth falling open with a moan as Demetri’s tempo suddenly speeds up. He’s hitting that spot from earlier perfectly and the knot low in your abdomen is back with a vengeance. Every thrust pulls the thread of it tighter. Felix lets out a long moan, and then cool streams of cum are painting your tits. You’re gasping every time Demetri bottoms out inside of you, you can feel a sense of anticipation the closer your release gets. Having been denied twice, it’s aggressive as it nears with pleasure coursing roughly through you.   
“Fuck, Demetri.” You cry out, just as your vision goes white. You see stars the orgasm is so strong. Your hand shoots down to grip at the one Demetri has grasping your hip, your pinky fingers interlocking. It’s a poor man’s handhold, but it feels so right. Demetri groans, and his thrusts begin to land harder, his pelvis meeting yours roughly before you feel a cool liquid filling you.   
“There,” Demetri pants “nice and full. Isn’t that better, precious girl?”   
You hum appreciatively, still coming back to yourself. Demetri’s hand on your hip shifts and his thumb grazes across your sensitive clit, causing you to jump before he’s pulling out.   
You can feel his chilled cum begin to leak out of you, starting to trail down towards your ass. You attempt to free the hand entwined with Demetri’s to reach down, intending to feel the mess he's made of you, but he refuses to release your pinky from his. He keeps your fingers locked together even as he swaps places with Felix, your arm lifting as your hand moves up above your head. The trailing cum never makes it to its destination, as Felix uses his new location between your thighs to his advantage.   
Felix gazes between your thighs hungrily, and you almost give in to the urge to close your legs. The urge to hide from his intense gaze is a strong one, but somehow you resist.  
“Good girl.” He must have noticed the instinctive jerk of your thighs towards one another, and their return to position. The praise fills you with warmth, and you shift them open a little farther. He’ll need the extra room.   
The fingers of one hand graze along your ass cheek as they brush a light path along your skin to catch the cum leaking downwards. His fingers drag upwards, bringing the escaped cum with them, to your opening. His fingers gently dip in and out of you, pushing Demetri’s fluids back where they began, before shifting to trace the length of you. Up. Down. And up again.    
“Messy girl” he murmurs, staring distractedly at the sight of his fingers dragging along you, spreading the mix of Demetri’s cum and your fluids. You are messy, you can feel how wet you are. Your fluids combined with Demetri’s make you sticky and slick.   
“Absolutely perfect.” He praises, those fingers still moving along you. “Are you ready for my cock?”   
“Yes.” You answer immediately. “Please, Felix.”   
Like Demetri had earlier, Felix rubs the head of his cock along the seam of you, spreading your fluids along the both of you. Unlike Demetri, who had done so to tease, Felix also does so out of necessity. You’ll both need the lubrication to make taking him easier. Finally, when he decides you’ve soaked his cock acceptably he notches his head at your opening.   
“Oh, god!” You exclaim, the sight of him lined up against your needy hole is a potent sight and your walls flutter in anticipation.   
“Just Felix will do, love,” Felix answers cockily.   
“Oh, shut u-“ Your reply cuts off abruptly as he shifts forward slightly and, with a pop, his sizable head slips into you. Your head falls back with a whimper, and Demetri is there. His hand cups the nape of your neck and he takes advantage of your exposed neck to pepper kisses along it. A bruise is sucked into your skin at the corner of your jaw.   
Felix doesn’t move far, letting just the first inch or two sink into you before pulling back. He repeats the forward and back motion, slowly working his length into you. The stretch is exquisite, and you want to beg him for more. His face is tilted downward, staring down at where the two of you are joined and watching the progress as your cunt slowly swallows his cock. Felix is most of the way inside you now and he’s dragging along spots you’d never had stimulated at the same time before. The experience is overwhelming, and on one particularly pleasurable thrust, a mewl escapes your throat. You’d been valiantly trying to keep relatively quiet, but that last sound had been louder than any you’ve made so far.    
“Oh, that was a pretty sound.” Felix taunts you, pace speeding slightly “Imagine the sounds you’d have made if Demetri hadn’t worked you open for me first. The whole castle would be able to hear you. Say, thank you, little girl. Thank Demetri for opening your pretty cunt up for me.”   
Your eyes lock onto Felix’s and from the grin he gives you, you can tell he’s serious. You’re panting from the stimulation of both of their ministrations and speaking more than one quick word at a time is going to be a challenge. A fact he clearly knows.   
“Thank- oh!.” You try, you really do. They’re making it difficult for you though, Felix is purposefully targeting the spots inside you that cause you to see stars as he thrusts. Demetri isn’t helping either, his hands cupping your cum covered breasts and pinching your nipples.   
