#now my dad has started to be angry with me
the-badger-mole · 1 day
Swept Away
Katara took a deep breath. In through her nose. Out through her mouth. She wasn't nervous. Not really. Not in the sense that other people mean when they say they're nervous. She wasn't scared. She was eager. In a few short minutes, she would be a wife. She would be Zuko's wife. He was going to be her husband.
"Are you sure about this?" Suki asked for the thousandth time. "Really sure?"
"I am." Katara opened her eyes and turned to her sister-in-law. She couldn't fight the smile that spread over her face. "I'm more sure of this than anything in my life. Zuko's it. He's the one."
"Katara," Suki sighed. "Look, I get it. Zuko's incredibly hot. He's smart. He...seems really nice, but-"
"Suki," Katara started to say, but she didn't get a chance to complete her thought.
"Katara, you've known him three months!" Suki burst out. "You've only been dating for eight weeks! You are the most straight laced person I've ever met. Why are you doing something this...impulsive? You're not impulsive!"
"What are you talking about?" Katara turned from the mirror to face Suki directly. "I'm exactly this impulsive. Don't you remember Jang Hui? My protest about gender equality for STEM fields at the North Pole? The time I started a rally for prison reform?"
"Okay, fine," Suki relented, rolling her eyes. "When it comes to social justice, you are very impulsive. But, this? Katara, you're getting married! Without your dad here. Without your GranGran! I know how much they mean to you."
"They mean the world to me," Katara agreed. "But you know I've never cared about a huge wedding. I love Zuko. I love him. I don't see why I should have to wait to make him my husband just because it would take too long for Dad to fly over to see us get married. We'll have a big party...a huge one later. And everyone we love will get to meet and celebrate. But this feels right!"
"Right?" Suki snorted. "It feels right to get married without telling anyone but me and your brother?"
"Yeah," Katara said. A wistful smile tugged at her lips. "I know it sounds crazy, but...I can't wait to marry him. I literally cannot wait. I've never felt this way about anyone. You know! I know you do. Sokka told me you and he started talking about marriage two months in." Suki rolled her eyes skyward and groaned.
"Yeah, talking about it!" Suki repeated it. "We didn't actually get engaged until a year in! We got married on our second anniversary!"
"Zuko and I don't want to wait that long," Katara laughed. "So we've on a faster timeline. So what?"
"What if there are things you don't like about him?" Suki pressed. "What if he's....I don't know...super anal about the way you put toilet paper on the roll? What if he doesn't wash his feet in the shower? What if he...he hates cats?"
"Did you know Sokka's every annoying habit when you married him?" Katara challenged. Suki made a face at her and sucked her teeth.
"No," she admitted. "But I knew a few of them! I knew enough to know that I could deal with the biggest ones."
"So do I," Katara said. "I know that Zuko likes his food unreasonably spicy. I know that when he's angry, he shuts down and needs a day or two before he can talk about it calmly. I know he thinks rom-coms are a wasted of a perfectly good evening. But I also know that he already values my opinion and will make decisions with me. I know he's put in so much work unlearning toxic traits he was taught as a child, way before he and I met. I know he has the softest heart underneath the hard layers. In three months, he's become one of my closest friends. I trust him, and he trusts me. I love him, Suki. I want to marry him now.
"Um..." Suki swiped at her eyes with her knuckles, and blinked rapidly against more tears. "I get that. I do! I just don't want you to regret doing it this way. I don't want you to regret not having Dad here to walk you down the aisle. Or not having Gran Gran help you into your gown. Don't you want a first dance with Zuko?
Katara turned back to the mirror and considered her reflection. As a girl, she had pictured her wedding. Her dressed in silk and looking the best she's ever looked, and her father walking with her to meet her husband. It was exactly as Suki said, with her dancing with her new husband while people took pictures and tossed confetti. Her extended family together and celebrating.
"I don't need it," she told Suki. "Did you know that the only family that Zuko has is his uncle? His mother is dead. His father is a monster. His sister won't speak to him. He wouldn't be alone- he has friends- but, it wouldn't be the same. Plus crowds make him anxious.
"So he asked for this?" Suki frowned. "He wanted to get married at City Hall?
"No, this was my idea," Katara assured her best friend. "He said he was fine with whatever I wanted. But Zuko's an introvert, and a little agoraphobic. The only buffer he would have would be me and his uncle. He wouldn't enjoy himself. Not as much as I would want. There will be plenty of time later to celebrate with the people we love. But not all at once.
"Dad won't like it," Suki warned. Katara shrugged.
"He'll get over it once I explain it to him," she said. "And he'll love Zuko. They have a lot in common."
Suki stared at Katara for a long while, wracking her brains for something, anything to say to her sister-in-law. She came up frustratingly empty. She should have more objections to her best friend and sister marrying someone she's only known a few months. Katara was convincing. She was very convincing when she wanted to be. Finally, Suki threw her hands up in surrender. If Katara was making a mistake, then the next best thing Suki and Sokka could do was make sure they were at least close enough to help her if she needed it.
