#obey me shall we date one master to rule them all
yukoayane · 2 days
Holding hands w/ the brothers
Lucifer, mammon and leviathan
Warning: Fluff
Walking through the streets in the devildom with one of the brothers, you decide to tease them by holding their hands.
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Quite confused when you held his hand.
but after a few seconds he understood why.
pretends to not be bother by it
but you can clearly see the blush forming on his cheeks.
loves it when you hold hands with him but never actually admits it.
”Mc, are you cold?”
kinda disappointed that he was wearing gloves, he wanted to feel your hands warmth.
would (sometimes) tease you about it.
loves it when you intertwined your fingers with his.
it feels warm even when he is wearing gloves.
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Flinched a bit when you held his hand.
“Of course ya want to hold hands’ with the great’ mammon!”
Becomes even more tsundere .
loves it when you hold his hands!
he is trying to hold back from fainting.
cheeks all red..
would become just a little more affectionate since he was a bit shy.
when you intertwined your finger with his, that was his limit.
he would either suddenly pull back his hand or just froze in place.
mc, are ya trying to kill mammon? Cuz it is working.
the poor bb is all red.
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Would jump about 3 blocks back from the sudden hand-to-hand contact.
”w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what are y-y-you d-doing..m-mc!?”
His body is shaking like a leaf.
becomes a tomato.
can’t even make eye contact with you without being a blushing mess.
never EVER admits it that he likes (loves) it.
stutters ten-times more.
it is kinda (literally) impossible to even know what he is saying anymore.
and when you intertwined your fingers with his..
he would flood the entire devildom.
no joke.
<~part 2 for the younger brothers coming soon~>
had so much fun writing this, especially Levi’s!
mammon’s was a tad bit tricky to write but glad it came out okay!
lucifer’s part was so much fun to write as well like Levi’s!
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flappingdragon · 2 days
(do you think Levi has one too?)
Omg YES absolutely
I imagine that Barbatos’s tongue would glow (like his tail) and if he’s in the dark and he’s talking, it looks like his mouth is glowing. I feel like Diavolo would find it cool and somehow find a way to compliment Barbatos.
For Levi? I think he has a dark blue-ish tongue and he can control the two different sides of his tongue. He probably does it to freak Mammon out and to get him to leave him alone XD
But the cherry on top of all of this? They both have long tongues. Which can be used in *ahem* other situations 👀 but that’s for another time
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valsdelulucorner · 2 days
This is brilliant
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I absolutely love this, this is such a great head cannon @secretlynotablog <3
Just imagine your studying, reading, whatever you need to get done at that moment and put your air pods in, turning on some music to get through what your currently doing. Its been a few hours as you get carried away by what your doing, focusing on the work on your desk as music blasts in your ears.
It was only when you started to hear your AirPods glitch and distort that you get pulled out of your work, starting to hear the needy whines coming from the brothers. They weren't happy that you were focusing on something other than them but because you needed to get work done, you just ignored them and pretended that the music was still on, feeling satisfied when you hear them start to get desperate for your attention. It was hard to keep a straight face as you heard them start to bicker with eachother, trying to catch your attention with cheesy pick up lines.
"Are you lightning? cause your my-queen"
"hey cutie, do you like water? that means you like 70% of me"💀
"you dropped something, my jaw"💀
"did you fart because you blew me away"💀
"I wish you were my pinky toe so i could bang you into every piece of furniture in my house"💀
"Hey darling, are you a white van because i wanna put some kids in you"💀
"Did you sit in a pile of sugar cause you have a pretty sweet ass"💀
"I just shit my pants, can i get in yours"💀
You almost got away with it aswell, hearing their voices talk to you as the airpods eventually die. They it was peaceful again, its not that you didn't like talking to the brothers, but it did just get abit annoying that they wouldn't give you some personal space. It was around 12pm, the perfect time to go and get some lunch.
You didnt want to be disturbed while on your lunch run so you left your phone on your desk, ignoring the countless notifications coming from the brothers that flooded your phone. Little did you know that they were all tracking you through your apple watch, making sure your safe as you head out to get some lunch. They were happy that their darling was getting so many steps in, they may have been abit jealous though that you were out of the house and free in the world. Anyone could talk to you, and boy were they having a talk with you when you get home
Please don't crucify me because of those pick up lines, i found them on google💀
The headcannons were so cute, i love the idea that if they weren't so creepy in my OG headcannons, they would be abit more sweet. Thank you so much for the headcannons and im sorry if they weren't like how you imagined
What should I do next?