“Thank- fuck. Thank.”   
“Come on, sweetheart.” Demetri prompts you, tauntingly. “Are two little words so hard to say to me?”   
You make a sound at him, intended to be one of annoyance but it sounds more whiny than anything. They’re such bastards. Both of them. Demetri’s head bends down over your chest, lips closing around a nipple and sucking.   
“God,” you gasp out, an unfiltered thought spilling out unbidden “your mouth. Magical.”   
That gets a chuckle out of both of them, and you remember the task you were trying to accomplish when Felix pats your thigh.   
“Thanks.” No dice, his thrusts increase punishingly. Not enough to hurt, but you feel like your eyes are rolling back from the increase of pleasure pouring into your nerves.   
“The right words, pretty girl. You know that’s not what you were told to say. Thank him properly, brat.”   
“Thank yo-“   
Felix suddenly hilts fully within you, his pelvic bone pressing against you just right and you’re flying. Suddenly shoved over that mind-blowing cliff once again, you’re sobbing out your pleasure as your cunt clenches as tightly as it’s able around Felix’s thick cock. Your thighs clamp around Felix’s hips, and you vaguely register Felix muttering a rough fuck while Demetri chuckles.   
“Ooh,” Felix coos “Are you playing favorites? You didn’t do that for Demetri.”   
“That’s not very nice of you” Demetri chimes in, his words vibrating against the nipple he still has in his mouth. “I’m going to claim partial credit though” Demetri continues, “My mouth does feel magical after all.”  
“Magical mouth or not, she’s going to come on my cock twice.” Felix is bragging.   
There’s a derisive snot from Demetri.   
“Speaking of magical mouths” Demetri drawls, lips withdrawing from your tit. “It’s my turn with yours.”   
He stands up straight, no longer needing for his mouth to reach your tits.   
“No hands this time, pet. I want those pretty lips of yours wrapped around me the whole time.”   
Finally releasing his hold on your pinky finger, Demetri guides your hand to touch his thigh. Gripping your wrist, he makes your hand tap where your it rests before pressing firmly until you grip his pant leg. You keep your hand where he’s placed it, clearly there’s a purpose.   
“Three taps, baby, and I’ll stop. Do you understand?”   
You start to nod, but at his raised eyebrow you choke out an affirmative answer, struggling to form words against the tide of pleasure caused by Felix’s resumed movement inside you.   
“Perfect, brilliant girl.”   
His hand is cupping the nape of your neck again, supporting your head and neck as it hangs off the end of the desk. You open your mouth eagerly, earning a low chuckle from his, and then he’s pressing inside.   
Your jaw isn’t as strained as it was with Felix, and you know you can keep your mouth open longer for Demetri. He starts slow, shallowly thrusting into your mouth. When he doesn’t feel any tapping, and decides you’re okay, he begins to deepen his thrusts. You attempt to use your tongue, moving it to hopefully help add some stimulation, but that proves useless.   
Eventually, Demetri’s thrusts into your mouth have you moaning around the entire length of him. You’re proud you manage to do so, and the faces and sounds he makes as he fucks your mouth make for delicious validation.   
When his thrusts begin to line up with Felix’s, you whine. Both of them thrusting into your wet, willing holes at the same time is filthy in the best way.   
“Yeah?” Felix purrs “Do you like this, little girl? Being stuffed full of our cocks.”   
You squeal when Felix’s thumb finds your sensitive clit. The tight, fast circles he’s making on it are causing a severe degree of pleasure. You almost wish you could remind them that this will be your third orgasm, you’re so sensitive. Seeing as your mouth is full of Demetri, you can only moan brokenly and hope they’re feeling merciful.   
“You can take it.” Demetri’s words are firm. “You will take it.”   
“Just this last orgasm, sweet girl. Give us this one, and we’ll let you rest.”   
His fingers are relentless as they circle your clit, as are their thrusts. Felix’s cock nudges against a specific spot inside you and you scream. The sound is muffled by Demetri, who pauses momentarily, waiting for tapping. When none comes, he resumes. It feels as if your body is on fire, the starting point of your cunt quickly overtaking the rest of you. The hand fisting in Demetri’s pants is sure to have white knuckles.   
After you’d screamed, Felix had angled to hit that spot on every thrust. It’s well-executed agony, and when Demetri reaches out and pinches your nipple you’re tossed headfirst into release. You know your eyes are rolling backward in your head this time, and you clench so hard around Felix that he snarls. He hilts inside of you, grinding himself against you once, twice, and then he’s filling you.   