"Sokka's not thrilled," she told Katara. "I promised him I'd talk sense into you before it was too late."
"It's been too late for a while," Katara chuckled. Suki nodded and laughed with her.
"I see that now," she said. "Sokka's going to be so disappointed."
"I hope that won't cause any issues with you guys," Katara's brow drew down in worry. Suki just waved her off, though.
"Nah," she said. "I'll just tell him I'm pregnant if he gets too riled up." Katara gasped and leapt up from her seat.
"Are you joking?" she squealed. Suki grinned and shook her head.
"I just found out a couple of days ago," she said. "I was going to take him out to the game this weekend and have it announced on the jumbotron, but I'll use it to distract him from your questionable decision making if I need to."
"I'm so happy for you!" Katara said pulling Suki in for a hug. Suki hugged her back tightly.
"I'm happy for you, too." And to her surprise, Suki realized she meant it.
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scintillyyy · 8 hours
honestly another interesting thing i like about batman #480 is how confident tim feels beating up the y-dogs who desecrated his mom's grave & upset his father as...tim drake.
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like he's sooo angry, he just goes for it. no mask--this is tim beating up those guys for his dad.
but compare it to robin #12, where by now, tim has a bit of a complex about keeping tim drake separate from robin--tim drake can't do what robin is capable of.
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and another thing i like to think about in respect to the differences here and tim's increased caution is the conversation he has with bruce back in batman #480 about what to do with jack expecting tim will return home with him-
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and, like. tim's first thought, no lie, is "maybe i can tell my dad, he might understand. but if i do, i could compromise bruce". tim's final hope that he can be open about who he really is. it's here, once his dad is in the picture and tim has to go back with him instead of living with bruce and alfred, where you start to get the schism of tim drake vs robin for tim. bc with bruce and alfred there was really no need to separate the concepts of tim and robin aside from generally keeping the secret. he even goes and visits his dad as robin while he's in a coma before this! once he has to go home though, the wall between the two identities has to be built. batman #480 and jack is the schismpoint for him. he cannot tell his dad and he becomes the tim drake who can't do what robin can in comparison to the tim drake who will personally retaliate for his mother's grave & his dad's upset without a second thought. this means something to me.
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certainty2witch · 2 days
For Crocodad theory, imagine if the way everyone finds out isn't either of them admitting it. It's Sengoku being mad after the events of Marineford and deciding to hand over declassified info on the revolutionary army, collected by Cypher Pole, which proves that Crocodile is Luffy's birth parent, to Big News Morgan. Imagine everyone has just started their two years of training when they pick up the daily newspaper and right on the cover is confirmation that Crocodile is Luffy's parent.
Since you mentioned the revolutionary army, I suppose you’re talking about my revolutionary crocodile au, even if you talked about Marineford.
And i take some time for adding a bit of lore for my au because is important:
(Answer for anon’s ask after the ‼️‼️‼️)
Crocodile was never evil and with so he never did something wrong in Alabasta. But, he’s still a warlord, and a fake pirate, because he’s a revolutionary undercover.
But let’s say that the marines discovered Crocodile is a revolutionary and that’s a way for putting him in impel down?
Iva obliviously, since is there too, save him and bring him at level 5.5, they both wait for the right moment for escaping (imagine Croc being uncomfortable around all that extravagant people, he doesn’t like loud people, and Iva likes to torment him because they think Croc miss Dragon and Croc says he doesn’t.
Is the truth btw he just wanna run into Dragon’s arms and kissing him).
And with so, Impel down arc happens, but Croc is always with Iva instead of being locked at level 6. His reaction to his son almost dead is pretty devastating, just imagine that… I mentioned in a recent post that they have a deep and special bond when Luffy was little. With older Luffy this keep existing!
So Marineford is pretty the same with Doflamingo bothering him (lmao, sorry babe your love is busy with the world’s worst criminal, he’s not a single man), with him protecting Ace (this time for Luffy and only for him💕) and other canon stuff.
And he suffers seeing his son losing his sense after his brother’s death. He obliviously protect him and Jinbe from Akainu (in every au he always saves him in that scene *sigh* good daddy).
So after Marineford he and Luffy separate, and he finally reunite with Dragon.
And now about the ask.
But first i add little warning.
Cw //mention of gender dysphoria!
Somehow Sengoku knows and decides to reveal everything (my god you should just close that trap sometimes, stupid marine) I honestly can’t imagine why he would know something like that, maybe due to Garp? (Close that trap too!!) because yep Garp knows Croc is trans and Luffy’s other dad.