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captainai-47 · 2 days
Tenderness (Cw: Dom!Mc x Sub!Luci)
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(Couldn’t finish the actual birthday art due to tight schedule with family but I can whip out a small comic 🤭)
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12am-motivation · 22 hours
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louisfruit · 13 hours
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lemonsyourdem0n · 5 hours
thinking about mammon's arms in his recent card
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i need him to wrap his arms around me
and cuddle me
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bimusekando · 2 days
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Obey Me! [fake screenshot]
I don’t think Mammon deserves to be bullied that much by his brothers. He deserves it, but not all of it :,)
Bimu is my Obey Me MC and my OC for other things :)
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maddymoreau · 1 year
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dawnsbreaking · 1 year
Hello have you ever thought about how the Avatar of Wrath isn’t really all that angry? Because I have. At great length. (500ish word textpost essay about Satan’s character arc below)
From the beginning of the game, it’s obvious that Satan is the most in control of his sin. When he first appears in the story, it is almost unclear what his assigned flaw even is. He’s calm and collected. On a surface level, he seems to exhibit pride more often than wrath. This appearance of control, though, is a direct result of the self-loathing and inwardly-directed anger that is the true manifestation of his sin.
I think that the circumstance of Satan’s creation is the main reason for his self-loathing. Most of Satan’s big character moments are centered around overcoming negative feelings surrounding his creation, so I’d be remiss not to connect this thread.
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Lucifer tore his wings from his back as an expression of overwhelming anger and those wings became Satan. To be created as a direct result of a traumatic event takes a toll. Not only was Satan born from Lucifer’s wrath, he was born from an act of self-mutilation, which thematically parallels Satan’s self-hatred. It’s clear that this connection was intentional.
Aside from his identity struggles from being born from Lucifer, Satan views himself as an artifact of the Celestial War and, by extension, Lilith’s death.
Truly, Satan is the silver lining of the Celestial War. He is the good that came from all of the bad. But, in himself, he can only see all of the bad. All of the pain that his existence causes for his brothers. He doesn’t think he is a good enough replacement for Lilith, he doesn’t think that he is a blessing enough to counterbalance the curse of losing their home. He can’t undo all of the pain and suffering that fell from the sky alongside him. He imagines his brothers feel this pain at the sight of him, so he resolves to make his existence less painful.
Satan minimizes his own pain, minimizes his flaw. He channels all of his energy into making himself worth the trouble. He does this, in part, by collecting knowledge. His penchant for reading has a twofold effect, here, it is a solitary activity (alone, he can’t be a bother to others) and it makes him indispensable.
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While the other brothers' sins manifest externally, Satan’s sin manifests, for the most part, internally. This sets him apart from the others in terms of character development because the one-size-fits-most “learn to overcome my sin and become less selfish through the power of love” trajectory doesn’t suit his arc. In fact, his arc runs directly opposite.
Rather than learning to control himself and minimize his flaw, Satan must grow more comfortable with his own identity and learn to channel his wrath to positive effect. It does not benefit Satan to exhibit less wrath because he is already unaffected by his wrath for the most part.
While the other brothers' arcs guide them to minimize their sins and step outside of themselves to care for the others, Satan must let his sin be part of his unique identity. More importantly, he must learn to trust that his brothers (and MC) see the good in him enough to take up more space.
TLDR: let satan be angry sometimes, as a treat <3
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tsukii0002 · 21 days
Mc: Remember when I told you about my period?
The brothers: ...
Mc: And how it was recommended that for those days there should always be chocolate and hot water bags because it helped me and gave me comfort?
Satan: Yes, we remember it...
Mc: And remember that I told you so you would not be caught off guard?
Belphie: Yeah...
Mc: Well *taking a breath*, it's time for us to talk about YOUR periods.
Mammon: We do not have periods!!!
Mc: *slamming the table* Periods, heats, mating time…. Call it what you want but it's time to talk about it!!!!
Levi: *very flushed* But...
Mc: But nothing!! I'm tired of waking up in nests in random places in the house time to time!!!! It's not nice to wake up with feathers in my mouth!!!!!
Mc: I would also like to be prepared in case I find any animal corpses at the foot of the bed!!! I appreciate the thought but I am human!!!! I don't need you to show me that you can get resources!!!! That's what supermarkets are for!!
Satan: *dodging the gaze*
Mc: And it would really be nice to know when you produce pheromones, that would have avoided me a lot of problems in RAD.
Asmo: Ha, ha *nervous laughter*
Mc: Or to know when to prepare myself to wake up in a cave dug in the garden or underwater.
Beel: ...
Levi: ...