Demetri pulls out of your mouth abruptly, his hand moving along his length in three rough strokes before his cum is joining his fellow guards across your chest.   
Gentle hands stroke your thighs soothingly, and when hands tangle into your hair you open your eyes. You didn’t know you’d closed them.   
“Hey there, love. You still with us?”   
“Mhmm.” Your response is weak, and such a happy sound that they grin.   
“Lovely girl,” Demetri’s grin is wide “Was that better than your dreams?”   
You’re too fucked out to gasp at the knowledge that they know. They know! Have they known the whole time?   
“Maybe I’m dreaming right now.” You sass.   
Felix moves a hand from your thigh to pinch your ass, and you yelp loudly before shooting him a disbelieving glare.   
“What?” They both speak simultaneously “Now you know you’re awake.”   
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alaydbug · 2 months
lou and siobhan enjoyed being baron WAY too much they were giggling and kicking their fucking feetsies the whole time.
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hinamie · 2 months
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i have so much band!au content in the pipeline my brain is Rotting but enjoy these two for now
jjk band!au
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gomzdrawfr · 5 months
my twt timeline has been blessed with macegaz content...so...who am I to resist such ship?
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credit to remintiy, for their video is what kickstarted this whole shebang
of course, big credit to @/mawvax for carrying the mace content community as well aksjdhk ((should be the same handle here in tumblr and twt))
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rickswh0r3 · 6 months
save me white twink
taglist : @itsgrimeytime @catt-leya @addicted2twd @starkstiless @sinsandsweetness @blazemm98 @grimesgobbler @andrewstinkylinky @eternalrose81 @marlboro-reds-13 @dxrkymxrchy @nadiasgf @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @virtualreader @versatilehater
if you want to join the taglist comment here
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laurapetrie · 1 year
Saint Valentine is past. Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time.
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
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shhh-secret-time · 4 months
rahhhh i’m such a fan of your writing omg and I never request stuff so i’m very nervous to send this but can I Pretty Please ask for something w kyle who’s usually more of a sub being asked to like Go Crazy Dom and at first he’s nervous but then like completely gets into it and wrecks reader’s shit please…. thank u for yr service🙏🏼
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Oh lovelies you never need to be nervous when sending requests, I know it can be intimidating but believe me I say this truly makes my day!
That being said, I hope you don't mind that I've combo the request with someone else's! I'm getting a lot of Kyle and I wanna make sure everyone gets a little of what they want! And there is filth ahead so get your bibles ready. Sinners the lot of you.
Me too
Warning: NSFW, Slight choking, Dom!Kyle, Sub!Reader, Breeding Kink, Oral, Strong Language
Pairing: Kyle x Fem!Reader
Notes: Shout out to the roommate who talked me through making a Danish so I didn't have to google it lmao.
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The smell of brown sugar and cinnamon filled the air swirling around in your small kitchen. The morning light peeks through the curtains of the circular window in front of the sink, you smile at the view of lilac and orange seemed to blend. You've read things online where people compared the morning sky to painting where the paint seemed to just melt together, and it seemed like one of those days. If you were better with a camera, you'd take a picture just to share it. That and the fact that you had a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a very sleepy curly red-haired man nuzzling into your shoulder.
Your husband Kyle was never a morning person, for all his perfections and his strict schedule keeping, when the morning sun would greet him, he'd return the greeting with a groan and a feeble attempt to hide. You were trying to revive the poor man by making a pot of coffee, the warm brown liquid was the only thing that brought him back to the land of the living. The man ran off of coffee, you were sure the Tweeks owed half their business to him. With the coffee pot humming its little tune and the smell of ingredients laid out across the counter this morning just seemed perfect. Now if only your husband didn't have to leave and go to work if he could just stay with you and keep you warm.
The crisp morning air seeped into the house and sure you could change out of the basketball shorts you stole from him, and the large T-shirt you stole from him, oh the fluffy socks you stole from him but then you wouldn't smell like him. Because he would be leaving after he got through with his morning routine, and you'd be alone in this cold little house.
"What's with the face baby?" His voice broke you out of your little pout, the sleepy gravel laced in each word sent a shiver down your spine.
"What face? I'm making apple and brown sugar Danishes..." You say with a little smile on your face knowing full well he was going to keep bugging you about this.
"Hm... that’s why you had your lip poked out. And your brows were doing that thing." How did he know? He still had his face buried in you, now pushed into the crook of your neck.