Crocodile never liked the idea of people knowing his secret: him being Luffy’s other parent. He knows in that world people like him are seeing in a bad way and if others will discover he isn’t cis, my god I’m sure people will keep misgendering him… and he would hate that. I imagine his past full of transphobic people, keep using wrong pronouns with him and forcing him to just be like “Mother Nature made him”… you know useless things like this. So well he grow up frustrated and angry, Iva was his light, the revolutionary army were his light. Even after hrt, Crocodile felt the oppression of not being cis (mostly when he got pregnant of Luffy). But in this Au, he with the support of others started to feeling more and more comfortable just being himself. He’s not cis? Who cares!
But if people will discover he is Luffy’s dad too and with so, the father that gave birth to him, i like to imagine him asking his friends (and love) some support. He is more comfortable being trans, but something like that is hard to handle anyway, because nobody asked for his consent! If that was his secret, and he wanted to keep that hidden, well there’s a reason.
I hope I explained everything at least in a decent way, feel free to ask for some more if you are curious or to ask something else in the ask box.
And correct me or tell me to change something, if you think is inappropriate please.
For a dear anon that i still didn’t answer, if you are seeing this, just know that your idea inspired me. I will draw what you said, because I know what to draw hehe but i need time because i have other art first 🙏🏻
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tobiasdrake · 2 days
Digimon Adventure 01x06 - Palmon's Angry Evolution! / Togemon in Toy Town
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Deep inside the Factory of Redundancy Factory, our new zapping bug pal bug-zapped the bugs out of Robocop. Also we may not be on Earth anymore, something the American team already knew but they don't get to be smug because they spent twenty minutes panicking about being in an unlocked room.
Now Andromon's guided us into the sewers, which he insists will help us but I'm half-convinced it's just a more civil way of flushing the intruders away like waste.
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The kids pass the time in the sewers by playing a singing game I'm not quite familiar with. They're divided into two teams: One team of children and the other team of Digimon. They sing a couple verses then pass to the other team, who has to start their verses on the same sound that the previous team left off on.
Agumon briefly stumps Team Kids by ending on an 'e' sound, though Mimi chimes in with a curious little tune.
Jou: What is that? Mimi: It's Enka! My Dad sang this in karaoke a lot.
But since nobody knows the tune, they can't follow her. Koushiro's able to find one they know, and soon they're back to marching and singing.
The dub doesn't preserve the game, but it keeps the singing. The kids are singing a song Agumon wrote for them. Then Agumon singles out Mimi and asks her to do a solo performance. She sings a verse of Home on the Range off-key.
Mimi: ~Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam! Joe: ~Avoiding your drone! Mimi: Hey, come on! I had singing lessons for three years! T.K.: Oh, you did? Did it help? Izzy: Mimi, you should get a refund, that's what I think. Sora: Then let's sing as a group.
Dub Sora defuses yet another round of Dunking On Mimi by bringing us back to the group song, and the kids march on.
Suddenly, Sora lets out a shriek.
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Water dripping on her from the ceiling freaked out her. Another drop lands on her shirt. The dub puts a fruit squish sound effect jere, like you'd hear when a tomato or watermelon or something gets crushed, which doesn't seem like the right sound.
The grossness of the moment sends the kids spiraling, starting with Sora lamenting that she wants to do laundry. This opens up the rest to fantasizing about what they wish they could be doing right now.
Sora: I want to do laundry. Taichi: I want to relax in the bath. Takeru: I.... (pantomimes playing video games) Yamato: Takeru, this isn't the time to be thinking about video games, Ahahaha!
Yamato laughs at Takeru for that, but concerned looks from the rest of the group bring out the sincerity in him.
Yamato: I guess I can't laugh at him. What I want right now is sizzling barbecue. I want to eat until I'm stuffed! Jou: Don't laugh, but I miss studying. I want to do loads of homework! Mimi: That's weird. I want to drink ice-cold Cola! Takeru: Mimi-san, that sounds great! I want that too! Koushiro: I want to send emails back and forth with my friends.
Each of their wishes comes with a fantasy sequence, where we get to see what the kids want most visualized onscreen.
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In the dub, Sora skips over wanting to do laundry because of gross sewer water on her clothes and ties the singing into her homesickness instead.
Sora: I used to sing at home. I used to sing to myself all the time when I would do my chores. Especially when I'd hang clothes to dry outside, I'd sing really loud 'cause nobody could hear me then. Agumon: (offscreen) It's okay to miss your home, Sora. What do you miss, Tai?
Which then sets the dub kids down Reminiscence Alley.
Tai: I miss playing sports and then taking a nice hot bath. T.K.: Games. My games. I wasn't far from beating Matt on my video games! Matt: Beating me, T.K.? I don't think so. Maybe in your dreams, kiddo!
This is what Matt laughs about in the dub. Unlike the original, where silent stares from the rest of the group make him feel self-conscious, the conversation just continues on from there.
