extrait-livre · 2 months
"En ce moment, tu penses que tu es tout petit, tout cassé, sans importance, mais quelque part, derrière ce gris, une place t'est réservée, une place où tu seras heureux... Alors ne juge pas ta vie par rapport à ce que tu es aujourd'hui, juge-la en pensant à cette place que tu vas finir par occuper si tu cherches vraiment sans tricher."
Katherine Pancol - Muchachas
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dazeddazai · 11 months
She felt for the handle in the dark, but before she could reach it, a voice stopped her in her tracks. 
“Running away, are we?”
Makino’s breath hitched in her throat. She hadn’t anticipated this. 
Turning on her heel, she carefully surveyed her surroundings.  The room lay coated in a sheer, silken darkness, but amidst the hints of the speckled sunrise, she could make out Shanks’ figure shifting from where he lay into a languid, seated position. His expression was arranged into the relaxed half smile that she knew, boyish and handsome as always, but his eyes, which she had trouble making out from such a distance, seemed uncharacteristically serious.
“Always to the point, Captain,” she attempted with a nervous smile, hoping to dispel the unease that had begun to settle rather precariously in the pit of her stomach. When he didn’t answer, however, she supplied a further, “No, it’s just that— it’s early, and I thought—”
“That you’d avoid this?”
The candor of his interruption snapped her to attention. The smile had now left his face, and was replaced by a thin line that teetered dangerously on a frown. The expression lay foreign on his countenance— he who was usually the picture of hilarity and bon vivants suddenly cool and unfamiliar. 
Makino shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, searching for words that simply would not come.
“Yes.” She admitted finally, lowering her eyes in embarrassment. “Last night was a mistake. I’m sorry.”
“A mistake?” Shanks repeated, as if tasting the words on his tongue. Makino didn’t dare look up, but she could hear him getting up and moving closer to her.
She stood her ground.
“Pirates,” she said firmly, “are only good for two things: destroying and leaving.”
She looked up, then, fierce in her resolve and was surprised to find him standing so close, eyes glazed with soft melancholy. 
“Who on earth,” he whispered, and this time, she could hear the hurt laced into his voice, “said anything about leaving?”
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les-portes-du-sud · 4 months
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Carta abierta [extracto]
"...Estas en todos lados. Te has convertido en una rosa de los vientos.
Tú, el polizón, eres el centro secreto del universo.
Eres el dueño indiviso de todo,
y el mundo infinito es sólo un álbum de postales.
Tienes muchas caras. Corres con la tormenta
estás rodeado por el silbido de los trenes, las campanas de los tranvías.
No son los relámpagos los que colorean el cielo,
y cientos de lunas volando de tus labios ..."
Rafael Alberti
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lerefugedeluza · 4 months
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passionforwords · 3 months
Peu importe la route que tu empruntes, peu importe qu'elle soit belle ou laide, lisse ou rugueuse, pavée ou criblée de trous, c'est ta route. Ce qui compte, c'est la destination.
No matter what road you take, no matter how beautiful or ugly, smooth or rough, cobbled or riddled with holes, it's your road. What matters is the destination.
Dear Ava de Isla A. Rowley
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persolaise · 18 days
Guerlain Habit Rouge, Vetiver & L'Homme Ideal parfums review - Delphine Jelk; 2024
My review of the new parfum versions of Guerlain Habit Rouge, Vetiver and L'Homme Ideal
Why entice us with just one scent when three bottles lined up next to each other look so much better in a photo? Perhaps that’s what the Powers That Be at Guerlain were thinking when they decided it was time to increase their masculine range with a trio of ‘parfum’ versions of their most high-profile releases: the classic Vetiver and Habit Rouge, as well as the more recent L’Homme Ideal. I…
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mone-s-glade · 13 days
Cette peine sentimentale qui avait effleuré mon cœur su nourrir mon envie irrépressible de t'écrire. Le souvenir de tes belles paroles effleurait mon cœur et cela m'inspirait.