You only hum in response as you focus on the apple in your hands, the knife gliding across the skin of the ruby red fruit. He knew better than to mess with you while you were handling dangerous kitchen tools, so he waited until you finished. Once you finished slicing the apples you gently placed them into the lemon water mixture, it would keep the apples fresh while you worked on the rest of the pastry. Next your hands find the mixing tool and begin to pull together nutmeg, brown sugar, butter, salt, and finally the cinnamon. Because you didn't have a lot of time in the mornings, knowing your husband had little time, you prepared the flour before he even stirred.
"You can't ignore me forever; I'm just going to keep bugging you until you tell me why you made such an adorable face." Kyle reminds you that he's still latched onto you by placing a lazy kiss on your neck, his lips trailing down towards your shoulder touching any skin that's exposed by the baggy shirt.
Every little kiss pulled you further and further away from your mixing, you couldn't help but melt under his affection. That didn't stop you from trying. You try squirming away from his lips, pushing your cheek against his face to nudge it out of the way.
"Baby, I'm trying to make you breakfast. Do you want to go to work hungry?"
"Hmm no, but if it means getting you to talk then I can suffer a little." He responds by tugging you back against him pulling you away from the bowl, the only shield against his wondering lips.
Kyle turns you around and lifts you up so you're facing him, using the counter so that you can look him in the eye. He's lucky you already put the ingredients you needed in the bowl, it didn't matter how pretty he looked with his messy bedhead and his soft green eyes, if he ruined your work, he'd get more than a pout. You expect him to move his hands from under your thighs, but he doesn't, instead he slots himself in between your legs and keeps the warmth of his palm on your exposed skin.
"No where to run now, come on love talk to me."
You look away for a moment, the heat from his hands was almost as warm as the blush on your face. "I- was just thinking about how lonely it is sometimes when you leave for work. I miss you..." You finally cave, how can you not under his gaze especially when it softens as you speak.
Kyle lets out a soft 'oh' that seems to drag out along with a sigh. He places a soft kiss on your cheek, one of his hands leaves your thigh and cups the side of your face his lips aren't on. "I'm sorry, you know getting out of bed is one of the hardest things I do every morning. I want nothing more than to stay wrapped up in the blankets with you."
This is why you didn't want to say anything, it was a selfish feeling. He was the one going out to provide for you both, he was the one who had to leave the house while he insisted that you stayed home to relax. When you first married Kyle, it was one of the first things he expressed he wanted, the need to take care of you and pamper you. It was a dream at first, having all that time to yourself and your hobbies and the only thing you needed to focus on was keeping the house clean.
Kyle pulls your face towards him, his index finger hooking under your chin to guide you back to him. His face drops to a frown when he sees the look on your face, his eyes studying you carefully.
"Hey, why don't we go out tonight? We can get some dinner and maybe catch a movie?" He's trying and it's so sweet, the way he doesn't seem to even mind your selfishness.
"That sounds nice. I'm sorry Kyle." You smile at him giving him a little kiss on the nose.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."
"It's just-...you're the one that has to work and I'm being, I dunno clingy?"
"Baby you're not clingy. Honestly, I love that you want me here. I want to be here." If he wasn't already smiling at the way you kissed his nose, he definitely has a love filled grin now.
"I know and it makes me feel bad for telling you. Like, it's probably already hard enough for you to go to work."
Kyle goes quiet for a only a moment before shaking his head, the red curls bouncing from side to side as he does. He sighs softly and looks at you with heavy lidded eyes. The love in his smile matches the soft greens of his eyes.
"You're so sweet. Such a wonderful wife, you know that? I can't believe I'm this lucky to have married someone so considerate." Between his barrage of compliments and the way he peppers your face with so many soft kisses you can't argue back. "You're not making my life harder by wanting me to stay, I'm not burdened by you, I promise. Have I ever been the kind of guy to keep that kind of thing quiet?"
No. If Kyle Broflovski felt strongly about something you would hear it. It was honestly one of your favorite things about him, you never had to guess how he felt or if he wasn't upset and was too afraid to tell you. There were moments where he needed time to sort out his feelings or he'd explode, and he swore he'd never do that to you. Not you, not the person he bound his life to.
"There's more to this isn't there? Come on love, what is it?" Kyle Broflovski was also very good at reading you, turns out.
You pressed your lips together as your hands worked up towards his hair, carding your fingers through his fiery red curls. He hummed in delight at the way your fingers felt against his scalp, if you didn't want to risk ruining the moment, you'd compare him to a cat.
One should feel honored that Kyle would even allow them to see his hair when he was a kid, now here you were touching it and even massaging his scalp. You swore if you had enough time, you'd have him purring in your hands.
"I was just thinking about a way to not make the house so lonely."