Agumon: (offscreen) So you don't miss anything from home, Matt? Matt: Well, actually, now that you mention it... I've been dreaming about Sunday, when Mom grilled us steaks! Mmm, makes my mouth water! Joe: I miss doing my homework. If I fall too far behind, I might have to go to a junior college! Mimi: I don't miss school, but I do miss going on vacation! Nothing beats having a cool drink on a summer day at the beach! I just love the ocean air! T.K.: Wowee, that sounds like fun, Mimi! Mimi: It is! Izzy: *angrily* Get a grip! *calmly* I miss accessing satellites to look at the stars and planets.
It's mostly the same, with some added detail to fill dialogue space during the fantasy sequences. Except for Izzy, whose internet activities are questionable and who also snaps at Mimi for no reason. Because being mean to Mimi is everyone's favorite pastime in the dub.
Suddenly, the kids hear a sound. A scuffling sound in the sewer tunnels that sets the Digimon on edge. Gabumon ID's the sound as Numemon.
The Digimon explain that Numemon are weak, disgusting creatures who enjoy dark, slimy places. They're the most loathed Digimon in "Digimon Kai", or the Digimon World - A terminology we have officially begun to use as of this episode, since Koushiro made that discovery back at the factory.
At the Digimon's behest, the kids run for it. Taichi doesn't understand why they're running from weak Digimon, but he gets his answer shortly.
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The narrator chimes in to explain. Numemon are Adult-stage Data-type mollusk Digimon who attack with their own droppings. His typically stoic voice falters and he sounds incredibly distressed to have to explain that they throw poop.
Mimi takes over narration for this one in the dub, explaining that they throw "Nume Sludge" and have bad breath. "Nume Sludge" is probably the dub's attempt at plausible deniability. It's not poop if it's Nume Sludge! Even though it's clearly poop and uses stock cartoon poop sound effects.
Running for their sanitary wellbeing, the kids take a side passage and emerge from the sewers.
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The Numemon stop following as soon as they see daylight, instead retreating back into the sewers. Agumon explains that Numemon can't stand sunlight, just in case that wasn't clear.
Which it wasn't; Like, they could have been freaking out because we crossed into some really dangerous Digimon's territory or something. So I appreciate the clarification.
Back above ground, the kids get to walking again. In time, they come upon another strange anomaly of the Digimon World.
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You know, there are worse things we've run into out here than a metric fuckton of vending machines. Maybe this is where vending machines go to reproduce or something, IDK.
You know what that means, though. You know what they have in vending machines? You know who specifically wanted what they have in vending machines?
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Wish granted!
Of course, since the dub changed Mimi's lamentation to wanting to go on vacation rather than wanting an ice-cold Cola, this doesn't connect as well. They're forced to generalize it with a bit of extra dialogue.
Mimi: I bet there's enough snacks to last us a lifetime, at least. Tai: Mimi, they probably don't work. Don't you remember the phone booths? Palmon: Hey, that could be. I bet it's a trick, Mimi! Mimi: I won't accept that!
They don't have to write too far out of their way to make it work, but it's nonetheless a solution to a problem created by earlier writing choices removing points of characterization that later scenes were going to do something with.
As Mimi races to the vending machines, I want to call special attention to this exchange.
Taichi: Mataku... (general expression of annoyance) Sora: It can't be helped. She's still just a kid.
And its English counterpart.
Tai: Mimi! Sora: You can't stop her. She's so stubborn!
Mimi descends into the nesting grounds of vending machines and picks out one she licks. Then she inserts a coin. Rather than dispensing cola, however, the front of the machine falls off and nearly crushes her.
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Oh, I suddenly regret not being crushed to death. Can I have a do-over?
The Numemon immediately hits on Mimi, but she aggressively shoots him down and calls him a lowlife. Dub Mimi goes even farther, calling him a "short, slimy, sewer-sliding sludge-slinger!"
(Probably a good time to remind everyone that Mimi is 10 years old. So. Y'know. Fuck this guy.)
Mimi's response is so blunt, in fact, that Palmon worries about Mimi upsetting him. However, Mimi points out that the bright sunlight means he can't do shit to th--
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Oh. Well.
Numemon Chase, Round Two begins as not only that Numemon attacks, but all of the vending machines open up and pour Numemon out into the plains, who descend upon the kids slinging even more poop.
(A fairly accurate metaphor for being hit on in public. "Why can't women just say no directly?" Because this is what happens when they do.)
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Yamato suggests splitting up, and the kids break off individually with their Digimon Partners.
(Surprisingly, Yamato does not try to stay with Takeru; Instead, they go completely opposite directions.)
Palmon tries to fight off the Numemon with her signature move, Poison Ivy. But before she can even attack, the Numemon freak out and flee for their lives. Mimi initially credits this to how cool Palmon is, but the true source of their terror quickly becomes apparent.
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The narrator introduces us to Monzaemon, a Perfect-stage Vaccine-type Digimon.
Narrator: Although he looks like a stuffed animal, he's actually a Perfect-stage Digimon. His special attack, Lovely Attack, even makes his enemies happy!
For her part, Dub Mimi's narrative has this to say.