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isauriedejuin · 8 months
Dans la douceur du crépuscule
s'éveille un monde minuscule
deux amoureux sur le pont
regardant les pétales qui vont
voyageant dans le courant
de l'eau claire doucement
une musique de promesse
un désir une prouesse
au gré des divagations
l'âme n'aime pas la raison
la poésie du temps qui passe
Qu'aucuns souvenirs ne s'effacent
à l'ombre de la brutalité
choisir de poétiser
nous sommes loin mais ensemble
dans ce monde que nous traversons
même si rien ne ressemble
aux doutes, aux peurs, aux frissons
nous serons heureux ici
car c'est le moment aujourd'hui
nous reviendrons vers vous
l'essence même au rendez-vous
l'étincelle du bonheur
le ciel dans le cœur
comme une infinité
nous serons choyés
grand ouvert à l'amour
grand ouvert pour toujours
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grosnoir · 9 months
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Carnets 📒 JNP extraits
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extrait-livre · 2 months
"Il n'y a pas de remède à ce mystère de l'homme qu'on aime et qui devient soudain un étranger justement parce qu'on l'aime et qu'en l'aimant, on perd le pouvoir de raisonner, on se heurte à un mur douloureux qu'on ne peut briser."
Katherine Pancol - Muchachas
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dazeddazai · 6 months
She was alone, as per usual; lights out, tables cleaned, bottles set in rows. Only the moonlight peered through the half tinted windows, filling the room with a cool, waxen glow— coating the wood in pale translucence as if strained through melted silk.
The bar had been closed for quite some time; dust hung in the air uninterrupted, save for at the corner of the room where Makino sat, eyes downcast, teetering on the edge of fatigue. The better part of her judgment implored her to make her way up the weathered staircase and into her bedroom, near forgotten, but she stayed seated and silent— drifting off to the sea salt breeze.
The table in front of her lay empty, with the exception of a clear water glass. It bore, in its wake, a single white snowdrop and a pale yellow marigold. The snowdrop had long faded— spine curved and threads snapped into split ends; it lay on its last life, drinking from the glass in earnest— the final breath of hope, undistilled. 
It had been a year since she had seen him last— the promise of return etched deep into her lips as he had bade her goodbye.
“Wait for me,” he had whispered in earnest, “I’ll be back for you as soon as I can.”
But as soon as he could had turned into weeks, then into months, and still Makino sat into the late hours of the night, lashed glazed with sleep-coated tears.
It was hard not to worry when she knew of the danger that lay in the shadows of his journey. The perilous exploits of the infamous few drew the attention of the masses— making for rowdy conversations amongst the bottles of dry mead— and though she tried to tune it out, the name of the man she longed for was no stranger to every household on the island.
Before long, Makino could no longer read the paper without feeling a hint of restlessness. Dread clouded her thoughts and overtook her mind, and soon, to preserve her faith, she did away with the news all together. Instead, she reread his letters and thumbed through the memories that he had left behind, tainted with the ink blots of forgetfulness and frosted over with the scenes of her own imagination. 
She spent days— weeks, even, in her head, all at once— so much so that she could barely make out the reality of everyday life. Customers came and went in flashes of sound and color, but she barely registered their presence until they were slumbling from the bar, a drunken farewell lost upon their lips. 
“I’m sorry I’m late.”
Makino started and looked up from the table. Her breath caught in her throat. 
Shanks stood in the doorway, relaxed and charming- a relic of the memories that she had been living in for almost a year. She stood up, almost knocking the chair to the floor. She wanted to run to him, to embrace him without a single care in the world, but she could not will her body forward- scared that if she moved too close, he would vanish into thin air. 
Instead, she composed herself, and after a brief hiccup in time, she spoke.
“Where were you off to this time?” She asked, trying to squash the unintentional shaking of her unpracticed voice with an uneven smile. “Somewhere dangerous along the Grand Line, I’d imagine.”