"You want me to see if I can't start working from home? It'll be a little difficult, but I can-"
"No, no. I mean that would be awesome but no. I mean like...what if we had a little us running around? You know?" You whisper letting your voice drop as if someone could be listening in on your conversation.
Kyle's eyes widen and you watch his face turn a bright red, the freckles on his face pop against his skin. You've never seen him react like that, even before you were married in those early dating stages. Sure, there were times where he got nervous, times where he felt his heart speed up when he looked at you, times where he was puddy in your hands and you could pull a side of him that he'd never show anyone else.
In the bedroom it was you who took the lead. Maybe it was because Kyle was so busy being "dominate" in other parts of your relationship that when it was time for love making, he just wanted to let someone else have control. Being able to shut his mind off and just focus on the wonderful feeling you gave him was what heaven felt like, he was sure. And he was just lucky you liked the role, that you took to it so easily. There was no shame in his eyes, he just wanted to keep what you both did between you two. The world didn't need to know what went on behind closed doors. But the way he looked at you told a different story.
"You...want a baby? My baby?" His voice matches your level, but his voice seems to dip lower than his usual sleepy voice.
"Who else? I know we haven't really talked about it, but I think we're in a good spot and we'd make really good parents."
When Kyle doesn't respond you squirm a little on the counter, shifting in his hold that seemed to tighten around your thigh. You watched as he took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered shut. Then he grabbed his phone and began tapping away against the screen. You went to move so you could give him the privacy he needed as your eyes caught the little text bubbles being sent. You tried your hardest not to read what he was texting but his hand on your thigh squeezed around the soft flesh, a silent warning to keep still. The way his jaw shifts and the veins in his arms poke out makes you tilt your head in confusion.
"I called off." His voice breaking the silence makes you jolt, that and the way he tosses his phone to the side.
"What?! Why!? I don't want to be the reason you're staying home." You try to protest further but you're cut off by the way his lips slam into yours.
"I've got plenty of sick days I never use. You're sitting here in my clothes talking about wanting my baby. And god damn it I didn't even want to go in today anyway." He growls in between the kisses, emphasizing each word.
"I always wear your clothes though! I don't see-... Kyle did asking for a baby get you worked up?" You ask pulling him back from your lips by his hair, he usually likes when you tug on the roots.
He lets out a small moan, but it's cut off by another growl, he grabs your hands holding your smaller wrists in his one hand. Pinning them above your head against the cabinets behind you makes you gasp, and your eyes widen. This was a new side to him that had your core pulsing with desire.
He didn't need to answer, you got it from that alone, but he did. "You have no idea how long I've been thinking about wanting to fill you up. How bad I wanna cum in you until there's no question that you're pregnant."
You shutter and whimper at the way he speaks to you, his dirty talk working its magic. As the years went on, he worked on trying to keep it out of his vocabulary, but in moments like this where he gets worked up it would slip out.
But it never came out like this, you never realized how much you liked Kyle like this. You never saw the looks he would give you when you were so busy taking care of Ike. The way his eyes would linger with a dark hunger behind them as you took care of his baby brother like it was second nature. Thoughts of your own kids grabbing at your hip and hugging your leg, a baby in your arms and another one in his. How jealous he was that Stan told him one night that he was trying with his partner for kids. How Kenny already had one with another one the way. Kyle wanted his kids to grow up with theirs, maybe they'd be best friends like they were.
More importantly he wanted to see you pregnant, the need to take care of you was ingrained so deeply that he wanted this. Needed this. His cock was aching already over the fact that you brought it up and he didn't have to. You came to him wanting a baby and fuck he was going to give you one. Especially if you kept whimpering and pressing your body against his like that.
"Who's getting worked up now? Do you like that idea? C'mon talk to me Mama." Oh, the way he called you that was dangerous, his hot breath ghosting over your exposed collarbone.
"I-I-" You can't get it out, the way your head is spinning and the way his lips are working, making his mark on your skin. You yelp when his teeth sink in and his grip on your wrists tightens. "I do! I-I want you!"
He seemed to like that, liked the way you beg for him so easily. You feel him smirk into your skin and his free hand push up your shirt. His fingertips glide across your skin finding your breasts, there he gives your nipple a sharp pinch, rolling the nub between his index finger and this thumb. "You sound so pretty like this; I should have done this forever ago.... I'm gonna let your hands go so I can get this shirt off you. You keep them there." Kyle wasn't asking, not the way he clicked his tongue and rolled your nipple.
You cry out and nod, barely able to verbally respond, the pain was intoxicated something you didn't even know you liked. If this was how he was acting from just talking about putting a baby in you, you couldn't wait until he was actually fucking you. For now, you'd play his game, keep your hands above your head so he can slip the faded T-shirt off you.