Mimi (V.O.): Monzaemon looked like a cute big ol' teddy bear, but he wasn't very cuddly!
But this is only for our benefit. For her part, Palmon has to explain Monzaemon to Mimi too. He's the Mayor of Toy Town and a lot stronger than he looks. She assures Mimi that he is a good Digimon.
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Monzaemon immediately opens fire with eye lasers while rambling out salutations.
Monzaemon: We've been waiting for you, Miss. *fires* Enjoy yourselves! *fires* It's an honor to meet you!
Like Meramon, he just sounds like he's spitting out words senselessly. Dub Monzaemon comes off just slightly more coherent.
Monzaemon: I must say, so pleased to make your acquaintance! *fires* Please, come spend a fun night at Toy Town with me! *fires* Why are you running? Did I startle you? Sorry!
Dub Monzaemon seems at least to some degree cognizant of what's happening around him, but the vibe is about the same.
Forming an unlikely alliance, a Numemon offers Mimi and Palmon shelter from Monzaemon.
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As soon as he's passed, Palmon wonders aloud if something's happened to Toy Town. Numemon presses his luck by asking Mimi to go on a date with him at Toy Town. She rejects him immediately, and then she and Palmon crawl out of the trench to go check out what's going on in Toy Town without him.
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No sooner do they arrive than they find the rest of the group that split up earlier. The other kids are here in Toy Town, being played with by the toys. Forced to run around and pretend they're having fun. Emotionlessly regurgitating sentiments like "This is fun" or "Banzai" or "I'm so happy", but visibly exhausted.
Their Partner Digimon, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found. Though a bit of poking around quickly reveals what's become of them.
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Oh, they're locked in a chest. That was easy. Entering the warehouse, Palmon confirms with Agumon that the rest are in there with him. Agumon then recaps the story of how they got here.
It's exactly what you'd expect. Monzaemon came after each of them, and they were powerless to defend themselves against him.
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The bubbly hearts from his Lovely Attack - or Hearts Attack in the dub - scooped up each of the kids and their Digimon, then whisked them away to Toy Town. The Digimon were imprisoned in the chest, and we've seen what became of the kids.
An interesting note: When the kids split up, Yamato and Sora departed off the left side of the screen while Jou, Koushiro, and Takeru left from the right side. Taichi and Mimi went straight down, though they clearly got separated from each other.
However, when Monzaemon attacks, he takes Taichi alone, Sora alone, and then takes Yamato, Jou, Koushiro, and Takeru together. This implies that Yamato realized he fucked up and doubled back for Takeru.
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Once he's collected his prizes, he issues his decrees for the fates of his prisoners.
Monzaemon: The Digimon will go in the Toy Box. The children will have their emotions erased and serve as toys for the toys!
Dub Monzaemon has... a bit more confusing of instructions.
Monzaemon: So all of you will now serve us! You're all going into our community Toy Box! Our Toy Box is only filled with children!
...no, the Digimon are in the Toy Box. Also, what do you mean, "Our Toy Box is only filled with children!" That implies that you regularly put children in the Toy Box, but there are no humans in the Digital World outside of our Isekai'd kids.
Absolutely butchered that set of lines.
The Digimon don't know how Mimi and Palmon can get them out of the Toy Box, but they don't want them worrying about it; The other kids being played with to exhaustion are the priority right now. In order to save them, Palmon and Mimi will have to do the impossible and defeat the Perfect-stage Monzaemon.
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Leaving the warehouse, Mimi and Palmon talk shop. Palmon doesn't understand what's happening; Lovely Attack is supposed to be a happy move, not to do all of this.
Then the toys find them. A monkey with cymbals starts clapping his cymbals together in Mimi's direction, as if trying to make her play. Mimi stomps on the toy instead.
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Just then, Monzaemon arrives, stomping around the corner to greet Mimi.
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Mimi lets him have it.
Mimi: Be quiet! I don't know what happened to you but you can't just take away my friends' feelings! Give them back!
His answer is eye lasers.
(On the one hand, it's not fair that everyone else gets Lovely Attack but Mimi keeps getting eye lasers. Man, even both versions of Corrupted Monzaemon are mean to Mimi! But on the other hand, given what we've seen Lovely Attack do to people, it's probably for the best.)
Suddenly, the Numemon swarm appear to fight Monzaemon and defend Mimi.
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It does not go well. He stomps and swipes his way through the swarm. Mimi is genuinely touched by the sight of the Numemon.
Mimi: The Numemon are fighting for me... Even though they can't to anything but throw poop....
Dub Mimi doesn't quite convey the same emotional sincerity.
Mimi: Well, Palmon, what can I say? When you've got it, you've got it! ...oh no, I don't think the Nume Sludge is working!
Yeah, not really capturing the touching emotional moment there.
Palmon joins in the fight, attempting to entangle Monzaemon with her signature move, Poison Ivy.
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But he's too strong and easily throws her off.