Shanks returned her smile and shook his head.
“Visiting an old friend. Making sure that my affairs are well in order.”
“Well in order for what?”
He didn’t answer but instead turned to face the bar. 
“How is everything over here?” He asked, “Does the old man still come around to visit from time to time?
“Sometimes— when he’s not busy.”
“And the boy?”
“He looks more like you with every passing day.”
“That’s nice,” he replied, and Makino felt a lump form in her throat. 
​​"Could you just hold me for a while?" She whispered. “Just once, before you leave?”
Shanks smiled soft— gentle and contrite.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.” 
“I miss you. Everyday.” She said, and then there were tears tumbling freely down her cheeks. “I miss you so much that I can’t breathe.”
“I know,” He replied, voice husky. “I know and I’m sorry.”
“Won’t you stay? Just a little while longer?”
“I’ll stay for as long as you need me to.”
“I love you.” She whispered, her voice breaking upon the last syllable. “I’ll always love you.”
Shanks gazed at her, eyes soft and clouded—
“I know you will.”
“Will you ever come back?”
He paused before answering. Then, reaching out and grazing the snowdrop, he said-
“I think today has to be the last time.”
As he spoke, Makino noticed that the snowdrop had finally fallen from the stem. It lay, wilted and white- now no more than a relic to be brushed off the table and onto the floor. 
“What if- what if I’m not able to let you go?” She said, her voice smaller than it had ever been. 
Shanks didn’t answer. Instead, he stood up and began to make his way towards the door. 
“I’ll be waiting for you.” He said simply, “Come for me whenever you’re ready-” 
Then, before she knew it, he was gone just as quickly as he had come.
Makino awoke slowly to the moon shining through the open door. With all the effort that she could muster in her neglected body, she pushed herself up and began to make her way to the staircase. She could barely remember what she had dreamed about last, but she could feel the trail of stale tears, etched upon her cheeks.
As she walked past the bar, all she saw was a blur of stained glass mixed with molten light- a light that cast its gaze upon a single cockled paper, stained in salt, breaking the news of what she had feared so long ago.
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eclectus-orca · 4 months
Cinéma iranien
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krisis-krinein · 5 months
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lerefugedeluza · 6 months
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Cette nuit, je l’ai vue, Drago Jančar.
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passionforwords · 3 months
Le pire dans tout ça, c'est que je ne peux pas le blâmer. Je suis quelconque. En gros, je suis celle qu'on ne remarque jamais, qui ne fait jamais parler d'elle, qui a trouvé un boulot de merde et paye son loyer régulièrement. Je suis prévisible, terne, sans éclat. Alors comment un mec tel que Jonas aurait pu me vouloir moi, alors qu'il peut avoir toutes les filles de la terre à ses pieds ?
The pleasur instructor de Mina Zadig
The worst part is that I can't blame him. I'm ordinary. Basically, I'm the one who never gets noticed, who never gets talked about, who got a crappy job and pays her rent regularly. I am predictable, dull, lackluster. So how could a guy like Jonas want me, when he can have every girl on earth at his feet?
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cafetplume · 1 year
Elle sait les manques, les chemins à rebrousse jeunesse, les miroirs perfides, les carrefours, l’embuscade des sillons, tous les fléchissements. Elle sait les traîtrises d’automne, la lumière crue, la lumière nue qui appelle le corps par son âge. Elle sait l’inconfiance malgré la violence des désirs. Alors, elle voile la chute, protège l’intime, cherche la distance. Elle masque la peur, marche et sait qu’elle ne court plus. La cruauté naturelle ne laisse aucun doute, la route est plus courte. Pourtant, elle y boit toujours le soleil d’un trait. Encore son pas réunit l’eau et le galet. Doit-elle dire je quand elle parle d’elle ? A les voir se chercher, je me dis qu’il faut du temps pour joindre les deux bouts d’une femme.
Extrait de L'inconfiance de Ile Eniger
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