"I never get tired of this." Next comes your shorts, he unties the strings keeping the baggy basketball shorts up and around your waist. His hands working on pulling them down until they pool beneath his feet, kicking them to the side. "I can't believe you thought for a second I would be upset with you for wanting me to stay home. Fuck, I'm glad you said something. Guess I don't have to worry about going to work hungry hm?" He returns to your neck, but he doesn't stay for long, he kisses a heated trail down to your breasts.
There his lips latch onto your hardening buds. His tongue swirls around the pink flesh hungrily sucking until they're red and sore. Each little cry and moan you let out only encourages him to give the other side the same attention. All the while his hands work on opening your legs to him.
His attention is pulled away when he feels your soaked cunt. Expecting to find your panties, he growls and looks down at you. You don't know how he went from looking you in the eye, to almost hovering over you with such a dangerous look. How he made you feel so small like you were prey.
"Was this a part of your plan? Make those adorable pouting faces and get me to fuck you on the kitchen counter? Wear nothing under my clothes so I can dive right into that delicious looking pussy?" You moan and throw your head back, not just from how filthy he spoke but from how he bit the inside of your thigh.
Teeth marks marking up and down your plump perfect thighs, they were perfect to him. Perfect in the way they felt under his teeth, perfect in the way they filled his hand, perfect in the way you tasted. All of you was perfect.
"Oh fuck~" You're nearly cut off by another gasp as his nips turn to kisses against your slit.
"Keep moaning like that, it goes so well with my breakfast." The way his tongue slipped through the lips of your cunt against your bud made your gasp turn to moans.
Kyle devoured you like you were his last meal, his tongue swirls around your nub like he had your breasts. You couldn't help as your hips rolled against his tongue chasing pleasure with greed, but he stops you with a firm hold on your thighs. His teeth graze your bud as a warning, a silent demand for you to sit still, but if the way he spoke and pinned you down was anything to go off of; you needed to keep pushing. So, you pushed against his hold again, squirming against his mouth.
When Kyle pulls back and clicks his tongue, it isn't until you see the look in his eyes that you know you're in trouble. "I kept my hands up like you told me to...w-what is it?"
"You know what. I'm trying to eat my meal in peace and you're making it very hard. Quit being a brat."
"But I was just-"
Kyle cuts you off again, but not with his lips or his own words, but from his hands wrapped around your throat. The tips of his fingers applied a healthy amount of pressure to cut off just enough air to make your head spin. His eyes narrow down at you as he forces your head up.
"You were just...what? Arguing with me? No, I think you were going to say, I'm sorry I won't move my hips again. I'll keep still so you can eat."
He waits. Waits for you to nod before letting your throat go, then he waits another second looking at you expectedly. As you gasp for air your tongue traces your bottom lip. "I... I’m sorry and I'll keep still so you can eat."
"Good girl."
Oh. Oh. Maybe you were more of a switch than you thought. Maybe it was just the way he said that with that delicious purr. At this moment you didn't really care to put a label on it, you were just burning from the praise. Not like you had a lot of time to think about it anyway, not when he knelt back down and started eating you out. His lips latched onto the sensitive nub pulling a moan from you as he sucked, his tongue flicks over it again and again. He's attentive to every sound you make from the way your muscles flex and bounce under his touch. All but humming when your yell for God or his name.
Throwing your head back, you swore you were seeing stars when he shook his head back and forth. The friction had you clenching around nothing and your nails digging into the wooden cabinets behind you.
"Kyle baby, I'm gonna cum. Please let me cum. I-I've been good I did what you told me!"
When he doesn't say anything, you have to fight the urge to grab him by the head and force him to look up at you. Slowly he looks up at you and the little flicker of fire behind them tells you all you need. It takes everything in your power not to close your eyes as you cum around his tongue, even more so when his tongue begins to greedily lap it up. You mewl and squirm trying to pull away from him, but he won't let you, won't let you move from his hold. Nothing you could have baked for him would taste as perfect as you do.
"So sweet~. Hmm always taking care of me." Kyle rubs his lips against your thighs again, wiping the slick off his jaw.
As he stands back up, he can't help but admire his work. The way your skin is marked with his teeth marks, the purple bruises on your thighs shaped like his hand, and now the way your face is flushed a dark red as you try to catch your breath. You can't quite read what's going on in his head, but he's got that look like he's thinking about something. The way his brows knit together and his eyes flicker from you to around the room.
