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rheative · 7 months
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Sponsored Horse Jump
Hi ! I'm so glad to post my first mod ever for the Sims 4! I've been learning 3D Modelling for a year now and I've always wanted to make my own CC. 😄
This mod adds a maxis-match Sponsored Horse Jump and is meant to complement the original one from the Horse Ranch Pack. It has 19 swatches all made from different ads from the game. It's functional and requires the Horse Ranch EP.🐴
I'm glad to hear any feedback if you have some since it's my first post, I know I still have a lot to learn. My next project is going to be a piece of CC for horses, but I'll keep it a surprise for now. 😉
Download on my Patreon
Mods used in the preview:
Tack with Numbers! made by Sweetpea
Smaller Eyes + Eye Geom Fix made by .Objuct
Realistic Horse Eyes made by Walnut Hill Farm
Cheltenham Set made by Joliebean
Vulcan Helmet made by XTC/Fléau
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt - Obstacle
@jegulus-microfic December 6 Word count 98
“You’re in my way, Potter.” Regulus drawled in his best bored aristocratic voice. 
“Am I?” James said, confused. The entire rest of the corridor was empty. 
“You are literally an obstacle in my way.” Regulus glowered. 
“Oh, ok.” James nodded, reaching out, he picked Regulus up as though he weighed nothing, spun around and put him down. 
“There, obstacle avoided,” James smirked, winking at Regulus before he returned to scraping Bubotuber puss off the wall, ignoring Regulus’s exasperated spluttering.
Regulus turned and walked away, trying to forget how nice it had felt crushed up against Potter’s rippling ab’s.   
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extrait-livre · 2 months
"Si tu pars, si tu écoutes vraiment ton cœur, les obstacles qui se dresseront sur ta route ne feront que te stimuler pour aller de l'avant. Si tu restes parmi nous et agis à l'encontre de tes désirs, le moindre obstacle pourra causer ta perte."
Rafael Abalos - Grimpow l'élu des Templiers
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sarahkomik · 9 months
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there's an obstacle
you can clear it if you want, :3
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shirozen · 19 days
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Socially challenged shopping
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kamala-laxman · 7 months
"Faith is to fear nothing, to stand unswayed, the power to surmount any obstacle." Daisaku Ikeda
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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The Quest for Buddhism (103)
Buddhist cosmology
The Five Hindrances – Barriers to mental training (Bhavana: Ref)
The Abhidhamma (Ref1) states that the Bhavana (the practice of the Rupa Jhanas/Dhyanas(Ref2)) is the practice of the 5 mental factors in opposition to the 5 hindrances.
In the Buddhist tradition, 5 hindrances (Pali: panca nivaranai) are identified as mental factors that hinder progress in meditation and in our daily lives. These factors are identified specifically as obstacles to the jhanas (stages of concentration) within meditation practice. Panca nivaranai literally means the obstacles that cover perception.
Within the Mahayana tradition, the five hindrances are identified as obstacles to samatha (tranquility) meditation. Contemporary Insight Meditation teachers identify the five hindrances as obstacles to mindfulness meditation.
The five hindrances are:
Sensory desire (kāmacchanda): seeking for pleasure through the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and physical feeling.
Ill-will (vyāpāda; also spelled byāpāda): feelings of hostility, resentment, hatred and bitterness.
Sloth-and-torpor (thīna-middha): half-hearted action with little or no effort or concentration.
Restlessness-and-worry (uddhacca-kukkucca): the inability to calm the mind and focus one's energy.
Doubt (vicikiccha): lack of conviction or trust in one's abilities.