Finally, Monzaemon goes for his Lovely Attack. However, the Numemon form a wall, blocking his hearts from reaching Mimi and Palmon, and getting captured themselves in her place.
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Palmon: They're useless and cowardly, but the Numemon are desperately trying to protect Mimi!
Again, the emotional sincerity of this moment gets lost in the dub, where Palmon just shouts a battle cry.
Palmon: Time to take it to the next level! I may be a lady, but I am not a pushover!
The sight of the Numemon sacrificing themselves provides Mimi and Palmon's trigger for evolution. Palmon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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Palmon's evolved form is Togemon, an Adult-stage Data-type Digimon. "Toge" or 棘 is the Japanese word for "thorn"; She's Thornmon. An appropriate name, given both her prickly exterior and her signature move Chiku-Chiku Bang Bang, which the dub calls Needle Spray.
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Despite Monzaemon being Perfect-stage, Togemon's able to overpower him in this fight. Showering him in needles, she hits him hard enough to send him hurtling to the ground, and to dislodge the Black Gear from him.
(It helps that she has Type Advantage, as a Data-type against a Vaccine-type.)
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With Monzaemon defeated, he unpacks what was going through his head with the kids.
Monzaemon: When people get tired of their toys, they break them readily, without a single thought. I couldn't forgive that. That's why, as Mayor of Toy Town, I wanted to raise the social status of the toys. Mimi: "The social status of the toys"? Jou: I think he means making us realize the importance of toys. Monzaemon: That's right. Toys shouldn't be toyed with, but played with. Taichi: So that's why you made us play with the toys! Monzaemon: I'm sorry. I got carried away with myself.
As the kids watch the Black Gear disintegrate, the sight of it fills in the rest of the explanation for Monzaemon's behavior. They're familiar with this concept by now. Dub Tai remarks, "Y'know, I'm beginning to take this whole Black Gear thing a little personally!" which is a line I really like.
Once he's finished apologizing, Monzaemon offers up his ultimate apology: A true and proper Lovely Attack, bathing the kids in pure concentrated happiness.
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Briefly interrupted by one more person, ready and eager to receive his reward.
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It was nice of the Numemon to put up a defensive wall against Monzaemon and stuff but, like, nobody asked them to do that. We close on a straight-up riff on romantic entitlement.
(Ten. Years. Old.)
Assessment: As with the other kids, this episode serves as our proper introduction to Mimi's distinctive qualities. Mimi is open, honest, and direct. She wears her heart on her sleeve, speaks her mind, and doesn't think about the consequences of her actions. She knows what she wants and she reaches for it without hesitation. There are both positives and negatives to that way of being, but that's who she is.
Mimi is closely associated with a childlike innocence, which is why hers was the episode that featured something as juvenile as Toy Town. As Sora said, Mimi's still just a kid - even compared to the rest of the group, who are still kids themselves.
So far as the dub goes, some questionable decisions were certainly made. They make extra work for themselves in the sewers when they remove Mimi's desire for Cola, and they butcher a few parts of the third act in Toy Town. Also, of course, a Mimi-centric episode is a perfect time for the dub to bully Mimi some more.
But there's some parts I really liked. Mimi's extended version of her insult to the Numemon is great, and the actress's delivery when she realizes the sun isn't protecting her anymore is perfect. Tai taking personal offense to the Black Gears is also funny, especially given where this arc is going with that.
This episode probably isn't the best of the character introduction episodes. But it is Mimi's episode, and she was my relatable character from when I was her age, so that automatically makes it the best by default. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Take it up with the Fandom Parliament.
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sparklehoard · 9 months
Mother is using me as an excuse to be late to work again
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moonlit-orchid · 12 days
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These two lines in the movie make me the most mentally unwell.
"I should have been the one to go. You needed your mother more than you needed me."
The amount of layers to this, oh my god. He's blaming himself for being alive. He probably wants to die. He genuinely thinks Adrian needs Emilie more.
And it's been YEARS since Emilie's passed away. Look how tiny Adrian is over there, he only just about comes about the bedpost. Gabriel still looks like he did in the pictures of when Adrian was little. It's been literal years. It could have literally been a full decade ago.
And Gabriel breaks the narrative here. He's supposed to be telling a story, he's supposed to be saying what happened in the past. But at this point, he doesn't say "your mother was taken from us" or anything like that referencing Emilie's passing. The story breaks, he's using a statement. I should have been the one to go. It's completely out of the story, because he isn't saying what he felt then, there's no "I felt like I should have been the one to go". It's just "I should have been."
Because he still thinks this. It's been about a decade, and his opinion, his feelings about this, is still "I should have died". It interrupts his storytelling because of how strongly he feels this way, almost like it's a fact to him.