Then he hums, picks you up and carries you over to the kitchen table. You shiver when the cool wood hits your back but it's a distant complaint as he hovers over you. Somewhere between the counter and the table he's slipped off his plaid bottoms and his boxers. Discarded somewhere with your clothes, you click back into reality as he pulls his shirt over his head. Most of his freckles are covering his shoulders, dusting across the pale skin and down his back. He raises a brow at you when he catches you admiring just how handsome he really is. It's only morning and he's already got you so dazed and worked up.
"Got something to say Mama?"
Fuck you were really beginning to like that, "just thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. We're gonna make some really pretty babies."
He smirks at you, the kind that would have made you fall to your knees if you weren't laying on the table. "Yeah? I was just thinking the same thing. How fucking beautiful you are. How pretty you're gonna look when I finally paint your insides."
You cover your mouth to stop the moan from slipping out of your mouth, but once again he stops you and pins your hands by your side. "No. Let me hear you. I need to hear you begging for my cock. Beg me to fill you up."
It takes a few teasing glides of his cock over you folds and a few more growls before you finally cave. The way the words roll of your tongue is like sin. "Please Kyle, I want you to fuck a baby into me. I want it so bad; it has to be you. Only you!"
"Fuck!" His own resolve crumbles just as the tip of his cock slips back down to your begging hole.
This isn't the first time you've felt him without a condom but this time it felt so different. Knowing he wasn't going to pull out this time was exciting, the fact that he could just let go and take you however he wanted. To claim you with his cum. You're so caught up in your own thoughts you don't even feel the way he puts your legs up on his shoulders, or his curls brushing against your face. It isn't until he finally sheathes himself into you that you snap out of it. You moan next to his ear when he bottoms out in you, the way your thighs burn feels so good.
"Your cunt's choking me, trying to milk me already baby? Don't worry I'll give you every last drop." Kyle lulls his head to the side as he begins lazily rocking into you.
You're almost folded in half from the way he has you under him, knees pushed back towards your shoulders. Kyle's got your hands still pinned by the side of your head; fingers intertwined with yours. Normally his eyes would flutter shut, he'd give into the sensation of his cock nudging into your walls, but this time he keeps them open. Like he is trying to memorize every time your lips form that cute little 'o' and a moan comes spilling out. The way your moans pitch up when he hits that delicious spot. The way you pant and beg for him to go faster.
That's when he shifts, the loving hold and lazy thrusts turn to fast paced fucking. Love making is always there, you never doubt that, but the way he's got his hands around your waist pulling you back onto his cock feels so raw. He slams into you with a newfound force neither of you knew he could muster. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, stars dancing across your vision. He rewards you with his own moans and grunts, the further his cock head pushes past your walls the faster he brings you to climax. Now that your hands are free from his strong grip, you place them on his forearm’s nails digging into his flesh. He hisses but it only seems to push him further.
"Come on baby. Cum around my cock. Yeah, just like that. Just like that!"
You arch your back and give him all you have. Your walls finally grip his cock as you reach your peak. Between your heart beating in your ears and the way he slams back into you, it's almost too much. Kyle finds a way to keep you on the line without pushing you too far. You feel the way his hips begin to stutter, and his moans become ragged. You know he's close.
"Yeah. Fuck you feel so good, I'm gonna- gotta fill you up. Take it!" He groans and then you feel his hot seed against your walls. Pushing up into your cunt, he plugs your hole with a final slam of his hips.
You and your husband lay there against one another, panting heavily until your breathing slows down to match one another. You can feel his lips pressed against your neck and his eyelashes tickle your skin. When you move your hands to his hair again, he knows you're okay, he presses a few short kisses onto your soft lips. Kyle feels you smile against his lips, and he doesn't even bother stopping the lazy one that comes across his.
"Never seen that side of you. I like it." You purr finally able to talk now that you've slowed down.
"Hm, keep that in mind when we do this again."
"Oh baby, we've got all day. It's Friday. I'm going to treat you to dinner like I promised. After that I'll take you upstairs and we're going to do this again. And again. Aaaaaand again. I'll keep my cock plugged in you like this and we'll go to sleep." His fingers push back into your hair, pushing it out of your sweaty face.
"J-Jesus Kyle." You shutter under his touch, unable to stop the way your walls flutter around him again. You can feel his cock bob in response, and when he slides his hardened member out slowly; you feel every little vein like he wants you to memorize it.
"Gotta make sure you're pregnant. My perfect, beautiful, wonderful wife deserves to be a mama. And what kind of husband would I be if I didn't give her exactly what she wants?" Kyle smirks down at you with newfound energy.