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仏教の探求 (103)
五蓋 (ごがい) 〜 心の訓練 (バーヴァナー:参照)の障害
四禅の修習 (バーヴァナー) は、五蓋 (ごがい) に対抗するための五心所 (ごしんじょ) の修習であると阿毘達磨 (あびだつま、梵: アビダルマ 参照2)では記載されている。
五蓋 (ごがい、巴: パンチャ・ニーヴァラナーニ)とは、仏教における瞑想修行を邪魔する5つの障害、つまり5つの煩悩の総称。蓋 (がい、巴: ニーヴァラナーニ)とは文字通り、知覚を覆う障害物を意味する。
大乗仏教 (だいじょうぶっきょう、梵: マハーヤーナ)の伝統では、五つの障害は、サマタ(静寂)瞑想の障害として特定されている。現代の洞察瞑想の指導者は、これらの五つの障害をマインドフルネス瞑想の障害と見なしている。
五蓋 (ごがい) の内容は、以下の通り:
貪欲 (とんよく、巴: カーマチャンダ) - 渇望・欲望
瞋恚 (しんに、巴: ビャーパーダ、梵: ヴィヤーパーダ) - 怒り・憎しみ・敵意
惛沈・睡眠 (こんじん すいめん、巴: ティーナ-ミッダ、梵: スターヤナ-ミッダ) - 倦怠・眠気
掉挙・悪作 (じょうこ おさ、巴: ウダーチャ-クックチャ、梵: アーダテャ-カウカテャ) - 心の浮動、心が落ち着かないこと・後悔
疑 (ぎ、巴: ヴィスキッチャ、梵: ヴィスキッツァ) - 疑い・信頼の欠如
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poligraf · 11 months
This requires the will to persevere just when one apparently must do something that leads away from his goal. This unswerving inner purpose brings good fortune in the end. An obstruction that lasts only for a time is useful for self–development. This is the value of adversity.
Hexagram #39 from the I Ching · Obstruction · via Ask The Oracle
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universodebonnie · 2 months
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•Personaje de la serie de YouTube Sam y Obsti
"Obstacle, tiene una admiración hacia su jefe(dueño) Samuel M. Esto lleva a Obsti a sueña con volverse científico/inventor igual que él, cuando crezca, que de momento solo juega a fingir ser su jefe Sam".
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dandanjean · 3 months
Le handicap
Matthieu Ricard nous entretien sur le rapport que nous avons avec les personnes handicapées. Matthieu, une parole libre et éclairée
View On WordPress
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quotelr · 1 year
Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken.
Adolf Hitler
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A Letter To The
People of My Past
I have felt more of my authentic self and more opportunities have come my way since certain people have left my life and that feels so fucking good. Thank you for removing yourself from my path. You were blocking me from my fortunes. 🔮
-D.J. @seriouslypoisonedapple
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surlapisteducentaure · 5 months
14 novembre : saut avec Bouboule
Surprise, une séance avec Bouboule mardi dernier, il y a longtemps que je ne l’avais pas monté. Je m’inquiétais un peu, car c’était cours de saut, et j’avais le souvenir d’un cheval qui, sans pour autant charger les barres, y allait avec plus d’entrain et d’énergie que Blue Eyes.
S. qui l’a en demi-pension venait de le monter, du coup il était déjà tout prêt, et le plus compliqué était de trouver une guêtre gauche et une guêtre droite de la même taille...
Je commence à détendre au pas, puis au trot, et après tant de temps à monter des poneys avec des allures assez rasantes et des petites foulées, je trouve que le trot brasse beaucoup.
C. nous demande de venir "détendre" sur une petite croix. Bon, elle est vraiment basse, ça a servi pour le cours de G2 juste avant nous. Je prends une poignée de crins quand même, on arrive droit dessus, OK, ça se passe bien.
On est passé plusieurs fois sur cette croix, et ensuite, on a passé l’oxer. J’ai occulté de mon esprit le fait que ça fait un peu peur parce que c’est large. Je fais confiance à Bouboule, il a l’air plutôt calme finalement. Il faut que je remette un tout petit peu de jambes avant l’obstacle, mais ça va.
Ensuite, un autre obstacle isolé. Cette fois c’est un petit vertical, posé sur des plots carrés : pas plus haut, mais par contre la barre est plus petite, du coup il faut arriver bien droit car l’obstacle est plus étroit. C’est pas hyper propre, mais ça passe.
Et pour finir, on enchaîne les trois obstacles, au trot. Je me suis fait un peu peur sur l’oxer, parce qu’il a dû faire un saut un peu plus gros à cause d’un manque d’énergie. À la réception de l’oxer, il prend le galop et il me faut un peu de temps (et de place) pour revenir au trot. Un dernier passage, cette fois plus propre sur l’oxer, mais il faut que je tourne plus avec mes jambes.