And then he follows it with "You needed your mother more than you needed me." Again, he says this like it's a fact, like Adrian actually did need his mother more. Because he believes it himself. And this could be because of so many things. It could be because of the way people consider the mother to be the one supposed to care for the children much more than the father, or it could be that Gabriel himself didn't see how much Adrian needed him, or even that Gabriel didn't see himself as useful to Adrian. Especially because he said he should have been the one to die. He's essentially saying he was useless. That he was expendable but Emilie wasn't. He literally is implying he doesn't see any worth in himself regarding being a father.
And then it's not just his grief, it's Adrian's grief that has him desperate to bring Emilie back. He literally doesn't care about himself, he wants his son to be happy and doesn't see himself as able to do that. He loves him to the point of being suicidal and self-sacrificing if it would give Adrian what he need, all while simultaneously not seeing himself as what Adrian needs because he doesn't think he has that much worth regarding him.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
I'm still thinking about how ashamed I was (and am) with being open about my pain because I am so young. It's so hard to feel worthy of having your pain taken seriously when the people around you insist that young bodies are always in pristine, untouched condition and that you must earn your pain through aging. Never is it considered that young people aren't lying or being a hypochondriac for expressing their pain.
Young people can be in life-altering pain. Young people can have debilitating pain. It doesn't matter what age it happens because pain doesn't discriminate. Complaining about pain and doing things to prevent needless pain aren't something you have to "earn" through aging.
If you want young people to be in less or lesser pain, then encourage them to do whatever they can to minimize it. Don't downplay what they're experiencing. Not everything is a lie, not every experience that is different than yours is exaggeration or deceit.
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littlefankingdom · 7 days
Jason faking his death is funny simply for the heart attack he gave to Bruce. His brothers knew he was faking, but not Bruce (I hope). Make the old man pay for all the time he faked his demise or disappeared without telling anyone.
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ardentpoop · 2 months
sick 2 my stomach for a plethora of reasons friday
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szczylpierdolony · 1 year
regretting getting festival ticket. but i know i would also regret not getting it
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#hi I’m going to complain for a quick second#so my parents have not contributed a fucking cent to my higher edumacation besides maybe three train tickets#I have paid two semesters so far by my self and with my grandmother giving me some money to help for transportation but that’s legit it#like my parents haven’t financially helped me at all okay#so my dad was going to do taxes today and he told me to print out the college tax thing and I got angry at him#because fuck you use me as a discount when you start to actually help me out at all#so we’re yelling at each other and he’s like oh isn’t there a parent account I can log into and I explain that no it’s fucking college#you do not have a day at all#he does not like this because he really likes being in control of shit#but it’s funny because for the first 16 years of my life he couldn’t give a shit less about my education last two years of HS he tries#to give unhelpful advice that just led to more stress (as in I got a 90 on a test and he’d ask why it wasn’t 100)#so we’re yelling at each other and my sister says to just ignore it because someone might aswell clame it for taxes instead of the state#and yeah sure fine but at least provide some support for me. or fucking tell me you’re proud of me that’s it that’s all I want#the only thing he has given me for school was a fucking BC tee shirt off of Amazon… that’s it#so now we are just fucking avoiding each other and it’s fucking awkward but my mom is treating it like I’m the bad guy here because#I’m angry they told me I had to go to college and now they won’t help me#like I understand that a lot of people don’t have their parents support to pay for college and they do drive me to the train station but#it’s just rude. and I can’t even talk to him about it because oh no big man feelings get hurt when $ is a topic but like grow the fuck up
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Recently every conversation with my mom has left me feeling like a child again
#y'know when you were little and your parents were upset but you wanted to tell them something you cared about and they got angry at you for#being happy and wanting to share it with them#that's been how every conversation with my mom has ended for the last two days#i just empty and emotional but I can't do anything about it cause I'm too small and young to help her#i just have to keep being around her and try to make her feel better#it's hard. it's really hard. i miss my dad#i know she's struggling but she doesn't have to act like that to me#and we had been doing so well before my brother came home and now that he's back at school it's like we have to learn to live together all#over again and I don't want to#i just want to lay in bed and cry#i feel like how I felt in middle school when I would lock myself in the bathroom to cry bc my bedroom door didn't have a lock and my family#would just walk in whenever they wanted to do I cried in the bathroom and it was always while I was crying I could hear my whole family#making fun of me for crying in the bathroom and making jokes about how I was crying again and being dramatic and stupid and it kind of#forever tainted my connection with my own emotions and being brushed off by my mom brings me back to that exact feeling#i wanna lock myself in the bathroom and cry so hard I can't breathe while listening to my parents make fun of me for crying#I'm just having a rough day and I'm stressed and sad and it's the first showing of the play tonight and I'm terrified I'm gonna fuck up#and I just want to have a good day but it's all been sucky so far#i hate it#i wake up happy and then I go to start my day and I talk to my mom and then it's like all motivation is drained from me and I want to just#get back into bed again#:((((