It was going to be a long morning, maybe you could convince him to let you finish making those pastries but you had a feeling that would be a battle. Especially since he's already started thrusting back into you. Maybe a few more rounds wouldn't hurt, you could always have him put the baked goods in the oven. After all he was doing so well already.
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imaginepans · 3 months
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Fellas... I have officially lost it if I made this....
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mold-for-breakfast · 18 days
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pov you're juniper after you dragged your boyfriend to legsworth with you and he. sleep
on my silly rowan chow scribbles streak again. i promise i Do draw other things. occasionally
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alto-tenure · 6 months
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the birds in battle! (from birds of prey (2023) #4)
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princessmelinoe · 8 months
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CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE III - BTS with Maria Elisa Camargo (Valeria Garza)
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backslashdelta · 1 month
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they don't know how you've haunted me, so stunningly
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kayrockerqog · 11 months
I can't fucking believe that Andrew Ryan set up a children's school in Rapture with his fursona as the main instructor
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Like yall don't know how fucking HYSTERICAL this is to me I'm never gonna get over this
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blacknight7890 · 6 months
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Cult of the lamb? I think you mean COLT of the lamb.
inspired by the newest teaser
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p4nishers · 11 months
crowley are u TRYING to get rejected cause at this point i have to believe u r intentionally fucking shit up for urself cause wtf is this
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137 notes · View notes
Here’s what I’d do if I made a Servamp hospital AU except that I have no plot, only vibes. 
Mahiru – head nurse in charge of one of the wards, often working the shifts no one else wants. He’s beloved by some patients for being genuine and kind, annoying to others for his no-nonsense-attitude, and adored by young doctors for providing useful advice. In his locker there’s a stash of necessities for patients with no one to bring them – toothbrushes, phone chargers, a small selection of candy…
Kuro – nursing assistant, unwillingly provided with a job by his housemate and head nurse Mahiru. He spends most of his work day either complaining or hiding in the bathrooms, but is kept on the team for the soothing aura he exudes. Sometimes he lets terrified kids borrow his Nintendo Switch. 
Hugh – cardiothoracic surgeon. He is absolutely brilliant at his job, but struggles with the parts of surgery that require a bit of physical strength. Though he cares deeply for his colleagues he’s known for his very specific demands regarding surgery preparation, and occasional bouts of arrogance that are rumoured to be an attempt at compensation. Working with Tetsu has made him mellow out.
Tetsu – surgical nurse, and everyone’s favourite. Among the surgical team he’s deeply appreciated for the help he provides with physically demanding tasks, like positioning patients, and being gentle and careful despite his strength. Hugh insists on having Tetsu assist him whenever a challenging surgery is coming up, even if he has to stand on a step to mitigate their height difference. 
Lily – paediatrician who excels at handling fussy children and difficult family members. Outwardly he appears sweet and saccharine in advocating for those in his care, but he knows his rights well and will happily manipulate, lie or go behind a parent’s back should he find it necessary. He’s often called in for patients with suspicious bruises or injuries, and works closely with Misono from clinical forensics. 
Misono – specialist in clinical forensics. He’s known for his meticulous, court-proof documentation, which not a single lawyer has managed to get dismissed yet. Though he can’t work long shifts and used to be called in for consultations only, he has recently campaigned to establish a small outpatient department he can run some days of the week. He works closely with Lily from paediatrics. 
Mikuni – former member of the security team, now working in administration. Thus, he spends most of his days annoying anyone unlucky enough to catch his attention, preferably Jeje from radiology or Shuuhei from hygiene management, and seems to know everything about everyone. Sometimes Lily or Misono still call him to handle issues they’d rather not involve the actual security team in. 
Jeje – radiologist who has not seen the sun in months. He chose his job specifically to avoid contact with others, but must frequently leave the dark, little room he likes to stay holed up in to help out with punctures and other interventions since no one else has hands as steady as his. He’s often visited by Mikuni from administration or Lily from paediatrics, who bring him vitamin d supplements. 
Tsurugi – leader of the security team, infamous and mysterious to anyone who hasn’t witnessed him in line for lunch at the cafeteria yet. He only answers to one of the higher-ups among the administration team. Whether it’s a problem that security lies entirely in the hands of the administration is an ongoing discussion among the medical staff, but no one knows whether Tsurugi is aware of it. 
Shuuhei – head of hygiene management, living off coffee from spill-proof reusable cups. He’s said to be pedantic, but that’s what makes him good at his job. Though it’s a thankless endeavour, he works tirelessly to make sure everyone knows when to use which disinfectant and how to properly put on rubber gloves. Only the resident microbiologist seems to take him completely seriously. 
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