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liamthemarowak · 1 year
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This is The fifth pic of the Mario movie prequel series. It was an exciting night at the pokemon obstacle course, and Meowscarada is hoping to win this pokemon warrior contest. "Ok, I need to win this, and I will never let any of my fans down!" Meowscarada said as she begins to complete the course. The fans are cheering for meowscarada as she tries her best. But, that one obstacle course that she struggles the most is the icy platforms because she could be worried if could fall off. "Woah, I better be careful and not to fall off!" meowscarada said as she tries not to fall off, but she did fall off and went into the water. "Oh dear, now that cost her a time loss to beat the time!" The commentator said. "Aw great, Now I need to be more faster, I got to beat that time!" meowscarada said as she swims to the ladder and climbs up. She has reached the goal, but she did not beat that time record. "Oh! She was too late to beat that record!" The commentator said. Just then, quaquaval appeared, and he was so pleased that Meowscarada didn't beat his record. "Nice try to beat my record! Better luck next time!" Quaquaval said. "I really need to train even more if I want to beat his time record, and I don't get knocked out of the tournament!" Meowscarada said. The next day, Meowscarada did her training run, when all of a sudden, when went to fast that she warped! "What's happening?! I'm going too fast that I'm going to warp somewhere!" Meowscarada said as she warped like the delorean from back to the future! Then, she warped to the castle, and she was so amazed about the look of it! "Wow, Maybe someone can help me train to win the pokemon warrior contest!" Meowscarada said as she went to the castle's entrance and knocks on the door. The door opened, and there was princess peach, looking at Meowscarada. Hey there Cute cat, How can I help you?" Peach asked. "Wait, you're peach, the one that got captured by that dragon creature." Meowscarada said. "Wait, you do know about me, and how I was got captured by bowser! But this time, Bowser wants to rule the mushroom kingdom soon, and one of the toads predicted it!" Peach said. "That's terrible, and even scary! So, do you have an obstacle course I can practice on? Because I need to beat Quaquaval's time, and get the trophy!" Meowscarada said. "Sure, But I'm saving it for the ultimate hero who can save the mushroom kingdom, so follow me." Peach said as Meowscarada followed peach to the obstacle course. At the obstacle course, Meowscarada can see loads of obstacles, and she was so amazed about it! "Wow, that's a good obstacle course you got there!" Meowscarada said. "Thanks, now let's being your training to win the pokemon warrior contest!" Peach said as Meowscarada gets ready to go through the course. Meowscarada tries to dodge the firebar, but it hit her, causing a time loss. Next, she would be able to dodge the bullet bills, but one bullet bill got her and she was zooming across the obstacle course. "Ugh, this cat needs to learn more." Peach said. On the final part, Meowscarada needs to make the jump, and she successfully made that jump, but the donut block let her go straight down. Meowscarada went back up, and needed to try again. "Well, Looks Like I need to try this again, but to be more better." Meowscarada said as she tries to do it again. She dodges the firebar, jumped on the bullet bills and even avoided the donut block. She reached the finish by attacking the wooden bowser figure by using her grass type moves. Meowscarada has now finished the obstacle course, and she was pleased about it! "Wow, you really did your training there Meowscarada! Now good luck winning the Pokemon warrior contest!" Peach said. "Thanks, Now I could fast warp back and beat quaquaval's time!" Meowscarada said as she uses her fast warp back. "Well, looks like I'm gonna set all of this back up and wait for the ultimate hero!" Peach said as she resets the obstacle course. This night, Meowscarada meet quaquaval, she was ready to beat his time. "So, are you ready to beat my time? Or are you going to lost this tournament?" quaquaval said. "Well, wait and see what I can do!" Meowscarada said. At the pokemon warrior contest, Meowscarada is prepared with a lot of training from peach. "Welcome back to the new round of the pokemon warrior contest! Our contestant Meowscarada is going to do this, but will she be able to win the contest, or get kicked out?" The commentator said. Meowscarada goes forward and tries her best by dodging and jumping, but she was so speedy there! "Woah, she sure has a lot of speed to beat that record!" The commentator said. Then Meowscarada finished the course and beaten the record! "She had broken the record, she is now the champion of the pokemon warrior contest! quaquaval was very shocked on Meowscarada has beaten his time. "H-how did you manage to beat my time?" quaquaval asked. "Well, I was trained by that princess of the castle, and she took me to her obstacle course and I trained there very well." Meowscarada said as she hold's her trophy up in the air. "Well, I'm gonna beat you next time!" quaquaval said as he looks at Meowscarada with his arms folded. Confetti went down to the ground for Meowscarada's victory.
Pokemon Belongs to Nintendo and Game Freak
The Super Mario movie belongs to Nintendo, Universal and illumination
Super Mario Belongs to Nintendo
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kamala-laxman · 1 year
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. Christian D. Larson
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