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tarudce22 · 2 years
I think people should be able to work 3 days a week, 6 hours at most each day and still make enough money to support them selves and be able to have a family and support them too, as well as get to have a fun trip at times, or if they get sick or injure, for a short time or a long time, still be able to live without worry
I already thought this way before my job cause of growing up with my dad who works 12+ hours a day and works 3-4 days normally but they mandatory overtime him so he could end up working the whole week all days with that 12 hour shift and its just like, so many jobs demand so much of its workers and pay them all so little, and it just makes me want to start destroying stuff, like fuck I just worked from 1pm to 10pm by myself, almost didn't get all my breaks cause i'm expected to run, what should be two departments, by myself cause its just me, I got two others that may work the same times as me but only one is a guarantee for ONE day i work, other then that im SOL on getting any help
Im just so tired, i know if i didnt have my dad & to some extent my twin to fall back on I would not be able to live off the money from this job, & you can go "your only part time" & i'll just go "Yea, but that doesnt mean i shouldnt be able to make enought to live"
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acidbathcat · 2 years
i told my mom about the news the other day and she immediately went i knowwwww i heard and she looked so sad :( and then she said your dad told me it’s actually a good thing they overturned roe v wade. and sorry i can’t help it but i had this conversation with them a month ago when i was crying over it and my dad was telling me that abortion is bad and my mom took his fucking side to tell me i shouldnt cry because i can’t be weak and to not worry about what he says because it doesn’t matter. but whatever i feel awful for her so i’ve been trying extra hard to take her side when things happen and make sure she still feels human
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scientia-rex · 3 months
When I was in ninth grade I wanted to challenge what I saw as a very stupid dress code policy (not being allowed to wear spikes regardless of the size or sharpness of the spikes). My dad said to me, “What is your objective?”
He said it over and over. I contemplated that. I wanted to change an unfair dress code. What did I stand to gain? What did I stand to lose? If what I really wanted was to change the dress code, what would be my most effective potential approach? (He also gave me Discourses on the Fall of Rome by Titus Livius, Machiavelli’s magnum opus. Of course he’d already given me The Prince, Five Rings, and The Art of War.)
I ultimately printed out that phrase, coated it in Mod Podge, and clipped it to my bathroom mirror so I would look at it and think about it every day.
What is your objective?
Forget about how you feel. Ask yourself, what do you want to see happen? And then ask, how can you make it happen? Who needs to agree with you? Who has the power to implement this change? What are the points where you have leverage over them? If you use that leverage now, will you impair your ability to use it in the future? Getting what you want is about effectiveness. It is not about being an alpha or a sigma or whatever other bullshit the men’s right whiners are on about now. You won’t find any MRA talking points in Musashi, because they are not relevant.
I had no clear leverage on the dress code issue. My parents were not on the PTA; neither were any of my friend’s parents who liked me. The teachers did not care about this. Ultimately I just wore what I wanted, my patent leather collar from Hot Topic with large but flattened spikes, and I had guessed correctly—the teachers also did not care enough to discipline me.
I often see people on tumblr, mostly the very young, flail around in discourse. They don’t have an objective. They don’t know what they want to achieve, and they have never thought about strategizing and interpersonal effectiveness. No one can get everything they want by being an asshole. You must be able to work with other people, and that includes smiling when you hate them.
Read Machiavelli. Start with The Prince, but then move on to Discourses. Read Musashi’s Five Rings. Read The Art of War. They’re classics for a reason. They can’t cover all situations, but they can do more for how you think about strategizing than anything you’re getting in middle school and high school curricula.
Don’t vote third party unless you can tell me not only what your objective is but also why this action stands a meaningful chance of accomplishing it. Otherwise, back up and approach your strategy from a new angle. I don’t care how angry you are with Biden right now. He knows about it, and he is both trying to do something and not doing enough. I care about what will happen to millions of people if we have another Trump presidency. Look up Ross Perot, and learn from our past. Find your objective. If it is to stop the genocide in Palestine now, call your elected representatives now. They don’t care about emails; they care about phone calls, because they live in the past. I know this because I shadowed a lobbyist, because knowing how power works is critical to using it.
How do you think I have gotten two clinics to start including gender care in their planning?
Start small. Chip away. Keep working. Find your leverage; figure out how and when to effectively use it. Choose your battles, so that you can concentrate on the battle at hand instead of wasting your resources in many directions. Learn from the accumulated wisdom of people who spent their lives learning by doing, by making mistakes, by watching the mistakes of their enemies.
Don’t be a dickhead. Be smarter than I was at 14. Ask yourself: what is your objective?
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bunn-iiii · 1 month
one thing you'll learn about me is that even if someone gets me something that I absolutely hate I have a really fucking hard time telling them that. I have a really hard time refunding the product. I have a really hard getting rid of the thing. even if I will never use it and it'll just sit around gathering dust because I have this stupid fucking fear that the person who gave it to me will just like. know that I gave it away or refunded it and they'll be mad at me forever and never get anything ever again because I'm ungrateful and a spoiled brat
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