Mc: And it would not be bad to know that during your period you are showing your demonic forms, I almost had four heart attacks the first time I saw your eyes glowing in the dark Mammon!!!
Mammon: That was an accident...
Mc: *enumerating with their fingers* Or that your sleep schedule changes, or that you don't sleep at all, or that your temperature changes, or that some of you become non-verbal, or that your wings produce a specific sound as a call…
Lucifer: Enough *massaging his temples while blushing* It has become clear.
Mc: You didn't think that, as a human living with seven demons, I should know these things???
Mammon: We didn't think you would notice...
Mc: *looking at him exceptionally* Mammon, my dear, last time you brought me a cocatrix egg because it glowed.
The brothers: ...
Mc: This is my last warning! Either we talk and set schedules or I take Solomon and Luke and go live somewhere else.
The brothers: !!!!
Satan: *whispering* Why only Solomon and Luke?
Asmo: *also whispering* Mc has given this same talk to Lord Diavolo, Barbatos and Simeon….
Mc: *taking out a notebook* So stop behaving like a pubescent teenager and tell me how your periods are going and if I can help you in any way.
Lucifer: Okay, you win…but this is not like your period.
Mammon: It's not fair!!! It's not like we can avoid it
Levi: *covering his face* This is going to be worse than a public exhibition…
Asmo: Well, at least this way we won't have to hide it….
Satan: *sighing* Will it really do any good?
Beel: *worried* It won't be a problem for Mc?
Belphie: … Well, I do want them to spoil me on my period.
The brothers: Belphie!!!!
Mc: *holding back laughter* That's the spirit.
I would like to write more extensive headcanons about it in the future 😊
Part 1 Part 2
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flappingdragon · 2 days
Opinion on Diavolo having a forked tongue?
⚠️Slightly Suggestive⚠️
Diavolo having a forked tongue is a really interesting concept, really. I would like to imagine that Diavolo would also have a longer tongue than most demons and similar to Levi and Barb’s tongue.
Although, I believe Dia’s tongue would have small specks of golds and silvers kind of like scales, but it isn’t, it’s just gradients. I’d also like to believe that the base colour of his tongue is just a bright, blood red. Certainly more unique than the average tongue.
And while also having a long tongue, that means he has many uses for it. Including diving inside of Lucifer 😌 (Lucifer enjoys it a little too much than what he would like to admit)
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valsdelulucorner · 21 days
Mc and Diavolo
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✨With the punch of a pentagram I wap bam boom alakazam✨
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mariiio · 4 months
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Just made some obey me memes, your welcome >:3
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cherry-bomb-00 · 3 months
Human things that non-humans find confusing or curious about part 1
I have seen little content on this topic, so I wanted to put my point of view, since it seems curious to me how brothers react or think about those little things about our human race.
-Human hair.
The brothers find it curious how hairy humans can be, and they also find it adorable how sometimes our hair falls out. They see us as a small kitten or puppy that loses their hair, and also because they hair don't falls out nor are they very hairy like humans, it is a small trait that they finds cute.
We humans can achieve incredible flexibility, something that demons and angels cannot, since they have perfect bodies, so they movements are a little more limited when it comes to flexibility, so it surprises them that humans can stretch and flex. So well, the brothers for some reason like how MC's flesh and skin stretches, flexes or bends, and sees how the flesh forms small mounds or wrinkles slightly when their makes a flexible movement.
In nature, mimicry exists to survive the environment, in the case of humans it is imitating gestures, behaviors and the language of another species or another person is a habitual behavior of the human being. This is a way of adapting to the environment and feeling part of a social group, so the demon brothers find it curious and even adorable, when we unconsciously imitate them with light gestures, behaviors or body language, also seeing how we talk to inanimate objects, such as telling a cup not to fall when it is wobbly or imitating a sound that we find funny or familiar, they finds all of this fun and interesting, even Mammon compares us to a flock of crows.
-Shiny thing
To our beloved demons, see with curiosity how we humans love shiny things, see how we find colored stones and our eyes shine, that seems adorable to them, and even more so when we collect any type of shiny stone, crystal or anything shiny. Sometimes even the brothers give us shiny things just to see how our faces shine with joy.
Another thing that surprises the demon brothers is our great imagination, that with anything, no matter how simple it is, we can entertain ourselves, such as grabbing branches and using them as a weapon to play, or when we are walking and want to avoid stepping on the stripes that is on the ground of the street, those little things make them see us so innocent and creative, since it is something that they do not think of or are very simple to do, and this trait in their little human makes being with them is funny.
I hope you liked it, I may do more parts, see you
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